(!'0hmtJj.us BryXhAftBUltU, PA. F v. L liJ3 v Mn foil iu, lay r l'uo pretty etory nlxuit Jniucs Lick. of Cnlifiirnla, assigning his lintuciic cstiilo tr trustees, to lie mod furvr.riinu i'luritatlu and l.'M0Vvltyit purptNitw, is all sijnilc 1 urtiii lh' toot another notion, tU;ro.xed the -Vers, mid sticks to lt'u dullnr like u miser. Tim fiovctnor nf Aikniiwi tin niiniiited the 21'ith lint., m'h tiny bf thnnk'ttlvins !n that Ptnto "for the many lilrssirig thnt hax-e been slioxvcrcd upon tho Ftntc tluiliijr, the pat txudvfe ninutli," ami ttici'ially the n-loptloti of a resolution by Ci!ij;re-- not t interfere in its intermit nlfiiirs. Thry cer tainly hnvo good reason to be thankful t General Kit?. John Porter liu (irosentjd to tho President another very strong nppeal for a rehearing of Ids oiiso by a hoard uf rmy offlcen. Tlir- reasons agneil tor a it'll -nring would procure a new trial for any inilnul in Uip land. Why the government is ni'..iid to do jib-tire to one of tho most gallant olilcers of nur army is a question t' "'. 'imc ot as cannot nnsxver. Hhodo Island is kicking up a miniature rebellion 1 The. Governor of that formida ble. Hlntc, it is true, promises not to resist the t" tilted States by forco of .mm, but he plainly intimates that it is because lie is too weak It seems some of tho United States officials hnvo been riding over the authorities, and laws of little Miotic Island as roughly as they are accustomed to in the South, and when resistance was threatened they called an armed vc-sel to their ail. The Iihodr Wanders are fighting mad, butlike the little boy who is insulted by the big one, it must content itself with making moiuhs. ll.n. Butler says he is going to Uurope during tho ensuing season, As most if not all the countries of that continent have laws (gainst infamous and dangerous character entering upon their soil, it liny become ne cessary for the President to give him some sort of commission to enable him to stay there. Silver spoons aro plenty iji Europe, but unfortunately for lien, ho is known and tho police are efficient there as well as abun dant. If Grant must commission him lie had better be sent as plenipotentiary to some of the cannibal islands. lion Joseph K. Chandler, of Philadelphia, in a paper read before the social science nssocilttian of that city, takes the ground that education is not to be regarded as a prevention of crime; it is the power of science nnd religion and not of intellect which keeps men virtuous. lie has had a long experience as a careful observer of con vict life, and says: "While, in the lowest order of crimes, T may have found more unletteced than lettered criminals, I have found the former more amendable to gentle moral dealing than the latter were." It will not do for any northern person who goes soutli to tell the truth when he comes' back if he wishes to remain in good standing with the Kcpublicaii party. Gen eral Grant was denounced as a white-washer the last time he visited the Southern States and expressed his convictions in a report Messrs Koster and Phelps hnvo been read out of tho party for their Louisiana report The actual condition of affairs at the south is such an indictment of l'cpublican admin istration as no plea can mitigate or evade It is essential that the people of the north should be misinformed in order that misgov- crnmrnt at tiie south may bo perpetuated. Patriot. Sonic queer cases are likely to arise under tho Civil-Kights-Xegro-'Equality bill. In "Washington city, n few days ago, a Saloon- keeper was arrested under it for refusing to sell liquor to two darkies. Tho magistrate. however, decided that the bill did not apply to bar-rooms or the sale of liquor. In another case a darkey barber refused to sh.avc two sablo bicthreu, wiying he worked only for gentlemen. Held, that a man may work for whom he pleases, despite tho Civil I'ights bill ! The armv will have to enforco tho bill, as the petty officers ovi dently will not, except in extreme cases, or where political necessities require. Before the ndjuurnuient (if Congress Judo Poland gave lien, llutlcr the altogether un neursary information th;it ho was a "d d liar." (Joining irom puritan lips tins was a littlo rough1but Ben. replied that his cour age had never been impeached (nn asser tion that confirmed the truth of Poland's re mark) ana that ho was quite able to resent the insult. Poland informed him that whilo he did not brag on lm own cotir ago ho had enough fjr Hitler, where upon tho latter sneaked to his seat. Tho proceeding was neither a dignified nor com mendable one, but serves to show in what e-steem Butler will be held siuco ho is out of power. Andy Johnson still seems to labor under tho hallucination that he is extremely stronj with tho people btrong enough to form i party of his own that will elect him Presl dent in opposition to both tho Democratic and Republican parties, or at least stron enough to compel ouo or tho other of those to adopt him as its candidate. To this end ho refuses to bo identified with cither party lit tho Senate, though ho made different promises in Tennessee to obtain an election. Ho refused to1 attend n Democratic caucus of Senators, called for consultation as to their courso duriug tho extra session, anil which did not propose to biud any body as to itidi vluu.il action. Iho Democratic senators ought to have tho pluck to discard him and let lum stand in a party by himself. Democratic Slate, Convention. At a incetliig on tho 4th of March tho Democratic State commltUe agreed upon Erie as thq place nnd tho 8th of September as tho time for holding tho next Democratic Stato Convention. Candidates for Governor and Stato Treasurer will bo nominated. As tho committee did not land outside of tho State, and as Urio is a most plaisuut city to visit, with ample, hotel acconimoda Hons, and tho 8th of September is before tho election, wo suppose no complaint is in or der. How much further tho committed would have sent tho Convention, had thero been a more distant point within tho State, yro aro not officially informed. Tho objeo tion to holding conventions at distant nnd unusual points of visitation is that they nro only attended by perous having axes to grind, by sucli as huvo free rallioad panes uud by other who aro hired to go, together with Mmo enthusiastic gt-ntlomcn tho very persona who iibovo nil other aro improper SlM.M in rr"ll-i. nillnlnatlj,,,.. .iwl i1nyla.t nnrlv w,.vu . " - ...... ...... Mil', ..VK.....U J'U, . I I, a 1 principles. But the matter is fixed, uud thu It Is now suggested Unit tho Legislature only thing left to bo done U to secure tho should make "Ground Hog duy" a legal hoi attendance of g.od reliable delegate, if po- iday. Certainly no a good prophet U worthy feible. I tho reverence of makers of ahani Sunday. THE bcgislnlhe. On Tuesday nil attempt was made In tho lltnuont llnrrisburi; to divert a