The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 30, 1875, Image 3

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    ".'. ! HI Tl" "'i'" IB' 11
.1 1, 0 O Jl K II II II (I. V if I II A r, A 1' 111 I, SO, ls;5
lull Komi Time Table.
, HUB A. M
sin in.
1 1.3 J V. M
UT I. M.
.Mail Tliiln
HtpreiH Train B.IJ P.M.
Accommodation Train, 8.M A. M.
Accommodation Train A. M.
lingular Express 8,M I'. M.
7.30 I'. M.
Tlironsn cars on Express ttaln either lo New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation Irnln runs between
I'aUiMssa and Wlttlninsport.
SOTlt'K 10 villSf HtllKltS.
All other business having been brought to n cash
basis, It has becomo necessary that Uie narno rule
shoutd t applied to ttio Printing buslncKH. A sub.
scrlber who does not pay liy tlio time his year l.i up
H no pront to tlio oillce, and It payment bo longer de
lijcllie lsaposltlclos. Wo shall expect all, there,
fore, to pay up between this time, nnd tun first of
.Inly ensuing, as wo have heavy pa) mi nts to meet nt
tint date. latch subscriber ean tea by the elite pi Int.
fd w Ith hi name on each paper from what time he
one. Ueuuttaneo m.iy be mad- by mall. at our
I Mc It witnessed by llio l'oitmasler.
Those Indebted tor .lob work and advertising mut
also be prompt In their paj incuts.
Produce will coi.llnuoto bo taken In pay tnent as
heretofore. tf
Tlio hi'e-hull mania has cimitiienceil,
The sliced niirinklerwill coon he brought Into
The court yattl tiiiilervviiil ii thorough cleaning;
lat Tiicsihiy.
The loaels through the country arc in com
paratively good order.
The Mountain drove ('amp Meeting will
roiiiiiii-nco on Wnlne'sel-iy, the 11th of Augint
The time of the mail train north on the L. A
J!. It. It. has been changeil from 10:119 a. lit. to
10:") ii. in.
Mnj. A. D. Swjy, of llerwick, it in eoiunianil
if the troops in Amlviirittt anil vicinity, watch
ing trikeri.
During the neck "old Sol" has inililceil
some of l!limuisbur''s buineis men to put up
their aiuiing'
During til e late ice Howl, n canal was
thrown from the canal, at Uituvtissa, uhoiit tin
feet on tlio bcrme.
(I.n wan inlroihiceil into the laiiiii-ost in
front of the Kxehaiigo Hotel lat Monday,
which is a gruiul iiiiiiiovemeiit.
The building firoiects of Hloimisburg this
(priiig are very Haltering. A number of struct
UK's have alnady been commenced.
Our local notices ure fresh every week, for
the iiiot part. Uuycrs idiouhl scan them can
fully, always, for they tell where bargains may
bi! had.
The nuniluw along the railroad lutwcen
llloom-biirg and Hupert were pet on lire by a
locomotive, on Tuesday last, and completely
b.mi.'d over.
A pole ferry commenced crossing the Siisqiit
liaiina river at Catawissa laht TuciUy. We
understand that n wire-rope ferry will soon be
roii'tructed at that place.
We regret to see that the Danville Opera
House is offered nt Sheriff's side. The building
is a credit to the town and the proprietor elo
.vvcs a much better fate.
The "tenting season" opens up with alwiit
3hirty-six circuses on the road. If some of
them are not sherilled before next fall it will
not be because times are not hard.
Jutmedi'itcly over the door lo .Mr. David
l.o'eiibirg'.s clothing slo.e is a h.iiiiloiiiciloiillo
rejecting lamp, which throws a beautiful ray of
light in each of his large windows.
Hon. Geo. A. Acheiih.ich, of f'lintou county,
has been spending sevcial days amongst his
friends in lilnoni-liiirg and the neighborhood of
Oraugeville. It is healthy to look upon his
honest countenance.
-Mr. William Ciilmore, of lilooimburg, re
eeiitly pun;haed the building material contained
.in the old'KpNcopal Church, for the uiii-iilera-lion
of f.'i jO, and will lemove the same during
Ulie eoiuiiig summer.
This conimdrum is respectfully ubiuilted lo
'iho "best speller" bv an iiuiuiring mind. If
fvi-ii-u x spells hii, and e-y-c spells i, and s-i-g-h'
e-d spells side, why doesn't s-i-o-u-x-e-y-e
n-i-g-U-e-d spell suicide?
-An extlangc a-ks; Why don't they give the
Hlietionary priies to the worst spellers, instead of S .Surely, the former have thu most
need ii ituiw. That would lc something like a
iiuule trace ihe Jjijidiuost to win.
"Goods speak for tliem-elves," but it is only
allcrlheyaio bought that they enn do so. An
object in advertising is to injure people to buy
them nnd test them. If goods ipeak for them
selves, n good advcrtM mint may also peak for
the goods.
"An advertisement," said one of the cro
ones, ''has mi (fleet like that of taking horses to
the water you may do to, but you cannot make
t)n-iii drink." No; but you cert duly cannot do
so if you do not take them to water. It is doing
.something to do Ihnl.
There will bo a I'ree Lecture on "Phre
nology" at the Slato Normal Hall, by Wm, li.
I Miott, of Philadelphia, on this ( Friday) after
moon, at 3:30 o'clock. Illustrated by txainina
'tions of lu-aibi iubliclr. I'rofissithial consults
tJons at tli ii Kxchaugc Hotel,
If llic Montour .ImmVun has not stretched it,
nlxiut a baker's doren of Illoomsburgers, includ-
ling three hotelist, came near eating out n hotel
3n Damillo so near, Indeed, that there stuns
o have been little lift for the late Isurders.
lSlooiusburg is ii healiiiy placet
Some swindlers ure operating In rural partp,
making contrirU with farmers for a "lire-proof
nxifinir nitiJi." n lurt of the game being lo git
signatures to nolM f.illlngdue at a certain future
time, tint are Immediately disKned of by the
ntsculs in the bin'mess, says an exchange.
Last Saturday night the grocery store of Jos
eph Hendersliott, in V.n-l llloomsbiirg, wn
broken Into, both in the basement and second
iloor. Not finding any goods in either of the
aljii v j idVes. thu burelars endenvoiid to efiecl
an entrance) on the ground Iloor, but Ihe links.
bolts and b.ns proved too much for them. Loss
lit thing.
Mr. L. T. Shaipless has commenced work on
liis new building, on Main street, on llio lot an
joining llmt of ir. II. 0. Hower. It Is In be
(Mistructeil of brick, "M feet front, by "0 tee I
.ieep, and lhreo storle high. Mr, John Sterner
is tho eo-ilractor, and is to have It coinplelisl by
November next, The building will bo col.
slructnl with a view for occupation both an a
vtore and dwelling,
If thu amiable uentlemsu of tho llentou
W'ttklv, who brag ) iniieh ubout liU Industry,
3nists that the stieets of that municipality aie
sTOWihsl wilh loafers, we shall itrUiulV H1'
iuarrcl with him about It, but only exercise our
freeman's nrivileee to hesitate to believe thu
suitire accuracy of tho sinie incut, We hv
seen crowds there", but they were neither in.vlo
up of loafera or Ileutou twwu jicope nor of
'llio roof of a dwelling linuso In 1'ort IS'ohle,
belonging lo Mr. Geo, Mnycr unit occupied by
Delmer Young, was destroyed by firo on l'riday
lat. Mr. Young succeeded In gelling all his
goods out without sustaining any serious damage.
Damage to the building SI 00,
Six tramps, thrco men and thrco women, Aois-
nrrtl Illoomburg with u call on Inst Saturday.
They got hold of some whiskey, and whether
they hougat or tole It wo know not, but we do
know nbonl four o'clock the "lll.ick Maria"
hauled them lo tins lock-up pretty well how
eome-yo;t-so. lliey wore turned out nund.iy
morning and (hen left town.
