The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 05, 1875, Image 2

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Friday, Fobi'imty 5.1875
Andy Johnson will meet In the United
States senate thirteen senators, wlio votiil
jointly on his trial for lniiccliineiit.
The public tlcbt ntntemct ii'iuws thnt in
the month of January tlio itnlelitetlneioftlie
country was Increased $t,:i!)7,8"0.i!7.
The Pittsburg Chronicle ssys tint the Horn
ocrntn have lighted (he which they will
find It difficult to r.utut. They do not menu
thnt It shall be put out, cither, until all the
l03c rubbish is burned.
Difficulties about our j-owor press inn
plilnery Imvc prevented us for some weeks
from Bfttlnt our paper printed In time for
some of tho nulls, and tlice troubles niso
cautil some bad printing. We are glad to
tay theso have at length been corrects), that
the printing In future will be perfect, and
after this issue the paper will be mailed, a
usual, on Thursday evening.
Augus Cameron has been elected U S
Senator by tke Wisconsin Legislature, In
place of Mutt. Carpenter, Republican
Cameron received the votes of all the
Democrat) and some bolting Republicans.
Whllo the manner of his election and his
name (though not a relative of Simon)
portend no good, he is pledged to hurd
money, tariff for revenue and to favor the
supremacy of tho civil over tho military
Th Beecher trial u going on in New
York, and city papers nra lo.vled down with
thi filthitst ituff that ever got into newspa
per column. For publishing hints is ref
erence to this Imslnon our valiant Federal
officials imprisoned and robbed tivo women
in Xew York, anil for publishing no more
objectionable matter, nn obscure and friend
less printer has been lying in jail in Wil-
liamsport for montlis. Why is not the same
strong arm stretched out now? Cowardice
official cowardice I Radical instinct
cower to tht strong bully the weak I
In Maiuc tho temperance people are going
back to the old "moral suasion" plan of at
tack upon alcohol, after vainly trying the
enforcement plans for twenty years. Tho el
der portion of people hero will remember
how much was accomplished by the old plan
of holding public meetings signing pledges,
&c, and how little has been effected by the
other plans since that was abandoned. Vol
untary action is both the popular and tho
effectivo mode of accomplishing any reform
in a free country.
Th European news of the week are not
important. The French Assembly is making
progress in constructing a government, but
as no party has a majority tho machine does
not promise to bo of the most consistent
workmanship. Except .in name thero will
be littla of Republicanism about it.
The entire army f the new King, Alfon
so, it moving against the Carlist positions in
Spain and decisive results may be looked for.
The Turks and Montenegrins havo been
compelled to settle their difficulty, a war in
that quarter not being convenient for the
leading European powers.
State Superintendent of Fukl'c Schools'.
It is a noticeable fact that during tho forty
years of our present School System no one
from We-tern Pennsylvania has filled the
office, of State Superintendent. PitUburg
The Pott is certainly in error. James
Fmdly was the first Superintendent, ex-rfii
do, and we believe ho was from Allegheny
or Westmoreland. Afterwards A. L. Itussel,
of Bedford, and Charles A. Ill.icb.of Greene,
followed. The western part of the State
was never distinguished, we believe, for not
receiving its full share of official position.
When the snobsof this country got through
with their worship of King Calico, they took
time to look around them and then discov
ered that nobody was staring on the scene.
They then dropped the subject and Calico
found himself alone. At St. Louis lis passed
tho time by roystering around the city and
getting onaspree.aftcrwhich he niadetracks
for the Sandwich Islands, being conveyed
thither by a government vessel at tho ex
pense of the people, by order of Gen, Grant.
Had the show been kept up that was start
ed at Washington, Calico would no doubt
have been back often, but the latter part of
hU will probably keep him
Texas probably suffered less in a direct
way from tho civil war than :uiv otheroftho
Southern States, and it has been cither the
most fortunate or tho best governed State in
that section since the war. The total debt of
thb State, according to GovernorCook'smes
sage, is only $1,012,205 and theestimated re
ceipts $1,289,000. Tho estimated cost of the
public schools is $509,000, and the estimated
receipts of the school fund$71.r,129. The tax
able property f the State is $27.j,O00,OOO,au
increase of $G3,000,000 since 1872. There
must be some potent reason for the prosperi
ty of Texas us compared with Louisiana,
and for the peace which reigns there, Mid a
good lesson might be gathered from a com
parison of the conditions which In the one
Stato have produced anarchy and misrule,
and in tho other peace, light burdens and
growing prosperity, Philadelphia Ledger.
The atmosphere of Texas is not congenial
to tho carpet bagger, and tho vrlijte popula
tion thero outnumbers the black. Tiiu main
reason, however, is that Texas is so exten
sive that the army is not large enough to en
.'orco frauds, llenco the Radicals keep hands
How to ds it I
It is related by sundry Washington cor
respondents that when a committee of New
Orleans importers waited on Geu. Grant with
a request to remavo his brother-in-law, Gen.
Ctsjy, from the office of collector at the
Port of New Orleans, becauso of corruption
and incompetency, tho President naively in
quired "but what will I do with him if I
remove him?" The committee wero non
plussed and retired,
Had Gov. Curtin been with that commit
tee they would no doubt havo been more
successful. Some years ago thero resided in
Pellefonto a broken down ex-landlord, who
had become completely worthless for any
practical purpose, but was nevertheless a
rather prepossessing man in personal ap
pearance. Gen. Reed had built n vcrv larro
and fine liotol at Krlo and was in want of a
superintendent. A paper was gotten up at
ueueionie recommending ex-landlo.-d Ward,
which was duly signed by Gov. Curtin and
Other distinguished I'Dlltlnmnn nftlin Inr-nll.
ty, and upon the strength of It Ward got tho
position. His Incompetency soon becamo
apparent and with somo difficulty Gen, Reed
gotrjdofhlm. Meeting Curtin afterwards,
Jieeu complained to lilm for recommending
such a man. The ex-Governor coollv re.
plied, "do as we did recommend him on
further I" If the New Orleans committee had
have understood that dodge they evidently
ould Lave gotten rid of brother-in-law
C3y,b "rocouine&diutf hlta on further I"
Tho liCdshturp.
Not much progress has ns yet been made
by tho Legislature In tho transaction of tho
necessary public business. A most disgrace'
fill and shameful row occurred In the Hniue
on Monday evening. The Speaker railed
Mr. W nir. of Union, tn order, and directed
him to tako his seat. This lie rrf.i-ed to do.
but cuiuinued in his disorder. The Sps.iker
then directed tho Sergoant-at-nrms to arrest
mm. Some Republican members cromled
around to protect him and some Democrats
absurdly went to the .issuance of the officer.
Amidst this shameful scene, the House nil
journed. On the next day Wolf w.w arrest
ed by the Sergeant and brought tj the bar
of the House. He offered nn impudent ex
planatlon, when a motion of censure was of
fered and debated to tho hour of adjourn
ment. If the House bad even an ordinary
degree of respect for itself It would expol
him. Jvo matter what tho merits of a con
troversy between a number and the
Speaker may be, when the latter calls to or
der, or demands ot a member to take his
seat, the former must obey, and will If ho is
a gentleman, or fit associate of gntlcmen.
lly no other mean can any deliberative
body preserve dignity or the most ordinary
respectability. If the Speaker nets wrong
fully, there are proper meant for correcting
or rebuking him.
Wolf, we are told, is a. young lawyer, from
Lewisburg, serving n third term. His Leg
islative reputation Is not creditable. His
conduct in the recent disgraceful occurrence
is characteristic of ill-breeding, vulgarity
and a total want of gentlemanly instincts or
principles. He might have had the excuse
of sudden passion had he not persisted in
his itupudenco tho next day. A frank,
manly apology would have been creditable
to him. As tho caso stands there is no ex
tenuation for his fault, and tho Hnuso will
exhibit itself in no creditable light if it docs
not deal summarily with him.
This scene is a sad commentary upon tho
increase of membership, and goes far to sus'
taiu the position of thoso who opposed that
pieco of folly. Two hundred men is too
large an assembly fordolihcration, when it is
composed of a majority of inexperienced
persons, many of whom are ignorant and
conceited, and too many ill-bred and unprin
cipled. They, of course, in time could be
schooled into proper demeanor, but by that
time the session will expire and a brood of
new fledglings tako their places at the next
We scarcely think the occurrence above
referred to could have occurred with a com
petent and experienced Speaker in tho chair.
The House has since passed tho resolution
of censure, and if Wolf respects himself lie
will resign.
