The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 02, 1875, Image 2

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l'1 rid a y. A p i-1 1 ii . 1 8 7 5.
In tlin ol.len Mine, Alex. Hamilton tie
rlnreil thnt "gtmleiiliifc i tho lint rofit.a of a
.llsnpr.nlnte.1 polltlelnn." Now tliey go to
Europe. Vice. President Wilson UjuM. o(T
on n trip to that ijuirtcr. lilt Credit Mo
bpllor stock no tlotiut furaUhei tlio meant.
Largo imiiilrri of wild iiigoom have been
trying In till region fur n few days pa.!, (
her.s mid Hparunicii have a guy tlnu iinvjngtt
them and llimo who catch them with net. have
no doubt had n rich harvest, t'nfortimatcly the
birds nro not .n fat ni they Mum-time are.
Gov. llnrtrnnft linng-i firo on tho new Il
eum; law. Let him como up 1 ike n man and
cither sign or veto it lie will hnvo to do
ono or tho other before tho 18th of April, or
plead tho baby act by permitting it to be
como n law at that time without his signa
ture. Gen. Spinner, tho Treasurer of tho I'lilted
States, has at length really resigned, des
patches wiy. He h ono of the grannies that
wcro so firmly fastened upon tho government
that there was little hope of ever getting rid
of lilin. Gen. Ilristow, however, the Secre
tary of tho Treasury, made him nttend to
his business, which lias driven him to retire
ment. The Supremo court of tho United States
linn decided that "tho Constitution of the
United States does not confer the right of
sullrago upon any one, and th it tho Consti
tutions of tho several States which commit
that trust to men alone aro not necessarily
void," Women, therefore, cannot vote un
less directly authorised to do so by St.ito
Tho Supremo Court has decided unconsti
tutional tho law limiting the damages which
may be collected from railroad companies
for personal injury to passengers to $!!,000.
Tho case, on which the court rendered its
decision arovs under the old constitution.
Tho present constitution prohibits any such
limitation of damages by the legislature.
A speech in the Federal Senate by Sena
tor Wallace is highly spoken of by Wash
ington correspondents and newspapers gen
erally. It was vigorous and logical in argu
ment, and noted tor tho conciseness which
distinguishes tho new Senator. The personal
impression made by Jlr. Wallace upon his
colleagues was most favorable. Of course
no amount of reasoning would have any ef
fect upon tho votes of Senators. Grant's
threats and offers had settled that business.
Alter a most expensive and vexatious con
test of a year and half, the Supreme court
has awarded the Prothonotaryship of Luzerne
CDunty to Dr. S. W. Trimmer, the Democrat
ic candidato in 1873. Of his election by a
majority of legal votes there never was any
doubt, but the constantly occurring Scranton
frauds and tho delays of tho law have until
within a few days past prevented the desires
of the people from being carried out. In
tentional fraud at elections ought to be made
a penitentiary offence and this would laud a
considerable portion of the population of
boranton in tlinfc iiidUtutiau.
The false statements of tho telegraphic des
patchesin the Philadelphia and New York
papers about tho floods and condition of tho
ico in the North and West Branches of the
Susquehanna are amusing to thoso who
laugh at folly, but immensely disgusting to
those who dispiso causeless exaggeration
Tho Williamsport Gazelle it Jlulktiii thus
hits off one of them :
The New York Herald is beinsr furnished
with dispatches from Lock Haven by some
one who is not adapted to tho business of
lying; ho lies too outrageously even for the
Jjcrald, antl altogether too much to make
lying a success.
As tho Gazette & Bulletin is master of the
situation we accept its conclusion.
Tho Columbian is mistaken in saying that
postago stamps are furnished Members of
Congress. All tho other departments of the
government, however, are lullysupplieil with
these Mnmps, Congressmen paid postage on
everything they sent through the mails.
Perry Co. Democrat,
As the editor of the Perry county Democrat
was himself a member of the late Congress,
ho of courss knows whereof bespeaks. For
twenty years past we lwvo been firmly fixed
in the notion that nothing po.-siblo to hap
pen under tho sun could surprise us, but we
are disposed to give it up after being reliably
informed that Congress provided for tho pay
ment of the pot-tage of all other officials at
tho Federal capital except thnt of its own
members 1 We are happy to give it a credit
The question as to whether "Good Friday"
is a legal holiday has been decided affirma
tively by Attorney General Dimmick. Al
though his decision came too late for practi
cal effect this year It is in tlmo for" hereafter,
provided there is no legislative interference.
Tho day is observed as a religious holiday
by tho Catholic and Episcopal churches,
and also to some extent by the Lutherans
and others. Generally, however, outside the
largo cities, not much regard is paid to it.
In the largo cities tho churches formally re
gard it, but business is (suspended by but
comparatively few.
In tome localities good Friday is believed
to be the best of all days in tho year upon
which to sow llax. Probably, however, not
much was put into lho ground this year on
that day.
Certain government detectives aro just
now filling the papers with sensational des
patches about the arrest of Joe. Lawnsbury,
formerly of Clearfield county, for shooting
un assistant provost marshal in 18G4, who
attempted to arrest him for not reporting
after being drafted. His house, was entered
at 12 o'clock at night, when he jumped from
his bed and fired at a person coming up the
stairs. Tho shut struck Col, Ilutler, who
died the next day. Lawnsbury kept out of
tho way for pome time, but voted in Clear
field borough at the following election, He
afterwa ds resided at Emporium, In an ad
joining county, and at Harrisburg. Some
years ago he moved to English "Ceuire, Ly
coming county, whero ho purchased a farm,
tho papers in connection therewith being
placed on record at Wlllianispoit. Under
thcM) circumstances it is difficult to under
stand why bin arrest is an achievement to be
bragged ubout. As to his guilty intention
there is no reliable information. As to tho
gab about "disloyalty" in Clearfield county,
wo are familiar with the character of its
people and do not believo there is a county
in the State where genuine patriotism more
generally prcvalU.
Lawnsbury has been taken to Pittsburgh
for trial before h. Federal court, and will
probably bo convicted without much refer-1
nice to his guilt or innocence.
Next Governor.
In discussing tho probabilities of tho No
vember election tho Erie Observer thus refers
to Hon. Win. A. Galbralth.of that city, who
is ono of tho fittest nmt most available of
candidates yet suggested for nomination by
tho Democracy :
It is duo Mr. Oidbralth to state, that al
though he has bicn strongly urged from
many directions to dlowthc use of Tils name,
ho is not mill will not bo a candidate In tho
sene of seeking after tin, nomination. Whllo
hewmild feel complimented bv tho honor,
mill would not decline the eandldacv If of
fered to him, he Is moU decided in the de
termination not to make tho slightest move
inconsistent with his Idea that tho office
should hunt the man and not tho man the
olllee. Whether his nomination could bo
regarded ns among tho probabilities after
this declaration, depends much upon tho
shape that political matters assume by tho
tlmo the Convention assembles.
