1 ml i I liiii Tli Unit j it 01 U y'xl notg I Kpi'll H i Yot tlio, (J rll w!r i the the . j iti wil 1 bcj wo vl 1 fu ,1? I CO 1 tfi bl THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. fi Mvhw&mu stasis C President, w I ll Wan well understood that the. results ol Cincinnati convention In 1872, and s nomination of Mr. Greeley for ere brought nbottt through tho ill-concealed manipulation of emissaries sent there by leading supporters of Oen. Orant. Tho same, game, is now being hroncliiHl in this State, by an attempt to lirliiir forward n third term candldato for Trnlli Prom n ItcpnblUnn Sonrcc. Tho editor Harper' liadlcal Weekly, Oeorgo William Curtis, is still giving the Ilepubllcnns advlco In golden chunks. In the last Isssuoof lilt paper Mr. Curtis clown an earnest editorial in tho following good stvlo ! "It v 111 not bo denied that the Ucpubllcan defeat of last autumn was duo to Republican "KLQOMSBUltG, PA. (lovernor, tn take tho sting out of the third .itliy and discontent, or If any ono thinks Friday. April 98, Hon. W W. ICelehum, of I.iicrtn;, d. r.llnos to be considered a Hepubllean i-nul:-date for State Treasurer. ttrrn preteiixi ins of Oen. Grant. Tho game may linvo tho credit of cunning it will not liavo that of success for gambling politi il i:n arc understood in these times. The prohibitionists arc in the field. A i-nnv pntlon Is to be held In Hiirrisburir, .luno 10, for the purpose of nominating n State State committee ticket. . Mercer county hus forty candidates i(r nomination to the oillcu of ShcritV jutt dually divided between the Democrats at d Republicans. The government is coining u new twinty cent silver piece, but II will be used princi pally on tho l'acitic Coast. When can they nllbrd to let this part of the country have a little specie? Any editorial inattention to this Issue of the Cot.U.MMAN that may bo observable, Is to be attributed to the fact that the editor has been unable to attend to his vocation, for reasons that will be observed in the obit uary column. Contributions, however, to A the local columns give them unusual Inter Democrats have a lino of thine huge burlesques upon tat tling crones, popularly known as nows paper "Interviewers," has been after amiable loiin Miller, chairman of the Democratic After representing that exemplary and undemonstrative gentleman as a .sort of monster land sea-lion, capable of swallowing all tho world and something more, gobbling up tho Republican party last fall merely us a sort of appetiser, tho inter viewer proceeds to extract from him sundry most valuable sentiments in favor of econo my and reform nnd especially of a Ecneral reduction of the enormous salaries now im posed and of the departmental expenses at Harrishiirg, all of which will be heartily approved by the people. Tho utter absurdity and folly of placing n cindldate upon a Democratic ticket who is nit himself a Democrat was so thoroughly exploded in 1872, by tho Greeley nonsense, and by repeated smaller eiforts since, that we are surprised It should ogam bebroached. especially when It did nt command over one-half tho Democratic strength, and tint under protest, as tn Pennsylvania. The lu Connecticut tho Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of snnn , 0f politicians who compose the State, State Treasurer, Controller, a Demo- "Liberal Republican" strength of this State, cratlc Senate, a Democratic House, u United ftrt, a little too persistent in thrusting them- States Senator and all but one memuer oi selves forward for othce to crcato a very Congress. This may Do considered a prett) clean sweep. The decision of Judge Pearson, that tl.c tax on coal'is unconstitutional, if sustained by the Supreme Court, will cut down the revenue" of the Treasury about five hundred thousand dollars. Some advocate tho call ing of an extra session of the Legislature to supply the deficiency. Not necessary. strong impression in behalf of the unselfish ness of their motives and tho sooner those who trade upon that capital subside the, bet- tsr will their services and patriotism be ap preciated by the people. There are only two political parties now in this country that command its attention and oue or the other of these must triumph at the polls. Barter ing will bo justly and emphatically condemn ed whenever attempted. The "Louisiana Question," which lias " Democratic Sstiito Taper pestered tho country several years, and dam- Xne Columbian is in favor of an inde nted the administration beyond repair, is pendent DeniocriiticSUte paper at some ecu- settled at hist by the Legislature accepting tral point, and thinks the llorrisburg Patrl tho Wheeler compromise, and organizing un- 0( fin.., the bill tolerably well, but would fill der it. it is to bo hoped the disgraceful it much tetter if it had 50,000 subscribers. sccnesjieretoforc witnessed there will never That may be, but bow w it going to get the lie renewed, and tlial tlie interest ol that dis- 50,000? won t tha paper have to branch traded State will now receive some nttcn- out a little aud risk something before it can tion from the Legislature. All the members expect such an iminuuse patronage? People ousted bv Sheridan have been repeated. A Squaw; Fight and a Sound Whip ping. For the rest it only remains to say th.it we have, been fairly and soundly beaten inn square, stand-up fight. There was no contention in our ranks, no pretence of "ap athy" on either side, and no reason why we should not have, beaten, except tho very good one that we didn't have votes enough. -Veil' Haven Journal and Courier, Republican. Tho whole number of immigrants arriv ing in this country during the year 1874 was 200,814. Of these 43,1590 were from Kng land : from Ireland 47,088, Scotland 8,7G.", Wales o53, Germany 50,927, Austria C,S91, are not apt to subscribe for a Journal uulc-a it pleases them, and just bow tbat amount of renders could bo induced to subscribe for the Patrtei with ita present intensions, we dj not know. Tho Patriot is undoubtedly a well conducted, newsy and respectable jour nal, and doea able service for the Democracy of tho State; but it canuot expect to get subscribers by tho hundred thousand until it commends itself by its enterprise and com petition with metropolitan newspapers. AVc, of course, all like it in this section, because we are acquainted with it and know its mer its, but there are sections where it is not bo tvell known, and, cousemieutly, where it is uot so well appreciated. Wo should like to it was the result of "hard times," the party has done nothing to make them easier. Now how many of thoe apathetic and discon tented Republicans have been recalled with enthusiasm to the party by tho Force 11111 and tho Hutlcr policy, and how much have such bills done to restore the confidence without which "times" cannot mend? Thero are energetic gentlemen who denounce the protesting Republicans as a pack of cowards and now think that a "vigorous" policy will soon whip them In. That was precisely what the Fnglishmen tliotight of tho colo nlsts n hundred years ago. Rut the Fugllsh- men suddenly became very much wiser. They learned that there Is no courage, so suro nnd enduring and resistless as that which rests on principle and which declines to sacrifice the permanent guarantees of freedom and justice to the apparent advantage of a mo ment of a party. I ho Republican party will not follow Rutlcr, nor approve such monstrous legislation as the Force Hill, nor re-elect the President for a Third Term j and any Republican leader who