THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Ifif ilitliuuImsiL. BLOOM8BURG, PA. Friday, May 1-1.. 18V 5. Judge l'enr.son lmi reversed hU own de cisi nnd now hold? tlmt the tux on coal U constitutional. Tlio enso goes to the Su premo court. " Out of forty-six delegates elected In the. Republican Stato Convention from Phila- ilplidiln. fnrtv-Ava aro office holders I Tlmt other chap no doubt expects nn oll'iee. A southern correspondent begins ono of his letters with this statement: "Arkansas U to-dny ns peaceable a Stato as New York or Massachusetts, and far moro peaceable than Pennsylvania." Last week the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, a Mr. Douglass, of this State, was suddenly removed from office, and cx-bena tor Pratt, of Indiana, appointed in his place Causo of removal unknown and so faruiisus pectcd. Mysterious. Wo obscrvo that at a political conference held at Williamsport, on the 8th Inst. 1). A Reckley, Esq.. " wich is postmaster, " was unanimously elected Senatorial delegate to thn lionublican Stato convention, without instructions. How docs ho relish the Ly coming anti-third term instructions? Ilfalli of Hon. tlco. W. Woodward. A cahlo dispatch to his son brings tlio In formation that Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, of this State, died at tho city of Rome, Italy, on tho 10th Inst., of pneumonia, aged about 1 years. Jttdgo Woodward was ono of tho ablest and purest public men this Stato ever pro- roduccd, but was both moro successful ami llstlngulshcd In the legal profession than i a statesman. Ho served n ten year rni al a Common Pleas Judge In tho dis trict composed of tho counties ol Ullnton, Centre and Clearfield, and ono of fifteen ars upon tho Supremo bendh of tho State, three yearn of which time ho was Chief Jus tice. When vet riulto a young man, in 1837 was elected u member nf tho Constitution- 1 Convention that assembled in tho ensuing ear. In that body ono of tho gravest sub loots presented was tho limitation of tlio llfo tenure of tho Judges of tho Commonwealth. Tho organization of tho convention was in tlio hands of thoso hostile to tho proposed reform, and the majority of tho committee on Judiciarv was composed of tho nulcst op ncnts of tho measure to bo found in tho con ventlon. with the venerable Francis Hopkiu son, author of "Hall Columbia," at its head It wa3 determined to make tho minority as weak as possible, and to this end young Woodward, then unknown, was placed first on tho list of tho minority. Roth divisions of tlio committee made reports, aud it was not until after this was done that Mr. Wood ward became aware that this entailed upon him, by parliamentary custom, tho duty not only of leading in tho defence of tho ramor ity position, but also of replying to tho ma jority report and to its distinguished author. Tho battlo was a strwrtrle of uiftnts, and a Whisky King Frauds. When whisky is sold in tho opon market for less than tho government taxes upon It, It is pretty evident that somebody la doing l'olltlrs on the bench. Tho "Southern outrago" mill has been of ficially closed. Tho turning out of Attorney General Williams andappointment of Pierre pout meant just that and nothing more. batch of underlings, employed to manuf.ic turo "outrages" upon paper, have also been discharged. A steamship from Xew York bound to Hamburg, Germany, was wrecked oil tho Scillv islands, on tho 8th inst. Of near 400 persons on board about 350 were drowned. The vessel, with cargo, was valued at $700,000, besides $300,000 in gol carried down. Ono woman was washed ashoro with her child in her arms. ludng business, and If long continued raises n strong suspicion that there is cheat' ng going on. So well convinced, at least, was Secretary Urlstow that there was fraud li KEMAllKAUt.n SCEKr. INTlin VMITUU STATES suramin cotrnT. A Washington despatch to tho Now York World says: A scene of a somewhat remarkable char acter occurred in tlio United States Supremo cine committed bv tho whisky rius that Court to-day. For onco tho political feeling ho removed Commissioner Douglass from o( certain member of tho court, which is offlco for having failed to detect it. Ho late- usually confined to tho council room, broko ly set Investigations on foot himself which out in pumic, and sharp worm wcro cx demonstrated tho following facts : changed on tho bench, which created some- "A careful estimate, based on data, ob- thing lino a sensation among tho spectators. tallied by tho Solicitor of tho Treasury, cs- Tho occasion of this unusal ebullition of tablishcs clearly that at least six thousand I feeling was tho delivery of tho opinion of barrels of whisky had been manufactured In tho majority of tho court by Justlco Strong, St. Louis alono, on which not ono cent of in tho c.iso of tho Union bank of Now Or- tax has been paid to tho Government. Tho leans vs. tho Mechanics' and Traders' bank. examinations in Chicago and Milwaukee aro Tho former institution loaned tho latter not so far completed as to enable tho Solici-1 largo sums of Confederate money about tho tor to mako an exact statement in regard to timo that General llutler took command, In the operations of tho ring in these two cities 1802. A few days nfter.tho transaction l!ut but ho Is confident that tho proofs now In ler Issued a proclamation forbidding tho dr ills possession will demonstrate that at least culatlon of tho Confederate money on and twclvo thousand barrels of illicit whisky after tho 2.r)th of M.iy. Tho borrowing bank has been manufactured nnd disposed of at tendered payment in Confederate notes, and these two points sluco tho first of January tho Union bank refused to rcccivo them, de last. Theso aro startling figures, but as tho manding United States money. Hutlcr had details hereafter to bo given will show they issued an order establishing a provost court, aro based upon documentary evidence which of which ono Major Hell was tho presiding cannot bo assailed. If in less than four officer. Suit was brought in this court, and months tho Government has been defrauded the case was dismissed. Two ortlircodaysaftcr out of nearly $900,000 of taxes by tho whis- its dismissal IJutlcr ordered tho provost court ky ring operating in St. Louts, Chicago and to re-liear the c.iso, and, in effect, to decide Milwaukee, it is quito safe to say that moro In favor of tho plaintiff. When tho defend- than $3,000,000 has been annually lost ant attempted to cite tho law in obstruction through tho inefficiency of tho Commission- of this process, Iiutler's judge informed them er of Internal Revenue and tho corrup-I that it was no uso to read tho law to him as ho tion of his subordinates." I was acting under orders from his superior. Such facts aro in possession of Secretary I Tho decision of tlio case by tho majority Tho Coal Strike. In Luzerne tho excitement has simmered down, tho troops have been withdrawn from