Miscellaneous. Wise Sating,, None hnvo low prnUo tlinn thoto who limit most after it. A pnnlntmto nun rides n linrso that ruii i nwny with him, Two centurion nirn not etio person In a hundred tvoru stockings. The host wny to condemn bad trnlU l. by practicing good niiM. .Slialcpspoaro died on thu niinivcnmry of his htrtli, and ho did Hafaotlo. A life ol full nnd comtnnl employment U t!i" puly sale and happy one. If a man clients yon mice, Mum.- him ; If nfoSMiil time, i!in yoiiwlf. Our greatest glory consi? not in never fnlliiif, hut tn rising every time we full. Camphor lint been dlcovrred to he nn antidote to that terrible poio:i strychnine. Thero h n hnue,in Purls which sells an nually half a million pairs of wooden shoes. Tho great dlffcrcnco between men, the great and Insignificant, is energy. A lady describing an ill-natured man says "he never smiles but he feels ashamed or it." If you wMi hens to lay eggs plentifully, have n pan ol lime-water always in their coops, llo who never gives ndvieo and ho win never takes it aro oliko unworthy of friend ship. A man that astonishes at first soon makes pcoplo impatient if lie docs not continue in the sumo enlivening key. A Detroit boy says he doesn't want to die until lie gets used to it, so it won't hurt so bad. It is as difficult for revenge to net without exciting suspicion as for a rattlesnake to stir without making a noise. Jtoney in your purse will credit you; wis- Horn in your head will adorn you j both your neccsily will serve you. Money ami time have both their value, He w ho makes n bad use of tho ono will never mako a good use of tho other. 1'aticnce and attention will brine us far. If a cat watches long enough at tho mouse notes, tlio mouse shall not escape. Tho gleeful laugh of happy children tho best homo tmnic ; and the graceful fig urea ot childhood aro tho best statuary. o must row with tho oars wc have ; and as we cannot order tho wind, wo arc obliged to sii with the wind that Providence gives, Eury man thinks thatdesar's wife ousli to bo nlmvo suspicion; but ho is far less particular as to what CVwar himself ought to be. There are some who write, talk and think- so much about vico and virtue, that the have no time to practice cither the one or tho other. h'ortuno has been considered tho guardian .1 -c i i . . r . U'""J 01 ioois; ana sho is certainiv very l.ln.l ! . " ' in iicipiog tnoso who cannot help. ineinscivcs. It was remarked by Dionvsius. tho tonh ist, in counselling moderation in nlMnnre "that honey should he eaten from tho tin of ice linger. ' It is very well to blush w hen vou aro dp tected in a.mean act ; hut vou had a ptp.i1 deal better blush when you first think of committing it. Nono are so seldom found alone, and are i.itu in mcir own company, as those coxcombs" who are on the best terms with themselves. It is our duty not only to scatter benefit -.vn u, Buun junvers ior tno sake ot our lellow-truvelers in the pathway of this 1 derful world. mi tiiero aro two elements of success in the world, (lattery and insolence; eomo Use one moue, some the other, hut the most success. mi two both or cither, as tho position letjuires. Half the reputations for wit that pass cur rent in fashionable life are based on ill. natured sayings of persons who would find iMiimcultto obtain any notice in society except by censorious observations. rpi. .. - - . - Alio separation ot friends hy death is less terrlblo than tlio divorce of true hearts that have loved, but have ceased to sympathise, while memory is still recalling what they i cio io cacti otner. The great designs that have been digested and matured, and the great literary works uiamavo uecn begun and finishcd.iu pr's ons, prove that tyrants have not yet disov cred any chains that can fetter the mind. All deep feeling ogrco in this, tlmt: tw seek for solitude and are nursed bv snlihnh. Deep grief, deep love-how naturally do these ally themselves with religious feelings; and all three, love, grief, religion, are uuuiuera oi solitary places. Tim 1.-.,:.. r - ..l -i , ...u iau ui ii ouiiu ono year old, for tho first time, resembles n largo and superb camclia, with its ivory nerves, veined with delicate rosy traces, and elsewhere of a Palo blue. Wo say "ivory" for want of a uetier term ; it is an immaculate white, 1 T I How to ltuilil Up a Place. Thero can hardly bo a greater sign of pros perity in a community than n disposition to help one nnother-Hft a little when a neigh- uors wnecl gets ttuck in tho mud. no know of a place where a man's barn wan an uis winter's stores of grain and hey were consumed by firo in tlm nM,r im mediately all the men of the country side mustered and hauled up timber for a new barn, and then a big raising camo off. After that tho sound of twenty or more hammers were heard until tho wholo was shingled and sided. Hut their deed of kindness was not uone yet; ono after another offered to take a head of stock and winter them for him, thus greatly reducing his loss aud assuring his l ol more durable riches of brotherly love, and neighborly good will. No ono can computn in money tho value of ono smh osampU of noblo liberality in a community especially in iU influencoupon the young. When this spirit prevails there is euro to ba progress in a placo even if all tho im provements are in their iiifunrv. V rutin will come and scttlo in a place which bears aucii a good namo Now, if you desire to aeo your placo growing popular, do what you can to show yourself a eood nohrhhnr. especially to thoso who need a little extra ncip. If a man starts a tin shop or n black. wnith's shop in your place don't harness up mm unvu uve miles to buy your