The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 29, 1875, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSB URG , COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Slit (!kihaiiJjisu ")AOM3BULlG, 1'Viclny, .luimivry 2.), 1875. l'opo l'im is hns iiroolaiineil a tolierai jubilee, for tho ye.r 187o,e.T, tending through out t!ie Catholic worlil. lion, Wm. 1". 1. l'niiitor, of Mtuey, lias liccn clcctctl I'rciidont of tho l.yeomln;-, Mutual Insurance Coinp.i iy, i;i pl.ieo ot Joshua Uowninn, l'si., ilec-t4-;il. Advertisements Crowd lit upon us wild 1 rtieh. lty next week we villi be able to rid our columns of mnny now crowd it", wiicti rye will (o solo to give our utiui (U.intity of reading matter. The U. S. Senator elected from lie'Srus'tca, over tho regular Itepubllctn nominee, i eniil to bs a mongrel In politic, having been an, adherent of President Johnson and an irregular supporter nnd op.po.ser of all par tie. Hia name is I'addeclr. The Hnilcton iSentlnel gave representative Finchcr, of that locality, great credit for his "manly protrst" against the election or Frank Beamish as y; Ujt when Finehrr wilted on the subject the Smthttl had to take back lU praise. Sj It Uoes. The Commissioners of Luzerne countv are Asking for an act of the Legislature exuluil ing from grand juries, when considering bridge subjects, all persons who may bo per sonally benefitted by their erection. We re of opinion that few bridges would then be built by counties. If passed the law must b a general one. Speaker I'atterssn has ut length announced tho committees of the House of ltepresents tive.s. Mr. Mellenry is on Elections, Hureau Statistics and Compare Hills. Mr. Hv.m on Ways and Means nnd Mining. Mr Achen bach, of Clinton, (formerly from Columbia) ou'both the important committees of Ways aril Means and Federal notation, and In nurance. A lladlcal tax collector in Now Orleans, a leading friend of 1'inchbaek, killed the At Uatant Secretary of State, on the 21th inst., with a large knife. Tho latter had attempt cd to shoot the former, but his pistol missed fire, lioth were leading Republican politi cians and light colored mulattocs. Another army ought now bo sent to Louisiana. Delaware ha3 re-elected Hon. Thomas F. Iiayard to the U. S. Senate by a unanimous vote of her Legislature. Ho U one of the ablest and purest men now in that body and coraniaficls an influence in tho Senate tecond t no man there. Probably no man in the nation is better fitted for the Prejidaucy than he. Upon examination the Wayne county Herald will find that the Columbian was accurate in its statemiut about the proposed increase f salaries of county officers, if the Philadelphia papers gave a correct . state ment of tho bill. It is not the practice of Legislatures in time days to re luce nalaries is the order of the day. The PottsTillo Standard urge the nomi nation of Hon, James Ellis, of Schuylkill county, as the next Democratic candidate for Governor. Mr. Kllis served several years in the State Legislature with ability and distinction, and in all respects acquitted himself most honorably. He would 110 doubt nuke a good Governor. Hon. George Soott, of Columbia county, has been elected President of the State Ag ricultural Society. We need not tell the people of this county who ho is or what are his meriU, but will say that the choice is one eminently fit to be made. Notwithstanding tho fact that i day's service between two plow handles would senrely be agreeable to him, he will no doubt make an efficient President. Tho timeand place forthenextStato exhibition havo not yet been fixed upon. They had a cloe contest for U. 8. Sena tor in the Michigan Legislature, notwith utanding its Ilepublican majority of 20. Zack Chandler, whose money alone recom mends him to public favor and who has al ready served two or thret tsrins in the IT., S. Senate, was tho regular nominee of iho Re publican caucus, but was beaten by J. P Christiancy, by a vote of 67 to C3. What the successful candidate is we do not kuoiv, but it is utterly impossible that anyb'ody else in Michigan could bo as mean a man a3 Chandler. A Republican Congressman who ventured' to remonstrate with Gen. Grant about tho danger to the party resulting from his Lou isiana action was fiercely snubbed with tho declaration "I could be re-elected to-mor-row." Those who aro in a situation to know say that the President has such an idea of his personal popularity that he has no doubt ho can bo lor an indefi nite number of terms, no matter what he may do us regards publig measures. If ho tries it again lie will change his mind. In Massachusetts, Henry L. Dawes, Re publican, was last week elected U.S. Senator, which is an immense iinproveinentupou any thing that the blue-bellied State has had in that body within the last twenty years. Al though 1111 able Republican, Dawes Is a gun- ttcmau and lias disposition and cnurago to fight many forms of corruption, and withal lias ruucli candor. His election is a surprise. List winter he and Hoar divided the party so equally that the Democrats held tho balance of power and prevented tho election of cltker. This year it was supposed tho same result would follow, but a majority of Hoar's friends for (some unexplained reaon caved and Dawes was elected, liutler ami Dawes now laad Massachusetts, in pliice of the snob aristoc racy of Uoiton who kept Sumner and Wilson In that position. The contract for post office scales just con conclucfocl by tlio Government with the Messrs. l"ii 1 banks, Is said to bo tho largest contract of tho kind ever entered into in the world. In u circular on tho subject tho con tractors Bay "tho fact that In every capital of Jiurope, in tlio cbtef oitles of India, in semi barbaric China and Japan, on nil tho great American railroads, In the small pioneer stores on tlio western frontier, in tho large establishments of our merchant princes, and in the laboratories of our men of science the Fairbanks Scale is tho standard, must hare influenced tho decision In favor of the champion scale-makers of tho world. This is the largest contract for icales ever inado in the wujd, and it is a matter for congratu lation that fty. Postmaster-General acted as ho did in the autd. If the same principle were adopted in all ,l,e government contracts h benficial impetus vouW he given to i. uier ican manufacturer in first-Mass goods. Tho footing obtained by the rt.,-,ank- Scales in Great Ilrltaln U au honor to out .iiutry, and (Lot It has beconio tli. Govcrntnut ,ta j, lU duo U lu merit." PA. Tlio Political Power of Corporations. One of tho cvlN, In which is embraced a vast nmtunt of public Injury, attending the (xlstcnen of powerful corporations, Is the tact that they always aim to control gorrru nent nod to filch largo nuns of money frors ,mblip treasuries. A bad i-hariftcrUlic "I this fact is also that they aim to contr il olli lals and official kodle by the corrupt "rr ir of money. Having ones corrupted public llliecr.s to nrrve their own enl.s, the officers of ourso remain corrupt ns to all things, and ciintiuuo to swindle the people In every pos sible form. An example in point