Miscellaneous. MONEYMl'SK. In slurt (f check- ami tallowed hair 'run tMilliT ills In tho bullriWt chair - buOut Klnnilliiir there. On tho brink otthn Hither Nile. Hp feels till llddlo's Mender heck lIGksuut thn notes with lliuuib and Oicck, Ana times Ihotuno wltli nod find beck, , And thinks It n weary while. All ro.utv l Now lio Klvi s llio call, Crls, 'Honor to tho u.IIot I' All I Tho Jolly tide tor laughter Mil Ana I'hU In a happy smllo. "poftln," D-o-w.n goes tho bow on every Mruig, 'Tlrit couplo Join right hands and an lug 1 An light as any blua-blrd's swing, ,, '"Jwlnu oiiw anil n lmlf times round j" Whirls Mary Martin all In lilun t 'allco gown ana stooklnm new. Ana tmt" I eyes that tell ou true, Dunce all to the danctu;! sjund. Htm fllt.s nlwut big Mows llrowti, Who lioldi Iwr hands to keep ir il j'n, And thinks her hair u golden crunn, ... And his heart turns our once I Ills check with warjt breath Ij wet. It gives a second somerset, He means to win Hit bial.lt'ii jet, Abu for tho awkward ilunei! 1 "Vour to,rn boot has cruthod my toe I" "I'd rather dance nutoiip-lririR.'ilJopr "iou cluinsv fellow I" I'ass below. Ana tho ilrt pair dance apart." Then "Forward Mil'1 adv.wcc, retreat, Uko midges gay In sunbeam street TIs Money-Musk by merry feet, And tho Money-Musk by heart 1 "Throe-quarters round your partner swing" Across tho seat I" The rafters ring, The bo) s nnd girls hae tAken w Ing And hao brought their roses out I lis "Forward Mvl" with rustic grace, .sli, rarer fur Mian "Suing to place I" Then golden clouds of old point laco 'they bring tho dance about. Then clasping hands nli-"Ulght aud left 1" All swiftly wentn the measure dert Across the woof In lovlnjr weft Ana the Mmey-Miihk Is donel (in, dancers of the rustling busk, flood-night swect-hearis, Us growing du.!.-. Good-night foi aye to Monev-Musk, Tor tho heavy march began I Hckibnkk's Monthly. To "liono" 11 turkey Take it when tho poulterer is not looking. The notes that compose favorite times Hank notes j they compose fortunes. To prevent meat from spoiling in tho sum mer. Kat it up in the spring. Why is a grain of sand in tho evo like a schoolmaster? Iiecttisoit hurts the pupil The dilt'ertnice between the cook and her lover is, the one cooks the meat and the other meets the cook. A Frenchman, intending to compliment a young lady, by calling her a gentle lamb, am : "Slic is one mutton as is small." "Are there nny fools in this town?" asked k stranger of a newsboy. "I don't know," replied llio tioy; "arc yon lonesome." The hut book is entitled: "Only a Woman." If that's all there's no use in excitement, at tho last census shows over 14,000,000 of 'em. There is no such thing as luck. It's n fancy name for being always at our dntv. and so sure to bo ready when tho good time comes. A cheerful face is as good for an invalid as healthy weather, and often better than physic; a joyous smile adds an hour to one' life ; a heartfelt laugh a day Three sisters of Dubuque, aro so set iu their temperance principles, that they make the hired girl smell tho breath oievcry gen tleman caller and report the result before ad mittance to the parlor can be obtained. A young gentleman sent seventy-five cents to New York recently fur a method of writ ing without pen or ink. He received the following inscription on a card: "Write with a pencil." - An Indiana Sunday School man writes to a religious firm in New York: "Send mo on eonio Sabbath School papers and books. Let the books be about pirates and Indians as much as possible." Deep learning will make you acceptable to tho learned j but it is only an easy and obliging behavior aud entertaining conver sation that will make you agreeable in all companies. "Our professor does wonderful things in surgery," said a young medical ttudent ; "he has actually made n new lip for a boy, taken from his cheek." "Ah well?,, said his old aunt, "many's the time I have known a pair taken from miue, and 110 very painful opera tion either." The champion deadhead has been discov eren in it legislator, who having received a free pass from a railroad company, and not having occasion to use it, actually called at the superintendent's office and asked if they were willing to give him the value of the ticket in money. Ho is a poet who says : "I'm sitting sadly on tho strand, that stretches to tho water's brink j aud as the days blip slowly by, I idly fold my hands and think." While he is sit ting on tho strand with idly folded hands, his family at home may bo suffering tor the necssaries of life. He should try and skirm ish around before the day slips slowly by and i-ecure a job of digging a cellar. Children are often spoiled bccniio thev get 110 credit for what they do well. Of censure tliey get their due j but of praise never. They do something which they feel to be praiseworthy, but it is not noticed. When a child takes pains to do well, it feels itself paid for every endeavor by praise, aud the most unsophisticated child knows when praii-o is due. Every true hero grows by patience. 