AM fH If Siitumrtiatu -l lir.ooMsnuita, pa. F v I J 11 .v. A p v 1 1 10.18 7 5. lien. Wuilo back down fmm the Kc-ptilill-o.lii iinmltintlmi lor Governor uf Ohio. Hen s)M, Ills party wnnlil nut Humiliate him lie came thoy cnultl nnt liopp to elect him. Hbjs (trier has hccn nppointisl to a clerkship In tho oflko of Secretary nf In. Icrnal AHair.s. He N editor of tho Onliinililu llirald and will mako nil efficient dfllcer. Tho Clearfield Republican gay that the production of tlmher for market tho present year la fully one-half les than thepr. ceding year. If the market Is not glutted from other locallticrt tills would indicate a rise in prices. Judge Hoggs, of Armstrong county, luis issued a new rule, requiring attorney while In attendance at court in open session to keep their heels below the level of their heads! Tho "star" of good manners seems to lie traveling westward, tool Sunbury has grown Into one of the most Important railroad centres in this State. The Philadelphia and Kric, the Northern Central, the Danville, Hazlcton & U'llkcs Ilarrc, tho Shamokiu, the Lackawanna & llloomsburg and tho Sunbury and LcwUtown all concentrate at that point. Tho report of Stato Treasurer M.ickcy shows that there was nna dollar and sovotity six cents in the treasury aside from the sink ing fund, March 31. This is a condition of nll'sirs that indicates tho loveliness of radi cal financiering. The laws passed in 1874 bring on bankruptcy in 1875. Er. Oh 1 The Willlaimport Gazette A llalft tin has discovered what wo know no other reader did in thecolumns of the Columman, "outrageous abueof SenatorCAMUHO.v,""or any other man," "lie has optics sharp I ween. Who sees what l not a be seen." But the G. A U. is famous for discovering things that never had existence. Treasurer Mackcy reports one dollar and seventy-six cents in tho State Treasury on the last day of March applicable to the payment of general claims against the State. There nro two or three millions in the Sinking Fund, however, that ought to be applicable to the payment of bonded debt and interest but he says only about two hundred thousand can be used in that way. Why, we do not understand. John Cessna is not only as pestiferous but as irrepressible its the average musquito. lie- pudiatcd with loathing by his own party in his Congressional district, he has managed to get a clerkship in the Attorney General's office at Washington, which, to be consistent with the general snobbery prevailing at tho capital, is dubbed by tho euphonious title of Deputy Attorney General. The peo ple of this State may well compromise if the administration at Washington will enter into bonds to keep him there. W. W. Ketchum, of Luzerne, is now men I on ml a c-iv.-l-uandidate for State Treasurer, the "ring" having for some unex plained reason crowded Mr. Butler B Strang on" from the course Ketchum is a sort ol revolver as a candidate. He first "appeared in public upon the stage" as nvery credita ble State Senator, then as a chronic candi date for Governor, was elected Judge, out ol which he soon rotated to Congress, but before he takes his scat becomes a candidate for State Treasurer Somebody up there around Wilkes-Barre must have an exalted idea ol Mr. Kctchum's qualitications for office. Postmaster General Jewell is, prosecuting a number of the clerks of the CtH Auditor's office, who are charged with connection with frauds upon the department in disclosing bids to rival bidders. As such frauds are common to all the departments at Washing ton it might bo well to make the prosecutions general. As remarked by the Philadelphia Times, this is "very good but there are bigger iish in the sea than any he has caught yet or seems likely to catch. The Postmaster is angling for minnows when he ought to be harpooning whales." They have had an election in tho little teapot State of liliodj Island. Although great excitement prevailed the aggregate vote does not exceed that of many of our Congress ional districts. An 'independent" Repub lican candidate for Governor has more votes than the regular nominee of that party, and a Democratic candidate has about one-fifth of the whole number. As a majority over all is required, the election will now go to tfie Legislature, a majority of which will be bought up by one of the aspirants. Upon the whole, the result is about as important as a sharply contested election for Burgees in Illoomsburg. llr.Ali. It is announced from Washing. ton that the Federal Supreme court will not pronounce upon tho constitutionality of Civil rights (negro equality) bill "until after the fall elections," when a decision main tabling its unconstitutionality will be made. Wo believe it is not tho practice of that court to announce in advance what their de- cislons will be, or to make the time of their delivery dependent upon the occurrence of elections, or to permit results at the polls to govern its judgment. The Judges of the Supreme court of the United States are shelved for life and do not much care for po lltlcal results. Yet as some of them had to promise certain decisions in order to get on tho bench there Is no telling what impropri ctics they may not be led into In these de- moralizing Radical times. The rittsburgh Radical papers, always distinguished for tho recklessness of their falsehoods, when Lawusbury was arrested for the murder of Butler, not only uudertook to inculpate a number of leading Democrats, without u shsdoiv upon which to found their charges, but also represented Lawns. bury as one of a baud or community of Dora ocrata who were organized to resist the draft All these statements are equally groundless as is also the additional error that we fell into, that Butler was a deputy provost marshal Tho facta are, km we now gather from tho tinners of the vicinity, that Butler was no officer at all, but ono of thoo reprehenslbl creatures who volunteered totuko up nun reporting drafted men at $30 per head Lawusbury had teut in a substitute, but like In myriads of similar cases, ho was Home way cheated out of him, Lawusbury was uot a Democrat, but as "trooly loll" as tho most blatant Radical loyalist in the land wlio'preferred bcllowlujj "for the Union" to fighting fir It. It Is therefore a Radical mess all arouud,aud, politically, of uo earth 1y bouwjuocck Tltcflrr at Strike. Tho great coal miners strlko continues. Only those of the Scranton region have re fused to join It, though thero is n largo mi nority of miners in tho other regions who aro opposed to It. As a general thing good order Is preserved, though thero Is of jourso here and there rulll.inly conduct indulged The Governor was last week Induced to order a large military force to Itazlctnn, un der the coniiitiiul of (Jen. Oiborne. 