THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY PA, Miscellaneous. A VlRilan' Wire. "Pitman's woodpile has Buffered n good deal lately from tlio ravages of tlilevci, co tlio old gentleman, the other day, loaded his Kim with coarse fait, and expressed hla de termination to bombard tho flrnt mail who should bo ohaerrod to haunt tho timber. On Wednesday he had to attend court, and ns he did not expect to reach home until lalo In the evening, Mrs. Pitman felt It lur duty to keep an eye on tho woodpile. Hut Pit man returned about dink, mid as he walked up tho yard ho thought hu might as well carry In enough wood to lnt all night. Ho had just placed the fourth stick upon his arm when an explosion occurcd, auJ the same Instant he felt as If a million red hot darn ing needles wero dancing up nnd down lil legs. He had heard from Mrs. Pitman, lie yelled with pain, and dropping the wood, most of it upon his toes, ho fell to th ground. Just m he did so ho s.iw Mrs. Pitm in stand ing In tho kitchen doorway with his firearm at "parade rest" and contemplating her vie tory and her victim with serenity. Pitman's first thought was that shahad suddenly been animated by an insane but judicious dc sire to realize upon his life Insurance policy. But when he screamed to her, sho dropped her artillery and flew to the scene with x prosatons of alarm and grief at the dUcorery that she had perforated Pitman. She c til- ed the servant girl, and us they carried him Into the house, sho explained that sl.e mistook him for n thief, and then she apolo gised. Pitman said it was all very well to apologise, hut what good was that to a man with two quarts of salt and a half a pound f gun-wads in his legs. Mrs. Pitman insisted that ho oughtn't to mind a little salt, it would do him good. She urged that s.ilt was better than anything else for preserving meat, and that his leg? would probably be alive and well and prancing around theuni verse when the rest of him was dead and spoiled. That made hiia mad, and after gpliting up his gun with the axe, he went to bed, and he hasn't spoken to Mrs. Pituun since; but he has hinted gloomily to the doctor that if a divorce can be had, he will obtain one." Max Adeltr. Necessary Knowledge. Wihout advising you to become domestic drudges, young ladies, we 'earnestly recom mend to your consideration the practice o all necessary household duties. One of the most prolific sources of matrimonial diflicul ties is the lack of knowledge on tho part o wives of the duties of housekeeping. In these days thero are a hundred young ladies who cm thrum a piano to one who can make a loaf of Ire id. Yet a husband has so much of tlio animal nature that he cares more for n good dinner than ho does so long as his appetite is unappcased to listen to the mus ic of ssraphs. Heavy bread has made many heavy hearts, given rise to dyspepsia horrid dyspepsia and its unheard of accompanying torments. Girls who desire that husbands should be amiable and kind, should learn hw to make up light bread. When a young man is courting, he can lire at home; or if he has t go a distance to pay his addresses lie usually obtains good meals at a hotel or eating-house; but when he is 'married and gets to housekeeping,his wife assumes the function of his mother or his landlord, and it is for tunate for her if she has been educated to know what a good table is. Those who are entirely dependent upon hired cooks make a sorry show at housekeeping. The stomach performs a very important part in the econ omy of humanity, and wives who are forget ful of this fact, commit a serious mistake. Even tho lion may be tamed by keeping him well fed, and tho true .dignity and munifi cence of the housewife is stored in her lard er rather than in her wardrobe, though un fortunately, too many ladies bestow far more time and attention upon the latter than the former. Silent Men. Washington never made a speech. In the tcnith of his fame he once attempted it, fail ed, and gave it up confused and abashed. In framing the Constitution of the United States the labor was wholly performed in committees of the whole, of which George Washington was a chairman ; but he made two speeches during the convention of a very few words each, something like one of Grant's speeches. Tho convention, however, acknowledged the masterspirit, and histori ans affirm that had it not been for his per sonal popularity, and the thirty words of his first speech, pronouncing it tho best that could be united upon, the Constitution would have been rejected by the people. Thomas Jefferson never made a speech. He could'nt do