1'eo rlo who have always been prosperous are seldom the most worthy and never tho most fctrong. He who has not been compelled to suffer has probably not beguu how to learu to bo magnanimous, as it is only by patienco and fortitude that we can know what it is to overcome evils, or feel the pleasure of forgiving them. If the disposition to speak well of others were universally prevalent, the world would become a comparative paradise. The oiuh sito disposition is the Pandora-box, which, wlicn open, fills every house and very frequently every neighborhood with pain and sorrow. How many enmities and heart burnings flow from this Bourcol How much happiness is interrupted and destroyed! Envy, jealousy, and the malignant spirit of evil, when they find vent by tho lips, go forth on their mission like foul fiends to blast the reputation and peace of others. Don't .Scold. For the sako of your children don't do it. It is a great misfortune to have children reared in tho presence and under the inlluenco of a scold. Tho effect of the everlasting complaining and fault finding of such persons Is to make the young who hear it unamiable, malicious, callous- hearted, and they often learn to tako picas ure in doing the very things for which they receive such tongue-Iashlugs. As they are always getting the blame of wrong doing, whether they do or not, they think they might as well do wrong as right. They lose all ambition to strive for the fuvorablo opin ion of tho fault-finder, since they see they always strivo in vhIii, Thus a scold is not ouly a nuisance, but a destroyer of tho mor als of children. If thcee unloved, dreaded people- could only seo themselves as others xeethein, they would lice to the mountains in very ahaine. flood Natnre. Do good uattircd if you can, for thcro Is 110 attraction so great, no charm no admirable. A fiieo that Is full of tho expression of amia bility is always beautiful. It needs no paint and 110 powder. Cosmetics nro superfluous for It. Kongo cannot Improve ll cheek, I nor lily while mend Its complexion Its hivllncss lies beyond nil this. It is not the beauty that is but skin deep. 1' or when you gazo Into the faco of n noble man or woman, it is not tho shape of tho feature you really see, nor yet tho tint of tho cheek, tho hue of the lip, or the brilliancy of tho eye. 1011 see the nameless something which animates all thec, and leaves for jour Instinct a sense of grateful fascination ; you see an Inde scribable embodiment of a heartfelt goodness within, which wins your regard In spite of external appearance, and defies all tho criti cal rules of tho (esthetic. Cultivate good nature, therefore. It Is better than "apples of gold set In pictures of silver," for gold will take to Itself wings nnd fly away, silver will tarnish in time, and both, when abund ant, lose their comparative value j but good nature never, never loses its worth never abandons its possessor to the mental poverty of tho malicious never loses its hold on tho esteem of the world. It is always in fash ion and always in season. Everybody ad mires it. It never grows stale. It costs lit tle to acquire and nothing to keep. Yet it is beyond diamonds in its worth to Its owners, and can neither be stolen nor lost, however neglected. Surely this is a jewel that merits a protection. Possess yourselves of it, young wemen ; no talisman will find you vo bewitching in tho judgment of the sensible amongthe other sex. "Kxcuse my Glove." Certain. kinds of mistaken politeness, sin cere as they arc, are absurd enough to bo grotesque. A common mistake of this sort with some persons, even in largo cities, is to say, "Excuse my glove," when they offer their hand to a casual acquaintance, or on introduction to a stranger. It might be in ferred from this remark that the wearing of gloves is cither extremely rare in a civilized community, or that the wearer wishes to ad vertise tho extraordinary fact that he has gloves. All he really desires i to appear polite, never suspecting for a moment that he is sim ply ridiculous. If you offer to shako hands with any one iu a place whero it is enstomary to wear gloves you cortainly need bo excuse for com pliance, with the habit. Yon might, with equal reason, on receiving a visitor at your house, apologise to him for not removing your coat before bidding bnn welcome. Tho superfluous phrase probably had its origin in the days when gloves were clumsy, nnd used more for protection than as an es sential of dress. Then the naked hand was thought to be an cvideucc of good-will and cordiality. Since gloves have been univer sally adopted, tbo idea of asking pardon for wearing them 19 an anacrontsm as well as an impropriety. Gloves arc now made to tit exactly so that, were it courtesy to take them off on encoun tering one's friends or acquaintances, an amount of timo and trouble would be re quired which would inevitably render a so cial greeting at once a comical exhibition and a bore. SlwplcssDesm. To tako a hearty