I THE COLUMBIAN ANT) DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSRITRG- COTvUMEIA COTTNTT PA THE 00 Ll) 1,1 BUN ItlIOllSlil-ItU, I lillHY, I'KlillCttlY IJ.H73. Kail Itoait Time Ttitilc" I.AOK.UVAet.VAfiHLOliMSIIt 110 IIAIMIOAH ..... SOUTH. SOVTII. lr" Wf A.M Wtl'.M uiprras Tram r,.m p. j(. 15.3a i, m Accommodation Train i,m a. m, t.it '. M CATA5VIKSA tUlt, HUM). ...... . . NORTH. P01-TM Arcoiuiiiou.iucn irain (loN A. M. 7,m r. M Negulnr Uxprons u.hs p. m. it.na a. m Through cars on repress train either to New York or Philadelphia. Acroinmo-tnthn train runs b tw.-on (.auiw laa mm ovinia .1 .pott. All sulis-Tlbers shn'iulhrnr Pi miii'i ihit trtntm nrj tviw ci'npelii-d lopiy cash f.ir cvdjihliig they ui! in tw irliii'ltirsinii'l that It tsPnpowlMffcrthcin in carry ten Imlrtile of a l.triro number of m's i -i tiwjr from inr tojoar, n-icmld formerly be done w'i"'i .tirl. i-rul waavt wor" 1'ov nnd ling credits co'ilil readily 110 obtained, Hvi-ty sttliserlber sh 'tld therefore In- sure to pay tit least onon n year. The tint 1' piloted n-i tliepnpor wllhth 'S-tbacilber's name shows Hi lime to which ea"h has inl.l. Wo will furnish Uif (i h.ixy (a tin t dans fe.nr did lar tn.nr.tlno) an HhniYii.r'iiiHs ' -sub crtbers, both in. 1 1 pniii, for live tl 111.114 per year liinjvonc-. i io- t.(i,',' Hons, with Up l-en-ttlftil chromo "Tlio Iti HI'," end the (o:.i-'4M;n, ull poaLigo pultl,Vvlil be .ttriil hi d nl M.'.-.i per year In advance, tf. joi: I'uFxti.xTT T' r rt 1' ,ti'nt tif re. .ri'ii nWi'-'t in JJtointbiirJ fio.- I'c'ij (in nunc nrfrijn, .;n nj IttnHmj cnmpir tlm 1 it ci.'l tie nlilitlncil ot tlie C''i''IM';l'U iirfiv M vih nc. Oirfrteilifiw tiring gently H'tjirrhf too rtrc cwt'Jnl to th any tivrk in iprnv ntylt uivl fully us f .'. tf j em iV tnnlc oUiiim l nimrinr. Owie l-'li' HiV. K illlm it Holmes have sti'petidcil att atlnrt ivo -iii aerim tVtilrj street. Il is composed of wire ntid sheet Iroft. Tlie pcini-atinital plcollmi takeiplncu oil Tiles- day nt'.l. Wo lirar nf 110 conleit, or ptlty or licr-oiial liuvcniciiu co f ir. . , , A ilei'i 'now in filling in wo go to pre!'!'. Tlic lnink'ralioti in lenipctnltirc is a i;ro:tt relief after I lie exceisive rolil of a f"iv i1.ivh pit. Ilenry V. MilliTli.n purcli.Teil llio prnpcity 1' It'iigini; to Julin llininl, on l'.iilnu l rticst, 1:1 Ka.-1 Hloom-liiirf.-, fir llio mm of $"."0. Tlie oil and pa;nl tinililiitj? ol the. .laelcon A Wowlin M inttf letr.i-lii Co., in lienvick, w.mlc stroyeil !- lir.' on Tumi i.v night l.it. l'.iisieii lnr not riveiyol. Tile rimtr.iel. fur linililiin; llio lie'.r selinol lionie in llnnlivk towinliip, at Iltick Horn, hat Ikvii ,iw:ir.b.l to Mr. Aliri l'hilllin, of I'.Twlel;. It ii to lie a Iwn sliiry Ir.iililinj;. I.otl AVertz, a eilienof tlm place, wa kiel.e'l in llio f.uv lij- .1 li irte, at Ui: aMo of the Cen tral Until, on Tiicilay l.i't. ami hailly itijuriil. Ho u.h fo'iml.in an iunnII!c conilition. Anrii"nf niectiiig'i are now lioiiif; liMil In the I'lifl'jtiti.in Cliiiuh, Illoomoburg, inoii ir';!' of the IVlor, lley. Stuart Mile'.iel, rf-'l-'li-il liy tv 0 or tlirro i!ii;yn'.o:i fiom otlur looalilie.'. Aa mo go to prist (Thursday afternoon) there it still no t iat, Iml a supply it pronii-eil in the oviitiiU. lVoplu who have been iiiin,; it are nut plea-wl with their experience in gniiyljicklo ooat oil. fetid tnt end Ililir Mcll"liry and T. It Clolo In 111 llic mtm t.r$IOO fr nppeiiranco of dofoiiilnnt on ronriiiry l'.', 1(170. ll.i ... . . .iur.ii-.ihi iti. v.. John Jlhitcrlllcr. Court liseil Jloivl.iy IVhiiiarv S. IS7o.nl ' nVlnolt 1 in., for tlio rujidinj; in open court of return of mm wni. lVtlllmi for a ri-viow of a road in I,ocut neir Henry Helwiif. AVilllnm l!hrid, Wlh 1 11111 llrK-lncli Wllllimi BtvUhir apiHiiuliil li'Vltwctn. 1'ilillon for a leview of 11 ro.vl in Main, noar I'l'Itri-M-liurili.Maitlii Kline, Hiram ttccilc-r nml C'nper llli.iwn, niiimiiiled viewor.t. In llm etaleof 1ini C.K. hind awarded to 111, U, Cox, ( oni, v. Simtiot llojirt, Mnlion for arret of jihljfineilt made liy defetidnnra cnunel, I'eb- runry llf, fixid for iilKuinjr the Mine, ritillon of 1I15 mt,mr (1,11(1 rt,, ,,f l'.itrlek MeCh-key, f,,r cinrdian. I'anny Mi C'lotke appointed, llond in i-.ieh ward in $500. Petition for a review of a road in Main town- "hip, near Miinvillu 1'orae. Martin Kline, Hiram lieeiier and Kolomau Shumaii appointed i-'Wer.1-. Kiken.l.ill vi. flaniilel Creaey, executor of ffi-nry 1! Ila. 141 December term, 187:!. Summon in debit, Jack-on for pl.iilililK breeze and Miller for defi-mlanl. Virdk-t for iilaiiitill' for $m In tlm nutter of fliibort II. I'onler. Utile Kiantod on Joo M'irill to show caipc whv ex- feptiom to report of nale fltould not bo flriekin oil! In the mailer of the cttate of Mary llorlo ib- er, proeoc'ditijft in p illilion. Order granted and II. Miller appointed tru-tcc. In the matter of l'oter 11. Wcniier, deei'aed, proei-eding in pirlition. I'tilo Rr.inte-1 o:i heirt to accept or rcfii'o to take the iippiaiomcnt. In the matter of iMnto of Jacob Sloker, pro- rcedlnj In partition. Itetnrn to inrjitet, ab'O- lule. lleit t arid I.esaleoi of John I'r.r.vn, deceacd . .To'vj I.'iwtn.in surviving executor of John llrown, ilceea-ed. Itulu l-i anted on plaihlilbV A good nil j to ulHirvc upon cnteiiu a home i.-ran nparliiiiiit it to leave the iluoiajixl ai y-ni jin-J liiini if shut, hut them again if open, leave ihun fo if ajar, try ami nee how nearly tou can ni ike the new crack like the old one. The Slate Woikt near ihit place, in Ilem lmk tomi'liip, which baro been closed f.ir .1 long time, are atrii-i in operation. Mr. Thomp son, of Hcranton, it .the new proprietor. Ho it an inergetic liii'lnen miiiand no il mbt the mintilt, Sc., maniifauured by bim will .tmtain llio reputation of thntf of llio p.i-t. O.ir cnterpriting shoe dealer, Mr. Win. 0. McKimuy, it iontanlly tndcavoiing lo ple.itii bi cu-lom. rt and the public pertaining to tlm limit and .Slow tiade. JIc Inn recently seonred the sirvicos of a lir-t clats cutter from Philadel phia ainlit now prep ired to 111 ike 11 ISn.it or Shoe Ih it will lit and please llio ino-t fiitidio.H. tiivo him 11 trial and see ho-v it it yourself. Mr. ('. K. Kurman bat p'lrch.Hod a lot o-i "Main stmt, adji ininoig the 111 w slur.' ol i. W. Klirmr, and I'lir. Kliim and T. I.. G.inton, .bavoal-o puii li. -. (I in the panic localily. The.tj :gi nth nun piy SHIOpirfoot front for the ground, .nod will (net hamlionie biiik b-iililinit 011 thy Miir. iiiwt si.i'on. 1. W. 1 l a 1 1:1 in will alto .add a siory to hit lirge building o 1 tlio eonuT lof&ionland Market. rnsi.isu oui: sr. t.iiiis v.-. "rt:r' are some provisiont in ihe laivi of 3S7 1, fs;iil.iting the manner of increi-iiuUmn-iv, "aovio. Uoioiuli, Town-liip urbeliool 111 tiki indebtwliii. - or llio iuc.-e.ne tlii-r.