.JtL JJLOOMHBURG, PA. Friday, Fobrimry 20, 1875 Notice- A meeting of the Democratic State Com mitteo, will lio tielil nt llio IWtnn lliuii, HiirrhuiiK, P.i , on Thursday tho Itli of March, 1S70, ut S ivVlo iW t. in., to determine thc time nnd place of htilillug tlio next State Convention for nominating CRinlldiUrs for tho ofllixs of Oovernor and Statu Treinuror. JOHN Mil, I, III!, Chairman. Philadelphia, l'Ylmtury 17, IH7 Tlie I.ajitlat'u. Jleeanl ciitititnlLM to reneli us in bundle), Aur, fivo nml six days after the tiroeeedingn it cmituim were lmd, It ! n sheer vuto to send tlicm out if they can not be delivered promptly. Since tho election in November live per sons then elocted to tho House, of lieircent ativew of this Stito (lied thrco Djm icr.its ami two Itspublicnns. Tlio vaeuncir . li.ive now all lwen filled all by Democrats. Tlio President ha? called an extra s-sion of the tJ, S. Senato to ncmblc immediately upon tho adjourumont of Congress, for the purpo'o of acting upon treaties, noniin.iti'nn, do., in which the Homo doe? not take a part. Tho UarrNburg Patriot lins born much enlarged and greatly improved iu'iu make up and mechanical appearance. Hut sineo its enlargement It no longer '-eU hero by the morning mall, which will be ag,iiut its cir culation in this quarter. The extract from a speech on our first luge, by that Bitted statesman, A. II. Steph ens, of Georgia, on tho Uses of Sund.iv Schools, should be carefully perused by all friendi of children. It is one of the best thing wo have seen on the subject. Tho Khedive of Hgypt made a present of diamonds, ve., to tho daughter of Gen. Sher man on the occasion of bar marriage, valued variously at from $300,000 to $500,000 Tho duty alono amounted to ?7o,000, but Congress remitted that. A freight and passenger warfare is now going on between the Pennsylvania nnd l!al timoro and Ohio railroads, frum which tho public will probably gain advantage. Tho respectiro Presidents nro also carrying on a newspaper warfare, which of course results in no credit to cither. Somo sarcastic citizens of Now Orleans applied to Gen. Sheridan for a list of the twenty-one hundred political martyrs be reported to tho Government. Of course be had neither such list, statistics or evidence, and consequently could glvo no information to the citizens on the subject. Gov. Kamsey, another administration U. S. Senator, has been knocked in tho head by the Minnesota Legislature, though it con tained a Republican majority, and Judge M'Millau, who lias been out of politics for twenty years, is elected in his place. Tho information is that the Jiulgo is or was a llepublican, but not of theGrantschool, nor yet an extreme Radical. After tho -1th of March next the U. S, Senato will bo composed of -10 Republicans 23 Democrats, and o Republicans classed as independents. There- is ono vacancy from Louisiana tho ono Pinchback wants to fill. Tlicro aro soveral Republicans not classed as independents who will not vote for ultra measures, such as tho carpet-baggers want, and there will not remain a majority of the Senate who can bo dictated to by caucus. The days of Radicalism arc therefore num bered, mid it will not bo surprising if there is a practical Democratic majority in botli Houses of Congress before the next session ends. A petition signed by 103 persons in Ar kansas was presented to tho Congressional investigating committee when in that State, stating that for tho last ten years the peti tioners carried their lives in their hands and that they wcro constantly intimidated. Gov. Garland at onca bad 44 of them arrested and taken before a grand jury to testify against their persecutors, o that the latter might bo properly dealt with. Strange to say not one could name a person, act or circumstance that threatened their peace, and all gave for the only cause of their alarm the statements they saw in tho sensatinrtd papers of the cities and tho Congressional speeches and reports they had read ! If the courage of theso carpet-baggers and negroes was equal to their cheek, there would bo Jcsa occasion to fear intimidation at tho south. Good ucwapaper agents in largo cities are of much advantago to the country press and to tho pooplo (iuforming tho latter where they may obtain almost every thing they de sire) but those editors who trust them pro miscuously pay rather dear for their whistle-, and also impoao most wrongfully upon their readers. Wo havo heretofore adverted to tho fact that we trust but few of them, and thoso only of established good character, Amongst them all S. M. PcttengiU'ci Co, who havo offices in Philadelphia, New York and lloston, aro our favorites. Wo havo dealt with thein for about twenty years now and during all that timo never had a fault to find, or an explanation to ask, or a difficulty or misunderstanding to adjust, Wcro all business as intelligently and correctly doneas is their invariable habit thero would be lit tie occasion for legal machinery or collection agencies. Tho worthy press of tho country take prido In sustaining such nuugency mid always giving their advertisements the most favorable positions and best display. On tho 13th of March Co). M'Clure's new paper, tho 7'iwim, Is to tako the place of tho A'ew Aye, It promises to bo "independent in every thing, neutral in nothing," mid to pay particular attention to the news of the day. That it will bo a spirited paper Is scarcely to be doubted, and in this rospect It will supply a great Philadelphia need Wo would prefer an exhibition of its "indc' pendence" to any profession on the subject, "Neutral In nothing" will glvo it an cxtcn mIvo field of labor, sufficiently so to occupy a regiment of writers if their sayings are to bo worth tho reading. Tho paper will not bo Democratic, but will no doubt bo Intensely anti-Grant, if any opinion may bo safely held about Col. .M 'CI nro without an accom panylng doubt. Upon .the vvliolo wo look for it to bo a most readable and newsy sheet largely devoted to the partUan and personal Interests of tho munngement of tho 'entity I vauia railroad, favorable to corporations nnd excessively "liberal" as to public meas ures in Vildih Its friends are concerned. It may become tho best neu; paper of Phlla- uupum wiiuum mi ftiiuv I'lii'l., miu hi mat, respect ougm 10 cquai iiuuivw lurituanies. For further informutiou kCO prospectus lu ur advwtuiug columns. 1 . - 1 . V. .L.l til. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho Legislature. On Monday n scries of resolutions wcro ollered In tho Senate Instructing the U, 3. Senators from this Statu to veto for the Tex as I'acitto railroad subsidy, about $70,HU!t,. 