meal just before retiring is, of course, injurious, because it is very likely to disturb one's rest, and produce nightmare However, a little food at this time, if one is hungry, is decidedly beneficial ; it prevents the gnawing of an empty stomach, with its attendant rcstlcssnessand unpleasant dreams, to say nothing of probable headache, or of nervous and other derangements, the next morning. One should no more lio down at night hungry than ho should' lio down af ter a very full dinner; tho consequence of either being disturbing and harmful. A cracker or two, a bit of bread ad butter, or cake, a little fruit something to relieve tho sene of vacuity, and so restore tho tone of the system is all that is necessary. Wu havo known persons, habitual suffer ers from restlessness; at night, to experience material benefit, even though they were not not hungry, by n very light luncheon before bed-time. In place of tossing about for two or throe hours as formerly, they would soon grow drowsy, fall aelecp, and not nwako more than once or twice until sunrise Thin mode of treating imsomnia has recently been recommended by several distinguished phy sicians, and tho prescription has generally been attended with happy rcsnlts. Seribner for March. Tests of Character. A great many admirable actions are over looked by us, because they aro so little and common. Take, for Instance, tho mother, who Im.s had but broken slumber, if any at ill, with tho nnrsiDg babe, whose wants mint not bo disregarded; she would fain sleep awhile when tho breakfast hour comes, but patiently and uncomplainingly she takes her seat at the table. Though exhausted aud weary, she serves all with a refreshing cup of coffee or tea before sho sips it herself, and often the cup is handed .back to her to bo refilled before sho has had tuna to taste her own. Do you hear her complain this weary mother that her breakfast is cokl befoiu she has had time to cat it ' And this not for one, but for every morning,perhapB, through the year. Do you call this a small thing? Try it, and sec. Ob, how docs womau shame iu by her forbearance and fortitude in what nro called little things? All, it is these littlo things which are the tests of character; It is by these ''little" self-denials, born with such sclf-forgettlng gentleness, that thu humblest homo is made beautiful to tho eyes of angels, though wo fail to i-ee it, alas I until the chair is vacant, and the hand which kept in motion all tho domestic machinery Ib powerless and cold. A woman is privileged to change her mind, it is admitted very generally, but such a sudden change as occurred to three young ladies of Saginaw is seldom recordod. They met and concluded to pray for the welfaro of their lovers, but tho first one had not got very far along in her petition when it was discovered that they were all engaged to the same man. Tho religious exercises were at once terminated aud an indignation meeting organlred, tho resnlt of which was that the town counted in it.s ceusus one young man less, A minister going to visit one of his sick parlshoners, asked him how bo rested during tho night, "Oh, wondronsly 111, sir," he replied, "for initio eyes have not come to gether thece three nights." "What is the reason of that?" said tho other. "Alas I sir," said he, "becanse my now was betwixt them." Lord Derby said a good thing, when he wrote, "Whether I am happy or unhappy it in not my chief affair, what most aud first concerns mo is to find my work In life, to recognize it aud to do it." There is oue single fact which ouo may oppose to all the wit and argument of infi delity, namely : that no wan ever repented btlug a ChrUtlau on hit dath-bd. THE COLUMBIAN AJSTD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA VJBGETINE strikes at the root of dlwaso by purlfylnff the blood re orlni tho liver ami kblneys to healthy action, invltforatlnif (ho nervous system. v cuon, VEOKTIXU Is not a vllo, nauseous compound, which simply pi irm'ii tlif IhjmcK nut a safe, pleasant remedy 8Voro t!,"',calth! ,,ur"rlho thereby r- VW5ETINE ts now prescrlbivl in rises of sciofuU and other diseases of llio blood, hy many of tho best plnsl clans, owlnjr to lls Kre.it success In cuiln uh ills cases of this nature. VKOETINB Does not ilecchn IrivntM tfn f.ii.n.. t... - and creatlnit a fictitious iiiipctiie, but assists nature in clearing and purtfjliiif rim nhnle sslcm, leading tho patient gradually U perfect heal h. ,luulu VKC1ETIXH iy?.?J??li?,lVpoP Van. "Pertinent for some tlmo by some of our Iwsl physicians, but Ihoso mot tncreif iilotia 1 In regard to its merit aro now Its most nrdaht frl udsnnd supiiortors. VEGETIN'E Tnste.nl of botn? aniirred.un tnnitnihn i... ntn Its way up tolls astonishing present success by act ual merit In curing all diseases of tho blood, of 'vi:cir.Tixu ?Xmr "V?""1, I'liyMol.m, "has no eipial as a blood 1 r. .i . ' y iiui'ia "uihkti 11 cures alter nil 0 her remedies had railed. 