is the Pacific Mail Steamship company. It paid seven hundred and fifty thousand do1 1 aw, as its own books show, to eficettue page of a llll through Congress giving to it ten mill ions of dollars from the United Stales Treas ury. And to this same system of systcmatit corruption may bo traced the bad action of our State Legislatures for years past. First they wero corrupted tt servo Railroad pur poses, chief amongst which weru the sale of the public works, which In itself was perhaps .1 proper measure, but the passage of the bill in tho csso was effected by corruption of the most glaring and ramified character. This iras followed by the repeal of thotouagotax, oy means of the boldest and most direct bn bory. Tills was naturally succeeded by the corruptions and recklessness incident to war times, ami tho advent uud stoutly lease of power of tho Republican party, built on that foundation anl maintained by the profligate and illegittaiato use of public and corpora tiou money. A huge Railroad corporation speedily came to own the Legislature and nearly all branches of (ho State government It controled at will, not only Legislatures, but nominating conventions, ftcn of both patties; it appointed fcitatoTrcasurers and used the miney of tlio people in the Treasury to the person il profit of its officers, to carry elec tions by tho introduction of au immense sys- tjm of fraud at tho ballot box; it appointed U. b. b-inator.s, who became its rcnre-seiita lives instead of representatives of the State, it made the ajcountius officers for tho State to screen its Treasury oflisiaU, and it bought to crush, still seeks to crush, and to a great extent succeeds, every public man and every newspaper that attempts exposure or resis tance. It aims at exclusive and (practically) Imperial power, by stilling all honest action by public men, giving bold notice to the justly ambitious tint they can not succeed except by yielding to its desires and aband oning all idea of economical government. In fact it looks upon the tax payers as tho legit imato and most promising obiects of nluii der, and it will try to crush every public man who does not cive assent to the sentiment fliis powerful corporation largely makes our Judges, our benators, our Ojiigrcssmen, our Legislators, Governors, State officers, and nil officials who have control of important pub lic ffices and corrupts them nil. Not only all that, but it and liko corpora tions seek to control tho business, the finances and the general interests of the land, as well as its politics and its government. They are a powerful at Washington asnt Harrisburg, md several are thera n.jw, headsd by the President of tho Pennsylvania railroad com pany, impudently asking millions upon mil lions from tho Federal Trsasury while tho President of tho United States is demanding the addition of millions to tho taxes of the people to save that same Treasury from bank ruptcy 1 How long, oh, now lonq, will tho people bear this corruption, robbery, dictation and tyranny? They crushed tho Republican party for yielding to it. Aro the Dsmocracy to bo captured in tho same way and the hopes of tho pcoplo again to be dashed to tho grouud? We confess wo soo terrible symptoms and fear tho result, especially in our State. . Even our friends, the Grangcra, tho honest farmers who control and compose that body, when they nssemblo in Convention, in they did recently at Williamspnrt with a repre sentation said to number 1500, whoso whole interests nro against monopoly control, were kind as doves as to any thing that might ef fect the great corporation. Tho fact is every public body of influence is reached for and controlled if possible, as is every single in- lividual having material influence, by these corporations, lhey seek to control every thing for their own benefit, and unless they aro noon powerfully and successfully resist ed, tho whole country, with all its business and interests, will soon .bo in their hands and under their control. It is high timo to go hack to tho patriotic doctrines of Gov. Shunk erect corporations only for such necessary purposes as can not bs reached by iudividuil enterprise, and allow them only enough and land enough to conduct that .special business. Whenever they undertake to muddle injio- litical affairs lot them bo crushed. As illustrative of the power of tho Pen n- sylvania railroad company, wo ask, what chance have tho people to resist any thing it a-sks at Washington or Harrisburg? The people havo their voice, ami it is powerful ; they may protoitand nuko a representative tremble in his boots. IJut the corporation cau take from its ooa'urs and charge to "re -pair fund," a hundred thousand dollars, or two, throe, four or fivo hundred thousand and with this fund uivo to this Legislator one thousand, to that fivo thou rand, to anoth er ten thousand, &., according to his im portance or influence, and promise him all the funds ho needs to secure his ro-election. Tho sum is a small one to tho corporation as a six penco to a larnur. What cares he then lor protest or voice of pooplo? llo has plenty of money and tho promise of enough more to re-elect himself. He can go to every election district in his county and by leaving small sums with men who will bo active in Ins behalf easily rally supporters enough to a delegate election to Bocuro his re-nomina tion, and by a similar distribution before election among all parties, get such 11 vote a to make himself appear tlio most popular of candidates. Tho result to the people is that their interests are lost while corruption triumphs, llaware of the "clever fellows" who spend large sunn to bj electod to office, as well as 01 corparatlous! Look to your Representatives take youf papers ami seo what they aro doing and pa peri that do not tell you how your Repre sentatlves voto on important questions may no justly looked npon with suspicion. Tho Radicals are endeavoring to mako cap ital out of tho assertion that Speaker Wilu was tho first to Rsk tho interference of tho soldiery in clearing tho lobbies. Sheridan II. It . in ins uispaicues o wells upon me same known fuUehood. Tho facU aro that tho United Status soldiers liad formed for some time, uuder tho anomalous state of affairs in LouUana, the guard cf the State House un der orders to prevent disturbances. Their commander was merely requested to speak to a disorderly crowd outside of the legisla tive chamber a duty which came within his province. The soldiers had 110 business there; but being directed by United States authority to preserve order, they should have jo..,. and their doing w is no Justification whatever s,r Interfering in the deliberations .of thj clsloi. judj.nJ, ol- thenuallflca lion of lU members, i ft-dLly 0uitlUir one ixut mxI int-UUlug ftovthw, Next Uovtrnnr'i Elittlon. The election for Governor next fall In Pennsylvania will no doubt bo one of the most exciting political contests tint ever took place on this continent. Upon Its re sult will probably depend tho Presidential election of the next year, and tlio future ex istence or the It 'publican party. It will be politically a deatn sniggle. The