000 we believe. On their passage the ens were 21, nays (!, and tho bahin. dodged, In eluding the Senator from tills dislrb I. This Is the most magnificent nml uupaidonable steal now on tho carpet. To take that I in lneinejstiin from the Federal treasury at n time when tho President is urging Congress tw replenish it, to saves it from bankruptcy, by Imposing u high tax uprn the casctittul necessaries of life, including ten, colli'o and sugar, does seem tobi the height of oppress ive legislation. And this Tesus Pacific- is only tho fore-runner. If it succeeds there will be n dozen or mora roads of equal merit nklng tho s.uiio aid, nnd tho navigation companies will renew their cllbrt.s to the same end. Finally It will require an amount equal to tho present National debt to satisfy those cormorants. Of course, tlio pockets of Congressmen and Legislators aro enriched by this jobbery, and hence tho success of the measures, as exhibited in the Credit .Mobiller, Pacific Mail, and other investiga tions. Until the peoplo put their stern veto upon every man who supports such projects, there will be no end to them. Tho time of tho House has been mainly taken up In urging the Treasury investiga tion and in the pass.ige of general bills of no pressing interest. The appropriation bill has been reported. Including n deficiency of the past year it effects a saving of about 1S0,000, notwithstanding tho fact that the membership of tho Legislature has been nearly doubled, and high salaries were im posed by tho last Legislature. It is to be hoped the Homo will sustain the committee In its economy. Tho House bcg'ms to show its Democratic blood investigation and exposure of cor ruptions, tho passage of but few laws, and tho strictest economy in public expendi tures. May it continue in well doing'l Congressional. Congress has been working bard. Near ly, : ml perhaps all, the appropriation bills have passed or aro so far advanced that they will not take up Tmuch moro time. After the refusal to admit Pinchback tho Senate went to work in earnest ami passed one after tho other of the appropriation bills. They arc all pitched on tho highest bey of extrav agance. The Republican Senators have- re solved not to tako up any of the political bills until after the necessary business is concluded. In tho House the tax-tariff bill is under consideration. On a test vote there wcro 103 for tho bill and 95 against it. Its chances are yet doubtful. It increases all duties 10 per cent., adds largely to tho tariff on sugar nnd the tax on whiskey and tobacco, and is designed in its tax features to raise from thirty to fifty millions additional revenue. The tariff portion will scarcely add to the revenue though it will add largely to the price of sugar, tobacco in all its forms, Ac. The Pennsylvania members are weak-kneed, as usual, except Storm, of Monroe, who has tho manhood to stand by tho interests of the people against tho pampered few. Whilo it is an acknowledged fact that the Treasury is short, no one seems to think of ciittingdown extravagant salaries, unwarranted appro priations, and other unnecessary expenses, but tho only remedy thought of is increased taxation. If the people arc willing to bear it let their will be done 1 A substitute for the Tariff-tax bill w finally adopted by the House, yeas 123, nays 113. It imposes a tax of 00 cents per gall on on whisky," increases tho tax on cigars ono dollar per thousand, 25 per cent, is added to tho duty on sugar and molasses, the law of ast Congress reducing duties 10 per cent, is repealed, and some other changes to make these provisions effective. are adopted. It is believed the Senato will concur in tho bill ind that it will raise the required revenue, taxing the people about fifty millions of dollars. A motion to tako up tho Texas Pacific railroad subsidy bteal was defeated in tho IIonso by yeas 117, nays 128. It is general- conceded that this voto kills the proj cct for the present. Tho Louisiana committeo report unani mously against tho action of tho returning board and that tho Conservatives carried the State Legislature by a largo majority. As to Kellogg a minority of the committeo sustain but tho majority (composed of Dem ocrats and Republicans) coudemn him. Particulars hereafter. The Treasury Investigation. Vnotber attempt to have a committee ap pointed to investigate tho condition of the Stato Treasury was mado in the House of Representatives at Harrisburg n few days ago, but failed I Tho Republicans resist an1 investigation unanimously, which ts equal to a cmifeasiuu of guilt, and a few Democrats join them. v newer mcse latter nave an along been in the interest of tho Radical State Ring or whether they aro a recent purchase, is not slated. It is curious that no list of yeas and nays on the question is published, so that the peoplo might see who aro engaged in the business of covering up tho frauds that have been perpetrated upon them. It is to be hoped that in future these will be given. Tho refusal to investigate is a most palpa ble and gross outrage upon tho people that ought to bo resented nt the next election. Tho peoplo havo a right to know how their money has been used, and especially have they a right to know why the State debt was jumped nearly three millions of dollars, and icho not the money. Whoever attempts to cover m that fraud Is uo better than tho thieves lhcmsclvc, and any Democrat who lids in preventing investigation is both a thief and traitor, if thero aro such let tho public know who they are. T'. S Tho resolution oi investigation has nt length carried, despite every effort of the Republicans to prevent it. Messrs. Jtclgu ard, Gunster, Smith, Wise, Umblck, Chris man and Itailey were appointed the commit tee. As tho Republicans claim that tho Hoiiso has no authority, of itself, to institute an investigation, the same proposition as that passed was offered as a joint resolution but was resisted by ho Republican members This would Indicate its defeat in tho Senato even if adopted by tho House, yet it Is to be hoped tho Democrats will push tho Repub licaus to tho wall on this subject. If gross frauds and thefts aro to bo covered up let tho Republicans bear tho responsibility. Gen. Jas, U, Steadman, a well-known Union officer, who was in tho army with Grunt, and whoso knowledge of him full and thorough, says: "If ho does not dio tho victim of his ap netltn ho will cause his country moro trou Lie. moro excitement and moro blood than nnv man who has ever lived on this conti nciit. In every position bo fulled In the army ho gavo convincing proof of his tie untie, characteristics in the unrelenting bit' lernrus ho exhibited toward rivals Ho could neither brook control nor rivalry, S'mivioXmin ; vyftslilngtOll, A bill Is before th LejjUlaturo to stay tiowtlons cue year. Hnchback Overboard Again I Last week tho cxtrcmo Radlcalsof tho Fed eral Senate, undcrtlie lead of Morton, under took to forco tho admission of Pinchback to a seat, and for this purpose determined to remain In session until a vote was reached, The dignified body went Into session at 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday and remained until tho next day at 4 o'clock, p, m, with out adjournment, Mr. Gordon, of Georgia, making a six hours speech. Frequent efforts were mado to adjourn, but failed. Finally a motion was ninde from the Republican side, to lay the whole subject on tho table, which was agreed to by a vote of 30 yeas to 22 nays the latter all Republicans, and nil the Democrats voting in tho nlllrinativc. Mr. Scott, of this State, voted with tho majority, and Cameron of course on the other side. Wo obscrvo that of tho 12 Senators from tho yankce States 10 voted with tho majority and only two with tho minority. This is to bo accounted for by tho fact that tho further discussion of tho subject endangered appro priations, tariffs and other profitable pro jects in which yankco land is Interested, The cfi'cct of this action was to refuo to admit Pinchback to a seat, yet not finally deciding his case. It was a dodgo to avoid committing themselves not only on the claimants case, but also on the whole Louis iana business. Tlio effect is further to leave Grant floundering in