THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMBBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY PA THE0OLUHB1AJS. nj, o o Jt sn i! u o, fii i u a v, a iicii c j, u;z Roll Road Tlmo"TnMei .AcKAWANNA Ilt.OO'tSlltlt(l IIAILltOAU NOllTIt, BOIITH. Mall Train 10.(6 a. m v. m Kpres9 Train Ml 1'. M, h.jj I', i Accommodation Trnln B.w A. M, 7,iT I M, CATAWISSA IIAH. 1IOAD. ... . aoinii. BOCtll Accommodation Trnln A. M, t,3j I', jt, l!cfillar Kpress 3,M 1'. M, 11.33 A. 11, Through tars on I'.xpreis trnln cither to New York or l'htl idelphU. Accommodation train runs between C'.it uvli-u nnd Wtlllatnsport, The project to bttllil n liriilgo acro'it the river nt Illcomsburg Is ngiln licinjf aqilatcil, It Is reported" from tlio Fishing Creek Valley that Ihc maple mt-ar crop vvlll he a failure. The roail h.ivo lir-en bnilly washed In several parts of the county by the leant thaw, ami the worst Is yet to come. The 1'itMon triilges p.isscil away on TtiiFtl.iy night ami on Wciliicsilny a ferry win erected. The fair for a foot pnciiirer was unly $1.00. The Colttmbli county Orange Convention will meet in liloorasburg, on l'riilay, April IM. Tliero arc at present about fifteen granges In the county. The entertainment nt the Normal Hall on Monday evening last wan very fairly attended, The students acquitted themselves very credit-ahlv. The snow crust nfibrded rare facilities to the girls and boys for coasting, with the necessary accompaniment of sundry bruises and hlnody noses. August is to have two moon', they say, which h.n not occurred fur many years. The eircum ftnice is sugncstivo of various sign', ihu oiilv one iimongst which is ill it people should pay the printer bolire. tiia: dale. One who pays h is a widiwer without ehil c'm, and ,i tr.idumvn witli an inti r st in a furin, writes us th-i he wints a housekeeper to whom he will psy f.onil waes, fsrtiv idu her with a good home, and "use lur like a ladv," but ilislres in not to m ike a local of it, W'c can not servo him a id altogether legard his riipust. Our correspondent would prnbibly liud it insier to get it wife than any oilier form of housekeeper, nnd we BOggest that course to him. If any widow sir maid desires either position she may impure I at this office for fuither information. THE Bl'ltlNO nilKAK-tlP. Fortunate It Is, Indeed, that the Spring break up has thus far been mi gradual. Only a few days of modcrato warmth nbout two weeks, ago, carried oil many ol the briiig. s on the North limned nnd destroyed much other valuable property. Hut for the sudden frceilng that oc curred the. destruction would have been terrible. As It was, t,o bridges at l'illslon, Kingston, Nanlieoko, Catawissa, D.tiivlllo and Northum berland were swept iiway.ninl lhoo that remain are slill lit great danger from the melting of llio Immense body of snow ytt remaining nnd the tremendous Ice gdrgts nt Wllkes-Ilarro nnd Nanttcoke. As yet the melting of llio mow Is Utile more than perceptible. In the mountains nnd northern hlll-sdes it is m yCt scarcely diminished, Now late In March the thaw that is to como will probably bo sudden and rapid. The consequences must bo most destructive along t'lOKtre.tms, large nnd small, On the West Ilranch there has been no thaw of any account, and as that stream did not riso much It Is evident that there lias ns yet been no material melting of snow In tho Alleglienles. There are gorges at Milton nnd west of Lock Haven nnd every thing wears n Ihtcatcniiig attitude. At Wllllamsport nnd Lock Haven meetings nre held to devise wnys nnd means of guarding the coinupieiiceH of tin unusial llood, nnd the railroad tititlioiitlin nrc prepared to load their bridges with nil t lie cars the,, can crowd on them freighted with stone. Along other large streams there is also tho gravest apprehension nnd pieparallon for the worst. Kvcn along the smaller streams it would bj prudint to look to poisible.conscquenccs nnd be ready for them. Whatever may be done to avert danger should be promptly lesortul to. Imperially should people be pn pared to leinove promptly nnd nt short warning I loin daiigetoiH Kstdciicc. The bieaklng of gorges may suddenly precipitate lal lloo Is ol water and ice upon the line of the rivers and iill'ecl points dial hale herelolore be n ngarded its s tic. Fortunately gorges usu ally remain until they are melted out, nut the water may loree Ihein mddiiily and tlis.i-iiuiisl . In any ea-e, prudence and e.ire will he woilh the tio.ililc and on the side of Mr?, H. W. Wynkoop will, njrnin open licr School on lliofltli of April, 1870. ilt-i) Tun l'oi'in.Ait Ci.oTittNd Srortt:. A full lino of clcgntit Goods: for Hprlng and Sum mer wear just received, consisting of Cloth nnd Ciissemercs. Hciidy-mndo Clothing for Men, Youth nnil Hoys' wear, nit or tho Litest stylo ami nt iirices to suit tho times, at D. I.owiiNiiniio'fl, D.rNltll, Vof:if.M lint removed his Clothing .Store to Henry Hnrttiiiiu'i) building, In the room occupied ns a Carpet Store, whero ho now has n full supply of goods, Cull ami kco. Jiui2Utr Selling at reduced pi Ices nt H.M. lvNoitll's In order tn tnnko room for Spring Goods, Go to llussiJMs for your Extra Mnplo Syrup clear ns crystal. Only One Dollar per Gallon. Itoni:tvr Koan ttiiikcs 1'lctitro Frames to order. C. V. NiiAt. & Uno,, sparo no expense to end out nice) coal. tllO To Tin: Puiimo. Go to W. II. llitowx nnd get ot.u pound ti,t Ten in market, put tip In a beautiful Japanned Gilt Cmmister, lor one dollnr. Our own make of Calf Uoot.s, sewed, for SS.0O, :it U. M. Kaolin's. All Conl Mated nnd fcrcencd before leav ing the old established coal varil of C. V. NlUl, Si Uno. " Soil' Don't, le worrieil nnd annoved with not only n poor quality of Coal liut dirty and Blaty beside, hut buy of C. V. Ni:ai,& Ulto. who deal only in tho host qualities. i&tf The Centennial Dramatic Association, recently organized in Illooiusbnrg, will give an uilrr tiinment in the Iiloomsbuig Opera House-, on Friday evening, April IM, 187fi. It con-ists of T. H. Arthur's popular temperance drama of "Ten Niglits in a HirIJooni,"nnd the laugliable farce entitled "The Man Fish." The pioeecds to bo donated to the poor of this place. The Opera Douse should be well-filled on this occa sion. Admission 3j, 1' and 15 cents. Tickets for saio at the Honk storo of Oeo, A. Clark. Look out for tho programme containing full particulars. Tho ground-hog, coon or bear, to whichever the honor liny belong, was a success as a prophet on Candlemas day, February 2d. He saw his -hndow clearly all day and six weeks of .Siber ian winter followed. For the weather since the six weeks are np he is not responsible and his prognosii was confined to Ilicsix weeks iiiimcdi nteiy follow log the date mentioned. He did