1 viMled th labor, tn rj and epiiMneed mtseir of Us genuine merit. It Is prepared from lurks, roois nndlierbs,- each of which !1,.,?R"iy vtlpS tlvo' a.ml Uw' ur" compounded In such a m.inney as to produce ast Jnlshlng results." VEOKTIXU Is acknowledged nnd recommended by physicians mid apothecaries to be the best purlller and cleanser of tho blood etillseoered, and thousands speak In Hspralso who have bceu restored tohenlth. moor. WHAT IS NEEDED. Sta.IMi.SRmM l'"0K,reb.l3,lst. , !V, lrT::lmu.t ono 'ci,r "'''K 1 'olnd myself In a feeble condlllourroin general debility, Vlfdiin.M was Mrongly recommended lo mcbyk frlmdwho had been much benefitted by Its use. I procured ; tl 0 K,K.1n',a t?,r",ln!f wvcralbott f " was restored rttmihW '"pntlnuedltsnse. I reel quite conn ?kJ1.t5.hat i11.".0 1' 110 medic no superior to It tor thoso complaints for which It Is especially prepared. !l,n:'wffilclic'.",ull'.recu,n'e'1'l Itto t osS' Kofee Firm of S. M.Pettcnglll ca, 10 Miv"st?li"ton: Ma. II. n. Steven's : "W""". . Dear Mlf Tin, turn lirttHaon. vpilwivt. benctiV0Ur ngeat,my wl(u ua' "cd w'Ui great n.r.J,inB M1."0 sh,! ,ul1 t";cn troubled with dkil ?i? coitlvcncss s these troubles aro now en- .i.Sm.w.a,1.''2!rS1",!j ,4lUl Uyspepma and gcmral oebinty j and has been greatly fjehemted. TlliH. OILUOHK, Walnut street. FEL MYSELF A NEWMAN. Natick, Mass., June 1st, ma. wr-'fjrougbtho advice and earnest pcratnv fcred for years. 'v ' "vo sur ?fh.B.n"t'cl 0lUy 'wlHJcs and already feel my. self man. llcspecttally, Dr. J. W. CAKTEIt. Jletmt from a I'raciiciil Chemist and Apothecary. Hostom. Jan. 1. lfili. Dear . Sir ThUljinriKi. ih.iih. u., vift Sl'SSP? your VEflKTINK since AW l, W70, and can truly sav that Ithas given the ta?whiS,Uii1Sn,0' ony ?meay 'oruie mpialnu i? JS.llta raommendcAthat I cversold. Scarce ?f?2; oFmSowmi2"t'i0n00, my customers tes iVs JS.WS """"selves or their friends. I fiJE? OTPtnteant of several cases of scrofulous tumors belagcurod by vkokti.NK alono lo thlsl cimty. Very retpecttully yours. ., ,l, .w. A. I. OILMAN, -189, Broadway. To n. It. Stevens, Kstj. Vegetineis Sold by all Druggists. March 0, IMy 00 AND Gontlemon's Dross Goods DAVI ) I.OWEXBERO Invites attention to his largo aud elogant stock ot Cheap and Fashionaljle Clothing, at hlsBtoroou MAIN 8TKKKT, IN THE NEW BLOCK, BLOOMsnUIlO, PA., whre he has Just received from New York and Phil, adernala a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, bc railing the most fashionable, durable and nanasoma DRESS GOODS, CONS16TINO ov BOX, SACK, FKOCK, GUM. AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SOUTH 8KUS AND CQLCUtS, lie has also replenlshedlils alreadylr-rge stock of; CLOTHH AND OASSlMJUffifl, tmurBD. riGUHED AND PLAIN VE8T8, BIIIUT9, C11AYA1S .SOCKB, 00LLAI18, HANDKJUlUUIEi'8, ULOVES, SUBl'mBHIW, AND FANCY ARTICLES. H has constantly on hand a largo and wtll w,-lott- ed assortment of Cloths and Vostings, whlcnoe la prepared to make to order Into any Idn ol ektUibu, on very short noUce, and In the test manner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most ot It H ot home manufacture. cold watches: and jewklby, OF HVEHY HKSCItllTION, I1NK AND CHEAP. IUS CASE OP JBUMXIIV IS NOT SUftPAHSED IN THIS PLAUC. CAIAANDbCAJIIN HIS OtNEltAL ASSOllT MCNTOP Clothing, Watches, Jowl ry, &c. DAVID LOWENI1ERO. July l.TJ-tf. yAINWKIOHT A CO., WHOUMAU5 HllOCiatH, N. K. Corner Second and Arch BUwis, PmiaDio-ruii, Ucakra In nun, tnriiuii, cofpke, huoaii, molasses BKH, SJ-ICkS, H1CAH1 ooi, to., tie, taOrdera will rtcelre prompt attention. iWt fMillH la the ear received on MiW'rItIoii8 J 187C 'I'm? nnrrnmr t Kcwspapcr, tho largest sheet iiilillsh((l In Columbia county, neatly nrlntcil on Kcw Typo, will c mtaln nil flic current Xcwn of tho Day, nml 11 condonscil account of LEGISLATIVE und CONaitlXStOXAL I'KOOKliDINOS, with cxiilanation ntul coninients upon nil Important measures proposed iu cither : roETHY AX!) SOXG. MISCELLANEOUS IJEADIXG, AGUICULTUllAL AND KC1ENTIFIC SUI1.JECTS, Will also engross a large proportion of its columns. Thu DOMESTIC COXCEUXSOP COLUMBIA COUXTY, Will receive particular attention, nnd all local uflairs proper for publication will be carefully laid beforo our readers. THE POLITICS OE THE STATE AXD XATIOX Will rcccivo constant attention, nnd the character and otlicial cohduct of PUBLIC MEN Will bo presented to our readers, from time to timo, in lifii-liko attitude and with entire iustice and firmness. No frauds shall be committed upon the People or Wrong done them without full ex postire in the columns of the Columiiiak. COUXTY MATTEK3. All oflicial county advertisements appear in this paper, as will also intelligent synop sis of the proceedings of the Courts and the actions of the County Officers when of pub lic interest. The Columbian already has much the largest circulation of any paper in the coun ty more than tho combined circulation of the other papers and is the only paper printed in the county that supports the priii ciples and time-honored usages of the Dem ocratic party. Its circulation and consexpien- tisefulness