The philosophic llellefontu H'lfrAmin saysi
'1 here's no use talking. This thing will have lo
wear out itelf it can't be stopped, Here's the
I want lolMftspolor
An with tin- spoit rs stan,
A Woo-ter In ml pooket
A Webster In nil linn.
ThTfl rlirlit Ix'foro awgens,
Ho gorgus and so brite,
Ml wrevi with tlio big words
From morning until nlte.
Mr. John Wolf having declined further ser
vice In the position of Superintendent of Si.
Matthew's Sunday School, Lutheran congrega
tion, on the 1st of April Iat, after a continuous
and lailhlul sirvice ol over ughi years, mo
Teachers on last Sunday presented him witli a
lintidome silver service as a token of their tip
piceiation of llio very satisfactory manner in
which he at all times dUcharged llio duties of
the po-Mlion. Mr. HiriyU Ilitlenbender was
lcrtod In succeed Mr. otf.
How manv sn okers know what the brands on
the cases on Havana cigars mean? The names
i'ldin, hmilrc, Jlim u and Jmlr onfms, do not
rel'er to quality but lo iies. The quality is in
dicated by nipin'i.vt, fuo, tularin); and biltno.
M.ulum means tlio lob.iceo is very strong,
rwrum for that not so strong, eofirucfo for mediinn
ami thru for mild. ILcktun .Vimnif.
Very good but you would oblige lis more,
Mr. Ivlitor, by exhibiting a "ease" or even a
small box of "Havana 'cigirs." People had
them under Democratic administrations, but
under government the rule eenn to be
to eiiiiipil ererylssly to use the meitiiest, not
only in smoking but in everything counterfeits
instead of genuine shoddy, all ovet 1
The act of Apt 11 1M, 1ST I, makes ii the duly
of llic :iuilitors of the several townships and
borough--, to meet annually on the first Monday
of . 1 line, and settle the accounts of the super
visors, mail commissioners, H'hool, borough nnd
township treasurers. These settlements must be
published by printed or written hand-bill",
posted in at live public places in the bor
ough or tuwii'liips, within ten days after settle
ment. The auditors must also file copies of the
sinie with the township chrk, nnd alo with
the clerk of (lie court of quarter sessions. Neg
lect or refusal to discharge these duties subject
the auditors to a penalty of $20.
The Tunkhaiinock Ikmwrat is aroused at the
spelling mania, and thinks there has been some
thing too much of Ibis orthography bu"iness.
It asks: What right, anyway, has Noah W co
ster to set himself up as an authority for Hie
spelling of woids? Why may not every man,
otherwise entitled lo lif -, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness, be permitted to spell according to
the dictates of his own conscience. ' We agrco
heartily with Geneial Jackson, who hated the
spelling-book with an intensity only equalled by
Andrew Johnson's loveof the constitution with
out a k Said the gi neriil to a coxcomb critic,
"If e-x-t-r-e-ii-m doesn't spell extreme what does
it spell?"
We never could exactly see extraordinary
honor or merit in the pert niceties of spelling,
or whether one spelled according to Walker or
Webster, or some better authority, and we know
it would busy any one to keep up with the varied
and very chaug.ible editions of Webster, and in
our use of letters never cared much whether we
did or not. Like everything eNe, the main
point is to keep within the range of fashion.
Good reading is a far rarer, better, higher and
more useful accoinpli-hmeiit. To understand
the full and exact meaning of what you read, or
lo read so that others understand pi wisely whii(
tliev hear, is a useful :iti4 elegant accomplish
incut. How about reading "bees?" To talk so
that every li-Uner understands is alsoagtcat
merit. Try a talking "bee." And as prelim'
nary to all, get up some more sen-ihle word than
"oeu"' to cxpiess your purpose.
As the mountain will not go to Mahomet, Ma
homet must go lo the mountain; or to inodirn
ie, apropos to the times, as P. T. Hirudin's
Gieat Traveling World's Fair cannot mine to
us. those of us who wi-h to see and who does
not? will have lo go to Danville, where it is
adveitised in our columns to exhibit on Mouthy,
May That those who Indulge in the holi
day trip will be amply repaid, and in fact
reiliie severul hundred per cent., in the wuy of
wonder and fun from tlio investment, does not
admit of the shadow of a doubt, for no one
dreams of disputing the assertion that the ex-
traodinary combination ol exhibitions rcleruit
to constitutes incomparably the biggest and lnt
show on earth. So much has already been said
and admitted regarding its pre-eminent superi
ority, slo and unique cliar.icter that little need
be idituriallv added to insure the largest congre-
itioti of people ever known to this section. It
u-eelils manv times mote Ol everyiiiing worm
eeiug than was ever before collected In a trav-
ling exhibition, and in it is no wonder that
ith its Innumerable features of instruction and
amusement, and us lio-l ol such sitpeio arente
celebrities as Maitinho I.owande, the marvelous
llrazilian one, four and seven hoise ban back
rider ; Mine. KlU.i Doekrill, the more than
beautiful incarnation of tlio Amazonian f.iblej
Tony, the child hem; Nnthalio, the veritable
.eopard athlete; the i,clle 111 others, champion
gymnasts of America ; Luke Itivers, the equw
Irian Iturton; and h in. II. I'orter, the silver
tongued "Fool," it everywhere finds its vast no
eoiuuiodations thoroughly tested by countless
throngs of eager spectators. So llarnum says.
Mr. Klias Fiirni.ui, of Itloonisbiirg, has a
powder-borii his greal-grandf.ithcr, Josiah
Funnan, found on the body of a 'lead Indian, in
thu I'luteiu pait of New York Siate,in tho winter
of n.'id. The horn Is supposed to be that of a
bison, and to have eiomc from Kansas, from the
fact that the red mail, upon whose body it was
found, was one of a tribe from dial Stale. It
originally measured 22 indies, but owing to a
crack in the largest end .'1 indie's were cut nfll
Josiah Furman carried Ibis horn Ihro igh the
French and Indian and the Revolutionary wars,
and his son Klias carries! It during the war of
1812, Four vears after coming into possession
of this relic whlla traveling along tlm extreme
eastern Ixmlers of New York State, and as far up
asMontreal,Caiiadj, Mr.Purnnw did eome hand
some carving with Ids peii-knifj upon the horn.
He began at tho lower end and engraved New
York harbor with a ship or two, following lids
up with New York city, Hudson and the Har
lem rivers, New York Fori, Forts Hunter, Hen
ry, Harrison, Stelnwix, O.ilaiio, Ldwaril, oara
lo Still Water, George1, Niagara and Oiwego'
Lakes Champlall), GeHirgi', Oneida and Ontario
are among the earvlhgi. Albany and bclici e
tidv are represented, with Montreal in Canada,
The St, Lawrence river is among Ihu engravings.
The carving Is nil artistically done an 1 must
have required bolh tiineand patience tocxecute.
In ulsjnt the ci title of the horn Is very nicely
carved the words, 1 Joslali Funnan, Ills Horn,
17ii0," This relic Is iuw in Ihe possession ul
the fourth generation, Jo.luh having given It lo
hU uu Ivlhes, he lo his sou Josiah, and he lo
bis ijiu l'llas. who resides In lids place. Of four
Funnaus wnhlrf le Jjorn two were named Jo
aiali and two KIJus. 'j'hU SfjcJ)t memorial
deseiven a place In tho Ce ntennial exhibition, at
whWh lime 11 vtti haye a fci-tnry of 120 ytuM.
in the dialect of Iho Seneca tribe of Indians
one of the pl.t nations of iho Iroquois, whose
confederacy Is ono of Iho most Interesting facts
nf Indian history there Is n word which
slightly anglicised sounds Oah-nn-rji, and signi
fies, literally, "im tU moailuiu." It hat not
been appropriated, so far as wo know, to the
designation of any stream, lake, or other natural
object in ihe cou-ilrv, though well ndapled to
such IHC.