Last week the Radical leaders in Congress,
generalled by Ben llutlcr, undertook to
force tho passage of tho Civil Rights bill a
bill designed to bring the poor and moder
ately well off whites dovvnto'an equality
with the blacks, north and south. The
Democrats, led vvithconsumniatcskillby Mr
Samuel J. Randall, of this State, wero as de
termined to resist. After .1 continuous ses-'
sion of forty-Bix hours, soino of tho Radicals
yielded and consented to an adjournment.
The Speaker announced that he would de
cide that tho yeas and nays might be omitted
in reading tho journal, but wisely backed
down upon the den. and of Mr. Randall that
they should be read. This consumed anoth
er day. The Radical leaders then attempted
to suspend the rules so as to introduce a new
rule permitting a majority of tho Houso to
take up any bill they "pleased. They suc
ceeded in uniting their party in favor of
this because it would let in various thieving
schemes in the way of appropriations that
could not otherwise be reached, but they
failed at first simply because a single Re
publican from Virginia voted against them
and with tho Democrats. Tho struggle is a
fierce one, and the result depends upon two
or three votes. If every member is present
the Republicans havotherequisitetwo-thirds
majority, and they may yet succeed in pas
sing their iniquitous scheme. They are des
perato and will resort to any form of corrup
tion to effect success.
The Republicans also have trouble in the
Senate. They havo held frequent caucuses
to drum in the refractory, but eight of their
numberstill hold out against recognizing the
Kellogg usurpation and more still refuse to
vote to admit tho negro blackleg, Pinehback,
to a seat as Senator from Louisiana. A
committee who assume to bo tho leading
negro Radicals of the United States, are
out with a protest against recognizing the
Kellogg government of Louisiana unless
Pinehback is also admitted to the Senate, to
which he was never elected by uny Legisla
ture having the semblance of legal authori
ty. After tho 4th of March, there will bo
no chance forany of these Infamous twhemes,
and henec they aro pressed uow with extra
ordinary vigor.
Through unparliamentary decisions of the
Speaker of tho House, tho rules were finally
amended so as to enable tho majority ti take
up any bill they pleased, except bills making
appropriations. This will enable the Radi
cals to pass the Civil Righto bill and sink
themselves deeper In eternal infamy.
Other proceedings so far unimportant.
Dont Hoard .National Hank Notes.
Whllo National Rank Notes have so far
proved a sufficiently safe currency, in any ex
traordinary depreciation of Government
stocks they will be sure to run far under par
and may become almost worthless. Nothing
but tho fact that their ultimate payment is
secured by United States Ilonds gives them
credit. If tho bonds fall the value of tho
notes must materially diminish. It is un
questionably a fact that tho Government is
now in a great strait for revenue. The Pres
ident and Secretary of tho Treasury demand
a tax upon Tea and Coffee to meet the emer
gency but Longreumen dare not voteor it I
Whero then is the fifty million deficiency to
come from? And if tho revenuo continues to
fall off tho deficiency will bo a hundred mil
lions in another year. Unless this should be
met by largely increased taxation, which the
people may not be ablo to pay, tho bonds
must sink far below par and tho National
Rank notes with them. There are ulso other
reasons why theso notes may depreciate fear
fully. Wo say, therefore, do not hoard Na
tional Pant note). Keep them moving pass
them off as fast as you get them. That at
least will do no harm und no loss will bo
bustxincd by it.
There is no getting behind tho fact, that
President Grant is in a fair way to be John
sonlzetl. There waH a time when for what
reason we never could divine he was an
idol, nay, the idol of tho Republican party,
but that day has passed. The Idol has been
shattered, and thero is only a broken rem
nant of the once powerful party left to do it
It is a wicked paper that says tho
last time Phil Sheridan "had em," he was
tormented by forty thousand coukroaches
crawling around him, Now he sees tho gut'
ters running with blood, and forty thousand
murderers at largo In Louisiana, When some
men got the jimjauis, they havo 'em pretty
Tho New York Hun is n pattern scuta
tlonal paper. It has no euro for truth j
(Iocs not want truth, for that Is not' sens'
tlonal, nnd always greatly prefers a lie, but
any tiling lor a sensation, truo or false,
whether relating to the public or simply it
private sennUal. Tho paper lives by in
ducing people to talk about It, and its uni
form anil ujustuii falsehoods clfect this end
better than any thing that Is true or worthy
of being n.iid. Noiiu of Its statements will
bear repetition, uu nutter what they may bo
about, and any body who believes them will
find himself deceived.
Recently a printing office boy In Chester
county undertook to practlco upon ibis
characteristic of the Ann and wrote an article
for it, sarin in substance that tho Presby
teriau clergyman of that placo (naming n
mythical person) was entirely too partial to
a female member of his church and that a
general bobbery was kicked up about it,
Instead of seeking to punish the Infamous
newspaper that would publish Mich Muff,
written by n boy ol whoso existence even
the editor had no knowledge, leading mem
bcrsof the church sought out the niischicv
ous hul, who had merely burlesqued a
scandalous newspaper, ami gravely pro
cceded to punish him, by prosecution for
libel, imprisonment, Ac. Tho cowardly
gunitnies who could thus vcngcfully pur
sue tho note in tho boy's eye, while they
blindly failed to see the beam in the trollli
gato editor's, aro certainly highly deserving
of leather medals. The fact is there was
something clever in the boy's idea. He
fooled a New York editor he successfully
burlesqued u New York libeller in bis
own columns lie exposed to tho public how
readily the meanest of slanders will bo pro
pagated by tho sensational papers of the
cities, and how utterly unreliable aro all
their sensational statements, news, occ., and
how foolish pcoplo aro to patronize them I
Roy like, tho'lad went too far in specifying
real localities, ami therein is his whole
offence, but tho scheme, apparent purpose
and cficct of his plot, aro nil good and
exhibit genius, Wc do not know what tlicy
have done with the lad (put him in jail,
perhaps) but ho has done a goad thing, and
exhibited much above ordinary ability in
doing it. He will get through with the
feather in his hat and can afford for all time
to laugh at the stupidity and tho stupids
who punished an unpretending and obscure
boy for humbugging a New York wind
editor of a "leading" city newspaper I
New L-itiel tisw.
The following now law on tho subject of
Libel has been presented to the Legislature.
In its present form it is mischievous, giving
great and unreasonable opportunity to blaek
guardsand slanderers, and through them dis
gracing tho pres, but with the iiiuan Iniiuts
we indieato between brackets would pr.j'i t-
bly be useful :
Section- 1. That from and after the nass-
age of this act, on the trial of indictments,
for writing or publishing a libel luiiim per
sons acting in a public cip.ieity the truth
of the matter charged as libellous may be
given in evidence, and if the jury shall' find
mat ino same was written or puhlMicil from
good motives, and or for justifiable end),
and or that the matter so charged was true,
it shall operate to the acquittal of the defen
dant or ueienaants, provided no improper
purpose or carelessness is apparent.
Skgtio.V 2. No conviction shall be bad
of a defendant, or defendant, in a prose
cution for libel, whose vocation is tiiu publi
cation of a newspaper, for writing or pub-
naning sueu nuegeu uoei, anywnere, except
within tho countv where the ii.mer is edited
and printed for circulated.!
Sucno.N- 3. That in the trial of all prose
cutions lor libel, exceptions to any decision
of the Court, upon the proper construction
of the law, may be made by the defendant
or defendants and a bill thereof shall be
sealed, in the same manner as is provided
and practiced in civil cases, and the defen
dant or defendants, after conviction and
judgment upon the verdict, may remove the
indictment, record and all proceedings to the
Supreme Court, which removal shall delay
or stay the execution of tho judgment o'r
sentence until tho same is reviewed and de
cided by tho Supreme Court provtded that
such appeals shall take precedence of all
other business in said Court.
Section -1. All laws or parts of laws in
consistent herewith, are hereby repealed.
Of where wo insert the word audi
the following "or" should bo omitted. Rut
we really see little use in amending the
present law, except so far as to secure
uniformity in its application by a thorough
review of it by the Supremo Court. Liars
and slanderers have too much immunity
already, and especially thoso of them who
control printing presses.
Keport of the Constitutional (!o umissinn.
lly authority of tho last Legislature,
which desired to avoid the restrictions of tho
now Constitution, Gov. Hartr.inft appointed
a Commission to report a revised instrument
to tho present Legislature. For some reason
the selections of theso Commissioners wero
made altogether from persons opposed to the
amended Constitution. They have now
made report, mid it may bo gratifying to the
friends of tho new instrument that theso
gentlemen have boon able to fiud so little
fault. Ilelow we give a synopsis of the al
terations they recommend. Somo of the
BiiigcstioiH are vicious, but generally they
are of little account. It will require tho
assent of two Legislatures and a majority
vote ot tho poople at a succeeding election
to adopt them. We will discuss theai
hereafter :
1. An additional provision to prevent tho
resignation of a member of tho Legislature,
pending an inquiry into his conduct by
either house which may lead to his expul
2. To so amend the provisions relating to
appropriations for charitable and educa
tional purposes which may be made by u
majority vote, and such as require a two
thirds vote, into two exclusive budgets, in
order thilt they may ha relatively judged of
and their gross amount be kept within
proper bounds.
