Miscellaneous. 1UU0IIY. Tell mo, yo winged wind Tint lound my pathway roar, Do j-o not know somo spot Whcro women fret no more t Somo lono ami pleiwant dell, somo "holler" In tho rmuihI, Whom t.ab!oa never j oil, And email's nro not foumll Tlio loud wind Ww tlio snow Into my fiec, And snickered a It an?ncred-".Nry i lice." Tell me, tliou tntttr deer, When billows round mo pliy, Know'st tUon somo favored sjwt Soma Ijlnud far away, Wliero weary mm can tlnd A plvo to smol:o In pone Whero crinoline U hot, And hoops nro out of place? Tlie loud wlnd, sounding n perpetual shout) Mopped fur awhile, and spluttered, " Vou pet out." And thou, seroneit moun, That with such holy faro, Dost look upon tlio girls, Who with their beams embrace, Toll mo, In nil thy round, Host thou not sxn some spot Where mmlln U not found, And calico H not) liehlnd a cloud the moon withdrew In w ie, And a voloo sweet, but sad, responded "Poll I" Tell m, my secret soul oh I toll me, llopo and I'altli, Is there no resting placo Prom women, girls and death? 1? tliero no hsppy spot Where bachelors nro blesod, Whcro tennlesnorcr go, Aed man may ilwell In peace? Faith, Hope aud Truth-bost boons to mortal) given Wared their brlgh t wands, nnd answered, " Yes In Heaven." Hoys, Wake Up! Boys, walco up I Don't sit dreaming as though tlio world was just made to sleep in Don't imagino that somebody U going to clothe and feed you while you do nothing but read love stories, llavo more ambition than to part your hair in tho middle, carry a cano or fotirish n cigar. Don't any of you, bolittio yottr-clf by ujcing tobacco in any form. It will mako you filthy, create an ap petito for liquor, and nuko you old and ner vous. Wnko up 1 Try to bo somebody. Try, to do something. Try to bo noble, honest and industrious, lly being somebody we do not mean simply being rich ; or just liko all the rest of tho boys. Stop out boldly into new paths that other boys are too indolent and timid to try. In doing this, you may not bo liko Nedwho ucs oaths ; or Fred, who nlnys cards ; or Tom, who says his mother aud father don't know anything ; or liko a score of other boys who all do about thosamo way for fear tho rest will laugh at them. To do something is to shovel coal or run errands; indeed, anythiug that is right rath er than lounge on hotel steps or in saloons. If you would rather tell a littlo falsehood, or smoke, or drink, than to bo seen in plain clothes, coarso boots 2and at work you are just nobody. Truth, temperance and good deeds mako men; clothes havo nothing to do with it. If tho lads you associate, with talk snceriugly of their mothers and sisters, avoid them a3 you would a deadly poison. Tlio inlluence of low, vulgar language may lead you to in famy. Bn Portn. O, how plca-ant it is to look into tho f.ico of an innocent lad who is chaste and virtuous I Take care of your bod ies ; do not abuse tliem. Keep them sacredly pure, clean and wholesome. Don't think that because you are only a lad it will not mako any difference if you do juitnsyou please. Don't think that God thinks very littlo about you, when tho most trifling act you may do is held in His over listing remembrance. Ho says: "Even a child is kuown by bis doing, whether his works bo pure, or whether they be right." Just think of that! Oh, how good, and right and pure, then, ought over child to be, be causo for such God is fitting up a beautiful mansion in glory 1 Fish Culture. Tho subject of Fish-culture continues to at tract the public attention, and especially in view of the success of the operations on tho part of tho United States in tho introduction of salmon into its waters. Tho United States establishment on tho Sacramento Kiver, un der the charge of Mr. Livingston Stone, has yielded this season 0,000,000 eggs, and tho number collected at Uucksport, on the Penobscot, by Mr. Charles G. Atkins, is over 3,000,000, or nioro than 9,000,000 in all. If half of these be hatched and placed in the streams of the country, it will make a large addition to the population of the waters, es pecially when wo bear in mind tho fact that these are planted after tho yolk-bag is ab sorbed, and when tho fish is able to feed and care for itself. According to tho estimates of reliable fish-culturiats, in the case of natural spawning not more than one full of tho age referred to is obtained from 1000 eggs; so that the number supposed to be derived frum tho labors of tho Fish Commission during tho year would bo equivalent to tho yield from five thousand millions of eggs. Tho California eggs wero sent as soon as sufficiently ripe to the fish-hatching stations throughout the Middle and Eastern United States. Such of them as were hatched