The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 26, 1875, Image 3

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mi ii 1,1 nn i iitut t m
l IL Vj VJU LiU iU I) I A S .
Itl.OOMSIIt'ltd, nitlltY, I'Kllltrtllt -',!, IhM.
Iliill tiilixt Tiiiii' Tallin.
.. . wnirii.
M.ill Train lo.rr, a. m
P.tpresi Train B.t.1 1', M.
Accominodattiin Train r,.r,i A. M.
Accommodation Train r,.ti A.M.
llejiilnr Kxprcm S.r.s P. Jl,
n.l'J P. M
11.02 I'. .M
7,11 1'. M
T.nn i'. m.
11.93 A.M.
Through cars on KxprcM train either to New York
or Philadelphia. Accoinmod illon train runs bctw vu
tutnw liu and Wllll.ihisport.
Tlic lumber market lias liven will (docked
duiiii I fit lale t-litgliliu;.
Vendue tioltf, Just priutul and for palo cheap
nt tlii! CoH'MblAN ollice.
Those people living along lliu river nro he
fjlniili.if. to pi i pare for n freshet.
The revival at the ll.iplNt Chinch in thtt
place Is utUndid with ureal Mieiere,
To quit nilvcrtfolng In dull times is like tear
ing out u dam because the water is low.
Janici Long, tin: well-known proprietor of
tliu llculon stage line, has ili-pii-ed of the ruutc
to Mr. Wallace lies., of llenlon.
The l!cv. Mr. Hewitt will exchange pulpits
with the ilev. Mr. I'. I), l.iglitncr, of St. James'
Church, Miiticy, on Sunday n;.xt.
"The editor who parade his personal haired
and griefs heforc lite putlic through the columns
ol his paper, will only be laughed at for liu
folly and despiMilfor his litllcness."
The running expenses of (lie Danvillu.Water
works for the past were $11,075.11, and the
ntllee expenses JG04.13. The greater part of
thu former would be saved by a natural How.
- - -o-
Judge Gordon, of the .Supreme Court of this
Hi Mo, etecidcel at Erie, on January 1th, tlut a
municipal eorporation is responsible for dam
ati to pedestrians injured in cotise'ijucnco of
the itoeumiilMion of ice and sno-v on sidewalks.
l'oople who write anonymous communications
to this ofliec waste their lime. The signature is
lirt looked for and when not found the produc
tion goc to the waste paper lu-ki-t without a
isord being hctn. If any body wants his copy
returned he can find it in that receptacle.
The Vox cliase at Ituckhom on Thursday
last was hugely attended. Upwauls of 'JO
Hounds tdartul aniU'cynard showed them mine
of hi best specimens of cunning, but I'uully
brought up in the barn yard of Uro. Whitc
niglit, who unfortunately for the sportsmen,
killed him uilli a pilehfork.
We aienow paying postage on all papers
that we Mini out of the county, and there are
mine j it who have not paid their arrears. We
mii-t urge upon them to ilo it witliout ilelav.
Scud by registered letter, 1'. O. money order, or
enclose the money in a letter, at nur ri-k if
mailed in the presence of the post mastir.
The head of J. R Davis, principal of tin
Williamsporl Cominereial College, is level. In
remitting lo us a check for advertising he says:
''College doing better than evrr be'ore. So
much for doing Kood work in the College and
then advertising Idling the people know
where we are and what we ilo. Adverti-in"
always pats." "
CYAsRiricmoN Foil Taxition. In 1111
opinion deciding anolhcr point, Ur- Supreme
Court of this State deelaies that "for the pur-k)-
of taxation, real f state may be c!a-silie.l.
Thus, timber lands, arable lands, mineral lands,
urban and rural, may be divided into di-tioct
lasses and subjected to dillerent rates."
One of our prominent Snort.mon started 1
1'ox la-t week in the vieinitv of Irondale, but
lilting his dogs out too soon Hevnaid souht !
refuge ipiiekly in the safe-t if not sweetest of
places he could lind, while the Mounds would I
not and the Spoilsman did not r. ll.l, h. -,.l'u- !
- 1
iiesuit a hoy made lifly cents by gelling him
In many if not nearly ail the Towns tvhere
lih'-y have- Water works, they hale been ooni
julleil to build lires around thu plugs and by
drairts lo thaw ihcui. This is a far b.-llcr te'-t
of extreme cold tlun thenuomiters as they are
usually placed, and jirorcs beyond d.jubt that
the frefzi-ig has been more inten-u the prc-ent
winter than during any that preceilol it for
many years.
One of the giealcst evils iinioisl upon mm
miuuitics by Kaling S.1I0011S where may
ulso be obtained, ii the almost uuiver.-al p.-r-Jiiissioii
givin to boys or, moru f.i-hionably,
young men under age, to loiter about them
and even to indulge in drink, often to exee-s.
We know the difficulty of piocccdiiig legally to
aucvent piich anion, but we nrvir could seu
what was to prevent ( uurts, nhuicier an njipli
itilion for liivn-u eumes up, to examine the
nt.nlii-ii.i I, 11' .,,,,1 ;r 1... ... r.... .1...
desiuil inl'oili.alion or admits that be h.uU.n
bois, to refu-e liiense. -Moilcsty is to bo appre
ciated any wbeir, jet Courts seldom indulge in
il toixccss whin proper infoimalion is rupiiiid
in other matters, and it will billiard to perceive
why it would be objectionable lo rc'j'iiro
this very Information from applieunts
Nearly all ihe active oipo-iiion to licenses
would e'ease', if t!io-e who hold them well) pru
dint in the use they made of their peculiar
privilege, and especially if liiey sli.n.-eil a dis
position to obey the law. Will not Saloon
keepeis ihcinsilvid look to their interests in
'this regard ?
JfowTo IIiiiu'l'i: G.h Jlii.i.s. An intelligent
Jioiniholdcr sav: I'lobably not one perro.i in
tin who pays gas bills knows ainlhing about
his meter, niuili less how'to read its reeuid ;
ami, from personal ex pel unci-, I cm u-siirealli
nub that it pay, in more ways than one, to bo
possessed of siieh knowledge. Do u burn our
lamps all day, or extinguish them to save con
sumption ? lie npuilly careful wilh your gas,
nil riminiber that you have not stopped ion
sumption when you have fimply turned il oil at
the burner.
You cm s.ivo one-tenth of your gas bill by
Jjoipgiaih night, or morning, when joii need
no moio light, and tinning it oil' at thenitlir;
and ihu gicatfr the length of pipe in jour
Iioun', thu larger in proportion will be your
navlug; for, no matter how light and perfect
your lilting-, thero is always some hakage.
This j 011 save, if nothing more. Again, gas is
iiIhujs inni'iiisiiig, mid Ihe waste fnuu this
cuuse alone, nl times, is bejolul calculation, mid
in ceilain (uialilles, mid nt certain seasons, U
greater than others; and heic, tisi, the greater
thu liugth of pipe the more waste. I'l.
Su.w. The following register of sabs will
be of Intel est lo buvcrs us will as llio-u whu
ixpat to sell, mid have not ill (ixid Ihe day:
Uiiah lliiiur, of MadUui limiishlp, ollii
personal Muinitv at public sa'o on the -llh of
Jiiikson I.eiby will dlsuisa of valuable per-
-soual iiropcilv at his iisidiiuu in Moi.tour
tonu-hip, 011 the 1th of Mauli.
Lafiitle Clean y mid Henry Shalllr, uduin
' Istralou of I't-lrr Jt. Winner, dieiasiil, of llii'ir
crul; towushiji, ollir Jial istale for sale oil the
. II. Miller, Tnistio if llm ulnto "f Maiy
llorloclier of .Millliii loiin.hlp, olIU valuable
rial elate fur xalooii Kaltiidaj-, Mwih JlOili.
I'Uir WeikheU'i, i-r., of Hiuilock tuwu-hlp,
will kII ptikoiial piii'vilyut his ruldiliiuou
rJuIay, Mttjvli mil.
Thu following Is n complete Hit of townhlp
olliters elected In Columbia eoutity nt the Kelt
tuaiy election, 1ST", vlit
Heaver Constable Jiitnoa T. Vox, Supervis
ura Michael Klttenhoiisc, Joseph I.ehr, Over
Ker (liorgc I'attou, Henry Hlnlcrleiter, School
Oircetors Trank llhoads, K. I, Kramer, Assess.
or (I. W. Culp, Judge John .Shuinan, Inspectors
Nathan ltredbelider, ('. 11. Troy, Auditor Allen
liinton Justlcu I. K. Krickbaiini, Coti'lable
Samuel Appleinati, Supervisors Jonas U.mtt,
lllias fcluillz, Ouisicrs Jacob Woolcver, Win.
Ilulme, School Directors Samuel Hess, Win.
Ipher, Anse-sor Thomas II. Appleui.iii, Judge
Daniel hhult, Inspectors It. I', Mcllenry, John
i;. Appleman, Auditor John U. Dihllne.
llerwlek l'uigess S. Jl. ilownian, Assistant
Iloyd Williams, Coiniell Daniel lteedy, W. V.
l'.ilmer, M. K. Jackson, Isaiah llower, l'rauk
Stew url, Contablo Win. J. Knorr, High Con
stable Joseph lleam, Overseers O. H. 1'. Kileh
in, Itichard Thompson, School Direelois II. L.
l'reas, James W. Kvan, Judge U. 11. Wells,
Inspectors A. Vanhoulcn, Win. 1). l'reas, As
sessor David Thornton, Auditor 1,. T. Tliomp-
l'riar Crcek--Julice Adam Suit, Constable
l'hilip Sponinberg, Supervisors Samuel I.ynn,
John llower, Overseers Cliarles lteed, (i, 1',, Seliool Directors John Tester, Ceo. W.
