The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 19, 1875, Image 3

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ii 1,00 n s n u it (i. n T ii a y, Mtiuii ip, is;;.
Rnll Time TnMr.
Mull Traill 109 A. M S.13 I'. M
Rtprens Trill n C. 1'. M. 1131 1', M
Accommodation Trnln, 6.M A. M. P. SI.
Accommodation Train . A. -M. r. M.
KcKuUr Kt press 1,M I'. , 11.33 A. M.
Throniiii cars on Kxpross train either to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
catan Issa and Wllllamsport.
(Jooil I'rliliy In llio next legal holiday.
Merchants now U tlio time to ft'lvcrtipo your
Hiring rnoiK
KMrr Chariot Iing baplWcil ten petrous at
Hciilon on Sunday lat.
Atlcnllon is railed to tlic advertisement o'
Mr. J. II. fjtccleer which will be found ninong
our new advertisements.
Rev. A. 1''. Shanafelt, well known to tlio citl
icns or tlio wwicrn portion of the county, died
in Clu dirtily recently.
The city of Scrahton is Mewed with two
ma) on, loth claiming to fill the office at the
Fame time such 1iling at they are I
The lionizing propensities of this March
have been of decided ndvanlaKe,tayliig the rav
ages of what threatened to bu a moet destructive,
The linptUt Church of nioomburg ban been
holding a protraclid meeting for over eight
weeks part. Wc understand that much succc-is
hat atlended the eflbrt and that there arc now
over fifty convert. The good work it still
going on. F.I.KCTION.
The Klcctor of thin county will volo for the
following uIHccm at the November election,
State; Governor and Treasurer.
District Senator, with Lycoming, Montour
ind Sullivan.
County A'soclate Judge, (in place of Jude
Monroe, l'rollnnotiry, Reistcr and Recorder,
Treasurer, Uirc Commissioners and thro.
Auditor.', but in the cao of the two last named
iflieiM e.i h vtler Is ruslricteel li voting for two
ticr-ons only. This will probably give the lie
p'jblicam a representation in each boird.
"What's the matter with uth street school 1"
Gm' 'ini' ; don't condemn teachers upon the
ri ports of pupils, nor allege wrong-doing nt
si'hncl looms yon have never inspected. The
way to sustain a good sihool it to go yn:ir.-clf,
especially if jon have fbildren therein the
way to make a good school into a poor one, is
to stay away, and help to circjlato unfavorable
It is practically impossible for the teacher to
visit every patron, iw a pastor visits his parish
ioners; it is equally impracticable for parents
mml teachers to understand one another through
she medium of children only. Come and fee.
S. X. Walker,
Principal Oth St. School.
The winter term of tbr Xormit Scbcol will
close on Tuesday next, March "M. After a
vacation of one week the spring term will com
nence. The closing examination", con
ducted in writing, commenced on Thursday of
(he present weik.
A public literary entertainment will be given
by the school, on Monday evening, March 2AI,
accompanied by Muic and Gymnastics. The
proceeds of the evening will be appropriated
exclusively to making payment on a piano,
recently purchased by the Hoard, for the use of
-tlio school. The patronage of the public is
Tcspcctfully solicited. Tickets ol admission,
25 cents, to be had at Clark's Hook store and thr
Jloolc store of ICverelt A J'uttor.
iminni: Mvni.vni.
I'r jpoi-als wcie riceivtd by the, Commission
'eis on tlic 25th of l'ebruary last, at Slablown,
for building two bridges, one arch, in I.ocu-t
town-hip, VI feet long, and one brace, in lloar
ingiTCel; towuhip, 15 feet long. The bids were
sis follows :
Daniel KoMcnbauder, Sl.UIS 00
U Kulliuir, M.IOO 00
A. J. Knable, 1,41 00
J. IUclmian, 1,'JOO 00
Lewis M vers, 1,400 00
.Stine (Mrank, 1,'tlO 00
King Iron IbidgeCo., 1,125 00
S 7SI 51)
1,100 00
HOT 00
K'i'i 00
7S5 00
77.') 00
050 00
The bids
The latter was for lion bridges.
were for stone work and superstructure, ail
complete. I). Kiwtenbauder and Slinc A Swank
being the lowest bidders, tbo contracts were
awarded to them. Hills for the iron bridges
certainly compared favorably with those for
We need not expect much of a revival in
business until ihere is less profit made on many
uiaiiufactnr.d articles. This 100,200 and 300
per cent, on articles of daily use, and for which
iheie is a steady demand, is too strong. Partic
ularly dn"n this statement apply lo domestic
.ilcnsils of cast iron, upon which lliero is ne
machine work whatever, and no labor involved
xcept tliat of moulding. Curiosity recently
iduced a purchaser to weigh sonu cut iron
:.akiug pins in a house fiirni-liing store, to sic
rthalthev cost the nunufieturcr. The weight
was a triilo over three pounds, and their cost, al
me highest r.iUn could not exceed lifleen eents.
i'hepric'icbarc td for them at retail was seventy
live icnis. The price of walllo irons
handles, weighing not over ten p.mnds anil co-ting
titty cents lo manufacture, was $2.50. Such
margins of prolit are excessive, and must drive
large percentage of purchasers out of the
jnaiket. 1U.
fill: Sl'ltlNd THAW AND PLOOU.
Tlit few warm days of March started the
.i.ow nt we luar of dcMructivo uWls in ail
HUailcr', Jiml et this is evidently uulytho be
ginning of ihu end. On Wedue-day morning,
Ixtwcen7 and 8 o'clock the ice on the Nonb
llranih at this place commenced moving but
.win formed a gorge, extending fiom below
Cttawisr.i, four miles south of Hloouisbiirg, lo
i'l-py, iwo miles north. About noon tbo Dm
villi) blidge, ten miles south, was ivp'irled gone.
Alsiul 1 o'clock the gorge hero coiuinenced
moving 'iil iiumidi ileiy swept away the ea-t
end of the Cjt.iwiss.i wagon bridge across the
jivc-r, and shortly after the whole of it give
way. Wo hear of no oilier serious damage in
this imniisliati' vicinity. The ico is gorg. d in
Fishing creek from tlm double bridge below to
the lower imrlion of town. Wcdncwhiy mom
in a.s cold, which incieased in Intensity until
"Thursday morning, when frecing approaelu.d
luid-wiiilcr slvlc, mid this of course put an
efUclual stop to the further increase of water in
the htieains. Hut for this a disastrous Hood
would no doubt have occurred. All mails were
latu on Wednesday mid In the evening the
Laikawiuuu iraln oroeveslul i' furllur noilh
than lHooiUkbiiig. No malls came down Ihe
. road.
Fiom ubove we havo information that the
Pillslou and Kingston hridgis were swept away
ul a 1 1- now lodneil at Nanlhvoke. Tho i crwiek
Lrldiru b in uriHt daiiiter. as piobably aru almi
uli the. Liielires on the river. As the. How of
water to the jlur is now completely checked, It
is IiohJ ihe balance- of the infcmiise, snow may
till without Iin-tUT uriotm etauiage.
We elo uot lieur that tlm Wet llraneh was
t!eliuellvely hlch tliough It tuut luvn U
well un.