Itazlcton and disbanded, nnd a few of tho miners liavo gonu to work, In the Schuylkill region there Is still great excitement and some violence uml law lessness, Tho Lehigh region is compara tively quiet but tho strlko continues. In tho bituminous regions tho strlko Is a fatluro as hundreds of men aro ready and anxious to go to wo,rk at tho wages offered. I ho beginning ot tho cud of tho strlko Is probably reached, though It will bo somo tltno before tho works aro fully started again. European Affairs . So far as public action is concerned thcro is nothing Important from Europe. It is stated that thorn is a strong party in Ger many determined upon another war with Prance, and that uch an event is imminent. Hut oven though there be danger of it, tho other European powers will no doubt pre- vent it, Tlio religious civil struggle in Germany goes on and all tho laws enabling llismark to crush tho power of tho Popo and tho priest hood in that country aro being rapidly passed. Tho Emperor of Russia is on a visit to tho Emperor of Germany. Tho latter w uncle to tho former A Kolicl Sympathizer. Vice-President Wllw.i, lait week, paid a visit to ex-Vlco President John O. llreekenridge, at his home In Lexington, Kentucky. Wilson, at tho beginning of tho war, raised a regiment and threatened to meet Hrcckcnridgo "on tlio field of bloody strife." Hut Hull Run No. 1 scared Wilson back Into the Senate, whero ho divested him- Belt of his bluo uniform and fought Hrcck cnridgo and his rebels from that safe cham ber. Ho never again deigned to cross tho Potomac until ho stnrtcd out to restore his health a few years ago. Grant has always, for somo causo or other, mado It too warm for tho Vico President to remain in Wash ington. Hcnco ho strolls around over tho country, and to-day prefers tho association of Hrcckcnridgo to Grant. Exchange. True as Gospel Tho St. Louis Republican, in alluding to another rebellion, says, "when you find a southerner who talks about a new rebellion it is tolerably safo to assumo that ho did llttlo or no fighting for tlio old one. Tho most earnest rebels during tho war aro now tho most consistently nnd thoroughly loyal. Yes, and whenever you hear a northerner dilating about rebels nnd another war, set him down as ono who never saw the Confed erate Gray or tho Federal llltio, either j only when n neighbor returned homo on furlough to have a wound healed. The North and tho South aro pestered with this class of patriotic vermin, and will probably never Goiko to Coi,okai)o. Tho retiring Audi tor General of this State, Harrison Allen, is. going to Colorado, lie lias been elected presldent.of tho Colorado Alining ami i.auu Company nnd resident manager of tho same, to rcsldo at Denver. Maybo ho don't want, to bo too near when tho Investigation be gins. CANDIDATES. Wo aro authorised to announce tho follow ing candidates for tho offices named, subject to Democratic rules! ASSOCIATI? junon. GEORGE SCOTl1, Catawissa, ISAAC S. MONROE, Catawissa. 1T.OTIIONOTAUY, .tC. 15. FRANK ZARR, Hloomsburg. itr.orsTKH and ni:coni)i:n. W. H. JACOHY, Hloomsburg, CYRUS ROHHIN'S, FIshliiKcrcek, MOItDEOAI MILLARD, Centre. LEONARD KhINU. Greenwood, WHITEN. HOSTLER, Fishingcreck, TiinAsunnn. ISAIAH POWER, lienvick, JOHN LEGGOTT, Greenwood. coMMissioKr.u. SILAS W. McIIENRY, Jackson, JOHN It URN Kit, Locust, JOHN KNT, Scott. AtlENTB WANTED TO S1UX Tho Political, Personal nml Properly JRights l Citizen,! i 1. 1 in imh iii mi in n I ll I ll ll 1 1 iiriT- ot tho United States-llowto verclso nnil how to preserve mom. llj Theophlllus I 'arsons, "., Containing a commentary mi tho federal nnd stnlo Constitutions, gtvlnir their history nnd origin, nnd a tall explanation ot their Principles, P'lrnosoj iim provisions s tho powers and initios ot public on leers j Ilia rights ot tho people, nnd the obligations Incurred In every relation of lltoj also, pnrllimcntary lutes ... .i:.,r!,n-,ii,', i,n,tina mi mil directions nnd legal forms for nil business transactions, ns in iking Ills, Heeds, Mortgages, leases, Notes, llr.infts, Contracts, etc. A Law Library in n single voltims. 1 meets May W-4t -Tutl l,u e o Tlio Grain Prospects. Tho Philadelphia Press contains despatch es from a largo number of localities from all get entirely rid of them unless tho true union parts of this Saato purporting to givo tho element is allowed to kill them off, as tho present condition of the crops nt those points, laboring bees do tho drones. Clea rficld Re One reads thus : publican. Hloomsuuiig. May 10. Tho present pros- nert nf thn wheat i:mn fs unf.ivorahlo ill this ... . , 1 n . ... , . , . . . i I . . i .. . ,i. . . .. .i . I 1 L desperato ono, out young woouwaru jiruveu iiristow as wiucuauio mm to convict n niru i turiicu not upon mo question oi me payment county. himself fully equal to tho occasion, an over- number of rovemto officers of tho grossest of tho money, but upon the legality of tho If tho others aro no more reliable than that match for his venerable and distinguished frauds, probably including tho wholo do- action of this trumped-up tribunal, which one the readers of tho Press have gained no opponent, and he came out of tho contest partmcnt of tho Commissioner of internal Justice Strong sustained in nn clnborato information from all tho despatches. During distinguished and crowned with laurels, and revcuuc. Several millions of dollars worth opinion, declaring that Hutlcr acted as the tho court we have carefully inquired of a victorious cause. The struggle of the of whisky has been and will bo seized and I representative of the bederal administration,! farmersand others from nil parts of tho cotin- Judgrs tor life tenure was then fiercer even confiscated by the government. Hristow s I and that his right tto establish such a court ty nnd their uniform testimony is that tho nnd more unanimous and determined than efforts to break up thesa frauds were defeat- followed from tho right of conquest. The crops look well. Of course they are back- decision is an ultra partisan attempt to sus- warj but that does not affect tho prospect of tain Hutler's action in New Orleans. n good yield. Tho idea that prices may be When Justice Strong finished, Justice stiffened or enhanced by raising reports of Field followed with along and most ably partial failures is an absurd one, as spocula- their present ono for enormous nnd bur thehsome salaries, yet, with all their person al prestige and deserved influence, they wero made to yield to tho now proposition, but cd by tho influence of the whisky ring upon Grant, but latcrly even ho has been com pelled to yield by his honest Secretary. An order has been issued dismissing all Labor Reform linn Mail. Ni:w Yoitic, May 10. Tho American La bor-Roform Convention closed its sessions to night. Taken as a whole, tho proceedings might be styled somewhat erratic, though they were doubtless satisfactory to thoso indi viduals who took part. How much good nicy aro iik-ciy to accomplish may per haps be judged from the following resolu Hon, whoso sweeping demands arc equalled by several others ill the same batch Resolved. That acccntinir nothinir short of ino enure reconstruction ot bociety on me. over after maintained a hostilo nltitudo to- .,,, ntlj storekeepers employed in written distention opinion, which ho read tors who base their operations on crop pros- basis of natural equity, wo demand tlio abo ...... ... i.... T...1 wj. . .ru? . . 