A Iraveltr leaving tlio rallroul at Shirk
shinny, pissing north through Ihe mountain
gorge, nnd ncross the Huntington valley by
Harveyville, will reach the Inso of the North
Mountain at Kcd llock, or st irting from Ber
wick and following the old Susquehanna and
Tioga turnpike, northward, ho will eventually
reach the same point, The southern faco or
escapement of the mountain that here confronts
him is abrupt, mid 800 feet high ; but scaling it
by the eld turnpike road he will find himself
upon the edgo of n great mountain plateau,
which is considerably the highest land In east
ern Pennsylvania, with a forest of lo or 20
miles In depth before him and extending n great
distance upon either hand. Turning his face
backward he may look across the Huntington
valley (a dozen miles In width) to the Shlck
shinny and Nob Moiinlnins, which screen from
his vision Ihe great river which he has left be
hind him. I'ut, without pausing upon this
prospect, he will advance through the deep
wootls as yit untouched by the hand of civilized
man, until he reaches the lift opening, beside
o ic of the most beautiful of lakes, to find that
hospitality and genial greeting awaits him. For
here are homes for the reception of visitors it
is a place of Bummer retort, where the over
worked anil wearied leslileiit of town or city
may go to recuperate to find good air, cool
temperature, natural scenery, mid other erudi
tions necessary to the iiivigoratitm of mind and
In early times the lake was known as llobin
son's lake by the hunters, who visited that sec
tion, ami it bore that name for many years,
Afterwards, and until lecentlv, it was known as
"lnng Poud," in part with reference as to its
form and in pirt lo distinguish it from other
bodies of water of the same class in ihe neigh
borhood. A tavern house of humblo preten
sions, to accommodate turnpike travelers, with
a small clearing attached, was long ke'pt up ;
but travel declined and fishermen and hunters
I'lirni-hed an inconsiderable support lo the ever
changing proprietors of the place. And then
Mr. C'lemuel O, liicketls, of Orangeville, who
had been a merchant and afterward a traveler
in eastern, countries, and whose health did not
admit of active business employment, in associ
ation with his brother, erected a commodious
stone hotel, personally .superintending its con
struction and sojourning mostly at the place
himself. To that gentleman the scene there
presented a remarkable contrast lo the places he
had visited, and the scenes lie had beheld in
Greece1, Kgypi and the Holy Land, about which
a hook compiled from notes and information
furnished by him, was published some lliiitv
years ago. No pyramid of Gizeh rose in the
landscape; no holy city presented itself for in
vestigation ; no Carniel or Lebanon rose from
the shores of a great sea with historic associa
tions clustering around it ; no great specimen of
architecture and no Acropolis recalled the mind
to ages of former splendor, as compared with
present decay. The past spoke lo Iiiiu only
thiough tho mighty forest around him and the
placid lake at his feet, but lie was soothed by
the presence of nature herself and looked out
with untroubled contemplation upon the con
lliets and the la-sluns of active, ordinary life.
This amiable gentleman has passed from the
scene, but the place is now held with a firm
hand by his nephew, who has greatly improved
it, and added to its former associations the ele
ments of convenience and comfort.
The lake is a mile and a linlf long by three
fjurths of a mile wide-, surrounded by genii
rising hills except at its outlet, and lis shores
deeply wooded except at tint one point where
the settlement has been made. It is truly Gu
noja Lake a lake on the mountains and
among the highest bodies of wate'r ill the State-.
Deserviiu a bi tte r name than ''pond," nil Indian
word can nto-t appropriately be applied to il,
which will designate the character of ils loca
tion, and indicate ils association with the abori
gines, the former inhabitants of the forest before
civilization Intruded upon the western shores.
The Annual Meeting of the Columbia county
Agricultural Society, lor Ihe Llectioii ol'Ollieers
will be held ill the" Court House, on S.ituid.iy,
llio loth of May, al i o'clock p. in.
J. P.,
17.2t Chairman Fx. Com.
David Loweiibcic heirs to inform I ' Friends
and the Public that he has ju-t rc-turkul from
lhn New York and Philadelphia Markets, with
a Large and well selected Slock of ( noils J'or
Sniiner and Summer wear, consisting of Fine
Imported and Domestic Cloths and Cissiincres,
. ,1- . , 1 1 W. I. .! ....... t...... nii ..
i liolce u orsieu, aim .miiu.iii iu.iuus, at. ,..
the best manufacture nuil latest style. He would
tlteiefore invite an early call, as his stock is now
replete with all the Novelties for Spring and
hummer wear.
To Oim Fi:ii:niis ami Patrons: The latter
pait of last yeat we gave notice that all out
standing accounts, remaining unpaid on Iho lt
of January, would be placesl in other hands lor
collection." Our bu-ine-s is of such a character
that we have not time to spend to run allei
everybody, and have therefore given the ac
counts into the hands of C. G. lhrkley, Fsq., to
whom vou will please pay the amounts due us.
Respectfully, Ac, Moykk linos.
Iiiidrcth's genuine fre'sh Garden Seeds, wai-
rallied, at .Maize s.
A luge ine of Drcs Goods both Plain and
Plant very cheap at UlarK ,1- Noll s.
F.xamine K. M. Kiiorrs show window for
nobby Shoes.
New Orhaus Mo'y-ses at C. C. Man's.
New Calicoes and Ginghams this v.-e-.k
L Hz A Sloan's,
W. H, Hrowu keeps the mo-t complete) and
hue-it as-ortmint ot UroceTiew that can lie pur-
chased in market. His Groceries are fie ah and
am sclcctisl from first liupoitcro bawls. JJis
Prices are luve, as he has purchases! his goods al
noiioni ugiire-s io sin, mi- iiiue-s.
C. S. Furman has now in store the Finest Lot
of Made-up Harness, both Light and Heavy,
Kins-le and Double-, ever sevn in Illooinshiirif
A nice lot of Traveling Higs, Valises, Shawl
Straps, Ac., always on hand. Repairing liar
nesi a Specially." His Prices aie nlwaw Rea
W. H. Hrown keens a fine assortment of Can
ncd Fruits and condenses! good. Al-o, a full
issorlineiU of Nuts and t reneli Uandy anil wr
nnges and Lemons,
J. II. .Malzuhas a lare stock of Fruit Fx
tracts of all kinds, warranted ttrietly fi'trf,
wholesale nnd retail. HoteN, Restai.rant', I
(.'ream Saloons ami Country Mereh uili supplied
al eity pi Ices.
Go tu ItiMSM.i.'n for vour Gioccrios,
soils for cash nml will not bo undersold.
IiO Conci)r.ttesl Lyo ju.t reiei'ved at
Moycis Drug I'.utptirlum.
Large Stock of lllaiik Hooks of all kinds and
sizes at Clark s Hook htore,
Mrs, RKiirxvA Caicman, of Heiilon, has lii.t
ictiiriud fiom Ihe city with a tine nsorlinint id
Millinery Goods and Notions to which she in
Viles the attention ot uie puoiii'. io-,ii-
Gk.nii,i:mi:s. are vou aware that Criitchliy A
Kline1, proprietors) of Iho Centennial Tobacco
Store-, opposite the old Fplse-opal Churcli, kei
the hi si Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco.
in lllooni.biirg' Tiy them and b convinced,
Go to rurmaii's Furniture Rooms, coiner
Main and Wet strcels.for anything In Ihe 1 ur
nlnii-.! line. Ho lias on hand some vciv hand
some Patent Sleeping Coaches forcldlilleii, Call
and nee llieui.
Trmit I'lb-s and Fishinc Tackle of all dc-
ecripllons at j. Schuyler t Son's uuw Hardware
Hurt's fine Shoes at McKlnnryV.