it. Napoleon, who-ie executive ability is almost without a parallel, said that his great est difficulty was in finding men of deeds rather than words. When asked how he maintained his influence over his superiors in age and experience when commander-in-chief of an army in Italy he said, by reserve. Tho greatness of a man is not measured by the length of his speeches and their num ber. A Modern Vim.aoe. There is in Eng land one spot where pauperism is unknown. It is called Sultaire nnd is situated near Bradford, in Yorkshire. In this model vil lage there are 0,000 families living in stone houses built upon the most improved sani tary principles, with schools for the children and chapils for all the dilferent denomina tions represented among them. Thero are no open sewers or foul-smelling alleys in Baltalre, no ignorance, no idlenees. The in habitants work in the enormous woolen mills of Sir Titus Salt, the beneficicut of the coun try. The town took its name from him. He is a man of humble extraction, the inventor of tho fabric called alpaca, the tutelary saint of 5,000 homes. JIany years ago hu rure business sagacity and vast waaltu and influ ence procured him the recognition of his sovereign and he was made n baronet. Since that time he has presented tho city of Hrad ford with a tewn hall and has expended an in calcuable amount of moniy in charity. He has lateJy been accorded a rare honor; that of seeing a statute erected to himself. This was placed opposite the town hall at Bradford, and, with many ceremonies, un veiled by the Duke of Devonshire. A BEAUTiruLTiiouaiiT. When the sum mcr of youth is slowly wasting away on the nightfall of age, and tho shadow of the natli becomes deeper aud life wears to its close, It is pleasant to look through tho vista of time upon the sorrows and felicities of our earlier yean. If wo have a home to shelter and hearts to rejoice with us, and friends have been gathered around our fireside, and the rough places of wayfaring will have been worn and smoothed away in the twilight of Hie, and many dark spots we have passed UiroUh will grow brighter and more beautl ful, Happy, Indeed, uro those whose inter course with the world has uot changed the tone of their hdjer feelings or broken those musical ahords of the heart whose vibrations are to ineloQVtus, so tender and so touiAit.a la the evening ot tUr Life. An crmest, uuiaiui mu. (, the noM VEGETJLNE Purine tlin blood, nenovnten anil InvlgoriitcH the v hole System. ITS MEDICAL PKOPKUTIKS ARK Alterative, Tonic, Solvent atul .Di uretic. VaiitTiNalsiiadecxeltiilvcly from the Juices 01 carefull) elected burns, roots anil horns, and no strongly rnucemraieu, mm it win euen'iiuij i-ruui calc li oiii Hie S)kte lu tfer Ulnt of Ncrofuln, ScroM las Humor, Tuinois, (.'nicer, ennccriiii Humor, Krj' M' Mali ltneum, H plillltlc nwensen, canker, i-iuiuncss at mo Momaea, ami uu uiseav.-s m.iiarm from Ininuro hlnod. sclMlivi. lnilamatorv and car ri le Hlieuiniillsin, Neural!., (lout and fplhnl com- pihims, can oaiy do encciuauy currn mrouf iieiuvu. Ynr tTlfM And KruntWe Disrate of the Shin Pus tules, l'lmplcs, UlotchcH, llolU,Tetter,scnldeadanil l(inC"Orm.v kuktimi uhs umcr lancu lu cueei u per manentcare. l'nr rnlns In the nap. Klrtncv cnmnhilnts. Dronsy. Wnn.nln l'-.h t no pl i. n .n.m, ,FltM tll- nnl lilreraltnn. and uterine illwliu-s and Ucnrnl De bility, VsiiiTTNK acts directly upon tho causos of lucso complaints, u invigorates auu nirtiiiKuisn-i tho whole stem, acts upon the secretive organs, alia) s Inflamatton, cures ulceration and regulates tho Domes. Var catarrh. DuneoMa. Hatiltual Costlfrsrss. PiUpltatlonotllio Heart, Headache, l'lle. Nerrous neas and (leneral Prostration of tba Nervous Sysmn, no medlctna nan aw giro sueh perfect satisfaction as Uio VmnrlNl. It purities the blood. clealiscB all of the organs, and possesses a controlling rower Tr mo aervoua lyaiem. The rsmartable cures affected by Vkiitini hate induced many physicians aait npotaccntles whom ire Know 10 uresonoe aaa use ii in meir own iuiui Hcs. In fact, VauiTim Is the best rmlv yet discovered for Uie uove dlsaases, uM is tho only reliable llloud runner jet piaceu uciore me puuuc. l'KHl'AHEl) BY ii. n. vrr.vusis, BonIob, muss. Whit is Vmsnitif It Is acomrsuad attracted from barm, roots and herbs. It Is Nature's He niedr. It Is perfectly harmless from any bad enect upon tlit sTutein. ltlsnourlslilnirnsdstrcnirthealnf, Itacta airectly upon tho blood. It quiets the narrous sys tem. 11 rivm ou goon, sweet Sleep at mam. u is a (troat panaeoi f or our iced fathers and niothnrs; a lor it trcvc-i uti'iii