deleat of tho Republican p irly then will bo its utter destruction and annihilation as a po ideal or ganization. Willi theritatoand Federal Gov ernments In their hands, with all tho power and pluuder in their grasp, and with their bread and life at stake, ot'eoursi the Repub lican leaders will learo no effort unemplo) ed to obtain success. The Democracy will not be idle. Encouraged by their recent vic tories they will make superhuman efforts to crush their gigantic foe. The struggle must necessarily be fierce. Now is the tisno to pre pare, and every Democrat should keep him self well posted lu regard to current events. The Columman essays to discuss all cur rent questions of public Importance ; to keep a close watch of parties and public men, and to report their actions and conduct faithlully; to adiise ilj readers of all that is done or proposed to be dono by Congress or the Leg islature that affects the public interest, be sides giving all the current nerrs of the day, local and general. Its readers, therefore, when tho great political contest of next fall shall arrive, will b: thoroughly posted on all subjects that will enter into It, and will be well prepared to meet the issue in all its phases. Columbia county ought to be able to give from 2.000 t 2.300 Majority to the Demo cr.itic candidate, aud will do to with proper cflbit. The very basis and met potent ele ment of successful effort is a thorough circula tion of faithful and industrious party news papers. All experienco shows that tho local paper is the beat and most clfcctivo for this purpose. May wo not, therefore, appeal to our Democratic friends every wherethrough out tho county to see that the Comjximan is in tho hands of all the Democratic voters ? Not for our persanal interest, for there is lit tie or no profit on subscriptions, but witli the direct v'rew of swelling the Democratic vote. Now is the time to prosecute this work. L;t every active Democrat feel it his duty to scud in live or ten names aud as many more as he cau. They need not be ac cotnpauied by advance payment, all kinds of farm produce will at any time be accepted in liquidation of subscriptions, and there is no postage to pay ou county papers. With prop cr effort tho party in Columbia countv can bo so organized that every Democratic votu may be made available anil the majority so largely increa-ed as to make it one of the most important and influential counties in tlio State. Spirit an 1 energy is all that is re quired. Shall the effort bo made 1 Congressional. The Radical leaders are having 11 grand time of it at Washington. Tho carpet baggers demand the passage of the civil rights bill and authority to Grant to suspend the writ of Imbcus corpui. which would end in remanding several of the southern States back to a territorial condition. As there was opposition to this in tho Republic m ranks a caucus was called, and under tho leadership of Ren liutler it was agreed to repeal the rule which requires a voto of two-thirds to take bill from tho Speaker's table. Strength to adopt this 111 mucus was acquired by prjinis ing to pass a number of plundering bills un der the same programme, as a majority voto could then take up anv tiling. Hut to the dismay of liutler and his carpet-bag friend when the vote on tho caucus resolution was reached in tho House, some Radicals voted against it, others dodged and many ran aw.iv! It thcrclore failed and a witches tew prc vails among all Radiealdom at Washington Various schemes re 011 foot to fix up mat ters. Of the Republican members from th State, Ross of Potter voted no, and Ivellcv and bchoficld sat in their scats but refused to vote. Tho Prcsidanthascommunicated addition al Louisiana correspondence to the Senate, being letters and despatches from Gen Emory, lately in command, and Col. Mor row, (tho latter endorsed by Gen. .Sherman) sustaining tho views of the Congressional snb-comniittec. Col. Morrow says' "Tho present State government cannot main tain itself in power a singlo hour without the protection of Federal troops, and oven with this protection they will not be able to collect taxes and perforin tho functions of government. The Statu government has not tho confidence or respect of any portion of the community." Further on he savs : "If the expressions of tlio pcoplo are to bo be litivcd, and I do believe them, there is a verv sincero desire to livo quietly under tho lira tection ot tho Constitution of the United States and enjoy tho blessings of tho Nation il Government. Rut there is no dis-mi-sin; tho fact that the protection afforded by tho Federal Administration to tho government of tho present State Mxecutivo is tlio cattso of bitter personal and political feeling In tho breasts of nineteen-twentieth3 of the whito inhabitants of tho State." If wo are to judgo the present LsjisUturc. like disease, by the symptoms it exhibits, u reform need bo looked for. Nsthiii' of practical importance h is as yet been dono or proposed, oxeeptthe election of U. S. Ssaa- tor. The Sjnato is industriously at wor! passing a bill to increase tho nuuilj3r of offi cers of tho two Housjs, alth'suzli there aro atready so many that they cm scarcely full euougli to do to amuse themsjlvcs. In tho House, the committees hav at length been announced, and abungliui batch they are un l-riUay both Houses adjourned until Wednesday, to give the members a chanco to have a gay timo in Philadelphia. We still have great hopes of the reforms of tho new Constitution, becauso the-poweTrs 01 tue legislature aro so largely circumscrib od, but lotk for nono from the Legislature it sell. I lieblunder of increasing the numberof members is fatal to its nscfulness, and mus do rectllicU at the earliest opportunity. Un til that is done, and the largo pay demolish ed, any material good that will bo done by tue body will bo purely accidental. Tho sessions should also be limited to sixty or ninety days and all adjournments for more than a day prohibited. Tlio whole Democratic party appeals to its inemocrs to be Jnitlilul to the Pittsburgh res oiutions. i,et tliem, at least, mako a faith ful and honest record. The party demands u 01 mem. 1 In Northumberland county they aro ap piying tor an additional Law Judgo. Of courso Liere nny bo cases where the increase ol business makes this action proner. but in nearly nil with which wo havo been familiar tho reason for the application Is slmnlv tho Incompetency of tho President Judgo or the mere greed of aspirants lawyers who are said to mako W.000 or $10,000 per year at the bar auxioiu to go upon tho bench at uau mat iiaure. Northumberland but a few years ago was one of four counties forming a district, then 0110 of three, afterward one of iwo, niiaiiy a UUtrlct by Itself and now wants an extra Law Judgo. If the Incrcaso of business makes all this necessary, they will want twenty Judges there within tho next uu yews I An ly Johnson Klcctcil U. S. Senator. fter n severe strugirlo and upwards of IV- ty ballots cx-Presldout Johnson was elected IT. S. Senator by the Legislature of Tennoi- see on Tuesday Inst. Two years ago he wa- lefeated by money furnished by