mot intimate that there, would be summer 'Weather within six weeks from the '.M of Fibril lary, but only that - would be nonsense fur any mail to venture to poke; his nose out of the lliouso before tho expiration of that time, per imitting people to exercise their own dUcrctinn rafter that. That wise saying about March going out like a lamb ii it comes in like a lion, is yet lo be ful filled. So far, lionizing has characterized all the month, tho few sum -what mild days being ren dered turbulent ami destructive by the- llnd and consequent disaster they produced. Only a few diys re-in.tiu in which to vindicate the wis. dom and accuracy of the adage. Do jnti Maul Cheap Groceriis'.' D.iyou want Cheap Dty (.inoiN? CiuloC (J M.wtu'n Cheap Stores Go to W, II. Illiow.v for fine Ironstone Chum Ware. Ask lor ,1. Wedgood's ware, it will not blister and is the best in market. Tea Sets f-l.,10, Dinner Sets Mild at bottom figures. Those that are iu want of Wnro will liml it to their interest to go to W. 11. Illiow.v. Fine Furnishing Goods, Fine l)ie-s Shirts, Linen Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Hows and Neck-Tics, While Gloves in Kid and Thread, Linen Cud's and Collars, all of the latest Ktyle aud lowest prices, at LownsiiKWi'ri. The first to buy at lv. M.'s will get the best choice and best bargains up till April 1st. Nr.W Goods for Spring Trade have mado their appearance at K. M. Knoku'h. A House to rent in a desirable) part of tho (own. Apply to I'lvrr.K A Kvaxs, or at the Coi.u.MMtAx'oince. Mar. 20-tf If yon want it good Ham, If you want cheap and good Ten, If you want Coll'ec Java or Klo, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want the best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for the least money, If you want the bet Syrups in town," 1 f you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If ou want anything: in the Groccrv and Provision line, go to Uussci.ih, Main street. tf-2fl Two Oii-ls Wanted to learn tho Tailoring; business. Apply to W.M, Moiii'is, over Schuyler's Ilatdwnre store. 10-iIt Hnr.MNS it IIoi.mim have removed to No 17 Centre Street, he low Main. W. If. Ili'.owx has Salt by the barrel and by the sack. Flour, Fe-jd imd New Unci. wheat for sale wdolcnte nnd retail. Country Product) taken iu exchange lor Good'. . & r- . Town orders taken by C. W Nr.At. & IJp.o. in exchange for coal. i"ti Look at tliu Make Organ, lead, at I. IC JI I I.I. nit's. It takes the Hurt's Fine Shoes at McKinsey's onlv. People will get bargains by buyiiiT their Shoes nnd Hoots within this month at E M. Kxoi'.k'h. Call and sec. Foil ID'.XT a large room, suitable either for ollice or hop, over tho Mammoth Gro cery. The room is now occupied by N. S Tiiigley, Merchant Tailor. For fuither par ticulars inquiic of ' H, M.uzi:. Spring Styles of Shoes at McKixxp.t's. -. 0 it I. W. ILuit- Choico Timotliy MAX'S. Seed, Ll't it Sloan's Illustrated Catalogue of Mine. Deinotesi's I lit l'aper patterns lor Spring and Summer are now ready and will be scut Ik-c lo all ap lieaiits T'tP, U'i-tJfl.lrXNXA ATCAT.WVISSX. Tliu long dreid d lluoil hat einne, bat at a time win n le.i-t txpeete-il. At tl iybr--.ik the strict were frozen quite h nd, and no one en lert.iined the idea tint we had crossed the bridge for the last time, llrtweeii 7 and S o'clock a, m. the announcement was made th it the ice had begun lo move, and iu a short time .the whole community tloekid to the bridge lo witness 'he awful rpietacle whi-h every moment inereisul in grandeur. A channel wis ii it Mo.-nted on the left 'i.ttik while th icj upon the rright remained stationery, but it was not long , ere lite whole body bigan to move witli inenn totdvahle force down the river. At lids point tthe scene beggars discripliou. The miring and lushing of the wat. r, the grinding and tipheav ioj til? ice mad.' ll .1 sight as was never wit nessei iiefore. Tho river eomimncisl rising very r.ipVJIy , and die ice canto willi such fone and velocity that tlio iee breaker which covered tne sccmid pier was wrenched front its place and nhoved against the side of tho bridge, as though it was merely an ordinary board, About i) o'clock n, in. the ice Hopped Honing and was piled in hugh quantities n feet over the whole width of the river, utt iee dam having been formed uho'it a mile below. It remaned in this condition nnil ah mi l'J.uO p. in., h n the dam below having hiokeii, it iiain io.ii menceil 1 1, tilling with gieater velocity and loitv than ever, an, I it Mas app.iunt to all that the bridge iniisi go. The rucr tosu so i-ttdtluily that several wire obliged to wade through the water in order to efhet the if iccap.-. At 1-M 1 . m. a treat noiso was heard, caused liy the .ciatking of Uie limbers, and the necoud hpan of &i) bridge was lilted fiom the pier utid went -spending down Ihu river. Olio i-pan followed .iiueilU-r, anil at '1 o'clock p. in. there was notli ilng left but the la-t span which is n-sting upon : tliu ice waiting until the water rises and then itlio lat vestige of the Catawissa bridge will be .removed from our night. This is a loss tint can scarcely be ehtiuiatid. Kvm if the biidge is irebtiilt, which undoubtedly it will be, it will irequ'ro somo lime, and the public will Miner (grei. tttcoiiveiiL'iice for want of it. Many fam ilies residing on Water Mrect were obligul to vacate their hou-is and owing to llio rapidity with which the water raised they eflected very natron CK'.tpes, the water 111 i-everal hou'es . being iwo and three feet deep. At Ihe time of this writing, March 18, -1 p. in., tliu surroundings ptesvnt a very de)latu appearance, Hugo quantities of leu are piled upon eitlttr side of the liver o the height of i-everal feel. An iie gorge has been formed about two miles below at win, It place the ice is idled twenty feel high, and hi all conceivable positions, tears are en tcrlaitud lliat it may cause a great amount oi danngi lo our town. The Catawis-a creek has also contributed its phare towards making the d image as great as possible. The wati r was high that tho paper mill was Hooded iieciHil.itid it ctihiHiislop of their business, A taint ide-.i mav be had of the force and weight of the ite fiom the fact that largo trees, measuring fctt in diaineter.growing upon the Island, wiro brokin oh" like iceds, Titily the damage done to Cotnwi-i.a is very gt eat, and it will riquhe years of labor in.d thousands of dollars lo repair the injury that was done in an haur'ii time. ItooitTh'ii. CAlil'i:rs S. 11. Mli.ixu & Sox have the largiat and best as-nrtuietits ol Carpets iu the county. W. H, llitowx keeps the most complete and finest assortment ol Groceries that can be pitrclin-cd in market. J 1 is Groceries are fresh and are selected Ircim first importers' hands. His piice-s are low, as he has purchas ed his goods at bottom figures to unit the times E. 31. Kxokii'h price list of work mado to measure: French Calf stitched Donts - - - 11 00 " " " " footed - 7 .10 American Calf sewed Hoots ... 