Wo have a liking for candidates who do
not thrust themselves forward, and yet are
not overly ready with positive declinations,
but leave their party friends to select tho
best, tho fittest and mst available, cspec
miiy wiicn as in tins state tuero is every
prospect of a close contest. Mr. Galbralth
is a gonttynati of great nbllity and modest
worth, not an olfico seeker, but ono of tho
most earnest and devoted advocates of Dem
ocratic principles in tho State, and withal a
man of extraordinary popularity in tho re
gion of tho State whero ho is best known.
Tho party will bo tortunato If it obtain so
strong n candidate.
M my are urging tho nomination of Gen.
Hancock, as preliminary to his election to
tho Presidency. It Is argued that his lioml
nation for Governor would certainly result
in his election, and that tho man who could
carry Pennsylvania would bo sure to be nom
inated ami elected President. There is forco
in the position, and thero would bo especial
propriety and justico in making Hancock
the successor of Grant. Wo have no very
exalted Idea of mero military candidates, but
Gen. Hancock has heretofore proven himself
a statesman of high order, as well as the
most brilliant General of the time.
Numerous other candidates nro being sue-
gested who am not likely to be pressed. We
have thus far noticed all who have been
named and aro likelv to become prominent.
lho futuro will no doubt developo others.
Couldn't Pay.
When the Legislature adjourned the mem
bers were obliged to go homo without their
pay, the Treasurer, Mr. Mackey, asserting
that ho has no money to pay them with.
This seems a little strange, considering tho
fact that Gov. Hartrauft, in his message,
stated that there was over u million dol
lars in tho Treasury. What has Mr. Mackey
done with tho money 1 Has he paid it out
for tho legitimate purpose of tho Stato Gov
ernment, or has ho used it for the benefit of
himself and friends, as in the case of George
O. Evans, of addition, division and silence
fame ?
Never before has a legislature adjourned
without being able to get their pay. The
Radicals havo had control of the Treasury
now for a kug time, but, notwithstanding
their extravagance and rascality, they havo
always managed to save enough money to
pay off tho members of the Senate and
House, until tho present year. This is prob
ably accounted for by the fact that this k
the first Democratic House there has been
for years, and it was a smart little revenge
for their threats of investigation into the sc-
crets of the Treasury to deprive them of thei
pay for the time being Had there been a
Radical majority in tho Legislature, there
would havo been no complaints of "no
money" to pay them with, but as thero was
not, the poverty of the Treasury baa sudden
ly become apparent.
Well, well this thing of having plenty of
money on certain occasions and none on
others is pretty nearly played out. That fi
nancial department will be tureed over to a
Democratic Treasurer alter next fall's elec-
tion, and then there will bo money in the
Treasury or the public will know the reason
why. JieUefonte Watchman.
Tho Civil Rights Abortion.
Judge Emmons, a Judgo of a U. S. District
court in Tennessee, who was appointed by
President Grant, recently instructed a grand
jury that the Civil Rights, (negro equality)
bill is unconstitutional and that therefore no
indictments could be found under it. He
says that previous to the adoption of the last
imcndments nobody pretended that Con
gross could interfere with the States in the
regulation of such matters, and that these
amendments do not confer the power. The
question will no doubt be carried to the Su
a e rr I i r.. . s
preinc conn. 01 me uniieu mates.
No less a personago than lien. Sutler, the
author ef the act, is out with a letter in
which ho says tho bill is not operative upon
saloons or barber shops, or upon any private
business, except pnblic conveyances, then
tres, hotels, &c Tho latter not being re'
quired to fcell liquor to any body may of
course sell only to whom they please.
In some of the States special laws have
been passed, designed to defeat the harsh op
eratioti of the bill, by expressly permitting
hotel keepers, steamboat and other common
carriers, theatres, &c, to supply upocial quar-
ters to persons who may be offensive to oth
er guesta or travelers, without mentioning
the subject of color.
These facts, together with tho important
one that public opinion every where is de-
cidedly averse to tho law, will render tho
Civil Rights blllimpossibloof cxecutionand
a clead letter upou the statute book. Like
other Radical legislation it is a nuisance, the
the very cap sheaf of uuisances. Feople will
always find oaw way of avoiding repuhdve
association, and even tho most sensible no
crocs will shun encounter with those to
whom their prcsoucc is objectionable. White
men act upon that principle in thcirassocia-
tions as u rule and so do the negroes in their
intercourse with each other. What Is prop
er in voluntary action can not be uprootod
by Congressional enactments.
Ohio Politics.
It now looks as though the Hon. Den.
Franklin Wado would be the next candi
date of tho Graut party for Governor of
Ohio, while old Hill. Allen, tho present in
cumbent, is sure of tho Democratic nomina
tion, The united ages of these venerable
war horses may be calculated at something
lke two centuries and n half, but precise
statistics are lacking. Allen baa the great
est voice in tho State of Ohio, and Wide is
tho hardest swearer. Ohio will bo the first
battlo ground for the uext Presidential elec
tion and both parties will put forth extraor
dinary exertions to carry it, Thepartiea are
pretty nearly equally divided, and Wade and
Allen aro good representatives of the two
parties. Tho election will will bolbeW'ln
October The Radicals are already arrang
ing to scud the best men ef their party into
the State, and the Democrats will loso no
time in doing the same. Ex.
The Connecticut election is to take place
on Monday next. A Governor, a full State
ticket, four members of Congress and a Leg
islate are to be elected. The Stato la a
vcrv cloo oue usually, and both parties are
waking all possible effort to carry it, and
both now seem very confident,
Devious ami Curious.
Joo. Brooks wa, tho Greeley candidate for
Governor of Arkansas In 1872. Ho claimed
to bo elected by a largo majority, and no doubt
was. Hut tho Kail lea W wanted tho vote of
the State for Grant, and having tho majority
in Congress, eouiitcd it for him This ren
dered It necessary to dccldo that Baxter, tho
Grant candidato, was elected Governor, Tho
latter was in possesion and refined to glvo
up. Brooks appealed to tho courts, which
elded In his favor. Both parties took up
arms and besieged tho capitol. Grant Issued
proclamation declaring Brooks and hW
army "violent ana disorderly persons,' and
commanding them to disperse within five
days. They skedaddled, and that was tho
last of the fuss for soma time. During the
peaco a new Legislature was elected, a con
vention was unanimously called to form a
now Constitution, whoso tabors wcro approv
ed by thopcoplobyan almostunanlmous vote.
A new Governor was elected, receiving nearly
nil tho votesof tho people, lie was Inaugurat
ed, and peaco and qittctness reigned supreme.
