IL'ilB'I'Ji.Ui. 11J.1L. UU.1 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Wise Saylngi. It is bliss lo learn lessons In love, for wo man Is our teacher. It Is lietter to need relief than to want the heart to give It. ' Ho that finds n thing steals It If ho en deavors not to lestoro It. Tn be ntonco In any great degree loved and praised Is truly rare. If tho goMlp U not In her own house, she In in somebody clio's. Ureatncss may build the tomb, but good ness must mako tho epitaph. Tho last gentleman In a lady's thoughts Is generally tho first as well. Everywhcro endeavor to bo useful, and everywhere you will bo at home. Thelicart of a coquette, like tho tail of a lizard, always grows again after she has lost it. Never make a promise when the power of performing that promise depends on anoth er There Is a certain decorum even in grief; for excess of Horrow Is as foolish as profuso laughter. Virtue is not so versatile In its nature as to bo impracticablo in any possible condi tion of human life. A wise man stands firm in all extremities, and bears the lot of his humanity with a divine temper. You may shrink from tho far reaching sol- itudes of your heart, but no other feet than yours can tread them. Vanity, like laudanum and other poison ous medicine, is beneficial in small, though injurious in largo quantities. The world is governed by threo things wisdom, authority for rough people, and ap pearance for superficial people. The seeds of love can never grow but un der the warm and genial influence of kind feelings and affectionate manners. The- patter of little feet, and tho patter of tho summer rain, aro among the sweetest sounds In the world of nature. It is good to respect ancient foundations, but we are not, on that account, to neglect founding something in our turn. Very few in tho world have their passions adequately fortified; almost everybody has it in them to be better than they arc. The heart of woman draws to itself the love of others, as the diamond drinks up tho sun's rays only to return them in ten-fold strength and beauty. To men of poetical nature, life Is apt to become a desert, in whoso undulating air, as in that of other deserts, objects appear both wavering and gigantic. If a man bo gracious to strangers, it shows ho is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from ' is other islands, but a continent that joins them. Time is the cradle of hope, and the grave of existence; and while it deprives beauty of her charms, transfers them to tho canvas on which they are delineated. Our most indifferent actions have the im press of individuality ; wo may convey an impression not to be effaced for years by an unconsidered word or gesture. Why should wo bo more shy of repeating ourselves than tbo spring bo tired of blos soms, or the night of stars? Nature never wearies of raying over her floral pater nos' tcr. Wiso men mingle mirth with their cares, as a help either to forget or overcome them ; but to resort to intoxication for the ease of one's mind, is to euro melancholy with mad ness. There are moments when the two worlds, the earthly and the spiritual, sweep by near to each other, and when the early day and heavenly night touch each other in twilight. At times, it needs only a few cold drops or cold words to make the list, flowing soul, upon the contact of the strange, cold bodies, scatter like molten lead in zigzag and glob ules. To be in company with those we love, sat isfies us; it does not slguify whether we speak to them or not, whether wo think on them or indifferent things ; to bo near them is all. Tho world never keeps faith with the heart that trusts it. Its promises of happiness are perpetually broken. Take it for what it is worth, and set your affections on what is worth more. It is the most momentous question a woman is ever called on to decide, whether the faults of the man she loves will drag her down, or whether she it competent to. be his earthly redeemer. Eevcnge is a momentary triumph, of which the satisfaction dies at once, and is succeeded by remorse ; whereas forgiveness, which is the noblest of all revenge, entails a perpetual pleasure. Philosophy is to poetry what old age is to youth ; and the stern truths of philosophy are as fatal to the fictions of tho one as the chilling testimonies of experience aro to tho hopes of the other. It will afford sweeter happiness in tho hour of death to have wiped one tear from tho cheek of sorrow than to havo ruled an e mpire, to have conquered millions, or to havo enslaved the world. Cultivate consideration for the feelings of other people, if you would .never have your own injured. Those who complain most of ill-usage aro tho ones who abuso themselves and others tho oftcnest. Wherover there scsms to bo provision for trials, and afiliclions, and grief, and tears, opposite to it is, at tho same time, more abundant provision for things for relief, and rescue, and satisfaction. No Btatute that the rich man places osten tatlously in his windows is to bo compared to the littlo expectant face pressing against the window-pane, watching for his father, when his day's occupation is done. Seo that each hour's feelings, and thoughts, and actions are pure and true; then will your life bo such. The wide pas ture is but separate spears of grass; the sheeted bloom of the prairies but isolated bowers. Tho person