THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, KLOOMSBIL JNTY, PA, 111 E COLUMBIAN. uLoojisuuiid. vn in ay, xvmi to, ism Kail Itoad Time TublV. LACKAWANNA it III.OO.MSIlt!ll(l 1IAII. KOA1) noiitii, nomi. Mall Trnln A, II b.U p. M Ktpress Trnln 6.43 P. M. 11.32 p. M Accommodation Trnln, 6.M A, M. T.4T 1'. M. CATAWISHA HAH. IIOA1). NOIITII. HOC'Ttt Accommodation Trnln d.ji A. M, J,so P. M. Itoif iHiir Kxpress 3,M r. M, 11,33 A. M. Through cars on Express trnln cither to New York or Plillaetelplila. Accommodation train runs between C'atnwlHsu iind Wllllamsport. .VOTICK 10 sinstitiiiEits. Ill other liusltirhn liatlnir bfen hroughtto nca.Mi Ijaslfl, It lias becomo necessary that the sumo rule should be npplled to the I'millng buMnvHi. A sub berltier who does not pay liy tho tlmo his Jenr Is up Is noprollt to the onice, anil It payment bo longer de I'jeJholsniioslll class. Wo shall expect n", there fore, to pny up bet it ecu this tlmn nnd thotlrstof July ensuing, ns wo have henvy pa) incuts to mett nt that dale. Knch subscriber can see by the date pilnt ed with his name on encli paper from what lime ho ntrcs, llemittnnco may be. mailo by mall at our lUk It witnessed by the Postmaster, I'lioso Indebted fur .lob work and advertising must a'so be prompt In their pnjments. Produce will eoi.tlnuo to be taken lu payment us heretofore, tf Crape lias tucii idolen from doors of liousc of mourning in Danville 1 The ferry crowing tlio Pimquelianna river nl lloonilurgconmiiiHCil running on Wieliicsilay. Dr. .1. I. Sloes, well known to many of the people of Itloiiiii'liiirc;, has located in White Deer Valley. Mr. John Wolf, of the firm of Clark & Wolf, Hlooiiil)iirg, is in the cily this week purchasing their spring slock. The Fpelling content helween the Ton 11 nnil Normal School has now been arranged for l'rl lay evening, April lClh, in Normal Hall. If the culling of pas-inger rules in the rail road war continues much longer, a contempo rary says it will he cheaper to travel than lo flay nt home. Never were any people mote dUappointed than the destructive Hood prophets of the pres ent year. The giound-hog far outstripped them .in proplutio powers. If brooms arc wet in bulling suds onco a week, they will become very tough, will not cut :i carpet, last much longer, and always sweep like a lieu broom, it is said. Now is the lime for the man who has a gar Jon spot and no hens to make an arrangement .with the man next door who keeps thirty or forty chickens and has no garden. The Ccnlinuial Dramatic Association has relieved a number of needy families, in Illootns burg, with the proceeds of their successful en tertainment, given two weeks ago. On Monday night mow fell to the depth of about i-ix inches. A slight addition was made on Tuesday night. Wo must say that as a sleighing project it has not been a success. The question arises whether the Town laws requiring people lo keep their pavements clear of snow apply in the summer as well as the winter sia-on. Our local officials are purler bating on the subject. The name of the I'o"t Ofiice at 1'owlersvillc, Columbia county, I'a., has been changed to Wldlemire. (lenro G. Martz has been appointed I'tnt rrrister at Kvansville, Columbia county. The Walnut Hold, in the upper part of Light Si' iri, was destroyed by fire on Thursday eve iiinj: of last week. It was occupied by S. II. II The fire is nqipo-cd to have originated fru'ii a detective Hue. The insurance i- said to have i.xpirtsl a few days liefore the rnntl igni tion. Loss i estimated at about $'J,000. Dr. W. MeKclvy, win of J. 1!. McKelvy, M. I)., of IIIoinsburg, who recently graduated with liigh honors, has located at JcrM'ttown, for the purpose of practising his piofesKion. lie is a highly educalid young man, of promising abil ity and excellent personal charaelcr. We do not hesitate to predict lor him a uiut suecev-ful career. Caniiiii cms. Some Democrats who intend to bo candidates for county offices before the next Democratic Convention have rcque-ted us to announce their names "as soon as any oibers are announced." To give all an equal chance we here state that we will commence the iioiuieement in our issue of May 7th. As we may liavj forgotten some names it will be well f.jr each one to send in his request before that date, wilh the proper fee. Our charges will be for Senator, Associate Judge, I'rothonntnry, Register nnd Tieasurer five dollars each, for 'Commissioner three dollars, and for the minor offices one dollar. The cash mut accompany 'the order, as it is always unpleasant for defeated 'candidates lo pay unprofitable investments. There is no law so quickly forgotten as die igame law, A friend asks us for a short summary and in reply, we furni-h the following from an .exchange: 1. No nighlhawk, whippoorwlll, sparrow, tl.nish, lark, finch, martin, swallow, wood i xker, fiiiker, robin, oriole, reedbird, tanager, lar bird, cat t ird, or other inecliveroin birds 1 bo shoi or killed at any time of the year, ui idor a hue of five dollars. J. l'lica- ints, squirrels, plover and reed birds c innot be idiot between January 1 and e'eptun b r 1 ; punihlges between Januirv 1 and NV v niber 1; woodcock hctuccn January 1 and July -1 j and rabbits between January 1 and October 1, nor at any time lo bu hunted with ferrets, under a penally of ten dollars. 8, No pheasant, partridge, woodcock or reed bird U allowed to be taken by means of anv blind, trap, snare, net or device whatever under ' a penalty of tui dollars. 'I. No person can buy game out of season, HH(m!oii being prima facie evidence under a penally of ten dollars, fi. Shooting or hunting on Sunday is prohib i cd under a pmalty of from ten to twenty-live il illars. In reply to A corrnpondent wo have to say that it is well enough to call a Justice of the lV-aro Squire, because that is the fashion, I is promiscuously applied as an after appendage ' in the way of complinunt to everybody of the , male sex, "Hon," is a meaningless titlo of no pirllctilar rigniliciince in thin country. Military :tilles aro not only pioi erbut demanded by good uiauntrs ttlnn ipplicd to officers in lonuuitsion. . or of the regular aniiv. 'lo give any real mil .itary man u litlu higher than actual rank is 1111 Ins ill. Oiherwise niilil.iry lilies are used either jes meaning nothing or ill burlesque. "Ills ex. collency," us applied lo Trc'sidc'iits and floveiu ors is highfalutln and is not based on any authority: legal, customary (except of late, sensible, or in goes! Iiute. l'lain Mr. U both .more respectful and ehgunt than any other coiiiiiliiiuiitary lille. In tho Navy It I appllee to all officer, in lieu of ileslguation by rank; except in the c.ise of iho commanding officer. Wc prehr. not lo invadu the domain' of our religious friends by ilbciissiiii; the title of "Jlev srend," Perhaps, like the woman klssln, mw. It is a matter of lasle. Col. Tate wu llio lirst editor that we know of to apply "Hon" a prefix lo the name of a member of the Igi lure. Great slatesme lire usually spoken without title by tho full iwme or simply the family name, as John Adams, Jefferson, Henry Clay, CalhoUD, Dauiel Web-ler, lleiiton, Ae. it ii the small men who must have, title lo flguify 1W1 laiportiUK-C, Fifty clergymen of Hartford, Connecticut, were summoned ono day to n hotel, Ihcrc to per form a marriage, ceremony. Twenty-four of tho good men camo lo discover by the sweet smiles of the crowd that It was the 1st of April. Itev. J. 1'. Tustln administered the rllo of baptism lo 2H persons lu l'ishlng creek, on .Sun day last, 10 males and 10 females. It is to be rrgrctlcel llint some were prucnt who disturbed the ceremonies. It ! estimated that from 1,500 lo 2,000 persons were present. Tliero were sev eral others admitted Into the church on Sunday. An official advertisement In another column admonishes