1 , ...... .i... .i i , ., litioii of property in the land with its km. Wo observe by the Harrisburg papers that Louis Do Carlton is dead. Peace to his ashes. Louis was oaco tho victim of confidence that so excited his iro that ho may never have rc CJvered from tho shock. His wife died and four weeks thereafter ho married another. He trusted a friend to select the groomsmen. That friend selected tho pall bearers of the dead wife. Louis did not discover tho point until after tho ceremony was over. He said ho did not relish the joke I wards its loading advocates. Judgo Wood ward suffered from this causo whenever he was brought forward for public position, and it was this, mainly, that enabled his ene mies to defeat his confirmation when ho was afterwads nominated for Judgo of tho Su preme court of the United States. In 1815, yet very young, ho was the Dem ocratic nominee for U. S. Senator, but was defeated by two votes (wo think) by a coali tion of a handful of bribed bolters and the Whigs. This was about tho first positive personal corruption practised in the Legis lature, and wos the forerunner of tho series of infamies that followed in later years. After retiring to the bar at the end of his term as a Common Pleas Judge, Judgo Woodward was soon appointed to the the districts whero tho frauds have been dis-1 with vigor, manifesting very strong feeling pects do not depend upon common report, mrereil. It is believed that nearly every by tho nervousness of his manner. Ho show- but upon tho observations of agents cm- official under tho treasury and tlio depart- cd clearly that Bntlcr had not tho shadow of ployed for tho purpose, who rarely givo tho mentof justico located in tho revenue dis- a right to establish anything more than a public the benefit of correct information, tricts where seizures Jiavo been mado are common ponco court, aim mat mo oruers oi Deaths. XKCUTORS NOTICE. KSrlTROI' JOHN HEATH, nKCKASBH. tters testamentary on tho ostuo ot John Heath, iio nf .luekson towns i In. Columbl.i county, deceit .....ii. f i iwtiAm nil tini-ii'tm nd hli nml thoso liavln? cUIiih or tlomind iw.ilif. tho salit csuto will m ko tbcin kjowu to tho V.'!IyxuC utor without delay. UKOHOL I), llh. U Miiy t-oi.. ' 7XKCt!TORS NOTICK. ?ttcra Testamentary upon tlio est.ito of v, MeiCnlvv. Into of lllooinsburir, IM , (leceasen, naunt; been duly granted to tho undershriied, nil persons in- lientetl lOS.UU USUlbU UIW lUH'iu-.,,-.-.. in .......v. I nnd those liaMni? claims or denunds ugiilnst tho same will present them without delay. 1 ISMAlt V. MelvKI.VY, lltoomslHirff. J, II. 11A1IMAN, unpen, i.xeuuturs. moro or less implicated. Timely Suggestions, importance of next paign is fully appreciated by the Democrats President Lincoln nnd the previous decis ions of tlio Supremo Court mado it unques tionable that this was tho oxtremo junsdic- lladkal Consistency. After all their harping and howling about homo protection, tho radical party has gono drcd natural resources; tlio repudiation of all debts the principal whereof has been paid in me form ot interest, and the abatement ot mat greatest obstacle to honesty and BCll goveriimcnt, the State. Every timo that a vacancy has occurred in Grant's Cabinet, and indeed every time that rumor lias proposed a change, wo have had In ncrwlck, on Siturd.iy, May 1st, Mrs. ANN1I3 SIIANNOK.vtlfoof C. W. Shannon, agcu m years, months nnd 81 dajs. n Berwick, on Monday, May 3d, a child ot William Elms, nged 1 j oar, 7 monttis and 21 days. In Drlarcrcck, on l'rld.iy, April 80th, ANNIK, wlfo ot John Yost, In her TOth year. In MadLsou township, this county, on tho oth Inst., Mr. JESSE DEKKS, aged ,0 years, 8 months and w days. In Montour township, on tho oth last., Mr. IIUOII DAVIS, aged ti years, 7 months and 14 days. In Jackson township, on Thursday, April 2Sth, 187r, HANNAH C wlfo of Jacob lllrloyman, nsedS2ycarr, 6 months and S7 days. In Jackson township, on Thursday, May 2d) 197t, MAltY A., wife ot Emanuel Savage, aged 26 jears, U months nnd 4 days. In orangevllle, on Wednesday, March 2lth, lsIB, ItACllEI, wlfo of David Savage, aged 3'J years and 15 da s. In Centrnlla, May 4th, 1S7. OSCAIt V. MIM.IAKD, son ot 0. 11. nml A. M. Milliard, nged 1 j car, s months and 21 dajs. Hut though earth's fairest blossom die, And all beneath the skies Is vain, Tlicro Is a brighter world on high, Beyond the reach of care and piln. I ITIXKCUTOR'S NOTIUU. i BSTATK OK IlIIOIU AN UUI'KKT, BUCKISHD. rf.i .i,.i.innnlipi nn thn i',jf A nf hilil.l Ami llupert, latoot tho town ot nlooinshurg, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by tho Register of said county to I,conard II. import of tho said town, Columbia county, l'a. Executor, lo whom all per sons Indebted to s ltd ostato aro requested to mako nayment, and thoso hiving clilnu or deminds against tho said estate v. Ill uuko them known to tho said Etecutor without delay. 10-ot, LEONARD 11. UUPKUT, Executor. A I ) M I N I ST RATO R'S NOT I C K. t t?.TiTR nv Illlflll Mlf.l.. IIRCKISEU. --i-..-.. , iditii ,hrt .ivl.itni.f ITrlnli Mills, lato of Madison township, Columbia county, deceased, hao been granted by tho Register of saldcountv to Jacob shoemikcr. All persons tin lug calms against the cstato of tho decedent, aro re- (lUeRted 10 present infill ttuiucinvui, iwm ill bu Indebted to tho citato to nuko payment to tho un dersigned nunumsmuurv iuiuu , . I .. - . .... . ... 