may, however, be much extende- if its friends will use their influence to stir further add to it.s list of subscribers. At additional patronage will be requited by im proving the paper, by adding to its editorial and rcportorial force and increasing the quantity of its reading matter. Ah an ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Columbian is unapproached in this quarter of the State, and our JOBBING FACILITIES Are superior to any other. Our friends aro iuvitcd to call at the o Hi c whenever they cometo Bloomsburg. Tho only lteliablo Gift Distribution, iu the Country I $100,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS I TO D1STJIIHUTKI) I.N L. D. SINES' JtGlh Semi-Annual GIFT ENTERPRISE ! To be (tVnitvi Monday, March 'VJth, Wo. One (irsiml Capital I'rlz.o, $10,000 IN GOLD ! One Prize $5,000 in Silver ! FivePri?.e.s,$1.000l , . , , Five Prize, f 500 M 111 U Ten Prizes, $100 J Two l'nmlly Carriages and Matched Ilormi with Bllvcr-inounted HnrncKS, worth $1,500 each I Two Duggicx, Horsen, fee., worth ?C00 each Two Fine-toned ltosewood I'iano.s worth $500 each I Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each 1 1500 Gold and Silver .ever Hunting W'atchei in all, worth from $20 to $300 each I OOLIl CIIA1NH, KILVKII-WAIlt:, Ite., Sc. NUMUim OF OJFTS 10.000 TlCKliVi UMVl'lU) TO co.ooo .MIKNT8 WANTWITO HELL TICKETS, to whom Literal Premiums will bo pitlU. blDL-lo Tickets U; Mx Tickets $ M; Twelvo Tickets ao; Twenty.nvo TlckUHO. Circulars cunlaluuiL' u full list of prUeit, a descrip tion of tho manner of drmvlnf, una odierlofuiina tloii In reference tu tho distribution, hIIIIhi hentto uny ono onkr Uig Utein, All lutmu uumt bo ailUrebS- Olfico, E-xcelnior Bulld'g, I. SIXi:, Cor. flaw 4 Lont-worUi. Ilox (M, CINCINNATI, O, Feb 1, 1816-SW BLANKS ! BLANKS ! IrtJH BAtJ AT THU COLUMBUN OFF1C,. 875. E,H13!:iIsrC3-T OIsT. 'rho llnmsdToM VKwiNfl Ma- riiiNHtias urni'iK rapidly into favor as posse'slnj? I he hen com MNlTtoy of pood qilalltlos, namely) UkM lunnliijf.sinoolli, NolsolCM, ltapM, llurnble, Wl1i perfect Uick Mitch. It Is a Simula Machine, tvllh Automatic Jiu,p Peed. lies'lKn beautiful and construction tho very best. OOOD ACfETNTTS WANTED. ADDlll&S, Eeiiiijjoii Sewii licnilngtiin & Sons, 1 Koinlii'-foii Sciviiiff Jl. Cn.. VII.IIIN'. N'. Y. leiiilliglon As"! Co., J March , 'ti-ira HARDWARE STORE. LAYTON RUN YON, BLOOISBURG, I'ENN'A keeps constantly on hand a Full nnd Complete Stock of HEAVY1 AISTID SHELF HARDWARE, which ho will sell to the Public at Prices so Low as to defy competition, HIS STOCK CONSISTS IN I'AHT OF IRON, NAILS. PAINTS, OILS, G-L ASS arid PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all Grades and Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse nnd Mule lioess; llorno Niiils, ifce. PATENT WHEEL?, OLD'S AND WAITER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage xallebels, Axles, Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, and a general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, Emitting Materials, sueli as Duneannon Nails, Lewis' Lead, Best Colors, Pure Oils, etc., as low as they can be bought in tho county GIVE ME A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON. Sep. ll.lfitl-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCESSOIIS TO J. ainilets, Oougcs, Tweezers, Pliers, 9 I'ota ami Kcltlen, Pans and Friers, llrW SiWl ib.VII things for all sortg of buverj. (MtlB Mp We have al g added to our Stock PATENT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTY, GIRIIISnDSTOIKnES, SzG. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all itri Uranches, Carefully Selected and Purchased low for (Vh Riving us Advantages for Selling which can not he excelled by any other Hardware Store in the Country. GIVE US A CALL AXD We (JUAKANTKB both in PKICE and QUALITY of our GoK The Largest Store in the Country. J. SCHUYLER tarrtilVi5-y GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Organs and Melodeons. TIIK OLDEST, LAIIOEST AND MOST l'KUFF.CT Manufactory in the United States. 5 4 0 0 0 Now In uto. No other Musical Instrument ever obtained tlie same popularity, fwsend tor rrlce Usts. Address, Nov. BUFFALO. N. V GREENWOOD SEMINARY- NKXT TEUM IJKGINS Monday, August 3d, 1874. For particulars, Address, It. II WllITACJti:, Mili.viixi:, Pa. pa. 1. V. rmnlKli twrra. tj, I gnJ"U4 t tt OolTitltrir;' Lft&tl Jtt !ti)Tefcrf'inerlCBrt. trfKti4 vr.vltler'avcRctaDietincumaiia It yr n p. IgitruMiltaainulUblftcartrorNirTt, Kli !ler'V VU1I. Jiotary f uilu, i'ilM. ilth. Fit lictiltoolddwTitI.lrlllrr.l'hll.Jrl".. orr'plr,,tll,,l.fwl.,','!".'r'0Tl?l.', Dr. FITLUKS l'lus, (HQ cents,) should be Uitilw ltli Nviivr. Feb. WANTED AGENTS in FOI.iriT fou tiii; lMlOVIIIKNT LIFE AND TRUST CO.. or iMilliult'lpiila. OUCIAN1ZEI) AND MANAOKU ItY FHIUN'PH. (loud risks ot tiny c'nss solicited. A very re Unlit nnd popular company, nnil mxy lohnllrlt for. Ap. Ply irempt)y by letter to the HOilK oi'Fll'i:, I'lillu. (leipliLi. Noicll,H-ia, U8 IN CAHIJS, VISITlNtl UAIUIN, Ltrn iSll iik)3, til i.u il rOHTEIIM, id., 4(1, Neatly and Cheaply printed at. tlieCoLUJ- nun wiuvv, l!