the Louisiana muddle ho has created, without any backing from his party in the Senate, or in Congress. The Senators of the Republican party can now stand with their arms folded ready to im peach or to sustain Grant in the future as their political Interests may dictate. The resolution to admit Pinch may be taken up at any time by a majority vote, If it can bo reached, provided no special order is pending. To tako it up in opposition ton special order requires a two-thirds vote. As theso orders coyer the balance of tho time this Congress has to live, nnd as tho next Senato will be very nearly Democratic, there docs not seem to be much chance for Pinch back's admission on his two bogus elections. The resolution of admission thus summar ily disposed of did not stato which of Pinch back's several elections entitled him to a scat, but merely that bo was so entitled. Had he keen admitted, therefore, bo would not have known when ho was elected, or which of the fraudulent bodies that appoint ed him was recognised as having a legal ex istence of sufficient tenacity to make a Sen ator. A beautiful commentary, indeed, upon Radical rulel More Power, More Pay anil boss VrU I This is the modest demand mado by tlio Chief Justice for his Court, in the recent re port of tho Constitutional Commission as made to the Legislature. Whilo he com plains that his Court has too much business, ho proposes to enlarge its original jurisdic tion I With a salary of $700 per year (each of his Associates gets $7,000) lie wants the Legislature to have power to increase judicial salaries though not to diminish them 1 And lastly, in order to cut off work from his court and relieve it, he suggests that writs of error shall not bo allowed where the sum in controversy is less than SSOO 1 This last change, to establish a Rich Man's court, must bo agreed to without ob jection, under a fearful penalty : for the ob jector is to be denounced as a demagogue. But this terrible word from tho Greek will hardly deter tho people and members of the legal profession from stoutly opposing this and other ill-advised projects of chango in the Constitution, come from rchat quarter they may. Our opinions on the subject of official sal aries aro well known to our readers, and vve continue to hold them with increasing eonfi dencc. In tho present condition of tho country no one ought to speak of increasing tho pay of public officers without rebuke, nut of all our public officers the Judges of tho Supremo Court have lea'-t reason to com plain of their pay. Their salaries aro liberal and they aro protected by the Constitution against having them reduced during their continuance m office. And now that theju dicial term in that court has been lengthened to twenty-one years, the pay of tho Judges will bo relatively better than ever before j for an annual salary of $7,000 for twenty-one years may be considered as good pay for pub lie service as $10,000 per year for ten or fif teen years. The general rule established by tho new Constitution, that tho salary of no public officer shall be increased or dimin ished during bis continuance in office, is a very good one, and should not be changed to suit the interests of any class whose pay is good and whose terms have been lengthened. We do not suppose that the new Judges of of the Spreme Court nsk for increased pay, and as to tho Chief Justice himself we be lieve he is to receivo to the end of his term, much higher pay than was attached to tho otlice of Judge of his Court nt tho time of his election. A good way to decrease both the business of the Court and tho expenses of tho Judges would bo to make its sessions permanent at Harrisburg, tho seat of tho Stato govern went, which is obviously the proper place for it. Southern Outrages. General Sheridan first reported 4,000 polit ical murders In Louisiana within a few years past. When asked for a definite statement he reduced tho number nearly one-half. When asked to come beforo tho Congrcssion al committee and testify to his knowledge on the subject, ho bad sudden business up the river, which occupied him until tho com mittco had left, Tho citizens then asked him for tho list of persons maltreated, but this ho declined to give, "because the origi nal belonged to tho War Department 1" Major Longbow saw a thousand snakes if not a thousand, at least nino hundred or nlnety-nino at any rate ho was sure thero was inoro than one, and ho could not come down another snake I That is the way that southern outrage stories run. It will bo recollected that during tho Johnson administration, Sheridan In com mand nt New Orleans had tho whole city in turmoil and wanted to declaro martial law Johnson removed him and appointed tho great-hearted Hancock to tako his place, l'eace, quietness, order nnd safety to llfo and property were at once restored, without fur' ther aid from soldiers than the general order of their commander that nil personal rights would be respected, and that tho mil itary should be subordinate to the civil pow er. That was common senso rule, and tht is all that is now needed at the south. As in tho Constitutional Convention so lu tho Houso of Representatlvso tlio namn of JIou. Georgo A. Aehenbacli, of Clinton county, heads tho list of yeas and nays. He is a sound, Judicious and trustworthy leader who never swerves from tho principles of truo Democracy or from bis convictions of duty ns a representative of the people, Ilarrubury l'atriot. Tho question hm often bicn asked, what will be done with tho enrpet-bnggers when they have to leave the South, which they must do nt no dhtaut day, Since tho uucovery of a mnu eating society In Hayti, that l.lund would bo ssfii refuge for them at Utut Uiey would hardly get hick imm U twubl tho wustcy. Tho Ptlan.1 (las haw. Tho so-called "Poland Press Gae Law." about which sundry mush-headed editors mado so much fuss, especially thoo of tho sensational and libelling order, and their silly folUwcrs, was lately referred to tho Judiciary Committeo of tho U. S. Senato for construction, or amendmetil If necessary. Their report declares "that said act Is not obnoxious to nny critlcl.smaud that in respect of the crime of libel It confers no power, either to bring a person charged with libel Into tho District of Columbia or to send him out of it." The rcpoit is unani mous and Is signed by the most distinguish ed lawyers of tho Senate, Including those able Democrats, Judge Thurmau, who has sat upon tho Supremo bench of Ohio, and Gov. Stevenson, of Kentucky. We suppose, therefore, that tho public is relieved from further twaddle on that subject. Tho Lcwisburg Chronicle, tho organ of tho Republican party of Union count r, sustains the ruffianly conduct of Wolfe in Die Houso of Representatives. The Argus, the Demo cratic orgin, takes tho opposite sldo and challenges Wolfo to submit his conduct to tho judgment of the voters of tho county. Tills Is the course any honorablo man would take, but a man who could act as Wolfo did does not possess manly notions of honor. If ho did he would resign and submit his con- luct to his constituents, a portion of whom at least denounce him, and not longer re main in a body that 1ms declared him an un fit associate, unless vindicated by those who avo most interest in bis public conduct. Ho ould test tho ninttcr next fall, without In convenience to nny body, or losing a day in tlio Legislature if those who elected him would then