ft i' ji r 1 .i v ' J" , j. 1 1 .a i j 1 1 j iji i mmuiJLn.i yrrwaiM7.r2rMi i A'MIUAN AND DEMOCRAT, B LOOMS BU EG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 7 1 t tin B i Miscellaneous. An lit iMurrtoTRfArpifoTjr. ThoVi .n Vft,n l, JJWfrprfVdescrlbM itM fi.iioim: in tliehMtom of the main haft of the Virginia fity Cioal Comi'sny, hi IOTd eanon, l7rm county, Iim been enronnlenvl tlm trunk of Urge Ire- four feet In dlamefcr t lo-io rrnltc of an ancient nd extinct forest. Where cut through h th ahifi thli ol.l tree 1, found to be per fielly cAtbonitfd, tutnfd into mM, Out ld the old log h eomplctf ly crusted oxer with irnrt pyrites Ma-.r ?f which are o hritht thtt the crrtktla thine Ilk,- diamonds. Thoae crystals ! txfnd into tha hodr of the tc filUnp tthfit irtrn oiie. trncVi or wlsdshfikci, and eren (omlnr; eluMtra about Trlut aneri r.n the hfAtt of the irer Thin reltsof an old tlma forct lies fsrlij Ihe two vrlni of cal the compan;- ar tWjt tooprn. The finding of this old 'rank It is avident that the counter r-s t sn'rte time, Ions entered hy a fr.rcl of ,ir- tr though tho natire timber pro-rrth. when the country win first rioted ly the r. Idles, and as far back m the tradition of the Inlir-.as e.v toad, iraa but a arrithhy r-peoles of n it piu. A. ferr milea from ths shaft in rrhish thi-i e.uooniwd tree rr.n found tre to ho v n on thurf3c the petrified remains of many larfi. tree. The water line on the hill-! show the rrhole country rrsj fiNl ;), lake-, and the petrified tree lying here and ther. on the ground probably flo.v.td out on tha eititiet lntros, and filially annk to the bottom in the plai-c whew they rj now faint). rr.ietital licnarki on ReeltarUi:. Tho I'ens-ylranU &koo! .Towno.i kvs: The. visitor to oar public schools U frequent ly struck rrith surprise by the strangely enre loi ninnp.cr in which recitations are wotlen attended n by both letcheri and pupils. There Is such a alilftlcaj, eh nsbling t,Ry of jetting through with the r.nitatlons, .v thoiigh the whole matter mis simply ti gt through. Pupil, aeem to be satisfied with knowiiiR the lowon, many -eeia to be aritisfi ed whether they know the lessen or not, while the teacher seeing to rel oonfeulcd in the coivcinnncM that he h.n dicharjcd hi' duty by "henrinj" th? Icmoii. W. hve loo m(any icr hearers ofies-ni in the school room. Tlio recitation properly oon-diti of two yjrt, the lanpua;e ,id tile fic's of the lei on. Bath of th?; should reseive c.r;l'ul attention. Tholangua(! in which .iloaaon is recited should bcgra-nojaticully correct, clear and full; the faeH of tho Isiion, that ii th thin learned, should bj stated with thor oughney and oractao.. Tea.-hsra should nut permit ungMutitMtical ciprewiur.s to pa for imtiuioe, "thsn" for "tho-.c," and "W for "are" asd they thould r.ot b e it iefied 'with o rajue uncertain ?ttwent of the facts comprised in the leiwn. The pu pil jkuiiH hae a clear conception of theie ficti, he should ere nothing " t!iro;ip;h a fcla-n, d ukly," and he should m rcspiired to ssprw hb knowledge pMperly. School i thrpkee toleara to do thii; if it in not done thnro, whers will it be dnn f There ara favcral jrjid re-.oni why pupih irstild reciti in the manner hers r"cornmend ed. In th-s tint place the teacher will nnt know how well a pupil knows hi leiin un lw he revitei U just a well as he Jcnowa it; aad nnle the teacher knorM this, he will act knew what be etight tosiy to explain any difficulties in the b;on, or what t add by way of illnstration, etc. Again, the pu pil will remember t'ua lesson bstter by recit ing it to a teacher; and especially if he takes pains to recito tho ienn well, the mere e!frt to do 30 will imprc.-? it more firmly pern.inen'Iy unon hii mind. This eertninly is something worth attpudlnj to. Floally, O57 requirinj? pupils to recite their le-om correctly and nccarAtely, they ac uiro a habit of expressing thsmselvci in th la manner, and nurely that iseomethins. How many qaarrels and lawuits grow out of tho careless and iaacenrato habit of sx preninz thsmtelvei whifh kare. Perhapi no other means can be suj Ettel of making nt, concts and correct peakcrs that will prore co efieetite as this. At all erent a stop sliould he put to the treli and inefficient mfde f recitinz which prerails in so cany -choois. It U prodnctirn of sesrtely y 5o:d re?u!t, whil tho cabin of cprelemcM and inatlen tioa which -row out of it at least balancs the adttatasti. It la suggested that tho proposition e.fthe commissioner of internal revenne to tjk; ofl ths ptamp-tai on perfumery, cosmetics, pat sat medicines, mntc'aei, etc., and add ten eenb per gsllen to tho Ux on nhiiVyema nates from the whisky ring who