the admin iration, nnd tho same eamo was ntlomptcu It this election. Hut the foellm in behnll of his election, In view of tho recent Roveru mental outrages in Loulsana, was intense, because his success was greatly feared bv Grant and the Rpubllcju leader" at Wash ington, llo will now be n member of the court to try Grant before which he was him self tried 11 lew years ago. His presence ill Washington as Senator will bo most dis- tatelul to the Radical leaders because the) both hate and fear hiio, Though not n re liable man In his politics, he may bo depend ed upon so far in the Grant administration is concerned. United States Senators r.lecle.l. In addition to tho persons eNewhere noted as having been leeently elected to tin U, b. senate, thero ate tho follow iii: Francis Kiernati, Democrat, New York, in place if I en ton. Liberal Rctmblican. He Is said to be a very able man. I. 1. Randolph, Democrat, New Jersey, in place of Stockton, Democrat. He is also au able man. J. E. M'Donnld, Democrat, Indiana, in place of Pratt, Republican. Gen. Ilurnslde, Republican, Rhode Island, In place of Spragtie, Republican. The only improvement is that Iiurnsidc is not a ynnkce. In Wi-consin nnd Minnesota, botti of whoso Legislatures contain Republican majorities, nil efforts to elect have so far failed. An irrepressible jenious whose namoi Haines, editor of the Williamsport Manner, in about opening out into a Demscratlc daih in that city. If anv body can keep up such au institution there nnd make it pay it is Haines. Once upon a time a t-tr.ingcr un horseback overtook President Jefferson on tho road, also on horseback. Tho subject if politics was introduced and the strnnirer abused Mr. Jefferson in unmeasured term personally, inieiieciuaiiy, morally anil in every possible way. Tho philosophic states man listened attentively but made no reply Finally the stranger asked the name of his companion, "lliomas Jellersnn," was the modest reply. With eyes opened to their ut most tension, the stranger repliei, "my name is Haines," and sinking his spurs deep into his burse, he plungediuto the wods. Neilh er lie nor his were ever heard of afterwards until his lineal descendant turned up in Williamsport ad is now to serve that good ly city with a Democratic dailv. Haines will succeed it is in him he is a genius, and mates a good paper. The Jstgulative Record is a publication that would be useful (particularly to editors) if properly mailed at Harrisburg. It should reach those to whom it is sent every day, but 111 place of that we usually receive from three to seven numbers in a single roll, and often four or five rolls together. These of courso arc never even opened, and are of ju-,t the value of wasto paper. We aro informed by an cx-mtniber tint tho reason of this is that theStutc pays postagcon each single num ber, but the pasters and folders pay by weight in bulk, and this enables the latter to pocket tho half or more of tho amount paid by the btate. 'lhis is a gross abuse, aud if the Speaker and Clerks of the House aro honest men they will see that it is corrected, liy the courtesy of Mr. MoIIeury we are enti tled to a copy of the lltcnrd every day and if it does not come in that way it is 11 nuisance. We hope somebody will see to it that there is some decuncy practiced in regard to this business. The Patent haws. Gen. Cockreli, Democrat, recently elected to the U. S. Sjnato by the Missouri Legisla ture in place of Carl Shur, Republican, madcaspoeehin acknowledgment of the honor in which lie took strong around against tho extension of patents, by which pa.ipb using patented articles have to pay about three times their value. This is one of the most outrageous abuses that is niw imposed upon tho public, audit is gratifying that ono able man has at length Iujii elected to Congress who is strong in the determination to attack and if possible destroy it. As farm ers are most seriously oppressed and taxed by tho patent abuse it is strange that the Grangers do net speak out on the sub ject nnd demand of their Congressmen to give the required relief. U is true that patent right mon have been tickl n the Grangers with special reduction to them. but is this only to a class, even to them the reduction that would follow a repeal of tho patent laws, their modification as to timo and sons to prevent renewals or tho patentingnf "improvenieuls," would be two or three times as much asany patentee, will make to thcin, Sowing Machines that now cost from fifty to seventy-five dollars could then be bought at f. jm ten to twenty, nod Reap ers, Drills, Rakes, &e., could bo bought at a similar reduction. The election of Mr. Wallace to the Senate of tho United States rcquirqs t'aa resignation of Ins seat in the Statu Senate. We believe it is held that he need not resign until the commencement of his new term, (March !, 1873,) but if that bs a valid nr.uU Motion of the law, wo ib not sen why he may not ro inain in the State Sjnate iiatil ho takes tho oath ol oflico of U. b. Ssuator. As the latter body will probably not mc'ta.riln until next winter, w; seo no use in his resign Uion un til tho close of the sesiiou of tho Stato Sjti- ute. In view of tho vacancy, we observe that.1 It. Poale, Esq., of Clinton county is brought forward as Mr. Wallace's successor. At. Pealo is a lawyer in largo pr.icticu, a gentle man of unblemished private character, and a Democrat without stain. He is intolhct ually abovo the average of Senators aud would fill a seat with honor to himself and constituents. Mr. P. Gray Meek, tho able editor of tho Hellcfonte Wu!thMn, will alsa bo a candh date. Mr. Meek would peculiarly and exact ly represent the tone and prineiplos of Cen tre county politics, and perhaps of Clearfield, and would bo the most thoroughly r'prciai'a tiva of his immediate o mstltuoiicy of nuy man ou the floor of tho Senate. Ho has abil- ty, courage, pluck and fire enough to su ply an ordinary regiment or small volcano. Though Mr. Wallace's Inferior in sonio at tributes, ho would admirably represent tho present prevailing sentiment lu that district. If faithfulness to-party ami industrious party work, with a lively knowledjto 'Of the im pulses and desires of the leading men of his uistrlct, ami a high appreciation of Leglsla tive distinction, entltlo anv man to tho nom Ination in this case, Mr. Meek will probably ue me successor or Mr. Wallace. Clearfield having a surfeit of honors, will probably not present a candidate. lion. John II. Walker, the venerable pro ident of tho late constitutional convention, after the death of Mr. Meredith, died at his residence In Erie on Monday l&it, in the wjvwitjMifcii ywr ot hi (e. Prepare for War. I Tho President last week cent n special message to Congress urging the thorouirh 1 arming of thotnllltnry defences of the c.- port cities, aiu their improTnneiit orlnr- wlse. As these ar! only ii'sfnl in of. l.ireijn war, it II sugi;sted that the IV-si dent may h; deterininis I Pi f irej a war with Spain. We apprehend, however, that even if this bs the object, th nniiey ki:is will prevent war between tho United States aud any foreign country. Iaptrtant Ultctiju litcislm. In a contested election cas- In Venango futility, Judge Trunkcy, one of the clearest and ablest Judges In tho State, decided sev eral points of much public interest. 