sustain him, Sheridan's Story. Tho statement of Gen. Sheridan, supposed to be given on his word of honor nsnn officer of the United States army, that 2,141 per sons have been killed and 2,115 wounded in iouisiana on account of their political opin ions since 18GG, a total of 4,25G is a sam ple of the kind of stuff tho Radical leaders and their organs hae been trying to palm off upon tho peoplo during the past few years Gen. Sheridan is charged witli being the habit of getting into a condition during which bo "sees things double," but even this excuse will not palliate such an outrageous story as this. Hut he "won't come down a single nigger," and tho Repub lican voters aro expected to believo him. It would bo a 'sensible to do so, as to believo many of tho other stories of "Southern out rages" so industriously circulated by Radi cal journals about election timo Heading Gazette. Sheridan simply repeats Kellogg's state ment, in defiance of proofs. The 22l of February, as a holiday (like other Legislative holydays) was invisible ! However much people may be disposed to honor and reverence the memory of Gen. Washington, they have no respect for Legis lative authority in making holvdays and will not regard them in the least, unless for other reasons. It is discreditable to Lcgis latures to pass laws that they know will be generally disregarded, that can not be en forced, and would do no good if ever so well observed, It nlo hns tho cfi'ect to brin Legislative authority into public contempt and the habitual disregard of somo laws will sooner or later lead to tho disregard of all law. How absurd it would be for any authority to undertake to enforce tho observance of ;iny holyday other than Sunday 1 Take tho 4th of July for example. What progress would all tho legal authority in tho land make in enforcing its ob-ervance as a holi day mid compelling farmers and others to abstain from work on that day ? Who dare prosecute any ono for following his Usual occupation on any ol the Legislative holy d.ivs? The absurdity of tho whole business is so apparent that all discission is perfectly useless. If people choose to voluntarily observe holydays it is a good thing but to force them is folly. Foreign News. All parties and factions in the French As sembly having united ngainst tho Ronapart ist.s (no doubt trom an in-tinct of self pres ervation) that bodv has agreed to tho con stitution of a Senate, the members of which nro to be elected by a body composed of the As-cmbly, the Councils General, and various other officials, 'lhe llonapartists struggled hard to have them elected by popular vote, but were defeated nt all points. Strangely enoiiL'h if aiivthini: French could bo strange all the Republicans voted against the election of Senators by the people. As the case stands, the French people will have no voice in their government. In Spain thero are prospects of a com promise between the belligerent armies, the nobles of botli factions securing their own privileges and titles and the people being left to their original condition. Rismark s enemies aro constantly warring upon him but without apparent success, Editor's Hook Table. Tlio I'lir.-nYTEitiAN Cliuitcu throughout the World, fmm tho earliest t) tho nrc-ent times.in n ecrics ot lntorie il ami niugrapuicai skpiciics. Va (m iv Kv. U. M. 1' In in ev. 1JJ will v. Ient & Co., Publishers, 4 Id Ilruumu street, New York. This is a work of over 800 luga that ought to be in every Presbyterian family. It gives clear, succinct and faithful history of the Pres byterian Church from its origin, in all countries where it hascxisted, and in all times, and espec ially of its development and progress lluoogh out tho world, its persecutlni's, trials, divisions, re-unions. nutH-riugs, successes, Ac, with bio graphical sketches of many of its most eminent ilirincs. The Toliimo comes in to supply IirusIiig want: and It will, as it oiignc, unci an honored place in the libraries of the many thousands of homes rejoicing in tho virtue liberty, nnd enlightenment which Prcbytcrinn ism has done so much to secure. See adver tiscmcnt. The Ministry of Song, from the pamo pub Ushers, Is a beautiful little volume of pious seine which will bo a favorite in every family of singers who take pleaiiiro In songs of that character. Price, in cloth and t!ilt cslges, 51. ou, Salad for the Solitary ami Social Is n volume of GOO pages, by the same publishers, illustrated wilh CO engravings by the most eminent Amer ican artists, and embracing a great variety stibiccts, "ono of tho richest nnd moit entertain ing volumes that has Ijeen offered to tho rending nubile of the present generation." The work is replete with sparkling humor and curious infor mation. Price $ I to f 9, according to binding In May last President Grant Issued a proela matiou admonishing tho "turbulent nnd disor derly persons" who maintained that Joscpl; Ilrooks was elected Governor of Arkansas. Ho now issues a proclamation declaring that tho said llrooks U the legal Governor of Arkansas, and wants Congress to take somo action to sus tain Mm. What new revelation has the Presl dent received about Arkansas affairs since last May ? tieu. I latin says of tho propused new Stato of New Mexico, "It costs many millions for Its administration, yet, tako away 'the army, its hungers on, and the transient miners, and the remaining American populutlou could H In tho ibadi of a fgoud sltvd appl trwl." r.xwrpls nml Ncns Itrms from Hxcliancfs. Hon, Matt C'irpcntcr attribute Ids defeat to the rnllro.uk This Is the first good wind my leoiiln man has had to say for railwn' within our rceollictlon, The St. Louis (Skhe declares It uolest to uk Congress not to pass the CI. 11 Rights bill, since no voice can icnch ears that aro deaf to the roar of the e lect Ions." It Is believed by tho betting fraternity In New York that tlio lieeeher jmy will disagree, and the betting Is now on whether Ileccher or Tiltnn Is to get tho majority of the Jury. Kvcry negro in Alabama, snvt the Mobile l!egittr, has at his heels n worthless tur, which perntcs as n prohibition ngjiu-t sheep raNiug, and rats as much as his master, Of course there tins been intimidation in Florida. O. W. Jones, n Democrat has been clcctesl a United States Senator. Heie is tut other demand for the presence of tho army. The ltoston J"i7of slates that tho Pnpo lu raised the dioceses of ltoston, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Santa Fe to tho dignity of arch dioceses, and their respective bidiops to that of nrchbishops. It docs not matter whether Congress clothes the President with power to overturn the Southern State governments or not. Ho leelarcs his intention to assume tho power inde pendent of Congressional action. The Lock Haven lltpublieaa states that there aro 750.000 white men in this country whu can not read, and that mot of them oto tlio Dem ocratic ticket. Thero are nearly thrco times that many negroes in the United Stales who cannot read, and all of them vote the Radical ticket, J)tm. Watchman. In order that Grant may keep a paid nrmy nt she south the people nro asked to pay $S,000.O00 in the lorm of increased tax ou sugar ; 5 1,000,' 000 on tobacco ; nnd SS,000,000 on oilier manu factures of articles of necessity from cotton, wool, leather, iron and steel. Is Radical ad ministration wortli the price of it? Congressman Ward, Republican, of the sec ond Illinois district, was declared