thinks that it will, wholly misconceives tho spirit of the party." lino Thins " '" Oilier. It is no uncertain sound that comes from the Democratic press of the country now From the most influential to the least in con sequence, tho same demand for straight-out men and straight-out measures is made. Pol iticiuus, hereafter, must bo one tiling or the other they must be Democratic or they must be Radical. Men who are looking ahead for political advancement cannot car ry water on two shoulders any longer. I hey must have the honesty and courage to come out boldly and aid in the overthrow of any thing that rooks like, smells like, tastes like or acts like radicalism. There is no middl place for men to stand now. Greeley move menU have proven thomselvcs shams Lib cral Republicanism, like liberal Democracy. means nothing but cowardice of tho most shameful kind. It knows the party in power is wrong.but fears to join those who are fight' ing for the right. The massescan have no con fidence in such crowds. Retwcen right and wrong there can bo no middle ground no compromise. Eighty-fivo years proved the purity of Democratic men and tho correct' ncss of Democratic principles. Fifteen years of Radical rule have shown tho corruption the. wrongs and the general demoralization that springs from the adoption of the dogmas that party entertains. Choose ye between them. Bcliijonte Watchman, Debt. Tho HWiexclalms! "What aspcndthrlft orld It is 1 An English financial authority estimates tho Increased Indebtedness of the ten leading nations of tho world slnco 1873 to bo $l,73o,000,000. That is to say, thoso ations havo been gottlng deeper into debt every year moro than $850,000,000. Franco lias increased her debt within tho last two years $700,000,000, Ppr.lii $570,000,000; Austria, $220,000,000; Itniy, $150,000,000. and India $110,000,000. The increased In- ebtedncss of the United States in the same time is put down at $;15.000.00U, There was a slight decrcaso In the debts of Great llrltaln and Germany, tho latter being fa vored by the large receipts from tho French ndcmtiity. I he oggregato national Indebt edness of the world according to tills author ity, is $2.1,750,000,000 on which thero Is nn annual interest charge of inoro than $1,000, 000,000. Tlicso tremendous figures but rep resent tho present financial embarrassment of this world of ours. Nations are piling up their debts in the aggregate, ns wo hnvo The Centennial Hotel. seen at the rate of $850,000,000 and moro At last we are likely to havo such accomo- per annum. And yet these are years of com- datlons for Centennial visitors as will remove aralive peace Presently tho world will be the well-founded apprehensions entertained !..... . , It. I ... .1 t- .. mi ... ..... piiuicu nun j-reai. ur.i aim expcimiiuru i un inu sniijcci, jno proposition to 1)111 Id a and waste will be accelerated tenfold. The hotel nt tho corner of Fortictli and Poplar most serious question to be considered in tins streets is not only a sensible, but an entirely connection Is ol the nullity ol tlio most deep- feasible one, and which will doubtless be Firclirn Ncv News from Europe havo special Interest only as regards tho struggle between the Church of Romo and Its great antagonist, Prince Illniarck Tho latter has recently piocurcd the passagu of laws by the German Parliament withdrawing Slate nld to the clergy that do not yield to all lis demands, and otherwlso strengthening tho hands of the enemies of the Church, llisnmrck also en. dcators to force a quarrel witli llelgiuiu or otherwise compel it to drive Prussian mal contents from Its soil. In this ho Is said to bo supported by Russia and Austria, and lu ivliicli lie has also the sympathies of tho gov ernment of Italy. Tho Independence f Ilclgium lias long been guaranteed by tho joint agreement of tho several principal powers of Europe. Hence war Is scarcely probable as resulting from that issue. Thero aro many war prophets in Europe, yet it will probably bo avoided. Other news unim portant, THIS WEEK Al lite Popular Cash .Store ol' W.P. JONES & CO. You aro respectfully Invited to call and examine tho Largo iiiid lietiutlfill Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which wo offer nt most Attractive Prices. ly dcbtladened of tho peoples to preserve carried into practical effect. The plan sub- "The International Hotel Comnanv nro- poso erecting a hotel to be located nt tho cor- thcir national credit under their increasing stantially is as follows burdens. It costs France at present $100,' 000,000 per annum to pay the interest on her debt. Tho course, to tli mem. Aiisina is oongeu 10 raise o.uuo,- lclw-lal Inhibition Grounds. Tho buildings 000 per annum, nnd Italy $100,000,000 per will cover 201 feet on Fortieth and Thirty. annum to meet the interest claims on their "" sirceis, cacu, ami ouu leet on ropiar In addition to our regular line of Fancy Dry Goods, Wo havo added a Complete. Line of Bleached and Brown Muilins. PRINTS, TICKINGS, AC. Wo shall hereafter keen a full sunnlv of oniy uio expenditure is in addition, of "fj,,0!!;11;';!;!" hloek of'ound BK8T ANMI MOST POI'UIiAtt MUNDS o cost of runn ng the Govern- " 'V T,"') "A entire lilotL ol ground, . . , , , . ,r nnn overlooking l-iiirmount Park and tho Cen- . . aio it rpt SO OOO or a 100.000 subscribers, but n.n r. i . .- X- n r.oi I D Hungary .).', nweuen i,to, .ruj u.;l. j,t how the thing ia goiug to be accom- UcnniarKU1iBS..einerumusi,MJ, i.Km .. I pUshel thafrs the rub. The proprietors 705, Switzerland 2,439, France 8,741, Italy 5,787, Spain 571, Rubsia 7,417, Poland 1,049, Mexico 442, Vancouver's Island 410, and from the Dominion of Canada 30,150. It will be perceived that over one-third of the whole number of immigrants were from the Hritish Isles, and that England and Scot land together furnish a greater number than Ireland. plished themselves have more to do with this than anybody else. Let them make aa great a paper as the New j ork Herald, Tribune, Timet or IKwM, and the subscribers will come of their own accord. It would bo a big tiling to have such a paper as the organ of the Democracy of Pe-uU'tylvania, at liar- rishurg. Ofoourso much could ba done in this direction by activo canvassing and so- President Grant and a portion of the Cab inet a re off in the eastern States, where they have been celebrating the Centennial anni ' vcreary of the battles of Concord and Lex ington. Yankee histories have created an impression that these were the opening scenes of the revolution, but some envious writer dissipates it by referring to the cap ture of aship and other belligerent acts by the Rhode Islanders long before. The truth is there were numerous other instances of hostility and rebellion, which led to the or ganization of "minute men" at all points, and it was that organization which surprised and drove the British troops at Concord and Lexington. The Massachusetts yankees have always been adepts at excitingthe sentiment of pity and it was tins that gave them the preponderance of attention in tho opening of the revolution, to which they contributed little after tho commencement and first cam paigns. The'preslding officers of the two Houses of the Legislature of Louisiana have declared the general appropriation bill, which Kellogg has declared n law, a forgery. They say it is not the bill that passed the Legislature, and that it was altered after it went into the hands of Kellogg. Some of tho items are increases!, and others decreased. Tho only oxeuse offered for the forgery ii that