Miller, Assessor Jixeph Damon, Judge 11. M .
Dower, Inspectors Devi SlialllT. S. J. Conner.
Auditor Samuel K. Smith, Town Cleik T. II. 11.
D.u is.
Centralia Durgess Hubert Welsh, Council S.
, Van Il'ireii, John Mo'ati, John Kilkcr,
Hinry Wcideiiaul, Hubert While, Constable
David Wal-h, High Con-table David Walsh,
School Directors James Dally, l'.itrlek Mellr.i
crty, Judge John Spring, Inspectors Geo. Steele,
Thomas Verliu, Assessor J. J. 1, Aud
itor Win. II. I'riee, Voor Director Thorn is
Conyngham Justice Antiiony ie!h, Con
stable D. Doiigherl,. ,Silptrvii'jrs James Ilrennaii
Kdward tiarrity, School Directors James Iiugh
tin, Hogirs Dixon, Inspectors, Patrick Kigali,
Judges Joliu I'. llannon, (south) Thomas Chap
111:111 (north), As-es--ors Alfred Steely, (southj
M.trliu, (south j Kdw.nd Hughes,
(north) lisrnes IXiylo (north), Auditor James
Momghan, Town Clerk Thomas J. ItcHormiii,
Catawi-sa ConstaI)le Joseph Walter, Super
visors Win. Sharple-s, John Strouss, Oversecis
Joseph Marts, Abel Thomas, Seliool Directors
Nathan Cieasy, S. D, Hyuard, As-es-or J. ii.
Kieigh, Juilge W. II. Tiilliill, Inspectors I). C.
tie.iihart, D. W. Waller, Auditor I. II. Sees
holt. Centre Constable Henry D. Knorr, Super-vi-ors
Henry Hcsi, Isaac Irone, Over-iers Win.
Denniis, Win. Sl.i.ll'cr, School Directors Dli-lia
Haginbuch, fiin. D. Low, Assc-sor James 1.
Hay man, Judge Henry ('loop, In'pietors Hiram
Whit mover, Samuel Jlldley, Auditor S. W.
l'i-hiiig Ciwk Ju-tieo M. A. Ammcrmau,
Constable 1!. V. Kdgar, Supervisors Aaron lien
der, John Dic-her, Overseers Jonas Doty, John
Wcnner, Seho il directors II. J, I less, Daniel
M'lli nry, .Wc-sor Amos Hartinan, Judge Na
tliauicl Drie-bach, In-iiators I. V. Mcllenry,
F. W. Jones, Auditor I'.Ii Itobbins, Town Clerk
Moses Mellemy.
l'r.uiklin Justice S. M. Hogeland, Con-table
O. D. D. JCo-tenbiuder, Supervi-ors Michael
Meiiuh, Win. George, Overseers Jc-o John
Henbcii Knittle-, Seliool Directors Win. Stoker,
Jack-on Cleaver, A.-c-or(). J). I.. Ko-tenb.iu-ilar,
Judge .lonalhati I.oreman, Inspectors
Mo-es llowcr, Jcreniiali Kostenbauder, Auditor
Alnaham Lilly.
Greenwood Justice Wil-on M. Kvi", Con
stable II. S. Fainnan, Supervisors S. Albert-on,
David 1). I'.rady, School Direetors II. II. Hay
man, (il yi-ar.-) Janus Van Horn, I. W. Hcc-i",
As-es-or Win. .1. Drciblepicee, Judge J. C. Li
111011, Inspectors H, L. Itich, Win. Dreiblepiece,
Auditor Win. 1". liobbins.
Ilenilock Justice John Ilarlman, Constable
" '" upcrvi-ors Win. Appleman,
V.'m. Girton, Overseers HII Old, Jacob lllelcher,
S'l'"1 "'f"''' 1l,t'r 's- Unigler, Sylvi-tir
1 A'-tS-"r Malluas G. Girt. Judge
Al"'al""" iiuM" I'"lectors John Ki-tlcr,
-M- I'-irlman, Auditor Thomas J. Vander-
Jackson Con-la'!o liieliard Hess, Supervisor-.
D.inh-I l'rit, Matthew Mcllenry, Oveisi-cis
Win. Young, Km. nine! Savage, School
Geo. W. 1'arver, Nihemiah Kile, Asso-or John
K Derr, JiuU'e Abraliaui Manning, Inspectors
Franklin Trillli-pieee, Henry Heileman, jr.,
Auililor Hinrv Wagner, Clerk David Yoium.
I.oe'ii-t Ju.tico tlcra Mower, Constable Dan
iel llouck, Supcrvisorn James llird, David
Stro-aser, Ovcr-e'ers' Jacob Sline,IIeniy Hclwig,
School Diric'ors John ('. Walter, Aaron Voder,
Assessor Daniel 1', Knittle, Judgo Charles I!il
bg, In-pectfirs Juhn llelwig, Samuel Mear-,
Auditor Samuel Camp, (Jleik John Kline, Sr.
Madi-ou Cun-lablo Isaac Mellride, Supcr-vi-ors
Nelson Kitchen, Win. McNinch, Ovei
s.'irs Wm. Mosliller, K. H. Hailmin, Seliool
Dilictors John Ncis, Geo. Supplce', A--cs-or
John M. Smith, Judge John Allen, Inspectors
Niluiniab Wclliver, John M. Johnson, Auditor
M. i:. Masti is.
Maine .lii-lieo Win. T. Shuinan, Con-table
lo-iph ( ieiger, Siipervi-ors 1). S. Ilrown, II. 1 !.
John. Oversee rs D. 1!.
Felterhoof, Nalli.iu Mil
ler, Seliool Directors I', J. Campbell, J. K,
Losgenberger, Francis Fleinming, As-e'-sor
Win. T. Shimuin, Juilgo Jo-eph llart.ell, In
spectors F. F. Dorr, Win. C. Kichard, Auditor
John W.
Milllin Con-lab'e Obediali Swank, Super-vi-ors
Peter Michael, Jacob Nu-s, Overseers
.Michael l'etleihoof, Adam Miller, School Di
rectors Samuel Snyder, Christian Widf, As
sessor Daniel II. Ilettler, Judge Phinoin Smith,
Inspectors C. IS. Mo-teller, John F. Hiown,
Auditor Isaac I.ulz.
Mclitour Constable John Goidiur, Supervi
sors Michael Houih, S.1111111I Geigcr, Overseer.-.
Peter A. Kvans, Alfred Irvine.Se-hool Directors
F.viiu Welliier, John Gordner, As-i or IMcr
M. Karihiiir, Judge W. P. Tubus, Inspielois
J. V, Huberts, Diviil Mou-cr, Auditor John
Ml. Plea-ant Constable David M. Wilson,
Supervl-Jis Win. 1'owmaii, John Onun, Over
seers J, II. While, John Hippe-ii-teil, Seliool
Directors Win. P. While, Samuel Oman, As-
iiis.-or Amos K. Haycock, Judge A. J. Ikelcr,
Inspectors Ju-tiee Ikelcr, John Vance, Auditor
G. II. Lverill.
Orange Justice James II. Harmau,C'on-lablo
M. V. Kline, Supervisors Moses I-.veietl, N,
Flcckiiistiln, School Directors M. It. Kline,
Win. Haginbiich, Oveisecrs A. H. Heriiiii',
Daniel KUIl'er, Judge David Herring, Inspec
tor Abraham White, Win, Hagcubiich, Assess
or M. H. Patleisem, Auditor II. It. Kline.
Pine Ju-tiie Julm Lobr, Conslablu J. It
Cuinilison, Suiiervisors J. Dive-Ibis, Adam
llohb.OvirstiiH Win. Houghton, John Gurdurr,
hool Directois Natli.iu Mo-cr, John Jleish-
line. As-essor llioinas Gardner, Judge James
Drivclbis, Inspectors Michael Siaekhou-e, F. P.
Ma-liess, Auditor H. l. Lyons.
Itoaring Creek Constable Jamb Loiiginber-
ger, Supe 11 i'ors Joseph I.evan, John M. Trump,
OvirsuP Abralium Ullmr, win. eager,
M.-hoiJ Dilillois Alualiiiui Heaver, IMuiil VI.
Itaiiif. Assi.-or Daiid Long, Judge Henry
II0II1111111, Iiispeclors, Frank Hlchaid, Isaac,
I'heirinuloii, Auditor allian ilauck,
Ssn en t loaf -J 11 -lice II. 1. Cole, um-unie
Jcssu I'l it, Nipcmsiim.iQIin ) iviie, r.zehiei
Sliultc. School Diriclors Jiluia Fill, Jllles A
Com-tock. Assessor Jo-eph O. I(is, Judge
AlcXt Jlew, lnspeilur David Ivoehcr, Jiswo
llailman, Auditor Jaijies Seliultie, Clerk An-
diew l.aubach
Scott Jii-lh'o H. G. ('revilliii,,C..n.lablo S.
Kiis-br, Supe i-ois G. Hri-knun, J. Khiiiiiton,
S.hoed Dileitois Henry Kclcliner, Joseph Mil
lir, Assessor T. W, Harlman, Judgo H. C.
