The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 19, 1875, Image 2

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Friday, Vobi'imry 11), 1875
A mooting of tlio Democratic State Com
mittee, will liolieltlnt the Uulton House,
Jlfirmburpr, Pa. , on Tliiir.inv tin- -Hli ol
Marc'.i, 1875, lit 3 o'clock p. in , to determine
tho time nnit place of holding tlio next Stntt
Convention for noniinntliiB cniullilntes for
the office of Governor nnd State Treasurer.
JOHN MlLLKlt, Chairman.
Philadelphia, February 17, 1S75.
Tlio Danville Intelligencer come out in n
new dress ainco tlio fire mid presents a U:uil
some appearance.
Senator Chalfant and Ucprcacntativo
McIIenry and Hvan again have our ac
knowleclgments for important publiu doc
An anti-monopoly convention, to lie com
povd of delegates from all manner of organ
izations oppoed to monopolies, is to be
held at liarrisliurg on March 2d.
Tlio llarrisbnrg J'tilriot is in high hope
that tho ico on tho Susquehanna Is of sufli
cicnt thickness and strength to carry away
tho Columbia dam nnd thus re-establish the
'Shad fisheries 1
The Supremo Court of the United States
has affirmed tho right of Pennsylvania to
imposo a tax upon tho gross receipts of as
railroad running through the State.
Hon. Geo. V. Woodward, who is now
traveling i.i Knrope, recently paid a xisit to
the 1'opo of Home, by whom ho was received
with the honors usually paid to distinguish
ed strangers.
Milliliter Washburn is out in a card refut
ing some of the libels of the Now York
Sun, nnJ proving tho utter falsity and reck
lessness of its statements. People who read
that paper must bo fond of being humbug
ged. Fish, Uristow and Jewell, tho best men
In Grant's Cabinet, would all resign wero it
not fur the certainty that Grant would put
in such ns Ben. Butler, Chandler and other
cut-throats who would drivo tho country
into another civil war.
Tho Venango Spe;lator is one of the solid
Democratic papers of the State that has re
cently donned a new suit. We are glad
to see theso evidence of prosperity in relia
ble Democratic organs, as it is strongly in
dicative of the growing powar of the party
The Northumberland county Democrat,
ono of the best papers on our exchange list,
is out with an entire new dress and presents
a handsome appearance. The paper is emi
nontly worthy of the best support the peo
ple of that county can give it and they
ought to tako prido in contributing to its
Iteccntly tho authorities of Ilayti arrested
a man with a human head in his possession,
which led to the discovery that an organized
society of cannibals existed in the interior,
who supplied themselves with fresh meat by
capturing and butchering strangers who
cams within their reach. Their chief, with
near a hundred followers, has been arrested.
There is one confederate general who liai
not yet got into Congress-. lie is a conduc
tor on a Chicago street car. Jiadical papers.
That is Gen. Lougstrcet. But he is not
tho conductor of a car in Chicago lie is
conducting tho Kellogg government in I.
isiana, and tho Grant administration so
as regaids that business.
A. K. McCluro has at length, it is
published, got what ho has so long labored
for, a newspaper organ Tho New Age,
which h.u been for Bomo time printed as a
no-party paper, has been purchased by
Btoek company, and Col MeClurc, with a
strong force of assistants, is to be its control
ing spirit It is to bo a mongrel in politics,
a sort of Republican, but nuti-Grant, pat
tcrned after the Xen' York Sun.
' The Pennsylianin. Jlou.-o of lcnrrscnta
tives has passed just three bills durinc its
six weeks scision. It has got just four
weeks longer and hopes to get at least two
more bills through By hard work, and a
jew main sessions, it may possilily succeed
WillUimtporl O'azcltcaml JlulMin,
All tho ring organs are in a rago because
tho Democratic Houso refuses to pass ring
measures! I he HoiiiC is doing right tho
people Uo not want legislation, except some
routine business, nnd active reform measures
which every body knows the Kepublican
senate will not agree to.
The grandest humbug of the age is tlio
pa3-ago of resolutions by the National
Grange in favor of the government subsidy
to the Texas Pacific railroad. One of the dis
tinetive principles of the Patrons of Hits.
bandry is to oppose government subsidies,
yet the officers of their National organiza
tion suddenly discovered that ono of the
worst of theso should bo approved I Just
what induced this conviction will probably
bo brought out by an investigating commit'
tee at some time.
The reckless character of the Radical
Houso of Representatives at Washington
may be fully comprehended when the fact Is
Btatcd that on Saturday last they passed
bill adding one hundred millions of dollars
to the bounties hcretofoio given to soldiers,
in the face of the other fact that the admin
istratiou Is demanding thirty millions more
of taxation to prevent tho Treasury from
uocoming uanKruptl should the lull pass
the Senate one hundred and fifty millions
will have to bo added to the taxation of the
country perhaps two or threo hundred mil
lions, to make up what will bo stolen during
tho collection of such an enormous addition
nl sum. Plunder ahead, M&hm, Radical
Congressmen I Fortunately less than two
weeks more are left in which to Judulgo that
To publish a caricature in picture is libel,
wlieio the intent to ridicule is manifest. A
clever, where the intention is not
clear, may bo regarded as an nbortivo lit-
tempt to do tho handsome and therefore
properly escape criminality. However all
that may the ras i of the 1 ikeness of Sen
ator Wallacc,recently printed in some of tho
papers, we cautlousl) suggest that that gen
tleman has bomo stout ami enthusiastic
friends who may tuke tho matter up and by
way of showing their devotion apply a mus
cular penalty mi suspicion ol mi attempt to
ridicule their chief. Just what tho intent
may have been we do not pretend to say,
but were it not for the proverbial good na
ture) of tli'' Senator liu would no doubt send
toiucbtdy around to tenth noiuo editors gio j
Next Governor.
The Democratic Standing Committee of
Chester county, nt n meeting convened for
organization, unanimously adopted tho fol-
lowing i
Wiintir.AS. The cltlrensof Pcnnivlvnniu
will he called on at tho general election in
November licit, to select a Chief Magistrate'
to administer the nll'.ilrs of State, during the
ueU Gubernatorial ter j nnd
vyiil.iu.A', it wot the highest Importance
to tlio poiylo of all parlies that tlio olMco
IioiiM lie. tilled by a man whose character,
quaiittc.itioiu and imlcpenilcnco or all ma.
ugu iniiiienco are such as to cntlllo linn to
public confidence. Therefore,
fMofird, l hat wo urgo upon our Iclln.
Democrats la all nartsof tho Stalo tot-Hc
their ea-ly nttcntlon to this subiect, nnd an
iiuort'judiccd consideration of the merits of
tlio several gentlemen who liavo been or
may yet bo named lor the ollice, so that
a lien their delegates assemble In convention
l'ir tho imrposo of making a nomination,
they shall bo oualilled nnd disposed to select
one In whose support can bo concentrated
tlio entire strength ot tlio Democratic party,
and all others who desiro to rescue our Com
monwealth from lllng rule, and
secure an administration devoted to tho
Interests of the tax payers.
llesoked. That this committee deem It due
to themselves and to tho Democracy of our
county, to present for tho consideration of
our lellpw Democrats in tho several sena
torial and Assembly districts of tlio State,
Hubert H. Moiiairhan. Kjrt.. as a soiidd Dem
ocrat and honest man, possessing all the
quaimcalious. essential lor tho ollice, auu
Uioso urivato life nllbrds a reliable miaran
tee that if elected tho duties of this high
public trust would uo laltntiiliy pcrlornieii
iiy him, with an eye single to the best inter
ests ol the (Jouimonwealtn and her tax pay
mg people.
Jie.vjteea, That tins expression ot our
views is not desizned to disparage or iirc-lii'
j'co nnv ol tho distinguished gentlemen
named ns candidates for tho office of Gov
e.ror, but simply to urge upon the Democ
racy of the State, the importance of tho
subject and the propriety of giving to it
that intention winch is iiemaimcu niiKC uy
tlio interests of the party and tho btate.
Jleaotved, that tho iorogoing preamble
n-id resolutions ho published 'Tsucii ol the
Democratic lournal.s of the State, ns regard
tlio subject rcfened to therein as worthy the
attention of their Democratic readers, and
that the chairman of this committee bo
authorized to communicate the same to the
members of tho State Central Committee
and the Chairman of the various County
This formal presentation indicates
earnest movement. Y ltliout
the Columbian
on tho subiect, wo can
heartily endorse all that is said of Mr. Mnn-
aghan. He is a democrat of the old Shunk
school, and his administration, if elected
Governor, would be a repetition of the per
lect integrity, strict economy and careful
attention to tho interests of the people that
characterized tho official days of Francis R,
Shunk and added ho much to tho houor and
credit of the State,
We observe that tlio Democracy of tho
West Branch Valley are pretty unanimously
urging the nomination of Col. A. C. Noyes,
of Clinton county, for Governor. His
probity and generosity as a citizen, his great
personal popularity, tlio integrity of his
public career and the purity of his private
life, as well as his very fine and imposing
personal appearance, are all urged in behalf
of tho propriety of his nomination. Per
sonally ho is ono of tho most generous of
men nnd he is blessed in an unusual degree
witli that hard common sense that is never
nonplussed but always equal to any occasion
that may arise. Ho enjoys the respect ol
all who know him, and as Governor of the
State would no doubt acquit himself with
distinction. He, however, protests that ho
is not a candidate and that he desires privato
life in preference to publiu honors.