Suddenly Brooks appeared nt Washington,
and asserting that tho peoplo not having
acted entirely with technical logatily, claim
ed still to bo Governor. Tho Radicals in
Congress appointed n committee of investi
gation, who reported with only one dissent-
ng volco that order and quiet existed, that
the peoplo were well satisfied with their
government and Brooks had no reasonable
claim. Grant then suddenly and to the as
tonishment of friends and foes, issued a mes
sage declaring Brooks Governor. Congress
snubbed him, and tho House by an over
whelming majority directed him not to in
terfere. That ended tho business.
But at tho tail end of tho extra session of
tho Senato wo havo a ludicrous addenda.
Tho Greeley candidate for Governor in 1872
Is suddenly discovered to bo a friend ol
Grant, who appoints him Postmaster at Lit-
tlo Rock, the capital of Arkansas! Thero is a
fall in ambitions pretensions, from Governor
to Postmaster from a Greeley leader of
hosta to a Grant lick-spittle from n marshal
of the people to a bcKKar for crumbs 1 But
thero is deviltry in it, and tho peoplo will
find it out one of these days. Of courso nil
the correspondence of the Stato and election
returns will have to pass through the Little
Rock post-office. Are these official papers to
bo subjected to systematic espionago and
manipulation there? Time will tell what
this curious bargain was made for.
Revival of Business.
In all tho large cities and trade centres
business looks most cheerinc A writer in
tho Reading Gazette says :
The cheerfulness of tho business out-look
is commented upon by all the leading jour
nals of tho various branches of trade. Tho
Xalion, which is remarkable for tho cau
tiousncss of ita expressions, is confident that
the depressing effects of the panic arc at hut
substantially over, and that with the growtli
of the spring, thero is to be a general revi
val in business. The Chicago Tribune has
been interviewing thediffercntbusiness firms
in that city, and repcrts a very flattering
prospect in all branches of trade, and it says
its report can be relied upon as authorita
tive, it being obtained in person. The Troy
limes gives an account of tho status of tho
various manufacturing nnd commercial in
terests there, which shows a decidedly im
proved prospect for tho opening season in
both branches of industry. Tho Boston
Globe says the indications on all sides aro
that the general trade of that city is much
better than it was a year ago this tunc, and
that no doubt with the advent of mild, set
tled weather, merchants will experience t
fair Spring trade. Tho general merchan
dise markets, from week to week, show a de
cided tendency for the better. It is predict
ed that the first of April, which is so largely
a settlement day throughout New Hngland,
will usher in a period of great activity in
that section. In several of the towns of
Massachusetts factories aro reported as run
ning on extra time. The Pittsburg Commer
cial says that in the West tho farmers nro in
a much better condition than was generally,
supposed, while the reports of many of the
railroads of that section show increased earn
ings. In New York tho Spring trade is re
ported to bo progressing favorably now in
all directions. The various forwarding lines
coastwise have as much freight as they can
conveniently handle. With Jlie Eastern
States the free movement of merchandise is
particularly noticeable. Largo quantities of
manufactured goods are also arriving, both
by steamer and rail. The-Savannah, Charles
ton, and New Orleans steamers also report
increasing business, and tho roduce markets
also foreshadow tho return of more active
times. A largo exportation of wheat du
ring the spring and summer is expected from
nearly all sections, which will necessarily
stimulato business of all kinds. There is
enough of everything now, except confidence
and everybody should lend a hand to en
courage its growth.
Fortunes or the Presidents.
Washington left an estate worth nearly
The elder Adams left a moderato fortune
at his death.
Jefferson died comparatively poor. If
Jongrcss had not purchased his library at
$20,000 ho would with difficulty have kept
out of bankruptcy at the close of his life.
Madison saved his money and was com
parativcly rich. The fortuno of his widow
was increased by tho purchase of his manu
script papers by Congress for $30,000. "
James Monroe, the sixth president, died so
poor that he was buried at the expense of
his relatives, in the cemetery between Sec
ond and Third streets, near the Bowery of
New York city.
John Qulncy Adams left about $.10 ,000,
the result of Industry, prudence, and a small
Inheritance. Ho was methodical and ceo
Andrew Jackson left a valuable estate,
known as the Hermitage, about twelve miles
from Nashvllo, Tennessee.
Martin Van Buren died rich. His estate
was estimated at nearly $300,000.
James K. I'oflc left about about $160,000.
John Tyler was a bankrupt when he be
came President, Ho husbanded his moans
while in office, married a rich wife, and
died wealthy in worldly fortune.
JCachary Taylor left about $160,000.
Millard Fillmore died a wealthy man.
Franklin Pierce saved about 176,000 du
ring his term of service as President.
James Buchanan died a bachelor, and left
an estate valued at $200,000 at least.
Abraham Lincoln left about $75,000 al
though poor when elected.
Andrew Johnson had saved ubout $30,000
at the close of his Presidential term as resi
due of salary, deposited it with Jay Cooke
& Co,, and lost it.
President Grant is estimated to'b'e worth
upward of a million.
Borne of our exchanges come to hand very
irregularly, Where wo havo reason to sus
pect that this arises from a disposition -to
save postage we shall relieve them from
occasion for paying It. Wo never yet had
an exchange that was so poor that we did not
miss It if It felled to come to hand regular-
ly, or that we did not at least look through
ita editorial).
Tho Ureal War llelivcen Cajtal nmt Labor.
xuo w nolo coal trado of tho Schuylkill
trlOll. With III llltfivitmnnt nf I .......
two hundred million of dollars, ii lying
mm nruuuuiy nOl I0H lIlIUl lONV U.OUl
lllli DPOtiln nut. rif Mnulmfh.fl.,
whom nro suffering for tho common neccs-
'iiuu-iui mo. Keaamg uazelte.
In tho Wyoming and Lohlgh regions
itrlkcs nro nlso tho order of tho dnv. nnd wn
hear that even In WllkM-B.irro n io,it fam
Ino Is threatened. Wo h.ivo not tlmo now to
discuss tho subject in Its general bearing,
but It is qulto evident both cmltal and
labor havo a hard and Imperious master tho
hard times to contend with, and that, they
had much better bo cngaged'hi resisting that
unrelenting cnomy than in contending with
laeh other. Harmony of capital and abor
In tho Interest of both, at nil times, and
lolenco is tho enemy of both and a keen
feeder of famine, want, oppression and nil
tho Incidents of hard times. It is to bo
hoped that wlso and generous councils may
pcrvndo tho ranks of all parties to tho fear
ful Issuo that is raised. Each hns tho assur
ance of every lesson tho world ever taught
that their Interests aro mutually promoted
by harmony and good-will nnd that neither
can permanently conquer thu other, nnd they
will bo who to profit by tho experienqb of
the past.
From D.iiivlllowe hear that tho proprie
tors of tho Iron establishments and their
employees havo como to an undcntiindlinr.
and that work has been or is to ho resumed.
This netion is not only judicious nnd com
mendable but wise, and is tho forerunner of
tho re-establlshineiit of good times.
Our Stato Charities.