it was done in tho interest of the tax-payers. This is Grant's model Governor, whom lie sup ports by bayonets, nnd whom the Senate a few days ago thanked him for upholding IIo's a beauty, indeed! What a delightful state of things prevails in Grant's satrapy. The Governor turns forger to protect, as ho alleges, the people against a corrupt legisla ture, whose appropriations nro beyond the ability of the treasury to meet. What will be the next Infamy in tho Louisiana busi ness ? We wait new developments. Kr. Let Republicans who are hugging the d' lusion to their breasts that President Grant canuot saddle himself upon their party for a third term, consider how the Republican National Convention will be constituted when it meets next year. The States will be represented by 3G9 votes in tho convention. A majority will be 185 votes The Republi can party in the south is composed almost wholly of negroes. They are controlled by carpet-baggers, who being office-holders, are favorable to the retention of Grant, the great dispenser of the patronage, in the executive chuir at Washington. They will sec to it that a solid third term delegation goes up from the bouth to the National Convention. The sixteen Southern States, including Mis souri, will be represented by 138 votes. With such a beginning in the Convention, the President has t win but a few delegations from the north to insure his triumphant nomination. What may he not hope from the labors of his zealous henchmen In New York. Pennsylvania and Massachusetts? Is liptflnf- hnt. that wnulfl u nnlv linfi ttlhllta. to' J In .1.-. o: II. rytoabbr circulation. Other things must " prouau.c .c ou,mra uu, produce tho desirexl I "le v.onniingii " -uurpuys, mu v.ii- bu combined with this to prod result. Dellijonk Watehnum. debts. Tho charge upon the debt of Spain is $55,000,000 per annum, but she pays it by borrowing moro nt a higher rate of interest (15 per cent is the last quotation). Now with a general European war to follow with its attendant increase in expenditure nnd in debtedness, how is it possible that many of the Continental nations will not eventually reach' the paint of repudiation? Spain is already on the verge of it. The immense wealth of France may carry her through, but can Austria and Italy stand the strain ? i'lie burden of taxation will bear heavily upon their people, nnd heavier as the years roll on, and somo day tho question will be whether they can bear it and live." To Judge by the comments of the radical press in various parts of the country the mere fact of success of the Democratic party at tho November election last year should have healed every ill that flesh is heir to. Some sediment of grief, sin, poverty and cor ruptiou yet remaining to atllict and worry mankind, it is assumed the Democratic par ty is responsible thereforaud that it is a fail ure and a fraud. This persiflage is probably not intended to convince anybody of Demo cratlc dereliction ; it is a light and airy way of slighting over Republican short-coming1 which arc not likely to bo tolerated after the power of rectifying them passeH into the ands of their opponents. Tho change of November, though sudden and overwhelm ing, was not by any means absolute. In most ol tnc bintes it only amounted to n check upon Republican administration. There remained impediments in the shape of hostile executives, legislatures and forestall ing laws which it will tako many hard fought battles to remove. The value of the success of last year is mainly to be measured by the power it placed in the hands of the minority of arresting bad legislation. Inthi State the Democrats could do no more than to refuse their assent to bad laws. They were powerless to enact good laws that were of fensive to the majority. In the next dm gress ttiey will lc placed in the same re strained position. The Republicans still have charge of the government train and are running it, the Democrats have only sue cecded to the control of the brakes. When tho people pass the engine over to our hand there will be an instant change in thesclied ule. Montrose Democrat. ind Sylvan streets, each, nnd will be built substantially and in such manner as to bo converted, after tho Centennial year, into dwellings. llie plans include 70 houses, built around a beautiful and attractive irarden. and nro- vide for spacious parlors, dining rooms, res taurants, bar-rooms, reading rooms, rotunda, etc., in nddition to which there are 021 pri vate rooms, of which 210 nro on tho first floor, 195 on the second floor. 1!I4 on the third floor, and 22 on tho fourtii floor all of good size, well lighted and perfectly venti- laicu, anu overlooking cither tlie rark or Garden." The cost of tho ground, erecting tho build ings nnd furnishing them, is estimated at 5-350,000, which it is proposed to raise bv stock subscription. Those familiar with the details give tho stongest assurance that the investment will pay well, and as far as it is possible to judgo of the future, there is ev ery reason to believe tins assurnnco well founded. Philadelphia Chronicle. And sell them at Prices worthy of your ex amination. W. P. JONES cG CO. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. T1IH PARTNERSHIP HEUETOPORI- I i-xlstlnu between Iirs. Tl'IlNKU A-(lAUDNKU, Is UlssolUMl. to take effect Aprlltst, ls:n. Dr. Tur ner will conllnuo tlie practice ollils profession nttlie omce over Kk-lin's Driift Store. All accounts due- the iirui uru U) IK) piuu IU A. l. 1 Ull.Mtlt, April ictli, ls;j.-4t. ,i;ttors :CUTOR'S NOTICE. KSTATK OK ttll.MAM MCKKI.VV. PKCK SKI. itters Testninentarv unon tlm estiun nf Wllll.im McKclv . late of llloornsburir. l'.i . dfceasr-il. h.nincr liecn duly grunted to the unik-rslnncd, nil pcrsous In debted to utd estatu orn requested to mako uj meat and those tun Hit,- culms or demands nn1nst tho smuu wm prest-m ini-in mtnoui. ut-iav, 10 1SA1AII W. McKi:i.VV, llldoinsbunr, npr.16.4t .1. 11. llAlt.MAN, Itupeit, Kxi-cutors, T EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J ESTATE Of ItlKia 1 A nCPKKT, DKCKASKD. iA.'Licrs it-SL.iincni.irv on uir tu u- m itni ua Ann lluncrt. late of thu town of llloornsburir. ColumliLi county, tii-censcd, ixvu ot-cn Krtinicu uyuit- itcl-itci of said county to Leonard 11. liupcrtof tlies.Hiltunn, Columbia county, ra. i;xecutor. to whom nil tier. sons Indebted to -saM cstat- nro requested to make payment, nnd those ha liifr claims or demands wralnst the said estate w 111 make them know u to the sum Kxecuiorwiinoui uciav. lc-ot i.KONAiiu u. in ti;iit, Executor. crons and Hill .Manns will mil to run pn maries and manipulate State Conventions so Hood Men. that third term delegations will bo secured? In a late article ou Good Men in Office, Grant can have the next regular Re- a writer sava tbat the difficulty of bringing publican nomination if he wants it. The about a change for the better, aa regards the indications are that lie does want it and will character of public men, hod been increased have it. The Republican who is unwilling somewhat by tho doctriue which a good that President Grant bhall make tlie Presi many persons who ought to have ' known I dency a life-berth, will have to vote with the better, have of late years allowed themselves Democrats. Ax. to preach or accept, vu : that as long as a legislator or other high officer of the Gov ernment represented the average intelligence and morality of hia constituents, there was no reason to complain of him. Now, it is of course very difficult, if not impossible, to say what the