The Columbia Herald, in a strong article,
urges tho nomination of Hon. Hugh M.
North, of Lancaster county, as tho next
Democratic candidate for Governor. Mr.
North was within a few votes of tho nomi
nation for Lieutenant Governor, at Pitts
burgh, last fall, but withdrew in order to
strengthen tho ticket upon a question of
locality Judge Woodward having been
nominated from an adjoining county for the
Supremo Court, Mr. North is an able and
honorable man and worthy of public confi
dence. Candidates begin to loom up in all quar
ters. We shall one of these days endeavor
to review tie field at length.
Tho Legislature.
The House Democratic portion of the Ju
diciary committee reported in favor of tlio
power of the House, by itself or in conjunc
tion with the new Auditor General, to in
vestigate the nfT.iira of tho State Treasury
for any length of time past. The Republican
portion of the committoe of courso reported
adversely, as they dare not permit the inves
tigation for party reasons. It is to bo hop
ed tho Democracy of the House will push
the investigation force it.
The Local Option repeal bill lias been re
ported favorably in tho House, but a lot of
"roosters," especially the Philadelphians
join tho friends of tlio present law in pre
venting the repeal bill from coming up The
object of tho roofers is merely to make
money out of tho liquor interest!. It is to
bo hoped tho rascals will fail in that.
Although the Legislature is now busily at
work, uo other important public business is
as yet under consideration, except in com
mittee and the formal passago of bills
through first reading.
Miserable little Florida even turns right
side up and elects a Democratic U, S. Sena
tor, who is said to be one of tho most
respectable lawyers in the State. The Leg
islature contains a small Republican major
ity, and balloting has been going on for
weeks, but the exasperated factious finally
preferred tho election of a Democrat to the
triumph of their rivals. Tho result proves
that a carpet-bagger mad sometimes acts
more sensibly than a carpet-bagger in sober
The U, S. Scante will no longer contain a
practical working majority of oxtrcmo Had
lcals after tho -Ith of March, the more con
servative elements of that party holding the
balance of power between tho Democrats
and ultra Radicals. As several of the latter
are very old and infirm men, with Demo
cratic Legislatures behind them, further
Improvement may be looked for within a
year or two.
Isorthuinberlaiid county has a population
of a little over 41,000, less than 0,000 voters
and about that number of taxables, is
separate judicial district, and yet wants an
additional Iiw Judge! If every 20,000 of
population in the State are to have a Law
Judge, then something over 200 will bo
required for the State, estimating tho total
population at four millions, whoso aggre
gate salaries am) inileago will reacli a mil
lion of dollars I Go It, Northumberland
county 1 What do your pcoplo euro for
I'AUCiiiJ) nv Mail. Under tho recent
improvements in postal arrangements
great convenience is secured to stores
and their remoto ciiaUnierx. Gloves,
shawls, slippers, clgaw, groceries, dry
good, candy, ornaments, tea, nnything
not weighing four pound, can be Hcnt quick
er by mail than express, and at fractional
cost. For two cents one may semi by mull
a parcel weighing a quarter of a pound from
Maine to Callfgrubi; eight cenU will carry a
pound acrotta th continent.
Wllllntmport Election.
Mayor Powell Democrat, Is re-elected
Mayor of Wllllaimport by a majority of
nearly 500, over A. J. Dietrlck, Republican.
Tho Republic in candidates for city Treasur
er and Auditor are elected Mr. Powell Is a
vory popular man, but was elected Mayor
but spring by a split in the Republican
ranks on the TemporaU'-o question, the com
bined vote of the candidate against him ex
ceeding his by abiiut SJO. Tills year the
contest was mainly on tlio Local Option
question, the friends of that measure having
first nominated Judge Dietrlck, who was
Hflcrwards also nominated by tlio Republi
cans. As Wllllamsport gavo a majority of
over 800 for Local Option when that ques
tion was directly submitted, this result now
shows how unpopular it lias becoiuo after
trial. Wllllamsport Is a Republican city by
about 200 majority.
February Elections,
La Rue, Republican, was elected
Controller of llarrisbnrg bv 12.") majority
C. F, 1'iVans, Republican, was re-olectcil
Mayor of Rending by about 300 majority.
In Philadelphia, those parts of tho Pom-
ocratic and Republican tickets endorsed by
tho "reformers" arc elected Magistrates
(officers who tako tho phieo of Aldermen and
Justices, wlth.cnlarged powers) and probably
eight other Republicans, volunteers nnd
regulars This will give sixteen Magistrates
who are endorsed by an organization com
posed of leading citizens of both parties as
being competent and respectable nnd eight
who failed to obtain such endorsement.
Pretty well for Philadelphia, for It is tho
first time since 18G0 that a majority of ordi
narily decent men were elected in that city
at any election.
Tho everlasting negro Pinchbackhas been
occupying a great portion of tlio time of tlio
U. S Senate for a week past, tho question
being on his right to a seat in that body, to
obtain which he seems to be as ntisinits as
he was to get out of the Penitentiary. Tlio
question is not yet decided.
In the House tho new tax bill has been
under discussion, but the probabilities are
that it will be defeated. If so, an oxtra ses
sion of Congress will becomo necessary.
Tlio House Civil Rights bilLwill be taken
up in the Senate in a few days and will oc
cupy considerable time in its discussion.
The Radical members have also resolved in
caucus to pass a new force bill, which out
rages every principle of civil liberty by
authorising the President to suspend the
writ of luibcus corpus at pleasure and pro
claim his will tho law of tlio land Somo
independent Republicans oppose it, but as it
is esteemed tho only possible means of rC'
electing Grant it is urged by the carpet'
baggers and extreme Radicals witli all their
energy They threaten to defeat even the
necessary appropriation bills in order to
carry the bill, arguing that an extra session
may be called to make the necessary appro
priations. If the new Congress does it. duty
they will wish they had never called it
Other business unimportant.
As respectable a paper as the Sanbury
American ought to havo more regard for its
good name than to class itself with the asses
and blackguards who aro so prono to de
scribe the CoLti.MiiiAXas tho personal organ
of any man. The editor of tho latter has
been too long in the editorial harness and
too well known to utter his own distinct
opinions and convictions to care for such
petty inuendocs, but lest somo honest
stranger might bo imposed upon, or others
bo held in the least responsible by any one
for what wo may choose to print, it would
be just as well that tho falsehoods in ques
tion bo btopped. If no editor receives more
aid or. suggestion from outsiders than tho
Columbian does from Mr. Buckalew, it is
very certain that they have no debts of that
sort to pay. While we appreciate the force
of the compliment thus unwittingly paid to
tho Columbian, we arc nevertheless some
times nnnoyed that others should bo held
responsible for what they never saw or
dreamed of until they read it in our col
umns, and what may in fact be in direct
opposition to their own convictions or oven
bo unpleasant to them.
This tiling of ascribing to others than tho
editor of any paper tlio editorial productions
that may appear in it, is too low a species of
vi.iiperation to generally receivo attention,
and but for the injustice to others wo would
not notice it now.
Clerical Coxcomln.
The Clearfield Uepublic n, a Democratic
newspaper, thus takes tlio hide off from a
Radical wolf in sheeps clothing, who signs
himself "Row T. DoWitt Talmadge," to
wit :
A New York clergyman, named Talmadge,
seeing that Beccher's star is about setting, is
moving strongly to tho front, to tako his
place. Ho is an imitator of tho latter, (in
the pulpit wo mean,) and through hired re
porters and subsidized newspapers is spread
ing his uamo and fame throughout the Unit
ed States. He pays for newspaper puffs, jutt
like small politicians, and contributes liber
ally towards having his sermons reported
and published in tho secular press. Al
though twenty-five years tho junior of
Beecher, ho is that many years ahead of him
in buffoonery and clerical jugglery with less
than half tho native talent that Beecher pos
sesses. Ho is a very fast preacher, and a
cheap Radical newspaper called the New
York Witn'si, is tho channel, or gutter,
through which this coxcomb gets his stalo,
flat and unprofitable theology before tho pub
lic. We advise Democrats to kick this Radical
Witnai, containing those Godless sermons,
out of doors. There is enough hypocrisy
practiced by the laity and gratuitously spread
before tlio public. It is therefore unnec
essary to purchase that iniquitous compound
manufactured by Beecher-Talmiidge theolo
gians nud Radical politicians retailed through
tho New York WUnw, which is only anoth
er serpent in our Djinocratie Kdcn. Tal
madge is to tho Radical party just what tlio
clown is to tho circus, and Ills theology is
about as beneficial, in a moral point of view,
as tlio jokes of his co-adjutor, while tlio Ili'i
njj takes tho place of tho "ringmaster" and
does the cutting and slashing.
Ono thousand dollars fine, five hundred to
tho negro informer nnd five hundred to the
United States, with one year's imprisonment
in tlio county jail. This is tho penalty which
tho Civil Rights bill imposes on any land
lord who shall refuso to furnish lodging nnd
entertainment to a negro applicant. lie
may refuso entertainment to a white inan,but
woe to him if ho rejocted tlio application of
a colored citizen, When tho Civil Rights
bill becomes n law informing will grow into
a good litislne in this country. Patriot.