could -pec-nlate on ths untaied stuck now in hand. The tax n whisky -now afibrdi ?. u5"icint iaducement far revenno frauds. A petition is receirinc aunerons signa tures of tax-payers, mcrchanb and lawyers In Washington ckin3 tbat the expenses of the soternraent of tho Dittriet of Colum bia he shared by ths United Statu; thtt etrefut economy and strict accountability in the expenditure! foT tho District ha .secured by legisUtioo, r.nd that tho District bo pt ernad by Congress through Cfimmi-ioner-, "without the popular election ef any officer whatever." A ian from the Slatea opened r. drinkin aaloon In Victorli, Vanconvr' Tiland, aad" hla r nj flwt hour's experienco was lirely. Six Indlim filed in with ereat irarity. One of them took a poitioa et ths right eftUo prtprieter behind th b:u with an splifted calples Vif, and an'ithr srud at ais left with t uutcjt. A third pourtl in tumb lers full of whisky, and rte ftaid m il:t ly run iiwn ix throat. Then ti ol?mu ptrons filed out wilhtut a word, leavin; the xain prejudiced against tho tilooa huin.s on Vancourer'a Island. A uau who t I ssrM ten Ufa of a daugh ter ef a Boston aiillioaalr, re?lTe.l tS.M frorathagraterul p.treot. He nras so orercoine with the masoiflcioat bounty that he paid out vory coutofit toeentcea orjtaa -ri-ad-rBtosicjultaneously prenadt hisbneiactor. A f Idow at Va Uoiii.sj4t Iwa, argues that lilii lieurauca lathe duty of all men. Iter husband wa innurid for $20,000, which will t her s:cond InulanJ u.t la a tlrt-cixs-i grocery. i A ooupla of fellows who wero pretty tbor oughly soaked with whUky awt Into a irut- ter. After floundering fur noma lime, oua of tham auid : "Lr-t us go to another huuno thU hotel leaks " Why is a iich Kt'h 1'iokeii li' like a boy At aritlunutic 7 Ilecuiue ho puu don u threu and carrlw one. They havo u calico J d iljrj in Wyomins, und don't know wLethsr to cull her a Jua Ucosa of tho I'ttci', or Justice of the l'eueiMa Thoae whw reprove iw mo more valuable ftiouda tliau thouo who flatter ih. Tho iiuiu who would Improve uiiut havo cither faith fill or aovcro friend', A blxay body Is lilo a riuU choeu full t 1875. 1875 TilE COLUMBIAN Jfewspaptr, the h;t published !n Columbia eouiiti)', neatly ptitid On New Tpe, -111 entalu all the ajurfant N ews r-f the Day, xni a tiUBd account of MvOIaLATlVK and CUCUlt?roNAT. I'ROOKE D I NOS, with -.tpUnMlon ssd comments upon nil Important measuro proposl In either : VOUTllY AKD SON'a. MIS0EMA;fr.0U3 HK.VD1XG, AfilUOlfLTURAIi AKD SOJKSTIFIC SOMKCT'J "Will also entTeas a Ure proportion of it rolumni. The DO.MK3TIC C0NCnn530F COLUMBIA COUNTY, Will rtrrivs particular attention, and all local aSuiis proper for publication will be care fully laid bafurt sur rsadar.1. TUB l'OUTICH OF THE STATE AND NATION AVill rccclto ootisl.mt attention, and the clernctcr nnd ollicial conductor I'UHLIO JIEN Will ho presented to our rcidcr.", from time to time, in life-like altitude and with entire iustieo and firmness. No frauds iduill bo committed upon 4he People fr Wrong done tlicm viLliottt full expo-arc in the columns of the COLUJUlUN. COUNTY HATTERS. All official county adrcrtiaemtalfl appear iu tula paper, as will also intelligent eynop i'.i of the proccudiu, of the Courts and the actions of th County Oficen lietfFif pub lie int-rivt. The Cot.ui:aiA already ugs much the Urjsct circulation of any piper in the coun ty tioro thin the cow bind circulation 0 thp other papers and Is the only pM'er printed in tin oounty that supports the prin ciples and time-honorod o.'cr. of the Dem ocratieparty. Ito circulation and eaiiewneni usefulncn may, however, be much cxtendeii if its friends will use their infinence to Mil! furthsr add to its list of bubficrihers. All additional patronage will be rcquitod by im proTin? tho paper, 1)7 adding toitstditoria' and wportnrial forco and increasing tU rmantity of ita reading matter. An nn ADVJuRTISINO JIEDIUJI The Coi.tr.Mni.n is unapproached in this quarter of the State, anil our JOBBING FACILITIES Are mperior to any other. Our friends aro invited to call at tho office whenever they come to Jlloomsburfr. LIGHT BTHjSBT BUGGY & CARRIAGE IvI.3STTJSr'A.C'rO,2' HF. 03JAN h-i-thy fnformn the paiili . rtr.tt'tlMcn'i-mlliitoto-rimjr-sjrn wtlfi nic ui"wuc. .... I. riw.l. ? J.M .- -bo li-lTJiRW y III aere.ftj' e erjiaot er tb bu awns tt rf m lura c htnil er maaaar4 to 8Mr liFGGm?, CASP.IAQEiJt, SPRmO WAGONS. EIGHT TT.GONK, HOAI) WAQON3, aa frry (htefr tn Ihslr lino t-t lJOstaii, ft tut fr.t msltriil van nuiri riiialcM wortxiaosLlp, tt nKttltd. H. p. ci.wan h imoxiint. imm CARRIAGE FORKS' 1SH UI.OOMBIiUTtG. riilNN'A. A H. CIIOSSLKY hee -a hvsJ and far le t . fthPnncrtlinn lhi ehr-. fur zvk &r nJVrj.ffc lor old Wagons an i(.L'uttU terns. ca:uuaoij3, nuGGira, AND WAGONH f ry description botli flala and taney. roriafclo Top Bugclep, eln Ilnwrtea, I'latn aofl 9t?j Mitforra yprlns Veifor.': oil fir lao laVM Ftrli and r?j1o of Lu(jO iiLilriiiil uurt rail? wuvrLjitft.M l r a talllior iiuniiaalnit elmwluni. as 1 est- ti (tr me leasi lauiey. at Oi fOort.