ULOOMSmJllO, PA. T ! i d a y, March 10. 18 7 D. Crrjit. Jolm C. Hcnuinoiit, son of tho Into Hon. Andrew Ronuiwiiit, by nil uct of tlio lau- I'cngrcn wns lentoreil lo Ills 1'iriner I " fit niii in tlie-Xnvy, mid hni siiuo lieeii 8 j. 'itit.nl CoinniO'Ure. len. Hiiller proposes to carpet-kip; Into tlio First MfiMnchtwctts District, wlit-re thcro is a vnc.uicv, for tlio purpose nf getting back Into Congress. Ho lunl better not ilu it. Tlio majority thcro Is only f,7"t!, too Bmall u margin for lSenjumln to go n i, Grant It taking good caro of lilt l.ivor Us nmong tlio CongtCMincn who have lieen re pudiated by their constituents. Fire or six of thorn liavo already been appointed tu of fire, among them the author of the itifit inuut Force, bill. The riiiladclpbia 77mm, In !i liberal revliw of tho retiring Congressmen from this tatc, says of one of tlio mitligrMiif.i of tho Fishing Creek invasion : ".Mr. Albright was an accident of the demoralized politiutl pAtch-work of 1S72, and render hit chief service to the country by retiring. l.itlie gull, let him rest! Archbishop McClmlcey, of New York, hut been appointed Cardinal by the Pope of Home. This it the first nppointmiiit to that high distinction ever nindo in America. The now Cardinal it a native of New York, n'ul one of it i ablet preacher. Tho Catho lic church in tho United States, it it stated, numbers from coven to eight millions of members I. l llackenberg, Ksq., hat become edi tor and proprietor of tlio Jfiltonhn, published nt Milton, Pa., which wo bolicvo it tho old est paper in tho interior of tlio State. It was established by tlen. Henry Frick, who edited it for a very long time, and it it now In itt fifty-ninth year. It wat originally a Democratic paper, wielding a largo influ ence, but oppoted tho removal of tho depos its from the old U. S. IS.uik by Gen. Jack hoii, mid after tho triumph of the latter be camo a. Whig organ, than Know Nothing, nnd fin'illy Republican. It has always been moro than ordinarily well edited, nnd wo believe it the firit paper wo ever read. The now editor hat much improved its spirit but uot its politiet. Wo recently gave publicity to a lalso ru mor that O. I. I. Painter hat been elected President of tho Lycoming Insurance Co. It should have been hit brother Win. L. I. Painter. Alto to the effect that a lady was nomiiiMiioneil for Muncv Station and Mr. Painter continues to serve tho good people of Mutiev in a very acceptable manner. Mon tour Antrrican. In this attempted correction there) aro about its many crrort at a blunderer could well get into tho sanio space. Wm. P. I. Painter wat elected President of tlio Lycom ing Insurance company, G. L. I. Painter U postmaster atMuncy, and "continuet to serve tho gOv-d people of Muucy in that position in a very acceptable manner," and a woman wat appointed postmistress atMuncy Station. Try agrtin, Mr. -Imenea,i, you may for once get right and intelligible by repeated effort. Hon. John Scott, tho retiring Republican United States Senator from this State, though a madman in some of hit latter-day politics, was nn honest man of more than the average ability of Senators at thnt body hat for a few years past been constituted. Ilccauao of his pride of character at a man of conscientious action, lie wat repudiated by the Radical ring of this State, who cast tho empty volo of their party for some ob scure politician as n rebuke to Senator Scott for refusing tho dictation of men far below him in either character, ability or motive. Mr. Scott was the most respectable Senator tho Radicals have nt any timo had in that body from this State, and bo retires with the good opinion of all fair-minded men who have closely watched hit coutfe. Wc never thought ho could feel exactly at homo in the nest lie found himself with a party ruled by medium intellects and iirst-class plunder crsand we see no very good reaton why he should not spend tho remainder of his days with the party of hit early manhood. The Franking Privilege. Tho receipt of a bound volumo of the President's Message with tho accompanying documents, under tho frank of Hon. W. A. Wallace, remind ut that the latu Congress partially restored tho franking privilege. How Congressmen ever got it into their head that tho franking privilege was un popular nnd ought therefore to bo repealed, we never could imagine. Wo know tho city papers paid so, but certainly no Congressman is so t-tupid us to suppose, it possible, for a city paper to represent public opinion, unless it bo alter It Is formally expressed. Wo are rather of tho opinion in factdecidedly so that Congress abolihed the privllego at an excuse for tho members not troubling them selves with keeping their con-titucuts well informed as to their personal action la that body, upon topics of discussion before it, and for not communicating other valuable Information'. The truth is that tho abolition of tho franking privilege cut offuearly nil communication between Congressmen and their constituents, Tho averago member was as completely isolated from bis constit uents, hi neighbors, acquaintances, frieudt nnd supporters, as though he had been ban ished to Kamschntkii, nnd hit constituents knew a littlo of hi course as they do of the morals of tlio man in tho moon. Wo heard of lien IJutlcr, nnd of Garfield, and I.amar and John Young Drown, and perhaps of half a dozen others, ami of those ambitious gabby gentlemen who would put their hands in their pockets and pay a reporter handsomely for putting them in the papers, especially a antagonizing crack orators like tho latter two named, and that wat about tho end of any body's knowledgo about Congressmen. That was tho result of the abolition of tho franking privilege. There wna no saving to the government. Stamps furnished to members and express charges far over-ran any saving in postage, as tho government accounts show, Llko every Congressional privilege, that relating to fiauking was abused. Hut that Avas no more a reason for its total abolition, than that you should cut off a horse's head toprovciit him from kicking. It was said members sent and received their washing and clothiug, tons of books, and stealings mid provender generally by this means, but all that could readily be prevented by limit ing tho weight that might be franked say something less than nn ordinary shirt weight. Tills limitation would still leave tho Con gressman without excuse for not keeping his Immediate- coiiatitucuU thoroughly port ed as to his actions and doings. It Is hoped tlio coming Congress will have tho manhood to restore the franking privllego so far as let tors and light documents are concerned, and that it will aUohavo tho wunbood todUcard uwr fustian tuid buukuut. THE (.'numlallvo nnd Limited Voting. An islitor who Is so utterly Ignorant as to speak of tho "cumulntivo or limited vote" nt boiug one and the same plan, hud better ho nt wimcthlnireUotlian trying to enlighten people. The two plain are opposite, the former giving tho elector nt many votes, to ho disposed of as ho pleases, nt there nre placet to bo filled, whilo the latter limits him to voting for a lest number of candidates than are to bo