The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 29, 1875, Image 3

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lll.tMlilMHTitl, !-I!lllVv,j(.tAlll 20, I, IS.
linll Un.1.1 TIihp TnTi
. it WANNA & ll!.0UM8liri!l liAH, 1!()A!)
1 N0NTII. Willi.
Atall Train io.fl a, tt r,,u i. j.
lixpress TPiHli I..49 1'. M, IK.w 1'. M'
Aceommodnllan Tnitli, MM A. M, 7.4T P, M.
Norn-it. sotiTo
Aocnmniodallin Train C.J A, M, ,wi l1. M,
insular KxprcHS WW P. M. 11.M A. l.
'I hri'tiRli cars ou Ntpross traJti i lllior to New Yotk
in Phllcd tplili. Aceommo.hitloti li.iln runn between
(.lUnlKruiiiiil Vtllllniunirt.
All nibRcrllifnt sha'tllboar In intivl Hint printer
nr ' now compelled lo pay cash tor tterj t hlug they
twin tli"lr business nud that It It Impolite for Ibmn
to ( ,irrv tlm Indebtedness, of a large number i t nub
BitIIh r--, fremynr to your, nscniiM formerly I done
when slock ntitl wngos wore low and long credits
fonlJ Ipmlllj be obtained, livery subscriber should
lli'Tt torn bo cure tn pay at 1iiM a jenr. Ilio
dab? pilnlodoti th? paper with I lifMibsci User's name
chows the tlm. lo which each linn paid.
. .
Wo will furnish tho (i Hist f l.ts fourdol
lar mngt.lne)!its'toubserlbi r-,both
pos'tagn paid, fnr flto dollitm per Jenr Hindrance.
Tin I.iliV.s ItoiK, with Hie lieo'UKul ( hromn "'lint
ltcseuv' ami th; t'oi.mtiiiv, nil postage pat.1, wilt
be furnished at per year In wlv.Miee. tf.
.)!! l'HIXTIXn.
Thr ft, lli will nf ftyfilin pai fei IN lllmiitlliur;
tli'it llir; ito niif ilMiiptiuiH of fruiting rlrajn'r
tlrm it run In' nhlniii-il rl 'k' C'll'mthfan f(S"e is
ti i'i-ik'. (ni fiifillti'i htin-j iHitthl mprivrut ore
rnbti 'I hilt iiny work in sujiriivr nni fu-hj
m "heap CM If finite Mmncil onyirhcre. (We
r.i,I .,e.
tic jour enle. billi printed at tM office. Wo
will give tho sale local mention, without citrs,
ltcv. Mr. Putrnh, Pic-brtorhii, of ShiiMiiu
ny, Trill preach in tlie Union Church, Orange
villo, on Siintlxv next.
Tlie ftml-annual election fnr the tfleelicn of
Town, llotoutjli r.i.d Toirnhip ofliecri", v.ill ee
enr nn 'f uenlny tlie Ititli day of l'elirtiary next.
A now supply of blank ia'es for Touni, of I
tin improved foitn, liavn jut been printfil and
sre foi Mle elicnp at the Coi.r.MMAN nliire.
Some irnmps attempted to rsio .1 di'lurl'.mee
nithKIu Utt, en Sutnrrlfj night, auditor?
roughly dtslt trilh. T'nsy ipent the night in
the loi'k-tip.
.Ir. M ill ton Vislitr, l ite of Willlam.port, left
in Ids Kill lo the l'ir't I'.jpti-t church of Wil
liamson, tlie nun of thirty-tlirce thousand
Welme lic.trd no ppreheii-ioas cxprivicd
aln'it tlie iVirin'm of the ice crop thit winter.
Tlu fippiy is no doubt in suf ieieut aliinnlanej
and to fpaie,
A ihily line of Stiret have bjen put on be
Iwriii lllooni'-biirx and Iol i. Tli'n w.u a nr.ieh
laeded aceommodaiioii and il is hoped in.iy H
csivo liberal utrona;.
The Snpcrinlindenl of eouiuiuu schools hap
dcterniin.vl to wilbhold llie Ktate appropriation
from all siieb school districts as do not publish
an anniul report. !5fiiue of tlie toMii'hips in
this county nould dotiell to nuiUe a note of
Tito men, t;lvins their n.imei a HviryT.
Smith and t li.irlcs Mailin, are. traveling Ironi
place lo pkue iuiploring charily fiom ihe Or
der of O 'd reileitt. They arrived in llbioim
but".' on the 22d in-l., ?nd cm examination v-ne
moil itL covered tc be importers. Smith i par-
tijlly lame, has oarl: tandy halt and nun
tacbe, he i? about five fdl in height,
is short and llc-lir.
A man by tiio name of Kmcry I)iy hired a
liorb nod Hleigh fiom 7nl. Hughes nf Ilj.i-lon,
'1 luirsday of ta-.t itsek, repiesiutinj; that h tt;u
gou.y u Mtliiisville. lie rmtto iii i wit!; mid
i.uA tlau (Xili.-mgid the Bleigli for a boay villi
Mr, Willi. ins of place, unit prociu'ul lo
Suubury, and he kohl hors, li.irucvs umi buy
lor teu'iitii-n ilollaiK. Mr. Hughes tracked him
at far as ISentiik on Saturday, and p:iain on
down the liver, returned home with his burr.',
liauieM and Mr. Williams' bugy, on the Ulili
ill st.
A fire bloke out in the building uf .'uvc.b
Iteeil, in Danville, on the lOlh ipjtau:, nhich
(cr.-uinul the greater part of the building nd
tlie store of Iiieil lirutlieip. The nlliee of tho
Jhniilk Jidllhaicrr was on the bccond floor,
but through the eflbil.s of the firemen ihe print
ing naii riil wai icseueri fiom total de.-truetion.
The entire loss is isliiuatcd at 10.01)3, bat we
are not iiifotrmil as to the iuilivitltial lo-s. All,
wu are Ultl, weie itisiued, bjt to atuount
w are not inl'c lined.
Mr. M.iltius Shaffer w en;i,:i.! inrhopp'.nj
timb'r on hi farm a siioit distance north of ui'vn
on Motnhiv la-t snd ns assi-tcd by Mr. A. J.
Dortiug, of this il.;c'J. There Iij.I b'cn a tlv.i
pirti ill 1 ut down when .nr. sinner fiisi-MBu 1
that he, (J).r!ing) should go and see if lb" tree
wasleinmg. Ho vu then out of all danger.
Silt -hortly aftir, just as die tree ivjinieneed
ivih way, lu tin in the direoliou In which it
was falling and w.u criuhed under Its heavy
branches, breaking ids legt in two ph-cs and
onuarin. Dr. Turner i Gardner diewed iho
woandsi, but ho died during thu night,
There U so little profit n subseriptioiH to
lltwpipr.s that we havo li ui ennp-lled to
itriko oil' a number of douhtfiil juyi r wiiliin tl.u
tils eouity, and eapecialiy t.;-jsu in tin. west.u 1
Bute, 'Hid also those in other counties not p -t- j
aou illy or othurwiso well known. Thuelo'it.e.n
of the timet tcrpilres eeoiiauiieal and eir fid ac
tion by every body.
It I. a uiiiotis cireiiimtauco that r.o matter
how upright .1 man may bo while roddii in
l'liui'vlYiuda, no sooner does lie Inhale tl.u at
mophere of tho west thaii ho forgets nil about
what he 11. ay owe for Ids newspaper and 110
nmoinit of noKo will ever vako him up to a
suiseofit. This is our llfy long cxpurltnco.
Wo mut therefore diclluc to send pipers went,
unless paid in silvance or mainlined by fomo
Kspoimiblc pir-011 rttltllngln the eounty.
M. .1. IIi:.Mir.iiHiiorT lias rtniovfd his
Hrug Stole- lo his new room, iidjoiniti:; tint
one iiumeily ofetiied by him. His ftie..ds
and eu-tomers ni'o invited tn call and take 11
look at hii new quarters,
O. U. MvitK s'-lk Citarrli SmuT, Yhmgar
Iiitten, Oil of Ola lue.n nud Uoiijjli Byruji,
in consequeii 'irof having lo "nnv? my storu
the firsst of April, I will sell all my goods at
eo.f. All kimH ot eoiinirv pruduw iitteti 111
exehange for goodt at (J. V. HoutUNs.
DlXKim A Sriit Kl i., linkers, on Jfaln
Kir...d llliioinshurL'. nr.- iiriiitrcil to simipI
l'anillics villi Hre.ul, (n'cei in every tlcsired
variety, l'i?-. tu: of thu very best finality
nud a't iniem lo stilt the tiui -. pronii.tly to
order. Their facilities ere fir-l clat, they ti-e
the verv he.t inatetial. nml Ihelr t.'olK
done in' the ne.itett and i leanliet matiner.
Give them a call ami try their preatoetlnim.
Tho experienced and practical firm of
Tll.vie'iu;it ft (in.MtllAtiT, ntiinners nmi
( and Hieaiti Filters, 1110 repatid lo do
ajl work in their I11100I business vert pininpt-
lv nml In thu best nossiblu lliallticr, TIll'V
luivo also on hand at Ihelr Store on Main
Street. Illounisliiinr. a till iis.-ottmeiit tun
ceneral varielv of I'tinip-s Gasaml Oil Chan
daliers, Lamps, Shades, llrouzo Orii.iiueiits,
Kt;iti Mantles. .laiiancd l'.mer Ware, a inn-i
ilesiridile arlldo lor hoiHi hold it'c. Their
. block Is the heaviest, tho lut ami tliecbf!
i.t iver brolitf lit to llloollls llll'ir. il IK 1 fill
liniees also llio neatest and mnvt lahioliuble
urtlelus. They ivs;nelfully invito tho nlteii
thin ol' the liuhlli! to their gooiU and solicit
tin examination til' the same.
llon't bo worried nud iinnoyed with not
only a poor quality of dml hut dirty
(duty beside, but buy of 0. W. KKALA 11K0,
Lo dual ttily lu tho beit quulttU'K.