3. Supplies an omission to fix tho power
of commissioning judges of tho supreme
court and to fix the tune for tho beginning
of their term's of office.
4. The third section of Art. ti.. conferring
jurisdiction upon the supreme court, is
anienueu to eniargj ino powers ol the
court, i
1. Prohibits the erection of a judicial
district from n siii'.'ln county with a popu
lation lass than fifty thouuinl ; prohibits
the election of an additional law judgo In
such a district unless tho population shall
exceeil soveiity-flvu thuiii'id ; provides for
special courts when i.eo-sary, and the
abolition of existing separate districts
whero tho population Is less than filty
thousand and ulso whero business does not
require their continuance, after the expi
ration of the terms of judges now in com
mission therein. Business, not population,
is mado tho basis of tho distribution of the
courts of tho State,
C. Confirms the powers of associate
judges In districts where that pIUch is not
abolished, and declares what constitutes u
quorum in their ubsence,
7. Supplies express power to commission
common pleas judges and fixes the time
when their terms begin,
8. Strikes from tho constitution the
clauso provld ng for n "limited vote" and In
tended to tcure minority representation,
t. Provides that tho salaries of judges
may be Increased but nut diminished during
their terms of office.
10, Supplies an omission of poweron the
part of courts to appoint under officers, cte.
11, Provide that "at the trial of n c n,
tested election of a senator or representative
before a committee of either house, n judge
of the Mipromo court, to bo audguoil thereto
by tho said court, bIiiiII preside, and shall de
cide questions regarding thu admissibility of
evidence, and shall, nt tho request of tho
committee, pronounce his opinion upon the
questions ot law Involved in the trial,
12, Kxcmpts from taxation property
owned by colleges, academies and other
Institutions of learning not lucd lor priMilo
gain mid hospitals,
13, Strikes out of Sec. 8, Art. 9, plirnso
"at any one lime," which Is 11 surplusage
capablo of un tnlcrencu contrary to thu in
tent of tho section, which is to limit tho
aggregate Indebtedness ncity may comract to
ten pur centum.
1 1. Provides for tho pavmcnt of nil fines
and penalties by municipal officers into the
county treasuries.
lf. Strikes out See. 7, A rt. lf, providing
for the election of county c(iiuinlsiontis
and auditor upon tho plan ol a limited
PI. Strikes out the provision providing
fur cumulative voting in elections lur direc
tors or managers of corporation i.
17. A verbal amendment of Sec. f, Ait.
It!, to enable a foreign corporation to tran
sact any necessary business not of a perma
nent nature, without establishing offices lu
the State.
18. Srifees out the last sentence ol Sec.
10, Art. lu, ns crbiage, and in ioufllct with
section 7, article 3.
19. Amends Hoc. 0, Art. 17, to prevent
"tho exten-lon" of passenger railways
within city limits without permission of thu
local authorities.
Kxeerpts nml Sews Hems from Extliangrs.
Nickels are notsohiglilycstimatcdin Cali
fornia as elsewhere. They bnil'cm down and
make fancy trunk nails uf them.
"When aroused to action tho Republican
parly will be found mighty, In th future as
in the past." So will old cheese.
We have had Grant the "tanner," nnd
Wilson the "shoemaker,'" and now wo have
the "last" of tho Radical parly.
The Democratic majority on the congres
sional voto in this State is 19,779 fifteen
thousand more than on the State ticket.
How is that for high ?
At the present rate of "organizing" Legis
latures it will tako 7.",G00 soldiers to at
tend to the different State capitals, with C0,
000 more at Washington to keep. Congress
Could there be a more appropriate expen
diture of money than that designed by .tlr.
Colt, the inventor of the revolver ? He pro
poses to build an orphan asylum.
The Philadelphia Inquirer bays that "of
the fifteen daily newspapers and seven Sun
day journals published in that city only two
have attempted to bolster up the Louisana
It is said that Tom Scott has hit on n hap
py expedient to prevent holders of railroad
passes transferring them to their friends.
The photograph of tho man to whom the
pass is issued is to bo printed on the back of
Tho advertising that Henry Ward lleecb
er received last year was worth twelve thou
sand dollars to Plymouth church the pews
sold for that much more this year than lat.
"The will of the people is tho law of the
land," said Gen. Grant in 18C9. For the
paiticulars as to the will of the people, see
recent election returns. ow, then, for the
Zaek Chandler, one of the most vindic
tive of Andrew Johnson's impeaciiers, is go
ing out of the Senate as Johnson conies
in. A portion of Johnson's pleasure in re
turning is thus) taken away.
"If labor is not degrading," asks a Michi
gan paper, "why is it that leading citizens
always hire boys to carry in their coal?"
Why, simply became tho boy won't carrv it
in unless thev are hired.
The Ledger shows, by a comparison of the
prices of the staples of tho country in the
wholcsalo market in November 1S"9, ISlil,
Hid 1874, that tho prices are nearly as lowi
and in somo cases lower than they were be
fore tho war.
They want a Penitentiary in Washington
It is only necessary to wall in the citv and
appoint tho guards, and tho thing is finished
and filled. It would be an easy matter to par
don out the few honest men enclosed by mistake.
The Tribune is inclined to believe that tho
Admini-tration majority in Congress will
'grab and run." This depends somewhat on
the amount of property still on hand that is
worth stealing. It is thought there is but lit
tlo left.
It is understood thnt the President will
send a special message to Congress at nn
early day, recommending a hcvy appropri
ation for the improvement of thu navigation
of S.ilt River, the improvement.) to lie com
pleted early in the fall of lS7ii.
That is not a bad suggestion of Ren Rut
ler, that the 3.1 of November should be de
clared a legal holiday. The late victory lias
mado it a sort of political 1th of July, and
tho people expect to celebrate it annually,
by repairing to the polls and doing likewise.
After the adoption of tho constabulary
system of education the next step in bureau
cratic will be the appointment
of all teachers by the Slate, who will then
bo selected solely with rcfeivncj tu their
ability to servu the party in pomer.
RLOuMsjiiL'RU .MARK l-.T.
Wlicutper lmliel.,
IIu " ..
Curn ' ..
ous " ..
Hour pe r turret ..
I'luM rseed
Ilrlwl jplcs
II tins
Miles K sliouMers .
I.ui'it per pournt ....
Huy per ton ........
III usw.dc
TlinotJiy sieeil
$ 1.4
, 13.I1J
ii'or.Ti(iNs) rem coal.
Ko. 4 on Wharf i l.oo per Ton
No, a " t. f j 5S
Nn. fl " " f 'iflit " 11
lilacksinllirj Lump on wii.ur i, i " "
' IlltUllllllO'lS " $ 0,00 " "
Cutting elranliif nnl repilrln? promptly alteiuli il
to. I I si Hour o,cr J. 1''. WlJoumii'sllniilivuioiiUav,
nioomiliuri,', I'.i.
J' .vrnmsEV-AT-iAw.
Will practice In aU tlia courts o( ColiimUi, Sulli
van and J.yoomtnjf countlus, in tho Hupreutu court
Jvnils.Mtuiih, uuti lu llitt Circuit and DUtll' t cuurtH
of tlio I'nltuJ sums huMal Wllll.imsjkit, I'u
Will Ij In lUs unlet) lu thu cuiuiiiCuii IwlMli!''.
room No. 1, Itl'jumtliurx, on I lli.s.l.ns, WtUiiusiM
unl lliursiUjs ur u.ieli neck; uiiilliiIKiitunuii Muu
ila s, l''i Hit. unl Saturdays', unload ulicut on uu-
OXi'! who Itn iirchcivcml luldgo to bu lueal
etl ut u point In Locust iowns!ili,uvpr llturln;,'.
eitwk, near N. KiutuubauJerU, wouuty-tttu feit
lojisr, two uuutim.iU eUlit futjt hUh, uauli, win.,
wuflit North side tweutj -live feel each, south s do
twulvu foet each.
dim wooden tiMco covered lirl lo, to bo located i.t
a point near ChtrrliiL'tuii's .Mill, uur iluurlufruiU'L,
Kuarlwfrrtuk township lorly-ilvo ft4 loin, tno
uli'itmoulH wvoii foet Wzh, wlih una walls, north
sMj- sit uuj sliteeu feet, south bide twelve rokpt Lt-
Wo w 111 unset at Teaser's hotel, la Slabtowu, on
Thuislay I'ebruary 'is 1ST .. islweenlu utlocit u
in. und .1 p in, to receive proposals to hulld said
hild;rcs, Thn contiucl lll Liu for tlm huliilliiir, '111
lui; AC, Hllvoinplnto i'or plans und kirjUui ntlons
lii'iulruut ouriuoi'...