1M. In one case the law fixed the place for holding tho election at an old school house. A new one had been built nt about 80 rods distance, te take Its ptacr, and the officers held at election of the latter. The Judge rejected the return deciding that "If nn elec tion be held without necessity, at a ditl'orent place I'rem thootio drslguatcd by law, the en tire poll must bo rejected." 2d. Tho law disqualifies persons in .the service of thn United States from acting as election officers. In imo case a postmaster had served as Mich and on this ground it was Hought to throw out the return. Wliile the Court condemned in plain terms the gross violation of the constitution and the 1 aws of the State on the part of in dividuals who assume and perform the du ties of nn office for which they are disquali fied, and said such men should not be allow ed to escape a penalty, if one can bs found for the oll'enee, it hold that the action of theo officers was valid, and the election held by them legal. Tlio remaining question at isue related to the legality of tlio votes of unregistered per suns who were not required to produce proof if their qualifications at the time of voting. On this point Judgo Trunkcy's review of au thorities was full and elaborate. The gist of tho decision is that, "under the act of 1871, the voto of a person, name is not on the registry list, without the proofs of quali fication, is illegal when received, and cannot be made legal by evidence of qualification on the trial." Therefore it is plainly tho duty of elec tion officers to require proof in all cases from pcrsot.s offering to vote, whose names aie not on tho registry list, aud that f.ict should be kept in mind lor future occasions. UMIOX'R BOOK TADI.i:. Tlio Al.DtN'i: lor February, the most beautiful of Art journals or Parlor Mng.i.iues, is fully up to any of its produces-ors, lis uigiavings aro of the higlie.-t liiiiIi. A look at "Keeping the Peace" will cure any fit of blues. "Viiw.s of the C'onenuiigli," "Two Pleaant Occupations," "T lie fortunate Moment" ami "lluntiiis the .Stag" are all natural, expressive, life-like aud true to na ture. The Literature of the number is equal to its art pictures. S,ib-eiiption tickets, at iti each, entitle the holder to the Al.PlNr. for a year, to the new chroino, and to a ticket in tlio distribu tion of art premium'. Tlio company, publishers, No. 5S Maiden Lane, New York city. ScmuxEit's Monthly is a first class in lga- ilne, without superior in quality or quantity of its roadine initter. llt-sides current articles of great interest, "The Story of Seven Oaks," ami "A Farmers Vacation in Europe," novelsuf high character, are pas-in, through its pages. Price $1 per year. Sciiinsuii i Co., Cjl llroathvay, New York. IIarniu's Magazine, the largest of monthlies. is always filled with valuable historical and de scriptive reading and other Mluable literature. Price SI per year. Harper uu llrothcrs, New York. The G W.AXY never fails to be of the highe-t intere-t. We have hi nflen described its merits that wo need n )t repeat them now. ! per year. Siinr.uoN & Co , New York. The XuiisiuiY is au elegant little monthly for Children, at only SI. 00 per year, pustago paid. Contains entertaining pictures and stories fur children, in children's words and largo print, nursery rhymes and amusing paragraphs. An excellent assistant in learning to read and well calculated to create fondness for reading. John L. iihorey publisher, No. 30 Iilooniliold street, li.islon. - t t in !vu it r:si wvi-tfi'i. i DLOUilhiliUJIU MAHKET. Wheat per bushel. .. I5e " .... Corn ' .... Hats " .... Hour per barrel .... I'lmerseeU Hasi'.il Iluttvr It'ifs Tallow I'otaloos Drleil ipploa Hums Mrlcs .V Shoulders . . hard per pound Hay per tun lit'L's.V.tX Tlmotliy seed $ l.l'i s.u .so '.Oil .111 .is .14 .14 15."u .8!) 0.0 ql'otatio:;s ion COAL. No. 1 on Wluit No. f. " " No. i) " " blacksmith's I-unip ou wiiarf " UltUiidiio'is ' , t 1,00 per Ton . $ :i,fi " " , s " " . t 4,1)1 " " . $ o.uo " " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tins rii'iui is ox mm: with ROW ELL & (pHE8MAH . Advertising s Agents, THIRD A CHES.TNUT STS ST. LOUIS, MO NOTICE. TVTOriCI' is hereby given that a bill will be lulroilujail Into tfioi,eii"ral Assaaiblyol I'onu silv mU ta rep ul an au'. eiillllcl "An net ereailns M.trll'i Jloua'lian of tin bo,ou,'h ut Aslilaud In the county tf se.'mj i:;lll, aa aueiluueur fjr tiii count l,-s ol Se.nnlKl I uud ColiiiiiliU," approved tiio i:itli day M 17, M rn.i.f Kilts' I IU 1 (H'U Jan. , '74-st ' qtati:mi:n'J" of madison pooij dis- O ritlUl'KOIt TJlii YHAI! r.NDINQ Al'HII. 1st, Amount of D'luiii'uta $ l.ssMi lialau.'u troui fjn.i.-r voir 149.41 Itseelied from proiueo of farm 1 s.V'l ij.iTi'm HXI'KXMTUIUH. Amount ptld for keeping paupers $ 3)1.2 " p il I for Attorney loo.s and costs on Miitof Wost ilonilooKvj Mallsoa . 810.24 " uasli paid on farm His. " pat I II. II. Mom lor pump IVJi " paid for lima and iih.jspu itu . . liv.iu iji' niduicai aiii'iidanee paid lrs, ttiiilt.imd lUrdtr l " exonerations lo collector l'.'.a " landsretiniieil 11.41 " col'celor'j .lUdtirasuiLr'seoiiiiids- ti,u ' 74,',s uireciors ifcs lor i iuar, 4 momiu c .u " nudltors' fees S.ii liuljiio) due lovrnshtn &4 M 12.111. 51 THOMAS J, HWHIli:!!, ) wm. ia.sti:i.i.i:h, y (,i:o, w. kfi'u:, ) Dhctnraof tao l'uor. WE. tho Auditors of Yiullstn tonht,i. luvu en iiuilmd the aboio.nud llnd It correct. WM. II. IIKUOIT, T. II. (I Nil I KM, JOHN ball'l II, Auditors. Jan. 85, is-tt Ooiigli, Cold.1, llrjn- ihitls, Sore Throat, In lluinza. Croup, Whooi Ing Cough, Hoarseness, I.iverC'oiuplaint, 1'iilin or Soreness In tin Chest or Hide, Illeeillng lit the I.uiiKs. nnd every nrrectioii ox m ihroat, I.unusaiid Clitbt, nros oed. Uv cured by lli'i U' ot l)n, Wisrui'a HaijiiM ni Wu.u ( iiehhy, uli ih dots not dry upu cou-ihiiiul leuvo tni cau Jib. Idnd, nslstha ltli ino-t remedies bat liwartiis it, ceuii s tho lu'iifs and nllavs Irrlta Ujii, thus rouiovluif tliucauio of tho complaint. Consumption can ba cured by a timely renort to this standard romwlv, asts pioied by hundioOs or tesilmonluls It Uasrecilved. Nono fenutnp miksi HirnO'l "f. IllTTTS" on tho raprr. w cents and It aboltloi larira lyittios inucli tho choapcr. Bin JI W. KOWU"a, SON8, l'romletors, llo.ton, SJius. Sold ly dealers Ken craily, JUo, w, T.y I STATEMENT, I SlIOU'iN'ii th a ii. viut of liidihti'dnnf, the naioiintnf ti .,".. Its imin nf Moonis ir.rji i pr.-imr.' 1 k'. I j. !i( In-1 U Pi-1 i'owu s nuiirtl i'f . il I hrn, In i i- n I ii-s Tiit i tli re iiilrni nl i il li -ixl.l sirptl iii of fii. A i nf lt'i nilrol Apilll'tlt i-.i. r-mltliM, "a Act 1 1 i'MUt- tti imunerof In er infill" lntM 'ItiMiuf iiiunU'lialllls lipro. via - for tin r'li"iiotlou of in., n un an I to linjioso i"mU1s ler th mural Im-ense nieienf." INDnilTKDNKSs, 1'iinlcl ilcht, tin lion l Nn. t, ifnim Nor. n.iws, tiuooet. 