P. H. Latu nnoits from Northumberland
repnuut tl.ut the wagon hrhlgo accio. ilio
JiortL llrautli at ilia, place U gouo and llut ihu
fell road bridge U nerved tenia Mi
The attention of farmers and truckers Is di
rected to tbo advertisement of the Gray's. Terry
Chemical Work", at Philadelphia. They are
among the oldest and most responsible manufac
turer of chemical", in tlio country. They wrlto
us that any farmer can manufacture bit own
Phosphate of l.lmo at a coil of about $20 per
ton, of a quality equal, and In most cases supe
rior to tbo commercial nrllclc, for which tbo
price ranges from 15 to $50. If the farmer
has the bones, the cost of course will be much
less. The process ii said to be exceedingly
simple, requiring no more art, time or trouble
than to mix a bed of ordinary mortar. The
value of phosphate as fertilizer for tbo various
cereals, grasses and esculents Is so completely
established by long experience that it is unneces
sary for us to comment upon the fact.
It would be well for alt our farmers to com
irunlcate at once with the Gray's Terry Chemi
cal Works, get their formula, manufactuic their
own fertilizers and save money, a well as secure
a pure arllclo; or, if they have not been In the
habit of using them, it would bo well for them
to give so important n subject their attention.
Mr. S. S. Hunyan, of Mlllvlllf, sends the
editor of tlio Col.ujiniAN the following minute
account of snows as they fell this winter!
November '20,
day lime1.
day time,
day lime,
day time,
day time,
day time,
day time',
day anil night,
night and day,
night and day,
all' day,
day time,
al l" day,
nil (1 iv and night, IS
morning, 1 "
Up to March 10, there were therefore no less
than 21 snows, this winter, the total fall of
which measured 7 feet, 2 inches. Of these two
snows pi J inches) fell in Xuveinber, four snowi
(7 inches) in December, seven miovvj (23
inches) in January, fivu snows (17 inches) in
February, and six snows (.!3J inches) in March.
Our corresiKindcnt is perhaps not a prophet, at
least he diil not inform us how many moru
s."ows people were to bo blessed with between
this time and the first of June.
On the evening of the Olh int. a number of
the gooil people of the Ilidley congregation
completely surprised their pastor, Her. A.
Ilontz, of Oraiigewlle. Tbo unexpected gue.-ts
entering inicermwilously by the back door, sud
denly confronted the pa-lor and bis lady, who
could only exclaim, willi confuted look, What
does all Ibis mean V"
The mistress of the homo was informed that
her service was not needed in the kitehen for
the prennt, and she accordfngly withdrew.
Soon there was heard in the kitchen a bu-tle,
like the rattling of the stove-, shuflling of pans
and keltbs, and the hcricehiiig of the extni-ion
t ble as (bough it was drawn nut to its full
length. Then was heard the clatter of plates,
the rattling of forks and knives, anil the tink
ling of spoons. And now a brief silence fol
lowed, when the door was opened and an invi
tation to supper given. A single glance at once
indicateel that no pains or care was spared in
the preparation and adjustment of the feast to
the fastidious ta-te'. Kven Milo, of ancient
fame, could have partook of this feast with the
satisfaction that he did justice to the supper
and to bis ferocious appitite.
After feasting to lieail-' content, all relumed
to the parlor and devoted several hours pli-as-anlly
to social eonversation and music. At a
reasonable time the parly retired, leaving behind
m my tulttaulial tokens of kindness, in ihe form
of groeciies, butter, meats, flour and vniious
kinds of grains. Thus ended a pleasant sur
prise party. Oii4i:nvi:n.
That n ii i in nl that has so frequently raised the
hair of night-walkers in Mt. Pleasant, Scott and
the suburban portion of Iiloom-iburg, it is said,
has hein caught. On Thursday of last week it
ran a dug into the barn-yard of David Shaffer,
near Town, and was captured. It proved to be
a cub Hear in a .tnrvul condition. It will no
doubt be well fed now and prepared for maiket,
when we hope a piei eof it may grace an editor's
Hul, let it he remembered, this juvenile Hear
could scarcely have caused all the frights of
,-ky l.ukers that wc have heard about, for that
operation was performed at too many dillerenl
points at the same lime. We have never deemed
it ncecs-ary to warn people of unsteady nerves
and questionable practices against hobgoblins,
but there is a something in ihe vicinity referred
to that has an affinity for people that aro out
late at night and which evidently takes particu
lar delight in making hair stand on end, uxcit
ing nervous sensibilities and in the benevolent
entei prise of sobering young gents on their way
home at lonely hours. It wont hurt anybod ,
its proclivity being manifestly altogether for
frights, hut it is sure to be about if you are out
l ite at night and look clo-el- for It, especially
at ob-cuicil points. Perhapt the little Ikar was
one of a ging of tormentors.
Itilcr. Alas for the perversity of human
imiginatioii, more information compels
us to Mate that Slimier binugbt bis cub fiom a
lumber camp, and the pellicular "queer" that
has given our belated friends so much couicrn
is still nt large !
My Dwelling Houses on Fast Sireit,
llloonisburg, lor rent or s lie.
W. H. ilitowx keeps the most complete
anil finest assortment ut Groceries Hint can
be purchu-ed in market. His Groceries are
trcsii aim are seieclcil irom lirst importers
hands, His prices are low, as he has purchas
ed his good i at bottom figures to suit the
K. M. KxoHK'r) price list of work made to
Trench Calf stitched Hoots - - -51100
' " footed 7 50
American Calf sewed Hoots ... il (10
' " " " footcil - (i 00
For Picture Framcsgo to CLAlii: orHoAN.
For Linen Collars. Cull's, hitching. Ties
and Taney Goods, call ul Ci.aui; ii Woi.r'ri.
Gtl to Capman'h for vour nice Ftiriiltuie.
T.vervhodv having Children to nhii'iilo
sboubl send for an Illustrated Catalogue of
Wyoming Seminary. It is one of the larg
est" and beat Institutions in the laud. Next
term opens April 7. Address Itev. D. Copi',
land, A. M., Kingston, Pa.
Tho experienced and practical firm of
1 it GKAniiAKT, ritiiuijcrs ami
(las and Steam ! ittcrs, aro prepared to do
all work in their lines (it luisinessvcry prompt-
v inn 1 in t io best mis', li e manner, nicy
iavo also on baud at their Store on Main
Street, Hloouisbiirg, a lull assortment anil
ireiipra var e V o film . liinaiiu tin eviinii-
Iliillers. Limiiis. Shades, lironze Oriianients,
Slate Mantles, Japancd Paper Ware, a most
desirable article for household use. Their
stock is the heaviest, tbo best and the cheap
f.t i.vit brnmiht to lUooiiisbtirg. and tin
braces also the neatest and most lashionablo
articles. Tlli-y respectluliy invite mo nt ci -tion
of the public to their goods and boliclt
an examination ol the name.
Ladles vou will find at Cl.AltK & WoL'i
n.,iiM ltuebliiL's. Ties and Cull's, in the
latent btylin.
& Sloan "HI cleuo out theiroutlro
(ik f CurrU at (XWt,
O. O KonntNfl lias removed Ills store to
.Tames C'lieliiinii's Turnlturo Hooms, where
ho will bo pleased at nil times to seo nil who
desire to purchase anything in his line.
Do you want good carpets?
Do you want cheap carpels?
Do you want durable carpets?