pans and get your horses shod because you lmvo been in the habit of doing it. l'ntronlzo the new comer when you want anything done in his lino. Speak encouragingly to him and well ot him to your neighbors. Little words of approval or of censure go a long way, nnd when oncoyou have stoken them you can not call them back. Help tho sick especially if they are poor, for poverty and illness are Indeed a heavy burden. Perform all acts of loving charity which full day by day in your mth. reinem- berlug who it is that has Bald, "Vo shall in no wio Jose your reward," jfid Whipping Horses. I would caution nil who train or tie horses ngnlnxt exciting tho Ill-will of the animals, Jinny think they aro doing finely, niul nro proud of their success In horfc tmliilng br means of severs whipping nr otherwise rousing nnd stimulating tho pas stein, and then, from necessity, crushing tlio will through which tho resistance is prompt ed. No mistake can he greater than this; nnd thero is nothing that so fully inhibits the ability, judgment and skill of tho real horseman as tho enro nnd tnct displayed in winning instead of lepelllng tho action of tho mind. Although it may be necessary to use thu whip sometimes, It should always be applied judiciously, nnd caro should be tnkonjiot to louse the passions or excite tho will to pbstlnacy. Tho legitimate and proper use of tho whip is calculated to op erate on tho sense of fear almost entirely. The affections nnd better nature must be appealed to In training horses as In training a child, but If only tho p. lotions nro excited, tho effect is depraving and injurious. This is a vital principle, aud can bo disregarded in the management of sensitive, courageous horses only tit tho imminent risk of spoiling them. I hnvo known many horses of nat urally gentle character to bo spoiled by being whipped once, and one horse that was made vicious by being struck witli a whip ouco whilo standing in Ids stall. 1 have scferrcd to thoso instances to show the danger of rough treatment, and tire effect that may bo easily produced by ill usage, especially with tine blooded horses and those of highly nervous temperament Many other cases might bo cited, as such are, by no means uncommon. Sensitive horses should never bo left after they havo been excited by tho whip or other means until calmed down by rubbing or patting tho head and neck and giving apples, sugar, or something of which tho nninuil is fond. Remember tho whip must bo used with great care, or it is liable to do mischief, and may cause irreparable injury. How ortcn Slionhl Cows ho .Milked. Regularity In tlio milking of cows is of as much importance ns regularity in feeding them. Inn state of nature, the cow is re lieved of its milk a great many times each day. A calf allowed to remain with its mother will help itself seven or eight times each day. Under such circumstances tlio udder of tho cow will remain small, and if allowed to retain tho milk secreted during the twelve hours, feverish symptoms are likely to bo produced. Tho practice of milking cows more than twice in twenty- four hours causes the capacity of tho udder to he greatly increased, and probably helps in maintaining the lacteal secretion long after pregnancy has taken place. When, however, by an artificial system, tho cow lias been enabled to retain her milk without in convenience for twelve hours or so, sho ought to bo milked regularly every day at tho same hour. When tho timo for milking arrives, the udder usually becomes distended to its utmost capacity, and if tlio milk isnotspced lly removed, tho animal suffers considcrablo pain. Cases of fever, tho result of allowing inimalsto remain too long unmilked, are. indeed, by no means of unfrccptcnt occur rence. Jt is especially necessary to attend to this point for some days after the animal lias brought forth its young, for during that period very littlo irritation of the lacteal or gans is likely to bring on that most fatal of ill maladies, fever. If milking bo too Ion;: delayed, nature will try to help the poor animal, An absorption of milk into the blood w ill to somo extent take place, and that which remains in the udder will becomc- dctcrioratcd. When neglect to milk a cow at tho regular timo is repeated several times the secretion of tho fluid is permanently checked ; and thero are many cases where by such neglect, nn nnimal iias becomo dry in less than a month. Irish Farmer's Gazette. Cltows. Wc seo it recommended to sat urate corn intended for planting, in liquid poison so that crows when they eat it will die. Wo hope our farmers will not be guilty of such an act. There is no bird that flics that destroys more worms and destructive insects than the crow. lie saves tho farmer hundreds of dollars in this way, and what are a few grains of corn? Ho needs them, poor fel low, for digestion, just as much as tho farmer himself needs corn cako after having eaten bread made of wheat flour for six months. Don't disturb the crow. Ho is a thief by nature lmt this ho cannot help Givo him irce range nnd if ho steals worms let him steal a littlo corn. Uutler Jferahl. A crow will cat a bushel of cut-worms. before ho will take ten cents worth of corn. Modern Courtship. The system of love, courtship and mnr- riago has undergone very radical changes sinpe the days when Jacob devoted a consid crablo portion of his life to winning Leah, the tender eyed, and Uachacl tho beautiful. V ho, in this ago of steam, electricity and Atlantic cables, could devoto seven years to paying thoso laborious attentions which havo juatly come to bo called "serious" so serious, indeed, that in many instances the lasiimnablo