suc cessfully and reared arc now being distribu ted in appropriate waters. All tho Northern and Eastern States have filiated iu this dis tribution, as well m Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, AVcst Virginia, Kentucky, etc. Tho eggs from the llucksport establishment are not sufficiently maturo for distribution. An ample warrant for the introduction of fish into localities strange to them is Rcen in tbo success of the attempts to supply Tinman a and New Zealand with species ol JlritUh trout and perch, those-having already become moro abundant than tho nativo fish, tbo perch being- now captured by tho ton iu their now abode, and of very largosize. So far thcro i.s no satisfactory evidence of a successful experiment with tho salmon sent to New Zealand, and tbo effort is to bo renewed during tho coming winter by send ing tho eggs from Great Ilritain. Harper's Magazine, Size ami Cost of Kuropemi Armies. Tho following extracts nro taken from a series of tables published in Vienna : Tho Itussiau nrmy comprises 802,000 men, 181,000 hordes and 2.081 cannon. Germany hm !57 divisions of Infantry, Hi divisions of cavalry, 3:J7 batteries of artillery, comprising wj,w) men, 80,000 horses, 2, 022 cannon, Austria has -15 divisions of Infant, r. ill visions of cavalry, 315 batteries of camion, making a total of 7-10,210 men, 68,125 horses and 1,000 cannon. English armed forces compriso -171,000 men : franco 800,000 men. Tho remaining States of Europe make up with tho abovo a total of about 5,000,000 ol men. If each man could earn on an average one dollar daily, hero would bo a total loss to the world of five millions nf ilol And tho cost of support ami wages of the men alone, Including officers, will mako five millions more, or ten millions, exclusive ol tlio cost of arseuals, forU, ships, wagons, tent, hospitals, ic, God gives every bird Its food, but does not throw It Into tho nest. Better nufler for truth than prosper by HlttbCOU, Calumny. In this world of ours thousands thought lessly He flceplng In careless serenity, lit tlo concerned about tho calumniator's poi son. Uelylng upon tho liberty of a free conscience, and reposing in tho fancied se curity of personal integrity, they slumber on, as If Invulnerablo to calumny's stroke. Ho thou chasto as Ice, puro as snow, And yet, thou sh.ilt not oscapo cal'imny. So said tho great painter of hitmnu thoughts aud fecllngj three centuries ago so echoo many blighted hearts nnd scores of desolato hearts send tho echo back. Utvo tho calumniator a thread of news no mat ter how light, fragile, or unsubstantial and by skillful, pliant manipulation, the thread, by cunning legerdemain, Is soon dexterous ly trniulormeil iuto a vast cablo of slander. Iu this ago of reformation our vials of wrath nnd indignation nro too often poured out upon dead Issues. Wo load our guns and lire at tombstones, nnd real, living vital matters are held in abeyance until a moro convenient season. Tho sacred pulpit is too much devoted to discussions of abstruse doc trine, while the evils of the human heart are but too seldom toucehd. Tho ministers who should stand forth and fulminate theii condemnation of those Inward passions of envy, jealousy, hate, calumny, etc., are often too much engrossed by the thought of utter ing something strong and polemical or sweet and sugary. If there's ono thing above another truly Satanic, it is calumny. A fiend far worse than he who steals your purse, is ono who strives to rob you of reputation. Tho hom icide, who, in a fit of anger, jealousy, or rage, hurls his victim into a prematuregrnvc, is.far more excusable than the cool, system atic, persevciiiig assailant of character and fair fume. And who are victims of theso "calumnious snakes?" Not tho libertine, for no charge against him would be account- Td calumny ; not the rogue, swindler, or any unreputablo personage. Oh, no I calumny has a higher mark. Tho pure shr.ft of inno cence rearing its head heavenward is the thing upon which calumny strives to throw tho garbago of slander. 