1 - - ... .1 I 1 " - o- " That the importance of next fall's cam- tion ol tho military in dealing witii civil oi- squaro back on its prolcssions, mid the order tho stereotyped announcement that Edwards s i ieuuera uurnig ino war. juuyu riuiu uuuu- i 0i mooiiiciais oi mat orgauizanoii is uow lierropont was to bo the successor. Now Snnrnmp. hench of the State, by Gov. Biclcr. Tho Springfield Republican, a prominent tH f.,i . vacanCT. nnd at tho ensuing election hypocritical paper of New England, has re- was cij0Scn for a full term byanoverwhclm- cently been convicted upon ono of its gross ig majorjty. Declining a re-olection he libels, but the editors and their friends try returncd to the bar, but while on a visit to to create the impression that tho jury did not Eurono wa8 nominated and elected to Con- verdict says, because only f nn uncertaiu district by a very largo majority. Ho was successively re elected once or twice, but at length yield ed to the absurd rotation rule, of the State is every day mado moro appa rent by the many suggestions and editorials of the Democratic press on the subject. In former years, by this stage of the can vass, nearly every paper and politician was committed to one or the other of tho aspi rants for nomination. This ycal- scarcely any thing of the kind is seen. Tlio papers that have preterenees express them with un usual modesty and caution. There is a gen eral conviction that the occasion is too im portant for hasto or wrangling. The ensu ing campaign is everywhere regarded as deci cd to uutler m terms ol sharp sarcasm nnu being filled in Loudon lor $IUU,uuu worm oi we lllV0 j,;,,, nn,noj again, fortho twentieth declared that ho well knew that ho had no carpets fortho departmcnt;of Stato at Wash- tm n, iii-niv tn .mwn.i ',111.! - I , - J - . J4..,:l such authority as ho then assumed and as the majority of tho court now sanctioned. Jus tico Field has dissented from the opinion of tho majority in several cases in which they have previously mado decisions sbowing po litical bias in favor of radical rule, but ho never arraigned' their action so sharply as today. While he was reading his opinion all the ington. Carpet manufactured by Americans was not good enough for tho loyal feet of loyal clerks about Washington to tread n. American carpets aro not brilliant or costly enough for tho nabobs of tho State depart ment, and the very men who have cried the louuest auuut protecting iLiucnuiiii luuusuy, who have persistently pretended to bo par- justices turned toward him to listen, and Jus- cxcellenco tho friends of tho laboring classes tico Strong grew very red in tho face. At 0r tliis country, and the first to slap thorn in Williams. As Mr. Pierrcpont publicly con tributed $20,000 to help Grant's election, ho has probably dreamed of a Cabinet place as tho logical fruits of his ostentatious libcrnli ty to tho Republican cause, but so far, ho has been taught practically that political grati tude is often a livoly appreciation of favors to conic. "With any other Administration tlio country ever has had, or over will have, the fact of such public contribution to a po litical campaign would exclude tho giver mean what its ono hundred dollars damages wero allowed. Considering that the piper is very poor au thority for any thing and thai tho proprie tors arc bankrupts, that amount of damages no doubt has as much significance as can well be put into .1 verdict. sivc, to a certain extent, of tho Presidential I the end Mr. Field announced that Justice tho mouth nnd say your work does not equal from any place of unusual dignity. Phila. Er. U. S. Senator John Scott will remove to Pittsburgh to practice his profession. He is a solicitor of the Pennsylvania railroad, it is stated, at a salary of $15 000 per year. It is further stated that ho intends to give spe cial attention to somo of tho Republican leaders who treated him so shabbily and who lie thinks need reconstruction. Mr. Scott is a most worthy as well as a very able man, nnd will be felt wherever he resides. Pcr- contcst in 1870. All true Democrats feel in I Bradley desired him to say that he was not the work made by European lobor. their hearts that wo cannot ayora to maw a present, and did not near mo argument in me Tll-9 .g tho con3istcncy 0f radicalism. It mistake. case. Justico Strong replied with much j3 tho manner jn wi,!ch they carry out their A . Minli nn rrn. nrineinles are evervtlnnc 1 asneritv that Mr. Urad ev did not dissent 1 c,:., t. , .. ! 1 1 I - - v , i ---..1.- . promises u u iiiu.uaniuua. lb .1.11 o,iiii,iu in icuo no wb vua uc........ personai ljkes and dislikes noming. ricn iroin mo opinion oi mo majority, to wnicu , T! fa:rne8S ad radical honor. .Er. lor uovernor, ami was no uuuu. citu, , ,, f lwimwn rr;Rn,i4ar neighbors wliom I Mr. f ield mado a lurther remark: totto voce. was dclrauueu out, 01 mo position uy i.usi. wouij iik0 to see honorcctfbiit wo have which was not heard by the bar. Minors' Oatr.i"es fnlun .nnnllnr. nf thn lllptnlinn I .... . 1. i-l ,! I ... . ..... I iciuun uuu iHwuwuh)- nn . irlit. tn rjirrv nilr lllUlVlUUai ICeililUS ku I Tin ,ln.,j,n,. nf, in tnninritt. ir. will hp ni. I . .. .... .1 rnnftft.i JL! , f o T,L.,l,ulminiKtratinn that was enabled " "b " . "i-'T'. !?.., . V "J "vf.".' . T . 7 Amongst moro mau 00,000 striding miners .. vv.' - 1 run nxtent 01 leooaruiaiu tuu ian.v ,.....v. uprvnii. nut nniv noiinrins iiuiier s riff it to 1 iL i.i i 1 tp . 1 , ,H,; H,mw thn immpnxn - . . . ' . ' - ' . 1,:., . ' . ' ---- - - " ... It wouiu uo BirilliBo n.uiu nuiu nut oumu l" "'V' I J? Z It a the duty ot every democrat i . establish a court to take cognizance ot civil rooh a,i desperadoes. Theso commit out standing armies ot the time. attachment to men. and think only of tho CiWC8 jjUt to reVerse tho decision of his own ,i .,, ,i, ,i i,,i i,i ,1 T-!.1.. Ll!.. .1 .1. .'. .... , , ..... . 1 I O .111. fct.w , j j u(,i.,vt. triumpnoi ins party. UBi...-w court uy a military oruer wiicn 11 um not q thls point tho Harrisburg Patriot re tion 111 ono caso nor lumnu iiirjuuiui ' , nappen to sun nun. 7Sme. Ho was a member of tho late Constitu tional convention, in which he took an ac tive part in favor of all proper and import ant reforms. For some timo past ho has been traveling in Europe for the benefit of his health, but yieled his life to an ephemer al disease that onght to bo within the con- other should bo allowed to interfere with the brightening prospects for the success of our cause. We cm not care who the canaulates are, nor from what portion of the Stale they may What Kellcy Saw. The Washington correspondent of theA'ciu York Tribune, under date of April 20, says: Circumstances alter cases. George III onco prcsentod John Hancock, of Rcvolu tionary memory, with a handsome coronet signet ring ns a token of his high apprecia tion of Hancock's estimable qualities. Sub sequently tho samo Monarch offered a re ward of $50,000 for tho head of tho samo Hancock. Happily tho Monarch's big re ward was not a sufficient temptation to the sturdy patriots of tho Revolution, and Han cock's name stands boldly identified with all that is grand and ennobling in our early his tory. Tho ring presented by Georgo is still in existence and would have formed a part of the Revolutionary relics exhibited at Lex- Apr in,'7s-ct Administrator. DM I X I ST R ATO 1 tS NOT I C U. A.1" irttci STATE Ol' SOIOMOV I1CSS, llKCElT.n. nf Aiimini-iiriitlnn on the esta1 ino'n lluss, late ot I'lshlngcrecS township, county of MARKET REPORTS. M.OOM.SUURU MARKET. Wheat per bushel t J.W (loluinbl.i, stato ot IViinsjIvanla, deceased, haci been granted to .tolm Meaner, ot l'lihlnyereelc township, l'a., to wnom an persons iiiih-uiuj ij i-un. ostutonro requested to mako payment, and tlioso hailng claims or demands will mako known tlio samo without delay. ,wm WVSSm. April 0.75-Cw Administrator. DM I XI STR ATOR'S NOT 1 0 K. KSTiTsnpoiTiuiusr. (inAUii