-M ii'ilK-n, olU fnilnm wililul and ww- TAtfi tvi Bouia pr no pur. j win irjcrujtire a orrv b9tiizsjKTiuiy klntltif minNer, rjch ut tie 1! a, jtas, will, Unii lilekcry ami poplar Vj ht aellTfi 4 al M tkon Ly tsii first a ri l:rdry,liTJ. Irrra 1 ill 1, U rn lultntmU litKelT, Hrl k ( ftfi ror ri ;tnnx tit etsh. A, . auoasLKI. Jul 1.M73-M. A GENTS WANTKIX -At'lho rate Uda wor). j:!. U cow M'lUns It will attain a nalo tt 100.000 COPIES refowUx niii.ts .pltle. Trrsln tcrlai ailn l-Uir viM. out mirl, cr lull! tie!tk l'Wi 1 . Min II i jr n,. ! hlm l.i. Lul , il itut lw tru k rt-' luix u iilijvm.BtW' xo r-?w.v n i7Ujn, tie fc- "THUint41XRrot THK PI.ESr.VTK 11IAM CHI D U TIltt'ioi.fioUT TSiC WOl'LD." Abauarul Java y ilair.e, n-rr) vn Bteel ulnl vit.i a nfa 'j,i"r ria.fnW JauiUy U1 1 cvi. 1.'.l.-s t blvu terrltur tUMui nl. ilun a -n iS n'li. -".a 1 3 Sea. K, rita. i.1 ttt-xi 5 j..v new x .113. JOU I'JUTIK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED I'liOMITLY HARD WARE ST( RE. LATrOX KUNVON. Bf.OOMSIHMlO, IMSNN'A keps ennsttntlr on haiiil "n'.i an 1 Cimpl'tt ftiri of KC3BA.tr .A TSTXD SX':L E'LP .-.nf.Tfl-W.A.XtX". whii'li ho will Hell to the Public at 1'rli.M 1 Low m to defy competition, HIS KTOCK COKMSM IS 1'MIT (if XR027, NAILS, PAIHTil, O.T.LSJ, CIiASO aaA I'TSITY, ME0HANI0S TOOLS AND ARRIOULTORAL IMPLEMENTS of all Or.vlca ntid Latest Improvement, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. AflVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's llortc and 1M tile liocti, Hoivc Nulla, Ac. .PATENT WHEEI. OLD'S AV?D WAHSKR'S VATEN'TS, Spokes, Heft?y and Light, Carrmgo Mallcblc, Axles, ?priiig!', Otim nnd Oil f71otlif, Valuiitmiw VarnidliB', and a general f5t'?ek of WAGOK AND CAIUMAGK MAKERS GOODS, BmldiDg Matcriuk, fiiicli as Durtonnnon Sdh, ..ev'is Lvni, Best Dj1oi'3; .Pure Oilc, aa lor? as tlicy pan be boulit iu tho potinty GIVE ME A CALL AND SHE FOR VOUHSELF. LATaON rxjnyojt. fip. n, iT4-'. NEW HARDWARE STORE! -rtarrsm jaa Wt haTS al i a dod to our Stuei PaTest wheels & mm, OX,.SiS3 IFTJTT-Sr, GEI3STDSTONES, ScO OUR STOIK IS i'OMPLKTE In all it Bratichc, Carefu'lv Pelertcd and Pun!ia"cd low for 0:ih jrivlng m AdTanUgw for tielliux which can not bo tscelltd by tiny other IlardTuro tarc in the Cbunlry. GIVE US A CALL AMD SEE FOR YOURSELF. We (".UARANTEE b;th in TRICE ami QUALITY of our Gooda. The Largest Store in the Country. itiJVT-l-lM Ji'iio Ohtapr.t -iil t.feo bwi J2?.3inas Co fsgis in tni Coriiatxy. Cfiooi. crc?rr. t5 tnn ncrtetaser, 11-1, a? ni uniewitt'iut waum nEIHIiel.it-f .'"iw 1J1. tti.Vn'a rivelft :t hiit nooK-KTwriw, ui'TMirnc,vi.''z'.:-!: ir.'iaiif !.i'niKS, pn.wia'i'iiY, At(!)iraiK,:.BHi.iw. fir Terms Ppcrfwriw of romnt!-1i!p,.V., lio i fpt. '.,74 m Grand Extrnordinnry Mingle Nr.'Ji- ber ?ohcmo for tlio Holidays. (Autliintard by Spc!,l Art ef thi IMatair.) Vci ths Be et :.' the Unlrirriiy ef ?aia ti A' f A f f C k" i!Ntr!itl irannj tkc OOUU.UUU HnlAo.l t Tliifis. Tt-.fi tirorrirje; J? -i o iS:av" n.i U' .1 sliT!-, rt.i.'i'I 1 tk'f, Ko l'V-nnf on Trlrfs Xrrrj Ml p!l In fill1 BGH I3ME: 1 rr.r of 11 1 ri- t .'i t 1 I'll" (f l. la 1 IT!- jt a . ... . 1 FrtB of HMD 1 rrtu' ur it.ii 11 10 l""pii I . r Vi IT1S" jf im urn .tins v . t- 0 0 , is w . 114 WO e.eo? Appruilnittloii iiuli, utrivMitt.iK t n.f)76 I'rizos amouating to $600,000 Ti'liole Tlci-eV, Iltlv., VuW'ri., TSl His tM.M tlo.Dv. r.t. H.. Ho.tr-itTrt'iitcr.'ry l'rls.-l rn. tna A.sb'i tn fan wivieat orJ."tl.in. vtiw .n jwiiirt - ? r parvnefl, -.V ! rs-airl tds lt-t tta..lT uf ocah inonti BcnJ for imcul.r. aairi ll iri' it t-J HIMIJWJ, MCUf.euN fi 10- lTlKt.n, t r. dm. 11,14 -e:' 'UajnntljVi- !. fiiM!.'r.i4 vut ! tnt kUt 11 ,jt w in4. Harper's Magazine. Ktrrtts or yjffl Pitsh Tbe 'T.!ar.tJ11: ilr. .jon tf tlrs m:rtl!t.t monttil ri,s i r .utli i 4 a (natatloa in popour ilf'ila'9 ia ?i, u,'. tiv at Into haw mnr t yiii-oi t' auti nvm 0 irii3ftrii -, oaui n t .rtfi a. m vintic iV r 'f r t i i 'i. i.t pi-j rjtt Ms.o sit. ij 1 , r XU ij'..lhi.. jr Uipil.I tM ..'.L... 1 r. f'U. tor i ti' iinsi nnii f-r rl r.t, I-, it, I lm. i t ! . rirr , u). ire tut. 1 1 1 1 .. if '1 iu.. 1 t !i 1 u;i tlii's, inn t, ur'' It lui lIstUUM) ' 't ,. tlfilu to ifrunt i-ie..n ip.a lui ,ni'i: .-.mta.Jj. 