1,14, ultti merest try.n Dot. , ism, push!' an Minitr, reilivmihip nt tlio oMltm ot tho Tovfii, nficr April I, isri, ,03."" InlertM, on tlin sams from tie 1. 1, 1874, (up to liteti lime the latrost li.vs been palil,) lo J.i!, ls-, ti.M liinu No. a, (itsii Nor n, is;i. ilue Oct, 1, 1'Ts. Tilth Intru-i from nit. I, isTn, i-avslilo an nually, ra Iiviiuiilr nl thn ontuaof tUj 'lon, nficriM, t, is;,, UO,1 llilrirst on the same from Oct. I, ls74,(ti)lo which time the Interest has htiii imlil.) to .lan in, ls- S.C3 Howl No !:, il ilmlNVv. i",lSa,i1iiovt. I. IsTH, i.llilu! .vm rrmi on. , is-., tiiynlil- au ninllj.reil. i-n.iliic t intlm cl tht Iohii, HltTlvl. 1, I, 6Jl,l)l Intel-.! oa tliM .surne fiMtn Oct. 1, 1ST", toJaa, s.. l";r, I.9.e Kon tNo.4. (l-t ! V.iT,.1.1T4,rtlieOCt.1,1s;7, with lr.icr- i d-jm (lit. 1, lsTH, t'lt-iiWe nn luwlv. rulivi.ii'Uo at option ut tneTonii, tifliTO.-t. I. i-.i, MO.IO Inienwi on tic nic from Oi t..l, 1S7I, (iipto truii'ii tim 'tiii lulerssi lias bun paid,) to Jan. a7, i-;s, j.m CerM'l-asat imh.iino.s ti I). Mreup. lie liiffor rirtitcialratteil hr niootn tunii'iitp piiiloisir to tlio Act U Incorporatlua i low ilut nml pjrulilii, 1,6"".C7 inmen, on no hamo rrnm.'stp. 25, 1J7I, (up 10 wMp'i ttms tho Interest has beta paid,) to riofiilnir ilel I. ti , Ainnunrof cir.lcraoutstandlBfr, Amount ilue surulrv nrsrms na Mini: ic. counN ILi'iiacss arising from the ti Mat.l ncr or JJnr- kt Plrctl, liclai; Imlanie unpaid, towtti Aieoimt iluis.lnnimrj 1. n;i, , , ". " Ju'llMr.t 1. IS77. lntneu on :ild il noises from tlir.aof connr- inntlimlTj.n. '.r,is;.s 15I.7C K .en Ml.'i0 S7I.71 ..I ' :uijii troru rfiiinunc or ceiiira ttitet, l'Htijr Uil.iniT unpaid, luMIt: Amount ilii Am-, t. is;-,, l.ov.'in " " 11""'. 1, 187", 1.ISI .mi " " AMr, I, l7il, 1.1 10.-' " i.. t t,w i.uoo.e) Interest on the samo from time ot conDrma Hon, to Jan. 27, 117J, V4fl.33 Total 10.411.7,3 AS1KTS. Amount t,us uncollected, for the vcar 1S73, on liupllrote la a.itids ot n. i., 1S1.O0 Amount t-.cs itno'iliceted. fur the year 1-.I, o duplleale In hauls of .M. VTjnlcoop, collector, ,n; m Cnsli n li.icdsof Y. ti. ICoons, Treasurer, l-ss hl eoininlslons, wiileh iiiu to tis Undiluted. 20S.03 1 lacs, In tho hands of l. LoHi'iiborv, Presi dent nr Council, 40 l.leensc, In n,o hi.nds ot I). I.orr enbcrL'. I'rs- iii'iitor count II, wuisi.inoiii''ioltcni ilil.ts. to n t! i ue from Mindrj pcr-ms on bnoic account, u.ii' irom sunnri Persons, n nuwn, of rontrlb'illnnson Market strest onmlii', SsS.OO i roni s'injry persons, on Centre nre t oji"!iln.?, noj.oit irom saniry persons, on Fouilh street opening, ijr,.,o loiai, 1.72-J.O V U'ATION OF TAXAIl Mi I'ltOPI.-ItTV. Lands, to MR: 1 arm. ji.isri.on Snbnriiau, if-.i.n .oo "'un, up, rersoinl proport-, s.nsA. o Add and occupations, lot J.JA.IM Total. S,U.2.'i.(jO -suiuojroi ila, n. ... iiAviDi.owi3snr.iio, T "t-nr vV utr, fo.'retary. ivusl lmtof Couiuli. llloom sbarir, January -i, is:.,. at, r isto:'u:sks ron tkiai7'.vt"Fkii lj ItL-AUVllllHI, lsW. MUST M hps". Clirlsth il,'o-,-o I'aydon. John J. Mullenrv vs Jon is Doty et. al. I'rlah Chimb rlln is D. v. Johnson. -lar l.a II. smith vs T. W. lilaar & Co. John Hunter vs Phillip Hess' ndtar. Ihn.inuel Kikondall vs Hpiu-y Jlcll n' Anliew cr.iMf ji-d vs I). W. Johnson. William -I. Crawford .s I). W. Johnson. Margaret (losses lt'betcacarinin. hrl-ll in Wolfvs l'h.'.oitli West llranchlt. It. co Mepli 'il lf el. tit, v.s Xorih k West lliau.'h 1 11. e impair. Hilomin ilelnl,-s use vs Mahloa Him'lu. Ih-alh'j , Ciord'i'i vs Ilec!ilc ,t I'lilllps. Il.'allo .V li.H-dan v.s Meekly X Philips. I'ooplo's l'lr ins'iran-o co. vs J. II. Untitle. William Heed vs Jes-o A. I.o-i-o. W.'lllnston HiiL;h'.'s vs Philip Siw.'ienbcrj. Sll is c itia"r i t al rs Jauies S. Whd Is. 1.. II. John ,s a im. v.s A iron drover. Th tteher i Oeirlurt v.s D.inLd Hiyilir. sar iiii wi:i:v, A. Hun h'lj'csoa vs l'lilliljlplila Itj.Ulnj It. 1!. company Clinton co'.oet, al vs n.'njitiila ivtnmadil. nil lpndla- v.5 D.iuL'l Morris. J.icoo !.-7aiu Kt. vs William J. (M.v. "I.irgaret Hess vs tiojr.'o Mrlekcr. John II. Kl ctn.'i'oLii'; vij. w. saukoy et in. Th" I'nlou II ink nf Cauwlssa vs Cli irl:s similok. F. s. Smith vs Tlio School Ul.ojturs ot llciitoa District. Willi lai 'I'Uom is vs Isiao .1. ri-her. Sarah A.IVtrl ;ln et al vs Tin Town of r.lonnsb tr' Willi un Snyder's U.rj. vs 1'hs Town or 111 jam blli'-. Willi un ll.inli vs Tin lljn-l:!; Itolda-; Mill cj.upany. Willi mi r Andr,'.svs 1). scj licit. I'Trsi. Nation il Han!; cf llliiomburs s Jesse l. Illee. I'avetlo Iirliibloblss vs Iea.tCo. First Natl ml Ilia's ot IlDjmsb'trrf vs (I'.'rifj c.ivaii'.'l et. al. WlMlun pp!emiV3 Henry lAlunin. Charl-sM. Mirplas ILxrs vs i:nois Jncoby. M. (1. II I '!,)) vs Jjsso I), lil'f. M. (i. ll'uh n vs. 1'. lint. II. c.ilUu IIj'j'jIqs vs. Ullsha "siuttu and I), c. -Moss. 11. FIIANK ', ltlf, I'rol'nnotiiry. LTS-HiXa SALE or YAi.i Aiit.r: REAL ESTATE! 1Y YfltlTIIOF AUTIKlinTY IN Till'; jj 1.1 I Mill. Hid l"s ir.Tl.tOt WlUHVl llMUIKI'.thO iiitilersljne.l ft ,'iiiorwlll otpo-e to :i:ilo br public U'luliie, tile loltonliigi:i.i IMjte, z: A Valuable Farm, t-ltuate about o-e.ha'f mil- from .Ter toirn In the tuwtisbliioi Madison, i onu y ooliimfila. I'euiuil T.inl.i, bound 'it b land i (f (.uirj W. wipleo. J s Ki,nr. J. II. Ml'ls and pilll- road to liuoms- bui-j, coiitaluhig about KiiiiriY aciu:s alt el'irjl nnd la a .)0 faru.1115 euadltloa eac pt ajjut It) acroool tl iiVr 1 ia I, ALSO, A 1.0 r )? f.WOlaMillsinti.vns'il'ibonlMby I.111 1 1 of c. j, Hi'ller, Win, Holler uul otlnrs, cou. tataliiga.))itsn:ivs. ALSO, A I.ov op I.wn In .lers-vtown, coatalnlii? ahrtt fiio-f I'irt'i of macro or irm m I wiuro 1:1 Isoi'DJled ti sM I.I. DWlll.l.lNV Horn; A well ot water at tha do r, Silcf Inuseand Ijt on th pi'jailses 0,1 SATURDAY, 'I'KlilllJAItY, (1, 187,), Al n Aluk a. ra., imtof t'u ot'ajr p.'.!sssou ti) Ui m ou the tains du tit I o'clo 'k n u, ooxnillo-i OF s.H: OiidlHlf otpti'chttsomo'i cy uu huii") nod lot .uiteloit aero lit atstrluin' down if .rr i-rt nnd balance In uu rear. Ojt'rj Lirmon- tnirtn of t i-j ruirelmsi; uioii"! to he vxldut the striking doivn of the proaurtv, and tlio bjlaaeo U ono year then aturwlth luiesi -.t. Jan. rj,1;:. is. d. a. vfAiao:;, Uxccutor. T-JtiTK-'i: TO ('OI.U'XToiTs AND TOWN IS siiii'ori'icri.'s. lap Velul Apill '.'I, I km, r.'diil.e.l svss.irs. Su s.rH,ort, and 1 ollei turj of liond and I'siiool tuves to luase returns If. t lie county comml-'loiiei's, "for tin, loll' 1 It Ul 1 fill law, oh lands; ' all I -11 di leturns nimii i,e tr i , Vlluj lr , ,,, i.. , iho nr ,i d.iy of 1 . 1 1 11 10 1 f each ) cr, but n t there alter, lo, net iisd of Kel'iunrj, Isfs. vUicii uii..'j.iu 1 l.inis are not regulailv asn'-es,s"d nnds't forth In iheil'ipll".ito. thocolliciorsot H.ia I School and I'ooi lives, ki.onlu; the r.ito, which In all e.i. "s should I o s t forth la Oils duplleati, bv tho oiili'i-rs in ikiu ; tho same, eaiiiiiiki'tl.eii'tiinilhciii telves. I'orm should bo as foilowa- 'Hatoof 'la, f ..r TuishvUnfur ls7-s-i,iiiisoii tSD do valimtlon. 1 d 1 m is not nsseKvil In uiv daplleate. sealed Uhl,',i7said,r,al'.'