hit, nrcnAir.n. 1 ..iierj nf Aitminlitmilnn nn tho estnlo ot Catha rine (ic.irhart, late ol Miniln township. Columbia county, deegased, have been granted by iho lieglMer ot Slid county to James Kleter, ot Main township. All persons having claims against the estnto of thn decedent, nrerequcsUxl to present them for settle, ment, and thosolu Ijhted to llu estate to m iko p iv- lay, JAMf.S Kii:i'i:u, Apr, 30,',5-Ct- Ainninisiraior. Ityo Com " Oats " Flour per barrel Cloverseed Flaxseed Putter legs 91 .TS .CO 8.00 7.00 1.S0 .3'J .10 .i .CO .10 .IS .Vi AC 20.00 25 Tallow Potatoes Pried Apples Mains sides & Shoulders I.nrd per pound nay pur tuu flpeswnv Timothy Seed QUOTATION'S FUlt COAL. No. 4 on Whart 4,00 per Ton No.s " ' 3,in " ' NO. G " ,.' " " Blacksmith's Lump on wharl $4,00 " ' lntuminous " wuu " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THIS WKEK At Iic INipular nsli Store of W. P. JONES & CO. sonally honest ho could not be used by the trol of medical science. He passes from rogues ot Ins party while in the senate, and consequently they revenged themselves by refusing him a renomination. earth without a stain upon his character and with a most honorable and elevated reputation. There is somo complaint in the Hunting don district that tho judgo is too much ad- Magnanimity In Polities. The new Democratic Auditor General and dieted to making tho law instead of admin- secretary of the Interior havo each filled istering it as it is written. There is nothing a the places In their Departments with moro dangerous than this uiscretion 01 a comi)(tcnt and active Democrats, Our Re- come, to that they are lionat. ana true men Ju( Wm D KeU of pcnnsyivnnja rc tnen wUo will win and deserve to win. turned from a six weeks' tour in the south The policy of tho convention, as it .j alld j,cara most emphatic testimony strikes us, is to come together absolutely un- ngaJlla't tho gouthern policy of his own party pledged, and with no entangling alliances Jn t,10 lajt congrc3:Ji When asked to-night that may defeat its freedom of action. By wJjat llQ til0Ugilt 0f tho political condition meeting: in this spirit, and taking ample time souti, i,0 u,ed theso words : ' The lor their deliberations, tho delegates can have yoto j mlut regret juring my fourteen years' no trouble in agreeing upon a iicuct nuu uu- gcrvjuo ! congress, is that which I cast last nouncing a platform that will hardly fail to wjutcr ; favor 0f t1B forco bill.' Ho further secure the endorsement of tho peoplo meet uia uwu Ubiicon exchanges taiic as mougu uiey ,.,,! :a ,i,n i,rlv . . , . . , , notions, and there aro more districts than ;vould haT0 preferred that tho ItopubllcH , nfllicted with i..i K .,miffA, tr, rnma-m I No UU"J necessity lor mu usuoi ie. 1 rising uavi lbblt iv,. .....v... - this judge-made law. Somo of the judges jubt 1 But why wero not Democratic clerks are more anxious to legislate thau to admin- permitted to remain under Republican rule? istcr tho law as they find it, and 0110 of gomc wcro while they could not do without these fmo days they will be brought up with them, but not a moment longer, and for this a round turn, which will enable them to no especial credit is deserved. We observe appreciate tne uiiiereuce oetweentueir nine- a little growling, too, in somo localities mat turns and thoso ot the legislature. ralriot. wero not favored, but this is only tho olu Ex-Senator Nye, the wit of the Senate chamber for a number of years, at Washing' ton, is now a confirmed lunatic and the in mate of an asylum. Jim was a genial, good natured fellow, and it is a great pity that this rnwfortuuo has overtaken him. It is a won' der, however, that moro of his associates in tho Scnato havo not become lunatics, too, considering the iniquitous measures to which they gave their assent at that timo. Nyo's misfortune was that ho had brains and sen timent, tiit lacked back-bono. His asso' ciates had tho back-bone, but lacked the brains. It is only finely organized men who go crazy. Exchange. said that so far as his observation went there was no more necessity for thousoot federal military lorco with which they conduct their proceedings. ( ti ,1 ; :., iemviVama or Ohio. He Many of tho delegates scarcely reach their talked with confederate soldiers, with north destination 'till they becomo anxious to get om men ncgroert( carpet baggers, and through with tho business and return homo, travelers, nnd that ho was surprised nt tlio In this way our platforms are sent out in- good feeling existing. Ho said that ho complete and inconsistent, and mistakes aro ai10ultl hereafter take little stock in southern made that the delegates repent of at their outragcs, especially if they are reported as leisure. Unlike tho Republican organiza- occuring in t10 sections ho visited. He gave tion, the Democratic party U not a mere an exanlj,ie ()f tho feeling in tho south by machine to bo wound up by a few men and reiating what he himself saw in Augusta, be set running to any tuno they wish it to play. ing himself unknown. Ho happened to bo ItH (vinvontions aro. as thev ought to be, i ,,nt eitv rm thn ilav chosen for decoratiuir Some of tho Radical papers point to tho . rcnrescntativo assemblages j and those ti,n craves of tho confederate dead. Ho contiuuanco of Mr. B. F. Chandler m the h assume the position of delegate should remained and observed closelv tho proceed- mnrks in a very sensible way Tho news from tho mining regions shows that some desperato men aro doing their best to bring discredit upon the wholo body of miners by flagrant outrages upon persons ;ngton on the 19th, had it not been for the anil property, iheso occurrences aro teic- ,)00r railway accommodations between lios- graphed far and wide, and read by thous- ton and tho place whero the celebration came anus ot persons who never givo a moment's fr, 2'hila. Chronicle. consideration to tho fact that a patient and cndtiriiiK army of fifty thousand men, who Col. Gconre W. Gavlc. tho man who are out of employment, and somo of them offered $1,000,000 for tho assassination of out of bread, take no part in theso vile I Abraham Lincoln, in 18Q1, through the demonstrations, It is to bo hoped tho min- columns of tho Oihaba GajeffV.dicd in Sclma, crs' organizations will do their utmost to de- Alabama, on tho 8th of April. Lincoln and fend the reputation they havo obtained by Gaylo can now talk the matter over in a their law-abiding conduct during the strike fricndlv wav, tho latter explaining that at by assisting to bring all marauders to justice, the timo he made tlio offer of a million dol lara ho was not worth that many farthings, Wo linvn't tho least doubt but that Lincoln will take it nil as a joke, and perhaps it will " remind him of a little story," over which they can both tako a cood laugh, in a PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! TN pursuance of an order of tho Orphan s I