John.on, Inspictom Cluik Fiddler, Stephen
PvltU, CUrk Jan'" Mkev iditr Peter Knt.
l'Viit Hunt, A giwil two-slory fntmo
ilwcllliig hoiiso sitiiutcd 011 Court Iioitso
fitiiro In tho renrof Mrs. UntV ltrlck liuilil
lug. A lino L'lirden iiltiiched to thu idnci1
1'ossus.sion given on the 1st of April, 187(5,
For further Particulars, apply lo Mrs. W. II.
K.ST, Hast Main Street, llloomsburg, l'a.
New White Hoods, this week nt Ci.AiiK
& Wol.t s).
(li:o, A. CiiAUK liasjust received n largo
Pluck of Picture Frainw, and Cornice Mold
ing and is pre nrcd to liavo cither made to
order on short imtlce. For prices go to
ui.Aitif or KOIIIllll' JlOAN.
(lo to Maiih'si for Tycoon heps,
Hamburg IMgings mid White Goods,
ojienlilg, ut t. W. ll.utr.MAN'-i.
Our own tnakn of Calf Hoots, hewed, for
SS.OO, at H. M. Knouh'h.
New ltuclilngs, Tics, Ac, nt Ct.AltK it
MoYlllt it Kl.txr. will give for tho next
thirty days great inducements) in their lino
of business. Their stock consists in part of
, Whips,
and in fact all things kept in u first-class
Harness mid Saddler Establishment. Call
and see them.
Go to Mahii'.s for Heal Hair Switches and
Koiikkt Ho an makes 1'icturc Frames lo
M.Utu keeps Miners and I!.ibbitts soap.
w- - .
Selling :it reduced prices ut K. M. lvNniiu'rf
in order lo make room for Spring Goods.
Danip.i. Y01 r.i lias removed his Clothing
Store to Henry Hiirtmuti's) building, in the
room occupied as a Carpet Store, where ho
now I1.11 a full supply of goods. Call ami
see. jan"9tl'
New Linen Collars nnel Cufis ut Cl.AltK
it Wow'-s.
1000 yards Nice New Calico at 10 cents
per arrivo at 1. V. Haktman's this
For Picture Framcsgoto Cl.Ani; or Hoan',
Go to Map.ii's for nice Mackerel,
llifosr.M, lias a spleiuliu lot ut
.Peach lUtllcr,
A-jiple P.utter,
(litinci! Iblttor,
Cranberries, Haisins, Dried Currants, Prach
i's, Prunelliis, Corn and all Canned Fruit.
New llumburi; Kdgins this week nl
Ci.akk et Woi.r's.
Hm.i.iN's & Hoi.mcs liave removed to No.
17 Centre Street, below Main.
Hoot legs, hand lilted, at K. M. V,
French and Auiciieuti Calf.
C. C. Mark sells the best Punch Cigars
in town. Try one.
A new lot of that 10 cent Muslin, nt I. W.
New I .hick Alpacas at Oi.auk & Woi.r'n
this week.
Don'i lc worried and annoved with not
onlv u poor ipmlitv of Coal but dirty mid
I'lat'y beside-, but buy of II. W. lino,
who deal only in the best qualities. 2olf
W. H. keeps the mo-t complete
and finest assortment of Groceries that can
be pui'cba-ed in market. His Giocerics are
fresh and an- selected from lirst importer-,'
hands. 1 1 is prices are low, as he has purchas
ed his goods at bottom figures to suit thu
Go to lll'ssi'.l.l.'s for ynnr Hxtra Maple
Syruii clear us crjstal. Only One Dollar
per Gallon.
To Tin: Priil.te'. Go to W. M. lli:nw:;
and get one pound best Tea in market, put
up in a licuuti till Japanned Gilt Cannister,
for one dollar.
All Coal slated and -riecne'd beforo leav
ing the old established coal yard of C. W.
Nkai, & Pino. " I'otf
Vj, M. Kxiiltn's price li-t of work n.nde to
Frene li Call' stitched ISoots - - -$11 nil
" footed - 7 mi
American Calf sewed Hoots - - - '.I (:0
" " " footed - ii ."0
W, II. Hnow'.v kceii-u fine assortment ol
Canned Fruits and coiiden-cd goods. Al-o,
a lull aortini'iit of Nuts and French Candy
nnel Oranges and Lemons.
W. II. Hi'.ows has Salt by the barrel and
by the -ack. Flour, Feed and New llitek
wheat for sale wliole.-ale and retail. Country
Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
- !.
Town orders taken byC. W. lino,
in exchange for coal. 2itt
If you want it good Ham,
If you want cheap and good Ton,
If you want Collce Java or Kio,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want the best Mackerel,
If yon want Sugar for the lea-t money,
If you want the best Syrups in town,
If voil want good Cliflir-,
If '.. 1 ti
II -nil 11 .ill 1 j'umi 1 in. .11.1 1 f. 1
Tl' i-,it, it -i t.i-1 III ttir iti llm l ! tnrisi-i ..nil
Provi-iou lino, go to Hrssisi.i.'i-, Muiiitroct. '
.1- t
DM I'.sluldislieil Coal Vnnl.
C. W. NlI.U. &, llr.o.. Whole-ale & P.etail
Dealers in all sires of tho be-t uualities of
P.ed and White Ash Coal, at the veiy lowest
market rates. 1 1 ae constantly on liaiid largo
stocks of
Hlacksniitli's Anthracite,
and Limeburners Coal.
Ksnecial nttentioii ttivon to tliu iireinira-
tion of coal before leaving our j arils. Grain
and Lumber taken in exciiaii'ie for coal.
Coal delivered to any part ol 1I10 town at
short notice. Orders left at I. W. McKolvy's
store, or at our office, will rccehe prompt at
tention, oilieo ami 1 anls 111 u iiiiam .Mill
Si Sou-' Furnace, Hast Hloom-bitrg. Your
patronage respectfully solicited.
COAL. iT-tf-tW) COAL
O. W. Nl'.Al. Sc llr.o., Hparo 110 expense to
end out niie coal. tll'j
in ank MoiiTcuoKi tor H.ilo cheap at tlie coi.vjiiuan
I'ii'Kii Ilios Jut lecelveel and (or sale at the t'o
I.UUIilAM olilee',
lln-iri iii:ki)S, 011 rarcliiiieut pint linen pa;s-r, com-
iuuii and tor AdiulnUti iitors, ISxeculura and Truteea,
lor hale elieaji at Hie Li, I'Mumn ollice.
- o
'Hi must iiiiiinppy iersi.n In llm woilet Is Hi
Djsiiepile. 1:1 orj tiling looks ilarl; and ctisjuif ; liu
Trola "out of sous' with liluiself and eur)liuily
eilse. I .Ue Ii n Imnlen lu liliu. 'lids cm nil be
cliiwgcil 1)' laklni; l'i iiivlun sjnii (.ipruluMle of
Irj:i.) Oa-csuf alears slaiiiltiis lulo Ueea cured
l.y tl.
C'lo.uiso lliQ slDiiiac'li, l lilouel Iroin nil
tliu ucrlil, eorruiit ami oiiei.llu uccmuulalluu wlilcli
produeo fiuiellonul UeraiiEeiiient, iiuU)(,u leineiie
lliueausoof most itW'ii-sosj wlileliuilllet Ilia liiun.m
family, ami Uiiisnho largo iloe tors' I41U. Tiioiuj-t
crfeuiual mid lelialilo remedy fur Hits purposi 11
found la He. 1 1 (ten I'lciii.-iiul I urtr.i(ivn CilleU. No
cLeap uuuil or paper boxes, but kept iiin) iili,
lilo lu l lals.
IIUli liters, tliosolpdulglaulii case and pleusmu,
and Ilium) or iodeutaiy liallls, e.u prevent Hulls,
Oaibuuelen, (lu.ut, Ited bklii, i:ni'loiis, I'linpKs
CuiisUiatloiis, Piles, I rowfclriuti, litlluiuinaM, unj
utliircoudltlun.sla4m'eiJ by suel; lialta, b taking
frouifourto lxof Ur, I'l reo'si I'leomnt I'lirnallij
1'clleln ouco 11 w ti t, or, letter btlll, one ur t u Cie-li
night. Tliey reolU ly nil delera lu ukmIIcIikh.
ATllllMI'lt liVKIt HfJillld.
It Is not (Uniciilt lo alarm tho timid, ami Invalids
nru proverbially no. Aware of this face, tho 011dcrs
of pseiidu hitlers, 'vtitlrclj fr from nleohol," li.ivo
raised u f.ilocry against tonic preparations contain
Injf spirits, mi Ino iljubt have frightened a f wslck
folks Into purcliaslnTllio fiTinented ruliblsh wlilcli
lliny noil, and wlileli Is Inflnttety morolnjurloin than
the vilest drams drunk nt tavern bars. Hut nlrnidy
a tremendous reaction lias set lu against llieso
nbomlnnhle. nostrums wlilcli, btlng iteModot tlio nl
coliollo basis wlilcli nlono prevents Itipild botanic
preparations front turning notir, decoinposo almost
ns soon a made Hosteller's Htomach Hitters lias
lived ntid will live down multitudes of such Impos
tures. A regal ir recurrence of tlioelemaud for the
irrcat alterative Ini irornnt from tlioso wlioli.uonl
wnj. been' Its pal runs, shows that they have not
xwerve t In their tlnv-honorod allegiance to Amert
r.Vs most popular rcnedy ! aula constant Influx of
now orders demonstrates how llttlo imnramlati, ut
ter all, the blatant denuncliltons of thu inockblllers
men Ii ive made upon the general public, fo long as
Hosteller Hitlers contlnuo to euro anil prevent In
termittent nnd remittent fevers, dyspepilj, consll
pitlon, kidney dlson -, nnd tho numerous other nil
tiictils lo which the. are ndapled, they wilt continue
lo dominate Ih" factious oppo-ltlon of humbugs, nnd
tint will bo Just as toiitr us they are manufactured
nnd sold. 113 It known unto nil bogus nostrum len
ders, of every d-rco of audacity nnd knaiery, that
th-sy can never hopo to pun" themselves into nubile
favor at tho cxpoiisu of ttostetter's Hitters, the repu
tation of which Is founded, ns It were, upon n rock.
this cosrr.isioK or an invalid.