elected. Tho former system It ndinlrablo nt least In the selection of officers of corporations, whcte eveiy pecuniary Interest ought to be repre sented, in In partnerships, and nt a pre entlvo of a majority of stock robbing tho balance, by giving contracts to favorites or to selves, or In malapproprlation, fit. Tho latter has worked well and mot satisfactory in tho choo'lng of election otllcers. For thirty-five years past it hat thin been in oper.ttton in this State without an objector, which Is n sufficient vindication as far as It goes. How far cither plan may bo successful on a moro extended scale, it yet unsettled. Thcro nro draw-backs, nnd our own judg ment is decidedly ndverso to the limited votc.nt throwing all power into the hands of political conventions, too often controlled by unwi'o and unworthy men, and inspired by unpatriotic influences. Since thee plans have been partially put In practice, however, It would seem to be tho part of prudence to give them a fair trial and allow them to bo judged by results. It Is scarcely worth tho space, but tho statement that John Stuart Mill, a prolific and somewhat fanciful English writer on political economy of the shallow Henry C. Carey school, it tho originator of one or botli thesti plans, may ai well be corrected. Ho to soma extent discussed thein, but wo do not think ho ever originated any thing and was rather :i logician by trado than a g.-nius, who followed up new notions ns n more promising ciop than would bo afforded by old and approved seeds. Wo hear of no serious complaint of tho working of tho cumulative plan of voting for members of the popular Houso of tho Legislature of Illinois, and wo believe it would work well in the election of Congress men, breaking up tho outrageously unjust nnd infamous business of gerrymandering. 7 he Time!, Col. McClure's new Phila delphia daily, has made itt appearance. Tho typography is rather neat, though the typo (except tho editorials) aro too small, especially for broad columns nnd the press work is not welt done. In tho salutatory" wo have tint declaration of principles, after some parlavcr about 'Independence," viz : Thn Tinxci will earnestly resist the rapid tendency toward centralization of political power, and it will battle manfully against all political creeds which tolerate it, nnd against the promotion of all men who advo cate or iiccopt it. It will maintain the riirhts of all tho people of the States, regardless of ""'W, wiMUtwuil, Ul J.tll, A1 rJlClil, klltir own governments, in obwlieuce to the Con stitution and the laws, without 'he arbitrary interiKisition of national authority. or tho employment of the laws and agencies of war in time of peace. It will insist thai elections belong to tho people; that they shall be the honest expressions of the popu lar will, alike in Pennsylvania and in Louis iana, and not the playthings of military commanders, or of capricious executives, or of revolutionary leagues, or of debauched manipulators ot'ro.urnsj and when the peo ple havodeclarcd their wishes in tho election of their rulers, great or small, that there shall bo obedience to the judgment of tho ballot-box by all parties. It will demand economy and fidelity in every department of umnuruy, ciiy, ouue, ami national, and will fearlessly arraign those who abuse public tru.-t, without stopping to inquire what po litical party is to answer for having clothed them with unmerited honors. It will discuss public isu;s, public events and public msn witli that mea-ure of freedom that is dictated by truth, but with that dignity and courtesy which should ever characterize the presi of the most enlightened nation of the world. It will seek to deserve tho respect and gen erous good will of all honorable cotcinpo raries, anil will leave iiersonal wariire to such as may choose thus to disgrace a most elevated and useful profession. A pretty substantial Democratic platform, upon which we would like to see our Demo cratic representatives, State and Federal, plant themselves so firmly that earthquakes could not shake them, but about which we hear much more than wo see practical. The paper is "newsy," spiced a little, and alto gether creditable to itt editor, nnd publisher. It has room yet to come up to the point of a great pajf r, and for that it must have time for complete organization. Wo hopo it may succeed in its aim of giving a higher tone to Philadelphia journalism. I!y the way, who is meant by "rulers" in tho above quotation ? It must bo either tho ollice-liohlcn. or tho tmall politicians who make so many of them. "The most enlight ened nation of the world" is good for an extra "independent" paper I Who Pay Uie Tax cm ? In speaking of a recent salary grab that passed the Stato Senate, tho Clearfield lie HWiVaiiiemarks: "This isa handsome increase, but as their pay comes chieliy lrom corporations, we shall file no objections at this time." Wo nre aware that the revenues of the Stato are derived chiefly from taxes on cor porations, but does anybody suppose that these, in turn, do not levy them upon the people, with a very largo addition for collec tion? When coal is taxed, ns now, four cents per ton, nre not several cents added to tho price to meet tho taxation? So with transportation. Kvery thing that the farm er or manufacturer produces und sells is taxed by tho corporations if it it carried over railroads or canals, and so is everything that people buy, if brought from a distance, However taxes may be imposed they are finally collected from tho people. A direct tax it least expensive and burdensome to them, because it costs less to collect, nnd being directly assessed and applied, can readily bo accounted for. But who can now tell how much State tax he annually pays in settling bis coaf bills, his storo purchases, or how much less ho receives for his pro duce and manufactures because of theso taxes levied in the first instanco upon corpo rations? If our Clearfield cotcmporary im agines that ho does not pay his full share of salary grabs ho Is hallucluated, fAti-a Sossion of tho U. S. Senate. This body has been spending most of its timo in discussing Pinclibnck On Tuesday they again laid him on the table until De cember, by a voto ol 113 to CO. We infer that this was dono by his friends, to brldgo over tho fall elections, mid that when a direct voto Is taken he will bo rejected. Later information affirms our conviction that Pinekback'a enso was postponed nt tho instanco of his friends. Certain that he would bo njected ou a direct vote, West of Louisiana moved to postpone to December, in which he mis wpK)rttd by the cxtreino Radicals and a few other Republicans who desired to dodgo the issue nt this time, Cameron wa compelled to violate a pair a gross breach of honor to carry tho motion, Tlio Democrats protested against tho post ponement, but in vain. G'eii. Edw in ti. Osborne has boon re-ap- ixiliite'l ami confirmed m Mnjor (kueral of tli is Military dUtf COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, LesMnlho I'rooopillngs. Tho Houso has passed nil tho npproptla- tiou bills, and hat unfortunately been In duced to grind through a largo amount of additional