-uf, whieli iUeuJ thj itjiiiudiaio and caiful oonid.r i tiim 'aJl corporate or di'ti ict auih iriiiot, such at coiinvituivu i borou;;h', school direct or, :i- uorvisor.t niil ci.untv c jiiiaiit-iouert. i t- iru to i-ill atlintion lo llio sixth sictio tbo Ait of Apiil, 17J, pamplilet law-, pige (!: , PihtioV II. ''Tbo corporate aulboritiet ofi ,.v. rv .iich niiinicin ililv or ili-lrict shall, aunu-1 ally,' in tin- month of January, pup.ire andpuli- j of li.li in at lo.i-t two new.-ini.r ol -.-i-l iii'inu 1 piiily, or of llio c unity in which the same it filiiilid, if fo uni'iy bo priutid tbeieiu, a state ment shuwiiiy; in ditail the actual in hbUiluess tlu' amount ol tbo funded debt, the a'noimt of Iho lloating dibt llieuo'", the valuation of the l.isaUe piojielly lliueln, ibea-aiM.f ihe cor poialion, with The cb uaeli r and irttuie thi'iidf, and llio date of m.iiuiily of tlie re-p'eilVe f-irim . nf I'uudcd ilcbl thueof, nml a ncg cot or f-iit-tiv ii to do shall be ini-deiiie.inor puiiWiable by a . line not exceeding one thousand dollar-.." Tbo first section of Iho Act euutnuiUa -omo of llic corpor.itiont to which tlm provltioin of .the aet.t are applic.iole, at follow . : "Aiij - i-y, ii'ount,.', Ijoiougli; lown-bip, school dUii. :, or other miinieipalily or Incorporated ill-trict, .wilbiii Ihit co iimoinveallb." It will bo ob-orv-tl also, that tbo ni-ro neglect tu coaipK' with (Ma Jaw If m i lo a misdemeanor. S.u.i..t. Marmaii Kramer will sell lior.tea, cws, farming imp!cnK-ni, :i, at the rethleiieo of fiN fuller, in Mt lWant tiwinMp. on the lib of M uch next, Keiibtn rabiinger, Adminislratnr of Henry K, Iktra ollir-i valuablo rcalctlito for sale on tbo picinisi in I.ocu.t town-'bip, on tlu llw Gib, day of M licit. J. I Siokrr, near tSiillwatcr in Vishiugcreik towthip, ollei pcisoii il property fir alo on .tlie Mill .if l ibtuary. coun-el to lile a warrant of Attorney in ihit i8 from lliu pertont plaiutill' for whom ihu' nppair. Snyder .v Hirtiiun v., X. I.. Campbell. llule to arbitrate. Mifiranti, fVottACo, vt. Cook A Pardee. PummoiH in lre.tpit, Ac. Motion lo fjun-li tbo writ in tliii eao. Sarah A. IMrikpn et id. vt. Tim town of IJIoo'ntburg. Il llo granted lo take depo-itior.s of wituoNc.t to lo real in the. trial of the ci. W'va. Hn.vder' evocutor vs. The town of Illoom-hitrg. ll-ilo granted in above. C. II. lbockw.ty'M utj vi. Huiry M. llockmau. Siur.iel Knnrr appointed Auditor to decide thu title to said fund. Petition for a road in I'Nhingcroek, continu ed and J. IS. I!. inn. in appointed in the place of 'harlet ' '"'lilt r. Petition for areiew in 1'idiingcreek near Kaiii.. Jo hii i IS. ll- tt, Janio M. Xiultz ai.d n.lrew llett apptiiuled vieworti. Peliliou fir. 1 road in (iiicnwjod to'.mthip near Jotepb Kedlino'a Saw Mill. 1.. A. (ioi- iii-iii, John I.nekard ami Jo-epb Urillcpiice ap-piiintc-1 view. rt. Petition in iroenwood towuthip near John (.'. l.amou's for a ruad and vacate. Jacob Lung er, J. Frank Horr and Ibninuol Savage appoint ed viiwer.t. Kepoit of S. Knorr, Auditor in the e-talo of Kllin Schiitiek, dcce.itcil, conlirmcd i.W. K.'tuni of iuipic-t in tbo estate of Daniel Myer. Confirmed ni-i. Margaret ll.vt v.t. llebecca ('arm in. Slan der. ISro.'kway and T.uckalew for plaiutill. 1'reczo nml Ikcler for defendant. Verdict in fivor of tbo plaintiff for tbo sum of 0110 dollar. Time grantid to the Auditor in the ett.itu ol Win. ISntlerlo lile hit report. Time allowed lo Auditor in the matter o! Conyiigham and Ccnlralia. Time gr inleil Auditor in the ci'O of Iiowi 1 11!: Atkin. In the et ito of John ltilckle, dcccacd. Con firinod ni-i. Katiug Homo 1 icon. e granted to S. W. ISaker. In the iM.t'o of Jacoli lietilng, Ileport of sale coniirmed ni-i. A. iti.M vii. John Iliuderliter. Sheriff's re turn nail in open i i irt. Franklin Itholet vt. IOIiz-vbith Itlmlet, And now Fehrui-y IS, H7, illvorjj decroil from the houJt of 11 l.ll i'i 111 my. Cathariue Whiunight w. Philip C. White night, same de-rio. .b.liii M. Camiib'JI executor v.t. Oeo. F.Iiiice. AKidavil of difune liled. I'r.illey A tier ion v.t. P.. -ok ley & Phillip.t. A!!id:i.'ii'ol'd f.u-e tiled. Moyj.' ei Iv-toyd vt. (icorgj II. liriwu. Ilulo lo arbitr.l'. s'.rickeii oTan 1 jll lj;.iielit Liken. Petition for ippot'itmenl fir gu-liii for llittio and Wil.i- Kline. Abiur Wel-h ap" poiul 'd. Ja-ib S.iyder approveil aiaurUy in SSIO.MJ tor c.n li ward. Peliliou of IS. F. Foulk and Matilda Foalk 1 of ''"' S?" lr'l'1" Heo. W. Whiten'ght appoin-ij. llouit in .;'J ) tor cisli warn. 1 r.i, Ji.iti-ieiier approve-l a-' miroty. In iho esLito of l'.ioch Fox, deu.-ated. Itoti-rt lie. Order of sale, continued, COUliT PltOC'KKDIXfiS. V. Uriah Thotirit. I.irceny Uobl- Cl irk and an I triud, Com, run for iho commonwealth and It, V Abbott for iKl'uid.int Cm cjllc-l Venliet of not guilty. Coin, v. Thom.it Unity it : I. llogni--anro of Jumw Ilyim forfcllcd In njMi court to botakiii u'i t lUn iijipearini-o of (UlJii l int at Uhe uexl m-t-iou. t'oiii, v. lb'' -"-ift f'J""5 ubi'v. INu.iof Pnllip Kiillor, il.veitut. Motion livido lor Ibc appointiiisnt of un Auditor l-j dU aribute t'uiidt in ban It of AdmluUralor. Diniil Morrito thou-oof O. II. lirockw.iy vs. Jonathan llai hman. Kulo grunted to -bow tame why rihirlll ' silo sbo ild not b it addc, in lu nruial tlu I -'It of Fibr.i try, la"". In llm liulLrT of tbo iwt.Uu of .lo.eph Kve., lulu of llnui-voo! tuwii.hlp, deeei'i-d. K'lto srauted In sho-v cjiio vdiy tl.u-ouiiUrin uio-i nlt nbould not ba Hiriukeii oil' ami .tili-it iiddi-. Andrew Kheridm v, Join'.hin lii-bu.iii. Hulo itrniite.1 to show ai iw why t!i J eiitry of jrili-fictioii upon tbo 111 irln of iho do.-kut slrill not bo Klrlckeii oil". JUt.irnablo on February Vi, 1H7.J, at 10 a. 111. Chrltll.ui Miller, Admlidlralur v. Cimiifi! Puydiui No, iJI February term Hril, n pli..!i) Freizoiind llukly for plaiutill, K. II .V It. It i.illle, or JileiiiUnt, Vir-llct iufivorof Aiulaut with six ivnu il linage i. Com. va. Samuel Uoj.irt, Hecognliuicouf il' In tbo est ite of John Kline, iK-ceased. Order of H.-ilo continued, Iteport of viewers of road in .!ar!;or. town ship lie tr Daniel Young'K, colirnieil nisi, Widlh fixed ut IT. feet, Petition f.r revicwcr.i of a roul In Stott tiiwinlilp imtr V. ICivstlcr'n. S. II. Miller, J 0.1 p!i .i'i n-p'.oit an 1 John IiJaaojk iippolnto 1 revl-weiv. Pitiiion for revlewciii of a road near William I. on ,' in FU!iiiie.oruk township, Wm, IJulme, Julni S. Kline and John 0. Dildiiio uppointiii rcviett-.it. I'. 'ilion fur 11 ro id near Theodoro Farmer'a III Fishingcttek. John II. Fiil, Jacob Ktion and Jo-hu 1 Sav.igu appolntnl vlewct't. Fohriiary II), Mo, I.icn.so granteil to S. Haiciibueh, fir Hotel in Orangovlllo by tlie A.t-in-i.ite Judge', Mary If. I.eiby by her next Wind vt, .loeph II. I.eiby. J. II, .Ijjn-ct, iwp, app.iintod Cam-liiiit-iuticr to take dc'li xitioiia of wilnotte.t to b; 10 id on npplicilion for decree of dlvo.-ao. Mt. Cirmel Sivlug -i 11 ink vs. Kdgir it ISro. Tbo Ki'tirnoon of Ftbruiry 10, l.S7", fixed by the Court for tlm reading of llio ShcrilPn return to the j! 11 hi Kuililiohi i'j;i'iao.'