'l'hls action vn loudly protected against as mi- necotsnry by a considerable number of clti- us, but after Investigation and deliberation it w.isdetcrmlticd not to withdraw the troops for tho present. Of course, sundry political demagogues and selfish leaders aro largely mixed up In this hudticss nnd add all tho fuel to the flames they ran. Capital always has a tremendous i lvanlago In these struggles, for it requires neither food nor raiment, while its struggling opponent ran dispense with neither, nnd will make up a portion of Its losses by the enhanced prices occasioned by the diminished supply of coaL But capital should bear In mind, that, whatever present results, its interests can only be permanently promoted and protected when Its workmen, its employees, are mtiyicd laborers. 1 hat is au inexorablo law that can not now or ever bo set aside by nny human agency. Let tha operators oK'er wages and conditions ought to give contentment to the work in and the best cud will soon be reached luspltaof unrtuion.iblc exactions on either id-. The most foolish of all absurd things is for the workmen to give nny excuse for the exercise of tho authority of the Stato. That is a power they not resist. Pennsylva nia furnished !! W.OOJ men for tho late civil war, nnd can doublo that force if necessary to keep the peace within her own borders. Should her strength not bo sufficient, the Federal govertimint would bo required to exert all its power. Resistance, therefore, is as senseless as to denounce tho sun for shilling. Above all things, then, the miners should bo careful not to do anything that will give the slightest excuse for the exercise of State authority or for calliug upon the military. Public opinion sympathises with them in fair and just demands, but will sternly condemn them for violence. With public opinion ou their side, and correct ac tion, they will eventually obtain just terms of compensation. The corporations who are the principal aggressors ajainst them, must yield in the end to the public voice, for their very existence is only by sufferance. A war to wipe them out by legal means will be in augurated and will in time succeed. The corporations fear it and therefore can not af ford to defy public sentiment perpetually, Mr. Volney Voltaire Smith, is one of the numorous personages who claim to have been elected Lieutenant Governor of Arkan sas within the last ten years. When his chief submitted to the inauguration of a Governor who had been elected by an almost unanimous voto of the people, Volney Vol taire issued a proclamation declaring him self Governor, but he did not succeed in ob taining any followers, except a constable or two who tried to arrest him for a reward that had been offered. For all that wo know the race was a fair one, but Volney Voltaire got to the rice swamp9 first and tho constables did not get their booty. Volney, Voltaire was cot iigaiajjjlHgf until after the meet ing of CojHKje turned up at VaslnngtaHiilMUh In his case, how; submergi again anions a Ion Counsul at St. Thomas, EB&eSLtS much safer retreat for him could find in Arkansas. IIU residence tl will not only be safe, except from tho astion of real and political volcanoes, but also at the expense of tho United States, for all which ho had Gou. Grant to thauk. Shameful 1 The Lawistown Democrat has a fearful bill of indictment against tho managers of the Soldiers' Orphau School at McAUitstcr- ville. It eaya that "tho fearful prevalence of typhoid fever thero is directly traceablo to filth, that they havo but one washer-woman, and that tho children are cheated iu their food, in their clothing, and in tho ordinary means of preserving health j and that, sick or well, they aro treated little better than dogs; that their food is littlo better than lop ; that they aro lousy, raw with itch, and much more to the same general effect, even down to the teachers eating 'the oran ges sent them by Mrs. Huttcr for the sick." If these charges aro true, the authorities ought to look Into this matter. It is a terri ble shame that fatherless children should bo treated in such a manner, and the teachers of the school ought to be summarily and so verely dealt with, Lt the charged bo at onoe investigated. Gubernatorial Candidate!!. The following are a few of tho gentlemen who will be named as candidates beforo the Democratic Stato Convention for Governor Robert R. Monaghan, Chester. Amos C. Noyes, Clinton. James II. Hopkins, Allegheny. Wm. A. Oalbraith, Erie. S imucl S Drehcr, Monroe. John I). Stiles, Lehigh, lvlgar Cowan,' Weitmorelaud. Andrew II. Dill, Union. Victor B. Piolet, Bradford. Judge Trunkey, Venango. Wm. P. Shel'l, Bedford. Hugh M. North, Lancaster. John Miller, Philadelphia. Hi'ndritk B. Wright,'Luzcrue. S. P. Wolverton, Northumberland. Andrew G. Curtln, Centre. Gen, Wintleld 8. Hancock, Montgomery. "The Uead Democracy." Of the thirty-seven Governors, nineteen are Democrats, sixteen Republicans and two Independents. Of the same number of Leg islatures, twenty aro Democratic, fourteen are Republican and three Independent. Our radical fricuds have repeatedly told us the Democracy was dead With a majority of Governors and Legislatures, a largo majority iu tho House of Representatives and a bare majority agalust them iu the Senate, we think such assertions smack strongly of the absurd. We presume that, after wo have elected a President in '70, and put the coun trv noon tho bitch road to peace and prosper ity, they will still give utteniuce to that decided chimera, "the Democracy is dead,' and roll over Into the waves of oblivion.- Lrchange. It is said of a beggar who once solicited alms of a nobleman, that be claimed to boa relation to his highness on the ground that both sprung from old mother Lve.whlch made his lowiius a brother to his highness and all mankind, too. Grant's relations may not be on such a liberal baals. but they aiu very numerous certainly. The public thought the eud had been reached, but It seems an other hs been found iu the person of Goto nel Oliver A.PUo.f Weet Virginia, who is a first cousin. He has been appointed (of course) RegUter of the Land Office iu Utah Audtho ud ii not yet. (Amm jtmtoni. m' THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The old fashioned, sensible and profitable "spelling matches," whero tho ildo that lnised most words lost tho contest, is now supplanted by n new fanglcd humbug en titled "spelling bee," where each contestant Is excluded from tho contest tho moment ho or she mis-spells a word tho best Bpcller of ten being tho first to iri down. Tho "last edition of Webster," with nil Its Inconsisten cies nnd Inaccuracies Is Usually taken as tho standard, and It Is thereforf necessary that the contestant should bivu carelnlly hunted up and studied the wry last edition. Web ster onco issued editions of a dictionary pre pared by him that were of great valno as learned works and to a great extent standard authority, but would scarcely now (If brought to life) recognise the work published under his name. Since his death his great work has fallen Into the hands of finical profes sors of Yato college, who havo nn cyo rather to money making than to tho improvement of theorthographlcal structure of the English language or Its correct definition. They havo thereforcaltered Webster's spcdllng and definitions' to suit popular whims and so far as to force paoplo to buy now editions of their dictionaries. To keep up with all the various editions would probably occupy tho wholo of anybody's