Birengin, ii gives them Nature's sweet s ed by uanr an a?ed parson, gives them Nature's sweet sleep, as basbcon prov- edvforour cblldrun. It has relle ed and cured thousands. It is very pleasant to take; e rry child lilies It. It relieves and cures all dlscasesorlRlnatlni; from Impure bleo'l. Try the Va.itTiM. lilvo it fair trial for your com plaints; then you win sav to jour fi lend, neighbor and MiiuaUitance, "try It: It has cured me." V.atTiNi for complalot-s for whlcn It ts recom cteaded. Is bavlng a larger silo throughout the ed states t han any other one medicine. V hy J Vce ellne will cure these Complaints. vamjakim: ixrou.MATio.v. IiosruN, Dec. 13, 1HC9. Oent'lMcn My only object In gtvtnff you this tes timonial Is to spread valuable Information, llurlnr been bdly atnicted wltn Salt Hbeum, and tho whoto urfacc of m)-1 kin being covered with pimples and eruptions, ntanv of which cauiad mo great pain and annoyance, and knowing it to bo n blood disease, I took many of the advertised preparations, among which was anv quantity of garsaparlila, without obtaining any benefit until I commenced taking the viaiTixi, and before I bad completed the first buttle 1 saw that I Sad jot tho right medicine. Conse quently, 1 followed oa with it until I bad taken ser en kottles, wben I was pronounced a weU man, and ta skin Is amooth and entirely frco from pimples aid eruptions. I have never enjoyed so good huolth befcre, and I attribute It all to the Ube of Vkuitink. To kenont those afflicted with ltneumatlsm, I will make mention also of tho Vioitini's wonderful rower of curing me of this acute complaint, of which have Buffered s J Intensely. C. II. TUCKKIl. Tas. Ag't Mich. C. Ti. K , i Washington street, Iio3ton. Vcfcctlnc in Sold by "11 OiusbInIn. Jan.n,'IB-ly BLO.OMSBUHG State Normal School. rTMIIS Institution aflbrd to students preparing I for the profession of TKACHINO, exvclli-ut fa culties for Improvement In the most approvedmeth oda of Instruction. For the accommodation of students desiring prep aration for College, or for the bu.slnraa relations (f ltfe, an Academic Department Is organized, which affords tho inobt ample facilities for tu doing. Each course of study Is complete In Itself, Superior advantnees are offered for Instruction In MUMUaud LA.NUHAdKM. Fall Sesblon commences Wednesday, August 20tli Fall fesblon closes Tuesday, December 2'iA. spring desnlon commences Wednesday, Dec. 30tU. hprlng Sebslon closes Tuesday, June mu. MprlnxTium commences Wednesuay. .March 31st. TKRM& 110AKP, Including Fuel and Washing, Foub Dol lars per week. Tuition one dollar per week. In Model School, forty to fetxty cents per week. Students are admitted at nny time, and to anv course of study for whkh tcey may be prepared. It Is lietter, It possible, to tie present at the commence ment of a term, or a session. bend lor a Catalosuo. Applications for admlss.taa may bo addressed to tin. t. l. (siiiswor.n, Principal. COI,. J. O. FISKF.ZE. tsecretary. Aus. U,H-ly 33L003VTSBXJK.C3- MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN 8TI1KCT, BELOW MAHKKT. Manufacturer of and Healer in all Jkimls oj MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORK WousetlKibeiitAMKIUUAN and ITALIAN Marble. Ho has on hand and f urnliUcs to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS, JIKADSTONKS, UHNB, VASIS, Ac. Kvcry variety of Marble t utting- neatly eccutcd at fio loweut market prices. A long praetlcaleiiperlence and pcrnnnal attention to buslnexB makes tho proprietor conndent of glvliisr BatUfactlon. All orders by mail promptly attended EQry. Jl. Work tlellverttlrte of ckatyt.'VBit Aug. 1, Tl-ly. T. I. QU.NT0.V, lToprletor. AN ACTUAL BUSINESS INSTITUTION AND TKLBOItAnilO INSTITUTE. For Uformatloa call at Office, or Mnd for Colliqi ADraaruaa. Juut-ly' Provident Life & Trust Co., OF PUIXADEXI'IIIA. T"Corporuted 3d month, 22d day, 18C5, Oood ru. PAI'ER BAQa Juit ww -nil for tale at 'la . . a r n-vra (ft 4$ NEW GOODS! A HEAVY STOCK, Cheaper than Ever! S. 11, MILLER & SON Ilitvo Just Received the largest and best supply ol CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They have ever offered to ibclr friends and cus tomers. (Jlotlis, Ossimores, anil Satinotts for MKN'3 WEAK, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIK'SWIJAK, CALICOKS, Ml'SMNS, CAMilKICS, and every varlify of l)ry Goods deslrnl, Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, In great variety nnd nt the LO WEST CASH P1UCUS. FAMILY GROCERIES, Including all the varieties of COI-KICKS, TKAS and SUOAIW, COUNTRY PHO.DUC13, and a general supply of articles tfeful for