Tin: AriT.oi'iiiATioxs ltKJr.arr.D by Tin:
Tho following is n list of the appropria
tions to charitabio institutions passed by tho
House, and negatived by tho Senate, because
tho House would not allow Mr. Treasurer
Mackey and tho Radical Stato ring full con
trol of the Sinking Fund, but required him
to devote it as the law directed, to tho pay
ment of tho Stato debt:
Insane Avltim, Warren
Mineral Exhibjlion, Centennial
School Exhibition, Centennial
Jewish Hospital, Philadelphia
Lackawanna Hospital, Scranton
Wllkes-B.irre Hospital -Colored
Orphans' Asylum -West
Pennsylvania Daif and Dumb
Allegheny County Prison Si.cioty
Industrial Homo for 1 linil Women,
Philadelphia ...
Northern home for fiiendlcps ehililr'n
Poiin'n University Hospital, I'liila.
Western University, Pittsburgh
New Insane Hospital, Philadelphia
Normal Schools -Pine
ftreet Sewer, Harrisburg
Erie llu-pital
Philadelphia Prison Society
Centennial Board of Managers
HoiiKKpalhie Hospital, Pittsburgh
Reading Dispensary -St.
Catharine's Orphan Asylum,
Heading .... 10,000
Reduction of Appropriation to the
Deaf anil Dumb Asylum, Phila. 100,000
Reduction ofAppropriation to West
Pennsylvania Reform School - 100,000
The Itnco Dying Out.
The mortality among the negroes in the
Southern States since tiieir emancipation is
something fearful to contemplate. In the
Carolinns tho dentil rate, especially among
children, is startling. In the District of Co
lumbin, the mortality among whites is 17.1)0
to tho 1000 of population per annum, while
among the colored people the average is
(53.70 per 1000. In nearly all parts of the
South the number of deaths from sickness
among the negroes is so much greater than
it was during tho days of slavery thnt it ex
cites contiderablo remark and discussion
among the friends: of the colored race. In
the U. S. army the ratio of sickness among
the blacks is much greater than among the
white soldiers, rrom present indication
the colored race will be likely to die out
oven more quickly than the Indians, unless
some means can be devised to check thu
mortality among them. Sonic of the phil
nnthropists who havo heretofore taken so
much interest in their welfare should inves
tigate tho matter, or the time may come
when the taunt of some old-time slave-holders
that the "Yankee race only wished to de
stroy tho negroes by emancipation to make
room for white labor," will be repeated with
some appearance ol truth. Ecahanne.
Radical Discovery of Governor lkirlranl't's
The Republican papers, as if in conceit
have jut discovered that Mr. John E. Hart
rauft has been a most remarkably good Gov
ernor and that he has lately ncqujred great
popularity. How it conies that' they have
just discovered tills state of circumstances
they do not inform their readers. , That his
name is attached to some vicious legislation
can readily bo established, ,thn"t lie has been
the protector, promoter and rcoipient.of sal
ary grabbing there is abundant record, and
that ho has refused to furnish tho legisla
ture with important information regarding
the ring Treasury manipulation by which
three millions wero improperly added to the
State debt, although requested by tho House
more than a year ago to transmit the facts to
it, is nlso suggestive of tho character of his
efficiency as Governor. His case will be
taken up in duo time, when the peoplo will
see what aro his merits as Governor.
Tho Lite adjournment of the Legislature
was not characterised by the disgusting
flummery indulged in by the Radical Legis
latures of past years, the presentation of sil
ver services, gold watches, Ac, paid for by
money stolen from the contingent fund but
palmed upon tho public as presents in token
of deep feeling for duties honorably discharg
ed Tho Democratic House sijimdud the
business, which compelled the fx-nnte to
touch it but lightly.
The House, however, indulged tho meek
and lowly but always commendable spirit of
forgiveness and freely pardoned Wolfe of
Union, for insults to tho body, Ho was no
doubt punished sufficiently to prevent such
action in tho future, and that is all tho pub
lic care any thing about. Ho made a tear
ful speeeh in response, hut his friends say ho
retracted nothing. Of course not H takes a
man of great heart and strong nerve to ac
knowledge error that involved good milliners
and common decency. The broad fact still
stands, that an official assembly, a Legisla
ture, is not n good place In which to display
The question does "Prohibition prohibit?"
lias just been answered negatively in .Massa
chusetts by the repeal of the law which Was
stood on tho statute books for seven year'.
That the system was nn entire failure from
tho first, was admitted even by tho strong
est friends of total abstinence, Whiskey did
not fluw ns freely in Boston perhaps as It
does in Philadelphia or New York, but its
procurement was an easy matter, The con
stabulary which was created for Its enforce
ment developed Into nn unpopular, inquisi
torial and corrupt machine, and a burden
upon tho tax payers. Tho repoal of tho law
was, therefore, dictated for a variety of rea
sons, not the least of which wasa moral one.
And thus Maine becomes entitled to the dis
tinction of being the only Stato of the
Union in which "freo mm" is notpermltted,
Ex. I
After kicking out Supervising Architect
Mullen and forclnir Treasurer Snlnner to
resignation, Mr, Secretary Ilristow Is lirinpln,?
ins uattor to bear upon Internal ReVi ik-Commissi-
nor Don- lass, who'h n protege of
General Cameron, nnd absolutely requires
hU resignation, Heretofore tho Pre.-ldent
passively oiutalncd the object! uiablo officers,
but since Mio Congress has done his bidding
and ndjou 'icd ho cares nothing for It or Its
members md rtermtw Gen. Brlslow to do as
ho plca-u- Tin latter has also Inaugurated
a campiii'ii against useless and worthless
cmtom homo officers, and will prosceuto it
to cotnpMe triumph although ho thereby
weakens mid disintegrates tho Republican
party. has not willingly surrendered,
but because It was tho only way to hold his
cabinet together and ho does not want to
trust to a new nnd Inexperienced set while
ho is oil' to tho watering places and liorso
races. IlrUtow is himself suspected of being
a future prospective candidate for the Presi
dency and doo4 not care what beconu-s of
tho Republican party at any rale. Grant
cares less still unless they will agree to take
him for a third term.
Gov. IlnrtraiXt has been 111 for two weeks
past, with a billions attack. Ho Is recover
ing and expects to bo able to attend to offi
cial duties In a few days That liquor bill
is n "HllioiH" allalr, yet is probably not the
solo cause of his billiousness.
A fresh water spring in tho sen, off the
Muntanzas Islands, has been discovered by
a vessel of tho U. S. Navy. It is thirty feet
in diameter and gurgles up with great forco.