legislation, much of It in den nnee of tho provision of the Coliltltlltlon which requires all bills to bo read nt length. On Friday night tlio House remained in session all night and from nil accounts tho scones of the occasion were most disgraceful, Tho bill to reduce Room charges lrom $1.23 to DO cents passed by a votcof 113 to 48. It was at once scut to the Senate, where a "set up" committee promptly reported It with a negative recommendation, which kills it for tho session. The new county bill has passed both Houses, but In a shapo to send it to a con ference committee Tho desires of those fa vorable to new counties will probably pre vail. Tho general appropriation bill will bo passed by tho Senalo as It came from the House, though a majority of Senators desire to amend it, lest tho House might rcfuso to pass it and thus compel a continuance of tho session, to which the Republicans seem to bo opposed for political reasons. Tho State Treasurer nsscrts that the aggre gate of the House appropriations will tx cced the revenues of tlio State that may bo applied to their payment by moro than a million of dollars. Tlio Democrats of the House deny this, and assert that tho Treasu rer wants tho ndditionnl million for privato speculation and to cover default in the Treasury. The House, therefore, sternly re fuses to permit any of tlio Sinking fund revenues to bo diverted to other purposes. Hut the partisans of the Treasurer in tho Senate propose to meet tlio difficulty by re fusing to pass sundry of tho charitable and miscellaneous appropriation bills passed by the House. If the latter body is possessed of manly firmness wc suspect tho Senate will yield. If not, tho people will profit by the result. Tlio Local Option repeal bill passed the Senate ou second reading by a vote of 2!) to 17, so amended at to include a stringent li cense law, fixing licenses at trom 100 to $1000 per year. Tho repealing bill will probably fail for want of agreement between the two Houses. When the Senate judicial salary bill came up in thcllou'c, on Monday evening, a mo tion win made to reduce the salaries of county judges froniSO.OOO per year to $ 1.003. Not agreed to, yens GO, nays 1112. Messrs. McIIenry and Ryan voted no. Tho bill then passed second reading. As the people both pay the salaries und elect the member who make them, wc suppose we are bound to infer that this is their will. When once fixed, the.se Balarie-s cannot be changed du ring tho terms of the Judges now in ollice. The high figures established will induce a flood of bills nt tho next session f r addi tional Judgeship", nil of whichjtlirough com binations, will no doubt pass, and tho cost of tho Judiciary in the end must become enormous, and itt quality will be corres pondingly decreased. Tlio Local Option bill is nowbefore a con ference committee of the two Houses. Re sult uncertain. The Iloom bill, after being reported nega tively wat referred to another committee and reported affirmatively on Tuesday. It can scarcely bo pa-ed after the lato day it wat reported even it a majority favor it. The new county bill goes to a committee of conference. Largo numbers of bills nre being ground through both houses after a Legislative diarrhea fashion. Most fortun ately tho day of adjournment arrived yes terday. P. S. Tho bill repealing the Local Op tion law and adopting a stringent license law has passed both Holies. i'liilailelp'iians in the Legislature. The character of Hie delegation sent to tho Legislature by Philadelphia is an insult to all tho State They are ignorant, rude, ill-bred nnd boisterous, and aro constantly guilty of want of decent respect for authori ty or for the body of which they are mem bers. There may be some who aro a partial exception to this general description of them, but such is the character of tho delegation. Tiiey would like to b dictatorial if they knew enough, but, failing in that for want of brains, they attempt to substituto impudence and blackguardism as a means to rule. No wonder, therefore, that the county members so often act at a unit against Philadelphia interests, and no wonder that what ought to bo the great Centennial commands no inter est and scarcely respect from tho people of the Suite. Once all this was different. Although some men of indifferent character then crept into the Legislature from Phihidelphia, both tho old city and county wcresuro to send somo first class men to rule tticir dete ctions. Now the associate)) and equals of the "flying dntchman," of "Slippery Jim," of tho "educated hog," &c, give character to and perhaps compose tho delegation. Ought tho people of the Stato to regard thi con duct of Philadelphia ntherwiso than a an Insult to them? They at least try to Bend decent men, who have regard for good names, and who behave in public nt any rate with ordinary propriety, but Philadelphia leav ens tho whole with her educated hogs edu cated in vulgarity if uot in letters and thus brings tho whole body into disreputo and contempt. Tho country does right in resenting this state of affairs, and it will be to its own interest nnd credit if it cultivates ha tred for n city thnt acts thus towards it. New IlaTpsli'ra election. Tho result of tho New Hampshire election is ns near as may be a tie between tho Dem ocratic nnd Republican candidates for Gov ernor, a few hundred vote for a Temper ance candldato prevniting the election of either. Tho Senato is a tlo and the Repub licans claim a baro majority in tho House. Tho Democrat elect a majority of Council lors, and two out of thrco Congressmen, which is n gain of one. The result for Governor nnd a number of Assemblymen was produced by the Repub licans who havo heretofore supported tho Temperance candidates secretly voting for the Republican nominees, leaving the Dem ocratic Temperance men to throw nway their votes on the candidates of that organi zation, A smart yaukeo trick but ono that will return to plague Its perpetrators. Thero has been no Republican gain in New Hamp shire, even over last spring, but tho Democ racy aro tho gaining party there, tho Stato having formerly given fi.000 to 10,000 Re publican majority and sent a full delegation of Republicans to Congress. If there wa any doubt in Grant's, mind about the people of Arkansas being banditti it was dispelled by tho proclamation of Gov. Garland setting apart the 20th of March, ns a day of Thanksgiving for the Poland reso lution. It Is officially denied that General Hchenck has resigned his position as minister to ling land ; it is not, however, denied that he ought to do so. Tho legislature, or liulluna lias repealed tbo strlugcut llrjuor ,aw of that BtaU, and us4d a liveeiw law ia lb nUxuX. Tho Radical papers havo been regaling their readers lately with what purported to bo a speech of Gen. Fori est nt Muldcn, Ten nessee, but which they manufactured them, selves, to tbo effect that another war was Inevitable, that the carpet-baggers ought to bo nsasslnated,&o Gcn.Forrcst's attention having been called to tho fraud ho declares that ho knows of no such place in Muldcn nnd that there certainly is, iiouo in Tennes see, thnt he never uttered or held such