large por tion of the Sinking Komi from ItslegltimateJ toi; but It was defeated, fiO votes favoiin? and 102 opposing. Mr. ltyan voted vitli the intijorlt). Mr. Mcllcnry was not pn-r:it. An net to further prohibit mil punish mury was defeated In the I louse on Monday. Xo yens nnd nay published As Kleh an act would give greater relief to tho people than anything that call bo passed, It Is to bo hoped it will again bo brought up and up proxed, The aet for the establishment of new counties, of which wo give an account cle where, pned the House by yeas 11 'J, nays (10. Vote not published. An act to give tho county of York an ad ditional law Judge, passed the House. Why not give it fifteen at onco '.' Until recently one duo was ctiffleient for York and All ium Tho looseness with which additional law JudgiMftrotiow asked and granted would seem to indicate that it would bo n savlngof time to pais a general act allowing every lawyer to go upon tho bench whenever ho desired to, nnd in thatcaso let themchargo fees like Squire and not tax the public. Hie thing is certainly getting a little too common to bo consistent with the dignity of court'. Tlic llotiso has passed tho general appro priation bill nnd it has also passed first read ing in the Senate. Its distinguished feature pits economy. Sundry charitablo appropria tion bills are now on their way through tho House for Medical Institutions, the various A-yliinn, Penitentiaries, Ac The Senate is pushing through a consid erable amount of legislation, of indifferent interest, which it is hoped the House will not toti-'h. 1'he bill attacking the new Con stitution puwed tho Senate, in a bungled iliapo, Jtnit has not yet been taken up in tho House. As no tune is to be lost and much good may bo gained by postponing action until next winter, it ought to go over. IVth Houses have agreed to adjourn on tho 18th inst Congress Adjourned 1 bsoiutcly and certainly the most glori us adjournment that over occurred on the Imcrican continent. It is conceded to have been not only tho most corrupt, but in all respects tho lt'.nt patriotic and basest body that ever had official existence at Washing ton. A universal sense of relief pervades the land since its demise and there are none to give it honor. Thera wero good men of both parties in it as well as bad of both but tho majority was led and controlled at pleasure by Ben. Butler an 1 the carpet-bag- gers. It is gona forever, and may its like never bo seen again. Nearly all the worst characters of it, including Butler, have been defeated by tho people, and retiro to a de served obscurity, where at least compara tively they will be powerless for mischief. J no (Jivil-rigtits-negro-equality but was tho worst measure passed, shorn of its most offensive features. A worse and far more dangerous measure, tho Forco bill, was de feated by non-action in the Senate. It had passed tho House by a majority that was mall in view of tho fact that tho Iladicals had a two-thirds majority, and was urged through two reading-, in the Senate. But iu upportcrs in tho latter liody shrunk from any attempt even to bring it up for final passage. It therefore lies dead! The bill to admit Colorado as a State passid tho Hou-!e by the aid of half a dozen Democratic votes, after having passed tho Senate, was signed by tho President and is therefore a law. The New Mexico bill was defeated in the House for want of a two- thirds vote. Tho appropriation bills nine in number, wo believe wero all passed. They are all high in figures and extravagant. Tho bill making tho third or fourth at tempt to equalize bounties failed for want of agreement between the two Houses. It would havo taken a hundred millions from the Treasury. Tho Toxin Pacific railroad subsidy bill failed by a small majority. It is only scotched, not killed. Heretofore the most reliable and formidable opposition to etich grants caaio from the Southern Democratic members. In this instance many of them support the measure, alleging that the Northern roads have been similarly aided and thin this grant will only be giving them a shire of plunder back. This Congress, therefore, deserves com mendation for having refused to pasi two vicious measures among tho largo number proposed, aud that is all tho praise it is en titled to. Ilxtra Session of tho Se'uate. Pursuant to tho proclamation of tho Pres ident, tho Federal Senate convened in extra session the next day afier tho adjournment of Congress. All tho now Senators appear ed and were sworn, except one from Oali for ma and ono from Nevada. Five of those admitted had been Confederates and took the modified oath. Tho Senate has no power to pass laws at this extra session, and its duties will bo mainly to act on nominations aud upon treaties. ivmong uio nrst, uusiness proposed was a resolution to admit that everlasting darkey, Pinehback, to a seat. Immediate action was postponed. When ex-President Johnson advanced to the clerk's desk to be sworn, and again when he returned to his seat, there was eiithusias tic cheering in tho galleries. During a short recess a sort of voluntary ovation was ten' dered him on the floor. Kvcn Vice Presi dent Wilson, who had been a leader in the impeachment business, advancod and obse quiously grasped him by the hand. Tho ex President seemed rather gratified at this humbling of his enemies, yet took littlo no- tico of them personally. Tho citizens of Washington greeted him with cheers at all points and with music where opportunity of fered. Ho is evidently just now tho lion of Washington, much to tho discomfiture and mortification of Geu. Grant and the extreme Kadicals. A I'arting Shot. Tho Baltimore Gazette mnkca the follow ing summary of tho votes on tho Forco Bill: Of tho 107 votes in favor of ordering the iniiiu question, 103 wero cast bv men whose terms had expired, and all of whom with the exception of 17 from the South, who may seek a re-election this year-r-have been rcjectod by their constituents. It was their legacy of revenge. All tho Massachu setts delegation voted for tho bill except Pieroo and Dawes, Tho latter, truu to his pledge, votod against it, Garfield, as usual, profiled to oppose it, and then, with a number of other Kadicals, dodged tho voto, Tho number of dodgers and absentees were 80 not enough ludcod to cbango the rttmltj but it was a cowardly act nevertheless, and will bo remembered agaiuit them hereafter. This fuct wo now put on record; Only 61 Jtepublicans re-elected to tho next Congress for the bill; 103 votes wero cast by men who . I lUvlll, had no linger any constituencies behind COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Legislation. Some of our oxclmnuej comnlnln becnusn tho House nt Harrisburg has passed so few bills this session, whilo others, wo think with good reason, congratulate tho pcoplo of tho i ommouweaiiii upon sucu Dcing mo case, Tho new Constitution was Intended to check the great evil ol unwise and hasty legislation, audits netioii has been most beneficial in this respect. 