Wheat por bushel,
ltyo ' ..
corn " , ,
oats " ..
l-'lour per tiarrel .,
Dried pples ,
Hams ,
sides shoulders
Uinl per pound ...
ltpy per ton
Timothy Seed ....
f 1.41
, 15.00
No. 4 on Wharf $ 4,00 per Ton
No. s " " s 3 ;!i .. .1
No. 6 " " 5 2 Ml " "
Ulacksmlth'i Lump on lvnarf $ 4,00 " "
" IUtumlaoiis " c.oi) ' "
1 G. BAKKLEY, Altorney-at-Law. Rooms
unu o, rower s ouiunnjr, aa noor.
tice Is hereby tf en that the pai tnorshlp here
cesMInx belwern the umleralKocd, trathatr la
t'10 llrni naimi of Torrey & llryson, Hi Centmlln, lias
been dlsnol ed by mutual consent. Tho business
will bo conllnetl hereafter byhobirt lirvson & t'o.,
limited. WILLIAM iuuilUV,
Apr.S-St. ltOllLIU' 11UYSON.
A. Jiotlco Is hereby Rlvon to all persons lntorestcil
tint tbo follow Inir accounts have been ttluil In tho
rruthuiiutnr 's ofilce of Columbia county anil will lie
present! d to Hie comt on Tuesdaj, tbe foutth dav
of 51ny not nnd bo ennilrincil r four daj-s
unless excc-p.lcns bo llleilVllMn tint tune :
Account of Ktlllan Dunkle, Committee of Jlnada
lcno liu.ikle, a lunatic.
Account ore. 11. Woodln, AsslRnco of tho Columbia
Iron and .tiumifactuilug company.
Account of Peter Hnyinan, Committee of Elizabeth
Dlettvrlc!., a hinatlc.
Account rf Frederick Hapronbuch, Trustee of
1 1 iiuiij, umi.-r ino last win or uooruc Illdlay,
April 2,' '75-it l'rotiionotary.
Dald Walsh. Collector for the Iiorough of Centrnlla,
To amount of duplicate
$2,0i'4 S5
By cconeralUnson unseated land
returned to commissioners
lly exonerations on tii!inls
" " '1 Mngleinen
" " "dnKUx
J" salary as High Const nblo
" serving nutlces, warrants. c...
" commission on $l,su,17 at 5 per
Ily amount returned Trios. 1-Tynn,
To balance
$; 31
27 (.0
n 4.'.
is 00
VI 2)
W 72
1,814 17
3 00
$2,(167 35 t.',()07 35
Thorn 1? Flynn, Trensnrer of tho borough of centrnlla.
f jr the year ending April sd, 1874 :
1 nil.
To amount receive 1 from David
Waist), collector ?I,S!4 17
Ily orders redeemed
" amount paid s Knurr, on bond.
" " " II. 1'. Zair, for
W7I 13
300 0
41 43
46 C8
196 10
479 61
Ily amount paid v. U. llrockwuy,
ualancoou bond
Ily amount paid J. (1. l'ree.e, on
Uy ononnt pal t II 1". Zarr. I'ro-thonouu-y,
on borough indebted
ness Uy amount paid for nlildavlts
' commission on l,si4 17 at 3 per
Ily balance
IUSIS. ...
M 4J
11,811 17 tl,VJ 17
W e.thn Auditor's for tho borough uf CentrallaTavo
examined the above accounts, and nnd them as stal-
W.M. II. PllICL", !-Auditor's,
David Walsh, Collector tor tho borough of Centralla,
for the j cur ending ilarch 1st, ls75 :
to amount of duplicate for ls74 J2,ic6 20
Uy amount paid Thomas l'ljnn,
Treustirer 1
I.1S3 91
ivy uuiance, jrom lasi j ear
3 (HI
Ily lalince duo borough
fl,1S6 HI
.. U79 26
12,106 -it $2,10,1 20
Tj b.Uanco am the borough...,
J070 21
Tmimii Kljnii, 'treasurer of tho borough of Con-
iraua, lor mu year ending .uareu 1st, is..!
To from last 3 ear
$22 00
tnnoinu leeeiwu irom 11. wiusii,
Ily amount received frn-n Anthony
1,1-13 m
o'Donell, Chief liiugoss on ac
count or putting down pavemci.ts
fot- pruierty owners
Ily order! redeemed
" amount pat I 11, r. Zai r, 011
Ily commission on I,1S3 01 at 3 per
Hy commission on f'M on at J,'-; per
Ilv commissi unin $1 0 iw at-2'i per
cent, pild to i.'iiUf llurgess
Ilv ulnjimt n.ild sundrv bills fur
$511 01
750 0)
35 6-3
11 00
15 10
lumber, ic, for pavements 63j 02
To balance
21 31
Py balance dus Treasurer..
I1.S21 31 31
. I 1 M
Hecapltulatlon of tho bonded Indebtedness of tho
IIOKOUtlll Dlt.
To amount of bonds issued up to
Jantury 1st, lsll
To umount of bonds Issued tn 1871.
f5,72S 59.
2,641 83
H3T0 41
liy amount paid on bonds In His.
" " 1X7.1..
" " " " " is7i..,
tW 00
1,1'SO 79
7 0 U0 13,635 711
llalancc tbond.-id Indebtedness... t.73! 02
We. tho Auditors for thn borou-'h of fi-ntmll.i.
having exainlr.ed thu accounts for lliojnar ending
Slurcn 1st, is;-, mul them con 01 1 ns above staled, to
tuo best of our Unon leilgo und belief,
JIMITIN rioirim:.N',)
MM. II. Plilis;. t. Amlltnr'a.
Arr.3-3t JAM11S ItVAN. j
OtMml Agtnt alto for the eetebralal
I.cttcr of Admlnlstnillon on tho efctntn of William
Hess, lato of Huirarlouf township. Columbia county.
deceased, have beea granted by he Itejrbdor of bald
county to i::ra htcphtui ot Stuarloar tup. All
persons haWng claims against tho eatuto ol tho ile
I'ttlont are risiuested to crtM-nt them foru-tUnient.
and those Indebted to tho i-Matc to inutu payment U)
thu uitUerDlKDCtl Administrator without di lav.
KZIIA WTLl'lllLNH, AduiUl.traLr,
Jf arch 1&-61T
Cherry Pectoral,
ForDIsoasoi of tho Throat nnd I.ungs,
suoli as CouRhs, Golds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthms,
and Consumption.