Tlio Winiamsport llulletln likes to bo
puffed and as an inducement to Its contem
poraries to indulge in thatmuctlagetiousbu
slows It copiea their complimentaries. It Is
a good paper of the broad but if its readers
do not find that out without being constant
ly told that such Is tho fact- well, their stu
pidity Is to bo pitied. Hut w' Is the u-o of
nlvertlslnj that certain people over there
pootOM web questionable virtuon?
Tlio President's Salary.
From a recent Speech by Mr. Iioollttlo ot Wisconsin.
The President's house, gardens, conserva
tories and stables nro oil furnished and kept
In perfect order, in all their details, at tho
public expense J stewards, doorkeepers, nnd
n band of music for all public receptions ate
furnished without a dollar's expense to the
President. All tho furniture, carpet", beds,
tables, to tho minutest thing w hich conveni
ence or luxury can desire, arc furnished by
the government. Tho whole establishment
Is also warmed nnd lighted throughout; all
this nt an expense to the public Treasury of
$00,000 to $-70,000.
Hut you nsk mo, what then docs tho Pres
ident pay out of his salary 1
llopays his cooks, tho waiters upon his
table, the driver of ills carriage, and the ser
vants who wait upon his family and his
guests; ho pays for what is eaten and drank
at his table. By custom, It Is expected of the
President to glvo several State dinners ; and
In tho courso of the year to entertain each
member of Congress, the Judges of the court,
tho foreign Mi.i'nters, ids Cabinet, nnd oc
casionally dldinguislied strangers In all,
probably five hundred persons. If such din
ners should cost 110 for each person, $5,000
would cover that expense. Of the $20,000
remaining, $10,000 ought to pay his other
family expenses, That would leave him 10,
000 per annum clear.
Cheap Sewing Machines.
Congress has recently decided ogatust an
extension of the patent fur the four motion
feed for sowing machines, which has been
pending for the past two years. This patent
was issued in June, 1832, and is tho most
valuable patent extant in connection with
sowing machines. This four motion feed is
so valuable that no cloth "owing machines
arc made without it. Tho combination own
ing tho patent embraces tho owners of the
Wheeler &. Wilson, Wilcox S: Gibbs, Singer
and Howo Companies. It has served to bind
theso manufacturers together, and has ena
bled them to defy all competition, and they
have been striving to maintain the nionopo
ly of tho feed by having tho patent extended
for a period of seven years by act of Con
gress. The invention lias realized for tho in
ventor several million dollars. The exten
sion of tho patent for another period of
seven years would bo worth about twenty
millions of dollars to the owners, and would
cost the public fullv four tinus in much
more, by reason of perpetuating tliu nionop
oly. Tho failure of tlio cxteiision.itisclaimed
will hnve the effect of reducing the price of
sewing machines to twenty dolla s. There
is evidence showing that tho cost of the aver
age sewing machines is about twelve dollar,
and that small manufacturers are forced to
pay to the soinbinntion for the tiso of the
feed forty dollars on each machine nianiifao
tured. It is a curious fact that Wheeler i(
Wilson's machine can bo purchased in Ku
rope and imported to this country for about
one-half tho prico they now cost here, th
reason being' that those machines have no
protection in Kurope andean be jnanufae
tured by any person. Kvchinjc.
Why is it Itight to Pile on Xrw TnxM ?
It is proposed to tako thirty or forty mil
lions a year out of the pockets of the pcopl
in taxes to be levied by Congress and col
lected by the agents of the United Stat(
Government. The country is already taxed
almost to the last verge of possibility. All
biu'incss is depressed ; factories aro closed
real cstats is everywhere shrinking in value
railroads havo ceased to yield dividends
farmers are distressed and unable to pay
their mortgages ; merchants aro losing mon
cy and aro terrified respecting the future
while laboring men are living upon tho small
sums they havo deposited in saving banks
or else their families arc suffering the tor
ments of privation. And here comes Gcner
id Grant, who was re-elected in 1S72 express
ly to keep up our prosperity and to mak
everything flourishingand flush, and proposes
to compel us to stand and deliver forty mil
lions more a year.
Under such circumstances it is well for the
public to know precisely why tlicfe addition
al millions are to be tal.en from them
What is the money wautc-d for? Wo will
stato soaio oi the principal objects to which
it will be applied :
lint. To pay the Prc.-,idest$o0,000 a year
silary, ol though before he was elected ho
agreed to servo for i2.5,O0O a year salary
and besides, to pay him in addition $75,000
a year in various perquisites, such as no
foimor President cnjoied.
Second, To furnish Secretary Robeson sev
cral millions a voir to be .squandered in job
btry, paid out on fraudulent and illegal
claims, or otherwise stolen, under tho pre
tenec ol supporting a nr.vy, while in his
hands the navy lias become worthless and
useless, except as a pretext fjrcstoi ing mon
cy from the people lor Robeson's ritig to get
rich on.
Third. To supply tho Iudinn ring and
other rings that cluiter around the Depart
ment of the Interior with tho necessary num
ber of millions to be Inkon by them, so that
they may grow rich while the people are
growing poor.
Fourth. To furnish Attorney General Wil
liams with tlio means of procuring himself
carriages and hoists and servants, all at the
public expense, out of tho contingent fund
of the socallcl Department of Justice.
Fifth, lo provide great sums out of which
Measurer Babeock and Boss Shepherd, and
the rest of them, may defraud tho people by
fake measurements, lying vouchers, nnd
other similar appliances of public robbery
Sixth. To satisfy tlio appetite of United
States Marshal Sharp in Washington
brother-in-law of tho President, and to pro
vide mm with uu,uuu si year, where an
ordinary marshal would not require over
$15,000 or 20,000.
Seventh. To pay for tho swindle in tho fi
bre-paper on which United States securitie
are printed, nud to rnablo Mr, Adolph 1
Birio and others interested In that ring to
get for their j uper two or three times its
market value.
Eighth. To supply millions to a lot of
speculative rings, ostensibly for the purpose
ot effecting impracticable schemes ot so-cull
on internal improvement, which aro not
needed, which would bo of littlo uso if com
pleted, and which tho country could not af
ford to undertake in its present condition,
even if they were necessary.
Ninth. To cover tho outlays for now pub
lie buildings, custom house, pot offices,
court houses, and the liko all over tlio coun
try. Tenth. To raise millions upon millions for
new railroad grants idid subsidies, that tire
to be rushed thrnuah Couirres under tho
now rulo which deprives the minority of that
power of resistance which oven tlio slave
power, witli all Its fury, never diminished,
Eltetnth. To provide tho means of sending
troops to New Orleans fur tho purpuso.of
turning out the Governor mid Legislature
that the people- havo elected, and putting in
power ami keeping In power those whoiij
they have rejected all In order that tho poo
plo of tho Stato may bo further robbed by a
mere lens gang of public plunderer, and that
Hrother-Iu-law Casey may bo made n Sena
tor of tlio United Slntos,
Twc'th, To establish a corruption fund
for udvuuciug tho scheme of U)y sjcjiS, Grunt
to be elected President for n third term, amis
for enabling his carpet-bagger confederate
to maintain their hold upon tho outraged
nnd robbed communities In the Southern
Slates, In order to control (he electoral voles
of thoso Slates by fraud in lS'li.
Theso lire somo of tho ends lor which It is
necessary to put off ,30,000,000 or 10,000,
000 more of taxes. Will iiuy sciifdble man
look at them and say that they nro not no
ble and patriotic ends such as every citizen
ought to contribute to with joy ami delight,
no matter how difficult It may be for htm to
pay liis own daily expenses 1
Great Is Grautlsm, and they who nro not
tiling to hand over all the money that
Grant, his brotner-in-law, his partners in
rich jobs, nnd his coadjutors may icqttirc,
ought to bo proclaimed banditti and turned
over to Phil Sheridan for drum-head trial
and instant execution. World.
Foreign 'News.
France is evidently on the verso of nil-
other revolution. Tlio A'semblv refuses to
resign and is yet incnpablo of forming a
Government It was elected h;n tho
Prussian i ociv led the country, merely for
the purpose oi setting tip a power to make
peace with i ndr conquerors, but having
assumed perm mency it now seeks to con
trol nil tiattoti il affair Kach party except
the Honnp.irt. 's is divided into irreconcii
able factions and that which Is strongest in
tho Assembly (the Orleans Boiirbpns) has
no strength v. :h the people. No ministry
can be firmed that can command a majority
in the As-cni y, nor can any form of gov
ernment com, ,iand a ma britv. nnd the
Assembly rein .-s to allow the pcoplo to elect
a new ono wm -h would nfiect their wishes.
Turbulence i' the natural re.siilt, and revo
lution must s ale the question.
I-rom the n'.hcr L'uropcan countries tho
news is not ii- ,iortant.
ULUuMsillUHl MAlllCCr.
Wheat perbu.licl.,
11.10 ' ..
I'orn '
1 Mts " ..
l'loiir per barrel ..
, $
,t .s
Hrleil ipples .. ..