. l'o iho Honorable, tlm Judgot ol tbo Court if Quarter SeIotu of tba Pe.ie.', in and for tbo C'oiinlv of Columbia! Thu Orind In-pioot of tlio Co-nmonwcibb of Pciiu-ylvani.i, inipiirlng for ilia l.'ounly of Cob tinibia, do retpectfully report It, your Honiri b!o holy, tint wo luvo wilh diligence ami pi'ouiptuest givm our uttuitiuil to the Imdm-st brougbt bi lore u to tbo Ihm of our ublllly. Wo I'xamlu.d the public bulMingt and 1 tint t'lem in v'o l eoii-lllloii, nave in it w wo-ihl rjeoiiiiiivtid a pJiuniient detk and rolling in l!u Iiucorder'. OJJieo somewhat slurilir to that in tbo Piothonotary'K OHJeo, an I th it tbo stable a'.tachod to til 3 SliorlU's div lltu'.i l.i repilriil, nlto tint tlio Skorlir Ollioo in tbo bi--'iiieiit 01 i'io owrt bo no lu I'apjicd, Tin- (irmd Jury would futllp-r report that m iny of the roidt lu llio Co'inlv are of ii,!lieiont wi-lth and would icKwaimeinl that tbo proper oiiJiJerrt bo In.lruct it) to kjo llitt Iho roi li 11 r J niiidj u l inful wldlll an I lll.lt tlm WmstiUtry indef bgjrda lis ended by iho .tupirvUirt of thu illliiri-nt town slllpi. It'itp'olf-illy wibmitted, JOHN IC. (HtOTZ, Foieiuaii, l'nll lll'XT. A cold tivn-torv fume dwelling liotio oiliiniid 01 Court li-itif wimn- In Hit? renr of Mr. Unt a Ilrick lmil-l Intf. A film ttnrdcn nt'uehi-d to thp plttop PowKiiun trive-n on tlm lt of Atiril. 1375 For fltrtltcr pnrtlcular, iipply to Mrs. W. II. hNr, Hut Mniii Htrppt, Uloomabiirg, Pn. MAitn't Ciill'uo Ten ntid Spices lire of tlio urac k- 1 1 1 1 . Ocnimn W HvTia 1 nreimrfd to irmnti fneturp DooM & Hboeanl aliort notice. Monti, ing neatly mid expodltiotnly dont-. Udoma above A J Kvaiiv TiilhrlngcatnbHnlimcrit, Xr-w stytpii of Cnltcint C. U. Mahu's, llloomsbiirir, Pn. l'.mrr flair', Flour fiirk-l nml WriprilPft l'nper of till kinds ut Cot.tSSl tx'u fltore, Stignri, f!oirr-c, Tcn-, Splee-i, Syrup, Ac, nt I. W. IlAitr.MAN'e, Finlt dp, f.ognl (.'an ntid Lr-ltor Paper cheap nt Coixman'h, llloointburg, Pit, I.itz &St.nv will cbweotit llic balance of tbrir Winter ftiodt nt very low pticeaj bnrgniii9 if you wlli them. Now lot oNVirrel Chimi.t at I. W. IlArtT-man'h, llivir:3wite!nM mid HralitintO. O. MAlltt's Very ohr-in Mnvt-lopoH nt .1. Coi.KMAN'j, IllootiHbtirfr, P.i. And now for a set of I. W. Hi M-man' fl.f-0 Dlalioi. Onto .1. ( 'or.r.M iv'n fni- vnllrb(. -li.: clicapcst ii"to paper, IMooinaliiug, 1'it, (J. C. M.vttlt payt Hiali or good-i for freah lluttcr. Mll-t. P.llnWlI. Will- Mr. Kniitli ivbnl n beautiful net of Fiirnitiiri-von Imw. Wb.it il nice tot of rhairt, boiiiitiful Limine, On trn Tuli'p, mi l Walnut liuok C1at?. Of wiuna tint you pun inno. lrt". Siiirn. I alwavs go where T can iinrcha-c t'ie best coikU for the b.-ait inom-v. Take vour motioy and to to .Iamp.-i C.i- jrN.-. l iiriiituri' nrcroomi, Main Street, He srllt cbonprr than the elieapoat. I!nl.t,ixs & Hiioim have remold to No. 17 Centra Street, below Iftiin. Pnn'l li" worried nml nnnovoil with not only a poor ipia'ity of Coal liut illrtv (in-1 slaty betid,., but buy of 0. W. Nr.Ar.oV lltto. who deal only in the best (pialitiei. Si&tf will buy n nice rair ol Ladles Oai- tors at 1-2. M. K.or.i:'t. W. II. llnowv keeps the mo't eotnnleto and finest aortnu nt of (irocerios Unit ran be purcbascd in market. Hfs Urneeriitt nrc iro-ti nml are selecleil lrom lirst ItiiiiiirtorV batidt. 1 1 is nricf s nro low. n-i lie biw niircluit- oil lib poods nt bottom ligurca to .suit tin- time. al.Vlilt bat ni 'O tvru;i and New Or'ea::t Mola cs. Dr.fKr.n ei Srr.iur.1,. ISaker... on .Main Street, fSl i-iinbur;, nro prepared to supply laniilics wiiu llieiiil, L n.ox in every uo-irc.l variety, Pies, &e, of tlio very best quality nml ut prices to suit tlio tiiiiei, nronintlv to order. Their facilities are (ir.-t class, theyii'e tbo very bo-t inateilnl, and their work is done in the neatet and cle.uiliett inanncr. Give them a call and trv their iiroiHctiont. A very full line of fieiitlemen's Goods of every dc-eription, including some of Iho tineot and nio-t fatliiotial-'.o in market, are now on band nt the large Merchant Tailor ing c.-tablishnicnt of A. J. I'vaxm. on Main ytreel, Itloomsbiiri;, which will bo inado tip in tuc neatest aim mint stuijtnuiiai hi vie ana old at llio mint rca-onable price, ICtnploy- ing llie very iio-t nt workmen tlie utmost satisfaction, both at to quality andntylc.will ne given. All are invited lo call anil ex amine bis stock. The experienced and practical firm of Tli.vi('iii:n i'c Gi:Ar.liAP.T, Plumber and Gut and .Steam Fitters, tire nroiiared to ilo all work in their litiuof biisine-svery prompt ly ami in tlie oe-t liowimo manner, llioy liavo also on banlnt their Store oti Main Street, l!pomsiitirr. a full assortment and general variety of l'tinip-i, Gas and Oil Ch.in ilaliers. Lamps, Shad-'s, liroiizo Ornaments, Slate M inth-', .f.ipan.-il P.tpor Ware, a most desirable article 'fur l.oii-ibohl nv. Tin i r ft-ick is tbo heaviest, the bet and t!iorhi-i.- est ever Drougiit to i.ioi-:in!iur', n-l em braces also llic neatest and inrct latbioii.ible tirticl-'-t. Thev ivs -ec'fiillv invite t!,. atten tion of the j.ublic to their goods and solicit an examination of the same. To Till'. l'l'tiU'V Go tu W, H. P.lioM'X and get one pound best Tea In marke t, put up in n beautiful Japanned. Gilt Ciaui-tcr, lor one uoilii-, lloi.UV.'-& llm.Mi.. liavo lust ivcied a large si oik of U:n Fixtures. Call au.ls.-e them. . . i- - ('. 'nts Over G.iitor.t at K. M. Kri:;;''. All Coal alukil and sereoned before lc-iv- lii-r the old established coal vnrd of (.'. W fltim Itoots ut E, pair ivai'i'iiiitcd. lot I M. Ksoau' eviry W. If. Uiiowx kecpa a fino .wordnciit of (Jimneil Fiultj and eondensed goods, Alo, it lull assortment ot utsaud rrcnuli U.tiiuy Hid Urungcj mid Lemons. CV iicf ntratcd Lvo lor rolo at Mvi:a IIuothi:;-.!!. M.-n'a Calf Hot U at E. M, IvN'oim'tf for $5.U0. Ladle s ami Gentlemen's Itublcw ot E, M. ICxop.itV. )Atilut, Y(l!i bin removed hlsOlolblng rstmott) Honry llaitiiinn's luiildliiir, in the ouetiplixi a n pjirj'Ctsifiru, wni?ro no i a full uiily of jjootk ()e,ll and juiiiii roo.u now lli Hl'SSI l.i. ' Pe.i h 1 1 r, V i i lo I tm lor, Oiiln.-K Putter. I Cianb- rrb Pl -inn, Hrlcd ' Mrnints. Pnich ilc c-i, I'luudlu. , C ru m-d all C'auncU ViW W. II. BltoWM hat Salt by tlio barrel Hnd by tbo Mick. 'Flour, 1-V'il ami New lluck wlieat fir sale whole;iilo unel retail. Country I'roeltioe taken in exchiingo Cur GonLs. Yoii'h's Hoots at U. M. Uxoau' for 1.75. Town orders taken by C.'W Ni:Ab& Uito. In exchange, for coal. 25tt If you want n good Ifam, If you want cheap unit good Ten, If you want Cofl'co Java or Hio, If you want good Cuuned l-'i-iii, If you want tbo best Mackerel, If you want Sugir for the lcu-i iirmt-y, If you want thu best Syrups in town, If you want good Clgan, If yoll want guod Tobacco, If you want anything In tlio Grocery ami Provision Hue, go to Ittis,si:i.i,'ri, Main street. J2 tf-23 COAL. " I'DAf, DM l'.il:tlilU!ie,l Coal Yard. C. W. Ni;.U, A Ilno.j, Wholesali- .v Ib-tnil Dealers In all si.es ol tho best i(irilitl -s ol lied and White Ali Coal, at the -.cry low t market ratet. 