Among the (Trent
dlcovcrlci of modern
gtclenco, few nro or
'more leid value to
'.mankind thnn tills ef
'fcctunl remedy for nil
d son'cs of lho Throat
"nnd I.unes. A vast
trial of 1H vlrtuc(.
throughout thU mid
other countries, hiu
hown that It docs
surclv nm! cffcctunllv
control thorn. Tlio tcitlmwy of our bet cm
icn, of nil clno, ctnbll!ic tho fact, thnt
Cilr.niiv I'lcrouAl. will nnd does relieve nnd
euro tho nfflictlnjr disorders of tho Throat nnd
Lungs beyond nny olhcr medicine Tho mct
dangerous directions of tho Pulmonnry Organs
yield to Its noweri nnd enscs of Consumption,
cured by this prepnrntlon, nro publicly known,
fo remarkable ns hardly to bo believed, wcro
thov not provxti beyond "dispute. As n remedy,
it Is ndequntc, on which too public mny rely
for full protection. Ily curing Coughs, the
forerunners of more serious disease, It snves un
numbered lives, nnd nn nmonnt of suncring not
to be computed. It challenges trial, nnd con
vinces the most sceptical. Kvery family should
keep it on hand ns n protection ncalnst the early
nnd unpercclved nttnek of Pulmonnry Affec
tions, which nre easily met nt first, but which
becomo incurable, nn'd too often fatal, If neg
lected. Tender lungs need this defence) nntl It
fs unwise to bo without it. As n Mfcguanl to
children, nmld lho dttresslng dl'entcs which
beset tho Throat iiiul Chest of rlillJhood,Cui:i:HY
1'i.c-ronAl. is Invaluable; for, by Its timely ue,
multitudes arc rescued from premature graves,
nnd saved to the lovo nnd affection centred on
them. It nets speedily nnd surely ngalnst oidl
nary colds, securing sound and health-restoring
sleep. Xo one will suffer troublesome Influ
enza nnd painful Hionchltls, when they know
how easily they can be cured.
Originally tho product of long, laborious, nnd
successful chemical Investigation, 110 cost or toll
Is spared In making every bottlo hi tho utmost
possible perfection. It may bo confidently relied
upon ns possessing nil the virtues it has ever
exhibited, nnd capable of producing cures as
mcmornblo ns the grentest it has ever effected.
rnnr.vnnD nv
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
; CY, Kxchango Hotel, llloomsburg, Pa.
.F.tna, ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut.
Liverpool, London and Ulobe
ltoyal of Liverpool ,
l-"lre Association, I'littadclphh
American of I'lilladelnhl.i
Atlas of Hartford
Wyoming, or Wilkes llarre
Tanners Mutual of lumllle
Danville Mutual
. 6,50(1,1100
, . -. '.! Il.ll- U
. la roo.doo
. . 10,01,0, no
, . i:,iiio,ihio
. J,llilMeu
5 0.0(10
.. 1,(110,000
Home, Now York-,.
75,0 t
.. 5,600,000
March 20,'74-y
W. P. JONES hits jiiiit opened
500 yards irmnburg Edgings aud
This is tlio largest and most com
plete assortment over opened in
this place. And the present
ailbrds it good opportunity
to procure rare and de
sirable patterns which
can not be had
later intheseason.
our arrangements aro such that wo shall
Keep a
.And our
To be as Low
V. P. Jones,
Corner flluhi am! Third Streets,
Mirehts, is;.
V. Nocessarr
Chutur Chan;; sells at fight.
hi!; Company, liostou.
us 00.1 1. mooub in n. lii iiit uniini
17KKI-: SAMPLES to AKeuK Ladles' Com
;! m Neoille-tiook with ChromoH Sen
limp 1' I'. tll.l'CK New lledford,.Massachusett.
AGENTS WANTED for the fastest Felling
book eer pub 1-lieil. Send for circular nnfi
our extra terms to M,'cni.s. NATIONAL 1'lHLIi-iH-
i.M. uu , rnuain-ipni.-t, ra.
ftl.l.OOn For n -.UI of Allium, ("limrlig nr f.,1.1
nnT "nc-ure. I..iiim:
Ilom.i.s 35 cents. JOHN.
U U U U H I ON , 1 10 LI.0 V A Y & CO,
Agents, Phlladel-
(T I EE nml explorations uf Dr.
J J IVi.Ndsro.NK (Mvhv a clear and authentic
account of tlio tfreat i-tp orer from chll.ihood to
death. New book Just out, Flumin: how hn spent 30
j ears In the wilds of filc.i. It Includes his "I. HT
liiini.SAl.y nnd ever) thins new to date. Is selling
Our "l-'amlty lltliles" are nneimiled tor Miles and
prices. AOLVTS WAN'TLI) udilressatoneeforllber
ul terms. (JL'AKLIt CUT 1'L'IU.MIIN'd to., Plilla.
Ut-lphla, ('a.
j WALKlllt. A. s, 11, A splendid -Music hook
upon a NI.'W, Natural nnd sjstem, bv which
am ono 111 i.v learn to read mu-leaud sin In one
toiiith tlio tlmo reipitrert In old met hods. Di-MgnrU
fur choirs Miivhn; Schools and Musical Koch-tles.
Liberal Induccm'Mit.s to Music Ti-aeheis. Specimen
pajres mailed five Mil l.lht'S Ilium ANU l'I'll.
l.lsill u noi'Ml, iio-jan.l 1104 Nansoin btrcei, Phil
adelphia, Pa.
And nil Throat Diseases,
a TstJt;i v stnts: ui:uinv
I'orsaln by Drnr'lsti (,'enei ally, and JOHNSTON
uoi,!,jY.iv ,v co , rjmaucipuu, ra,
Ue.'nl Every Word.
In tho nevt threo mont 1 to keen 5 oil 11 ear. anv nn
empliied person but ween tlio aires ot to and iw
should take nn agency for Tim Ii li stii ti kd Weekly,
a I.ircrc, uparklliiir, literary and family paper, (f.'.T,o n
)enr) pure, insilrti'llve, ami amuslm,'! half of Its
tali's lull or ue.iiumii pictures, 1110 oiner uair eon
alnlnu lho eholfust reaillmr mutter. .Umss imihun
e.iiilitliutltifr editor, l.lko that creat Lnirltsli paiier,
tuo 'LiiniLm inu-iraiun re, -im iiisiuy inornl,
incur 11 turn! dies over 1,10a pictures, ami tho
UUL I'UIM Ul V UUSCI (Ul l.tll IVM, I lull I IUII 1 11 il 1JUIIII1'
of 11 larjro octavu o nines if reudlni? matter, IT
(IIVLN AWAY, each -veek, n lait'o hi if,
( iliiaear),sli!olT'.'llnelic.s Theso aroe.viiilslio
rac similes 01 no nnesi tteei rntrmvinsfs, on neavv
tinted pai er, with margins suitable for fi-amlns, und
uro truly a line art Kulhry every ) ear, liosides each
suoscrincrispro-einoii nitauiueuromo, "iiuiu nsh,
l'ri,lluh,l ll.iuni. ,)vQl r.x.f In f.T i(( ... .
painted hy Itamsey, Not only lho lamest und tlncsf
premium over Ktven, but the most wuuderfull) lieuu.
tirulihrnmoewr produced, it ts Just tho paper fur
ulilch nen body bus bei n waltlmr- lamer and liner
tluiliiinv other, at halt tho twtulcost. Its success
(nearly 1 eu bun-crioers a uay ucini rccem-u) proves
this, ho comp'.eto, so pioitie-mi), so full ot uselul
us willaseiiL-iiulnlnjma terls Ihlsnainr. Hint mo
venture to usucil that to every tnliihlmr, observant
American, n'M subscription (costs t.LW) H, 111
uciuui, usenu wont-, uiw any uonapi awlsmn,
'I his comblu.itton Is uncipinfted. Itl-iiu HXtan.