pair are oppressed by a sad feci ing of soberness during tlio remainder of their lives? Even Jacob himself, did ho live in our time, would scout at tho idea as preposterous. Fancy "tho girl of the period" bombarueil with flowers, at the rato ol ten dollars per boquet, during seven mortal winters! Calculato how many miles of Germans" the aspirants would dance du ring that spaco of timo I Imagino the innu merable cups of tea ho would imbibe in the domestic circlo whilo on such long terms of Intimacy with ids beloved's family. No physical system could stand it. The most robust man would break down under tho or deal. Kven Patrick himself, who from carlv youth has been brought up to constant and "vero labor, would find it impossible, while kapcing company" with Uridcet, to "ice cream ana iiiscoorso her" for seven consecu tive years. Tho world was made in seven days; but many of tho enterprising youth of tlio present ngo havo shown that all tho courting necessary before nia.-riago can bo accomplished in much less time, Jncob to tho contrary notwithstanding. Xcu York livening I'osl, A countryman bought a shirt in Italeiirh. N. 0. Was tho first white shirt ho ever owned. Tho next Bunday ho was to bo murried, and that was the important occa sion that had Incited him to tho purchase Tho shirt had a nice starch bosom, aud was open in tlio back a style that was now to its possessor. Aftcrcareful study ho put it on with tho opcniiig in front, concluding that the still' bosom was intended as a kind of shouldcr-braco to mako him stand erect. Thus dressed, ho met the brido at the church door; buther knowledgo was greater than his about shirts, and sho made him uo homo nnd reverse his garment before she would allow tho ceremony to proceed. Ulack-eycd ladies are most apt to bo pus! elonata aud jealous, llluo-cyed, soulful, truthful, affectionate, and confiding. Gra cyed, philosophical, literary, resolute, cold- hcurtod. JIazel-oyed, quick-tempered aud fickle. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, 13LOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA VEGETINE strikes nt tlio root ot rtlsonso by purlfj lntr tho bloort roMorlntf tho llvpr nnd kldnovs f io ncaiui healthy action. invigorating the nor ous system. VUOKTIXH ts not n t llo, nauseous compound, which simply I'mikv-, mu i u mile, mms'llll irmi'dy whlfh Is sure to pnrlij the blood, ai.d thereby ru- r t I4 Ilia tiA.i1 It. fitoro the health. VKOF.I'INU Is now prnsprlbfrt In i ,iros of scrofula nnd other uieucsw uio iii'ithi. u ni my iti mo nest pinsi. olnns, owhu lolls grunt suauss In uuilhrf uhillj. L-anua VI lull u.ii.iirti. VKOIU'INH Does not docelvo Invalids Into fulsehoposliv purglne uiiil emitting n tlitllnms nypctlto, but usMsts nnluro In clearing and pmlf.i mg tlin link- sj stem, leading VIX1CTINK Was looked upon nsnn rxperhncnt for somo limp by some of our hiwt tilivHirl,iii4 imr. immq mn.t i,.ni....L idous in rcgnrd to Us merit nro now Its most nrdnt in imiuuu, nuiiuiiers. VEGBTtXB Instead uf being a pulTed-up inedlc'no has worked its way up tolls astonishing present suoccss liv nct iml merit In curing nil diseases ut the blood, of ifiuiii'iir illume. VRUkVTlNK Civs n Huston physlrl.in, "Ins no piiunl ns n lilnml purlller. Hearing of Us mi' j won lerttu cures nfler nn uiiiti n-iiu ii umi i iiieii, i viiueil lllij tnuur.uo- ry innl com lne il m self uf Its geiinluo nitrll. Itts liren.ired frum turks, units und lierlis, eneli uf which is nigiiiy envelop, nnd they nr.1 compounded In such iimuun lia ig I'lUllUieillWIIltlllllg rCSUIlS. VEGUTINK Is ncknowlediciinm! recommended In lihyMelniis iipoth'-cailiH to bo tho iH-Mpurliler nnd cleanser Ilunrnfdit hn l.ninlu..i K..i,..n.i ., i i.i. tlunl" !' " V UVV II U151UIIU lUIICtlilJI, fKOOE WHAT IS NKI5DBD. MiMMLSttssi I"srov,rcb.W,lsi. f ,I.i?rSlrmV,0'!t on? yc!r plnco ' ,0'""1 myselt In n ...v.u.u,,,ii,iii,ni, Ki-iiL-uii oeiiiiiiy, ..ui.ri.K was 'trungly r.comineiuli.(l to mebyn frl-ndwho nnd been much lnuieillted by Its use. I prueured tho nrtlelo nnd after using so crol liolt es, w ns restored to heal h nnd discontinued Its use. I feel qullo eunil ilent that there Is no mcdlelno suiv-rlur to It for thoso complaints fnr which It Is especially prepared, mid would cheerfully recommend it to thoso ho feci iiniiMi V, A . ,r '".'Vsluru "le,n i peireot Firm of S. w. rcttcnglll & Co.', io state Et'uoston. ,, t'INCINVATI.NOV.Sd, !ST2. Jill. II. It. STKvnvQ f ' ' Hear tlr Tim twn linftieqnf vwnRnvr fi.t,.,.A., "';' u"r ngent.my who has used with ga'tit l'or a long timo sho has been ti-ouWcl wlthdl7.1 n41?1.i;.0',V, cn.?',''! Iheso troutiles nro now in lm ly removed bv tho nso of VHdtn iNi:. ueulllty; und h.isbecn grentlv "'.V i""'"icu wun uys K'psi i nnd general m n.is meii greatly lieneiltted. 111US. (HUM MOUK, 2 walnut street. FEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. Xatick, .Ma;s., Juno 1st, is"2, Jin. It. If.SrEVFvs- .,K ?,,rr1;i,l5ll?,n i10 ""Ivtpo nnd earnet persua- forod for ears. ' " ' l"' "'"' 1 hnvo used only two bottles nnd already feel mv self anew man. Itcpeet fully, Dr. J. W. OAUTHl!. Ileport from n I'ractiarl Chemist awl Apothecary, IIOSTOV. .Tun. 1. 