average, intelligence and moral ity ol any community Is; it Is still more difficult of course to Hay whether any man represents it. Rut suppose it to be possible to strike tins average, wnat it means is a standard obtained by mixing up the bad and good there is in the community, and then taking the resulting compound not only as the actual etate of things to be desired or looked for, and an average man is the fittest man to speak for it. There is of course a constant tendency In politics to this state of thing", but the busine-a of people who want What Bayonets Have Accomplished. The New York Times solemnly and sadly warns the Republican party that its days are numbered. Two years since according to tho Timet figures, when tho last installment of U S. Senators was chosen, tho Grant party elected 18 of the 2-1, and the Democrass .1. Of the number chosen to tako their places this year the Democrats elect 14, and the Republicans only 10 ; and three of these in Michigan, Wisconsin and Nebraska, tho successful candidates mov be putdown as anti Grant. This will reduce the administration majority to 8. Commenting on these figures, the Tribune remarks that "it is, perfectly safe to say that had there been a half dozen moro States to elect Senators the oppositioi wmibl h.-ivrt soetireil a clear mnioritv in the to purity pontics and maae uie world tjctier Seuatw jM addition to this, a year ago the than it is, is to tight against this tendency, UcnubiI(.antt wi a ,nutritv on ioint ballot The Great Strike. The great coal strike still continues with out immediate prospect or settlement. The corporations are evldtutly able to control all other operators, aud we therefore do not be lieve that they will ever yield. It is a com mon saying that they have no souls to save, but more unfortunately for the strikers they have no sUmachs to feed,aud with their Im mense aggregation of capital, they can hold out for an indefinite period, or at all ovents not to resign themselves to it. Tho true doctrine of representation is, that tho proper man to represent any con stltuency is the very He-t man that can be got to elect, and that no community is fairly represented which is not represented by its btst nieu. Its bad elements are entitled to representation, or to enter into the average, as a matter of legal right or expediency, no doubt. But they hnvo do moral right to any reprefeiitatiou at all, or if they have, it is to that of the vuy best men ouly. The wag who declined to go West and clear a farm for himself 09 tho ground that "the highest dvilliivLioo w-oa uot a bit too good for him," grazed a very important political truth. It is from this great rule, that every mtn is entitled to tho best if he can get it honestly, that political progress has In our day to (low, and it U ouly by preaching it faithfully and striving for it zealously that the future of Democracy Mn bo assured. The application of all this to Uw efforts of rn . . I.. .,.,!. 1.. .,,1.1.. ,111.11,,,, mong tto rT.d a lW l-tiou of the ( Democratic party to it our aftalrs to .t..- Mi..i.w i wrL- As the rights Is obvious enough. If It can bring a right to follow a lawful occupation and work at it upon such terms us ho pleases is oi.e that the government must protect if it claim to be nn authority nt all, It cau not long be interfered with, and through this will proba bly come tho end of the strike. As a most effective mean of preventing strikes in the larger proportion of the talent and inteili go ice of the country to bear on its, legisla tion and administration, or, iu other words, introduce a fresh element into our political life, it may bo usuured of a long reign. We want our governmcutal affairs conducted in a manner more closely resembling that ou which our great corporations aro conducted. over thluks, when looking out for a or bank president, of tryitig to find .Ul..,nP nil mrnnnllnill fnr "UlC" .uvu., v..-.w.. ... ;', " Nobody over thluks, when looking out for a miriiriif mirnrwM nil flit, in ha rene.'tk'U. aim I ' . - - - - 7, " L ; r.:.V ." ' . u , i. railroad dividual enterprise, like ngiiculture. Then If any body undertook to prevent a mail from attending to his work he ought to be put whero such Interference would ho impos sible. Hiulcton is still in a ttato of tit-go and tlie town and" vicinity are occupied by troops. The expeusc, we see it stated, foots up about JW.OOO ier day, which will bo paid by tho State, the tax-payers or course furnishing the niouey. Tharkojw miy havo to remain ll summer. a man for tho oUrico who will closely resem bio tho bhrcivdcot uud most foolish of the stockholders rolled joto one. They try to find a man who will bo tho wjual of the very beat stockholder, no matter haw goot) ho may be; and if they do not always get him, they never prateud tbv "tho avcrago man" is tho the right one ibj Oui place, and above all, they never put up. If tfjey can Ijelp it. with a man who steals the securjtie and uea tlio bauk fondu for hit personal advao Uge, and laugh wh) Ul ask Wm for aq account, 11 the Legislatures of twenty-six States, in eluding all of the Northern States, and the Democrats In but ten.- We leave Louisiana out of account. At the present time the Republicans have a majority on joint ballot in only twelve States, and the Democrats in twenty-one. In three the balance of power U held by Independents, who in the Seuato rial elections, have acted with tho Democrats, The Democrats now control the entiro Gov ernment, the Executives, and both branehe of tho Legislature in sixteen States, the Re publicans in nine, and an Independent party in one. In eleven States the Government I divided, but in every case tlie DemocrnU control that branch which was elected Inst, Such is the effect of Grantism upon the Re publican party. It has worked a political revolution, and revolutions never go back ward. Tho 4fh of March, 1877, wo will see a Democratic President inaugurated, with Democratic Senate as well as House of Con gress, To the toast, "The North and South," at, the Massachusetts centennary it citizen of that commonwealth responded in whose blood runs some of the vitnl patriotism that made possible tho contest of 1775. General William F. Bartlett concluded a truly gen croud and feeling resjRinse to tho sentiment with tho following reference to southern sol diers "As an American, I am ns proud of men who charged so bravely with nicked divis ions our own lines at Gettysburg as I am of tho ineu who bravely met and repulsed them there. .Men cannot always enoose tlio right cause, but when liavini; chosen that, which their conscience dictated they are ready to die lor it, It they justliy uot tueir cause tiiey at ieust ennoble themselves, and tho men who for cnsvloneo sake fought against their government at ijcttyabnrg ougtit easily to oe lorgiveu ny me sons 01 n)en, wno, mr coil science suite, fought against meut at Lcxinetou and Hun Jr, an Massachusetts was first in war, so let her bo u b first I her bo first In peitco, and she shall I'uiovor n the lu'ttrti of her cuqritrynieu " An Interesting suit, touching the liability of banks to their depositors was concluded in tho New York courts recently. The de positors kept their nccounts in the Citizens' National Rank. Tho suit was one brought by them against tlie bank to recover $11 10, alleged balance of their deposit, nnd turned upon the genuineness of certain checks paid by tho bank in 180S, signed with tiie name of tho firm, and which were declared genu- ine by tho cashier, te'ler and bookkeeper. Tlio jury, however, decided them to be for geries, and rendered a veidict in favor of the firm for $2,137.