0 00 " " " " footed - ( 00 COAL COAL. Oh! Kstnlilislicil Coal laril. C. W. Ni:ai, & Uno., Wholesale it Itetail Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities of lied and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rate-s. Have constantly on hand large stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Hlacksmith'H Anthracite, liituminous, mid Liniebuiner's Coal. Especial attention given to tho prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in evehango for coal. Coal delivered to anv part of the town at short notice. Onbrsfcltat 1. W. McKelvy's store, or at our ollie-e, will receive prompt at tention. Ollice and Yards at William Ncal A Sons' Furnace, Fast Itloomsbitrg. Yoni iiutrotia-'e lesiiectfnUv solieitctl, COAL. 7-tf-.-l COAL Those who buy early will save money. at K. 31 Kxomi'rf Tiy the Philadelphia 3IjKinxi;y's. Shoemaker at Fakmi'.ii.s, Atitxhon. ltui-sr.t.t, takes lltttter, lOjtgs and Produce in exchange lot goods. Laytox Uuxyox ec Co , are now receiv ing direct liom iiitiiiii'actttrers, n large ac-ce-sion to their irese. t slock ol Hardware, consisting in part of II-u.-e-luiilding 31ttte rial, Farming nnd .Mechanic's Toolsitiid Iiu pluueiits ol nil grad s, together with all the latest styles to suit thc-wis-lies of all ptttchas crs. These goods have been bought at very low figures uutU r the t-rescnt pros-uro of tho money market and will be sold I Oil CASH at figures so low that all who may look will see that expcrlent is worth money io tho purchaser, as well as tho consumer. Ho rn tuber, tlte Hardware Store ol L.VYTOV Kl'XYON & Co. "The 'ce'Gotge id pa-.-iiig awav," so is I LuWl.Mil.r.ii'ii 'iMig htyle "I Uelll's ll.its, tlio iieali -l, tewi- t, nnU nicest Hats lur Sirio wear. C.ul ;.nd exaliiiue, tee lor your-sehes. . M Great rise in t.iu waters, lint noi so witli I. W. U.WU'JIA.n'h Sugars,, Ao. S. H Mti.i.i.n & Sox have jtttt opened a few itioiu pii eis of cat pet. Ladies' Cougrors Lasting Fancy Style just leceneil at 1-;. ,U KNoltlt .s Go to Rl'Ssr.Li.'ri for your Groceries. selis lor cash and will not he undersold. Ho 5-l.fiO aud?l.7.i per set lor Nice White Dihes, at 1. . llAltrMAN's. Seeds from six dill'erent hotnes for sale at 31tl.l.i;ii & Sox'h IlAl'.OAIKS, IlAltOAISS. K. 31. K.N'Olttt will m-11 winter slock at cost until the lir-stot pril. Another niece ol that Hi cent cat pi tor- deretl and will be hem tu-d.iy, nl S, 11 Mil.- Lun a fcos'rt When you go to Philadelphia stop at tlte Allegheny liJtisC, 3u, Hl ami Bl-I .Mar ket street; Imvlng been recently lenovnled Puce only i'Ji per day A, HlXK, AIn re i IO' I 'J I toprietor. W. II. Hliowx keeps a flue assoitmcnt ol Canned Fruits itntl condensed goods. Also, a full assortment ol Nuts and French Cainlj and Oranges and Lemons, (leorgo H. Hoik, proprietor of llio Wapwal loptii Vulliy House, nlll still coiilhiuc lo pro jtlde ovir that hotel, In place of nUrliigns has Ix.ti slalid, Willi nildilloital f.tcillths, he pin-j 1kih lo uiuko ids place mi (Xiilhlit n-ott for' Hiiintr ixcmsli id'ls, I'l.ith r:tti f. iU Ladies! prokct ottr hands nnd faces from chapping in theso cold 3Iarch Hinds by Inlying a caku of that cheap but elegant Toilet Soap, ju-t opened at 3Ioyi:u Hito'n Drug Kniporiiitn, You can buy calico already cut up in squares for patch woikat I, W. llJUl'ilAN'rt lor io cents per poitim, 3Iercliuiits going to the city Mill do well to call on W. 11. llli.Mi:il. who is eneu'-ed witli the old mid ri liable firm o I Ykaoi'.u it Hi:iiki:nmcck, lor Hals, Cap-, Nraw (io(id-,.'.f , li7 North Thitil strict, Phil.i delidila. 'larch PJ,'7a-:iut s. MisYi'.K Piii'h. Iiim ju-t "piiiid n hirr'c ui i wtlt seiind slut ol 'liitl S'Hs, l, ,ll il 15 Mil- I III III I! ll- tl I Irudf. I'll Hi 10 ik-lpii, Ki ,. f. l i llil bir t r nit ii,lnlrili7al,t fur n CuuLcil Cup lias bUiuwer will U jifloidvd lira-1 to -0 per celll. Inww tltuu they huvo ever I tbttlo ct litiikil's Wvru t-jiep, it never falls i-.., ..uktfr.iiy v suld Li this market. ' i-rtieti. ' 'I OWN AND i'OUNTHY. Scn rises .' o'clock til minute i-scts o o'clock fs inlnutes. o Moon rl;e.s 10 o'clock 9 minutes, n. m. o (Sin n Is now nmtftl at n preni'ntn of nlivtt ll't tu oth'-r w orJs ift-eeii btcks nro ir, p;r cent, hel iw par. o lit.iNK riciiiw, on ParcluiH-nt anil linen paper, com- mnn and fur Ailinlnlstrators, i:eiutors ami Trustees, f jr sale eheaii nt tlio u oilian ollice. o Pal-rat liens Just reeelrcil anil for sale at tluCo- I.l'MtUAN orilcc. a witoxti ci'sToTi comti:oTi:i). It Is mute ginerally the custom to take stror.: lIverKlnnilniils for the ctuo of liter c. toiil.tliit, ami Loth the aiiiHegetaUlu Muyiloius h.iu belli dlllSi'iilly seau-lieil lo procure thu must drastic ami pjlsoiioits purgatives, in orJer to prouui-ea powerful effect upon the lifer, and arouso tho lagging and en feebled organ. 'IhH 8 stem of treatment Hon tliu saiuu pitiielplo 33 that of i;l lug a weak and debilita ted man laiso porllonsef brandy to enablo lilm to do a certain amount of work When the stimulant Is within Id, tho organ, llkelho sjstem, gnuluully relators Into a mere ton Id or sluel-li mid muk rnej condition thatilift re. What I hen Is v.-nntedv .Mi'itldni!, which, while they etui o the lite to iIjiv frei-l from the liter ns that orh'.eti Is toned Into nc Hon, will v.'A uveiwt.r!. iiti.l thin del llltutH It, but will, when tlietr Use Is itts - nt limed, 1. aie th llr -tiiuaih n-d and ludi n. "-a..a rem,-al, found In Dr. 1 i' -'s i,l lei. .M- ilJ.U Id ejien and 1'aiatt- llve Pell, t.s. a cciiu or t tvra: ntsi Asi: Husk, To..u, May 10. 1SI3 Dr. I!. V. ricice, lliiffalo, X. Y.t Pear Mr Mi wife list learnt Hit. ttiiw was con Hned to her bed wli'i chrutde llvi-r lihcnsi . 1 hui out) of thobi-bl dxtui's to seo her and ho irae her u to dli', h.'n I caiiu iijiuii S'jino of , our iikiII, lue. 1 bjiulitoii'i boillo uii-l iMiiiiiieneeU gliluglt. "-he tlien welglied ii po nil, in-wsii eUM. Ho i.'i'unis and Is rotust nod heart . she has tukcu i lnrlit bet ties In nil, w oa io I am au aorate ferjuur mi"d lclues. WII.IJAM Mi:vZi:i 1'ltOM TIIK NOTCU FCOIT, "til I l-'AI 0 I II U ' Holland lloitso, KOeUfoid Ml , Afrit -.''i, IsTl Hr. It. V. Wei, o, Murrain, N, V.s -lr 1 havo now tal ell lour bottles of your tlold.