Do you want nnything in tlio carpet
If so,
Go to llr.Niiy 0. II Alt tman's Olieap (,'arpct
Another lot of New Calicoes and Muslins
this week nt l.UIZ St Si.oan'o. Appletoti
"A" 11 cents per vitrei by tlio bolt.
Wool and Cotron Carpet Chain nt C. C.
When you po to Philadelphia fton at
tbo Allegheny House, No. 812 and 811 Mar
ket street j having been recently renovated
Price only $2 per day A. 1!i:ck,
March 10,'7ii-ly Proprietor.
llrooks,' ClarkV, Coat's nml other best
make of spool cotton at I. W's
for 0 cents
The Farmers call nt Ci.Artlt & Wol.r's
for they find they can buy cither for Cash or
Produce at Hottom Prices.
W. H. 15noVN keeps n fine assortment ol
Canned Fruits and condensed goods. Also,
n full assortment of Nuts and French Candy
and Orange nml Lemons.
F.VAN.s has n splendid utock of Clothing
nt his establishment. All his Goods are of
the first quality.
llotisp-kccpers come and see C.C. MAnn'a
New Dishes, They aro cheap,
Ladies i protect your hands, and faces
from chapping in these) cold March winds
by buying a cake of that cheap hut elegant
Toilet Soap, ju-t opened at Moyp.r Hp.o'h
Drug Kmporiutii,
You can buy calico nlrtady cut up in
squares for patch worlcnt I. W. IliurMAN'ti
for -15 cents per pound.
Merchants going to the city will do well
to call on W. II., wi'io is engaged
with tlio "Id nml reliable firm of Yi:aoi::i
t& IlniiKi'.Nsroci;, fur Hats. Caps, r-tr.iw
(oods,ite, 257 North Third street, Phila
delphia. March 10,'7G-3ui
and Oil.
C. MAnT.'sj for Machine Needles
You will find a full line of all kinds of
Domestic Goods, Mich as Prints, Muslins,
Ticks, Sic, at Ci.akk & Wol.r's.
The Wyoming Seminary offers first class
advantages in Music, P.iiiiting, Tiench and
German, us well as in Common and Higher
English Studies. Next term opens April 7.
Send for an illustrated Catalogue to Itev. 1).
Coi'i'i.A.Ni), A. M., Kingston, Pa.
Ladies vnu will find Dress Fringe
Ci.aui: & Wolf's at 25 cents per yard.
GO to C. C. M Ann's for Collars, Cufls and
nice Neckties lluy cheap. & Sti:cki:l, linkers, on Main
Street, llbiomsbiirg, am prepared to supply
families witli 1 trend, ("o'cea in every desired
variety, Pies, cce-, of the very best quality
and at prices to suit tlie times, promptly to
order. Their facilities aro first class, they use
the very best material, and their work is
ilono in the neatest anil cleanliest manner.
Give them a call and try their productions.
Two Girls Wanted to learn the Tailoring
business. Apply to Wm. MonriS, over
Schuyler's Haidware store. 10-2t
GO to C. C. M Aim's for fresh Garden and
Flour Seeds. lino's, have ju-t opened a large
and well scbclcel stock of Toilet Soaps,
which they arc nfl'e ring to the trade, fioni 10
lo 20 per "cent, lower than they have ever
sold in this market.
Kvery enterprising young man and woman
ought to hnve the Illustrated Catalogue of
Wyoming Seminary and Commercial Col
lege. Next term opens April 7th. Addre-s
llcv. D. Corr.LANl), A. M., Kingston, Pa.
Alpacas in Illack and Colors, at Cl.AllK &
A very full line of Gentlemen's Goods of
every description, including some of the
finest and most fashionable in market, are
now on hand at the large Merchant Tailor
ing establishment of A. J. Kvaxs, on Main
Street, llloonisburg, which will be made up
in the neatest and ino-t substantial style and
sold at the mot reasonable prices. Employ
ing the very best of workmen the utmost
satisfaction, 'both as to quality atidstyle.will
bo given. All are invited to call and ex
amine his stock.
Moro new Prints nt Ci.aui: & Woi.p'h.
Lute-l Spring styles Muslins, Tick and full
line of Domestics as loiv as the lowest.
O. C. Maisu buys Corn, Oats, Potatoes,
Lard, Hutter, Fggs'and Dried Fruits.
The Wyoming Seminary and Commercial
College prepares young men for all kinds of
llusiness and for Telegraphic Operators.
Il.inkinr, Insurance, Coal. Wholesale and
Uctail llusiness. Telegraphy and Spencer
ian Penmanship taught in Commercial Col
lege. Send for mi Illustrated Catalogue and
tlie Commercial Journal to Prof. L. L.
Sl'li'.orr., Kingston, Pa.
Hoot legs, hand fitted, nt K. M. Know.'
French and American Calf,
Wvomintr Si
eminary and College prepare
voutiL' men and women for Teaching.
- cxt
term onens Anril 7. Send for an illustrated
Catalogue- to Hev. D. Copiiland, A. M.,
Kingston, Pa.
David Lowr.xiiriui bin n nice lot ot
Gent's Furnishing Goods always on baud.
You save mnnev by buying your Goods of
Ci.aui: to Woi.r. ihey srll for cash or
Tlm Wvomini' SiMiiimirv and Coninu rcial
College prepares young men tor the best I ol
leges in the bind." Next term opens April 7,
Send for un illustrated Catalogue to Hev. I),
CopKLAwn, A. M., Kingston, Pa.
J. it Son continue to keep .1
fine stock ol Hardware, Cutlery, toe.
W. II. Hhown has Salt by the barrel and
bv the suck. Flour. Teed and New lluek
w'heat for sale wholesale and retail. Country
Produco taken in exchango for Goods.
Town orders taken by C. W
in exchange for coal. Ht'.o
Or.o. A. Ci.aui: ha jut received a large
stock of Picture Frames, and Cornice Mold
ing and Is pieinred lo have either made to
order on short notice. For prices go to
Ci.Aiti: or !toin:itr Hoax.
The Commercial College rotinccted with
Wyoming Seminary has no superior. Itsenil
nut M-iires of fir.-t class llusiness Men and
'IVIiwrraiiliie (loerntors. Send for 11 Catll
logiiennd tbo Commercial Journal to Prol
i rr a.... t.';,.,.,.,,, I",
Mrs. K. W. Wvnkoop will, again
her School on the. 1th of April, 1875
Hoi.lins it Hoi, Mia havo removed to No
17 Centre Street, below Main,
Hl'K.-iiu.L has u spicnuia lot ol
Peach Hutter,
Apple Hutter,
Ouince Hutter.
Cranberries, Halsins, Dried Currants, IVach
e-s, Prunellas, uorn ana an uanueit i-ruit.
Don't ts3 worried and annovesl with not
only a poor quality of Coal but dirty and
slntv besldo. butbuv of C. W. NKAL Si HltO.
who elwai only in tho best rgialicJea, ltf
(lo to MAirn's for Washing Crystal.
30 Gross of Dress Iluttons ju.t received
with lots of other Notions nt Ct.AhK fc
Wo i.r's.