(17, tlio full amount claimed with interest. A DM I N 1ST i lATOR'S NOT I CK. KSTATEO:- rilMH MILLS. IIKCKA-Kn. ,. Hereof Administration on tlio estate of Trial 51111s, l,i lu of Mudtson township, t olumbla county, deceased, havo been trrauted uy tho Iteclster 01 said county to Jacob shoemaker, AllporsoiishaWmr cairns npaiusi me eMnio 01 me oeceacnt, are re quested to present them for settlement, ami 111 -se luticoiL-ii 10 me i-Niaie iu iiuiic pa. mem 10 ine un dersigned ndmtuhtrutor withoin delav. Apr 16,'"!ct Administrator. DM1 XISTR ATOIt'ri NOTICiv. 5STATK Or SOlOMOS I1USS. lX-CKASKP. letters of Administration on tho estate of Solo mon miss, lat- of Fishing-creek township, county of (lolumbla. statu of Pennsylvania, deceased, hate been granted to John Wemier, of Hshluccreek township, l'a., to whom nil persons Indebted to said estate are requested M mako LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. COU RT PROCL A M ATION. "WrilKRHAH, the Hon. William Kiavi.ll. President Judge ol the Court ofojir nnd Terminer niul (lencrnl Ji'l Dclltcry, Court of Quar ter Sessions oft ho IVnconnil tho Court of Common l'lcas and Orphans' Court In tlio Jolli .liullcial Dis trict, composed of tho countljs of Columbia niul Montour, nnd tho lions. Iium Hkwi anil Isno i. Moniiob, Associate luditcs of Columbia county, linvc Issued their tirccent. bcarlnif dito tlie M of l'eb., In the jenrof our Lord 0110 thousand eight hundred niul sevcrdy-flve, nnil to me directed for linldluirn Court, of Oyer nnd Terminer anil tiencrni t)untter Sisslons of tho Pence, Court of Common lens nnd Orphans' court, 111 iiwoinsuurir, in mr county nt Columbia, 0 tho llrsl Monday, wins tlie 3d dav of May next, to continue two weeks. Notices Is hereby irlven to the Coroner, to tno am- tlccs cr tho Pence, nnd tho Constables of the said county of Columbia, that they be then and therein thero proper person at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon 01 aid Sd day of .May wun timr records, incrui- sltlins nnd other remembrances, to do thoso thlnfrs which to their ofllces appertain to be done. And thoso that nre bound by reeoRnliance to prosecute nR.ilnst tho prisoners that nro or may be In the J ill of the said county of Columbia, to bo then nnd there 0 nrosecutu them ns shall l lu t. Jurors aro re quested tobe punctual In their attcmlance, nsrecnbly 0 their notlcis. luted nt llloomsbiirg tnc m oay rA1 of April In the cnr of our mm one IT.S. S-thousand tight hundred nnd wu-ntj-lln' 1 Intuitu 'M10 ninety-ninth jearot the inde pendence of the I'nltcd .states of America. Mierl IPs omce, JIIC1IAKI. uinn r.n. Dloonisburi:, Aprll-to MicrllT. Juries for May Turin, 1875. lilnninsliiirff-M. K. A mile I nan, Clms. KunMe, It. Li meiicnunui. lbi,ii-.rl.,iiii lfiirrmr Iirlarcreck-Ch.irlcs Heed, ti.inlcl W. Kclchncr. llcnton John Kline. , ,, , Ceiitre-ll. A. sweeinienlietscr. Stephen Pone, Daniel Whltlnirc. llcmlock-s,imU"l nounsiey, nirnm uei-ce. Jackson -John II. KrlU. lcust-I.owls u-c, i:d. Krcmscr. Montour Philip l'oust. Mt. Pleasant Joseph K. Hands. .Main stepht-n Delttcrlch. Madlson-W llll.ini Masluller. orange Jonathan Pousl. Pine Lafayette linger, John (lordner, Scolt -John White bugarloaf i:cklel Shultz, TRAVKIWH JURORS. 11BST WF.HK. Iiloomsburg John c. Jones, John Penman, James I.. Hess, n. n. vatuttn. llcuu-r Jonathan llnuck, Peter shellhamer. llrl.ucrcek-tleo. Ilelford, J. II. Mnrtz. catanl-sa-N. a llnrtinan. Co-itre-II. J. Deitteih-h. Prank In Daniel Drum. l.tu,iliiroL' Ini'iili U'etiner. .Tfls K. .Tunes. (IreeiiH ood-1 hnmas Wright, Clark Merreli, LUsIm Ihuinin. Ad.im nit, ncnrys. tiains-r. llniiihu-W Iftlin 111 11,1 . IjiTllette I'lirsell Locust -christian small, Hol.mdusllL-rbeln.deorgo Hour M.Hn ietretv tllnyler. Josenh tlelcrtr. Mt. Pleas mt Joseph Crawford, Mnthlas ShalTer. Mllllln-ll.inlel Dotal. Montour Wm II. Weaver. Pine Ira Piu.sell. Wo it lHiri,ri.elr.l,ienh Lnviin. scotl-l hlllp Angle, Danl.-l .Moury, Alem Vanll'W, .1,1111", 1 Ull-'ll, Sugarloaf-Jotin Col.-. SKCONU WKEK. llloinnsb'irs Je.sso C'olcmin, KM Jones, .Morris Sloan. Cthii-.-r T. Tlumn. Louis ln-innid, John h tin ion. H -aver-Ilenrv Illnderliler Derwlck-lsal.ili llimcr, Wil lam Foust, f -i. litre tvinli I .l.i n1 if in. (at.mlss.i-s.lt. Delm -r, Willi un Miller, A. II. Cle.it er. Centralh Itobert l'.rv.w. nsiuntrereek Daniel (m iter, l'r.ink'ln -Willi uu 11. Iloti el. I re ntiniil.-f ,1'in l',i (it-, eiili . Jackson Alfred A Sleniiem. Zcnenlali llutt I'ltuiei ii. siepuens, i,zt'Mt.-i nv. t in iuiiin. l.ocus- iiatuei .1. sui.e, ,101111 liinig. Montour -Isaac Mtmr. Mt. Pleasant -llommKlrlnics, 1). Mroup. Mllllln-stepheii Lrtitn. Mn.llsim l-.iik-er Kester oramru Aaron Patterson. Jacob Uemley. Abram white. Pino John Lock.ml. scott llarrv Tuttnscnd. Oeorcro W. Johnson. Silas REAL ESTATE! rpiIKsuti-crlliers olK-r nl prlviln sale, nn fa I vorable ttrins, the following described proper ty vlti FIR TV AORHS MS. of land, more or less, situ iteJ In Jit Dlens i'iTii nnt township iibotit two tulles notth of M Iiloomsburg, cm the nubile ro-ul leading from Vi.J. Light street to lliickhorn. nilolnlng lands of Kilns llotvcll on the west, Wm. Howell niid.lnmes (Irlmes nn the south, Samuel llnrti'it ;" the east, nnd Joseph Idlhert nnd Win. Howell nn tin; 1101 tli. nil rleaied i-xci-pl about 1.1 acres which Is well timbered, on which ure erected a Log Home nnd lag Mini, oiii-hiiiuiings, ,ve. Also n variety of cliolio f -ulttn tonrlnir. NINE AND ONE-UALF AUKES, situate In Mt. lensant township, cm the public road leading from Light stricttoJer.se)tawh,nboiil four ml os from Iiloomsburg, nil cleared, whrrivn nrn creeled n Two story KIIAMH IIOI'SKand hltehen, a Nl'AV HANK IIAIIN, and out-iiuiiiiings. -lucrum a YOt'KO OIlCIIAIIDof (.twice Prull of nil Minis Just coming Into tienrlng on these premises. Ah-on good Spring nt soft water nt the door, l'or terms, ,vc., tip py, nn tic latter premises 10 111.11, It. .l.tLIPlll 1 "... ' 1 1 1 1 1 -y t.-r I I'll in V. I'J-'JUl A (ilCNTS. Cluing Chang el!s nt siglit. Ncecssari us S0.11) (loods fi r e. Chang Chang Manufacturing Company, llontoti I7RHH SAMPI.KS lo Agt-nls. Lailles' Coin V blntllm .Needle-book with Chromos Send sump. I p.dl.ucii M-w licdf ird.Jiassnciiusetts lor 01 (1KNTS WANTKI) for the ln-t, cheapest nnd fastest selling Utile eter pun Ished Sena iiurettrn terms to Aueiils. . A l lONAt, PL1I- LISHINII CO , Philadelphia, Pa. or Cold 111 110- SiV'OO l'or it cue (if Asllnnn, Cmiglis, or that ADAMSO.N'.M IIOTANIC 1IAI.NAM w Agciits.l'lilladcl. nnT Ticuro Laiior llnm.Ko n cents. JOHN- UUXJUHfo.S, IKII.LOW'AV , pllla. i i 'nsYCHOMANCY or Son. CHARM I ISO." How elth--r set mtv fascinate and gain the l ive unit nibcllons of unv persm they choose Instantly. 'Mils simple, mental ncitulremcnt nil can poss ss, tree, bv m ill, fors.