'Tis tho young man of promise, talent, or popularity who pre sents a mark for theso shafts. Tho young lady of attraction of beauty atauds forth a fair target for calumny. Not the disso lute, but tlio pure, arc the ones at whom tho calumniator oft-times with William Tell precision lets fly tho arrow of slander, and many a puro daughter, persecuted wife, up right son, proud parent, are, by slander's agency, sent through life, or rather hurried through tliis existence, "with hcarta bowed down by weight of woe." Wcro each individual of the thirty odd millions of our peoplo the possessor of Sten tor's voice ten times magnified, and at somo set hour or minute all would exercise their vocal power in a condemnatory shout of cal umny, the effect would bo none too crcat to givo expression to what should bo intense abhorrence of this nipping, frosty evil. This vocal power we do now possess, nor, ns a nation, can wc, as in ono voice, cry down this evil, but as individuals, wo can, and should, draw tho bow of condemnation, and "shoot" calumny "as it flies." When people persecute you because you aro more generous than they, they nlways say it is because you arc a fool and don't know tbo worth of money. When they would punish you for being truthful and honest abovo their standard, they slily say you are overturning the foundations of bus iness, and are isayiug things that make mis chief. When you demand justice for tho helpless and poor, and that christians should do all things iu a manner not conformed to to the spirit of this world that is, do all things unselfishly, and in a magnanimous aud loving spirit they say you are a dema gogue, and tkat you would uptarn and over throw society. Your amiability they term shallowness; your spirit, temper; your self sacrifice is to them a lack of appreciation for the good things of life, or a pride in suffer ing; if you contend for tho right, they say you delight in controversy; if yon keep quiet, thoy will stigmatise you as a stupid or sullen fellow. All those unfortunates who have fallen under tho lash of an unruly tongue desiro to make scandal a puuisbablo offence, and de clare that in this particular at least, the world has degenerated, ns in old times the scandal-monger paid dearly for sins commit ted. How They Treat Grasshoppers in China. The local authorities, whether civil or mili tary, are held responsible for the stamping out of these insects as soon ns their appear ance has been reported. They arc required to summou a largo body of men, aud at once surround and destroy tho locusts, the expen ses of the maiutainanco of the men and com pensation for crow trodden down duriiitrthe chaso being supplied by the provincial treas ury. Should the local authorities succeed in stamping out the locusts within a limited time, their services aro favorably reported to tho Euijpcror; but should Uicy fail, and the locusts, spread and do damage, they aro liable to bo deprived of their posU, arrested and handed over to the proper board for punish ment. A certain sum tier bushel is naiJ tn peasants bringing in tinwinged locusts, and half that sum when the locusts aro able to ily, while compensation is given for crops trod den down lu the chase. The locusts are swept with besoms into trenches dug at the sides of tiie corn fields, in which a vigorous lire is kept up. Tho best time to capture locusts is when they are feeding, at dawn of day, when their bodies beiiiK heavy and their wings wet with dew, they are unable to jump or lly. II tho Western States, or any part of them, are to bo visited by the locusts in fu turo us they have been of late vears. nonie system of defeuso will have to bo adopted. unuer cxistiug circumstances, the use of men in large bodies Is impracticable, aud tho in genuity of Inventors) or scientists is our onlv hope. Tho prospect, it must bo confessed, is not very clieering, for the vut uninhabited regions allbrd breeding grounds which effect ually defy all attcmps at extermination. Some farmers seem to think that the frith air of our October nights, aud an occasional wettlnsr with the cold fall rains, are good for tho health of their horses, coltn, cows or calvni, iihiI makes them hardy and vigorous. Hut this is ull wrong. It is unprofitable as well as cruel. Animals exposed to tho (old until they aro chilled, nro ttunted in their grow th, aud gather the seeds of futnro dlk ease. Warmth eaves feed. Cold wastes feed, :;tock well housed keep lu bcttei condition, on less food, than those left out doors in rail pen3, damp yards or exposed pastures. At this season no stock nhould bo kept out at night nor on btoriny days, for the abrupt change from warwiunny days to cold storms of rain ami sJcct Is too great a shock. Pino boards are in a sense excellent fodder, and a dry bed of straw tho best o nutriment. Far mers who consult the comfort of their stock and their own profit will boo to it that their stables and sheds aro put iu good order, loose boards nailed on, doors and roofs made tight, good dry straw furuUhetl for beddlug, and that their cattle are comfortably shelter ed before, the cold wind begin to blow and the first miow of tho iciuo fliea. An. Jprt euliuritt. . THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA YEGETINE rui KU'N t!i- blood, nciiovaloNtniil IiivliroittttH the uho'c SyNtcm. ITS MEDICAL PltOPEHTIES