the table always tu hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cash prices. Oct. eo74 tt gasTgasi THATCHER & GEAKHART, Mm, Gas ana Steam Fitters, BLOOMSBUKG. PA.. OFFKK TO Till! I'UDMU TlU'.IIl SKHVICES IN Plumbing aud Gas Fitting, Innhleh theyhavo had ninny years of experience All work of this kind wan anted to be of tho best description and executed In the must workmanlike manner. Gas Pipe Laid at 12 Cents Per Foot ! Steam Engines and .Boilers, Steam and Hand Pumps, Pipe and Fittings. A Splendid Assortment of Chan deliers, Brackets, Lamps, Shades, Bronze Ornaments, &c. EXQUISITE SLATE MANTELS, THE CLLEIIKATED JAPAN PAPEK-WAKE, BUCKETS, IJASIXS, BOWLS, Ac, &c. Store Itoom In Dloomsburg. on llr.ln Street, oppo site it. Paul's Kptecopal Church. Ulre thtru a call ! Oct. I.T-tt Tlio only Iiclirillo (lift Distribution in the Country I :$75.000.00 IN V.A.Icr.A.rBLE GIFTS 1 TO HE DISTIUBCTKD IM L. D. SINES' 17 1st Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE I To be drawn Monday, February 2?rf, 1875. Two Grand Capitals ol' 5.000.00 each in Cash ! Ono Prize, 1.0001 Two Prises, $500 M ft Cast ! Five Prizes, 100 J 1 Horse antl Bupgy with Silver-mounted llama,' worth SCOO! 1 Fine Toned Eosewood Piano, worth 8550! THREE GOLD WATCHES & CHAINS, WOHTH ?300 EACH I Three Gold American Hunting Watche, wort li fl-'i caeli I Ten LadieB' Gold lluiifus Watches, worth $iuu eaiii i 1000 Gold and Silver Lever Jfuntlng W'alehct vi all, wortu Jrom ?:;u (a SiiUU each I OOLU CHAINS, 8ILVKK-WAI1H, 40., Ac. JtUMJiEIl OJ1 GIFT6 7.500 TJCKMS LIMITED TO 75.000 AdENTS WANTIUITO HULL T1UKUTO. to whom Liberal rreiulums will be paid. Slnjlo TicUU ti: hlx Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets iiu; -rwcniy-UTe 'iickusf-jo. Circulars oontalulusr ii full lint of nrlies. a ilrscrln- tlonof the uanuorof Uruuln. and othor Informa tion lu riferuncu to I he dKtrlbultou, wlllbv bent to any one orderlnifthem. All lclteis uiutt be address ed lu Ollice, Excelsior Iliilltl't!, I.. I. MXi:, uur, itikcff a iinivoi ui. liux u, i;iui.?iAl J, u. Jan. 8, 1B1 lie Gray's Perry Printing; M Mi IIOUINSON, Bansorn tt T14 I'hllada. BLACK AND COLORED C. E. ItOIlINSON. J. c. ItOIIINSO.V, JOHN M. I'ltATT, late ot II. I). Wado Co. MnllliMUIolKMn, tonitltu;cUirru'.r. M h wuuuumi! ""flTf fulfill. M m II 1 1 Vt CUrnan tin C 1 ly It, and win ui t,fon wr". t4VJTh!Ftli".,,-,'""k'"l'wiu'ii. E1VW1l.,tV&,lTch,.,,1,c'',,,'M"a.lUT. tUIKmttli, "itUfrt,N.Y.ltT .!. flfr1'ldl(:lmf,: riUI..iBi.t.hooldwrltIl'llkr,lllt,tortllht Intorv I'ainphl.t A uiranto.rTti. M It.irara foran 1 1-. 4iM04aaJleattnuochaxfiii1ar&nt714l.cnJUlib Ur. VlTUUtS ruxs, it eents,) ahould bo UiOdwltU -AINWRIGHT & CO, wnoLEau-ii aitooat X, B, oontr HMmd aid Arch Htreei, TuiLUU-riui, DaaUn la TitAa, syftui-s, jyfflit, suuak, ituuMct uca, ariou, IICaKI lODi, te, K l-Ofder WW raeelre proapt attauuon. mtmimm PltATTA noiiLssoN, 8prucoht., HKij. New York. iics855SrXffl THE POPULAR CASH STORE OF W. P. JONES, Comer Main ami Third trclH, CATAWISSA, PA. "V7"K 01 KN TUB KRW YKAH WITH y a ler faellltlei for nlmtii t.ur Fr.cndH nnd I'atro! s. IlnUng removed back lu OUR OLD STAND, Which has been Thoroughly lie modeled Throughout, We have now one of Hie llnest rooms In till Mclnt ty. Wetshnllalwajskcepn full assortment of FANCY 1IHY (lOOI)S, pnnss ooous, SHAWLS, C., And we tliall endeavor to sell them nt vrlces which ou will appreciate. Wlthmy tlmtiksfor ouryul tied favors In tho past and iruitlns lorn continu ance ot the same, 1 am Yours ltespecttully, W. P. Jones, A New Idea! WILSOH FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, A HI) EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned i run BEST IN THE WORLD 1 tSTTUe niftiest Frcmlwa it as Tinnled to it at Ohio StAt Fair) Korthara Ohio Fiir) Auior. InsUtate, N. T.J Cincinnati Exposition J Indianapolis Exposition J SU Lortla Falr Louisiana State Fair Jtlssisslppi State Fair sad Georgia State Fair; FOR BEINQ THC BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and belt raiigo of work. All otlior Uaolilne3 In tbo JIarVot wero In direct COMPETITION ! ! ZWFor Hemming, JbZI ing,Stitchijij!, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitohing ftno or heavy goods U is unsurpassed. Where we havo no Agents wo will deliver a Machine for tho price namod above, at tho nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. OU Machines taken In Exchange. Bend for ClroularB, Prioa List, Aia, and Copy of tho "Wilson Reflector, ono of tho boat Periodicals of tho day, devoted to Sewing Ma chines, FaohionB, General Nows and Miscellany. Agents "Wanted Wilson SewiDE