Mr. Charles M. (Ilrttn has on hand n fmo
stoel: of Harness, Saddles, llrldles, Collars,
Halters, Whips, and In fact everything usually
found In n first class Harness Store. Repairing
done neatly and promptly. Terms moderate.
Jaincsi Cadmati has In stiito a fine lot of Fur
niture of every description, Picture Frames,
llraekets and Croquet Sets, all of which ho will
sell as cheap as can bo bought elsewhere, (live
htm a call.
Miss A. Workhelser, Iht llloomsbiirg Milliner,
having just returned Irom llio City with a largo
stock of Goods, will bo pleased to see all her old
customers and-fricntU us well as new. Giro her
a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Cufis, Collars, Tie", Kmbrntdery, ('&, at Clark
,C- Wolf's.
If you want u good Ham,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you wnnt Coffee Java or Rio,
If yott want good Canned Fruit,
If you wnnt the best Mackerel,
If you wnnt .Sugar for Ihe least money,
If you want the- best Syrups In town,
If you want good Clgar.s,
If you want good 'iolnioco.
If you want anything in tho Grocery nml
Provision line, go'to Uum-jri.i.'ij, .Main street.
t tf-25
Town orders taken by C. W- Hr.h & ISl'.o.
in exchange lbrconl. 25tt
Gn to The Singer Sewing Machine office in
Opera House for best Oil, Needles, Tuckers,
lleiuiners, itv.
I. W. Harlnian is in Philadelphia buying his
Spring Dress Goods, A;c.
Who wouldn't wish for a pair of V.. M.
Knorr's Fancy Spiing Style ot Shoes? Call
and see llieut.
New Goods I New Goods and Good News at
W. ilartinan's.
Daniel Yoeum lias just received from the city
a large nssortntent ot Fine lteady-.Made Cloth
ing. Summer Suits from $7 to j'JO.
Prime No. Maekarel, Quarte-rs SU.
barrels .-o..",U nt (he Central Tea Store.
The largest assortment of Dre'ss Trimmings
and Ilultons in town is nt Lutz & Sloan's.
Go to C. C. Man's lor White Cordtirov.
Another large lot of Lead and Linseed Oil
just added to the stock of Mover llros., which
will be sold cheap for cash,
For a Stylish Suit of Iteady-maele Clothing
go to D. Lowenberg's.
C. W. Nkai, it lino., spare no expense to
cud out nice coal. ttlli
Go to liirs' for your Kxtrn Maple
Syrup clear us crystal. Only One Dollar
per Gallon. own make of Calf
SS.OO, at F. M. Knurr's.
llools, sewesl, for
Wiivt to Wi:aii, Wm:x to Wkaii and
How in Wkak your Spring and Summer Sails
are questions that are answered daily at D.
Lowenberg's Popular Ch thing Store.
A large line of White Goods consisting ol
liioeubx, Pbiiils Plain Gooels Ac. very low, at
Clark .( Wolf's.
Persons from the enuntry attending court next
week should not go home without some of those
fine Delaware Shad, received fresh three times, a
week, at .1. 11. .Maizes.
llai' Halls and Hats in large variety nt Clark's
Hook Store.
Cu-toni Work a speciality at McKinney's.
."j Neck Unfiles for 23 cents at LuU & Sloan's
Summer Hats al C. C. Marr's.
Mover llros, will nay cash for a load of live
field's Fancy Slippers at K M. ICnorr's.
Go to I. W. Hartiuan'.s for vour Woed Canst
Chain at SO cents.
Pretty little Suits for Children at D. Low
Call and sec the Croquet Sets at Clark's Hook
Don't, IO worried and annoyed with not
onlv n poor quality of Coal hut dirty and
latv beside, but bnv of C. W. N'HAI. ec lino.
who deal only in the best qualities. 2,3tf
Granulated Sugar for sale at Russki.'is.
Go to W. II. Hrown for fine Ironstone China
Ware. Ak for J. Wedgood's ware it will not
ister and is the best in niaiket. lea.ets 1...0,
Dinner Sets sold at bottom figures. Those tint
:ire in want of are will hud it to their lntere.t
to go to W. H. HnrvD.
Real Hair Switches
and Rraids at C. C.
Man's, very cheap.
Frill's Favorite Irish Soap for sale at J. H.
Maize's. This soap is of a peculiar greenish
olor.anil i.s the most novel and original raniily
oaii ever ollereil to the American puiilie.
Try it.
Trimmings, -M kinds, at Clark A
Si. 73 will buy
. M. Knorr's.
a pair of Lasting Gaiters at
Pewter Sand for sale nt liL'.ssni.'S.
If you want u first class Farm Wagon,
If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon,
If you want an Kliplie Spring Wagon,
II' you waul a Pleasure Wagon,
If you want your Wagon put in good trim,
lf'uni want icnairs done good will) short
'.otiee, Go to J. R. F.U'.s.
All slated and screened before leav
ing the old established coal van! of C. W. lino. 23tf
Go to W. IL Hiown's if you waul a good
Extra Mackerel.
Shaker's f Jardeii Seeds for sale at HunSKlA
Fine assortment of Ciesiuet Sets at Clark's
Hook Store1.
Cheese at 111 tents le-r pound, Rio Coffee 25
C-'tiU per pound, Cannesl Tomateps IS e'enta,
Corn 2o e-ents, tire-en l e'.es -j.j cents, aim rcaeiu
!) cents at llic lea More.
.1 pairs of Ladies' or 5 pairs of Gent's llase
for 23 cents al Lutz A Sloan's.
Mnycr Hios. will pay cash for llKl Riishels of
tt- ,
Ntw Gwsls tit C. C. Marr's this week.
Lsilbs' and Gents line Hoots and Minis lit
McKinney's, 2d door below Ihe Court Hoiie.
,V big line of ltlack Jewelry just icvciud at
CUrl; A Weill's,
Twin Ilrothers' Yeast for sale at Maize's,
A fine lot of elanan .", Oranges and Lemons
jut rccetvcel at RlHsel s.
, .-., , , ,,
Sprint! Suits made up In City Slyle at I).
Cheipcst lino of Window
Shadei) in the
('niiiitv at Clark's Hook Store'.
Gents' Favorite Hackle Shoe at Knorr's.
Go to W. II. llrowu's. His Fish are New
an 1 warranted full weight. His prices are low.
Look at his l'isli Ueloie you uuy al any oilier
Si c Lu'z A Sloan's slock of new Skirts and
- : '
,1. H. Maize sells pureOswego Com Starch.
Illiilclied and l-'nbleachesl Miislinone yard
wide1, lor ID cents per yarn at i.iiiz iv moan s,
A new s'nk of Prints, Muslli s, Gin 'hums, all kinds of Domestic Goods, ai the very
lowest i'.i-li prices, at l.larK iv Woll s,
. , .- -
Iluy the Shake r Garden Seeds at C. 0. Marr's,
they aie- the he-t lu Ihu market.
.1. II. Maize is prepares! lo funil-li country
meieliaiit-s Willi e ig us nt city prices,
Faiuiihih, A'lTliNTIOS. Russr'.M. takes
iiu tcr, ivggs Him I'roiiuee tit exciiango tor
When you go to Philadelphia stop nt
.1. .11 I If . V.. Drt. I III, 11..
lliu .tlitgiicny uousc, sSti, oi- iiiui oi-t .liar
kit htrcct j having been recently renovated
I'rico oniv & per nay, a. iiix'k,
March 10,'7S-J' 1'roiirletor,
Merchant) going to tho city will do well
to call on W. H. llUNTi'.lt, who Is engaged
with tho old nnd rcliablo firm of Ykaukr
h Kiutl.KSSTorK, for Hnt. Cnp, Straw
Goods.exc , 237 North Third street, Phila
delphia. .March ll,'75-!lm
Old Kslalillshfd Coal Ynril.