AKH Alterative, Tonic,-Solvent tmd Di uretic. VrciKTlNit Is made rxrlunlvclv from thn Juices ot cnrofiilly-seliit.'d biirk, rut.ls nnd Irriji, and so strongly concentrated, that it win ,m.pttinlH m-mii- eato from tho system i v or mint nf Nerofiiln, serof u lus Humor, Tumors, i oncer, ( nhceruu Humor, Kry slpelas, fait Itneuiii, Hipblllilo Diseases, Canker, 1-iilnlness at tho stomach, and nil diseases tlmtnrlso rrom impure mood, sciatica, Inilamutory nnd chron ic llheumatlsm, Neuralgia, (lout anil spinal com ph.lnts, can only bo cllcctually cured through blood. For tTlccrs and Kruptltc Diseases of the Skin Pus tules, Pimples, blotches, Hulls, 'ret I er, scalilhend and Hlngworm.VKintnNK has nuur failed to clTect n per manent euro. For Pains In tho Hack, Kidney complaints, Dropsy, Female Weakness. Iipucorrliroii, nrlslnir from Inter nal ulceration, mill uterine illseiises nnd uenrnt Dp. blllty, Vkiikitnr nets illrocllv upon tho cnusis ot these complaints. U ltn Iterates nnd streintthens tho whole n) stein, nets upon tho Hfcretho organ, nllaj s lullamatlon, cures ulccral Ion and regulates I ho For Catarrh, I)ypepila, Habitual Cosureties, ralpltatiuii ot Iho Heart, Headache. Piles, Ncnotu nessand (,'eneral Prostrnt Ion of tho Nervoussjstcm, no ineuieino nns eier give sucn period, H.itrracuoti ns tno Vkiiktisi:. It putlllci tho Mood, rle.ines nil of tho organs, and possesses u controlling powir Tho remarkable cures affected by Veiiitise have Induced many physicians und ni(hiientles whom eknow toprescrlbo and molt Inthelrown fami lies. In fact, Vkoktise Is tho ben remedy yet discovered for tho above ill wasps, and is the nnfy rcllablo llloud Purlller jet placed before tho public. l'KKPAHKI) ItY Bl. IJ. STHrsJNS, Boston, 3IanM. What is VKdETisR?-Ttls a compound extracted from barks, roots nnd herbs, it Is Nature's liemedv. It Is perfectly harmless rrom nny bad clfect uimn tho sjfetem. ltlsiiourhhlnganastrcnthenlng. Itacts directly upon tho blood. It quiets the nenoosnvs tein. It Kles ou good, sweet sleepnt night, it, la a gre it panacea for our aged fathers and mothers; for It Elves them strength, iiulets their nenes, ami glvc3 them Nature's swtct sleep, as has been prov ed by many nu aged person. It, Is tho great lllof.it Purlller. It Is n soothing remedy far our children. U has rclloed and cured thousauds. It Is very pleasant to take! ocry child Ukcslt. H rcllci:s nnd cures nil diseases originating from Impiucbloo'l. Try tlio VismriNB. (Ho It fair trial for jour com plaints! then you Hill sav to jour friend, neighbor and acquaintance, "Try It : 11 has cured me." Vmetinb for complaints for which It ts recom mended, Is having a larger salo throughout the Pnlt ed staU s than any other one medicine. Why t Vec clluo mil euro theso Complaints. Hoto, Dec. 12, na Clent'cmcn .My only object In gli lng you this tes timonial Is to spread valuablo Information. Ilarlng been badly ntlllcted with salt liheum, anil thn Hholo suifaccof iny I kin being covcroil with pimples nud eruption, inanv ot which caused mo great pain nnd nimoyunee, and kno vlug It to bo n blood illsease, I took many of tho aoertlod preparations, among which was anv quantity of Sarsapailila, without, obtaining any benefit until 1 commenced taking tho Veoltink, nnd before I had completed tho lirst buttle I saw that I had got tho right medicine, conse quently, I followed im w 1th It until I hud taken stv in bottles, when I was pronounced a well man, and mr skin Is smooth nnd entln ly free from pimples and eruptions. I bare nerer enjoyed so good health before, and I attribute It all to tho mo of Vkoctinf. To bonetlt those mulcted with ltneumatlsm, I will mako mention also of tho Veqetink'h wonderful power of curing mo of UiLs acuto complaint, ot which 1 havo suffered so intensely. C. 11. TUC-KKU, Pas. Ag't .Mich. C. 1!. 1! , C'J Washington street, lloston. VrirctiiH! I.s Sold btr all nriiuirKiw. Jan.sa.ns-ly TrlPraiS3tiBU2 Tho only Reliable (lift Distribution in tlio Country I $75,000.00 tKT VALUABLE GIFTS 1 TO BK DISTHIBUTllD IN L. D. SINES' . 