DANir.l, Yoctt.M has removed his Clothing
Store to llcnrv llnrlmati's building, In tlio
room occupied ns a Carpet Store, whero ho
now has n full supply of goods. Call mid
sec. jun29tr
Selling nt reduced pilccsnt K. M. KNonit'a
in order to imike room for Spring Ooods,
fin to Htissr.u.'s for your Kxlra Mnplo
t3vrun clear ns crystal. Only One Dollar
per Gallon.
IIoiilt.t Hoax
makes Picture Frames to
C. W. Ni:ai, k lino., spare no expense In
end out nice coal. UH
To Titr. Pont.ic Go to W. II. IIrown
and get one pound best Tea In market, put
up In a beautiful Japanned GIH Camiistcr,
for one dollar.
Our own make of Calf Hoots, sowed, for
$8.00, nt F. M. K.soitn's.
All Coal slated and screened before leav
ing the old established coal yard of C. W.
Ni:ai, it lltio.
If you want a good Ham,
If you want cheap and good Ten,
If you want Coffee Java or Hio,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want the best Mackerel,
If voti want Sugar for the least money,
If you want the best Syrups In towirj,
If you want good Cigars,
If you want good Tobacco.
If vou want anything in tbo Grocery and
Provision line, go to Hussm.ih, Main street.
Old Kstalilislied Coal Yard.
O. W. Nr.Al, fi lino., Wholesale it Hetall
Dealers in all sizes of tbo best qualities ol
lied and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest
market rates. Hnve constantly oil hand largo
stocks of
Illaeksmith's Anthracite,
and Limchunicr's Coal.
Especial attention given to the prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain
and Lumber taken in exchange for
Coal delivered to any part of the town nt
short notice. Orders left at I. W. McKclvy 's
store, or at our office, will receive iirompt at
tention. Office and Yards at William Neal
fi Sons' Furnace, Fast llloonisburg. Your
liatrotiago rcspectl'iillv solicited.
COAL. 7-U-251 COAL
fii-:t rises a o'clock nl minutes seta o o'clock (5
Moon sets 5 o'ciuek M minutes, a. m.
(loi ii Is now united at a rrcmtum'of about US In
ottier wonli greea btcks are 15 per cent, below par.
Make Mohtoaoks for salo cheap at the Columbian
PArza Habs Just recelred anil tor salo at the Co-
Lcxiues oniee.
IIi.ank Deeds, on Parchment and linen paper, com
mon and for AdmlnUtrutors, Kxccuton and Trustoes,
for sale cheap at the e, cm man omce.
The nnemynf Mankind, flensumptlon, cm b cur
ed; but It I far better to prevent ttio cruel disease
from fastening Itself on the sybtsm, byllio tlmeli
use of the remedy like Dr. Wlstar's Ualsam of Wild
Chei ry 5 cents and 11 u boitte, large bottles much
.the cheaper.
It ts quite generally tho custom to take strong
lliersttmulantsfortliecureof liver complaint, and
both the mineral and vegetable kingdoms hate U-cn
diligently searched to procure the most drastic and
iiihonous purgaUees, In crier to produce a powerful
fleet upon the ther, and arouse tho l.e.-gltig and en-
ebled organ. 'I his sjstciaof ire.itiin-iit lson tlie
same prim inlo as tlwtoigiung a wc.ik anu ueeuii.i-
ii it mmi larire norlloini,f brandy to'K- him to
ilon certain amount of work When the stimulant
Is withheld, the organ, like tho system, gradually
rclap-es Into a more torrid or sluggish and weak
ened condition than before. What then Iswant'd?
Medicine, which, while they eauso the bile to How
frei l . from Ihe liver. 03 that organ Is toned Into ac
tion, will not overwork and thus debilitate It, but
will, when their use Is discontinued, leave the Heir
strength! ned and healthy. Such remedies are fourul
In Dr. . lerce's (lolden Medical Discovery and Puiga
tlve Pellets.
ltusk, Texas, May 10, 1ST3.
Dr. It. V. Pierce, Duffulo, N. v.:
Dear sir My wlfo last j ear at this tlmo was con-
lined to her Ind with chronic liver dlseasi. I had
one ot the best doetors to seo her and he gaee her up
to die, w hen I ciimo upon somo of your inciiutne. I
boiis'htono bottle and commenced thing It. sl.e
then neighed w pounds, nowshu weighs HO pounds
wid Is lobust and hwtv. She has taken eight not
tics in all, so j on see I am an advocate for your med
Holland House, ltocktord, 111., April 20, ISM.
Dr. U. V. pierce, liurfalo, '. V.: fclr-l have now
t.d'en lour bottles of jour (lolden Medical Dbcoiery
In connection with sour Pellets, and must say llut
nothing I h.noever taken for my liver has done me
so much cood. I feel like a nuw man. Thanks to
jour wonderful medicine.
w. 1". CODY, riiuuaio HlU.'l
E. l KUNIiEI.'S DlTTEIt WING or 1I!0N.
This truly valuablo tonic lmbccn so thoioughly
tested by all classjs of the community that It Is now
deemed Indtspeusable as a tonic lilcdlelne. 11 costs
bat little, nerllles tho blood and gives ton; to tlio
stomach, reuoules tho system and piolongslife
i:vcrj bod v should hi elt.
Per Ihe cure of weak Blom.ich3, general debility,
lmlU'cMljn, diseases of the stomach and for allea-es
roiulrlng a tonic.
I his w lue Includes tlio most agreeable and emcient
Bait of Iron wu posa-'ss-citrato of Magnetic Oxide,
combined with the oust energ.'tlcof veJUbli tun
ics Yell 3" I'eruilaii ll.irl;.
Da jou want sonietliliig to strensttv'n jou;
Do you want a gjod nppetlto?
Do you want tu get Hit of ue.-vuusnoss J
Do you want enemy ?
Do jou want to sleep well?
Do you waiit to build up a constitution J
Dj jou want lo feel well:
Do you wan! a brisk and vigorous focim j ?
Ifyoililotrj lU'NKP.I.'SIlinillt WINKiV IKON.
I only i H : a trial of 'Ms valuable tonic I
njware of coiinlei felts, as Uuukel's llltUr Wins of
Iron Is the only sure and remedy In tho
known world fvr tlio pirmancut euro of Pjspep-I.i
and Deblllly, niul as Ui. ro aro a number of Imita
tions onered to ttu public, I would caution the coin-
nuiiilty to purchiso nono but tho geaulno arllile,
minufai'tmed bv i:. 1", Kunkel, and having Idi
stamp un the rorkof mory bo'tle. Tho very fact
that i.tliersaroiittompllug to Imitate this valuablo
remedy proves Us woi Hi and speaks TCilumtt lu Its
favor. Get tho genuine.
hold only lu tl bottle bold by DrugflJts und
iljalers everywhere.
vm tapk weutM itKMovnn alim:. wo
Head and all couiph tu In two hours. Korea till
head passes. Mat, Pu ni.d Mrjiiiush Worms ic
moved b Dr, 2.t, Nirlh Ninth st Phila
delphia, Se'ld for ilrcular r ask jour drilfglst for a
liottlti ot lClmkel'a Worm Sjrup, it nevur falls.
A ItOYAL or.n.N.
'nii,ctonn"h has been well u lined a1 royal organ,"
since It Bwaj-s all J controls tho eallrj j slew, every
gland, tissue and liervosj'iupatl.lzliig with It an the
servants of a prince sympitldjo wm their master.