'li,.j iur. ami Iim l,n r ufituru a.1 U.u day, CI 1m llfu, Urwikiyo Tr.BM3 ! I'oit&je fr tt t Sslistrii.n l Ibo I'ulttd KtuUi. IIA'tPin Mid.tfl. r,(ay(Ar ia.ix VI. Ir. pr.; U. H. pv.ilav.-oVy loj piii.lliln 11 1 ji. 'rl 'U . n T;i -i-w)' ijni'in., Wtttw. ni'l I'a i m tiji f'.r .ii'j .11 f -j ; ir, twu ur II ',)" l'. i 'i .', a 1 . r r.u, jow, ' i I M f" A. .i: . ivjr 1 e i't mm, Wmui.y.i il't .' fc k ' 1 a 1 .1 .' 1 IJ'J llf KV 1 tii ct. , '. i ij 1 1 .i I iji.'W.i. o ur, mi O.pl . I Ji .14.1", ulii;.....'.,', , ,.aM yatri t. I,) -V ' .,; .flitJaiuny li A r -tr uvi' txiimwu, UI.W 011111- Cri,v. li, n, u t,' i'luUli ,wl'lip iul nr. . n. , t ,.1 , , m of p .i-xT w. fur .M Cl.th i j f.-i :i. ,it. I y mull. iu .tjulil. Njvpr. m ui U i.v.y thl aaTrirUHiuuut nilUUUVU. 91. Jl'WaU uivui.1! moiuKKi. AiMrisi HUi--).. k mr. k Naw Yurie. 1 VflllOK N0W8. Uirkbll. Ktorlfx Hrturpu. and aiid Live Cdllorlila ut l u ver. I'lsIbl'ii imiii. Lai iii.vw. kiivvuuuaut iuuif ouiu lur i ICeoji on Hand tlio 1ST STOCK : 3 a "jxr T:i the rotinty. J.F. WIOEiT d CO., Bloomabiivg, Fn 7S? S- f tin PrU'lpal, .'. ". HVVI3. -Villiiwport, IVnn's r.i irif1 Or f f'2'i M-3idi3 farmrl tshc S'.iitfy, or iJit5 Jort ..'!! o, tl irui-Si. I -: o : - a :;ev and vastly advaxtageoi . I'lik.s- m:n:iiv ADoiTEi) iiy At their "Works in L-loonuibur.', ji?mi:-! nii.cmsVirj Iron nnd Viuaf-ttti!r ii.r.p.ui, i-'ir ulllKy tspt curiutuiiti; nil tua i-rr rt.jrtoier,t ut .ii.i. TQ"t Bois.nc I'UitrojiM, a:td curui.0, iii.A:KKu'rn and iiitumi:-'- OUS COAIj, atprl.cMo ilt IU. tr.vJ-. All fi .1 si e.l illy p.--p..ic-i lji.r:ri- li Mij t-.e .'-ri!. Al.u Plot's aad Tlu-osMisg Macliini, aii'l aU lilud) of Cuuiriauml M-chia; Work. HSI'AIKIHO rreinptly .ttr l Vj. Tnir wi.nM (i.a.cv, 1.1 k ki) Jan. f, 11-ly tuooa.s'jur.', l'a. MA NU ir A CTO n BLOOM3HUUO, PA, I. O.SLOAN A ni'.OTHKIt HAV1J on Tund und for m! at the mo.. reaaun.uiu i met i. kpu i.Ul J stock of cjn.jja ici:a, uit..i..s, muiI en-ry itawrlptlon of Wajtonn IhiU fJ.UN .j FANi V, Vur.shti'dioiiu uvorte c.f tui l.t ami uwfrt il'irn'' miftirlulM, HOU hy Uie mow viU'ilimHt workJi. VII rto.'k cni out fimu u,e wrtiiiiwira.'al vIU I'iuu.i to iw. i f iiii ilgiv,i i ia miii mr i. vl'c , -rHi-ibaU-fiuiitou. 'Iliti hui (iUn.uilDu.-.M)riuiei.' i SLWGllei of all tlia uot uft wl none f wlUonutilo la v.i il i.iid mn lullv ii.uili' uml of Cm IlhI kialrlal. As Intpictlou if tu.-ir w.rk U at UUIn.- lltnea tliatuuuokUiwrliirciui l Ijulii lutliooui;. tij. July 1, l73-tf, TI'CTI' ISiiinl roinlabh Kto-Kill. for al, it llieiofvniiAN omen. Tliov cMiitaiu llm .it- imi-l-ii fn r mi .tui.ii.i.r.i i.v tt... iu.. i.t i.ni.. 1 1 int'irfi nn u riu-iifct, jivtry Jiutlcu uxiu Cur Tlio onl Kcitalil. tdit Jlti .imtiuit In ill.' Country I $75,000.00 to nn wsnimtrrsD im l. :d. sin Ms' 17 hi Jlrgulor Monthly GIFT EKTf,Ef I 77 ir nVrtWT! Mw.tfo;, Febrv.irg 2V, 1373. 'J'm rnitrt Cnpllalu nf 5.000.00 each hi Cusb ! One Priw. ijl.f'v)) Twoiw Eacli in Cash! j'lvt'. I'iiiy, fitn;j 1 Uorx and rtupjrr with ailfft-iiiounted llr.'icii, -orth 'tniO I 1 Fine Toned KoMwootl Piano, worth 5w.j()I TIlllEiJ G'JLl) WATCtlEf A OilAIX,?. Three Gold Amciuen Itiniing WatchtM, w rtc 4-I.-I rai'h I Ten liitillt;' tioiil !lf.it;rr Matrurf., Harth ?ll!(le.n-hl 1000 ft'o'i lift .VVvi l,nrr un'trHf IVntrfl ir a", vnrth fim.t 2'i h IIIUO tnrh ! noi.ii chaw, ?ti.Ti.n-w Ann, .tc, xc. SUM n Ell OF GU VS "."no ,' TICKETS LIMITED 70 7.V0T0.' AOHN'TS WAXTIMITH Sllf.t. TIl'KIM'S. Iintl.n.ii 1.1iiir.il I'rumtiuiis will be p.uJ. .1ln?tTlck.ti ?! H lli-lrrt: TnrlTe'llrl.rta I I'u; i li'-., !.!' ri-H . 'j-. t iri-iuriK.uuiaia- t r in n-i f.r pris, rl, hi iii i. iicrvf Oranlpa. .ik'I utli' r l.o' an il" a in I'.-fi ie'uj lu in- ili'.trmu'i'.ri, will I "Oiio! an.i cuo t nlTi'ijiaeu. All lttra i.tukt Or ,-.dJr f I "o P.iic", Ev. W Ihiild'K. li, i). sl, Lit. i;.t." V m.iwu. :k. l.u-. U. ClUi:.N. 1 1, u. 'X. 8. Ibi V Una just ojscnod 0 pieces H K A V V 11 E A V E R CEO T 11, "'Muck iin.l Jfln-for lulit'sj' Chats, tit $:30 and &5.()i per yiud, double vriutb, a rt;:i tcmuiKST or DOUBLE SHAWLS, In iiincy. quiet nnd mourning col ors from '3.00 to ?MU00. Tihilica' jlerino VraN at 87J to D.Z'j. liilifi' M"rino lrawer.j :it 1.10. tUnldren'j Merino f hirl.s, 7o to !-75 cenu. Uents shirts anil drawer!, M), o'J, iO, and 87 cent" lo f J.iiO. I.ndi's' Whit aivl Colored Wool Iluae in to '"0 cfnK Eadie.-.' Fhocj ViVil Hnt.froni S8 els. up. full Em of Indies' .'.rid (iinl.-' V.' i Jlose, hi, 3, 'M, 3j anil lo t-enu. "Wchao.just received it full lino of Chiidrvn'ii nguktr Knit Fuucy Wool liose, nil ai.en, from 20 to S71 cents. FAMJi M.'TbS rJi.OrJ.UA MiTlKAS For Cbiidrcn. Lftdii-s' Kid Lined Gauntiets, l.Li t(.$l.iU. Ladies' Kid, ver nnd Otter iop Uiovi at 1."0 and $l.ol). D . Guopr, fiom '2U ct.