1ST J TJCarlr Ttitlneoptlf,. tli.in...Anni,in. '(nil li0-1.,"'2, '""') of your ViaiunN-Kuneo , i5.i u uK,","11 trulv M. ,ll,lt " ghen tho !if?innfS,sH. wltl;nlltsomoof my piiWners tes." Ilfy to Its merits on thumselres nr their frtcn ls. I f cngnljant of several eases of -eroftilous rinit J v . ' nlJn,) 'n this l unity. Very respectfully jours, ,, A-1. OILMAN-, 4iis, nroadway. To II. It. Stevens, Esq, J Vegetino is Sold by all Driunnsts. March 6, 'T5-ly 00 JKW STOCK Oh CI.OTillXC)." AND Gentlemen's Dtohs Goods DA VI ) LOWK.VniOIta Invites attention to his largo a'jd elegant stock ol top and FasiiioiWe Clotliiui, at his store on JI.U.V STItEKT, IN THE NEW 1II.0CK, IlLOOMSHUltn, l'A., whero ho has Just received from New Yoi k nnd Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable and muia-tomx DRESS GJOODS, CONSISTING OP BOX SACK', FItOCK, CiUJI. AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, 01' ALL BOItTS SIZES AKD COLORS, llo has also replenished his already Iprgo Mock ots CLOTHS AND CASS1J1EHE0, FIflUHKO AND PLAIN VESTS, STItlPEP, 'SHIItTS, CI1AVATS SOCKS. COLLARS, IIANDKEItCIIIEKH, OXOVES, HUSPENDEHS, AND ARTICLES. FANCY IU has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment of Cloths and Vcfctings, which ho prepared to mako to oriler Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing 13 made to wear and most ot It Is of homo manufacture. (iOLI) WATCHES AND JKWELRY, OF EVDIty DESCItllTION, FINE AND CIIKAP. HIS CASH OF JL-WnUlY 13 NOT SUni'ASSM) IN THIS FLAW-:. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS HENKltAL AHSOHT SII5.NT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewl ry, &c. DAVID LOWENDEItG. July l.TS-tf. "yyAINWKKIHT A CO., " WHOLESALE (HlOCEItS, N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Stroejs, 1'lllUDEt.rilll, Dealers In rKAS, BYKUl'S, COFFEE, Sl'OAIt, J10LAH8ES KICK, UrlCKS, BICAKB SODA, &, AC, lirordcrs wlA receive prompt nttentlon. ei.T-lf OltK In the ear received on eubdcrlptlons 1875 THE COLUMBIAN Xcwspnpcr, tho largest sheet published in Columbia county, neatly printed on Xcw Type, will contain nil the current News of the Day, and n condensed account of l.r.GISLATlVK and CONCUUJSSIONAl. . l'UOOUHDIXaS, with explanation nnd comments upon all important measures proposed In cither: roirntY and sono. MISCKLLANKOUS KIUDINCi, AOHICULTUKAL AND SCIENTIFIC SUIIJliCTci, AVill also engross a large proportion of its columns. The DOMESTIC CONCERNS OV COLUMBIA COUNTY, Will receive particular attention, nnd all local ndiilrs proper for publication will bo carefully laid before our readers. THE POLITICS OF THE STATE AND NATION Will receive constant attention, and the character and official conduct of PUBLIC MEN Will bo presented to our readers, from time to time, in life-like attitude and with entire iustice and firmness. No frauds shall bo committed upon tho Pcoplo or Wrong done thorn without full ex posure in tho columns of tho Colu.miiian. COUNTY MATTERS. All official county adcrtiscmcnts appear in this paper, as will also intelligent synoj sis of the proceedings of tho Courts and the actions of tho County Officers when of pub lie interest. The Coi.UMhiAN already lias much the largest circulation of any paper in the coun ty more than tho combined circulation of the other papers and is the only paper printed in the county that supports tho prin ciplcs and time-honored usages of the Dcm ocratic party. Its circulation and conscnuen usefulness may, however, be much extende if its friends will use their influence to stir lurthcr add to its list of subscribers. At additional patronage will he requited by im proving the paper, by adding to its editorial and reporlorial force and increasing the quantity of its reading matter. As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM The CoLUJiniAN is unapproached in this quarter of the State, and our JOBBING FACILITIES ire superior to any other. Our friends are invited to call at the oflic whenever they enmeto Bloomshurg. STiSPSSE Uie only Hdialilu (lift Distribution in the Country I $.100,000.00 XIST VALUABLE GIFTS I TO HE DISTIIII1UTED IN L. D. SINES' 46 Ih Semi-Anmtul GIFT ENTERPRISE! Tu he drawn Monday, March 20th, 1875. One OraiKl Cniilliil I'i !., iplO.000 IN GOLD ! One Prize $5,000 in Silver ! Five Prizes.Sl .000) pivo Prizffl, boo Each in Cash . Ten Prizes, $100 J Two Family CnrrhiKCS nwl MiitchcJ Ilorfss with Silvcr-motintcd llnrnens, worth 1.000 each I Two Iltipglcs, Horses, Ac, worth SCOO each Two Finc-toucd Itoscwooil Pianm wortli ?S50 each I Ten Family Sewing Machines, wortli $100 each I 1000 Gold and Silver Lever Jluntiny Wateha in till, worth from $20 to i'MO each I (IOLD CHAINS, SILVEIi-WAIIL', AC, Ac. xmuiim or guts 10.000 TICKETS LIMITED TO fiO.OOO AflENTH WANTED TO HULL TICKETS, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid, felnula Tickets tS MxW-tstW; TwelvoTlrkflS , , lio; Tnenty-me Tlrktafio. Circulars contalulniru full list of prlzen, a descrlp llonof tho inaiinerof drawing, mid oilier liiforinu tlun In refereneo to the dlntilbutlon, will to bent to uny ono ordering them. All letters mubt ho adUiei!. ed to uihcc. hxcclolor Ilulhrir, J. I. Sl.vi;, Uox m, CINCINNATI, O. Feb VI, IHll-tw BLANKS! BLANKS FOI'. HA 'J? AT TUB COLUMBUS OFF1CL. 1875. J . J' KVAiNy' I H1JADY MAD li AND CUSTOiVI MADE CLOTHING. HI! I1ABT1IE ANU laiP'OYSTHU BEST WO II KM EM PorOond Fits nnd Promptness In tilling orders met o is mo pnico io go. Ill goods nro selected with caionndhlaClTs'iil.M WOUK will coinpnre favorably with tho best effort of thu fasldonnblo City Dealer. hi: keeps a lahoe stocic of BOYS' & CHILDREN' CLOTHING AND GEXTLKMEK'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prleos. A. .1. EVANS. July I, 1813-tf. A FIRhT CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILA' AND WEEKLY IiulepeiHlciit in Everything ! iNeutral in iSotlniig, ())pose(l to nil Corrupt Piings in jMumeipal, r-tute iind iSntioiiitl Alliiirs. THE DAILY Tl.MUS wlllhn l,sued onSntiirdaj-.tne 13th n. .March next, nnd every nioriilej: therenrtir, miikI.hh t'ceiite(l. under thu I'Ullorlal direction uf A. K. Meclure, printed ennipactly rn-mcltur, new