Ihc School Directors and alt others concerned that tin election for County Superin tendent of Common Schools will take place at the Court House, In llloomsburg, on the -llh day of May next. The salary of the new officer will at the same timo be fixed. We arc informed lliat Mr. Wm. II. Snyder, the present Superintendent, will be n candidate for re-cleetlon. He has been an attentive, pru dent nnd efficient officer, nnd thus far we hear of no opposition to Ids re election. The newspapers on the Delaware, Susque hanna and other principal streams In this State are .ill congratulating llielr localities upon the fact that iiolwlllntanding the quantity nnd stiength of the Ico and the unusual deplh of the snow, the spring Hoods have passed with rather less than the Usual amount of il image, except the carrying nway of bridge on the North llraiich. While wc have no heart to mar pleas ant rellcctions, it may not be out of place to remind these gentlemen that it is an Indian niaxini that there always comes a flood after the ice Hood high enough to carry oft" nny pieces of lodged ice lhat may remain in other words, a spring flood is sure to 0111c lhat will be higher than the ice flood preceding it. We by no means vouch for the accuracy of such philoso phy, or any other that embraces weather lestilt", lint put in this icniinder to cheek nnneeew.iry exultation. There nre yd immense quantities of snow in the gorges of the Alleghenies an 1 a warm southtrn wind and rain of several days duration may still occasion very high waters. 1'or the pit-sent we have ceased to believe in any weather prophet except the ground-hog. The Might Kev. Dr. Howe, llisliop of the 1'iotestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Central l'ennsvlvaiiia, will visit llloomsburg on Tuesday and Wediiesda- next, the 20lh and 21st. On Tuesday evening in St. I'liul's Church, Main street, he will administer the rite of Confirma tion, or I.aying on-of-Hands. On cdnesday evening lie will visit ei. Jonns r.piscopai Church, Catawissa. The Convocation of Williamport will also hold its Spring session in this place on the days above named. This is a voluntary organization composed of the clergy of the l K. Church, resident in the counties ot Centre, Clinton, Co lumbia, l.vcoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga and Union. It derives its name from the chief town of the district, in which there are 19 clergymen, 29 parishes and mission stations, 1 100 communicants, and the amount of money raised for all religious objects except church building, between May, 187.1, and May, 187-1, was 10,71-1.31. The chief objects of the organization are the spiritunl quickening of particular congregations and church exten sion. There are at the present time three sta tions without ministers. At the meeting about to be held there will be three public services held in ht. Paul's Church, viz: at 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening, and at 10:'.IO a. in. and 7 p. 111. Wednesday, llusincss meetings, will be held at 9 in the morning and .'! in the afternoon of Wednesday. A service will abo be held in St. Julin's Church, Catawissa, 011 Wednesday evening. David Lowenberg bi'gs lo inform his Friends nnd the Public that he has just returned from the New York and Philadelphia Markets, with a Large ami well seleeled Stock of Goods Jor f-pii'ig "d Summer wear, ri"silinij of Fine Imported and Domestic Cloths and Ciissinicres, Choice Worsted, and Mohair Coatings, all ol the best manufacture and latest style. He would therefore invite an early call, as his stock is now replete with all the Novelties for Spring and Summer wear. Who wouldn't wish for a pair of K. M. Knurl's Fancy Spring Style 01 Shoes? Call and see them. - , ti I ti, .1.1 M!.... 1 he liisl'.New ur cans .tioias-es, viuiu-.iinie . . ,, .. .... .. .ii... '. i i I nranii, e;ne i;oiiar per ciaiiuu, .il ea cone-. .1 11. Maize is rereivimr dailv New Gocsls, both roreiiii and I'oinestie. A fresh lot of ll.iiianas, (Iranges and Iammus just received i'rices lo compete with the Granger or any one Ise. . - Gents' Favorite Iluckle Shoe at Knorr's. New lot of S ring Dress tlouds at Clint Hob bins' this week. Lim .t Sloan have received llielr Spring Stock of new Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings nud general Stock ul Dry (.mods. For Garden Tools go to J. Schuyler S: Son, the New Hardware More. For nice Cabbage l'lanls go to J, Garrison's, on ;lli street, JHooinsbiirg. O. C. Marr has a Splendid Line of lllack Alpnccas very Llic-ap. Examine E. M. Knorr's show window for nobby Shoes. You can buy fur $3.00 per quarter Extra No. . i ... r it- n..........-u .tiai-Ktrci in i. tt . p. A line lot of liaiian.i", Oranges and Lemons ju-l received at Kius-el s. W. 11. IIiiown bus Salt 1 t the barnd nnd by the sack. I'lour, l e-ed uml New l.uuk- It lie'.ll lor s.uo itimie'saiu aim huui. w,.,. , l'roduce taken in exchange for Goods Spring Suits made up in City .Style at D. Ivuiienberg's. Mrs. Kkhkcca Caii.m t.s. of Iienton, has ju-t returiiesl from the city null a line assorlmeni 01 Millinery Goods and Notion', to which she in vites tne aiienuoii 01 ine iniu ic. iu-,11 Go lo t. C. Murr's for Veiling, lllack, Illuc, Green, Ilrown nnd Drab, Gent's Fancy Slippers at E. M, Knorr's. Win. Y. Ivesler. the Philadelphia Tailor, has removed lo Iron strict, two doors above ine ue formed Church, where he is prepared lo do T.iilorine; In all its branches. He has for sale Sewing .Machines at S10.00 and upwards. W. H. Itnow.v keens a fine assortment ol Canned Fruits nnd condensed goods. Also, a full assortment of Nuts and French Candy and Oranges and Lemons. Oolong Tea at Clint ltobbin-' for 35 cents per mil. I'relly little Suils for Children at D. Low enberg s. You can buy No, 1 Timothy Seesl at I. W. Hautman H. SI. 7') will buy pair of Lusting Gaiters nt E. M, Knorr's, l'ewtcr S.tnd for sale nt l! If you itunl a fust class Fiinn Wagon, If you want a l'lalform I'leasiiru Wagon, If joii want an Kliplio Siiring Wagon, If you want a I'leasiiru Wagon, li' ...n nit vnur Win-1 in nut ill L'noil tri 111. If ion want rtjialrs dune good wilh shoit nolicv, Go lo J. 11. Vavj. New Suuimi-r Sliaw HaU ut C. 0, Murr's. All Coal slated and Hcrecned before leav ing tho old establlslieii coal yuru oi u, Shaker'ii aarden Heeds for ale ut IlU.sf-El.s, Itni.I.ISH & lloI.MI'.S are HOW ri'lldy to up Awniuga ul short notice and uiu war- r,!,, tn 1, lease. Also all kllldi of tilllliug and giu-littiuj; utteuded to iiroinptiy. Flcpi Oil d W Waph'?. Our own make of Calf Hoots, sewed, for $8.00, nt K. M. Knurr'. For n Stylish Suit of Keady-mado Clothing go to 1). Iiwcnberg's. Kvnporatcd Corn, Corn Starch, Egg Maca roni, Italian Vermlcilll, Chocolates, Cocoa, Jelly Mniiloca, De'Icalcd Cocoanuto and Fari nas, nil fiesh and genuine, at the Central Tea Store. To tui: Pl' (lo to W. II. UnowN nnd get one pound best Ten in market, put up in 11 beautiful .Tnpaiincd (tilt C.mnfstcr, for ono dollar. O..W. Xkai, & Illto., spare 110 expense to end out nice coal. tllO Go to UtlMllM.'si for your Extra Mnplo Svrun clear m crystal, uniy uno twiner per uulluit. Waoonsi:i.m:ii et Co. havo moved their Wholesale. Notion llou-oto No, 15 in tho new Opera House. Having just returned from tho city, thev nre now receiving cxten sit a additions tn their stock mid nre prepared to furnish merchants in this section with Gooels in their line nt City Prices. They keep n full line of Clark's & Coates' Spool Cotton. In the present condition of the roads they will not be nblc to travel with their wagon, nnd lienco solicit orders from the lountry, feeling assured that thevwill be able to ren der pcrlcct satislaction in cveiy respect, llltf Granulated Sugar for sale nt Kt:Mi:is. A Home to rent in a desirable part of the town. Apply to Pinini A. Kvanh, ornttlie Cou'MiiiAN'ollice. Mar. 2i-tf li!tr.iis, Attention. Kusskm. takes Huttcr, Eggs nnd Produce in exchange, for goods, D.vsirx Yociim has removed his Clothing Store to Henrv Hartman's building, in the room occupied as a Carpet Store, where he now lias n, full supply of goods. Call nnd tee. jan29tf Go to C. C. Mark's for Wool nnd Cotton Car pet Chain. People will git bargains by buying their Shoes and l'nots within this month, at E. M. Knorr's. Call nnd see. What to Wkaii, Wiikn- to Wkap. and How to WriAn your Spring and Summer Suits are questions that are answered daily nt I). Iwtiiberg's Popular Clethiug Store. Don't te worried and annoyed with not only :i poor (pinlity of Coal but dirlv and slaty beside, but buy of C. W. Ni:ai.