IJ.ichotio ot them tsfed and sustained by It-s'ien
the bralu Itself, tho tetitro of sensation. Is absolute
ly dependent upon It for susteiianco, L'onse pienlly,
when the stuinath falls lo peiform Its all-linport nt
olllcu, tho suboi'dliiuto organs also falter In their
dutj, 'Iho reason why llostettcr's Htomaeh Hit
ters hivo such a wondroiisly benellctal eltect upon
the general lieallh and aro such a reliable, prevent
utlio tt dlseasi', Is Unit they speedily overcome
vuukuesa or disorders ot thu stonueeli, and thus In.
sum complete uotuUutiicut it the entire system and
u healthful performancu ef Its various functions.
I'ullke thoso stimulants whoso alcoholic pilnelple Is
unmodllled by Jiidlclous medication, tho spirituous
binds of these bllteis, which Is of tho purett descilp
tlou holds In solution herbal alteratives sndlnvtgo
rants lo w Idcli a ( Ji einost rank has been usslgned In
mateila inedlca llut It Is not alone thu fact that
Uiese sovcielgn bctantcclcmcuts cuter luto the com
position ef tho Hitters that constitutes them such a
benign tunic and corrective, but also Hist ilwy aro
so happily combined that the full eifect cf each Is
exerted upon the disordered or debilitated system.
Tho digestive and secretive ergons aro thellretto
oxpcrlt'uca tbilrbencllceuteperation, which oxtends
b Bypamt'iy, to tbu brata, tho nerves and Uio clrcu.
Litlou. Thu lu0ueLC thus cxeitod Is fruitful ct
thoso great sanitary results w Llcli have butlt up the.
.'PVitMKn cf lists miiyeKlrovllctDi,
It a man wants a bottlo ot whiskey, let htm buy it
and tnko It homo like n man, and not sneak homo
with a bottle ot "Hitters ' or "Cordial," and pretend
tkal It Is mceltclno. If ho wants a tonic that Is some
thing better than a temporary stimulant, ho should
Kct a bottlo ot Perm Ian Syrup, (an Iron Tonic,) that
will vttnllzo tho blood and giro duraMo strength to
tho system.
nitltoitfl OP YOUTH.
A (Icntleman who suffered for j cars from Nervous
Debility, Prematura Decay, and nil the eHectsof
jouthtul Indlscrei Ion will, for the sake ol suffering
humanity, send free to all who need It, thori'clpo
and direction for making tho simple remedy by which
ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho ad
vert Iser's c.xperlcnco can do so by addressing In per
fect confidence,
JOHN 11. on DEN, 41 cedar St., New York.
Tiin iiuot pitiNTiNO omen.
Tho present Is a good opportunity to remind tho
friends ot the paper, a-id tho publle generally, that
tho coi.rimiAN Job Piontino Oiuck has no superior
In this section, and, In somo respects, Is without an
equal. During tho last j car wo have completely re
newed our types and made large additions, and It Is
rep tdlo boast to say that wo havo now the ucst
Presses, tho llest Assortment of Tjpe, tho llesl
f lock of Paper, trds, Ac, and tho llest Workmen In
tho county, t)ur workmen nro specially adapted for
their places, and wo innko It a point to always give
our customers a neat, coriect and satisfactory lob.
Wo do not claim to do v ork tor less than others, but
will warrant It to be as cheap as can bo done any
whero and j Icld n dece nt protlt. Att w ho aro In need
of Job Printing of any kind-Plain or In Cotors-w 111
nnd It to their Interest to give tlio Coi.miuan omco
atrial. Wo have en Land every variety of Cards
Paper, Ink, l'hvclopes, TaJ?s, Ac., that Is likely lobe
called for, andean furnish any quantity or stjloot
work on short notice, lilndtng to order. tf
wnnnuTo ADvnitTisE.
A, T. a.i't saj-s tho best ndvcitlslng mediums
he lies o fn-iid "are the old established organs ot
tho tin, i its il parties, nt tho several county scats
througlmi i tho Union." "These," hu says "reach
every family ot tho least nccount In their several
counties, nnd nro more carefully read than any other
class of Journals." If Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of
value, there Is no dinicully In deciding which paper
It Is for tho Interest ot business men to advert Iso
In. Tho C'ot.niriA Deviociiat, upon which this
paper Is partially founded, was established
In ism, nud tho eoi.niniAM now enjoys a
wider circulation and greater prosperity thou It ever
did. It goes regularly Into two thousand families In
Columbia nr.d adjoining counties, and by inostot
them Is lead from the I'.rst lo tlio last line. It la the
only recognised exponent cf ncur live thousand
DJmocifltlc vuten In the county. It gives adiertl?e
inentsiitasty dlsplaj', that makes llicm nllrattlvo
to Its patrons, thus ensuring gieater certainty that
they v, ill p iuetheui. While Its circulation Is un
doubtedly much the Ini Tcst lulhe comity, tho nil-
vcitsng rates ut tho Coi.umeiim roe no higher tian
those i, f other papers with barely half and several
not one-fouilh the number ef subscribers. Pacts
like these speak for themselves. No shrewd business
mm villi neglect to Insert his advertisement In the
eximciiK. tf
Mounts WOMEN.
It I? a sad commentary upon our boasted i Ivlllza-
Hon that ihe women ot our limes have decencratcd
lu hea th und physl pio until they aro literally a race
uf Invalid y ilc, fccblo and hack-achy, with only
here and there a few neble. exceptions lu the pcrsuns
of Hie r jbiist, buwm la lies cli irauterlstte ot tlio sex
In days gone by. Ily a very largo experlun e, cover
ing a pcrlu 1 of yeara and embracing the treatment
of many thousands of cases of thoso ailments pecs
II ir to women. Dr. l'lerc, of tho World's Dispensa
ry, HtUTiilo, N. Y., has pnfected, by tho combination
ot certain vegetablo extracts, a natural specttlc,
which he does not extol ns a cure-all, but ono which
admirably fullllls a .slnp-teiiess of purpose, being a
inot positive and reliable remedy for those weak
nesses and coinpl.iluts that aflllct the women of (ho
present daj ThU natural speeltlo compound Iscall
Dr. Pierce's Pavorlte, Prescription. Tho following
nro among those diseases In which this wonderful
medicine has worked cures as If by magic nnd with a
crtaluty never b:Urj attained by any medicines:
Weak buck, ncr us and general debility, la ling
and other displacements of Intern el organs, result
ing from debility nnd lack ot strength In natural
suoports. Internal fever, congestion, tnllamatlon und
ulceration and very many other chronlo diseases In
cident to women, not proper to mention here, In
which, ns well as In the cases that havo been enum
erated, the I'avorlto Prescription enects cures-tlio
marvel of the world. It will not do harm In any
state or condition of tho system, and by adopting Its
uso the luv alld lady may avoid that severest of orde-uls-the
consulting of a family phjslclan. Favorite
Preseilptton Is sold by dealirs In medlilnes general
ly. o
Tho advertiser, having been permanently cured ot
that dread disease, I' astmple remedy
Is .mMo'is to make known to hU fellon stiuerers the
means of cine To all who desire It. he will bend a
copy of the preserlptl m used, (fiee of charge,) with
thu directions for preparing nnd using the same,
vvidch they will Hn 1 a lean ccun fur cosscmitios,
Asinui, UllONCUITlU.SC.