1 1 avu constantly on baud laigo ttneks of lo.ue.-(iu, Cupola, lllni-k smith' .ViitliraclU., Ditumluous, nml Limcbtirner's Coal. Iltpi-clal attention given to the prepare tlop of coal IjjI'on leaving our yards. Grain and Luttibtu' titkou in oxchaug'; for coal. Coal dellvorod to a-iy ii.-ut of tlm town ut short notice. OrJ ;rs felt nt I, V. Meliolvy'a store, or tit our otllce, will reuelve nronipt at tctitloti. Olllco and YartU at William Ni-ul fi Soils' Furnace, East llluoiiitburff. Your li.ttroiiHiio respoctlitllv anlielted. OOAf(. 7-t'-3.r, OOAIt - - .- Iidies nml Gents Buckle Arctic at li, M. K.voiiit'ii, 0. W. Nis.M. iVllito,, spare no expanse lo -ml ut nice i-i ul. tl'lC I.'. Mi:xii:nhai.i, keeps toubtHutly on mil, a lull Inn- of itiy floods of evi-rv . .. II 1 . . . I I ." Illllll vaiicly li-u.illv kept ni-i !" ..pr-'M-i-v . ( lu i'i lu,i.j,i I i . K and cxatnrn- In-- io-'. itiHCi ,lll.d I'.Im) i 'no. I! ! 1 1 1 i 10 I 11V t, ' I !l i l itl' ! ! . . t !l Tli r Oil ol (1 . 1 st' lur-n!' at Movi it 1'i.OTii. . TOWN AND f.OUNTKY. lltivn MoiiTSiom (or Sato Mieap H thg Colvxami office. o- Vamm Hio! Jit reoBlreil anil for sale at Hi Co i.c.Miui ofnee. -o r.nst: Drr.ns, nn Parchmrat ovd itfin itapcr, com mon and for Administrators, lixecntora and Trnawea, tor sale cliaap tit the ti I'msum office. o A Ttllt'MPlI OVBH iitiuni'a. Itliliol dimeult to nlnrm the tltnlil, anel Invalid arc pron-rWally ao. Awnro ot tlila faoe, tlio vemlera of paciudo Mtlera, "entlmly free from alcohol," have valaert a false cry ng-stn-it t -n!o pieparntlimscohtnlii tnir splrli-i, anrt n nl .ubt have frlhf-nnrt it. ileK fo'ka Into pnrcliaM- g Hie ferinonted ruhblh whl h tlpy noil, ant wtilu.i is intlAUMy more liijurloin than the tic rt ilrams tlnink ht tavern liara. tlut aln i lj n troM'-ii-lnus reaction has set lu agiln-it tS"-e nbonlnalilo noatniMa which, hilnif ilcil id ot llie nl-eohi-llc ha ts which olono prevents llinlit hotnnlc prepantlnns from tnrnlnir sour, decompose nlmtst is noon a mntle. IIo,littrr's Htomneli Hitters has Itr.-l nml will live down imtHltudrsnf Mich Impos ture". A nv-ilar ti'i-itrrcneo ef tlm demand fur the great, sltor.it Iva Invli mt from thoso nlio hai- til ways hern Its pranms, i howa that they hnvo not swerved In their tlMc-honorn t allaglancs to Aniorl rn's moat poniilnr romdy i nnda constant Influx of now orders demunttr.t.-showllttlo Improssnn, nt tcr all, tho Wat xnt Or-niiitclitlnni "f thi mockbltters men liavo mad.i upon th- sonoral public. No loni; nt I'.wtjttor's tlltlnrs coiilln-io lo cure and prevent In. I'rmlltont nnd r-mUt-n: tvsn, il.fsi pjla, eon,tl pttlon, kttln")- ill teas., and tv nurai-ro-js other all. m--nls to which tneaniailapU.il, thrjr wllletntlnuo to dominate tn fae'l ms oppjlllon of lmmbnga, unit lh will hs just ni lonir a timy are miuuifaeturtd nndnoW, in I', known unto all un?m nevtram vn- d-rs, of eviry rtogmn of nii'lAelty nnil kimvory, thnt tiny can uircr hope, to piisthemsoift into pin no favor at Hie cxpeuso of llost-tli'j-s Hitlers, tlio repu tation of which H founde.), as it were, upon u rock, o THE roNFKRSlON oP AS INVAtau. Vwusniiii as A WAHKiua uBit fur tho bonsfltnr Vouno Mkm .ivn orm:Rs,whn suffer from KKltVors DRniMTV, I.oSS OF M XII0l)i), etc., supplying tho rnenns of self-cure. Written hy one w ho enroll him self after undergoing consldorubto quackery, and sent free on recetvln.-j a preit-pntd directed cuvolepe. Stirfcn-rs aro Invited to address the author, XATIfANIKt.M.m'tH Mar, a, "J-am Uox l.'-a, Hnnklyn, N. T. o . MAN'rfooD ltmoltKP.-A victim of youthful 1m rauilciico,ooiblnr; prrmaturo docny, in rvoiis debil ity, i to., liftVlUK Will In vnlnnei-y lenim-nr in ily, t.mi Jtind a sfmplo self-ni-ro, whiih li-; will .. n 1 fret, to hl fcllaw-Hittrrrors. Ad-lress J, 11. Heaves, tt Xas-uii-jji., New York. July j.'M-ttm, o To the AftticftC. No matter under what form nf ol'-kness yoa labor, tBcr. t-i ono groat truth on Rlioiildki-ep In mtnetj All dlsoosB orltrlnnti-ttnun lmpiiro cuiilium of the Mood l'ltrty that, i nil th d!.-.iss mitt dopartt but you cannot, purify tie; lil sjd by the UPC nt polsjii iits dm rs, und i'Ua11..tlve Htlmulants 'llio boit I l- jd I'itrlit-r ever disco-, end Is I'r. VaiKKn'efiimoUsVisioAitlnrfc.n?,comtiiiij C'l (A st-nlo li. rbs. t.v o Thoii'nnds havetiosii ti.ntijed by the u-oofttio I'-.'iiM.oi -jr'tp (a : to.xH of '.run) from Ke..i;, Hi sty, s-rr. rtii'errat iroi., ti Mr hit, h- .ilti.y, nml 'inppy tui-n -md n-o.-ui.i, mid taiull H cannot reaion u'dy li Ituf I. i''vf It a t.-lal, Fjr Dyifcpila nnd IJClllit;- it! i u i-i-.-dllc o " Dl'Ol'OP .tny IS EVEltY W01? P." HeinliiTti-;-, Ililiiteril .n Co., ?J. J , ifuuu at, 11TI. Iir. It. V, :'ir.i:ci:, l.-iir.-lo, XY.t llxin Ma -Ills with n hapiv. heart I hot I pen tlwsn llr.es to ueknuw ieilifo that, ) nn .ir.-l -utir einlden MfiUcat 111 .-..Very una Pm-gatl.: Pellets aro bleaslngs to tho .Vot'i'. Vh-so Rirdlrineo cannot Is tjoli'Khly pniised, fir Ilii j liRve uliao 't brought mo otitutlbuKravo. T!in-e m-titlit nifol was biokcn out with lirg, ulcer; ami sores on lay body, llml s ai d face. I proeun d our Hidden JtrJlcal Iitcmery lUidl'iirKnttrelvllets, ar.it nml have taken tin boltlos, nnd to-dny I am In good Leallli. nil those ugly ulcers IiiiMtig lieale-1 and li ft my .-lUn In u nutural, healthy ocidttluii. I tlnugSit nf eno time 1 iouM not lie cuied. AltliouTli I can but poorly expri- s my gratttitilo to you, ;el theio 1;; n drop of Jot In every word I wilte. (Jods blessing r.-tt on you and :oar wonderful raedK'ltioi Islhe htimbls praycrof Yours tmly, JAMES O. r.7i.I.I. Whsa meill--t.il wt'.l promptly cuibsuc'i icrrll-lc .itlmr ulcers nml free the Hood ot tho ilrultnt pot sen tausln' t!.s:n, who ran long? r doubt Its wonder ful virtues? Dr. llono, fcowcicr, doesnot nl.lito I'laci' his Oelden Medical DIrcovcry In tin- cat-b yco cf ipim U patrht no-druiiis by rcciirnmendbi'.r It to cure iTory dl-ea-o, nor does ho so recnmment It; L'ltnb.t ho does claim Is this, Unit tlu-re It hut one ff-rtnofl-looddlsoas!. that It will not cure, r-ulibnt dliert.to Is cancer. II does not ucuiiunmil his Dls cinry fi.rthat dlseas: yet h knows it to be tho mo. t, Riaielilng Mood cleanser JitdlicnereJ, nnd tli.u It i.lll fi-t.i- the blujd and sjstotn ot allntioi kiio-.n bb i d piitens, bo they nntmiil, vojetubloor orn.liicrtl Tlio ;ol leu Iihcovery Is warrt.tidbj him to i utv the worst forms ef HUn Dlsoasts, as n.i f-i.mof Itle lilies, lhuplcs and craptio is, also u!i ol. n-t-ilarSuclllnirs, tin-l the werst fin.i f sv; ti leiiriid r rcr.ited Son-s of Xeek, Less or other iri-, i.i. 1 ell K n fulo'ia Jjfcea is ot iim n-moi, no Whin snellli.x.., fiver Sorej, 1 Up Joint an I Hpln.il Dl-.o..se.i, all nf nil belms to Serofu'ous dUsaios O k 9. Et-xKKLs nn-ruit wixnor inox. TU P. Kitbiol's eelebrnli d Hitter Wine of iron v.-Pl e-!T il ifiilj e-irell.er - oiiipLilucJ iitaileo, djsj'i'p-l.i, e.iroi.l or in rvo ,s b-blllt. , cnornlo dt..rr .o.-u ells- 0. -.-.. of I.-. i H lii.-j-i, aadatl dU-ii-'as ait In,' fr."