senti ments nnd that he has notmiulanspiechaii where In two years. The forgery was gotten up for uso In tho New Hampshire election, ns was also ono in denunciation of tho Dem ocratic party nscrlbcd to ex-President Johnson. Fi reign Xnvs. Tho French have been in a stato of effer vescence for two weeks past, about a Cabinet. President McMahau finally grew rough on their hand and selected ono to suit himself, inado up of moderate men so far nt a Frcnc1itnn.ii can nttaln that point, nnd reject ing tho candidates put forward by tho fac tions. Upon the whole, tho result It a llona partist victory, for whilo that party is not directly represented and did notdeslro to be, all the candidates opposed by It were reject ed. Revolution is probably postponed until tho llonnpartists cheoso to make it. Tlio war in Spain is characterised by In different results, nnd tho other countries of Europe nre quiet MARKET REPORTS Itl.OOMSltURU MARKKT. Wlioatper tuMiel 1!VU i 1.4 V Com " o.its " , I'lour per barrel Cloversenl n.iKMeu nutter i:rjfs 1 allow I'ntutcus PrlcU pii!es Il.vns '. siaet K Hliouliiers Un pur pound Hayinrton Hwsw.ix Timothy Heed CiUOTATIOXH FOlt CO.U,. K.O r... l.r, .ifo . .fu .10 .IS .11 .14 1M .a. 6.1" No. I on Wharf No.r, " " No.0" " Ilt.uksmltir.s t.mnp on wharf , " Pltumliious " 1 4,0'iperTon a,;.', t 2..V) " " 4,00 " " S 0.09 ' " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mvN'DUJC NOTK.S lust printed and for sal. cheap nt ttie Colcubiav ufllee. " J.II ."STEC KEit'iS FLOOR, FEED, AND GOAL DEPOT, iiLooMsmino, i'A. Krcamer's old stand on Iron Street, between Second anil Third. All kind! of grain taken in exchange for coal. J. II.STGCKKlC, Mar. 10-tf niooinsbura JUST OPENED- W. P. JONE3 hits just opened 500 yards Iliimlnu'g Edgings and Inserting!;. This is tho largest and most com plete assortment ever opened in this place. And the present aftbi'ds it good opportunity to procure rare and de sirable patterns which can not be had later in theeeason. Our arrangemcnta aro such that we shall THROUGHOUT THE SEASON", Keep n FULL ASSORTMENT And our PRICES WBWILL GUARANTEE TO be ns Low AND L0WHU THAN USKWHEItE. W. P. Jones, Corner -1Iin stud Tlilril Streets, CATAWISSA.PA. March 19, ls;s. cjniiraiXA in divorce. O in tha court of Common Pleas of Columbia i uuniy ,-o. 1a DeoemtxT Term, ihu; -M.iry D. I elbv, by her next friend, lieuben rahrlngcr a Joseph I'. Lelby. The underslgnprt iiwln? icen nppnlnted Cominls. slowr to tnku lieposlthms In ihu almve raw, mil moot, Mr Uin purpose of his npi' ritintnt, at, tlia uauvtnr vtuil.irn iviitit, in ca.it rail v, on Thursday, ai l o'clock A. .., April iOtn, is"5. .1. If. .IMIM, CeutralU, March 19, 19Ji-lt CornmtsM mcr. PEIVATESA X, ST REAL ESTATE! rMIE Fiilnrillier nfler at priv.iln H ile, nn fa jLvurablo terms, tho foUonlns described proper- ,W'PIFTr ACRES tti of land, mors or Ifss, Mtti.itcd In Jit Ploas Ijs nnt township about two miles north of !!! WonnHburt,', on the pulillo road lending from .1 Light Ktti-i't to liucklioni. adlnlug lands or Lllas lloutll on the uoM, Win. How ell cud .lames Urltnes on thn Miutli, Sumuel Hartzell on the east, and Joseph (illbcrt und Win. How (Hon tin, north, all cleared oxerpt nliout is acres which Is well tlmlK'ied, on wh'ch lire erected u Log Uou.su und Uig Hum, out-bulldlngs, Ac. Also n variety of choice fruit in buurlng. NINE AND ONE-HALF ACRES. fcltuate In Mt. I Ioasant township, on tho public road leading from Light Mrcct to Jerwjj town, about four Wilts from lilixjinsburg, all cleared, whereon aro erectod n Tito Mory Pit A Ml! lloixi: and Kitchen, a Ni:w HANK HAltN, and out-bulldlngs. 'Iherolsn VOPNd OltCHAIIDof rtiotco Fruit of aUklnclsJiwt coming Into hearing on thcf.n premises. Al-on good Hnrlng of soft water at tho door. For ternm, ., ap ply, on tho latter promises to fllto. w. jacoiiy l'J-8m OUIZKLI.KII.JA'OliV, Home-Mafle Fertilizers Tlie Bsst- FARMERS ATTENTION. UPON rtrclpt of tfn rents to jmy printing, poftagonnd proixirtlon of exponas of this n. vertttcment, thn (imv'B Ferry i heinlcal Worlo, inmufiicturcrto' Oil Vllrol, (iroun l Hoi es und otm r fertilizing materials, will tend tn any fuinur or other person, n receipt) for making a llomo inadu Ferllllztrfiom luinesund other chemicals ntui'Lit of about twentv dollars per ton, without trouble, up paratusor machinery, pronounced by hundmUwho nave ue d It to bo equal It not su rrlor to any buper I'liOMitate of Minn purchased In tlio market. Ad. dress, OltAVrtFIJI.KVi'HKMK'ALWOltKS. omca lea jiouth Front Mrttt, l'liUadeipbia. 19-lm NTS. Cliang Chung sell nt fluid. V. Net ilunutacti Nccssar as Koan. fluids freo. Chang Chung Manufacturing Company. Ilohtou. 17RKK HAMI'MB to AgeTils. Ladles' Com 1 blnall 'ii Kcedlo-book nllU Chromos Kind bUiuip. F 1', (ILl'CK New lledford,Musiuchusetts AO KNT8 WANTED for the (Vtest nelliiig book ecr pub Isdiod Hcnd for circular and our cunt terms to Agents. NATIONAL 1'L'IU.ISII l.Nll CO , l'Ulllel liU, I'll. $1,000 Tor a raw nf Antlimu, Cnuglis, or (Villi lUllt AIIAMMIN'H I10TAN1C IIAIJUM Will not rinr Tvcure I.ihob liovri.ka Hi cents. John. U ULlU.slo.N, HOLLO Wi. V UX, ApjuVkl'UlUdU- BLOOMSBURG, Ij. IFM nnd explorations of Dr. J IVINOSTONK (ililiKf ft rloiirnnil authentic luAount oi ino great exp orcr trom cniiuuoou jo death. New hnog lust out, blowing now he spent .' i rapidly. our "Family HtbW nrn iinciiimlcd fur styles nnd prices. A (I UN It WWNTHIiiid'livsint once for ItOef nl terms. (JUAKKR CITY l'l III.M1INM CO., I'ldla ilclplil i, r,l. riHRISI'IAN HARMONY, 1IY WILLIAM ) WAI.KLIi A.H. II. A MilclldM MllslO Hook Upon n Nl'AV, Natural and KASY sjstom, by which nn ono may leurn tu id inxslcnnd mug In one fourth tho timo reipilred b) old inclhodi. lleslued fvr choirs, flnirlng schools and .Musical Socleilos. liberal Inducements to.Mii'.lo Teachers, fpoclmen pages mailed freo MII.I.WI'S 111111.11 AMI I'l'll I.IsillNCI IIOU8I;, 1103 nnd nwsansom Street, l'hll ndclphlji, l'n. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, H0ARSENE3S, And all Throat Diseases, TJSB WELLS' CARHOLIC TABLETS l'UT UP ONLY IN 11LUE HOXES. a Titu;i au stmi: iumikdv. For (talc by Druggists generally, nnd JOHNSTON IIOLLOWAY JC0 , Philadelphia, Fa. ilend Every Word. TO MAKE KNOIJGII MONEY In tho next three months to keep you a. year, any un emp!ocd person bctneca tho ages ot lit and CO hlii.uld t.ik( nniiL'encvfnrTHK Ii.t.vnrnTEDVKifKl.y. a large, t-parkllng, literary nnd family paper, f i a jcar) pure, Instructive, nnd amusing; half of Its Img"i,imm oe.iiiiuui piuiurcn. inu inner tuiu euii alnlng tlio choicest reading matter. Jamks Paiiton eonllllutlng editor. I.Ike t tint great KnullMi paper, tho 'lmdo Illustrated News," It Is highly morn, but entirely unscclarl.ni and non-nolttlcnl. liurliiir n year It IurnWhesocr l.lonptetures, nnd the equal of ;p largo octavo voiutir"5 of reading matter. IT (HVI'.s AWAY-, cvtra each neck, n largo engraving, ( v In a scar), sljo 1T.24 Inches These aro oxnulsltu facsimiles or inn nnest btcci engtnMngs, on ncjvy tinted paper, with margins wiltiiblo for framing, nnd nro trulv u one art cillery every icnr. Ilesldcs each Miliscrlbcrlsprc'eniod ultlitlieohromo, "(lold