Court ot Columbia county, tho undersigned, nct fiig IiKccutor ot the hist Will and Testament or Adam (table, late ot tho tonshlp ot Koarlngcreek, In bald county, deceased, w 111 eipobo to public bale on tho premlbes, on SATURDAY, JUNK 5th, 1875. commencing at lo o'clock In tho forenoon olbald day, tne 10110N ing uescriucu le.u estate, 10 w it : All that certain niece, n.ircel or trart or land .situ ate, lilng and belli.' In tho townshlnot Koarlngcreek. In said county, bounded nnd described as follows, to wit: Adjoining lanus 01 Solomon htrnuscr on 1110 west, lands of Nimuclllouck on the north, lands ct John Hlce on the cast, and lands of John KUuo on tho soutu, containing EIG11TY-1TVE ACRES, moro or less, nearly all cleared land, whereon aro erected a TWo-sTOttY nt.Mii: dwelling nousn. A Frame Hunk Ham and other out buildings. Tlicro Is on the premises 11 good Annie orchard, and other fruit Also, (,'ood water oil the premises. Possession given ibLui apni, ism. CONDITIONS Ol' KAI.L'. Ten per cent of one fourth of the purchase money to b paid at Iho sti Ik lnsr down of the proirrty. the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the continuation ot tho sale and the bal ance In one J ear thereafter, lib Interebt from con tinuation nisi, ui bum bale. 1.UUAH 1'AHJtI.NnWi, May 11-st Acttni; Executor. You arc respectfully invited to call nnd examine tlio Largo and Beautiful Stock of SPRING Al SUMMER GOODS, which wc offer at most Attractive Prices. llipophagy We know of nothing that would be likely to bo moro repulsivo to an American than n meal composed of mule or horso flesh. And yet Frenchmen partake of that stylo of diet I spiritual way, of course. Rellefontc Watch with as much gusto ns John Bull attacks a man. story that when two men nuo a norso one must ride behind. Kvery locality could not be served, and bo far as tho placoa go the ap pointments are fairly distributed. Tho Chief of the Burenii Statistics pub lishes a statement of tho principal articles of British and Irish manufacture esported to the United States during tlio first three months of 1873, 1874 and 1875, respectively. Most of theso exports show a continuous de crease ; in Borne of them there Is a consider able falling off, and in one of them un wrought copper there is an absolute discon tinuance. Tho decline is most marked in lead, iron, Bilks, machinery, manufactures of paper, hardware and cutlery, worsted stuffs, carpets and cotton goods. There is an in crease In the exportation of tin plates and sheep and lamb's wool, and a slight revival in that of salt, woolen cloths and spirits. Tho new pardon board is now fully orga nized and is doing a land oflice business at Harrisburg. It is one of tho few humbugs that cot into the new Constitution. It lias resolved Itself into a little sort of court, with a recorder, in which tlio judges are tho jury, and it Is to hold sessions otico a month. Tho Governor is reduced to a cypher as re gards the pardoning power, and can only act on cases wherein three of tho four members of the board recommend pardon, 1 he cumf lty of mercy U to be stralued mid hence de utroyed, disppearing wholly from our gov . eminent system. It may bo regarded as fur tuuate, to say the least, that tho pardoning power Jn tho world to como Is not within tho reach of Legislatures or Constitutional con- Yentious. and therefore that there mercy will remain free and unrestrained. Pennsylvania jiardona now will be based upon such tech idealities as tho legal fraternity may bo nblo to impreia upon tho dignified gentlemen who ierro In the office of Lleutenuut aovcrnor( Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney cncrl and Secretary oj tlio interior, office of the Secretary of tho Commonwealth, as a proof of Republican magnanimity, but we do not see that they havi more truo claim in this regard than several other parties. Mr. O. was appointed in 1813, when a mere boy. Of course he had no politics then, and wo are of opinion has not had much since, beyond his own vote, and wo know him as well as any. Shunk, the purest of Demo crats, appointed him. Johnston, full-blood ed Whig continued him ; so did Bigler, Dcin crat j and Pollock, Whig and Know Noth ing ; as did also Packer, Democrat, aud Our leavo homo with tho resolve to givo all the jllgl)i i011g procession marched through time that is necessary to a proper discharge the city with engines, civic organizations, of their duties Erie Observer. c ;t beinti treated as a general holiday. JiuIl'o Kellev observed tho significant fact The Government Secret Detective Service that, while men mid women wcro gathered It hannens now and then that tho people fur the nurnoso of nayine tributo to the round of beef. They smack their lips over the hipophagic viands, with all possible relish, and wonder why it is that men of other na tions aro so wanting in tasto us to have no fondness for this their favorito dish. Well there's no accounting for tastes. Johnny Crapeau may, if lie will, revel in all thelux- uries of horso flesh. Ho has our full consent to do so. Wo shall not envy him tho delica cy, nor do anything to interfcro with tho gratification of his taste. But for ourselves and wo think wo represent tho average American wo beg to bo excused from in dulging in any such barbarous delicacies. ' get an insight into tho workings of tho memory of tho dead confederate soldiers, the iIors0 may bo juicy, tender, well fla ' Federal Government's Secret Detective principal music on the occision was furnished vorcj ali n that, but none of it for us. It Service. by the band belonging to a United States be'cf n mry dcsirablo qual. It is an odious department odious to tho infantry regiment stationed in the vicinity. popular instinct!, traditions, and feelings. There wero no taunts, no insults, no com A secret dctoctiva ag jncy, supported by plaints, no 'appearance of ill feeling any such a government as landau Williams whero visible. Whilo absent Judgo Kellcy may ity, but roast beef will answer our purposes or tho present at least. Koast horso and horse-ta'il soup, mule's liver and donkey tin, Bepublican, War and Liberal ; Geary, di u ot bo permitted to exist pent from two days to a week in each of tho ............ IF..,.,, 1,11,1 nnil nrtDJ 1 1'lrtmnft. I D ' I . ... ... . Excerpts nml News Items from Exchanges. Thosouthern rnilroadsare now trying their hand at cutting rates. The fares havo been reduced between New Orleans and New York nearly twenty per cent, Five persons havo been recently indicted by the grand jury in New Orleans for brib iug members of tho legislature, and this has not been considered a very good year for that kind of business in tho legislature of Louisiana, Our imported liquors cost tho consumers $12,000,000 annually: our nativo liquors $200,000,000; and our malt liquors $200,' 000,00.0 more, a total of over $100,000,000, or $10 per head of the entire population, Pinchback complains of lib treatment in this country. In Europo ho says ho was treated liko a gcntlemau hero, like a dog, AMPLKS to Aircnts. Ladies' Com bination Needle-book with Chromos. Send bUimp. 