Mile AHhouMens .
i.-.u-ii p.trpounil ....
Il.iy Int tun
Tlmoth) Sieil . .
(iror.vnoss roit coal.
No. 4 on Wharf
. $ 4,00 per Ton
4 ?! T.. I. ,1
No.n " "
No. (I " "
Ill.u-ksinltli's l.iinipon wnaif ,
" lllluinliioiii "
, $ 2,r.o
. t l,vo
. 0,1111
QCIIOOI, OIIDKUS, blank, just primed and
O niatly bound In small hoots, on hand and
!ur b.ilo ut the COLUMBIAN UllUT. H'eU I'J, lSiS-t!
j Notice Is hm by (riven cf the Int.-ntlon of tbn
iiuu'-rinjiirii i ruMi-ei oi i ne i.une itiiijce Melnotllst
Kplsvopnl riiunh " Mtuateil near IVnlrotllle In On.
tre township t'olumtiU cuuntv to nnnlv for a char-
trrnsrrecablstotlio rules nnd form of dlielpllnc of
tlio Methodist L'plscopal Church or tho I'nlted suted
ui AUllTll-.l I-., , . ,m i.uw,
(1 T.. LOW
roiis-3t. Philip ii riik.
IiOliT coins to IIoiir-keeiiiiiL' should coll
f before purelMwiuj at tho Popular 1'irtli btoi o cf
and examine I
Kino Hon
Kxtn 11.
line stoe!: of Goods sulublefartiicir
comb Quilts lar-;e at 1.23.
j mil L'lrjjc limits wuli
i' 70, 2.r,o, ii.i'.j in :: ":.
lino MarM'illiH 0'iilH
?U.i Table Imcn-i from
a, to S1.2D per yard;
All Linen Ha
l:insatyl.2"), 1. oil, 2.2 j
o.OO per
do.eii. Linen
ToivoU 10, 20, 23
t-' (12 cents 'l'urki-li
Hum- Toivel-i S3 cents to
$1.0il Wool nnd Felt Talilo
Covcrx $1 -" to 2..".0 J'owelliiifrs Iiy tlio
yard lroiu 121 eenls up. Nottingham
I.aeo lor Cm ainsnt 20, 2S mid !,') et-. pery'd
r uus, e.b'.
Aho a great variety of other goods whivli
wo oner al lliu
vki:y i.ovi:st PiticKs rou cash.
Corntr i.i..i!n :iml 't'ltli tl Sts'rpfls,
ty viirrn: ok ax oudkii ok tiik
11 Ornban.1 Court of Columbia i-kontv. thound.-r-
buneil, udmlhblrMoru ot the Cslate cf Peter fi. Win
ner, uei-c--eu, win expose lo sale uy ruunc vendue,
Milurilil j, .1I;tacli i:itli.
Tho fo'.loivtn rel estate, Mi i A valimnblo
sltuato In Ilrlacrecl. township, In said county about
tv,o inltkfrom llerit:, bounilid by tho lands of
iicorKt! 1" Lo rn. l'h min.Slis. stulil niul thtiiuli.
Ho road l.wllng from Iilowmlniri; lo llerMck-, ami
contalnlni; about
All cleared and In tjood farnilotf coudltlou. There
nro on Hit j'R-mUi-sa,
ni t other outrbullJlni-s, ouo cll auJ two clateru
A Good Orohard and Fiuo Nurseiy.
i uo aoove property is within m-o mlnutoi iralK o
the railroad depot.
UONHITION.S Ol-' SM.U -Ten p.'r cent of our
fourih of tho pnreluso money tu bo tuldat tho Hill;
mx down of tho pioperty, tho one-fourtit U lh leu
HTCent.nt tho courli-mtttlon absolute mid tinlaiieo
inonojear men-alter nun luierrat rroui coiitlnaa
lion nM
ro.v,eitlon to be vlren April Hit A 1) 187-..
b.itu to eommence n 10 o clock of s.iltl day
I. m-'ayi;ti'i;i ukasy,
February leu elT AduilnUtrators
A OKNTS. Chmi; t'lian 'ells at idjtlit.
i. Ncei'.ssar ai map (!oo1 frfo Clua; ckuns;
17UKi:SAMPMCS ioAirenle.I.iiUM' Com
X blnalliu .Niiodlo-bouli irltlj riuo'iioi Si'iid
bump r r. un'c-ii ,-sow iioaroid,ji.i.H.tcuustiits
A (!KNT.s vVVNTKD for the f.i-t.'t ollIiiu
jL'wk o i-r ii in lihd Head fr sivtlnwa pie"
a., . our t-xii
tlSllliSl. , i
(J 5,000 Vol
JP I HmlAin
galii tlio hi
ell J.J9J in .tarn .
lid OUIl ft-at
nllli a .Mairl.
llluf.ilol.ial-- .
boot, Adiivw.
i- oie iu nt;i'L j,Aiior..i, i'L j
el idelpUi IM
no nT Ailli'iia, Con or t!u!il
.1 -ON .1 llorMll IIAUSAn iMll not
I AlUl'l lOlll.4 U) (llit.s. .ions'.
.iv oiliii-r nu. may fiuulnate uud uih-, lloos (.faiiy 'i-s n tlwy
. i lila i-buple, nifiitul al-'i:lri-loi-lit
in by niali, loi'i oium, tcci-tntr
t.uio,', iy piian ui-ieie, urunuis,
.ii-o.iln Nluiii Klilil Kc, A ';Uoor
. 1,'fiXI lf.l u.., l-.Hei. inila.
And til Throat Disoasos,
i Tim: svm:
tkAi by UruttW.
in nun: i iov.
First liirr CoNci-nr.
i 111!
.!,.,,! , It,
inn s ti i
uunn; iiuiidr
IVSAIiair 510, X870,
, Mir or ui ros.
1 inniicali inn
l (irjii'l ensh inn
t (imiid t'nAii nut
In cnslidlfiMiouiM each
1., c.isli (iirt!, fttmueneli ., ,
Ml cash (lifts, i nm wil
Cnt (lilts, ton .nci,
1 (ion cnsli (t(l, km esrli... ...
I O0O CllslMlirH, f, nmli .
,J MOO-.
. I0)
. lonoi
. TS ii-H
. f II W
. ion()
I imo Untilllfta, i-oesrli tnum
f,'l (nt)
ii its ca-li olfH, .imounlln tu ft eooo-w
Ninibrr of Tickets, 100 OtlO. '
rmri: or tickm.
Wlinle Tickets
10 ft,
I.lsrlil tin or oiirlt fdtiiiiin. .
Tl-kf Is fur . . ........
51 "0
Ion on
nic Monti-: "r ri.mnif,,. ir.i..iAn
I'nV'V !l,12..,-"-fl?!,,,w ''' v'nfinf ' "n ' urctut
( oini til omuLV Co.. imi:intr'lltv n ni..,ni nm i..
rcrt oestHliii-n mi endow n "llnina ror rim (ill.
iiMiftr ii I3""11'' i"ii ef viriflnl-i,-' nt Init-
nnvtrnTMnmro, nirhinonil. .tiih-3. 1T4.
W . .'Aif " u,". "''rll.vt.rtlicortlLcrsot Die
i,. i PC 1 i 1 ll"i-ui" AtwcUil .n, who restile
in tli - Nl inliyiir in.i hoiiv. iml t dlc-st iii.-lr
nVm0-1""'- J'";"- ,,'"',,h """ ,lh rwituilgn n-s
lleincn. iisiw-l mmi,,. pm.u,. eam. mminnre
II II liOri IS M6 TlIlMISIiri- fit a.11- t .....
V,n , :'IU'M tiV1 Vl i J-.11!!'. r,''ir-soim',i unions
1ti'1,'..i.i, vnY1"' I'MfCK. siov. Vlrtrltiln.
Alewtrli, u...lulwi, ls7(..- trninmemt
I','"1, 'J" ,'fi,'"t'1 of In r nti.l Intf-rtty, niul fully c-n-
lll-l lolfie ootuiil ii'-e ot the ,,.,t,tV.
mill .., i. ii-. it r. ' u" Kieol t'llC.V
i- HviiiJ.' S" ' i-'iO'''nior, of Va.j Hon. Itoh .
I.. Withers. M-ul.-ilot., i f V.i.. i,mi f. h senator
cl,,T1' .I','"1'"' -"''I "'j' '"'lors of i 'onjrresH from va.
l.i-n ;tm'';sir ltd,, is mni lie miulebv i-vpn-is
P.U'J iih V;,st,",nl'-'einon"i-ot.'-r on VwHlilnitun, l.
C, or by Ui'ulsteretl lelti r.
l-'or fllll lirtftll.ll.. IPMlrni-ttitn,., i,.i.1fnMi.u .Vdtress, ll(S.JAMl:si'.AIti'.'l-l,
i,,t,, t I'res't V. r. II. A.. .tpmi.lil.i, Vn.
Itellabfc nsonts watitcil even where. Jim. 90,75-iw
111.1 -.ono ACIIIN Np.irr.illi-oi
TltM gootl. Adlre3 wjl.s I
Denton, .Mnrjljhd.