(. . r w So. t M.iehlno f J f.i-nlly use, la tl.o Tiiliui vkar nr its KxisTsxcrjJias met llli Alaoro lUi tniNcniitsKoriiAito OKSO.KS THIS ANV IIACIIIHI: OM 'rile MAllKKT. llKMiNdTox lio. 3 Machlno for siAsui'(cn'iitsii and fmnlly use, (re.uly for delivery only since June, nil), for ransc perfec tbn, ami variety of work, Is vWtlnutn rival In fnnillyor MllltKJIIOe. lit-" S 33 INT 15 I'OIi. CIRCULAB Macliiiie Cuinpany, Ilion, 1 1 2st r ssi llronitway.'Nrw Yolk, Anns. Miullsun squill p, 'v Yoik, Sunlnif .Machines. (iilcRiru, bit Male St., Senilis Madilncs ami xrms. llusloii, mis Washington St., scwlnif .MneliliieR. ('Inclniiall, 1M West4th St., Sen Hi)' Machines, l'llci, I'JJ (lenesee, St., senlnu .Machines. AtlnntnCa., Dudho's Opera House, Marietta Street, Scnlnu .Machines. Wnfclilnglon, I). e.,B Sevenths!., tinning .Machines. F. Wl WOMAN fs. CO., Keep on Hand tho LARGEST STOCK HEAVY AND SHELF HAKDWAEE In the County. SEE FOR YOURSELF. & SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. THE POPULAR CASH STORE or W. P. JONES, Curuvr Main ami Third streets, CATAWISSA, PA. WU OI'KN TIIK NKW YKAlt WITH TT R PHior firllltli" for 1 1" is i u i.ur FrullilB and IMiron-s. llu Intr removed bnek to OUR OLD STAND, Which has been Thoroughly Re modeled Throughout, Wo luvo now ono of the llnest rooms In tills tit Inl t We bhull uln uys keep a lull assortment of vtiTivv imv (loons, inu:.ss coous, SHAWLS, 4C AiH w e klmll eiuleftN or to hell them at prices wuu.li mi wllUupiiiei lute. Willi my tlmuksfur journal ii(l furors In thu post und trusllui; turu coutluu umo of thu tame, I uin . Vours ltesfectfully, W. P. Jones, NOTJC13. TVTOTICK is lien by ulveii lliat Hie Itloonm 1 burg (fas company will put In senlou iilpo und liirntUi meters to the ellUens of lllnoinsburg for IIV.MI wluru tho dlUiueo from tho ilr'el doeu not exceed W feet j eicibs of do feet will bo charged at Uiu raloot ca cetts per foot until Heptuinber 1st IrtS. V. W. MIIXKIC, Hocrotury. ttopt. II, 74,-U ' A COUNTY PA 'WO Oii.n ..rrM.SS2.W Qvov Thivfy-foar Competitors Jnu, vu, 'if un RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES. 1)11 1 LA DKLl'IIIA XIVJ It U A I) 1 NO .L HAILUOAI). WINTKlt AltKAXGKMENT. NOV. Oth, 1S74. TRAINS I.EVE llfl'KIlT AS 10M.OWS (f fSHA Y KICKITFl) For New York, I'hlladelpliln, Heading, FoltsMlle Tamnqua, Ac., 11,33 n. m For CatanlKi, 11,33 u. m. and 7,30 p. m. For WlULimsport, 0,2S a. m. and 4,00 p. m. T11A1NSF0K KITKI1T l.KAVK AS 1 01 1 OWS, (SCNHA Y K. CEITED.) Leave New York, 5,00 a. in. Loave I'hllailelphla, ,I4 a. in. Lout e Heading, lt,3un. m FollsMlIe, 12,10 p. m. and Tamaipia, 1,30 p. in. Leavo Catawlsa, 0,20 n. in, aud 4 fin p. m. Leave Vll!l.im.port, a. in. and f.,oo p. in. luscm?ers Iu and from New Yoikand 1'hllidcl- phla no through n llliout thange of ears. j, i:. wootkn, May s, is74-tf. (iencral Superintendent. DKLAV wi:si !: L A W A K LAC ICA W A N N A AND TKII.N II.MLKDAll. ULOOMSIlimO DIVISION. Tlmc-'I able No. i'J, Takes rlTeot at 4:30 A. M. TllL'liSllAV, linCKMIlEIt 10, 1914. NOUT1I. I STATIONS. I SOUTH, p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p m. p.m. is s.i 1 ml sn.'it.ton nn 2 '.'.i i so 12 a i sai 141 r.rlii'Mii' ioc4 2M sn HI K 21 13 3 limorwllo... . 1H t 9 2 IU 0 41 It 45 s 1.4 1 2.-i,...I.a(l;aH.nina 1 0 17 2 11 tn US' 8 r, tin1 I'ltlstoti IP) 21 2 Ml 7(10 112) 7 III 1 11'.. Wist I Itlsldll. 10 23 2 t.5 7 Hi llio 7 r:s 1 in .... Wvoimiiil' 1134 3(1 7 11 1100 74s 1 no, M.iltiiy 11 ss am 7 i HI IS 7 4' 12 Ml Kingston 10 45 3 15 7 21 S K 7 35 12 40 MllM-tim 10 r.O 3JI 7 81 S 17 7 30 12 41 ..l'l.Uilimllt.ltmf! . 10 r.i 3 2.1 7 4 H 12 7 2.1 12 30 ri.wnoulh .... , 0O 3 31 7(4) SM 7 ID 12 'I Wiud.lle ,1111.1 3 30 7 t,S sin 7'lr. I'i yo N'millcukf ll 1 u 3 JO KI2 7 40 7 r. 12 Idi.llunlork's nek. 'Ills in 8 15 7 2i n so 1201 . shl. k.-hinny... 1182 4 in s 3.1 7 00 ll S.1 11 40I....1 Uk's renv... Ill 40 4 21 K5 0 f.7 0 24 II 3!) lleiuh lluu'll... II Kl I 2S II I'S 0 1.1 II 21 11 31 W'lKKk .... 12 I 4 30 I On 0 32 0.3 1122! Ilrlar ( rei k 12 s 4 45 7 12 0 27 01s 11 IT 1 ... Willow (lime. . 12 12 4 50 7 IS 0 20 0 03 II 111 l.llllK lltdgc 12 17 4 50 7 2.1 Hurt 5 Kl II 02 IJcpv 12 20 5 0.1 7 Ss 5 5s .-,.10 10 5.1 ...lllO'llll-burg.. ,12 32 5 12 7 47 5 51 5 41 l MU Il'ipilt . 112 37 5 IS 7 M 5 44 5 34 10 St'alUHlssu llrldgc. 12 42 5 24 8 1 2 5 10 6 30 111 41 . Clark'H Swttell. .,12 4.1 5 30 8 10 5 15 5 12 10 22 DanMllO . I H3 f. 4S B 35 5 01 .1(12 10 12 Chlll.K-kV. ... I 1 11 5 18 K AH 1 55 4 !7 II (is1.. ..Cnllll'lull 1 14 0 (3 8 ,V 4 31 4 40 U 5 '.NorthUllllrlland. 