lpe, on a I.iiro fullu fliert, eorilnhilniJI tne liens ii! Hi- day, Iticlii.lli. t.ui Amk ia I E Pl!ls TDI.E- i.it.nir-, ieeiai leieKnims nun I'dinponilince iiifi. .ui jiviun vl lULfii-M, nvil lUHll'M eillllTlill (life- ciishliiiinf cunciit tuples. Pike. TWO LWIS. -Mull buberiilluii. pustule nee, s-lx dollars per """in. i urn- .u iiiuiiiii. in uuviiuri.'t AdveitU'inui ts, llfteen, twenty und thlity cents 111JL, liLLUlllilJ IU jiUSIllUU. The Weekly Times Mill ho Issued on Saturday, .March anh, werkly thenufter, eontoliilni? nil linioiiunt news of tliu ei k, iinu ecmpieie .M.irkei and 1 lnancl.il Itepoi ts. -Mnll.d, fcrone Jear, pottag-o free, nt tho following (lno Copv $1.00 , a. oil Tuentv I'linles i en i upies All Kit I'ISKMHN'i s twontv-me cents tier line. 1(1. o l'elllttSlieeS Should lm tmillnttc llr.iftmir lnt lf. lice orders. Address THF TIA1Ii:S. No. 14 South scventhMiccr, PllII,AI)i:i.I'IIIA. BLOOMSBURG U 4 S'?-iVx MARBLE WORKS, T. I. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN HTltL'LT, IlKLOW MAIIKLTT. Manufacturer of and L'ealcr in all kind of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOPKS U'ouso tho best AMIIUICAN and ITALIAN .MniWe. llo has on hand and f urnhhos tu order MOXUMKNTfci, TO .MI1S, JIK.YDSTONKt:, UltXrf, VAS1CS, Ivcrv variety of Jfarhln eutiin ne.itu KM.entn.i .i t iDiowesi maricet, pueos. A iDtitr praeilealespi rlcnce and personal attention In builiiess makes thu propili-tor conlldent of irtvliiL' satt' faction. All ordi.'rs bv nmil nnn.n tu ntti-mi. n 11. I fori delivered free uf curyiVXBa Auj. 21, 'Tl-ly. T. L. Ut-'XTON, Proprietor. ISAIAH HAGENBUCE DllALL'R IN STOVES & TINWARE, IH.OOMSIIUIIO, PEX.VA., Has tho pleasure of lutroduclns to tho Public A NEW AND SUl'ElUOll 3 THE "ECLIPSE," A new and hontitirtil KIiivp. fnr wnrwl nrennt. Ho nl. ho lit'eps conslniilly on hand a laigu liud billed uuiui iJiirui, ui UUKT COOKINU SIOVKS, 1'AHI.OIt STOVJJS, 1KO.V WKAlt In eieat variety, TIN WAIti:,.vc.,,c,.xc., which lio will nisnose of nt thu lowest rates fur enli or approved credit cm hhurttlnie. All urtli li s war ranted us leiuoscnted, llo lespcetlully bullclts n sharu of public patronuse. i EENW00!) SEMINAR Y- NKXT TICUM IIKOINS Monday, August 3d, 1874. For particulars, Address, II. II WHITACItlf, MlLI.VH.LK, l'A, .tiiniVTI-tf vrlMMl,. ATOTICK Is hercliv Ldv'cn lluit tho Illnni,.., 1 1 bui-gdnj company will put In w rvlee pl and riml-h meters to I he citizens nf lipsuntiburif tor fli.5l Wlliro till, lllstlilir-ii friun ttui lr..,.t (Iiu-m iir.f excecdwifeeti excess uf mi feet uin u clmrireil at tllH riltf lit Ml CfiitU n..r tiwtt itnlll Wi.nlmnl.i. Il, i( . .. w c'W. UIUKli,iiccrstary. . - if . vs-ji-.TT sr j.' ia, if - -Ft LI, DISTUIIU T10N. Fiiist Ciit ni (Jut Co.c:i.nr. Ma!;pelierFtii3.lB:Tt!mii;AsS'Cialh AT At.CXAVnniA, VA. r,2Aitc:2 ao, 1075. i.iit of oinu l tlmnd t'nsli nut l 1 1 in ml cash inn. I orund i 'auli nirr 10 Mill Oltts, limine each In Oimli (lifts, Mw eneli . W Ciuth (ilftn, 1 uno iwu to) Cash (lifts, (fmeucn 1 i t'Mtji Ulfls, imi i'ii.'I I nil cash OtfW, fi imeh 5 im conhtiliiB, u each ' 28 ITS Cnfh (lifts, nmr-iinllng to..,. II ..III Mi urn . 11m 111.. , 1 11 eiH 4110 tun ,JI two Gun Number of Ticket, Hit) IHIO. nun: or ricKnis. Wlmlo Tickets .'0 1 1 Unites pi fio ipl.ilte! MM l.lghths unwell ( oiiinm a fj.'v '1 kkets for Kioiiil Tho .Mi nt -5'tlft Female llnln;ili" Vsxneliitlun. elmr teniil by Hie l.utlntiiri- nr ii-l'IhI i nml ihe i in ml , uilll Ul 111 II lljfl! L-ll., piUPlll'll in a c.riiini I. Ill l nil- celt toostablliii nml einluwa "lloiiie fur tlio Old llillriil. mid Devtltllte Ijiitles i f VItlIiiI i." nt Muni. tHller, Ihu funner Itslclei.eu uf PicMdent .linncH ititusun. . (lournor'sonice. Itlchuiond. ,lulv n. 1ST!. It nlTordi luo pleasure to M that I nut willae itunliitcdwlttmiirgo in.ij. ril of (l:o oillei rsnt Hie Moiitin-llir Peiniile Illumine Association, whuresldu in uie iicuiiij i.i my uuine, ami I attest tneir tut 111 iretieu nnd tlirtr uurth mid hljih lepulattuii hsri'Ii iienien, nsHii astiie pubiie conilili'tiee, Inllm lice aiidsiib-taiitl.il mentis llls-rnllt rcpienti d ninunjf .. '..'ii.r. i i i. ni -r.il. uuv, iruiuni. Alexanilrii, V.i.,.iuiy, i,u.-" 1 com mend u i I "X""" in iiuiiur ami linearity, mid fully en. , 1 ii" 1 1 1111111-111 it ui i in- illume. It. IV. lirilll.H. I . N .llMl.ri. I.'iibt'l. till, ,.f Vn I'lirllier lefereiievs tij pel mission! Ills lixcellcn'cy V.,l..'v "iiiiccr, i.x-ciuM'iiior, or in. nun. now, J.. w liners, i.ieut.-(iiiv., uf Va., nnd I'. M. hciuitur elect! Mii.itets nnd members uf Congress from Va. helnlltaiiees fur tickets may bo lu.ido bv express ihhi'ii iiuii.;uiih-u inuiie.v-ui;-"r uu wasuincriun, it, I'., ur liv 1 ee Mi n i li tii.i'. " ' 1-ur full jiartlculurs, testimonials, Ac., send for Cir cular. Address, HON. JAJlfcs HAHIIOL'lt, Pres t M, V. II. A.. Alexandria, Vn. l.ellablo nsents Hnntedeverj where. .lnn.2ij,'s-Jw NEW GOODS! A JJEAVY STOCK, Cheaper than SverJ S. H. MILLER & SON Hiivo Just Received tlio largest innl bci-t supply ol CHEAP AND" FASHIONABLE DEY GOODS They Juvo ever oifi'ied tuuicir frlintU nna cu turners. Cloths, Cassiinoi'63, awl Satiaetta for JIKX'ri WKA15, Cloths, jVInpacus, Merinos', for LADIIVfc! YKh, CALICHKS, MlMNS, tAjllJHKy, nml eery variety of Dry Clooils ilesireci, Caipcta, Matn, Ottoman, in great variety niul-at die LO WEST CAH PRICES . FAMILY GROCERIES, inelmlliiK all the vaiieties uf COKKKKS, TJ''A.S ami SUCAKri, COUNTRY PKODUCE, anil a general supply nf articles ii-efnl fur the table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Connlty piniltiec of all kinds taken in ex change fur guilds at ca'li piicvs. Oct. sii,';i-tr CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY IILOO.MSIIUKO. PA. 31. C. SI.OAX & UltOTIIKU TTAVK on band and fur sale at the mo.