-nts to :?1.(K j er yard. V o sell oni iw cash, tints in-!-urin& lor. or price tban any .arty m totrn. Ciiii and cxiniiim; at the Popular Ciwh Store 'A COKDli' lMl,!.,!J Utnsr t.X thr. I lm I." Hie t'tvt, .iej;;f ma m..ai mi -'iil l'.sUlly l'..l"i' l tntj t.m.n." H a rper's Weekly. ?loco oi in Pi a. ' msi l. tl .t i3 .! pn-rirfii) rinv. tr-..i ."'.. u ..;.t-i.iit .ki.titit.', iiifii t'ir al. b.i. i. ..iku 'li. su air iru'u run. I. IU 1-1.1 V.I.I, ".f c.ir .1 IrV. tli' ."U.l . s f fc' ..r v--l b w - a 'I -l.:"rs.--t .i. u. -f "k t. tl'" . .kl U nJ Vij It-r..! f I .luu I II. 1 'I.. U.1'1-&C" a .'II CI (43 f UJULl ill U i. I. .11 ..U ll"i Wl".- l,f i. .a m . .wSl'i r -a';-util r -r i 11 riflil vi.' i " ..ti i b.i - ( i. , bu iu .. - ;x.ul Til!. 1 4''rir-. aij.j,. !t l . - "-'s i f t.l,'' tJU"J dU"i"Jr.n, i .u l;:..i".;t ..i .fii u i rnii'ia'.w r,'ii4M u s.-nr (l. ... 7. kuu.ll.l ii&il i rju s. -. In E rs uj.s til l scjarH: 1 u 1 Its lnlnilla iVIsiuriiat urip V . uifj tv? uuUaifi.U ul tke maali. nrv.. fg .ww.tj.riM. T.KMS: I'n aje fi'ii '. M "n'j'ii't'i'ji rt !u the United .i.i a. a.AR!'r-.' Km v, iu sur . " r tin en j.tn,".(ui kt u r.a. pit.. ij the SkTt th. .a M vinn Hi. n". o, V, ji t. uid Di"ui i ns I4. t r " t .' ; ur. tm,f W(ra-t t o i iftn r. o.i fj- onuje.ir, iri ti.t of "Ice.- kfi iUuiyl'ia, v.'khm.v. cr Ctevt fill pc nuppll'. smlli f .r ori'ry ulubuf Ii'itb ricir. iifaj iiu. w. r., in ouo i oDuitdflixi ; ur, CopUn . Ik tiIt. Oup . : Ju'.ltgU frCU. gfrllaci Kuinien ran i ipfliel at any (MM. u'.im1 ,Si i..i".ttf ".tprij. fr-s' f Pl.peIlt, If O. j w n'.l'kr , ..rl-'K ui.-uwui To'.o, v.k rrx. 'k" f -.li ut tt" r.Wut i.a.. tcr ro!j.j. k .sjvn.vn cf puri'taw-. Nwst in not to e. pr t. n'l.i'ritj lorat wiuoui uld diprt orutM iiiursu" iij-.ii'ii', xaii.t nawi su iiitori'lilta, New York. BALTIMORE 15 VJU tS; P.AIt rNSTlTUTl-U ji i h.m j, (JiTTsolu, u. b, I'ractAU'K Uja and rr IHsooij to tlm irulvrrrfty it Nd., kjjiiiiiioN I. C'BiBtr. rtH liilltutl"U, ftliiWWiml lu lt f tlio lurt-mi U'l nn ,t ilwfllluus In tin) rl I., or KnlUmirr, U tluik Mlilv I'liriinliit nail iitrilupiM.il errry i'.onrii lonce rur UM'i""ni.'Jv;iir nUumt i f in woikufliinij: (ri in I '.'i. uml K, r I i:oli pattviik lias a iliatulrr lo lilrasrlf, aad tv-a- uc i-vr Ut' I'tli n fn in Illi'il inirwu. i Ij Munr. ji i lllil.'i ihiiIK rt--M n rite Inst; t'lln. a vpi. irr. t riiiirn.li m i tc. tit"' -I' k, wrlh!' Hi' hi' i'i i'1'Hi'ii iiuun, v.li' cioi I Ylrltnl al u'J tint . uml .it iiiniiii iil' hi ll'i". I"lli'tilii''lii'i f lint' l tvi'l rt I ly bi Klli W Ji . j tS .1 li'.-J.: .V l. 1A K. I'lU'.Ulii t, l)..ltluoro, 5! )k) r()HKiS. riv.oriu. jiovinrw exit nty, I'a. riLMAM II. L Monuficturef oJ , i',',ci' null i inir., i .iiiii-, ,i'ii,i"rj Flraproi f HiiUillrifa, Wroujilit lieu nwiilntf, linotllrj; ITnmrH, Kloorlnyr nuil KK,rs, i unu i.alna anil l em. ! .in.. .i,,",ii, ii.'ii i ii iiih, ri.i.1.. mtu mi fciinw ut .ii .lln iuik, to. Kepulra fretni'tl; attcuanl lu. tf, II, Drawings ana riitliaatta lurplted. A New Idea! .A. Swiu Hio FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, Aim EVERYBODY Eiiy the World-Renowned Tna BEST IN THE WORLD! CSTTUe lltdfiasi Proutlrui was atrarded to It at Ohio State Fair Kortltarn Oh la Fair Auier. Institute, N. V.; Cincinnati Expinltlan IndlunapalU EiiosJtIou fit. Lent Fair LonUIaiu State Fair Ilhulsalupl Stato Fair; and UoorfU Stat. Fair) FOR BEING TKE BEST SEWING MACHINES, Mil doiag tfaa larreet and bast raiifo of work, ill other Machines In lh JIarkot Ttere In dlroei COMPETITION 1 1 t3T"For Hemming, FeU in, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stilehing fln& or heavy goods it is unsurpassed "Where wo hayo no Agtwita wo will dollvor a Machine for tho prioo named above, at the nuareot Rail Roa4 Station of Purchaser... Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken la Exchaitg. t?end fbr Circulars, Prios List, &C, and Copy of tho "VViloon Roflactor, ono of tho best Periodicals of tho day, dovotod to Sowing Ma chinos, Fashions, General Kowo and Misoollany. Agents Wanted Wilson Mil fflacle Co. CLKVKLANI), OHIO. ror lucl a'ii u. i. . It. c'u...Ua i-lu L'lerr.e, nnpty t BEADLE & MiGEAW, (KM'. It A I. AfiKNTB, Iieacii IJavdi, r.u.i'iiic Coiin'y, l'a. Juuuu, 'ft -It, I W. FILES' main srunr.r, opim,!'