Lumm.l4.-,ulieli,tomce WM. LAWTOS,') Coin's
lili'iiaumv, I'o, JNo. UKltNlilt.V of
i'oli. , Jt,4o" JUUSK.NT J CAVO.
i ion, m.iAni ami i. jiin
nVVIlt'li t'lt.' .Jtrtltsit
...-.11 WI'UII "(! 4 ltal ik'llLld
.tun. To Amitint oiitstniidinc for
" IsMunil prtitliius
" " fiimi Mm. I.iiiiion ile
" " 'ireiiiirer
" " t'niiuty tat iimmneil for
" " 174
" " on registry uf voles
" " Htlnil I'oni rent coin t room
" " ri Hand do
" " i.'oplln
" " Apple it
" ' I'euk Pntntly "
,ii. it, itnuituui, mr .11 ui
Hon room 14 fti
21 M
11 111
1(1 no
fl TS
11 n l Z tri.
" II. 1'. Zarr, Jury fees
" John licrncr, old plank,
" Mablonn...,. ..... .
" John llt rntr, old plank,
" JlendeiihnirH , ,
" A, II, Kitchen, old plank,
" Patterson's or Kllno s
" lice. IWnjtle, old plank, II.
" Wilson ., ,
" s. Ilnirehtim h, old plank
' A p., tinuufptllln
" Urn. Jte.Hlchaeloidpl.1i1k,
" Purselrs ....
.'i, vnamit'iiui, root lit
" n.
SO 00
2 00
2 0J
2 00
15 CO
tu sa
12 41
f .ntt i.niior.r Lin,.., ut
", tuv, Il.ilnsej'sis-
" tniii Mout'iiir
' in. rcLoiur, tax, ornntre.
" Jacob Ureleii, tax, Heaver..
" , '. " " It. creek.
" D.Vcltor.trnrf.Maln
" Yolter Ktap, tract tux
" t IIUlVlssu
" Jno. Kins tract tux, Madl-
" son
" Locust Mt. 0 A Iron Co.,
" Coionrtliain ,
' NoitnM. iu, fiirtirldforo
" pair on county line .... .
!! 2v'' Mllt fron
" Schuvlklll county
" N' htijlklll counts', on suit
" from stliujlklllcuutilv
" I, A, I'cvuit.reiiihili'd
" lli'iliunitli 11 Money, sK
" Inicls, Centriilln
" Uedi'topUon money, s.dro-
" M r, Heaver
" 1'nld nsscssnrs nnd for
" blanks for' fund
" Poor district for support uf
t II. U. I'nr 1 1
" county tax on'Vmseaicd
1, litis .
" lload
" land ..
" School
" land ...
1 l'our
Hi 45
4.V) ST
3 00
103 70
7 25
107 0.5
" lllld
" liounty
" land ....
" county
" lio.ul
" lind
" School
" land
' Poor
" land
" liounty
" laud
2,124 00
2,423 83
1,275 St
Si 42
03 34
103 25
1 91
1,2(4 GS
0,739 34
lly tac tincollec(ctioflS74:
Heaver f,; 43
!;nton. j2os
lltrl"k irnsj
Iilooin 1,4ns 01
HrlaRToik siii3
Catuwlssu jisj ti.i
Ccntralla , 31.175
centra , ?.03 3ij
Conyncham 1 oai 13
lldilinrcruk win
1'r.iuklln 13125
(reenvvood 41J32
Hemlock cm 3
Jackson -572
Locust Sf1 ta
Madlvjn sum
Main U'tlW
Minim 3i;i7i
Montour vsj 07
Mt. Plasant 150.2
"r.urfo tuosi
I'lnu 1:1:21
Koailnserock jux
seolt 012 47
biiffurloaf 2 "J OS
lly tat uncollected for 1S73 :
Hcnlnn no:) 27
Henvlck ln2 0
Catiiivlssa 1 on
Convnium 7220J
Mllllhl M5S5
uranje 40 31
Su'ar oaf 50 37
3S9 60
41,070 17
8,94! tt
H',313 23
Tly county orders redeemed 3234 47
Hy eoiniiilssionull.jviedeolli'ctoia. ss4 ;a
Hy eont ratio. is i 2:1s 1)5
Hy co'unds-hm " treasurer 1,23137
Hy county tax to meet quota of
statu tav noil
lly amount in hands of Treasurer. 3132 34,023 04
44,070 17
Jons s.vviier, !q , 1 iti: vs ram of cm ram v Coi'.ntv,
IS AUUOUM' V) II II 1)00 l'CSllI OK Is, 4.
Jan. To Amount due at lastsctllo-
meiit 701 OS
" " Amount assessed for ls74..'.r,.
" " Amount duo treasurer.... 23200
2,152 C'2
1,113 31
Hy amount duo on aupltmtcs of 1S74 :
Heaver 3') 5)
Henlou 47 5.1
llenvlek 2700
Hloom si 50
liil.tiercek 3701
catuwlssu s'jf,o
Contr.ilU 2150
Cent 1 e (,7 50
l'lshlie,"Teek 8)10
l'ruiikllu 4.00
creeuvvood sari
Ihmloel; r,.j50 21 00
Locust 74 5.)
Madison 84 .il
.Main 31 50
Mllhlll 10 5.)
Montour so,-,.
Mt. Pleasant sin I
omufc'o j... si si
I'liio ci 110
llouilngcicek 17 50
seolt ci (i
SlUUlll Uf 52 0
Auii'Ualilus In ls73
Henl1.11 175.)
Henvlck , 1050
( onMi,rlmiu 20 5D
Mllliln 1710
OrunuM 15.'..)
MIc'Mltaf L01J
lly nmouiittlue Treasurer nt last
settlement Mol
lly orders pall of Iso'j 0 11
" " " " 1s72 20 5J
" " " " 1S73 725
" " " " ls74 14 0 1
Hy amount paid assessors, blanks,
xc 10001
Hy coinmlssP.n nllovvtd eolleiters. 55 17
Hy CNojifiatlons ii,':,a
lly cuinmlvlou ' treasurer. 11 43 1,210 81
2,451 0J
Paid Win. ll.sjnjder, Tc.iehcrVIn-
stttuto 15S43
Paid Win, II, Snj der, Teachers' I n-
slltule 100 &s
Pal I Hubert I'. C'lar.;, C0115 nghaiu
vs. Columbia county 51) 00
Paid Annul Siidtn, taking lieu,
smihrlo U. PenlU'iitl try 6150
Paid vi. (.rovvr, taking Thomas
lind Unfold to S'. IVnetenllaiv, .. VI S5 lo.M. H.Juc!.son,ba!aiRO .Ma
nila tun. I ... 50 0)
Paid las. Huekalow, fureo pump
and lliituri's, limit' 135 74
Paid V. M. Muillcr, cepen-es wif
and cle, l;io W Ilkvs-ltaiYO 7 01
Paid H. P. '. ur, Proth inlai'j 's bill. 1112.) 703 31
OL'Iir JDIIOIT4 l"W AN'U L'OSISr IIILC kbtonss, Sc.
Paid (irandjurorsdui'liisthejear. 7SJ 10
' 'lr.iveii.0 " 3,4.10 pi
" t.'onstables returns to session
jear 27161)
P..1.I Up staves durln,' the year.. . 21225
IMIJ Colli teller 150 uo
Paid Jury caimntssluucrs and
eleik 03 47
Paid ilium 111 durlnsfcuutt ... e25
Paid raiaiiulets for court and at-
toruejs 1510 4,0018'J
75 3!
20 1
17 02
2 35
8 71
4 35
CS 10
2j 3
21 SIS
2 01)
20 41
14 3D
10 lii
II) 0)
15 00
5 SO
6 2V
70 01
Paid Com. vs. Mastell'r ft ill...
" " " Hllza Aiidicws
" " " M. c. Woodward
" " ' .Mcpherson
" " " Chirles.loiu'S ,
" " " A. s. ciosKle.vetnU
" " " Nath in cromlso
" " " Levi Klnl. y
" " " (). II. Mellli k ital....
" " " VVi.i. Tjsou
" ' " lieu, Milder
it .1 .1 -Hmiirileld
" ' " Win. l'imii,-st
' Jacob Cliamberlln...