17 1st Regular Monthly GIFT EHTEBPRISE ! To be dravn Monday, February 22J, 1S75. Tho Grantl CaiiilalM or 5.000.00 each in Casli ! One Prize, $1,000' Two Prizes, 8500 Five Prizes, $100 Each iu Cash! 1 Ilorso and Buggy with Silver-mounted Harness, worth JC00I 1 Fine Toned. Eosowood Piano, worth 8550! TIIKEB GOLD WATCIIKS & CHAINS, WOKTII 300 KACII I Threo Gold American Hunting Watches, worth $125 each I Ten Ladies' (lohl limiting Watches, wurtli if 100 each 1 1000 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Witches in alt, worth from $-20 to $300 each I GOLD CHAINS, NILVUK-WAItn, &Q., Ac. HUMUFIl OF GIFTS 7.500 T1QKF.TS LLVFTJW TO 75.000 AOKNTH WANTED TO SELL TIUKKTH. In whom Liberal l'reinlums will he paiu. (Single Tickets l; Fix Tickets IB; Twolvo Tickets tio: Twenty.tivo Ttckt fin. circulars containing a lull list of pilzes, n desoi lo tion ot Uio manuerol Omwlnir, anU olher Informa tion In rcferenco to tho distribution, Mill ho hentui any one ordering them. All letters must ho addro&s ctlto OUicc, Excelsior lluild'g, 3, I. SIJSi:. uor. Unco & LongworUi. llox ill, Clh'CINN ATI, O. Jan. 8, lmj 7w IKON IN TI1K III.OOI). TUB I'EItUTUN HTRDl', vitalizes unil enriches tho hlood, tones up the ss tern, builds up tho broken. Ijuu. cures ii MMnsif ')cblllty, dropsy. chl!l. nnd vers, ehronln dlarrlura, asrvous nilec lms, IxjIN, unions UIsCiwh of tho r.tUnoysnwl bl.vl.ler, fe- main complaints, Ac, Thousands have leen c!unh' :d u., tho use tt this remedy rrom weak, sickly, Buffering creatures, to Hlnmir, heulihy, happy mn unil wmnenj und Inralldi cinuot rciLSonuh y he-Itute toclve tt a trial. UlimOW. IlO OHIO Mill Kl't Hill "I'Elll'VUN SvBcr" (not I'fruiluu Park.) hold by dealers L'ener ally. A 32-pago pamphlet, containing n trcuttW on Iron ns u nr (ileal uytntund other Mduable. papers, testimonials from distinguished plublctJiis, clergy men und others, III bo tent from unv iiddieks, Hcth W. rowi.B fcoss, proprietors, M Harrison Atenue, Boston. 'iaaiimftiiri JJa. J, P. riTii-BlBf nm, Mjt. I rrtJaatei tt lt UnlTrUrff I'nft la laSX tai ,Rer fit) jara' cperteae. prfoUibr.l.UtlerflVrf;etal)lQliheuma(lo Uyrnp. I roar&ntoo It ta lalaJUU care for Kcrre, KM MfcndfltiimULodlacaitf, fiwornta,tMi2Cth AetU. 1ST 1 fucM.licT. inra.ainriiT.l.lr rwntlWl,l-l.U.ltT.'.lI. r CllJLf a. JalnlcTwI nualawrlla Dr.IltUr.l'tillt-ffrnrla! Dr. mLl!K8liu,CiJccnt.s,)BJiouMbe ubcawitu QYKtJP. Ytii, T IVH AOKNTH WANTl'.D. S'iTOKKVMVIlijn HRhcrtoMSpaireH. Iirontaln oti-i -jf.O'o touMiolil MfU-ty. A wiiLdcrriil book onU u household neceB- bltr. It fcHlH lit htrht. Ilrcntr-M lti(1nr-rntiit Ltn. onucM lo honk ugcutH. Hauiplo eoMcH fctnt iiv inLil ' 1'iiutm ijiiiiiiriiniii r nt null) nj jaju J'ili J (All IIUUrK, WANTED AGENTS TO FOIiriT ton 'i UK PKOYIDKNT LIFE AND T It 1ST CO, or I'lilimiiipiiia. OIIOANIlim AND MANAQED I1T KlflENDM, llnnrlLluf,nAl,c. .f.llflllcl 1 aw iuv. .in j , , ,1 .., I, ,1 ,11, ,1,1U1V ondpopulurromrmiy, end fay tntolleit for. Aiw ply promptly by letur to llm IfOWK omrv I'hiln. HfJl'hta, NOT'U.I-Sia. pAl'Ell 1JAOS hist received and forMloatl TBS POPUEiillt CASH STORE or W. P. JONES, Coinei- ami 'ill lit! tr;Hs OATAWISSA, PA. WK Ol'KK Till'; NEW YHAU WITH it v'it I einti- (in-1 1 's'i,tf uur I'riuids nnd Patrons. Unilni; removed back to OUR OLD STA.ND, Which has been Thoroughly Re modeled Throughout, We havo now one of the tlnctt rooms In this lcltil ty. We shall nlwaj s keep a full nstortment of FANCY DItY OOOllS, l)lli:sS (,OOI), shawls, c, And we shall endeavor to n-11 themnt prices which jouwllliippieeiaie. With my tlmnksfiir yournl ued fa or.s In tho lust and trusting torn continu ance ot the b.imc, I am Yours Ilcsptclfully, W. P. Jones, A New Idea! -SHUTTLE- Sewing Mine FOR 50 Dollars ! I FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned i IHH BEST IN THE WORLD! ESTIw Highest Premium waa nwa'rdod to It at VIB3ST3STA.; Ohio Stato Fair Northern Ohio Fair) Amor. Institute, N. Y.J Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition fit- Louis Fair J Louisiana Stato Fair; Mississippi State Fair ; and Georgia Stato Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, aud doing the largest and liest range, of lrork. All other Machines in the Market lvero iu direct COMPETITION ! ! tS9"For Jleimning, Fell- ing, Stitching, Cording,' , Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsuj'passed. "Where wo havo no Agents wo will deliver a Maohlno for tho price named above, at tho nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers, Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. . Bond for Circulars, Prioo List, &tc, and Copy of tho Wilson Reflector, ono of tho best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma chines, Fashions, General Nows and Miscellany, Agents "Wanted ADDRESS, Wilson Sewins Made Co, CLEVELAND, OHIO. t'er lotal sifoacif u In Columbia mid Luierne, npiily W BEADLR & McQRAW, Gumuial, A(u:mu, Ileach Haven, Luzerne Ctunty, Fa, )r. J. Wnllier's Cu1ifornIanYIii Ogar UillPl'S nro n purely Vejrutaldo preparation, mtido cliicfly from tlio nnllva liortin Cound on tholowcr ranees of tlioSior ra Nevada mountains of California, tlio medicinal properties of which nro extract ed therefrom without tho ttso of Alcohol. 