tnrioous und pronounced success. Hi cry good Amer
ican token nt least ono paper, ot course. Hu taken
Ibis paper Ucause (1)11 Is tho nicest newe.u und
I est 1 (V) It Is tlio cheapest RlMng a float banrahi
nnd Hum suits tho hard times. It sells ILself, no
iiutck, II you want nn njreucv. This tlmu of tlio year
unvnirentcan make irvmtiototi per day bend
three ttnmps for specimens and liberal lei ma, with
repoi Ih from uenis. subscribers, und press notices j
or K-lter Jtt.tosuui time, Mini tim at onco for u
compute outttt, und uniko tl'O while jou would
otheiwlbu bo wultlUL'. You ato sum to tuku hold
nnthow. Money refunded If 1 ot ncifcctly satlsiied.
or If tho territory )ou want Is ulrendy occupied.
Addiossal! oidera. tor tpcchnins, BUbbcrtnlluns, or
outfits to 'I'. 1!. MOOltK. Publisher
uq illustrated
Weekly," 1'. O. Ilox WW .No. 11 Doy St., .V, V
4vr. I
0 ww a -w
No. 17 Centre ntrcet.
PJniers Gas anil Steam Fitters,
Wire Trelliiei, Ac. Dealers in Stove, Hang
o, I'liniiices, Iialtimoro Heater, Low Down
Grates, Mantels, PUMPS, Weather Strips,
&c Also
of tlin latest design. Fpcclal attention paid to re
pah Iiir sew ma : Machines of c cry description Scans,
Locks, hell llnnitluir, Key inline, Ac. 1'ilvnto llest
deuces Heated by steam at a small cost above Hot
Air. Feb !0,'J-tf.
la capacity mi rxccllonoo ly any others. Awnrdetl
VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867.
OS I U Amprlcfin OrEftnn ever awnrdel any mnlnl
II L i lo Karoi, or whiih frfpent puih Mtruordt
nary eTccllenou an tj oommanJ u w)Jo wile there.
AllAAVC awar,,,,l hlghept I'rrmh'mi nt Imlui
ML II HI U trinl r,tn)sition. In ArucrlrnB well ft
Kuropf. Outof huntrpl4thpri'hao net bct-n tlx in
all ulicre any othor oran have Ih-ch rrcffrrrJ.
pPOT iJcclarrtl by Kmlncnt Mnt-itian", In both
DCo hpnUajihrn-rs to Ik uiirUalcd. Beo
U'LtiTIMONIAL CIItrUr,A, v,UU opiiiiomof mere
than One Thousand (M-nt free).
lljOIPT on hnvlnrf a Mnn & llnmlin. .Do not
lilului tnk any other. Dealt) sjet lajiqeb com
mibhionh fur nailing infttUn MTau. and or tfiit
reason often try very hard to ttll noiiictfitnff ttic.
UClAf CTVI wllh moft Important Imrrove
TJ t It u I I IXu inrntB evrr mnJe. Nev
Solo and Ooitihliittlloii Stop. Superb
ICtascro and other Cumcn of nvw iIcnIun
qtitsltc combination of these innrnmentc.
CrCV DAVMCWTC OrSar(,",Mforrtl:or
LHOl "A I III L 11 I O. for monthly otquirttrly
immunti; or renUst until rent pnyit hr the orgsji,
PATH I flPIICO "Hi Cirnilara. Tv-ith full iwrtlo
LAI HLUuDCo ubr. (r. AdilresOIAbON .
HAMLIN OllOAN CO., 164 Tromcnt Blrect. IlOa
TON: 118 Union Bqunro, NEW XOUKJ or 0 4i W
AdltmBt., OIIlCACiO.
Jhiivh 19,'iu-y
'"n:; in the iil.oon.
Tun I'KnuvuM Kviiri-
..III.- S .(Mil 1-nMr-hrw Ihn
blockl. tones up the a li
tem, build , up tne broken
, ,"va u "-pcpsia
vi-(-(, eiironic aiarriitca
lervous nffee.lons. bolls
imiurs, diseases of the
male complaints, 4e.
miiiiu.vs and tiai ner. r..
Thousands havo been
changed u dm ue of the
remedy u. .,tak, sickly, biirferlng creatures, to
strunjr, heal hy, happy men and women; and
I a Mi 1 1 J - cannot leasouab y hesltato to give It a trial.
l-UTJOS, IJU hliro Mill tfCt mu -J'KltUVUN
Svilfl-" tnot l'f lUTlan Pillk.l Seld l,v de.-ileisi o-pmr.
allv. A 3J-patro nampblet, containing n treatbo on
Iron as am (Ileal iifront and other aluablo papers,
testimonials from distinguished ph Mel ins, clergy
men and others, will be sent fro to anv address.
SktiiW. 1'invi.B a Sos.s, proprietors, to Harrison
.t.cjiue, jiumuii.
HAVE JUST IlKCEIVKI) nml are oOl-rlnc
for sail atvervlow nrlees ni,n uf flm w.t, n
suiiineiitsof (WKPI-ns cur offircd for sale of
he timn of llloomsburg They aro nil new and In
t ho my latest Btjles. Prices ar) from 2.-, cents to
Jl.wi per yard. Call and bee them.
J. k, -J, 1411,
1' En 13,
nrooMsnuito, p.v
Kreamer'.s old stanil on Iron street, between Second
All kind ot ginln taken In excliango for coal.
I. II. srilCKllli,
, lllooinsburj; Pa.
Mar. 10-tf
fi. A. ti V. Ii It I fi
Lur 01 '!'" lAp.v and light Mreet
roads, miom ull oe.scili.Uons of
leutliei win lir. inn, i.. in '.i... . ;
substantial and woiknmnllko manner, nnd bold at
of every descilptlon In thoeountry, Tho nubile nat.
ronage Is iesieelfully solicited. ' p
llloomsburg .Maichl2, IsIS-y
To Kiisanna Wnples widow, ond Iltirton O. Wanlcs
Ann Kllabcth Wnn'es.Hirah houlsk Wan es JFni-;-H
Wople..h,hn Wiples huXih nie.sna,?i
Hamuli . W allace Wuplo-i, heirs and legal reprehent
ntlvesof tho bald Iluiton W. WaiHos, docelsi-d s
Kollco Is hereby given to the nbne ponies that by
virtue of tt wilt of partition, Issued out it ",uo.
nlians' court of Columbia county, un in luest Villi i
lield and tak-n upon the p, ,., "Hi Sere7A debcr cd
bltiiatoln .seoit lownslilp.ln tlio coimtynforesam'
and In tho orough of Danville, In Hit f county of
Montour, on I'nday and Saturday , tlio Mxtciiitl und
seventientli days of April next afjuclo k a m
for lho purpo-o of making pai lit on or" ahiatlmi anil
apnrl,tment of tlin salS eal eslate, us u hi wi
ties can attend It tho. Uilnk nioiier
Iiloomsbuiv, l67Vt MierVrf.
illf-ll.l'T ,r,.,,...
ir k ii -iiiii'
I'or Information call at onioo. or
AUVil!I!; Junew-ty
ATONl'AREIL Skirt hinitvin. I .,nL
1 (larmeut Husrwnder. nuW; ::.,'.7.
uoienHitaln amoineul. conslruetn.1 i..iS.Si,th,i
oglea pr iu huiluKfor lUalui uealfh audeui
in Paints, Oils, Olnss, Putty,
Druyrf, S'piced, Patent Medi
cines, &o., &c.