" " 1111. HUhllno
" " " Mellreaitj
" ' ' slurploss (irover
" " J. J. Coujfhlln
" " " C'iias. t'osb;r
11 0 it Ucnwood ;.,
" " " H. II. Tnom.ts
Paid II. II. musler, clerk ot ses
sions, I Uo
Paid II K Zarr, ilerk of sessions..
Paid .las III') son, UlstrlU Attt.i-
Pal I sundry rtrsons ruad nnd
Ii-I'I.m vleirs
1'nld l". DielbleLls Mr. Plvsajiil .
" lajo lleacock ilit'enwood..,
" .lolin It. lives ilreeunuo.l
" (IroisoZair Catawlss.1
" (ieo P. MUler'st state, t entro.
" Centre
" H.inlel r Hist, Jackson
' Willi 1111 Miller, centre, ......
" Miujs llonvr Cataivlssa
Henry Pfahler,
" Frauds, Montour
" Aaron Hooue.'l-cou
' .lose, h Pohc, ccntie
" A. P Keater Ma ilson
Jacob cliamberlln, Pino awl
" Henry .Mather, (I reenvvood,.,,
" I', R Mi levivr, uluwlsii.i
" calar uu Zlfler.Mt Ploasaut.
" Wm. Hjjoo (ireeuwoj'l
uoaviissiosiiias' orriau is'u couut
Pali) eo .nty audlturj und clerk
htallu arc, 'jut
Puld Peter Jouus, IllesforPiolhoh-
Paid Thoinisiioroy, look for Ito-
PaldM I1' Kjerly, ttiidltln.' public
Paid N. .1, llondershutt, i lamp
PaliPwi'ieiiiaii li .Miller, pu'uip for
504 U
23S 30
15 0
330 01
117 04
54 50
15 00
110 0
in no
ft UO
10') 00
3U 00
15 00
25 (11)
150 U0 1,030 30
70 00
3 60
80 01
cistern . 10 ti
Pall Dank! M'lflly, 4 corn hu U
mats 1 50
Pal l Moyer Ilrox , 1 tloen lauin
chlmiievs 1 2.1
Paid lleudershott & Muscii, eual... 1) s7
" J, J Itnbblns, " ti
' Isaiah lUsenUueh, repair,
court hoaso . ' 4 ho
Pal l Tboma . flors" d jor vpituij. k ol
Kdd Win. P, sterner, brick ut
l jurt houso , ..,.. 8 It
Jald Wm. C, McKlnney, dry nooU
,.Hm.W 1 DO
.. 1 r
I'nlil t, W, northern. eolift
hotr,e '-aril ....
Pal 1 .1 J lto'i',1 ! , n n ir.- "
I, "imp y ir 1 ,
Pal 1 lllooinshuv 1 'unlit r c.sirpa.
l,v, hills n n loreil, e.unt rwrm ...
P 1 it J. M. ciiumhi ill'i renlr to
Paid Peter ,tnn . ( f ul 1n11t1fl.1l
iih.l work ( ottrt liotist'
Paid ti A .tw'i.h.v, nono, eorirt
li'iuse j-npit
Paid ltousel,(ilrloii,etol worknnd
Paid V. uidicman, lumber for els-
tern llonr
Pal I lhsichr (learhart,KisnT-
turs, ftp., ( iincrount
1'nld lctrr Jones vvorknt court
ho'isu iiinl
Paid Peter Jones, worknt court
1'nld J, K, fill ton, it nl. llll rcn-
Paid II. c., enris'ts, Ac.
eouil hnuso ....
Pal 1 Isnlali llnjreiibiich. Mil ren-
den "1
Paid r.. ahall, lumber at
raiir! Imu e
Paid It. liif. U'rg, eoverlni for
iwirt room d.10 s ,
Pal l Mn.v 1 r inns., paints and oil,
court rti'un ,
PillP.iii.h ll,irenbuch 21.1210-
initio tons coal, I'uurt hnuso
P11I1K. s. Punnati, straps tor Pro.
th Ti'itur.v ....
Paid A, W. Monroe, p ilntlnir court
Paid ll. tidi'ihott, llrown c Nuss,
Mil ivndeivd ,
l'aldBuiidrv p'Tsons Mil for court
hott-e nnd mom
Paid Moyer hrot,, paint mil oil
eotirt house
I '.Hit Moyer liros., (ilass for clock
Heps ... . . ,
Paid Win, Hitter, paliillnff court
houso ...
Paid Peter Jones, Hal, Wli court
house ,,
Paul J. 11 hateji't 'nl.'blll render
ed , ,
Paid It. . Mpn.izh.palnttugcourt
room nn ai i ouut
I'.il.t II. Miller it Sou, bills ten
dered PaldH.uiH Miller, painting court
l'.ild John'k. tilt tori) w'orK .it ! eotirt
l'.ild II. w. Miner, '
Paid si. 11. J.tcoby, work at court
I'ljljlMrs. Infold, cleaning com t
Paid Wm SlValKr,' VoininlsMonn'""
", " , " cipen-cs hold-
In-,' uppcals
Paid W ui. Lnwlon commissioner..
" " expenses hold
ing appeals
Paid John Heruer, couindsslouer..
". ' ." ei'hscs hold
ing appeals
Paid VV m. Ki'lckbauui, clerk
, " eop.vlngreg-
Paid John 11. Pree.e, Attorney and
Paid Krans, inedl-al Mil
" s. It. Thomas sinlthlngblll...
' Peter Jon is, lumber and
vvnvk Jail u en
Paid llendiu-shutt ,6 Mason, coal ..
" titsi. llasseil, repalrat locks,
" Michael Walter, v ork at els-
Pild Henry NnuKlnopotiwIslrun.
" Wot. M. llvulu A sons, it al.
20.15 II. plati'Mall
Paid M. (Irover, 2 sidrts
" Isaiah llagenbuch, spouthiT,
" C3. Ifiissclt llnlngj ill cells.
" M Mllhird, havvllngillrt, Ac .
' M.Midenli II, Joiii's el 111 uu-
terlil, Ae. r.iifln,' Jill
Paid Mrs. Ingiitd, wnshlnifti nlir-s,
" II. W. villler eli-.iiilng, Ae ..
" .lone and Ml i'7tr, Mt"!ien to
J ill
" I. J 'I h'Tlitun, I'ap ling
. S'uerlU's hous
Paid Kesiy, Iioillm; i t nl. bl 1 ren-
Paid I'lio.nas 1; ticddn hill rcn-
Paid Peter Jo.'!', hi 1 rand-Ted
Paid.-s. II .laeoby,lavlngttulki,,';e.
" s. 11. Thomas, wiili h bill
" Jones A Mi.'i'.t r, Mil at Jail
Paid II W. Miller, wmkntjall
" Isaiah llagenbuch, stove re
pair, Ae
Paid (Union PobMns I blankets
" 11. Mendenhnll Lumber
" lilo'jinsti.irg Lumti"r Co.,
Paid S. II. villhi- et al and bo.i,
bedding Ae
Paid J. I'. Mlii man a eo., ital.,
till rendered
Paid Peter Julius 1.01k
" '. M chunbeillu pump ro-
Paid Peter Join s for hen hous)....
" .Van 11 Mnlth boaiillnj prls..
nets, Isi'S
J.ic.iii Pisii.r 21 days
llmoihv Thomas c;i
cn.n. llassard 10 "
Is il ill Heers 0 "
I II H lliyal t 21 "
I 'avid shay 17 "
lsahh lieer.s 61 "
Kll is Kower Yi "
llios. siinsn in 11 "
tieo. Suvikr 121 "
Chus. llassard II '
N. Hulll. It 20 "
Jos. Van ilcklo 31 "
C. W. 131 '
Ml.'hi 1 ilurphy 1 "
J. J. 1' iu falltl 31 "
l.'U'. Alt.lleivj 21 "
Hell. Hl'ookS ' ft '
-Alb.'ltson 31 "
W. Mollis 3 "
lioht. Mel'iicrson CO "
Pat. Helany 31 "
John Urosh 1 0 "
Daniel Hall 10
nt nets 777
Turnkey faes eleven dollars
1 M
11 ST
4 AO
400 00
ft 25
207 3S
27 74
21 40
144 4 3
101 3.1
2 21
182 50
33 SO
124 81
117 OS
40 82
8S 00
3 80
17 80
01 50
52 0i
11 75
81 (ID
83S 00
r 01
274 00
10 01
Mo eo
2.1 '7
2 III)
20 r,i
3 00
27 00
0 75
1 II 07
1 Oi)
'.'J 7i
212 50
S 13
23 5J
10 21
2ll uu
21 fS
10 50
12 !5
0 3J
11 21
8 25
1 .'.)