-i cents, together Willi a .Muri!.l;c liinne, i.ij 1111,111 iniiuu, iiieuuis. Hints to juIIcs Wedding Night siilit, ac. A queer book. Address T. WILLI .M X C Pubs. Ptilla. '(OITHU, Ol! THICK NKCK POSITIVE ' ly cured. Contains no lodlim or Mercury and cm bo used with safety at nil times W ill not stain or lrrltato tho skin. Send for package. Pilce nj cents. LICKL.S s: CO , laiulsWIIe.ohlo. "1IIRISITAN HARMONY, 11Y WILLIAM j WAI.KIIlt A.S. 11. A splendid .Music Hook I1I011 ,1 ,S l.l, , .sill Ulill illlll I.. n , ni till, iij llllllll ant one may learn lo lead music and sing In niic- tourth the tlinu reipilicil nv old meihous. m-signeo for Choirs, singing Schools and Musical Societies. Liberal luiiueemenis to music le.icnei". siecin,eu iiages main-it trea .ill 1.1,1. us 111111.1. ami n it- .isi no Hill si;, noz mill v-i.sinsom street, Ph 1- ndcliihla, Pa. 1,000 ACSKNTH, TRACHKItS, STI'DICNTS, J. men nne women wunted to sell Centennial (in- zeliecrei uie 1 . s. souiis -raiiii rc.siiuoi luuears progress. A whole library Huston (ilohe, Not u Itivurv. but nneCcssltt-. Intci-occan. Host selllmr book published guild pay. f . nnt llenrntl Agent In etery city of iii,.mo. Ad'lre.ss, J. C. .Mecl'KliV A CO., Philadelphia, Pn. JO. 10 OP TIIK "100 (HOICK HKLKC N 'IIU.Ns." lsivudf. Price., cents 'lho "Se- uos"now contains nue thousand or the In est niul best t hlngs tor 1 leclamatlons, 1 1 iluiorous lte( Itatlons, Kniniiy Hea lings, te. ( uiutai lor liranges, icm- in rauco so, Ictles, and Iaeeuius. Also -Kxcelslor tlal.itrties." nnd '-Model Llu'oirues." ( Irculurs free. (lot of jintr bookseller, or Mini price to P. (lanctt ,t Co., Lis 1 he Jnut sirei'l, Phlln., I'n. We miiku tho celebr.il. .1 pi: s 1 1-1 1 i.u noo for rnpjlng letters without press ur tva'er. Agen' wanted. lm lug claims or demands buiuc w iiuout. uciay. April 9-7.V6W ko p Will im ment. and those mako known tuo JOHN WBs'NICIt. Administrator. Marriages. A1 On tho lOUi InsL, at tho Iteformed Parsonage, by ltev. T. P lloffmeler, Mr. WILLIAM HnAFFKIt to Miss SUSAN LONG; both of Iiloomsburg Pa. At tlio residence of the bride's parents, in Sugarloaf township, on the 14th of April, 1SI5, by Ilenrj' C Hess, Esci., Mr. DANIEL McIIENUV, of lienton, to MLsS CIlAltlTY hcsm, of Sugarloaf. DMINISTHATOR'S NOTICK. KSTATK OF WILLIAM 11KSS, t.ATIl OF SCOAltlOAF TOW.NSHII-, Letters of Administration on the estnto of William Hess, lato of sutrarlo.if township, olumbla county. deceased, havo been grunted by ho Iteglster of said county to Ezra Stephens of sugarloaf twp. All persons having claims against the estate of the de cedent are reqiiesU-d to present them for settemcnt, and thoso Indebted to tho estate to make payment lo the undersigned administrator wlthourdeLiy. niLi-iiL., Aiuuinisiraiur. Starch i-tv Deaths. Notice or Intention to Apply for Charter The. Pras says tlie State Treasurer is "hard up" for cash. Rut wherefore should he he ? We believe there has been no complaint that the revenues of the past year showed any fulling off, and the appropriations of tlic.Ses sion just closed have not depleted the Trens ury. There must be'ssmething rotten in that Denmark on the Hill. What has gone witli tlie money: Who can tell the tax payers who nre anxious to know? For tlio first time in our memory tlie Treasurer has refus cd to pay the members, and they returned home empty-handed. It is pertinent to inquire whether tlie Treasurer has loaned the public funds out to favorite, banks and cannot get them hack ? At ull events there is no doubt the State Trcasiuy is seriously embarrassed and there is no money to meet the ordinary expenditures. There ought to be a remedy, and there is, if the people will seek for it. The management of the Treasury should he taken out of the hands of tlie ring that have so long controlled it. The revenues of th State are ample to meet all expenditures, and will if the funds are managed by honest, care ful men. Sunbury Democrat. More Hills Signed. In addition to the titles already published the Governor on Friday last, approved the bills with tho following titles: Authorizing the hursess and tnwiiTeouncil of each of tlie several borough throughout tins commonwealth to levy una collect 11 gns, kerosene and water lax io provide Inr appeals in "iises where the county commissioners anil auditors have. tailed or sliulllierealtertail lo tixtiiccninpeu- s.uion of county treasurers, and to repeal an act entitled "a supplement to an act relating in county treasurers, pa-sed me Mill 01 April, 1831," in regard to tlie compensation ol county treasurers. Juiut resoltiiou providing for a special committee to make an investigation into tlie affairs of tho Philadelphia and Reading railroad company and the Philadelphia una Reading coal and iron company. Tho bill allowing tlie lieutenant governor the same number of postage stamps us each senator and representative will become a law without tlie signature of tlie Governor. The Governor has acted on ail the bills presented for his consideration hut the above. A Wise Speech. During the senatorial contest in West Virginia, Major llotchkiss, of Staunton, made a sensible speech. lie said 1 "Oeiitlemen If no ono will make a speech I will ttoji when I get done. Citizens of West Virginia, if you would all take tlio samo Interest In developing tlio resouices of your country by opening your rich mines, cultivating the soil, improving the stock, mid cultivating liaoits of industry, that you tako hunting public olh'co for yourselves or friends, you would soon have one of tlie first and best States in tho Union. In Illooinsburg, 011 Friday mourning, April 16, 1ST",, Mrs. MAItY E. DIKKl'KNIlAC'II, wife of II, L. I lief- fenbach, aged 33 years, 1 months and 12 da) s. Dea-OiK-a was third daughter of Hugh Coulcy Lt., deceased, lato of Lamar township, Clinton county, formerly of .Miniln county, Pa. Sho wa.sln every lelntlon of 1 fo u most estimable lady. In early youth she Joined tho l'rcsbj terlan church, of which both her paients had long been nctlve members, nnd continued lo death a most devoted and consistent member. Sho bore her long und tr) Ing illness with Christian fortitude nnd resignation, n.irt died In that blLssful roaco ttnlcan only bo enjoyed by the true believer. As daughter, wife, mother, neighbor nnd friend sho illustrated in life all tho virtues of her In- Uexlblo Christian faith. Clear In her inlud to her lust breath, et young and devotedly attached to her family and sunounJlngs, sho met "tho king of ter rors" with calmness and quiet repose. Her remains were returned to her former home In Clinton coun ty, from which thoy ttero followed to their Hnal rest ing place by n large concourse of weeping friends. "A voice within us speaks tlio startling word 'Man, thou Shalt never llo !" relestl il voices Ityinn II urotind our souls; according harps, lit- iingel hngcrs touched vthen the mild stars of rnoinlng sang together, sound forth stl'.l 'Che song ot our great Immortality : Thick-clustering orbs and tills our fair domain. Tho tall, dark mountains and the deep-toned seas, .lout iu inissoieuiu universal boii-, - In Espy, on April 9th, 1STn, MAItV V. , daughter of John nnd Sidney Steeley, nged 3 years, 9 months and 11 days. Near Sereno, April 9, ls;, Mrs MAItY C1IAM11EI!- LI.V, nged si years, 3 months nnd d.ijs. MAHKET REPORTS. III.OOMSI1URO MARKKT. That was but a trivial mistuko of Kx Speaker lilulne Iu counting Colorado lu the next Presidential election. Tlio electoral college will consist of 3G0 instead of 3U9 members, and the democracy will have to carry oue member less to elect the next President, Patriot. It is understood thut a movement is on fgot to havo the sarcophagus containing tlin remain of yushing(qn removed from Mt. Yernon to Philadelphia, tq Ui paced lu the Centennial Building during tho position f J87U. Wheat per bushel., ltj ii ... corn " Oats " ... Flour per barrel ... cioverseed Flawed Ilutter L'ggs T.lllow potatoes Dried vpples Mams MJes i Shoulders . i.urd per pound Hay tier ton beeswax Timothy Heed . .. , f 1.15 a M sou 1.0" l.M .35 .10 ,sn .1') .1H .19 .IS , W.00 .Kl , 4.U NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tryt. A. U. TL'RNKR, EXCHAN'OK HOTEL, I1LOOMSI1UHO, I'n, omce over Klelm's Drug Store, ortlce hours from 1 Ui 1 p. tn. fur treatment of diseases ol the Eye, Eur nnd Hiront. All calls night or day promptly ntlcnded to. Apr.ms-tr AQIIX3 f ..Most Au-;tii:iL'Clit til 11 j;V..t wl'l' J....i . ..t;. ,vit XUV.S 1 H wintvd tTtryrlcrt Ut Tits Ecru, tira-J-ly fcui'ij r.d l.Urtr (gam), tr U Utgt rui.i tlflV, S.U f ith Tut fun firm llta m.d.lflftuily m i qurl To!on-, tMUUl A4'Ua lUWrrld, k faib d tluubtl&n cf AirrU uvtrj, Ltty unttiint. t4rmtut.' JlltlUaUH lttnt!rfri j. DAVID WILLIAM IC (n. 