& Illio. wilt) deal only in the best qualities. 25tf If you want .1 good Ham, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want C'oll'ce Java or Kin, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want the best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for tho least money, If you want the bet Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If you want anything in the Grocery nnd Provision line, go to HfSisr.l.l.'H, Main street. tf-25 C. C. MAnn has the nicest Calicoes I have seen this Spring. Koi.MNS et Uolmks have removed to No. 17 Centre Street, below Main. Town orders taken by O. W. NEAUcV Uno. in 'exchange for coal. 2."tl W. II. llitowx keeps the most complete and finest assortment of Groceries that can be mirclue-ed in market. His Groceries are fresli and nre selected from first importers' hands. II is priced are low, as he lias pure-bas ed his goods at bottom figures to suit the. limes New Goods for Spring Trade have made their appearance at E. M. Knorr's. COAE. COAE Obi Established Coal Yard. C. W. Ni:ai. & lino.. Wholesale et Itetail Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities of Red and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rates. Have constantly on hand large stocks of Domestic, CupOl.i, Itlacksmitli's Anthracite, Bituminous, and Liincburner's Coal Especial attention given to tho prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal Coal delivered to anv part of the town at short notice. Orders lelt at I. W. MeKclvy's stoic, or at our office', will receive prompt at tention. Office and Yards at William Neal it Sons' Furnace, East llloomsburg. Your ,c..n.. t nutroimirc res lectlullv solicitccl ho VI I" tf ')") CO VL : C. t'. MAlllt has the Cheapest Ileal hair Sutlches and liraids in town. Go to ltr.MSELL's for your Groceries. He sells for cash and will not be undersold. When vou go to Philadelphia stop at tin- Allegheny House, No. 812 and 811 Mar ket street; having tie-en recc-miy reiunaicu Trice only f per Hay, A. hi.c k, March r.l,'7.i-ly i ropricior. More New (laods at ( C. Maiui'm this week and will be sold Cheap for Cash. Merchant, going to the city will do well in i-nll oil W. II. HUNTER. MHO IS ellgngCll with tho old and reliable firm of Ye.uiek .t Ilr.iiKEXsTOCK, lor Hats, Caps, straw Goods,.e., 2.17 North lhird street, I'lnln- ilelphia. Mureli 111, .'-dm Go to W. H. llliow.v for fnio Ironstone China Ware. Ask lor J. eclgooil's -ware, it will not blister MM U tno best in markei. t.mi Sets f-l..r0. Dinner ftets sold ai Dotioui figures. Tlioe that are m want cu nine wTll find it to their interest to go to W. II, llitowx Jliiii'st, linve just oiiened a large nil well selected stocl: of Toilet Ho.ips, which thev are nlli-ring " the trade, finm 11 r .tvr.vuU i,mcr ti,au they have ever , ,,1.1 ,,, sold in tliis market I r ...i... f ,.r..tet trior bands and faces , n . in ,f1L.. c,l March winds by buving a cake) of that cheap but elegant . . . . . I ... St........ 1).... Toilet' .Soap, ju-t opened at MuVEli lllto' urilg l-.uiporiiiiii. TOWN AND COUNTRY. scs rises 0 o'clock ss mliiutes-se-ls el o'clock 31 minutes. Moos sets 2 o'clock ti minutes, a. m. o (in, 11 Is now quoted at a premium of about I!" in other words green bteks are 11 per cent. Is-low par, 0 Husk Dksds, on Parchment and linen paper, com mon and for Aduilnlslruturs, Executorsand Trustees, for sale cheap at the u, i miiun onice, o Vina Hens Just recclted and for sale at tho Co- I.l'MUUN otlice. Kot-NB at IastI-A remedy thntuotoniy rilletus but cures Consumption, as well aseou-H, colds, bioni-hllls., Influenza, Ac. Tho remedy to iililchwu ulludels Dr. Wlstar'a Hals.imof will heuy. prepared by ISith W. covile s sons, iiosion 10 ceuts and (1 abolll.', large ootiiesniucniueciieup er. o WIIEIIETO AHVEHTISE, A. T. Stewart sals the best advertising mediums he has e ter found "uru the old established organs of the two political parllc-s, at the hetcrul county se.n throughout thu I nlon. rhese,'' he s-ijs "reuih eicri faiullj ot tho leivst nccount In tlf- ir several coiiulli-s, and nri moie cuefully re-ad than any ether class of Journals." If -Mr. stoivail's Judgine-llt Is of value. thcro I'lio dllllcultj liuleciuing wnicn pai It lfor tho Interest of buslni'ss men tu adverll-si lu. 'Iho cou'vuiu Dkvociiat, upon which this naiier Is 11.1rll.dly founded, was estnl'lllieil In ma. and tho Coi.cmuian now enjoys w Ider circulation and greater pruspci Ity than It t i or did. II troes regularly Into two thousand families 111 ColmilbH and adjoining couutli-s, ami ny ino'cci Iheui Is read I10111 Ihc (Ipt to the last Hue. It li the only recognised exponent pf near llyo thousand Demuciatle loters Hi Ihu couiny. II Bltcis nn,i use ineiim a tasty dLspluy, that makes tUeui uUiiullip j lu patrous, thus eusurlng greater certainty thul thevwill ivruso lueiii. ii uue us cirtiiiiiiiiu is un doubtedly much tho largest In tho county, tlio ad- put I vertulnc rales of tho COH'MBiANaiu no higher than j0sa 0( ether pupers with barely halt and several I mo. unn-fourUi thu niunber of subscribers, raits llku these) speak for tbe-utxlies. No Uireiwd buslmsis I man will neglect to Insert advertlsc-mnni la tho 1 yaHHipi tf fcuE-zcu's SeaWrhi Towc'.-Iii tho ntmosphcrc cxis-rlcnced here during tho summer months, the lethargy produced by tho heat takes away tin deslro forwholCTOino food, nnd frequent persplrnllons re duco liodlly ennfy, particularly thoso suffering from IhoelTectiof debilitating diseases. In order to keep a natural healthful activity of the sytem, wo must resort to means. VorthlsiiurposoSehenck'H , Sen Wed Tonic livery effectual. A few doses will create an nppetlto nnd give fresh vigor to tho ener vated body. For dyspepsia, It Is invaluable. Jinny eminent physicians havo doubted whether dyspepsia can be permanently cared by Iho drujs which am generally employed for that purpose. ! no sea cen Tonic In Its nnturo Is totally dllfs rent from Mich drugs. Il contains no eorror.lvemliier.ds or adds tin fact It assists the regular operations of nature, nnd supplies her deficient les. The tonic In Its nature, so much resembles tho gasti 1 - puce thai u nimosi iden tical with that Until. The gastric Juice Istho nat ural soltent which, In a healthy condition of tho body, causes the food to bo digested i anil when this Juleo Is not cxrreled In sufficient quantities, Indiges tion, with nil Its distressing sjmptoms. follows, -ine Sea Weed Tonic performs tho duty of the gastric Juice when tho latter Is deficient. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic sold by nil liruzglsts. -0- lNDisrfTAiii.t: r.vinr.scK. sr., 111,. Julys, isti. It. V. Pikbcs, M. 1)., nutfalo, N Y. :-l wish lo add my testimony totho wonderful curative properties ot your Alt. Ext., or Ooldcn Medical Discovery. I hao taken great Interest In this medicine since I llrst used It. 1 wasbadiy anilcted with eljspepsla, liver deranged and an almost pel feet prostration ot the nervous system. So rapid and complete did the Dis covery cBYct a perfect cure lhat It seemed more like liuj c nnd pmfect wonder lo in) self, nud sliu-o that time we have never been without nbot Hoot the Ills cm cry nud rurgiittte Pellets In the house 'Ihey nre a solid, sound lamlly phy-lclan In the house nud iculyat nil times fully to tin relet ut sickness without charge. We have neier had a doctor In the house since wo llrst began theme of our Pellets and Discovery. I have recommended the use of tlieso medicines InEeUTal seecre nnd complicated eases nrldngfrom,aslthoi glit,an Impure itato if the b owl, a id In no one case hale hey failed to 11101c than no complMi nil lliey claimed lo do. I will only mention ono ns remarsaWe, (Ihousjli I could give ou dozens.) Henry Koster, furniture I'eiler, ot this place, who w as oneot tho most pltlfiilsunjectscvcr seen, Ids face swollen outot shape, scules nnd eruptions without end, extending lu htibody, which was completely covered with blotches nnd scales. Nothing that lie t jok seemed to t-ITect a parllclo I llaally Induced him to try a bottle ot the Clolden .Medical Discovery, w I'll dal'y use of Pellets, assuring 1dm It would sure ly cure him. I lo commenced Its use some si x n ceks since, taking tw , Pellets each night for a week, then one each night, and the Discovery ns dlreced. The result Is to-day his sklu Is iierfectly smooth, and the scaly eruptions are gone. He has taken some seven or eight bottles In all, and considers himself cured This case has baffled the skill of our best phj sh'lans. .Messrs. Dunford & Co., druggists, ot this place, are selling largely of your medicines nnd the demand steadily Increases, and they give, perfect satisfac tion lacier case. Respectfully, W. II. 1'IIAMI'LIX, Agt. Am Kip. Co. 0 Over-Exertion, either of body or mind, produces debility and disease. The usual remedy Is lo take some htlmulant, Hie effect of which lsth; same as glilng a tired horse tho whip Instead of oats. Tho true way If lo foitlfy the ijstcm with u permanent tunic like tlw Perm Inn sj I up, (.1 proloMdo of Iron,) which gives strength and ilgur to tho s) stein. o A SOl'NI) HEALTH MAXIM. "Order Is heai en's llrst law." lids great maxim applies w llh peculiar force to the dbcharre of Iho 1lt.1t functions. Disease) IneiltnMy superi t lies up on physical Irregularity, Just ns calamity Is sure to follow want of sj stem and punctuality In the affairs 01 lite. Hut while It U net lo Impossible tooicrcomc settled mental habits of dl-ordcr, It Is quite feasible to remedy habitual lrregularlt les of the body. Ills clp'.lne the unruly organs by wise nnd time y medi cation, nnd health will be established upon a perma nent basis. Although there are many remedies pre scribed for this purpose, there Is not one among them can comoare in dli eetnoss and promptitude of action with llostcttcr's stomach, Hitters. Kor eicry disor der affecltug the bonds, llier and stomach, and for tho numerous sj mpalhetlc nerious ailments to w hlch alimentary or billions disturbances give rise the Hitters are a most reliable specific. Their won-drousc-nicacy H attrlb.ltabhi to the fact that they llrst remote the c.iuso of such maladies, lrr"gul irllj and then by their tonic operation repair the loss ot phi stall substance produced by sickness. Const! patlon, bllllousness, djspepsU, heartburn, sleepless ness, Intermittent fetors, rheumatism and nertous tremors always succumb to the operation of this sate and potent medicine. A regular habit, sound sleep and easy digestion aro among tho blessings which Us use confers, Il lnilgorates, relieves do picsslon cf mind, and promoting complete assimila tion, materially assists In coloring the angles and hollow places of the attenuated, shrunken frame with firm, healty 0 DYSl'ErhIA! IIVSPEPIAl DYGnEl'SIAl Dj spepsla Is tlio n)'ist.' perplexing of all human ailments. Itss niptons are almost lnnnltc In their variety, and tho forlorn nnd despondent victims cf the dlseaso often fancy themselves the prev, In turn of every known malady. This Is due, In part to the do .0 sympathy w hlch exists between the stomach I the brain, ant In part also the fact 111 it an tils- tuib.uiee of Hie dlgestlte function uecess. rlly disor ders the liver, tho bonu,ls and tho nervu nn) stem, and effects to soino extent, tlio qualliy ot 111" blood. E. V K'inkel'.s Hitter 'Wlno of Iruti lsab.ireeuie. This Is not a new preprathii, tu be tried and found anting; It has been preset Ibed dall for many ears lu the practice of eminent physicians with unparall eled success: It Is not expected or Intended to cine all the diseases to which tho human family Is stib- c t.luit H warranted to euro I) spepsla In Its most ol- stliutefurm. Kimkel's Hitter Wine of Iron never falls cure. Stmptouesuf Dyspepslaarelossof appetite. vv lad and rising of the food, dryness ot the mouth, heartbuin, distension of tho stomach and bowels. costlpatlon, !ieadach, dlzlnoss, sleeplessness nud low spiiiu. Try the great remedy and be convinced of Us m irlts. eiot the genuine. Tako only KuakvIV, which H put only In tl buttles. Depot, 213 North Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. H never falls. Eorsnle be nil Druggbts and deulers eierj where. TAl'B woitu. p.einoved hi a few horns. No fee asked until the until worm with head, ts expelled. .Medicine hirniless, beln purily vegetable, Consultation free, by Dr. E. Kunkle, No SSO North Ninth Slrcet, Philadelphia, Pa. Scat, pin and stomach Worms al so rcinoi ed. Adi lee free. Send for circular, (lo to 5 our druggist and ask for Hunkers Worm S.i rup, rice, I per bottle Iho Worm syrup never falls. o No use ot any longer taking the large, repulsive, griping, drastic and nauseous pills, composed of rude and bulky Ingredients, and put up in cheap wood or pasteboard boxes, when we can by a care fill application of silence, extract all the ithartlv' und olh-r melL'Inal propel ties from Hie most valuable roots mid hubs and concentrate them .ito a minute, l-'ruuule.icarcel Jarfrer than a mustard seed, (hut can be readily stvallowid by tlio-s- of the mof l sensitive stomachs and fastldMu., tustes, E-Kb ol Dr, l lcrct-s I'lea-aut Purgative Pellets lep- MviMs, it a rnvst coiienr.irated (grin, gs much c.i thartl.- p'jw er os 1 , cmboilled a any of III large pill found for s de lu the duiii stuM. Ei'jui la. -Irwond- ifal calh-iille powe'r, lu propurthnt mir s,.e, people, wis-hav not tiled them urn a t ' snp;He lhatllie.1 are bursh or diMstielii effect, 1. .1 s'l.'b Is not id all tlio ea.e, the d'dcrent nctliu ...i-ellclnal principles of w hi h the.! are composed be Ing so har monized, one by the others, as lo piodacoa most seaivlilng and thorough, jet gentle and kindly uper .Ulngealhar lc. The Pellets ate sold by nil dealers III medli-lues. Avc.iictss auk A Nation ok llvsimiica Wellie a-st, dlsslpato and linearly graves. Me drink all kinds of aliohullc spit Its, and swalluiv, without mas tication, isuk, grease and every kind of llfe-deslroj big, systeiu-eh'gglng, Indigestive food, Dli. Walk. Kll'S VmiKTIlllK VlNKIlAlt IIITTI.K.S Will rclllOIUthe cillelliet', and the recovered patient, with pure, M talled elccirlcal blood Honing tiiruug Ids veins will havo a clearer head and a cooler Judgment w hlch . dde-d to experjence, will cause 1dm lo nb- stain In the future. v-iw -0- TIIE CONl'KiiSIUS OP AN INVALID. Pi'iii.isuin as a waiim;u and for tko Leiicilt of Yotsu mks AsnoTin.'K.s.vilio suffer from NKltVor DEllll.lTY, Loss OF MANHOOD, etc., Bujipljlng the meuiis ef self-cure. Written by ojio who cured him self utter undergoing considerable (piackerj , and sent dliecled envelope sulUrers uru Invllcd tu luldrcss the author, NATHANIEL MAYl'AIII Mar, 0, ';4-Cm Hox 1'3, Iliookl) n, N. V. o MANHOOD HESTOltHP.