!iu dt -ir l.-re-l llV'-r' t snae'i or Inte.-llne. sue ui e m iilpat o i, ti cum.!-,. t, .i.'.v.ml plica f .:is . -,i bi'ioa i Lie h ut, tv I litj e.f tue st-i't- u-li nau -e.i, I1.-..I-1 barn. ill.vti.lfu fin!, ('il'a'-ii-f -.vol ;-il In tl t.i i.uai !i tar .Til. la-li-r . rlcMnn or tl-utcnnat tlietlt.! (,.i.- sj t ,i, . iim i.;;. i-f t!ia l'o . I, li 'nl.'i ui -di.i-ci;' l-i.- iluii,' ll-:il"li at UuUcart, e :a!.tn i. H illorailui o;...ailji . h.t-ii In a ylu,;,-o-t'tiV, dim n i( of ilslou, dd.i.r ...bi before Un sl.'ht dab p.-ln la t:.-Iieui, d ,l!'.o. it porapintlo.i, Jt'llon ilO'in f t'.o il.tn iinleji'., p'rln In l!u sl.ls baik, h-iv-l, ehjst. Ilaiin, etc,, a iddea ljushe.- if Lent, b i.u Inif In t:..i i:h, lunslaiit lmiiflnluas of cMl unu Si-cut di'.vsi.!i.n of splilL. 1 rice ?1 J.ir bottle, lio Kal'enf cuUlltcl'lca.), DOIll.f let (t.r till l JMllil ii(T-'.ii3i lii''rriip..rnttiU of Iron he may Is na a-ioit, lut usk for Miiitoivi palter wiiu it irin 1 u'.s uoi tin r. liiir.ke:'. littler Muo if Iron fa not hi. iu In bulk-mlv In $1 L'otjtta, i:, V. Kuiittl, ri-uprle tir, .o va Nirtli Mi.lh stiff I, l'Ull:n'e:i Uiu, I'll. fild liy all 1 r nM-as m.d d rJera eir.i "lu i-e, l'AI'15 Wlirilt Entlr.-ly removed with purely vcgi'iiblo uu-dti ino, iwvtrj ti'oiutio sj'.tem allvo, o fto uul.-.'s tl.e lii.-nd i..-s.-t..s, I'on.e and n-fir to patient. treulcd, lr K. l. hc.tKKi. Xo ifO Korth Mill i H., H.U.ul-a-phla. Advice frco. Seat, Tin uud Btoiui'i V. oims remoied. AskjuiirUri'tfgLstti-raubltlu t Kukibl's M'i-km Kriiri-. 1'rlca tl per buttle. It uotur fulls, TO Cfi.NSrMPTJVES, 'lha udverll.ti r, liaviinj been permanently cmixt ' tli..t (Ir 'udi l !', luusatnptton.byo -lKi!Ioemedi 1 . aiiMoiH lo mi'.lio kuoau to lUsfoll.i.r .miliars tl.' lu -ai.s of euro. To alt who iUlroll, li wllUeu.1 u i-opvi.fU-0 i.r.'s-rli'.tloimv.'d, (fiva of ch,ir,v,) Willi the dawi-'iu for pivp u l:i and u.lm ta) ,. tu, wiiK'U t.c-y win nn J a suns cutis Mr cos-va.uos, .Isiim.i, Uini.si .iiTH, to, I'ai'lles uhi.hi',' tha prescription will picuo address tlcv. li, A, WILSON', IV i reua St., Wlulainsburgh, Kow York. o KllltOUS OV YOUTH. A lenttcmnii who jatfitred for years from Ser. uua Uublllly, I'i-i.i.a..ro IH'i.iy, and uU Uu effootdof joutlitul Indl-s-ro tm will, forttiesnko ot suittrlni; luimuulty, send fiei to all who n--od It, thurisli'" aa'I Uli'oeUnii fur making tho simple reme-ly by which lie wits i nits!, a-dnvrers wishing to prellt, by I ho ad vortltoi's cxperlenoo oou do so by aJdrossliuj- lu per. teat cantldence, JOHH U, iMiDE:.', 49 Cediu- at , New York. Marriages, At tlt'i residence i f tho bria - tfimi- ais, oa 'i'liui-. diy, -luiiuary li, is',8, b It-v, l.M'iilmoi', Mr, Abblj II. joiisrioK, i f llno lowuship, ( uiiuibi i, coiaiy, 1 1 Ml-1 KI.I.A I'. t'Nur.It, i f tho sa'ilo place. At the hoiiio i.f ui'-brtdu, n i ir.fer ejt'iwii. bras, ly, H7.i,4 by I'.oi, l'oiii'j H. Miui'lniiti ol, r, lrtto Tl I'll IN, . f lulu, lo M1MS LliIH.U!i c,litori4 JolUI smith, li h On the -UU lust, h,- Itiv, t, euarlwirt, Mr. PIUN. l-IH'.r KA'HKY. to MIisMAUY II. r.Vi:!.ANll,butU of Now l ulumbits, Lunrnii ci.ui.ty, At IUh Hvair.vlicil pars-jnago la Xor l-rl'iT.lms, J muiirj, KHi, ui!, by ltv, J, l, lir.i-ler, Mr. W, il. I'llALHil, of Uiilumbto oatiuty, 1'a, ti Miss UHUA Y. I'LK, of Sow I i.ltitnbiis, Liuorae oounty, At Urn 1,111,1) pin ii, by the sti-in, Kebniry sUl.ltf', Mr It n.i'.'.VKN4 to Ml is irA:SU lilts, ull of Sow l!oiiuubU. l'o, qtti:mi:nt of tip: finances of IO 'I'llK' '! vrYMKi'OUtMlllAritOrt.TAXrAliY i, isti, in.n-t irv t, .TllllN SYOKH, l:s(J., TIlEASrnltn. lit. n:i. .Inn. l'o .-i.iri' n Hsi-uidlnf for " " UTJ and pr- vi-'is " ' from Vm. Iduion 1 ito " " Triwrn. 11 " I'oiinty fix astteooil far " ' T4.. " " onroBtHiry nfvutos " " Blind Tom ntcottttfooti " " Prussian Hand do - i-oinin !! iPPln Deaths. In ItjiutlMloi), l.iMrue county, Pu, Mruarv -i I, Itts, SlAN LHU.SUN, aod ID eiu, 1 lUu- n, .... i W diy s. tUieUvadaooiiilstautetu'btatAllrtitii' r. i and fjrty juiu if tLat tlu.o u waisber ' 'i L'Uuieb, IJir d.-ulh wus irtcwphml f - - lu llein'.u.k, rr iiu iry II, K' hi I A unu.-u., u. i.. , I'i . .1.' a .1 in nulis, il.,' - n. " 'i'; u i mi. i, I I ' , 'j , ' . Peak INtnllr " Wm. Krtckbaum. for Artil. " " ll m r-min ' " n. t'. zarr, " " II. P.Xtrr.ftryfors " " John llomir, old plank, " " siiiotown , " " .loiin lieriisr, old plank, " " Mi'ti'lci-tiali s " " A. II. Pltitifn. ma ptank, ' " Putterteiii'., or Kline a i. Heajli-, old pl itik, II. " " f. ii.itfivitiivh. old planic " " Ac., r,iiii'vlHe.., " " Win. McVlchniloidpl.liik, " " 1-iiisell's brldirn " " .1. M. i himberlln, loot nt " "Jill " " i). LowonliorK, atom), at " " court house " " li, lieese, tar, liamiey'aoa- " - t -to Mont ntr " Win. tii't.i.nir, tns, oranifo. " " .liu'ub lireteli, I ix. Heaver.. 1 " il. creek. " " n.Y'-ttar.traet" Main " Yetlor 6 r.lase, tract tax " i ittanlt a ,, " " Inn, Kiill, tra-1 t.ix.Madl. " " wm " " lK-irt Ml. r .1 Iron Co., " " i iiinnij-iiim , " " ,ni it'rtl, )., fori.rtdire rr. " " njlr nae n,.n,y nn " " i. .i. in-", on suit from " county ijlkill ooni.ty, on Biilt " i u si liiulklllcninty ; -.'tit reitui.ii'd 'i"in;.ti.iu money, six 't. i' t.trdli ' -i ' u-li in mosey, tf.oro ' v -le-.vr il n .Biir.i nnd for 1-..11K Mr'ku fuml - p. lor ut a riot for suonort ot ,. ., ii ,e L-.t. MOO lll t IB III 111 14 00 a ao Moa tin lw t) ISO Tu) st siw ISO) 4T T r,M oil W43 IJttr. 3 61 M31 Htl 11715 4!aT 800 103 ? :s too oo io,oo ro mvt I'.-M 1. , n.irtiiMii, -'-.'d ciurt 11' M1l. Vll il Paid I I It'ibiiim, m inure " -i ii v r 1M-. ill i n iiurj; 1 u iiVr com)'i ny.l i;-. indtr. I, imirt nsim ., Paid a. M. i ha ninTlln, repair to clock Puld l-o'i-r a i-' , 1 1 i, mitorliit nnd v. oiken 'rt Itou-m , Palet ei a .t , :tt,y, stone, court IliiteMiirto'ii'.wai'worita ttiat-rlid . PaM V. t.lHemiin. lumbirforolil. torn tl r Paid Tb. ielier , .irtinit,fall. total uriniy ibt on unscaieu 1 I.UI IS ; ttend " 1 In n .1 " Si'lioul " lan-l " I'l.or - " lend " ti')-!- I " " land " County " " 'e.-tod " linil " t.'u id " rind " r-e -,l " I in,i p.i r " " I. n I " .'t'.'n-y " " li.il ny tax uaeoll-cu-dof 1ST4I -lea-'o,'. ..-1 i.i a..,. . .. .! 'k i'i I. r 'fo- It. .'.'.'.'.,!.'..'.'.'.'.','.'.'.'.'.'".'. C.l. tV'1'l..-l -li'- l!i . 'inn' i oii.tiir'- on M-M i'i iei l: I'Miium 'I'l'i'.'W.ifHl Il-uilsk eel. . -ii I ui"it Mudlsun .1 il'i Minim Montour it. 1-ns.i'it "raii-e I'll:' Itonrlnifcreclt U'.-urlai-f 1;. t iv tiueull. clod fir HIJi Iti'it.'ti '.. rwloK ... Cat iwl .siv ('- iijirjlmtu i-bllln Ill'lllll -utrur.out SWB-1 J.tJI W 8,49s 80 1,'JT.ISl rant (HI 12 s 81 I'll as 11 87 47 a rta Oli sg , J,4t)04 ass la , SilVU , 111 1 7.1 , s-i'i . l.oiaia . m st . ntus . -. -9 aa . i. a i n fl T'l . H'U'.I . tl .J 70 . ii. u sa . ms ri . i-l! 117 1-.i II , ano ,., . I, lit DiSS . full 47 . ii CS , -Jo-Tai . H! 00 , l-'OO , ntia , 31I5SA 40t 00 87 l,eis r,TS9 34 OSS BO 41,07017 8,010 71 UClMO icon 2.1 liy county orders redeemed Bt 47 i:y i'i.uiiiil.