.U Ul ,m" When 'dl md. are mg ilfirlyasHcsHedimd set f . nh hi tti, uup!le.iie,ret uneieU trai t, with tho tisdui, aiidstitw th annus tr.iets u, u nswswii mi u!dt '"uur L"1l,"la'u toreollotilun, undremah! Ucri tafsarorcgiilarl assessed itmHet out In b" d'ii,lleale, Iho Is ll.e proper person to nuk- the rtui'h. .iien that 1. nut tUeeaao tlio !'.' 'T'r, ' H' r'', ml0 return tt .dd rate aud It Is tli"ir il ity to do o. The cist mils not loasscm) andratn un seal" l.ui-1 1 In tin. dupili-utos, but toroiiiru tho lates to H e l'oinlid.slciu rs. Ail f lath April, 1 su, s,.L'...'Mi roal o.tato -.villi-tntitls iirnin in w uliii.on which piisoiul pininiiv Can iioiba lojud .siilllelont to li.iy tlm TW. Coljceuirs ut timmhl'H In wlitui sued lands lie, hlull leturu tlm sain.' (o th Commlsftoners." t-olicotur.i niuMurf ictuinsot mmu-i! lands must attach a e 1 tub ate to tuU rotmn stitlux Ilut there lsn,t w-oiieriyoiiiui;. or either cf sal I li .n-tr, return ed 'iiillli cut to mako I1M1 . ask scd tkeroon. Ui" sear fur '..lile'.i tuses uro as-e.ei ami tho .. . ....u... u. 1-,- netri. ou Biiticil, I OIillll'l o' 11 ' laatterwlllrochito pimpt uttm. ' o, ' ..s I ,,- rs' onice. WM. KltKKilAL'M, ..loo.iisbtirg, Jan, m, 173. at Clerk, 111 I-VIJ' 1 jVOTI('i;Uier(.l)Vifiviitliu lullowlniumwl i j.uler Hess ous their iietltlmsror Tmorn. liatlue ' joiiii s. m.i ti ,i . "'.' "ri',. """ u t. 1 Humphrey 1'arkor, Oreiuwood, " ... . t . twin hi t teloii I 11 ui .I.m, tv l ..,.... lmr riNT io,;;--' vrri ..... "... . h. w.iiarkVrT' " HMl - -ul"f."-u ih Kritmer Cuulro K -M. (Jlhiioro, liloomsburg Wll lleagle, lireennooa Utitel Natinu nndbeiiDcr, sr. iioav"r W. u. Kuons, Iiioomitburg a. 11. iinjenuucn, uruiigevuit, , II. THANK ZAItlt 1 lrk ijuanvr kVitloa. ' .sr- Jn. . '75-r.m rtm ill. WIIiiM IP MAY f'OXCl'UN. S-ollce is hereby given that thn Horse, WJifnn, I'airl.isre and lhitlies, now In Hi" possession of An drew Kane of Centralia, Helonjs lo ins. lice. 'AT, ji-r.i NOTICE. The partnership nereni'nv i-vishii ' ," llrm (if Coleman a Ms ( i s lins this d il Ih en d ssolrcd by mutual conscut. jki; I lie Olivioe-s, mil I,,' roiniiiut-,. m ... -o. . . at the old st'ttidMhcr-hewlll ulivajsbe glad to le cle c Ids old friends and customers. . . . ... .Ai.iiniin.1 In- tn..n I'nlnmn n . BtSPOMTION" XOTICl. Notice is hen bv irlvcn thai tlv partnership herclefere eMs lictiieciiN. S. nniiey and Win. Moll L, Is (111 solVi'd In mutual consent. jau',iw. YXrANTKI). Acnls, tmile nml fuiiiie, lo ? i wll l'lcturrs emywner.'. 1 otirteen tliotisaud ri'tnllcil by on". Another v tiles : "I can make nor.s iLoncy In this business tlun I can on a tlii.u.O farm, nil stock-d. . WIIIT.NKV k CO.. rorwirn( i onu. JanSiim. Ai).u.vir7ni.Ton's Nonci:. E.srarcniJiiiiv nnros, inr-i.'. Utters of Adnill.stratlon on lb" cstMe of John lloslot, lat of ris'.ilnir 1'ivck tofnJilp, cohin.Wa couriti.dt ceased, have been granler! bY tho Iti'ffls t"rof'sal,l co,iiit to Mui'lilis iimtoii. Win'olam biis, l.ii,-.t tnc . univ, and D. I.. Ch.ip'.n, PaMdson, IsiilllMin i,.iiti'-. I'a. All P'r-'mis lnvliijr chillis nf ibis' th" e 1 it" of Urn dei'cd nt. are reqU'Hied to pioselit tliem M'i.' tt!"iiici.t. nnd Hi se In.l. I.leil to tliiM'sUilB tsim iko pivi.v nt in tli" una 'rsljii-sl ud lalul.traWr's with "at dtlav. .11 I'I'IIIAS 11 Jirosj. V,:w Coluiiibus, 11. l,.CilAl'iN, Davidson, Admhilstrators. Jinlilt. AV LU a BL5 FARM" FOR SALB. ViriLUo sold bv Pali!!' V.iiiliieoii Hie pri'iiil-es lu l.'i'ailn.r cr.s I: loMlishlp. I'olum- Id l eoii'i v. it- ir tin t,'tn uti-ti Hi li'k i harcli one la! I" li'i-iliiL't, ill's mill, on Wedni"da ill i nth divi.f Kebi'tii, I5..MI1.' farm on wUch the sub hcrlbcr resMis, coxrAixtNi: audi r ci acuks, linr.'oi' IMS. a1! el'ii"! ci" t a'lout 10 aires, on w in 11 is "i t'i U'.i a iii'w im i...i.i:,u nui st IIAIt . nil I oth'T o ,tb-i!i H:i There Is 11 lielfr fulllnir s'reun 01 wafer ti"..r lit' bntnanil a jjoml SDi'lux at ih tiou lir-.- 11'itiiiierof ., ouiiir and Ifilltty fruit, tr.'.'s, of .ill i.irlcU". and 31 lo J.) b'arliiR apj)'." trees, live leen pL.tit. d 1111. 1 are irror, Uu; on lb" pri'iiil-i'i. I li" -1 11 U a 10.1m of good nil null , uu I mult r ir " " I uilH.atlcn. It has been well lhuod an I Is otnerv.lse In goon eon dltlon. Tinwsof sua'. il,3,) to le pull on dellicrj if n.'"a aaa 111'iea m lillliuai raj ineius 101. uu c'tivd hv J'l U'tent. J11II.N Ill.oss. J ur.'JU. HSAOC-UABTKBS m f)7i S, ? sTsSf'P ill I'aiiil-j, Oils, Cilr,, Putty, Drug.-1, S'pices, P.ttuuL 3uili-oiitt!.-', etc., etc. 1MOYEH HHOS roi'I.D e.ill the allnr.i'm nf die lmlilie In ? their ery large and nel tekcted stciktif goo'ts vvnieii they otter tt ti:e r,ovr-iT .MAHicur uatk?. 23) bnes Wlnlnv ois.s all sljos 0:1 1 iiualltltis. (U.1S3 for Picture I'rnmos a spt clally. H'liilu Lend, Jiod Leal, Unihciy, litharge, SitilllllL-!, Circ(.'iisi lilue-i, J.etls, Yullow.-jl'tli,y anil hi Oil. cleiiural Agents lor MONTOUR sW-S PiUNTS' ijnbi:kd, oi.ivi:, wiiAtti;, OASTOIt, nnd other OILS VAHNItiti ami JAPANS from the host Manuf .ictoi les. Tilth' stoc:. cf SPICES exwls any Ui this auction ot th'i htilti. Agoats for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. (loacrat Peput of .suppllei, for Dr. J. ti. Ayer'n l'OI'ULAlt JiKDIC'INIH The Pruscrlptlon Depatiment u under tlm Uinrgc (.1 comjiettint I' Pliyisioians' Presurijjlions CAUIU'-ULLY UlUroUWULD WITH OESsl'ATOlI. Cclil Spartlim Scda Water. toourttcr HOTTL13J) GOODS, SPICES, ALUM, oo-Mcaw-ra Asna, Patent r,r.d Prcptiotnrj' HetJIdnco &c. our w agon will coutlutio 04 f0 mw1-u i.uu.olts uual trips td uppiy euitwaerii. OIL OP GLADNESS. Coughs, G'uMh, Croup, lining, Tettor, j Piles etc., ! au tuveiii.u and Eiternul ioiuuv khb i,nii ,ir tu r altera by thouMauTh, utlfflS Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, 5iissj Apr.lT,I- ly J NOTICE. "VrOTICK l hcrebv clieit llmt the lllofiti.n I 1 imrff (ins eompariy will put In srvieii plr,i nnd fTirnlsii lu'teri to t he ettlxctns Of WoiilTiMmr for tm m wlimn thn illntnneo from l"Mrft doenpflt csi erdrif.'ot; exeflsn of Mi feet win Mi rliiiw! at the laleof Meetils pfrfoW until ''! tfiflber 1st, ls.n. c. W, HU.I.KII, iseeretnrj'. lept. II, '74.- tt ! rnrroK's not k 1:. J IN TIIIIMATrnnoi'TllI! IHTTI!n('l!t.t.lslset1MICIt, , lt"Afi. I The underslcneii aurtltnr nvpolnlcd lodlftrlbiiln 1 the nii,iif lu I lie lnuids of t lie ndinlnlslrntor to nml i ninoni: th" h"HHBD'1 li'Bnlri'rfpseril.iilvi sot Ilif ran . decns. I nilimit IheiWilles at Ills i Mini In lllcmti.s-bitii.-on Tiiexlsy, then thrtivi f Jjnaiuy, A. l..lstr,, 'nt s oi ln.k, a, m. for the purno e or lilsappolnt- rullt. Hf III Kl. MtllllH. J.ill. 'Hi -It Auditor. nuii ill's NoncK. IS TIIS KSTATK 01! SMI.t.U'i nl Tl.tlil. tltlf KlUItll. 'In liti'liTrtifiip-l itiiiioliii, d le. t in riiliiiiis' Court-. of Culii.'iililn eoiinty, itudltor lo mai.e diiitlbtlllon of bsl f -el I fslsU' will oltflld to 111" illttleu (if 111' ni(i miiiieiit as his ufflee In Hie Mrtii of MlisUMsbarg ii i- ittudi., the .sib rtn of JMiu.iri, ls7,r.t H 0 eh a, m. All port" ins hallni c! ems ng .Inst nIJ estii. nro re pih'o I t) .iliftvl or te dttined from roiniiis l-i for ash ue of SiiM MMd. ' CI!.M!I,!!S II. nARKI.RY, Dec. M' 71 -4 IT. AU liter. DMIMHTHATOlta NO TICK. 2 rsf.lP.rtr 'Hiirn.i imhtmin, uttrnASKr.'is of s.d'n!ni"lr.itl..'n on Ih I'stut" of Martha I loan late of "' otl tofliiditp, ohimWK couM.y, dfi'e,i'eil. liaTi'l'ffv Runt-" lit lie Hcifl-ter nf wild e iintv to Ihnin r iierttni'i ot shli'ishhiny. All P'-"ii. hiihnf cbilt'is niciln't tin- estate of flip de- 1 ' rtrer 'ipii si.d to pie nt tlim for settlement, and 111'.