Daniel Yocum has removed hii Clolliiiiff
Store In Henry's building, In tlio
rnnni occupied a a Carpet Store, whore lie now
lias n full supply of (oodt. Call mid sec.
l.VTZ ti Sux will dose out tho balnncc
of their Mock of I'tirs, lllniikcts nlid double at cncli. Ilargalns If yon need them.
" " .
A Irirpc lot of lliirrr CJtirn SliellcM just re
e'citedhitd for mlu cliMjiliy JAYio.N ltu.V
Y(i: (t Co.
)'.. Mi:M);n-ii.m,t, l;eoH t'oimtnnlK' on
lurid, a lull If ue til' Drv Utiud of overv
vnriety tHttnlly kept la xtoriK,nml uln Gri)'
wriPMirfrtMnii.,.'. Country prudttw taken
in cxeiiniiRe lor gnodi nt onnli prlueM. (Jull
mid oxiiKiini! hit tloek.
One ton of Ii'h l.o id at Movnu Ilnoi it-
i'iM will liny ti nliu Piiir ol l,idl(M Gal
teisnl K. M. lv.Mii!ii
W. It. lli!0v. keeps tho most
mid linwt axortinrtit of (lioceric thnt win
lis imtcliiipul in innrkii. His (iiocerlo are
lrc"h and arc ulettcd from firt importcrV
liaiid. 1 Il piicts nru low, a liu lia.t puroli.n
ed hw good-i at bolt(,ln llgtirc-i Id stilt the
Maiip. sells Sewing M.tnliine Ncedp for
tho Amerleati, Weed, t'itiger, llrovcr it Ha
lter, llntto nml HotiiMtn;.
1tr.t i,i, lias iipliiiilid lot of
l'eaeh I'.iilu r,
Apple Iliiller,
( llnltr r,
Crimlieirief, llaidii', Diled Currants, lVaclio-",
l'iiilie!l:i, Colli nml all kinda of (.'anneil l''init.
Another lot olhatup Chiniiieysat Jfovini
A very full line of Clentleiucn'rt Hoods of
every doi liptlon, including wnnu of the
tinf t stid nio't lniiioiiiible in market, are
now on liaud at the larfio Me.-i'lif.ut Tailor
ing otablisliiwiit of A. J. Kvan.s, on .Main
Street, lllooinsliiirc, ithlch till he iniulo up
in the nenk'st and uiotnib,tatitial styh and
-old at the inot reaonahle prices, r'nipjor
ing tlie very be."t of worRiiien the minr'st
catijfai'lion, both as to quality and nlj le.will
lie (?iivn.' All are iriiied in call .'mil c.t
amine lus Mock.
Go lo MAf.r. for Xew Orle.un Mola-sej.
A new (.'lotliing Ktore ha I eeli opened in
the room occupied I Khdln'.s Drug Hlero,
Main ftrcct below ' .Mnrkcl, niooniibur,
rthcie all kinds of gentlemen'.- Clothing nniy
lie obtained at tho lowest e.i-li prices liv
Damiii, Voct'M. If. "
To -nn: l'niuc. Go lo W. H. Ilttow.v
and get one pound beet Tea in niarkit, put
up in a bcaulilul Japanned Gilt CaiiiistiT,
tor one dollar.
1'arnurtf, 1 ml: to your interc-t and pur-cbii-e
your Cattle I'ov.der ol JloYlilt IS.loril-
Al A Hit sells tlio lJonietio fiuwiri"
l'i)l,I.Ij:.s lloi,Mr.M lnive jut roecived n
Infpo tol,k ot Gas 1'ixture.s. Calli and m;u
Gdit.s Over Gaiters at K. M. h
Go to .Mahii'h I'm- Hair llr.iids
The newest ami I.Uet slvlcsi
Gas i'ix-
tuiesaioat Koi,i.i.s A.- 1oi,.mi:'s
Cull and
noo tlieui. Also see tlieir slock
ot fetoves
before liuyinjr cliehere.
Anotlicr new lot of.Mu-iitis, C
ilieoei and
t . ..... 0.
notiont received this na's al!
! Sl.OAN'.s, clicaper than ever.
I 1 i U 1 .'. LV
'Ihe Oil of Ihidnc.-s tlu- Suli'ere;
s I'riend
ids week
for sale, at .MtiYliil lli!inn:i:-i.
1 .000 ynrtls of .Muslin to eoiac
al 1. W. ilAr.r.MAN'M.
WANrrn. Two smart girls to Wun the
tailoiini' buincis. Applv to W.M.IMoi'
first Moor over J. F. 'iVideman'ti liardwaro
store. I o-2v
W.u. ibiuiits hii) opened a Xewll'.-.i'oriiii
esta'ilisiiineiit, on Ihe lir-,1 floor oyr J. K
Widemau (Jo's, hardwaiv store, lliere lie
i.s prepared to iIj all work in hi- liie, nca:
ly, l.i.sliionablv, j.nmipllv and stihl intiallv.
Jiesolieits n-haro of thu palrom'Je ol tlu
pu'oiic, o kindly tendered li i lit in lie pa-t
nml iivis conliilent that lie can renter entire
sati-iaclioii lo all.
Cutting, cleaning and repairing liromptlv
attended to.
Ail Coal slated and screened lulire leav
ing the old established eoal yard bf C. W
; A lino. ".iti
Gilin 1'onts
pair warrauud.
at H. M. K'.noi
One ladv Imiiiiht o2 liemnautiof I. W,
IIahtman Ir.-t weik and wa- yli-ted. Go
ami do likewivs ami 00 nappy. 1
V, II. IJl.OWN keeps
I N keeps a line iisamcnt ol
-.atiueil ! rilltn anil coiiilen-etl gooi
11 full assoitment of Nuts and l'r:u
1 Candy
', I and Oranges and Lemons.
Concentrated Lye for snlo at
iren's Calf lijrts at K. M. K:
nil's for
Xew firm orirunied in llloomiurir. for
tho tiaii-netioii of the WhuleMili Motion
l!u- ni'-s.- I
Style of firm ft (J,
I.ueaiioii, Second Floor of .1. U Maio's
Hiiildliv, iii'prisite Jinovn's Hotel
They propose ftiinisliiiig to lluirado any
goods in tlieir line at eitv prices.
Will run a wagon tluough ihi
and the
uilj'iiuiiig toiintie.s fur the nccoinn
lutiuii of
country inirciiatils.
Jltldin.', Citlieocs, D.dain, IteivKlpiieas.
Ciissliutrcs, fte., in reuiuaiils, cheaitow at I
Y, liAUTMAN ij.
Ladles and Gentlemen's Ituhbi .-si K, JI
CO. M.Milt tiells real Hair :
iviti'J s 'torn
tjl.yo toiUOU,
;'. II. ISi'.own has Salt by the b
red and
by the sack. Flour, Ft 'tl atul Kii
tvneai. tor saio wiioiesate ami retail. r
I'rodueo taken in exchange fur GooB.
Hoots at II. JI. K.v.a'
Itoi.i.iNd Si Hoi.Miia nil the Ai
n Iiipe
Ileatinp; Stove, from wliieli all at
btoves are dcrivi'il,
Town orders taken bv 0. V Xcait:
in e.xehaiiijo lor coal.
If yon want a fjood Hum,
If j on want cheap and good Tea,
II' you want Collee Juwi or itio,
It' 'you want piod l-'aiiued 1'rnlt,
If you want tlio best Maekeiel.
If volt want Stttfiir for tho least in
If you want the best 'iyrups in tovj'
It yon want (,'ood Giga'r.t, I
If you want gootl Tobacco. I
If volt want iinything in iho Groe.l and
l'luilsion line, go lo Ittineiii.i.'H, MaiStroet.
Old IMaldisliiM Coal Vtinl.
('. W. Xli.M. A Ilp.t).. Wholesnlo Aldail
Dealers in all tIyiv ol tho best ituill's ol
Itetl uipi wiiiio un uoat, at the very laost
iiiatkcl latest, lluvo constantly on liaudirgc
Illacksniith's Aiithrncite,
tiiid Lliuebiiriier'slinl.
I'.speeiul attention given to tboproiru
tbm of eoal heforu leaving our yards. Gdi
and Lumber taken in exchange furtTal
Coal tlcliveied to uiiv part of Iho to tit
shoitiii.llce. Older felt ut I. W. McKay's
btore, or t" our ofliee, will receivn lirompat
teiitlon. (lltcoutid Yanla at Willlatn'i'al
A .Sons' I'urnuce, bast Iiloonikbtirg, jur
iiuircuage rt peetiuny eoueiieei,
GOAL. l7-tf-2,'..
SStf I
A full mwirtment of 'I'alunt Medicine for
palo nt Moviiit llitonir.iiH.
LiuIIm mul Oeuts llucklo Arctic nt H. M.
Xew lot of Overcoats nt Yocum', in
Klclln'H Drtlir Slurp. .Mnin ti..ot ttlnnma.
burg. Iii great variety nml at price) to fcttlt
tho times,
0. W. Nkai, el Uno., njiaro no oxpense to
end out nice tflO
WnncnBiiBV Ihmah.-iiij msmory of nr. Win
tar li eiabuliiieil in tlm luaitii of liounuils tfhom
liM mmm of Wild (iherr. ban. cured of eouirht.
cold!i,o itnntlon. or "uino other formif Pulinon-
nry illscuse. B n nts uinl ft n bolt Ic. Lurgu Iwltles
In Hell cboaprr.
It It tttfttaM to nttemtit In ilounw a sti-enm while
tlie tuutitnlii In Jbsiiensla. eotnulnlnis is;
the liver or klii,,ertiptioi.seif tlioklM,iierotiila,
nentinenos, mul nn iiimiwt urlslng from Impnr
bbiotl, nreat oneo romoved by Dr. Walker s Vinegar
muers, partner or mo Wood, nml reiiovntor of tup
system. It hus ncier been known to fall. nt-!ir.