-n Me Ileal lilv'overy 111 coniieelljn with jour elkls, i lid luti-t si in nothing I hmocu-r taken fur iny hu-i li.u d mo n so much itoud. I feel 1II.Q a new man. Thanks lo your woudi-riui inedlclne. W. T. CODY, f'lltin ilo VMV1 V.. V. KUNKn.'S IHTlUlt WISH OP IRON. Thlstruly valuiiblutoiilo lias been so iliorotulili tesled by nil cusses of l ie coininuiilt it fs now tleeiued ludU,)eniilie as a tout: ni'dlclite, It costs h it little, pt'illlis thu Wood elves tun . lo the stoamch, lilwVutei tile sjotein ui.d piu'.eus life l.vei; ljil j bliuiilit hi o It, For tho ctuo 1 1 weak siomaclii, goirral dt-i'hpy lndleestl jii, dlsuatui tf tho stetaaeli and Iu.- all cases roimhliu-a toule. 'I hi i luo Include tlio most asuereMe and ofncleiil Halt of Iron wo possass -t'lfato of Maen -Ho u.tlde, eninblned ullli thu unit eiv-TjJlIu of vjjetablo ton- Ics-Yelluv, Permian llatk, Do you want soinelhlti0' to ktienstheii jo'i: IU j oa naul a i;eod uppetltoV Ihijoti want log.'lrldof noi-veusneiT Do you want eiwitry J Do ) oa waul to sleep wi 11 f Da j on want to build up it constltutUti J Do ) oil want to feel well 1 Do )ou want a bilsk aud ilicrous reeling T If you do try Kr.NMX'SMTTtU WINKO.' ll!OX. 1 only . a.u Ulalcf dill valuubl" toldo I Ilc-wuro of eoiiulerfolts, us Kunkcl's Hitter Wluo of Iron Is tho only sure and eifi-ctiial rented) in tie) known world for tho petmatent cittoof Djspepsla mid Deblllt), ami ni thpru ate a number of Imita tions ortcrod to the public, I Mould emit Ion the ei ni. inunll)' to pui'huse ntno U.tlho Keiiiilneiiitlole, manufactured b II. 1', IUuKel, and liavliiK Idi hiampon llio itrkof eiery bo'llo, Tlio vuy fait that others are nttenipllni; to Imitate tbli valuable teincdy pioM-slts weitlt iiudsixaks olumes In Us favor, till the uenuliie. Fold only In tl hallos bold by DrutriiUtu and dealers ever) he re-, wj ta i: woiiii iikjiovei) tt HeiilmU nil cui'ilili In two l.cun, Xo fi-e till lic-i d inut Hit I i) ltd Miir.uh Wtrins io- U'OMdb r Hilil, u, yutli Xluth M., PhUa- Ii las k Mor.nii'jKS for said cheap nt, tlio OonAitiDt oaice, o A ltOYAh (inOAX. Tho etoma'-h has been well named ft "royalltirffon," since It sways ami controls tlio ontlro system, every frlatul, tlssuo and nerve sympathizing Willi It as the servants of a prince syinpjtliUo wltu their master, llaeli ono of tliein ts fed and sustained by It-ovon tho bruin Itseir, tho eentro of sensation, Is absolute ly dependent upon It for sustenance. Consequently, when the stomach falls to perform Its nil-Import ml onlco, tho mhtirdlnato omani also falter tn their duty. The reason why llostett-r's Momiett lilt- tcrs havo such a wondrouily ht-tii'llrlal elfect upon tho ifcncrnl lisnltli nnd aro such a reliable prevent ative tf dlseaso, Ii that tlio ppcollly overcomo woakness or disorders of llio stomach, and thus In sure complete noutlshmeiit of Ihocntlre system and healthful periormonco of Us larlous functions. t'nllke thmo stlmulatiti whose alcoholic principle Is unmotllncd by Judicious medication, tlio spltltuotts basis of Uieso t-Itlers, w hlch Is of tlio purost descrip tion holdi lit solution herbal alteratives nndlnilffo rants to which a forcmoslrank has been ivssliined In materia nictllca Hut Ills not nlonotho tact that these sovtrt Ign lta&lccleinptits enter Into tho com position of the Mttcrs that constitutes them such n benign tonlo nn,t corrtctlve, tittt also that, t hot nro so happily combined thnt the full ctTrct of each Is exerted tipnti ihe tll'ordered or debilitated s)6tcm. Tho dljfrstlru and fcecrrtlie orgnn8 aro tho first to experience their beneficent operation, which extends bv sypatnt'iy, to tho bruin, t lie nerves nnd tho circu lation, 'ihu Influence thus exetled Is fruitful of hose great sanitary It stills which have built up tlio reputation ct this truly nalloinl taodlcliie, o If a man wants a bottle of whiskey, let, lilm buy It nnd take It homo like n man, nnd not sneak homo with ft bottle of "Ititters'cr "Cordhl," nod pretend that Ills medicine. If he wants a tonic that Is some thing better than a temporary stimulant, ho should get n bottle of Peruvian H.trup, (an Iron Tonic,) that will vitalize tho blood and giro durable strength to tho S) stem, o Milton OK YOUTH. A (tetillcman who surfcied for) ears from Xcnous Debility, Pivniatiit o Decay, and all tho effects of youthful Incttscruitun will, for the suVo of suffering iiuimuilt), send free to all who need It, thenolpo nnd direction for making tlio simple remedy by uhlcli ho was cured. KUffereig ulsldng to profit by the ad vertiser's pioilence can do so by addressing In per fect eonUdetiee, IOIIX 11. Otlltr.N-, Ai Cedar st , Xcw Yoit. o- thl; iin.;'- imiixtiso oitici:. Thi present Is ft giHid opportunity to rrti.tiid tho fileiid'iet the paper. id tliu public genet ally, that the I'OLtruaiAu Jo') l'i..t, nso on ice lias no sitpeilor In this section, nnd, In somo respects, Is nllhoiit nn ontinl. During the hist year wo haio compli-tcly re turned our I) es and ininli) huge additions, and It 1' no Mid boast to fi) Unit w hate now tho Post Pres-es, the Host Assortment of Tyi tho Pes! f lock nt IMpsr. Cards, Ac., and the llcst Worktnw In the eounty, (lur workmen are spei Lilly nilaptod for Heir places, uud wo make it a pilot to -olutiiU give our eu- turners n lient, roue t tind Mitl-f.i( tol) l'b. We do nut ehilin lo do ,rl; t,r t. s than others, tut! Ill ti'iuiMiit It lot e iei i heap us can be dom- i.ny- li te and h 1'! a di u' i r-111 . Ml who nrc 1.1 need I of .li b I i-lntltig of iiii ktud-l'hdn or In Culois mil ! nnd It to their liikist louvo the imu-iiius' OfUcn Wo biiM'on i.aud eu-r) lycf Csids Piipir. Ink, Knieliu es, Tugs, e., that Is likely lobe ailed fur, andean furnish any quantity cr style of woikon slioitiutlcc. l!ln, Hug to eder. tf -o- WIlllftKTO ADVKUTlsn. A.T.Stewart says the best ndieill-lng msdlums he has i ver found "are the old estahllf lied organs of the two political pi.itlen, al the several county sats llii-ou,'houl tl,o fnloti." "," ho s.i)s "reach every family of the least account In their several counties, and tire more carefully tend Hum any cthir class of Journals." If .Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of value, theie Is no dlfilculty In deciding whlih paper It Hfor the fLteicst of business men to ailveitlso lit. 