Parties w istdng t he prescript Ion w 111 plea1 e address
Iter. i:. A. WILSON,
till Peiin st.,Vi'llllamsbiirgh, New York.
AMcmcexs sun e Ninoe or Hvscei'TIcs We live
last, dissipate and lllleuily gravis. Weihlnkall
kinds ot alcoholic sp.rlts, and sv. allow, w Itliout nias
tlcutlun, pork, gieiuo andeviryklad ef llfe-destrnj'-lug,
sjtem-elogglng, Indigestive food. Dii. W'alk
eii's VcfiETAUi.n ViNsu.ea HiTTEiis will remove the
evil e.Tects, and tho recovered patient, with pare, vl
tulUcd eli eti leal Kood llowlng thtoiig Ids veins
will have a clearer head and a cooler Judgment,
which added to e.xpci, will cause l.lui lo ab
stain la the future. -tw
PciiusuKii as a waiiniko and fur the benefit of
Yocso Me:, and arm its who suffer from NEItVOUS
DK1IIMTY, Low OF MANHOOD, etc., suppljlng the
means of self-cure. Wiltten by ono who cured him
self after undergoing e-onslderable quackery, and
sent free on receiving a post-paid dlrei led env elope.
buHerers nie Invited to nddiess Iho author,
Mar, e, 'Tl-cm box 1 3, r.rouklyn, N. Y.
MANHOOD Itn.STOKi:i).-.. victim ot jouthtul Ira
piudencc, causing permaturo decaj', nervous debil
ity, etc., having trU-d In volnevery known remcdj',
has found a simple self-cure, which ho will send frie
to hit rcllow-Mirfcrers. Ad.Ucss J. H. Eccvcs, IS
Nassau bt New ork.
laly 3,'7-l-3m
Oa th? nth ln-t.,by liev. T. 1'. IIoirmeler.Mr. -AM
Ui:i. M. ef fICK, to Mil? JIM MA L. ZKIGI.UII, both Of
Kupji't, l'a.
Il l t!w 9tl In ,t., h" Jjmsi W. Kitchen. J. 1'.. at his
o'Tlcjla Jueksjii township. Mr. JOIIM
Sujarlouf towiifhlp, to Miss SAItAII I'.FUHZ.ef
,Ta 'kjoa township, nil of t'ul'imbla county.
On March Tt'.i, 1T. at tho lief-ir. T'd I'arsonaie, at
Catxivlija, liy Il.lvchant, Mr. r.MM VA.
LKVAS, to Miss SAIt.'.II UriAVKll, loth cf c. :unili!.i
eouaty. oa March Kth, bv the sams, nt th" hou-e of Mrs.
Voijer, Mr ANDRIUV snn'T, to Mn. JI MtOAUUl'
THAdlllt, bothot c'ol'imUa count .
On tlie same d ly, by tin same, nt tli bouo ( f ti-.i-bilt-'s
(ether. Mr. WAl.TKIl A. WI.I.M S, of Ham
b ir,'. Ilerks count'.', l'a., to MRs AMANDA AUIIV, of
Nirn ilia, CulumW i county.
- - - - . ..- i i M MM
In Locust township, on the 17th of I" brusry, WIL
SON IIUWHR, ni;ed I car, S months and IT days, sen
ef Johu J. and Hannah Iloivcr.
InlACUt township, on the isthot rebrimry, Mr.
l'EIKIt LUDWKII.L'lt, aged"' jears, 10 months and
S uaj i,
In Locu'it toi.-ish'p, en tho 20th of February. Mtn
OA'I IIAltlNi; f.liVi:iI.i:il, slsterof the above, a-ed
5J j ears, 5 months and . dav ,
In Madison township, en the 14th Inn, JOHN
WELLINGTON, client son nt Wrn. and farah A.
Masteller, aji'd is jeers. 1' months and 19 1U1 s.
In i.iekson toivnshlp, on March 5, ISTS. s VII MI,
dauifhter ct rrederlek Vllc, ajed ITjcars.omuatln
and I9it-ijs.
In ITshingcreek township, March T.1ST5, OLIVUII
IIMtvr.Y, sonot Abraham c. and Itosetta Karnes,
aged I year, 1 muulh and 50 days.
i To sell DII. (TIASK'S ni:t'ii'i:a; Oil ISI'Olt.
iruiv rnn i:'iM!'nol)V. In everv Countv In tlie
rnltedwstei and I'anndas. 1'nlnmel by the Pub
lisher to MS pices, I! contains over .' honsehild
recipes, nml Is sillied ton It lassos anil conditions if
society. A wonderful book und a household nrivs
slty. It tills at Usht. ilreates Induienient ever
nrf,r,'.i lobfNilt ucenH. Hainnht conies sent bv null
post pald.forli. nvcluslvotenltoryirlven. Ajenis
mole than uounie im ir nionov. Ainiress.
lilt. CIIASI-.'S STUAM l'ltl.NTING llOt'sH,
Nor. -K, 74-Hiii Ann Ahihik, Mich,
HAVE JUST lli:n:i VED ami nro ollcrlne.
(,ii-sul,i utverylow prices onont tho liesI as
ki.itiiieiitiK.r rALl'iriH iur offered for sale In
the town of lilonmsbuiir 'Ihey nro nil new und of
the very latest stv les. IVIcch vnrylreui va cents to ir varu. e.ui tiuu bvv Uivui .
SI. W, 1iU,
in Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty,
l)rug3, lypiccs, Patent Medi
cines, &c, &c.
WOULD call the attention of the public to
their vrrv hirce and wel selected stock of
guuds which theyoflerat tho
200 boxes Window Glass all sites od qualities.
Glass for ricturo Frames a specialty.
IHiilo Lead,
lied Lead,
Yellows, dry and in Oil.
General Agents for
CABTOll, and oilier 01 LS
from tlio best Manufactories.
Their Mock of
creels (tny lu this section ot tho Stale.
Agonts for Dr. BIGSXEY'S
Family Medicines.
General Depot of supplies for Dr. .1. C. A jti 's
Tho Prescription Department Ii under tho charge
of competent rharmaceutlsts.
Physicians' Proscriptions
Ci SparMiBff Soda Water.
The attention of counti-y dealers, cspee'tally Is called
loour stock ot
C O H C E rT T B. A t n D Z, V 3,
Patent and Proprietary Medicine3
OurvMijjon will continue as formerly to make Its
usual tups to supply cu t
Coil" 111-",
Pik'3 etc.,
nn Internnl and K.xtrrnal rem y whoso heallnc Tlr
tut s are attested Uy thousands In thLs and adjulnlnff
counties Is manufactured liy them and supplied to
the annueil either directly or throuyh their countrj
dealers, Price 50 Cents Per Pottle,
None genuine unless It hears tho trado mark and
larao of Meyer Iiio's the words '-oil of Gladness"
blown In tho Klassand tho slsrnaturoof Moycrllro's
on the vvrupKr.