wakeful hours It is therefore not singular that contestants In spelling matches, where qualifications are of tho highest grade, should frequently fall to come up or go down to the standard of the "latost " The Philadelphia livening Chron icle thus discourses after a recent event of the kind its editor witnessed : A spollin ' "Bee" is no more a criterion by which to judge of tho orthographic quail- licatinus ni nn individual, tliaii would the walking of a singlo block indicate a man's capacity fur competing with Weston. At tho lato "Bee" at the Academy, one of tho most accomplished spellers in' the city was tho first one to retire nnd upon so aim tile n word as "musketeer." A proof reader of tuirty years standing, made too ridiculous mistake of spelling obelisk n-b-c-l-i-s-q-u-c. Another line orthographist, who we aro well assured is competent to wrestle with almost any of tho words Noah Webster has managed to crowd into his famous Unabridged, pro voked roars of laughter by commencing to spell "psalmody" thus "s-a-m j" and other equally gilteii persons made similarly ludi crous mistakes. The gentleman or lady who spells before a critical audience of three thousand tier- sons, occupies .1 position well calculated to unsettle the nerves of the stoutest, and cspc- cially when, as on that occasion, tho contest was ono in wincli eacli speller had resolved to win if possible. Thero aro few capable of passing through such nn ordenl without a tremor ol the nerves, nnd consequently, such blunders as those wo have named, ludicrous as they were, wero to have Hccn anticipated ; and they in fact were tho features that gave most zest to the entertainment. Tho young lady who was at last tripped on "hawser, would In all probability havo met with alike mishap had the word been given her on the lirsl round, where tnen, would have oecn the laurels she now so gracefully wears? Had tho first victim, who failed on "nuiske trer," been given some other nnd even more difficult word, tho chances are that thc would have stood among tho champion .six. Goinc down amoiie the first is therefore not conclusive evidence of a want of knowledge ol good spelling, but simply the result ol chance, and while the sixty-four ladies and gentlemen who failed to win prizes are to be commisserated for tho wan tot wmild be altogether unfair to say that they were poor orthographists. They made n mistake each, butonly because the word they couldn't master reached them a little too early in the attie. The amusement is an innocent one but not a test of ability. Somo Suggestive P!gures. A writer in tho r hiladelpliia Junes, in commenting on the refusal of the House to Republican Senate cover up the op. lrcasurer Jlackey, by passing a of the Sinking Fund treasury, makes domi uai increasci incut, and pie. The expenditures below, 18G0, wi-ro made under ic administration of Win. F. Packer I of 1865 and 1874 under tho management of men who boast that they nro proficient in 'addition, division and silence." That of ISO.) was when tho financial condition of the country was in the full tide of inflation caused by the war, and on that account can n somo degree bo ascouuted for ; but that of 1871, which is one hundred percent.more than that of 1805, can neither be excused uor justified. It exhibits abold and flagrant robbery of the people by the party in power f) 1800. Expenses Legislature, Executive and State, $117,234.05 15.1GG.52 11,001,80 10,770.00 11,322.23 4,010.22 141,405 43 Auditor tteueral, State Treasurer, . Surveyor General, itt'y Uon. and counsel lees, Judicial, Total, 1805. $371,050.90 $2G0,540.75 25,744.29 1G.001.19 9,508.35 1,09-1.49 17,5GG.30 180,750.12 Expenses Legislature, Executive and State, Auditor General. State Treasurer, Att y. Gen. and counsel fees, Surveyor General, Judicial, Total, 1874. 514,805.49 $403,541.89 42,278.00 17,91-5.08 12,797.99 25,33 1.55 10,829.55 370,147 52 111,712.87 25,772.91 Legislature, Executive and State, Auditor General, State Treasurer, nurveyor Ueneral, Att'y Gen. and counsel fees, Judicial, New dep'ts and new officers, Special Commission, Total, $1,037,354.02 Bceeher has been on the witness stand for a week or two past in his own case, and if he is telling the truth will be quite success ful iu clearing himself of all aspersion as re- gardri his association with Mrs. Tilton, His denials of all Improper conduct with her, or confessions of the same, are full, sweeping and clear, and he surrounds his statements with an air of probability, and corroborating circumstances, which, together with tho proper allowance for Brooklyn church ex travaganco of expression and conduct, go far to convince people of the resultant truth of his statements. Ho says Tilton and Muul tou lied In every part of their testimony, in the aggregate and in detail, and he has clear ly shown that he was not in Brooklyn at the time Mrs Moultou says he made coufes slons to her. Acts have been proven against Tilton that show him to bo a most dcsplcr.ble wretch, a fact which his first statements clearly foreshadowed. The defence Is not characterised by any of the Indecencies of the prosecution, Thero is much ot the the. atrical about the whole performance, and wo would not bo surprised to see it end in n grand pyrotechnic display. The .New Ucomo Law Signed, Tho Harrrlsburg Patriot of Tuesday an pounces that Gov. HarUanft has signed tho bill repealing tho Local Option law and en noting n now license. Inw, A carefully pre pared blank bond, under the D e v law, has been printed and is for salu at lh (jlllcu. Tho old form of bond will not answer tho purpsse under tho new ast, Thj Illinois LegUUturu poiupiriiorT education ct. has repealed tho J, , A Sew Deal. After an OAeendcnrv nf four) ppn vnflM til both Houses of Congress, tho Republican party stepped down nnd out on tho fourth .March, ao linrtv in nnv nc-n or rnnnlrv ever lorded It with such n high hand. No party was ever so domineering nnd dictato rial. None was ever so haughty in Its de portment to Its political opponents nono ever so aggressivo nnd Insolent. But tho tiny of Its ascendency is ended, Tho defeat of Thayer in Nebraska, Chandler In Michigan, nnd Carpenter In Wisconsin, followed by the defeat nf Itamiey iu .Minnesota, threw the administration camp into disorder These men were recognized nt homo nnd through out the nation ns the administration candi dates, nnd they were defeated by a coalition of tho Democrats with disaffected Republi cans. Iu each Instance It was distinctly understood that tho noiv Senators would opposo Ciesarlan policy of Grant nnd the overthrow of tho Southern Stato govern ments by military power. Bv the elections of 1871 the Democratic strength in tho Sen ate was Increased from seventeen to twenty seven, mid adding tho rcivnt niiti-udmlnl- tration Senators just mentioned, and Booth, of California, nnd Sharon, of Nevada, both of whom wero elected over Republican nom inees, will ralso tho Democratic voto to thirty-three, and thirty-eight is n majority of that body. It will bo strange, indeed if tip co conservative and liberal Republicans cannot be found among the present adminis tration party who will Uo willing to net with the Democratic party on all measures look ing to the complete restoration and welfare ol the Union. Tills being the case, it may be safely claimed that the Democrats will havo practically n majority In both Houses of Congress, after the fourth of March. In the House the whipped bullv Butler. who has so long cracked his lash, will no longer snow ins ugly countenance, limine will step down from the Speaker's chair in which lie has been such a petty tyrant, nnd win retire irom the tuisine-a ol censuring i;emocrai.s nir iciiinir ineir uaincai co leagues the truth. Kelley, llalc and Hoar, mid the balance of tho blustering crew, will take back seats, and will bo taught better man ners by the new majority. They will have to listen to free speech, and a irood ileal of It. Tho time is rapidly coming when the voice oi me ueinoeraue people ol tins coun try, who, North and Sauili, aro more than n million ot n majority, is going to bo ex pressed without lear or fnvor. Things will then be called by their riirht names. Tho younir and vigorous Democrats of the coun try, wlio win control the next House, will havens littlo respect fjrthe rotten old Grant oligarchy as the Republicans once had for that, which spnKo in the name ot the boutli With the fourth of March commences a new political era. Tho men who have no other thoughts than those engendered by tho pas sions of tho war nre rapidly passing away. They were elected orieinaliy because thev were good haters, and became it was thought the war was necessary, lhey have lullilled their mission, nnd are coinir out of power Tho young Democracy of tho country, who now step upon the stage, want to reconcile those to the Union who lately fought against it. liiey want words ol kindness and con ciliation, instead of words of hatred and vengeance. The old Republican party of the war is now as useless as the old almanacs of that day are It doesn't live in the pres ent. It has onlv left behind it n monument dedicated hate and eternal discord, Pottsville StamUrd, The Democratic State Convention having been called to meet nt Erie in September, the Jike city is brushing up to give n gen erous welcome to the large crowd that will le iu attendance. The new Reed House, the finest hotel between New York anil Chicago will be opened on the 1st of June, which will give the city two lirst class hotels, besides numoroos smaller ones. The gathering of the magnates of tho Democracy will doubt less be met with a most liberal hospitality by the good people of tho Northwestern Gib- ralterot Republicanism. I'nita. Jtmei. The Timet is correct. The members of the State Convention, together with those of their friends who may accompany them, will meet with a reception here on the 8th of Septem ber that will make them wish thoy could hold conventions in Pennsylvania's oi;y lake city for the balance of their natural lives. The limes, however, is mistaken in its esti mate of the political status of this section of the State. Erie i not now the "Northwest ern Gibralter of Republicanism." Once that appellation was correct, but the political f the past few years, and particular- last year have taught thedom- e city is essentially Dem- n nomination Hvalcut to an A professional ; named Boynton lias inrewMHiiie prese: ing apparatus which he claims will enable pcoplo to "walk the waters' more successful ly nnd safely than they can ride on ships. Ho has recently given a number of success ful exhibitions on the coast of England. His last exploit was an attempt to cross the English channel, a distance of fifty mile?. He was taken out of the water by an attend ing vessel within six or eight miles of the French coast and his destination because of the approach of night. He was perfectly dry and claims not to have been tired. The account says: Boynton's dress is mostly of India-rubber and is so arranged that it can bo inflated and rendered not only buoyant but water proof. Uoyntonon his way oyer iram aew York,juinped overboard some ten or fifteen miles irom the coast ol Ireland, landing with safety. Recently, in London, he gave un exhibition on the Thames, he and two others floating Irom Westminster to Green wich, the trio eating, urinmng and smosing en route. Moro recently, Boynton gave an exhibition in the presence of Her Majesty, in tho waters of Southampton, which result ed iu several suits ot'thedre-s being ordered for tho royal ynjht. lno dre-s iso arranged that the wearer en carry not only a supply of provisions, byt rockets nnd other signal apparatus. With a fair wind Boynton gen erally sets ii small sail He also u,es a doublo paddle to propel himself along l!isho Bowman ar.d Civil (lights. Bishop Bowman, of the Methodist Episco pal church, a very excellent and deserving gentleman, and a former citizen of Penn sylvania, auus ins icsiiinoiiY as 10 ine impoli cy of a too thorough Intermixture nf the whites mid uiacKt. ine jiat'imoie uazene s-ays that at the Preachers' Meeting at the .UVlMKll9b XJUUh IVWMIIIS l, IJ.I1 , 1 II IIU U I'll Monday Bishop Bowman declared In sub stance that whiUt the two races were dis- posed to maintain friendly relations, even tho blacks themselves preferred to have sep arate places of worship. He had come to tho conclusion moreover that those who ad vocated mixing whites and blacks in the samo church made a mistake, "In his judg ment, the races worked best independent of each other He was not in favor of mixed congregations at tho south." If it Is found inadvisable that the two raceu should worship together In church,wo can see no reason why they should be forced to eat together at a hotel, or sit together in the theatre. Harris burg I'atriot, Bishop Bowman is ono of the foremost preachers of tho land, and' is behind none in ability or genuine piety. Ho was born and reared in Columbia county, and is well known to our people. He comes from old Whig stock and thereforo may not bo sup posed to have undue sympathy for the De mocracy, His testimony Is valuable, and, where he is known, conclusive Wo com mend his words to candid men of all parties. The HrbeolTax Uuesiioii. On the first page we print the decision of the Supremo Court upon the School tax question, reversing Judge Elwcll, and ma'n tabling that thirteen mills may bo levied as formerly. As "tho Supreme court has the ast say," the question Is now settled, We 'ee It staled that the United States pays (if Ico as much In pcpulens as any other nation in the world, Yen, and the jwople hero p-iy twice as much in taxes, also, since tho Radlca) jinrly jrot into power. foreign News. The principal point of Interest Iu Europe an -news is tho struggle between the German l-.mpire, led by Bismarck, and the Church of Rome, headed by the Pope, for supienincv In authority over ecclesiastics. Prussia claims unlimited control over and lovaltv from tho priests nnd prelates within Its bounds, which Is resisted by n portion of tho latter, who, In religious matters, ncknowledgo obc- llcnceoniy nsdue to tho head of the Church. It Is announced in Franco that tho Pope Im m.ulj representations: through the Patriarch of Venice, to the Emperor of Austria, that Ihe position or the Church Is becoming more and moro Intolerable, and that If tho imrcn Bunnblo demands of Prus-la aro not resisted by tho Catholic powers, tiio latter will lose nil their influence nnd becomo subject to tho Oennan Government, which Is endeavoring to bring the whole German nationality under one sceplro. 1'ho Emperor, replying to this through tho Austrian Ambassador at Rome, deplores tho struggle between Church and State nnd ad vises prudence. Stringent laws aro being enacted by tho German Parliament to enable Bismarck to carry out Ids purposes. Tho Carllst cause has been sutlerlng ninch from defeat nnd desertion lately nnd its end s probably near, A Dangerous Counterfeit. There is now hclmr circulated nno nf thi most dangerous nnd best executed counter feits of our nntional currency that has vet made its appearance. The bill is of the de nomination of five dollars, on the Traders' National Bank. Chicairo. III. W'a lmvn nut heard that nny of our business men linve ns yet been victimized, but it would bo ns well to give, fivo dollar bills of tho abovo bank a most rigid scrutiny beforo accepting any of them, Exchange. So dangerous is the above, and several other counterfeit fives on different Chicago banks, that the government is calling iu all the genuine bills of that denomination of those banks that havo been issued. Tho best wny is to refuse nil Chicago fives. It is a matter of some interest to tho people of this country to note the naval strength of other lands, as it is upon the ocean tho Uni ted States will have tojoin issue with foreign powers if thoy trespass upon our rights or iusult our nationality. From land attack wo have nothing to fear. Three thousand miles is too far to transport troops with any chance of success. The contingencies of wind and weather, to say nothing of the diffi culty of landing large bodies of men in tho face of determined opposition, settles the question of an invasion of this country in case of war between the United States and some over-ocean antagonist. But on the water the tug of war can bo waged, and hence it is well to understand how our navy compares with that of other nations and kingdoms. Austria lias a navy of 47 steam ers. Franco has 02 paddle steamers, G2 iron ciaus, unarmed sailing vessels and a total of G72 guns. The navy of the German Empire consists of 11 iron clads, 57 steam ers nnd 5 sailing vessels witli 472 guns. Tho British Navy is composed of 112 sca-going steamers, and 127 reserve steamers and sail ing vessels; of these 02 are iron-clads, many of them of the first class. These vessels aro manned, officered nnd equipped by 00,000 men of all grades and ranks. Greece has 9 1 ships and 793 guns and Portugal 22 steam ers and 25 sailing vessels. Upon the ocean Russia has 202 ships and 1,535 guns, nnd Spain 73 steamers, 24 paddle steamers, and 13 sailing vessels. Sweden has 130 ships of war, Turkey 20 iron clads nnd 70 steam ers, and 7 ships of the line, 0 frigates, 9 corvettes, 7 brigs, 18 gunboats and 27 transports. The naval forces of the United States consisted on Julv 15, 1874, of 18 iron clads, 03 other steamers, and 25 sailing ves sels. The facts set forth above show how well the United States is prepared to meet other nations on the ocean, enforce her just claims and defend her rights. Exchange. Excerpts and News Items from Exchanges. After such prominent Confederates ns Long- street and Akerman being office by President Grunt, p.'i'"" ought tosfrtrt-ii'icr-jtis federates in Congress. It is a fact to which the vnius cannot too often revert nnd cratic administration fifteen years ago the ordi nary expenses of the Slate government were less than $100,000 per year and now they are over $1,000,000 per year. The drift of the argument on the part of the defendants before the Supreme Court, as to the constitutionality of tho enforcement acts, seems to bo an attempt to establish the fact that white men have equal rights under the Constitution with black men. Grant blames Hawley'K friends for selling out his third term candidate for governor, and Il.iwley's friends declare that the latter would have been elected if he bail not carried the dead weight of Grant's bad record. "Thero once were two cats in Kilkenny," etc. Governor Tilden, of New York, is making war upon the canal ring of that State. Gov. llartrauft has an equal chnncc to di-tinguUli himself by making war upon the Philadelphia rings; bnt he won't undertake it. He would rather lie re-elected than be right, Tho doubling of the postage on transient newspapers, Ac, shows that governmental ex travagance must bo provided for in as many ways as possible. The Public ledger thinks It will be discovered that other laws of the same nature have been ' rall-roadcd" through Con gress. A committco of the Massachusetts Legisla ture are considering the expediency of incorpor ating "fidelity insurance companies," to insure the personal honesty of officers, public or pri vate, under bonds or other speci d obligation for tho faithful udmiulstraticn of their offices. The Republicans In the Legislature tried manfully to save Governor Harlranfl the disa greeable necessity of signing, vetoing or pocket ing local option repeal. It would have been so much preferable to face both ways and to pitch the tune to suit tho taste of the dancers in the coining canvas fur election of governor. If Connecticut Is lost to Grant ho doubtless derives comfort from tho rillcclioo that Louisi ana still remains, und cannot be taken from Mm by any such device as the ballot as lnug a tho bayonet Is kept at the throats of her people. Tho superiority of the bayonet over the ballot Is thus made apparent to the dullest compre hension. Tho returns from tho State of Michigan as they straggle In nro not of an assuring kind for tho Republican party. It is now believed that the D.-moerats havo elected ten of tho twenty, ono circuit judge who wero voted for anil that the general voto In tho Stato shows a Demo cratic gain on tho remarkable election of No vember, 1871. At last! After threatening about every new moon for the p vst ten years to resign, old father Spinner ho of the unreadable signature on our greenbacks has actually tendered his resigna tion, to tako effect on tho 1st of July, and what Is more it has been accepted. Father .Spinner has made a fine old public, functionary; but he will not be misseil, except from the fact that wo shaH never look upon, tlQ i of h,t biuiiatma Hgnln, T'l telegraph Informs us that the Pres ident has, tendered the tremureridilp tq (r, John C. New, hanker in Indianapolis, s Mr. New did not vota for tho Puree Bill, this Is certainly something new, unlcos Indeed ho Is a rdfdlve of Qnmt. fyit Obmyer '"MBBa Deaths. Nar lluck Horn.on tin SI'i Inst., ti.UlI) MEL 1.IC t, o.nucitsonnt Mntllitas Moire, nffeJ 1 years 1 la lit i an.l II days, Ini rnii.,-eilue, ou t!i3 sthlist,, Mrs. t.YDI.V -IA-roilY, airjtl II jear., I month nnd sdnyi. on llio itti Insf., la IilcOinsbur, Mist ltlloltA ANN llt'PKItr, nsroil ta years, months nn.l 10 ilajs. M ;U IK H EJX) UTS. BI.OOM.SIIURG MARKET. Wheat prr bushel.,, ltjo " ... Coin " ... oats " ,,, l'lourperlianel .,, riovcrscoil t'latseeil muter Tallow ,,, Potatoes ,. Piled xpple.s Hams t 1.1!) .' .7.1 -r-0 MM , 7.ll , 1.N .M Ml , ,1'H . .00 .11) .is .ti ,15 Sides A: Slioiililnrs . I.anl per pound .... Ituy tr Ion Ilceswux TlnmlliySeeil , JU.II .S!i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TU. B. V. OARDN'KR, Phvdcian and Sur- j Briii trenn UlonmslHirir. i:i. onfcnnboo J.Bcuuy- k-1'.S .Sun's ItimUruru Mole. WANTED. (ItIXnr.rc, I.VTIInnd KKNMNU, forwhlchp.' ieash nnd tiartt rutin will In civon nn,i tivnn. nf i old 8toio MiiiiiI of o. II. rowler, In Centre toinJiip, Coiumliiacout.te, ra., by ,1, V. t.AMOV, iu-tffc ruwiermuc, r, u. "BiTr dg W Wmcir" A N election for onicers of Mir t'atiwlssa Itrldce 1 YComp.iny.wlllbelir.ldlncatawlssii.nt the Hotel of ,i. ii. uisuer, un .Monuay, .iiayau, is,o, nciween the uoura ui one nnu bix o thick, p. ni., or saiu nay. Apr. 16-to ilKO H.uiLlllitH', Secretary DISSOLUTION' OP PARTNERSHIP. rpiIK l'ARTNKRSI JL existing between I) IsUlssolved, to take effect RSHIP IIHRIiTOKORK Drs. Tt'ltNKtl.CtlAltil.NKll. et Anrll 1st. Isf5. Dr. Tor. tier will colli lime tho practice of his m-ofesMnn nnim onice over Klelm's liruir Store. .Ml accounts duo thu linn are 10 no p,uu to A. I.. April ICth, 1ST.. It. "lTlXKCT TOR'S notici:. I J ESTATE Of WII.I.MM MCKEI.W, IIFCEtSEtl. bettein Testamentary upon the cstatn of William Mcurlrr, lato nt Utoomiuiirir, I'u , deceased, Ii ivlnsr been duly irranted to tho unilei.'.lL-ncd. nllnersonsin. debted to bald estato nro requested to make payment nnd those lmMni; claims or demands against tho amiiu ..ill ijii; ,i-i it I ii, -ill 1 1 null V 111 lily, lu H.MAII W. McKKI.VV, Itlnomsburir. npr.lC-U .1. II. IIAltMAN, Itupert, Kiccutors. lXKCUTOR'S XOTICR KSTATB Ol' R1IOUA ANN MTERT. DKCKIRKn. letters test inionLirv on tho rstatu of lllm.l.i Ann Itupert, late of tho town of llloorusburff, Coliimbu county, deceased, have lieeii grunted by Urn Iteglster or sain county to uronaru n. ituperiof tho said town, Columbia county. I'a. Ilxecutor. to whom nil hit. sons Indebted to said estate aro reoueated to make lumnent. and those, ha lntr eldlnm or ilpni.imlv updiist tho said estntii will mako them known to ttio hum i-.xecuuirwiuiouiueiav. lC-m, I.KONAltl) 11. IttU'EItr, Kxecutor. DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK IIKIA1I Ml U.S. UKCEASED. raters lersot Administration on Uie estate of ITrl.ih jinus, nuo oi .Mituisjn townsmp, i oiumma county, deceased, have been crautcd by the Register of waiu cuuuiy in uueuu r-uucm.iKcr. au persons uaving calms niralnst the estato of tho decedent, nro re quested to present them for settlement, and th -se Indebted to the estate to iniike pajinent to the un- uersigueu Kuininisiratur wiinoti' ueiav. JACOIIHIIOKMAKKIt, Apr 10,'rt-et Administrator. Tj llie Scliool Directors of Columbia Co 1 r.NTi.F.MKX : In pursuance nf the forlv V J third seetloa of tho act of sth -May, 1SAI, you aro ncreuy notined to meet in contention, at the court house, In llloomsburir, on the tlrst Tucsda In -May, A. 1). 1S7S. belnir tho fourth day of tho month, nt I o'clock In the afternoon, and mlect viva wick, by a majority of the w holo number of directors pres ent, ono nerson of Uterarv and Hclcntltlc ueoulrf;- I ments, and of skill and experience In the art of teach- In?, as county superintendent, for the three succeed ing jeara; determine tho amoiuit of compensation Mr tho same : and certify the result to the Male Superintendent, nt llarrtsutirir, ai required by tho thirty-ninth nnd fortieth sectluus of said net. WM. II. SNYDKIt, Couiite Superintendent of Columbia cunty. OrangevlUv, I'a , April 12th is,s. apr.lti-st PLANTS ! PL1NTS ! Tarly Cnbi.?o Plant, besi muds cold frame, welt Ijnaritened. per dozen, 211 cents, per hundred, l.o 1, per thousand, lit. Wilson nnd Charles Downing Strawberry Plants, per tlocn,83 cents,;! per hundred, T.oo.per thousand. Sweet Potato Plants, per hundred, so cents, per thousand, $l.f. Kgg Plants, 20 cents per doen. Early Tomato Plants best kinds in pjts, per do.en r,o cents, tomato plants out of hot-bed, per tloyen, 15 cents, per hundred, ) cents, per thousand, t'.uu. Late Cabbage, Celery and Pepper Plants In tlielrsea son. Plants sent by m-ill or express. When ordered by mail 10 cents per dozen, and to cents per hundred should bo scat to pay itostage. J. L. DILLON, 16-St. Uloomsb'.irg, Pa. WM. Y. K ESTER, TAILOR. ULOOMSUUrtCJ, I'A is.. vnrncK is hi:rk J f Jllow Ing named per of tho Clerk ot (juarler He IIHIU'.IIY U1VP..N that Ihe rons l'.a' C men in the onice sesiious their petitions fur Tavern, tilting Houso and la pior More licences, which will m presented ti thu Court ou Wednesday, May 5th, A. D toTS. Ilo d W. Williams, liorwtck norough, Hotel, j. i, lloyt, " " " Chas. II. Dlctterlck, Hemlock township, " fleo. W. Manger, Ilemlck liorough, " Gideon ('.. Ilos er, Miniln township, " A, 111,11 W. lll-SS. " John II. Klluger, ltnartngcivek township, John L. Kline, Convngham " " Samuel llogart, (iieenwuo t " " (ieo, II. Ilroivn, llloomsburg, " Creasv, Locust " " Henry Delghmtller, Scott " " A. K. smith, Mad-son " W. It, Tubus, .Montour " " Milton tihailes, lilooimburg, A. K. Hhumaii, Centru " John Snjder, orange " (ieo. S. Kostonbauder) atawlssa, ' " O. W. Itelfsnyder, I Isaiah Yager, Locust " S. II. Hess, scott " " Samifl nimby, Madison " " .1. II. KMlcr. catawlssi " Jereuilili I! Ixingenbirger, Main " " Win. ivtllt, Scott. " " Hiram He s, lienton " Henry Conner, orngft " " John l-'ivcock, llluomburg " ll'iyd Yett'T, Main " " Haldol Mollis, 1 ocust " . " Wellington K. Weldensaul, Ccntralla lljroujli " William Pi llfer, " " " Daniel Ourry. " Isaao IMwards, Convnglnm township, ' Mrs. Itebecca Kline, (Iroenwnod " " P.nvln Kile, sugarloaf township, ' Daniel W. Itobblus, llloomsburg. Ltiuor Store. A. W. Krcamur, Cuntrulla liorough, " Jo inna O'Connor " ' " (Hirer V Jaeoby, llloomsburg, " John Cosgruve. township Eating Houso, Patilck Ha rett, Ceutrjlla liorough, James ivnno isobert l-'uriel, " " " Mrs. Mary Monroe, Convngham township " Itelnhardlierger, lien Ick liorough, J. K. Itliawn, Catawlssi township, " Win. 11. 1'lemo is, Hern Ick liorough, " .Tosl.ih Michael, I'aluwlsia tutvusnlp, ' Chas. W. l-'rantz Ilemlck liorough, " A. K. Miller, Cntanlssa " " Peter dross, llloomsburg, Dottier. David liruss, Her Ick lluroujh, ' II. K. ZVItit, April 10, 1375-tc clerk ti. S. MaiM: MJW HowResW. TIJ.ST nuljllslied a new edition of Dr. CUI.. tl VtiltVt'LLL'S celebrated essay on the radical cure (w II limit medicine) of HperinatoiTluea or Seminal Weakness, Imuluntary scm. tna! weakness, luipotcncy, Mental and physical Incapacity, Impediments to Man lago, etc,! also Consumption, Ilpllcpsy, and Flt9 Induced by self-lndulgenco orsextual oitravuganco Illcs, He. ' J6SfViV, in it staled enietnpr, only six cents. Tho celebrated author, In this admlrablo essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty yoara' succcssru practice, that the alarming, consequences of clf. abuse may bo radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medlclao or tho application of the kntfoj pulntlng out a mode of euro at onco simple certain, and effectual, by means of which every ur fercr, no matur what his condition may be, may cur himself cheaply pjlvately, and radically. I -flits lecture bliould bo tit ttio hauiWof ercry youth ami every man in mo laud, scat undor toal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dross, isjiit-pald, on receipt of sis cents, or two post stamps. Address the Vubllshers, CIIAS. J.O. KI.IN'i: A CO., W liowory, Nw York, I'osl omco Ilox 4,iss, April U, IS-y iuoi7 rurfonsr'nin nmw mo.v NAIL"!) TO Illll.J. The Ilel Iron Hmcoln tha M-Wlu. lor Lots, Cemeteries, a e. hend for circular u iiKi-rsnum s nro., 10 a niuge Aeuuo, I'lilla. "watohbs a jaw7m.jin.vr" At the old established stand ot .MOOllL 111(0.. 1031 Market street, 1'hlladelplita, A rrOJlNKY'S 1SI.ANKR C'oui7iicii""nnil r Judgment needs, lust printed nd for sale nt the Cou'HuuN.OQlce. All kinds ot Attorney's blanks W' l . j'. w avn yt (WliTW IV VTV1, "wr 'Ti mur fMimr"! iwtt -1 1 i r tmri sells -at rigid. Nerossare ns Ronn floods trfe. CtlShZUhiUif iMaa i Hiiufncturlng Company, lloston. nilKliMAMt'l.Pis In Aacntt. Ladles' Conv V b'.imtlm Neidte-book with. Chroinos fend siamp V v. UMJL'K Now llcdfunVMassaenuscits (IKNTri WANTKI) for the liet. chcnpr-t I f tCM selling nunc ever pun isnci; rn i xtra terms to A cents. NATIONAL l'l'll- fur ouru MSIIINil CO , Philadelphia, I'a. .', ti.iiuu I lir .-t i i.u in .iiiiini.i. i) that AllAMKON'S 1IOTAN10 IIAI.SAM wlllbo- nnt Ticuro Lilian Dottles 81 cents, 10IIN. UOJJL,' HtoN, IIOLI.OWAY ACO , phla I1HYC1I OMANt'Y or SOL' I, CHARM JL I.N1." Hovr cither so.x may fascinate and gain tho love end niteetlnn of nny persm th".v ehooso Instantly. This simple, mental acquirement an can poss 'ss, tree, ny in.ui, htki i-l-ih-., i"ki-uh-i with a Marriage (Inlde, Egyptian Oracle, liie.ims, Illnls to Ladles. Woddlmr Night Nhlit, Ac. A u icer book. Ad Iress T. WILLI M C., pubs. 1'lilla. -10ITRK, OR THICK NRO Ii I'OSITIVR- T le cured. Contains no Iodine or Mercury and can bo used wltli sifcty at nil times Villi uot slain or Irritate tiio skin. Hend for package, 1'rlcu i cents. LiuiiKs uo , i.ouisiue, uiuo. c IIRISTIAX HARMONY, ItY WILLIAM WM.KLII A. S. II. A ililendl l Mtislo Hook upon a NLW, Natural nnd LASV sjsteiu, by which nn one may learn to read music and sing In one fourth the limn reipilied by old melliods. designed for choirs, finding svhools and Musical Mcldles. Liberal Inducements to Mu-lo Touchers. Hpei linen pages mulled free .MILI.l.ltS mill.!: AND 11 H I.iSiiino liorsl-:, lloi nnd liw Siinsnm .street, Phil adelphia, Pa. 1,000 AdKXTS. TKACIIHIIS, STUDKNTS, I men aim women wanted to sen Centennial (la- ettecrof the I'. H. Khnw.s grand results or leo jeiirs progress. A wholo llbrnry Huston (ilobo.Sot a luxury, but a necessity. Inter-ocean. Host selling book published -good pay. :yVant lleacrnl Agent In every city of uukk). Address, ,1. 0. .McCTHHV .S CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ato. io or thk 100 CHOIflJ HKI.lCC Price 8 cents Tho "Sc. TIONiV' Is ready. ues"now contalnsoiic thousand of tho In est nuu best things fur Declamations, Humorous llccltntinns, Fcranco societies, and Liceums. Also "Excelsior lialogiies," and "Model Dialogues." circulars free. rami v jceauinL's. etc. t'tuuini iur irunires, lein- (let ofjour bookseller, or send pi Ico to p. (lurrelt & uo., ius uuesiuui aueei, num., 1 a. vie musu ine celebrated PKNN LLl'TLIt lioolt fur cop) ing letters wunoui press or water. Agents wnni.a. OUOOKHD HOOTS AND SHOES. r YON'.S I'ATKNT M HTA LLIO STI l'I'ICN JJ Kits keep tlirmstriitglit. prevent running over, wearing olt line enly nt the sides, or ilppln lathe seams; make a bout list half lunger. Sulil niidiii plied by liot and shoo Dealers und Manufacturers everywhere. Local and traveling ngenls wanted to introduce. Send 25 cents and height ut heel fur sam ple pair, to N.LYON, bole manufacturer, u Mute .-treel, Albany, N. Y. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, USE WELIjS' carhomo tablets PUT UP ONLY IN ULl'K 110XICS. 1 Titiru a.'i svku For h Ue by Druggists generally, and .lOHN.sroN IIOI.LOWAY & CO , Philadelphia, Pa. A GREAT OFFER ! iKsYliTS way, New York, will dhposoof lno Pianos and organs of tlrst i lass makers, Including Wnters, nt extreme ly low prices for cash, during this month, or part tasu, ami uauncc in smau muuimy payments WATLllS' New ,soalo' Pianos, are the best made: 1110 tou-n elastic, and a lino singing tune, poivcriui, Dure and even. WATl'ltS' Concerto Or -ans cannnt be excelled In tone orbi'.iutv: thw ilef.' e nni'i4iluu. Tho Con certo Slop Is a tine Imitation ot Human v Ice. Agents UU LRU. A liberal discount to Teachers. Ministers. Church cs. Schools. Ijdges, etc. Special Inducements to the trade, inuir.ueti catalogues maueu. HIGHEST STANDARD LETTERS OF INQUIRY PROMPTLY ANSWERED Chestnut ST: PHILADELPHIA Cl-IRTSTIAN HARMONY. I1T WM. WALK Kit, . S. H. A splendid; upon a no. v, natural nnd easv system, by which unv ono unv learn to read music ami to sing In onc-Murth the time recpilred by tho old methods. Designed for Choirs, Singing Schools and Musical Socle-les. LIDerJl Inducements to Music Teachera. Siiecli.T.'n pages mailed tieo. MILI.KIt'S llllll.i: AND I'l'llI.IStllNll UOL'.Si:, 1102 and ue-l Sanson! St., rniLuldphla. I'a. PRIVATE SA.LB JJs, of land, more or less, situated la Mt. fleas SRii ant township ntiout to miles north of E.'K!!!, Ill"uinsbiii-g, on tlie public nnd leading from I'a. Jl Light street to Hucklnrn, tut I lining lands of Howell on the nest, Win. llotvcll and James (irlmes on the south, Samuel Hart .-It on the east, and .luseph (filbert anil Wm. Howell cm the north, ail cleared except about tft acres which Is well timbered, on which nre erected a lig House and Ig Ham. iiut-biillillngs, Sc. ALso u variety of choice fruit In bearing. NINE AND ONE-HALF A0RES, jate In Mt. I leasant township, on the public road ding from Light street to Jersej town, ulmut four les from llloomsburir. all eii-.o-ed. whereon an. erected U Two story I'ltAMK HlllISK nnd Kitchen, a NEW HANK IlAlt.S, and out-bulHlngs. There Is a YotlNdoitciiAUDot choice l'rult ot all Kinds Just coming into bearing on these premises. Also a good .-Miring oi sun. waier ai ine uoor. r or terms, sc., ap ply, on tho latter premises to ii:o. W..IACOHV If-im fl ItlZELLK II. JACOI1Y. EOll SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Sale! ''PIIK nndirsigneil. ono of tlie Kxeciitors of 1 (1KOHI1K WK WKlt, deceased, offi rs iu private sine, the following .du.tble propel ly, to wit : OXK TWO-HTOItV lllilCIv 1) WK I. LING HOUSM, vllli out-bulldlngs and lot attache I, sltuated'on Main MriH-t. llloomsburg, I'a. This house Is suitable for two families. .,.-s,),'"1", two-story framo dwelling house, with out-bulldlngs, frame stable and good lut attached. This property ht opiwslto the rc-ldeuee of tho law III. ost. ALso, ono two-story framo dwelling house wUi stable out.bulldlugs and lot attached sltuaU'd on Itock Street, llloomsburg, I'u. ALSO, sit vacant lots situated on Fourth stmt., a valuable farm situated one-half mile Horn the town of M'HweusHlle, Ta. Said farm contains su acres of land. ror terms or sue apply to lIKOIKJK VtC . COIlU ELL, Executor, reo. ii, 'in-tiin. uioomsuurg, ra. A DMINlSTItATOU'S NOTICK. J KSTATK OK ROIOHON BfS.S, IlKeKiSKD, alters of Administration on tho e-iutoof Solo. ha ing claims or demands will tnako known uo samo without delay. April 9-15-Ow JOIIM WKVNKIt, Administrator. A DMINlSTItATOU'S NOTICK. J.X. KSTATK OK WIII.UM MRSS, LiTK OK lTaIlUHr 1TIWV. i.!i"fi'?0,,,m,n,,il?"l""0",tll ,,,"", of William &,i?,0h!lW.1k,l fwiftl'lli. olumbla couut , a , .... iui "unuur (iciuv, March v-r. "fEWIKXH, Admll.lstr , Administrator, pilOTIIONOTAUY'S NOTICK, if-.. S.w!rT.,sl ''T'b. glien to nil ivlohs Interested fell Im nireiml1."','' ' '"" " '' lifesi., ! t'1,1 ' nJf ' ul ' """"''la county and 111 be presented tu lliti Conn on Tuisdav. the foiu ih ihw of Mw uem, nnd be conilrmed lli.iil y te 'ur divs Mhlesa cxwpi tons b niCd II tun ! that time i S irllj'vtactlurn'g'&lsr00 I.MTer,lc'kt,0a S&tlFma' Vm'mM ' UllaU,t" ItoXSnUSl im!.vl;'J,ek, "anbuch. Trusteo of iicu-iHi i.uniay, under tLolast win i,tuL ni.u . Ueueased. ,,.,-...,'..'' April staat i. I-., I'rotlvmotary. OK NTH. Chfintf Chfuip I- I- T y A'lrnsww, mon Flshlngereek township, county of loluinbla, State of l'eunsylvnnla, deci- esed, have been granted to John Wcnner, of nslilngcreek township, I'a.. to whom all iiersons Indebted tosilid tlhltlUttlU rt'MUI'ilt'l til inil-o SuntVtyivrVsteiVu'usofiS:, ESfTSS.' "J'i I' avlng claims against the estate '"f tho 3." V.5'B.rai.,?",.,.1 !? Pfi'wnt Iheuifursettunent. 141 1 lliiinu IIIIILULL'II III KtTllflt tn ia.i1., O-A-ZEstTD- Catawissa, I'a., April 1st, 1875. I desire to tliiuik my nmny frientlrf und utroii8 for their kind und liberal jmtronngo in the past, and beg leave to add that after the above date the firm will change to W. P. JONKri & CO. Tlie business will be conducted as heretofore by the undersigned. With greater facilities than ever to please you, we hope for a con tinuation of your generous .sup port. Yours truly, W. P. JONES. In tliis connection we would add that during the coining week we will receive our large nnd beauti ful stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which will be to your in terest to examine, W. P. JONES tfr CO. QHNTKAMA HOltOlJOII STATK.MKNT. Iia1d Walsh, Collector for the liorough of Ccntralla, for tho ending Apill Vd, tsll: II It. To amount of duplicate 1,0M 33 Cli. Ityetnneratlonson unseated Ijnd retutiiedto eominlssloners .... I)ye.oneratloiison t'-nu nts " " slngleinen " " " dog tax " s.darv as High Constable " scrUnghntlces, warrants. Ac ... " commission on $i,su,it at a per cent f Tft 31 27 M VI 4S 00 2.) 01 12 t) J TJ fly nuinunt returned Thus, nynu, Treasurer To balance i,sn tr 3 0 2,"lil 3.1 'i,007 35 Thomas I'lynn, Treasurer of tho borough ot Ceulralla, forlho year ending April 2d, 1S74: Hit. To amount received from David Walsh, Collector (l,sit 17 at. lly orders redeemed fUTI 1.1 ' amount puld s Knorr, on bond, w) o II. y. 'Mr, for costs 41 43 lly amount paid C. 11. Ilrockwuy, oalanco on bond 4a CB Ilv amount paid J, (1. 1'rcczc, on bond ins do 11 amount pill II I-'. Zarr, I'io thonotary, on borough Indebted ness ... 473 01 Ry amount paid fur nnidnlts to ' commission on 17 at 3 per cent M 42 lly balance . 2a ou tl Ni l 17 JI.SU 17 We.the Auditor's fur the borough of Centrall.i, havo examined tho aboie accounts, nnd Und them us stat ed nbue. MAHTIN (lOI'OHKN,) WM. II. 1'ltlCK, V Auditor's. JAMES HYAN. J DaMd Walsh, Collector for the borough of Centralis, for the j ear ending March 1st, lsir. : Hit. To amount of duplicate for lsTl J2.1C0 20 CH. lly amount paid Thomas Klinn, Treasurer 1,IS3 91 Ity balance from last y ear 3 no tl.lKfl 04 lly balance due borough j79 2it ti.l&C 20 f 2.1CC 2 Dlt. To balance due the borough $979 2 Thomas lTnn, Treasurer of ttio liorough of Cen trall.i, fur the year ending .March 1st, 1S73: lilt. To balance from last year " amount received from II. Walsh, collector 1,1s3 94 lly amount received from Anthony OTionell, Chief burgess on ac count ot put tin g dow 11 pavements for properly ow ners CIt. lly orders redeemed J5U 91 " amount paid II. V. Zarr, on bonds 7M 00 lly commission on J i.lsa 91 nt 3 kt cent 35 M lly commission on JoaoountSsj per , 'nt , , .'. f, 00 Ilv commission on fa 0 OS at 2k( per cent, paid to Chief burgess la to lly amount paid sundry bills for lumlier, Ac , for pavements . .. boo 92 To balance (23 00 COO 06 ' 2! as ., , , , H.SJS 31 I,S2S 3S ny balance duo Treasurer $ 1 ss Recapitulation of tho bonded Indebtedness of tho borough. noitoroii nit. To amount of bonds Issued up to January 1st, i7l Ta amount Of hOtlds Issuer! In 1STI 15,729 f.S 2,H1.S3 H3I0 41 H(li 00 1,0811 79 7 1O 1)0 $2,035 7 m W cit. Uramoupt mid on bonds In 1S7J.. t'f " 1871 l$'J IS7L.'. Datance of bonded Indebtedness. . t.5,734 t We, the Auditors for tho borough of Ccntralla. having examined the accounts for tho year ending Mnrcn tt, 1S75, nnd them correct as aboie 3, ated, to wn. wi uui .uuiTii,-ugu nuu oenei. MAHTIN (iOtlOIIi;,) , WM. II. IMIICB, Apr. 2-3t Auditor V. Notice of Intention to Apply for Charter. "VfOTICK is hereliy given that upon the First 1 Monday of May next, nt 2 o'clock, p. m., the uiidrslgnert trustees or tho Lime Hldgo Methodist Lplscopnl church, situate near Ceritrcvllle, In Cen. tre township, Columbia county, I'a., tniend to nnnlv to a law Judge of suld rounty, ut the court house, li liloumsburg, fur a charter, Incorporating mild trus tees for the purposo ot holding und managing tho church property agreenhly to tho rules und form of dlselpllnuot the Methodist Kplscopal Church of the. L lilted states. y, M . LA w 11. I.. I nu- aprll3l873 2t l'UILll- HAISIILS. CuurIis Colli, Lroti-cJiitii-, Sore Throat, In llucnza, Croup, Whoop ing Cough, HoarsencsH. UvtrCouiplaint, Pain, or Sorinesn iu tha Chesi or Side, JllceUing- at tlie Limps, nnd ,,verv- iiivi - f ' l:f 1 "roat' '"nz and Chest, are a eed- 'L'l' v11 i ,VfU ?W "" WllTllfH 1IAIJ.AM OK Wll t utain, wh en does not dry up a cough and leaiu the cause behind, ns Is tho caso lib most remedlfii XV?rVLcXmV ,h" lun and 'dl.!y?lrrtta: ton, thus removing tho cause ot tho complaint. Consumption can be cured 1 r , - - nro!l,hv1LSL,?,hl,Man?a.', "v. mh Sifft'nuln ,nle,s steneil HUTTS" on the f'rmri lhVi";r- IF1'11 W- OWLiHONH; f rail? 1'kJiluu Mass. Hold by dailers geu-Jau.'J.S-ly ivrt7s an .ur. ie4a A FIRST CLASSNEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. Intlepemlent in Everything I Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt Rings iit Municipal, State and National Aflairri. HltAM,VKnrtiii'li'Tf 1I ntTVVUKyiAi- Mall nubscrlinions, isHtagi frit s I .Ml 1?: ..'r a7''"', o' "My cenii iVr inoi,th?u' advance " The Weekly Times Will ho Issued on Saturday. Slarch 201I1 u-,.,.n tlicreafter, ronlnlulug all Imiwtant n.Vis ),i .1 y Wu l.,.".Ul.Com',kl0 Mark"t "ud Rnanc Ie,ru e ratlS"'"' 'r0" I'0 ""llowlug- tluo Copy ., ten i.opios Twenlv Coiiles Heln'SiH:'!'? ..JI.00 .1H.II r line. flw 1 Orders. ""uo "y urattsor I'ost Of. Address TJTP. TIM RS ho. U South Barents street PHIUUKLl-UlX V S