C. W. Ni:.u, k lino., Wholesale -fc Retail
Dealers in nil sizes ol llio best qualities ol
Red nnd White Ash Coal, nt Ihe very lowest
market rates, llnvt'constnnlly on hand lnrge
stocks of
lllaeksinith's Anthracite,
nml Liniebtirncr's Coal.
Fspccinl ntteiitlon given to the prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain
nnd Lumber taken In exchange for coal.
Coal delivered to any part of the town nt
short notice. Orders left nt I. W. McKclvy's
store, or at our oilier, will receive prompt at
tention. Office and Yards at "William Neal
it Sons' Furnace', Hast llloomsbiirg. Your
patronage respectfully solicited.
COAL. 7-tf-23 COAL
ties rlsci o o'clock 00 minutes sew a o'clock 81
Moon rises S o'clock n. in.
Oolii Is now quoted at a premium el about lis In
other wor.H Wcks are 13 per cent, below par.
Ilr.ANK lii-Fiis, on Parchment and linen pajier, com
monaii ltir Ul iiliilstrators, Ktccutorsaud Trustees,
for sale cheup nt theco i mhias omce.
l'Ai-KK Hi is Just received and for sale at the Co
I.L'iibian oftiee.
A Hnnri.iMi Trctii ! thousands die annually
from ticglcctci I coii;'hs and colds, w hlch soon ripen
Intoconstunpllou, or other equally fatal diseases of
llic lungs; when by Ihe timely use of a single bottle
it Dr. Whtar's llalsnm of Wild Cherry their lues
could hate been preserved ton ki ecu old age. 1.0
cents and II abotlle, large bottles much the cheaper.
Many times Women call upon their family physi
cians, one with thiulysjK-psln, another with palpita
tion, another with trouble of the breast, another
wl h jialn here an 1 there', unit In tills wn they all
present ullka lo llieiiiselees and their easy-going
and tiidinerent duclors, separate and distinct diseas
es, (or which he prcsciibes his pills and potions, us
hUinlns Ihem to be sueh, whi'li,In reallt, they aie
all s mptoms caused by SQine uterllto disorder : and
while they aio thus only able perhaps to palliate for
a time, tiiy tire ignorant ot tne cause, and encourage
their practice until huge bills are made, when tho
Milierlng patients are no better In the end, but prob
ably worse ot the delay, treatment, and oilier com
plications made, and which a proper medicine direct
ed to Hid cause would have entirely removed, tlteicbv
liistltiitlnc; health and comfort Instead ot prolonged
Prom Miss LoatMie K. s-r. Ci.ein, Shade, Athens
e'ounty, Ohio :
"Dr. It. V. Pierce, llurralo.N. Y.-oiir r.ivorlle
Proscription Is working almost like a mtiacle on me.
I am belter already than I have been for over two
From Ku.e A. Sciiiiek. Zanesvllle, lud. :
"Dr. Pierce I received the medicine you suntmc
nud began uslnjf It Immediately. As a result of the
treatment I feel lietter than I have for thre-e years."
1'iom Mrs. .Ions K. U ejiiu.s, Udell, III. :
"Dr. Pierce Tho Katorlto 1'iescrlptlon has done
me good, which I am very thankful for."
Dr. Pierce's I'avorlto Prescription Is sold by dealers
In medicines.
No u of any logger taking the larje, repulsive,
griping, drastic and nauseous pills, composed of
erudo and bulky Ingredients, and put up In cheap
woesl or pasteboard boxes, when we can. by a care
ful application of chemical science1, extract all Iho
cathartic and otte r medicinal properties from the
most valuable roots and heibs, and concentrate
them luto a minute rrauule, u-carcely larger than a
mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by llioso
of the most .sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes.
Kach ot Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgatlee Pellets rep
resents, In a mo-t concentrated form, ns much ca
thartic pon cr us Is embodied la any of the large pills
found for salelu ihe ihu-stores. Prom their wond
erful cathartic power, In proportion to their size,
people who have hot tried them are a t to suppose
that they ure harsh or irastleln elTect, but sueh Is
nut at all the case, the different actlee medicinal
principles of which the nru composed being so har
monized, one by tho others, us to produce a most
searching nnd thorough, j et gentle nnd kindly oper
ating The Pellets aie sold by all dealers
lu medicines.
a miind iii:Ai;ni maxim.
Order Is hciiveis first law." This great luiexhn
ipp!lcs with peculiar force lo the dlsclmri-e of the
vital functions. Disease Inevitably supereenes up
on phjsleal liregularlly, Just as calamity Is sure to
How want of s.slein and punctuality In the alTalrs
ol life. Hut while It Is neUto Impossible tooveieome
settled mental habits of ill-older. It Is ipilte feasible
to reined Irreijiilaitlles of the body. Ills
elpllne tho unruly oignns by wise and time y medi
cation, and health w 111 be established upon a perma
nent basis. Although there are many remedies pre -
scribed for this pin pose, there Is not ono among them
can compare hi dlicctiicss and piomptltude of action
with Hostel ler's stomach, Hitters, lor ever disor
der allectlns the Isiwels, liver and stomach, und for
the numerous sinpathetle henous ailments lo
which alimentary or bullous disturbances glo rise
the Hitters are a most reliable speclile. Their won
drous elllcaey Is attributable to thu fact that they
llrst reinoe e the cunte of such maladies, lrr"gul.u 11
and then by their tonic opeiatlun repair the loss ot
ph.Vfleul substance produced by sickness. Const I
patluu, bllllousness, dyspepsia, heatlbuin, sleeplevs
ness, Intermittent fevers, rheumatism and nervous
tremors succumb to the operation of this
safe and potent medicine. A regular habit, sound
bleep agd easy digest ton aie uiiiung the blessings
vv hlch Its use confers. It Invigorates, relieves lie
piesslon of mind, and promoting complete assimila
tion, materially assists In covering tho angles and
hollow places of Iho attenuate-el, shrunken frame
with Htm, healty tlesli.
A, T, siewait says the ls'St advertl-lni: mediums
hu has ev er found "ate tho old established organs of
Uie two political parties, ul the seveial count sent,
throughout the I'nlon." 'These," ho soys "reach
ejvery family of tho least account In their several
counties, and mo more carefully iced Ihanany other
class nf Jimrmds." It Mr. Stewart's Judgment It of
value, Ihele l. no dlfllctilty 111 deciding which pajcr
It Is (or the Interest of business mi l. to advertise
In. The C'oi.i'Midv Dkmocuat, upon which this
paper Is li.uil.illy founded, was e stat.llshed
In Is3i), oud Iho Colvmi'.us now a
wider circulation and gt eater prosperity thau 11 ever
did. It iegul.ul) Into two thousand families In
Columbia and adjoining cuiinllcs, and by most i f
them Is lead Irani the tli-st to the last line. It Is the
only its-signl-inl exponent ot near live thousand
llemcs'liitlc voters lu Hie cuui.ty. II gives adve'illsc.
nienis u tasty display, that makes Ihem attractive
otts p.i'.uns, thus ensuilng greater ceitulnty that
they will px ruse them. While Its circulation Is un
doubtedly much Iho Liigtstlntho count), the nd
vei Using rates of the CoinvniiAsisu1 nohljlwr than
those of other papers with barely half as 1 several
not one-foiuth lt,o number c( subseilteis. Pacts
like these speak M tin inselvts, Nn shrewd business
man will ne"leot tolusoit his adveitbeir.snt In the
Dysperslels the most perplexing of all human
ailments. Itssvmptoiisare almost tnilidte In their
vurli't), nnd th.1 forlorn and despondent victims cf
the disease i.fu n f-iney Iheinselves the piey.ln turn
of every know n malady. This Is due, In pai t to the
lose sympathy which exists between tho stomach
ind the bruin, an I In part also the fact ttiat any dis
turbance of the dlgi'stlvu luiKilnii necessarily disor
ders the liver, the bowels and the nervous system,
and effects lo some extent, the quality of the blond.