'Iho quoRtion is almost daily nshed, "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vineoaji liinnis?" Our nuswor is, that thoy rcmovo tho causa of discaso, nud tho patient recovers his health. Thoy nro tho great blood purifier nnd a life-giving prin ciple, n perfect Itonovntor nnd Jnvigoratorl of tho system, Never heforc in tho history of tho ivorld has a mcdicino been com pounded possessing tho rcmnrknblo qiiul lticsofViNnaAiiHiTrr.nsinlicnlingthosicU niir Liivcrniul visceral urgans,in asmou3.lib cases. J 1' men will enjoy kooiI lipaHii, lei them uso Viscoau llmxna ns v. incdicinc, ntul avoid tho uso of alcoholic stimulants iu ovcry form. I!. It. 7TcIOXAM) fi CO., DmcKleW Riul tlcncral A'cnl. Ha 1'rr.ucUfn. rnllf-r. luu. mul cor. WuhlU(;tuu aud Cliarltim St9. Kt-w uiU. bdltl by nil llrili;f;lts mul DoaU'rsi. Sept. 6, "4 Cui. A GREAT STRIDE! -: o: STi mill Over Old Itletliorts roiinil t)Ie I'atiMy, or olyccUon alilv, (licartcl! A NKW AND VASTLY ADVANTAOICOUS PLAN IIi:il.iI!Y ADOPTllI) 1IY G.fl&J.K.LOCKARD At their Works in Eloomshurg, Knrmprlv Illoomshur!? Iron nnd Slauiif.icitirlnir coinp.invl, wlu-ro will bo kept coustaiitly on luuul a 1.1IKU LIllL'llL UL ITliilc ami Kloi Aula AiiUir:ci(e ;cial, rou domiistic ruitrosns and CUPULO, HLACKSSIITH AND P.ITUMIN Ol'S COAL, nt prices to butt tho trade. All C'ral specially pra- puruu uetorc icav nig uiu l aru. aio Plows and Thvesliing Machines, njid nil Idnds cf Cactiug and Machine Work. HICI'AIUINO promptly nttoixlrd to. They would rohjiccuuiiy solicit mo I'liirnn.ijri! oi uio runur. (I. M..t J. K. 1.C1UKAI1II. liloomshurjr, l'a. Jan. s, ;4-l' jVEW STOCK OF ULOTIIINC. AMD Q-antlemon's Drrjas (s-oodia. DAVID LOWKNUKRO Invites attention to hU largo and o'eeant stock of Kiisnmnan b nn at his store on; MAIN STltECT, IN TIIE NEW ULOC'K, 1!I.00MI1UH0, PA., where ho lias Ju-t received from New York an J Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, fcitsUhanj; iho wo'-t f.iW.i liable, Ui'ablo aud Lumuuuiw C1NSIS1'L(1 Ol' IJOX saci;, Fitoci:, OUJI. AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PAWTS, or aix sonru sizes .v.sd cdi.oiw, no has olao replenished hl3 nlreadi'li'rriOtK.lt Q1J3 CLOTHS AND O.WSIJlI'.Ktrt, UTJIII'El).! l'lliUUKD, AND WAIN VIUTa, SIHUTh, J (!J!AVATil , ca'Aiis UANn;;i:itoinKi''f, SlJSl'EMDIIlW, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a largo awl well select ed ajsortinent of Cloths and Vestiugs, which ho I preparod to mulie to order Into any hind of tluJihij;, on wry rtiott nollce, and In the K'kt inanwr. All his clothing Is niado to wear and most of It 1j of homo inanufucturo. COL!) WATUIIKS AND JUWKLHV, W HVjatY 1E801UI1'ION, 1'INJI AND OIIEAI'. IUS CASE OF JEWIUJtY 18 NOT SUIil'ASfeED IN TlllM i'l.Afi:. CALL AND EXAMINE 1118 UlfNEIUI. ARSOIlT- sii:ntok Clothing, Watche.3, Jewl ry, &c. DAVID LOWHNIlEUfl. July l,is-tr. BLANKS! BLANKS! FOR BA Uf AT TUB COLUMBIAN OFF1CL. TA D33 1VT X 1ST 3- T O IEnT . Till HmiinnTOM Pnwi-ro ma fiHNU has rjrung rapidly into fnvorns possessing lhotiet com. ms'VTioM cf frooit (itiailtles, liamtlj-1 1 Ight rtmnlng.sinootli, Noltckw, UnpM, Durable, villi pnticlto'kftllcli. It I? a Hiulllo MiicMnc, ullli Autoninllc Jtinp l'cctl. Vi tlgn beautiful nnj onstructlbn tho virytibt. cjooxd yi cents wJxtTEr. ox:rTr) fok aiiiaxjx,'i!i ADDIIKftS, ' (Igrr Jgg JJj J y, n:i.4u ornoi:s of ni:.nt.roni c.tsiA.u;s. ssl w nroadway.'Vi w York, Ann. , !! Hrntllistnil & Sure. 1 Ih'Pll'l-lnii u,..t in.. ' i' IniliV V V -I ',lV,"'r f ll'H'Ai A. . Ill' I III" I'l A." I'll I Dec. s, 'H-Sni HARDWARE 8TO.RE. LAYTOiN7- RtTNYON, 5I,00SBHHG, TENN'A l;con constantly on hand it Full anil Complete Stock of HEAVY -A.IN-JD SHEXiF HAEDvARE, which he will sell to the Public at Prices so Low as to defy competition. HIS STOCK CONSISTS IN PAI1T OI' IRON, WAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGBI0ULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades and Latent Improvement.-', BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS Uunlon's IIoiso nnd Mnlo lines. 1 Torso Nails?. &c. PATENT W1IKEL?, OLD'S AND WAI!?EU'S PATENTS, Spokes, Ilonvy and Light, CarVinge xiiallobks, Axle. Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Vnlontinus Vtirnislics, ntul a gciicv.il fft'ick of WAGON ATsD CA11RTAGE MAKERS GOODS Building jrattirials such ns Dttiu'imiioii Nails, Lewis' Load, liest Colors Pure Oils, iftc, as low ay thoy can he bought in the count1 GIVE ME A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON HUKYON. fep. tl.tsTt if. NEW HARDWARE STORE! iff 'trV ,VVf! U-I'U- IM'M0 NJ- tMMtkiM Hfl J ffe 1-- --a-w-jtLau r-,, ii .lir-twt-N.,.-; is-A 1- liinilcls, noujKM, TmM, Pliers IUfiAiM ! mr- WmvIM helf bardwabe pfejAII tilings fur nil i-oi'ts of liuyer". 