who grieves, suffers his passion to crow upon him; he Indulges it, he loves it ; but this never happens in the case of actual pain, which no man ever willingly eu dured for any considerable time. Were it given to our organic eyo to seo into the minds of others, wo should judge a man much raoro surely from what he dreams, than from what he thinks; there Is will in tho thought, there is none in the dream. Tho fireside Is a school of Infinite import ance; it is more important because it Is uni versal, and because tho education it bestows, being wven in the woof of childhood, gives form and color to the whole texture of life, NeverJ go back. What you attempt, do with nil your strength. Determination is omnipotent. If the prospect be somewhat darkened, put tho fire of resolution to your soul, and kindle a flume that nothing but Tho tmislmu nrn nt nnrn tnmntnni nnrl chastisers. As tempters, they como with gar lands of llowcri on tho brows of youth i as chastlscrs, they appear with wreaths of snakes on the forehead of deformity. They aro angels of light In their delusion , they are fiends of torment In their infliction. Think before you speak what you shall speak, why you should speak, to whom you shall speak, about whom you aro to speak, what will come from what you may speak, what may bo tho benefit from what you may speak, and lastly, who may bo listening to what you may speak. Turn your speech seven ways, and there will nover como any harm from what you havo spoken. Tho Philosophy of r'rylns. Tho object of all cooking, says J. H. Hod- kins In tho lloutckeeper, is to bring about those chemical changes in articles of food when exposed to tho influence of heat. I'.aking, frying, boiling or roasting aro all only so many different methods of applying heat. Tho commonest, tho most convenient. tho cheapest and quickest of tho methods is frying, which can bo applied to almost all articles of food, which requires tho least ap paratus and tho smallest fire, yet of all meth ods is tho leat understood, tho one which destroys most food, and is tho cause of more indigestion and dyspepsia than all the other methods combined. Tho reason of this Is, that in many substances tho admixture of fat prevents tho chemical processes of cook ing from having their proper development. Tho perfection of frying would bo to havo food fried without coming into contact with the fat at all. Hut as this is, of course, a self- evident impossibility, the next best thing is to havo tho food come into contact with the fat as little as possible. This is accomplished simply by having tho' fat hot. Grease of every description la capable of being heated to a very much higher temperature than water; in fact, it con be made almost threo times as hot as boiling water. When fat is at lb boiling point it is so hot that any ar ticle of food brought into contact with it is actually burnt, and this is precisely the rea son why, for purposes of frying it should al ways be boiling hot For any articlo of food, a doughnut for example, dipped into boiling fat, is immediately covered all over by a thin crust of burnt dough which pre vents tho fat from penetrating further in, and enables the rest of the doughnut to bo exposed to a greater degree of heat that can be applied to it by any other process, with out coming in contact with the fat, and the natural chemical process go on inside with a greater degree of perfection than can be ob tained by any other method. Perfect frying is tho perfection of cooking, but so soon as' the fat L-4 not sufficiently hot to create tho burnt cruet around the article fried, then tho fat penetrates it and absolutely prevents cooking from taking place at all. If the fat is not boiling, bubbling hot) the process that takes place is not cooking, but simply drenching the food with a tepid fat, and rendering it totally, indigestible. ' It makes no difference how hot the fat is made after ward, the mischief is done tho moment the fat penetrates inside. All perfectly fried food has a thin crisp, (which ha in itself a relishing' taste,) and is perfectly free from even the suspicion of fat inside, except what was intentionally put there by the cook. All house keepers know that to fry well their fat should should be hot. But they do not attend to it half as scrupulously as they would if they under stood the true philosophy of it. Boiling, bubbling, hot fat c&nuot penetrate anything, and cooks to perfection, tepid fat penetrates everywhere and does not cook at all, but actually prevents cooking. Any house keeper who reads this, and chooses to profit by it, need never put any greasy, fried, half cooked and indigestible food upon her tablo. Tho whole secret consists in having tho fat boiled hot before the things aro put in. Thero is ono other condition which follows naturally from this first one, but which is almost invariably lost sight of even by good cooks, and that is that the fat should entirely- cover the article to be fried. The reason of this is, that the part not at once covered by the fat remains cold, cools on" the fat near it, and then absorbs the tepid fat just the same as if it had never been hot. Frying pans should be deep, well-filled, and heated to the boiling point, and then it is easy to turn ut fried food, ensp, brown, and dry on the out side, and perfectly soft, moist and well cooked within. It