1 i,e fewer bills are passed tho better, so long at timso which becomo laws are carefully cons.di'red and made to sub scivo tho best interests of tho people. I! tail- iriy tnunic, The above la from the KnglUh organ of the stern nnd Invincible Democracy of Berks. Hrcess of Legislation is ono of tho material evils from which tho pcoplo of this country hnvo long been suffering, nnd It is a linppy result if tko new Constitution tias succeeded In checking It. We think, however, thnt our Democratic Douse of Representatives is deserving of much of tho present credit. Aside from tho neccss try appropriations, nnd the adjustment of a few general subjects, tho investigation of tho condition of the Treas ury and tho frauds thnt have been perpetrat ed upon it, the repeal of tho unnecessrry tax upon coal, and here and thero tho repeal of a local law, thero is little necessity for legis lation. Heretofore the shelves of our law yers havo had the annual addition of a large volume of nets of Assembly which almost every ouo of them would pronounco a nui sance, and of thn contents of which people would have littlo knowledge until brought in contact with some of their provisions; ob scure, arbitrary and otherwise objectionable. A citizen could scarcely remove from town ship to township, much less from county to county, without encountering u new set of laws for. ills government, and it was impossi ble for any except lawyers to acquire famil iarity with all their .provisions and especial ly tho obligations they imposed. In fact, even the lawyers, when asked some questions regarding every day events, were compelled to consult a half a dozen huge volumes of act of Assembly to seo what legislative in terference there had been with common sense, before they could safely answer a cli ent as to his duties and responsibilities. The abatement of that nuisance is a public benefaction. Hut very few laws aro needed. Somo of the old ones might bo profitably re-consider cd, condensed, their expressions cleared from ambiguity, and a heavy assortment entirely repealed because neless, as well as some that aro mischievous and others that can not be enforced bjcausa public opinion will not sustain them. But that perhaps would more properly bo work for a legal commis sion in the first instance. What tho present Legislature is to be complimented for especially tho Democrat ic House is for not passing many laws, for the invaluable cxamplo of passing but few and they mostly necessary ones. Wo hope to see the time when a dozen Legislatures, meeting but onco in two years, wift pa-s only a dozen laws, outside of tho routine business. Tiicn people will have a chanco to know what tho law is and govern themselves ac cordingly. Although such notion would probably greatly diminish legal business we think good lawyers would all approve it. If :iets of n-'sembly, like wheat, wero worth a dollar a bushel, there would be some use in producing them, but as most of them are of littlo if any value, and tho great bulk auc positively injurious, it is bettor to dispense with them. T!i o Troth. Tiio ChiimomsecUth of Philadelphia speaks out in relation to some of the delegates to tho next Democratic Stato Convention, and ap peals to the rest of the State to save tho rep utation of the party, by expelling them. It says : It was the hope of tho pcoplo that tho De mocracy would exert tho inherent power in its organization to confer tho important pub lic trusts of city government on able, fearless, capable, honest men. The wish has been the f ither to tho thought, for a largo majority of the nominees ot the Democratic party for city office! aro entirely unworthy of the po sitions neoorded them. As to tho delegates from this city to the next Stato Convention, thero aro simc whose names appear on the list of "honored repre sentatives" who, we assert, will never be ad mitted into a Democratic Convention if tho delegates from the party in the State, outside of Philadelphia, aro unwilling to admit is equals in Democratic principles and prac tices, tho "politician" who votes against his party, or tho trickster whose allegiance to cash is his highest attribute in political mor als, or tho condemned "rounder" who, for "thirty drinks" debauches delegates, or the "ringsters" who prepare in advance "oertifi oitos of election" which never represented tho actions of conventions. Such has been tho demoralization produced by the Radical party in this city that it is now epidemic in political circles and contagious among fifth rate politicians. White Washing of Cameron, In 18(52 tho lower Houso of Congress passseu a resolution condemning Uen. (Jam- eron, then Secretary at War, for making a series of extravagant contracts, for the spe cial benefit of a peculiar class of people, a coterie or tolitical family, specially known as his "friends." It was understood at tho timo that this action nnd Cameron's removal from offioo wero rendered necessary to enable tho Government to obtain loans in New York. In tho expiring days of the lato Congress, tho resolution of censure was rescinded, and tho allegation was freely mado by tho Re publican loaders that President Lincoln had "assumed tho responsibility of tho acts for which Cameron was condemned." Why, then, was not tho rescinding resolution adopted at the time? Tho fact is, there is no truth in the assertin. To break his fall, it was claimed by Cameron's friends that he was censured for tho enlistment of negro troops, and that was tho aet assumed by Lincoln that is, ho said It was not Camer on's nt all, but bis own. Certainly ho never endorsed Cameron's contracts, and no sucli document can bo shown. It was for making them that tho resolution of censure was passed As to this latter day white. washing, with out a voto of yeas and nays being called, it is only in other words saying: "You havo ono foot in tho gravo wo aro willing to let you go in an unblntted shroud." It is a pieoo of clioap bonovoleiico an emblematic xinn oi sugar-pium to stop whining, or please a littlo ono. Next (lovrrnor. Several western papers aro nrging the nomination of Hon, James IT, Hopkins, of Pltbburgb, for Governor, Ho is a man of ability, of high personal character nnd oomes from the best of ttock, being n Mm of Hon. Wm, Hopkins, of Washington, de ceased. Ho was elected to Oongrcbs last fall over Gen. Neglcy, in ono of the strong Re publican district of Allegheny, by n decidod majority. In J872 ho was ono of tho Dorn ocratlo candidates for Congressman at largo and mado u most creditable run, Ho would bo a strung candidate nnd would mako good Oovernor. There will lw other western candidates, it U said, who havo not yot boen announced, 4 Itmllcnl llxlrnvngmicp. For the lat four fiscal years tho expendi tures of tho United Stntcs