No.irr.illiimil l.oentlon health).
lllI)iii;i.Y, Attoriiuy,
O No lilaeliimlllis needed. Money suvod. nnd
I'u ksalwuHli.irp. l-'or llliislri.tcilcln iiliir uddre
Tub Tanite Co Mioiidsburif, .Monrrxi to Pa.
MOM'.Y ;isilv mmle Iiy FelliiiL' TKAH nt
IMPultl CIM'PI.'P I.S, w- si-ttlni? up rlubetli
loiiiisnhtl eoliiilr f'ir Iho old-'t lea i'omp..riv In
Ainei lea Or- Mi.-t Induei ni' iil . .'.end or circular.
CAN ION H;A CO., i httinljers St., ,N. .
II u
Al!i: YOU
Are sou so I unsold that any evrilon rtvpdres more
oi un enoii i ii.iii ou i ( i i-apnoii' oi inahinu--;
Then to .itinibi'lta, thv ioiid, mil li-afe nnd In
Myortitnr, e. hlrh ai'l-. vo ln-hi il'-l.tlly on tin si-cretlve
cu'tf ins as ft) impart Ui.r to all t-u ft.: res.
II Is no iiifohf-ile i,i.pi ii r. i-li-li Mtniuliitis for a
short llni", imiyloli-i Hie 'iiurerer fall loa lower
depth of inl-ery, bm It Imu .-'i-t.iole tonlo ac-tlnjf
Uln-etl on tlio liver ami i-ph -n.
It rejful ili-s th- l.'oncli. muI.-I-. tiir nerveft, nnd
Rlu-s htieh n health.1. t"in- to tlo- Mliolo s -leia to
soon loaK,' Itie inialld feet in.t a iicv pirson.
Us ( Ion tun I M-ili nt. but K i-liuuu-H-il.i'd by
ureal irentleiie-s: Hie t olti-nt ep il- liee-mosudili-n
change, lioiaai-ketli, .uh bill u'railuall hlstioutlcs
"1 oiu ineir li'lil. line llio .Aran-,
And silent Is t.leal aw.n."
This is no new and untiled dlseoiery, Imt has
been ion? Hied ulth v.ondnftil renieillal n suits, nnd
is pioiuiiiiu-eii ny tno 1.1,'i.c.ii moment ituiiiorliles,
"the- mo-t pminful ionic and altcralUc Known."
Asi; jour Oriiilst ror It.
1'i.r sale bv .loA.NijlON, IIOI.I.OWAY & Co.,
1.1 ii 11 : SAMl'I.i:'! to Agents, i.ailirt'
I II I 1 1 Nm-I!i-IiihiI..'v. IiI, I'htoiuos.
Deax Co., New Pedtcid, Ma-s.
c-nd stain.
.It. Adl
and II Nassau Mivut, New York.
rl for the fastett Mlllnir book cier nublishcd.
M'lid for s;sclneh p. e-i-i and our iliu le.ins lo
Acents. NA1IUNA1. l'l CO., l'lituiiht.
I'll I A, I'll.
I Ul
Mm I iMilinnlO I 'iiMrt nf , -iit'itnl.tii i- ill til v t Im itn
sii.edas idiul.'dsliai'.rif Ili-nryK Hare, late of Die 1 i.eitorsif on the estdnor Philip
town biii ,.f l...ea t. lu s.i 1 1 count;', deceased, will Utttuer, r.. hit-' of I m-ii,t township, e.iiintv f iiol
expos.' 1 , 1M1II.- sa'e. n tlie preintses ou I iliablj. M u of l'i'ioTV'..inln, dm .. -d, lur been
fcKtlJvUSlJ' ."3iI't't: Jt!, tHIfi.
The follow Indj-crlbod All that
ecru .n
Tf?F.A01J OF
situate In I o-i il t ti m n- hip. In sal-1 eount.i , ad.1 inhis
laiiu-'if rtiilomon en the north, lands of
I evm uud M llll. mi I.i.ioii ou I lie cast, and
of ii.ibrl'.l lino an.t Jlaro on the dumb, C'ia
TL.V AN!) 0.l-:-FOU'lTlI AC'IIF.S,
lloro or J -at, on wlilo'n Is ercc-tod n two-story
The land is i.Ilelcnir.l.
TiTtM,.: -Tuiier i.-ntof onn-fouriIi of the pur
chase motiej Mi ill Uo p,k!'l at the lill;ln,' donn of
the pn-pertv, tho one-iourtli Ie-n lh" l-'ii tier eent. tit
llio ,'ouliiiii-ill-in ii'isilot.-, nud th" reiu.ilulni' thico.
f mrthsln one iear th.'ivafli r Mltn Interest from Iho
coiiUniiiiilon 1 1.1.
P., -ics ,loa flu n on P.rsf d of pr!i, 1. on pur-
cnaser eompi. in'.' xvitti icruis oi auu , uiei ifiiinif sc
( ,:i-ii . roc iiKiiii- nt i r ion i-ii. i'u, i.ior.i-i'.
Nile to co'utiume-, el oi." o chick, p m. of said
day. ULl'liLN l'A!ii;i.M.l'i:, Adair,
ic-bnnry, sth, is;.i
Valuable Towit FropBrfcy
Pavm at Frigate
fSIIU tinJerilKiieil, ono (if tlio rjxecutnrt of
X liil-jmiK vi;AVEi!.uceiaiod, offernat private
C.ll i IIIC- kl'UUIIIll I I1IU1IU1U J'l V'C t.j, lu l.ll
with o'lt.biill llnL'i and lot atweliad. flltiiTtd on
SI.ilii s-lre, t, niooiiitbuit,', Pa. '1 Mi bousu li nuliablo
ior two amines. me two-story frirai dnvlllnf ho't io. w'.t'i
oui.biilldiuL-s. fiaino stable and iftaid Lit utt.-olu-.l.
This piopjity Is oieKbltu tile Hi-ldenee of tho luU)
Dr. Yost.
Also, one twn-slor) fr.imo dnelllnf houso with.
si 'in-' o'u ouiituii'rs aii-i tot uii.icuoa bii,"a on
nui-ii sir.-c-i, iiioouti.iir, i'a,
Ais. ), tlx i.'i-iut lot- situated on Puiiith street
.M. a vidua I. e farm -Hit it -d one. ha r n-.l e troni
the loan of .U'KwiiinMUe, I'u, bald run.-i ooldalbs W
in'! i ..or nun.
l-'or l-.'1'm.i of ii-iln apalv to
C'OIt'tKLL. II lOeut ir.
l'eb. 12, '15-Sui. IIIooiusuuil', l',i.
OYMrtieof sundry xvritj uf l'i ri Ir'arlos Umi
I ) mil ol the Court of t umuion I'li-u.e ,f I'o'uuibla
eounii, and lo mo unv led, will uo isxposi-ki to puu.
liu miiij uu iiii- ikk'uii.ii. tkin.-r-Hj it, nivu uii
Snliti'ttay ilir Ui.'i tlaj t l' yiiii-t li 1!)75
nt two o'i lock, p. in., the follolue;dei-bod proiir.
ty, tij-wlti
All that certain lot of lm lining a llnio quairy,
r-lkililii. III III" l,il ,'l .null, WUllllllUl k lOlllll,,
Pa., hound -d i n ihe on-,t ny ipiarry lot of Wurp o t. Jul
l'lirsel, on tho iicilhUv land of Anion noon, ouitio
io i uy anoiuei- quairy lo, oi acMso u, iti.-e, on tue
Bu.llil.i land if taii-u ias'ii aial .lesse IV. .Meirel:
on i. hleli are etei-ied u diu llln boj-i,, t ible, iillleo
uiiu uiiiit-k uuk uaii'iiu. s, t (ill,, j.iiu i IVUi
one oilier nu.irry lot sliualo In the mime town-lili.
h'ltonn u., croon nuiur, lot, buunded i-n the tini bv
the.iboii, iluserloe-1 lot, un tlie inirlli bylaulof
Anion lioon, on uiu wesi uy laiii loi laio ouonil
Mhllu ilei'e.'iM'd, aud on Iho soulli bj I.i'id of arou
i i'o 1 1 : on uunn mo ii imoiiin,' lu.iio an 1 out bull I
in', and llireu Iliac. 1,-ilhs.
All llr.t certain lot i f land Ml uaie In Miidlon (own.
snip, i oiiiiikii.i eouiti, , oouuiieit ny innus of Iieuiott
llll'l Ml-lllUT Oil ill' iienu, il, HI e
un lu-' e iil, (i. 1', i lirl.taln mid V. luiniu
S.iuth, V.deiiilii" lil.lir un I u pul'lle on tin
v,' c iiiialhliiJ Olid .loi'ej inure nrlu.i-,: .ieiiin
ui-, d a iramo dmllluj,' h jus , u laro baru,
u.i, u-ii ..'.ll'lllll,-. , l III. ll,Vil IVI..IWII'-..
si I.. I taken into e umiUIjh olid to uu uold ai tli'j
irne,-, , i iiessu 1', kiiuu.
Hherllf is i.lJice, SUUUAni, (IIIOYEH
Blooiiisbuiif, fob, 17, im6-ti. Mierltf,
ON 1C woii.l.n e.iili (I'.v.imI Inlilice to m local,
id d a u-ilut tu ls-i:.-.t louiioiilii.- ver It .,Wu -.