'V) Jtiliii i-t , N T. Apr.J3-lw is hereby given llint upon the l-'ir-t v of Mav"ne.t. at li o'clock, n. m.. the uiulilgned trustees or the Lime Itldgu Methoill-t Eplscop.il church, sltiuitu near I'entretllle. in Cen tre lottnshlp, Coluinbln county. Pa., In end to apply to n.law Judgo of said county, at the Couit house In Iiloomsburg, for achtrter, Inconiuratliig said trus-te.-.s for the nurnoso of bolillnir and mana-rlni- tlie cliurcii proix-rty agreeable to the rules nnd form of uwipuueor tuu .tieiuoiiisi episcopal t nurcnor tue uniieu&uues. 1.. t. ti. (i. L. Lit if. nprH9ts;5!t PHILIP HAUIiIH. To tlie ScliOQ Dii ectoi s of ColmiiMaCo: l" KXi LLMLX : III pursuance of the foilv- r Ihhd section r,f tho ncl Of sth Mat-, lsisi. tim uio heieby untitled to meet In cimn-ntl'iii, nt I'm court house, lu lilodmsburg, on th" Hist '1 ui-sd.ti lu .Mav, A. 1). lsi', beinir tun tuiirin 11.1v or ine month, ut 1 u'cliM k In the nnernnnii, and select uct toi-K. ny n majority ot tno ttnoje. numot-rr-i uirectors pies, ent, one jw-rsun ot llierary nnd selenlllle acfiulre- inents, and fit SMll anil eperienee 111 iiieari 01 leacu, ln.uscountv suneilnteiiileiit. for the llireo succeed. Ing jeais; determine the amount of compensation for the same: nnil centre tho result 10 u.e state superintendent, ut llairlsburg, uireiUtred by tlio tntrty-biuiu anu roriietn secuons in mhu nei. WM. II. SNYDEIt, Cr.nntv Sunerlntendenl of Columbia county Ornngetllle, Pn, April IJth ISTn. apr.tiut LICENSE NOTICI5 ATOTICK IS 1II-3RKI1V (5IVKN Hint the ly following named iersons l.-a ellH-d in tho olhco nl tin- Clerk of (juarter sesslom their iwllllons for lavern, I.atlnir House anu i.i'iuu- store licenses, which will he presented 10 ine touri uu tteuiu-suay, .nay .sin, a. isi.i. Ilovd W. W llllams, llerwlck llorongh, Hotel. J. II. Hoyt, " " " ('has. II. Dlettcrlrk, Hemlock township, " (Jen. W. Manger, llerwlck llumiigli, " (ildeon (1. Hos er, Miniln township, " Aaron W. Hess, " ' lolin II. Kllnger. itoaiinccrc.-K nraw up, .lohn L. Kline. ConviiL'ham " " Samuel llogart, Orecntt-iiod " " (leo. II. Uroivn, nioomsliurg, " biias urease. Locust. Henry Delgliinllier, Scott " " -. f. K. Smith. Mad son " " W'. II. Tiibbs. Montour ' Milton (wanes, in.ionvsuurg, . K. Sliunian, centre " " .lohn Snyd-r, Orango ' " " lleo. M. Kostentonuder) a f OaLitvLssa, " ci. w. lielfsnjiler, I Isiiiuh Vesper, locust " ' H. II. lless, sootl " ainiuel lllmhy, Madison " " .1. It. Klstiir. catattls'ia " Jeremiah K Ixingeuberger, Main " " Wm. Pettlt, Seoti " " lllram Ho s, lienton ' " Henry Conner, orange " " John LnviKK-lt, Iiloom-iburg " inyd Yctter. Main " " ll.mlel Mnrrl,. I penst Wt-iltngf in K. Wtl teaiaul, C'cntralla llorough " William Pi liter, " " " Daniel cttrrv, " " " Isaac Edwanls. Cont ugham totvnslilp, " Mrs. Hebecca Kline, Oreentiood " " Partln Kile, Sugarloaf township, " liunlel W, llobblns, Iiloomsburg, UnuorWtjre. A. W, Krenmer, Ccntrnlla Ilorough, Jo.innn O'Connor ' " Oliver A. Jacoby, llloomsbur)-, " llobert ilrvson Co.. limlled. centrniln Ilor. " John cosn-rute. Con) iii;ham township Eatlnr liou-e. j'tuncK uu reii, t-eiaraua iiur iu-ii, James Knne " " " ltotiert t'nrrel, " " " .Mrs. Mary Monroe, Convnghnm totvnslilp " Ueluhard llergcr. Hem Ick Ilorough, " .1. K, llhatvn, Catattlssa township, Win, II. Cleiiieas, llerwlck Ilorough, " JO1I.1I1 Michael, Calsttlssa township, " Chss, w. rranu llerwlck Ilorough, " A.K. Miller, cntawlssn " " Peter llross, Iiloomsburg, Dottier. naviu urovi, i.crtticu nurougn, 13 BYRN'S Pceket Photoscopa. Ilw gloat JdAasiyilso power. dcUicU counUrrfilt luemiy, iboddy'rlntli, nub. taui-tii In the etc lu vvnenilitl fiT. unlnes luccta, ilnrrrs, Pljnl". Haws In metal", llhwtbUt wrltlngi InaiiccU minerals, grain, He. l'Klcnl30CrsTS,3forl. freely mM. AeeiU Wanted. Aiitm-V. U llvss. I'.O.Ilox ikir Yolk. Oflltc, O i'ssu aunU AprS3-tv FORTUNE FOR SlT Wyoinino Monthly LOTTERY. tigatiwit) AuthsrUjunnattttKiLtguUturt. Tickots SI each, or 6 for S5. Oue c banco lu ctery ulna. Dflwicn ht Utt week-da, of ctth ind orry month, Fifth Estraordinary Drawinj, 1 Cash IM I.o of 8100,000 1 Cash I'rl.d or 50,000 i t:iuii i'1'i.v or 125,000 1 Cash I'rl.o or 'jo.ooo 1 Cu.li I'l Ue ol' 15,000 1 Cash I'll .ii or l'J.OOO In nil Jl.l'JI I'uth I riif, fnouiil rit In VX'f lh Aiti BtmirOili,,, I1m1iii ualdal tut Cl. rw,ek, rr, I l Uji1 lfa.1 0 .,u4 hi CifiMf WM) j Jia iiii..a- I H rllf Auaaf, MiaultJ Uwiil m, t Cl tuU imUU, UaJa MM fa X M, MATTEE, Li.runlla Cltr. WiromlnB. m y tA,iOa eii U b iu I'iOm ra luumi. u kiwCrSi,,!! - ....... Aj-.tW-dtr April 10, IRia to it. l'. Aim, clerk (j, ,s. FOll SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Sale! -o- riMII-: X m:i sale, 11 iu iiiiilen-lirneil. emu (if the Kxecnlors nf O (( 1 Wl.AVKlt. lliS-easell. nrrers nt lirltnln iu luiiijiiiui; luiiiuuiu pi open), iu tiu 1 OXH TWO-STOKY IlKICIv DW'KM.IXa HOUHM, witli ouUbitlldlnirs and lot nttnehed. sltuated'on Main Slieet, Iiloomsburg, Pa. 'lids house Is suitable tur two lainllles. ALSO ono two-story franut iltvelllnir house, with nut. buildings, frame si able und good lot nil ached. This properly Is opposite tlie resilience if the lato Dr. Vost, ALSO, ono ttto-story framu dwelling house with stable, nut. buildings nnd lot nllncheil situated uu jiolk sircci, itioomsouig, ru. AIJo, sl tacnnt lots sltuntedor. ti)ur(h Street, tlm lowl ucres of land. l'or terms ot sale apply to (IKOHUl! V.CW!!iKI.L, Kieculor, Feb. 1, 'IS-Ciu. Iiloomsburg, I'n. 0K0i)K IiD I500TS Nl) SIIOKS. r vox's i'vrr.xr.Mi-:T. u.ic stutkn- 1 i KIIS Uicn thcmstraliiht. e . ventruutiluirotei-. wearing oir line-enly nttnosi -s.orilppln In tho senms; in ake a booi Ust half nger. Sold nnd up plied bt ll,.otnnd Shoe liealer- and Manufacturers everywhere. Local and tratebng agents wanted to Introduce, send sit cents nnd h. Iglit ot heel for sam ple p..lr, to N. LYON, solo in uufnitun-r, M hlnto street, Albany, N. Y. .), n t ahialiki (arm silmneil one-half lulle from n of M'llweusvUle, Pa. tiuld farm tonlnuiii w rIST OKC VUSliS I'OH THIAI, AT MAY J TLItM, IS75. William Vohcy vs Oliver K. Yohe. Wm. T. tiiium.ui vs I). II. .V. W. It. It. Co. 11. L. lileffcnbach vs c. 11 llrockway. Nathan llachmnn vs William Tyson , lohn .1. Mcllenry ts.Ionas Doty and Mlron IVHoivs. IleeseJ. Millard for usj of o. II. Mcllick vs .Monro Dodge. CI. II. l'otvler's AdmrN. V V. E. Ilaker. (!. II. I'ottler sAdinr's. vsH. W. ll.iker. Leander Cannui's Admits, vs. Wm. Appleman. Clu lstlan Wolf vs Tlio North ,t West Ilranch It. II. f'om.ian). StepVn II. Wolf et uu. vs Tli") North A West Ilranch IL It. Co. Joseph Carl assigned to Solomon llolttigvs Jlnhlon Hamlin rn 1 .Solomon lleltt Ir, SUCOSII WKSK. Ili-adley .t (lordon vs Pcckley ,i Pliinipj. liiadley K r.orilou t s llts-kley & Phillips. Thatcher (leirlin t vs lunl-I Snyder. Jacob Lvans'lu Ira vs William ,!,Co. I'liuteh -i- (Jearhart vs D. Snjilcr 4 Co. The I'uloii Hand of Citatt lsa vs Charles Schmlct William Thus ts vs Isaac J. 1'lsVr. Peter Kline ts Marlln Lunger. S.irh A, Pctrlktn tt nl. vs Tlie Town of iiloomsburg, William Sin di r's i: it's, t s 1 ho Town of Iiloomsburg. n s. Mo-ran A Co, vs Snin'i '1 Johnson. Wllllun I'. An hews s H. I'. Sejbert. William Harris vs The llerwlck Itolllng Mill Co. l'lrot Nation il Hank of Iiloomsburg vs Charles Lee el al. Ilfst National Haul; of Iiloomsburg tsJesje I). Itlcc. Kll Kendig vs J. 1'. Itl.