'JfflfiJ U'sl --- JMSU In the County. Wo havo nl ; added lo or.r Stock PATENT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELS ARB OW S, GLASS, PUTT'S", QHIN'DSTOWES, ScC OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all U Uraiiciios, Carefully Srlectod and Piireh.i-cd low for Cu.-h giving in AdvaiiVigos for rfciliii which can not he eeelkd hy any ether ITardv.iue gtoro in the Cbunliy. GIVE US A CALL AMD SEA' 011 YOU 11 SELF Wo GU.VUAXTKK hoth in PIIICIC and QUALITY of our Good-. The Largest Store in the Country. MBJIVH J. F. CAR ai AGS MANUFAOTORY iii.oosisiiuim, pa. M. O. SLOAN & lillOTHKH TTAVIJ on hand and for Kilo at tho most AJLUMHn.ulo rates a tpleimUl stotl; tt anil ovcry de&crlpllon of Wagons both PLAIN and l'ANCV, Warranted to lio mado ot tbo Pent and most diirnlile uuiem.dH. and oy tno inowi evncrl' net d wuiKiucn. All worn tent mil Hum Uio slitlilUliiacnl Mill lie lound to lH) (f Iho htirh.'st (.t.isn nd kuib to l-lir m-r. foclbaiUruclUn. Thi'y halo alioullnousaoilinciilor SLKIOIIS nf nil thn nonest, mul inut fu-.lilnnjlilo Mjles well aim uarviiiuy inuuo mm ui uiu uei Hiaieiiai. An Impi'ctloa of (heir work l niked ns Itlslio- noi ou umi. uuiio bupei lor cuu no iduihi iiuuocouh try. July J, IT3 tr. LIGHT STREET HUOGY & CARRIAGE lVl".A3TXJ JK. CTO IR.-Sr MV, OMAN hei.liv Informs tha piihll , tlint hohai I'htcipd liitoco-pnriii.'i'Hlilp with rutlwr.d, t. Oman, and thai Iho lia&lnoMH Will heroulter ho eoivlacted uivlcr tho ilnu luiinu of ii. r. (i.u.i.v k into in i:k. They will havo on hand or monulatturo to order IIUOOIES, OAIMUAOKS, SPUING WAGONS, LIOUT'WaGON'B, ItOAI) WAGONS, an tvury tliliitf In Ihclr lino or liuslnowi, of iho best u.iinhd mid moht eoinnlelo workmanship, aud at .1 i low as can bo alfordod. W of I'Mie jKironj i'a r cspeclfully toticxttd. A II. F, OMAN k DIIOTUUlt. -iy, , COUNTY PA ItKiiiNinw Ko. 1 Msrtitnc for lamllj- me, In the TnmriTKAit or its Ksisrr.Kcie, met Willi a moro nrm i.wim wi nr hatio orsu.n than aiiv Memiot Tlli MU'.KKT, KnuixuroM No, 4 MnelilM for uanufaoicuivo nivl fomlly us?, (rwiily for delivery only eliit .lime, 18T4), tor rang, pertec tlun, miJ variety of work, H vrlllioutnrlvnl In fnmllyor V.'OUKSIIOI'. t'hlcnvo.art si.ito St., SowliirJlarhltieHiihil rins. IWston, 3 Wiwlillisrtoh W., Sou ins Munition. I'tiK'Umnll, ISI VcKl4tli St.. SowUitf Ma'W''a. I'll.vi la. i:., ,n,, , l kniclnir MnlMl linB. Atlanta, on., iwiivo'sokt.i Iloiim, MarlrttaSlret't, Washington, I). C, 621 sovrntli et., fcwTiijrln.'llucn. QXLFJ, G-LAS8 and PUTTY, Keep on Hand the VtSl LA FIG EST STOCK a:ih WIDEMAN & CO., Bloomsbiu-g, Pa KEYSTONE CARRIAGE WORKS' W.OOMtsUUnG, PENN'A. AS. CROSS L BY has on luuul ami for snl! ., rhiaprrthiuilho I'hoaiMbt, fur coJUi, or w 111 vxciTinsu fur old Wilsons ou lt,it,un:illo tinius, OARHIAGIW, I!lJ(iGIi:S, AND WAGONS ot ovcry decilptlon lx,th plain and fauoy. )oiwuio i 'lopl'.uKBlcj, open li'iirifli'S, Plain and Viuiu Vyi form SpiTiiK Wiikoiu. all it tha lalilhi tMo und urito of L-ool luatiTlul uud fully nunanlcd. illio t.fr aculllx'foni purchnslnir clsonlu u', im I ran. uv. uji iimiiu, i l iana mat 1 UUKO UIO UOkt WaL'. oiiB for n.o lua-it moni'y. IuIpo cTo iwiutiptf, trlmmlnz nnd repair old vork nl Itio .sUnrlrnt iiotlt't, old sniln wililal and war- pull lm; as cash, A. B. CKUbSLUY. July I, l73-tf, : How Lost How Tl'ST iiuhlirlud a law uliiion of Dr. C'l'I VI,llVl:i,I,,coli,liraU'il ei'uy on Iliti radical i u (V1'1'01," "'"'Ii Inn of S)i'iinalia-il.a'a SSais" ' "' ,H,Vlk,"c,w' "npounoy, .Mental and uiaa3y iiliytleul Incapacity, luipedlmcnla to Marrlnifo, etc,! ali onsuniptlon, Kplli psy, und Kits limuecil iif KCll-inillUi'CnCO ol bCituul c.tmucat co Pilct, dc. l&rJ'iiee, in a stlcd enrtlnie, only six etnta, Tho cehdiraled niilhor, In IhH mlmlraljlo essay clearly dcinonstr.ites Hum a thirty ) ears' Mircutfu ihwuuu, to uio aiaruiuiir conemn nera i,r iir aijuso may Ik- rallcnlly cured without tho doiij,roiis uu ui luo-rnui ninuiino or Iho ann cation or ti n kiilfos polntluir out a uiodocf euro utonconmrlo ccituln, nnd cuci-tual, by moans or which cery nuf n ier, no muiier what ids ccndlllonmny I ciaay cur himself chnaply pjlvnlely, uml radically. S3I hW Lecluro Hiould bo m u10 hands ol oiciy youlh nnd ooij man In Iho land. Sent under s-al, In a plain cnvi ir,. in drohn. prt-pald, on recent cf ccnlK, or two ros AddroM tho PublWicru, CIIAS. .1.0. hUS'U.V CO., m cowery, Nok York, I out onico Uox ,ss. April ill, 'Ity "TOI1 PItlN'TINfT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED PltOJIITLY AT TIIE OOLUMWAN Ox'FICli, ROBERT UOAN 0AB1SET MAKER AND UNDEHTAKEIll. Iron Street, beiwetn Main mid Third Streets, iiLoo.Msmnui, r. A LL kinds d I'nrnllnro nmdo to nnler nnd V lirnlriMi Nrnltiirp nwitlv rennlrcd. Til") (iiinlltv nnti I'Mch t hl woik will lO'.iimie with any Hut can rinpi'oducod nnd ho lew elfillly nolUIUit Miuru ot public imtronnire. Uiulorinking Will 1 earcfallv nnd promptly ntfonrietl to. Wlirn called upon diirtne any lio ir ot tho unv nr night Im wlllnt onio iv-noud awl lay out the dead. Allien fi'i.mle lieln In such cn.H'1 Is desired ho will fmidili tin) Minii'. Ready Made Collins both of wood nnd ttfrri'.U ' WAItH nlnnys on nan i. lie n nisoii.e ine " 'e I ropiiciur in inouam btirtr and surruinidltiif dHti n ta Mr Taylor's Vateiit Uoruse Preserver lly whleh a corpse mu..