(reili, near N. Ko .tontmudor'. i-eout,.twu feet
lour, tno itouim.' t. ilaut fe t hlfii, met,, i11(
.il -"""li-l'iw blWOk-MU IGCk V .I'll, bUUlll V Ul
twelii, feet eaeli,
oi,u wo Kleii br ed t'on rcil l,tl,V". to he I .imtud at
a p -IM iKir in, irliitl us mm, oter liouiiijii'iiuit,
lioai ipKi'tii'k tuwiisliip firty-iliii f,t Iuuk, two
iiii'i, lie ill" oi-iii in i uiMU. ni'ii uiiuf "UIC', 1IUKII
, !! ' k-k ikon ulAlt'tll u-tll, tKiiuil S14U iwillu rifeiH'Cl.
IVel .
m'i, ul I inert at Yeauer'n butt I, la Nlutitoun, on
Thuisduv libiuiio 'i . Ifl tilHiinlo udoti it
in. and -. p in. to rn'iliu I'lupo-al , 1 1 build mid d. 'iliociiitr.ul lll lf ,r llm bulMluir. '-II.
laif o, nil euuipluU) I'ur 4uimuiilMitliii'iituiut
limn be at uu roll loo.
L'uii.hiK ichci-b' oniee, WM, I.AWIOV.l CoiaVl
k-io- iiiswuin, rn, uicit,;r.l(, or
i on. o, i i . .jours i.. r i
l.iKt'kiui'ii, ( leik
t'ul. l o
A TTOItXI-.Y S 1,L VNi:s. ( uuumm
1,11 1 I
xv .looeineni iioua.,, j,i'i 1 1 u ( d lid for
IIIU LUU HlllAn UlllC'e, .1 J 1
COCl UllliN OniC'e. All I. . I f Altkillil.i-u I l .i l 1
nhc-r kept ou baud or pi luttxl to ordir,
O TIIIitVoH Tlill YRAK JWWXH Al'ltll. t,
is. 11
Amount rt tmntlratn ' from former yenr
Itoeoivod fro.u p ihIuco ot farm..
, i 1,M(I.I
1 .")
1 tTTirlw
Amount pM for keeplnjr paupers
I Ml .
iml 1 for AlUirm-s fees ami ciwt on
Biiltof West Hemlock vs Madison .
ih tmlil im Mini
1 ".'!
iiald fl, II. Mont for p'linp .
i.i i.i r..r iitm. nfni tiiuiso l.iit?
fir iiintlcsl (UU'iiil.Uieu paid Ins.
Cliulunli'l Hunter
MoiHTailons to collector
col celiir's uinl treasurer's cimunts-
C 1-111 I
directors tee fur t year, 4 monllis
iiinllinrs' fepa
lialonce Ono township
!M .SO
VOL M A" II K .I.EII, 1 "hi, poor.
Wltlii Auditors of Mamwn lowiuhlp, liaveeJ-
ninlnut the ntiove anil Hint it inirccl.
T. 11. (I'N'lt.K-, J-AuiMtcre.
.Tan. i, ,tn
SHdWlNC tin- nnmtihUof Indibledinw, llio
iininunt of nwtl i, Ae.. of tif Town of uIoh'M"-
bui'ij: prepared .old puwislieil by tno Town i von'
ot slid mvtn, lu niT.-rdiinee with the ruipili'm nts ot
I he Kl n eetl in of the Act of ssemMy of Apt II 111
lsii, i-ni:t!-d. "An ot t' tin' manner ul in-er-asln
- fie limeblednes, of munli'lpailHiw tu pro.
Mil, tor i.tu-r-il'-.nollon of th' sun-, and to lipo
peualtli'H lor lh" Increaw I Uereof.
Fund '.1 debt, viz l
Ilon l No. i, iliiit-1 Xov. n. m, (lilt! Oct. 1, lSi-l,
nlth lull rest from not. I, ISM, pa.uibl! an
nuallv, n-lermaM" at tho option of tho
Tim n, lifer Aptll I, P.U, , AM
Ihteivsl, on the iuip froil Oct. 1, 1tl, (lip to
whl-li limotln' lutiriMtlui boen paid,) tu, t-i.'.,
llo id n. 1, di-t.'l Nov a, mi. (1'ieOi;M,1S75,
witli lot. r. -t fi-.en net. 1. I -Til. p:i'..lbli, .,n-
iiunl'o. r Mle-in.iblo at. tlio vplloaof lh
Tom n. nfb-r . vt. 1. I'-.-t.
IW i rest i n thet'ii. from O'f. 1. lUl.ttlp to
winch rim- uw luier -bi n,n uocn piuu.) 10
.1.111. i
0.011 No. :i. il.itt-1 Nov. 3, 1st?, duo OcM. lTii,
uttlilnPr Itiem vt. I. I ii, p.iv.mi , on
iiually, reilei'iii.ildo utupllouof tlieToiih,
nili i- Oct. 1.
Interest on I ho froia Oct.1,18T,l, to .Tan.
Si. I1,
Uond No. I, dntml Nov. .1. nil, due Oct. 1, 1SIT,
wnu lnti'n -jr mnn uci. i. i-aiw, pajaoioiiu
liitall: .redeemable al option of Ins Tov.n,
nfti-rll. t. 1. 1S7J.
Interest on tlie siLtnefrom (i 1. 1, hv4, (epto
v.ineii itni,. tue luicrost nan oeenpiio,) m
.Ian. '.'T, is;ri.
Cettlili iiu-.i of lnd-btedncis lo I). Stroup. !
UiRfird i-f cintriieted by lilooui lown'unp
l.t'eviou-lv (o the Act cf liieorp.nitlon;
now tne .iml nnviiLile. 1.!iOBi
Interest on the same from Hep. 55, 1814, (up to
wh'eh lloif. Ill , Intxiri.r.Miiw lie-Dii nAlil.l tt
.Lu, '.-;, 1 -is, co.ct
ritn"i. f d a. !2:
Aiiinuiit , ( "rdeisontatnnillntf, l.OI'.Sl
AtnooDl dne Munrlri i-u-i-miiIus nn liotik nc-
eillUt. 130.70
li iiiinsegnrl-lns from the wiienlnscf Mar
ket, meil. In tn r, ii oniiilit. lowll!
Annm.t d'lo .Tiitoi.,i-i t. I r.l-.lni
" " .latm irj 1. HI", Mi.'KI
Inierel on said il.iinnifin tmia 1 1 moot eot.flr
innllon to .1 ,n. if", 1in, 171.11
li-iinaif-'s nil-Inn rroin Mldenlnjri f t'tnlro
Hfi I, lielnj- unpaid, i
Ati.outit du.- Ail.'. I, i-t.'., l.f-0
lee. 1. lI-i. 1. o
" " .'.mi', i. is;.-., l. ""
" " J t-t . I, 1 ,'1.H).(K)
iut re ' i ii tii. -. tae rrum tlmo ( f cthhnt'.a-tt-.n,
to. I in.'.'l, i-,;., S-B.M
Amount I irei uneoMe. t -rl. f n- 111" ear 1113.
on liutll.'.ite In handn-f r. ii. li'tlleiimji, 121.00
Aumnt tavra niii-elleet d. fur tho jenr
lsn, on (li!p!luUiMhha!.diir .M. Wjiikoop,
eolleeler, -is;
C.isli n handset V.'. II. Koon Ti :utirer. less
les eoininl-)ston-i, Hl,li-ii ,-r lo be di duett d. lios.1'3
I lacs, In tho handa or lM-owenbeiff, l iesl-diiili-rt'ouiifll,
1 1, en so, I n t he hands of 1). Im't-nVrr;.'. Trod
den! oi t'ountll, M.C!
(luiviiinitUiir si-nvnl (1, I ts. towl:
line troin sitndrj pi rson-i i.n Uu I; ai eo'int. 161.93
line irom sundry ners-'iis. a senaineiit t-t
(onlrlbullui:;, on Mario t si reel op' liliiir, SvCOJ
i rein sundry persons, en cenlro urect
tipcnlDK, S0J.0-)
irom sundry persons, on rum in btrcct
op 'idn-, ir.v)
Lands, to wit:
I- ariii, oi.o:.i.ofi
Suburban, ll'.i.-is M-o
II- illt up, 4II.17MW
i'eisonal propertv, 27.0.W.-O
Add trades and occupations li.l.tAM 0
. I.otnl, m;.sib.(i0
.Mimui-r or nogs, ire.
11 rst r.v i'i:it, .ei'Mtnry. Prerliient of Coui.c It.
lilovintbuib-, Jarnairy i lsi,-,, ;;t
town-'.!, , l'i., tu wh mi all, ,wt to ...Id
-ii-' ii- i, --i .iiiiiu i-iei ijr i m jueivei i oeiisl
r--t re i, e re mi -.t"d to inn.
li ,ia;r 1 1 ii'iis i r d'-mands will
i-..i:i.i Vilu.out d' I.,;-
j'l'ii 'ri.sTi-
l.l.H 18 Dl'IlY.