FlMi, Fruits nnd Fmcrs," plo 2.js, feet, In 2" oil co ors, p.dnlcd by ltam- -, Not only thn largest nnd llnest iircmium over irhen.but Ihu most wonderfully beau tiful eliromo Pier produced. It Is Just tho paper for which over) buils has been walling- larger and liner than any other, uth.ilf (ha usual cost. Its succets (nearly i uu suo'cnner n nay iieing reeciveiu proves this. So complcle, M pregnane, so full of umciuI as well as entertaining ms tcr Is this paper, that wo vcntuiolo assert that to every thinking, observant, American, a e.ir's Milwerlpllon (costs fMi Is, in actual, usefu' value, worth lltty dollars AdfiNTH. i nn comoiniiion is iincipiuucu. ui'un uisuin, Lincoln and nronounced auccehs. V. ery good Aincr lc.m takes nt least ono paper, of courw. He takes this paper because (I) It Is the nicest newest nnd best: (2) it k tho cheiipcH'-glvtng u great bargain and thin Milts the bard times. It sells Itself, lie quick, It vnu want nn ngencv Tills time of the year any ugcni can mane ir.nn ui 10 per nay re,ni three ttamps for specimens and ltlwr.il teims. Willi rcnorls from ue-ent.s. huberll,ers. nnd rrcs notices : or letter jet, to sale time, hend it mi nt once for a coinpieie omul, ana ui.iko n u wiiuu jou winiei oth'swlso be waiting. You nro miro to take hold nil) how. Money n funded If not perfectly witlsned, or If the tcnltory 50ii want Is ulreadv occupied. Addre-s nil iiideis for bp. elmens, subscilptlons, or oiniiisto r. I.. .iiLiuitt.. I'uousncr "ino uiusiruieu v.ecKi; , r. ii. i.ox .M.-,u no. ll iiey tl., a. i. 4w, POND'S EXTRACT CATAKKII. -1 , this dl-ease. ileanh.iMI, be excclle i cun In old nn 1 obstinate cases, i liu rc let Is so prompt that no one who has eer incu it win no wun nor ir.. Oil VI'i'Ll) 1IAM1S AND r.OK.-I'cnd's Extract hhotildbn In ivcry fainll nils rougu weainrr. It relii'ives too sorene-s ami roiiguuess unit boii f nmmit Iw.nU tin. skin nrr.mtitlv. inir.i'MATisM liurliiir ,ovcie and chnngcabla weather no mo hubjec. lo lihcunintlo pains sliouul oo one uay wuuout i oiiuh i'.Mr.u.i,uiLu nlivii. s I I'lieves. SOlil! t.r.NliS.O .NSl'MPI'IO.V, COUdllS, COI.IW. Ihlseoiil weather tries inu i.ungssoiciv. iiaio Pond h Fxtrnct iui hand itlwajh. It lelleies tho pain unu cures i no ui.-ease. (im ill. Ms ni be lin.inmli' relieved and ultl m.itciv cuieil bv bathing the nnilctcd parts with Pond's llttract. FROM HI) LIMP'S. Pond's Extract Invariably rc-. Holes the pain and dually cures. SOItlJ TliliOAl' (JUINSY. INFLAMED TONSILS ,vr ,,it,..cuf'i'u..pn .irnnmtti. dim. I liv Ilu. iiCn of I'nnii'K Kxtr.ict. It neierfa'lls. POND'S LXTIt.M.T.- Pamphlet, history and uses with each bottle, nnd mulled free on nppllcotlon to j our druggist, orjtous, .Maiucn uiue, .-m. i. Sold byilruggiats. JUST READY ENTIRELY NFAVAU TIILNTIC COMPLKTI2 LIFE A; L.110Itg OF DR. LIVINGSTONE, HY HKV. J. CIIAMIILISS. This Fitted author linvlnir froo nccess to thn tier sonnl wiltlngsct l.lilugslone, unfolds clearly the grimileur of bis chaructcr.magnltude of lilsllle-work nndtlhi lil.ml-llke Perils llio 'lhrllling Adven tures ho met, the (irnnd Aildeicintnts be won.ns ntsotbo curiosities, Wondcis nnd Wealth of that .Malicious Counlry.lts Vigo at Ion, Minerals, lup ines, limits, savages, etc. W do Awake Agen s ii allien i.veij win re ui unco lor ino oiuv ine.ii,i;uiii nletewml: llVI.'HSe imires.lui Slicuilld UlllstM- lions, a superb Map, (Includes his "I list Journals." Prlcu inly f.i. o. will sell Immensely Millions wun I It. lor particular, addicts Ill'liliAIil) 11LOS., Publblwrs, 123, t-ansom striet, Plilladelplda snoT-onss. tiifi.es. PISTOLS BETOfcTEItS, vmi tm nil Of M anil pvTTklnil. Rnd ItunD uiruminHiu, tMTTUuunoB, r. lot r.iduui. .,1.1,... UfMl IVa.l.rn Cn " ,i REMARIvAIII.E ROOK," i. AltrilUH'S LATLVl AND (IKEATI-S: flnnrrnn I Or, Wounded In tbo Ilouso of n DRUgei. I Friend, "ll.e ( rowntflg Work of this veteran of Amirlcun I llcratuic, has for Us topic a f ublu t am cling tl.cS ilnl I lteofour WIllM.L' I'KO-PI.1-, and irl ib n Urilble view of tl.i ivll it exposes. I'Xtieuiely l'ascli'utlng tititl Hiisutlomil, It will be rend with nMdlt by nil. lllusiraltd niid liuutlful ly bound. We aio deteunlriid to lulioduii' It Into ei ery family In tho land, nnd orur unpuinlclled ItiUuciueiiis to lualc and ftmalu (unMissers. We want ht,ei,icver.iwhcie, will icndfiie cunppllcv liuu. ii iiiin (ill,, i , ri, ,'.,' viii uj.'i rtjxj DAlil' 4; Co., ia, chebtnul Micit, l'hlladolphU. HAVE YOU TRIED AliE YOU WEAK, NERVOUS, OR UEIHLITATED? Aro you so I-inguld that any exertion i cqulres moro ot nil euort in.in yo i leei c.ipuoiu oi iiiuj.iiii i Then trv Jiirubeba. tho wondeiful tonic and In vlgorntor, which in Is to bcnelli tally on tho recutlio oigsns ns 10 unpin .igor iiuiii ino inai loicu.s, 11 Is no alcoholic iippcllor, which stpnulatcs for n short time, only to let tho rlilTeier fall tonlowii iieptn ot misery, oat it is a icgciuonj loiuu ucung dlrecllf on the liver and spleen. It legulntes tho lluwels, quiets tho nerves, and dies such u healthy tone to tint whole bjbtem ns to on iiniKe tho Invalid feel like u now person. Its epilation Is in t violent, but Is ch.ir.icti ilrcd by Te.it gentlcno-s; Ihc pntlint ixperkuicsnoMnlden I'luinge, no markod it'snlts, but gradually his troubles 'Told their tints, like tho Anas, And silently steal away." 'I his Ii n) new nnd untiled dbcoiery, but has been Ijng mod with wondcifulreinedl.il results, nnd Is tmiuouticeil by the highest medical nuthoiltlts, "the most pimi rtul 1 nlo and .dtcrullui kuonu." I: our ilrugglsl for It. For sale bv JOVNSTON, IIOLLOWAY i Co., P.illadclpht.1, Pa. TO'fYCIIOMAN'OY or SOl'L CHARM I INO." How cither box may f.isclnatu nnd imlii tlio lovo and nnectlons of any pcrs n they choose Instantly. I'hls sbniile, menial acquirement nil can tioss'ss, free, bv mail, for'.'.v cents, togither wltn u Marriage liulde, rgyntlan Oracle, Dreams Hints to Mdles. Wedding Night hhlit. Ac. A nucer book. AddiessT. wii.li vai x c puus. rniui. MARYLAND EARMS AND HOMES , .oooaciiEH Nenrmllrctid I ini ton healthy . ...I lit, U j,II,,l.,V 1 1I le uuu jiuuiloa iti.c. iiii'u,, nvivtM.j Dcntou, .Marjlai.d. MONEY easily mailo liy peltini; TEAM at I.MP01tTi:iisrPltICi:s, or getting up clubs Ii), tuwusand country for tl.o oldest 'Uu Company tn America uriulesl inuui iiiikiis. renuinr circular, OVN ION TLA CO., Hs Clumbers St., N. Y. PUI1LIO SALE. There will bo mid" at Public Halo on FRIDAY, MARCH 20th, 1875, at T o'clock, p. in., VI VK HIIAUHH OF BTOCK.Intho i atawLssa Mutual lnitldlng und baling Fund Associ ation, belonging to tbo isintoof .linns Kislrr.de ceusi d, at tho oillcu of thf nbovo AssKlatlon In Cat-uwt-ssn. 