-A victim of yuiithfnl Hu pi udiiice, caiisln.' permaturo decay, nervuus debll Ity, etc., having tiled in vain every knunu icineii)' has found a simple self-cure, which he will send fret- to Ids follow-sUITcrers. Address J. 11. ueoves, Nassau St., New ork. July a,'H-Jui TO CIINSPMPUVES, '1 ho udverllser, Luting been piiniai,c-iill) ei.iod of that dre-addls'use.Coiisuiiii.tloii.byuklnipleii-iiicdy Is uuxlous to liuko kuuw u to his fellow suilcicT Iho means ot ciuo To ullwho deslrult, ho will send copv of the piescilptlou used, ttrtc of charge,) with tho directions lor preparing unu using tno suiue nldclithey will llud n bikk ivkk for cossunenos', ASTUVIt. HllOS'CIIIIIS.AC. Panics vvlsidiiglhepioscrlptlonwlilplcaso address llev. E. A. WIION, l)l I'i'iiii stMlllamsb-.irsh, New Yolk , 1 .. ..... m.n " VJl.;"'L'r. ' ' USIN1.SS CAHHs, VlMl l.Mi CAIIUM, LL-CIKlt HEADS, Hue, nr.Aiin, 1'ltOllltAMMP.S, ISJ.SILIIS. AC. 0.. Neatly und Chcuply printed ut the HAN lilllt'O. LEGAL ADVERTISEMbi. COURT PHOC LAM ATToN? V"HUIir.Af, the Hon. William Elww.l, y President .liuku of the Court ofojer nnd Terminer nnd Ocncrnl .ti 1 Delivery, Court of cpinr--ler Hcsslons of Iho Pence nnd the Coiut of Common Plensnnd Orphans' Court In'llio 5f.lh Judicial Dis trict, composed of the counties of Columbia nnd Montour, nnd tho Hons. Iiiam l;iut nnd lu ec 8. Monroe, Associate .fudges ot Columbia county, have Issued their precept, bearing dilo tins M day of Feb., 111111? year of our lird ono thousind eight hundred nnd scicnly-llic, and lo tne ellrecled for holding a Court ofojer nnd Terminer and (lenerat (juarttr Sessions of tho Peace, Cuiirt of Common Pleas nnd Orphans' Court, In llloomsburg, In tho county of Columbia, oi tho first Monday, being tho 3d day of May next, to contlnuo two weeks. Notices Is hereby given to the Coroner, to the Jus tices of the Peace, nud tho Constables of the s.tld county of Columbia, Hint they bo Ihennnd therein there proper person nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said Sd day of May tilth llielr records, Inqui sitions nnd other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their olllces nppcrtntn to bo done. And thoso that aro lwund by recognlzanco to prosecuto against tho prisoners that nre or may bo In tho Jail of tho said county of Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute themns chnllbo Ju t, Jurors are re quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated nt llloomsburg thevth day r-,) of April In the year of our I,ord ono L.M. J-thousand eight hundred nnd seventy-live v J and In Hie ninety-ninth jcar of the Inde pendence of the I'nlted Mates of America. Mierlll's (Mice, MICHAEL (JltOVEH. llloomsburg, ApilIJ-tn . idicrirf. Juries for May Term, 1875. Hlnomlirri-V. K. Applem-jn, Chas. Kuukle, 11, L. lileiren a n. Heale r -1 . Harrier. llrlarcref i a irles Heed, Daniel W. Kelchncr. Heiiion -ani.n i.'liii'. Old re n A. Mveeppenliclser, Stephen I'ohe, Daniel M'hP nire. Hemlock s , u Il-iunsley, lllram lleeco. Jackson - ,l. tin ,1. Vtllr.. locust U'w Is Ue, Ed. Urcmser. Montour Philip Koust. Mt. Pleasant Joseph E. Sands. Main Stephen Diltlerlch. Madlson-ifllll.ini MnMclh-r. orange Jonat ban l'oust. l'lne t'nger, John Oordncr, Scott lohu White ujrloaf-Ezeklcl Shultz, TKAVEIiriE .liniOHS. HIIST WK1.K. llloomsburg John C.Jones, John Penman, James L. Hess, II. ll.V.itutta. licuii-r Jonathan llauck. Pi-ter Shellhamer. Ilil.irerei'k-Huii. lieirord, J. H. Martz. Catawissa N. C. Hartman. Cei.tre-ll. J. Dcltteildi. Flank In Daniel Dunn. rishlngoreek Jacub Menner, Jas. E. Jones. (Iri'i iinoii'il Thomus Wright, Chirk Mel rell, Ellsua Has in in. Adam I'lt, Henry s. Mather. HeiidiK.k-.lci!in (lulld, Ijif.nette PitrsMI Locust -Christian Mnnll, ltolandusllerbtln flcorgo Inner M iln Andrew (ilnirter, Joseph (iclger Ml. Pleasant -Joseph Crawford, Mnthlas f-hnffer. Mllllln -Daniel Hond. Montour li'm 11. Weater. l'lnc-lia l'ursell. Ito.irlii'.-ertM'k-Josc-ph Levan. Scott -Philip Angle, Daniel Moury, Alem Vault tv, James I'ulli-n. Mlg.llluaf John Cole. Hi:COM WKKK. llloomsburg .Jesse colemin. Ell Junes, Morris sioan, Ca.-p-.-r T. Thomas, Louis Hernaid, John It. (ilrlnn. II -ater Henri lllmleillter. Herwlek-lsalah llower, Mil lim l'oust, Centre Daniel -lauilson. catawissa -s. II. Delmer, William Miller, A. II. Cleaver. Centrall.i-Itobert llrysor. Klsliltiirc-i oclc Daniel no der, ITunklln -William E. llower. lire uiwood eieoige (Jreenly, Jackson Alfred A. Stephens, Zepenlah llutt. Daniel II. Stephens, Eeklel Cole. Win llrliik. Locust Daniel .1. Mine, John Hllllg. -Montour - Isaac Mom y. .Mt. Pleasant Howard (Jrlmes, 1). Stroup. llllilln-stephen Erwln. Madison Parker Kesler orange Aaron Patterson. Jacob Hemlev, Abram White. , lin-j John Locknrd. Scott ll.ury 'I'ownsend, (Jeorge W.. Johnson, Silas D.EcLrar. TISTOFCVUSES FOR J TEI1.M, 187,1, THIAL AT MAY William Yohey vs Oliver K. Vohe. Win. T. Shuman vs I). II. W. It. It. Co. II. I,. DIc-lTenbaeli vs C. II Hrockwny. Nathan llachman vs William Tyson. John .1. Mcllcnry is Jonas Daly and Jllron Fcllovrs. HeeseJ. Millard for uso ot 0.11. Jlelllck vs Alonzo Dodge. (I. II. Powder's Admr's. vs W. E. linker. 0. II. Fowler's Admr's. vs S. W. Haker. Leander Carmvn's Admr's. vs. Wm. Applcman. Clulstlan Wolf vs The North i Company. Step'ien II. Wolf et us. vs Thu North & West Ilranch It. It. Co. I Joseph Carl assigned to Solomon Helwlgvs Mahlon Hamlin and Solomon llelnlg. SECOND WKHK. llradley k (lordon t s I'.eckley & Phillips. iadly & (.onion is Hockley .V Phillips. Thatcher & (learh.irt vs DanH Sni der Jacob Evan i' 1: li-s vs William J. Cox. Thatcher fiearhart is I). Mijder A: Co. The t'nlon Hand ot Catawissa is Charles Hehmlck. William Thomas is Isaac J. Usher. ter Kline vs Martin Lunger. ir ill A. l'ctrlkln 1 1 nl. vs '1 he Town of Hloomsburg. William Snyder i Exr's. v s I he Ton n of llloomsburg. Mugiin A-Co n Nimii'-l Johnson. Willi mi I". Andrews vh D. l'.,-beit. William Harris ts The Hern lei: Itollln? Mill Co. First National Hank ot llloomsburg va Charles Ue etal, First National Hank of Hloomsb'irg vs Jesse I), nice. I Keiidl,' vs J. D. Illee. T. Ikeler vs Jonas Doty. John lleaecH'k vs Jonas Duty. i.iette Drlbbkblss is Eves & Co. irdee, Markle .vGrler vs II. (!. Crcvellnc;. First National Hank of llloomsburg vs. (leorge Cava- nee et al. William Applcman vs Henry IjiIiiikiii. Charles M. .Marple's Exrs. 1 s Enos Jacobv. TI10111 is J eialbralth, Assignee ts Undley W. Wooley, Mauiui-1 j. case vs Jonas Dotr. Wilson fllbbons vs Jonas Dot)'. M. O. Hughes vs. I esse D. lllce. M. (J. Hughes vs O.scar P. Ent. L. F. Davis vs Jonas Doty. Jesse flartmnn vs Doty, vosiuie noone vs 11. e. e reveung. John J. Mclle-nry vs 1). I., t. W. it. It. Co. stney John ts II. (I. Crevellug et nl. Samuel Hogart .V. ton vs Itussel Force. Ira Pealer's Adm'r. vs sj Iveslcr Pealer's Adm'r. D. P. Sejbcrt vs Plilllp Appleman. DavllJ. Waller vs The First National Hank of llloomsburg, Pa. Joseph II. Evans ts Ellas Olger.' Jackson Walter ts Simon llrlchart. John Wl,te 1 1 uv. vs J. 11. lllce et ul. iradley liorduu vs lli.-ce.ltjy li Phillips. plloii Ch ules v, J. 11. Illci) 1 1 ul. Lifajette DitMlMss v.s O. W. Eves et id. ilfabclh W. Sjuders vs William checkterl.i', D. Idee tow i'-.-ij'iicd to S. Kuoirvs John White. pi; iiHriUiH NMrii'i:. . .NlltlO.' li )l ffl.J CHI II tu lu all li'.iltico. cietl! .Ill I iSI.TI I I l. Tl'iU'll 111 till' e,t.!.lt" I'f ,f r rtt.o ii.iMli'i'.-it.i ut, .unl iiiliiui'H. UK' fe'I. lultlil.' .l.lllllnNHMIIi,.l .I'l-I ;ll ll'ill.lll .ICi'umit lllto u 'fii ni.-'i in ui.' . in.- -.I i:t iifii"!' ea e uuuii' 1.1 U.llllJ, .111 I ttlll IV p.".". 'II'.C 1 till l'U.lIU'iil.lllull IlKl lit en' ejri:itu'.i C'uiul lu be Ik-LU l.i lu.i imsiiu cm "ti'.lit'" 1 !.. i:teoiuu4 ui .iia.,M.j, ;ic .' uciurh, ji. in. imi .u.i eu ; 1 The .uv'.iilMt i f .lusonli II. KiilttUi nuJ (i.vt ii i. I.. iKfiti'iiiuiitT. .itiiiiiiiMutorrtur Jo. uii Ki)3tciiu.i. UiT, lal e.f I'r.niMlii luitililp, ilwuav il. '.'