The huge, drastic, grl) in,-, atckrnlmr plll, con-
tlructcilof cnnle, (oarwniplbulkj I ugrod lentil, arc
ail neing Riipusoucd ny nr. riorcc.s Ploasant pur-
Kiitlvo Pi'lletn, or nu?.iM nitod, C oncentrated Hoot
and llirlj.d .liil' e, Artt-f.!toiij Oranulin-tho "1 lttte
eilant" t'flllmrtle r r Mmttitn In I'.mo Phyite. Mod.
eru i bcnilent Science cnaitei Dr. Pleree to oxtrnet
from the Jiileen ot Hie ni.f.t talnuo!" roota and herns
their active metlleliml rln. If! s, vrht:lt, rhen Mork-
e,i into nine ii ueisori.iiuuili t, KMrcely larger than
mustard seed, render each little Pellet lis ueuve imd
powerful am largo pill, whll.- they ure lancli more
pnlniable and ple.esant In effeer.
lir. Ir.i It. lliim r, of i neou.-lmrg, Ohio, writes i "I
regard your Peii. i!, a- ttio ri med; ror tlie
dlllons for whli hcm pr-scrllie them of 041 thbicr I
Iietc ever ur, -.l.ii mil. I nml certain la etVert, r.i.d
icaung tne lotclg In ati exeilleiit eondllloli. It
seems to met try must Uko tho pl.iea ct all other
cathartic pub; and luedlelm 5."
l,joa Muiornber, druggistx. VcrnillUort. I. T..
Buys, i "We think tl.-y nre gmns to sett like hot tvl.i
lis seen as il.e people gtt i cqu ilnted with tbtu uuO
v III spell therm irnde.ns ttuiso thut have used them
lite them mni-li In tier than largi plllu."
, t i ualvii vi wrttlng to a friend "itv vov-
one in i.urope is iniieiin.teiy pruspencd. I e flit-
eoiered the ' ft healiir onthlssldo of the
Aiiai.tie. Tlirca luttlcs if Peruvian sintn have
iceiiou mo irem uierai.gsof the lit ml dspn sin.
I)jsr.eplies should drisk n-oia the fuiuunln. -
fcainsi'K's mam1!.i;k
Wlllheoiind lo possess times oualltles necensary
10 uie ioiiii ei aoicinun or nil nutlotts attiu'ks. pronipl
to siart uie i-rentljo.1 of the liver, andsite a bealt;i
lone to i i:e i mire si ?ti m. Indrcd It Is r.o or.ilinirj
illsicoiirj In muttiultiilcueetohatjlnientidaiviii
edy for theie stuLlHirn coniphilnts.wlili h d'-vclop all
mo i-CKiius produced ny a heretofore fice uso ot ent
umcl, a mineral Justly iireudul by mankind, and no
MijMiuugeu lo tie aestruetlie In the extreme to th
luum.n sjsiem. That the prepertifa of cein lii ve;f.-
utiue.". eomnuso an uievntiies of eiiHimt-l wlllmut Ps
injurious leniencies, is n:m en iuln,ui. d faot, ren.
imreu intiispiiiaoio liy m lentlRo research-s i on I
huso wtiu ii-o lao fn Iral e Pills will befall, sail.
lied that 11.5 bet laudl In?-, are ti, protldetl i;
ii.itun' In the coiaii'.mi lu i i.s tuul viwii of liu neliK
T..t-j pi I, op, a me how and i orrcl all lath ei
ruujffii'.'iil , Million salh..ll)U oi'iiti;, of fiel.n i-
llo'is ehicis of .e.d. tmd or illier p -i-i'iis, Th? cei i
Hon of bile isproii. .icil t.j tpo-e puis, nswlll h? . oi
by tlie ntn rrd i -toi of ttie Moois, antl (it appeal lug
of tho sallow complex! ia and cleaiislnj; et tho
.Mnploiilrtctloiis fcrii'.c recciapanj each Poxo
Piepared only by .1, 11. schenek son, at their elilce, nunc r MM U nml Anil stieets, riillu-, ni.d for t ale hy nil dnijjlslt atul dealers.
Pi Ilo '.'o ct uts per hov.
i:. r. Ki'xKiit.'.s miTiiit wish or nmv
has mncr h -n known to fall In th"eureof we ikness,
alt'Oided mill SMnr'.olils; Indisposition to exer
tion ; 1 js . ft memory: dtnvutty of iir'Mtldmr : ;:ener-
,il tfeakiies; linrnirofdheasi ; weaknerTOintre.nh-
lln?i (h-adf'U horror cf do ithj night streat ; ei.'.d
foet; w 'ukii -mi ellmu?" t f lalon ; lanjr'i n-; tmH,v
sal I.nsll'i'l ivf tho iii'iD-til THysiem : enon.i em en-
petlle with tlj insptl". .syr.rjto'usliot hands; ila-.m i ,
Lf the hotly ; ilon-s of Ilia skin; paid I i ni
nance and i-.i(-ti.n ,,f tlio face, p'iilll-.' Uf o;.. t,
pain la til" hac k, heiine-. of the etell Is, fii p.e.n
Wuek sputs llilnj liefor" tho eyes with t ii,.r. r.
ffitrusluu -llld loss of sight, W.Vltot alflilliu, eie.
Thoso sj tutsans all arKo from i woakn.'si, an I lo
remedj tint use li. P. Kucklo's PUler V. luc uf Iron.
It lit t.-r falls. Thousand') aro now enjoiln.; hoaliL
woo have used It. Take only li. P. Kuukl.-s.
Honaro of countei felt-t unit bassi liattaUjtis. As
K'inkel's Plttos Vlno of Iron ti so well knot, n all ov
er til" cuu.ilrj . rtrufifhts llierastlres luak? un Halt i-
tlonandtri tj pu'.ai lloIT on the'r eiilomer ., whru
tkoc call for Kiiiikei's Bitter Wlno of Iron.
KuaUel's littter Vlno of f n u li put n.icntj In tl
bjltlesnnd a 5 ellorr ivmpper ale ij p'lti.ntho
outside Willi the proprietors phot.. i..;.h oa til"
wrapper 1 f cacu hutie. AlHajiilo..!. for tlio phuto-
rapb on tho out-dd.', i.nd jolt will nliiaji, lie sure to
S tii'j genuine. I p.Thntt!o or tl f ir is dollars,
iiold by diuict'l-l-, slid di aters eycriwlu re.
'I API! VtOItSl ltCMliVl!!) AI.1VK,
Head and all e. '.iplete In Iwohoiiro. .Vo fee lilt
head pic-ses. So d, I'ln and stomach We.iii) remuv-
ed by Cr. Ka.M.i 1 , 213 Is-sttli Ninth St., Phlbd. lpUla,
Pa. si-n.l r r cliciilnr. r leniotla,- all oullu iry
worms, cull 111 jour tlrnggl-t and gilabuttlj of
Kc.NMit.'a V.or.Jt Mi.VT Pi lee, ft.
It ct.nnot be n iuppo-ed Unit when a pe..
n n it -title- tothetfcc.iiy efarenady wl.'Sub. ti-.
Ills, he l.a-, c.peil;iieed, t'llhout (oll' il.'ll'.u, IVit b
dot a .-.o tor t Im puiTo-ei.f misleading tec poi.lle, r
frois au) ilhir it, live of gratltcdo. It l c t HI
moro unrea-i liable to nipjue that ei.,!nent ph.-st.
tl ins would corrobi rate tl'.e eMd'liee tun ;,lven un
less thej weio peiru ided of lt-tru.h. 'ihepioi.rto
torsi f llostitters, -tomah hitters ere e is-r-ititl.. In
Ihe receipt t f i Imitni) 1c-tlmonla''. pel U', '.sledging
thuc'iiiattt" unci pieiei the potcie,, 1 1 n -wneil-ecni
t mle i.ud n rivetltv, rtunnalli r-:u r (rata
thew) wliol ave f-lt Its tnllneuee, but also fi otu tied
known i, elm rr, the inedleal prcfe- dun, l.ali te-io
and abi. ad, tcho lu.te w! ed lis til cits', and pre
scribed IC In their private practteo. In lb. (vim of
cild-n.'vas thu, t'Mvbleh the widest pu' lctl) lies
reioutedh be..ntlea, In wo'ild be el.-urJ lo .pi-s-tlon
tbu iiutlk virtues if theilltnis, skcpll I ui
upoiitlds liolut was loia; ago tliiwnw d. aad ft y
nretMt.iv a:, niuea re.-.p Hod aad f..r tn.v l'!e..v
l, than in my of the i ron.i lyes, i, u h iig
tn e ei u -pleuou -ly In tlin J hurinai ipcoln, 'Ihej uie
unlicit.iil., ret ..;.-olid to be the aupr. ii.ofiliied for
IhteruiHK id rail i.inliti-nt fold", dj -pi p-la, liter
coiiiphitui, gi iisi'id dLl 1'1'y, Ul-ni .1-1. if tl:.. bowels
uud nc'i.ousui .!., as iiili,uti in. '..s of fj'.ltrib.g
IhesJsK'lu li.r. last Inalul'loUS Uille,.l.ei;j uud tbosil
widen opt rate Injui ..u ,iy upuu tho t i-n-li It o organs.