Government, ox cluslvo of tho Interest on tho Public Debt, premium pnld on bonds purchased for the Sinking Fund, nnd tho Post Olllco cxpcnr.es so far ns they nro covered by tho cnrnlngs ol that department, hnvo been ns follows: oar ending Juno !W, 1871, X lfi783,828 Year ending Juno 30, 1872, 153,)1,850 Year ending June 30, 1873, 180.188,037 Year ending June 30, 187-1, 178,018,tH' Total 1871 and 1S72, 1110,780,031 Totnl 1873 nnd 1874, :io!i,107,022 lncreao In 1S73 and 187-1, -I8,32I,U3S Average increase fervour, 2l,lfiO,!'i!tt 1871 more than 1872," 2-r,ll7,120 Tho cost of tho Government can be nnd should lie diminished thirty million thtlars a jfdr, m 11ns is n very moderate estimate, and Is, in fact, just what Messrs. Dawes and Gar field pledged themselves and their party to at tho close of the lat session of Congiess. Ttvi million dollar can bo obtained by cut ting down the cost of tho navy, nnd that establishment would still bo dear at half its price. Public buildings nnd river nnd hnr bor improvements nro now costing fifteen millions a year. In tho year ended Juno 30, 1800, less th in twclvo hundred thousand dollars weie expended on them. Another ten millions can be saved here. The third ten can bo had by mustering out a few regi- inenM li mn the army of incompetent and too often, unfaithful office-holder. In nearly every branch of the publio service two men ore employed to do one man's work. Tho Treasury bureaus, many of them at all eeiits, tho Customs service, tho Department of Justice, tho Capitol, the Interior Depart ment, and most branches of the public ser vice, arc ovcrrun with men, women and boys who do not do two fair day's work in a week- Our import trade is far below its dimension in 1872, yet it cost SO.WO.lOO to collect the customs in 1872, $7,070,7-13 in 1873, and 97,319,018 in 1874. Without entering further into details, we are confident that no sano person will deny thnt ten million dollars in salaries can and ought to be lopped off the National expenditures. Heading Gazette. New Counties. A new county bill is pending before the Legislature, with a probability of its final passage, for the erection of new counties tin der the limitations of the new Constitution, which provide that the new fledglings inn contain 400 square miles and tho lines daroj not run within ten miles of a present county seat. The now county must also contain 20.000 inhabitants and must not leave the counties from which it is taken with Ions than the number of square miles and population required for the new. So much is settled bv the Constitution. The Legislature now proposes a plan by which new counties may bo formed. Tho details are of no present importance The ono provision of interest is that, after com plying with the Constitution and Legislative conditions, the project is to be left to thedc cision of the pcoplo within the proposed new county, and the rest of the people of tho counties proposed to be divided will have no voice in the matter. The bill as it now stambi is in the interest of those who want new counties. In discussing the bill the Lu zerne Union savs : Under this bill, old Luzerne will bo carv ed up effectually. The old part of the coun ty will have no vote or voice in the matter, and the receding sections will readily depart under the hope of being benefitted by the new county seats and the many new offices. ".Lackawanna county would bo tlio lirst in order with the seat at Seranton ; "Pardee" county would be the second in order with the i-eat at Uazlcton ; "Moosic" county would be. third on the prngrnniino with the seat atCarbondsle ; and "llollenbaek" coun ty would fall into line, with Shickshinnv or Berwick for the county seat. Besides tho proposition to take off a slice from tho upper end of this county, with a view to making Berwick a county scat, thero is also a Schuylkill project, to make Ashland a county seat, cutting Ceutralia and Conyng- liam from this county. Whether Berwick is more than ten miles from tho extreme limits of tho Town of Bloomsburg, in a straight hue, may boa matter of some doubt. Scott township might bo added as additional wards and thnt would settlo the matter. The physicians in tho Legislature have n hill before that ho ly designed to "regulate" the sale of patent medicines that is, in plainer terms, to destroy the Mile. While molt legislation may lie mado annoying to dealers, it will be ineffective for good. Thnt the sale of those medicines do uiatei ial harm is by no means established, and that many pooplo at least think they aro benefitted by them is quite certain. Whilo this is the case they will bo used, and of courso sold and bought, in spite of legislative enact ments. This matter of dictating to people by legislative enactment what they may or may not uil has been sufficiently tested to satisfy every body that it is wholly impossi ble and only amounts to a public annoyance, ill-will, litigation and fruitless expense. If people want to take medicines let them do so, without thru-ting an act of Assembly under their noses to increase tho nausea, or popularizing what is at worst a compara tively harmless folly by gravely interposing the Stato as an objector to its indulgence. We observo that tho druggists exchange of Philadelphia has unanimously protested against tho passage of the bill, ns simply an impediment to trade. If fanciful legislators nro suffered to have their way people will in time have to consult tho nets of Assembly before they get up in tho morning to see at what hour it is legal to put on breeches. Speaker of the Next House. Wo nro assured from various souices that Hon Samuel J. Randall, or this State, is the most promising candidate that lias yet been named for Speaker of tho next House. Thoroughly honest and capable, with long experience as a Representative, no man in the ensuing Congress would fill the Speak er's chair with mora ability and honor than Mr. Randall, But for tho'singlo mistake of voting for tho extra pay, Mr. Randall's career in Congress has been unexceptiona ble. Erie Observer, It ts scarcely in harmony with propriety to condemn a man forever for a single wrong net of error of judgment, and when the ob jection to which tho OWiw alludes is removed, Mr, Randall loims up as an un exceptionable candidato for Speaker of tho next Houso of Oongroii, His qu ilifieations, never doubted, wore fully proved and illus trated by tho great struggles of tho lato Con gress, wherein, ns tho parliamentary leader of tho Democrat), ho completely noii-pbused and defeated tho two-thirds Itadieal major ity, until ho compelled them to resort to tho despcrato rcmody of altering tho rules to suit tho exact caso. That alteration now s audi to plaguo and punish its inventors and to benefit that Democracy Mr, Randall so (.dlantly lo-l, for whoso injury it yas in tended, Pennsylvania h entitled to tho honor of tho Speakership and the uamo-of