-.liiunllowedcjlli-ctjra. ssi j.; I.j e.xonei-iaioas " ski pa rj co-iiiiiissi ,ii treasurer i.asia, (oniitj tax to meet quota ut Mate tax limit r.y amount tulmniUcf Treasurer. 31 tu 44,070 17 Toiix SsviiEn, rso. , TE.i'cr.Eit ok Cotcant i corarv, tit Acaoi'nr wtm Do.) F-n ros 1S71. UH. 1s74 Inn. To Amount due nt lart settle. lii-'Il 78105 " " At-i'iuutn M'-Plfor l7l.. l.MOB) " " Amount duo treai 'nr.... U35W cn. i,s et liy nmoutit duo cn uupHittt-'s ot 1S74 1 Deaw r 8I10-) lluiloi 47 SI Pen kli a; no lunula smm i.tliretvk C7tii i i.i ml- a no no Celitrall'i . ft'i f.i) i'i in:"'. . 87 to i oil' l.i.'l.jm Ifi.'i l l'l-.hl-i ,"r..i.-k I..' 0 i r.'ik'lu t ii) I I. 'I.', i Ut !'.'&' tl-1. i k i'i u st Oil I : i ! 6'l 'i a ) o -. : i r, i "i. i: .' i;it'. '. '. .. ' . ".. '." .". '. t .s I Pt 61 . li," ill (HI ! tin . il. IT M -I I .. 110 ' ! cj i) Amount duo lu 1873 K KM Ho,-..: .; is so ('u...l,,".i ' . '.'.1.1 .Mi-.an I. "i i- u :. f. . J li.l . ri. .. MM i r r af l.i t 1,113 81 l o r.o l,-.:m bl U," 'iT.'ii .tf paid l'.J ..'lu:, !k- 1 II aL It; c; i ie r, tluiis it., i-w.ni.u-. i.'u i -, bi u.l. , I'U Wills. luid. - tr. a-t-icr. 7;j 14 0) 10(1 ) D., .1 1-7 W 41 48 1,019 M 5,45'J Iti corniis'oft:1!' r.si-K'sE8 ron is?4. IHUnULlNJ.K'.t BirSNSSJ. I'a'd vm. u.Kiij !.r, rcsciiors-iu. SUtllW .'. JM4 1-..I.I ..ui. ILSUjilJl'iToaeilels ID. sl!tl;tJ'. . lOOSJ p.ia uu: ct ;', el ir--, oomnghum . ' . Illiil.l 1 1- lll.lv. OM f..l I If II tllll' I, t.lKllllt li0U, :ir i r 1 1 ;:. I'.mit.-ml.ry W81 .'.ill M, 1.I1.1V1-, Uliin? 'lIlOIQlS 1.1, 1 !. ".-I I t 1 S'. lV.iet.iItl.lll, .. El 85 i . 1 I to '.i. Il.a.'.i LM'tt, b.drjico Ma at.ifi.ii.f .. . oa i) r.o l .i.i i. r v. a "7. 1 1 pump aa t lixt.iu'i. ,' in i oi'i.:'., 11171 I Id . . 'i.u:. r, e :p u sis s' If tin ' el i ' i.i , 11'.. i tiaiso 7 SS ia l ;:. i. Airr,l-,ot.K man's bill. jilJi) TS3 31 i -Mr JiHosseiv A'DoontTAni.iiBruit'H, Ac. l-iil -r :i'i-r .-.'"r1i12U11je.tr. tsit'i 'i ro , ' -' " 8,4oai i . i. t .0' t iotiirn-.tufC8.-lio . .r 871-1 f .ii ii . . : 'i-:i r ffiio'i-. . 8 -.s !' .' It .0,1 i -i-l. I' " " " .... 150 00 I'.. I Jl", i .1.1 1 -I '.."14 llii clerk Uf pa I ,'i ui n I'.; li.; t . . . CiTJi IV l t . ' ."le 't.. h r it 'It lllltl aU t s.lloj .4 ..; Ix' ) 4,901311 coi ! u't I'lSll CAI.TlIA't . t .1 7.. .4 I,.I'.".'S..M,. '.'..4 I. l'. v . iWllM II "I " " " -M ! ,. r in s.'.'i ' I'll ill. . .1 ..l -l . 8 71 " " A. k. ' . 1 et .It. 1 'I " ' W'll.'fi I lOul'SO a ill " ' - If. I 1.1'. I , IMS " ' o. n. Mi ::i. Set al . . SJ 8 " " " Wi i. t'.-. li .... a: .'i ' ' " i' to. Sir .I t in ;7 ' - -r.i.'.i.-i,: id S'Ui.i " " " M III. I -t . . . . KM " ' J.iciii i ivM.ls'rU.i . its is " ' " Ida I'.la-dino 11. ii ii ii ., t.ii ..,1 to 04 " - Klnrplu'S (.ivver.. . Hi-W " ' J. J. Cn '.-a'.lii , 141 " ' ' chas, Pos't-r Id oo ii i. .1 H,iii-,vuud 6S8 ' " h. It, Hi -nuts ll 48 Ililtl It, II. Uliiijler, eii i u of .- -I.ns,l,'a 8 V il 1 H. P. 'Me. et.rl; cf sea'lous. 73 48 i'l'iiJiia l!rj.vj.'i, Id Hi t Alto': BUI- : MOO Sam 11OA0 IS ll .1 ll I 1 r.tld wind par -wi. b'laifi- ii.--. i I'ui 1 1'. ir .. i : i" u' I 1 10 . . " i a. i-'t i 1 .... ..i... " (.. ..i: " do i p, . , . . . i ii..i, . i " iiii,, Plil.lOelil. v-,. 'I i i.'.l . . isd aOAU OA-tA-rat. ..d and S.-s .-'i .'hi i . I tllnn A.-., rt.. ..fi'iilim . Paid Voter .fon"t work nt court PatUK'(Sr(mos,''wbrk' Pa Id Y, fii'r't;in" i't ' ai'. 'bni'itri'.' dered Pi-Id it. t'. Hart man, carpet, o. Pal i Wih llajtonl'mcii'.'btli r"ri- Pull IC. Mi'ndeah'all,'"ltiiuip'r''t COIU t hill!'"! . . . Pal 1 l). Lowcubi'r'f, coverinj for oniirt room eloiii a Pat t Mc "i nr.it., pidhtsand oil, ouiirt room Pidd tnl:ih Hagrnbticll. M. IStO. una tons coal, enitrt hotiso Paid o. , l-'tirman, straps for Pro- thonotnry Paid A. W, .Monroe, painting court room Paid llondcrhott, Prowii Ntts, bill rendered Puld sundry persons Wit for court hoile and room Paid Moyor nros,, pajntind oil court hntis" Paid Moyer llms., glass for elonk faces Paid Win. Hitter, paining -court hoiwe ,. I'ui I Peter Joni-s, otid. bill court home Pat.) .Inhn A. sterner, puttlug glsss nn elm-It I'nld.l. li Malic, el nl. bill render- cd . . Puld It. II. Menntfh, paint Ingootltt room nn m eount lv-ld H. li. Miller li Ron, bltls ron- dered Pui.l Daniel Miller, pointing comt hoife Paid .Inhn K.OIl ton, work at court linuso , II. W. Miller, house Paid h, li, .fneobj-, work at court hotiso yard Puld Mrs. Ingold, cleaning court. house Paid Wm Hharfor, coinmlsstone... " " " expenses hold- In? appeals Puld wm. Ijiwtan. commtssiunor,. expoitses nom Inst "..iponls r. ui .i. . ni'iii, psp.rlng m ilerner, cnnimlssloner. " ' expenses noio- Inc- nppculs Paid w in. Krli kbauni, clerk ' " copylngreg. l'lrvboo'r., &o r. M-T.tiin . irreose, Attorney and t tlu ICl cou.vTV .ut. Poll .r. rt Kvsns, medlenl bill s.. It. l iiuiiias. smttldngblll.., " r-t-r .'on-', lumticr and v.-firk Jail pf.ren Paid lie u.l"rtht tt, ft Mason, coal... ' lion, lias's rt, repair tu locks. " Mleii.nl V.atef, workuwls- tern .... Paid Henry Sa-.-Ie, I'm pounds Iron, " Wm. M. Ilvnm c Sons, et nl, 8)15 tt. p'atet, j.itt Pull M. i.uivet, s shirts " I aluii Ha", nbiieit, siiotttliKr. " .o i. Ila. eit. li'i'.infjitl cells. " M Mlllnrl, linwlliig dirt, lee , " Men len'i ll. .loin-1 el al. m.i- t-rt -1, -.tvia-i; Jill Pull ..r- ;i;i lii.'.i.'.M.liigclothco. ' li V. . MIU .' i Ii i'.r,I.i-, 4:.'.... " i"i.. . an I Mia lor, kitchen to ih ul I 'j' I ' , l'.0'i.:i U il bl'lren- lI'T. -I I'll-1 ih"n.is i: tii'ddl . bill reii- tt ".'i I . ... p: i I l vo r .tui .-, 1 1 1 rend -reel Ii ii paid-, il a .e i'i.- hi. I ..'wntm.aEC, " . It. II .!..", -.i.i. U bill " !' m i sham r, bill at jail l-ltt lieu Puld it w. vumr. wurkatjall . " I-...U-h lii'!,eiil.ueii, stovore- psi'.r. ... Pull! hut. in i i-'ii.Iiis 4 blankets " y. Mi u l -i.iu.li Lumber ' liaioiu-iuirj Lumber Co., lUUlllT I Paid P. ii. Miner 1 1 al., and Sou, boiMlt",-.'..- Ps!d J. i. o ie'- m..n ft co., ot ol., 1.11 1. uilei. d Paid ro.ter.1 mi s work " J. n i uanilierlln pump io- i nl.va Paid P o r .ii.nes fur hen liouw.... " AarouMui'li boardlnj; pils- ii : . , is.ii Jl.'o'i n--ier 'i l.-.i any 'i nomas flu-- Hansard , 1 . .1 ill Poors J.l! . !!.) art Ti.vld sua K.d di ; -rs j.::.ii Hover ' ii i.. .'iniimn Deo. -;u lcr tli .. ii ittard y. r.uu tt .b i. v .nsicklo c. w. stunt na l Murphy .'. .j.Ciniirlillii ri:s Andrews i; ii. Brooks Alb.-it-.ou W.Mi.r.la Unlit. M' I'licrson Pit. Iii'lany .1 .;iii Hi' 'rflia Laiilil ''..Il 1 M Oil ft) 4t1 in 4M 4M0U, tv, HlKI 1 7 w t4 01 111 11144 101 Xi S mm tarn tun mil 11793 49 84 8M 08 00 .1J IMW 1TIW )M 01 It) HO'i 1171 MM US (10 SCO) 874 W 10 00 078 '.0 1000 IMW l'OOO 109 00 MsT !) 00 03 9(W 8 0 300 !) 79 8) 0 75 14 87 27 W 75 15107 100 52 75 SI'JOO 1571 8 48 53 50 10 M MOO m 00 Wfj 10 60 illd llii UU8 115.1 S9S Its 1B1 G41 S.9H IS st daj-i cj 10 " n " II 1? " tl 19 ' 11 " 151 ' It ' eo " M " 180 " 1 " 80 " SI " 81 " 8 ' Ot " 84 " 8 II " lit 41 ot TUi.ikey fees eleven 821 SO 1147 74 doll ir.4 .ion v- v i'i.-..'.