I'uni.ism'i) as A wiitMvei and for tlio benefit of
Vounu Men ANioTm.i-..s,whoeiilTer from NUHVot'S
lli:i!ILITV, l.O-'H Of MANHOOD, itc, suppljlng tho
means of self-cure. Written by 0110 who cured him
self after undergoing considerable quackery, nnd
bent freo on recclilngn poM-pald directed cm dope,
.vaiTcrers tire hutted to nddrsss the author,
Mar, 0, 'T-I-Um Hox 153, llrooklj n, N. V.
MANHOOD lti:.STOHi:D.-A victim of youthful Im
piudonce, causing permaturo decay, nervous debit
lly.ete., hailngtrleittn vain every known remedy,
lias found 11 slinplo self-cure, which ho will xend free
to his felion-sulTerers. Addresa .1. II. llcovcs, "s
Nnss-m St., New York.
July 3,';j-3ra
To tho Anllcted. No matter under what form nt
sickness jim labor, there Is ono great truth jou
should keep In mind: All disease originates In nn
Impure common of the blowl Purity that, and tho
dlsens- must dcpirt; but you cannot purify tho
blood by the u'u of polswiious tlrugs, and exhaustive
slIrnulMi.ts Tho best blood Purifier ever discovered
Is nr. M'AiHEit'sfamousVisKOAimmEr.s, compound
ed of simple herbs. 4-w
Thousands liivobecn changed by tho use of tho
I' "jrun (a protOJldo of Iron) from weak,
fcltkl.v.BUfrerlng creatures, to strong, healthy, tend
happy men and women, nnd invalids cannot ie.i-on-nlily
hc-llnte lo ulveltntrlH. for Hyspeplla and
Debility Ills a speclllo.
ITeinln jton, Hunterdon Co., N. .! , June IsT-l.
Dr. It. V, I'lKiicr, Hiillalo, N. Y. : Deaii Hi'.-lt Is
w llh a h.ippy heart that I pen these lines to acknow
ledge that you and jour (lolden MeiUca! HI covery
mid I'urgallie lVlb'ts are t'lesslngs to the World.
These ini dtrttics catu.ot be t jo highly pral.-'cd, tor
Hieylme atino-t brought me out of I he grave. Tlnee
nxntlis ago I was broken out with laws ulcers and
sores on my body, limbs and face. I procured jour
(ioMi'ii Medical Htsru'.ci j and l'lirg.illielVlle's, and
and have taken st botll and to-day I am In
l.e-altb. all tlio-e ugly uleers having healed and left
mj skin In a natural, healthy condition. 1 th'iu.;l.t
al one lime I could not lie cured. Although I can
but poorb my jiralltude to you, yet there Is
11 drop 1 1 J In evi r word I Willi-, tieids bleisliij;
rest on jou and jour woad.rful inedMiies Is tho
humble prajerof
lours irioy,
JAMINO. lim.I.Isl.
When a medlclno will promptly cum such terrible
eating ulcers and free tho blood of the Mru'.ent pol
!on causing them, who can longer doubt Its wonder
ful virtues? Ur. Iliree, howiver, eloesiiot to
pJaec his (ioldcn Medical Dlrcoicry In tho catalogue
(fuiuuk patent iioslrums by icccinuicrdlng It to
M-.c,-y ill-ense, nor dots he ho recommend U;
but what be du".s claim Is Hits, that there Is but ono
form of blood disease that It w 111 not cure, and that
Ulsca'io U eaueer. He does not recoiataend his HIs-
eoiery fur that disease jet ho knows It tube the
nuiMt searching blood cliin-cr jet dheoicied, and
that It will free the blood anil system of all other
I.110". 11 blood pol-oiis, Le thej" animal, vegetable or
ori.'.lneral The llold.-u Discovery Is warranted by
him to cure the worst forms cf Skin Diseases, as all
forms of lllotihes, I'luiples and eruptions, nl. 0 all
(llauduler Swellings, and tho worst form of s-ercfu-lousaiiil
t'ice rated i-ores of Neck, Less or oilier
p.irts, and nil Seiorulous Diseases of tho Hones, ns
White Swi llliigs, l-'cier Sores, Idp Joint and spinal
lil-eases, all of which lsdong lo Scrofulous diseases
1: r. Ki:;r.i:i.N 111 n'r.i: winh or iiion.
II. I". Kuukel's eclebiated Hitter Wine ( f Iron will
elTeetii.dly cure ltvcrLeo!iipl.iInt.Jaunillce, djspi-p-ta,
clu'ijiilc or nervous bi-blllty, chornle diarrhoea dls.
ea of tho kldnej'S, and nil ill-eases urlslng from a
ell-01 1 Ted llier' stomach or Intestines, such us cou
stli'at on, tlatuleuce, Inward piles fnllne's of blood to
the head, acidity of tin' stoiusch 11 ui-.ea, heal I burn,
illgu-il for food, fullness of weight In the stomach,
siireenal.itloiis tlnl.ln0' or iliiltirimfiit He' pit of
th st jmai b, swlmmlii',- it ihe Lead, hunted or dLl!
cult Im alhlng, lliitti-rlng at Hit-heart, rliol.lii' or
sunneati'i 'ea-all-'iH ii'heii In a Ijlngpusturi', dlm
1.1 ii of il-lon, dots or webs before mo sljlit dull
p.iln la the li'-.i.l, il -lleleue of perspiration, jellov.
ni'Mi.f Ihe skin and ej(S, pain In the side, back,
h- ad, 1 host, limbs, etc., sudden llushc-of heat. burn
In!; In thu lle-h, constant tmaxlnlngs of fill and
gient depression of spirit-'. Price 1 per bottle. 11c
waie iitciiunli rfclls. Do not lei our druggist prim
olT sonic oilier preparation of Iron he may say Is as
good, but a.-l; for KnnkcPs Hitter Wine of Iron Take
nootlnr. Kiiuki I's Hitter Wine of Iron Is not sold
Hi bulk-bill) In 11 but;ies. II. 1'. Kunkcl, l'roprle
tur, Noi.vj North Ninth street, Philadelphia, IM.
Sold by all Dri'fc'Kl-'ts and dealers everywhere.
Lntlrelj removf d v Ph purely iCRitable nifdicliie, fmuilho sy-tem alive. No feo unle-s the
head passes, cou.e and refer to patlmts tresicd.
Ur H. P. lii'NKiu. No i.vj North Mtnh St., Ihlladel
plila. AdilM) fice. teal, I'lu and Slom-ich Worms
removed. Ask j our drupuLt toi'abottleet Kcxkci.'s
Menu STuii'. ITKo! jut tjutitc. Il ueiirf.dls.
thu lid ruiNTiNo orriri:.
'I.'in pre-eiit Is a Rood opportuidly to reii.ln'l the
filciieSoof the paper, linl the public senerallj , that
Hie t'01 t'H.iiAs' Jos t'cisrisu oil ick bos no -''.peilia'
lu this -iction, and, In some respecis, 1- without an
e-iiual, During tho last jear wo have ccuipM ly re our l.ipes mid made large tddltlci.A and it I
110 Idle buast to say that we have now ill! Hest
l'r'sie.--, tin- lle-t Assortment of Type, tl.e Hest
Slock of l'u per, Can! Ac., and the Hest U ut l.ue.-u In
tl.e eoiuitj, our woiUiiien are spqclally ndjpti d lor
lli'. lr places, luidi.'e make It a point lo always glui
our customers a neal, eoi reel and batlsraetorj lob.
Wo do not 1'liilm to do woi k for less than others, but
will wair,iiillltobeuscheap as can bedoneuiij
whero and yield a decent proilt. All who ure In need
of .lo!) 1'ilnlliig of any kind-Plain or In L'olurs-wlll
Unit It lo their Interest to give tho t'01 emu in Ofllco
11t1t.1L We have em Land every vaiMy U I'uiiU
Paper, Ink, Liiielirn's, 'lags, Ac, thall-likely lo bo
called for, andean furnish any ipjantltyur stjleof
woiU un slioiluotljo. Hludlug to aider. it
to coNsi;.iriivi:s.
'I ho ndieill-er, having bten.perm.inentlT cuicd of
that dr. nil disease, I'oiisuiiiptluu.byaslinplo remedy.