-t reasonable rates a splendid stock of and every description of Wagons both PLAIN and PANCV, Warranted In lie made c.f the lip-t and mosl dnral le uiuccTiuis, uii'i uy tne inusi exporleiiccd uurkmeii. .miiuiMeiii uin nuiii inn r-stiiiiisui:ioiu xv itl ne tound to be uf the hltrlicH class ami sine tu irlw hit. feet sathfaetlcm. They Iuiv e aNoa tine assui tuient uf SLKIGIIS oi nil tne nnnost aud most faslilonal Io sf les well iiiiciciii-eiuiiy maitennitur tne nesi mateilul. An luspectlni of their work H asked as Itlsbe- iieveu mai. none supi't tor can no round lutliocouii. try. July l, lT3 tr. So.Min'iiiMi roit you. Send stamp and p t It. Address, I , D. Ill'IlST, ,.iii' i, ..inMiu uuii, iew ruiK. A UKNJS WANTl-D J. Ijr t.io fadebt Mdllnir book cier pnbllslied. ml for sue'mon ii gi-s nnd nur e.xtra te.ms tu Atrents. NATIONAL 1'bllLIMill.MI CO., Piiilaiiki. I'iiiA, Pa. LIKE OF l IJlN(,STOTli Anowbiidk, ciiinpnte. nutlienlle and reliable, enn talnluv his explui.iilnus and ilhemi rles In tli" wIMs uf Xfrlea, sell rnpldlv at low prices trt suit the lluius, AlsotlmMi:sslAII, ly Phv. Wm. M. Hlll.it. fur all il.'iHiiiilli.ukh- an i i client Murk Issued In n hand some kt.Me. our family hulks aro lUieuiinllcd rer fit;, les and prices. , AcifilllS Winilod "''!' ". tll("'0 ''ouksnt Cllbrj Vif rUlUll ee, Ulicinlteuns. Ailureih lAKPUCITY PniLLSHlNin-O., Phil i.lalpliia Im. THE MASON & IIAULIN ORGANCO., Winners of Three Hl;lnst Medals und Diploma of Honor, nt Mennii. 7.1. and Paris, (17, now infer the 1- nest ,siirtmcnt of tin- liesti iiUiictingaiis In thu iurld, lucluilhig new n.iles i.lth recent Impruie. mcnis, nut onlv exchism-iy fur cush, ns formerly, but nko un New Pliusuf llasy Puj melds, I lio hum fa vurable exer ollcrcd. organs lleulcd with PHillego nf Purchase, to almost nnv pari or tho country. I lrst payment WW) or upwiirds. Illustrated Cntalngucs and c'trcul.iis, with full parlleulars, sent freu on le (Uest. Addrc'13. M.so ,c IIAMI.IN OIKIAN CO., lai-fm, Nuxv Vosk or txitoago Kvcryliody'ri uavii PIi vsiciiin ll.V W. (II KAMIN. M. II. A lllllL'llltlcellt. milium n. 4sS pages-bi-iiutltiillv llliistinled nnd eleiiiitlj buiiuil. I'ontalns mntlir Just adapted tu thu wants uf eiery fanillj. oxers') engravings, onu Agent sold I n copies lu uno week-, anutlier wi In thrco dajs, larsfree. Address nt uncn. II. .N. .McKe.xnev k 10. 725 Minsnni st I'lillailehiUIa. Au'('li"H ' 11I('(I lbl' Prof. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK On .Mimliood, Womaiiliuud and their Mutual Inter- KClattullS! I IIVU. 1IH I llU-ri. l'nv..l- ..If. Iin.i.Iu .1... selling frum ix tu 2.x copies a day. K-nd fur sped. ...... n nm, ,1-iiua k, nni-iii, iinu m'U xvilj ll sells iiiniei -nun nnv uuier iiiiuk. Aiires-s, NATIK.NAI PlillMMIlNOCO., Patladelplila, im. IlItAVi: HOOK I "WHAT WOMAN' mWIM KNOW," A Woman t Hoot about Women, by a Woman Mr. i ji, iniyey J Tho onlv weak of tlio kind oicr wrltti.ii in- n woman, Isa mccsi-lty lu every household, In linen tlio iiutclty und eminent piuctictilucss cmiles an Immense deiiiaiid. Nutttlthstainlliiij thu dullcalu hllblec ts meessurllv In utci). It UuiTll.n in kiir-n brave inuoH lens will nut (fiend the most fablMI ous, I jul v iigeuls never had sii.'h uu uiiuiluiiUv lu inaksi ilium v nnd do gcssl Terms und sainplu Wieets innllid flee uu luiiinsll.ito uppllcatlun, J, .M. h'lOliK.Mtr&t'ii., Pldlaitelpld.i. Pih 20-31 Miiiyliiml l-'yo nnd Kar rintituto Ml Noith ('llllllos Ktlocl. ll.nlMmr.rn. xia OKOIKIK KKI'I.INO, SI. II., jite I'ufesur of Pvo and fair burgeiy in tlio Wukhliigtou Uiilvcnd- tv, hurgiun in ihnrgoi Iholargehamlsuiiioicsililencocf tliu luteciimiiii meuts nduptul In tlio lulesl KIiwiIsi f Luione fur llmLivMnl Ii-. nh....iil.f M.iu i...h... ,i ' '. r viinoiE.has bieu Ilttcd up with all Hie hiiiuoiu. ply hy letter to ULoitui; Jim LlNii, si. D. 1 i ouiuvuii iu vuanre. N11011T rosiTONliMKST -DAY rtXEl) COUNTY PA .A I'M w" 13"--' - Qvov Thivlyfonv Competitor Standard 'SgBfflM hGsInutStHILRDElPHW .JIl . i- -- IU RAIL tOAD TIME TABLES, nn i la i) i: i,i' ii i a a::i it i:a i i i'o X. KAII.IKIAII. wixTini auhaxgi:jii:nt. NOV. 9th, 1574. TRAINS I.KAVE lltTEUT AS l Ol.t OWS (f CNI'AY K.XCEI'Trtl l'or Kcw Yuri.-, Philadelphia, lleudlnff, PottsMUo Tatnaqua, Ac, 1l,ra o. in Fur 1'ntawlwa, 11,33 u. in. and ",sr. p. m. l'or Wllllainspol 1,0,23 a. in. and -1,0(1 p. in. TRAIN'S I'OR Kl'I'KKT l.l'VB AS 10I.I.OWF, (Sl'NllAV E.X cnn-Ei'.V Leave New York, 9,0(1 a. in. I.e.ne Philadelphia, '.',l.'i a. in. I.eae Heading, 11,3 in. in., Pottsvillc, 12,10 p. in. nnd Tnmarpta, 1,r.n p. m. Leave CataHlssa, (1,20 a. m. nnd J.nn p. in. Leaio Wllimnstniit, !,j(i n. m. nnd t.,uo p. in. Passeiijfeis tn and from New Yorkund Philadel phia (jo through v llhutit c hniigo of cms. .r. i:. wool May i, lsi-tf. (icncral )iipei Intendent. TklCLAWAliK, I.Al'ICAWA.N.XA AX1) JLJ V 1-S l'i:l!N liAII.UOAII. r.I.OOMSUUlitl DIVISION-. Tluie-'lablj No. K, 'inkes encct nt J::i) A. .M. TIIPKSDVY, IlKCHJIIICi! 10, 1ST4. Mllil II. l. M. li.tn. P. t:l M'ATIOSS. I SOt'TH. 2.X s 1 151 "-eranton... IU 1 -I'l' Pi'lMlle... s S3 13 11 'ImMvllle. s 13 1 sa'...I.ri l-m.-niin. a. ill. p m. y.m. .! H S 1.M li H'l 110 '4 2 li ('. Kt lis a si bb r. 41 ho it -' 4t n tn in 2.5 2 Ii" 7 to 111 HI 2 ts 7 i i :i Pi ail - 11 ;i in a i a r in in in an 7 2:. 1 1 11 ru 11 21 7 Mi '". a 25 74 1 1 cm it a " .'41 ,11 ns m v r.s II 'ti a -m 12 it ts 11 n s 1.1 1 1 S3 4 15 S 85 III 4(42 85 11 f,:i 1 29 ti i n 12 1 1 !!.'. 7 0. 