321S0 1117 71
Paid sundry persons ns p-r bills
itnccied fur stationary fjr
court and olllee 73 CO
Paid 11. A. It.'ckiey tamps and
poslagi jjt.i
Paid II. L. Me!r..nbach Pi'lnllng
and .idvertMng 51150
Paid 1:. M, Wiirdln Pilnllng and
nil el Using 2S1iJ
Paid c. vi. VMUdi'i'.-llco Pilntlng
ami advertising r.a 5 1 apj 1 0
Paid c. (I. Murphvoa body of M,
Lfiiiilhati Cenliall.v 21 II
Pal-lc li. Mitrp'iy on body ot
Thin, lioiighuriy conviiglniu 1:152
Paid c. n Altii-pliy on body r.f J.
Stei.. con iigliaiu ... 1205
Paid Win. 1. Shuminou bDdyct
2 unknown p-fuiis 11 si
t.iriii..,. iieeaer till noay Oi li.
Iiunt'i, r 1 .. 1037
Paid. I. I. r.rmver on holy of M,
lllekey lilo'im inci
I'ald I a-hell and MeKlbbin iwt
luouc.-u 011 .vi. ijiniilliau M0) 13000
IiriVT.K TOWNSllll',
Paid Kln,'Iroii Ilrl J.,-i co. contract
ntilr.'l-,' 101)00
Paid John P. Waller contract
ttono work at UavIV 233 0)
Paid HI Menilenlnll Hentonbildgo 17 21
' J, W. Kilo Klmblos' . 20)
Palds. II. JacobyctuU.,abtitmjit .
Itupert 0 GO
Paid Miner, Wnnlekit nl., repair
Unpen r,5)
Paid Peter Jones repairs lUitoli'j 575
" II. W Mlllfr " ' ion
" l'eti-r Jonea work anil mater
ial Ihiels 1170a
Paid .1. V VI Meman nnlls Hock's .. 2 40
" Ceo, Greenly weatherboards
Hock's 1020
Paid . I K Grots culling rock s
,, Hoek'a 12000
P.iM i 0. orecuty weather
boinnsnaners ion.)
Paid Pi'lerJoiiesiepalrs shatlers, 1375
",,, ,,,i,,it.u II)
Pall.l. W.l.'eketiil.,ieralrsi:ck'.s 5221
" I!. Ilellterlck uu-
tenhullso ft 25
" Jos. Whlliulrect a'., " " 1150
PaldH. J. HeCder lepall' it, of
creek 0 ot
"' John llerner plank " 300
" II. .1. Heeiler lenatr Mc-
Kelvv's mills j;)
" ILiulel lltlnlg pltnk " us)
PaldJoi Whltmlio et al., repairs
fowler's 14 21
Paid John L, Klluo repilr vaPey 3541
i'isiii:,'(ici!i;i:iv township.
Paid Moses Mclleury repilr still.
watt r 250
" Joan Zauers " Ziner's 3 0)
" c. II. A-p. Mellenryplink ' 11 nl
" Win. KrelaiiU rebuilding " ss 01
'.! ... ".. " repair Hess 001
" Win. Mears Jones ftoo
Paid C, MeiHleiihiill plank Mcn-
donluill ni;2
" C. I., Artlov I- j tin f " Hi ii
PallChmdler i:vesco;ilra:t bi.
iince, ileinv 's 200 00
" M. a .1. Uddy lepilr loll 1 t,i
" Wai I, M lining tal repair
M. Oder's 4 ,i
" H..ibi.iiinre)ilrl(ohrburg 1 s7
" Win. sMaunlng etui., con-
tract llreonl) 's C33 00
Paldlr.i I) Klluo it nl., lining
tlreeniy 2.1 01
PaldJ. V. Undsoii et nl., repair
PUMell's 2J
Pal 1 N, Kotenb.iud r repair Pur-
11 100 43
" King Iron II, Co., comract
siahtiurn 1373 CO
" J , Hidhmiu contract ivalu
Slabtuwn 470 1
" " " vvlugvvalls Mali.
tnivn , 757a
" Daniel Itelnis repair slib.
iohii t,,n
" II. nrlieln repair siabtmvn 301
" HenJ. Wagner repilr blab.
toivu 3 00
" M. II. Walter repilr Co.,
Lino Wultur's .... 21 ss
" A, J, Knoblo ouii'ract Was
her' MS 9
Pall John M, Nuss lining Main-
' litu , JiSu
" John Si. Nus tlmls'M Mall,- "
1"H , , 1800
PallM. Kindt repair Ulllsou's lttt
t j. mum repurs ism is jtu
" John vi irdunreiiairiWti-.uus u)
" John l'Kgott btdiigli vt au
li 1,'s . . liT 75
" Put r Jones woili Aa. Wau
IckM ji sa
" Johu WaljkrejMLr WuulcL'j n
" .7. V. Whltrmliftit nillnjf P.
House 13T .
" Jos. Docker ct ni., llllinf P. ....
llotio CIM
i J, c, llrown tor nicnstrrlng
P.llotiso iM
Puld A. II. Ktlclwn .v. Hnydc'r ic-
pair Ho man's , 8"
" II. II. Kilinjotnl.,rci)tilMlng
KIltut'H 6TW
" lvter Rnt plmk Kline's lion
L.lliinynnlrunnbovotimtigo- ...
" 1). Hav.iiro ot nl., I.'.tmber A
worn abovo Orangcvlllj 11181
C. II. 1), Meilchrr plan:: 11 12
" 11. 11. Kimi et al., repair
nbovu ornngevllle MW
Pal t (leo. W. Dfrr ct al repair
Mincmaker's 10 0)
";er Lumber thoc-
naUl's 8101
'PolrlH. ILJacobyclal.renilr1py M40
" it, C. Jehiison repair l.t. fl. 4 Ml
Kl'UAIt l.OAt TOWNslIlP.
Paid Allnss cole repnti't'olr-crcek 0 Si
" J, II. liens repair lie.' MM
" . 11. Jaeoby barrel coal tar
d.'llvored 5 00 1CV5C7
Patd Support of D.vvlJ Shay Dan
ville 17201
I, 11. Mellon "
Mile Dan- 1st 01
(1. W, fox "
vlllo Dan- 107 05
" supirt ecnv'.cls Ha. Pent-
teutlai' ISO 57 CIS 17
Pa!J James T. Pot et nt.. making
1 ho spring assessments
an I the Heglslry of voters
during the 3 cor 770 5J 7i0 5'J
rox scalps.
Paid Suiidrr person ilurlng the
sear... 07 00 07 01
i:li:ction i:n:Nsr.s.
1'nld Constables ntlendlng dec-
lions Ml 15
" Judges nnd electbu omccrs
spring election H OS
,, , ,, , i.
fallelccllon 413 01
" ltoom HoutA'o spring elctlon 40 50
mil " " h'.ji
" l'of Laws blank In pirt A.-., 4135
Amount refunded during tho
3 car 711127
Paid for books for the offices dur
ing the year 207 57
Mlscpll.m"ous c.nses "CS 3t
Courts, Juror's uj and constables
returns 410180
Costs In commonwealth ea-es 5 "4 ,2
II. A' II. views nn.l road damag ( Ms) 3 1
Commissioners olllic and tourt
Houso rein trs
County Jail 1117 74
stallonerv, Postage nnd Printing Mum
ltuviMthms t.l 1
Hildgi! bulling and repairs 7i'.55 07
Penlt.' iiiul Asylum 01117
Assessors pay 770 50
Pox Scalps 07 00
llleetlon p"nsess, 1157 VI
Tnvi.s l-.-foiidi'll 1.11 1 27
lliatii. llJJkS 207 37 32 03147
Detlu; t from nmo'int ot ord rs Is
sued, $1 .7.i;5 "support r.f O, W.
Pox nnd $ft."s.32 i-efundad li
I'i'liuv 11:111 Co. for Jury expenses
and frill 1.27 Tax 1 clunded, leaves
SM.'iO.'.'.i. act'ttl expenses fur
tlu year.
siiisnp oiidi:i!sissui:d.
tlonioi 115 75 so)
("Ultre 2151
flsiilDgrree'iC 5100
I'lnuUhl '-'Sii)
(ti'eentTuod too in
lleinl.ii:: Mb
.Incksen of "5
Montour 7.
Mt. Pl-asiut
seolt t
SUgirLoaf Si
'lotat Auwint
52 Ml
1)3 tu
7 ' 0
32 i(
34.1 50
20 uu
31 II)
7 "'I
Orders (.fli imp ill
" " lire
" " ls;i n;....
" " Hit '
Amount cv, rpj'.d and due treaui cr
Tat uneoll.'cted
Pro'j. cjm. amt ex. on. .
.. i.v.,i.