. c i:i-foi'.i. ciiukcii, BL.OOM3EURG, PA. DEAL Ell EV PIANOS. ORGANS. Violint,. Accordions, SHEET MUSIC, AMD A IX KINDS 01' Musical Inst: umont. AUBNT roil TIIIIUBLUBIUTCD BUR9ETT ORGAN. AI.i-0 AOKKT I t. II TIIU SWECT TONKD MANNING ORGAN, Wlilclt ta entirely new anil excels nil othars la vul uum aud purity cl tunuuntl l lauo-llku actltn, Jrusic oob3 fbr till Iiiatriiiiienlf. PIANO A'I OIWAN STOOIA A wnwiil nuir.rtin.nt i.f I'lflTI'IH'.l anil KlIAMl'-J al it ui Bun imnd. itiSrlSatiOi iuntdat iott notice, t2a B.U, H-ly, 1, W. HUM fV'Af'V'i pis )r. J. iVallter's ('nlifo;nlnrtYiit renr nillrrs mo n nnroly Vogotnldo tircparation, mado chieily frorr tlio lmtiva licrtia found on thelowprrnnjjoirrf thoSirr ra Ncvad.. monntoini of Calfornia, tha medicinal prop.? Mm of Trhicliaro "trac ed therefrom without tlio nf of Alcohol. Tlio niir.slion isaimo.st ilnilr nrketl, " lint in tho cans of tho unparaUelld siiccca , of v.,.,T, nrrrr.r.i?" Our nitirrr ia, that ther rcmorc th,Kniio of clisivo, and tho , patient recovers Hi" iieaun. jney nro mo imvit Mood purifier find n lifcidTing prin eiplc, n perfect HonoTntor nnd Jnviirorator of Iho avstcm. lU'Tcrlirforojitho history of the world )M ft medtcint boon com po.mdod poses.ins tho rcmfktiulo tptnl lttea of VnnoAit Jlinrns in lntlinu thosicl: of etcrr discn.so man is heir to', Tlioy nro a rcntlo 'I'lirpatiTC o woll no n Tonic, rcliev liif,' Conirestinn or Inflammltion of tho Iiiror and Visceral Organs, iil!ilioinl)is oai(s, ' If inrn tfJH ( Ajov t?oml heaHli, h t tlit l'iii o Vtsroiii llmr.OT nt i rnrtV.-itir, nnd avoid tho usa of nlcoholu Li.ituuli.nti iu uTcry form. i "i . ;'! .vj r in Initp H'crp Tlillcrs t . ir :i.k to dir riiour. and remain long n- r. i n M' d liirir biiinf. nro r.ot tie !' t 1 l-j fiiuiT'l priivmojother moans., i. i ! vi1 I ' i r .11.1 vp.itcd licymd repair. i f - .'11 1 'J'iiniiviiiKli pbelnim ViNn I.": .r. r!?T.'j I'm1 n'ust Mondfcful Invigor (i , ' I'voi Fustiiuod IliopiikinRHystcm. i:,",iiii- i!"i:i:U'!il, iinl Inlrr ll liii li. f 'fU'I'.". wlihdi nrjfo prevnlont in i't v.i!;,s of ar groat rt'cra thrnnfrli .tl' Unitrd ts'iitrs, rppfiinlly tho?o of (' .U '-ipri, Ohio. TlIiRimri, Tliinoia, '1 nn " Ciinl'vlniid, Al:nina, I!rd, . ! i, .In. livpzua. l!ii flrnulc. Vcarl. Ala- 1 ..'. , ?!uiiii". hart ur.'i'i, ninnoitc, .Tnnios, ii "iv f'ti r, M.fli (luir vnt trilm t. i i ' ri ," hi, ii i.i'v rntir; country dur i" - ilu hi"- 'fi i Aiilnitcniid nnmric tildv an di'.iini' it.' n.iof muipurI licut nnd dn uem. niM!ivnli,ilil iireoapanieilby rx . n.'iw di'iaiit'inuilH tif tin htoiiuudi nnd ' I V-. v, nnd olliei'tiUloiiiuml viru-.i. In their ti. ii'iiu nt,;' puir.'!v,i'X'itiitiipoivorfiil iiilliu noo upon Uim' viirion orfjana, ia i-wii'inilr in ci .-M.y. Tlio? is mi ratlinf !.c iiirtl,i''ii-.fi(i,ciiii'.il to Dt.J.AYAi.KEii's X t: 1. 1': Bin : J !,r' tht', ;rll i-pordily ri'- ninii' t'.o b:I i iili.c l visiil innttcr with I . hif'h l!i liiv oIm ire londOl, at tho hnmo i tunc a'.'nm!. tiiiK tho flccrlions of tlio hi it. 'ti'd pi-ni-t ill- u Mnniig tho healthy j iiv ! ii-in of tht- drriiri' i;nni. 1 5;. ij.riviiit or fniIiMlion, Ilead- . o i-.l'.i'si iii ,tii'H)"',if!'ri,('onghi,Ti2ht- in nn of the Clit, Jiszinc-t, Sour Lrtlcta j fi.. n of the filomi.'li, linA Tnlo in tho i Mn.il i, jlMimi'. Atlioks, I'alpitntion of tho ' H'-nrt, fi.llc.n'.niiitiui of tho Iiiinga, Fahi in the rrnioii of tip Ridtilj.", nnd a linn dr."! i.tr-T p.iinful ijinptajt's nro tho off :.nt o: J);sp?M. Ono bottlo Trill p.-"Vi "i b Iter Kimrntfo oi its Tiicrita than :v .i 'ii.' )t iii'r' rtisdiettt. Sirofulii. or fiiltr's IMI, White i ii r"'iii;v, Uli'O", Krrsii.ul'.s, Kivolicd k. fl.'ijir, tjerc'ith its Jnflainmntiona, Jil' !. j!.l!ariiimii(ir", Mor.-urinl Afl'cc ti mi, Oi-1 fio:r, Tniptuiniol tho tikin, S -rf l'.yi", rtc, cti. In these, ns in r.U oNtcr c.'ii'itit(iticiii-, Di'eaacs Walkca'd Ymixaii l.iTril:.-. Ijvo .shown their Rrcst . i- ir.i it l' poaeis irt tio itiost olMtinnto and Hl'i.U''.:l'il i asos, i or liifiiiiiiiinlorv mid Chronic ' Klit'lllililtilll, (hit. l.fiioiii, Itmnittcnt I at, i ii.l.'rmiitri't riviTs, Di onset of tlio L' 1, Iiiv-T, Kidnrn, nnd XJindikr, theso l: : .i i : :.ov" no cir.il. fitch Duonacs are . i i l,y itn ted Jlr.oih . . :,nriici'.l Jiiciis:,j. 1'erpoiia en- '.- . 1 m f.iinia md Ahnrttth--, Biioh n-i 1 , ' i. .no. i . i .,pr-..olt (iilii-bi'.itorn, rjnl : T.r-'is, in tiny .idiiiico h life, aro ntib- ji 1 1 t. p'jr.ilv.n of t.p H.r.t'is. To pnard i. "li.-': ti,..'i, l.t'io t do of Wai.eiui'3 isra .u lliirnw ociaainij-Jh-. j I crSVin IliM'US'M, tVup'tiona, Totter, ,- dr rd.tuni, Dl.-iteU:, hpntn. 1'imple:', j !'.! P.!.1 s Dulls, C'tir'ti :t ., Jiinitirnlliis, r'V"; Ji o.l, hoio 'Y.fw, .lisipi-laa, lich, I tv lincoloiiiiioa of t ti 'Jin, Huinort j i. '.v.-aoi Iiic.r4i,i 'T nhatt'vor naitia or i,,' ire. tiro li'.i'i'ft'if ill j; up ninl carried I ,ut o: i.'i pTisift iiaidoit tinio 1)' tlio I i . i f iiioo J l.u-re. I VI:;, 'Jiijif, sr.d ,1!kt Yr onus, lmk ! i.u,' iti '..if 3;. Mn of Piituiiy tiiounui(li, aro j i t.