12 8 4 J.1 7 12 12 12 4 r. 1 7 IS (12 17 1 til 7 2.1 12 24 r. re. 7 as ,12 IB r. 12 7 47 12 2 12 1 1 1 .1.1 II 3 1121 II M 11 Ml I'l .IX s in 8 f7 8 '2 8 e.-i S 1(1 7 111 7 2.1 s r, 1 h 7 fO 1 11 7 ra 1 if, 7 4s 1 no 7 I 12 M 7 ti 1,1 7 .in 12 II 7 2S 12 MS 7 1.1 1 3 1 Itl-ll'll. . V.el.l I III I. ,11 . . Wo;il!llir Xi.'lltM . ..Kl.iK-tiin ... .litiiKi-'un l'P Ululilll -llllll1 ..I'MlH'l III ... ... . v -liilalii .. .. .Vjuitli-uke. 12 2il r. 1.' 1 1 .UtinhiCk's nek r. 1 la nl, ..Mil -kthlimv.. . n v, 11 44 ....IliA's fi n ... in cm it :i;ii....l'e.ieii innen. 0 r, 2 11 sil .... Pcnvlel; r. .",2 0 a 11 ti, iirlar 1 reck.... r.27 0 8 11 n!...i:iott-(;iuu'... C. 2'i fi 0.1 11 11 I.liui' lildgr 11 im r. .'.3 11 112 1 s.,v. .x r.s j.j 111 r..-, .. .1-1,1. m-i'.urt;... 12 37 .1 19 7 ft 41 ft 31 PI 3 I'lltavl- 11 llrldk'e. 12 4' ft 24 8 '2 ft 1" ft 30 10 4' . Ulark's Snitch. .il2 4.x ft 110 8 11 ft in ft 12 in 22 nomine ! 1 1.3 r, .is s r..x r. 01 ii im 112 cli'ita'-kv. ... , 1 11 r. is h 4S 4 M 4 f.7 1 ' US, (Ulnir Ill (1 (.3 S "m 431 4 4H ti ft .Mrllimubtilji.d.1 1 3 c, 2 p 20 a.m. p.iu. a.m.1 nm. 11.111. s.in. .. ..i s 1 1 .; JIUIICTI Ii Win T. I (U'NI). Siitit.' iiiip.-rlntendonfsofllce, Kingston, .March J, 1S74. CKNTUAI, ItAIIAVAY i.1 COMI'ANV. On nnd after November 211th. 1S73. tialns ttlllleaie hUNIlL'IIVns follows! KOIlTllWAlil). Die Mall r..in 11. in., untie L'lmlra .f,n a. m " I'liiiainlalgua... .!' p. in. " llocliester ft,i& " " Niagara v.io " l.'enovo accommodation 11.10 u. 111. nrtlxc Yll1:.ms port 12..V, p. tn. Khnlia.Miill4.ift 11. tn.,nirlie iriniira lo.coa.m. liurfnlo i:prcss 7.1ft a. m. ntihe Ihinulo s.fto a. m. .SOU'IHWAIII). llaffalo Kxprcss 2.to a. m.nnlielIairlsburg4.to a.m " IlaltInioieS.40 " Ehnlra.Mnll ll.i.xa. in., nnhe llairWairg l.rn p. m " Washington la.so " '" iidllinoiiii.3o " " V.'iisi.ington 8.S0 " Ilarrlsburg accommodation s.top.in.auho llarrls burg I0..X0 p. in. nrrlve llallltaoro 2.2.x a. m. " Washington CIS " l.'rlo Mall 1S.M n. in. nrrh 0 Hart NUui g 3.(.r. a.m. " llahlmoi'e s.40 . , . . ". Waslilngtoii 10.35 " All dally except .Sunday. 1). M. liovn, Jr., Ceneral Piissenger Agent A. J. CAiSATT, (K i.ei al Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiilaili'ljilila it I.'n'e K. , Hi iiun. WIXTEKTIJIK TAIH.i:. OSJ'",Ii"ftr 7i-vy. xoyi:mi!i:u i,-,ti,, ISiJ. 1 1 in nlnu (in 1 1 11 111 it ..1. .1. 1 . .. . liuad J.txt-lon uiiunasfulions! ' " nrsTiwuii). V A S T I, I N i: KiiUblldlcflilnin. lt.rs-,p.ui c'i".',1,1.1"1""-'-- W"P- ' .. "'"''"Micit.. 9.1.x p. m " nnlvent fliufulu .; ,"",Li' ' p. ui v.uo n. m i:HIH.vi.VIl. leaves Philadelphia ll.M p. tu 4,v.x a. 111 . s.iai a. in " " llurrlsbiirg " " Wllll.imsi'.itt ' " luck iluvc.i " " lilllGVO " nrr. at i:rle . D.4I, a, m . 11.10 a. m S.o.', p. m . 6.00.1,111 . 1.81 p. in. , CY.0p.ni, T.cop.m, L'LMlliAMAlLloavea Philadelphia... . " " 'I IlarrWaiig " " arr. at Lock Haven LOCK IIAVLN ACCOM, leaves IlarUxbuif 9.16 a. m " JVlHlamsiviitaxp. m " Lock llutenl.il) p. in EAST WA HI). Plli; a i;XPlii:ss leaves Ijjckllatcn... .luoa.m. " . " ' Wllll.nnspoit ' " urrltesut liutiMiurtr.... ' " Phlludcl.-,lila liltli: MAIL loites Pile " " " Ilcnovo " " U(k Ihu ui " llilji,mp,,,t " arr. at H'iiiMnu " " air. ut PUlludeliilda,. PLMIHA .MAIL leave, Loek Hnvi n .. T.r.xn. in. . 12.10 n. ui. ... l.lMi, m. ..11,20a. in. .. F.fBp, in . .4!i p. in .. lU.MIji, m ,.. .ii(i a. m . -.Mil. lu t.i a, in, .1 IO.mh . .12 10 p. Ill . (I I li 11. Ill .. o. up. m .. V.o a. in 'Vllltamsport " H'luiinry...,. ... arr. at ilmri,oiiW " " arr. at I'htUdclphla NIAOA1IA L'XPltL'SSUiavesKnno ! 'I Peiiovn. Icifklhucn fi.tt.x p" in . 4.rn . m ,, " " Wlllhnni-puit.ii.toi , ciiiiiiiiy s.40 p, m a!,r' ut1,,l?,"l,!'W. w " Ihlladelplila. At a. m h 5ial! cCJ'"eSH V",1 t Wo Willi L. p. It. . and at I'nrry and Irthictou itn ill ,1: Mil aim .viegneiiy it. it. v, "vv- n;!tu,tft,i;ra boutii ,l- K " "'. train boulh. W'M, A. II.U.DWIX, (ieni'lill Hi,l Jon. 8,16 tf this pArr.n it o hi.k with R DWELL & pHESMAN . Advtrllslnn Anenln. I THII1D & CHCSTNUT fTS 6T. LOUIS. MO M -5 su.. Dr. J. Witllior's aTiroinfn Vhi rRiU' UK (OPS nro n int'cly VerjelnWo jirepnrntion, mndo chiefly from tlio nnllvo licrlifi found on tliolowerrnnpres of tlio Sier ra Noviul.1 lnoitntaiiw uf California, tho medicinal iiroiiertios of which nro extract ed therefrom without tho nso of Alcohol. Tho question is nlinosl daily nslccd, "Wliat is tho enpso of tho iiiipamlfrlcd bitcccss of Vmrotit Uirrr.113?" Our tjnswer Is, that thev rcinovo tho c.inso of discn!0, nnd tho patient recovers his henlth. Thoy nro tlio great hlood imriflcrnnd nlifo-Rivnir; prin ciple, n perfect llenovntor nnd Iiix'iKorntor of Iho system. Never heforo in tho history of tho world has n incdicino been com po'indcd jioispsninp; tho remnrhnhlo qitaj. llies of ViNr.oAii Uirrnns in hcaliiiR tho sic!; of ovcry dlscaso mall Is hnlr to. 'I'liey pro n pentlo i'urgativo ns xvoll ns a Tonic, reliev ing Connestion or Inllammntion of tho Liver nnd Viscera) Organs, in Bilious Dis eases. Il'iiipn uill enjoy i?noi1 lipiillli, let them nso ViNi:oAiilliTTrjt3 nr. t medieino, nnd nvoid tho uso of nlcoholic stimulants In every form. :. i ; Cr-iin ciiti Inlti! (iicsp Killers vi'or i:iifr to directions, und rrmnin long Dn. '11, pmvidod liieir honen nro not de p nyi'.l hy iiiliii'iiil poifon or other menus, i lul x 'inl oif mm xvnstcd beyond rrpnlr. (.'rplcl'lll 'I'iioiisitlllfs proclaim ViNn rn lltrrciis tho niopt xtondeiftil Inx'igor It it Hint ove sustiiined tliOKinhinghystcni. h'ilious Ilcinillciil. mill lnlcr IlliUt'llI rcVPI'S. which nro so prevalent in tlio vnllevs of our pent rivers through out tho United Stnieii, rtpcoinlly thoso of Ihe Ali'sissipin, Ohio, jM.finnH, Illinois, Tiiiine.sce. Ctnnheilnnd, Arhunsas, Ited, Colorado, Uraos, I!io (Jinnde, Pearl, Aliv lining, Moliile, .Savannah, Itoanoke, Jiuiica, nnd muny olhir , with thtir vnst trilm taricf, thiopghout oitrciitiio country dur ing theSitiiitiu'i'tiud Ant'inin,iind rcinnik nl l.v so during .seasons of unusual hent nnd diyncsR, nro iiivni'inhly nccompnuicil hy ox ti tihito (leinngemi'ntK of tho stoninch mirV liver, nnd other abdominal vifccrn. In then treatment, a purgative, exciting n powerful inlliienco upon these vaiions organs, iu csKCiiliulIy uecei-sary. 