Apr.iT.T4 ly
CASrl nml the X. Y. Salurilay Journal,
tlienreat Literary Weekly of America, fir
one carter tho regular subscription price, fa l'iw.
fao paid, VIZ: Names enured Impartially as re
celved.and rivo Dollars enshsent nt once toeveiy
lltih subscriber t'lubs of tire (at $3 each) mav re
tain uiej.T jiuiisuur "i-iirumu ii casn premium
cf 1.1 to every llttli subscilber I The firm name isn
sufilelent guaranty of fairness and tulililmcnt Sencl
money i'r rt'Kisiereo iciier io iii-..viii.i; jc aiia.vis,
l'ubllsheis, Mi William street, Xew Vork. l-'eb. Wt.
Wyoming Monthly
LtgatiztJ by A uthority qanatlctht LtgiiUturt
Tickets SI each, or 6 for 5.
One chauuu m every nine.
Bnwicn the lait week-day cf euh $i every nwnth.
Fifth Extraordinary Drawing,
1 Cnili Prize of $100,000
1 Cash Prize or 50,000
I Cusli I'rizo of 25,000
I Cusli I'rizo ot 20.000
1 Cusli I'rizo of 15,000
1 Cnsli I'rl.o of I'J.OOO
In all. 51.NI (-ihh I'nM nmonnl'nir lo 80Sii,O
Tb flm Eiuinf 1 tury Dr.wliif K.i ri.rld.l artr T e'l.
Ftulak, Vrtt't 01 Lu.rd uf 1ul Dit M-rvnd n,mHI
Jam. DitlblrJbv t'omniltK. r Tlcktt Utfld.r Tb
rwurth by Jjjff !l u.k.11 I'rc. I sf thi iiata
AfDawalJ Ut-fJl i.jr or full ull.aUlt Mfhlrtr
ClKnUn. Ad Irvt ib Utuiirr r.
J. M. PATTF.E, Lnrnmle City. Wromlng.
U b UmiU CT-j io tb t'ubia Tttlfo tUJUooA, b
IwkCUi.ko ou4 OsJ
XTtiVIMT'l'ir 1:1 ... I ...i:.
1 1.,11'iiii'Ui Mi-ipniI,T, tiiUilifil t"onti or half
uoirii Klrl- In a rn.mi, nt. c nut rite tel 'tpun nhvali
li'hli'ul prlin'lpp's lulling fur lt uliu ntJiilU aliUcoin
fort : piti'iiliil vhj j, 'j , y,tnp:,)j hi mall fii els.
ULLIis SH U, e u, V, (illlwia. .viavi. Agents vvadtvil.
T II.I.I.VM II. I.Avv, Manufacturer ot
Vroiii?ht In,n ltrlrli-ps. IlutW.-i. Uim1inli1i,r.
fireproof Iiulldlnusi, Wrought Iron llooiluy, ltootllni;
!rr.iini.s. rioorlu'j and Doors, l'urm liatui ann Fenc.
ink', alio U niujlit Iron I'liilnsr, ht.u'ka utid all ktnda
oi :iniiH n urk, al'. iti-piura pnanpiiy uiu'naeu to.
N, U. UruHlusa uuil Ebtliuattib nupplltsl,
Provident Life & Tiust Co.
or rem. ui:i.iiua.
Incoriioiiited !!d mouth, 22d day, 1805,
lioml rHks of anv class willcllcd. A very rrllalilo
III. I M,,uiiir niii uiij , uui riv ill Nunrie ,ur. Apply
pioinptly by letter to tlio,lleivii: OVI'IUK, rhUaUe'l
pin t, ov, n, if jm,
N IN Tin: iiLoon.
Tim rKRUVMN Svaur
v1t.Ui' s nml eiirlchos ihe
liltuvl, tones up tho nys.
IUI1I, UUitUl llll II1U Ull'Kl'll
Jllll. l-tire.H il xtmml.i
I 'eblllty, Uroi'sy, ehlils and
i :-ib. iiiiuuit; ui.irrniiu
lervous alleo luus. lulls
' iiiuurs. illM'ai-a of elm
m viunoysunn Li.vidT, !
r inais coinpiamiH, ie.
Thouand.s havo liwn
I'liaiu't'd b thu uso of t lie)
remedy Hum neak, klckly. MifTcrlne crcatnrfa. to
Mruinr. hull hv. liaiuiy men ami v, omens and
it.ii.tiii ,'ninf.i ri, iimiiIiiv )iiltalo to civil It u trial,
e.emos.- Ho mho i.u pel tho e-riaifvus
Uvuvi ' (ni.t I'fiinliiii I irV.. (Vildbyetealt'iH ce-ner-ally,
A 92-tMKU lumplilel, euulaliiliu a treatwi on
lion ua u in iiii-.u uurni uiui u, ,.,i.wu.u
tcalluioi.l.ils finm dlstlnguUlied ph blelaiia, elerKy,
mm, im,! r.tii. i-i. win ii M-nt rrortto uuv uddieas,
hKiuW, 1'oivi.k is Hons, proprletorH, m llarrUin
Avenue, r.obiou.
Agenlii, malo and I'einsli',
fcj.M lMi'tureHevi'rvwnelk'. l ourteeui thollaanu
alltsl by one. .nutue r vviltini "I can tnaku
mako money la thU buliifhs than I can un u liu.uo
Willi, un &IUIO.UU, n .-.,
keeps constantly on lmnel ft Full and Complete Stock of
which vro will sell to the Public nt Tricei M Low fin to defy competition.
of all Grades nnd Latest Improvement,
Burden's Horse and Mule hoes, Horse Nails, &c,
Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls,
Axles, Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits
and a general Stock of ,
Building Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead,
Best Cblors, Pure Oils, Ac, as low as they can ho bought in the county.
Vnr l, n;s-u.
'Jitnlcts, Congee, Tvvcv7..u'3, 1'llcw, lft
- I'ota anil Kettle, Vans anil Friers, ril
jSj.Vll tliinps for all sorti of buyer.-". Vtf'd&iiS ffijjjQjp
Wc havo alio added to our Stock
GLASS, putty, omisrnDSTOisrEs, 5cO.
In all its Ilranclios, Carefully Selected and Purchased low for Cash giving us
Advantages for Selling which can not be excelled by any other
Hardware gtore in the Cbuntry.
We GUAUAKTEE both in MICE nnd QUALITY of our Goods.
The Largest Store in the Country.
aawuvw-r J. SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomsburg, Pa.
chink lias bprung rnpldly Into
favor ai pohBCfcMii j the best to:
eisation of good (lUalltlPK,
namely; Light runnlnir.smootii,
'olic!cs3, KnpW, DllMlil", Willi
porrect I)Ck btltcli,
H U a Shuttle Jlachlnc, with
Automatic Drop rteil. Dlxu
beautiful anil construction tho
RGiii&toii SewiniE!! oFrict:s of
llrinlnztoii & Soni.
ItfiuliiKlou SevvinK M.
Kumiiilon As'l Cu.,
jll.ION, N.
March 5, Ti-Om
PAQIicOiyi! Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar
BT JMl 9 Hi '' IW H Tlioonly Mauailne that IMPORTS STYLES nnd
SELLS Patterns of thorn,
only si.ia a year,
?t2371CatJlet.,h50l. LncIIou1
iWdffit l t. (WntBt
ivnt-rtt ftt1li Uu t.rllr-1y itw
v u v :
In kiiM, Unrn "f, Till
rottcrn 1t1i
XV kfvtj m irtwt CLOTTl
! irwl. l'furtt wtll
niirnl lt.M-rt t(tr tvlr.K rut
Any Pattern on thte
Snlth'i tnttant Drew Clevitof."