Is anxious to make know 11 to his fello . siiilererj tho
means of euro. To all who rie.-lru It, lw will send .1
count the preseilpilon use'd, ifreo of charge,) with
lliedlieeltons for prepailu' unl uslu; tlio same',
wl.k-h Uu-y will ilu I a scan teiiu fur 10 avueiiM,
As 1 11 y 1, Hiosciiiris,.U'.
l'ai ties wUldng II 10 prescription will please? ad Jre'as
1Ujv.1L A. WILSON,
VH l'enii St., Williamsburg!!, New York,
Hllltoitsl or YOUTH.
A (lentlemau w ho bum rest for Jean from Ner.oui.
Diblllty, I'rouiatnro Hee'aj', nnd all the onvcuuf
joulliful Inillscioilon will, furthosako ef hulfi-rlug
humiiidty, bend fieo to all who need It, tliorccl.i
nnd dlicctlon for making the simple remedy by which
ho win cured, himerer.s wishing to proilt by the ad'
vcillsci'ti exis'ileiioe can do bo by addrcislng lu jier
feet colilldL-iiee,
JOHN 11. OUHHN, 43 Cedar st , New York.
liTil IT.1T-.TI-, liiifcrtVTfl " s-s i-sim-
on tho Hill Inst., by Ilev. S. 1'. Hcnier, Mr is IAII
11. lilivVHI.L, of Hcrttlik, lo Miss LU IMA U.
IIHlNAItD, of H.ileni, Luierno county.
until" Hlhliisl,, by the Hei. yill im ll. I,a(UL,
Ml. WM II. MI'.NslNliHH.of Midaluwiislilp.Ooiuiiv
LUtoUliiy, IM, lo MslIANNAIIC. MlLLi:i!,of lle'.l-
At tho M. V. 1'arsonago, Jeisoylown, I'obiuary
IsthlsTa, by Ilev. Henry s. Mendeiilmll, Mr. DAVID
M. I MSI 1:11, to Miss UIT'IH liOlll.NSON, botll of
U' iitourcoiiuly.
At tlio M. IL Parsonage, Pelrunry is, Hti by Ilev,
Henry s. Meneli nhali, Mr. A. DALLAM UUiHSLKY, of
West Hemli Ck, toMl-SMAIIY Kl'Sllilt, of HeinloeU
Al ll'fi re' il' i'o of the Utile, In Limestone, I'ehru
ary Isih, l-; by ihu hume, nr. litK4!sj J,. l,YUN,
of I'liie Miiiiiinlt. to MM LI.2IH OAKIIS.
011 ihe tih Inst., Mis. Niiucy lieu, widow of John
Ilo-, (who died aboiu 2a ycard uj3,) audas jeurs
AtMIIiln, on Ihe 8d, Intl., ADAM, hoi otdoorfo
Ml'.ler, n0jd 0 yearn, i ninths mid f) days.
On Ihu ISIh ust., Mr, JONATHAN 1', iasil,ril.( n'ed
tT jvu ik, 0 nujiill.u imei dj j 3,
ctati'.mi;nt op thf, fimanci-m of
J, 1SH, 1 1 1 .1 A el l Alii 1, ism
John RNYtmii, r.s(., Titi:Asiiti:ii
1171. J
3 An, To Am vint oiilstmdlng for
" " I sin and previous
" " from Win. L'liaon Into
" " County tax assessed for
" "IsTl....
" " 011 registry of votes
" " Hlln I Tom rentcouri room
" 11 l'russlnn Hand do
" " Coplla "
" " Apple "
" " Peak family "
" " Wm. Krlckbaum, torArbl-
" " Hon room
" 11. r. Zarr, "
" " H. P. Zarr. Jury fees
" " John llcrncr, o'.il plank,
" " Slnbtowii
" " John llern"r, old plank,
11 " MemU'iihall s
" " A. II. Kllchen, old plank,
" " Patterson's or Kline s
" Oeo. lleagle, old plark, It.
" ' Wilson
" " S. Ilniri'iibiich, old plunk
11 " e tir.iti sovlllo
" " Wm. Mc.Mlchael old plank,
" " pursell's brlifro
" " J. M. Chxinlierlln, roof nt
" ' Jill
" " H. Lnwcnbcnr, stone al
" 41 rourt house
" " II. Iteese, tax, I!amey'sev
" " Into Montour
" " Wm. HeWuig, lav, Orange.
" " Jacob, lax, Heaver..
' " " il. creek.
" " l).Yelter,tract"Mnln
" " Yetter .V. Klase, tract tax
" " Catawlssa
" " J110. Palls, tract tax.Mndl-
" " son
" " locust Ml. c. A; Iron Co.,
' " Convnihatii
" " Nerlh', for bridge re-
" " pair on county llnu
" " J. J. Hull, on suit from
" " -i-'imlklll county
" " siicniKIll i-o'inty, on suit
" " ri Ha .-eiimiknicouniv
" - I. . Hewitt, refunded
" 1 ' leinptlon money, six
Is, Cent rail 1
' Ik-' "i!,llo!iinonej',S.(iro-
e Healer
" I'iii 1 nipessors nnd for
" -'I aiks for itog fund
" I'o-inllsl 1 let fur support of
" "ii. w. im ;
" " Co'inty tax em unsealed
1 0,901 ?
,7S9 07
SL1.H fi'i
49 79
20 IK)
7 M
2 CO
2 0)
t f,o
2l)() '
IS 00
a m
9 21
20 40
117 4.1
4M S7
103 70
7 2.1
107 C. 1,244 C.
I.IIlllS M
' HOI! 1
' land
' School " " "
4 land
. j,uor .. .. ..
1 land
1 llounty " " "
' land
' County " " seated
' land
' llond " " "
1 lind
' School " " "
Poor " "
' lind
1 llounty " ' "
' land
2,U4 W
2,425 .H
1,275 4
MM 0,739 SI
S5 12
44,970 17
Hv tax uncollected of 1S7I :
Heiver r.7 4?
Hi'Uti'll 472 HI
llei n ek 9IS2
HI 10:11 1,4'iSOI
Hraiereik 1:1
Clltawts-ll 2119.1
ii'iitralla 31H7.',
centre S!f. S8
C1U1J helium 13
i-isiiuerereeK vn'2 si
l''lMll'il!ll 134 25
(iiienwood 4::9 3J
liemioei; mi 13
iiaiKson 1 ;r,,i
Liicust r.ri3f-1
Mad I -on '.V.J Tit
Main 2V.sil
Milllin r.ls7I
Molilollr (57
Ml.Plasant 13J a
oran-re . sun a 5
l'lne Hid 24
Iloarliireck 92 Hit
Seol I 012 47
surarloaf '.''9 01 S,ft2 Tt
Hv I ix uncollected for1S73; -
llenlon -0)27
Hem lek MM
cat.1wl-.11 1' no
Coimi);h.iiii 722 u:i
Mill 111 22'. si
or.tir,-o 40 31
u-oaf 90 37
1, I'll 43
to.nis "i
H.v county orders redeemed r.i,nai 17
ity e'liiniiiissiuiiiiiiowcucoiieetors. sii ..
Hy exoi.i rntlo..s " " 23s 10
Hy eeiminL'-Inn " treasureT 1,'JSl 37
Hy lour.iy lax to lncetiiuotu ot
stati! lax Uslu
Hy amount In hands of I'reasurcr. m iu W,n20 04
l,U70 IJ
Jons S.sviuui, Hscj., Tui:Asi'ur.'.i or C01 cmdii Cot'.srv,
m ii-.-ni-s.T ivtTti llnu l.-1-s.-li Ion IsTj
Ian. To Amount due at List settle
14 14 Amount assessed for ls74..
14 " Amount due treasurer
r.i 00
2,152 CJ
Hy amount due on dui!'..ntos of 174 :
Heaver so. Ml
Denton 47.11
Lerwick 27 no
lllootn M M)
Hrlarerei'k r.7oi
(iitawlssa SHIM
Ceiitrnlla 25 M
Centre ', 1.0
rishl.'i,-creek soul
llllllkllll 4MS
iceiiiMiod 4951; c-j r,o
lacks, 11 2100
IiiCUst 71 .10 si hi
Main SCO
Mlihln 20.1H
Mi'M'nir tool
Mi. I'li-.tsant 31 ni
lilanae 31 si
l'lne 31 00
l.'i'arliisrcreek 17 w
11 in
sn-.-.irli'.if. f2'0
1,113 31
Amount au.' la 1-17:1 --
llellloll 17M
Hern lek I'l .10
;i.iiii,hrim .. -',.'"
Miniln His)
Oram:.' low
si!;;:irlouf voso
Hy amount ilue Treasurer nt last
sell! meet 9.191
Hy ord-rspaldiit 1-09 it 4 u
IS.'J -.-'l.MI
44 44 44 1S7.1 7-3 23
44 " 44 1-74 14 OJ
Hy amount paid as-essors, blanks,
.ve lueiiiei
Hy commission allowed culle-etois. M 17
lij exonerations " " l4tco
ny coniuu-sion - uea-.uier. 11 s
1,219 SI
Tl3) il
coMMisiioNints4 Exrns'si:-: roil 1S74.
mscaiii.eVKOi's mrssjas, Win. 11. Snyder, Ti-.ic'.icr.V In-
euuiw -
Paul um. II. "-iijil.-r, I cai-hcrs' In
stitute. . .
Pal. 1 lli'iie-rt I". 1 lars, conj iisham
MS 4?
100 Ss
.10 VI
Oil 50
61 S3
131 74
7 G'J
111 U
s. I'oluinlit.i I'oimty
I'.dd Anion smith, taking (leo.