-'l'.r c .'I'vpi. anJ rcoiovi'd. 'o .'i'i. 'in of i,i vtU'inc, oo'ti rmtfngca, no , i... 1 1, i r.u:i"', v- Ul i.. n .iii; .iaivn; froat 1 v.'i:. ,-. ii.tc th' Bi;,r.i 1 i or i oninio .'trt:r -li:if , in onng l or I i, r.iamud or anyli, ut the. dan of it nii.iu'.iiu 1 or tlu-tun if life, tltcsoTouio i:'..i-s ,.ii'i- ?o .iiilod mi ir,U.ionLV i!. .1 Ili.UioH':, o 1 it pt.'lCJikllllO, .!..i'...ii. "'. I.. .k. . of jaiuulii.e, i-r i.i not (loin ita tii.itr.it nc a lu of tlio tiilo aud l'c ,i. ..ut .llllt ." JC i.. uuri.. II, ti otili BMiil; pll'IUOtO lllO hlTi'tlO, Lulu i.n ri im v .I. Yi::ui. Hi Jltv-.'.'i i. t ;t uifiC it.c li: llii-i purpoio uiiu J'll i'i!.r(il i.ii.ni iirui. iKiihiiuy Ei'l puum, ri luu und it 111). i-vi r yo.i liti.l iih ,i tliioiii It liic ,a;i tt'i J Oi' burta; cifuna ! i . u ",Llt" -'b3"u ' the ifi.'ii; 'ii',iu..i) ' ll'flllu. Mill Tuil li mii'ii it. ii iuiu,jfj l.iuiiheii, Kfcop t.u- .lion ;i,.to, ninl tnu iKultil lit lllO fJhtOlll i It. il. .'Si 11 I.V l)l'lU!Ki.tS I'll Oilllillll.Vuiit tt loliuw. 1.1) .V (,, r.ti iitititiiM'o. Califor UK, HUH O't. llU.lllU,t'lI.lll.Ll Iiutil.'ii , Nuiv kuik. bulil ii all iici.;ii titiil illc'.lli'l'.. Si'Ut, G, "4 - 111, j I a : i i .. - l. - . '1 CZl ti ;? C3 7; - C w CD -.'1 'it f t-l O W iA C'J ct g f ta l v II 7 n c !( h2 II t-."? & .. . , , 2. h I?.M! rtl Ei2 c.ra? i-h 1 gssil -4 r r-3 w K5 li I '11 ' U '-nuivi: iAirii". i' l.A.C t?iClre7aairneC it 41 VWl'. rw OA 1' T.'t tiii.' s rrLi. ..l ! i.."iviiiMirvii3ymni'r . (I.t !&UCTitt.f.M,W y I hiift.,A(i.Ainii'UMittiouia ,riluinsn.Clari'.l"vl !f'V'tiP.'vs.l jillif 'J1.r'i1 'U.,f-rn" VT S.t " -nu 'rr' I '"i.i'ri.i iiuo.1.1 t.i I r fllLlilLil'ln, li rivat'i'. ' i lU,)iu'iiviI'1 to uacilMltli I fvii. ..I.l. V.f.n ..Vl-wir lamitli kt'iiuia C'Lrotnoa. Mte 101), euiiuoiubaucc sou.. RAIL ROAD TIMETABLES. plf I I, A I) K LP II I A AND I! i;A I) I 1 ItAILHOAl). WINTKlt AI'llAXOUMUNT, NOV. (li, 1ST4. fiuixK i nil it rrtrhT i.i inoiTt,(att.'tiATi.xcmiau ror Vnv voifc, HiilnilclMiItt, I'.oaillnt;, 1'oltfiVllle Tamaqtta, e lt,a a, m Vor t Maniiisn, n.tia n. m. ana T,r r. in, i"' r Wlilliijsp"rt,(i,a. in,ntnl t,oilp. in, 'tf; ion hvrnr iriva a rotiowa.t.sVM) it x IKIIIU.) leave New York, ,on n. tn. Ijmii- I'tilltuli li.liln, Mf, a. ta. Vile IVaJltiu, tl.W a. tn,, I'C'ttnUle, U.lop. ra. an I Tinu.,tui, 1,rn p. jn, l. ,iti t alnti,., (!,jn n. ta. at'd J,f.fi p, m. I.c.iip Wini.tinuprtf, v.tna. ui. illnl f,i p. m. Vaw np-rn to ar.it tioia Nnv Uitt ami 1 lillailol plilu so tlirtiujli Uliont i lini'jo ef curt. J, K. WOOIK, Mays, 18T-if, O' Beml fiiperiittcntieiit. CK.MTiAIi 1IAIIAVAY 1 V,F.III .IU l on anj after rfhve!at,tr SHIi. ists. tratnaiilll Icaio SfNilLltYasfollawKi .SOIlTIIW.liUi. Krlo Hall ,vw a. i nrilic tlirara It.M a. m. " t' tmiuLiliu i .. o.M, ji. nt. " hocli'-ter M.i " II Vln'Mr, ,i i.t tl Itenovo aeciimtnoilatlotill.lOa. ta. arrlm VtMuina jior. UA1 p, in. lirilrn M.Ul -l.lf, n. ta arrtie r.ttalra 10.2.1 a, in. uli'alo Ilu't(a r,is a. m, nttlvo li'.irr.-vlo S..W a. in. tOt'THH'Slll). IlnlTaln Kspreis 2.R0 a. in. nrrltn Ilnnlcbiirjt 4.M a. tn " llHlllrnoreF.tu " Kliulra Itall 11.1s a. in., nnliu Ifarrlnliurs 1-ni p. nt. " vrnHiii'tinili.cu " " lmilir.ori'iU'i " " wiishitiiton a.no " irarrlsljiiriraccomraoilatli.n si.w p. m. nt rlvo ll.in- IHU'2 10.5D p. M. artlie naiili.torc S.ia a. m. ' M .i.'.lili.Klnn r.13 " nrloll.tll IJ.M a. in. arrive ftiin IrVtuc .".ir; u. in. " l'HlUtnorc S.4H " " M'.iHhlngtt'li I0.M " All dally except gumlay. 1). JI, "JOVD, ,Tr., (!"neral l'tiRnnscr At eat A. ,J. CA ATT, tJi iicial Malinger PEHNSYf jVANI.' . SAIL ROAD. l'liiltiik'iiih'a & line K. i!. I)iisii:n. ' ylvti:u timi: TAin.n. OV ami nfirr SUNDAY. .NtJYKMH Kit lo.h, tsri, tlio r.altiooii tin: l'iilljlolpWa A l.ile 1MI1 u ..i.l liui.-loti mil tun as riilloffa: VESTWAllI). V A s v I, I n k U'au'S I'lilloilili'lila. ie.r p. in " " " HiutlslMirtf.... f.oi p. m " " " v,'iiiinmiiiiit.. We. p. in " " I'i'k; ilau-ii ib.su p. in " " itrrlieat llanalu ti.w n. u i:iiir. MAIl.Icaies I'lilUil.'Iplila ll.w p. ll:.rjlt,iirff it iltnn.i.rrt I" I: It .in Kt IiUTu . 4.r. ! . , :. , S.t. I. , ll.lut. . t-tv. p. , 8.ooa. . l.sr. p. , O.VIi'. " " nrr nt Krle KLJtlRA MAlt.lcaies l'l,lli..;tlplil.i " ' Hnrrl.-lur.; " " " Wl.lJiapvnt " " tirr. .it Uick Itima 7.31 p. til. LOCK II.'.VEK ACCOM. Iea;.j Ilonlsi uru H.15a. " " " " l im.itnn;i.)rt..M p. " " " " loci; llari.ul.lu p. EASTViAlll). I'l.'U KTCVjinsa Itaics Uck Haven... . mo a. ra. " V.iillaiarpcrt... tirriU'S.-.t lii,inUit ' riiliaaelpl.la .. 7.M a. in. l'.'.ii' a. in. . t. lra. in. r.rmiJIAlI. leaves Uric " " " ItciiOin " " I k I'.Ttit " " " Wilitntii. port ' " tirr. at U nil.ilniik- " " air at fMlaaelniila . 