defeated at the list election, nnd his seat assigned to Ids Democratic opponent by a majority of two votes. Mr. Ward not satisfied, demanded a recount. His request was granted, and the nd verse majority of two was swelled to two bun drcil. Mr. Ward doesn't care for any more countings. If Grant is a second Washington," asks the Pittsburgh JW'what is the third likely to be?'1 He is likely to lie hanged, we should say. CVur ii r Jo'inml. It is very evident that there is to be a carni val of jobbery at Washington. The minority are now powerless to resist or delay the most extravagant IcgMation proposed. A desperate hand of men in Congress, condemned by their constituencies and permanently retired from elective office, are now ready to signaluo their leave-taking by a general depletion of the treasury. MARKET REPORTS. ULOOMSHUKG MARKKT. Wheat per bushel 1U0 " S 1.40 .H'l .75 .50 t'orn " Oats " lour tier barrel s.o ClOUTSCCll Flaxseed nutter fl.U'l 1.50 .r-i .20 s i:rss iullow Potatoes .!') .10 .IS Drleu Apples Hums Mites fi Shoulders .14 .11 I.aru per pound Hay per ton lieesuax , 15.HO Tlinninysccu QUOTATIONS roll COAL. Nn. 4 on Wliart $ 4,oo per Ton No. n " " , 5 t 2.50 " , 4,0) " , $ 6,00 " Mi. " " lilacKsmlth's Lump on wnarl , iniumiQous NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A TTOHNKY'S WANKS. Common and .JiidKinciit llnmls, lust printed ml tor salent iiiiti'fiM-HiutN nmri'. All kinds of Attornov's blanks ciuier kepi on nanu or primeii 10 omer. AUDlTOIt'S NOTICE. IN TUB ESTATB Of IIAVIII H. KKSTKR, CJECFAKD. The Uhdi-rsltTiiod. annolntod bv tlio Omhan's Court. 1 1 C'olumH i cnimtv, auditor to make dl-,lrtl)utlnn or lumis in uie nanus cr a j Aiuertson, nmnmisir.. tor of );iMM. Kestir. deceased, will atti nil to thu uunes oi ins appointment ai me o'co ' iinn-K-ay k i.nu'ii. in imMjinsiuirir.ou 'inurMini, tno zouuiay ot .March, 175, at u clock, a. m. All persons ha!nj- c alms uc.vlat sntd e.statft are requlied lo nt tend or lie debarred from eomln? hi for u sharo of said fund. UKORtij: k. i:uvi:i.i. 1 eu. so, 15-4 ,v. Auditor, TN TII1C OHPIIANS' COURT OK COLUM- I HtA CJOI'.NTY, In the- matter ot tho partltl in ot tho real cstato or ToSnsnnna Wattles widow, and Rurton CJ. WiU)l.'S Ann KUzabrtli Waples.Harali UmHi Waples .Mary s Wnnlos. John V Wanles Susannah anlcs anil Hamuli Wallace Waples, heirs and legal represent-. atiees of me bind nurion w , apies, ucceuscn : Kniii-ft IhIutpIiv irlirn to theutnje nartk-s that bv virtitM i,f u writ, of partition. l-,sueil out of the or phans' court if Columbia county, on Inquest will bo Held and takn upon tne premises ineirin ui'-nuru, sittmtuln scott Imvnshln. In tho county ufoiesalil, and In tho Ilorouxu of Danville, lu tho county of .Montour, on Friday anu wunruay, mo siuecnui sou evenieenin atys oi Apru noi,aiwui;iu-h,.i. ji., for thu purpose of making pai tltlou or valuation and upnmsl'incm OI llio hUIUIl-ul mniu, us mun'Miu writ required, at which timo and place the said par ties can aucuu ii iiicy mint. imuih.-i r.looinaburir, rob. 20, lsii-ct Miei Iff, PUBLIC SALE Of Valuable REAL ESTATE. Npuritniioo of nn onler of tho Orphans' Court SATURDAY, MARCH 20th, 1S75, nt 10 o'clock a. m., Isaao K Krlckbaum, IlTceutorof .lohii Kline, lato of iii-nton tow iishlp, lu said ounty, deeiased will exo-so in sale by public vendue on tlio premises, a certain tract or 101 oi i.iuu comuimui; 115 ACHES AND 31 PERCH iOH hi ricf. innntirp. hounded bv lands of Thomas (ilbbons (ieoriro .Miller, Siainuel Vost.-looi Kerfer, Silas Karns linil liannau I,, islllll'. h.ll'l ll.ii:t ruauuin uuuui. TV-FIVi: At'llKS UI.IIAHIIU LAND, ami tho balance is ell limbered wiin vtiuio nuu unu uuo uus There aro erected tuereou 2 Mil Houses anil a Frame Barn There is nlso a cood bearlntr Apple Orchard and va- riuus oilier l-ruil Trees on mu prrnnsus. (pedal terms will bo mado known at salo. 1-atn tlio cstatQ of satd tlccea'cd, sltualo In iu township or lienion, llie couuiy uiun-aui ' 1, i. KHICKIIAUM, nenton, rob. 2S, lKS-ts Usccutor, PUBLIC SALE Of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! riMm UNDKRSKiNICI), APPOINTED I1Y I ttw Orphan's Court of Columbia county, 'frustcuto sell tho real estate of .Mary Horloeher lain of Miniln township, In said countv, deceased' will expose to sale by public outcry upon tho prem ises on Saturday, March 20th, lS7.r, at H o'clock a. m. tho following valuable real estate, kltuato In tlio township of JtllUIn, lu said county, bounded on tl.n north and eat by lauds of Cornelius Klkendall. on lint south by Abraham Masteller and on tlio west by Leonard Klkendall, and containing about ONU IIUNDKKD AND IMFTEKN AORBS, on which aro erected n Framo Bank Earn and Two Small IIousc3. There Is a flood Orchard on tho prcinlsos and OooU Water closo tn tho houio THItMS 01' HAI.K. One-fourth of tho purchase money to bu pal I at the birlktnif down of tho proper ty, and tho reuialnlni? three-fourths In ono ji'-'r thereafter with Interest from the first day ut April, APoNsbcslon to bo glvea on tho first day of Aprtl.A. D I sin. s), 11. MILI.l.lt, l'eb, it, IST5, Trustee, ADMINISTRATORS NOT1CK. MATH OF I'KTKU MTTNlill. JI1-, lIKCSiSKII. i.'lU'ra of Administration on Ihu estatoot lVler Wither, lr., lato of 1-oetist towushlp, county of ool uuibla, sjtalo of Pennsylvania, deceased, liavn born irranU'd to Michael silnn and lawls Iiudi'.nf l.oeiist township, IM., to whom all iktsuiis Indebted losald ostatoaro reipiosted tu make pa inunt. and thiu halni,' claims or demands will make known thu sauw without delay .MIC I VF.L HTINL, I Admr's. l'eb. I.-TS-HW W a mti-ii AOKNTHfortho "LIM .HU KXILiuu. Y ANri'.D iionjoi' Da, LiviNUnToNn " Complote, Biilhentlo, afreah book. ITIco uutted to the tUnei. Xaarwv, II. U. UViMluX, PuolWier, Uasluo, Ma.-.. ROLLINS & JIOLMLS NO. it Centre "street. Pliitas (las aiKt Steam Fitters, MAXUl'ACTUIIKttS OP TINWAKE, CIAI.VANIZKD IUO COKNICK, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises. &c. Dealers in Stoves. Rane es, Furnaces, Ilaltlinoro Heaters, Low Down Urates, Mantels, PUMPri, Weather Strips, Ac. Also GAB FIXTURES of tho latest, d,ssl(?n. Snrrl.il attention mid to rrv Mirinir M'winjr.Muenincs or every neserip! ion. nraies, oeks. Ilell llan"lin-. Kpv rutins. An. PrU.itn Ili-sl. donees Heated by steam at a small cost abovo Hot Al- ,1,1 -tf, K CASH nml tho X. Y. Saturday Journal, ono car for tho regular subscript Ion price, (j Pos tage paid. Viz: Names entered Imparttalli ns re ceived, and Hie Dollars cash sent at onco to every il. I 1 , omit. I.ltnrnn Wfrklv of Aiaeric.i. for tirih suosrriner e luus ot uve iai jj eaen) may re tain tho H This Is our "ehromo " a oasli premium of is to eviry ntth subscriber I The llrm mime Is a siiniclenl guaranty of fairness and fultlllment Send monsy or roistered letter to liHAIM.i: X A I) A Ms, Publishers, us William street, New York. l'eb. sc-4t. FORTUNE FOR Si Wyomtnfl Monthly Lt.lnf,ttjf Authority of (in ait pftht Lfttl,itttrt. Tickets SI oach. or 6 for 05. Onei'haiiuo in eery nlnu. Draws on the bit wetk-Jiy of each a,ld cviry ncnlh. Fifth Extraordinary DraT.r.s, I i'tiili Vrlv.v. ot 1 Ciisli S'ri.e or 1 VuU S'rizc of 1 t,'nSi Prize oi' 1 Cash 0M-Ii.c of 1 Cut.li t'lL'.t! of no, ono !.