Mini rlj 1:. ivnlti'iitiary
I'.dd M. (.rover, iiiklii',' 'llionnis
nnd linruiii 10 K. I'eiieiemi.ii j. ..
Paid to .M. K. Ma
nila fund
I' ltd .Ins. I.ucknlew, fe-ree pump
nul 11 ilures, com I hulls'!
P..I1 Wi t. shatter, omh-h-cs sell
end eli-lk to Willa .s-llarro
Paid II. I-'. Zuir, lTullnwlary's bill.
t,i 31
coei.T jcuoiis i-ii AsucossrauLKnKTUi'.s.s.ii',
Paid 1. ran IJiii'irsdurliiSthejciir, "s24J
" iraeei-
14 cnn-tables returns to session
271 m
20J VJ
B4 4T
Ci 21
Pi Id Up staves durlnj tho J ear.. .
Pal leuuitcrl-r 44 44 44
Paid Jury cuninlsslenersj nnd
c elk
I'niil iir.-in 111 during euurt
I'.n I Inn iphlels for court and ut-
torueju -
15 00 4,90131
raldCoiu.vs. Mistelleretnl 7.13J
44 44 44 i:iua vnurews
44 44 .M. c. Woodward
11 44 44 Mepiier-en
14 ii .1 oinrlos Jones
" " 44 a. s. e ro-sl-y ct ai,
44 44 44 Nnih 111 cromlsii
44 44 44 le-.t Mnley
44 44 44 11. II. Melllcketal . ,
44 44 o Wm. '1 .1 sou
" -4 44 lli'u.sindi'i'
44 44 44 .-Hiilterlteld
44 44 14 Wnurnaii.-st
44 44 44 J.icub ch.imbcrlln...
44 44 44 (ild. Hlshllne
11 it 44 Mclirearty
44 44 Sli.irpL-s oroTcr
44 44 44 .1. J. Coiixhlin
11 ii 11 ciias. Poster
it 11 11 iienwood
44 44 44 a. It. 'lliolnaii
raid It. II. Hlngler, clerk of hs-
Sl-Jlls, l.llo
I'ald II. P. Zirr, clerk of serious,
raid las llrjson, Hl-lrlel Attor
ney 2014
17 Oj
2 31
4 Hu
ll .V'i
2J -3
30 27
29 41
14 3)
10 OS
10 0J
15 00
.1 S3
8 21
73 41
70 0)
Gil 72
raid hiimlry persuus road una
brldio Hews
IMll II. Hivililcbls Mt. Pleasant ..
44 K111! Ileacoek Cncnwnod...
44 John It. I.ves. cicenwood
44 (leuriru Znir catawlssa
44 (lis) r. Mlller'i'sUie,lentre.
44 i-.aiie llesi ivntro
44 Haiilel roii-it, iLu-kson
44 llllam Milter, CelltIO
44 Muses lloiver. I'.ll iwlssi
41 Henry 1'fihlti', Catawlssa
4 l'raiiclsHvaiis, Montour
44 Aaron Huou.', Si-oil
4 Juserli I'olie, Cenlie
44 A. P Hester M.ulsoa
Jacob t'liambe'rllu, l'lne and
Henry .Mather, (IrceiiweHid,..,
44 1', 1'. Mcri'i n r, ' atuwKsi, ...
44 cntar no l.,l T, Ml Pleasam.
41 1:1. IleoiV, Urocuwuiid
2.14 30
15 0
I'O 01
330 0)
52 33
13 00
yo 0
3 00
;ou 01
190 0)
Is.'. .W
!i0 00
15 00
2.1 00
20 4 0
150 0) l.CSlKU)
CDMlllS-IUNKll.i' Or I'll' a AMI OOUIIT llOOiU.
Paid cii inly audliois and derk
sutlii1,' ai'i'oiinl
I'ald I'ller Jones, illosfiirrrothon
otai y
Paid llioiuiallorey, lock for tle
COI'iler's olili'O
I'aldM I' Hjcrly.uudllluspublli!
IH'4'llilIlt u, -i, lleljdiinioil, aiilM
raid WMeiiian H Miller, pump for
el-tern 1. ..
Paid Hantel Muniy, 4 corn husk
Paid Slujur I'.iisi, 1 dot.'u Lnuli
I'll Id lleiidiTsholt X Mltkou, Cud...
44 J..I Hobbliis, 44
t- Isd.ili llaxeiibueh, repair,
court liocu-0
I'ald '1110111.0. 1 iorej , 1 door spi Ins;.
Paid lliu. H. blelllcr, bltek lit
com t house ,
; Paii Vim, O, McKnuey, diys(X)d
f"1 M..M
79 00
I 23
1 21
u sr
4 SO
2 CO
I'ald I. W. Harlinm, scd court
hou-e yard I M
1'nldJit Hobbliii, inanuto 44
hou" 1 ' r 1 2 00
Paid lilooiiisiiiirit Lumber compa
ny, bills rendered, court room .. WW
Paid J, M, Chamli'TlIn, repair to
clock 0
Pall I'ei"r J'Hi" , ct id. mat Till
nnd w 11k court liot' 41 01
Paid o A .l.iejliy, stone, court
hoilsi) jaiil oja
I'ald ltou-el,lilitoii,ctnl worknnd
materlnl 3 27
1'atd V. uMli'tnan, Pimlicr for els.
tern tloor 4 Bl
I'ald 'I hutchi r .t (learhsrl, gat tlx-
I urcs, Ac., nn nceounl 400 00
Paid I'eter Jonos work nt court
house yard tt 21
Paid I'eter Jones, woikat court
room 15oo
1'ald J. K. Olrton, ct nl. bill rcn.
tiered 51
I'ald ll.c. Iliirtimn, carp2ts,Ac.
court house 207 9)
ralllsnlah Ilagenbuch, bill ten
dered 27 71
Paid I). Mendenliall, lumber nt
court hous'i 21 It
Paid H. Iflwcnlierj,', coierlns for
court room doors 15 CI
Pal l Meyer llros., prints and oil,
court room 141 41
l'jid Isaiah llagenbuch. 2.1. 1210-
2000 Ions coal, court house 101 33
I'ald e,'. s. I'urmiin, straps for l'ro-
thonotary 225
I'ald A. W. Monroe, palntln;? coart
risim 132 M
l'old llenderslio.t, H-own a Nuss,
bill rendered 33 HO
I'ald sundry persons bill for court
house and room 3103
Paid Mojer llros., paint mil oil
court house 124 si
I'ald Moyer Pres., glass for clock
faces 117 91
Paid Wm. Hitter, painting coert
hoitmi 49 32
Paid Peter doles, i t nl. bill court
house 8 10
l'a Id John M. sterner, nut ting glass
on clock 8S 00
I'ald J.-II. Mal?e, et nl. Mil render
ed . 3 89
Pal l It. H. Menage, palntlngcourl
room on account 12j(ht
Paid s. II. Miller 4; son, bills rcn-
dered 17 3tS
I'ald Haldol Miller, palnllnrf court
house 4i 09
l'atd John K. (ll-ton, w ork nt court
house Ct fs)
Paid II. . Miller, 14 " "
house 82 95
l'a'd S. ll.Jncooj', worn nt court
house yard It 7!
Paid Mrs. Ingo'd, cleaning court
home 81 00
Paid Wm shnTer, commissioner.. 33Slio
- expenses uuiii-
111" anneals 25 00
I'ald Wm. Ioiw ton, commissioner.. 274 00
expel. ses nuiu-
liiif nrineals 10 0)
l'atd John llerner, commissioner.. 270 w
4 '4 44 exiieiises hold
ing appeals looo'Pwm. Krlckbaum, clerk csooo
4 14 44 copjmgri'g-Islfi-lmnks.
Sr 150 00
Paid John n. rrccve, Attorney and
counsel - wivi
(Ot'NTV JAtl,
2,&1. 15
Pald.T. It r.vnns, medical bill 2 r,7
" s. it. 1 nomas, smii mug 0111... zuu
" I'eter Jon"s, lumtjer nnd
work jail porch 20 01
al l lluidersliott A Mason, coal... 9 0)
14 oeo. Ilxssi rl, lepalrat locks. 210
4 Michael Walter, woikc.tcls-
li-rn 3 00
Paid Henry Susie. Itxi pounds Iron. s 50
4 w in. .11. ituun sons, ci in.
siitr, II. mates. Ill) 7SS0
I'.ll 1 M. (.rover, 2 shlits 2 7.1
4 Isaian iiticnoucii, spoiiimir. urn
4 ;co. ILlssell llnlngj ill cells. 27 110
4 M. Millard, bawling dirt, Ac , .17!
4 Mendenh.ill, Jones et nl. 111a-
trrlil. Ac.rnuflux J ill lit 07
I'ald Mrs. lngolil,w,isiiigclothes. 1 1.)
4 II. v. Miller cleaning. e ... iu
' Jones nnd -dialler, kitchen to
jail 212 30
H J Ihornton, pap'Tln?