1'. 1', CSLUCh.Ncw Hcdtord, Massachusetts, ; binatloi butuip A'1 GENTS WANTED for tno fastest Benin? book ever nuhllshrrt. for clrcu'ars nnd ourestra urmt tn Airi'iitp. NATIONAL l'UllLLSIH.NO CO., PlllLADemiuTl'il. SFLWER MINE. A valuable mine for sale. Will pay v o per cent. In icstlRntlon solli'lted l'or Information, nddress W. II, .Moore, (leorgetown, Colorado, or J. ll. coizcn, Newport, It. 1. U "V iisr a-s to isr E'c PE AND KXPLO NATION 5 With Ills famous LAS'1'.I(1III1VAI.S nnu nvulvt Vmv and authentic llfo and tlirllllni; adventures In Africa ot the Kreat hero traveler end explorer. Profusely II-lustr.iu.-tl. moo AtlUN'TM IVAN I'Eli quickly. Frefirht prepaid. IT HELLS I Do you doubt? Then write for extra terms nndprovo ft; or, It in Imstcto becln work, send It for complete outllt, to LIVINGSTONE FOU COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And aU Throat Diseases, USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IS Jil.UE ItOXES. Tor sale by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON HU1.I.OWAV & CO., Philadelphia, l'a. pompous Itepublican, and now Hartranft 'trooly loll" Uopublican. .Mr. UHauuicr, while not a politician, is a gentleman of very for a day. This branch of Federal power grew up out of tho war. Spies and' informers hid from mter- aocouuta- op- following cities, stopping frequently at places of less consequence, viz: Uichmond, Charleston, Columbia, Savannah, Jackson ville. Atlanta, and Aiken. The most of his timo was spent in Florida, as ho saw and ho went with his eyes and . ..... ... t. steals may no nice in tueir way, out uy a. Jut 1itich 8eelus to ,iko t,,0 (1 treatmcnt ,., . .... ., . .., . r.4 .... W'rt ...111 ,nA l " WllllOUl II single unarm I'll us. ,iv "... of them. Phila. Chronicle . Please Don't Investigate! rare qualifications and merits vote for hta ,,,,, on, to th(M0 itl friends, ami a sort of living lexicon of the ey mUnA, free from all aocoui Stato and Executive Departments. Tons of ..... ' , . ,. , . , ...,. ndlrn'il Tinnf-M. often referred to. are on filo I . ... .pi ' .. il. ihrii,AT.n.J.ninr lw flummrmwnnltli. I iznd fisMnir lino. -i i- - press tno weale and tne poor, too rccorus oi cars open tliere was no ieenng oi icar nuu wuim w , " ; in thoso Department, and notwithstanding tuiAervicc, if there aro nny not burned in the distrust on tho part of tho colored people, in 18G9, ho was to all intents and purposes a It is mentioned tho immensity of tho mass, Mr. C. can lay at t)o of Fua(.ral p0ivcri wouW ami ho couid not for tho llfo of him soi what bankrupt. Tho only thing he could call of China, that th i -mo siiiui ip-ft-miri, -iiiivftwi .. w. Ito says, so lar Jl.suo horses In wiiliiieipuu. fni. When Stato Treasurer juaetey iook con- best, clso ho would bundlo himself across the water and stay there. The signaturo of Spinner is fearful, but that of his successor is said to bo fearfuller. Ouo exchange compare! tho former's to a bunch of eels nnd tho latter's to a tlemoral- his hand upon any of mcin at any time, wnero weU ,nfllmlcs M tUo W0Mt jM)0t!sm a less experiences! man nugni, nunvn ycar, wouUi ai,un. Hut thcro W now an ofT shoot aud then perhaps In vain. Tho public inter- f . . detoctivo aKellCy which'ls still secret. est, therefore, as well as tho credit and sale- NoboJy kll0Wll who nro cmpioyea by tho ty of any administration demands his con- VeicaX auti,ority in this service. .Men as- tluuauco in office. We know politicians 8crtthev ar0 8ecret government agents, but havo grabbed greedily for his place, but wo Qn ,n jry n0 guch J)Crwn u fouml oa t)l0 have not yet known an administration that rMi of th(J department or if a0( unjer ...111!-.. i .n .uItlvniit liim llnAar ItiA . wu wuiiiiB w u -v. 80me other namei circumsunccs, Uierefore, more is no panicu- lar magnanimity displayed in not removing him. Democrats havo m good a right to enjoy offices as Itepublicans, and as all cannot bo It is open to tho most terrible abuses, It is absolvod from all accountability. It is managed by persons who havo to much character that to loso any of it would not hurt what was re- .. . , .1 . . IOHO any Ol ll WOUIU IIUV null, nim, i,miu- appointed, alt ought to rejoice that a few tho poislon of tho lo,er of llavolje the part. Wo trust tho Democratic Congress Some of our Democratic cotemporarlea will investigate this branch of Federal speak as though thero wero a probability of power. It will discover, wo think, enough a Greeleyito being nominated for Governor to excite the Ire of the people of tho country, i.. .i.t u,t w .in nnr. think that such a Besides, it will save thousands of dollars to thing is within range of the possibilities of the taxpayers, and the publio Interests will the futuro of this campaign. There may be not be impaired. Destroy this appendage of some vain ambition itruggllng that wuy, royai, iraperm., u,jluu v - i. i . - tMiitnf Mttluir la. the country of spies and informers, who In .rether enoueh Den)PCt In a State Oonvcn- Europe are regarded as about tho meanest of tion who would hv the temerity or tool- wankind.-i'Afoi)Aia Ommonweauh. i.. -it , . thon ft rn. The editor could havo stated with proprl uounced Democrat wi a candidto for Oor- ety, that the stock has not been improved l ernor in rewnylvftul-.-CWn DmnrolAM country, except in wiceanis, as among tho advantages thero aro no lightning rod peddlers there. Wliother it would pay to go there just on this account, however, is not so certain. Tho Ilritish visitors to Concord ami Lex ington in 1774, wcro bled by tho Yankees of that day. And singular enough tlio Ameri can visitors to tho samo towns, n hundred uso thero was for forco bills. Ho was very his own was a largo amount oi ueuw nnu a glad to havo mado tho trip.for it has enabled reputation worthy a radical leader, tie 1ms him to understand the condition or the soutli ucen maio .treasurer hvo je-i. t better than ho has over understood It before, ho received a salary of $2,000 and for four ir,.V'.!,l it was not tho kulklux that was years a salary per annum ot .,uuu maung " i: .. .,i( itr.. ..1 1 r,.nninr iho south, nor was the r unhappy in all f ,uuu. uut oi mis sir. iuucn-y n..s ,ih!n ( l,n .iiirilnitml in llm hatred bv lived, and 11 tho southern pooplo of people of tho north, liberally towards the radical campaign funds; years afterwards, were "bled," too, by tho "nor was any political question involved ; he has paid off all Ids old debts ; purchased a Yankees of this day. thinks tho whole trouble In tho south arises nomination at tho hands ot ins party; man- iresmeut urant commenceu uusir.ess uy from financial and indust rial causes, and ed to n banker in Philadelphia 1100,000, who distributing his Cabinet officers among tho he