-,ou '20.4100 l.".,0)( In ah Moil Oi.i I'M'r-a amnunt'nir I" Wm.cu nie nut uur-'ii-l o ,rv Mfiwne i ,imai o,r it iui I'ltmi. I'M.'l tl ttu.rJ of lr,t Ilia ir,tid bv Oomnor -h,nn 1 i.s lli'i I lT i Cfinn lll-r ,.f lULft lllilri 'IL ruurlli br Ju.'o 11 i'.n I'ro.'l uf llie M n II ..?! Wia, Llt-rlll T lt ISJH 1 MlUttlil mdJ fol Cltvu'.i. AJlr... U, JUi.i,-ir. J. M. PATTEE, Lnrnmlo City, Wyotnlnn,. N U l.lljs,l I1rr Iiom ill l'n,il l'lftc Illrima L- llMI ClUvl.0 fttlJ 1J J'U Feb. 2-ct. rnviiiiii'tr t" . , i i . , yrOM'ARI'.II, Sunt Nippor er nr lulie-. JL " i.aruifiii, jsiisj susnender. attached to ono or half iiozrn skirls In a moment, construmed upon plijslo lnRlcnl principles huvlni; for Us aim nealih nnd com fort: p.ttenled May 4, 'I,. Samples by mall Ml cts. Ll.I.IS MT'O, CO., Woltham, Mass. Agtnts wailtod. l'ub. 20'4t. i im.VVKROOK ! "WHAT WOMAN SHOULD KNOW," A Woman's llnok about Women, by a Woman (Mrs. K Ii. On (ley ) Tho onlv work- of the kind ever written by a woman. Is" a, necessity In every household, In ltn en tire nou'ltv nnd eminent piuetlealne.ss creates an lmuienso demand. NotKltlistanillnt; the ilnlleato subjects necessarily treated. It Is written In such a brave pure stjle as will rmtolTcnd the most faitlill ous. Lady agents never had Mich an opportunity to make money and do sood. Terms and samplo sheets mailed free on Immediate application. J. M. HTODliAKT & Co., Philadelphia. l'eb 2C-3t PUBLIC SALE. IN PrUSCANfT. OI' AN OUDKR OP tho Orplrmt-,' Court of Columbia county, tlio un snriioit as Adinlnlstr.itori f Henry K Hare, late of tho timnshlpof Locust, In said countv, deceased, will expose to Public Sale on tho premises on .Siilurctay .llai cSi (itli, 1S7.". The followlnfrdescilbcd real cstato to-wit: All that certain TRACT OP LAND sltmtetn Locust township, In satd county, adjolnlm lands of Solomon I ewin on the north, lands of Solo mon I evan and William T son on Ihoeast, and lands of (iabrlel Wi-iry and iMis.in Pare ou tho boutli, con taliitu' TKN AND ON1M--OITRTH ACItKS, Mire or less, o l which Is erectu.l a two-story PR&ME HOTJ8B. The land Is all cleared. TKH.MS: Ten per tent of one-fourth of the pur chase money shall bo paid at tl.o stilklna down of tho propertv, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at the cniillrinatl'jn absolute, and tin) reintlhlni; threo f otirlhs In one ear thereof tir with Interest from llio conllrmallon nl-l. Pofses-ton ulu n on nrst day ot April, 1S7.'., on pur chaser compMnu' with ti mis of sale, and ylwnjf ,so curllj for pajmeiitot purchase inotie)-. Salo to comincneo at ono o'cljek, p. in. of said dav. ItlU'liL'N l'AHIilNori!, Admr. l ibiuary, sth, is;.'. FOR SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Salo ! r"J1HK iiu'lirir.-iuil, ono ot llio l.xniilors of ! OKOltdi: Wi:.Vi:i!. ileoeascd. orfer.s at prlv.Ho salo, tho follow liii- valuahlo piopuly, to wit: UNK TWO-STORY 1SUICK DVi:iJ.La HOUSK, TtMi mit.iiiiii.ln''i and lot attached. Rllinted on Main Slreil, llloomsbui't,', I'a. 'Ihls houso Is suitable ! for two families. I , ri.,t ...... ,u-,iLlflri- t Mum ilu-i-lHm. linn a will, 1 fiut.liulldlii.'s, fiamo stable and iiood lot attached. This nronerty Is opposite the tesldeiiee of tho lato MLlUllLe Ul 1I1U l.ILt! Dr. Yost. Also, ono two-story framo dwelllm housowlth stablo iiul-b'ilMlns;s ami lot attached Mtu.iL'il on lluek Street, lllooinsbui'i;, I'.i. ALSO, six vacant lots slttntedon l'ourth Street, ALSO, a valuable fat in situated one-half mllo Ifom tho tow n of .M'HwensWIle, l'a. bald farm contains Uii acres of land. Tor terms ot s lie apply to CLoueu! W. C01t:ti:i.L, Hxeculor. Ieb. 12, '75-fim. liluomsbiirs, Pa. SlLJilR IFFS " S A L KS7 1)Yvlrtuoof sundry writs ot ITerl l'.vlas Issued ) out of the CJourt of Common Plea.sC ot Coliuubl I county, und to mu illreiti il, will bo exposed lo pub lic salo on tho premtses of Jesso li Kiev ou Saturday llio Cth day of Mare Ii lSc.'i at two o'clock, p. in., tho follow liii-descilbed proper ty, to-w it t All that certain lot of landbeluu a llmo quarry, situate lu tho township of seott, ColumMi county. Pa., bounded on the east by ipiury lot of.Marp u unci Purse), on llio north by land of Aaron lloon, on tho vrost by another quarry lot of Jcs.-o I), nice, on tho south by land ef Aaron lloon nnd Jesso W. Menel; on wblih nro erected a il willing house, stable, onieo and ether out buildings, Llmo Kilns ic, MHO, Ono other nmrry lot pltiiatolnthcsamo township, know u us tlieen ipiarry lot, hounded on the east by thotthoui described lot, on Hat north by land of Aaron lioou, on tlio west by quarry lot lato otJoliu Mlillo deceased, and on tin south by land of Aaron lloon ; on whleli aro a ilwi'llln1,- houso and out build tntr, and three llmo kilns. A I. SO, All that certain lot ot l.nulslltialnln Madison town. ship. Columbia county, bounded by lands of Demon ami Wclllver on Uio noith, Valentino niildliinan on tlio east,!). P, Christian und Wlllluui Itebbon tho South, Vnli'iillno Welllter nml n publlo load on tho went, ontalnlm,' aeitH moru or less: whereon am en iled a Iraiiio dwi'llln' house, a larh'o bam, and out bulldlmrs : with tho appurtenances. Seidell taken Into execution and to bo Bold aa the propertv of Jesso I), ICIec. f-herirrs onice, MICIIALL (JltOVUll. lllooiiisburj,', l'eb, 12, 1675-ts. Sheiltr, imruGK jiaTiNGs. ONM wnuden artli cnvcrid Inlilijo tu lio local ul nt a pulnt In Locust inwiislilp,over ItoarliiK creek, lioar N, Kostenbaudei's, MM'iity.tttu fiet Imiir, two ubulinents cLfhl ta t blk'h. caeli, wliu,' walls Norllistdu tHeiiij-llvo feel each, south nolo iweliofectcaih. Ono wooden braco covered brldKC to bu located at a point M'ur Uiciilniilon'H Mill, our Itiui Innireek, llouiliieereek tuivnslilp feily-llio feet lutii, tu ubiiliiii iits seieufiTtlili;li, Willi wile,' walls, north Hdii six and slstccu feel, south bldo I welt u respoet- 'UVo' v, 111 meet atYeagcr's hotel, In Slabtown, on Thursday, I'ebruaiy '.', Wj, li lwetulo u'eloiK, a in. and U 11, 111, to its'cho proposals to build said lillil.-e-s. Tlir conlraet will bu fur tlio Intlldlnif, Mil luj; Ao , all completu 1'or plana uud uiKicllliatloui iieiunu 111 uur initio, Couimlssloners' Olllce, e, W.M. LAWTON,) Com'u JNO. IIHItNIilt,- of JOHN UN I' J COl. Co. illuomsijiirtj, l'a, Feb. B. mfi. Wu Kiuck'uit'u, Clcik BLANK NOTKS.wItli or wltliQiit teiislu, rrbuie at ttw uuLvittuN iuc, riCTTJ rT4 A FIRST CLASSNEWSPAPEIl, PAIIA' ANH WiaiilCLcY. Imlepeiitluiit in ISverylliins I Neutrnl in Nothing, Opposed to nil Comit Ui.ijM in Municipal, Sttilo ami National 1 !.... iVllilllb. TUP, DAILY TlUf.S "111 b? Issued on Saturday, tno ii ,Vi M.iiVh nr.it. nnd every luornli.e' ther.-atlor. Miiiclj.s ouvpled. under the rilltorlnl dlrcetlo or A. K. Mci'lurc printed rompaclly from rle. r, new t l-.oiiul.tr,.',-Mllo s'a-eM'oa ulnl et I "'SKr! of the d vy, ti.ilii.ltHK' M Assoul . I ; V J. ; trom all pilots of Interest, nn.l fear ess edUorUI dls cus,lons ot current topics. Price. 1 W i ' . .Mall Miuseri inon, ,:". ' aiiTiuni, or fifty cents per month, n nd ja t c. Advertisements, lltleon, twenty and thirty cents per II no, according to ostlloii. The Weekly Times Wilt lie Issued on Saturday, March tnih, weekly thrieatter, conlnlnlnif all Important ; week, and complete .Market and ntuhttnl Reports. Mallei!, forono year, postage tree, at ttio following raies : t)no Copy Ten Con es .fl.li .. v.iij Twenty Copies ADVKK l IslSilN'I ,S tweuty-ltvc cents per line. Twentv Copies ,1ft,, mmltanccs should bo mado by Drafts or 1j it Of fice ordxrs. Address THE TIMES, No. U South seventh Street. If PIHLADKLPRIA STATKMKXT OK MADISON 1JOOR DIS TIIIOP t'Olt THU YKAlt r.XDINO AP11IL 1st, Amount of Dupllentn Iial.mec from foiin' r jear HecelM'd from produce ot larin . f, l.sso.nr l r.'