Shnrlll's li-illse 15 71
I'ald Kesiy, liudlne et nl. bid ren
dered 8 43
ral.t'lhoiim i: iieeldls, LIU ren
dered 21 "i0
I'al I l'i tor Jom s, bl 1 rende-eel
fence 19 22
I'ald s, ll Jiu-oby lajlng walks, Ae. 2000
' s. u, 1110111. IS, Slllltll UUl .jw
4 Jones a. shade r, bill nt Jail
kllelien 20 SS
Paid II W. Miller, work at JDI . loco
is.iian ii.igcnu'aiii, noie re
nal!'. Au 010
I'ald ( lli.ton 1 ii'i't'lns I blankets 12 23
1:. Mendenliall I.umner vs-i
H'oomsimrg Lumber Co.,
liimiii r 7 25
I'alds. 11. Mlll-r dill., nnd son,
bed ling 1125
I'ald .1. f. U'l lem.iii .: Co., ct al.,
Mil n ndered S 21
Paid Peter J'.ues 11 ink 1 1 2
J. M ( iijuii'cruu pump re-
o.ilred 1 .1)
l'atd I'eter .lunrs for hen house.... 641
Aaron smith boardlug pris-
neis, isTj
ili'iol'iy 'l liomas
( has. Hassnlit
Is .i.ih lii'ers tiog.irt
I'.ll 1 1 s,:u
l-al th Hi-ers
Lllas llower
'Ihos. -.Iminati
(Ini. Sinder
e' lia-vird
N. Halll. tt
-lis. Vauslekle
C. W. slullt
M leli.iel M urphv
J. J.couglillu
I'M. AllilleW's
Hen, Hruoks
V. Merits
Ho'jt. Mel'liei-soa
Pat. Hi Liny
John Hrosha
Daniel Hull
21 1I.IJS
10 44
t, 44
22 44
17 44
01 44
19 44
10 44
121 44
11 44
20 44
::o 44
130 44
1 44
30 44
21 44
5 14
31 44
3 44
r,9 44
34 44
a 44
10 44
nt40ets 777
321 so
Turnkey fees cloven dollars
I'ald sundry poisons as per bills
iv 1 leri-u ut siuiioiaiy iui
coin nnd ofUi'e
7S 01)
19 70
M3 M
2 b 70
I'.dd II. A. lice I.I.' -tamps and
liosiaire .
Paid II. I.. lilelT.!i Printing
Hid adiert -In.-
IMt.l II. M. .irdli mlH'i thing...
Paid C. M. Vaiidersllee inlieitlsiiig
910 Cll
I'aldc. fi. Murphy on body of SI.
Li-mi li.ui ( eiiiridla
13 62
12 03
10 37
10 02
I'aldi.'. 11. Muiphy on body of
llios. DoiiL'ieitv eonn'-rntm
I'al I C. (1 Murphy on body ot J.! l.iill llgll.llll
'aid 111. T. Slium'in on body of
2 unknown nersuns
Paid II. J. lieeder on Isiely ofil.
(lunllier e'alaivhs.i
Paid J. .1. Hrimcr 011 bcriy of M.
lllcl.ey Hlooin
l'atd l.a-liell and MeKlbblu post
inoiiem on .11. 10111111.111
50 00 130 00
raid Kins Hon llrLIgo co. contract
at Davis' 1930 Ot
raid John P. Waller contract '
stono wort nt DavlV 2ssW
HI5N10N TOWNSllir.
I'aM i:il Mendenliall Hem. ubrl lgo 17 1-1
J. W. Kile Kliilbl-s' 2 00
IV.Iil s. 11. Jacob et nil., allotment
innieil 0 0)
l'atd .Miller, WaMi-K el al repair
Hlljult ll.VI
Paid i'eter Jom-s repairs L.iltuli's 37.1
" 11. 11 . .1111. rr i vo
4 I'eter Jones woikiuid mater.
lnl iniel-.i Sfiio
1'jIJ J. r. Wldeman nulls HocL'.s . 2 so
' lieu, i.reeiiiy w earner buariu
locli's 10 20
I'uld J. Iv. (iluU cultliig rock'k
luck's lliiOU
Pall 00. Or.-eidy weather
bo.iidiSiafriia 10 s
I'ald Peter Joiu-s repairs Slnncrd, 15 7i
aonu un.'ii'.i. ai
aid J. V. Hck e t id., rep.Urs Kck's 32 24
44 H. Deittcrlck 44 lllt-
leiihuiiso .121
44 Jus. ttliltinlroela ., '4 44 14 3)
Paid II. J. Heeder
repair M. ct
9 01
44 John llerner pi ink 44
41 II,. I. Ileeder repilr Mc-
Kelv) 's mills
44 Daniel llilU plank 44
1 7U
P.illJivs Whltinho ct al., repair!
rowiers lira
Paid John L. Kline up.ilr vape-y 33 45
raid Mows ifclleury repair still-
11 uii-r iiM
John 44 Zaners 3 0)
CM. it P. Mcllenry plank 44 11 01
Wm. Hveland rebuilding 44 M SI
44 44 repair lies II VJ
Wm. Mean Junes 00)
I'ald C. Mendi'uhJll plank Meil-
oeuii.iii niji
C.L..rllvy loiiiug 44 1114-1
( 1 ih:i:n wood to wnsi i 1 p.
I'al t chmdler Hve-s contra 't b.d-
mice, iieuo h
44 M. .t .1. I.etdy repair loll
' Wm. L. JLinnluget al.,repalr
H. Albertson repair liohrshur,'
4 Win. s. Mam. lug etal., eoi;-
2n9 91
42 2ii
22 51
Paid Ira H. KIPu vV ul., llllln.
tivoeti y
I'.dd J. 1'. Dodson et al repair
iuiBuus xoei
l'atd N, KostenbauJU' repair l'ur
n.ieti 9
" Htiu irou 11. Co., contract
Siahlown 1375 1
44 J . Hiuili'.iun contract walU 470 4J
44 44 44 wlngwulls slab-
' Hantel HelHlJ lep.dr slao-
44 II. l eiceln tepatr slaltown
" HenJ. Warner lepalr slab.
44 M. 1:. Walter p4i)alr im.,
LlKJ WdUii's ....!
44 A. J.'le loulrael Wiif
15 7D
6 11
3 01
3 01
MAIN 'lOWNSllir.
Paid John U. Nu-s. (lllini; Mit.,
IIIo . un
i4 Jalmil, N'Usi liiulierii Malr.-
Vlllo 11 e
r.ii 1 .m. uiniu ri'iuir wuuons
44 M. Kindt l.'isllm spud's
44 John MoriUn rci'.iirsWlbKi.'j
44 JcJui la'c;;vU-d'iiisU9 Wan,
4i ('i ter Juries woik c, Won-
44 vhoM'wniei repair wVnlcii'ii
137. Hi
44 J. V. Wlill'jlilght lllltng V.
44 Jos. Decker ct al., filling I'.
44 J. c. Ilrown for measuring
P. Iloun-
OIlANlli: ToWXslMI
Paid A. II. Kltclvn Snyder re-
wlr linn man's
44 It. It. Kiliii "i'tiil.)rebull(IHHf
I! lime's ..
44 peiiir Knt plank KHne'il
44 UllunvRii Iron above Orange-
137 T3
87 III
It no
VlllO 1"44'J
44 D.Hamgo it at., Lumber
work nboMi ominffltltlB
44 c. II. x. I). Mcllenry plank
44 II. It. Kllti" et nl., repair
ubove orungeMlIe 1
raid (leo. W. ivrr el al., repair
Shot maker's
44 Jot.sinimakcrLumbersiioc-
Pail .1. II. JacobvetnLrepilrHspy
11 12
19 0)
SI 40
4 50
44 It. C. Johnson repair i.i. si,
Paid Allans Colo reimlrColoscreei. fi W
44 J. II. Hess, repair lliwis' Cir.s
44 s. II. Jacoby barrel coal tar
delivered W
7655 07
l'atd support of Daild shay Han-
172 00
44 44 44 h. 11. .Milton "
villa Dan- 191 M
4 O. W. l'ox 44
vllle Han- 107 65
44 Supiiort convicts Hs. I'enl-
tenllary 190 57
ASsi:s4-OHS PAY.
Paid James T. l'ox etal.. making
Ihu uprtng nsse'ssinents
nnd thu lleglstry of voters
during the J car 779 50
I'ald Sundry person during tho
jear 97 9J
r.i.ncrioN i:xi'i:nsks.
raid Constables attending elec
tions hi "'
Judges nnd clectloa oniccrs
Rprlng election. ;,"'
Mllntectlon 4UB B4
ltoom Hent A;e spring eletlon 40 w
fall " 44 11-131
l'or Lawa blank In pirt Ac., 4ias
Amount refunded during tho
jear :. lull 27
I'ald Fur books for the ofllecs dur
ing the j oar 297 37
297 37
Miscellaneous expenses., 7.1S 31
Courts, Juror'spiyand constables
returns 41.11 39
Costs Hi Commonwealth cases trU 72
II. A- II. views and road damages lisoii )
Commissioners olllce and Court
House toi.113
County .Tall 1147 74
stationery, l'ostnge and muting fliOl
lli'llHlllOllS 13 44
Hrldgo bulling nnd repairs 763.1 a
1'eiiltentlar.v and Asylum out;
Assessors' pay 779 no
Fox Scalps 97 90
Llectlon expenses 11.17 92
Tuxes refunded 731 1 27
IHallk Hooks 257 37 32 C31
AMOl'N 1' Ol" OllDHll.S I. SSI' HI I.
Deduct from amount of orders Is.
bued, f 1117.6.1 4,s'apport of 11. V.
l'ox and $534,32 rcfuniled hv
sclmilklll Co. for Jury expanses
and !f3l t.27 Tax refunded, leaves
2l.n3l.23. actual expenses for
the year.
sin:i:r oiti)i-:nsissri:i.