V..V Utinke-rs Hitter Wine of lion s a sum cure.
This Is not a new preparall.'n, to be tried and found
wauling; It lias been prescribed dull) fur many ) ears
In the practice of eminent ,h) with uiipai.ill'
eled success: 11 Is not expci led or Intended lo cure
all the diseases lo which the human f unny is sun
jeit.bntls warraiitedtocuioD)spi'psl.i lulls most ob
stinate form, liiinki l's Hitter wine of iron never fans
lo cure, symptoms of Dyspepsia are loss of appetite,
iv lad and rising of ihe food, dryness of the mouth,
heartburn, distension of tho stomach and bowels,
co-,t lull, headache, dullness, sleeplessness nnd
tow spirits, Tiy the great remedy and bo convinced
of Its merits, (let the genuine. Take only KunkelV,
which Is put only In II bottles. De)ot, 2lv .North
Ninth hi., Philadelphia, Pa, It never falls. Porsale
bi ull Druggists an I di'iders everyw here1.
rvi-E woux,
Item ived lu a few hours, Nufco asked until the
entire worm wllh head, Is expelled. Medicine
harmless, being pnreU vo;etable. Consultation
free by Dr. 11. 1'. Uimkle, Nossn North Ninth Slreet,
Philadelphia, P.i. Seat, phi and Stomach v urms al
su removed, Adv p'e Inc. Send fur circular, nolo
your ilnis'gltt and isk for Kunkel's Wnirn s.vnu
l'r;cc,fi per bottK th" Worm Hyrup nev er falls.
t in; cosvr.sMON up an invalid,
Pi iiii.iii.ii as a WAnsisu and tcr the lienetltot
Yoi'NU Mkn anii unit ns who suffer from NUHVUl'S
DKllll.lTV, LOSS op l xNUOOD, etc., suppl)lng Ihe
means of self-curei. Written by one who cured him-
8el( after undergoing coiisldemblo quackery, and
bent free on rei-elvlng a roit-pald directed tun elope
Suflcrers ore Invited to address the author,
Mar, 0, H-lm llox 100, Hrookl) u, N. Y.
MANHOOD IliyTOnED.-Atlctlmotyoulliful 1m
pi udence, raining prrinaturo decay, nervous debil
ity, etc., having tried In vain every known remedy,
lias found n simple self-cure, which lie will send free
to his fellow-sutlcrers. Address .t. II, Itcevc.", 7s
Nfissnu St., Now York.
July a, -8 m
-The adverlljer, hav ln been perm jncntly citre'd of
tliat drenddlse.ise, t (iiiHutiiptlon,b) a simple remedy.
lsnn.xlotnto innke known to his fellow sulicrers the
Menus of chit. To oil w ho eWtra tt, ho will send n
copynftl'e prescilptlon u-'d,(freo ot charge,) with
the directions for pivpirlng ant UsIiit tho same,
which they will nnd a sciie ct ni! for Consoiitiox,
Asthma, llnosciiiTis.Ae'.
Pintles wishing tho prescript Ion will please address
Dev. K. A. WILSON',
101 l'cnn StWflllainsburgh, Now York,
the present Is a good opportunity to remind the
fi lends of the paper, and tho public generally, that
the Columbian Jon Primiino Oi fici: has no superior
In this section, and, In some respect", Is without on
equal. During tho last year wo have completely re
new ed our t) pes nnd made largo additions, and It Is
no Idle lioast to say that wo lnvo now the llest
Pressevs, the llest Assortment ot Type1, the llest
Stock of Paper, Cards, Ac., and Iho llest Workmen In
tho county, our workmen nro specially adapted for
their places, and wo make It a point to alwa)s give
our customers a neat, correct nnd satisfactory lob.
Wo do not claim to do work for less than others, but
will warrant It to be ns cheap, as can bodonenny
w hero nnd ) ield a decent prollt. All who nro In need
of Job Printing of nuy kind-Plain or In Colors mil
tlnd It to their Interest to give tho Columbian onico
atrial. We have on wand evety variety ot Cards
Paper, Ink, Knveloiies, tegs, Ac., that Is likely to bo
called for, andean furiil'h any quantity or stjleof
w ork on sltoit notice, lllndlng to order. t(
Amkuicass auk e Natios oi' DvsrKPTics We live
last, dissipate and till curly graves. We drink all
kinds of alcoholic spirits, nnd swallow, vv lthout mas
tlcntlon, pork, giense and every kind ot life-destroying,
system-clogging, Indigestive food. Da. Walk-
evil effects und tho recovered patient, with pure, M
tulUed electrical blood How lug throng i his velus
vvUI have n dearer head and a cooler Judgment,
which added to experience, will cause him to ab
stain In the future. P-lw
Scimsc.'.s sua Whin tonic. lu the atmosphere
expel lencisl here during the summer mouths, tha
lethargy produced by the heat takes away the desire
for wholesome food, and frequent perspiration) re
duce bodily energy, particularly thoiesutlerlngfroin
Iho effects of debilitating diseases. In order to keep
a natural healthful actlvlt.v of the system, we laut
result tonrtltleiol Means, tor this purpose-sclrenck's
ivaWeed Tonle Is very effectual. A few doses will
create an npiH-tlte and give fresh vigor to theener-
rated body. I'or d)spcpsla, It Is Invaluable. Many
eminent ph)slclans have doubted whether dyspepsia
eaubo permanently cmed by tho drugs which are
generally emplo) ed for that purpose. 1 ho Sea Weed
Tunic In Ils nature Is lotully dlflereiit from such
drugs. It contains no coiro-Ive minerals or acids : In
fact It assists tho legular operations of nature, and
supplies her dellelencles. Tho tonic lu Its natuic, so
much re.iembles the g.istilc Juice that Is almost Iden
tical with that lluld. The gastric Juice Is the nat
ural solvent which, In a healthy condition of Iho
body, causes the food to bu digested ; and when this
Juice Is not excreted In sufficient quantities, Indiges
tion, with all Its distressing s.vinptnni". follows. The.
sea Weed Tonic performs the duty of the gastric
Juice when the litter Is deficient. Schenck's Sea
Weed Tonic sold by all Druggists.
InO. W. stcrnei's new butldlngon
together with
Tllftr.H ROOMS
on second floor, two ftotitlng on .Main street, anda
on thlid floor, adapted to secret orders or entertain
ments. Will be I e-nte d un reasonable terms. I'or
particulars Inipilre of
aprtW 17 lra Hlooiusburg, Pa.
rMII' .iiliseriliers ofler at private sale, on fa
vor.tble tetms, the following described propi r-
t. VU:
of land, more or less, situated In Mt Pleas-
iis nut tmvnslilii nhniit. two tulles hntlli nf
j!' llloniiisburg, on the public road leading trom
.it I.krht street to lluekhuiu. adlolnlner lands
of Kllas Iluvvell on Uie west, Win. Howell and James
Urlnies mi the south, Samuel llaitell on the
east, and Joseph (dlbert and Wm. Howell on the
north, all cleared 'xeept almut t. acres which Is will
Umbered, on which nro elected a Ug House nnd Leg
Ham. out-buildings, He. Also Miilety of choao
fiult In ijcarlng.
situate in Mt. t lcasnnt township, on 1 lie public road
lending frnin Light stieet to.Ieisetown, about four
miles irom Hloonisbiirir. all elcued. whereon uie
j ieetedat'ivostory KliAMll IIOl'SIl and Kite hen, a
NKVV ham, nit'i oui-ouiiuings. -uiereisn
Ytil Nii OIll'llAltl) of eholeo l'rult of all klnus Just
eouihig Into be.ii lug on 111 'se premise's. Al.o n good
Spring ot soft water tit the do, )V. I'or term's. ;e., aj--ply,
on the latter tu (li:o. W. JACtiHY
in-iin (iiiizi:li.i:ii.jacoiiy.