13' 0 20 9 20 a.m. p.m. a.m.1 p.m. p.m. a.m. DAVID T. ll(ll'Nl), Mint. Hiipertntcndent's Ofllcc, Klngslun, March 5, ls,4. JOHTIIKItN CKNTHA L KAILWAY uu.iir.A.' 1 . On and after November 20lh, ls73, trains 111 Iea e SUNllUltY as follows: NOItTIIWAUI). Frio Mall 5.20 a. m., arihe Flmlra 11.50 a. m " ('.inaml.ilgu.i... 3.35 p.m. " HoclieMer 5.15 " " Niagara o.ui " Keuovo necommodatlon 11. lo a. in. unite Williams port 12.M p. ni. Klinlrn Mall 4.15 a.m., arrive Flmlr.i 10.20 a.m. Uuffulu lliprets 7.15 a. in. arrlie llunalo 8.50 a. m. .OUTlIVAi:i). lmilulo K.ipress 2.50 a. m.nnlvc Ilairl&burg 4.50 a. m " Halt Imore 8.40 ' Flmtia Mall 11.15a. m., arrive Ilanhburg 1.50 p. m " Washington 10.30 " " lialtlmore 0.30 " " Wushliigton 8.50 " Ilairlsburgnccommodallon 8.40 p. in. arm o Ilanls burg 10.50 p. m. arrle I'.altlmoro 2.2.1 a, m. " Washington 0.13 " Filo M.dl 12.5.1 a. m. arihe llarrliburgs.dsn. m. ' Ilaltlmore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). M. IlOYD, Jr., (iencral Passenger Agent A. J. CAbSATT, (iencral Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l'liilauVlpliia & Cric II. K. Ditislon. WINTKIITIJIK TAHLK. ON and after SUNDAY, NOVKMHKK Iflili Is74, IhoTialnson the I'lilladi lphla JS Kilo Hal Uoad DlUslon will run as follows: m:sr'Ai:i). FAST LINK luM-srhllad(lhla. 12.65p.m " " " llnrrlsburg.... s.no p. m " " " llllaiiispr.it.. D.15 p. m " " " I.ik lluven 10.20 p. m " " arrhunt llunalo a.oo u. m KIIIB MAIL lcues I'lilIaiMphla u.u p. m ;; .; U:.i,,!,h,iir' 4.25 a. m ll 'ainsport 8.35u. m ' Ihnen 9.45 a. 111 llcnuio 11.10 a, in " ' nrr. at Frlc s.os p. m FLMIHA .MAILleaies I hlladilphla 8.00a.m. ;; ;; ;; i!,;r,,.,,,,,,,r p- ' llllaiusiitiii 0.20 p. in. ' " nrr. at Loci; HaM n 7.30 p. m. LOCK 1I.WKN ACCOM, leases llaulsburg 9.15 a, m " " " Wllllainsixirt or, p. m " " Lock llatenl, lop, m ;o; EASTWARD. I'lllf A KXVIIKSSlcates Lock Ilavcu... . 6.40a.m. " Wllll.imsport.. nrrhesat llnirlsbuig.,., ' ' l'hlladelpM.i... . 7.Ma, 111, 12.10 a. m, ... 4.15a, in. ..11.2) a. 111. . . 8.25 p. m . . 9.4.1 p, m . . 10.50 p. Ill ... 2.31) a. m . . t.50 a, m . . 9.4 a. 111, .1.10,1.111 ..12.10 p, m .. 0 0.111. in ... 0.10 p. m Fllli: MAIL Uuves Erie " " " Iicnovo " " " LisklliiMn ' VtllllamaiKjit ' " arr. at Il urlsburg " " oir.ut I'hlUdclbhla KLMIIIA MAlLleaves Lock llatiu.... ' " " Wllll.umport... " " " Hunbury. " ' nrr, at llanMmrg " " arr.atl'hlWdelpma..., NIAdAltA EXI'UKSdlSMCSKttiio ... , .. 9.0 n. m llenoa 4.0.1 . . in 1 111: lluU-ll 5.2.1 r m Wllllamspoit, 0.50 p, m hunbury 8.40 p. m arr. at Urn luiiiisiMirg. iu.r.5 p. m l'hlladelplda...50u. 111 Mall Host connects east and west at Frio with L . Jl. H. 11. W. und al Inlnelon with oil creek and Allegheny It, It, W. V1.1..'. wlth t,ftst u"a W('ilt lTalm on I- . M. H. it W. and at Corryaud Irvlueton wliuoil creek tux Alegheny It. II, W. I jlinlru Mall and llunalo FxpresHuiuka closo con IKilloiw ut Wllllumspcit vilfh N. V, II. W. Iruln nu i,aud at llurrlsburg with N, c, it. w. tral W.M. A. 11ALDWIN, tlvnymlHurA Jan. .n-U this I'AriHt is ox ran WITH "POWELL & pHESMAN XX. Advortlslno Agents, THIRD 4 CHESTNUT STS., 8T. LOUIS, MO WWII J.I I.W.IL.L JJ.J l)v. .T. Wnlkor's Cnl I I'oni InYIn cenr llillCl'S nro n purely VcRutnlilo tircparntinn, tiindo chiefly from tho nnllvo liorliflfoiiiidonlliolowcrrnnKCSof tlioSifr lii Nevmlfi motinliilns of Ciiliforni.t, Uio liicilicinnl iiropcrtics of which nro oxlrnct o,l therefrom without tho tiso of Alcohol. Tim (nientioii la nlmost tlaily nsked, "Wlmt is tho cnuso of tho iiiipnvullcled wtccess of VtsiMMt llirrniis?" Our answer is, that thev reinovo tho cmiso of tliscuso, nnd tho patient recovers his health. They nro the rrront Wood pttriflcr nnd n life-(riving prin ciplc, it jierfect llonovntor find Inviirorntor of tho Bystcm. Never heforoin tho history of the world has a incdicino been com pomuled possessing tho rcniarltnblo qual ities of VtNnaAnllirrTxs in hcnliniitlioBick of o vcrv discaso man is heir to. 1'licy nro n pcutlo 'Pnrgntivo as woll na n Tonic, rchov liiff CouRcstion or InQamiiintion of tho Liver nud Visceral Organs, iu Bilious Dis- li'nit'ii will pinoygond lioaHli, let them nso Visncuu litTrnits nn t medicine, nnd nvoid tho uso of alcoholic stimulants in cvory form. iViMin ciiii tiilin tlipso llHIprA ('eording to directions, and remain long CiHcll, iiiovided their hones nro not de flroynl fry mineral poison or other means, unit ' vitnrorpniiH wasted beyond repair. (Filli'l'lll TilOIISiilllls proclaim Vine inn IliTrr.ns the most wonderful Iiivigor fi.it that ever siiRtiiined thosinltingftyBteni. Unions, liciniKi'iil. mill IiiIof llliHcill I't'M'I'S, which nro so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers through out the United States, especially thoso of the 7Iissisipi)i, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Xciiiies'iee, Cumberland, Alhaustvi, Itcd, Colorado, Hrnzos, llio Grande, Pcurl, Ala bama, Mobile, Savannah, Hoanoho, Jnmcs, nnd many others, with their vast tribu taries, throi'ijhout our entire country dur ing the Hummer nnd An tiinin, and remark ably so dming seasons of unusual bent and dryness, nro invariably accompanied by ex trusive deniiiBcnients of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful inihuuieo upon theso various organs, is ei-bcntiiilly necessary. Thcro is no eathar ticforthe purpose equal toDn. J.Walklii'3 Vtxca in limnns, as