Feb. P.'-7.Wv
d. and th-
, Known the
A fii'.N'TS W'vNTLOl l)it,Ii,i.i Awaiilul
fn llilTXttt; '
r.i X HTOKIAL lilliLI-Js
1-miIJ.: STHATIOM!. AiHri'.' for f lu-dire, A,
IloMIAN e. CO., iil'uAichst, Pl.iiad, Ipl.lj.
A in-w liook. ffranii-t.' ami fittlt mid r HaMt. ron
inline hiN pvpi'')'. ti -ii- i.nt tils.- m rl' f- In me v.iiUf
Uf AMi'tl, M-ll Jjtilt !(.,' jufCP TtlKlilt liRlhWV.
AlvjllMIsiAfI( hv He". Hi.i.Al, WIPtt,f.,f till
hlili'-. , r.(i pr. s.
ft rtirri AXr. t') V.Mlk fin tht-sCi honkKrl
,tC;',,1 V:. . " 1 h,,i'- l'1'-!!'! 1 J IMS, AtlTUOMH
jpua:; .i. ciiu-o! ji, ji. j,
rrori6rcr i;jo and Par m-ea-esln the ralvcrsIH'
II MU., Sl'l.Cl'OS IK B.lllOl',
Thlii Iiistltullon, csHibll.-heil lnrnecftl:e larccst
ouihh oi'L-ittili
.inn iiiiv.-1-.i, nni-iiiii,' i, in , ,rI id 'nro, 1. uii
I nud lit led 'i iveiy eomtu-
leiiee ior in.', ii-iiMen-i',iu.iiti,f nersoi.ssna,.,-!,.
from i:vi!M1 Kir titseie
i. icu pntient ins u iiiiu't'or l.i ui:n.,':f, nadrc-
. -uh, ;,iii;fii,n iiiia UK laioiiy i --l ies In tlm m.u.
.. . . ii"iu pi.1.1"-, inir' n.
lute, a very ffivat coin ml n, e to the siek", e.-nectulic upenuvu upon, wan can he lU lied al all liu
(mil ui ii iiiwiiti-iii n ,ILI e e,
SiTl'liuw d Mil.w liifjinntl, n MIU apply by klUr
VV;!l-i'l'?o.i,;i. AL'0-MII'l'TK OUTl'lT
U 1 ''I K. Me wuntu suitable lvrson in
i .T.,,."..UV " ',l !h''iindiMui' goods
1 K.iods of oil Kl'.d- in eonsl.iid 'use ami wear, 'in,'
o isti.o. ti. house in Auitilea, uth-i merlialta
lidll-u n I.AKim i asii piv to the lulu n im.u.
a mn eiiaiii j r..r uu, male or fc-iiude, al our homes
Or tl 111 111 I if. Nu link. If .1011 kO to ui.ll; wB will
rIvitl:i.'.Vl.'.r.;iV'."" .I"''?''"w '"'-' oisampiis nnd il
T 1 1 V f-i'iVinTi1..1 ? 'ttrl'," 1,VIV tM,"y rnier, of sto
'P i (,' l jn.,r p lifs tier "uii i-i ii I'l.'i ui! V iifii U:
I''. Mud lu eeiiiHiuratiicipiKiik
biforo .;ou for ;et ti ! spi-ndM lt, ,'r dun,, v'",- s
wanted iur,., 'nisf i oini, l- l. i," Al.l I II '!
C ,,. 1 V. ,'. ..!'.. P.K'i.iraiiUd cumiissusj
x i v-v V. , ;, ' I , "iV; '1','V","'s.s llllins, s, s,
" ' ' """aiUMlCTI, liailllliOI'C, Jid,
JVInncrsof Throo lllfc'hest Medals and iilDloim,
oiioi, nt Menna. 'H. and 1'i.rli, m, iiu.v oil,'. ,.
iiei .Win tun nt i f the Host ( ahinei (inrun" In 1 1
Wor dilnuuillns,' new n5ies win, re, wit mh!o.
VM,!!!!..';.n'.,!rl''.n,s,,,,!;'',)' 'Ma'iiis.iheiu,Mi,;.
ui-iiii-, tiui intit rriuiii l inr t'nk i. us r, ,.-, ,f, i., .
of I'tin-luiHC'. tu am' jwiit'i r Hip riiuiitrx l b'.'.
iHiwn.-iii X-...-..II, r u in urns. Illustrated latalocVut
nnd c Iron law. w i h nm ,, .hi,.,,,,..:, . . : V.'.l.l'."u ."
(litobt. Addrc-s, .MAsoS ,v iia.mus i,i!i."'s i o u
liostjii, ixew Yori; or Chli-.i't-o
'.vpi'vlxiily's own I'liyaicifin
, W. (.1 ht-ON. l. I). t miLr.!,!.-' .....
paes benuttfully lli,tl,,t ,,, 'n.'.",
lueind. i oni.dn-, inalter ju-t tidt .t'nw
of i'M-iv fain v. liter v.x .1., . ... .. . "
ho.d b 11 copies lu uiiu week, iUi Hi. r nJ i'n tl,i. , ,f.
I 1 i I S A VT- 11 l,ud anotlier
u'lCfii." .Z.WJ ."Vs. lrri-
Marvltind Kvo niul VMV In-thutt
titi 01il1 rtmrW kii. . 1 n-.i ...
tmwill . 1-lll.lM), M, U., l.ate Pli.ri.iJ l- ,r I'm,. . . .7m . ' ' " 1 I it. .1111.
, L. . . 1 "i t mint!
,, , . ., Ullfc'll ll III I lialiie:
IU1U 111- surc-el't I , tlie it 1.1.1. Ii ....
I'miioi 1 but i , ,. .'V. . . "".'. " . 11111 is
1 111- uirtre uaiiust, ,u. ,i..i.iih , .1,.. 1..... ,
wMli ado .1 111 Vifl l.ilnil ,'" l'PIi.'
tue p in mnitld ef ILlM pI.isk . t m J: "''1 ''.
pl.- b, I, ttti- tu
UI.UKI.K J( I L1MI, M. 11. '
"luiKeoh lii chaise.
IWSTIXI' I.Pl.iiiaiM-,w lu.ine SIulo cVii.
ineh, no a we. k w niiulil. d. yoci 1 nil iiifui,,. 1
.1. in ui,,, h ,,it tutu. i,,.'WLliilm. a .' iS'
with (I , . nt riitu. 11 k(.iiii ti 1 . iii 1
X. Y. "
liOM-', WPliuiaiibuii-,
fj (in I'ni.vnxii
i:i:it;ti:d i'uomi'tly
At the Oolujihian- rw.f,n
W ' V'4i,
AVE .HWT l!r.Ci:i Villi find nre in;-riii
r-irinln nl Vpr.-low prions ono m nic if
..ntsof cAUI'lli'M nor iiileroil. for f.le.ln
the town of nioom-t-ir? Tliev nro nil liownnu jii
! :. titi. l'iiw .irv tram, as ecnUi to Iter .varil. I'etl Rli'l eo them.
' eo rpHTR. a:iriisTT.
on now mi'1 moil pop ilnr IwU by nn of Itio litre
out KUlMcrlptlon limn In lln ci'inlrv. JOnniM for
ukvuki t. limits fur tl.J'.Ao.
No Irn'O'ioif. i
i,.r clreul ira ulnl ' j'j, Ailitroii,
P. (I. Ho ow .Urt
nm, oun.
riMlU New York WHLKhY WIT.NKN8
I Kitluif Nffi, Msilml"., -t-jrlf". l'l''t'iros. unit
iu7n i ! l-'lUonuP! si l.ii a enr, rosimep.nii, nu
...I rlfr.iOi.lhrt. ,h Hire ,ntJ. Munil (OP
,,;,, MKnift opr.
wrUA ' 1 know niHiut ak-i
A lent',
liorr In
Vt i-loar'li totJiionr innntli RflMn
Ap.ily .it
in e i-ipwm. J am nnd nirri.
loll, I
(U KKSKY, ovird , N. II.
NOTICK I' In.i'iv ;ivni, thnt tin 1!1 iti'iis
ii'ira'i.ts ooT.p' ,;. tt'.upT in -'ivi.'e j,!ee nnd
iiiniish m. tfrii fi i'f. el!l-( ns of nio'im-i-i iss for
iu.m wlure tv dlsitiK.eo rroin tntr-etiloi-s
eveedr.iif"( of M f.'"l will lie eh .r.-etl at
tin rutft of M cento porf.iot until Heplein'i r lit,
l"l.i. e. W. !IU.l4lt,liecrot,iry.
Sept. II, 'M.-tt
"VTOTK'K N licrili given that n bill will lie
V lntrotPi' oil Into tin.' i.eonrul AsteiLhlj- of I'mn
silvniila to rerV il no a" enlltle.1 "An ct, r.-emlnsr
HiaHln Moti.i'li.m cf III- boroaxh of Ashland n llio
(iitn'vuf .eiiu)iklll,nn reiiiioie for ihci'mnllM
or seittMkl I aiel i.jl.iii.oi.1." ann.ovi d too i.-'.hduy
ul Man h, Hf. -ltfusl, Jult. LAZAUl .