'Kims made known ut the tlmu of t-ale. J 11. Kt-hTKK, March c, 75-sw Administrator. Coughs CoM, Ilron 01111111, Sore Throat, In fluenta, Croup, Whoop iwi; Co igh, Hoarfcness LlverCoui'laltit, I'ulm or iSonm'H In the Chest or Side, IHeodlug nt the Lung?, nnd every nfTerlloii i.i n ihroat, Lungs and chest, ures ccd. II iliredbv llioll.Miof Db. Witii' lUmtM Of Wll n CiitniiY, which dues not dry up a cmkIi und leave thee u-e behind, us Is thn cuso with most remedies, but loosens It, cleanses the Hunts und nllajs lrrltu Ion, tlnii romivlng tho causo ut tho complaint. Consumption can be cured bvn time ly ronort to this standard remedy, as Is proven ny nuuureas ot icsuinoiiiMi u nas rociiieu, Nono genuine unless tlgned "I. llt'TTS' nnthe wrapper, Wceutsundtl ahottln; largo Ixitll'H much tho cheaper. HKI'll W. FOWI.K & HONH, lYonitctors, lloatou, Mass, Hold by do lersgen eralli. Jan.2i, 'T7'fA'l, ' know uLout Apent', or lion lo i it i r in Ii f'K Jii if 1 1 Hi iill rc l iincp. Stu null Ii i'i vi- pi nil luits. A iJy.klM.uw COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ,-, t-,-. rt n t-, i c r rmirv t-v Tl ' ll 'l' I J A I ("fJ'J V I V 1 IJ ll' NKXr 110 II 10 miNDERSHOTT'S DRUG STORE, ioi- 11ns Just oponcd wltk n New, Fresh Stock of TKAS, COFFKHS, SUOAI1S, 8'ICI, I'lCKLL'S. SAUCKS, FISH, HAM, HIIOL'LDHIt, CANNHl) FltCITS YEGIiTAllLLl, ic, ,t0, FOHKION AND D0ME8TI0 Fruitfl. Nulfl und Confcctlonarics. Our goods havo been bouiht nt 110TTOM Plttcn-i, nnd will he sold nt tin Vl'KY LOIVGST 1'OSSIIILK l'lllUKS jPOIR cash, or exchanged for prlmo articles ot COUNTHY PltOUUOE. IT WILL l'AY YOU TO CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND 1'RIlES roil YOL'llSF.LYr.3. We keep no book alt purchases CASH at tho time ot sale, liy lids strict cash system a Saving of 10 to 20 per cent, is assured to Our Customers. A share of public patronngo H rcspoclfuil) solic ited. N. J. 1IKNDERSIIOTT. Hlor,nsbarg, March 18, 1s;s-j- SUI GENERIS. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. dnequaled::s;.unapproached tn cnpacity on I cxoi-llenM hj nny other. Awarded TKEffiTMEMS DIPLOMA OP HONOR AT VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nSJI V Amfricnn OrtrniM cvrr awnrdrd nny incdil UIlL In KnruNor which irrernt fuch rstrnordi nary fxcellenoa as to commainl u wide fule thrrc. Al WAV? htehct-t rrTinimn rt Irt(1r- HLrf n I U triul r.xioitluns In Amertrnai mcHh Kurope. Outof huiHrcil-4 Ihrri' liavo not bft-n nx In ftll wlitre Miy othtT or'ai- huvo been itrtftrrtd. prOT l)oc'rcc1 by Wcinincnt MiMchnu, in both DLu I bemWitrnN to bu mirUnlctl. BfO TKHTIMONIAIj ClllCUr Alt, Willi oi.iiiiym of nitrt thui One TlioiiHattil (wnt frit-). IMCICT on nRTlnff n MnKin k KftniL'n. ,X)o not IllOlO I take nny other. Peuler Qtt unurn com intwioNH f'-r einj inferior organ, and for tKit rtuzon vun try peri Acini to ttlt toinethtng else, fJCUi CTVI CC ithmofrt imiwrtrnt ImrroTc IlLll pi ILLo tnents rer made. New Nolo &nT Com hlnntlnii Mop. Nupcrb UlaitTcro an-i otlur Cunch of new dcnluiift. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGANS qnlidtn romblnntlon of ttuw InfftrniniRtn. LAO I rfll lYlCIl I O. for monthly or quartnly pajroenta; or rented until rnt payn fr the orgun. P1TAI flPIICP nnd Clrmlars. 1th fnllrnrtlo lUHIHLUUUCO nlnrn.frce. A,drfiMABON fi HAMLIN OHCUN CO., 1SI Tlrment fctrcrt. BOS TON; S5 Union Hqnaro, NEW XOllK; orUtei Adiimbt., OU1CAUO. Marcli l,T5-y 110LL1NS & HOLMES No. 1" Centre Sit ect. YMn Gas anil Steam Tito JIANUl'AOTritF.liS or T X 1ST -W ARE, CALVANIXD IIION COlt.NICK, WIS'UO'.V CAP?, AWNINGS, Wire TrcllUiH, Sec. Dealew in Stoves, R,ing- es, ! iinmces, lialtininro Heaters, inv noun urates, Alantels, I'UM iv, Weatlier stri b. ic. Also GAS FIXTURES of tbe latest doMsn. Special nttcrthn paid to 'n- I'uitiu nt'ivin .Macuiucsi 1 cirry ucMullillnil i uics, locks. I., 11 lluiicluj. Kiv lllllmr. Jli. Pitiiili. l'.,-l Ucnccii Heated byMcainut unu.ill crt al.oin Hot rtir, j cu. xj, ,. ii, GAS!GAS! THATCHER & GEAHHART, PInnite, Gas and M Gilt liLooMsnuno. pa.. OKKIIIt TO Tim I'UDLIO TIIPIU SKUVIUCS IN PI ii in hin r !inil fins; lOiHiiur IIIIIIU, O ll"'. .V'J A llilllQj In whlcli they liavo had many yean of esiicrlenco, All Mori: ot this kind warranted to bo of tlio licst dcscilptlon and eiccutodln tho moat woikinanllkft inanuer. Gas Piiio 1-tiid at 12 Cents Por Foot ! Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam nnd Hand Pumps, Pipe and Fittings. A Pplendid Assortment of Chun delicrs, Brackets, Lamps, Similes, Bronze Ornaments, &c. EXQUISITE SLATE MANTELS, TUB CEI-KIUtAlO) JAPAN PAPEIt-WAItE, iiucKirrs, hasixs, howls, &c, &c. More Hooin In IHonmbhurir, on Main Ktroet, oppo hllo tit. Paul's Episcopal Church, tilio them a call! Oct.,1l-tf ADMlNISTItATOU'SNOTICK. KSTiTK OK I'KTKB IIITl'NKn. JR , HKCKtUKD. I. lti i!! of Administration on tha cutoof Peter Hlltncr, lr.. latu of Uii.t township, county of tlol. uinbt.i. htuto of Pennsylvania il'ccasil. him lu.cn itranlud to Michael rtllniiuiidlanls lludv,ot iwuit tuwushlp, Pa to'whom all iktsoih Ind 'Mid tonal l tbt.itouro ri'ipic .toil to inako pas mimt, and tlua havlns ilalnn or dcinniiiU Hill nuko Luuuu tho tsuuiv iwiuout noniv .MIi'lIMII.HTINi:,) .,, Pcb. lUS-aw rillAUTF.UNOTICi:. 1 Notice U hereby clirn of the Intention of thn undersigned Trin-tccs of "I ho Urne llld m Mi t.'iodut i piwtojiai i iiurcii " nuiuicii near i emii-uuc lu l eu Iru tonn'lili) i oluintl.i eouutv toupply for n char, ter pwcuIjIo to thu rules und form of dlsclpllno ut tl,o MetliodUil Kl bconul Chuicli of ll.n I nlti d tnten of Amtrlcu. I,, W. M I.OiV i u i-iiiv $ pa lm AMttq uiffjlS MEnuTj yEnjr'i BLOOMSBITBa- iliili State Normal School. millH Institution nnimlsUiftiidcntsprcpannif Odl ot iniriiiuu. .....i.in,n. Fprtlip.acco.nmoaiit.ono an ' f0'n, f,f nrauon ror Lonege,. ,i ';:.,nieil. which Koch courso of study is cornpicio in unv... snnerlor advantages nro offered for Instruction In MUSIC and LANOl'AOLs. Fall session commences Wednesday, August tun 1,'aII Nesslon C 010S Tlicsuay, iiw i i"";-' ftsnfing .session commences w cuncsiiay, nre..Uiu. Spring IKUS WlllU4Vlivv TKItMS. immn. including Fuel and Washing, rocnDou uns per ween. TUlllOll OSB D0I.I.AB per WCCK. in JIUUCI nuuuw orty to sixty cents per week. .. .... itm. nnd to and Hll'lll HI tl I CI III, Ul I. Ol Menu tor u uniaioguu. Applications for admission may bo addressed to Hit. T. L. ('HISW'OLD, , Principal. COL. J. (1. ntr.Kzn, Secretary. Aug. lt.'74-ly FOR SALE! Valuable Town Property nnd Farm at Priiato Sals ! r-lITt.' .....lnnJt,.,.,.,1 r,C lUn Vr.iPiitiira n I iii;iikiii; WIi. ISIl, ucce.l-ie.l. oueri iii, prn.m: sai.', the lullov.ii.!? uluublo propnty, to wit: UNK TWO-STORY URICK UWKM.INO iiousi:, ritJi i.'itJviii.iin'i nnl lit nttichol. slt'.utod on Main Mieet. HliMiiis1iurn', P.i. '1 hl.s Iiouu ll sullablo ror f.yu i,iun:ijs. At.. o - ni l tw.i s'jir fr.im i ilirellln: h)'Hu. ivltl: o'lt-liulldliis'M, fiaino'.talle unil ('"oil lotaitacneii. I Ids provrty H opposite the lveUi-'Ucv of tlio lato )r. Yost .M.vi, ono tivi story fr.tms d ellln? houso with .table out-buildings and lot nlt-whed tltuat d on (tick Mivcl, l.lwiin.i.ui;. ra. ai.vii.sk v.icmt hits Mtu.itcd on ronrtltstrect, I so. ii v.ilu lMi- farm ,llu iti'd one-hall mllo Ifoni the tuivn of M'r.wiiisvlll.', Pa. Slid farm Cunlalns US u res 1 1 lend, for terms i f sal nppl- to . i.ii,,,,' ll" i ,,l,,l-l I Pnni,A F b. 12, T5-f!lil. l.lotinsbuie;, Pa, TT,Tem,KYS Im Ij proved CUCUM11KK .tut) ) Pl'MP Is tho nc knoivlcdi;ed standard of ao iii.uKi't, pspui.i v, rdlet. the tiosl nnniii f.' the loast money Attentk ''i Inu i in r.lafliliM 's Imnrnvcd Hr.ick t, the limp cle ck valve, whlcli can bo lYitnuraivn wiiuoui