(.K a xi) rnf.VTisa. a i per bills MaLuiuiiy fur tau'.ps and I'a' ! -"ii. in -r. i '.. l f" e.i ii i ud t i, a r-.a i .. . i: i,, i .-. i;c . . l'...i 'i. ! . i-l :T..nli"li I'lu.ttnif -o l . ii. (,',' ... .... t'.. 1 1 . - . ... i Un idinitltia.. I 1 1. . I. Van ' i n '..o.u--M.4iig i.ijt.'-'iiii;:s. P. I ' i . ;. M ir;.li u 1 o.lvi.f M. I ' nl'i :. ' i ..l:.u t . . 1'. 1 i- '.,..- .ii In !. ,f i . ' .1 . 1 - i'i.,'.i'.lii p ii. .i. . ,i . -).;.. .t.i. ! - l',.l ! II . Paid l i.i . -n I'I. !..!) of i i-.i ..v 'i : i'i.' 1 'il', w Si'.' 7S03 10 70 sin so 8 S7) Clisi lit 04 13 84 12 US 11 81) 11137 10 8 IW 00 510 ro i"'l . 'a'. .-l.'Kli'' la i.ot Moi'i.tia i n a, loiiiuiii.ui no oo t&ooo HIil ;tiKHi ll.bixc. ANOItRPAItlS. I1KAVKII TOW.S'ilUir, Paid Kin i iron iSrldso co. contract at .J.i .1' 1800 00 1'i.td .Iflia P. WaLer contract i lo:.e Wuf at Iim In' 8i 00 JlE.YI'fJX TUiVNSitU'. Patai::iM.-:i ' n'lall r.i-ntonbi libra it ai ' J. V. .Mu Kuo'ijo.' s ti) m.O 'M am) aiho:ni::o rowxsiiipa. P.-I't". ll.. 1 1 .M-yot all., abutment P.i. i ..I i J-.u'i 'l a .flit aL, r.-pair .' r. pairs liartuii's " . '. .. in ! ' I', t i Jj.-.a wurkandmator- t ll II J. f'b I'.'il.'.i' V.I t-u :i i.i'il Hock's .. l.i i. ur. ulj weamorbuaruS lil'CkS , p.d l a ti (iKta mung rock's Lisa's Pan ii ii. 'ir. -m'y woatnar tni r..n sunn, r i . . Pnl IP. .ii.it . ii'ialrt Hhaiiera. ' Jun '....i..i.!: 0 0) 6 5) 8 73 111) 07 00 1141) 10 9) two ion 13 73 0) I'.ii I I. , IM; ' t " L. li- i: .iv.if.:i:i;KTOWiii', 1...V. at.vi Kck WW mi- Mi ilrj et a ., ' ' t tlAnL-oATOWN'SlllP. ,'. .'ei' repair M, of 6 on uao Paid 11. .1. ir " .It. on li.'rni'i- p ink " ll, .1 life ier rupalr K.'IV.l'S i'll'l.t " )!-'i iti : pun.; I'li Me. il-.K l'ii'.l'.M4HP, 901 800 IT4 It) 1-.iU.Iui Whlt-.iI:o ct rnii I ! rs u M . ..N'.NuKAM lO-.VNSUlP. l'.al.).,)ia L. iilln i repair v.d ey 88 4S l'T-'il'.iii KLliU I'OWHSIHP, PaalMu-'.' MeiUiir;. repilh' still. .iter 880 " John Zorrs ' Zniior'S 8 09 " I'.li.A; I", Me'l.'iiM plank " 1101 " Wm. Uvi ianil rebuilding " 68 81 " ' r.!p,Ur Iti-ss c Vii " W ill. Menrs " JoU'lS Utw l"!Kl.l"4'i'oV.SUmt' I'tiOC, M-n i.-iiiidi plank Men- o uu .ii , , " I'.l.Ait.'n- roillnf i;.-..r, l-f.ii- i,' ...i..i. 4i''uJi:.'.i.., kiinbur. A,.' 'i I u ' fit J..- li i oa , la .t.o .. .. A. I' 1. t-1 ' I- a ... .I.u ..'' I S .-ill id I, I'lti .1 II I r u.. . 1 1. . . ' i . .i , . . . 'I . ! and d. .; 'tin r a mi m. .. . ,.. , p.n i t'.'Lr-i.ini'.t, ill aoPie4Htii.. i ill ih i ' i i . , :.' . 1 1,- i i -t'ii","; '': ll a ) r Hu Ol I..J-.I Is., t, ) l4 1 33 .. I 191? (illEKSNiOUJi TowrNmnp. P.,1 1 .'Ii ii 1! v K: -j oontWt tMl- 'I'i tuiuir tola 1,81 ' l. i l. not ill, tuiulr i ir i'o ir-bori Ji . i t at , OHII- 88889 . . i t til., Ul.lug 81 St UKUl. -Cli -IVVt'MilllP, 1. 1 i. il. . .u i I't nL, loiuilr i' i p ' t I il' TUIVMUMP, i i- r. ". tt'tfut- 3'Ti I 0-0 3) e . .'rac( 'ii' .tr -Uo. -I ",i i u ii UTI00 170 41 hi 104 ' MM " MJW IP. m ... 14 0) , Vlllll'. I . I I " a. v. w nit. nij-iit lining P. Ill il- ." 187 715 " Joi Iji'-Iot ot al , riling p. lions- .. 04 as " J. r. Htown for np-nsurlng P. House 7 00 ORVSOB TOWNOIUP. Paid A, II, Kttehin a ftnyder re pair nnwienb's...... 8 00 " II. II. Kllm.i atal.,robuidthg Kllma-a ,.--iu WW Pet'T Bnt plank mtnoV II oe " Uiiunvnnlro above nrange- Vide 8T7 " I). Havaqo ot. nl., Lumbeil Ai wins above Oranitovnis iwall " t". ii. D. Mollcnry ubmk li l " it. n. Klino a alT, rSSBr above Orsnverllle t3N I'lSBTOlVXSttlP. Paid oeo. w, Derr et !.-, repair fthoemakor'a 19 M Jo'.shfioniiikerLnmbfr Shoe maker s 84 V4 ;ott. Paid ".71. .lacoby et al. re pa lr Many mn " H. c. .Johnson repair Lt. ffu I to HIOiKIWAH T()5V CbIIIP. Paid Allnas coin rniwIrOoloaareck? M - Ji ll. Hess repair llaaa' was " S. II. iTnraby barrel oonltar ilollrered r, 00 Pl'iNITRMTIAftr AH! ASYLUM. Paid Sliriport of David Shay nau vflle 17o) I.. II. Milton " ville Dun. 181 95 (l. W.I'tw vtiio nan. 107 on " ytttiport eonrieM lis, l'erd- tcntlary lMirt ASIKWOHS PAY. Paid James T. Pox et al- making no spring- tmseasuienut and the Kojrtstry of voters during the )ear 779 tl POX SCAT.P.4. Paid sundry person dining the year a; uu KLKCTION nXPKXfBs. 1 'aid Constables attending elee- uons ui?n .tudtfi-Ranil elect loa oflloors siniiig election Owes flllelorllon 48 84 Itoom Itent c Bpring eleilon 4 m ii ii tM " " 148 81 For Uws blank In pirt Ao., 4485 T4SttlItEFCJ7Ui:i). Amount refunded during tho jear 71 U7 DLANK 1K50K8, Paid For books for the oftieos dur ing t4i year 897 87 liKCAPtTUI.ATtOH. Mlfioellanoons otnena-i- 7as ni l oiirLs, .itiror's pay nnd constables icturos Costs In ('ommonwealtli eases it.s it. newt anu roua oamogon lasonv iiinnisiuiiein uiu'-n una wuuit. House (.'ii-inty Jail stationery. I'oatmro and rrtntlnir In pil-ailotis un ige muiing nun repairs Penitentiary and Asylum Aisusaors' pay I ox Sculps '. .... Klectlou exiienses Taxes refunded Dlank Hooks AMOr.V r (IP uitDRHS ISSUED, Deduct from amount of orders Is- sueu, IH.T.0B "support ot ei. w. l'ox and jmtu refund-id Ut Hohuylkill i'o. for Jury expenses and rjl4.sf Tux refunded, lenves $84.osi.t!S. actual exiier.sei or the your. 8UEEI' Olilinil-'IHSOUI): Petilon 146 7.1 Cat'iwboa . 8 mi centre , M nm PlHliliuercek Nttti Prnnkiln ss mi Civenwond 800.') lleiulook Alt n - Jackson w 07 76 1wust r.juo Madison 113 50 aiaiii 7 1.1 Miniln 7101 Montour 82 11 Mt. Pleasant lUlfio Orango S9 11 1 l'luo 81 fll Scott ;nn Sugar loaf Si 5) 1VWI ..IIIOIIlll. HTATKMMTT OF 1)00 TAX. onleranf 1-M7 iiapild (if 11 nt" ir.no " P-71 " 7 01 " 1 ul ' '11J4III AEuraiilov.rpnMuuddtietreautXT tins a ir.nna Tax uncoil .cl !-d ii.oao.si l'rob. com. and ex. oir ' l-,'jo l.fisSSl Ijxeeas nf dainago of said fund's.... Oil 9S 11110 ii-u.oa llio ouifp 11II1U liUIl,.'.! In nirc.:r.s This lo.iics tlio dog fund JW) iiimiu ui u.n-itr: man u, wns one 3 ear ngo 110 nmotint ot sheep damago In 1574 1 1 gi oatcr than for liny 0110 previous yt-nr COUNTY I-'IKAKOr.S. asi:is, Taxes due and uncollected H',343 21 iroi-nois oonunissioa anil tx- in-utwoif 1,5X1 fly 4S17 T78MI 11B7M T81IK 7 87 490189 84 78 C015 ID 1147 71 910 (10 111" .1 70A8 67 MSir mm 97 0U 1IB7 9S 781 1 87 S97n7 11 Oil 47 linAIKR J.' ST0VKS &TINWAII15, iiU)oi8Uin;(J, I'uxv ., Has the ploasirro of introducing to Die 1- le a A.ir as sipi.ition COOKING STOVE, THE "ECLIPSE," A new ntid beattlf'il Stove, for v., .1 so k' ,w eopstitfitl ii hand u . assui tmcnt of othor He s-i COOKIXU fiTOVi;f, 1'AHl.Olt STOVUS, UION WKABiiignatMiuit.T, TIN WARK,Ai. A ,&, which li-win (iiapose ufot the lowest 10 to n or iiuoroved cnidlt on hhort ttmo. ii .r; s . ,' r.usted as roprosontod. Ho reajsitl'ill soil ll.i u sliari' of public, patronage. urn. vt, . JJ jBHi003yr3BXJK.Gr i.i,i.imi.i 'irrffflA". s tifi&,',';t,,(t!0'ii-'- i State Normal School. flits 00 8,913 21 SI 53 Add amount tn hands of treasurer -.an note ot ncra iioi.-c-r tor Slao- lown oriiigi- 15BC0 Total As.