.i: 1 -8.1)0 C2.147.S4 j:.'pi:.i)rruni:s. Amount paid for kecplni; paupers .......... j'ain IIT .mi, iniv ii-i;uiii'.,"s,sw. Mill ot wYl llemloek r& Madison . 14 cash paid on farm " paid II. ll.Moutforputnp " paid fur lime nml iihosplule. " for mcilleal nttoiid.mco paid Drs. iliuliz nnd Harder " t'Mini'i'.itlons to collector " l.indsretunii'd " t'nliei'lur's undtieasurer'-sccmmls- t ton ..... " (lln'Ctnrs fees for 1 year, 4 months " uu'iliom' f.'i's liolanco duo ton nshlp 84C.S' sis." 1J.23 l '.eo irt.ru 12.117 11.01 74.1S C ,IM n.o Sljii.s,-, csi:o. w.si-pix, i me,w,r- WH, the Auilltoi.sof Mnillson tmnishlp, have ex- niulned the nboM-.aud llnd It correct. W.M. I!. HIlMOTT, T. H. IIIXCII.CS JOHN SMITH, Auditors. Jan. i), STATIilMHNT, OIIOWlNti tho iimimtit of linlctiteiliie"s, llie il umiunl of asv'tt.-. .V,'.. of the Town of Illooms biinr: piep.ued and puli'.M.ed b, the Town Council , oi s.iiii i o v. ii, in ai ii irii.tii' " ii ii i it'1 1 1-11111 l,t '., ' , llluMuh s,.,- r m,. , , f t.,iiily of ApUi'MU isra. fiititi.-il. "An a 1 1 1,, r.-L-it! ite lhe manner of In- ei-.iiislii-j-the In.lehteiltitv, ,,f lilulllcllialtlle.S to tiro- Mil ' fur Inn redeimilln of th same, and to Impose penallles lor tho Illegal nu rciso mereoi. INHLIIiniLSLSs. Funded (1 ht. Wit Hond No. 1, ilaled Nov. s. 1s7li, due Oct. 1. 1s74, with lntetest fromoei.l, ls7a, p.iyabl an- meilli'. re,li.ein.il,t,, lit Hie tllillotl of tho Town, nller April I, ls74, $mi0 Inlerest on the same from Oct. 1, W4, (up to whlrli lliuellie Intrrest hai been nalil.l to Jan. 27. 1S7.H. V.CO Ilond No. 2, d.iled Nov 3, 1S7.:. due Oct. 1,175, with Interest froai Oct. 1, 1-71, pavablo nn iititllv. rede"iiubli at tho onlljnuf tlio Town, lifter Del. 1. W4, WUXO Interest on lhe same from dot. 1, ls7J,(up lo which lime the Intercut has been paid.) to Jan. 27, IsW, Ilond No. 3. dated Nov. :i, lS7.l,diieOet.1.1s7n, with Interest from o;t. 1, ls;;i, p.ivablo an nually, reilieiaiiblo at option of tho Town, niter Oct. I, ls74, Inti'ivst on ths same from i)et.1,ls7.i, to Jan. 27, s7.1, Pond No. 4, dated Nov. 3, 1 -.71, due Oct. 1, 1S77, ,llli li,l,,r,.kt fi...ii ll,-t I u:i ii'ivnl,!,, nil. wo.on 3J.Gt! nuallv, redeemable at option ot the Town, lifter Oct. I.ls74, Inlerest on the tame from Oil. 1, 1S7I, (up to .00 wnien tune mo microti uas oeenpaiu,)io Jan. 27, 1s;.v Ceitlllcalesof Indelitedne's tn 1). Slroup, be- Ins fur debt conlracted by llloom township pieilously to the Act of Incorporation; liie.v duo and pa able, 1 Interest ou tho same from Sep. 2.', 1574, (up to w hleli timo th5 Interest h is been paid,) to .1.111.27, lii.l, riuallierdelit. vl: 9.CC .-,15.07 co.ci Amountof ordii'.sout'lar.dlns', 1.07.S1 Amount Hue sundry ien-ons on book ac count, H.iminies arising from tlio wlcleiilncjcf Mar ket slieit, liiln halaueit unpaid, towlt; Amount due Januarv 1, ls7a, " " Jaiuun 1. Is", Interest on said il.iiu,ii.-es from tlmeotconllr m.itlon to J in. 27, w.i, li.images nilsln from wlili lilie' ( f Cmtro stieet. I.i'lii!.' bi'.lui.ee uiinaM. towlt: 130,711 65I.UH 27 1: Amount due Ail'-. 1,1-7.1, l.CO'.n'i " " His-. I, H7.1, l.ui'.il " " Atlif, 1, Islil, I.Olsl.KI " " nee. i. is;e, i.uoo.uo interest on tno same from time of continua tion, to Jan. 27, 157,1, 225.33 Total 10.I1I.M Assinn. Amount taes iineollei ted, fur Hi" year 1S73. on Duplicate In hands of H. II. Illdleman, 121.00 Amount taves tiiii'ollei'ted, f.ir tin- ear 1S74, on duplicate In hauls of M. jnkoop. collector, 4i7.M I'.isn ,n iiiimnor v. u. uoons , i riasiuer, less hl.s commissions, whleli are to be ileduited. 2as.93 I'liies, in urn iianiti cr ii. i-oHcnoiri,'. Presi dent of Collliell, i.O i i.ense, in mo uaniisoi i. iiwenoer, I'res- Uentot loui.ill, to.ia Outstainllni;solHnt debts, lo wit j Hue from suaOry ptrsons on book account, 1S4.S3 Hint from sundry pel-sens, a sessment of eonliliiutlDiis on Market slreel openlni;, 2-6.0') i roin bunury persons, on ceiiuo slreel opening, aio.ou iium sunury persons, on lourtn street openlnif, 135.i'0 I ol.ll, U.-J.eo VALUATION 01-' TAXAIlLi: rilOPKUTY. Lands, to ult ; 1 arm, sao-Msl Suliurb.in, ll'.Uso.eo llullt Up, -171. 175.011 l'ci suiial prone it v, H7,icn. o Add iradosandoccupattons, ioi.ma,ui Total, sis.'.w.oo .Miuiocr or nogs, iw. i)AVii)iowi:.N-in:iio, Wri.nr W hit, Seer-lary. President of Council, lllooiiidiiirg, January us, ls7s. jt ruiAUTPii notkt:. J Mitlenlsheiil lu clienof the Intention of tho I Vh ' i',i'V;i ,, esof e'lhe I line lilil--e li Ctoillst. - I'- -- J ". ulseonal chuKh " sltttatcl near CeniteUlie in ( en. tie township I'oiumiil 1 eounti lo arnlv for a char ier 1u.1ce.1ble 1,1 tho rules ..nd form of illsrlpllne of the .Metlioi.lsl 1.1 lscopul e'hiirch of llie I nlled statea of Aiaellca I). W. M 1.01V, CI ,. LOW lVblD-St. i'llll.Il' HAHIII3. DPUILBILia SALE HI' VALfAIlI.n REAL ESTATE! 13Y VI 1 ornl sTitned, adi IltTIT, OP AN OltDKIl OP Till-: orphans' Cuurt of Colunilla county, tho under. I. adlliltil-itrators of the esl.ite i,f I'etet- It l', ... ol-i, uui-iasi-u, win i'2jiobo vj saiu uy i'uouc vendue, SiUurclay, .llarrli littli, !S7ft. Tho followlnif leal estate, ilz: A valuaable LOT OF GROUND slluatu In Hit.irciet k township, lu said county about two ml curium lierwlck, hounded by tho lands of C!eor'eP Ut rn, ciemm.Mrs. staliland thepub lloroad leadlnif from Uloumskurj lu Hern KL, and containing about 1'OUUTHKN A onus, All cleared and In cood fanning condition. There are on the premises u OOOl) Kit AM K HOU.S1C, A CiOOI) I1AKN, and other out-bulldlin's, ono well and two cisterns, Also A Good Orchard nnd Fino Nursory. Tho above liropert Is within llvu lahmtos walk o tho railroad depot. I'ONIiITIoSii 01' l-M.II-Tei per cent ot one four Hi of tint purchasu money to be paid al tho sti Ik. Ini: dow u of tho property, tlio onctuiirlu less tho ten iter cent, at tho continuation absolute and balaneo tlonidsf Jr r Ur lu,erest from oomirma- IMssusilon to lie siren April 1st A D.1S75. Bale to cummenco alio o elm k of sal 1 day LAVAVKPI'KCItlHsY, ."I'MtV SllAl'THIt ' rebruarymth ciTl Adiulnlslrators OAlUTOIOABraSli S. H. MILLER &. SON HAV II .1 LST HKiUHVKI) and are oirerii.H s.i.,,f.V w', ;' fiBft '"' 0"u"' tho best as Suii nenwof CAItl'l.ls u,r orreiid for talo In ho ?- V. U lS'TU '"' "ru ill iioiv and of 'SSf11''1' ,rom wuu 10 THIS I'.rSK 13 OS l ll.n WTn ROW ELL & PHESMAN . Advertlslfifi V- Ananla. THI0 CHMTNlTVT9., ST LOUIS, M(i VOHM rf. Ch.Huf Chans ell nU sIrIiI. Nrcesmtr. as SiMp. floods fire, ('linnsf Ulialiir NaiiUfart'if In; Company, Huston. IRMK HA.MPI.ICS to Atn nix. Lnlles' Com I1 liimtll Ii Nnodli'-book with Minimis Send .imp. l r.lll.ll l .son n uuilt,.sinji(;iuirieil.s, 4 OLNTH W AMKtt for tlie fi-lft rnlltnt; ' lunik I'u't tmti l.lied Send for specimen pair-ei inn our ("Mm term-" In Ap his, .NAIIuMAI, Pi ll I.lsillNti t ti , niUOIi'lpldl ra, (JVVOOO 1'nr ii ru of AMhln i, CiiiirIis, nr CuU th.it AHA.MSO.VS Hill ASIC IIAI.xAH will not Mill ll'IIIC, l.a-llflK lUHMr.S OI VllllS, ,IWIa uvui.i STON IIOI.I.OVS'AY .VCO Aceiits.Plillndel- phh. siioT-nttNs. RirrrscMSToit Of AnvsndcrervklnS ScnilstAtno' I it I , ilfirfli. 1.1 lr.lt Cm ftt Yl-rm Hub riatol 1rk, 111' Till, till UII, iA. ' n-YCUt).M VN( Y or SOI I, CHARM I IS'lI.1' How cither s.t innv Ciirttinlri nml (rain Hie lovo and nileellons of nny p-r'ti they choose instantly. This i.tmr!o. mental neiiiilretnent nil can possvss, free, by mull, for!.'