Henton 14.1 75
Ciitiiwlssa sni
Centro 215)
risiiingcrcck m in
l'lankltn 2Sio
(ireeiiHood .ULIOJ
lleinl'ick ; M ,1 1
Jackson r,7 7.1
Locust .12 u)
Madison 1 Ii co
Jlntn 7 n
Miniln 7101
Montour 32-0
Mt. Pleasant 341 Ml
orange 2J0I
l'luu 311(1
Scott 7 no
sugar Loaf 02 6j
1 oint Amount
Orders of 1S7 unpaid 6(0
1STII -- 1.1 10
44 S73 44 7 01
44 1-74 44 143HI)
Arr.ountovtri'aldaiildiietrcaurcr 232 0
..J 1,232,-1
.. 15 i.illj 1.0S2S1
Tax uncollected
rrub. com. ami ex. oil.
Hxeess c f ilaiuaire of s.ild fund's.... 611 25
'lids leaves the sheep fluid 'jtl,2.i
In arrears
This leaves the dog fund $20)
more in arrears than It w as one
The amount of sheep damage lu
is. is grenier man lor any one
preilous year
Taxes due and uncollected 10,3-13 23
l'roluble commission and ex
penses on 1,500 IK)
8,943 23
Add amount In d ot Measurer 3132
Add note of (.'era llower for Slnu-
toii 11 t,i also 105 CO
Total Assets 9,100 15
Tuxes and redemption money held
by county, uncalled fur, about 1200 10
ltoad damage assessed nnd duo or
becoming due', "e'sttmated'' 100)00
Thatcher A. Ue.11 hart balance on
gas bill 1002s
Anion smith sheriffs' Lilt psui
Michael (inner 14 44 3S3U1
commonwealth costs "estimated" 2.1 1 111
ltrldiri' repairs unpaid 44 14 ltouj
Hue sulllviin county , Jurv bill, lu
case taken from this eouniv 210 CS
Hue llluoin-burg gaseninpuiiy 3010 J23S101
Heal assets January 1st 1-7.1 .... 3.1; Hi 14
We tin) iniiliTslgned. I'u'iimlssionei'.s cf Cului.ibia
coiii.t', do In n-le, ciitifj tn 1 Hi,- run-going's a em.
reel statement of the account si r said connti Tor the
jear A. 1). Is74. V, ll.l.l.VM l.AWTON.
JOHN lll.HNHl!,
Attest: V, in. Krlekbainii, Cleik.
Wo tho imder.-lgned A'idit, r-- of Colurnt 1.1 cmntv
haling been duly elected to neljust and set tie the ac
counts of the Treasurer nnd Commissioners of Col
umbia county do hereby certify Hint we metal the
olllce nf thu Trcc-iirer and Coinml-slonersln Illuonis
burg and carefully cxamliieil tlio accounts and
vouchers of the .same from Un first (lav of Jaiiuarv
A. I)ls71, to the llr-t d iv if January, 1-7.1 nnd Hnil
them eorreet In the fori'giilugst.iteinent.sandweiinil
a balance duo Columbia count mi eouniv tai-sn(
thirty-one dollars and thirty-two cents M Bsi rroiu
Jolin Snyder, Treasure of said count v and a balance
(lit" the 'I reason r 011 Dog fix of two Lnndad ana
thirty two dollars nnd slxoeufi ((JSiSM.)
dlven under our hands thli seventh day ef Janu
ary ono thousand eight hundred and seventy Uie.
r.d.l'AVtPHtXL )
li.v'vili'-lf.'s'r. f COT,I'Mlm'
1") KI'OItT of iho County Audilors to tlio
LV Auililor Omcnil. Jolin Hnyilcr, 1 hi.,
Tica-urcr of Coliimliia (.'(.iiu.y, in account with
tliu (Joiumoiiwealili of K-iiusylvauij 1
J871. 2lix on I'uunsJ '.Ycfy.
Quota fixed for 187 ? 1911,09 J1SU,90
Tax on l'anl: Stick.
To anit. asscs-eil and
retiirneil fur 187-1. 375,01 87fi,
Jilting Ihast .icor.iC.
To amt. receiveil
eluring tliu year SKO.OO 3,00
TiiDtra and ,(' Siu t liivtun.
To amt. received
during tlie year 910.W 919,00
Uiiiitttrs I.ia ntr.
To amt. icliiriitsl liy
Mer. Appraiser IS 37,0i)
"AddilionalrcceiviM 1:
Cirrus iietntt.
To unit, rcoeiveil
187 J.
Ity Stale Treaa
iirct's reiriipt ilatetl
August lsi
" OoniniUsioii for
" llonimissiaa al
lowed Trei-uriT,
" Htite Tren. re
ceipt dated Aug. Ut
" Ciiminii-sii)n al
lowed Collector
Commission allows
cd Treasuicr
Jly State Tieas,
icceipts, dated April
1st and Julv ilml
Commission allow
cil Treastnvr
' State Trias, u
ivipla, tilled April
1st and July 'Jiul
' Comuussioii al
Jowisl Trca-iirer,
Ily Stale Trcn,
icciipts, il-iled Julv
and Oct. 187 J
" rrintcii. rccciiilu,
" Treanirei-4 Cluo.
on SI (XSQ,
11 o 11
l!y Stale TrcmirerB
receipt, Oil. O1I1
' 1'nminii.siou al
loire.1 Tre.Kiur.'r
45,5a 010,0(1
5,0J i',)0
We, the tiiidelKiiul, Audiloin of C'uluiiililn
County, 1 1 the Oiiiiinouweiillli of IVnn-vlvHiii.i
(!4I CWlify tlmtiii piuwmneoiif liu 47lli Section
01 tne Act entiticil "An Act relaliiiL' 10 counties,
lowiialiins, &c," pas-ill the loih day of April
lt3, wo nut nt the Ginimlt-sioiitr nfiico in tin
eiiunty of Liiliiinliia, on tlio 4ili of Jan
jmo, una nut 1111 lit, mijii.t and scltle tlio several
ocesiunts iisiiiirisl of us liy law, tittrecjlily to ihe
fccvvral Acta of At-t-uiitily and SiiiilciucnU
iiiricui, acuuniiiiK 10 me ihi 01 our judgment
HH tiuiiui'4-. in wiinewi wiieresir, wo
licrciiiit kcI nur li.imls anil Keaili, ul tliu
alore-iald, this K'vmttuluy uf Jwiuary ls7o,
ll.T liwi
3. V- SMITH,
fiUMty Jlisjfi'ff
Itl.UU.MSllfllO, l'KN.N'A,,
Has Ihe pieasore of inlriKliielng to tin I'ublK
a iViii' AXDsriwiion
A new and beautiful Stove, for wood or coal, lie al
so Keeps constantly 011 hand u lui'ifo and varied
assortment of other
IKON WKAK in Rrentvaridy,
TIN WAItl'Ue, Ac., Ac.,
which he will (lisposoofnt the lowest rati s for cash
or approved oivdlt on short time. All nrtli l' s ivnr
rnuteil ns represented. Ilo respectfully solicits a
shaii) of public patronage.
UU.IS0, il-ly
. -3s-I - - "T4--.
T. L. UNTOH, Proprietor,
MAIN fsTlilXr, lir.LOW MAHLT.T.
Manufacturer of and Vcnhr in all ilmls of
We use the liest AMKIUCAN' and ITALIAN Marble.
Ho has on hand and furnishes to order
nrery variety of Marble cutting neatly executed At
t le lowest market prices.
A Ion? practical experience nnd personal nttcntlon
to buslni'sw makes the proprietor confident of stilnjr
satl-factlon. All orders by m ill promptly attended
to. P. (1. box sit.
XC3yA". Ii. Work Mirernl free f ciio jc.'ttsS
Aug-. 81, 'Tl-Iy. T. L. (ilWTON, Proprietor.
Gronfclomeii's Dresa Goods.
lnvite3 attention to bLs larjt aua clecunt sleek tl
at his store ou
where ho has Just received from New York and Phil
adelphia a full aSiClUi.nt ct
WU'ur.ii;: the wot rasMohal;W, dumhW utii
oi" aia. fjojiis sjy.r.s anb caj.or.s.
Ui- Las Hsu rtplMlsiiea tli i-sre-Ady fat u j
u.ius Af' caariuii-SiS,
and niN vi:sts,
He has constantly on hand a Ui;v and well seliti-
ed assortment ot
Olcths and Vestinga,
Lick tie Is piepnrucl to luJa) to crder Info nny kind
ot elollilni,', on vtry ilkt notice, niul In tut Det
manner. An his cloUdn; is made U weui sua 4t
of tt Is ot home tasaufactuiv.
(iOLl) watches: and jeayklrt,
01' tvj'.UY iit&ciavnoN, tine anu ciieai'.
his case 01' jewmtv is Nor sura'Asscu kv
tjiu pijvta:.
Clothing, Watches, Jowl-
ry, Sec.
ill t.iH-tr.
Ki r'oi.lcli'
Foil Tilt)
or tMisiuiitiiit.iiin.
ijuuu risiLa ii luij
and iupulurconips
oood rlka of onjr clash MlrKf a. A very rtrlliU
pony, ami iosy to solicit fur. so
le Iter to U.e UOlii: Ol I K K, l'liLA-
Dfalers In; beturlU4-, r).,ia kud Kilr
txilli'ttlaiia made.
6t(M-k nnd liotda Loeykt id sola ok dmkLjsUi.