MacMne Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO. rorlocu aitenclM in Columbia and Lujerne, apply BEADER & McQRAW, GKKEltAL Aoi'.NTS, Bench Haven, Luictne County, Pa. .luaoll-4m SfiwingIIactae l V. 1 M mJ3 I . .1 a. ' J J .TJ Dr. .T. Wiilkcr's CalirornlnYiit. Cgitr IMtlPI'S nro n purely Vcgutnlilo iircpixration, modo clitclly from llitriiniivo rbstouuaoiitholowcr rnnccaot tnoHicr Ncvmla inoutitairi3 of Cnlifoniia, tlio ru Novnilrt tnni1t(inni lironprtics of which nro pxtrnct ctl therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. Tim miration U almost tlnilv asked. "Wlint is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vmrmn Drrrr.iw?" Our answer is, that Ihoy remove tho causo of diseaio, nnd tlio nntient recovers his health. Thcv aro tho great blood purifier and a life-riving prin- cii.lo, a perfect Renovator and IuviKorntor, oftlionjstcm. Never before in tho history of tlio world has a medicine- been com- pounded possessing tho rcniarknulo qunl hies of ViNEOAn Biitem in heoliiiR the nick of everr disenso man is heir lo. They nio n gentlo Turgntivo ns well ns a Tonic, reliev ing Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Dilious Dis eases. li'incii will oiijnv gnnd lipnllli, let them ua Vineoau lltTTLns o t, medicine, and avoid tho ueo of nlcoholio bliiuulauta in uvcry form. ii'o I'crson can lnl;o tliose IMUpm iceording directions, and remain long nnwcll, provided their bones nro not do pl oyed by mincrnl poison or other means, nnd vital orpnns wasted beyond repair. (JrilltTlll TllOtlsaiKls proclaim Vinb out Uitteiis tho most wonderful Invigor out that over sustained tlio sinking system. liilious. ltemillonl, and Tnlcr llliKcili Fcvt'I'S, which aro so prevalent in tho valleys of our great rivers through out the United Klntes, especially tlioso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, lied, Colorado, llrnzos, Hio Ornndo, Pearl, Ala bama, Mobile, Savannah, Itoanoke,, James, nnd many others, with their vast tribu taries, throughout our cntiro country dur ing tho Kmnmornud Autumn, and ltmnrk ably wi during seasons of unusual hcut und liver, and other nlidoininnl viscera. In their treatment, it imigativc, exerting a iiowcrful inllueneo unou thcto various organs, is SifS:s.Si Vinkoaii Biniuis, ns they will speedily re- move tho dark-colored viscid nmttei with which tho howcla nru loaded, at tho samo timo otimulating the secretions of the liver, nnd generally restoring the healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Illlli(;eslioil, nead- nnlie.l'nin in tlioSlioiililei-K.('onchs.Ti?lit. ncss of tho diet, Dizziness Hour Erueta- tiona of tho Stomach, Had Tnsto in tho ZZXl in ino region oi iuo iviunejn, nnd a nun- died other liainful symiitomi, nro I tlio ou- springs of Dyspepsia. Ono liottlo will prove a better guarantee of iti merits than u lentrthv advertisement. Scrol'iiln, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, lJrysipelns, Swelled Itcck, (.ioitre, bcrolulous inllamniations, Indolent Inllammations, Jlercurial Affec tims. Old Sores, Irruptions of the Skin, Sro Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in nil other constitutional Diseases, Walcui'h YiNKOAit Pirrmis linvo shown their gier.t curative powers in tho most obstinato and intiactnblo cases. For Iiilliiniinalorv and Chronic IJiieillllillisni, Gout, Bilious, Itemitteut, and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho lltood, Liver, Kidneys, nnd Bladder, theso Hitters uo eipial. Such Diseases uro eaiibed by Vitiuteil Blooit. 31ecliiinical J)ieI!es. Persons en gaged in Paints nnd Minerals, such as Plumbers. Tvpe-fotters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, us they advance, in life, are iu1 ject to paralysfs of the Dowels. To guard ngainat this, take a doso of 'Walk tit's i:;cc.n Jiirri its occasionally. For Skin I Ureases, Lrupt ions, Tetter, Salt llheuni, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils. Carbuncles, Itiniovoruis, Scald Head. Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorntions of tho Skin, Humors nnd Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nntiuc, nro literally dug up und carried out of tha system iniishoit timo by tho use of theso Bitters. Tin, Tape, and oilier Worms, lark- iiiL'iu thesMitcm of eo many thousands, aro eilcctuallv destroyed and removed. No Mstem of medicine, no vermifuges, no u'ntlielininitics, will frco tho system from Mimns like theso Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, muiried or single, at tho dawn of womanhood or tho turn of life, theso Tonic Bitters display fo decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. JaUlllIlCC. In all cases ol jaundice, 'vtotffi ttUlih. J.llU"ill v.LI...uv..u ... lirouioto. tho secretion of tlio bilo nnd favor its removal. For this purpose ubo VlNMlAll BiTruis. Cli'iiiiMi Hie Vitiated Wood when ever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, nr Knres: eleiinso it when you linil it ob- btructed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanso it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of tlio system win louow. IC. II. .llt'DONAI.I) &. CO.. Drugehta allJ 0n'' I'raucln-o, Callfor. ula. mid cur. WanllUililuu anU Ulmlllull bt , New iolk. " Kola Uy nil l)ll!SKllw und llealcra siit.5, n en. A CHEAT STRIDE! -;o: t'p mill Over Old .tlcttiiiilN fiHiml to do Utility, or ojju:iiou- A N'KW AND VASTLY AUVAN'TAUKOL'S PLAN HKH'iUV ADUPTKUUV G.M.&J.K.LOCKARD At their Works in Bloomsburg, Viyrmerlr llliiiiinshiinr Iron ami M.niurai turln.' I coraaanj), wncre wiu no aei.i eoiisv iuiij uu uauu lurro uaaurimcuv ui fVlllte and Red AnU AntUracltO ...... FOH DOJlliSTIO I'tmrOSEd, AND OUPULO, IlLACKSMlTIl AND lllTL'.MIN'. OUS CO. L, nt prices to suit the trade. All Coat specially j re- jimuu uvivic Haling .uu luiii. iw Plows and Throshing Macliinea, aud all Mnda of Canting uml Machine Work. Ili:i'AIIIIN(l pr'iaptlY attenrieil to. They would roaiiecuully solUll llm ratniuno or the I'libuc. (1. Jll.i J. K. IJH'KAUII. Jan. 8, TJ-ly llloowdjlir,', fa, A OICNTS WAN'TBD. At'llio rale this woik 2. U now bellluir It will ultalu a bale of 100.000 COPIES before the canvass Is complete. I'resbvtertan mln- lau-ra wiiuuuv u enurie. or iiiohu in ui ut-miuiiu , wish to retain It by optn.ulr i-xeiclsc, btiiUenls. laj. men, nnd others who ut-slru to obtain lucrative em- ; fi'&S au"uUuu' aro B to , "TUB 1I1STOHV Ol'1 THK I'HESHYTK 11IAN CHUiiail TlIItOUailOUT TJU3 WOULD." A be&utUul kir) ticuaa voluino, Ulustrated with stool und wooil ub rwliiKS, l.liH(Ty iTesbyterUu family will Hviuf&iiVAPp'. Anpllcatlons foroxclu. blve tenltory MicAUil Ijn t(2!t i Address, IIE VflTO. iJS.NT & CO., Pvt. is, 11- ia. la DrouiuG Mn ot, Nuw York, j& :b nyn i isr :o.- 'i he lltMiKUTON Ma- ciiinb hail fprunff r.iillly Into fiivorniiosncs.lii the ln-tt com Wnatiov of gooil qualities, namely i I.lghl runnlnt'.sinooth, No5elos, UnpH, Durable, Willi perfect lock Slllch. Hlsn Slmtlle Jlachlne, with Auloninllo Drop Fool. Design touiltul uuJ oons.iructlou tlio wy host. GOOD AGENTS WANTED ADDllI, BuiitoD Sewing iiitt.xcfi urtici-s or nt i.' Iteinliiclim Son 1 f , i ? " ,,n 1.,,..., v v IS Jb ! l ?5 M 10,1 fIMUN'NlV "p""nHl) -S Mo., J Dec. s '74-ara HARD WARE STORE. ' LAYTON HUN YON, BLOOMSBUKG, TENN'A kcops constantly on hand a Full and Complete. Stock of HEAVy .A-TSHD SHELF HARDWARE, which ho will sell to the Public at Prices so Low as to defy competition. . HIS S'lOCK CONSISTS IN I'AKT OF IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AUD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Oradc.-i and Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS , , T , ,, . . IT v ,. lilU'dcil 3 Iloi'SC 1111(1 iMlllo llOtV; llotyo JNllllri, cVC. patent mms, mn and waiter's patents. , -, r -. . , . xi i n i i SpOkCS, tlOaVV JUKI jLll'Ilt, Uai'J'illSO IviaUcblCS, x , . r. -. i n-i ,n ,i t i it . , AxlcSj SllMllgsJ, Utllll and Oil CMolll", lllentllics ai'IU.sllCS, and n Kener.d Block .if W AfJ QT A I) CUUIAGK MAKEUS GOODS TWVVJIV ' V.'vtivi jvvjj iUnuii.lQ Building Mntoriub, sneh as Dmicannon MU, Lewi,' Lead, Best i , , T1 P , I vuiuio x mi; i,v.., no lun io GIVE ME A CALL AND Sep. 11, ISTl-lf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! a - klimleti, (loupes, Tvteien, Plii I'ots and Kellh-, Pans :uid I'r'ar t f A 11 things fur all .nrts of btijern, nimleti, Houses, Tvteien, Pliers j I'ots and Kellh-, Pans :uid I'r'arn A11 things for all forts of bu;erH. HJf We have al ailded to our Jtock PATENT WHEELS SPOKES, WHBBLB ARROWS, ,GLASS, PUTTT, Q OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all it Ilrniiche", Carefully feleclcd and Pui'c.!Hd low lor Cash git lug us Advuiit.igea l'or fuelling which can nut bi'jxcellul by any other Ihirilwari) Store in tlio t'oiinlrv. i 1' A CALL JXD We GUARANTEE both in PIUCE and qJAUT'i of our Goods. The Largest Store in jhe Country. MaySV71 J. F. CARRIAGE! MA N U I? A 0 T O II Y m.ooiisni'ua, i-a. M. C. SLOAN' A BftOTllLlt rr.VVlC on hand and for sale at llie moU iiri-ajonaljle rates a biucnuld stoct or ;AHiti k;l:s, hi:;;ii:s, ana STfrj dtscripUaa at Wigons both PLAIN und I'ANC'Y. u warranted t , made of the Dwt and most duraWe nmci.rl.iK and by Uie most em-rlcnc(it workman. Allork tent uul froia tliu t sUMti-)ii.