Jan. nn, i i-n
JiiL. 11STATB !.' J! VllTIt I U U.T.tlK. PrrKjinKI.,
... lien ,.l -iiiiiikiii.iii .11 ti.ii till , ,-iy I- nine 01 ,li,riii.k
llnrluiaii lite it fi ott tnwunlilp, ntumbluiouiity.
docoaiert, liav" I en intcd by I10 liptfit-i' of sitfil
eonnly to r.iiiuii l iliirlraan of nlil 'kshloii..'. M
lionsitis havlea ilultui iivrMUH l".e ostate or ,h" de
cedent nrereii"!'l, d to pi nt llicmfornolilii' nt,
and those liulebicdlolh'' - Sato lo make pn mont to
tlio underKljfueil leindid I'aloi- nlthiiurdrhii'.
i.tiit.11 r.u itiit; 1 iti.i s,
Jan. 4ir Adminlstfiior,
btiltkH.itnn, Lucerue coiinl,, , I'a.
rst HBOi rrntr nr-v. nErt AiKii.
toners in Ao.uiniKiruiion on 1 nt csiiiu, 01 1 111 ii
llnssliilo of .-ui'Mrlosf iowns'di('oiuniliii( n..d'reaii-
cd, have li -en ;: iUOA l tlie I.Tjl-leri f snlii 1 ooioy
lo John linni, of lint Id un Post Olheu. -llli'iin
coin, ty, I'er,n?y ti-n'... Ml pi-riot.i ImMnj; e.,inH
iuf.dimt Ul" , .'ate of die ,e . dent .ire renui' .1, d lo
tin -ent. uu m lor m in, nieut, and those in-i.y tea to
Ilia isltno lo nuike pa Lieut to the under ad
ministrator without delay. JOHN mm -,
Adnilnlilra or'
Dee. tww" Sill count.., I'a.
il. KuTtTaoyjoiiM rosrov, MioEtfEs.
I,, Iters of Administration on lie, estate, of John
Huston, late of Pishing Creek township, ("'(..uir.bla
county,, d, lutu, been irrat.ted by the Uckis
t(rofs,iid countylo M.,1 bias Postun. eiv CoPitii
bus, l.tiicrne eounl.t, nnd I). I.. chaplu, Davidson,
Minium couiili, I'a. All p'T'ona liaMhif clalnn
iitf.ilusf 1 In- est. ,,f tn,. ftee, dent, nro re.pu sled lo
pri nt them fi r s-itlemenl, end Hi tr ind.-lifd 10
lhees'.de lo u ik iMjim-nt to the Ulidcrilyiicd i.d
itilnlitiator's II ii'-nt dfla.i.
;i . 1 , 1.'.'. ! si'DN, IMMdsen,
1). I., c ii W I.N, New 1 oluinbtis,
a v. luI blT farm "for"salT.
ril,Iilie mill l,y I'ulilic Vendue on the
ti prend-i'Hln lto.11 1113 creek tmvn-.hlp, Coluui
bli coun , near I ho liiick I huivli ono
Mile f loin Chi iilUKion's Uiiu, on UciIiiCmU' the nili
day of I'lbruiirj; is!.-,, Ilic faim on xv Ich tho stib
bcrlbcr n tides,
more or less, nil eieate.l except about In acres, nn
v, id, h Hi reeled anew DU f.'l.I.l.Nd uoffK, M'.W
1IAIIN, and ottiir (i,ilbiill,IIii,-.s. 'lime Is a ncter
fallli'KblU'anioi walir near the barn and a food
sprii.,'allliehoii-e. A biryc nunibtref xour.s'uiid
liulfiy fruit trees, t.f nil turlitlcK, ni.d so iw -in
bcailii!,' npp!e lues, lane been planted nnd nro
(.'towliiifon tlio pniiilscH. 'll.e soli Is asandi loam
of trocd (lUiudll.i, and under frond eullliall.n. It
has i-n well Ill.iediii.d Is otlicrwlso in L-oud con
dll Ion.
'Ilium or Si.k.-,.V'0 to t,e paid 011 delliervot
deid and the I1.1l.1tue In annual pajnicnls tobr se
eui. d b Jud-j cut. JOHN IiLOSs.
1 MIII'OlTT'.'liliS.
loeAiiof Apill m,ls.M, rerjiiiicd Assesrors, S11.
peixluorsund ( oil, clornof l;o.ui nndsduoi taxes to
in:uorilurii.stotl,e('iainty c,ii(iiI.sslonei, fortbo
(ol.ittlon of all ltt.xescn unseulid lands;" nnd such
jet in, i Mall be i;ood and talld if tnnde on or before
tho urbt day or I cbruary of tneh y ( ur, but n t there
idler, by net 1 f 1 1 lu-uary, ls;-s.
U hen unseated lands 111, i,,,t rccul.irly iisscrkiI
and si t Ijith In l.icntplleide.thei olhctcisof Head.
!eh.,olaud Poor luxe-., I.1.01M11T t:,e rate, which In
nil e.i-i-sHiionlJ he -el firth In till.- dupil, at,-1, tlm
uli.ii is, .- the hMine, un, i.mKc the iclurii liu 111-
aBlM'r. I'oftll hhOtllll p.- ;m fullow,,
,. ',,11, .,'".f',,r , Towr.nblp for
- Is III lis oil the (hi .r tulittitln-i
1 useiuea i.mus 11 , n,si vmH Ik ui diipili ale.
I omnil-alooi-ro oi Coluinbiii count; , lev,,, too un
sc.ii, -.1 lahilnol ,i(t ii.te."
sel rorih In Hindi pile.ite.ieturiieacli tro, t, -villi the.
ui u.10, and j.ite that these tracis-vcre ss, d
imp, 'hi ,u'u'ur ""I'bcalo for . ullcctiuu, undniiuiln
,1 M.'fm'o'f3 '.T" "Wl'irt Of-wed nnd set out In
n.A V1.Wlrt',U'u -!'!lcet,,rlstl,e prop,-,- r, r. tu
i'l f't'"". V.i '11 Hint Is net the, -i,.'. tl.o
J i."r',-,r,.?1; c,c''",'-an maHc icliiin of sai l ruU'iind It U
Ih.if (l'it in (Ju t(
...?'uiil'"t''','?jl ''list oin 1j not t'lasr-ws and rite un.
u.u unfiw 1,1 '','',"iliccii'y, but toii'turn tho
inn .1 to the t oim.iKloiicrs.
i ,oL ,'a'i"' Al'nl' '''" we. si, "All real est ite v 1th-inihuu,n,mo,m-
,,iin.r-n v.liieli n-r. onel propirty
e..ti uottie fo ml .sun.i-lt-nl to pat the . v.t. ,
in nf !,' "H'Shlls In xMif-U such l,,nus lie,
shdi ti,. i-iitii'-to the i ii'i.iul!ioii( rs."
luiKeiors ii'iikliiK returns or sedwl land-, riusl
ai w 11 at-,, rum am to 'aid r. turn stutinjr tut there
in.ot pr, ivt-iy n iiu.t or ciiiiei of Hald tlm U Hturn
e.l suhici nl to muke taxes .--sidt!,erioi,.
no tear fir Ipeli tn.x. s an, w-c'sritaiul the-
.. . . ....i-i. i,n ,u ,,lM (. ,lllt, u cumiiic.
1.1111111k leiur?.' OlPce,
iiloouibbuijr, Jan. J, 13I.V
v.ji. i;r.icr.'.'Aoi,
it iii-u:.
iitmii'jiii, una aiitt ot:tULi riiia
Plumbing and Gas Fitting,
lawh'.fli thoybavo hsdmiiiiy ear3ef experience,
AllMGi-Uot IhlsliliHlxiirini.led loboet tho
best Uescilptlcunud executed lu tho
most xioikmanllke manner,
lias PiiQ Laid at 12 Cents An
Foot !
rftcaiu Engines! ami lioilors,
Steam ami Hand Pumis,
Tipo ami Fitting.-?.
A Splendid Assoilniont of Chan
ilclit'iN, Brackets, Lmnp?, Slimlcf?,.
Bronze Ornaments, Ac.
Tin: CKuiuitAini)
I'Ul'KICTs, ll.ljjs, J!0VJ.3, Ae., Ac.
lest Paul's Lpl OIMl thnrrl, ; .'?!..
Oct. t, ', I
. v , u c.XUl
eliill., NoroTlir,.-, l.
tliunza, Crouji, Wliooj.
", l'"iili, IldirM-ness
lxiTt'omiilaitil, I'ulns
' r ."-ore-lies in tlls.
C'lii'lorSMe, Illu,liB
l;w.Hiiii,1(1i,t, ureB ((-a.
I ll rMI.WUMJtKwlllul
' dn up .-i i cum, i nil leira
e . .M, Ullll most Iflrtetlle.
"' in-I'M and i, lAyrt iiriuli
a-.- of the Komuiilut.
,r ill
ut i
' id
"iiswniptioo. can h nnv-ri
.. .-..."" v 'lll'TS S,l-l.l -.. 1,,'V,l.. ,.,...
iii a Ti o .in-',; tMtV"VAUff,e.
.nui.W. Tidy
mil. iiKAiw. '
I t 1 l-UII., f
.1 i "isiim. At',. All. Cl,e y ,,rih,,j llt ,f
HI an Wnici'.
.nrr.Advo,'tlsInO Bonts,
THinD & CHESTNUT UT9 0T. L0tl, Mtt