Mr. Rin dall will bo presented with entire unanimity. It ought to bo accorded by general consent. Negroes nil over tho South arc nlmidy testing tho Civll-rlghtH-tqunllty bill by ob truding thciiiselv&i win rover they know they nro uot wanted. Tho bet'or cluss of thorn, howvr, refisli from buck tion, BLOOMSBURG, New ll.rrslilro Dlectlon. M tiual for several vcars past tho election In New Hampshire Is vcryeloie, butthll - publicans claim to hnvo carried the S at s in nil New Lnland Stale, a candidate ibr Governor must have n majority of nil the votes polled to bo elected Last year t'icre as no choice, tho Prohibition candidate hiving voles enough to defeat both the can didates of tho Democratic nnd tb'p'.iblioan parties. Tills year these mostly voted for the Republican candidates for Governor and As- fcmblynieii, which has probably elected tho former and a majurity of tho latter. In the first Congressional district tho Dem ocratio candidate! is elected by an Increased major ty, the second district is doubtful, nnd Republican is elected In tho third. Tho delegation In tho Into Congress stood ono Democrat aud two Republicans. The Democrats claim a majority of Stato Councillors, who largely coi.trol tho Govern or In his action. As often stated in these columns hereto fore, we h ivo much less hope of the yankee States than of those of tho middle, west and south. Yankees of tho puritan breed have a kind of fondness for dictation nnd hard mas ters. There is a vast amount of truth in th'fc pithy summary which tho St. Louis Kepub- lican makes of General Grant's six years of presidential service: "Ho has established precedents which will vex us ns long ns the nation lives, and he h:ts set an example which embraces all those blunders and crimes which the ruler of a fice country should avoid. Hn wrought more damage to tho re publican n stein in these six vcars than his successors can repair in the next fitty, and by lii3 pi'i viple.s and actions has done more to (b-moia Republic sentiment nnd weaken public co'ifidenco 111 the stability of free in stitutions than all tho trials and tyrannies of ciyil war. And with these credentials lie tins tlic m ignitieent lmpiulcaeu to aspire .1 third term, and there aro f'o.'Lt and knaves wliw are willing to encourage and assist him in it!" Slate Canltol. un jiouuay 1:1st a joint resolution was offered in the House nt Harrisburg lookiii: to tne removal m me stato uapitol to some other point Philadelphia being intended It failed In yeas 02, nays 102 Messrs Mc llcnry an 1 Ryan were absent As there is no lnw to compel any body to go to the Legislature, it might lie well enough for tlioc gentlemen who do not like Harrisburg to resign and cense troubling the people. Wlule a vindictive majority in Uongress menaces the country with eternal conflicts through force bills and other measures of partisan oppression, the alarmed capitalist buttons up his pocket book and refuses to mako investments. Yet people are still wondering why business continues depress ed, trade languishes and prosperity refuses to return. Confidence is a plant which does not flourish under such treatment. J'afriot. Tho SuprenVe Court Judges of Pen nay 1 vnma want tho Legislature to pa-s a law that no case can bo carried up to the Su prcme Court in which the claim is less than SoOO 00 This would simply be nn outrage If these Judges do not like to bo kept busy let them resign. In this Republican govern nient we want no pensioned aristocracy or no more laws cutting out poor claimants from full opportunity to get full justice, fitmbur; Democrat. The Legislnture of North Carolina expell ed a member, named J. W. Tliorne, because of his non-belief in tho existence of God. It appears that Tliorne is a enrpek-bagger from Chester county, in this State, and out raged thu religious sentiments of the people of the obi North State by printing and cir culating a ,.amphlet in which ho treated nt length the question of the existence and non-cxistein:e of 11 Supreme Being. It is not probable that all carpet-baggers at the Snith ngce with Tliorne; but they certainly net as though they did. Henry White, Iv-q., has been elected Pres ident of th- Lumberman's Exchange, Wil liamspori. One of the Iargestoperato-'s, Mr. White is ,iis, a gentleman of great ability, who will give .strength and efficiency to any institution over which ho presides. The Lumber interest of tho Wcit Branch, con trolled by the ICxeli.inge, is far the largest manufacturing interest in this section of the State aud 01 course has an import.iut.beaiing upon tho scleral interests of the people of all this region. Col. Enbick, a 1110-t effi cient and gentlemanly officer, was unani mously rc-i ltctcd Secretarv. The aggregate sum nypropriated by the two general bills passed by the late Congress is about one hundred and seventy-five mil lions. Other bills making appropriations will increase this figure to over two hundred millions. 1'he people raise the funds 1 Mr Ferry, of Michigan, has been elected Freaid.-ut pro tern of the U.S. Senate; which is a triumph fur tho west over yankeo land. Excerpts anil Xews Items from Exchanges. Butler is having his revenge. The Ri pub licans repudiated him, and, in return fir tlip snubbing, he. has inflicted upon them thu Civil Rights law. Hon, John ,. Magee, of New Bloomfield, Peiry county, in connection wilh Hon. John J. Davis, V('l Virginia, will at an early tiny com mence the publication of a first class daily paper at Washirglnn. An exchange says "Grant's ideas upon any giv en subject are like a Montana miner's shirt ho never has but una at a time, and ho never changes it, but kcci it on until it is worn out." Tho "Local Option" till before the Massachu setts Legislature, has been adorned with an amendment which gives to women tho right to vote 011 the question of "license or no license" in towns and cities. In ouler th.it Grant may keep a paid army at tho south the people aro asked (q p-iy $3,090 000 in the fmm of increased tax on sugar; S 1,000,000 on tobacco; and 83,00.0,000 on other manufactures of articles of necessity front cot op, wool, leather, iron an I stol. Is It.1lic.1l udmlul.tratlou worth the price of it ? It is in the highest degree creditable to tho Jeiibh people of Philadelphia that though they number abut ten thousand souls in that city there is b it ono of Ih.ir r.vo in the county prison ; and iho claim of the Jewish Mivtstnger thut an investigation of fiets in oilier cities would show mi tqu tlly ph asing aspict has rea sonable grounds nf probability, A talking machine has been constructed in Washington by 1111 ingenious mechanic connect ed with tiie Patent Office, width pronounces distinctly nil the elements if Kpieih. One wnuldtliiuk tin re ycre tailing iini liiiieseiiough in Wu.liliigtmi nlreudy, without taxinglhu inge nuity of iqych mica to Increase tlciq, Harry Whl'e now wants to lw iho next Slate Treason r, There' cheek for you, (lrcenbur Ar'jut. Tno Iicwl.town Ggtcttc say the low by the ilotruellou uf thu new I ridge, aeni-s tho Juiii uti at that pi w will lj S30.000. The V"' Ili'iiolj furniitiiu i . Ury, at "VY'l- llatusnort, w dtroytd bv tire M trch ti I; Tlio 1 Joss is tatiuutwd at 510,000, with an ituuranoo f 310,000. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Unships Willi It.inks, If yon hnv nny lnnliuws with a bank, put it off until 3 0' ' c'n, ir If pn-slU, n little later, ns I i'it,s nior.- btiiiiif like to rudi hi Just ns the I1.111I1 Is closing. Never lint -i-impi on your checks bjforo you got to the b ink, but give tho Teller two cents and ask him tu lick It and cinecl It for you J the teller expects to lick nil tho stinqn, nnd It is a fonrce of disappointment to I1I111 whun people liisl-t 011 doing it themselves. In dt'poslllng money try nnd get It upside lon and wronj end foremost so thnt tho teller may have a tittle cxcrcino In straightening it be fore co-.intlg. It Is b.-st not to take your bank book with you but cU nt another time to have It entered, you cm thus make two trips to the ImiiK wiinv on-! would answer. If n thtck is m.idu piyable to your order, be careful nut to endorse It before handliii? to tho teller, b it let libs return It to you nnd wait while yon endorse it: this helps pass the time itnd U a pleasure and relief to tho teller. i y.l c.in generally save time when making n deposit by counting your money down to the teller, ns you can count moro speedily ami cor rectly than he cm. If you nnko .1 deposit of a hundred dollars nnd give a cheek fur fifty, it Is a good thing to call frcniienlly at I lie bank nnd a-1: now your account stands, as it imprests the ofiieer.s favor ably nilli your business quallfieitions. ever keep nny record of when your notes fall due, nnd then If they nte protested censure the bank fur not g'ning you notice. Always dnle your checks nhef.d, it is a never failing sf-u ili.it you keep a gojd balance in bink. or if von do not wish it seuerally known that vou are doin.,".t good basinet', do notdc- poiit your money until about the. tinit. you cx P'jct your cheek will be in. A strict observance of the foregoing rules says nu exchange, will mike your account de sirable for nnv bank, nnd make you a general favorite with all bankers. Wo hear of a now video raised for repudi ntion, and it is not from tho south, either it is in Massachusetts. The New Knglam: labor reform league, at its meeting nt Boston 011 tho first, adopted the following resolutions among others : Resolved, That tho election of Andrew Johnson to tho United Stntcs Senate is 1111 indirect indorsement of our doctrine, that contracts involving usury are morally void and the south will ultimately unite with the industrial masses of the north decreeing the icnudiation. not only ot the fictitious national war debt, but of all other so-called debts the principal whereof has been paid in the form of interest. "Resolved, That if General Sheridan wish es to suppress 'banditti' wo commend him to the until mil banks with their retained advo cates in Congress nnd State Legislatures, niu to their commander-in-chief, Ulysses Grant, President of a military despotism called the United States " All explosion of gas in the basement 0 the Senate chamber put thut dignified body t) llijrht the other day. Explosions of gas in the chamber itclf is so common that it docs not frighten anybody, but it is not of n dantrerous ch:irncU.r. MAltKET REPORTS. ULOO.MM15UUO MAKKET. Wheat per bushel.. Itjo ' .. Corn " .. oats " .. t'lour per barrel . . Ulovei-hecd Flaxseed Iiutter i:-.-?s Ttdknv Potatoes 1., Dried tpplcs Il.uns sides ,V Mio'ilders Iird per pound .... Hay pi r ton Ileoswnx Timothy HffU f 1.41 .i .75 .M 8.0 1 r..oo l.M 'I5 .50 s .r.o .10 .is .14 .14 , 1.VH ', r,!o'i QVOTATIO.NS roil COAL. N'o. 4 nn XX'lurf No. .1 ' " N'o. 'X " " Uho ksmlth's Lump on uhaif . " lsilumlnous " ... t 4,00 per Ton ... :i.7f. " " ... i 2."'i " " ? 4,tr) " " ... . 5 I'-.uO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Vr.N'M'K NOTKS just printed and for sale chenp at tho Colcmuun otl.ct , AUDITOR'S XOTICK. hTATEOV AMtlKI.W lir..SM, HtCEtSt.Il. In Ui" orphans' I'tnnt tor thoci unit of Columbia: Tlio Auditor appointed!) the. 'unit o distribute the Mud In tho n-inils of i:hli..ltl lie, , AilinlnWr.itor, wllu Uio v.lll annexed of tho I'Mnto 1 r Andrew Hess, iK'Cea-etl. mn tho heirs nnd les;al( es who lmiv bo tiilltlt'd tu the sumo tindei tho Mill ot ili'Ci-dt in, tvllt met t tho I'ltitl-f Intel otfd for Mm purpose of Idsnp iioliitu'i nt on 'imiixluv tho lrihu.iy April ws. at loo'ettck. a. in., at ltts oilleo la IIUjiii b .rr. A.C.SMITH, Mnrc'i 12, ws-lt Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTK'H. IN TUB ES.TATK OP rilll.ll' KIM I HI, nCCK ISrP. The undcisl'tnod li.uliif b.en nppolnt"d by the Or pltins' Co nt or coPimbl.t county, Autltorto muku U htrlhtit! .11 1 f Hit- fmlls In the bun Is uf the Admin istrator cf said I'hlllii HI. tier, deccrw-d, to nnd anion? th ptrllet entitled tnureM, will meet all pur llas tn'.ero-U'd In ml I est.it at thu unknot II. 1' ,t J. xi. (I irk. In tho town of 1:1 rjurdjuj'.', p.i., on XVcdncd ly, tho Illiid.i of jirll nel nl ! o'llock In th- forenoon of said d.iv, nt which Uuij uml place all pirtlos Interested xtlll attend and pre.-eiit their claims, or be f.vrover deb trrt-d fm.j comliii' In tor a tlhtrl'jutlio sduiie tnnaldettnie. liOIllIltT F. CI.XUK llloo'iisburj, .March o.'.o it Auditor. A UD1 TOR'S XOTK'K. IN THE KsTATR OK AIUIAUAXI YOC.VU, DUCB13F.P. Th 1 uu'li rslKnud, appointed by thu Orplnns' court of COiiimbl 1 county, auditor to mako (IMil'ittil m if fun Is In tho hinds of Iho adiiiliUsti' tor ot Abraham Vimn,', deee.ised. will attend to tho duties ot his iippo!ntin"nt at his oilleo, in I loomsburi:, oa s.itur div, tho 1 th it iv of April, Ws, m 1 o'clock 11, in. All persons lutlni; claims soun-a said e-tat- nro ft share of said fund. reuiiireii toniienu or ue tiewiri-M uoui coming 111 for CII.ItI.n4 O. U.MtKl.lTY', All liter. Starch 15 luT.'.-4t AUDITOR'S NOTIC10. IHrtTE OFOBOIttin KET.I EII, DlICKtSn), TIih urnlcr-Uncd, auditor appointed by tho Or phan's court ot Columbia County v umko distribu tion ot Uiobilaneoliitliolmntsof toisan Keller, ot eeutrK of (ieontr Keller, lato of mid county, tie. ceased, as per account conrtrmed, to and ainontr par tus entitled to the h.uno, will ntleud M tho duites ot his appointment at Uio suerllt's oiilce. in liloom.v burir, on Tuavliy, the 13th day or Apill, ls7. tit 10 ocinelt, In the forenom, when and nln-m al persons ha tni; claims on th" fund aro lequiivd to prevnt them or uu dcnai red from coinlni? In for a Moire of the mine. xxj:si.i;v XVlitT. lllootnsourj, March 11, W5 4w. Auditor. BL00MSBU11G TANNERY. ('. a. iii:krixo RLSPlXTI't'LLY annouuetT. to the public that he hosieopencd SNYDHIl'3 TANXKRY, (old stand) liloomsbiirpr, l'a., nttlti l'orksoftbo i:spy and Light t-tritt itiiiti, i.neru nil uesi-iipiions It'iill.ei will lo made 111 the of mott Bubstanttal ami xxoikmanllko manner, mid sold nt prioos in salt tno times, tno aiaeov iirieo mcua it ill at all times bo patd tor a r 1: r. M II 1 1) KH of every description In tiie country rotiio Is respvet fully solleltotl. lllooni3bur, March li, lil--y The pubtlo pat. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTIC'L. KSTATB OK l-KTKIt llirTNKK. JK IIFCKASFI). Loiters of Adm'rd.trallon on tho estntoof ivter miner, Jr., late of Locust township, county of (fol. uuibbt, statu of riiinsyiv.inla, deceased, hue beon orrantetl to Mlelnel Stlniaatl U-itH liudy.of locust ti-l.tt.) 1110 re'lUJitssI Ui la.iko p.nui'-iit, mnl thoso lh, ii -Hie, ra., to wu un 1111 in-rauiis intioieu itihabl 11 iiuiKi'i tout or iio-.ii tu4S win tnako hnotvn tho same without ueutv MICIUKI. STIN'E,) LKXVlfi DUDV. f Admr's. Feb. IMS-Ow" TN Till': ORPHANS' COURT OF OOLU.M J. 1HA Ol'.N'l'V, In the matter nl tlio pirlltl n ot tho root eitnto of IPirtoa XV. XX'.iple.s, 1 it) of scutt townddp, d ccivsett i ToSu-iinna XVuples widow, nod llurtoa (1. XV.iplee Ann i;ii.nbi-th xx'imos.Hirah loulsi xvanli-s .xtai-v H wplvi, aohn XX xxaples Mwinna'i XN'ma-, n:el llnnnah xvatiiun xvaule 1. In Irs uml 1 tiral ii-piescut, ntlytMof U(o b.xH im.ton XV. xvnplcb, tuvase(l! NoHoolslieieby ulxen to thef.boxti pioil.-s uut by xlrt'u (t a wilt of partlil-11, 1-suod out of tbeor l.hnris' co'irr, tf roluuill.i county, 1.11 loom si will bo held 11ml tik-n upon the prtmhes tlicieludesrilhed. MCiai. in i-cdt Iownshlji, In iho i-ountj iifuica.id and In th' Loii)tii ot Danvldo, In the coimty oi .xioiito r, 0 1 Knday imd snturdi; ,tho Hxteeiith nnd event' entl days of April iiuvt.ntDnclo. k. A. J!., for th -1 ur 10 0 of mal.liii' .nation or valuation mid aidir.l-tm uitof thu until red o-ute, as In Mm wild lies can att did it liiev u.li.k 11 ,,ii i,-,uu -ii.ui. utitutl 11110 .nut mace Ll,o btltu t)"r- aV.i, 0!!ovi:il Hlmr ff. 1:1 -ccnui-ir, no. as, istv-.t. .111; A- tTiu c'l Tl'OKN! Y s IHAN'Cs!, ( iinruni nnd ud for athi nl JUdi'lnuni Iki It, lust pilnl'd c'oLi-ituiiN ora bind ot Attericy blanks ttuwr kupt on KtM or jwlntwl tu ordr ie. .ill 1.1 3$L l.Triiins iw tub ton of u"''i VNA'.l isil-n. . .....,..,.,, . II, Kn ms, Ti-onvm-r. In IV'M'.mi witn ot 111 wnisburif, tur Hi; je'C HI! J,IH -t4 T63 S) 1,930 "a 9)1 (V t.-ct-ir, na iMiill.MW et na ' recel.cit et M. VynU'P, ee"-,J lor on iliiplleilo of I W, . ' Market siri'eteonirlluitlon's.eol- i"tteil liv H, II. UMlein m (Vhtre street cent rivit Ions, eel- W'teiliiy.M NVynko.m ' recM of t'. ( 1. Hark ley, IM 1 . lielJT l1rw'eeils(.tliiuineiits Vis.si,s.i. nut Sl.ot l-'eliruar.' Term. H, 4, 1 common I'loasoV'oluini.tieo. " recM ut M. wynkunn. collccto I liy litm on accounts duo low n, 11 li'i'ii-es ntul lines collected W Hie rresH nl ot Cottnetl, lialance duo Treasurer, $11,001 S5 Cli. liy balance duo Treasurer nt last settle- 15 Jt " nnv of duplicate ot KM I'lf d n h'ltitU ot M. W.vnkooii. eolleetcr, Dttnrf t.iv nueollectcit liy Tn-nsnur. " nmt r,rilei'scnsli"ddmliiJ licjear, " cummlvn.iniiiitV'J) Wl, nt i per et, 2.4 a 31 saw .vi lit su iTtTit v. 1,'eeelots ami ojcpenlltitroaot the Tawn ot Illoomj. inuK iji iiiuju.ti Vnenllected on diiiilleato (( IV. HI M ;,4H 4d 41 r."i lira 00 117 M 27 M l'J US i.ii-.-ns.'.s nnd lines i inliiif I he j car, Market f licet eoiitillHilloiis, (Win,, strppl eonli Unit Ions. duds-ini'iits collected ny i'. (i. NarM'.v. i.tn. iivtt-d lit 1:. II lUdteinan, Hiuiie, collected bv.M W.nknop, ca-ili in huiidsot 1:. II. r.tdli'ia.iii.l'-lnslial. nuccot Market street cuiiuiuimu"" w. It'Oti'd la K7 1. ..... SI (-0 IS 22 tss7i 71 Hay cut on I'.irk crounds, and romio-m. liupert; (aeltledfii road nceoant.) lMCrnSKVEXTK. Ain't, paid on road account to wit t Ijilior, rou'li fctunc, .tc., ti,7l I M Mf. lit iliA ll! .l.icoli,', i-tirctCnniiiits-Uincr, . ... '. ' ....... .... ha ..I iinnlltl. rtf ICT1 . .I.K.IIIIV. II 1(7 limit-. Anil, n.n inccaout-uinu.ui t.vi,uit.., ... to Ult ! I,nv isros, 1.. II. It. I!. CO., . . Ain.t. te snndrj persons on tiook account, bi'tntr h 1 lances duo from 1S7J s It. I,, iii.'rreiih'ieli, pilntliiff, I! M. H'lii'dln, iiiliiltmr, .Mover Hr-.s , oil fur I'lro Co., W. Wirt, secrcinry, A. 1). Well!), Mitbnory. .mini ulliUs, dorse litre for w.iler eo-nmtttce, lllooni s.'luwl Dtstiitt, tune tor nxk tip, Am t. printer's Ml s, " s irvevor nnd iisslit mts, " l'fiit ill' entlne house, " i:. II. l'-ldie:niii, llt'li Constable, " I-', it. Ill II -man. rommKslon on col- h'riiiinsot contribution s, Ac. " l'olko force, " I'olleo ludj'es, " nmt ofl'oun'l, " utititt.ir.-s, lsTa, " A. v. t'rv, M w second strvt, " Mojer llrot., I intern and oil, XV. X Irt, y-'di'Inry, " XV. XVlit, cop.tliu assessment, " W. XVlit, prepii'liu statement, tinder Aet of s th Apill, i;i, ' liiuom school lh-t. stove for lock up, " XV. II. .laeohy. niMrdiutritirrieiniiit, Intt't.'st to 11. stroup. on "old debt," ' lnti-rest en funds, .Vis I, li and 4, " dam ices to Martha Wells, " (1 un is-es to II U. Mower " Interest on h.fi o to II, C. tinner, " ('.(1. ItuMoy, sidiclior to Council. " P. strjup. (('ic In cv-vms f bididsls- KUt-d tO lltlil. 11 00 10 M 51 J1 r. t 1 7.1 17 .V) 1 II s r.'i c 0 GO no in ir. tr Ml 105 'J J 63 1.1 41 111 13 r,o 11 ml in (i 1 n oe 1 VI ir,o uo 15 no ji 10 5 no it r.o ltl Hi tijno 2,000 Ot) 1,0 0 Ol 1 1 o. 2) 21 B SO Ad 1 the follo-vln; t!i 1m rUssetl with (llsli.irsm.'iits, it : Rl.ilaneu duo 'lir.is. iw per nnnu.il Mitb'inent 0: K7I, 21 co.11mt-.sl ms nlloui-d Ti 0.1s. this j ear 177 a) 1I m-'i-i'loiis.illi'M'd 1:. II. Illdlemin oil duplicate, ot Is7 , 27 71 Total. 1VM 4' Ilxeesso! itceipts over expenditures 1,o'jo 24 Am't. of rt'Cclnts dm In'.' tho - ear. not. niiouuis-i-ir exont'r.tiijtis, tvc.) j,inj 11 l)liburs(m'iits durlnine M'ir, or whleh wns pnlil to Martha Wills tJOOO'O Paid to II. (3. Mower. l.'J 0 eo " 1). Mronp, t so f.1O0 60 licit dtsbar-cments for the year, t',,337 tii David i.oxvnNmuifi, XVksi f.v xviiit, Secretary. President. 'e, tho underslirncd, nudl'ors (.f tho Town of llloomsuiinr, do hiseby rcrtiryth.it wehnxeexiim lnedthonboxe and furcL'i In J slilt-inehts. of o.nen (inures, nnd also th- account of XV. II, Koons, Treas urer ,an I apprjve ino Mime as auovii siaieu. JOHN K. (IttDTZ. 1 xv.xi. Kiilt'KMxr.M, y Auditors. I. XV. 1 1. It I'll AN, J lllooinsburrr, I'eb. 2", ls75. 4t A UDITOR'S NOTIOH. " IS 1IIK F-sTATKOB CLKMCKLO. IttCKFTTP. Lite Of me lownsmi) 01 uraiirti, m tno t-ouiuy 01 uouunoiii, deceased . The undersigned lnxln bren appoint d t)V the Or- jui'ins' I'ouri 1 r saia county, iitiuuor 10 miu.e (Usui li'itlon ot tho balance In tho hands ot r.manuel I lira. rus. Administrator. mi nsrtvENrn, annfxo, Ac., ot sal I Cieui'iel o. Llckelts deceived, to the I (tatces and others 1 ntlllMl to the fund In hand, will meet nil pirttps Intcivsled In said e-,tnto at tho onieo 0 l'reee t Ilverlv. In the t-'iwn ot llloimsliiir I'a.. or Thursdtv. tiie sin d.iv ot April next. n 0 o'cloek In tho f irenoou i f said d iv. (it wh'i h tt'iio nnd idaee all pirtles Intcre-ted xtlll allend uml present their claims, or oe 1 ueii-r tieoarreu irom cumins in lor a tllstilbutlte i-biue In wild e late. M. E. JACKSON, lten.ltk, .'