Valuable Town Property
and Farm at Private
Sale !
IMfl') untlcr-igneil, one of Ihe I'xeciitors of
JL (IKDlttlK WHAM:!!, dis'i-iisi-d, olleis nt prlvale
sale, ihe following valuable properly, to wit :
oni: two-stouy ni'eicK; dwkllixo
with nut.hiillilln'rs mid lot attached, sltuated'on
.Main sireet, i.iooiiisiniig, ra. i u;s l-i Miiiaeio
for two families.
ALMi-ouo iwo-ston frame dwelling house, with
oiit-bulldlngs, flame st, iblo und good lot utt.icl.ed.
lid. piopi'ity Ls opposite the residence of thu late
I If. X.isl
Al .Ml. unit two-fiorv frittuo dwellllii; house with
Hable oul-buildtngs and lot attached situated on
Dock suet i, iiieieimsMirg, ra.
A IX i, hi vjeani lots hiniaK'Uon f ourin Mieee,
ALSO, a valuable faun situated oni'-hulf mile Hum
the town ot .M'Hwensvllle, P.i. said f.irm contains Vi
UlTesof Plflil.
l or tu ins or sun npptv to
(imitiil! W. eoil'ti:i.L, llsecutor,
l'eb. li, '"Mm. HIiKiinsbiirg, Pa.
To tlie ScIioq Directors of Colmnliia Co
f i:nui.a!i:n' In imwi.inee nf the f.irlv
I tlilnl M'l llon nf the uel of Mh Muv, 1-ti, jou
un' hi it'liv in'lllk'il loini'rl lu e'liiiu-ntlnti. ut the
e-nuil Iiuum1, tu Hloe-ruslieirer. li tin1 llrht 'lue'Mlav In
M. n. A. li Hiv lu In.; in,' luurlli il.iv ot tin' month.
nl i ii'loi k l'i tin1 uiii'riionii, iiiiU si'h'it live ue-K,
li u ni'ijui lly ot I In lmiL' niimlier nf Ulresruirb piri-.
I'lti, on1 jH'rieun iii iiu'r.ii.v uim wrie'iiiiuu ite'innre'
liu nils, ami ut skill iiiile1.v.i,eiliii,i'i1ln tlii-nrt ut le-iiili.
tiir. asi'imiii.e Mipi'iliiti'i.iuiit, fur Un1 lliree hiiee'i-e il-
Ing je-.irM il' it iiiiiini tin1 uniimiit nf mnp iiMillun
ful tlie isiui' : nml ii'ilif tlie le'Mllt to I lie.- Mote
Mivrlute'n(k'i.i, ul lliiirliiiurir, us ie'itilrel liy tlie
imriy-tiintii uii-i r ri.eiii wcuuns en s.uu iei.
M. II. Iltll.
ivuntv Sune-rlnteneleut of fulumUt etniniy
tiiui:,-i'eiiir, r.t , April mtii, i - r&. upr.ioln
Mauiiootl : How Lost How Restoroil!
Tl'ST iitihlishiHl a new eilitinn of Dr. Cl'I.
( ) VKH WKI.I.' ee'lebiale'il on lliu raellcal curl
..lltirxit nnfll.,.... i.t C.,..r..,n, ... rl.n.,
j'fflcSl or Miiiliial MYuknens. In oliinum Se irt-
weuknenH, 1 inpott iicy, .Mt-UIfll niiel
i)! uie.ii.ieiij , liupe'llime'llt!,
Muriliige', eto.i aLofonsiiniptlon, KplU'ivr, nu.lHtb
Iniltif eil Ij) bulf-lueluljenee eitriiMn-iUK-e
l'lli's, Ae.
UOfVi-ice, in n unM tiuclopt, only tit ctntt.
Tlio cele'linileel nutlior, In tlilt aelmlr.iblu nw) from ii thirty jears' mietvttifu
practice, that the alarming coiiinquences of Hi.
ubuw may lie radically ciireel lthout the elaufiirou
use of Internal moillclne or tho application of the
knlfm puli. tiir,- i, it it moaeof euro at once nlmpl
uertnlii, anileffecliiul, by means of which every m
forer, no matter wlwt his condition nny be, may cui
hlmsi'lf cheaply pjlvntely, ami raillcully.
tPThls Lectmo should be In tho liamUeif every
youth ami every man In the lanl.
Sent uniler lu a plain envelop,', to any nil
ilresH, po3t.p.ilil, on re-te-lpt ot bis cents, or two pet
.Midress the fuunuiern,
187 Ilowery, Sutc ViTt, I'ett unite llox t, M
Arrll m, Ti-y
IJ viNiTisde-Aiins,
IIMTKltS. .10.. AO..
Neatly and Cheaply prlntee! at thu
niAN tmice.
BLANK NOTKN.vviih or without vf id(Jo(
I.rtentthoCoivifi.uNOlllfV. '
keeps constantly on linml it I'ull nml Complete Stock of
wlilcli wc will sell to tho I'tililleJ at Trices so l,ow ni to defy competition,
of nil Grades and I.nlel Improvements,
Burden's Horse and Mule hoes, Howe Nails, etc,
Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebels,
Axles Spring. Gum and Oil 6'lotliw, Vuleiitine-j Varnishon, Spirits
J urpentini',
ami a ficncral Slock of
Buildinu; Materials, such aa DUNCAaNON NAlLh, Lewis' Lead,
est Cblorrf, Pure Oils, etc., a low as
Mnr IP, ISTfl tf.
SUCCIOltrf TO .1. 1". W1DKMA.V ex: CO.,
Ijoiinlet.s, Gouges, Tweezers, l'liers, '-SbS
aUji'ol.s ami Kettlca, Tans ami I' rievs, jflfl
JjAU thiii!;a for nil sorts of hue cr. JP
' We' have alrio lidded to our Stock
Iii nil its ISrnncliei!, Carefully Selected and PiireltaK-d low for Ca-li phintj in
Advantage's for Selling which can not lie uxcelleel by any other
Hardware Store in tho Country.
The Largest Store
.M.irclM2,';..-y d Ownu luun
chink has t-pruns raplilly into
faeor as possessing the best com
bination of gooet qualities,
namely ; Light runnliig.Smooth,
Nolselebs, ltapl'i, Durable, with
perfect Lot kStltcn.
It is a Shuttle Machine, wllh
Mitoiuatlo Drop Fee-il. Ue'lgn
beautiful ami constiucllna Iho
very Iwst.
,M)Dit..;, HemiiiiLton Mm Cumpauy, llioD, 1 Y.
iinixcii orncE.s cif Kr..nix;To. co.Mi'AXir.s.
Iieminctiiii &. Sori!i,'
Ileuilngtoii Sewing M.
I'ominetou As'l Co.,
j IMOX, X. Y.
MaicliB, '75-2tn
4UHNT.S. C'lriiie; t-'liaiiK 'vlU at sitilil.
Necessare as Soap iioeiLsfice. e'hange'liaiig
utiictuilug Company, Uostoa.
17IIKE SAMl'I.KS to AirctiK Ladies' ( eun
" bluatlm Nei-ille-book wllh I'hroims snul
lamp, f I , eil.Le;iv c i;i'lll'jiu,
(MINTS VANTKU for the Uvt. elieapisl
und fatte-st selllii',- ItlMe v cr pub l-lii d st ml
tin our oura UMins lo Ak""Is. ftAlio.NAi. 1 1 n-
l.lsiu.Mi to , rjiuaai'ipuu, i.