'Iho Colcmmi Dkmocuat, upon which tliLs p.ipjr Is pal t tally founded, was established In ls.;c, and tho Colcmdian now erjoys a wider ctrculattjn mid greater prospetlty than It ever did. It goes regulai ly Into two thousand families In Columbia and adjoining counties, nnd by mo.stof theia Is read from the first to the l.ut line. It Is tho only recognised exponent of near tHu thousand Demoetatlc voters In Ihc county. It gives ndvi-itlso-ments t tasty display, that makes them uttractlw to Its patrons, thus ensuring greater cu utility that tliy miu periise tliem. Wl.Uo Its circulation U un- doabtedly much tlio largest In t he county, the ad- vei Using tides of the Cou'jintAS are no higher tlittn those tf other papers with barely hull mid several not one-fourth the number cf subscriber?. Pacts like theses eak for themselves. Xo shrewd business man will neglect lo Insert his advei tUciner.t In the COI CUD! in. tf o jionntx womex. It Is a sad commentary upon our boasted eh liga tion that tho v,onien ot our times have depeneraud In hea th and physl'iuo until tie y are literally a r.ico of, feeble and back-aehj, with wily Item and there a few noble exceptions In tho persons 1 Hie robust, buxom la lies ch traclerUtle of th" s-s In da) s gone by, liy a very Luge ixpcrli-n e, coi.i-In-,' a peilod of years an I etubr.ieliig Hi tieatra-nt f mail) thoiisinds.of eases of those iiduii tits peeu- to v. omen. Dr. l'li-rce, of the World's Dispei st- ry, llitlT.ilo, X. Y has petfected, by the combination of certain vegetable extracts, u natural speeUle, which h" din': not extnl as a cure-nil, but one which ad.utr.ibl) MlllUs a tlir-lenetsct purpose, being a tnoit positive uud ivlluble reu.etlj vreal; nesiusnnd complaints that allllcl the wouien ot the, '1 Ids natural hpeelile coaipouud lieall l)r. l'leieu's l'avoiite Pru-iilptlan. 'Iho folloalng nro among tho-o illseuses in vihlchtbl, wimlirfm medl' lnu has worked cures as II by iiingle ami f, Ith a cirt.ibitv never Ii turoatt.iliu 1 b) any medicines: Weak bai-l;, nir ous mul general deblilt), ta lleg nn 1 other ill -placements of Internal organs, result ing Irani debility anil lack ot strength III natural suuiwrt, L.tiiiiid lev -r, congestion, Inllainatloii and ti',eentti,.n and ver.. in m oilier chronic diseases In ctdint to women, not proeer to mention hire, lu i.t,leh, in well as In til" thai have been enum erated, the I'avorlte Prescription effects cuivs-tho marvel of th' woild. It win tiutd) liuriu In any s'.dj or condition of tho system, and by ado; ling lis tl -e the Invi'lld l.nly imiyiivil 1 that stvuvst of ordo uW tli c.jii stiltlntr uf af.ur.lly pli)tlchm. ruvirlle Prescription Is ould by dealers lu uedhlnos gen ral ly. o TO COXsr.VIPTfVUS. 'I he advertiser, hav lug been permanently cured ot tint dread disease. Consumption, byasluiple rt-uiiily Is niixl jus lu make knoivu to his fellow bu'iereis tho lueatiiotcuro 'lu ullwbo desholt, lio will send a eopi of the preset Ipt loll used, (t to of charge,) with tlio directions for pi paring and uslnr tiu same, which they will llnd nouas cent; tor Cossciti rio:,', Abiiniv, l,ito.,uiiius.,tc. l'aitli. i wi p.g tliopi'euiiptton 'V 111 please adores 1.0V. t. A. .. I SON, is, i'ciuifct., vlUIarasburli, Xew York, o - AMEiticiKSAKiiA xvno.i ov Dv.s.-Ei'noa Wo live t.tst, dlselpato un.l till tally graves. o ditnU all hlndj of alcohollo spltlt", and swallow, without mas tication, pork, gteaso and every Mud iflife-dostto.,'- Ing, sy.stem-clogslug, ludlgistlve I,.od. Dlt, Wai.:; tu's Vkomabik Vi:,'i:unt PfiTSKS will remove tlio evil eli, tl., uud the reivwrcdnati -i.t, Willi pure, VI- t dled eleettleal blooj lloufng thn.iig his Vilns v.lll have ,i cle'.ter head ,.nd ,i Ciwler Judineiil, which .aided 1 1 expeilelice, will tattio Mul to lib slain lu tha itutire. c-iw Marriages. In ornngevllle, on March ttlli, by itn ,x. sponr, Sir, HASIUIlf. Jolixsox, of f.igiit, utrcet, to iKi fltANv-K'S A. Plllcl!, cf lorwlck. At tho Cvangc'lcol IMrsonnjje, In Xew Columbti', on llarch sail, Hi , by Kev. .1. M, lirndtr Mr. HAM DIIIISOX 1. WI'.A Villi, of I.merno Co., IM to ilL) BAItAII t). KIltl-'ilH, ot ColtttnlU dot, I'a. Deaths. laPlootnsbiirg.on tlio suit Inst., Jlrs, It II. II EX A'tll, wlfeot lilchard Jienngh", ogod M years, It months and lo da) s. In niooinsbtirg. on tlio ltlh Inst, UotiA P., Infant daughter ot loionnrd and Jnno Uomboy, aged a weeks and s da) S. Dear llttlo Xora of our licnrl.s, How soon thy Ufa has nod, How soon hast thou been callod away, And numbered with tho dead. In Jackson township, on Thursday, March tl, 187 an Infant son of Abraham and Amanda Kline, nged nbout s months. In licnrlck on Saturday evening, Mnrch 13, Jit?, MAltflAllKT DOAX, In her TCth ) car. In llervvlck, on Tuesday evening, Mnrcli Kth, Iti:m:cCA DAI.UY, In her Kth year. In llspy, on tho lllliot .March, Jlrs. MAllTIlA 11., wife of Hamucl Mcl'amey, aged 43 jears, 1 month and 1 day, In locust lovvtiihlp, on tho lOlli lust., SA11A1I, lUughtcrof Gecrijeatid llanuahtiiiytUr.ngedl jct.r aionthsnndsd.ijs. HEADQUVRTEBS ron in Paints, Oils, Cilitss, I'titly, Drugs, nS'ijieea, Patent iMedi cincs, ttc, &c. MOVER BRO'S rOUI,0 iull Hie intention of tho imhlic to tholr veiy largo and wel selected stock of gMs which thoyoticriit ths I.OWKST iMAItlCIvT .MATP.S. SCO boxes Wind jvv t;l.tss all s!?es and mtalltlei. tilass for rt.'tnra rrnmus a specialty U'liilc Lciul, Itt-d Lend, Uinborn, Li tli urge, Sicniins, Greens Ulucrf, Keels, Yellows, ilry and in Oil. General Agents for Ki TON lltJtitOX. OIIARLilS W, BUNTOX HiUlDWARE STORE. iTMMnrinrr-TinrTi-iriT-HUTi LAYTON 11UNYON, & CO., BriOOiNrSliUItG, PA., keeps constantly on hnntl a Full nnd Complete Stock of KCEVrT J-JSTJD iSI-IErilT 1-:.133 WABE, which vro will cell lo tho Public nt Tried co Iivv ns to defy competition. OUIt STOCK CONSISTS IN PAI1T Of IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades nntl Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse and Mule liocs. Ilorsc Nuiln, &c. PATENT WIIKEL, OLD'S AND WAUNKR'S PATENTS, SpoSics, Hoavy and Light, Carringc Mallobcls, Axlea, Spring, Gum ami Oil Cloths, Valentinea Varnislits, Spirits Turpentine, nnd n Rcneral Stock of WAGON AND CAllMAGE MAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, such as BUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best Ctilorft, Pure Oils, &c, ua low as the' can be bought in tho county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YO URSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Vnno, NEW HARDWARE STORE! STATEMDNT 01' THE ACCOUNTS OF TnsTitncnrtt.i!tneirirtR Rtcniru Artvrtnx wicrr or tits towv or tu-ooMH-iio, for tnr VOVUHfll. W. Ii. Koons, Trensurcr. In acfftiint vtiifi tlio Torn of ot Wooiasuurg, for Uio jinr UU. Mi To am't. of semfnt roll for 18T4, " reoeltcitof 11. 1). liltllamnn, col- loctor, on iliinlleitta tl I sin. reeciirdrf 51, w nloop, collec tor on (Innllfata of 18K, llitrketctrcct contributions, col iPCtct! by 11. II. llldli'irinn, pentrn tl rn t conl ritiutlunj, col lected liy JI U'ynknnn roc'it cf ('. ii. Imrklfy.l.vr)., vinqr proccciucf jtiit(rmoniiNo.e2,w, unit n,ct ivhritiirf term. iu, In (VmnrKin iwb of Colunihln co. rMVrt cf Jt. Wjnlawn, collcctsit liy htm on nfcounts uiin town, itcctiM nnil Hups collcttcil by ttio iTcsMenl of cotuicll, linlanco rtno Tronsurcr, T ta t.o) M lS OT m co ttr to 15 41 (6 ?I!,8M Sil til 49 (11,691 es K7 SUC'('I?OHS TO .1. F. WIDIOIIAN & CO., iimlds, Chilis, Tvvctst.n.I'lhrs 'ots aii.l Kutlhs, 1'iitis atul I'riurs !.M55lS Keep on Hantl the LARGEST STOCK OF 1 All thitics for till M)rts of Imvcr.s. fl5S k HELF HARDWARE In tho County. Tin: contusion ok tvn invalid. Vcr,i.isiini as i vvinMsn unci for tlio lX'U"flt i f VocsuMEXAynoTiiKiiavvlioBinrer frotn NUitvot'S UKIIILITV, lOSSOI'MAMIOOD, etc., sui1,lvli,t-t!.B rceaiiactwlf-cur,'. Written by ono wliocure.l lum twit nflcr nnitcrsuliiff cousIiScimLIb tuuu'kory, tuul hcttt frcu on tccclviiii; a poat-imM illicit e,l envelopo, hutlcrcis tiro luvltcl to nudi-cm tlio utttlior, AT It A M U I. i I A V r A 1 1 1 Mar, 0, T4-Ciu llox 1 3, IirooMyn, X. V, MANHOOD !:nSTO!li:i.