uisiuiiuaiiiu jjini and tlio com!r c!i.i:niier which nev. cracks, scales is- ru ts and wl l last n lite time. Pur site h dealois und the trade jP'iK'rullv. In older toliosuro th.itou yet lllatchley'd Pui'ip.be careful und sco in... i , .ismvtr.ldo rnirkns above. If ouilonot ktiovv.vlicro to tin v, descrlpllin circulars, toi'ther with the name nnd address i f the nsrent nearest ou m uu luiuiiiieu liy .nnirehhllll Willi Kl.lllip, UIIAS. il. Itl.ATiSlll.nv, .Manut.icliircr, W f, commerce st , Philadelphia, March r. ,;s-5m TN Till': OR1MIA.NS' COURT OK COLU.M X HIA COUNTY, In tho nialler of tho parlltl n of tho real cstato of inu iuu . v, apies, laiu or mou towiisiiip, d 'CCiscd lo Susanna wnples widow, nni Uurton (1. Waplc Aim Kllzabeth Wan es.s.ir.ili IjhiKa unnin M.,r, s Waplcs. .lohn s Waples husannali W aplcs and I.....,.,.,. u,(.i-ujMT.ut-un una leLrauepresciiv utiles of the said llurtun W. Waples, deceased : Xollci! Is hereby clien tn the nboie parlies thnt by Vlrltll.rtr fl ,(tl, nt ..or, Itt.... 1.... iii.iiis i ouri m i oiuiiiuia county, nn impiest w 111 1 held and tak"ii upon the nrenilses ther, in iiescrthni . . ". " ," it, raiini .mi in luuiir -Itu.ileln Scott tuwiishlp. In the county nforcsald, and III tho HomilL'h ol lljlilllle. In thn einmlv r,i Montour, on Prulaj imd.Situnla,tliesli.teenthund uieiiieeiiui u.iys vi April I10M, at V II CIO K A. M, fur the purpose 1 1 mal.lr pai mien or nluatlon nn aidir. r-mt'llt Of tho Sllldleal esrute. In lm.,,1, rlt required, nt w Idch line and place the said par tics can attend It thej think pi oner auiii.u.i. ui,ovi;u, Ploom-buri;, Feb.nc, isivet Micrlir. AX ACTl'AI, nt'.slls 1XHT1TUTION AND 1 KI.r.llltAPlIIO I.NSTI1UTK. For Information call at onics.or send for Cou.soi ADvoiTiRKR, JuneM-Tj AUDITOR'S NOTICE, is hie narATK or UAVin m. kestek, peceaseii 'I ho iwdciMituccl, apiiclnted by tho on han's Court, of ctiluinbla counti , auditor to inn! o Gtarlbutlon of limns in ino nanus of a j Albcrtson, ndinlnlstra ur of DaildM. Kester, ilcciiiMd, will r.ttend to tho amies oi las nppginirncnt at thu on te o lirockwny . ....'..ii. iii i.iuuiur i'uik, uu i iiuiiMiay, ino vaiuuav of .March, IHft, nt lo o'clock, a. m. All pcrsonH haling c alms niruln-t saM inulo nie reindred to at lind fir lin ,l,.hiir,l ,i,,, ,,.,,........... aam iiiuu. IJI.llltlii, j:. kia ! I.I.. . . wi.t.iij. in ii,, ,4 P11U1U ji leb.'-'O, ; -,v. Auditor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICU. 1..1T.IIK OF JOHN UOJTOV, IlB.'KlaKI), Ilfil.m nl. ,,r 1.1,1 l.r. iw.l i.. ...'. "... l.ettl l'S Of AltnillilHlr.ltli.n r.tt (lt uli. ... rnt... . . V iiv.i. i,,i;rii!iT, uiuiimi,! i ounty, decease?, halo Teen grunted by the KckLs. J i'i t.-.a mi.iiij lu ..nil niUR i.osit.n, ICW I 'oltllll- biij-, MizeriiH i-oe.iili, and 0. L. Ll.aiin, llavld-on, V . . .hi i-i-uu- iiawuit callus S.iliist the osiato i f ihn ileudent, ar reiiuestcil lo nlli"ii' in. lunl III wj II.U'' ItrU IO the i stale tu make pajmciil lo the uimerslgnul ud mlnlstraui's without d.l.ii . -MA Tl 1IIAS ntisjiii.v, llavldi-on, 1 1 I1AI.S, .Ntw coh lulus, ,,,, Auiiilulstrators. jaui.Gi. t T)f IXlslTI! 'rnp vn riM.' J- I'SIATKOC Mlllllll IIAHTVIN MlrKASVn. letters if uiiilnMrii,,neii tho estate if Martha dee, ii-eil, luve 1 ecu grunted h ho hivNter nf suiii iii.l.l.iuil 1 t, oil,ln,,,v,M,ip, OHIUllll.l ClllllltV, uiiiij i" 1. 11111 ri IUU llll. ,11 (, SliSM nm. Al lierHtins liuitiii' rl. t,, ,,,.ii,.t ,,............ 1.... JT .Vii.M.t n,;vv,n...i;i v.; ;.'s.""'v 7 ' r . ,,,, trtiVrt ,, i ,, i ,,,,,, ""im' pa.Miicnt to w.mv,h.Uuuuiii.ii lu, l.lljiuill uiiav. . . . . I-.n.l.l 1.1, IIAlil.MA.N, Jan.6,-w Administrator. hhlckshlnny, I ucc rno count j , Pa DIIAI!1'I;N YOUR . W.N MIIJ. 1'ICKS uiuii.Miiiui neeiieu. .Money silled, and I Tils aliv.i.is sharp, l or Illustrated Urcular uildr.ss ... ....... Vw u,iuuu.uui, jiuuruu 1.0 ra, EMPLOYMENT." R A!.l!i!.'I,,.N '? . A l-0J1 1'l-KTK OUTFIT r' " x , " ruiiiiuiu prron la CtTV n lL'lll OlliLfill tn t il.-1. nuli.isu , .,," !J ,K?ta.7 V! ".' T1 '.n cc'ntt"l use und w ear. '1 hu n, 'X ''. ' '"" "'A""'."''". lcs over half a P.VAv'i'' f0. r,'k "tiu go tn Miukwu will cn ,i.T,..V, ,V, V"u .i,,?,'r4"u.-"no iffomplcs and a i. it ,'r .. i i"' " v"" "n sriini'T, It X' f I1IMSTI IV n Inrtrn II. - . . T I ' V r.'il3'n "V w " uc ffiiSBv1 7s iiteircwrjwhu,:. 'l,B,o.n KK'ahl I ll"3 M ANN A: tVT. V ,VVr.u. '",.m"" . .V. ' - ' """'Mi'imi, i)uiiuuoru,lU f'?n!!,'iT'.v7 'l'!l'HIT-At Mneimif rrrc w lib fl i iii ii i ,i,,i ,'. . . I: ncilt- Ni y v. i.vrr, lini'fUkLlltg OAA I'lANOS AND ORGANS. Nc! fwond Hand, of First class mak i o, i,iuu Kminiuwir ITKIU flT 1'l.fll. Or fin In fnn1,,.,,,,'i", Si .Vi', ,:ru"''.!'..n .'!.". oVctrydurlns .TsundKoiI 'is iiriSdi 7y Tl'irU'orToia in New York. Aw nts waiitc i lo bill wi tus' NW ho.ilu Plinm. niiifconrcitiiOrKunsr Illustrated Cau aliuuos tialled. tireat lmtms?m"n t j 0 liu Trile J-Oll I'RINTINCI OF EVERY DESCRIPTION i:XKPl"MD I'ROMI'TI.Y At xixji OoLuiiui a v UL00MSBUUO TANNERY, V.. A. 11 KUIt ISM 7) l.SIMX'TrUMA" flmimiiicin to tlio pnllla XV that no hot reopencu SNYMIK'S TANNERY, (iildKtnnd) tiloomihurif, l'n., nttho hirksof tho lispy mid I Itrht Ktrcct rond, where till description cf hnttier will tic made In the most uhstantlal and woikumtillko manner, nniUold at ,ri.'"t"?iilt tlWllm. I'lio hl"ot price In cash 111 nt uu nines uu p""' a it kun ii in us of every description tn the country. Tlio public pat. iot!ffilatcl.it, HPTTBILiia SALE OFVALXIAItM! REAL ESTATE! SI UK UNDKKS11A1'.1, Al'l'Ul.Ml'.U 111 tlio orphan's Court ot Columbia county, isteeto Kclllho real estate of .Mnry lloflochcr' latOOt .SUIUlIl lOllllIlir. in nim, ium,i , .,nii-u iilllcxiiosotosaloby publle outcry upon ttioiircm hc on Sftturilny, Jlntcli 20tli, I87i, nt 1(1 o'clock a. in tlio f ollon lnc valuable real ostat, Mtuatoln tho township ot .Mlillln, In sal; comity, bounded on tl.u norlh and oast by lands of Cornelius Klki'iidall, on the south by Abraliam Masteller and antlioiu'bt byUonnrd Klkchd.dl, and containing about ONK HUNDUHD AM) rib TEEN AUIU'S, on which are erected n . Frame Banlc Barn and Iwo Snnul Honse-i. ThfTK Is a flood orchard on tho premises and flood Water oIomi to tho house ...... nrilMM OF nl,r,.-oncfntirth of this purchase money to be paid ut th') ulrlklni? down of tho proier ti, arid tho remaining thrcc-tourtlis In ono ietr thcrcnfler with Inlcreit from tho nrt day of April, ossscs'ion to be glicn on the first day of Aprll.A. l'CU, 11 1, 1STO. nmmc. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IN Till, hr.ltn On, Cl.t.Ml fcf.O. KtCKKTTS, lito of iii lowiHldn of orange. In tau Couuly ot Columbia, deieascd. 