believes that the south will not improve broko up and left him that much out; subscribers to tlio fund for his houso at Uougllt !1U,UUU StOCIC 111 tno i'liisoiirgii towt- itibuiiibwh aim uu is going lo ugui ll out mercial; paid for a brown stone front in ono on that lino till ho reaches tho last Biibscrlb- of the fashionable thoroughfares of Philadel- er. Picrrepout, tho new Attorney General nhliUBpentinonoylikenprincc.nndnowsporta gave $20,000. a $1,800 spun of horses on llroad street and I Cardinal McCloskey starts out woll in ono in the Park. Is It any wonder ho rofuses to brunch of busmen. Ho has had two high lave tho books and accounts of tho Treasury Hfo marriages to perform since ho got his Investigated? Relleonte Watchman. scarlet can. Peoplo who are anxious for dis play ttiiii ins new title an easy way to noto Grant has thrown away all chance of R riety for themselves. third term endorsement in Pennsylvania. Iho new license law has received almost and advanco until tho Forty-fourth congress repeals tho financial legislation oftlio 1-orty- third, until tlio Industries of tho country aro revived, and wo aro forcod to livo with in our income tlio south will grow worse in stead of better. Lot tho voter bo watchful not to bo preju diced attainst any particular candidata with out just causo, and let every candidate guard himself well that ho says or does nothing nreludiclal or dishonorable nuainst his Taking another member of Ids Cabinet from as many different interpretations as there aro brother candidate. If this is heeded wo will New York, and Blighting tho Stato which judges in tho Stato who havo considered it; havo a convention and a ticket that will was carried for him by a most expensive and a fact which will be apt to ralso som,o doubts command the respect of not ouly the wholo elaborate fraud In 1872, Is a measure of in- as to tho precision of tho Judges, or tho ca- of our party, but also of tho best men in tho gratitude which the profoundest loyalty cn pacity of our legislators to glvo-legal cxprei, onnoiltlon nnU.-xthmge, I not overlook. I dion w mcir mining ti OI-IHISTrAN HARMONY, I1Y I 'M.tfAI.KItll A. II W11 ' A splendid MuMo Hook upon a new, natural nnd easy system, by whleh anv one tnnv (cum t.. mii iniule and lo Rlnfr In one-fourth tho time required by tup old methods. Designed for Choirs, t-luelng ru.-uuui- uhu .-Musn-ai aucioues. LIDcrai lndueeinents to .MiMc Teachers. Specimen pai-es mailed free MILLKIfH 11II1I.K ANII I'UHMSfllScj II IOU8K, llo'i and 1101 sausoin bU, 1'ldlaiklphta, l'a. npr.lilw HIGHEST STANDARD roA D WAGflHS LETTERS OF INQUIRY PROMPTLY ANSWERED nnoAnn Chestnut st: PHILADELPHIA A Fortune For $1. iSilS Km, : .u"'', W.VU; l'ourUi,til,000i 1 h, s,oj; buth, i.5,oooj uosldea 10,6i hinaller Juiv L f W ',W .'??,Hr .wlu PoMUvely drawen ti "J ik iS'.i ttl .,u ti"1' tloo.o-o: becond, VAOCii I bird t ,00g Kourth 1 6 ,o,' smaller k'llta. tlio w hola t'tT, !'rlf;i';,Wfl,'!v"H1' l'd'luVtlet'hmSerS f,'l,lM,r.u.H",K- 11'tslni.lltul onlschartend byltm KiW111 drawintMs HUiwrvlseifUy Uw legal authorities. An oniclalllst of drnvvlcir uuiii. llshed. I lckets for elttier niutUacu il lor 15. 8S lor ?. .'i,...i.nt w? W lliuilrated Times wnt free ti I n infh,. il,. Jf'1,. ,K.,U" Piriieuiars, 'iickeiB soJ MPloihollpurotiliaivme, Addrea-i, May U Jia C0" Nias4u sr'' Nl!W Xwx COItN in the ear received on subscriptions In addition to our regular line of Fancy Dry Goods, Wo have added a Coinplcto Lino of Bleached and Brown Muslins, 1'IIINTS, TICKINGS, AC. We shall only tlio hereafter keep a full supply of BEST AND MOST POPULAR BRANDS And sell them nt Trices worthy of your examination, W. P. JOXES G CO. REAL ESTATE! rnHK siibscrllicrs offer at privato sale, on fa- .A lorable terms, tho folloaln ty.vlz: F I F T Y described proper- A 0 It E S fii of land, more or less, situated Jn lit Pleas iij ant toivnshlp about twu miles north ot ! Iiloomsburir, on the public lending from .iJl Utfht street to liuehhorn, ndjulnlii!; lands ot Kllas Howell on tho west, Win. Howell nnd .lames (irlmes on tlio south, Samuel llnrticlt on Iho east, and Joseph (illbert nnd Win. Howell on thu north, all cleared except about llsacres which Is well timbered, on which are erected a Ug Houu and lug Iiarn, out-bulldlugs, &c. Also a variety of cholco fruit in liearlni;. NINE AND ONE-HALF A0RES, Mtuato In Mt. Pleasant tow nshlp, on tho public road leading rrom right street to Jcrscytown, about four miles from llloomsbunr, nil cleared, whereon aru i-ruetocl a Two suiry VltAMU lloi'SH nnd Kitchen, a NI1W ll.NK 1IAUN, nuduut-hulldlugs. Thcro Is a VDIING oitCUAItl) of cholco Fruit ot all kinds Just comlns Into liearlng on theso premises. AUo a good Spring of soft water at tho door. For terms, Ac., np ply, on tho latter prembes to (ii:o. w. JACOllV 19-21H OlllHULLi: II. JACOllV. FOR SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Sale! . (JOH'.ilM.I,, Kxecutor, luuoinsburif, i-a, pilh underngiied, one of the Kxcculors of I (IKOIKII! Wi:AVi:it, deceased, offers at prUaW side, tho follow lnjf valuable property, to wit : OXB TWO-STOHY I1KIOK DWELLING IIOUSK, with ouUbulldlnjrs anil lot attached, sltuated'on Sluln street, UloomsUurt', l'a. This house Is bultablo for two famines. Akso-ono two-story framo dwelling house, with put-bulldlugs, frumostublo nnd pood lot attached. Ihls property Is opposite tho residence of tho latu lir. Yost., ono two-story frame dwelling houso with ftaldo, out-bulldlngs and lot nttaehed bltu.ited on ltoclc Slreet, Hloomsburg, 1M. ALSO, six vacant lots situated on Fourth Street,, a valuable farm situated onu-hatt mile Ifom tho town ot M-Uvfeusvllk), l'a. Said farm contains vtl acres of land. t or terms of salo apply to (IKOKUlJ V. C( reo. ii, -ID-cm. fflaiW: iw Lost How ResM! TUST publislied a new edition of Dr. CVL- M.UH celebrated essay on tho radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary sem inal weakness, Iiniieteucy, Meutul and tihvhlcal IllCuniU'llV. 1inn.,Hii,..,.tu lii JIarrlJge, etc,! nko t'onsumptlon, Upllcpay, and 1'lts Induced by selt-lndulgcneu or scxtual untravugauco l'llcs, tiO. 'ice, in a settled envtlope, only sir cents. The celebrated author, In this ndmlrablo essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty yoars' succcssfu practice, that tho alarming consequences of self, abase may bo radically cured without the dangerous uso of Internal medicine- or tho application of tho knife j pointing out a modoot cuio nt onco simple certain, and offocmal, by means of which every suf ferer, no matter what tils condition may bo, may cur hlinujltchoaply pjlvntcly, and radically. This Lecture should te In tho hands of every youlh and every man In the land, Ment under seal, In a plain envelopo, to any ad dress, poot-jiaid, cm receipt of blx cents, or two pot stamps. Addrew the 1'ublUmcrs, CHA8. J. 0. KI.INK Ic CO., lr Jiowery, Now VorW, I'oat Ofllco Box 4,640. AprUlfl, 16-y u vi:iiw