'I'hcro is no cntlinr tie for tho purpose eipinl tol)i!.J.AVAM:t:it'3 Vixco tu l!iTr: i:s, ns they will speedily rc miive tho dnik- .ilnrcd X'i'-id milt tor with xvhich the bin.e.s i.t'c lonn ul, nt the' Mima timo fe'liniulati.. the retio'is of tin? liver, and Rciiernlly resU ,ng tho healthy fune ions il the cli'c.i.tiv. 'iirrnn.'i. Ir.vspi'iisin or I ml' est inn, Head nclie.I'uui in tin Shoiildci ,('o:ighs,Xight ncss of tlio Che; t. Dizzin. .ss, Sour Knictu tious of tho Htoiiiueli, I!nd 'i'asto in tlio Mout'i, liiiious Attaehs, Pnlpitution of tlio Ileal t, lulluniniiitioii of tho Idings, Pain in tho regien of the Kiducyn, nml n hun died other painful niitonis, nro tho off siiritig of Dyspcpnia. Ono hottlo will prove hotter guarunlce of ils inerit3 than u lengthy advertisement. Scnirnlii, or King's Htll, Whito Bwelliugs, ulcers, ICryiiipelns, Swelled Kcelc, Goitre, Sciofttlous Inflammations, Indole nt Inflammations, Mercurial Atreo ti ins, Old Sores, Eruptions ot tlio Skin, K.ii'0 lvyos, etc., etc. In thetc, us iu nil other eoli.xtitutioiml Diseases, AVai.kiji's Vindoai: Uiiti ns havo shown their gicut citrativo povveiH m tlio moit obstitmto und intraelahlo cases. For liilliiniiiiiUopy mill Clironiu liliPiiinuliMii, Oout, liiiious, Itcmittcnr, and Iuteiinittent 1'exer.s, Diseases of tlio IMoud, Iliver, Kidneys, nnd Jtladder, thoso Jt.tterx have no equal. Such Diseases aro eiiusid hy Vitiated illood. Jil'Cllilllifill JHscnscs. rersons en gaged m 1'ainlK nml Minernls, such ns rmmhciN. Txpe-folteis, Oold-beaters, nnd Mincis, im they advniicu in life, aro sul) ji et to imlnljhis of tlio How els. To guunl Rgtiiiibt lliis, tuko ti doio of AVALitwt'a A iXLC-Aii Jiini ja occasionally. I -Ol" Skill IHscsiM'SjI'uptions.Tettor, Salt Itlieuni, lilotehes, Sliots, l'imples, I'u.slules, JJoils, Carbuncles, lttngxvorms, Scald Head, Soro 12yes, Krysipelas, Iteh, Scuifs, Discoloiiitions nt' tho Skin, llumow aud Disi'iisisiif theSlvin of whateveriininn or nnlmc, aro literally dug up nnd carried out of tho htwlim in a shoit timo by tho uso of theso JJitti in. I'iiijTiiiic, nnd oilier Worms, lurk ing in thes.v stem of to miiiiy tliouMiiuls, nro eil'cctually dcstiiiyed mid removed, Xo svtitem of medieiiie, uo vermifuges, uo tuulielmiuitics, will t'leo tho i stem from worms like theso Hitlers. For Feniiilo (.'iiiiipliilnls, in young or old, munied or bingle, tit tho dawn of womanhood oi tho turn of life', these) Tonic, Hitters display so decided nn inlliienco that impuiveiiient is noun pciecptible. lillllKllt'P. In all cases of jaundice, res: asuued that your liver is not doing its xtork. Tlio only sensible treatment is to proinoto tho btcretion of tho bilo nnd lav or its rcinov.il. l'or this purpose iiho A iXLu.ui Unmm. Cli'iuiM tlio Vitiated JUooil vthen cvct yon i'md itB impurities bursting thiough the skin in l'imples, Kinptions, orSoies; eleuiiso it when jou iind it ob structed unci sluggish in tho veins; eleuiiso it when it is tout; vour teeliugs will tell you when. Koep tho blood pure, and thu heullh uf tho fjhtem will lollovv. II. II. .XIcDO.NAI.U ib CO., Urucgl.U uii.l Cleneml .tK' liUi, han Hwicu.cu, Collfor. inn, und c-i.r. VtuttliiiiKtuu uii.l c'liui.tiiu bid., Jw Yuik, hold li) nil l)u;i,lM unit Dculcrv. Sept. 6, ,4 Clu. Maiital: How Lost How Resioredl Jl'rlL '!'Jhl"l IKW cdllinn of I)r. v.Vh t Llitt hl.L'b celebrnlcd osaj on the indlc nl cur rtitifi .'V.!!1',1",'1 VI""1,""-' of I'cnnutuiilin.a AZ"jt ;r K-iuhinl t, ciiknes-. Invnluiit, rj M m- liU'JiaKJ' ! . i wenuus, lliii. tency, .Meutill and tu.nT pujm inuipatnj iiiipiniuu,, , .xiarrlage, etc,: uo oiiauiuptluii, i;pllep.sy, und Pita Induced by telfdiululg, nw urfcfx.aal extiuniini.co Piles, Ac. &"I'iice, in u scaled c'mra;,c, ouly air eiiitt. Tho celebrated author, hi lid, admirable cfay clculy demonstrates frum n thhly j ears' Biiece&sfu practice, that tho aluimlni; conscMiucnees of self abuse may be radically cured without tho dangerous iiso of Internal mcdlelno or tho application of the knlfo i polntlns out a mode or cure nt once simple ceitntn, and cllcctual, by mennsof whleh ev( rj suf Jcrer, no mat tor lint his condition may be, may cur himself eheuply palvalely, nnd radically, f-Thh Lecturo should bo tho hands ol eveiy J outh and every man hi thu laud. Sent under seal, Inn plain envelope, tonnyud dress, pert., 0n rccelin of six cents or t , us fclamps. A!ro, Dr. MLLMMX-siiiaiL'liy TO It PI .1 a fend fur ilrctilnr. 'ii.i.o Address the Publishers, tilAS..I.C.KM.i:.t CO., t, r !, '.m''ry' Np Vork- Vmi onlc hex 4,iM. April l, 'ft-y ioo.ooo copras Kli!?i,,!l,',1,!'n 'Tc"'Pl('l". Presbvterliii. tnln. 1 inrn. iiiii ran. w ,.i,.H,;.; ....r .lltl.l'''?i Minimis, hit. ploHi.enthiu mmt restHctni ., ,.?. ! "S.1'.'" ' ' 'ri'ij in uu iijeiict to sell aeiicj to sell "TJIK1IISTOUYOF Till: I'HKSllYTK KIAX CHUHCIl TIIIIOUOJIOUT Tin: voum. rtMSJlM'!? .!?'!?'. '""."rated with IHC.8.x,f4-Cm. 4HIIiuu,t,l,mt Kew :wkf QIIA11I.1.H CA11I1I.OS A CO.7 " IIANKL'IIS AND IlIiOKEIls, 88 South Third street, ConmlornSnIa(ade?Bm,uU WJW stltk andliwidjtoutht aid told ou ceiaataaoj, I