they will upecdily re move the dalk-eolmcd viscid matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at the hamo timo stimulating tho (secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive" organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head nche'.l'ain in IhoShoulderH.diiughs.Tight ncsi of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour liructu tious of tho Stomach, Bad Tastn iu tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, l'alpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, l'ain iu the region of tho Kidneys, nnd a hun dred other painful symptoms, nro tho oll Bpiings of Dyspepsia. One bottlo will prove u better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Cioitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Alice ti ms, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sjro Eyes, etc., etc. In thoie, as in nil other constitutional Diseases, Walklk's Visr.(iAi! Birri.ns have shown their gieat emotive poeiH iu thu most obstinate and intractable eases. For lnlliiniinatory and Chronic. Illlt'lllliatiMll, Oout, Bilious, Remittent and Iuteimittent Fovcrx, Diseases of tho Blood, I.iver, Kidneys, and Bladder, theso Bitters have no cipiul. Such Diseases nro caused by Vitiated Blood. .llt'fllllllical DiscilSl'S. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such an Plumbers. Tpe-'otters, Oold-beatere, and Miners, as they adwitico in life, aro sub ject to purnhhis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, tako 11 doso of WALKmt'a YiNLu.Mi Bitii ns occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt liliouin, Blolches, Sjiots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Ciiibuncles, ltingworms, Scald Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scuifs, Discoiorationsof tho Skin, Humors mid Diseasesof theSkiuof whatevernamo or natuie, nro literally dug up and curried out of the svstem iu a shoit timo by llio uto of theso llitters. Fin. Tape, ami oilier Worms, lurk ing in the s, stem of so many thousands, aro effectually 'destroyed and removed. No svbtcm (if medicine, no vermifuges, no imtlielininities, will l'reo tho sybtoui from worms like theso Bitters. For Femalo Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood or tho turn of life, these Touio Bittern display fo decided nil intluonco that impioveinent is boon perceptible. latllllliee. In all eases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doiug its work, Tho only sensiblu treatment is to promote tho becrction of tho biio nnd lavorits removal, i'or this purpose ubo VlNLOAll BlTl'MIS. Cleiiiisi) tins Vitiated Wood when ever you And its impurities bursting through tho bkiu in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleunso it when you llnd it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse, it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, und tho iivulth of tho sjhtem will follow. It. II. .HeHONAI.1) ii CO., DrugtfaU ami (louvlul Alton!, hau Francisco, CulifCT, ula, uud cor. Walnutuu tuid CUiu-ltou St:)., New Vork, Sold by nit Ili'iiKirWtit uud Uculurv. Sepl. 6, 74 oin. Mauliood : How Lost How Restored! JUST iiulilihlied a new edition of Dr. CUL VFlt WJll.l.'.S celebrated essay on the radical cur -fixan ("llhout medicine) of Spermatorrhoea n tSi?M i"' "id'ial Weakness, Involuntary Sein-i-CHJ Inal Heakiiess, Impotency, Mental uud .WdJuiir phj steal Ineapaclly, Impediments tJ Marriage, etc,: ao onsumptlon, Epilepsy, and Flls Induced by self-lndulBenco orsextual extraiafiince Files, Sc. Si,"IVicf, in a it't tniehpe, only tiz cents. Thta celebrated author, In this admirable essay clearly demonstrate fiom n thirty 5 ears' Buccessfu practice, that tho alarming consequences of self abuso may bo radically cured w ltliout the dangerous uso of Internal medicine or tha application of tho knlfoj pointing out a mode of curu at onco slmplo certain, and effectual, by mennsot which eiery suf ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cur himself cheaply palvately, and radically, rf-Thii Lecture bhould be lu the hands ol every youth and every man lit tho land, Sent under seal, In a plain envilopo, to any ad dress, peot-pald, on receipt ot tlx cents, or two pos Mumps. Alco, Dr. SILLS HKl!'miKMF.I)V FOU F1LK3 Hem! for circular, Addrcbs tho rubltshcrs, CHAS. J.C. KI.INK.V CO., m liowcry, Fow Tork, Post onice Ilox 4,Kt, April si, 'it-y 100.000 COPIES licforotho canvnsLs complete, l'rosbvteilan mln lieis without ut barge, ur thoso In 111 hwiiiliiTn "THE HISTORY OF THE 1'UIvSHYTK- 1UAX CIIUHCII TIIUOUOHOUT THE WOHMV Abeaullful large octavo volume, Illustrated with family Hill Hnnt lu possess. Price In cloth Vri mi, J orrucco, 5, U( fVu.y Morixei ir, Fu I'-lurkev Moroico t. Applications for exclusive territory bhould be inado ut once. Addrcbs, llrruor HHwrrrcixsTic-o., Dec. 85, fi-cm. 4io Hroomo tilicit, Kcw Vcrk. QIIAUI.ES CAMI1I.OS A CO., JIANKr-KS, AND IlltOKKIls, MBoulh'Iblratitrtet, LlniUi.tU'nm Scf UrlUe"' Oold "a uttik and Jlojmj toufcw am told tauulan,n t