-.v victim of youthful t n I'ttiiltiw, laiuwn- pcrnurtuo ilccny, nervous ,i, tit It',' etc., I)atiij tiieii in viiliicveiy known romouy Imn fiiittitl .t Wmiil'i self-care, which lie will u, nJ free tu al , full ur-sunVrcis. A'Uroaa J. II, liccvc, N.i..i'1 M., N'otv VorU. .ii.ij :,'T4-tin ' , MONTOUR SLE PAINTS i.issei:u, ouivi:, WlIAI.K, CASTOR, nntl other OILS V.A UXTSHwul JAPAN'S from the best Jlniiufsctorles. 1v lr stock cf ) i- x G -j fE exccWauy in thli stctlon ot the State. Agents for Dr. BICKLEY'S Fa M 1 LY M E D I C 1 N ES.. in nctal lep.,t i f h'lpnllcs fur Dr. ,1. C. Aycr's rorn.Aii :,n:nicixFr-. The I'twilpllon pejitit t i:at H unJcrilio cl iirgy of cuniiH'ti-nt I'li'inn.ii'i utlst-. IMiysiciiui' Pi'escriptioas CAIUUTLI.Y l.O.Ml'OU.N'DKD WITH DKSPATCH. ClW Sparkling Ma Water. Tho utti-nttun rrcomitryilC'alore.csrw.'laUj' Uncalled to our Mofk tl IJOTTI.KI") CiOODS, SPIOES, ALUM, Pr.tsnt and Proprietary Mcdicinss it:. Our vvaitnn will continue m rnrraerly to c like Its usual lilps to supply cu t . OIL 01' GLADNFS3S, Coughs, ' 6'olds, Cvou), ISnrtis, Ttittor, an lliteniat .mil KvtcniH icm y vvhow licnl'ng vlr turn an- :ttt?tf ljy ttiousnin't? tn tr.1 mul niU,lnliic rouniloH H m.tnir.icturtia by tliom nn.l supllt-l p nmi'-to.l cltuer tlUiftly tr tlirousli tbiilr lutmtr. ilcileiN, Prieo 50 Contt Per Pottle, (mo (,'ciiuIiip ltnlc It bears tho trcclo tntrk i'ti,l .uio if M051T uro'ii tlti'vvcirJi "osinf oiailtie lown lu tho Kl.iim'uil llio iljii.tttiri) cf ilojir liro'ri on thu vr.ipjHir. Itiive iiUo ntldeil to our .Stock NT WHEELS & SP WHEELBARROWS GLASS, DPXJTTSrT, ODEHTTODSXO JST23S, 5cC. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its Branches, Carefully Selected nnd l'tircliawl low for Cash giving us Advantage for SellittK which can not be excelled by any other Hardware tore in the Country. GIV'.'J US A GALL AND SEE FOR YO UHSELF. Wo GUAltAXTHB both in 1T.ICE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. Clt. nylialnnco duo Treasurer nt lust ecttlo- mem, y t " ara t, of duplteiilo cf 1674 placed In lianrt? of M, wynkoop, collector, tctnff tax tincollccted liy 1 ruasutor. M M " ain't, ortlcm cashed durlne tho year, Mm m " com 011100 on nfivi us, at s perct, 1TI w in.eoi o Ilecelptaand expenditures ot tlio Town of lllooms, hiirafor tho j ear is;i, tirctirnt. Uricolfcted on tlupllcato cf 1S?3, t.t 63 Amount of taxoa lovled for 18JI, 7,4m 48 Ucenva and lines during tlio year, 41 w Market Street contribution, "95 00 fentro Mrecl contrlbuilonB, kui 00 luiltrmontx eolleeted by c tl, Tlarklcy, Tan, 1 J7 '-f IT0111 sundry persons on tiwik t.ccuunt col lected liy I:, II. llldleman, S7 si f-nrae, collected tiy M. Wv nkoop, m v CilsIi in lmiids cf '.. 11. Illdloman, Uunjbril aneonf .Market bti-eet contributions col liTledlU isri. 83 10 Hay cut on I'ark trrotmdK, and sold to M. lltipcrf! (settled in road account.) la M 19,570 71 ' MSDUK8EMKXTS. Am't, paid on road account to vvlti labor, routrh stone, &c tJ,"H M A . Jacoby, Uas ntone, Ki at Jitcotiy, street Cotiitiit.tonor, t lil A tn't. tialanccs duo on road account of 183, to wit 1 Low Hros, 14 00 I.. All. It, It. Co., 10 1 Atn.t. to sundry persons on took account, 1 eintr tiiilnncrs due from 137J t It. 1,. oleneiiliaeli, prluilnif, SI t!1 ll Jt, Wardln, nrlntlnir, M I .Mojer ltros., ollfor FlioCo., 1 73 IV. Wirt, Secretory, II w A. ll. Webb, statlouery, IM .lolin t,ll)ts, lior'c hire for water coraralttco, si w n;o nn scnijol Dlst rlct, stov 0 for lock up, 0 0 ) A nit. printer's Mi's, co 00 " surveyor nnd assistants, 70 & " rent tlni enirliie house. biio li. 11. nidleniaii, HlKh Oontabl, IM W K. It. lUdlcinau, eommtsiilon oa cul- lecllons of cotitrlbuUoUH, so. M is l'ollco force, 10 I'olloe lndgiw, H M rout of I'ottDd, lo W auditors, 178, 10 00 A. W'.Krj.vl vv second Street, r, tsj Mojer 1110a., latitern ondoll, 1 a v. Irt, fietrctary, IM M VV. v n t, copjlni; asseasment, 1.1 00 W. Wirt, preparing tatement under Act ot 4 th April, 1874, SKI Itluotn sc.iiiui ntst. stovo for lock up, a i W. II. Jacoby, recordlus mn-eement, a M Interest lo p.Mroup, 011 "ulddebt," 111 vi lutiTcston boiels, .sua 1,5 and 4, tioro damaRTO to .Martha Welts, 2.000 00 il.inui.'i's to II v. itovtcr. 1,0000 Interest on s.i-r to II. t'. Ilovter, 77 M tt. tl. Harkley, solicitor ts) council, sw 81 H. stroup, duo lu excess cf bonds is- s'f'J to lilm, 6 60 H-S.313 ia Add llio fullowlnjf to bo classtsl with tusoiiiiM.'int-nis, vtr. : llalaiicc duo Tieas as per annual statement of 1st:, $5 n comiiils.syus allowed Treas. this year 177 ) Ilxoncm Ions 11) lowed 11. 1). Illdloman on duplicate ot 1ST t, 274 sto Ta Total. fAKU 47 Hxcossot reeoipts over ovpendltures I,0tt3(i Am't. of receipts durlns tlio jear, not allovvlutr for exonerations. c.) 9.57a 7t Illsburaenients during; ttio jour, of which was paid to .viarttia wens fjoooto I'aldtoIi.U. Hovver, 1,0X) W ' 1). Stroup, 0 SO $3003 80 Ileal disbursements for tho j ear, t3,S37 D3 DAVID LOWIlSIIKIlO, Wkslkv Wiut, Secretary. l'resldeut. We, tlie undersigned, auditors of tho Town ot riooinsburir. do hereby certify that wo have exam ined Uio above and foresotnt; statements ot e-pen-dltures, and also the account of W. 11. noons, Treas urer ,and approve tho same as nuovo suited. Starch Ja SCHUYLER & SON, Bloorasburg, Pa. s,ES3ycinsr g-to int. 0:- l UDITOU'S NDl'lCK. JV BSI'ATISOf.VSllllIlM' 1IK1S, I'ltcnVSCI), In tho tiinlitiiis' Court for the Count v of colnmbla 'iho .MiulturupJt4uli dh tliiiCotitliO(llti1iuteUio luiiu 111 mo iiiiiius iu i.ioiiiiit.1 nenH, auuiiDtfii uii'i ultli the will atniexiili I llio oli'tf r Ai.dii-u lies it,'U, unvr.K tie In Usual len.dna tvhiituuj lo iiniiieci tu tne mine ui.iier tlie villi er ,1, udeu .nil inrii iiih imriiis, iiiieivsieti lur tu, pnrri ullltiui iiDliitimni on Inur da. 1110 it.itiiluv ami is.;.. 1. lun'e ck a tn., at liliuitlec lu lilmiiiiKbiiii.', nl n time ami nl.ico nil tuilles lnt,"e-ti'd will utteii.i nnil i iiwiil Hielr clnlins.iir t runner ilvtwirul Irom cuiiiiu 111 lur a uKtiiuutivi) tuuiu tu miu tH ite. A. C.nMi I'll. Jlareli 12, lT5-st Audl'or. . 