-.ots. $9,100 15 I.IAniLITir.1'. Taxes and redemption tn.;r.e.v lu id by count v, uncallod tor, about 1800 CO Itnad dainnne assented and duo or ueeoiiuux uue, --ei-timaieri ' .. HviH'l) 1 h-itclier a tienrlart ba'tuice 011 . Kusiiin ini'SH aron wiultli su.isiTh' 1.111 nam Allohticl tiiijer "... asarr. Coiiinnnwealth costs "c tlintitcd" Sls ntl iiU'Woropuirs. uup..iii " HOO) Duo suiiivan c. uutj , Jury 1 lii, tn cawi taken fi'oii. il.it .-i.iu.iv onu Duo Uloou1-.l1.1r;; t;nB company.',".", 80 10 -4 ' 1 ICal assots .Innuftrj 1st ls7 ',',th, -1 We tlio undi isl.'ii.'d. 1 MuilMhlonom ore- 1.1., ., e i' 1 .-, do heivb.. cuilfy n nl IhnforaeninLM. ...... I tlltclu-'Iit Ol the aid 1 -it or s.i lii 1 1.1 1 ui 1 r 1 tu. ear A. 1). U74. Wild 1AM LAW TON. .blllX HKHMJ!!, ' -u 1 r.. 1 . r!5illfi rnstitiitlon afltmls to Mutlents preparing b rn.iim t.Mi..-i .....tt...,. .. .. . -a b- ...v k."..'--'""u "i t ivaiii...., e-.i-.'oeiii, ia Li titles for lninr.ivuniont in tiin mm.i r.. . .1,.. n.. odsot Ituf ruction. .... v... ii.iu.ii.ii..ujiiiuim siuueil't ur-.ir- -ii- n nrailolifor ('ollee, or for tlio biisl'i ' .1 1 m if lit.', an Aeadiiuc Iiepaitincni tt t nruu 1, ),idi u nlfords tho most ample facilities for so doing. Kach courao of study Is complete in ltss-.f, Stlwittn. na.anlA.Ma --n ..m...i. . .... . McsScami : LAM;rAi.i;sr """"" Tall Session eommenens Wedneiiitnr, i - st SCfli Foil session closes Tuesday, Doceu..,, . . 1, Spring .session couimencea Wedneta ,-. Oi-c.sotu. Spring 6csloti closes Tuesday, June s-,u. hprlngTKRH coinuii'i.cea W ednosuiij . ,f,reiuit. TEIiMif. lloinn, Ineltidlng riiel and Washing, ro r.Doi. labb ist week. , Tuition ohh Hot.i.in per week. In Modil 8chool, forty to sixty cents per v eek. Mudents nro ndmlltotl at any time, and to any courso of study for which teey 1 jay be prepared. It Is bet tor, If possible, to bo pi isen t at llio commence ment of 11 term, or a Muslon. Send tora Catidoguo. Applications for admission may le nddressod to 1)1!. T. I (litis ,VOLD, lTlncl.-al. cor., j. ti. fi:i:ixi:. secretary. Aug. 14,'7l-l) Attest! Wr.i.KrM' :.i:i . ; We tie: tlnilf rsl -n- 1 I .Mr nn.lua; 1, -en iiuij. ,i-,1 1., . e.imts oftho Troa.-.iirr .''i' ifoblacou'-it iln .. n-!.-' 1 , u'.. ce of llii- i'i a-'i i-. ':, 1 . bur' and o.uvf'iiiy t ,i on li.'i'.i-f Ui :, one ri. 1 A, D1SI4, to t'ii-111 il Colu11.lu.-lfH Ts. : "f Cblimi'Sa 1 n.i, lei-' alii s.'itle t!i . ' 1.1 ..l-sluii f- 1 1 1 . I '. ' I mt e lull al n e ' . 11' I -I'.'.U I'I l.lu,- -lit- " inn- , i-i t 11 l..--t oa. i'i (liviiii 11 . r Jo-i-tar.-. 1 7s i.nd tl-,.1 mi-. ii coin .-ii 1 lie 1 !' -..-.u's; .i ....... 1 ...... .-..,... . 11 baluu'-e dm- colu..i-.:.i to'iit. un c.'inu in- -si t tlilrt-one duUei s mat tlmt.. -nu oi i.es imi H'i frot i Jo'inNnidir, Ti. e-.-uo ot i a d . miutv anu a l-aiaiu i (lutlis IViSasu.'er 011 Dog tax of two timidred and tu. n.u uuiuiia ami niotluii (fan Ull,) (liven ttn1(-r our bands this suvitntii ii.iv nr .tnmt. ar ouo tliousaiul elctit liundrad nnd seven -y live. I .J.lAMPIlUJ. 1 d.vviTOLt. j 00,"llirAra' EKl'ORT of tlie (.'otintv Auditors to the t Auditor (Jeneral. .tolin Snyder, l'aij., Ticii-urcr of Columbia Coim.y, in aoeount wiih tho Commonwealth of IVnnsylvanla -, m. ..... 187-1. Tax on IWaniMt ViDpa'ty. Quota lUed fur 187 1 $1911,00 $19U,'I0 2hx mt Item.'; Stoet. To unit, nswssiil and Hturned for 1.S7-1. 373,00 .170, Jhtlng Uouit l,kmt!. To amt. reeeivnd during tlio year UJOjOO HZOfi1) Tavern nn-l l&putr Star J,ieme. To ami. rcewiveej tluriiiij Iho year 010,00 010,01) Urtailcrt lAcaue, To ntut. returned by Mi r. Appraiser 13 37,00 " Additional nwolvesil 13,23 To amt. received 1871. llv StnW Treais urvrs iiw-lpt datitl August 1st. " t.'ouiuiisslun for col looting " Coinnils.lon ul lowest Trcanurer,. " Statu Treiwt, ro eolpt dated Aug. 1st " t'ommliuloii al lood i'olK-fltoiu CommUlmi allow od Troasuri-r Iir Stuto Trcas. i'ocilpls, dated April 1st and July Aid ('omiiii.vdon allow ed Treasurer " Stale Tr.na. re eelpts, dated Apill 1st nnd July Sod ' L'oniuils Ion al low! Tiva-tns r, liy .State Trou. m-'lls, ' i'-d .Tilly Hud O.JI. 1871 " Vfinters tootflptw, three. 11 Toaure Own, on $1 000, liy Htuto TrcasnrcN j-etx-hit, Oct. Oih " l'oniiui.sloii al IowaI Taitr-r ait. 100 00 1820,37 07,00 18,41 852,00 18,73 S.C0 800,00 11,00 801,50 4V'J 1730,011 81.T0 fi0,00 ,4'J W,0Q 8,0j 1.313,3 100 00 ROLLING k IIOIIES Plumbers STEAM AM) -I- Tin, M iffiii m CchuT Ware, ALSO Ciulvaniscil Tiou Cornish, A.vn-iiift-s, nml Viro Trellised. tJr-peaters Ui Furaieea, Stoio lump- Mantlos Puinp-, Sc. t OlittVLL' BLOCK, Hloomiui Pa. net, sty;i,-iy JBLOOMSBUBG " j.- if?i Vii" ft- k 1011,00 875,00 S20,00 UiO,')') laia.a-i t 0 0-1 1 j t, the LiuUrr.tgnis.1, Anilllors uf Culumbij Cnunly, 1 1 the limit .minv.-alili of l'l'linsylvsola, do ee. illy that In pui iiiaueo uf tha 'Ifili'alcitliiin of Iho Act uiilil.-il "An Aol ivlalli.", lociiuiiiijt, lowiisuip.t, ie., piwnsjiiin toll) tl.iy til Apiil, Iti.li, wo ma nl llic oinmiiuhuiers otHeo lu tin eoiiuiy of I'ulmubh. ull tbo 4lh ilav of J.111. iio, inn h; aa in, iiujasi uuu sotin- tito sovual nci' iiuUr'i 1 ' -if us bv lo.w. n.'1'ui .lilv 10 tin, scviral ' - - 1 ' "sinuiy nmi SiipplwuiuU uu 1.-111, 141A..1.-I1U.; i' si iu uni jiiai;iiK-iii 1 m.. 1 '. I,.. i. j tiw r i.i, .. .. I.a -Vo.. V .... . MAHBIE W0SKS. X. Gs-Tj NTON, Proprietor, VA.iv nti:i:r, i-.ei.ow mmiki.t. 3tini!"tn , .' .1 ,. 2'. (,'( ih , ;;,.! t wmimnimmmm W use the t e a AMiilU-AN und 11'AI.IAN Uu dr. lie bits un hum! and furiiLthes to ordt r MOXUilENTS, TOMI'.S, liKAUSTONLS, UHNkJ, VASi:s, &v. Even varlelvof Marbla eulMnir uulli ..r. .1 .r t ie lowest murk-1 prices. iuuk linn iii.ue Jiourieiii't-anil m-rsoiuil ut'enttim III bUStUL-s-. ltolki.s IIih nnmiSi.t..s i,iti. 11.1.. i.t . r . ... . J '.tWurtti.it. All omen by mail piomptli ni undid fAa?"V. Jl. li'i. i; lUli&wl free i-wm. .- v- a Aug. ',T4-:... . . 1 iiVKTu.!, 1 .. I i- '. --"I'm;: . t-Ki: 1. 1 ', ?ilii a Ti . r. kj..., nnOi .in . I. Ailllr--.1.1- ' . Aceiils waiin 1. ll 1 1 eaplur.f Im.iii m xs , 01.1 - .iu,v awiiriii.ru.",lii il" .... 11 XTrw vo .;; 1 TlAl.lI'14-iM. Vi '., iMS'.rfiru I r t. 1: nod Adiirti-I i, 1'. .. .r inoro' oui; 1 1, p ui'N N . 1 , Ci!KTO:; p,,- lij (.J ll W I. I t H , 1 ai a old, uiuk.'ii.t 1, 1, kcUHli", ilniiiitf t.nii' spare moment, 01 vi t u er, ie m ai am 1 .11. j, ,-'.o. wo offir em ' mhii I.IUI 5.111 16 ItSll.i ulll.'H f t .fl) 1.. I.I '. -I I'U.l palllonlBlil. t 'I'tlS. Ac, wild u. M'Ul i'i' I I- . . 01.11.-, Hi. .dil.-. ,,w In Vbe tin:.' 11. .1, - !. : I il' Wolku' llll'.vU..l l-t!Whfri',Ulill! v. 1, 'i u 111 od wb .1. e (.IJcr. .'.STissi,i4tCO.,l'iilliaK;, MUkf. .luij, oi. -t). A AI)V!.liTlMN(i : Ihesp: (iisid; .-j.'i .0.1. J. tle.-.Mi p- wi ., 1. l oeoBtimpl.it.'iviai 1 . ,-1 1 IT.. .It, ltt. I.SV...U. p rs ur Uiu lusuit a I'I in. II-It-inn !.'. .i.. 1 -di. lul '.:, cents lo t.u.. p 1 . .1 .1..4 j'siki.e,.., iw 1 01 k. tor tiiuti' l .v . 1 1 11. i liiXdv (iituil.-ii-Timli c..-il,,u, ioiVliiii' . 1. 1 m iur sti )i,,juiuii i.ud fsainulio. si.. .. u.u tne com. Am1.1iMn.1U8 t.ki.u fcr li-i.An.,. 1.1 is 1.1 wi.u.iuijn iisiuiii..!! 11. 11. ei,- . ' Is ' ,. i . . ..: . I 4 ' 'l