.tnreh r,, 75 iw. Aulltor, rtllAllTKR NOTItJl'X j Notice Is hen b- clxen of the Intention of tho mi.'.or-l.'.i.fd 1 ni-l. . s of " 1 h- l.lme Mdu-e Mel'oitlM i:p'top.u t uurcn ' 'U'lii'e 1 m-ai- t'enlretme In Cen tro towltildo t ol'llnbl i t'otliiLt to iirntlv for ;i pleir, ler iiiiree.ib:e 1 1 1!.o tutes nnd form of' dlst-lnllno of the Mettiodl ,t j:i lstoj al Church or (lie 1 nit"d H.lvii 01 America 1;. xv. ji l.oxv, (I I . LOW ret)l'J-3t. 1'I111P ll.xitltis. 7"ANTKD. Aj'-ntK, male aid female, to hv lK'turc-i t verviviuTL1. I'uurU't'n tliountl riUIIccl l.v OH, .iuitiicr tfi1Ii-h: "I run m.ikP niAke moiiuv in tl;U bus-ucAi tlmn I can on a $10,100 lliui, till niU'JKt.ll. .UIIJ.Ala (V XorvMch.coua, Willi THATCHER & GEARHART, Mm, Gas and Sleam Filler, l!LOOMS!5Ul!G, I'A.. oiTL-it to the irnLie Tin:ii! si:nvi:s in Plllliibinn' nnd fi:i!s: liifiuo' O "w"Ol lnxvhlch theyhnxu liadmitny ,x ears of expenehce ah wt-iK 01 utis kind wan-anted to bo of the best dt's-cilptlon and e.ucutedla tho mint wtiikiuatdit.e inanntr. Uns i'ljic J.iiul tit 12 Cents Rt Vool ! -tcitni Engines tuul Hoilcrs, filetim imd Hand Pumps, Pipe mid Fittings. A Pplemlid Assortment of Glism- ileliers, 13raecets, l.ninps, Sliiules, Bronze Ornaments, &c EXQUISITE SLATE MANTELS TIIK CELLnitAIEf) J A PAN PA PE II- W A HE HUCKKTS, IiASIXS. V.OWIS, Ac., &c. moro itoom In moomsburir, on Main Street, orpo blte 8t, rnulS nptscopol Chuich. (llio Uiem a call ! FOll SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Sale ! 1 . iltli 'w ?xvi-,(''ulof l,,,u Kwilnr. of omj Two-sToitv nuioiv mvuLLixa houhi:, unit (rood lotuttacbud, I" ViW. -'t" ""utiut-uct-crtbu latti AlSO.tnn ivto-ftflrr Inrna n..ni. tliiblo oat bull dnji arid l, llutk nr.ti, bloomiburf, I it .... . .,141 I tltuut-1 on ......... f,y .UVttllt tUlt H Ai s'o, uiiilunblu for in nn to town of M'i;insiliie, 1 Teh if land. 1 Xl.KI). Hx vneui,l'l,.i? atiibiS1', ,u.l4..t!fHil?n .rourth Str.-ct. Hie tou of MXu.ri ui ii'Mf law). . . ". ..villains vo Foi tenuh of hale npplv to ,. , ,, ,. (i onut! w.( Fib, 13, ''mid. oii:ti:u, I'.vwntor, tHoouinlnuv, fa. ni'llLU! fs'ALK. X t'ut'lwa.toon 'ere will bo fold at ruuuY, siAitoir anii. is7r S:.baft,l!m!,K awtsu'. uMta1 Uurdtv;,. J'i!iu?dL. nr 20 in a 41 w tii,a.s 3i M 4 HEAOQUARTKRS r 0 it n 1. SI t'alnls, Oilrf, 01.193, 1'iitty, Drugs), i'pi'cej, Piiteut Medi cines, &i; -tC. MOYER BRO'S WOULD call the attention of tho public to V iiw.li- v,.rt lnrcu nn.l wel selcctoil stock ot gtwas widen llieyonerni ui-j LOW1WT MAlUvCT Jt ATI'S. W0 boes XX'Indoxv (itass all sires and (ltialtttos. (llass for l'ICtitre IVaiuos n sp;clalty. irhile Letul, Jled Letul, Umbers, Litharge, Sionntis, Greens Wucm, ."iClls, Yellowp, dry and in Oil.. (lenerat Ascnts for MONTOUR SLE PAINTS L1NSKL1), OL1VK, W II ALU, UA.STOR, nnd other OILS VAKN1SII and JAPANS from the best JtnnuMctoiles. Their Mock of SPICES excels nny in this section of tho state. Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. (lener.il Depot ot supplies for Dr. J. C. Ajer's l'Ol'ULAR 1II3DIUINES. The Prescription Depnt'nent Is under tho eharue of competent l'U.irmiiccutlMS. Physiciiuis' Prescriptions (JAKl-U'ULLY COJirOUNDKI) WITH DKSI'ATCII. Gold Stfii Soda Water. The attention of country dealers, especially ts callert to our Mock of BOTTLTCn GOODS, SPIOES, ALUM, CO WC3KTRATED LVii, Patent and Proprietary Medicines Ourxvnsou x.'lll continue as formerly Ui make Its usual trips to supply cu t . OIL OF GLADNESS, a ppifhtl Cough, 6'olds, Croup, Uiirns, 'letter, Piles Ke., nn Internal nnd External rem y whose 1 f ullnfr xtr li.o.i are nttosted by thousands In this and adjolnlnj eounlli-stsrnnnuf.iclured by them and supplied to the nmu ted either directly or throui'h their countrx deoters, Price 50 Cents Per Hot tie, Jono cenulae unless It bears thu tmde mark nn name ot Jbiyer Uro's Ihexvords '-Oil of tllndntv blmrn In th Klass and the blgnaturo of oyer Ilrti' on the xxi.ipper. Apr.lT,7l-ly BLOOMSBUBQ State Normal School.. rIMIIS In-titiitinn nflcinU to students lireparmtr JL, torthe profession of TIIXUUINO, exeellent f.i ( lull' s for Improvement lu the most approvedmeth odtot laslructtuii. 1 l'or the accommodation of uiidcntn dcslrlnjr prep nratlonfor College, or fur tho business rilatlons of lire, an Ac.iileiid,' liepartineut Is orifnnled, xxhlcti miords the mo-.t umplu facilities tor mi tluluxr. t. ich eoui-so of-study Is completo In Itself, v,?.''W',l'l01'.i,l,,v.a'.llil,l!'es nro otrered for Instiuctlen tn M I hit! and l.A N 1 1 1 All US. lill SesMon commences Wednesday, Anjiiit oth I al seision eloijis i'u-sil.iy, liecemher aid. Spr hi: .session eoininenees XX'tslnesdav, liec. SOth. Spring .session closes Tuodav, ,1 lino Mil. sprlm; I'kiiu commences xxVilnusuuy, March 31st TlhtXI.H. I,0un. lneludiiis rutl and Wnslduif i'oua Dot- Tulllon OSIC noil. tuner wept- cj'ty tObLttycuat per week. In Model fctioo couiiLW!? uml,,tf1 f-t anj- time, and ta iuur uKe,UJyl",r';hl!,hu''i' iiiaybontepnred. It. miuii Vlhl 10 I" oeut at tho comiiiwnii meat of a term, or a bcbalon. ixnd lorauataloi-uo. Arplleatloiu for admission raay bo nddnetl to UK.T.L. UIIISWOLII, col. j. o, rami:. nutcipai. Hecretary. AUS. 14,"Mly Coughs ColJs, llron chills, Sore Throat, In flutnza, C'ronp, Whoop ing Coujjh, IIoarstncRfl Liver Complaint'ahis or SorencHs in th t'hot or Side, Illecdinj; at the Lunes. ami every livii -., i',!,1.','0 ll"oat,I.unmniidthiEt, nrua tssl UarimvJ! hl,! ulll''ou, '' Wisuk'b luiaAM iik XVui. th., , . "UL uiJ "I111 touxuunil teiitu Iiul ltii?!.-iV"1?' ,rt "' ensoHllh most itint-dh-H Imi em ',!',S J""1" "10 imdallajhlirltu tJ, t H ro luiriiy thocausuof tho complaUit. Consumption can be cured wm.lkvLKrl,t'l.lllh Mnnduril remctv, nsls Iro81 by huudreds of teblimonlals II. has rwtlved, Vtr!!,-elU,5.l'.!"l!',1 "' w"n" on uu- mil V,ln ;)' t'l'lN"ml ,l ibolilti! Iitreo bottles Pro1)rleln'o,,'.'r' w- I'oWl.iriMI.NS, truuv, U08t"1' Miss, (-.old by Uu ders cm Jau,)CJ, 'lt.y AlJniT()HTNOTl(!l IHTUtlltSr.XTKOI'IllVIl.ir vr-ruu o1iumriu'?e;,'lc!' "PPo'nti'd by the (i'i i lun'h ( t'urr. fund, la t .Cnn'?' .tti'd.u".r lP. Ink lh-tl .1 "tl n o U r of Tiiv m i-. , ' d liniKn.uoniliilMiu diJls oi "h i n,'.ilViih'r' u.w(,a"'1. wM utti l.d in Iho A l Unii in tit,1 thl'?,,"eMl ul thuoncuii Moikxtuy ctUA i lSFWJ.ytay, lb; VSII. duy l-Vb. S6, W-lw. "l-OlHil. L. I.I.XX Auditor, RHUS I'APCIl W ,,y ,.,; WIT1J DWELL & pHESMAH . Advertising Agents, THIRQ & CHESTNUT 8T8., 8T. LOUIS, MO I .riiiwrsrzyiti, , a 1 "ax" ' t ' us l,i