1'llU jtUMUUUVlhtflVIA. IWcetl, T lVi: AtiKNTS WA.NTKO. Ij To sell lilt. CIIAHl'S i:i;ctlui: Oil lNl'til M v I'lON' I'Hlt lA'KltVlltiUY. In overv iSmnlv in tl frilled Mules uud Ca11.1d.1s',n I by tnu put nailer to bis imKU', 11 ouuiuiiis .'.11 0 liuiiaeh, leetiHSi. and Isyiiltad loa 1 elaAs.'rianil -nri. nitons his-'lelv. A vvonilerful book and 11 IniiiseiioM felt . It tell nt tight, toeiitiw Induivim til ever oiiiiua 11 ooi.k age 1 1 a. alllple corlug mmh br in ni piuu, ini i. i,riina leiiuui viiiien, uiuie 111,111 uuiinuf nieii inoiiuy. .vi 'ress, till. I'll.VSll'.S bTlUSl ritl.N1 IM! IHHWK, Nov. V). '71 -am ANN A1.11 ill, Mll'll. I l)MIMSTltTO;'.S XOTIt'K. I rsi'vt : iik I'KiKit aiTtNiu. ju.. ii,a Kttat-ii. M'tb ra uf viliiiiiiisti'.itlun on tun eii. iie of ivu r Hilt tar, Jr., Hit" if I wu-t liivviiKiiip. ciuuv ufi,l uuiiili. Malo it ivinisviiuuij, ni'iwu'fd, Uno burn ur.iiiiuJ tu lllih.uii Mmt iiiiii A. is inidy,r Mcusl low u-lil , I'll , tu vvli uu all narius Hid I'letlUi-ill uhUilsiuti) roiiuarUHl to maku tu.t niuiit, an I 111' IV IU UUJ HUJHU Ultf ilk' Clautid 'j t-lluotit '. dulav Jlllllt lil STINT, l UiWIU UUUV. f 1U. li-TS-f ' AOiur's. i he IlrsusoTON SnwiKQ Ma- cihsb Has spruns rapidly into favoraspcsscsslns the best coy. iii.'.vuo; cf good finalities, namely i Llsht runiiliig.smooth, Noiseless, Uapld, Durnble, v.llh perfect Loskfctlti It. It Is a Sltuttlo JlticUne. Willi Automatic Drop l'cfd. Drslsn bcatitltul and construction tho very best. OOD yaEIsTTS WANTED ADDHKSS, .7IHI K. CHOTZ, I W.M. KIIICKIHtJ', V Auditors. I. W.IIAUTM.VN, J llloomabur?, Feb. 20, 1973. CA11PETS! CARPETS!! S. K. MILLER & SON HAVE JUST KECKIVF.D and arc.ofTcrin(t for Bali at very low prices ono of the best o surtments of CAIll'iri'S ever offered for ealo of the town of Iiloerasburtr. Tlmy aro all new and tn the very latest styles, l'rlce.s vary from w cents to ILftOporyard. Call and ecu them. Oct. 23, 7l-tf. KEvii.scirox No. 1 llatlilno fo family use. In ti.e Tutan vein OF ITS l.XISTKXCE, llOS Hilt With a moro nvnu iscmkasi: of katio 0f3lt.KS TUAM ANV JtACUtNK ON TnR HA 11 KET. Itr.vnsiii'ON No. 2 llachlno for and f cuiUy tif e, (rea-ly for delivery only blnce June, l74), for range, perfec tion, and v a r 1 c t y of vv 0 r k, Is without n rival In farallyor wouKsiior. SEND FOR CUstCXJX.A.Il Keiiiiilo:! Mm Mm Company, llion, 1 Y. nt.c:3i otTiiius or ui'WB.-vrjTo.v t oM'vixir.s). OlX C'.Vt I an,l tho X. u I tin- l lw.iry Y. ts.ittirlii1' .loitinnl. lecl;t if v'mTlrti, f .r l r. , r t 1 1 , r t'.ii' s'lhs'i'iptl j,, ',lj r-s- In r paid. V I,'. : SViin-s ent'ii-1 Iin; ut'iii is i - 'elfC'l atm t'lvii iioiinrs eimn m-iii hi unee ii,i'ii) Itftll 'inn rtljiT Cl,ib.s i f f.v ( t n t-ui-li) ni.ij n tali! tlnvIS Tills Is i,'IT "l-lll UO' ll C'lbll tueii.luui Of V t , ''M'l tlttll "llll-i'llld I' ! Mi'tll'ii li'lln,' isa n till 'lent iru ', f ( nr.iess u'.d tulttlluii iu sen. I l,i ti ovrt'"t i-'r't i,'tt ii niMni. ,v ahvim. I'l.i'llstll-I-S. JS l!i;.l'II lltl'I. , A luik. lC i.'-''-ll. FORTUNE FOR SI- Wyoming Monthly . Ili iitiitpilari & Son?, Ileiniii'-lflii SrwiiiR M. to., llt'V.iinpitiiii Ag'l t'u., jllilON, X. Y. !SI ,": Ss.t P.roadvvav.'New York, Arms. Madison hnunre, New York, seivintr MaelilntH. Chleajco, '.'37 Male ht., stvvlns Marhlues and Amis. Iioston, 33) Washlns-ton M., Mevvlnc viachlnin. cii-.t'lnnatl. isl vobl4tli Ht., i-owing vtnclilues. I'llni 1411!. liMnn St Int. V nplitmio Atlanta, Oa., DeUtvo's opera flotLse, Mat tettu strift, Se'vlni: Machines. Washington, D. C, m Seventh St., Bjwlng Muchlnns. K5- a tU) Q cf'ftH V Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar B iMWlnl U ft'KtJ'U? B Tlveonly SILLS PnttinvT of tliam 1 Inr.ailno that I MP OUTS STYLES unit Only 31.10 n yoar,vUi tromlum Sen Qelowll (ottMM) Ver fiviii i. in v if'' I'mirri t, timi M s'nroi. Lnntes ! Coughs Coltls, Uron chitis, Sore Throat, In Utienza, Croup, AVhoop ing Cough, Hoarseness I.ivcrComplnint, Pains or Soreness in tlm C licst or Bitle, Blcevlirg at the iAings, nntl every affection n iltroat, I.ttnirs and Cln-st, aros ishI ll.v cured bv the use ot 1)H. W'tsTVit's IIalsam ok V.'iui Ciikbiiv, vvliUlid ies not dry up a cough and leavo the cause behind, as Is the caso with most remedies, out loosens ii, cieausi's inn lungs anaatiayairriia- lon, inus reraovtnp uui cause oi uio compi.imt. Consumption can be cured livn timely resort to this standard remedy, asts proven by hundreds of tesumoniMis it lias received. None senulno unless H?ned "I. IlUTTS" on tho vvrapiier. M cents and tl a twttln ; lartre liottles niticli tho cheaper. SKTII W. FOVVLiy SONS, l'mnrtetors. ltoston. Mass, sold by de dcrs iren- erallv. jTlin. 533-15; AuniTons soTicn. IN TUK E.sTATE OF rmilT KISTI ER nECSASED. Tlio undi rsl-rned liavlne bven arnolnted bv the Or. lilians' Coutl ot Columlln county. Auditor to mnko distribution of the fumVH In the hands of tho Admln- Usttator of said 1'tilllp hlstler, deceased, to ontl imontr the parties entitled thereto, will meet nil nar lles In. crcsteit In said estate at the oniccof It. f' A: I. vi . t ur :. in llm town ot ltloonvsinucr. rn.. on Wednesday. thel4tlidavof nrllnextatsioVloeKlu the forenoon ot said d ty, nt which time and p'.nco all parties Interested win nttend and present their i lulins, or bo forever debarred from coming In for a iiiMnuuiivv siuiiu insaiaesiiiie. ItOllllUT F. CLA1IIC I'lonmOiur'- Mnreh e.'-.s-jt Ai'dtlnr. '1.... null ii it.ivijA VA ii.i.)j X. k-vinn News, .Markets, stories, Metures. and ini i.iiiii'rrus ut i,xn u j ear, i'OMitt:opaiu, lias vucli' d l.Miiii ilrculutlon In tlireo vears. Send fur e siiniplo ( npy. UAiU'K.N YOUU CWN MILL P1CKH No I !;n-lvmltlis npfilpil. Mrnov pavpJ. nntl itk-t .nlviHPhari1. For lUustriiU-a circular lift J AMTh V-'O MlUUUiUUIt;, ."ilC-lirOO 10 I'd. 205 rinf-Y. it' KInttY - I In w-' I luen o i.i-iiry ctMUl r-iTnet' httr I'm 1 r Tn-ct 9 U , . in. (4'( 2 r in, vi-r ei nil nt." rvilrtn Willi fM Mlna'fi Waist piln u.i.mer fiinr lihi npita for Ijnitdiliiir. t:titn x. h Ckir.ittftn u(l!i CUI 1 1 W.I Cirti 3txnirl. t rvM-i. .u. porlrrl CLOTJl IIVVXlt win wry l"."'. A " Any Pnttern on thli pnpto mnlled on reclptcf mukeU price Ht,'e "l-Miiii rwti flpv-.tcr.- I 4tns3 R 9 rtt"BVS B whneTid i toA. ?mlrtto im n i-inr I'nrE o n .iV-Ckc'IIu ft VHtoi," rr.all&tl to ths'm FREE nmltb Cm Yeir'h BMtvrivtl"n Will krvt i iioiir'i n THKIJfc PltyKlUWt OR on lie EMPLOYMENT. C v.mi i,i:s and a coMPurn: outfit iTt SKN1' 1'1'LI:. We vi ant n suitnbln urson In even nek-libni! i nd to take etdtra rnd I'fllvir RocsH ua eiu-iMjuit n,ii i-. i. ii, ads ti i.taiuc iiiniiauu r, '; ),N ,: nil H' its tn e t.'