. rentH, tni-eiher Willi it .'inn ,!) mum-, r.irynu.iii ur.H'ie, ureams. Hints lo Ijulles. Weddlnif NlH'lit Shlil. Ac. A uueer book. Address T. WILLI .M A. ft-., liibs. inula. l-'OR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, USE WELLS' GA Illi OLIO TABLETS POT I'P ONIiY IN Iil.UM I10XKS. .i tm::i AeS hvm: nv.nuuv. Sold lij' DrU(rlsts. shout l'osrpo.sDMiis-r-DAY i'ixld-i.'uli, HIMlltllll'TIO.V. FlUST GllANI) Gipr Conckiit. ti T?nnn1oTTr i l uiiuiu uuiuuu m AT AI.HXAS'DIilA, VA. riAH.on 29, i875. list or amK I flraiidr.ish tiltt 1 1 1 rand Cash out 1 Clialel Cash (lift la cash tuns, flu nisi each in castHiirts, item mc!i ,f 1110 Kit. . . Ml 000 . . i!i lll)i) ,. 1110 1)00 , . 7.1 !IIH) ,. tivwo , . Ml (HK1 ,. no noo , . Mi mi . . AW OUO ,;i noo noo Mi Cash outs, 100 Cash outs, 1 WK) Cash tllft.i, l una cash curls, a ono Cash litfti, l nuu eaeit rn each loo each M each 10 each il 17s Cash oifts, amounting to Number cif Tickets, 100 000. pp.icr. or TICKIITS. Wlinh Tickets tcooti Halves 1000 cjniiiters noo I.Withs or each Coupon 2 in f., 'ilcketsfur ukioo Tim .Montpeller I'einnle Ilumnno Assoelallon, char leredbvthu Legislature of Vlrclnla and the circuit Couit of or.mvo Co., pioposed bv n oraiid t lift Con cert to c'tahltsli nnd imlnw a "Hou.ii for lhe Old, Inllrin, nnd Destitute) Ladles of Virginia," at Mont peller. the tot filer resldeim of President Jamea Madison. fioicrnnr's oniec. Illehmoml, July 3, 1S74. It nrrords me pleasure to say that I am wellnc nu.ilnled with a t.irp1 ni ijnrlly ot Iheolllcersof tho Montpellir I'ennli iiumaue Assoclitlon, who resido In lhe Meluliy nt my home, and I attest their lutein, tfonrennd their uorlh and lil-h reputation ns iren tlemen, asweP as Hie publl" conlldenee, liilluiiicu iiiel subslantlal means llberallv iriu'esented iimonir tlmiii. J.Mi:si;i;.MPHli. tiov. virclnl.t. Ali andil.i, a .-Hilj h, isT4. l eommenil !!?'", '.lM 'ifnts r honor and Intejtrlty, and fully en titled to the fonlldeiieu of lhe public. II. W. lininr.s, r. S.JuiIkc llasfn Dlst.nr Vn. A,"rl.l"'ll 'l.l'V'"' l's l'y 'H rmlsslon : His i:celleney .'.,l,l.'.r.,. 1 -Ridker, Kx-timrriior, of Va.; Hon. Ilobt. 1.. withers. lleiu..c,i.v., if Va., and c. s. senator elect ; senators ai.d members of Congress from Va. Heniltlaiiiesfor lie Lets may bo made bv express prepaid, nest-oiTleo money-orJ-r on Washington, 1). C. orbyHeKlsti rcd htler. 1'or full p.irletii.irs, testimonials, Ar., send for cir cular. Address, HO.S'..lA.Mi:sii.Minorit, ,, , ,'rps't '" " A- Alexnndil.i. Va. Itetlablc agents wanted ciery w here. Jan. 'Ji','75 lit MAKYIi.YNI) KAltMS AND HOMKS .1-,tsi0AClli:s Near ml I road Local Ion healthy, i Itles vood Addnsss W.M.S. HIUllUI.V, Attorney, lientoii, .MiirjUnd. QIlAltl'KN YOlTIl fj No blacksmiths neei I'leksalwaissli.irp. 1'or I OWN MILL PICK'S needed. Monev saved, ntul h.irii. 1'or llluslrntedilreular address The Tamtk Co struud.iburg, Monroe Co l'a. M'ONHY tii-ilv mailc liy sillinR TKAS at imi'oiiti:h.s'piiili:s, or irettlmr up clubs m lomisiind eiiuntry for the oldest 'lea Oompuhvln Ameilea cireatest Induceim ills. Send for circular. CAN'ION' TKA CO., lis chambers St., N. Y. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA Aiti: you WKAK, NKIIVOUS, Oil DKIIIUTATKD? Arc yon so lank-uld that any enrtlen reipilres more of an etlort than iu feel capable of miiklm,'? 'lheii try Jtiiubeba, the wonderful Ionic anil In vhjorator, whleli nrls so bei.ellilall on tho sicrctlio oitru its lo Imparl lf:ortoall the Mini fori is. It Is no alcoholic niipellfr, wlilrh sllimiliiiis for a shoit time, oidjtolel lhe sufferer fall to a lower depth of hil'irj, but It Is a vegetable tonic nellnir clheclly on lhe liver ami splc in. It regulatis the llowels, quiets the nones, and plves null a l.eallhy tone tothe whole sjslein as lo sor,ii make the luuilld fi el like n new person. Ilsopi ration Is not violent, but Is ehararlerl?cd by great k-entleiKss; lhe pnttint e.xperlf neesnosuihlen change, no miirkc d results, but gradually his troubles "1'old their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This Is no new- nnd untiled discovery, but has been lam; used with wonderful n medial results, and Is pronounced by tho highest medical uullioiltles, "tho most poiveiful tonic nnd alteiallvo known." Ask jour druggist for It. 1'or salo bv JOA.NbTON, I10I.LOWAY k Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1.1 n Mil SAMPLES to Ai'ents. r ll r.ri.lnilIi.iMiiil.wlthChroiuos, .mllrs CnndilitAtlon Send btauip, iiess in., .cw lictuuru, Mass. QOMIOTIIINO I'Ol! YOU. IJ send stamp and git It. Address, r. I). HUIiSP. und 77 ;assau Street, New York, A O KN'l S WANTKI) ' JV, tor tho fastest selling bonk ever published. Send for Mct'lini ii piges and our extra te.ins to .t77,lr.: ;'A llu-'-'' I L'IH.ISIIIMJ CO., I'iiu aui:!.. "ox in tiii: iii.ooi). 'luc I'lmi'viiv svr.fr, vliaiias and enriches tho ulmal, tones up tho svs lem, builds up the briJ.en- . . .',.'. lu"i 11 s pep.sia. leblllly.dropsy.ehllhaiid vers, chioiilo dlairhii'a, rvous artec ions, ijoiis, ,iiimors, diseases i,f tho Kldiiojsund bladder, fc- ,u,'j I.UIIIJ-IHIIHS, Thousands havo been choiiffQd bJ ite use of th H reined) li ,.ii:, siekly, suiferlng creatures, to strong, heathy, impiiv mn und womin; and Invalid cannot reavmably h.-sllatu to glvo It u trial. I ACTIOS, lio SIIIO OU git till) "I'l.lll'VIAS Sviti i'' ,not Ptitnlan Pi.rk.) sold by dealers grner nlly. A Ji-p.ige pamphlt t, containing a treatl-o on Iron ns ii in dleal agent and oilier valuahlo papers, testimonials frum dlsilngulshed ph slel ins, Vh rgs men and others, will bu sent frc lo uny nddu-ss. .T".u'i,l".WIJ: S0!,s' Proprietors, so Harrison Avenue, ltoston. EMPLOYMENT. R A?-l!-I.?1;:1..-iVN V -A l'omi'lcti: outfit ij si.NI lltl.i.. Wo want a biiltablo lierson In every m Ighborhood to tako ordeis and del ver goods K!rV,i';t,"I' "i1',1'".0': "' " kAI K" " Mas'lu and faml y goods of all kind., m constant use and w eur. 'I ho 0 dest e. o. li, house lu Ameilea, Sales overlialfu n SI'v ' l'-v to tho right person. er'?,1'.1!1,' 1 .eu fvr "','', "r 'e'" 111 5 our liomen or tiuve lug. Mi risk. Ifjou go to work wo will senil'ouficonnd post-paid a lino of mini'ios and a S!rFh?uVi',',A'!'ln!l nd Hcuro sou? ira&ijld!' "AU ' -N' U0WA"U bT"E"' TI? V II,IST' X ? largo live, family paper, orsto r nit .'. f MTJurV1 !?ljr" rL-uSlni-. No sectarianism, po. rn M ,v pills, purfs nor nilieillsi'ments. only 75 1 ii li cts. a year. Send 10 cents fur s spcelmeus liofuro you forget It I Splendid Slap Preuilmu. AgentH vviiiitoil everjwhere. 'lilg Commissions 7 ,. hi d II. L. "nh Mrcct? PhlVa.1!'!!310'1 fc'rCU' 11USt0n' iraimsa !Xc, !!.'"'' t,c'. ' ".""clile. We guarantee ennvassera MANN S: Co., asi .N, Howard street, llaltlmor,ld. NOTICE. "VrOTICi: Is hcriliy given that llie llliioms. 11 burg Has company will put In servliv nlnu and' furnish miters to th mtitn of uioomsC g fir tlS.w v hero tho instance from tlieitreAdn sn t ineeedMifieti excess of m fee t will to cUaV'tsl at, t in rato of lu LTi.is ti.-rf.a i ,,,.,11 J. ,i":ir'! aw 1 ..... " I'teiuoiT 1st "Am. ,.. 're ., c- M".i:.Wtunr.W ArANTi:i), AgentH, m.ilo and female, tin lanf.sia. iiviniin, wona. BUSINICSH CAHDS, YI81TINO OA HIM, 1111.1. 1IK.MN. ' PliOOItAMVinS, x .1 1 ,s. ?'stj:iw, io AO.. Neatly and Cheaply piinted ut thoCoi.njf UIAN Uiee. JOll PlilNTI.Na OP EVERY DESCRIPTION KXKCUTEO I'ltOMITLY At the Ooluuwak Omiob.