-l-e urel and mrefully pro iened In lee tor am d--slri!le Iciiirltiof time. 'Iho Use of I be Presence r i.iv 1 i Maine.! from lilm at inn' tlun'. wiiK ."an 'id-i, uovi-s and Motirnlntr fur l)e.fiirnlili"d wn-n ie,vi"t,ed. A ho, llllAliSli nnd CO.NVEYAM I rump b 'l tLif-J'ciiiciniic? lie t c Jifiuhr Undertaker nml thoroughly vndritln .'! tits 0'vi'm,i,t, lie will nn' I" itniLiKi'd li nr t'.i llinovl'liurii or in the county. ' UUHP.IIT KOAN. Deo. ll,'7l-ly RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES. Till I LA D E LP U I A A:.'i it EA l) I NG .1 HAILKOAll. AVINTEIl Alilt A NG EM ENT. rov. nth, 1871. tiuis'r i.r.AVE iirrr.iiT ah i oi.i ott, (f ixoav i:xcr.rn: l'or Now York, PHll.idelphl.i, llondlnjr, PottBilllo Tamnn.ua, Ac, ll,;.in. m l'or 1'ntnwlasa, lt.ao n. ni. and ',V, p. in. for IVllllamsport.O.iiS a. in. and 4,C0 p. m. TIMINi I'Olt UITF.I'.T I KAVK AB r01.I.OWS, (SCNI'AY KX C'KI'TKII.) Leave Xcw York, !),ao a. in. I,cavo Phlladi lplila, o,ir. n. in. Lcnvo Ilcmllns, il,r.')n. in., i'ottaillle, is.lo p. m. and Tamarpia, l,sn p. m. Leave C'alanben, f.,so n. m. r.nd 4,P0 p. m. Leaio ll'llllamsporl, '.i.ton. m. ami (j.eo ji. in. Pasenj,ers to and from 7cw York ami Philadel phia so through w Uhout tliaiisru of cars. J. I,'. WOOTKN, JLiy 5, 17I- If. Rcncral Supctlutcndcnt. TVroiJTIinsX CKNTI5AL 1IAILWAY 1 I'OMI'ANY. (la ami ntter November 20th, 16.TS. trains will lenio gUNiUIUYaifjllaws: KOItTIIWAlID. Krlo JInllB.20a. in., anho J:i:nlrn ll.tain. m " 1'ainnd.Hgua... 3,!,Bp. m. " lioc'ioiitcr Mn " " Majfar.i ;mo " Ilcnovo nccoaunodatlon 11,10 a. u.auliu WilJIanis part l.'.Vp. in. I.'imlia.llall l.lEii.ia.,arilo L'lmlra ln.son. in. lmmilo Impress 7.16 a. m. arrlio I'.urfalo 8.M a. m. KOUTlllV.llll). Ihilfalo Express s.oo a. in. nirlvc llai rKbnre 4.t,o a. ni " P.allhnoro8,l0 " LlmlraMail 11,15a.m., nrilio llairKbmir l.Mi p. ni. " Wnshlni'lon 10.S0 " " baltlmuroiUij " " Washington P.:o " Ilanhburanecummodatlon 8.Wp.in.niiUo llarrla burj; ID.fiOp. iu. anlvo Paltlmoro s.sna. m. " Wiishlngton 0.13 " Lrlo .Vail 12.M n. in. nrilio llaril-buif;3.(,r.a. m. " I'.idtlmoioMO " , , " Washlnston 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. I). M. liOYIi, Jr., (leneral Passenger Agent A. .1. C'AS-iATl', (icneral .Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. i'liilaililphlii & Kfic It. 1!. Diiisioii. AVINTEU TIME TAI1LE. ON and after SUNDAY, NOVEJIIIUl! l.ltli, i,-, i1,,','', l,''u T': "s I'hllaiMphla i;u0 lmil Itoad liliMon will inn na lolloiibi U'i:ST)'Al!l). PAST LINK IcaHwYl.llfidelrlila. 1J.tr. p. m !! " llariltbiirg.... B.fiO p. m VI',ll,!'.,bric,t" ''1n r- . . '-'ck llaicn nun p. in " arrive at innralo o.oo n. m K1IIE. MAIL leaves Philadelphia VMp. ni ", " " HarrSburir i "i n m : :: ?&n...:::::: lasSrS " " Mnm1,'"1'" lur.a.m ""cvo ll.lo u. in " " "T' r.rla 6.05 p. l ULMlltAJIAILlcavca Philadelphia S.OO a. in. " " U!nr.l.l',J,lr,f LP.m. Milllaniipoil c.'.nji.ni. " " nrr. ntLockllnun T.SOp. m. LOCK 11AVJ5N' ACCOM, leaves Ilarrlsburg 8,15 a. ni u " " Wllllamiport.osp. m Lockllaiciil.ioii.m FASTWAIW, l'HU AUXPIlIiSSlcaicsLockllaun... .C.IOa.m. Philadelphia j.lia, in. rain-MAILlcaicaL-ilo ,,;, Hi noio F.vr. n. m IJKK ll.Ulll. P. 1 1 " " air.at Phliaii,.ii,i,i i :? " L'LMIliA .MAIL lsavoj Lock Ilaun qa , nrr.ntlPiiri.iirg..V... . citl" " urr.at vuipuicipiru.....:::: cAol': !!! MAOAltA EXPIiimiwum Kano n.o n. m it ! " llcnov.l 4 05 1 m " .. ''.''Kllaicn . f,,25pi,i ,. . "lll.lanit.poit. ii.R0i.iii " .M'iibury ..... mo ii. in ;r. at llniiufiunr. lo?.-, " l,hlladcli,ld,i...50a.m S.M.rsl!it,Tni,!.f',.!'P.!!!! "est ntl-iln wlkh L, Allegheny . it ? " ' " " w U and Hall We.t with iio n,i ............ nee rlj.,and at lia.feilu.g SSI8 c i'i. ll'. !! con nori in n aln bOUIIl Jau.8,.T5-,t WM A' 1'AI.IWIN, ' " ticneiaisunt GKO. A. WUNC'E A CO. Orgnns and Molodeona. TIIK OLDIiST, UKbtoT AND JlOb'P I'i;aiWr Mtiuufiictory iu tlio Uniled States. 5 4 0 0 0 Now in umi. Koother MuUcal Instrument i,i,.ii .... am popularity. ' IfBcnd for I'rlco iu&i. Address, NOV , lltlPFAIX), N, Y BUSINESSCAItDs. VISITINIHA , PllOf 1IAJJMIX Neatly and C'liouj.ly Vn,u ut tLoCoLuix.