-tsat use atid wear. Iho din i . u. l. l,,un' in vti.irleu, Salts over half n nil! V.n lu lr. I. Lji. t: Caii Pay to the rlibt i erwn. v i i'ii 1 1 li.iiu'o f r til I . lnalet) femole. at vourhc-Liirt r tr iiflti K, Nu il-k. no tu vwikvve will ,enu i ii tn e tii.u i o-i-pRin n uno ti mnifies una u .oini'iete outlil. .'.UUeM ol tml tirine your t-ri it. iv. II. .1. U.vl.1. 4. CO., C, N, llowAit'i bTityf.T, B-dtttn.Te, MO, xiiluoi at any time. GET -f!. OX.XTX3 : Wo eholl Rlvo nway S2,l33.0O Xw'i , Authority eamutot'n Ltsitlatur. Tickets SI each, or 6 for25. Onovhaiito in every tilno, Diiwioa lh lilt tek-Jiy cf cich and cyrry month, rifth Extrasrdlniry Dri-vinu, i Cinli 1'ita or i cusii i-i i.o or 00,000 I Cnsli Prize of 25,000 1 Ciuh Prize of BO.OOO 1 'iuli Prize ni' 15,000 1 Unli Prlac r fj,000 In all Sl.O'l Catli l'ries aniount'nB ! ".09 TlM UMUitrlArtln.ry Prsvttnf itiid,l 0?v Sf Out. r&Ulel, l'r,'l d UowJ v) Ira.U Ilia vend lr Uo.ttuaf Jtuia. ThIIJ,4bf m ConiuJIU cf TI.Ul llvUcn Tit flwTUib Jul ltl1(ll t'rvi'tcflli SeaM Agvu'a wiumJ Ubtrsl r Vuc full iwnluuloa, muJ fo rtrvuWi. Aillrs., I'm, Uutf.F. J. M. PATTI U, L.ii.unle City, WvnmlnK. U U Luab.l Cllr ll on !) t'uWu CkuIIIu t!akr A. l Ti ll. !M-4t. "Vro.Nl'Vltril, ts.(irt Mipikirter nr' l.a.l'u.' ll tlunient Sitsn, niter. att,iho,l toeni in' lilm iMi'll skins 111 li eld, iMustlueted uii'la iilival')- 1'illleill pi 111. 1 1 1 s lii li,,; ti,r Us ullii iieitltli,aliileonv Tin: p,it,'ilted M.iv i, . s.iiiiim's In nail a it.-. 11I.1.IS M'l'U, CO., Walt turn. Jla-.s. Al i untliti, a inn v piitN', nil I ll tl lei ii..i.r 'tifnl- ii , ji- .i it i. t i" I .ki,.,..m....i:-iitn,iRnB n riiiMi i I ntilviut im the Mroufcl ttriirf'it trot.t - ii Haves piOO.OOi v-;ti;:'v0! i ii -nf trom one lirtM-t m ouoiuit. 1 .40-miU. ."i YlOri OOtl'X, crTP-cruU Adiire... vonr Pmm. A UUHDETTK 3M6TH, Ol-t Dronrlwr.Vi Hew York City, ,iauothcr, I sazaaii. iv'th is i mt f)i.""'n -. Qr.'." i?.Lv, ' p.ittti.iti ooov malted for in cento, "" urUTrva irj-i.n.u- P,-P:.-?::?i-V-- ii, , C X 'l' f 20 tier il iv. AftenU vv intnl. All J i ivii s . r vvuil ini rcopliu.f both o.-A,. vouni; iifiWd, tiniku moro liiuneyutwuik tor uslii tin trovvit I,., nliti, s, ilurlni,' 'heir inuini tils, ir ull tlu; liiie. II, ,n nt Jin thlnireise. Wo oiler eunilrtl l.ient Cu.t wl.l im li.ii.d-. uu i) f r every hour's work. 'u.l luilhiilair, kin,.-,. ,,'., i.s.iouraddrt-is at ,.n. i. iiim.'I delaj. Mm Is Hi" lime, lion t look ..r vv. rk .r l.usHlUi'folsuvUieie, iintll'oith.iV,' learn 'dv. Iiet v-i'iili.-i. i. hiissos i.Co.,rotlljtid, llulni), Juii. l.'i iriy. 'I P V nilllsTm a Inriro live, family rnpor, of eto I l I rtenuid sijJ rcadhii:, No bs:tai1anlm, po- I 11 V I '1"" "ur tidi.TiM'ment.s. Duly To I IvTiCts. n e;r. Send 10 cents li.rBpineii.s v vim nr' t it t spier.uu Jiap rrt tututu. .irecta led evmli. ri. CoinmLssli ns iml.l I it. i IUsiisok. K-s Vii.U-ttilou fcutit, Itostoa, Alnis., Co ,i 'listie.1. l'Uru.,1'.. ' : BUSINESS rer Kfllii stoic, cte. ri.rv.blc. wo etioranteo cunvtu-xrs success. Atuuh wanted, Aildteta nvm'r. s. s. MA.n.N i'co, N. liovvard street, Daltlmert.HtL PUDIiIO SAlili Of Vnlunlilo 10TT lxr!U3im-At Mire Valo tr To Vjuule, !Wa wtik vnihcun. Ko cspltu ii't.tiUid fartleuiars ii a van tlie uir-,cfmiiio. Aut'itts ith 6 lentutt-in ttin,p, C. I.oss, llilt wtr R E A L ES T A T E. 300 .ffiS2S Mi 15NTS WANTED TS1 Provid tin Lifo 2t Truiv-c Co., OP P(lfii.lDl-i:i,PtIIA. Ilicoriiirtiti. Jiil tiinntb, U2il iin), Owil links of anv elaim vjllclteil. a very nUsblu iiu.i loinuar ui'Uip.iiiv, ana eas. t.i solicit tur. Atipiv iu-uinpiijr v) ieiii,t io uv uuAir. ni i icb-, nun ' 4SUT. I udel Tl'.W YiHIK TIlllU'M:. "I'llK l.KAD- IMi A'inilCAN Nl'.vV Sr V t 1 Hi. .viiVl'.ulliv Mi .vihiiiiAi. inuiy, tiuajcur. rtim- p. -ii i-i-o.' tu the NubBirilier, Hisslnwn Cupids .ui,. .uUiitl-lic; llutis Hie. Wivklv, liiilulwuf in or mull only tl, jiostHK.) luld. Adiltesii TilKTnt nisr , N. V. -Mil fslr-ll. Ai)Vi:HTISINli: C'liKtii: tioml: Svncniii-tic- All reiu'iui wlmconoemplatemaklntrc'iii-i.n.mviltliiii-iispi.ixis tor llio lUMitl ti bfad ir iImiii. tits, slmiil.l m I, a vr, rents tu tleo. I'. Ikmul K io., Jt l utk Huvv, . eiv .ik. fur llulrrxMI'IIUlT I'.ttili oiliiic-wvuilh eillilonl eent.iltdnjr luitsof over aeeu in vvspaiH.rH and eMlinnles, sIiuwIiik the cost. Advullnini.iiU takin tun.liiiiUiirf puiK-ntln i.iiuiv Hani, ft a ti.i". id t'S icduilluti join pub itkUra' i..ti. t i.niii: liooi. Jut ia'la-iy. SO PEK GEISTT. COJ1M1SSION' l'AID HOOK AClJINTS. On iw and ntaM iiorular Isxkk bv cue i f tlie lartr. eit hi in. lu tlie uuuntry, wliuoksfor Su cenf a t U looks for fi.', sc. NouumbtiiT. Send i (.' rlti iilum ami kte. Addrtks, l'. o. Uu LTJ llari tid, run. "J K puttiiiatiej of au order oi tint Orphmk' Comt i. ui lANuiuuni couuiy, iTiiiu ivaiti.i, ou SATUUIUY, 2IAUCII 20th, li75, at to o'elotk a. in., Iaae. K, Krl kbautn, U-:ei'titir of ..uiiil mule, tutu i'i iH-niuil lUvu.Miip. ill sili.l esllllliy, d-ceasesl. villi enioho vo salo by publto rendu.) en tliu pivini.'s, u iei miu ii.iei it lot ui lllliu t'OLiauilIl lio ACPvliSANDiUPEUOHES. strict lueasmc.liCtindisUiyland.scf llif i,ins(,llKuh I and riaiuiali ll. bllnoVsiil.t t mcl cou a na s , TY-I IVK ACIII'.S Cl.flAltlll) LAND, and tin) lulmcu ,ru i tft,. I.S'a ' ,, i tl' T 'A, U5i,.'.'?!''.w 1,111 l trst rlnss m, v em, lu be m id al tower I'rleui for i u m stallments, erfurrrnt, In my .ditiuu these 41 urd'lluit- mt the Holidays, l v lliiaid Wul era and Sun, 4-t Drundwny, tin n ever uf on i ferid In New YoiK. AKilita wuutiUtosill Wut.w fiev scale riuiius. nnil ixineertnoranns. lllu-tiuteii cm. Hln -.tes Mailed. Uieiil lQiliuenients to lu. 'ITade. Ainco lUscouutli Teachers. lllLlsterd. Chureh,. Lodges, hclllKJls, i ic. t UMIMKTUATnlVsj NOTICi:. iV. rsrilKOt JOIIK 10S10N, DKOkASKB. ti Iters ot AdnitrLNtrntlen on thi, Ktnin r.f M.r. lioton, tuo of vuiiiiv crttk luwinhip. (.liimb a u ulltluilieriHt wttti Whlio rtno anil Wliliu not 1 hero are erected lUeroon 2 Dwellirg IkmiU a Frame Bam There ts also n Rood bearlntr Apple Ottliavd audva rlousi olUer l iull Tieos ou th n titUses. fitvcclal terms will Isimado Known at salo. Late, the cistatA cf said iWroa'isl, Uliuta In the Bu,w, muiiiii, ii.v ni'irebikiti I. U. Kit CKllATM. cnton i rD, VJ, lT5-ts Cvtuutor. i;i s lain nn., und 1). I, Cliepln, i vli in. siilllvnn ciiimy, I'a. All r'ruons lmvtr caltim aifidnsitlietslateil the dictdtnt, me reiiiilsted to ,v. m i, uui, ,H, nun in hl, inuet'citio lliHrstiitetpuiakepanutilto Iho tUsdsruL-nt pit mlliWralor'H vvltliuiit iMiiy. I', I . II.MN, .Ncvv Columbus? janwt. Admlnutrtcrs. EIiANK NOTFis.wllIi or wliliis eanui tiut Ir tain ut thu Cuhuwaw cwiHT Xr'XT$)-BiM, molo ami female, to .J ...itiln,.lur'H "-ylU'i-o. Fourtisii thousand retntleil by rne. Anntliar n-rii.w, n j "Ji0 ro'jW 'n thlitiUtsr than I can i.n u Il0,im - , U,1I1 , ,., anvtsui. Mrn kii.ctcn. a