"WrOULDeall tlie nttentibn iif tlio tmlillo tu
V their very l.irgu and wcl Hclccteu stock of
goods which thoy oiler nt tlio
500 boxes Window 01.H3 nil Sl7es and rptnlltlcs.
aiass for Picture rrnmei n specialty
THiile Lend,
Red Lead,
Yellows, dry tutd in Oil.
General Agents for
CASTOR, nml other OILS
from the best Manufactoi leu.
, Their stock of
exceU any In Hits section of tlio Mate.
AgontsforDr. BIOKLEY'S
Family Medicines.
(lencral Depot of supplies for Dr. .1. c. A) er's
The Prescription Department Is under the charge
of competent rtiaimaceutlsts.
Physicians' Prescriptions
Coll Sparkling Soto Water.
The attention of country denim, especially is calif d
to our stock of
Patent and Proprietary Medicines &c.
Ouragon will continue as formerlytu makolts
usual trips to supply eti t
n speclul
Jill 1'IIS,
Piles &c,
an Intenial nnd Internal rem y whose healing vlr
tiies aro attested by thousands In this and adjoining
counties Is manufactured by them and supplied to
the aflllcted either directly or through their country
Price 50 Cents Per Bottle,
Nono genuine unless It bears tlio trado mart and
name of Jloycr Pro's the words '-oil of Oladness"
blown In the glass and tho blgnaturo of Moyer Ilro'B
on the wrapjier.
In tho Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia
County. Ino. 25 December Term, isjj:
.Mary 11. 1.clbv, by her next friend, licuben Falirlnger
is. Joseph U, Lelby.
The undersigned haMiig been appointed Commls
bloner to take Depositions In tlm ubovo case, will
fiS ",e " "H nPPointment, at the
h oust) of w iniain l'ellTer, tn ce.itialla, on Thursday,
at lv o clock A. Jl Aprir29th, 18,5.
CcntraUa, llaich 19, 18T5-H
J. H. .TAM119.
"'"etoeS Or"n!0, ln tll Couuty Columbia,
i'l l."i.u,';'',clf 'finwt .!.' lag been appointed by tho Or
p i ins l o ut of said county, auditor to inako dlstrl.
billion of t 10 balance In tin. rf I
rtis. Adinliilstrutor. ecsi thstamknto, Ahscxo, 4c. of
Mill Cu-tnuel (1. ltlcketts deceased, to the 1 Vntefi
aiidolliers entitled to the f und ln hand, w ul meet
allpattles Inteiostid In saldestato at tlio olllceor
l-. eezo K I.serly. in the town ot llloomsburg I'a., on
1hursday,thiiMlida.i ot April new, at 8 o'clock In, .
i?M?Il'iyy)u of.Si1.1'1 ''?.5'' " wlllth tln ""I I'l'ieo all
EiVni?.? 'S m'hie, Ilttu(1 "nd Picsent their
",'M"!?'l;VLu?ou-'u'rlt-'b'rred from eoinlug lu for a
Iic-rwlck,.March6, '7s-4w. ' ' Auditor.
2X. IN' 1 UK I.SaTK Ot- ABI1A1I
nppolntiucnt at his olllee, In llloomsburg, on Mitur-
March 12 19-1 it O'lAULEI O. 1IA11KI.KV
Jiarch 12, la.s-tt Auditor.
Uon of the balancoln tlio handsof busaB Keiler ox-
ecutrlx of (ioorio Keller, lato of said com iv' de.
fK'Hi!Krn.t'0Ullt cl""""Hsl. to and among par
1ii,.T.',"".11 ' tu 'i10 samo' "'' "ttend to tho duties of
ils appointment at tho Sheiirfs onice. in lllooms.
U,JT.,!C,1J5'' tlio isth dayot A m, isisTS u7
OCltK'k. In tlm fm-ttnnnn u-l,nn aJn .. "lw
I'lfern".,-0."'."?'1, n awTcaSAi toKSS
tho'laVne.bU",'b""V" froW WAffii
uiooinsuurg, March u 18!5-. Auditor.
In the Orphans' Court for thoCountv ot (VlumMa
?, '"A1."1 wrappolntedb tliot'ourttodl'tributo tho
ttiffi vara . ra"..?w?w.
Mili? ft, ' 1 "B tUo "tl,ra una hcaties wtm luiytS
.il'K " V un"t'1" ,he w"l "Wcedeii , will
meet the parties Interested for tho puriioso uf hlsap.
lHJlntinenl on 'Inurwlu.v tho 1Mb day 'April
10 U C oek. n. in., nt. , .r,mm In iii,u.-L,,i; ... .. . ,,7..
time and nlaco all pat I les Inteivsted will attend and
pieseut Hielr claims, or bo torecr debarred horn
coming in for a UlstrlbutUo hharo In bald estate.
March U.lsiiMt A,C,HAudl.'6r.
I J To sell Dlt. (.'IIASI5-S KI'.UIPES! OK I.VFOI1.
iiA 'VSI'?"1 Kvf J!V''V. 1" eiciy Co.. i intho
United htates nndCnuadas. Knlarged by the I'ul"
llslier to MS pages, it contains over t.o V Ln sehu d
My it W'l " .boo.f nn.'1 h .''0hold iieces.
nn.Jf;n,iL';tll1ut tshu "-eales inducement etr
om-red to book ..gents. Hamnlo copies bent bv man
IWhi paid, for ti. Inclusive territory 'given. AVonis
inoro than doublo money Ad5iVs. ABnl8
K.'f'l.V'iP S,KAM ritlNTINu IIOllHK,
riuv. w, 7i5m Ann Akbok, IUcii.
U tters of Admlulslrailon on tho tUiU) of Peter
lllltuer, Jr.. lata of locust township, tounty officii,
umblu. btuto of Pennsylvania, dHX'asisI, bavu been
cninted W Michael Hi ino aud liwli Hudy.oM ocu JL
a.'BUBw?uU'utle,iayl'mamU wuI
Pb.S.,MB.I'KWW1,Ul' AaUl,