-e. A. T. Ikel-r vt Joins Doty. John Ilcacock ts.Ionas Doty. I'ajetle liril.blelilssvs Lies 4; Co. Pardee, MaikleAdilcr vs II, (1 Creeellng. i-ir.st MUionai ii.iuk of Iiloomsburg vs. George Catn nee et nl. Wllll.im Appleman vs Henry Lohman. Charles M. M upie's Krs. vs linos Jacob)-. Thomas J. (ialbr.dth.AssIgnee vs Llndiey w. W'ooley samiiei ,i. case vs Jonas I)ol-. Wilson (ilbbons vs Jonas luty. M. 0. Hughes vs Jesse D. Itlce. M. (I. HughCH vs Oscar P. Knt. L. F. Hat Ls vs Jonas Doty. Jesse Hartimin t s Jonas Doty, Vastlne lioono vs II. o. Crovellng, John J. Mcllenry vs 1). L. A. W. It. It. Cu. Stacy John vs II. (;. Cretellng et al. Samuel llogart A- Son vs ltusscl Force. Ira Pealer's Adm'r. vs S)ltesler Pealer's Adin'r. I). F. Seybcrt vs Philip Appleman. David J, Waller vs 'lho l'lr.st National Hank ot Iiloomsburg, Pa. Joseph it. Krnns vs Ellas (ilgrr. Jacltson Walter vs Simon lleiehart. John Whltu 1 1 inc. ts J. I), lllco et al. Uralley .t (iuidou v llecklcy A Philllp.s. M.lton C'h irles v . J. II. llice t t al. Iafa)e;te Dilbllbus vs C. W. Ktej it nl. Kltiatxth W. Suudersvs William Schecktcrly, Je .so l). ltlco now assigned to s, Ivuon vs John White. I ) WilSTHIl'S NiiriCK, .IX Nothw Is licreby elti u to ull legatees, crt-dl-ua-s and oth'-r persons lutei usiefl in tuo ostites or tlii! r--i,ieclive decend -nn ,iu l minors, thai the foi- owliuailiiilnl-.irjtif.nuiid giurillaii nccounts hate been filed lu iiw . hkv of the lieglsli-r of Columbia COUUU-, un.l wlllbopivs"uied for conilriiintlou mil allow ancii In t.io nrpiian's Couit to bo held In IIUsim-.b'4-.-g. on t edncsday, thuMli da) of .Ma) ,lst5. ut a o clock, p. m. unsaid days " ' 1 Uio account of Joseph II. Knlltlo and Owen 1. L. Kiisteiili.iiler, udmiiilslrators of Jacob Hostciiou der, Lit) of Franklin township, deceased. t. The account of Joshua M . Kester. ndminLst rntor of James Kester, late of tho town of Iiloomsburg, 3. Tho account ot Peter Ent, administrator ot Wlllngtuu II. Ent, ot tho towu of Ulooiiuur", ; Th0.,-lr?.t Of"1'! of Joseph W. Eves, e.ecutor of John K, Eves, laws ol (Jr.H uwood township, de- 8. Tho llrst und final account of Isaac Lutz. ml mlnlstralor of Chiisu&a Lutz, jr., lato of .uimin township, deceased, ' 6. The Unal account of SU-phcn Hill, executor of Adam HIlMatuut Center towFu" i!lp,u"ceaSa? 7. '1 he nrst and partial account of John II. Vand. (rsllcu nnd John II. White, executors or is.i,.n Whltu, lato or scot t lownsldj), iecSd s. '1 hetlrst nnd nnal account of William II. Demon . The account or Thomas J, Vandorsllce admin, strator ttlth tho ttlil minexed, dJ bonuj 'non of (leoign Mans, late of Mahoning township, d "ceased. .ii1.?; ,'r,'r "'i1'," TO ' Theodora W. Hnilth, guar dian ot l iiuulo i:. Herman, minor child ot John E (icrm.in, late ot Pine tow ushlp, diseased. II. Tho uccoiint of Johnson II. Ikticr, guardian ot Aaron v.. Kester. mlnorchlld of Hiram Uester ule of uicennoud township, deceased l"-r .nte 1J Tho account of William Peacock, admlnlatrn. cL'e'i 1UTOy, UXu 01 "m,( : w"'IP, i 5 13. The account Of Mare Phillips, actlncvxpriitrti of Datld (iiliilth, late of Lot.ist Tmtnshi,? deSsed . ' Tll.e ',lrht.""'l Partial account of Daniel Ham. norouMrttl 10. Tho llrst nnd Ilual ncconni of Silas W.Mclk nrt- 17. The first anil linn! nccount of Hiram J iteeder r,0ra,.,, is. a hp Hist nnd final account of Wllllamn Kiniier in. ! ho llrst ana ilnal itxuiit of Daniel Probst, shia'ffi.s;jI,' c' "1,ro,,s, M rmnkiin tow.,: FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Tliroat Diseases, TJ8E WELLS' CAIIHOLIC TAHLETS 1 UT UI' ONLY IX UI.UK UOXKS. .4 T5Mi: A.VO SL'IIS; ItuniKOY. For sale by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON' HOLLUWAV it CO , Philadelphia, Pn. A GREAT OFFER ! K'lK way, Ne-.t- York, will dispose of n)Planosnnd Organs of llrst class mnkers, including Wateis, at extrt mi. ly low prices for ensh, dining this month, or part cusli, nnd balance In small monthly pa)inents WATI.ItS' New Scale I lanes, aietue best made: lho tow-h elastic, and u line singing tone, poaeiful, n.ti r.its- concerto Organs cannut lie excelled In tone orbeautv: tlw-v Merv rntmi..iiM,n -n,,, ,-..n . rl Mop ts a tine Imitation ot Human V Ice. Agents A lllieral discount to Teachers, Ministers, Church es, Schools, Lodges, etc. .spc( al Inducements lo tlio tia ' i ); 1 i mailed. HIGHEST STANDARD LETTERS OF INQUIRY PROMPTLY ANSWERED Chestnut st? PHILADELPHIA CHHIsST r A N II A HMONY. UT WM.W'ALKElt, A.H.H. A splendid Music Hook upon a new, natural un easy si stem, by which ant one mat- learn to read musle and lo sing in one-fnurtli tho time reimlrut bv the old mithods. Designed for Choirs. Mncinl- schools and Miisic.ilSiHMe-los. Ll0er.il Indiin-iiientv lo Musie Teachers, nnd 1104 S.insom St., Phlladeliilda, Pa. Snerlmi.n hnn,i. ...uii.i Mll.IXIfS llllli.E AND I'FllMsfll.NU IIOI SE. Ilea upr.liMw BLANK NOTI-S.wllb or wilLtJit wuititfoa fjr.aj t tht) toivwmp HegUter'sofllcii. t Illoonisbuig, April Nib ('.is II, JACOIIV, lleglster. BLANKS! BLANKS! FOP. SAL ATTllfl COlWUiV OFFICE, "'ON IN TIIE III.OOI). Tnc Pfiibvian Bvnrr v ltnlies and eurlches the blood, tones up tho nts- tem, builds up tho broken ion ii. cures d spcpsla lebll ty, dropsy, chillsand 'o , chronic dlarrliien aervous nrfce Ions, bolls .mt ii, dlseavs tf tlio (Hi -sanil Madder, fe- innl cuinplalun, Jte, Thousands haio been, cho. --d b lliu u,o of tho Hined) , ua, sitkiy, , ilerlng crenturcs, to- , l"'r! ''a' h), liappt- me uud ttomm: and Invalid cannot reasonably hcMtato to give It a trial. i Ai-riov. . no mud ou i t tho "Pkiii-vus h.':11 . 'ii"1 ''fruln I'srk.) ) I'dbydenieis gener--,lV-' A S'-Pagonomphlct, cor.tididng a treutl-c on ronnsnm (ileal agent and oUier valuable putM-rs, u-siluioiiLiisfrom dlstlngulshid ph slclans, clerg) ',l'''l' l'rH,wlII be sent fre to any nildnm. vveiuo liotonS l,roIirlcto,:,!' M liarrlsori. ilrlaaliooa : now Lost How Restored! TUST published tJ VKKWfcLL'rt clebrateU way oa the radical cure WPSS1 ,,u'.,Uc'n 0' Spermatorrhcea Hlny w u-ik.nt8s. Involuntary Hem le,vsl!;,ak."0,"i '"'Putency. Mental tuid physical lucunacitr. im;.A,ii,,,,,iu , Marriage, eto,: also "onaumption, Epilepsy, and Fllii induced by self-lndulgeuco orsoxtual eitrat ngance llies, tc. tSf Price, in u uated enirlopt, only tit cents. The celebrated author, In this admlrablo essay clearly demon.straM.-s from n thirty years' succuvifn practice, that the alarming consequences of self, abuse may bo radically cured without tho dangerous . use ct Internal medlclno or the. application of the , knifo i pointing out a mode of euro at oneo slmpl.,, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sur. erer, no matter w hat his condition may be, may w himself cheaply p4vU-ty, and radically. joutli and every man lu thu land. 1 Sent under seal, in a plain envelc, loanyai. lm;,P0!it'pl,d' on rccellt 0t SU or 4 Address the Publishers, C1IAS. J. C. KLINU .V CO., April -w-y'' Vrk' 1,091 Omco ,lox 4'M- PHILADELPHIA ADV'S. IUON FUNDUS. TIIK Ni:v mov WATCHES di jn7HI.Tititr" : into.. icm BUSINESS CARDS, VlSITIN'O CAIIDM. HEADS. ' Neatly and Chwj.jy ffiud 'at tno Ooluu- WAN OfllW. I 1