. Tin) account of .fuiliu i SI. Ki'itiT, uilnilnlitrutnr of.I.iiiics Kihttr, l.ile ot tlio tuetti of lilounijuurtfi ile'Cl'tlse'tl. II. TIip ncvi iiit of lvtix Ktit, ii.lintnUtr.itor of tclllii','toii II. i:nt, of tlw town of lll'jonisuurt; ek'C'i'.icO. I. Hiu tlr.-t acco'int of J,nfpli '. i:vis, eiit'iilor oi io in it. r.icn. lilt's oi'riiivuoii iimni I . ei' ei'.v-i il. r.. 'Iho lint ami llnal account of tsaac I.ulz. al uiliiistiatur of ('iirMl.m l.ut., Jr., l.uc ot .tilillln ll).tlllip, (l.'1'e'.ln.'il. el. Tim tlnal a 'I'ouiit ot Stephen IIIII, executor of .tlLtlll lllll, I.IISJ Ol tl'llltT lUltllsuip, Ui'irOMIil. I. 'I lie Ili-ot ami initial iwoiiiit i.f John II. Vaml l -lire ami .luliu II. White, executors of l.saac vt l.tle, i.iiit of scutt ton nsliip, ileee,us,M S. 'Ihetll-stillHl Ilnal account of William It. Demon n.tiiiliiMrator of .lucuii M.iiiiun, lalu of eireeitvo) louiiMiip ii-i;e.e.eii. ti. Tim account ot '1 11111...1S ,1, Vimlorilliv, mlinln Wri.tor ttlth iln, wm iitiiiexi'.l, ilu IhiiiIs 11011, of lleortfi) Mmis, lale tf .Malwiilm; toivnslilp, ileecasetl. in. 'I lie tlnal 111 count ot 'llitmloiu W. Smltli, tuar ell 111 of I aiinlM H. (li 1111. 111, iiilnor clilUl of Juliu I). iierui 111, lau. ui rinu co.viiiinti, ii.'c'e.tseii. 11. I lie nccount of. IdIiumiii II, lkelcr, of A.iun t. Kesler. minor clilUl of 1 1 1 1.1 1 : 1 Ketcr aile of c.rt't-ntttHHl tottiii.lp, ileceuM'ii la Iheaii'ii'int ot William l'eacock, iidiiili.Wr.i tol of lieolcpe 1'otet . 1 it., i.( Hi iiihm-L: t(,iiiiiili,. th. 1'o.eil. 13. The luvoutitof Marc I'lilllliw, iictliigexeeiitilv if llatl.l l.rlllllli, late of I.oe llt loHUhhlp, lleceil-cll U. Iho llr.-.t account of Daniel Ham liach, iiilmiuuuior ot Wll.luin llcrln, Lett) tf the 01 iiii ai. h, ut'cea&cil, ll. '1 he tlnal accutlllt of lillat f ttti Crease cxccil. tur uf Mai i;.iict tie. csj, latei ot illuoiiiabuit',ili'CC'a-',e iti. 'iiicnnii ,11111 niiiii iiecq .ni i f kiuu W. .Mi-'lii'iil'j'. iil'i luhlialJi of U'i(iu,l lliiijcru,, LUt) of hujiarloal toini.itili, iitv iiM-cl, If, 'IhelliM uiiilllual account of lllram J. Ilicilir. exi cnlui' ot I.IUiilvUi nveliloif, late of 1'ntattUt.i tiiitnslilp, t.'ce' is. ihu ili-bi ami tlnal account of William (1. 1'lilnr. iiuiiiiuniiaioru itehur 11. tieater late of t ranu. II11 luttiinilp, eleeeavil, IV. 'I lie llrst nml ilnal aecoiint of Daniel Urohst, uiliiiliiMialortf l: 11 irol)(, lateiof muklln tottn. tlllp, lll'CCIl-t'll. M 'llieiiicouiit of I't ter (l. CumpU'Il, uilmliilslra. lor of lulliarliie ll.11 Inser, moot t'atatt bsu lott ushlp lliglMersonice, I W, II, JAI'OHY, tllooiiisUlqe;, Apjll '.';u, 15I5.( trir(ir. BLANKS J BLANKS! voy. H.iB AT TIIK SALES 1)Y virtue of mmdrv writs of Vendilionl Ex A i iHinasntid nerlFn'las Issued out (f the Court Ci Common Please ( f Columbia county, nnd to me ill recteii will ti rxioscd to public sale nl tho COl'ltl' llol'SE, in llloomsburg, on Monday tlio III day nf May, IS75, nt one o'clock, p. in., Iho fullot?lngil?scrlbed prop. 1 rtj, to-wltt All that certain real estate bounded on the north by .Main street of the Town of lispy, on tho east by nn nllej', on the south by nn nllcv, nnd on Iho west by lot of Alonro Dodrc, Is-ing ith V feet deep nnd Si'j feet In wtilth, slluuli' In Scott iilacounty, whereon Is erected a two-sloili d frame house and out-b'iliuthgs. Sdi d, taken Into execution and In bo sold ns thu proiierty of M, C, JlcColluin, WHO, All that certain pleco of land lstnjr nnd hidnu In llloom township In thoCouniyot Colunblantoresald, boiiiulcdnnd described ns follows, Mrt Hi-Klnnlngnt a post, corner of Itlootnsbtirg Iron Company's land nnd old road nlley continued from South llloomsburg nnd running I hence nlung said ally south seventy degrees west one hundred and folly feet Inoie or less to a line of nn nllev running from .Main street to old road nlley llienco ofutig wild alley course along other lauds Iho In Irs of Isaiah llarton, now deceased, nortli M'4 degrees, nest ono hundred nnd ten feet more or less to the bank of Ushlngrreek. thence along said creek tho course thereof one hundred nnd thirty feet more or less to tho llloomsburg Iron Compnii) 's land ntnrc said, thence along said land tho course tuereofono hundred nnd folly feet more or less to the place of beginning, on which li erected a (lluellouse,togeth er with the appurtenances. Seized, taken Into execution nnd to be soldns tho property of Charles Foster. ALSO, All tint certain real estate situate In Pine town ship, Columbia county, ixmndcd by land of (larman 011 tho north, ut Eeggott ; IMtker on tho cn-I, Parker on the soul h, nnd John Ecirgitt en the west, eontidnlnir t' ncres 1!oicrc!icsntid al lowance, on tilil-h are three dwelling houses, a grltt mill, a saw mill, a ham and out-bulldlngs. Seized, take n lulu eteeuinn and to bo sold as the property or Jackson J, Eiibblns, ALSO, All the followlno real estate tn wit: Sltuale In Main township, Columbia county, Pcr.nsvivnnln, lioutidedon the north mid east by lands of Jacub Shuman, on the south by lands ot Charles Cox. and on the west by lands of llculs-n shiimaii.eentaliilng clghty-tn o ncres more or less, vv hei eon are ei cc ted a largo tno-story frame dwelling house nnd barn. Seied, taken Into execution ami to be sold as the prnportyof Jeremiah Dei r, wilh notice to terre ten ants. ALSO. All that cerlnln reil estate situate In locust town ship, Columbia count)', bounded on tlio north by lands of Jacob Yeager, Jerry scut 1 011 the east, Isolah Meager on the south end William llelnlg on the west, containing in acres more or less, on which nro erected a gilst mill, two dwellrV houses and out buildings; ALSO, One other pleco ot land sltbatc In the fame township bjunded by (leorge llu-s) on tho north, M.oborrv snjilerou the west, Jacob Yeager on the south and Jerry scolt on the east, containing ill acres more or less i ALSO, All that certain real estate situate In Locust town ship, Columbia count)', bounded b,- lnn is ot John Mine and others on the north, of Jacob osotandof Xeauerc Tyson on tho east, of (leorge Pltner, Wright Hughes and others on the south nhd ot John .Miller and Peter .Miller on tho west, containing two hun dred ncres more or less, wheieon mo e rected two dwelling houses, tno bariisutid out buildings with the appurtenances. Said rwil estate, will be sola lu twosepar.uu tracts or parcels as follows: No.l, Adjoining lands of Charles .Miller and Peter Miller on tne wed, John Kllno and others 011 the horlli, Jacob enwo il and other lands of Jonathan Haclunan on the east, nnd William Miller and others on tin- suiith, containing about one hundred ucies, known as the Wright Hughes farm, w hereon ure erected a frame duelling hoti-e, bank barn and out buildings. No. a. Adjoining the above tract described us N'u. 1 on the tiesi. Jao u (is a aid and others 1,11 the niaih, leaner I ) son on tho east, Jacob Long and ntluni on the south, containing uboiil one hundred nnes and known as tho Koenc-lrels farm, whereon ure erected n dHclllug ho'lse, new bank barn, good sprln,' nnd spring liouso an I other out buildings. seized, taken Into execution, nnd to be sold us the properly of Jonathan Haclunan. ALSO, All that certain real estate sltuale In Heaver town sl.lp, Columbia county, bounded on Ihc cast bv lands of Clulstlan vitlier'shili-simd others, on the south by it public road, 011 tho nest by lands of Ifiiben .-111-U11111111, i-umiiiiiiiig s uitcs more or less, w hereon ure a log dnellllng house, a log bam and out buildings. Seled, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold as tho property ot Fiedeilck Wltehey. ALSO, All that tract of land situate In the township of Heaver, County of Ciilumlila and state of IVnus) Ivn- iii.iiiiiiiuyiiimtiiiis.iiiuons: neginiitng nt 11 large white oak (corner Of said Patrick Linden's land and land of Abraham Lockard and Urn original corner or lands surveyed to Haldol Hemp on a warrant of 29th March 1 Hsu thence b) the lauds ot Abraham fhar,1,'' -N;6I-'..K' -7!,lt.t-eieu perches lo a corner In the Uno of other lands ot s. F. Headley the grant or of this tract, thence by lands ot S. F. Heudiev, grantor, north eleven elegiees, w est one liundi ed und wib.