15 eo
232 0
ICO 1 10
I.eess r f danngo ofsdj fund's ... CI
'1 hh leaves the sheep fun 1 -ill,2-,
In arreaii,
Thlt hnves the dog fund JM)
more In arreais than It vtas or.u
1 er.r agi
Tle'imiount of sheep damige-In
1s(i n rre iler than for any one
pluvious jear
county t'ix.s;cr.s.
Taxes duo and itncolhvt st 10,31
PrribaMo eoiiunlssHii und cx
piiibis on , 1,5
8,D43 2.1
31 31
Add amount lu hands rt treasurer
Add note of (lera 1 tower for Mali
town bra! ro
Total Assets 0,110 15
hv count", uncalled for, alsi'it 123)0)
ltcid dam e-e ussessed and duo or
Iseoinln'; due. "e.tllm.Hed" .. 10 s 0 )
Th.Ucher (n-arlrirt balance on
If 11 bill lfl'123
A iron siniih slid ins' Mil pso.
llchat I (irover ' " 1:35 ui
Ciimnmneult!i csts "e-IImaled" 25 .0
Hii Ige repairs 11np.1l I " " p.nO't
l), Jim Mil, In
ease talceu from this county 210 03
one i.iaeinsburg guseompany 31.0 23si(.i
!! .il as cts January tfl ls;s '.'.71(11
We th under-igned. Comml .s'oners of CoIiiuiMa
cn'inlv , do lierebv e.u t try that I he foregoing Is a cor
rect statement f (he u'Tounisof slid county for tho
...i ,., ... n, ,,l,.,. ..1 l.lttltl.s,
,,, . Commissioners.
A Host! Wm. hrhkbnuin.l bik.
vv o th" und.Tslgned A (ilioi sof CsiPunUa county
' " "' .V i. ' i 11 i" iinj'isi uu. I M (e mo ul".
founts of the 'I rc.istircr and 1 ouinilssion..r, of col
uiiioiieouiuytio iiereny et rtiry that v.e mdnltho
,iint.u ui 1 10 1 irasu.rriin'i t oniuusm.ncrs lu lllooms
burg and (.in iillv owhilie.d the aecounls and
v oucher, of I he same nom Ihoiin-idav of Januarv
A. Ills, I, to t ,e llrsi ili, of Is75 and Und
IIioiii coij'cet lu Hi" fori golagstalrments and we lind
. , , . . ' ".v n couniv taxes of
lhlit-oiii; dollars and thhij-tnou'iits (531 32) from er, 'Ireasuroof .od county and 11 bilaueo
(lilellie ilea Mirer nn Dug lax of tun hiindied and
thirty tivodolhus and blx cent (J'.mh 00.)
(liven niidi r our hands this seventh day of Janu
ary one tlnMi-at.d fight nunduil and seven -y mo
r. .I.i AMI'llHl.l, I 3 "'
DAVIl'losT. f
T) I.l'OUT of the Coiiutv Au.litors lo the
IV Auililor tieneial, John Snviler, Em.,
I'lc.x-urer nf t'nliiniliia (,'oun.v, in u'ecoiiiit with
tlio (Jonimouweillli of I'win f.'lv.inia :
Dl!. "
1371. Tiu on JWmimI I'mnertu.
Qindi lixctl for 1S71 SI'JU.'JO
Tiu 0.1 lt,tii!i .'itotk,
lit amt, nssin'nl ami
returiicl fir H71. .17.),00
i'l'HO ll'VtHfl f.lj.ts.t
To niiit. rceclv'tsi
ilut'ing tin-vtar 2'J0,C0
7!r r, an I Mjuor Slore 'license,
In null, recelvetl
Jiiriu,' ills.- year 010,00
Hf toiler Liaente.
lo amt. riliirncilliv
Mer, Aopr.iis -r ' i:i7fn
".VMitionol reoalveil 12,25
t ii'cuii JMtme,
To niut. icoelvetl
Hv Stalo Treas
urers ncelpt ilateil
Aiigo.-l 1st,
" Ciiuiinlsiinii for
l-imiuils.ion al
lovvcil Ticisurer,
" .Sidle '1're.n. iu-
ceipt dated Aug, lt
" Coinnilssiou al
lowed Collectors
t niuinisMoii allow,
d Tiviiiucr
lie Sl.-ltt, 'l'r..;w
recclitt, d.ittd April
im uiiii ,j my gi).
oil Tr.a.unr
' Islato Trciis. re-
oeijils, ilatnl Aiirll
1st and July 2u.t
Comtnttsloii nl.
loA'cil Treisiirer.
lly St uo Tien,
rw'ii!s, (hiletl July
mill (let. 1S71
" I'linters receliitJ.
" Troisiirers Com.
on iji 0110,
u it n
$3 10,2)
lly .Slate Tro.mirorj
neiliit, Oil. (iili
" ',ii ul.
lowod Tro surer
100 00
100 00
45,5 010,00
5,00 IV) 00
"Vf OTlCi; l licreliv given llio fnllowlhtt liaiueil
Pi iei'snn hove llledln the onti c nt tho clerk nt
rrliartcrHi.sstnnslii.'lr ivtlll r ir s jveiu. Piilag
1 louse nie I LI pior sinr" 1.1 enses, whti 11 w 111 he m .
scritwt t.i the Cnurl on V, educsdey 1 'fin u,vr 8d, 1 ; (
H. II. llugeiilmcli, Uriinpcvillo, Unti l,
II.J'll XK ZAltU
Merit tjnaiti'r PenKtns.
SlIOWINd the nnioiiiit nl Inilclilidlicm, (lie
nnvouut (rf asctts, Ac, ot the Tovtn of rdi.oms.
uursi pulul'led by the iortn council
of said I'mtn, in amirdat'CO with the roipilrinchtrtol
the sixth sccil.m of the Adot V.-emM.Tuf Aprll'i th
lii,eitlltl)d, "An Act to roguhil" the mniimrit In
erouliig the Inikwdticss ct lnunlclinliiKs to)n.
Mile tor the Nil'.mollon rt 111 same, .did to lmposo
IH'iiMlles tor the Illegal Increa o thcicof."
l'liiiiled it -lit, Tl? 1
HiH .No. l,ilAledN(,T..'t,ls7S, due Oet. 1,1374,
Willi luUnesi Hum Oct. I, Isi.i, p.nabli nn
nu.slly, redoeuiable at the optlcn of tho
Town, olli r Apill I, ts;i, f:
lliierrMon the same from oci.1, 171, (up to
vvhioh time tho Iftlercst has been paid,) to
Jan. 27, ts:.
llonu No, 2,"d Nov.3ls7.i, tlucOct. 1, 1tn,
wllh Interest from Oct. I. p,;s, na'.abln nti-
nually, leihs'innbie ul llio option of thu
1ovn, nttei'Ocl. 1, IS71,
Iht!li1.t mi Hie samr irem Oct. 1, 1t?!.(Up lo
which tun" tin- IntereM has bccrcrnld.) to
Jan. 27, 1-75,
llolid No. 8, datsd Nr,r. 3, 1S73, dun Oct. 1, 1S70,
wlllt Interest from o. 1. 1. n;:i, p:v.i'.tMo nn-
nuitlly, icileemubie nl option et ln row 11,
nitvr oil. 1, 171,
Intel ;st uu th j sntno from 0.-t.1,ls7.., to Jan.
27, 1st,',,
IJ0111IN0. 4, iliilert Nov. 3.1S7I. due Oct, I.1S77,
with Interest from Oit. 1, is,.i,
lniallJ.redeem.ibl.Mit option of tho i own,
nfler Oct. I. Isn,
lnlensl en tho same from O't. 1, 1st I, (opto
vvUh li time tho lnlcrest has bKmpsliljlu
Jon, 27, isrn.
Cclllllealesof llidtl.lednew In D. Irnon. he.
lug for debt eonlracted by lllmm tunnMiln
previously to the Act ot Incoineiallcns
no'v due and pas able, l.t'B.C7
Interest on the samu irom Sf p. 25, U7I, (up to
vv inch turn tho Inleiost hxs been paid,) to
Jan. 27, 1 ,;n,
riontliirihU. vi?;
Amoiiiitot iirdir.snuisiandlag,
AniMtiiit duo lundry nei .-ues on book ae-
Duinages arhlng from the n Metdngt.f Mar
k. h'reet, being bulatii e unpaid, tovvlt:
Amount due Januarv 1, tstr,
" " January 1. is17,
Intrest on nld damages from thneofcoullr
i.i.ition t J ui, 27, 1s,'5,
iiiio itn arising iroi.i vviiii.ningor cchiro
sliftt, lelng inii'iihl, lowit:
Alnouul duo Aug. 1, ist.i, 1,(0 .1111
" " Doe. I, ls7s, . si
" " Aug, 1, ls;o, i.n 11, ..