-" In, I, Me, 1 1, i Hi" e ,1,11c lo mnk(! pilffil'l,t to tlio imtlTM'tnod n.lldiil-'.rit'ir lthoiirdlay. r.MANffih HAIITllA I. Jan. s,-8t' Afliuliilsirutor. Hlilek .hlnny, Lucerne county, i'a. A DMtNISTK.VTOK'S NOTfCK. jtx. rarri-iu rniii!' tiMn, iittunto. itltrrs tt Irttnlnl'-lrnllon on Hi e.state nf Ph! Ip Ilf sslate of .'Uiijarloiif tai'nsidp,C'il'iir,!ilai o.,df conn ed, hale ticen grnntefl th f.i jlsteri'f said county lo John Horn, if Dnildna l'it Dfllie, Miilllvnh i"ii!.lc. I'i tins? inula All p-r.ons tisTli.g cl Hins ng.sinnt Ih"' of the dfialint are reipieteil lo i t 'n i ior se, iiernei.i, ani. un se uei.tnieu io he estate lo Dint: nn meni to thn under lu-nednd- inlnlslrator nituout dela. .mux Hon , AilMiiiusirnior Dee. 2.-.HW' Mill iviin eounty, I'a. AniMTOlt'S NOTIfl . it Titr. lai (Tie or itiKti k htk, ncei!sKii. The ucdT-slcned. nnof, -d bv th" 'irDhnu's Court. of colemnhi count , niuim r ti make tlfstriMlilon of bil.uief In thehnml"of Isnae K. Itt'lekliiiuni. .tdinlii Istritiorof Mnrii K.uiff dii oaM"d. will ntlond to iho diuli'1 ot hlsiirpolnlinent .it 111" o'"e o, I-:. II. .V It. II. Utile, In I'lo itusbnrg, on !mlurdii., the aad dav of .inniur.i, H7.i, tit 1 o'clock, a. in. Ml iktsphs having c iilm- s .-aliest raw i t ite are rciptlrnl to nt tend or be deh..rred Iror.i eomlns' la for a slnire of said fund. Itolllir.l' II. MTrMf lice. a. '71 I v. Auditor. 4 riiiToirs vtvrifiv 2 oot.rsmls en TT,!wi at, 1'iiiax H11 u cords and nr icce 'Irtfs cf the Court of (umtiion I' Int"r nll.i. It Is thus c inlnliicd: In the nml ler of Hie m i'v paid Ititn 1 an t f ir ills trunnion .inning the cl.iim.inlM uuahist Hie liorough of 1 entr.illn: And now. December a tii IS74. en motion of A. r. Spliinev. i:sn., thr crli -lotm M. 1 'lurk. I he court ap pointed c. n. '.101 ki. n.r llsii., auditor lo a 1 1 1 tidti winu iiiio,riii'',ns 11,0. e.isiiirx tut' mini ii.sims against the suld b(n-nu-h mid the amount thereof unpaid, Diet lepovt to the court 111" order In 1M1I1 It the same ijiall be p td oul of inone, now in coin t or vvliK li may heic if(r be paid In. Three weeks 11' tleo 1 f tho timo mid place of tri"i ting bi Tore Hie auditor to be given by publication In two nockiv newspapers oflh'oiuiilT. in Tllllcolnl. Cei titled from tho l.'eMids. In ee'iibcrr.l. i74. 11. l'i::.'K tfAitit, I'r.itiiouotnrv. In tiur.suinee of ihenlnvo order. Hie uiiili'rsi''no.T., will m"et the pirtl s lnteisted, f e'tho por-li-es nt forth In U10 order, lit his olllce In lilnoms-burP-, on Mlur.l'iv. -Iiimun' SHh. H7n, nt. 2 o'clm k, p. m.. i.t Wile.i Ibae jnd place, h iilng claims can a.t- nd If th '.. s ) proivr. O.B. HIIO KWAV, Jan. 1, '!l-4t. Auditor. r mmijuxi-.i-ss'sam:. ' two iiiM.otr. chanpa l.f l"l"S, a iiumiM n tslde Lmniifi with good itIIi loin, one six fni.l Ver.lllntor and a f,-r of MuHIng aid l ar li"landom,ro't Limp, will bolTercdi't public koIi at the co.'iri.l.ssIono'.' nn'ee. In 111, omsburg, on Weil-irsda-, the thlntCiy of IVi ruarj, leir,, nt 1 o'clock, p. in. 'I hose artl-lfs hn i iieen in use in the Court room, h-fure said lDotn v. as icpidred und idled upwlth li w U.'lit. C iininls-lonei ' onice, 11 r rder of ( 'ot.ini 1? Honerb', Dldl.l.isb.irjr, Jan. II, ".'.-it. WM. KIHCKIIAI's;. Cleilt. 'pTtOI'OSAUS I'OIi S'l'UKKT LAMPS I L I'ri po'-Us for street I ships nnd lamp Posts, lor IboTovn of liloMnsbiirg, v,lll be milTed by the l'li'sidenl 1 1 thr Town Council of said Towa, un til four oVloek, p.m., en 'Hiun la, the ai-t net., the ijirni's and I'o.ts to lip 1 ach thirls, i.t .1 hi 1111111 ber, nnd the fi nuer to le t a charucti r sultiihle for the proper consumption of the gas fiiinlslKd bv Iho lllO'iinhiutf Has Conipanj. ci.iiti.ictors to take In payment. Town nor.Us. paitibl with Inteicst, 0111) ji .ir from d.ll irj ffth- lan.n tu.d l'ost . .md thu :i"e cf the same by Hie pre- cr aulborltlcs. siiinpli.s cf blimps nml lofts can ho seen a; Hiu Council loom by calling ou Hie Secri tnrv, n. iovl::.'iiri(i. w. whit. creUry. I'rcsidi nt i f 'l on 11 Council. I'looinsburg, J.m. 1'.', Is7r,. "IVruTlCf, TOioI.Li:' TOIiS, IS Tlie 1 u'int 'I'r-10 hit. en tlio first daycfJan u..r list, had In UN luinds fiu.:i'i fount; funds, und mi rpald on Ho fund fill! is',, nlileliMiowHientnouiit, oierp.ild und tlm- the 'In aMiicr lo le (son.;., in or der to met t the turrcnt tlen.ands on tiu t'ounly I reasurv, I' nu-stcd to Make proiaot I'll tin l is. ' .lie auimuil rf t'oiMity tax imrelleltcU Istl' .S43.J3. Ilalfof Hint amount, at least, should ho paid hv Iho I'l'liruaiy emit, and Ills ttoicdHiiit oury collee tor ttllltry 10 n tile 1,1s du llci te I Hiul lime. 'I lie (iinoiuit 1 f lii'ir'Hux iiiKollicttd (i inliilstlLi.irs'tdl te, Ull. Kl.KKliAI'M, lilooiuslurb', Jan. 1.' tli, lsts-tt. Clcik. S'S'J.S.Jt.' HM.V. Civ vai.i'ai:u: REAL ESTATE! I N p'lr-u.ineo of an cnlt r nf tho Oinlians' euurioi i.'oiuniMa eounty, reimsyliaiila,6ii fatis-t3i.r. .3 itMiniy :ti, v;r,, 0 i!m'ji'S,'",V:,,:1; n; I-!i:ic K. KlI'Mwmi, rxeeulorof John I, line, j-itt. , f Ucnt.,11 lowusiilp. lu said enmity, L i?"1, "'" ".H'1 ' h' l""'1"' '"I"" " tin! PMiiUch, aeeitatn tuetor lot of land eonlaluln, 115 ACRIaK 31 P ..rilfH f.'.'i""'.""''.1""1"11'''11' landsof IH.iii.asiilbbouM, lleori-o Mil', r saiii'le! o,.l, 1 ;f, fe,-, mi-,., Kur; IK:1, V.'f!";1' f-, 'line. Hiild tract coidtdi , al,u MX- n"J'.o ViAI '"'V 'f '-AMI "d 1 he,-, '.,f-'.'"."TV 'l ,V't!l ''U0 UU 1 Uiilt"'' t,!"'' lluuo are Itiereeu 2 Dweilins Mi ui a Mm Bara. There Isalsoa ffnod h-arlnr prJe Orchard andn. rloui other 1'rtnt Trees on tao prVmiVel 1 ' m a kiip-rr.iiM.'i or s.ii.hVcisi toT;,'.nL',M Z"; ' ' ,,'?,t';'"'i"l'i ' f the purchase' money Id be paid ut thestilklns iioivu of unimrtv l'o S iui'tU. Iw '"I-1- '"'". ' tl1" KrmMlon lioaoiuio, uivl ten leu iln u, t irrt'.fj'irtlls la ono twihiieaiuu', ttlth inter at' the 'omm.mtl"" tJAWAlMJk& ,a 1110 Ile,.,on.Ja.8,,S7--,. U ,MlUKtM "MKW yoiiic 'J'l: i m: N 1;. -ti 1 if i.rA i 1 IMI A.MIC'tlL'N MI. SI'APrif' Til r ' nlAv CTr,l.S,S" UKmc: li-n-'' '" "simY- or more-only l, pta-, p4n. A.lJrw t,,"tk," LV!"t- ' . J.ui I5'rf,i-. QIIAIILICS (JAMIUaXS & Co., BANKKKSANHlHIOKSn?, f3Si)Utli Third Street, oo,Kr,u"SKr',meut 3sm ' th 0M an(I su' HUl; nii "li.ndit and wild cm commission. BALTIMORE HVli: I0AU INSTITUTI'.. Jt'lIAN J. (JHIUULII, II. t 1'rcJeaweif By, isd Har l)lWy.6 la u,e uilreibli-, UMd.. atrxioN is ui ti. ssfawiW i" n' " "" lf.-Ji.llu u., lUHImuic. Ud. Tin: ih:.s,t ufv, "o, iii.piif'n"r. r THE MA -ON & IIAMUN " mmmm llottlcu, l,eiv Veil; or tUlcuVc Maryland Kyo antl ICar IiiKtituto uu w letter tu ,ii to,,,,..;;nr,' r.1 .". Ap- . . . T u..w,o-.t. t1un1.1r.11, s, 11, ,ll,t't..nil, J, I,, Surgeoii lu Charjo. TL'SIrH niiiuo iy vi8iiis('u.Alin.s . 1. It CAlkS I'llOf.MAIllitKS, oi..-..nivtn v-...,'V.W?l"'. I, s.0.