-tiiii-i mm i nan perciies 10 a corner (stune) thence by lands ot the same south elghtt- degrees w eslslxty-IHeundelgnt-teulh perches to u chestnut, thence by lands ol the same and lands of Nancy l In- lien souui ten ueifret'K, east U3JV to a tMiltoo.ik, the place tf Ueifliinlinr, conlaliilnn w acres and si gii'itui;;,. seleil, taken Into etecutlon nnd to be sold us the propel ty of I'atilck J.lnden. ALSO, The undivided nne-thtrd of all that certain lot of Rrouml situate In lie) tntrncliip of Scott In the Conn, ty ot Co umlila ulurcsald, bounded add described as fo lows, tiMt it : llec'lnnlnc at a stone corner In the lultlJIe of Mailiet stieet 01 thu tillage of llspv and ruiiiilnj thence aluiis' an ulley norm slxtj.'lxuml one fuuitli clecrees, east tteenty iieichet and lite feet to 11 iwst, un'iice along landj nf William tlilncs north tevciity-lline ami mice fourth '""reps tvesl Liu'.- "f same soitltl SWtj-sl v aud oiie-tourtli ilei'iees ttest ttveiity iiiiches ami lite feet to the mlituV Mid .M.ukcl stieet, thence by thn middle c( 1 ' wiiiih tneiitj-three and three.foutli d' ., ,..nt tliliL'tn peix'li'saiidtieteii feet to Ui. piaeei'f bc Kiiinln', cuutatnln'one acre, one liuiMrcdand scv. iiieeii ami 1. Haiti ci cm s. ALSO, TllO Umlltlil. il onc-tlilril nnrt nr, i... t.A .",ctsl.l,'.'Vn!'"k.l t "vel, iH'Klnlnc lu the nuclei u of Mallcet sued l'liiiiili,.' ilu-m.,. t.f,ini. ki.. H umluiie.t.iurlli ic.'iieh. wen tttenU-sK penh'es and nine and tf half f.-i I to .1 post.theiicesoutn ttecn- ij-imiu unu eiui-e-io'iiiii ueiees, east iieten feet to a poit, thence north stt-slv ami oiie.fnurth elf (Trees e ist sU perches an I tevn and oiM'-ililrd feet to. 1 pi 1-1, thtnee south tiu'iitj-three and tin ee-foiii Hi ele-gr. e . eat t In 1 e p, relies a ml ttt 0 and one-lialf feet iiieuee iieiiu sii-si ana oiie-rourili dO'Tees, easl nine peu lies and lee 11 ami uncthhil feet, thiucehuotli tieenlj-thiee and tliiee fuui th dec-reis, last nine HTClie ami 1 ieeu.ami one rourlll f.'ettoan allev, Jienee alone' said 11 llei north sltt-siv nml niiu.t.mrii, ili.c'iees.east eleven p-rihes und fuur aiidthiie- loiiruiicei 10 nif iiiMiue 01 .tiaiket stint, tht'liCe nlniif the middle ot same 11.111 t'.eentj.tliree and thiei-fourth dettrees, ttest iilrt'-en ami one-lialf perenes 111 cue piaceor licmnihtf, contiiliilni; one acre nud ttveiiD-tltct ami oue-fuui'tli pfrclu.s, together M'liCTi, e.iKt'u uiiu execution ami vo be sold as the properly of uitthev IV, Mce'eilluni, tt Ith notice to ecese 1. .tuiiarei unu 1 nomas .Miller Icrre tenanti. ALSO, All those tllll'O miMi,uaL?.'s or len,.infnt nr ,rn,.u (if l.unl sltuute. Ill bcott toie nshlp, coluinbl 1 coui.ty.,.-,. ...... m-v-i iovii luiiinvs: AO. 1, lieerllllll at a post lu lino of land of lielra of Caleb llarton ami riiniilinr thence by the same and lamU of the estate of .Mem Mair V 7s, K. su 1'. ton post.thenie be ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... . , . u, (l posi, ineuee u land of .lacoli Keller N iav Weot ia.1.1 p toaios theiicuS W, W. T.M" ton post, thenee s 13V ea IKi.i I', to the place i r beLrinln-,', containing im acn Im 1st. e.lst :uid M! pcr. hes, all utttlilcli Is cleared laml and tti.ereoll ar erected it one Kt,irv..,hil.ii.liiili rmmi. ilHellliil.' limine bain and out-bu'ldliic. .No. , lle- Kiiliiu, ai a -.ion'', uiem eiiy land ( I or roi incut of tt otlej llucl.el ami U.n l.elis ol llarmaii Kllne.houtli T5 nnel sotciia Ijhlln tvistai.3 I', lou stone, tiienee by Ian 1 Lite of Aleiu Mair ,v. I3' V mi- ioastonc tiu-nc.i b.'. land late if ticuriieVi . Jilintii r :,'. Til iiud tettu-e I;hlii K luapo.l lhei,coby lau I of Haul- sou anil .Mian i ri- . u ami M tell tls' IlllS l I', to the place ..I lie,'liiliic ei,,'ii,iiiii;tni'ul acres No. 3 ll-Kl'ilnefiit a stem comer of land, now or former!.' it m li- f cmlice-,li ami hulls i.r J.i. i'..b Uelti r nn d.i," .. u al n,' I mil t isel,-, ,.f u d'vw I a'.l-h .in mid in Nt til s a mi pi,, ,. Hoi," li. a t, IH i in , i . i ei ui i-of I u, i or u lPian, Nl .il, Ihot.... li one ll.", i al.-l v,.v -v.' ,-,las K. is..', i' to i ii i .,'ii i ,i I iMd .ai n -.1 or ran n net II v l.,t V.lldn.i tl -iOI -,i -1 n lli,.,ni;;,'. ,.t ii'i i- ii'ioiik in :.i .. ..'i 1 1 in i.,r it i nam i pub.i louIN a , v ! , I, i,a i ,i' ii,..-ui ind u , or f hoi. rn il li.i-. ..f .1 e-.i) Keller, Ui nee .il.iic Hie s.n.,e N. , I , U v I', I o a st. n I'oriii'i nt laud i.i i in iiciiii 'in- iii'irs. nn nee niun Hi" i.,h,.i, si I.. T .a I', ma Mol.e belnt; llu. pini'e (it bcLtlnlliK cold llll!ll sltle 1 .term am! setelitt.olie lierches, llieiliree coiisiifitin a tract of one bundled and foi t volet acres and one hun Ired and Itveiity-setcn A IX) All that certain iiieoa u-" an I tract or land liu- uio in l einie ioi,noaii, i iiiiuiiiiia c.iuuly, uiljuliiliist I. Hull f Id II.. oh the oulllli mill ei es . ,.f I.,.. tl llldl" nut l'r. del let. Ilaireiiliui'ho:itlieeaot, uml oi is.,!iiii i i reveuoif ou in., no, ia, I'onialuiiij one hundred and M acres lauiii or 1ca. Seled, l.iken liito e tin ut loll and to bo sold an the liiopeii oi u. et . Minier. MltlllAKI, (lltOVUIt. Illoohisiiiirs, ApillviA-U' shcild. AiriDOWS M'l'IlAISKMKNTS. 'I lie f..llow Intf appraisements of real and in'1-houiii u-i.ieii,vM'i apaie ii i invtoot deced.'ltts ll ite lien lllcel In the otliee ol the ItctfWir ol Col n 1 1 1 11 1 county, under I lie l:til,- it ccuit. iut mule tueM'iiled Mr alioolute c.iuniiii.itlou to the orphans' (Millttu he l.eld In IUuu!i',olii!r-,tii and for saldeonii- it.oii t I'uiieoii.ii , in, i,iii ii. or .ti iv or., in i ueliK'l; i. in., ot Mild it i.t iiii.eos excepil uio to Mich e-l..lillli..liiun .lie ili-loil0IJ Ul.'ll, (, ttllicil 111! Ilt'r- hoii', laieieou'd iii ham csiaies evui take notice: 1 Wldatv Of llllrtull W. U'.llltes.l.ilt. of NCnll Inwii. ship. ileceaKd. 2. IiIjW of Peter llllner. 1 ite of Ij e ul rnu'nMn dece.iieeil. 3. Wld JtV Of Jonathan P. Iltohel. lute of Vimlimi- loeeiioiup, eiecei'M'd, 1. Widow of soiomoli llaoo. tale, if puiiitiir c,-... t- I ' " I,,,, ,111,,., ,,l,,tl-ll,. t Mow of Andrew .1 Uurllne1 Intu ,f lllmimo. Iwif , ilisi itscd, el. Idotv of C. Karno. t.itr, ,,r lli.ntoii uej-incrseiuice, 1 tv. 11, JAi OllY, lilooiiioiiurif, April viu, iS7a,f lieyMer. FOR RENT, THU Fl.NM'l STOKIO ROOM Inii. W. sternu'i, new tulldiiiunn MAINSTltKKT, 15I.0U.MS1UJUG, loSctlier tilth 'iii it i: i: itoo.iis on becoud tluor, two,Ircntlns on Mnlnttreet, nnda HALL onthlidlloor ndaplci) oMsue( onicH orenleilalii iui-;i. viu iciteel ou reasonable) u run. IVr purilculars Impure of U, W. MT.llNUIt, . w Iiloomsburir. Pel. 1 uprlia ISI58m r evi tinieminivr i i ,1 AsV lour druifW'lat lor It. I.AMv JlOI.lUACil.45 fornU'Clicaiiutllio Kor nulo bv JcUM-'ION, ItOH-OWAY Cm rtMiuv wtry, LAYTO.N" KUKV0:J. I-IAllDWARi; STORE. LAY TON Rl:iTYON, & CO., BLOOoMSBURG, PA., keeps constantly on hand n Full nnd Conijik'te Slock of HEAVY AHSTZD SHELF HA-R.IDW-A.riE. which wo wilt sell to the Public nl I'rices no Low in to defy competition. (It'll STOCK CONSISTS IN PAI1T OF IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRIOULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades nnd Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse nnd Mule hoes. Horse Nulls, &c, PATENT WilKELs, OLD'S AND W A USER'S PATENTS. Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Msillcbels, Axles. Sprinrjw, Gum and Oil 6'lotli?, Vnlentiiiea YarniHhes, Sitiritd Turpentine, and a sencrnl Stock of WAGON AND CA1UUAGU MAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, sueh as MWCAXXOX KAILS, Lewis' Lead, I3c?t Cblors, .Pure Oils, Ac, ns low as they can be bought in thu county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON 8c CO Mnr 19, is;s-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! Si-'CCKSSOIIS TO J. V. km OIL STONE I, (luimlcl-. (iout;c', Tweezers, 1'licrs IVita and Kettles, Pans and Fliers. All tilings for sill suits of buyers. Wc linvo nlo ndded 10 our Stock PATENT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTT, O-E-IISriDSTOZSrES, Scd. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In nil its liinnches, Ciirofully Selected nnd l'urclinood low for Cash giving us Advantages for Selling which can not he excelled hy uny other Hardware Store in the Cbuntry. GIVE US A CALL AjYD SEE FOR YOURSELF. We GUAHAXTEB hoth in P1UCE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. MaicttvTa-y J. SCHUYLER SCirtoonisb "BMIiTG-TOlsr. : 0.- The llKtipaiTON .or.evioii M i chine has sprung rapidly Into favor as possessing the best con niN.tTioN cf Rood qualities, namely ; Llhlit ruunlns.Smootli, Noiseless, llapM, Durable, ttllh perfect Lock Mitch. It Is a Shuttle Machine, ttlth Automatic Drop Feed. Destjtu beautiful and construction the very best. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. ivddukss, MwJm Seiii MacMus Cuniiianj, Dion, 1 Y. UR.iiVCii oFritts or ki:mi.(; ro.v K. licmiiitiin i Sons, llcnilii-lou Sriting M. Co., jlMOS, N. V. llmnlnotnn ii.'l i'a 1 "'"'n'"" ,h . Itnich fi, Tt-Sm SMITHS IHSTRUOTIOtM BOSK UlfCI I II O Oil, SIXRETS OF DIU'-SSM-IKINQ. Only 10 rcnlH a your CIVrS HINTS antl RULE3 for CUTTING tnd FITTING aatl LAOtEG', CHILDREN'S. zi r.USSCC CLOTHING. Housenoia Notes, f - ILLUSTRATIONS OF Oversklrti OFFER!! THIH . . for OO (rain, hWh (inrlileir (unl lit ' latlrwrikiu ttoolvi P. O. Do. 505i. l'dltTL NK IN IT. I'A tv laiiulv lii'to ii V Sold lij AgenW. AUdre'ss, 11. S. tt ALKKK Erie. Pa. 'OH lAHV TO Alt KYI'S So in w iii )wVJ tkltcaml tuc Ix-et niiuily I'aiier ui Ainci- le.i. te lili two t.v 0 curomot. trev. AM. MTU (-(.. J.o llio.uleta), N I . AIAKYKAM) I j.1Xl,,.muAU,!Ks. VAHMS ANT) 1IOMIS ear railroad Uieatlem tieHlln rnuTo irueiel Address tm s. ltllHIEl.Y. .Mtornet Iienton, .Mai1 laml. BnOT-GDSH, III't,ES.riSTOLSj nKY0LTErH, nfnvani1.eTervllrid. tieadfUlUD 1 Imi r.i.ln.u.. a,lr.. Unal tV..l. mm riu.i, riTTituuuuu, rA. Ag.atB I Seal for and Terns. MVINllMONK'S IVmuir lallllon. tlioet.lio i.tti rfiii it o.ti."s. ThiiMiorvor Hie li-l eti nun xeten si'itrje.f Uiu rireat'l'ratclei'iillteus told by I J not If. unit Ills suf . f-rlniM and ilealli, ten t il.l by Ids men. The liook the) tva'il. P. C. 111.1ns x ..ei., PucilLoliti's, .Seeeuik, N.J. TIN WIRE niNQS. ... 111 Mt nwUi m Uoa H.t'' ftto. IIaidn3ri.ptalcruntSen. v.lllr.iffr. Hi Till llOJl, cri, I law I "y y id. o1rcuUr4 (Y HAVE YOU TRIED J U 11 U B 15 B A AUK YOV WKAK. NKUVOl'.S t)U DKIUJ.ITATKDV Art, too so lar.trutd lhat nut cxertlcn looiilres menu ol uu edort than ou Icel eiipahle cf maUuitt 'lueu to auruu'iia, ine tiomieiieu eonie unu in- tlirorator. tthlch lectn so l l.elMidl, on the set'it'tltu oiifjiiHioilo lumail tliror to all tlto forces. IV is uo uietiuesiu uiiiicii't'i, m um.i teiuieiiates lor u slioil Hue, only to lei ll.e MiHcicr fal toulottcr deplli ol uiloii), tut ll tcgtlable tonic ejvtlu uueteo oil lilt' lltri uiiu npicen. It rcirnluliH Uie Ikittels. iiulils Ihu uertiri. nnd Kites such it lieullhy lope lo (lie ttliolo b).lein as to bcn IHUkc Uie lutdllel (eel like a lion inibou. Ike a lion inibou 1. but ISCllUlllClC lis ills laeiou la uoe tiuieue. out is t'lliir.ctlt'iucci it erejitlencss: the uellcut exnellclit'tilioHuddeu ilia Hge, no luarkiHlivsulls, but tTiuluully liinliuubli.t 'l'e4iUiilrtelil,HLii U,t Atulli, Andnllelill) steal unu), ,l This Ls no new und untiled elLocotcrv. bul has. . MlVt.tVli ,',IM 11 WUIIl l.lll l(-(lir,t,l4 , l.UIIIO IU.II i ,s iirouuunicil by Uiu Llghtbi lucdicul uutlioiltlcb, ''lUBiuostiiottctfulionlcttuelitltfrulHejkuottn," Ix em Ions u'd Ui ttomleiiulrtineilial itnults. A. UtUdlilil,it, I'd, ciiAiii.Ks w. itrsvov. W I DEM AX & CO., Keep on I land tho LARGEST STOCK or HEAVY AND SffiLF HARDWARE In the County. llB'it:.iro N'o. 1 Machine fo family Use, n tt.c thikd vmts oi'ii-s KxisrENCK, lias met tvltli .t more Ktrtn lscuEisn ok katio OF S CI.KS Til tN ANY M IC1IINK OS TltK MAKKKr. Itr.Misoros ",o. 2'M.v lilne for MAIO'ACTl'KIMI llllll fllllllly USO (reaitj- fjr delivery only since June, 1ST4), for range, perfec tion, and va r lo ty of tvork, Is without a rival In fa rally or woHi!iior. SEINJ-jO FOR CIRCULAR 2sl A 2S.1 Itrondwar.'Netr York, ArmH. Madison square. New York, swttlntr MPChtno"i. chlcaso. 231 Mate St.. Setvlnu Machines and Arms. Iloston, 832 WiLsliliinton L, M'ttlnit MKClilnes. Cincinnati. 1st West 4ih St.. setting vnclilnes. I'llC.l, 1S l.cncsee, St., Seltlll!; MHCllllles. Atlanta, (la., IVdlte'u Opera Houoo, Marietta Stivet, sowlncr Machines. Washington, I). C.,t Si er.tliSt.,Setns.Macliln(-. Tblt CL'Titto tb Upper T&t of tl bklrt (nroDK bides out), Hh il In II h-p lb klrirroralktfilt. UliOOpsilikLirt nfcTutefultii4 , Va m h InmhU it I'oKtago Paid asnioriB t;noppints, PATTcRfJC. I VUhS ITIilt, una PIT. ' U. ' i in but, tnftktnic tint "irnins CENTS. i front" li Save mur ibu Tea A. BURDETTE SMITH, !Sl.l:SRi.l,a,S,-ES!Sj 014 DROADWAY. RCW-YORK CITY. -.i..,sa...,i...u. "M'lMA ea-ilv mule v oelitiii: 1 HAS t Jl 1 IMI'.nt I l.nv Pin, 's. or ereltlmr iln clutru ns mi 1 eoui ii.t foi iheiildeoi lea Company lu Auk in. i 1,1. ,n i Indiii em .ito. send fin' tlrcular. t ivius ti; e i . wo i ii.uuiierost , n. y. riMIK. Nttv Y.-rU WKKK I A' WITNESS I 1,-ltiiu Nctto, Markil.o, stories. Picture's, und aiid l ite Kdllorlais ul tl.'ii u .tear, Postasopald, ha-s 'C.icii ei in i" .( ruceiiaiioii iu iiireo jeai,, rs.'nu lor iw.i sample e-op.t. ttllUit'I.N Yoni (,WN MII.K lMCKS 0 No lilacksraltln needed. Money Katexl, lend 1 icks alttats fcli.irp. I or I. nitrated circular ueldrvns I'lih T.iMiKCn slrottdstuiii;, Monroe Co P.u AAANTKI). Auintu, male nnel femulc, te yy sell I'll tureseterytvnerv. Fourteen tUouJana iclallcd ty one. Anollier ttilles: "I cati uutku m ike money In Dils liuollieos tlian 1 can on a Hi, mil farm, all MocUed. Wlin'vi-'Y CO.. Norwlo k,Conu, ) r.r.-iiai. Ci'iXTOS'JO iwr eliiv. Al-ciiIs tviintit). All Ot) ihiMimf ttml.lii!tipleoIl.oUisiitst,ouiuf m a old, make me re iiioiie.t ul evurk lor usln Hit Iruttu lovalltlef, aurtiiK llielr cpai'v niuinints, or all tlw tla'.e, ttian nl anj IIiIhk el-e. We oner eliiplojliieliC lint ttill pny lini.iw.mely I, r every liemi'a ttorl. IVil paitleuiais, iii'ins, .C, 'end UK j our ude!res ut cilice, luui't dtlaj. Now Is the lime. Don't lou!. for ttniK or tiuoinih.s i lcttr.i le, until touluite Uane isltthat tteonn. il.siisoos,o(ii.,ptrtluud, MulEf. .inn. i6';;i). IviTYTiiiK TiMiirNir "tTik i.kaiv 1 IMi S'lPIlKAS' yhWsl'.U'HU,' -'I1IK llKs'i .tiitul.'ilMMl MHHl M. I'nlly.llUttSvur. l-eiul-WeeH.'.tn. Ii.-i.i lieo- tn n.c i lit v. sjti s and v,nerilli (. Putrs 1 e. Vtitkly, In tlulis ot ij oi n.oie ' in tl, Htdtitti; paid. AefeltCfb TiikTui B.'M', N . , . Jonl';w.v. A in i itiii.tiii einiiii uoiiei! MHio:a. 1 V lie- All J tile Lu It I ,i (t lies' n'.))latt-luuli1li)f cen. int. in .en ui e ri i. ,q ur ee.r uirei en u en nil tr-ll-euiculs, sLuiilel li kid It, ei Us lo I lie. P. I'e well i. lo., lltvt, MwYeik. ler llclr l'.X.I lil.hT. I( (n m tuuion.) tit fl Hi Ise r et.i viico tttM-iaitri. nn erilui.ler., i-liottlrg Uiu ri, - e, Ul'l w I IP (I'flll It I leieillK TltlHlU nny suiies m u iiiutieei.s iiuwinn IniupciU iLits ihik. e n iuk i ctt. Jiin.iMroy, SO C333STT, COMMISSION l'AU) HOOK AtiKNTS. unet . ... .. vuu M.vv,n.t,.ta, iKABit, IWII IlieiUlir. (SlsuWUiJUi Cllim In lie louniri. ItLcoku lor iciiiji tj uuoka lor', e, no iiiiuiiUkT. ulii .I'.v, crilicuUrb nnel tic. AiWmt, ) . u. v m intt enl.CAeUk