" " Dec 1, isir., i.wiii 00
Intel est on tho sain" flora time tf eciiilrinn-
tl j:i, to Jan. 27, 1375, 505 "3
i t'.i'O
too. 0
Ni ,.n
t5li. ' 1
10.11 ,
Atmntit M.xes tineolleeij, fortlmvcar 1 sr.l,
on Duplicate la hands of r. 11, HkllPtnaii, 121.0O
Amount taxis uni'oiiected, tor Hie ear
1s7l, ou duplicate lu hands ot il. vrinkoop,
colleetoi', 457 'a
Ca-h n hands of W. It. Knnns, Treasurer. lss
It's,':', which are to Lo ileJirted. 20.03
Hues, lu the hands of II. Lotvciibcitf, Presi
dent of couui II, 0i
1 le ense, In the hand i of D. Limcnberg, Pres
ilentof Couiiill, jo 05
OulslaiulliigsolMiit ilelits, to wit;
Due lrom sundry persons on book account.
Duo Irom siindr.v pirsons, a sessment of
coalrlbuilouson Mail; a street opening, 2'Mi
Hum sundry persons, 011 Ceiilre sirect
01'!.lllg, 0.,),j
1 rom sundry icr.ii, on I'utirth street
"; 135. 0
vw.rvi'ioN- or tx mile pitopuirrr.
l.inrls, U, HII J
''"'in, KI.9-5 0
Niii.trhan, iii4s 10
I,1"-11 "P. 47l.'l7.'.'l-i
Peisonjlpr.ipeitr, 7...i-. 11
Add li'adds and occupations,". 10
Total, "sTs"":; T
UtllU.T of do,'(, 105. ' '
. , ' DAVID LOWILVnilllO,
Vi rjst.i.v U mr. ni-reiary. Pnsldent of Council.
Hloom ilmi'g, January ss, 1S75. it
n) ?V JAIPi r.S tn Agetlls, ntjhi,' Canililiintliin
,,,...,V' '''.lli-t'niik. with chioiHtW. bend sl.nm,
lints ,t Co., New Hediorrl. Mass.
QOMKTillMI 1'OIi V()(J.
-?.:i"--'L'"1 "'"l gull. Ad.Inss, r.D.IIl'i:
1.1.1IKI 1, N.e 11 1 Mreel, New Yolk.
A ii:.VlK .VANTl-D
i.V for tne f.isieht selling bock ever tml.lM nl
Mini ior s'lieimen peges
riMA P, rtAiU,-NA'' i'l'HI.IMIIMl CO., PlllUI.Ll.-
nnd our ctra tents in
And all Throat Diseases,
.4 Ttw:i ivt! nvni: tur.ntmv.
Sold by DruggMs.
SIIDlt 1' Pi)sTP()i:vill';r--T)7YlTXin)-lT:Lir
Fxhst Guam) Gut Coxcr.itT.
U nilflin hPTi ;ii n I'Minonn
lUUlUJIUiiOI 1'fliIUIU lllllllllbili
KAaCH RO, 1075.
list op oirrs.
1 tiraiiri ra'h inn
1 lit-ittil cash dirt
1 Oraud Cash (JIM
10 cash (litis, jiu mi cm.),
11 Cash outs. ,n.
M ( ash cms, 1 wo cuth!!.'..'."
ion cash 1:111 1,
1 ui ca.-h (lids,
1 ("0 ca-h (lllls,
2 (W) Cash Gifts,
M) each . .
loo each..,.
5 each...
.0 each.. .
..J 1ll0l)ii
.. to IMi)
.. voeim
,. Phi 01111
. . 15 0110
. . ui mm
. . 50 turn
.. IIS) IMS)
. . 400 two
.ft 000 0CII
22 17a Cash (Hits, amounting to
Number of Tickets, 00 000.
risici: op tickt.ts,
Whole Tickets
Halves ,.
Light lis or each Coupon
iyj Tl.'kels for
tn?.,!!i?!.n,!,,'f'1','?,,nnl" "mino Association,' char
teredbylhe legislature of Vlr.-lnla and Ihi rlr '1 it
'"'!'?" VM!!? 1-rono.ed l!"n (Trand (lift ,n-
10 no
5 eo
loo 01)
te 1 loesiaiiii n and in, low 11 "Homo fop n; 111
iniirin. unii Devi no,, u.h.,. ,, . ,-.,. '..";.-.'
,ul""i ii-aiueiit
'nf Mnut-
lr ..VJV"101; s (,nico' H'f limoiul, July 3, 1S74.
cenee 11ml in. ir . ," ','.., "'l':' "r i"t''in-
leinei w ieii , i , i" '. .' . 'l""on ns gen-
tieiiieii, asweii as ko public conlldei w nrti.m, ,.
nKkll ,','.'.'' S ?'!! UHSii
-Oov., ( f Vn and p.
iluiilVlinees't,'';'',1,!.','' I,,ll",,'s "V '"nwisfrom Vj. r
i.r i , f i r He.i.s miiv bo hindehv express
l' frb' V&XS?- VaShlng.o,;i','l.:
..VVnr '"I1 J",r,l!ars, testimonials, Ac., fend for Clr-
cuiar. Aifuicss HiiN-JAiiLsiiXmiorii,
ltellablo agents warltedcvcrVvvliirca,,':
a nn vou
xv..k, Nintvous, oh ni:niuTATi:i)y
Aro ,5'r"' so Languid that any exertion requires inoro
liVn'lrv ";,'!',,,l:",,1 av! c"pw" r luiLvng? mo,
nisi, try, llu- wonderful tonic and in.
V goralor, which r so hi nellclally on II e K.c?etlvo
orgins as lo impart vigor to all the Vul forces tl"
, It Is no alcohol e inn etl7fr. which stlinii it,!; r.w ,,
llsois-ratlon i not violent, but s i harm iV'ro, ,1 hv
Ahk jour ilmtfifit ftrlt.
riilUult-lithU, M,
I nr k.iTH !. intvi i ....
UlKt "(..I h Usl.lV'vnu,.fleV''V'l'H,'J
million in iW. Uwik cis 1 h'1 . '''' 11
A ital chalice for i I n al rfV1iillS,,,1el',t,rr0'1
or liaiellntr. kv. ., 't. . or fcinule, nt vour homes.
it'.. ., , .
tt e, mc uiHicrs L'lill . AiiiIIKim ..!' C I II-
Counly. 1 1 the t'imiin ,n, ,1,1, r 1. " V,a
.l;.ceuily tliitli, icrsuineedf Ilia iflli'S oliiiii
ol lliu Act ,ti., "A,, Aut , ,,.".'
Vi "V A'1 '" lK,i"' "l of April
IMI, we iii, 1 i o LW,11IH.IH ;,,n,0 (I,
w";,? ' V ;W 'i of a ,,
' " ."" "t IP'-i unii seine the seven
llecnintH luiuiltt t, im . 1..,.. 1 . , . . . l.V"
sjvtn,! A.u .il-AI ilinf' X e l
I civic ae.,,,,!!,,,. W ,;J hat ar J, j
lUhLlllMlUlUi, lu VV II1M4 !,. 1' ... . I ... ...
Iieivuuti, so) ran- han'M,,,,,! ..',i. ' ,u
uiuivmU, ilils seveiiiliday uf January 1875.
s. i;,ss.M,r r
Si nl.
Cvunlj Awlilai:
5M'V! '.'.!" .P!H..sdd n ine ' Z , n"" .)) "
inr Viory. 1 ... In u' Vco 7,""
Halllmdie, Md, Lo o, ,N. HowiuuhiiiLsr,
I I'hits 11 t .l?. 'i' "ocitlseminu iiulv' ir.
U f'.reviii i, ,Vl ui so ;,!"ii"v!l",,li f"r '' "It'll iuciiS
vv, i.i,.,r. . .'.f.1 . ". H I lalld .Vlup I rt'iidm ,. ...eiiiH
lusuMwfi1 1VLV1 iiiciif, Mu'et r,'L';"iSJ 1 " '
AlUi Mici t, l'ldni.,paf ut' ''"''' H lies
SlOUs'l.c Su,,!,V.,,.1()v'J',dN ,n ' "Ilillt'S
sue ess. Ae'c i'tS' i' , V 0 .,",1"'0"", lirs
il VNN A ( (1 isl s. 1 , ,. ,AUillth liian'fH, N. K.
Jaii.sV'irl-'Av ' 'u"urUk""-t, llailliiiue.iui.
Rtiiis wren is ox m.,; WIT
. Advertising Anents,