-U'rit will lie found mbr of I lie hlirliei-tcla'-K and biuulnKHorf-r. feet batWaetli n. 'Iliey liave alsuullnea-oiUneatof SLKKillS of all tho newest and innit fa'-hl.iiu In slslM well r ami carefully made uml of Hit In r,i malerl Aa Inspection of tin lr woik U aki-d Ittslio- Ueved lliat none bujierlor (ua lie found Inlhecouu. try. Julyl.lSH-tf. LIGHT STREET BUGGY & 0AR1UAGB nvxA.nsrxjFaTO'Y' XT V. OMAN hfrebv InCum tha iulill . 11, Klat ko lui$ i ntiMod lAte co-pni tntri.liln with hlsbroUKr.O.L, (uruin, uiiJ thai Uielmilnrni win herealUr Ui ooii-liaud Uuder I he Una name of ii. v. m.i ti into i They will have on hand or manufucturo lu order BUGGIES, OAHHIAOLS, SPWNO WAOONH, LIGHT VA( OVS, HOAD WAGONS, an 'vary ttUn; In their line of business, of the best muUrail aad meet comrleto worbmansblp, and at nil i low as can bo afforded. ihare of J'ullie vukonwj( U reiptctfulli eolialal. II. F. OMAN Ic I1IIOTIIKII. a-iy. g- t o isr - Hkminiitox No. 1 Mnclilr.c for f.unlly uie, In tl.o riiutn vkau ok its KxiaTKNcr, lias nu t Ilh a more lunn iwiika-b op iutio Or SALE! Til IK ANT MAt'lllNB ON TUB MAltKIIT ltKMisuroN No. 2 Miiehlno.for M.ivcFACiuHlNO and fumlly us?, (rcaily for delivery only Elnco Juno, I8T1), for ransi1, ticrfto t Ion, ami var let yot work, Is without n rlt nl In family or wonisiior. 3133fr FOH CIHOULAB ftiacliiae Cgdpi, Ilion, II. Y. - ;.Hii.iTO. .oMrASir.n. Ost A U..I llniHrtrn 'i'v Vcifk. Anns. Madison "quale, Ni-i 1 ork, Inar Maclilnes. ciilcaio, aii Main M henliii; .MiiUilne" uml itrnis. iiiistun, Mt Wasliliutloii M., K'Wliiir Mncliliu's. ( Iiu liiniill. HI west li M., Honlui; Miu lilni'S. I'lli', iwiiiuiwe, M., Mcnlni; Murlilncs. .Ml.irit.i, (la., DHilro'a opera ilomi', .tUrlfttaHtrrct, Sowllu; .Miiclilncs. Wasliliiflon, I). C.,M1 Sotentli SIM fiewiujr Machines. OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, i i i , . , tuvj v.iin i. uuuin in uiu iuuum SEE foil YOURSELF. LAYTON RUilYON. t - xl Kwp 0,1 Haml tl,e LAFIGSST STOCK or -lE AVY a Nu aHELF HARDWARE In tlio County. - IXNTpSTOnM'ES. SzCS. SKJi FOll YOVJtSELF. VVIDELIA & CO., Bloomsbnra Pa KEYS'DM CARRIAGE WDHKSi H.OO.MSBUHO. PKNN'A. A Kl'HOSSLUV lia. on hnud nnd for sale it. ct.iiiert lun the cheape-t, fcr iwsli, or w UI OARllKuia, BUGGILS, AND WAGONf of eiei-y eserlptlun lioth plain und fauoy. Purlut' Top lltw.rli'i. own luiia-len. IMalu aud Vancy r.uuilll r nl- of an form snrliii vu.u nil n' tin- inr.t s.ti.i und mi- of eioJ nialeilil mid fully narruntrd. litre nia c.ill ln-loro iiuahii.ilnir clsewhi re. us 1 cul. vim? ui9 t-.m iK-ioro puivmi.iiiijr cisewhi re, us 1 cuu n,U bauicraolil. 1 el llm Hut 1 make the btat whl' i. tin money, 1 also-i luliitlnu, (rlminlmr und repair old work al mi. an-Tm mi i. ,.ii .nan... ..-..i.ia.i n raiiledf staiiii cr no p.iv, 1 will oehaiijro a norm- ,"-.'-,' -' "" , ""'I i-i niiiiui-r, h-n-ji uu iier lurk, I'li, iisli, linn hlckori nnd poplur to liedelUei euaLiusaon OV Ln ri r,f tiln i...u ir. rnl. dule oins fekenand .McUcli), Neal I (lo-s lor re" A. S.L'ltliSSl.HT. July. WH-tf, : Dm IM Era Bejl 4 Tf.T. I't'ldM'td a new edilion of Dr. CUL V grt I.I.l.'M eelebraicil say on the rudlnl cur. I IvvlMml , ... H . (without nmillcliie) of Sprnuitorraa Half ".-"'.v lliimiiii'i ui tiLfriamor JVvf3 ?r h,c lnl"ul w ealims. Involuutarj SlOS "lal "'atness, lniituny, Menu (4C physical Incapacity, Impedlmaii ) .'vin al and lluri-e, utc,! ulo onsumpllou, K'lly, und Kllb luuuiji oy beu-iuauiifeBce or textual Mtraiuiraiice Pllk e. fr I'riee, in a noerf mietofie, only ix eents Tberlebrutod author, la Uile adialrable n,ay cloarid'-monslrntes from a tt.lrty years' siwcu.fu prueK", Uiut tho al.irinlncr conscmenrta irtair ahuviaj 1. rallcally cured without the ilnofirous i.'jj iuktuui meiiKioo or the application of Uie knlfi iKilntlaj out a mode if euro ntoncetimplo ., minnai, uy raeaui of wiucu ecry auf tero mailer what his condlllos may be, may cur .mUji, uiluuiiij luiruu-iy, uuu ruuicully. fl'hU Lecture should bo In the bunds ol every "t.nv,vij uiu ii iu uie mnu. Hit under seal, In u plain envelope, to ay ad, Orif iKft-pald, on receipt of six (outs, or two pes bUps, AVo, Dr.hll.I.miMi'SKEsij.iDv FOltl'IUSH ntfor olrcplar. Jiress tho rublLshe rs, til AS, J, O, KLINl'I ft CO., ll lioery, veff voik, l'it onioo Box ,i.o. II U, 'n-y J'll PIUNT1NO if EVERY DESCRIPTION j EXECUTED PHOMITLY jfr TiiK Columbian Ofwoh. 