J .",000 I'oi' a niM1 of Aslhina, Coughs, i'1' C"h
mat AiiAMsei.vs j',eii.;,ie' ii.m.-..h win ne
prvTTtcure Ukuk HAiTLrs a" eviits. .IDI1N
UUIjU.stoN, 110LU1WAY AtO ,Agems,l'hlliidel
pMa. lnvi'iimnvi'V n semi. riiAiiM
I INO." lluw either se-s may fuseluuto nnd
tralu tho love anil uilectlotih ot urn ihtm- ii they
choiise lnslunll). 'Ibis slranli1, menial aeiiulii ini'iit
ull can puss.'KS, irte, eii uiuu, iitz,i iei, ii-'veiiii-i
liu a aiiuii.t;u iiuiul. iijijujii ,111.4., i.n-niii-.
nun to Iaiues. wiiuiini; si -ut, : a eiueei
book. Addivis T. WILLI A.M .v; i' l'lilm. I'hlla.
r 1 cm i'il. leHllue ur Mereuie inn
can bo useel wllh sulely ut all times. HI not sum
or Irritate tho skin. SVtut for package1, rrlri' r.
ci iils, l.u'KKK.t t o , Luulm tlio, Ohio.
VA ,K : A. b. L .V sh
I.KI'.ll A. s. 1L .V splendid Music
uiKin ii NKVV, Ntileirul and LASY Mtli-iii.l') whlili
anv onu inv learn to read juuslcaiid Hug In one
rum th theitmo ivoulii'd ly e,ld mi thisl-.. ivngmel
tor t'liolra. Mnuuu: si'liools nml Mut tcul Soe'le-ilcs.
Liberal lawuceuiema lo Jiutie leaeneis. esiueu
iingcs iruura in- Miuj.ies nini.i'. ami ri ii
l.lslllNll IIUL'hL', llenaud lie! Sui:se.ui Stieet, 1'hll
iile'lphla. Tu.
1,000 ACiHN'ra, TU.t'nr.Hs, .sTi'DLN rs
I menune wou.en vniidiilto sill Centennial tu.
ilticrtt tne V. s. sliowhgiunil ri'sullsnf leeieat
iitogres-s. A whole nurar iiosion iiioee'.-Mi
luvuiy, but unecessliy. Inter-oceiin. Host telltn
book publlshi'd-Boisl pay. Ii Wnut lleni ral Agen
in evriy eiiyeif lU.eieio, Audioes, J, f, jieti i.iii
ilhuh'HJila, ra.
JO. 10 Of TIIK "LOO wioici: SICI.W
TIONS," li ready, rrlcei eeiits llio "se
Iies"n0vr e'outatin iiiui thousand ef tho In est at
best llilngi lor lKcl.tinallons, liuinoruus llieltuliout
.''aiidly lie'iulliigu, etc. t'upllul tor l.raiigfs, leu
franco Sevlillew, and .) I'euuis. AIwj 'Kxe'elsle
iilal.iguen,"uud "Model llla'ogue-s," I Ircule ra tree
let of jour UvUwIleii or H'li I pilielo I'.i.niielt .
U, Tew theslniil siue t, I'lilla., l'a. Wu m ike th.
elebrated 1'L.NN I.KITBII IllKlK tor cull., lug letlel
i lthout rresi or water, Agentswanlcd.
1 J Kits keep ihi uiMrulitUt. pieveut ru "iilngini r,
vveatlng oil line wvlj ut the sides, or iipplur lu tl e
Miiuvsi m iLe u Ixioi U-t ualfloeger. sold and nr.
piled l i4.t und SUw lHalels uuil .Vluuuluii' re i.
eveiywiiere. li'dnml iruvi'linc' ugi els wmiictl H
lutroduci(. s-nd s rruttv and luirla ol need ..i biiu..
iilo iwlr, to J-., L. os, lelo u-tiufuetum. M stiu
Sire el, Albauy, N. Y.
Atpli'mlld Miisio-jiout: ukiii a i.e.., naiutul t,nd
easy avsleiu, Ii) wlikli any one uwy fern to read
intisle and tu slug lueitie'-fuu.Tiii ;i Ibae reiiutivd by
Iho old mellieuls, Ik.U'Ucd tor I liolrs, siutli tt
siluMjls and MUsl.'Jl Hocie lei. lndiieeiiiHum
lo Muslo Te-Scliers. speelmen pages mailed fife.
I MiiJ.KU'rt lillil.KANli rriil.lsuiNii not sk. Ilei
uiidllC4l.uisomMl1illadeliiliU,l'a. niir.lWw
Crtlf.l.M V. Tlr.NVO.V.
they can ha bought in tho county.
Ktvp on 1 Iiind tlie
In the County.
and QUALITY of our Gooel-.
in the Country.
O. d fVT T)l Ti
ex. jDiiumsuurg, ru,
llKin.vnTON No. 1 Mathlnefo
family use, In tr.e thiko ykak
or in K.xistENCF, has met wifn
, more KAi'in increape or hatio
Ol'ml.ES tiias ant u.iciiine oh
llKMiNnros No. 2 Machine fcr
masi'i AQ-rruiNii am! family uf
(re-aily for delivery only since
June, isti), tor range, jierfec
tlon, and var le ty of work, U
without a rival In famllyor
2-1 . 5s;i lli'iiailway. Ni'W YerV, Arms.
.m.hILsuii siiuarii, New York-, I'wluet .Machines,
l lile'iigo, 2.IT Mate M., heulutr Maclilue'd anil Alia,
liostnii, lU'J Wasliliiiun m., N'Wlng MHe-lilnes'.
e'lni'liniail, I-I We-st 41 Ii M., Se'iMnir Maelilnus.
HUM, I'.v Ueni'sei1, M., sn ing Mai'lilueM.
Allanla, tin., iHiilen's eip.'ia lloiisi1, Mmletta Street,
scwlns Mae'blm-s.
Weshlngton, 1). i' Ml seventh St., S"iiislucLlnes,
And all Throat Diseases,
i riiini) i.vii si ui: ut;.u;tY.
Tor sale be lirupgl-ls erenei ally , and JOllXhTDN
lieil.LliWAV A lU, I'hllaelilplilii, l'.i.
iieiiiAri; WaTI'.iis
a MiNmjsI ltroad.
way. Ne w York. v. 1,1 ellspe-nof linrluncsiiiideiigiins
ef tirst I'liissin l.i is, tin Hiding Waters, i.t eMieni'
1 In A' 1 rlci's fir rush, iltuii'c llils ii.nuUi, e.r jail ui u iiuii.ui i- in u u'l ine nthl.v pnu.i'UlH
WATl.l"' N.'W scnli 1'I.Uins, tiieMi ' .t troele:
Till' lull, h . I: s' n , ami a r.uc lugln, i . JHi .i rful,
pui'' etui i vi ti.
WATJllts eoiui'iio nr;ins cainioi do exc'ili dm
torn- nr bciiiii.v i tl c.v ill iv (niin'ilii',ii n,ii con.
ci no stop Un line Imitation e llumau V Ice1, Agents
A III-n.i illMiiunl to li'i'cheis. Ministers, t imrih
si'lionls, ud'.es. ( ti'. spMial indue inents lu tho
r:iele. Illustrateu eainli gueti mallcil.
AOfiXS: Mtt .fiivatne-iit tiiil
FjPtir-Pi ue'ttUe
LV.'.t.oi'n!.,!, i yjl.xl. Ai.t.i'IN
.'il.l.TcTlirKlu l'.,., Jl, (,m .71 Uemi.
l-vuitCli ht.f... f. ( . MiiviuiLn
lirmt'l ll nui'l ,b ly bouj q.-rto t Sb. .0UII.I
AutiM lllttilrhll, as-,b d.l.aMI'oa f stl.ry
lLAMi JIOH idAtlii lor.ule rlunu.iili
j CmtxiMti V
OTMly-iudUitnuiu odltuH.