YilKiiier t.s d iiBaremody for acta d dl ese, uu
moans of bt.l ding up the bruketi dut, a hj.-l pie, or
of,- e iinali .i.uee, thoy uro nou rivur. oil
to In v.ilu, uiiU thev ofton rtuUirod er.mpleto health
who prem ilbed leuii dies eiuiuot ctvu IiiIUkIoIU re
MasinuKi; I'u.w. 'i bet.o i:, servedly celubrutud uiJ
popular mcdicliiCi have etnetod a revolml ,i In tho
healing ait. uml proved thu fallacy i f se eral max
ims width biivn for uiituy y ars olmii in tcd.11.0 pro
gress if mu'dial n lence. '1'1'of. tupjn i-lllon tu..t
"l oi'-tui ptlon Is liicmah!o"dcliiu.-h,'.s.l. at ifrcin
ulteiiii ting to Uud rouiedlesfoi' lli.i'i liwi-e, end pa
ttents a tin. t.ll wtUt It I' ecnclleit t :.. Ui stu death
without n.aklug uu em rt to e-i,p. hvu n dooio
Wl.lcu t.'.i Mip.'j.tod lolo hhav ISable. It l now
prut et!,, tluit Co.s.eiii'ii.x iti k ce ui.n.
and It has ui:hn curd lu ii trr. n l number
of eases (some if thm upnsrrnt d t s.)
bj Ktlicnch'a Piiltai tile i.jnisal m ! i.;. '. lu other
ea-es b 11,0 miuui me. II, la. In t.s- j. ti m with
fieUentk'st-'ea Weed Tenia ar.d Man.ti'.i';ii 111!, one
or both according to the reiiulremiits of tin- cuse
Dr. Hcli' nek himself, who ml tet inb t 'i-r'.; t'd
gissl heidth fi rinoiuthan forty ye.ii-, nass'ipp v.!
at one I lino to be at the very gate of death, til. put
Mcliins hating pronounced his ease h pcleissi, end
nbandoliod hliu to bit fate. He tin- ouiedby tiui
ef..resjiil.l medlilne, mul, since his rtuoverj. many
tlioiisunds blinl'arly allecled bate n id nr. M'heiiok's
preiirall' lis tt Utt ths sains r'uialkable shim bs,
Pull dlitctlons wltHejeb, bottle llnkln.,- It i ot nt
'i,i.ti ty necei-siury to porsionalli oeo nr. Ht lienek uie
I ". piill' iita w b their ltioTrirx' Ino I, nu i f irthlt
pinp.,hO ho It piofisilunully ut ids pilnelpnl utile
e'one'r s-uiii end Arch Sis., Philadelphia, e- ery
Molida.v, V. llll i nil tellers for nd 1 i oili' I lie aditle
ed. Isi he t. lie's jaodlilneaaio mid by nlldiugubU,
Prni.inn as a wahsiku and for Ihe benefit of
Yoiisii Miin AnnoTiti us wbosuifer fiom MiltVOI's
Dr.lill.lTV, Us OP II ASIItiiili. 1 te s uppljlng ll.u
means of wlf-cuie. Written by "be whocured blm
st'K otter undergi lng tciUilUii uldo miiiu keiy, and
tcntfreeoiiiees tUigniioi.t.iiuld dliected einoluc
bulliicis are Intltoil to uddiiss. Il.e uutUol,
Mar, it, '71-fm Ho 1 s, Unsklyn, X. V.
MANHOOD lllih'IOllldi.-Atl.llmefyeiLtbfiil lm
I nidi lire, causing ptnnalute decay, in rtous del It
ilj.elc, hutlcg tiled In tidnitiiy 1 nowii n iiuily,
lus found a dimple si lf-cure, whh b Lo w 111 si nd free
to Lis fellow s.u.'trors., J, II, lttstit-, Is
Nassau bt., Kew oit,
July 9,'71-ma
MAMiiior. Ci 1 TiniAUs Jus.t pitnlettand f, r.nls
nt lint coicti-"- ofllce, Mlnbt,,' .ne., . nuel
Ju'ttcd hould upply theuistdv . tb mi. .1
kary article.
eiP.sTACl.Est TllMAltUIAeiK.
llnpp.t relief for youner men from the effects of Br
icminlid Abuaesln early life, Manhood Iiesloreit.
Impedlmesis lo Marriage reinond-, New and re
markable retnddles, nooks and t trcidam si nt fro
11 sealed envelopes, Addretn, 1IOWA1II) ASSOCIA
TION, No. t nouili Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
an Institution having a high reputation fur hoaot Able
condiu t atid skill.
Kov. 5, isin-iy.
At Die resldonce of Mr. Hlehard Peinott, nlar r-
R.tlnwn, .fanuarjU.lsis, by He v. H, Mondentall, Mr.
111ANK P. JOHNSON, ot K;,en drove, to MleiJRM
KKTTH llol.tiHRV, t Vadtson totvnelilp.
On .IiiBnAry lo. by fev, If. Wilson, r. J. It. HANK,
f Huntington township, lancerm- county, to Miss
KATK I.l'NelKH, of Hitrnflf towna'rtp, e-olitmbla
(in Tneidny mnrnlii, In Itloomstmig, Mrs. StllUY
I.KM, ttlfo ot Pr. .1. Helen l. r.
In Bl'.iimbura, on the until Inst., Mr. JOHN
QUOntiR yos r, aged il ye trs, b m jMUs and u days,
"HKyi.KM'H IN.IKtt
"He Mvps tn .tf sits " happy thought,
Has rein s "I et la I tho rest ho sought.
From storms w itho.u and fears within,
lie ru.sti secure Horn palu and sin,
"Ho '.l 'cps in Je'ius ;" M'eeit ilTp,
"f rjtn wlilelt uono wake to tveep,"
lfow swo:t tolny down enra and strife,
A nd wake la ovrrlast Ing life.
Awhile be WMted tlie blessed hour,
When patn and d ',.!h should ose Its nower,
And now "ilnnlssive to Ood s will,
lie eepi lu ,)esui ;" psace be Mttl.
Iing hi had walked life's weary way, ,
And tt anderrd et Ms lengUieked day
At last a light shun" In bis room,
And Ji.i'is whinnered, "thlld come home."
farewell 1 1 will not wish thee bnc,
To walk again llfn's weary track,
Though v Idle 105 mul "hall here abide,
111 mbs walking by my side.
(i l may I In patience wall,
t'ntll t near the pearly gatj.
Where iiiy enraptured soul shall see,
'1 bat It" Is watting there for me.
r. Y. tf. ,
In litoomsbtii'g, on tho Sl.-tln t., ('AbVIK, Infant
son of .lolui mul Jjnry Ann Howell. ..gtd it daxB.
In Atton, se-itt lnwahtp, th Itn ltth lust.', JOHN
IlHow, age l t month hnd 10 dn;. s.
In Afton, s-cott township, on the l.itli Inst,, PHAN
CRS Vtol.tifTA, tlttttgliter of Hlljah and Martha
Knyiler, aged 1 faontlis and 4 days.
In iWe rvllln, roliioi'ihi eountv, on thi lull last.,
Mrs. s Ml 411, wlfoot Daniel plfor, torn Jlay 18, HM,
died January 14, tare, ageioo years, T montas and 54
At her reIJ?nce near .Tersnytotvn, Coluuibl.1 coun
ty, NANCY, wlfa of John tl. Wilis, aged 03 years, t
In III n:n tairir- on th221 lost ., Visa MAHDALENA
ni'I'Uitr, i.ged si" jeais and 11 montlis.
Nr ir i' i tl"ld.t Mill, Montour county, January 1.1,
l-jr,. iil.tA.'.t Ki.MKii, s.n of nrlttttin VVelliter,
a; I 2 jt.ii'-., i mouths aed W dej..
Nesr ,'er, .'nfiary 1.'., tsts, Mrs. NANCY
.Ml' I.s, iig, .1 , ii ,as.
iipai.i: IN
lll.OOMSllUilG, PENM'A.,
lias tho pleasure of Introducing to Uie PaWK
a Av;ir ,M xvpnnion
Aii w and beautiful Mm,-, fur wo, d or eeid. Ileul
o k'-e; , i .nsiinil.. to baud a h.rge aad vullud
a-noil'iieiil of i IU r
1KOX WK.VU ill great variety,
TIX WA1UC, Ac., Ac, Ac,
w'.deli ! e win,1' i r al tho lowes t rates for cash
or .teei'.ite.t cr. on ou -Uori thie'. ttl .irilel s wur- a reprtj- in u. lie icsp..'ciinuj boaous a
share oi ptioue putioimgo.
Ull. IW, IS Ij
lArill It I 'AH, (lie lion, wuum Ki.wEM.,
l t l',.sldent Judge cl Uiet out of tsjer aid
Juruilnor i.ud t.emrut Ja 1 lajlivery, roiu'tLf eju.u-
b rSi-usI ns of tint Have and tee ourt ot coaimoii
t'ie.uuud uiphutis' court 111 th" ita J1.dlel.1l Pis
trlit, eoiiiio-o I if c.sui II s if eoliihiiU and (
Jl ejcai, Ib.iii. I141 Diiiii and Into :
llo.-u J... A.s-.ji I ite lud-p .1 iff eoaiity, hato ,
lucJ 'thVir ui, Liming dr.., the Slh'.Uiy of
ti pt , In i.n jur A our Lord one thouruLil eight I
hundred uud Miintj-ilte, ;niid 10 tnosilrectcd for
lHshiingae jiirt of uyi-r un I Toru11njra.ul tieueral
Quarter initnr. if Ihe Peace, 1 milt of Common
pleas i'lid l'i'ihaiis' I ourt, lu liloo.asbiug, la thu
count' of, on tholtrst 5l..'.iday, belugtlie
1-t da. of lal r lurj haiet, tueoiitl'iuo two tveeis.
X Ah "s is 1 on i' ni.!,i lo the t . ron.'r, to tho Jus-
tlei , or I'n Iv.i".', nad tin e.iiest bie- ottho bald
count; of 1 .duutbhi, (hat the I e hi'iiidid there lu
t'.K tv piv, . 1' . lii.i et i'j o'clui: la tlei form. oa of
S'lt.Ulll it. of Si. , lein .er will! In 11 lee .rds, ill jllj-
llloa 1 una otiui' reiue.aoraiii''' . to do iiioio things
which to 1 i'dr uriiem aoporiaiu to bo duno. And
tiio o t'.iiu a.o bouud by 1'oognUauJj to proweuto
ugalust tiio pi boners that uro or may ha lu tbg Jtl
of the said eountj of L'oliin.Ua, to bo ihcu aud tliero
toprosueut" them as sbullbo Ju l. jurors at'if-re-iph
sled lo be p iuietiul lu their ultt uiUuee, agreeably
to Ihelr n aio.'.i. Dated at iilooinsour thonii day
i I o( liicoiubur lu tint ti or 1,1 our lord one
i 1. -. -m.iii-ai:d eight huiidiod auJ evoiilj-four
l. i end in Mo idiiet' -elifhlh ion.' ' f tlm ludo-
peltdouoo 1 1 tiui L btlud slates of Auiivl, u.
Hieli'l .iOUICO. MIL' iAhhtll OVKK.
Uloi.m ,.,'l'.'g, .sot'.tl-W fchertO.
Jurios for Icb. Term, 18To.
OllANIJ JCHV.,burg-Chilen euger, John K. (HDl, Waller
lu i'.vlcli Michael VrauU. Jilin Jii'Auall. O. 1.
eavei i imi tine r.
1 1 nji .;'i .1,1 - .. lilltua Karrlt.
ll..i. I t- Mariln.
l'o-e t.l ..- ,'e I.. IT" .-, S, t'. lii WVIl,
ti alii) la -i e-ibi ii t'ahi Inger,
l'l a tn ,ei," g -natll ttemior, narrnim O, lillno.
t'l.ih-iln -Iaae J. Curie).
jjil, on sumui'i iiiruaan.
i is'ii-i sui.iu.1 camp,
.tilulln uatt.i brown.
to ciour P. m e or i.ncr.
(sraugo i'lio,, IieU m,
Ito. lie ,im-k--V.nriAl4i tJtnn,
Mi.'i.ri iif-i t t.rj I'i'iu, isuiuui. itobotts,
nivlt-s. A. V.i.rui.ui,
iilnomaburj-J eiuimuu, t.'ai. Cgiointva, O. IV,
Hunt, i),
n. i.'.t k-.ioim Aiiauis, jamts W. Evan, Wai. .
linoi r.
i.rluier. cl;-J. W. life.
Lei, toll- fi, c.
ia , if, r I In i us t-'Uuuiau,
C i lilt- V.H., Sii'lf.
( .'..'I'.., I.: ti. I'. Ml. Hint,
t oi.J lihum lolui u Kline,
1'rt'iikfln- Vi'io. luihiborh.
I' rci'li-Aiiiusi'tidir, Juwijj N. Jones. Alox.
Ilietin e .
(h'tcutvood Panlij-lAps, MLoli 11. Kte, Isano
IK lllllsK- c. I'. ADI'leUinll.
1. eui.i-- Hai i.iuu l-Viiilsgcr, Pci.ry 11. Gable, Henry
U, Illll'l.t-K,
tl. I p'ie ant-Kilns l tt, John Vniiee, Wit, illller.
f.ii.ds.. n-i.i i rgo Muipliy, i.uild MinlU.
Mi In - I' siikilu Miuuiaii,
It l llil l lei.SV,
lonili n.eU-.Uruiii lit aver, imuuii tlieirlw;
ti II, v U- ) i nger. 4
s;. nil .0 hii l le'ellog, UI IlurllU'.U,
buguiloaf-l'jius luii-li,
MKOjNI' WS'k'k.
ltlixu-fbi'ir 1
W. lianet.i.s. Poriiwmi.J), I
llojii, A. -oltdir.
l ei Uk-t m. t bines. lliiii- s. A. Ilockti'. Amos
t.ii'uri , oi'ii ii . i i hiss, j, r i is .
lib'rt riuneh, Pi.wei'. Hindi I l.twer.
t ati ulnse i . c. I liaiplesa, l.t nr. I tuhlrr, 1 Louim.
nn. in r, i i.. i uii-ii f,
i in ol, li,- .li 1 1 i. Vie;, vei, n In zner.
H-i 0 1 1 ru l J. p. Hoktr, .n Weui s, Ualab
iM't'sii'ts, itu ut "wr,
iiiCHn.iKl- A. Y, Kline.
lltnikil-Ali tlliuaKditua, II. 1. HeHrtdo,
l.o. h i I!. 1 1..I II, li 1 n A. 1 bin i, iMduli Viugi r.
Vi et 1 1.- i i.o , i, m . .'a tt.i Mm,
N Ml '11 ' , I. I i ' I ll'l' 1, Il -I ... I li I i, .1 1 , t i l !l ...
I s , '. 1. e
I ' r
or bg. -L.A. tlulan.s,j,n, t uu.-.
OK Til L
I i
Jamuiry ,,
1 100.00
May.. .. .,
-IS' I I li I
December ,,..
Vfthte ol Hbnres ,
Ia- l.-.l
It- 1 ...
775 at t200 161,000.00
Buckstnndlng Duca Interestond Fincf, 80(12.37
Tines, Iitf jresit and Fiacs,
Advanee l'aymonts
Lonua liepaiu.
13. II. MTriiB, President.
J. .i. nnowBu.
svn,)'',l,", ,l'1,'?f'i;?''"d. Autlltort nppoitiied
'""i ."uou nu- noovo tiuienii.:iv to
uwi.M-.iiu no. j-a., Jan. 27, 1876.
41 2
8 6
l?8j gj
l!f!fVa&l.f-"Y - T'.
Int. nn Loans
Intaresc on
i S tit I.
x tj.ana l.'eiatd.
I'll Interest J
l.ll'l el.ies.
is f r
J.l ilis ilepald, 1
I '' OH. - ,
No of Wiare T
I' n
a 3
II' l's i- ! 1 s.ASI!'Lra 13 Agents, laidlfs' Coralilnitl.iu 1
I ' .'f 'th -Unid., with C'hroiuoi. ifcna stamp,
C'D.MI.TiilXG KOli YOL'.
IJ s.-i i 'iio'iip t" t II. Ai.'dri ss, 1M). ttrP.ST,
'iu..r. l7 .'.h'',',iiii Mrcot, now 01it,
A I'LNJH WAN'il'l)
XV. fir tho fa-i.M i-'lllutf book ever pi.blfshed.
Ag. ins. NA''.
I ui.t, I a.
pes 1,111 i,r t xira to
l'l . 1.
l.l-ii.l.Ml tn., i'uiuiua.
3 wnuwu.
Ami nil Tlu'oat Diseases,
4. TiJJKJ ssli'ili: ar,.Ul5V.
Sold by Urujih' '.
biioi.r poS'i'e'NaiEXT-i)AHrisci-iaS
Dl ll'lillJl'TION.
Fikst (.ittAXu Gut Conceut.
Tjl.lisltnliet,7?.s.ftln fI"is,Mn.
II! Ill III'. 1, S-l lrllM ' I 11411..
Ltimjiuuin L biituiu iimuii'..' noil j'jiu
1-V5AH.CSS 20, Z.C73.
MKT oy Gin1?,
i (inuidfVsih tun
1 urt'H'lUi'iti (lift
ion c
... Wi
1 cr."'.d i'n Ji ( if
Hi fii'-li UUP, tu lnsu eni-li
nt i am f.llt ., .ItMiii eeeii
M i I'.sH tiifls, 1 ei iiot'li i i t cut-. :m eieti
I urn I ,ia'i bill , lea i itb
,."i, i ,i-li (sft , t, eneli
1 life I U iii,!.., .o c .'.Il
il is e li i .Ift , a.,n'in'!i. ;to
Xuin:. rof Tieki N, 100 n"0.
Pliicnj or TlcKirr-..
s' . a '
Wt-ft" TteketS
ao '"i
f. "i
... i
Kin '
i, l.'ill.'li, eli ir
ml I" i In ,..t
, .1,0 i 'ft 0-
II 'M -,
in ii.ii
Mg' lb- 1' f leh IMllliou
o' 'ib ktufur
Tl- V. HrrlH p. in,!--
t.Tail Ii. lie' I"-) ilHt'll-J I f Vt, -I'd'
t,i I f istue -e t ,, . orei -i .
e it t . . tahli-:: end i in' w . 1
h r t
Inl'i.o. itfiil ltesltlote in IK , f Vli inl . '. ..t Mi i.r.
uie i.a
I'i'iu". inn loruior res.nt ii-s
tho former resieii
lies) ef I'usldenl Junto-
liOVfrntWs OP'.v. lllnhmnn.1. .mis r n-i
It i.iToi'i;- lite Mel 'in, fn sav Hint I .mi w. e .
iiualuti d with nl igc ni ! rlt'-'i f ihe orcii ,i,f I' e
-nou. i.-uer i eiiioir iinuiaae .issixwiten, wi o ru i t
ui thetl. 'Mrv i 'i yh me, rind 1 1 ft si tie Ir It ! II-geuri-mid
ll,i let, i t'i ai.iMil'h reputation n "en
llelneii. uswel istue nul..i euafulewo, IiillU' ree
and rtUli?t;i!itlal nt 'ans llteralls rrpn'-'enfed it ung
ILi III. . . J J.lil-t. i.J.A.1'1' ll.l.ov. VlrtlBI ..
Aii'Mimirla, va.. .lab !. inti. teomrei.1
llieinasi'gonlsotlioiorand lategrlty, tuui fuijj en.
lilted to the ei nttdi ri" of ths pul.Tle.
if. W. Ill i.HKH, I . RJudte Uasfn Illst, tf Vn.
l ui Un r li f. n i.ei st'v n riiii-toti him f- ti. nn.-
(lilts it v, ulke r,IJ.liovei nia-,f Va,: Hon, Itehf.
li. X.ltlier-, lb nt ('riTef Va.. ei'd '. . drnntcri
t leel : m iiaten. nut mendsrs of i PiiirrsB from Va. i
nron 1.1, n, ht i nieLei.OK'nr uii Wuiaiiliiui iT
ill. 1 .1 IV I'teiill htlir Vtfiswimou, Is.
Km lull kiiiI. lib is. Ii-Hii.i mi, in. le.nenil cnm.
CUlur. Aoillii , UIN..iAali:sHAI I Hl.ll,
.'"' VJ ' A" Aluvumli bt. Va.
llcllnWe ngei ts wuiiU-d everj wl.ero. Jim. w.Hi- stw
' Ml I I'""1. inns u.ii- luiv.rii.-iiieiiis. ui,h
U4. u jmr.
semi in .
ids 0 r ' spi'iiU lens
i.i put' w ii i, rgot it I Kib I. did Man Ft-, inlmn. A
.1 ev.
KiffTi.; i .
is., i.i; I. Iiinilhkl UH pal! I
HA .
in' t. u 1 Ir. ct. I1
.toil, Vji'j-., bi ii l'lt.l'U.,1 u.'. Inliii'.. We ('iiniui.l.e ii.i.ta is
Un. -.. Ag. ins tvuntfd, Ad.lrosn ISIiU'lH. fi. 8,
N a n a ( o , isl n. Howurtstreet, Pnmm it , ntd.
Jull, -, 'if', !W
( II v- 1 M I , I ' I' t'l t I I, . -. , ! , .'l mu
1 1 ti.-s, ft
?iy.83S,tS0l $1.28l,fl(9ii07,20
Outl(iiidii)j( Onleri Nos.
M8.42 77-100,
72,03 78-100;
Une Shareholdem for Advance Payi""'4-"
uuuttnneiing ureters.
e AsoU
. ,.!.
On 175 Loan.,
On Hnecial Denoaits..
un interest on euseciw ueposiu
On Rei'retary'fi Salary
O.i Treasnrer's Halary
On Rent. eilSafasiMl4tls)iAtllllaelfte44eteaallaiti'i
O W. JtlLLHU, Saoretary.
.1. 11. fJASKY,
M. W. NOgS,
to e-.-amiiie tho Annual Statement of the Hjeretary, nsnpeelftilly report that after a careful
uo correct. '
8 fig ;
.... w: '-n-
3 Tl
5 o ii C I - J
: Bhi
. -1 - -t ;
.'iCril; ; t - i
-r J. ( I-" a
-r i-s
- - j in-1- i :
t '
ft"" 1
3 :
C II U ii B A'Enls'd'
t to v.ti ,i I in ,"it I th it a'i j e'.erttr.n re pilros more ,
or .'.n e-; i-r T'l ut o.i ii'ei iMiitinie r niaKiinrv
ti.,,. t..i- .i.irntM.ii.1. iim w-uiuo -ft-i o.i.ii. mul in. '
Tlt'or tier, tvl leh acts si. ii"imi. lolly on tbesceietlte i
nr'-i'itas to inittin. tisr man uie viiuii irco.
It tt I'.i iileo inde attpi tler, wldeii btluiulales fur a
Blurt (laie. "ii I- ti'fet the eio ror fall loulutvir
;ii nr ."t.ei-. i -ii it is a v.'e-iduie ionic acting
(lb. ell. on the Mveruli 1 -.'l.'Cll.
Tt rc'.-iit 't ;! the ll.iwils. qaiots the nerves, and
elves pin-'i e heattliv tone in th'"' whole SJ stein as to
soon make t he hindld feel lILn a new person.
Its oiii r ''. n bi r. I vl 'li'iit, but Is i h .racteiled by
gnat Tent I, 'lies s: 1 In niitt.-nt i" peili neoi- nos'iditen
chan-ie, no neirlred result., but ei.. lu,.llv hi it roubles
I'. l.l their tent-, like the Aiabs,
ti.d siti'i'tlyneidiiwy."
'I hi- Is i' ' ei"- nud ii'itilod discovery, but lias
lie.-n ii.n. ii n-1 with wo'iiici'tul rcmodlal results, und
Is nr n un. e I bv the hij-be-t medleal aullioilllus,
"tlio ii.-. t I'.iwvi'f'itt'inte and alterative known,"
-k tour ilt-ii'.'glst for It.
For file bv JOAMtlTN, 1IOLI.OWAV .t Co.,
Phlhiilelpht i, I'.t.
: e. V, o want ii -ulidJ t'..r-.nii lu
' idti taki riielh er 'I il, liter goedt
i le d c. li. 11. At k 1 1 blnp u nndfaird
, 1 1 d in eon taut os and wear. 'Iho
lee i to tjniiiei, -,,ios over half . i
r..r our
i. . .;,
.. Il I c
i.i 'i
1 .
i i--i, I i' i -. i a-ii I av lo Hi.-right pert-oii.
l !' . i.'. male i,r feli.ale, ut n ur li.itiies
tiih.. -so ilk. if toil eo to woiktve will
i 'i f.e ' and " t-i t I a Un i f : in les and a
1 1., i. ei' i, id. tie -i at once and st cure your
r . I! J. il.ti.l, co .-, N. Hut-Man t-iur.f-1',
: -, 5 d.
t. n.
i.'O' ? IX'-i A' TKf M PW
S t V I . s !.t.' O. I i V 1 Jl LiO !
,v..m i.'i-u'ni
I s up
L'jjfsr Ware,
UiilviiniH'tl Iron Corn wit, Awu
iuj;h, mul "no Trelliet'H.
tyiie.tli'm ta Fini.iiMa, stovs B.uurss, Maatlo.
Puiaiis, Ac. i OKlllUX'.s H1.0CK, Illtssunburi;. P.u
oil. '
JK'iOfiO p.r day, Ai'ciits w nttsl. All
! 'M .' "' S'S i f wi lUrgpei'inS' f Is Hi n't's, iiniilg
. R, , mmmf,,,,,,,, ,Wi Btuoikr. ruvliifiulrotvi.
h will Ins, iliitlrir ll. if si mt inoiuibtfl, or all the
tuna, ma at sn iiiiog et-e, w i.rrsr eeipio men I
ttint win j ay hi pit-tnisiy t r ry hours t.igk
I o.i psitti iiinrs. Litis, Ac., stud is tour ddnio (
oi e,'. i iieia,. i,u la tlm lime. iHii.tlosV
ii r i" in. n on ini s 'i c ee nil
j v in i ti t one
Jan. i.. " -ty.
Al 1 l 'l - IMI: Cbtap: (lis'd : Hvt-ti ma-
A i'i. Al
f? .' vol, r
11 I II I 1 1- ' I
All i . i.b who ei mm phi I ii'.iiUngiv n-
1 1 1 1 . 1rt lir tin' una Ill li t f ud' ei
'I'll -ii I : rt nls- l i. en. I'. I . w. n a-
l. i' I oil. I t.. "twtil jii li tji-1 JU l-ltl Kl
l',i i U nil. i s. tenth eiMil. ii s ciiLli ha.- II t.-,t f
on, 1 "i.i-,.i i hoi tin nu, si.o.ih - tlm
tui. Aclu it'-i n ia- nliu tir i'.Jhg u,.'nsiu
li . In s . . , i.i a irt iiubJotin ivduitloi. fi. m nob
Ushers' rut. s. i.i i tot Pi ok, Juu. in(y.
! 4 T tl. ('.. aw - i l'..i r (),K. Hmi'lml
j.v i ftitltiii i'-itt c as
" '"i -I I i,i., If
it' 1. i C,n
' 1
ipoo,oo:$75o,6o iSTT.oo'iifiooso.ot)
207, 218, 201, 210, 21P, 222,
... 1. . 11. .1 It. i
t..l. (...
M 68,002.37
1 2000 1.00
I. S. KU1IX, Treastircr.
W. 11. KOOXS,
i). t. .io:;ks5,
i. S. ICUIIN', '
C. W. MIU-Klt.
.1, J, UlttltV I.I., I
J. '1', TUSTIX, Audion.
3 1
15 3
5 a
I 2
s a
ry writs of Venditioni Kx
,'elas 1 ued out of tbo Co-irt,
oi l ouiiiinn rie.ise or 1 1 iiiiiini.i eoiinij-.aiia to me dl
leete'l. will lie espiisi'd to public sale attheCUUKT
lllil Mi, tn Id ioaiibm-;, on
jlini l.'iy (he isl day of i'eliniary, 1S7."),
lit on." o'el,..l;, p. m the following dosci IL'til prop-
't tr.ut ei rtetii I lice or Hired i f land sttiiatstn
JThitig ereik tow-nsLIb, colinubla county, I'n.,
bomnli d on the noith hi landsof H. V. Kdgar, un tlio
west b land of H. !'. l',d.,ar, on the sotilltby landsof
.T' oh Dlotertch and Pi lei- livoland nml on Hih nn-r.
by binds of John Vcnner, on which nre ci-ectcda
iltvi lllu), lionse and stibie, containing to acres moro
or lets with the appcrteiuinccs.
Atl that eertitn piece or parcel or la-id situate In
ri-hlirr creek towu-lilii, ccilumbla county, bounded
b landsof lllcbor Pennington oa thouorlh, litis
Wi nner on the c-a-t, '. P. 'I re.vler en llio w est and
I'eLcr I phtla on tho south, c ntalnlug to acres moro
or lo-s w hereon iiroafi-amo dwilling houbottbunli
barn, wagon shed nud other out buli'llngs.
sriieu, t.iKcn intn execuunii ana to no told as the
pi-cijiert v of t.i i . i.-dgar and W llllam E.L'dgar lata trad
ing as IiJg ar a tirother.
All lhat c-rlalu teal if late situate In the town slip
of I court Columbia county, bounded bv lauds tt
(.eirgo lliintziJ i n tlie r.oitb, John Kllno on tho
so ir ti. Oei.rgo Honter ca tho won, and
on tlie cast, contululiij, o no bundled acres more or
n-l'ed, lakeu bito execution and to be bold as the
proptl ty of John lthoadt.
All lhat real enate ntuato tn the town cf ntooms
btui', Ciliind la count i, iw.d Muto if PennatliuLla,
bcunued and deieilltd u.s It.llotv, lo wit: on tlio
ttestbj onaliei, north b. alottf (-tnion c. Milve,
eu; t Ii. Jlaln tli-et t, south by a lot cf Catharine old,
said lot being seventy reel In front und onu hundred
and uglily feet diep, be tho bauio moro or le-s,
whereon are erected a duelling luU-e und stable
M tin I li,. fiiinnrt,t,t,s.,.a
SeUed, taken la t'seeiitlen and to bo sold as tho
prni erf. of i:il Jim-, AdiulnlitraU-r, Ac, cf John
Joue.-i daocuted.
AIM', t hoitse and 1. 1 ot land slluatn on catliarlne
stre. t in t. 'i.wn of i'i .on, burg, count'.' i f coluio
1'tt.JM., freiitlai; idti ftt on said Catharine Mr, it
.J .tiling IJ. if wiiu Irr tn thu north and H. i
Mjiijon tlvj.ijuUi, tili-:ou Is on clod a two stry
fi'uura house aud out bullolui. i, now o.'cupleil by A.
J. buckalotv. '
Hel.M'd Liken In o-eeiilloa nud to bo sjtd ai tho
propel ly Ol Maiuuel tiivsa.
That certain M rf ot uml In Catawlstn town-ldp,
;!uil.', '".' ''"' ' '"'''till' "i ilia iiuidi Uv tlw linii
tlle liu, li it ii i.pd U me.-.l aru- Ihill duad. on Ihe eul
l loiitl t f U in. .McKttv. onthessiiit.-i byaprltuto
rcial. i ml i n mo wokl by Luid cf s..ndi llsiiereon.
Kit lug twu aires tuou-er less, with tho appuiteu
siie. , '
t-el.ei!, ta' en Into eM i'iitliin and t'lls'snhl as the
rri'imj of i.avu nai.utirtiliii uotico to tern ten.
U,trltute on (second stwtcr Mmstrsct lulho
tottn ot lispy, Scott townsldp, , CoitnaJtl i eountv,
Whereon are oracled a plaulns; iiilfl mid shop, villi
engine, UlacliUiery Ac. ' '
I.ot.sltnatitoiifkt.viait tslw Mn aalltown, atljoln-a-.-
llio iiforewd.l pl.i'ilni' mm lot on tbu west, und
lantl if 1. 1 i-i ic'.l'i - nitun t ist.snd tsvivuid Ptre. t
in tin. south, niiiiv.tst by nn idjev: tthtiwn uro
i r. clod u il ellle'- him- e aud out tndldlugs, uotv ou
cupled by Ioiuird M ood as tenant.
IotonHerendHrett laaddtcwn, lKiiinds!l on tho
lioitU liyl-i!tii,ilsti,st,iiutliby Rily,pa.t by Henry
'lliu.bly, v.-esuiiv I. and Tboinas tlvo8ng ir ,
t.hei (in aru uiecti'il a frame, dwelling lioiisrtnd out
luildbigs, iiuwctxupladliyjohu llonwon c-jteuaut.
fotfiltiiiifn cm-eoond stieetl'i ssld town adiln
inc, t'otoi d struet on tho uoiili, wist by Ubert Kast,
.,VcSt.bJi' 'IS1 '"sfden. s-suiii oywa ajioy. tvueroou aro
.iii ntm" ?w,"1,,"i lir"1 ''I'd out bulillrig, oo-
"i tvt v miw.ii. mmu lyVlinuia
IftOll Poffilld ftrAOt Inaiil.lfjiTvsi l.ui,,d&. n,. iv...
in i Ui b 1 1st t luid si rot t. OHM 1 ij- i t f 1 1 . . "T Wiin
isoulh bv an elley, wt..t lit lot of I. Ciovellnir. where'
"" ;dei tiibAla'fftuae ilsniili.i: i-ouiiLuuflulWlnit
uriil ttaiiiuialo now egreplitcl tut au'dmee, by Tho?
i .. i . . . .
Ic ou Wnlnstus i lu suid town, isounttosl tn the
ut-riiilsv an alley, imt by suuilsy, wtt fty LiUi
Jnceli IleAu, whev, i, civetod i &k 5&V
Uuim Mow uceupieu 1 'i luw, w. laAjjsr. '
ALSO, ,--
la cm lie siuui sii'o U n.,1',1? te'ii, V'"1' ,n
t..M t m'. is 1.1.... 1 ". iiui'.,",i.fvW!'j;','al
v.. 1 1. 1 j il 'I. 'I'ln'- , h,,1,'" L0'1"'"'
a 1
1 'but lulldli.g-.
lot on north of said canal, and tfstetby a street end
south Mideast by Uie I'ennsjlvanuioaniil, Viiercon
nr" t n-eteil a frame, tjwelllng ItootJe and out build
legs i now occupied by M. romatoclt m tenant.
One otlier lo( cm nth . f M .n. Irrt, In sold
town whereon are .ie.ii.1 ttu i . it i.jj lews
bounded on the n nth 1 ) .'I lo-tt ., mi tlie i s
bv rnnal street, on. the -''iiiib an an y, on the
vi st hj land of linvld
Meleil. tnki li Into execution .mil t . be ..Id as tho
property of Thomas W. Kei o
All that sHAln t-nftl AstAtfi M' n.ile In I.oe 1st town
ship, roliuniila cottnty, bounded, tp;. i.nt ot John
kilne anil otnero on tho nortlt, Ja ob c 01 lieat
ernml Ijson on the east, (teorg I1 .if.. Virlgl.
JlUglloa I'ull Olliers on Illi 'uu.u, aon'i imu
1'eti r Miller en tho w at, ; e.nitatnli.i- t voheinli d
aere-im'insiirl's'ijvrhtoiinarpi'iwt. n i .ti.t nn.g
non e-., two ilitds una out ouuuinu- w un hi up
tiilrtenanees, ft lued, taken Into oxeeutl'n and to t e',old a' tho
property ot Jonathan liai'limun.
All that certain lot of irrouml ltn ' . the tn-. a
of t'.iuwlssia, in the eountj of fjlio una -i ito
uforesald, bounded and sb'scrib id 11 1 ! i,ii
in ginning at run corner et a in ot nr. t i. i
tlie mirth eoM side of M dn stn'et, i i eld i
oft Htnttlssn, thence bj ssld lot r i -f , '
iwo nunaren Hnu ten n e. is. nunni .n ri'-u.rni.
alley, north tvei-twnnllj i U-nlj two I ' i re . , 1 n
ton corner of n lot now or Into of i , h u,
th. nreby said lot sooth iu-stwiird ihi.i, I d
and len feet to the aforesaid Main m n tint are by
the ssiine south enstwardly eighty tit .f tt n.ore or
less, to Uie place of beginning, on whh o Is c reel, i a
rmiiic building oecuplud as stotv rooms, ndwclliug
house, A'c,
All tliot certain 3ot of gro-utdMtiiate In the town
ot i atutt is sn. In the county nfiiresald being lot lunrK
ed and nuuitiereil in the gen' rnl ph.n of tow n of t t
ntilssauiiinbind sUUen ('.-.) ls.undedand d. . no
ed as follows to wit i en Ihe south b.t Main flu. t
said town, on tho east bi another lot belotirdngto
ti e Bald .1. 8. llrobst, on the north by sn alley and . n
the west also by an alley, wiihtneaptmrU-iiai." .
tsol.ed, taken lu cvcutlon and tone Mild o.stsii
piostilj of J. 8. llrobst.
A LriO,
All these four tract s'cf land i.Itonte lniisTrtTteffJ,
slilp, colurabla count), Penns Ivaula, boumtidnnd
deshillsed a follows i one ol tltcm beginning At n
piislattii- soutbttest corner cf a tract of land mn-.
tejed on a tuirrant to ratharlno I.onginlsi"i r,
theme by satdjl'nlhtir ne Li.ngi ulsergir Unci mrtn
111 (tegn-cs, we't ft'l p( ili"S to a post: theme i.i,,tu
til degrees, west 111 perches ton post i tlnncbv
land surteyed in tho uttine-, i f 1 homas Lemon, s o.uii
te degnes, west ltvi perehen In a pott: their .b'
lentl surveyed In tho name of Daniel Myir, ner'ii
lil degitea, east 87l )rri a post: tin in l orth
7silegrocs, ei.stiM s iches ton post: thence bt land
of .le-oo hrooks, itortti li degreis, west Is puii.i t.,
it red oak: tlnnee by land In thennme it Jie
Rrooks, noitli Vsdtgnes, insi so perehoH to a post,
the plan-of beginning: epraulnlng a:sv ' snnd
n'li wunco n ore or It's: -iin'sed on a wnrrnnt to
Aiiiirotv tliuk dated I he sad daj rr Aug', -I 1,"S.
i 'no otlier of them tjealntn.T at, a po-t Ihe u ntti wet
eoinei ol the nboteili :.i ribi il trie T. -iirte;, i id n wdr-
rint lo -Midrrw eiaik. tiiiiaoiit tne v.i-t rn n.i of
the sidd Andrew e law. nonli in n, gre ,
isesl StU r-li li. K tn a hosr ll,i nee h 1..T..1 .-r . , .1
on warrant lo .Mary s-iott and ,1m ob .'Ijer, Tovdf
grees, west Ml perches lo -o ni s, theme by fsind sur-
vi, eu on isi.nani. 10 iienjiuta.i iock, soutn ':o no
grees. east nift s'reh' - t. n pine, thenci bj land sur
tt toil on a tt arrant to tn oi-r Nji r, south Siidcyr rs,
east 1ao It-lo ierel.cs to a sist : tluntehy land Lur
vin ed ou a warrant John linn, n Jr., north 19 degrees,
east HVi lsTilies to uhl 'kon , tie neobj lan s,urvey-
in ine jiuiiie oi ..I.S.M.- in,i,i , in-1 in ia tignes, wc?c
2s iserehcs to Post : them i- bj tlie same, north 79 de
giees,tast IMpeichtw ton po?t the place of begin
ning containing 4sli!y acu- mcreorle-s: lilng.,,io
sumo tract of land sui-vejed on warrant, lo Danlil
eJer, iiatett Atigu-t a.i, i:3. line other tr.iei ot
hem, Ix'glniilng at a post Ihe -out b west corner ot
tho liistaboteucseilbed truel mrvijed on t nr. ant
lo Haldol Jiejcr and theme bv the i-ald 1 an
lel .Noj el', noith la itegiees west Mo pt relic- to a
pine: tie m e bj inn. I ol Itenjainlu I.toelc sou'h rl le-
aee-, wesi hi njie p'iri is me iraec sola lo
iicon Ilos'lrr. thence bv ihe snM i,,..,. ,,f , .p,-.,
lie s-ier to te.i' northern lineof hindsnrte.trdoii t. r-
ruot j.'lni l!,:llo,m Jr., theiu e bj the Ciine n, , lb IS
degre e.. t n o.-t the pi eof U'glnnlrig u i t in
lng 'Mifi ucies more or ti i .-: being a pnrt .if unaef;
ct land su.-vei i u on a wan. .at lo Hi-), ,i ttro ..."-d
gnu Aitgu.-i. kii.i. .nu Ti.e oiner uieiior i - 'lair-T
ut Stonei s, iSj'atiii;; It lom, ,uti,d ua
warrant toiieiu..niin i,- I'ei.'.nn in enorias' ui ; ic-s,
wen sua ts-tu leruuu to a so, no: then, e'..
tlei;rees, east 'in piehes tosionis; iiieneel j l.uirts
suivejed on a wuiTunt to .Mary hcc-tf, de
grees, east SoS pert his to Mones: ilietee b lands
simcyeu un u iTiirroui hi isuinei isejcr S0UIU4CV
degrees, west le jwrehCb to a pine ; thence b;. I..111H
KUrvetetl on u wurrent to
01 niai
nlamln lyoek. 'i.iitli "3
degiees, weft '.'-utperclics lo tlie jiiuee of beginning!
contalnir 440 acres un re or less, tt Icing ihe tame
tract of innu surtcjeu on wan ant to in o. xi
sclsi d.taki nlne.eeutii n . ndtobe -old a' the nron.
erty ot tho Danville, lladeton & rro Jiail
AH that certain h t of land being a lime e,uarrv,
situate In tlio tottn-hlpcr s-eott. Columbia c-mty.
I'n., boundi'd on the eiust by ipinrry lot of Marple and
I'lii'Fei. on tl-e north by land or Aarea boon, on tlie
west by another ciuarry lot of Jesse 1). nice, on the
south by lend of Aer. n lli'ou and .le-sc W. Henri;
on which are net ted u dweltlnc- bouse, stable, onlea
and other out building.-. Lime Iillnsio.
One other ciuan-y lot situate In the same township,
kn t.wi 11 e (.in n ipiarry lot. lnunded on the east
liylhouloto ilob.rIl.dlot. on th' north by land of
Aaron Hoon, on the went by quarry 1 it late of John
White deceased, and on tho t-oittu by land of An on
ltoeii! on tthleh are a dwelling houso and out budd
ing, und tbioe llmo l.llna.
All tliat certain lot of laud tltmte In Marti' on
towtiublp. t'oluiiibl.i eountv, bounded bv land." ct
Pemott and U'ellttcr on tlei north, Valentino 1)1. .die
man on tlie east, o. p. chrt-udn and William If bb
oa tho l-outli, Valentino uelllver und apt bile road
on tho west, contalulnj; liv, a"res more or less:
whereon am erected a frame d-i lllng house, n large
barn, and on buildings: Willi the appurten.,ncea.
f-elAed, taken Into e-cecmlou und to be ,old as the
lnoiscrtj of Josso J). nice.
AU that cci lain ren I estate Minute In Iteavcr towns-hip,
Columbia county, bound' das follow-: lie'dn-11111-.'
at a -tmie in pumlc ioud,tl.-i.' e uiong-ald iad
uoilh s . , Ueu-es, tw t :.j pure lu s to a post ; Uieneo
by land of Win. -smith s.aith f-M degrees, e.ittt
pun lies to a isj-t ; t nonce by laud' of Jeb-oJolm ill
touth 72 degrees, west 'JJ jmrches to tiio pi iee of be
ginning: containing three acres, moro or less, with
the tippuiteniinci-s
f-eltt'd, taken Into execution and to be sold as ths
property of John llludorlltes.
All that certain price of land nttuawin lloulni;
creek tow nslilp. Columbia county I'a.. liounded and
desei-Pedas pillows, t i w it : on tho norm by lands
of Judge co.-i ami oiheit nml l imam I.lutllle, on the
essi bj the e ainty line, i n the south by lanns Ute
of Isaac Bnekharr mi l on tlr wo-t by lands of James
Iivau- containing thirty acr-s ii.ore or le--s.
s-clyoit, taken Tnto i .vei ml u nud lo be sold as the
properly ut Jonathan ltaeliman.
All that rci tain iteee or parcel of land slluitela
the tsiroiiicli ot Lu ..L k tounlv, of Coluinl ta I', .on
Flout -ireet of said t nvn, hc'lnnlnqrat the corner of
tlie lot if William t interns, thenco' by s-i'i'tlghty
leel to mi ollev, ttieiit-e alang sntialliv, thlltytwo
feet m .ie ir l",s t.j 1. 1 now owne-.t bt .Ivhu 11111,
llienci' bv the same eight, feet lo front street afore
said : theiieo bt the same street thirty two Ii et moru
i r less to the place of beginning : ou which ore eriet
ed a two st ,rj brlek store-and dwelling house, with
th appuitennnces.
i-e' id, taken Int i evr-eetlon' and to be Eoldnstbtt
property uf John tl. Jaeohy.
Khoiiri'snniee, MIPIIAKL (UtOVIil!,
l doom -burg, Jan. f.'iB-te. Blierlff.
'I'hu fallowing upi)i-.,lstinents ef real and
ptrsonul propt-rlt si t apart to widows cf diecdenW
have been lili d In the ohjeoot tlm Ileg! tor if C'ol
tniibla eountv. uadi r tho llules of Court, and will b
p.i.s.-.iu-u n r ui.-.jiiuo conui-iouuoa lo tno orpnawv
tv.on Wednu-Jay, the ml dus of tetruary, 174, ut'J
ore sit p. iaoi suiu ary unie-s e:;cfptloua to such
. lullrmatli ns mo pretlouslylilid. ot which nil Tier-
son. Inteiosleu In s-.dd estates v. til take notice:
l. widow if Miilam liarber, late ot Slodlsoa
toi.n-idt, deceased.
2. Widow of Samuel Kootfnbiuder.lato of Cata
wl sa t iitnshlp, docenscd.
B. vi idoivcf coorto Kressler, lato ef Scott town
ship, deceased.
.,1" Kw,l,.luw,t' Pa?1.'1 Celeman, late cf rkhlngcrcelc
township, doeoased.
liegi-lei'siimce, W.ll.JACOIty,
llluonishurg, Jan, eth, 1878.) Ileglster
1"i:GisTKn's xoTK i'-y.
i V ivith'c Is hereby gh'en to oil legatee?, eredtt
ir end i tin r per-,, nslniert ited lu the rsti t -.flho
n-pi ttlte ueiedtiits and mtiioitt, that the 1 tow
ing u.ii.tiils.trutliin und guardlo.ii aeeoiinte li..-, e 1 "en
llled in the ortlee t f tb beglsler of Colun.iitn countr.
und tyld Imi prt'.nted for conrirmatlon andul w
I'l'.eo lu the oriihnn's Cov.rt to lie hildln bi nss
tiiirg, t n Utetnesi'ay. the sddayet, lsjc.
at tt Icite k, p. ia., a Baid duv. .
1. 'I! of. i i i.e.-o'iit i f tta-ihil ft. Klon"', r".
:""bs. li. VetHiwell, g'liudfOn uu I ,i 1 of
an ".uv eu, laic oi oi il town-nip n, , . ,
i. The nnal u"ei ui,t ot Levi A. lllillav, g' r ' n
r i i.i.i i.. rt -.i ting, a minor child of Ultrit Hug,
1. 1 of Siott timn-hlp, tlieoasnl.
. 'I'll" tlrat cm! final (eicount of Moses i i n nil
i il .tr ,i,,i- ui sui, Dmp latu 0, Brluri,, , i ,r,a.
-"Idp, ti e.iii-lt,
t. rhi snjiiiid and final aoeount of John K. i'w,
evil! r .a- ttPiimo Uobbliw, luto ot i.K.m 1
law u- lip, in cfniad.
r. Tin; ue,-,.i;i,t of Nebemtali Kltehen, eei 'it .rot
Haul" i.ltiheu, bite of l-'tswugcivek t .wn , ut-
a. 'Iho ttecoitiit of cunt... it,rfni.u!i n,o. in. .
toi w-i('t I'i tor Miner, lute of Lefcusl towii . , oi -
7. Tlie aeouus . f .TAsan rr,u,i, ,.,iu..i .,
Wili'-r, ml!, r elilld of John Mdlor, "aW of'i...' un
lowuslii', tU-ieioA'd.
s. 'I ho l'liiiil oof-rain, r,t Uam.iul i.r.. . ...
eii.ii ilbmcit ( Inn liosteiioaudor.lnotvc.iia , ,.ic,l
1 iLoiidu.lul,i,utoisof said guaMlan.
"-, , W iuia "ml aeeouut of Jacob c r er,
ex; entor i r .roku llrtgill7liite of Ilshbugcn it t ivu
ship, deceased
n.'i'n-r "r.iT-TiSfmf 'iunry Uf lltr' eiecutor of Peter
Hi tier. Lite of Mlftlln township, duct used,
si!!iTi!,!"!,0,,.lt f '-Wtvvetto CiBttsy and V mv
Mi it7ei,iirtc.lidstratuniof Peter U. U-BLcr. late tt
is. 'I he Bint i.ud larllid account of isnreM vun-
owiAiX&,XL'toM-Uuuj'u 01 lulU5ua
lit pl-tcrs eifhoe. W. II. JAt'OI Y.
nioon i.Liirg, Jan. am, i8T5.f ' i,,.' it-,..
lVi: AG1 N'iSM ANTIT),
AA.? .':"l'.''-..ri'AfK'ls HI ClI'Ffit Olt tNKoi:
I , ,t. .iT. Wlt(lY, In ttuy ( 11 ty -i, 11 .
II 1 ir' . ,11"; '"l'"tbis. Btiuri-Mi L.v iliefui"
l-l er to us piigts. 11 iti.icims nr -,v. '(,, , mum
' IT. -";tOsfiltrlloalcliasfsaEdctn...iMVat'f
-i.i ;. A l;"11"1"! ItX'k ami 11 l.tueeti,.,, ic'-ei-..?.'
lUksi stgLt, lUeitfs lidurni'.t et.r
iu4.V..,!'l'"?.'l,i'is. (smue icjiiis (...lir mm
tuoif ih iilie tijilr L101 ry. Ad?-w-,
IP.l lA'l.'M'i AtU K.lN-liM. 1 ll'Jf,
M t. ti, 1- Un AK ivrel , Itjru,
Pr.0H'.I'.T Ii!l"K AKDlKlS'f CO.,
tf -r-itllmltlpiiia.
nl.,..!-,!! ANL. J .NACi:il JJY rRIKNUH.
l.stll !
'it .
1 . 1. ii'ilttd. Atcri" lellablo
f tl I lisj I n f, Moll tor,
"lb tbelil.jJhtl-ll(K,l'Lll!i.
.1 11'.
1. 1. er,
'3 "