'IhlMlllllcrMKncu ll.llinB nccn niiiiuiuieu nj vi wi iilnns' Court of Mid county, auditor to m.il.o illslrl ,.,H,.n i, ,. in inn hands of l.ruatiucl I.ua- Arlmlnl.lrnlnr. rrw TK.STAMF.NTO. ANNF.XO. AC, Of sildCicni'lcl ll. lllcketts. del eased, to tho lyatccs imdolher.ienlltltd tn tho fundtn hand, will meet allparlliw interested In said state nt the umceof reive s i.iiriy. in inn inu,, . , . .... v.. ri.,,.u.liv I,... Ol, ,1nv of Anrll ncr.t. at 0 O VlOCk 111 tho forenoon cf said dni , nt v. I Ich tttno and plnco nil pirtlcs luteri'sted vftll nttctd and presisit thttr i lalrns, or bo forever debarred from coiulnj tn for a distributive shnro In said eotai". ,.0 .11. Jl. dlll.U',U.l, licrwlck, March , 'is ivr. ' Auditor. AUDITOR'S XOTICIv. tUTIIB USTITI'. OFADl'.AIIl f VOBM1, PFCKAJr.l). i i,, iin.tnrsii.neil.nnnolnted V tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, nmlltor t m.iku dlstrlbutlun of Illlldt 111 1110 nanilrt l'l ino uuiu insir .'tl m ..iniiiiiiiu ouii'J, decexicd, will ntletiU to tho duties of Ids opiwtntincnt at his ollice. In l.luoiusburL', on Mlur il'i , tho I tn div ot Apill, 17. nt lo i, clock a. in. All persons limine; claims ajf.itnst said estato mo rcuulied tu attend or bo Uebai milium comlni In for a shal l) of nald fund. 1.1IAIU.US li. li.i ii i l.r. i March 12 la'r,-tt Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOriCR K.sriTB oe iwoaos KitM.Rn, nucr.Asiti). Iho under.-Unod, nulltor nplsilnted liy tho Or lihair.sCiiiirtof Colmnbl.i Countvto tnaku dMrllju IliiKf thi'lialinenlnthohsnd'Of Us.in Keller ex ecutrix of Ocorj' Keller, lato of Rild county, de eo iseil. as iHTiiecouut cmilrmod, to nnd nmoiij; par IIjs entitled t'i the same, will attend to tho dalles of his appointment nt the Shcrlll's ollice. In I'dooms bunr. on I'ucMl iv, tho 13lh day ot April, ism, ntio o'clnrk, In the forenoon, when nud where nl persons h.i In,' claims on I he fund aro reipilred to present them or bo debarred from comlnit In for a slmru of the same. WESI.KV WIHT. IlloomsDurj, March tl, 1ST5 wr. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICIv. J. if tiik fsta rs or rmiir kisti.eh. ni-cKA.'un. The undersigned hailns bcn appointed by tho Or pk ms' court of Coliimbl.i county. Auditor to malio d strlbutlon of tlio funds In tho hands of tho Admln Istiutnr of said Philip Klstlcr, deceased, to and ninotn; tho parties cnlllled thereto, will meet all rur tlusluierestcil In sail estate at the, olllco of It. 1' .1. i'. Clark, In thn town of liloomsbiu.'. P.i., on Wodne-day, the nthday if pill noxt at'J o'clock In the forenoon of s.Uitd.iv, at which timo and place all paitles Intciested will attend and present their ilalnis, orbofjrcvcrdi'birridfrom comtntf Infjrn distributive shaie Insaldestate. UO IIIttr F. CI.AHK Illoo.nsburff, March 0,'15-lt Auditor. A' "udTtor'.s not icic! USTATKOf ASIlllSIV IIBHS, IIKCKISKD. Ill tho Orphans' Court for tho County of Columbia! Tho Auditor appointed b. tho Court to distribute tho fund In tho nands of Itlchnrd Hess, Administrator, with tho wlllanncxidof tho estato ot Andrew lless. deceased, nm"ii the heirs nnd leijateea who may bo entitled tu the same under the will of deccden , will meet Ihu parties Interested lor thojiurposu of his ap pointment on Tnursdaj tho lMhday April IMS. at In o'c ock, ii. in., nt hlsnlliee In IdounisburK, at which lime and place all parlies lutwested wilt intend mid present their claims, or lm former debarred trom comliik' In tor u dutrlbutlvo share In said estate. A.C.S.MIlll, March 12, ISTO-lt Audttir. Statkmi:nt op tiik accounts oi' TnKTHA'UIIKII, ISllOKTliB UKCEICTS ANII U.XI'KS'- iiui'iius ok tiii; town or nujoMsiii'iia, ton tub MiAll 1874-li. W. ll. Koons, Treasurer. In account with the Town of ot llloomsburi;, fur tho jn.ir 1SI4. nu To am't. of assessment roll for 1974, 7,l!s 45 " recilndof II. 11. I'.lilleman, col- lect'ir, on duplicate of isia. 7B3 2S " reeel i d of M. W.inkoop, collec tor on dupllcito of is;i, 1,'jso T3 " Market street contributions, col lected by i:. II. liHlenian ti 01 " centre street euntilturions, col. letted bvM Wvnkoip 203 to " ree'drf c. o. ltnrklej.l'sq., belnir proceeds of lud,'menlH Nos. si.s.1, und si.of iVbruarv Term. 1S"4, lnCiimmonPlcasoquoluinblaco. 127 V " ree'd ot M. Wynkoon. collected by him on accounts di' town, 19 93 " llcenes nnd lines collected by tho President of Council, 41 as 1 11, its St. M 49 Iii.eoi es Balance duo Treasurer, cit. By balance duo Treasurer nt l.i"t settle ment, " mm. of duplicate of 1S74 placed in hands of M, wynkoop, collector, bilng tax uncollect! d by Treasurer. " nm t. orders cashed duimir the year, " commlsun on js,s9o no, at 2 per ct, i 21 2.1 9 33 S.9V) f,3 1T7 SO til CUl S3 Itecclptsamt cxpenilliuresot tin TJwnof Illoomv bur,: for tho year ls!l. KKCEI11H. t'ncollectcd on duplicate of H72, Amount of taxes levied rorltfl, ssi 61 7,12s 40 41 cs "IIS 00 2ni Oil 127 25 i I iceiisesiind Hues iliir,j,'llio liar, .ii art i:l siivet coiitlliiiillons, cenlro staet coiitributlons, Juil;;mcnts collected b c. ii. Pa 'Jnv, Ban, I'rom btuidrv iien,iinsiin bonk v 'imnteiil lected bv ll. II llldlcman. 27 M Same.c il'ected bv M iV nkoop, u ii Cic-h In hands Of I.'. II. PI lleinnu irlnelml- nincof Market fclivct contrlt, Ions eol- lei ted In lsf. 55 ,fl Ui cut on P.ul: erounds. nnd 'old to M. Iiuik.il; (letticd iu road aecoii I.) Is 52 J9.1I9 71 M.,ai'i'e;nEST-. Ain't, paid on road account lo wl. : Labor, Miijrh stuue, ,tc.t $2,711 M A. .laeob.v. ll ii; stone, v.',r M lac.iby, stieet (vmniKsloner, ' S.0S Hi Am i. i aiaucesdiioonro.i,l.,ccountu! IS73, to wit: Uiw Pros, 14 co L. t ll. It. It. Co., 10 to Am.t, to sundry persons ou book account, belnir b ihmces duo from 1S7J I II. ! idcffeub.ich, pilutlns', r K .M. Wardlu, prliitm;, jo 7 Mojer Urns., oil for Kho Co., 1 70 W. Irt, M croinry, i r.u A. 1). Webb, htallonery, I o .Tolmiilbbs.hornohlrur.jrw-ntercointnltttH?, a f.0 lilooui .schwd DMrlct, btovo for lock up, 6 0 Am t, pi tutor's ill s, co on " surveior unil nHsUtantu, u 75 " rent llro ennlne house, n o if !' l11'".'"" "', Illjih constablo, los 2d h. ll. llldleinau, i oininlsslou on col lections of contributions, 4,0. ej 13 " Police force, 44 10 " Polleo b.iduos, i ia " lent of pound, 1101) " Budltom, 1S73, is co " A. W.l-Ty, t w Second Wn et, 6 0) flojcr Pros., lantern und oil, 1 90 " . Wirt, Si'sTcliiry, im 00 )). jy.'rt.eDpslniruHsessmcnt, is w . w.,rt' Prep-ulufr Htna-mcnl under Actof th A pi II, l74, u; liioombclioi.iiibt. movo for lock up, r ou W. II. Jacoby. ucordlnBiiBrcement, 2W iitcrestloli.Wroup, on "old dibt," 11193 Interest on bonds, ; sos 1, j und 4, 90 uu " ilainaues to. Murtha Wills, a.wiu 00 ' dainaue.s to 11 o, llower i.o 0 01 Inteiutt on sivro to II. c. Ilowor, IT M 1 C. o. llarkley, solicitor to council, 299 21 " I). Mroup, duo lu excess cf bunts Is- sued to him, 6 60 Add tho follow Inu to bo classed with tS,343 72 Ilalaiico duo 'I reus, as per annual B..., 111.-11, , 1.21 CoinmlsMons uliowi d Tieas. this year 177 su . .. ... 11 . . . v iiiiiiciiiaii wm uuiiiu.,ia; ui is, , tj 21 7S Iticcssot reco'pts over eiiwndlturts nv.,l IS.nM 47 l,",5 11 Am't. of receipts durtne tho year, not Disbursement dimnstho j ear, of i..?',,".l;lV.VIr'? '?iw 10 Martha Wiiiu tl 000 10 Paid to ll. o. llower, 1,0.000 ... onuup, 6 SO 30ti Ileal disbursements for the year, $.1,337 9A . I'.tTIU i-uii r.. lll.KH, Wmlkt Wiht, Secretary. Prt bldciir, 111 i,;,: ,?!, , vrVsnf,1' nudllors ot tho Town of ,ii,.v... . . V v. u"swiu niticnienisoi eipi'n dllures, and ulso tha uccuunt of W, II. Koons, Trcas- , y mwu i.i,,t rUllCU. JII1IN K. IlKOTZ, 1 Iilooiutbitrff, ttb. w, i!,. it yiVli,Mou
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