is a peculiarity of the outside crust of things fried in boiling fat that tho fat Itself on pa off from it as readily as water; hence, well fried articles are neither greasy in appearance nor very greasy in reality. Frying ought to be as easy as boiling. Oatc It U tho peculiarity of our clime that our springs aro sometimes short, and that the work on the farm has to be pressed forward under disadvantages before the ar dent heats of summer como on. The earl ier spring' crops, oata for instance, thrive best, if they can be started in cool, moist weather, tho vigor of growth being sensibly checked and tho yield considerably reduced if the plants encounter the summer heat and dry weather in the earlier stages. Every fair spring day is therefore of consequence, and the earlier oaU aro seeded after the frost is out of the ground, tbo greater-will be Ihe product, if the soil is adapted to them, and the season prove favorable. Duriug the great eollapse of 1857, a gen tlcmau of color kept u bank iu a western city. His institution was apparently In a sound condition, but to be in fashion with the whlto folks he concluded to fail. Next morning a man came and Bhook the door, but n voice inside responded that "de bank is closed." Bu tho man replied that be bad left a pair of boottCihero tho day before and wanted them. The sable financier opened tho door softly, and throwing out ono boot remarked : "We is only paying fifty centa ou de dollar." A Memphis fortune teller told a man that a fortune of (30,000 was coming to him the next week, and he shelled out (60 to bis wife to buy a new suit. When too lato he learned that his wife had fixed tho thing with the old woman. Liniment voRSrajUNa on Lameness. Two ounces camphoreted spirits, 2 ounces sweet ol 1.2 ounces ammoma,2 ounces chloro form ; shake well before using, and.. rub in by a fire. .It is very excellent for a family Iluliocut. Castor oil applied to a com after paring closelv. each nlxht before eoiiiit to bod. uoSU ens the corn and it becomes as the other flesh. An aged man, who stands in tho Richmond market, Philadelphia, haa uiado nearly two thousand dollars by tho sale of borbe-radisn, Butter will remove tar spots. Soap and water will afterword take out tho grease stain. Kerosene oil is good for mowing rust from VEGETINE smites at tho root of disease by purifying th blood restoring tho liver and kidneys to healthy action, nit irfuruviuif mo nervuus nyswiu. VKGBT1NB Is not a vile, tmiiin.iui compound, which simply purges tho bowels, li it. a sate, pleasant remedy which Is sure to Durirv Iho blood, tud Uiambv r- storo tho health. VliOUTINE Is now prescribed lu casjs ot scrofula and other diseases or I Uo bloud, by many of tlio bojt physl clans, owing to Its groat success In cuilng alidls easus ot thu nature. VEOHTINE Docs not docclvo tnvalldslnto falso hones bv nurcrfciir and cicatlng a ilclltlous appetite, but asitsls nato lu clearing and purifying the wholo system, leading tlio patient gradually to ported health. VEGETINK W as looked upon as an experiment for some tlmo by some of our best physicians, but those most Incred ulous in regard to Its merit aro now Its most ardent frl.'ndsand supporters. VEGETINE Instead of being a puffed-up medicine has worked its way up tolls astonishing present success by act ual merit In curing all diseases ot tho blood, of whatever nature. VEGETINE Rays n Hoston physician, "lias no cnual as a blood purifier. Hearing of lis ma'iy wonderful cures after alt other remedies had failed, I visited the laborato ry nnd convinced myself of lt-s genuine merit. It Is I'lyuuiru iruui uurKs. roouj unti ucrDs, each or which is highly effective, nnd thoy are compounded In such manner as to produce astonishing results." VEGETINE Is acknowledged nml reenmmf.nit.vl hv and apothecaries to bo tho best purincr and cleanser of tho blood et discovered, nnd thousands speak in its pralso who hat e been restored to health. IMIOOF. WHAT IS NEEDED. Mk.II.ILSt.v,ns, mosroM.Feb.lS.m. llnnr Ah,it n, . .. . feeble condition from general debility, VL'uKTINK was strongly recommended to me by a frtjndwbo had been much benellttod by Its use. I procured the U) health and discontinued Its use. I feel qulto conn- Y--v v""w i.i uu lueuiciue superior to u lor thosn complaints for which It Is especially prepared, and would cheerfully recommend It to those who feel t tint tltPV tlnnH onmiiMittiAi i . - health Itespwcuully yours. Finn ol s. M. rcttcnglll Co.', 10 state s't.Uoston. Mr. II. It, Stktkns : Ttenp Rip Tt,A o,i hAftiA. a it r- .. . . . . . . SSJtTt osent,my wife has used with great lMr long tirao she has beentroublod wlthdliil ness and costfveness; these troubles aro now en tirely removed by tho nse of V1KTINB. febUMy ; and hos been greatly benellttod. TUOS. OILMOUK, van Walnut street. FEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. Natici, Mass., Juno 1st, 16U, Mr. It, II.STKvrNS! tSedfir ywfsV J"KVl"M"u' "-""- j navemoaoniyiwobottlos and already feel my self a new man. ItespectfuUy. Dr. J. W. CAItTER. Report Jrom a Practical Chemist and Apothecary, Boston, Jan. 1, 1674. .wiw.ciuu nuit Hurt; mjiu nr. retail ,-dozm (isss bottles) of your VEOKTINK since YJZi ZiJrL3, . " i imiM Riven me JiS'Ki000 or remedy for the complaints y a day passes without sorao of my customers tes tify to Its merits on Unmselfcs or their friends. 1 Penecuy oognuant of Neverol cases of scrofulous tumors belnp cured by VEOETINE nlono In this M clnlty. Very respectfully yours. T, A. 1. OILMAN, 4s, Broadway. To U. It. Btzikhs, Ewi. Vegetineis Sold by all Druggists. March 8, Wy oo N EW BTOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENBERG Invites attention to tits large aiid elegant stock ol Cheap and Wmk ClotMi at his store on MAIN -flTKKKT, IN TUB NEW BLOCK, BLOOMBBCIMJ, PA., where he has Just received from New York and Phlt- adetphla a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tbe most toahlonable, durable and DRESS GOODS. CONSISTING OF BOX SACK, FROCK, GUM. AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, or ALL SOJITS bJZES AND COLORS, "Uenaa also replenkihod ids already Jwie stock or CLOTHS AND CASHMERES, i FlOUltKD AND PLAIN VESTS, HTIlim), sunn's. CItAVATH SOCKS, COLLARS, UANDKEIUmiBta, C1LOVIM, SUSI'GNDBltS, - AND FANCY ARTICLES. II hu constantly on band a large and wcU select ed assortment et Cloths and Vestings, widen be to prepared to make to order Into any kind ol K4idJiir, oa Miy snort' aotlce, and in the best manner, AU ate cloUilny Is made to wear and mct ol It Is ot some manufacture. SOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, OP ETCItY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND OIIBAP. III8CASB OP JEWWtr IS NOT surpassed in TU1S PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE UIB GENERAL A880UT. XKNTOP Clothing, Watches, Jewl ry, &e. DAVID LOWENBERG. ' uly l.ia-tl. yTAiNWiuauT & oo., WHOLESALE UROCKltS, N. K. Ourar Bocesd and Area 8tre)s, riUUDILTBU, Peak rs la TBAB, STROPS, COPTE. 80GAK, MOLASSKU aica, ancM, iicabi sosi, ., e, urorden win reoUre proapt attention. 1875 'PTTT? nrT tta ni r a -vr Newspaper, the largest sheet published In Columbia county, neatly priutcd on New Type, will contain nil tho current News of the Day, nud a condensed account of LEGISLATIVE and CONGRESSIONAL l'KOOEEDINGS, itli explanation and comments upon all nportant measures proposed lu cither i POETRY AND SONO. MISCELLANEOUS READING, AGRICULTURAL AND SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS, Will also encross a larire iirniinrtinn of it columns. Tlio DOMESTIC CONCERNS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, Will receive particular attention, and all local affairs proper for publication will be carefully laid before our readers. THE TOLITICS OF THE STATE AND NATION Will receive constant attention, and the character and official conduct of PUBLIC MENJ Will bo presented to our readers, from time to time, in life-like attitude and with entire iustice and firmness. No frauds shall bo committed upon the People or Wrong dono them without full ex posuro in tho columns of the Columbian. COUNTY MATTERS. All official county advertisements appear in this paper, as will also intelligent synop sis of Uie proceedings of the Courts and the actions of the County Officers when of pub lie interest. , The Columbian already has much the largest circulation of any paper in tho coun ty more than the combined circulation of the other papers and is the only paper printed in the county that supports theprin ciplea and time-honored usages of the Dem ocratic party. Its ci rculation and conscqucn usefulness may, however, be much extende- if its friends will use their influence to stir further add to its list of subscribers. At additional patronage will bo requited by im proving the paper, by adding to its editorial and reportorial force and increasing the quantity of its reading matter. ' As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Columbian is unapproached in this quarter of the State, and our JOBBING FACILITIES Are superior to any other. Our friends are invited to call at the offic whenever they cometo Dloomsharg. GlFTENTERPRISE. The only Reliable Gilt Distribution iu llio Country 1 $00,000.00 XN" VALUABLE GIFTS K TO BE-DISTKI11UTK1) IN L. Df. SINES' 178ml Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE t To be drawn Monday, May 3rd", 1875. Two Grand CapMnlH. of $5,000 EACH IN' CASH Two Prizes,$1.000 Five Prizee, $500 Ten Prizes, 100 Each in Cash! One Horse and Itiittgy, with BiNcr-raounttd Harness, worth $G0O. One Gne-tnned rose wood I'iano, worth $550. Teu Family Sowing Machines, worth $100 each I , Three CJolri Watches anil Clisiun, worth $300 each. Thrre Gold American liuntirg Watehiv, worth $1125 each. Ten Ladies' Gold Hunting Wutchvs, worth $100 each. 800 Gold and Hiker Lexer Hunting Watcht in all, worth from $20 to $300 each I GOLD CHAINS, SILVER.W.UIE, Ac, 4C, NUMUEIi OF GIFTS 6.600 TICKETS LIMITED TO 60.000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS, to whom Liberal premiums will be paid. Single Tickets 111 Six Tlciets t ; Twelve Tlexets no: Twenty-trvo Tickf iw. Circulars containing a lull list ot prties, a descrip tion ol tho manner ol drawing, and otlier Informa tion In relerence la Um distribution, wtUba bent to any van ordering tncin. All tettors uum bo address ed to Office, Excelsior BuiUl'g, I,. U. SIM2, Cor. Race Longwortti. llox isi, CINCINNATI, u II, l7-w BLANKS ! BLANK S ! KIR HA UP XT Tllit 1875. tVOLtttiBLlX OFFICE 4 J. EVANB, HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. UK 11ASTIIK FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND KM PLOYS TUB BEST WOHKMEM For Good Pits and Promptness in filling orders there Is the placa to go. Ills goods aro Bclccted wltli caroanhlsCUSVOM WORK will compare favorably with tlio best enort ot the fasblonablo City Dealer. UK KEEPS A LARQE STOCK OP BOYS' & CHILDREN'S 0L0TH1M AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. ETAHS. July 1, l87J-tf. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND" WEEKLY. Independent in Everything ! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in Municipal, btatc and .National Aflnirs. TIIK DAILY TIMES will bo Issued on Saturday, the 13th of March next, nnd every morning thereafter, Kundan excepted, under the editorial direction of A. K. Mcriure, printed compactly from clear, new tpe, on a larpo folio sheet, eouialnlni; nil tnenews of the day, Including t.i ASSOCIATE I'HKSS TKI.B f 111AMH. snerLil TpleLTums and L'orrenonilence from nil points f Interest, and fearless editorial dis cussions of current topics. Price, TWO CrfNTB. Mall subscriptions postnire free, Blx dollars per annum, or nfty cents per month, In advance. Advcrtlsemo' ts. fifteen, twenty and thirty cents per li ne, accorau g to pomiion. The Weekly Times Will ho Issunl nn Faturilav. March 20th. weekly thereafter, contalnlntf all Important news of the weex, anu compiew juarKet aim ruinxicuu iieporui. Malted, for one year, postage free, at the following; rates : ono copy Il.oo Ten Copies 9.00 Twenty copies H.'fl AOVKItTISEMKNTS twentv.nve cents ner line. Itemltnnces should be made by Drafts or Post Of- uce uroers. Address THK TIMES. No. 14 South Seventh Street, tt PHILADELPHIA BLOOMSBURQ MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GUNTON. Proprietor, MAIN STltBKT, 11ELOW MARKET. Manufacturer qf and L'taler in all lindt of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOEKS We use tho best AMERICAN and ITALIAN Marble, Uu has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMHS, HEADSTONES, UUNS, VASES, Ac Every variety of Marble cuttlnc neatly executed it the lowest market prices. A long practical experience and personal attention to bosliiess males the proprietor conhdent of k InR satlsfactum. All orders by mall promptly attendeu to. i'. u. oo VJI. t8ril. Ji. Work delivered free of charge." Aug. HI, U-ly. T. L. GUNTON, Proprlotor. ISAIAH HAGENBUCH DEALEIl IN STOVES & TINWARE, J1LOOM8BUUG, PENN'A., Has the pleasure of Introducing to the Public A NEW AND SUPERIOR COOKING STOVE, THE "ECLIPSE," . t.nix nn.1 lu.Alitlfill RtliVP. far Wlfid Of COAl. HO al jio keeps coiubuitly cm band a large and varied CGOKINO .STOVES, I'AKLOK STOVES, IKON WE,Ml in great variety, TIN WAKU, Ac, Ac., Ac. w hlch ho wiu aispoe B'",He'2we!,,raJKrLT,h rualVU an I v Ju trKriiiCxj " -r-- ' 9U4U UI IIUU1IU IWUUUAIiV llft lft7J Iv ,v. mm GREENWOOD SEMINARY. NEXT TERM BEaitffl Monday, August 3d, 1874 For particulars, Address, It. II WHITACKE, Mill vi ilk, Pa. JuctSTI-tf NOTICE, . ... TVTOT1CK Is hereby Riven tliat the IHoow. IN burir Oas oorapany w IU put In nenr Ice pipe and furnish T met." lo ThecrUiensof I"?" (II.&0 wheie the dlswnco from Uie 'PJ' exceodWIeeti elceM ot 10 feet JtUJ.lw chaJyeU J I he rate ol to cents per 7" . wtpi. , ie-i NEW GOODS! A HEAVY STOCK, Cheaper .than Ever! S. II. MILLER & SON Have Just Received the largest ami best supply ot CHEAP AMD FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ever offered to tnt lr friends and cus tomers. Jloths, Cassinieres, and Satiaotts for MEN '3 WEAK, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LAUIE'S WEAlf, CALICOES, MUSLINS, UAMI1MCS, nnd every variety of Dry Goods desired, Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, in great variety anil nt the LOWEST CASH PRICES. FAMILY GROCERIES, including all the varieties of COFFEES, TEAS and SUOAIIS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, and a general supply of nrticlcs uicful for the table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex' change for goods at cash prices. Oct. so,'l-tf CARRIAGE iMANUEACTOll Y BLOOMSBUIta, PA. M. C. SLOAN A imOTHEll TTAVE on hand nnd for sale nt the moat XJL reasonable rates a spienum siock oi CARRIAGCS, liUKOICS, and every description of Wagons both PI.AIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo made of the best and most durable maeerlals, nnd by the most experienced workmen. All work eent out from the establishment will be rntimi tn iu nf f hi. htriiet rinss nnrt sure to trlve rter- fect satUfactlon. They havo alsoaHnoassortmcntof SLEIGHS of all the newest and most fashionable stjles well and carefully made and or tho best material. Anlnsnnetlnn nf their wort Is asked as ItlSbO- uevcu uiat none uupenur cun ue iuudu m iu wfu V.J. f July 1, 1873 tf. GASLGAS! THATCHER & GEARHART. PWsrs, Gas and Steal Gitters BLOOMSBURQ, TA.. OFFKIt TO THE PUBLIC THEIlt SEItVICES IN Plumbing and Gas Fitting. In which they have had many years of experience, All wortc of this kind warranted to bo or the best debcrlptlon nnd executed lu tlio most workmanlike manner. Gas 7'ipe Laid nt 12 Cents Per Foot ! Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam and Hand Pump?, Pipe and Fittings. A Splendid Assortment of Chan deliers, Brackets, Lamps, Shades Bronze Ornaments, etc. EXQUISITE SLATE MANTELS TIIK CF-LKDltAIED JAPAN PAPER-WARE. BUCKETS, BASINS, BOWLS, Ac, Ac. Store Itoomtn Bloomsburff, on Main Htreetoppo- slte St. Paul's Kplhcopul tuurcn. uive vnein a cun i Oct. -.ri ir-'Pfllxvi T.V1 vntl O Ncnd stamp and cet It. Address, 1 I). HUI1ST. TSund 71 Nahsau btreet. New York. A fiKNl'S WANTED fur the fastest selllnc book ever published henit for Kpeetuen in-pis and our extra to At'cnts. NATIONAL F'UIU.IHllINO CO., I'UILADKL- ruu, r.i. LIFE OF PR. LIVINGSTONE i tiA.v tmr.v. rrimriirti.. authentic and reliable, con talnliiR his explorations and discoveries In tho wilds of Africa, sen rapiaiv ni unv pruef wj unit mo .unci.. Also the MESSIAH, by Hev. Wm. M. Wlllett, for a 1 dcnomlnatl&ns, ancxc(Sent work Issued lu a nana somestjle. our kamilv siules aro unequalled for st tea and prices. , A v.fn Airnnnrl to work on these books at AgOntS WanteUcnec, liberal terms. Adnrosa UAKElt CITY PUHLISIIlNiiCO., I'hlladelphU I'a. THE MASON & HAMLIN rr-R.r?-ATsT CO.. Winners of Three lllshest Medals and Diploma of Honor, at Vienna. 13. and IMrH, T, now oifer Iho Finest Assortment of the llrst Cabinet Organs In the World, lncludlni; new stjles with recent Improve ments, not oulv exclush ely for cash, as funnel ly, but also on 'New Plans of Kasy 1'ajnicnts, tho must lo vorable ever otlered. Organs itemed with 1'rHlleeo of Purchase, to almost any part of the country. First payment IS.SOor upwards. Illustrated Catalogues and Circulars, with full particulars, sent fneon re quest. Address. MAbONft HAMLIN; OIIOAN CO., Boston. New York or Chleat'o Kvervbodv's own Physician bvl'.W. (Jikason, M.I). A inayuUloent volume oj ... .nrn.u-iu.nittjfuii Illustrated and elcirantlv bound, contains matter Just adapted to tho wants of every family, over 80 engnuuiifH. One Aireiit . . .. i .. nMn .mull n ti tin t In li n-it Hut a Oi(J HV IXHJiCS Ul UUD HtM, HUiAMVI vw.x.'w uj;s i iMaiM-o i Tfll i. n and anotber xa la AU ftW nil I KrJil1' luTn ITvv. Auun uuu). ...... w. wv. 723 Sansom M.. ruuaueipuia. Atronts Wnnted foi Prof. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK t UAnttnnri wnnmtihnod and their Mutual Inter lulallons: Love, Its Laws, Power, etc. AkcMh are bniiii.v rrnm in tn OA fitntes a dav hend for snecl- meu pages and terms to Agents, und seo why It sells faster titan any other book. Address, NATIONAL I'UULISHINU LU i-uuaueipma, ru. A BRAVE BOOK I "WHAT WOMAN SHOULD KNOW, A Woman' t Hoot alout Women, by a Woman (Mrs. E, II, I'Ujjey,) nn,. wmv nl the Vlnd ever written by iA n dssitv In mrv household. In Its en tlronoulty and eminent ptactlcalness creates an InimtBKe demand. Notwithstanding the d.llcate . iiiu. as U1 not oDend thn most laslldl oils, iadyiicents nuer had such an opportunity to make money end do good. Terms and sample bheeifl innueii live m iiniurutg ,...vh..i'... . . D40U1IAJVI -W., 1 M)luuciJUM. . w-. Mnryland Eye and Eur Institute M NorUt cnaries isirect, naiiimore, tu. OEOlKli: HKUI.INil, M. D.. Lato 1'rofesbor of Eye and Kar Surgery in the Washington UnlrcrU- The large handsome residence of the late Ciuklks SaenU udoitlea In Uie laim BchooU ot Kurui, for !V " ' ul twiolmurt ft flilu pliiua nf ilUllKt'M. All. iwz?tr uEnti f h kii LTkurinr r jiijt -j Bwgeom to caua. B UHINEKS CARDS, vim nmi uakwh, LKTTKIt HEADS, UlLI. IISAUfl, 1'ltOUItAMUEH, POSTE11S,C.,0. KJUTLT AMIRAiaw rAa), At TUB CO- 53 is MROEDJHEHlWSMOMYpWllirN Over Thhfv'fonr Competitor Standard 'ISkSM RAIL ROAD LTIME TABLES. TDIHLADELPHA AND HEADIiNU HU.U) WINTER ARRAXGEJIENT. NOV. till, 1S7I. TRAINS I.KAVE ntTERT AS FOLLOWS (SUNDAY KXCHrTKP For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsvllle, Ac, 11,33 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,33 . m. ana 7,36 p. m. For Wllllamsport, e,29 a. m. and 4,M p. m. TRAINS rOB nCTKHT I.KAVK AS rOI.LOW8, (SCNDAT El csrrsn.) Leave New York, ,oo a. m. Iave Philadelphia, o,m a. m. Leave Ilcadlne;, 11,30 a. m., rottsvllle, U,10 p. m. andTamaqua, 1,30 p. m. Leavo Catanlssa, e,!0 a. m. and 4,w p. m. lxuro Wllllamsrort, 9,20 a. m. and 6,00 p. m. Passengers to and from New Yoi k and Philadel phia go through without change of cars. J. K. WOOTKK, May S, 1S74 tf. General Superintendent. D ELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND kailuuau. BLOOMSRURCJ DIVISION. Time-Table No. 3, Takes effect at 4:30 A, SI. THultSDAY, DKCKMIIEK 10, 1874. SOUTH, STATIONS. I SOUTH. p.m. p.m. p.m a.m. n m. p.m 2 25 45 Seranton 1 HI IU 10 14 18 19 10 17 10 25 10 20 1" 34 P 3S 10 45 111 60 10 51 11 00 11 05 11 19 It 18 11 32 11 40 11 53 12 1 12 8 11 11 2 20 o 30 12 12 in 11 45 11 3 ' 11 20 11 10 11 10 8 3'l 8 23 h 13 8 5 7 f.O 7 63 7 48 1 40 13 3 1 25 1 10 1 ll1 iieni'i uo TaMonllle.... ...I.ui'kawanna.... l'ltlstnn... .. Wisl I lllston... .... Wyoming Jlidtby Kingston Kingston ..1T mouth .Mine. ....I'U mouth .... AMinil.ilo Nunllroke 2 20 2 33 2 41 2 60 2 65 3 ll 3 10 3 15 3 2 3 25 8 31 3 36 3 40 3 & 4 16 4 2' 4 28 4 30 4 40 0 55 0 41 6 60 7 00 7 U.i 1 '6 7 11 1 00 7 16 1" 45 8 25 S 17 b 12 8 "5 5 10 T 4fi 7 20 7 00 6 67 0 45 f. 32 5 27 6 20 (1 06 5 6S 5 61 5 44 6 411 6 15 7 4 12 61 7 25 7 35 12 4i'. 7 31 12 41 7 25 12 3.1 7 19 12 3 i 7 15 12 20 7 5 12 16 C .VI 12 01 C S5 11 40 CU 11 39 6 21 11 31 7 35 7 4 7 Et 7 68 8 12 8 15 8 35 8 5 9 I'S 7 0 7 12 7 18 7 25 I 38 .lIunleek'H reek. . .Miickhhinny.... ....Hick's 1'iiry... ....Ueach Haven.. Iicrwlck .... Iirlar rn ek ...Willow Urine.... Mine Iltdge Kspy ...Iiloiiuibburg Itupert catawlssu llrlilge. ..Clark's Cwltch... Dan Mile Chulosky Cumeron . Northumberland. 6 3 II -it t IS 11 17 6 03 11 11 !l2 17 4 6'l 4 60 E 05 E 12 5 63 11 02 A 40 10 65 6 4'l in 49 6 34 10 3 12 20 12 32 12 37 12 41 12 45 1 13 1 11 1 14 1 3 7 47 5 18 7 M B 21 8 12 5 SO 10 4H E 12 10 11 5 02 M 12! 5 30 5 48 5 68 6 03 6 2l 8 16 S 35 8 48 a .V. 9 20 5 01 4 65 4 67 in 08 4 30 4 40 9 5 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m p.m. a.m. DAVID T. HOUND. Sunt. Superintendent's omcc, Kingston, .March 6, 1&74. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On nnd after November 20th. 1S73, trains will leave SUNUUKY as follows: NOHTHWAltD. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. m., arrive Klmlrn a. m " Canandalgua... 3.35 p. m. " Itocnester 6.15 " " Niagara 9.40 " ltenovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. arrive Williams port 12.65 p. in. Elmira Mall 4.16 a. m., arrive Elmtra 10.20 a. m. Uutfalo Express 7.15 a. m. nrrlrn IiulTalo 8.50 a. m. KOL'THWAHD. Ilullalo Express J.60 a. m. arrive Horrlsburg 4.60 a. m " llaltlniore 8.40 " Elmira Mall 11.15 a.m., arrive Ilarrltburg 1.60 p. m ' " Washington 10.30 " " llaltlmore 6.30 " " Washington 8.30 ' Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. aril vo Harrls- burg 10.60 p. id. arrive llaltlmore 2.25 a. m. " Washington 6.13 " Erie Mall 12.65 n. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3.05 a. m. " llaltlmore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " AU lUilly except Sunday. D. M. HOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CA8SATT, General Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie it. It. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. DN anil after SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1874, the Ti sins on the Philadelphia Erie Kail Itoad Division n 111 run as fullon s : WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia. 12.65 p.m " " " Harrlsburg.... p.oo p. m " " " VVllUamspnrt.. 9.15 p. m " " " Lock Haven 10.20 p. m " " arrive at Ilullalo o.oo a. m EltlE MAIL leaves Philadelphia. .11.65 p. m ' Harrlsburg 4.2.1 a.m " " " Wlllliuusport 8.35 a. ni " " " Lock Haven 9.45 a. in " " " ltenovo a. m " " nrr. at Erlo 6.05 p. m KLMIIIA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. " " " Harrlsburg 1.25 p.m. " " " llllamsport o.vo p. in. " " arr. at Lock Haven 7.S0p. in. LOCK HAVEN ACCOM, leaves HarrLsburg 9.16 a. m " " " " WUllamsport 05 p, tn " " " - Lock p. m :o: EASTWARD. PHL? A KXPltESS leaves Lock lUven , . . . .o a. m. " " . " WllUamsport.... 7.65 a. m. " " arrives at Harrlsburg H.loa. in. " " " I'hlladelphU 4.15 a. m. EI1IE MAIL leaves Krle.. .il.tot, m. . . 8.25 p. m " ltenovo " i.cik Haven 9.45 p.m " Wllllamsiwrt lo.60p.m arr. at Hsrilsburg t.soa. m air, at l'hllndtlphla 1.60 a. m KLMIIIA MAIL leaves Lock Haven..., 9,4 a, m. " Wllllamsport Iiior-.m " suuhury p. m arr. at Harrlsburg 6 05u.m arr. at 1'hlWdelphla p. m NIAOAItA KXPlttss leaves Kano . tw a, m " " " Ittnova 4.0s 1 , m " " Ik Haven.. 6.25 r m ' ". Wiuiamrport. p. m " " r'unbury..... x " arr. at Harrlsburg. 10.65 p. m " " ' J'liUadclphU.,AOii m Moll East connects east and west at Krle with L. B. 4 m, H. 11. w. and at Irvtntton with Oil Creek and Allegheny 11. It. w. MM West with east and west trains on L. K. & M. 8. it. W. and at corry and Irvlneton with OU Creek and Alegheny it. it, W, Elmira Mall and liuffalo Eiprtusmake close con nectlons at Wllllamsport with N. c. It. w. train noith, aud at HarrUburg with N, C, It. W, train south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Jan. 1,75-tf Ovilerul Hvipt Tins CAru is ox mit wiru ROW ELL & pHESMAN . Advertising Agenti, THIROHSTNUTT., T. LOCIt, MA I'l III 47 11 tV 1 H V UtSJ l)i-. .T. SValltcr's Cnllfoinfa In- penr JUttcrS nro a purely Ycgelablo pVepnrnHon, mnilo chiefly from tho lintivo IierU found on tholowcr ranees of tho Sicr. n Ncvnila mountains of California, tho raoiliclnnl properties of which aro extrac -cd therefrom without the nso of Aleohol. Tho question is nlmost daily asked, "What is tho causo of tlio unparalleled success of Vincoah Bitttjis?" Our answer is, that they rcmovo tho causo of disease, nnd tho patient recovers hia health. They ore tho Jrreat blood purifier nnd a lifo-giving prin ciple, a perfect Renovator and InviRorntor oftho system. Never beforo in tho history of the world has a nicdicino been com pounded possessing tho remarkable- qual ities of VrewiAn Bitters in healing thosick of cverv diseaso man is heir to. They nro a gentlo 'I'nrgativo as well ns a Tonic, reliov Fng Congestion or Inflammation of tlio Liver and Visceral Organs, iu Bilious Dis- li' moil will enjoy good licnlili, lei them uso Vineoav. Brnrja as v. medicine, nnd avoid tho uso of alcoholic .stimulants in ovory form. No Pei'Miii cnii f nice llioso llillei'rt teeonling to directions, and remain long unwell, providril their bones nro not do lroyed by mineral poison or other moans, nnd vital orpnns wasted beyond repair. (!rilfilll TilOIISlllltls proclaim Vint, iiaii IliTTKiia the most wonderful Invigor Hit that over sustained thosinkingsystom. Kilioiis. ltPiiiiltcnl, nud Infer lllilll'llt Fevel'S, which nro so prevalent in the vnllcvs of our great rivers through out tlio United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Ala bninn, Slobile, Savannah, Roanoke, Jam en, nud many otheis, with their vnst tribu taries, throughout our entire country dur ing tho Slimmer nnd Autumn, and remark, ably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, nro invariably accompanied by ex tensive derangements of the stomach nud liver, nud other abdominal viscera. In then treatment, n purgative, exerting a powerful intlucuco upon theso various organs, ia essentially necessary. There is 110 cathar tic for the purpose eqnal toDn.J.WAXKEii's Viseo.ui Bitteiis, ns they will speedily re move iho dark-colored viscid matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at tho Mitno timo Etimulnting the secretions of tho liver, nnd generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. D.vsiiepsiii or Indigestion, Head aohCjl'uin in thoShoulilers.Cniighs.Tight ncas of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructa tions of tho Stomach, Bail Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inllammution of tho Lungs, I'uin in tho region of tho Kidneys, and a hun dred other painful symptoms, are tho off springs of DyBpepsin. Ono bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scronilii, or King's Evil, Whlto Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial AfTeo ti ins, Old Sores, Eruptions ol thu Skin. Sjro Eyes, etc., etc. In thete, as in nil otlier constitutional Diseases, Walkui's VnrcoAH Brrruis havo shown their great curative powers iu tho most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic lllieiimntism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, theso Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Puinta and Minerals, such us Plumbers, Tpe-t.otters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, us tlioy advauco in life, nro sub ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard agniust this, tnko a dews of Walkeii'h YiNEOAit Brrruis. occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions.Tcttcr, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scnld Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorntions of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of thoSkin of whatever name or nntme, nro literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short time by tho ubo of theso Bitters. Pill, Tunc, and other Worms, lurk ing in tliosv htom 0,60 many thousands, nro effectually des'troyed and rcmovod. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will freo tho system from worms like theso Bitters. For Femalo (Jonmlaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or tho turn of life, these Touio Bitters display so decided an intlucuco that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice. In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. Tho only sensible treatment is to promoto tho secretion of tho bile and favor its removal. For this purpose use Vinkoaii BrrrEita. Cleanse tho Vitiated Wood when ever you find ita impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Emotions, or Sores; oleunso it when you find it ob structed antl sluggish in the veins; clcanso it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Koep the bleed pure, und Uw health of tho ostein will follow. it. II. .HcIIONAI.l) & CO., DroggUta utd Oturnd Aeut. baa Fwicisco, Cfcllfcr. Kla. tud cur. WiuthiUKtou tuid L'lmrlluu HU.. New York. Bold by lilt UruggiXK uud Deulere. Sept. 6, 74 m. Maiiofl: now Lost How Restoredl JUST publUhcd n iuw edition of Dr. CUL VEH WliLL'8 celebrated csbny on tho radical cur lui-uituiej m ppermaiurrntcn f1i or Seminal Weakness. Involuntan sem inal weakness, Impotency, Mental and phyMcul lneapaclty, Impedlmtnts to Marriage, ete,s also onsumi Hon, Epilepsy, and Fits induced by solf-lndulgeuco orscxtual cxtruvaganco. Piles, Ac. tQf rrice, in a sealed ennlnpe, only tiz ecalt. Tho celebrated author, in this admLrablo essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succeHtdu practice, that the alarming; consequences of self abuso ma' bo radically cured without the dangorous uso or Internal medicine or the application of tlio kntfo; pointing out a niodo of euro atoncestraplo certain, and effectual, by means ot which every sut fcrer, no matter what bis condition inay be, may cur himself cheaply pjtvately, and radically, lirThls Lecture should be la the hands ol evoif youth and every man In the land. Kent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any a dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two po sUmps. Also, Dr. SILLSUKE'S REMEDY FOH I'ILK Send for circular. Address the Publishers, C1IAS. J. C. KLINK & CO., 1S7 Ilowery, Now York, rust Ofllce Uox KffA. April 31, '74-y A' OKNTS WANTKD. At the rate this work is now BciitLit; 11 win attain a sale el 100.000 COPIES before the canvass Is complete. Presbyterian min isters without n charge, or llioso tn ill health who wish to retain It by open-air exercise, students, lay. men, and others who desire to obtain lucrative em ploj mi nt In a most respectable occupation, aro so licited 10 apply for an agency to sell "THE HISTORY OF THE PRESBYTE RIAN CHURCH THROUGHOUT THE WORLD." A beautiful largo octavo volume, Illustrated with steel and woodengrnvlngs.vvhlohevery Presbvterlun family will want topo-sseas. Pilce In cloth n, French Morocco ill. Applications for exclusive teirllory should bo niado at once. Address, DE WITT O, LENT 4 CO., Dec. so, H-Cin. )4 Iiroomo Btrett, New Vorlt. QIIARL1CS CAilBLOS A CO., IlANKEItS AND;i!IlOKER3, m Houtli Third SUeet, Dealers la Oorernmcnt EccurlUts, cold aad U Coljectlons made, Mtk - " i.-t.n tiiinviiininiilfM)iiu 1