11013ERT ROAN n W CABIHET MAKES UN DEliTAKER, Iron Strctt, Lttwten M in and Third Streeli, HLOOMSIiniO, l'A. A I.Ij kinds nt Kunilture inmle In order and u Imilcrn rinilture narir ri paln-d, Hio iiunlllv htm jirleesnt hit noi k will "iiutian' wltn anrtlat can be rroiluceil ml ho ret.pecuully sollclUa of put'Uo palronaL'e. Undertaking Will 1 earefnllv buiI promptly nttcnital to. Whfn rallril upon ilurlm; any hour of Ike iw.v or night ho will nt mice, rcspiieil aeil lay out the ilcml. Yhca fdimlo help In nuchrom l.nlnln-il lie will furnish the saue. Ready Made Collins lioth of WOOD anrt Wr.TAI.II'' WAItB nlwnja on lmn.l. lie Is ftlo tee t si l proprietor tn lilooins burg anil stirroiiLiilnf iihirlcbt for Taylor's Patent Corpse Preserver nv which a corr- may b sunily ami carefully pre crv(l It Ire tut ti'ii ile-lr.W" kiwih of time. Tho u."f ot Ihr I'rmttr mm l obl.ilhwl Iroinhlmnt any Uiae. -sifs. siiroiKl (l.etin ami 'nurnlni; for Unix furiiKlM U 'h re pij.-Uoa. Atw, IIBAUhb anu i;uvi;TAM.iai iurnnii"ii Cf-I'tmember )ha Ilrnufar Underlain and thoroughly midertnndf hi hutintM. lie will not be'nnatrnld by am in lllmwiburq or lath county. UnllKUT KUAN. Dec. 11, '74-ly flAIL ROAD TIME TABLES. )ll 1 LA DELPHI A AND HE A D I NO L ltAII.HO.Mi. WINTER A 11 HA NGEM ENT. .NOV. Olh, 1S74. TIIAINa I.KAVE HVrt.llI AS I UM OW ?, (Fl'MllAT KXt HI TT.U l'or Now Yorl:, l'hlladelphla, Ilcndliifr, I'ottsvllle Tamanuii, Ac., ll,n a. m l'or I'atawl.isa, 11,23 u. m. and 7,56 p. m. Vor Wlllliiinsport, r,,n a. m. and 1,06 p. m. TKA1NS10II IlL-rntT I RAVK A3 FOLLOWS, (SUMl AY EX CKI'TEU.) I.cnNo New Yoik, 9,00 a. in. I-aio riillailclphlu, P,1S a. ra. U'avc Itcadlnsf, 11,30 a. m., rottsTllle, U,10 p. m. and Turn aqua, i,ro p. in. I.cae Cnlnwlsaa, 0,20 n. ni. and 4,00 p. in. Leave Wllllamsport, v,m a. m. and r.,"0 p. in. rastcngcra to and from New York nnd l'hlladcl plila yo through w llhout thiinie of cars. J. E. WOOTHK, May s, 1574-tf. (leneral Siipcrlntemlcnt. "VrOHTlIKHN CO 31 l'A NY. CENTHAL RAILWAY (in and ufler November setli, IS73, trains M lcaio SUNIIUItY ai follows : NOUTIIWAIII). Krle Jl.ill B.20 a. in., nnlvo Llmlra U.M a. m " (Jumuid.ili.'ua... .1.33 p. m. " llocho-ster CIS " " Mau.ira " ltonovo nccommodallun 11.10a. m. urrlo Williams purl 12.&5 p. m. Klnilra M.ill it. in., nrrho r.lmlra 10.20 a. m. Uurfalo i:.prcsa T.1& a. in. arrive lIUIT.ilo S.6e u. m. hUUTUWAItl). llunalo Espres-s S.tio a. in.uirlve Ilurrlsbiire 4M a. m " Ualll' " Klmlra Jlall 11.13a.m., nnlvo iinrrMiuri; l.M p. m. " Y.ishliii;toii 10.30 " " llalllmore (UO " ' " Wa'-hlngton KSO " Ilarrlnlmrtr accommodation 8.10 p. in. uriUo Harris bur' 10.30 p. m. nnlve Iialllnioro s.2in. m. " Wuslilngtim c.u " Krlo Mall 12.33 a. rn. arrive llarrbburi,' 3.03 a. in. " " " W usihlnuton 1(1.35 " All d illy except Sunday. 1). M. 110 YD, Jr., (iencral raasenRcr Agent A. J. OAATr", (iencral Mtinagcr PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiihuh'lililii A Erie It. K. Divisiou. WINTERTIME TABLE. "VNaiul after SUNDAY, NOVr.MRKH Iflih, V',1!1, ""-' Tiiiliison the 1'hllade.phlu.V trie Hull ltoad bliMou mil run as IuIIohs: ll7:.S7'll'.lf). r A S T LINE leans I Muuldrhla. 15.W p. m " " " Hnnl-biirB.... 3.p. in " M lllluiuKiit.. p. m . " loikilnien lo.'.o p. in " " arrive ut iiuffalo M0 a. m KIIIU. MAIL leaves Philadelphia., . .11.33 p. W ''"riWiurir ui a. ai tl lumsporl t.3fla. u wk Mfta. u " Kenoiu ll.lo u. to " " nrr. at Lrle s.03 p. m EI.MIUA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. lliirrlsbui-fr.... MIllamsport. .. 1.23 p.m. . . e.20 ji. m. " ' nrr. at Lock Haven T.sop. m. LOCK HAVEN ACCOM, leaves llarrisburg 0,16 a. m I! '' " " Wllliamsport.05 p. m EASTWARD. I'lllf A EXVliLSS leaves Lock Haven... ,V . " wiiiiatusport ... :.tsn. m. amvcsut li.irrl,-!..! ir...:: 'iii m I liilJiltlphlu 4.13u.m. Kim: MAIL leaves Erie n.50 , w. '' " " I'cnovo s ts ii m " loik ln.v(n . . ;. ' . MlllhiiiiMjrt . ., lum m "" lluiriauiV.. . . vwu m ' riilUiliii.hlu.....,...:; "oaiiii ICLHIIlAlIAILleareiloikllaviu . in. " " II iy.llaMIiil 1 nrr.ut llairhnurr.'.'.'.'.'.'.". 0 fia. arr. at 1-hlUdelpiTla . o pi iu r'4Uiiitrj .... NIAOAHA EXPUESillnveaKan s.o . m !! " " Itenota , . m . ' -""'Ii Haven B.itp in " IHUmspoit. ' " l-Ulll.llrj 8.40 11. Ill i,i"wrc.?ti ".".f west tratna on L. S. & M. u;.dAle,atI&:uJ lrv1"11 ""U CM norlj.,,u.d at lluubburif vviln N. f. ll i. w, tratu WiL A. ItALDWIN, (lenerul Hupk Jan. s.'is-w GKO. A. PIIUC'E &'C0."" Organs and MolocloonH. Till! OLDEST , LAItQDJT AND MOST PEIUT-CT Manufuctory in tlio Uiiilccl States. 5 4 0 0 0 Now lu ma. No other Musical Instrument over i,i,iaii,,i n, samcpopuluilly, IJ-Send for hlcn I.UU, Addrosa, Nov IHll-'FAU), N. T PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thin Ollioe ON 8IIOKTERT NOTICE AND AT THK AWHi UKASONAllLE TEHilS,