Upver Vart ff iw
hvlrt iwronff da
cut. m. ib-"Vie-vator"Bif4lo-
run tmim utr ifclrt
wtilU ituwlnj - civhI
f Htnl thn M
I UU,tr lonranfcrrp
lrtc4- II !
irlmmlh Filth.
II Loot- ltvl.lrt In
1atfulanl Fa-
fhionable Wftnner. H 3r-i u
lh fullness l' ! t4k. niailnK thv
'etrstuht tront." it Bavixt rnr
tt Ten Tims Coat. H M
ritMnj irntnOoQ Urod if notuor
r auuiiu r
nizAAll. wilh
l-nr. Q rri,. I Rnmnln Mnv
TION dOOlC. orHi-rrwU ox uriu-tAdkii.c,n
P. O. Box 6000.
TOfiO per day. Aficnln wantal, All
cla.sMi of norl:lnirice)i)loof both boxim. ounu
ai U old, nuko inoro moiu-y at work for its, In I luir ovu
loonlltli'n, iluiluir their niiart) moiaenu, or all tlie
tliao, than at wis thins rl, Wo oner employment
Mat win uy iiauusuiiii-iy lur cicrj uuuia uik.
'eul naitlcularx, terinsi, Ac, wnd us vour addrc&i at
ont. Don t ui'iay. hour n tuo uiao. uont iook
for wort or uuMntas eijwacre', unuiyounaro learn
ed what vve oifor. II, HiiN30s,VCo rortlaud, Malnt'.
Jan. iDin-iy.
vri:w '
l IStlJ
Nil AMl'.ltlUAN NKVYMWrKK," Till; 1 1 KMT
in lsi.MI .MtlUUSl, Dally, ill) ii yeur. rs-rul
Weekly, U.
l'oilaso lrec to tho HuiNcrlber. Hpeclmfii Coptii
nnd AdultlsIiiR ItaU'S live1. VVirklj, IneluUsotu
or moro' only II. iwuj juld. AilUa-os 'IukThi
ui'KK, N. V, Jun 13Tly,
4nVi:K'riSINni CUeap: (loesli Svrttina.
ti'. All lierwiui vv lui conoeiuplatitmaklui; con
svilltinenpaiieM lor tlio UiHitloii oiiulver.
tlscinroty, fchoulel wnd s rents to eieo. I', itowi u
Co., iriirk; liovv, Mwoi, tor their 1'AMflll.l.T.
llOiiK (iilni'l)-M lentil i dlllou.) e-cnlalnluir lists ot
over 'two ue-wbpaivra entiinatesi, ehoulnir tho
vott. AilveitiHinenta tuken for leadlns iiainri, in
many Maleu alatitmeutloeui iitluetlon in in pub
lltiue'm miea, iie.T iuk cifi, mii, ii,.i)i),
On itevy anil niott popular tool. by one of iho Uru.
int huUMrlptlun firms lntho e-ounin. Hknukhlur
beii'enlaiUUioi.s for fl.w, r. No liutuianr. K'tm
nr eiicufuiM and beev AiUitw, r,0, Hox W9 lliut
e;rel , onu,
KUUfll 111 Ilttl
In tho Countv.
IlBuisnro-e No. 1 Jl.iehlnofo
r.imtly use, In tt.e nnmiTiiU
Of ITS fjiistknck, has mot vnta
a more n erro iscbbash ok ratio
ok s etia TiiA.s any Micinmi ov
Hbminiiton Ko. a Jfacbtne for
JiANCKAtmitsa and family use,
(ready for ilillvcry ernly Mnto
June1, 1874), for range, pertto
tton, and v a r 1 o t y of it o rlc, t
without a rival In family or
fflacMnB Cdiiany, IHod, 1 1
m:.iis.f;rox co.nfiXiKs.
SSI ft isa Unmdvvav.'Vfw Ycrk, Arms.
Madison Knunrv. New York, hmvlncf Mnrliin...
('hleaito, ul Malo M., sowing MneGlueHiin'l rm!.
iWiton, 332 Washington .-t., yevvlng .viachlne-s.
f'liulnuatl, 1SI WeMHth M.. Ncwliij- Machine,
t-'ite.i, m i!in"fe. St., sewing Marldnes.
Atlanta, da., lM-tvo's tijora lluu-4-, Marh-ttn f trivt,
. , scvvlnit Jluchlne
Wnshlaeton, I). C.,6J1 H'Vcntnst., Sewing Jltchlacs.
witiv i-rcmium. do-j ueiow 1 1 fiw.i
J.3IZ3 gSS7 RsftS 35D4w
3.CId. Fop
oinlfl (or U(.njrtutt,
V-ttfrti wtiti CW
U'-tirn in
U'). to ri-ki.
MQDkIi"TL'tih,"eT - ,r P-"li"-Ti t.ti rto hit h to lt. lb
by It fsiftvrn. HY -rsj WHTTZCT QUI DEB.
pnt3 mulled on receipt of marked price.
Thre who Htiti to A. XIurtlMt
Rmtth On Venr'B Bubrrlrtion
WfiMTH. will nt lbelr Clioia,
of TWO ofthaabov ratrn. nnf(T,pmltn Inntftnt Pie le
bUijv mailed) to them TREE M THKIK PJIEMIUW t OR ho
will end yen h rerUlcaU wliul will aUtJ you to tolovt 70 ur p
xc4um at any time.
OTjTJ33 :
Up the lorc-sit Clubs for tLo DAXAAR iMwnUW
Ivo nvvay $2,130.00
th. number en&l ri.clv rnn pent.
ot h irr.
mil Ml! lor 29 Gflnti. "8IWITH'H
lu evue. a yur. Catulotruo iwwllfit tel eiM beump.
014 Droadwr.y, New York City.
Of Valuablo
INpiiisuniico of an culer ef tho Orphans' Court
. of Columbia couuty, rennhjlvarJa, on
SATURDAY, MARCH 20th, 1873,
at 18 u'florv- a. m.. Imac K. Krlckbaum, Kxooutorof
John Klloe, lato of lU'iilt u tnwnshlp. In Bald count)'.
n -ceascu.vviii oipow io sale ny public vendue cn the
prcuitseu, u ts.TtaUi II att tr lot of land conlulnlag
ht rlct mi ahurr, tiouriflm by lands of Thomas (ifbboiui
l,(sire Miller, t-anvmt Vet,Joeii Keeler, Mian Kama
and llannali L. htlne, sal.l tract ronlalna about hlX
1 S..K1VH ACItlts t'l.UltKli Um, nnd thn baltmesj
H v i ll unit rul wiih wtito l'lno and Whltu uaW.
Thero uiu mx'lcd the re-em
2 Billies: Houses anil a Frame Barn,
There Is also a vtod tearing Apple Orchard tindTa
tlouii other llutt Trees ou Ui premise.
PlH'ilal tei nis w 111 bo toado kuown at kuK
Uito thK es-tate rt tald elweaMsl, wtuatn In tbo
tovvi.bWvif llentcu, the couuty afoiwild
I. KKtlkllAVM.
llentcn, Veb, 'it, iST&-t Ktrcutor,
BLANK NOTl'fiwith or wllbeipt utropdnu
ftr b t will eta.:- enfe.