1 l.'-O n. ra. ,. P.vr. p. i a . I. Ill 1 U.Mj J . Ill . '.'.30 It. Ill ,au u. in F.LMIIiA JIAlLloaYBaLock- iUien O.t'a. tn. " Wlllamport " Mini iir,- nrr. atllarr 'ti'tir .li 10 a. in .12 n p. in . li Ril. nt ., !.' p. m ,. 9.0 a. m " " arr. at 1'lill'k.li'li itia NTAOAtXt ESlTlKSBltaVMKanj . " " " HlMlftT.1 4.CI1 . ni " " " imk- iiaviit racr in " " wiiiiutr.tspi it. i'..' i m " " Mllillll- .... f,4Bp m " ' rrr. i i litri't l.'tr? lctap. la " " " t'lillaUul. nla. ,5Jll. nt M-Hl r.it rviniifxit'! rast rt.J nest I'lHrl.i nll.li I. P. . t. li. 11 . Hint at Irvli: jtuii ii-iili till t't'iv t tr.il illi gl.-aj II. I!. IV. Ms l itr-t tilth e.istan 1 wi-st trains i-.n l, s, A It. S t. W. ..filial lorry aul 'tvlactou i.UU 1.11 cruet .u.il Ali't;i u) 1 n. ii. iv . rjialra Vail nt il luiiTaJ.'i I'vproMtmalrn clone cm ncul'jr.1 nt illliLitiniiriit ..111! ". it, W. tl'i'lu itti, .mil at ii-ril,!iiii-y '!t!i N. c. It. v, irr.lii kUUtll, VM. A Ji.U.DWfM, Jsn. .'75-if i.i'i.tralSnpl ''--..-.-i-ijfl. JrVtWrUtr.1..,..IM l'"UIX' "nUrn'.i t'Sfi : li"."., piijlii'ln f.dviu to at'.; i"ruiiti 1, ...i n 1 1 i.tji't.ivi.. um Hkifi W-'MY, f. ui t (''a i "f r ataai'o lujjiuiarj iat, I1E. V. 1 1 UOI'T IMI M.d. COMJi'.i'ri pAPiin-l', Brv.inin vrAa! Tn 13 (.'dun i in Gi-:tm:.u.v. r03TA02 -ffi F03 137s. Tn Cut -.tki Oriiioiv lp,iHhliO(l Wcfklt sa tllcM'ulllliK t.'IIU., rrll u!i ( ti ll'llt In mlvatiCo : im: i oi'V, ' hi' nnr. lm i I'ucn i ones 1", l il'ii ,iiHltl"iiiil dpi f.,r tii .ii'jr fi.-H lu t!jD i-cinii-r of ih.i lull. it.. ..., i. iiri nn ml'llilonilcuiiy for tnu i r f iv lu lli. rii,lfr 1 1 tl v luu. Tuh coriTKT . 1 1 km:, piK-J'-Jts an iinc'iliaK-d Corp.-, nt i'"rri -ui.iniriii ., ri'u-iihr unit "Ci uM..n:il, inn ti, k'ni i''fc-,t V-Wki i,i ail p iris of tut' omikry, utile in nil.- r.-H .la tin ru, tltul I'.'nUltlon nmi I r.urK. of tltu li'ir.tjjuiltj if i very sivtluli oftlio I'l.lfil Matv. u'l I'lvlilii'il w.irn. in. cotirinr r.EsnaMAsi (,'Uunln lis Hiikiicii. i ni, nn laTsc-TuioutluuA twliii ef lurnrrsa- II 'ii uivl liusrefctli ii-., I'quM "r nap"rlir lu I lie at'ure mite to ni'ht lobt .ti.cil tr. tli moiittuj umai'iuof If Il.irit lli,4!ll". Ilflut'-O I'i llutuiU'uie. 'rue I'uiH.ki ua.iiumih Las prooilily done aa ninrliasy'l .itiifr J'.iiri.i,o comufueil, tulntrodiii'n Mid ilU-i iiiliuttu l.jii.in en hnnk of cvi'ry kind turn' f;lt tlm ciiiinlrj : nn.l ciiiiiiiiU.il.';, uianreutcr ilSr) lliiitiniir is.utf iupi rury, tlio cuumii'tice and s'tpimi t of iTii'dersiijirt purcli:Lsers. 'fur encNTur OesTi.kiS c.utulns uniisuiJI) full and trustworthy :4iwt IturoitTii, KiiaUcoU'?spi. i'i il uitctill'in to itii'iu und to tae ITOMitcla of tliu crop-s, icstlirimltis ll.-ul upon inn of Uir most lin liutliuit of nil ipn, sin lib-Win n to buy uml tbuilu InH'll. Tits I'nt'HTHT UjKTiiyiu eiahrari'8 nuiii'ruin minor di'purtuii nt. uf .i or. tlosl elir.'ter, tuclini lu'.r. v- l'oultrj-lM,tii'" Aluri tlio Vlnivanl Aitdsuion .iul wfcj pri- nta coIiulb ortiifir Hid Mtiu-tvtlfc .1 n lilfrrstliiL' -rlit.f uf Mi eMail Itrudln,- It ctibtalM .well U'dti'd UmvIpti orciii--rml KmitH. H'lli. rt'itttkifliii paej rurnlMi a ill rit ir if sll tu "rtuili'iln;rl''ilcjriil and liorUcul-tui-t i'l:il.l-ti!riiL a Itr ioui.tr. f-ims' iitk im Art'lr- thcr 'JTntilt r fi. "Vjr, I'ublishcra Albatif, Xf. V. yuv. e. '7? 4t. i'Vr i.ulili-!.' d a mw tdiltoii nf Dr. (VI,' l'i:ii.,.I.!.i.,".i'o;ibi,tiiii."jv on tfcr r..dll cvr (ivliluut nuKlleliic) of Spent .ton I co ' 'i-.,, t.r ".iiiU.il iii .sou, iiimi',11,1'. ixi . St:'''! ii laul e 'lw'.-, loipotiimy Mnmi,thni ny.i..'ul luikp aty, liii,iuii.iiits ij MariUi'i", etc.i uli ouk.iuij tiuu, rpllqay, uad Ht linluceU lij KilMnduli'unce o. mxlual jxiuvc2.1r.cu I III i. Ac iOWe, in a iiiW umhpr, only ix unit. ' f i 'K'tiratml j dli ,r, L lit' i ndmlmlilii eiY '. 'p ileinoii-lr.il'' fi .1 t lilny j uar'.1 AUdf mrt i ' 14. W.ut tha i.l. nn Iir; I'liUbi'iiUfU-tv of mlr i'i-. may l-la'Uialli' t'uin.i -tUuul lluiilmiraini " of l.'itoi'i'til ucilliluj nt llm appUiitJon if ttu life: p' lutluy cat :i n.mli if wno u cnee (.lii j'u e t.'lu.i'ii'l I'ftortiiiil In- nu'.t.'.if nUMi eiiij n.t r -' it. ii'' u.Btt. -r v im bis cut tuii'irrnuv lu, maj cur hi, .ai'K etii'i'Plt pdii l, and radldHv. rrit. Ietii " ilw.ild li in tin, u.cJhoI oviy . ) 'i li und evoi-j ikuii II II'.. i li.i.d. S"nt utalcr kutl, luu plali' I'livcloii. Kiuiyar. druis, u'lt-pald, on nskll't if il Ci Mi, r two 1 1. 1 ktiunps. A!fi, nr. SlLlntili'bKKllL'llV I'olt I'll KH Mi nd for circular, AU JrtWi tuo VuUUliera, ' I. MAS, .1,0. KUNH CO., Ut Bowery, York, pent in.cv Uoi i,f . April ir, H-y I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers