The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 15, 1875, Image 4
m nun SOUTH. e.m l M. U.81 1'. H T.U V. M. width 7,so 1'. M. 11,93 A.M. Knit Itnnil Tlmn UAcUAWAaNA llLOOMWIUlia UAH, nOAI) NORTH. Malt Train i0.j , n K.prcw Train p. m. Accommodation Train a. m. CATAWISSA 11AH, ItOAD, HOtlTll. Accommodation Train A.M. ld'f ulnr Kx tires i.m t v. Tlirontfh cars on Kvprcm train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation twin runs between (.aUwlsju and Ullitaunport. All i.iiliscrlbm should Iwar In mind that printers nro ti ivt -.ompotiiii to pay cash tor cvcry-thlnc they Ufl Hi t ii ir btMuosa and thai tt Is Impossible for them to canv too lndiutdn: as ot a larco number of sub- heiluor-i from year to year, as co.ild formerly bodono when do Ii aneVlt aires wero low and Ions cre-dlls coma renniiy uo ow lined. Kvery subscriber should therefor' h, auro to pay at least onco A year. Tho dato piin.od on tlio paper wltLtthe subscriber's nnme- mow3 tho time to which each his pall. Me vt 111 furnish, the cuuxr (a llnst class four ilol lar magazine. asd tho Uou-MiUANtos-ibscrlbers, both yoataa paid, for rive dollars per year In advance The Ltbv's noon, with the beautiful Chromo "Tho ltescue,. ' and tho CotCMataN, all potatro paid, will bo furnished at per year In advance. tf. jou piuxtisg. Thf ttalcaunlnf cerium jnrliai in llloamiburg limit i nlo sun- JenfrijiUom of Printing tlttnpef Mem r tn be otittu ned it! the OAnmbinn ojfice ii xtnl no 0 ifJtieUitia Ix'.ny yrentl j superior km are en "V. I to d nny work in naprrinr Hijle and fatly as chain at it can lie obtained anwihcrc. iltme and ecc Tho Hcnton Mutual Saving Ettml nml Iian Association lmvo Jeciilcil to tsiuo a second serious of stock nt tliolr next meeting on mo last Tuesday of tills month, Tho money will he sold separately In both scries t six o clock p. m., of that day. Tenons do Blrlng to tnko stock, can enquire of J. J. Mo Henry, tho Treasurer, or K. II. Little, ono of tho Directors. 2-tl! All Goal ulnted and screcnod before lo.iv Ing the old wtnbllahcd coal yard of 0. W. Xiutiifc Uno. 25tf M Ann's prices are down, call and see. New Calicoes. Muslim, Tickings and cheap Dress Goods-received this week at 1VT ifcSil.OAN-,S Hurl's evlobrateil lioots sale at McKlNNHY's. for Mem' wear for Gum Hoots at E, pair warranted, M. Ksonn'a every Cash buys cheap at MAltu'd. A few sets of Ladles' and Gents' Furs yet to be sold ntcost at l.VTA & Si.oaxs. W. II. Ilp.oWN' keeps a fino assortment of Canned rruits and condensed goods. Also, a full assortment of Xutsaud trench Candy and Oranges and Lemons. More New Goods afc. C. Mami's. llev D. J. Waller was very bully Injured j by being thrown from a sleigh on Monday lat, though Ills physician, Drs. .Turner & Gardner, think not dangerously, i a I, Jennie Carrol, a superior and entertaining actres.1, nnd troupe, will appear at the Opera House, for a few niglitf, commencing on tlio evening of tho ISlli. Sea advertisement. On Wednesday and Thursday silnt and sinner alii, blood upon slippery foundations, if tliey suciwcdcd in standingat all when out of doors, and many a fall and posdble imprecation was tlicresult. There Is sow an elegant foundation for sleighing and all that is wanted to set the bells to gingling is the snow'. H. Gerb ichcr,X. Seybertand A. J. Williams give notice that they will apply to tho Legisla ture to repeal the act laying out a Stale road from I'oundryville, Columbia county, to the pub lic road near Good's school house, in Luzerne county. As the Columbia county and most ex pensive part f the road b:i9 been made, and al so n large portion of that in Luzerne, it is theer folly to ask a repeal now. when ks than SoOO will complete it. Over$l,000 lias been expend ed upon it by Columbia county people, which would be a clear waste if tlio smalt' balance of the road is not made. The people in inteicst had better attend to the matter. D13ATH OF CUAItLES CONNER, ESQ. Charles Connir, Esq., a well known and uni versally respected citiatns of Columbia county, died at his residence in Oransevillc, on Satur day evening lust. Although long in feeble health (and several times in a very critical condition) he seemed much better during the paat slimmer, and his death at th'u time waj unexpected. He was upward of 50 years of age. In early life, Mr. Conner was elected Itegister and Reorder of Columbia county, then embrac ing Montour, the duties of which place he dis charged with marked ability and promptness. About 20 years ago ho was appointed to a posi tion in the Auditor General's office, at Harris kurg, by Gen. Banks. He held this many years, and discharged his duties with such ability and integrity that he commanded tl e kijbest regard mid confidence of all the heads of Department at Harrisburg, the Legilatures and all others witli whom he came in business contact. Ke tiring from this position he took up his risi dence with a sister in Orangeville, though ho spent much of his time with friends in litoonn burg. Lait fall he was the choice of a largo portion of his party for member of the Legisla ture, and was defeated only by an accidental majority of two er three votes in convention. As Hated in the beginning of this brief notice, lie was well known and universally rtsp.-eted. A ioral and upright man, his integrity was doubt ed by none. Quiet and ino(fenive he was with out enemies, though he was a man of firm and decided opinions and actions. He never mar ried, and, we arc informed, leaves tha bulk of his cidalo to be equally divided between the sis ter with whom he lived and the Kpiscopal Church, mo-t of th latter part going to the con gregation at Harri-burg. He was bujied on Wednesday in the burial ground of the Epbco pal Church at llloomsburg. His funeral was very largely attended. Judge Elwcll is ids execu tor. WANTED. An Upright Steam Jloilcr, with or without eiigine,from 5 to 8 horse-power. Mui-t be in perfect order. Addrei-s, (Citing price delivered, manufacturer's name and ttyle, "PmsTON teiMLT," I'ittston, Pa. nOO lit in lilootnsburg, for Men's Calf llocU at E. M. lvNomi's for JO.00. The newest nnd latest styles of Gas Fix tures aro at Kom.inS et llui.Mr.V. Call mid sco them. Also see their stock of 5tovc before buying elsewhere. Ileal Hair Switches at M.inn's. Ladles and Gentlemen's Rubbers tit K. M. Kxortn'a. W. 11. llnow.v has Salt by the barrel and by tho sack. Flour, Feed and Xcw Huck wheat for sale w holesale and retail. Country Produco taken in cxchaiv-o for Goods. A new lot of Paper Hags, of Superior quality, printed both for 'Buckwheat and Family Flour, jmt received and for saloat the Coi.Umhian office. tf ' Yoti'h's $1.70. Hoots at E. M. Knsrp.'s for Hoi.mnh A JIoi.Mia sell the Argan llase Heating Stove, from which all ntiticliuker stoves nru derived. i u i . Town orders taken bv C. W Xkal & lino, in exchange lor coal. . '2Mi Received u fine lot of good Singing Canar ies at A. Sol,u:i)i;i;'ij. Go to C C. Maiiu's for New Calicoes. If you want a good Hani, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Coll'ee Java or Uio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want the best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for tho leiw-t money, If you want the best Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If you want irood Tobacco. If you want anything in tho Grocery and rrovision line, go to iiimsems, jiain street, tf-2j Gents Over Gaiters at E. M. Knoku's. W. II. Biiown keeps the most complete and linest aortment ol Uroccries that can he purchased in market. Ilis Groceries are fresh and are selectesl from ilrst importers' hands. His prices are low. as ho has purchas ed his goods at bottom figures to suit the times. ?5.50 will buy a nice pair of Ladies Gai ters at Jl.KNOltlt'S. Just received, a new lot of first class Hem lock and Oak bolu Leather lor sale cheap for cash by A. Sollkiikii. COAL. ' COAL Obi r.stb'isli(Ml Coal Yard. C. W. N'i:ai, A ltuo., Wholesale A Retail Dealers in nil sizes of the best qualities of Red mid White Ash Coal, at the very lowest innrL'pf rittns. llavnconstaiitlvon hand liircn . . -- - . stocks of "r Domeatie, Cii)ola, Ulaeksmith's Anthracite, Iiitumiiioiis, and Limeburner's Coal. Especial attention given to the prepara tion nf coal before leaving our jrd. Grain and Lumber taken in exuliaffeo for coal. Coal delivered to any part ofRlio town at nhort notice. Orders lelt at I. W. McICelvy's store, or at our office, will receive prompt at tention. Qllice and Yards at William Seal & Sons' Furnace, East llloomsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7 t'f 25 COAL. THE COLUBIBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COWrYJJJ Ladici and Gctits Buckle Arctic at E. M. Knoup.'s. firm organized ot the ivuoicsaie motion New tho transaction Business. Styls nf firm WagonsTI.lek eV Co. I)Catiou, Second Floor of J. 11. Maize's Building, opposite Brown's Hotel. They propose furnishing tu the trade auy immls in tlu-ir lino at city nriccs. Will run a wagon through this and tho P""- adjoining counties lor tho accommouauon oi country merchants. TOWN AND COUNTRY. Scn rises T o'clock CI minutes s.cis 4 o'clock 5 minutes. o Moos sets 8 o'clock 11 minutes, a. m. - o Gold Is now quoted at a premium of about 1.12 In other words green backs are is per cent, below ew lot of Overcoats at Yocum's, in k m's Drug Store, Main street, Blooms bu. in great variety and at prices to suit tho uics. Dusk Mobtcusks for sale cheap at the CoumnnN office. Paver IUgj Just received and tor sole at the C'o- lcmbusi ofllce. Hunk Dseds, oa Parchment and linen paper, com- mou and for Administrators, Kxecutors and Trustees, for bale cheap at the t,., cmciin office. o Iiiasi: N0TE3 with or without exemption, for sale at tua Columbian omce. Attoknets, Justices of the Peace and constables will nnd a general supply ot Illanlo at low rales at tha L'OLUueiAN office. Mauisuoe CaiiTiFiCATKSjust printed and forale at the CoixuBiAS ofitee. iltulsters of the Gospel and Justices should supply thcu?clvc4 ntthtliese neces- bary artlcluu. o Justices an 1 constables' rcc-HUs for salilntth Coi.i'JiuiAN office. They contain tha corrected fees OBSTACLES TOMAlintAUK. Happy relief for young men from the enacts of Kr- rors and Abuses In early lite, Manhood ltestored. lmpedlmeats to Marrlaso removed New and re inarkablo remddles. llooVs oml circulars tent fre n sealed envelopes. Address, HOW Altl) ASSOCIA TION, No, J South Nlntli stretl, Philadelphia, l'a, an Institution havlnj a high reputation for honorable conduct nnd professional sVlll. Nov, 7, 1813 ly. SCltCSCK'S JtANDIIAKn 1'ILM Will b? oiii 1 1 1 pjn ens those nualltle!-necessary totho eradication of nil billions attacks, prompt to start the sccre Hons of tho liver, alidgho a healthy loue to the entlro syslem. Indeed Ms no ordinary dlsroery In tneiHeat teleneo to liavo n ented n rein edy for these ituliborn complaliits,whlih develeip tAl the ri-sulls produced by a licrete fore free use ot cal- otn '1, a mineral Justly dfraded by mankind, and ae knowlcdg.M to tie destructive In lhcctremoto the hum in system, 'lhat ihi proportls of certain vege tables comprise nil the virtues ot ealerael without Its Injurious tendencies, is now an muilttrd fact, ren- di'fed Indisputable by silnllila researches and those who ur Uo Mandrake 1111s will bo fully katU tied llut the best MrdlclLes re tlioe provided by aatjrotu the commou herbs aid roots ot the fields, These pills opea the bowels sad eorrectall lllllous derongeoiont without mutation or inj ot tho Inju rlous etrects ot e,d mel or other poisons. Tlio sccrc tlon of bile Is promoted by these pills, as will be seen by tho altered color ot t hs stools, nnd disappearing of the sallow complexion and eleanslng ot the tongue, Ample dlrccttosa foruv accompany each boxot pllU. I'reptred only by .1. II. Selifnek ftSon, fit their ofllce, corner sixth and Aroh streets, t'hlla- delphla, and for sale by ail drugghls and deal'rs. Price 23 cents per box. o- JIANHooi) itnsTonxn.-ATirilRiot youthful im piudence, o.iuslng perinaturo docsy, nertous debil ity, etc., hatlDg tried lu valnewy known remsdy, hss found a slmilo self-cure, which ho 111 send tree to his fellow-suaerers. AdiUess J. II. Iteevcs, ' NassA'.t St., New Torx. July 3,'U -sm e n. r. KUNi:ni.'.s ntrrnn wine op ikon has never been known to fall In the euro of weakness, attended with symp'Dins; indisposition to exer tion ; loss ot memory i difficulty of breathing ! gener al wcalnoiss horror ot disease i weiiknertouitromb- llngi drcsJtul horror of death! night sweats! cold feetj weakness; dlianess ot vUlon; langmr ; unUer sal lassitude of tho taiisciilar system ; eaormous up petite with dysp-ptle symptomshot hands i lushing of tho bodrj drynes of tho skins pallid counte nance and eruption of the, purlfj log tlio blood, pain lu tlii-hack, ot tho eyelids, frequent bl.icV sjwts Hying before tho ejes with temporary suffusion and loss ot sight, wantot attention, etc, Theao symtoms all arise from a weakness, nnd to remedy that use K, F. Kunklo's Hitter Wine of Iron. It n-ver falls. Thousands aro now enjoying bealtll who h.u e used It. Tako only K. r. Kunkle's. Uewaro of caunterfelts and bxo ImlUtlonl. As Kunkel's Illttos Ulue of iron Is so well know n all or er tho country, druggists themselves make an Imita tion and try to palm It off on their customers, when they call for Kunkel's nttter Wine of Iron. Kunkel's Hitter Wlno ot Iron Is put up only In $1 bottles aad has a yellow wrapper nicely put on the outside with the proprietor's photograph on tae wrapper of each bottle. Aiwa) a look for tho photo graph on the outside, and you will nlwajs bo suro to get tho genuine. $1 per bottle or sK for f.5 dollars. Sold by druggists aad dealers ejeryw here. TAn: woii.M HKMovni) amvj;. Head and all complctcln two hours. No fee till head passes. t,u it, I'm nad Stomach Worms remov ed by Dr. Kcskri, 259 Noith Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sond for circular. Tor rcmoln,'all ordinary worms, call on your druggist and get a bottle- of KC.NKEL'S V OR)l M'MT 1'flOl', f I. 0 ItKLIAllI.K TESTIMONY. It cannot be reasonably supposed that when a per son tcstllles to the cfllcacy of a remedy whose bene II ts bo has experienced, Ithout solicitation, that ho docs so for tho purpose of misleading the public, or froia any other uotlvo than of gratitude. It Is still more unreasonable to suppose that eminent physi cians would corroborate the ot Idenee thus git e a un less they were persuaded of its truth. Tlio proprie tors lit Hostctter's Stomach Bltter.saro constantly In the receipt of toluntary testimonials acknowledging tho curative and preventive poteacy of this beneil- cent tonic and correct Ite, emanating not only from tlioso who have felt Its lulluence, but also from well know n mt-mlier.s of the medical profession, both here and abroad, who hata witnessed Its effects, and pre scribed It In their prltato practice-. In the teco ot etldi-ucens this, to nldeh tho widest publicity has repeatedly been given, lu would bi absurd to nuc tlun tho medicinal vlrtuesof the I'.ltt'rs. Skepticism upon this point was long ago disarmed, and they aro t Mlay as much respected und far more widely kaown than many ot tho official remedies whioh Us uro conspicuously In the pharmacopoeia. They are uultcisully recognized to be tho supreme remedy for Intermittent, and remittent fsvers, dytpepski, liver complaint, general dettllty, illsordens of tnjbowcU ana u?itousne;s, as wen as a means or rortiryuis the system against malaiioirs lnlluoiices andthuio which operate Injuriously uiion the seniltlve organs. Whether used its a remedy for actual dlras", as a means of building up the broken iloitn phytlfpie, or ot hastening convalescence, they aro never to tn vain, and they often restored complete health who prescribed remedies cannot even initiate Its ro cotery. -A Schknck's I'ruioNio hvBCr, Sk e Weed Tonic, ash Maniiuaib PiLiJ!. Iheso dosirve lly celebrated and popular medicines hat o effected a revolution lu tlio healing art, and proved tlio fallacy of so- eralinsi- mis which hato for many ) ears obstructed the pro gress of medical science. '1 ho falso 6upp Itlon that "Censuisptlon 1-s Incurable" deterred phtsU-ans from attempting to llnd remedies for that disease, and pa tients anilcted with it reconciled themselves toileath without nuklcj; an effort to e-scapo from a doom which taey supposed to bo un.ivoM.iblu. ItLsuow proved, howeeer, luat Coxscmitios cxi cauciiKii, and that it has uses cured lu a very great nuuber of cases (some ot tk'ni apparently d-speiate ones) by Schc-uch's Pulmonic syrup alonoj and In other cs by the amo medlclao In connection with Schi-nck's Sea Weed Toalo and M.iudraks Pills, ono or both, uecordlug to tho nvuilrements of the cas". Dr. Schenck himself, wbounJi)ed unlulcrrupted good health for mote than forty years, w.issuppi scd, at one tlaio to be at the very gate cf d"aUi, ldsphy- slclans luitag proaouueed Ids case hopeless, und abandoned hint tu his fate. Ilevcas cured by tho aforesaid medicine-, and, slneo his recovery, many thousands slintlaily atlccted hate used Hr. Sehcnck's prepaintlojis with the same rem-irkable s'lcee-ss. Kull dlre-clloas Ita e-.-uh, boltlo making It not ab solutely necessary to personally see Dr. Schencl; un less patients Lsh their lungs examined, and for Ihlj pur)oso ho Is profi-ssloually at his principal office, Corner and Areli his., Philadelphia, otery Monday, wheronlllettersfuradtleomustbu address cd. Sclicnck's medicines are sold by all druggists. 2-lm. o- good faltli toward ticket holders, we pledge oursslvcs to refund to any ticket holder his money, upo pres entation ot his ticket, should Hie- drawlug fait to como on at Iho day now llxod. 'llio past, wo feci as surcd, will bo siirriclcnt guarniiten.lonll Interested mat tuey still no iniris anuiui'tiy ueaii wiui. inn money paid f nickels Is sacredly prcserted against all contingencies until after tho payment t the gifts, after w hltli the ctpenses are to bo reimbursed and tho Public IJbrnry Is to tie Its profits. tiios. u. mi asi burnt, Agent and Mnnagcr. Icisviu.w, Ut, Nov, s, 1sT4. Marriages. On tho lib Inst." at tho reslJence otlho bride's parents, by llev, 11. C. lionets, Mr. WILLIAM VINNKGII, of Sanbury, to Miss LUNA ALLAUACJll, of (ffangetlllo. on tho iitli Inst, by llev. F, Oearlinrt, Mr. JOSliPit W. HUPP, of Columbia county, to MIssHAHAH M. ritA.NKI.lS', of Luierno county. Deaths. laMtailn township, colamt la county, on tho JtU Inst. ISAAC Kt tlllNi:, oldest son ot Uriah and Klli.v btU Andreas, aged r, years and 35 days. Two llttlo hands wero folded, Upon thy lifeless breast, And lu the grate aj onrly, Wo laid thee down to rest. Wo'll miss then very often, Thy voh-o we cannot hear, Nor sound of llttlo footsteps, '1 hat seemed to us so dear. 1 want to be nn nngel, Wo often heard thee sny, And soon the lird did talo thoe, 1'rom us with them to stay. Thou'rt gono to Heaven Isa, Ant freo from pain und caro, And If tte love our Jatlour, We'll meet and know thco there. K. 0n the Jthlnst. at Centcrtllle, DAHTIIA ANN, daughter of Peter and Ellen Iloon, aged 7 months nnd 14 days. In Kspy, Scott township, December 51th, 197-1, 1,11 r- Tin S. daughter ct Samuel and Mortha McKaraey, aged 2 ) ears, 4 moiths und IT days. In Espy, January fta, 1S7S, Mr, ANDUCWS.OWKN, aged 13 year-, 2 tnnnths and so days. 10. Sf. KNORR'S BOOT d SHOES! BLOOMsr.uiia, thnwa, T?! E.ATKST XX O BEST, KVKHY VAHIETT FOU WOHES XXBi I'ESILKitll.V. Pools nnd Shoes ot every st)le, liood to walk with muy a mllo. callers, slippers, Ilalmorali, Just tho thin for prlty gals, lioots and shoes for boys and men, lleaty put o nhea ltalny weather Is about, Or If you go to fMi for trout, lighter lioots for Suaday wear, or for a ounj taan hufltlngifcitr, Eoot nnd shoes to suit the trade, Made to order, or ready made i New oies made or old ones mended, Thus thu Poet's eong 13 ended. Largo variety of Boots and Shoes for Fall ami Winter Trade. Now Goods. BAltCiINS! BAUGAIKS 1 1 BAROAIXSM! OUlt MOTTO: Siual! PioUtv itn.i qulcli Snlcs woiti: MADr. to, nv tiik iik-st work- MUX AND OCT OP TIIIUILST MA1XHIAL. ih'irc nf tht I'tiblic l'alronagt is toliclteJ 8STGIVE US A TBIALl-Qa Sept. IS, T4-tf. E. M. KNOltft. IJAXAH HAG-SNBUGH DIlALKIt IN STOVES & TINWARE, BLOOMSBUKG, l'EXX'A., Has tho pleasure of Introducing to the Publla a xicw jxd surmuou COOKING STOVE, THE ECLIPSE," A new nnd beautiful Stove, for wood or coal. He al so ki "Us u.n-.t.mlly on band a lrga und vailed assortment vi uiue-r Uim l 1.0 wnrrieel and annoveel with tiol only a poor quality of Coal but dirty unci tdulv lvi-sliln. butbuv of 0. W. KlUL tt BllO. who deal onlv iu tho best qualities. 23tf ill Kinlitipr lmj an immense storo of Con fectionery in great variety, Nut, Candies, &.c., L!lld I'nr Cl.rlitiil-H and Xl-W VeUr's Ilil'tS. to tt'llie'll lio calls tlio sticcial uttenlioli of tlio public. Central Kspreu liavo a second hand V a on tu sell, having 110 further use for it. Their business havinir so 1r.rc.1tly inereaaed, bo sold uheap. Iliquiru of Movillt I asostablUhed by tholast Aetol the Leglblaturo uiv C001CIXG STOVLS, PAHLOlt ST0V1CS, I BOX WHAU in gnat variety, TIN W A KB, .tc., Ac., eU-, tt hlch ho tt 111 dlsposo cf at tho lowest rates for cash or upproved credit on short time. Allurlleles ttar-ranle-d as reprusc-utcd. lie respectfully bollclta a snare 01 iiuunu iHiirunage. oct. 3V;4-ly liuoj., agents. uo Hie aubjoct. oava one, Every Justlco and Coustablo should llUfeSEI.I, lias a rplendld lot of Beach Butter, Apple) Butter, Ouinco Butter. Cranberries, KaUlna, Dried Currants, IVaclics, I l'runellas, Com und all klmls 01 Uauuod l-rult. C'l.llK & W'ul.V liavo a largo and varied assortment of Uuods, iiubnieing all kinds and Btyles, ttbicli they oUer to tlio pu id 10 upon ex ceedingly low terms for cash, 'I hey ask the public to examine- tueir siock nun price". V few set of l'ur.s left (cheap now) tit I. W. IlAUTWAN ri. ro tnut. Having reiilenislied our stock of l'upcr Bjgs, of best quality, tlu-y will besom as low as interior articles aro offered. I'riuted both lor Wheat und Buckwheat Hour. At Columbian olllee. 0. V. Kual & Buo., spare uo cspeuso to end out nice coal. tflC A new Clothintf ritote lias been opened in the room oecuidid by Kit-nil's lrug ejtore, Mulii street below .Market, Blooiiisburg, where ull kindsof gefitleiiieii' Clothing may bo obtained at tlio lowest cusli prices by UANILL YOCtlM. tl. Now for I. W. IIaktman'h White Dijhes, 1 1.00 per set. It o trust. Koi.i.inh & lioi.Mia have just received a large stock ot Uas Fixtures. Call und ace tketn. To thu ruiiLic Go to W. II. BnoWN and get one pound boatTe-uiu market, put up iu a bcautitul JapanuesJ Uilt Cuuul.lcr, fur out UUlw. It Is ustleHB to attempt to cleansoa stream while tho fountain Is Impure. Dyspepsia, complaints of the liver or ktndne) s, eruptions ot the skin, scrofula, Ueadachon, and all diseases arlilui from Impure blood, aro at onco removed by Dr. Walker's Vtaegar Hitters-, purifier of tha blood, and renovator of the system. H has never been known to fall. 6l-4tv. 0- Tliohugo, drastic, griping, sickening pills, con structed of crude, coaiK) and bulky lugitdlents, arc ast being superseded by Dr. Plerco's Pleasant Pur gative Pellets, or Sugar-coated, Concentrated Itoul and Herbal Juice, Anlt-Iilllous Crauulos-tho "Little OIjux" Cuthartlo or Multum In Purvo I'll) sic, Mod. era Chemical Heleneo enables Dr. I leivo to extract from tlio Julcos of the most valuablo routs and herbs their actlvo medicinal principles, which, when work- ed Into IUHh Pellets orClraiiules.bcnrculy larger tlun mustard seed, render each little I'e-IU t as actlto and powerful as a large pill, ttldlu they aio much moie- palatuulj and pieusam in enee-i. Dr. Ira It. Thujcr, or naconsburg, (diio, writes i "I regard your Pellets as tho bett remedy for tho con ditions for which )ou prescribe them of anything 1 bavu e-vt-r used, so mild and certain lu effect, and leaving tha bowels lu an exttlle-iit condition. It seems to me they inut tako tho place of all other calharllo pills and medicines." lyou At Maeombe-r, druggists, Vermillion, D. T says ; "Wo think they uro pnng to sell like hot caku as scon as tha people get t pj dnted with them and will spoil the pill trade, as tu-jjj that havo used theai like them much better thou largo pills." o"- TIIK CONFESSION OP AN INVALID. I'ubusued as a wahmnu aad for thu benentol VOCNUMKsasiioiiisaa.who suffer from NK11V01S IIEUILITV, I-OSS OP MANHOOD, etc., supplying the laoaus of Mif-cure. Written by one who cured him self after undergoing considerable quackery, and tent tie on receiving a post-paid directed envoloiic BuBerera are invited 10 address Uw author, NATUAN1KL MAYPAIK, Jtar, , ni-tia Hoi 1M, Brooklyn, M. r. Demociatlo voters In Iho evaiinty. It gives advertise- ment-s a tasty display, that makes them uttractlto to Its patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty that they will peruse them. Whllo Its circulation is un doubtedly much the largest In tho county, tho ad vertlslng rates of tbo Coi.v-iiuian are no higher than those of other papers with barely half and several not one-fourth tho number of subsci Ibcrs. Facts llko these speak forthe-mseltes. No shrewd business man will neglect to Insert Ids adtertlsemcnt In Ilia COtL'UCIAW. tf o- T1IC 11EST PltlNTINO OPPICPJ. Iho present Is a good opportunity to remind tho friends ot the paper, aad tlio public generally, that tho Coecauiis Job Ph.ntisu omen has no superior tn this section, nnd, In homo respects, Is without an equal. During tho Lest year tte hino eompleiel) re newed our l) pes nnd inado largo auditions, and it is 110 ldlu boast lo hay that wo hato now tho best Presses, tlio llest Asfcortmeut of T.tpe, thu Pest Stock of Paper, Curds, Ac, and tho lle-st Wot linen In tho county, Our workmen are spe-i Lilly ad pb-il for their unices, and tte makoltanolutto apt .its gltu our eustiimeis a neat, correct and Rati , fact, i) lob. I 'iuA'1,.'ili'l,':l ? VnT1 Itl'olo' 0" M 0 do not claim tu do work for loss than oii.i-rs, but I i,0',;'r, e iuth tho' buiirliiurs. eni will warrant It to bo us cheap us can bodoue- any-wlu-ro und yield a decent proilt, All who niolu need of Job Printing of any kindPlain or lu Colors will llnd It tulhclr lull rct to give tho cm i-ti 1.1.1s aula!. We luu ecu Land cu-ry tar layer (aids I'oiK-r, Ink, i:nveloi, Tags, Ac., thul U llki ly tubo culled for, andean furnish any quantity or t) loot went; on ehorlu'jitco. binding ta older. tf 0 A CA1ID TO Till: PL'HLIC, 3Xi001VCS3XJ3H,C3- State Normal School. 1 "'HIS Iii'litutlon nlliinls to sluilenls lirep.inng fir the nrofnsslnnnf TIIAdlll.Vil. ntivliKiit. fn. c'ni'tlcs for improvement lu ihe most approvedmcth uiHe.f lnslruetlon, Fortlin accommodation ot students desli-lne- nreiv nratlonfor College1, or for tho business relations ot life, an Academ e- Den.irlinent Is orranlieil. ttlilch affords tho most ample racllltlus for so doing. Ilach course ot study licomplcto In Itself, Sunprloradrahtaires are offered for tntlriipllou In MUSIC ami LANdl AOLS. Fall Session i-ommences Wednesday, August SMli Fall session closes Tuesday, December nad. Spring session commences Wednesday, Dec. 50th. Spring Session closes 'I ut-sday, June mill. SpiltU TiniM commences Wednesday, .March 8lst. ; 0!- Tbo lir.visaTov stwiso ma chine lias fi'tung rapidly Into favor nspostblng the best com nixAiiox cf good qualities, namely) I.iglit ruiuilng.smoolli, Noiseless, llnpld, Durable, Willi perfect Ick Stitch. It Is a Shiiltlo Machine, with Automatic Drop Feed. Design bcautitul and construction U.o very best. IiL Tllr.MS. lioti-i-. Iii livllng Fuel and Washing. FocbDol- IA-m : -r w.-"k. lul", -. o-iii ioi.iiAitiM-r week. In Model school. forty 10 IxD-cotitS pe-r tveek. students nre admitted at nnv time, and tn nnv course of Mutly for tt liiih teey may bo prepared. It Is letter. If possible, to In- present ut tho commenco- uieni ui n lerm, or a session. hciki roracatai-pgue. Applications for admission may be addressed to Dlt. T. L. OI1ISWOI.D, rilaelpal. cor., j. (i. ninnzii. Secretary. ,us. ivn-ly CARPETS ! CARPETS!! S. H. MIS.L33H 8i SON HAVK JUST KKf'KIVKI) and are oflWinr for sail ntverTlotv nrlces one of tho be as- ii incuts of CAHPins ever offesed for udo In tlio town lllooiiisliurg 'Ihey nro all new and of the very lat-st nvie. f-rl -f s v.irv from ceno. ts tl.sO per .ird. tall and sou them. eice. ,4-ir. ROBERT KOAN CABINET MAK! UNDEKTAKEK, Iron Street, Mil ten Main and Third Streets, BLOOMSBUllG, PA. A I.L kinds ot l'lirnitiiru iniidc to order and I broken fsrnltiiri-neatly renalrcd. Tho nualltv una piiecs of bis tvoik will compare with any that can bo rroduml and ho lcsncctfullv solle-lbi a sharo of public pall oinige. Undertaking- Will be carefully and promptly attended to. When called upon durlngniiy hour of the day or night ho ttlllnt onco respond and lay outthndead. When feimilo hell) in suihcnses tstleslrcd lie-u-111 furnish, the same. Ready Made Coffins both of WOOD and Mli-rALLD' WAItll always on 11.111. 1. 11c is also tne tin- sole iroprlttor in blooms burg and surrounding districts for Taylor's Patent Corpse Preserver By which a corpse may bn surelv and carefully pre served lu Ice for uuy desirable length of lime, 'iho moor tlio rrc setter may bo obtained from 111111111 auy time. Semfs, Muouds, (",.oti'S miJ A-oiirning for Doors fiii-nl-lii d ttln-n n-mursted. Also, llllAUSI; and coNviiyANci:'- rurnW.-d ESS'lttmeiiiber lie in a llninlar Undertaker and thoroughly utlJerttumlt his business, lie u-i'l not be mulenold by am in llnnriiburii or in the county. BUBIUIT 110AN. Dee. 11, "74 ly GLAZING AND PAPERING, TP TM. V. IIODIXI-:. Iron Strbct below sec- ouu. uiooinbiiurir. i-a.. is nrciurcu to uo is kiuus 01 PAINTIKO, OLAiINO, nnd In tho beat styles, notice. PAPEIt nt lowest pi lecs, and ut short Parties having such work to do v, 11 tuvo money by aiung on nun. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Order solicited wm. v. bodim; Mar. e, 'ri-ly. BOOMSBUEG-- VALUABLE PRO PERT V IfOllSALE. MMIK Subicrilicr olli-rs at I'rivatc Sale, on ac X commodatlug terms, a VALUABLE FAIt.M, situate In Montour township, Coluinl.l 1 County, Pa., lulllg TWO IIl'.Sl)lti;i) ulldMlVKNTV-l-lVU 11 in w nolo or nit iiio it as toiiott s: buildings, roiitulnlnir about niu bundled and u-n acres, onu tract wlllunit 11111111111'.'; containing about 0110 hundred und Iltleen iicies noiu lues., 11-aus uro muiiy iieurt-'i i.uiei, wiui sur nHcr.t wood land tor farm and building purpnscs -and vim tract of Wood LANDeontulnliigabuut liny aeri-h. inoiioovis jiropeuy win i,osuiiin wiiiiihoi asabotu ultlJi-d. Iu either casotho terms ttllllw made t-sis)-oin-l'.alf or ttto-thlrdsof thu puiihase fi.oni-y can iTinuui 111 1110 piois-riy loru sttiiioeroi teui's, heeitied lo lUindsand Ntnriitu.o-. Ir.tei-eiston Uil- money so hi -o und tu l) paid annually. ThosU wbhlng to puie-liasn will apply to V, m. M;.L. l.iouuisouiif, lietv, ,t -2U1 QOOD AGENTS ADDltKSS, WANTED llEtiisnros No. 1 Mnchlnr family use, In ll. Tiunnv or trs BXtsruKcr, has met v I A more lurin isckkasr op 11 orsttxj tins AST JUC1IIN TIIF. MiBKET. llBMiNuroit Ho. 1 Nachln uanci'Actciiino and ftinllyfu ready for delivery only tit June, 1ST4), for range, pert tlon, ami v a r I c t ot w 0 f k withoutarlval In famtT) tvoitKsiior. llENDERSHOTr'S SEND fOB OinCULA Eeminotou Sevii ffiaine Conpany, Ilion, 11. Y stitA.!Jii orntJES of itKiiiBrvoro.-v coaitMSius. J V.. Itfnilnptnn t: Son, Hemlnloii SrwinK M. Co., licniiiigton Ag'l Co., Dec. W, 'Tl-Jm lip tuiil Ovut- oiil .tiotlioiN fount! to Iiu fiiully. 01- objection able, (IlNcni'tluiIl SEW AN'I) VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS l'LAX 111-U'iIiY ADOl'TBD BY G.W.&J.K.LOCKAilD At their "Works in Blootiisburi', 'orniTlv'ir Iron nn I Manufacturing Wln-re will lu ki-nt cnn.stnnllv u:i li.inil :i largu as lortmunt of Whiec ana -tl ,ts!i .UitJuiultc ;o-.n, von DOJtn-sTic pciipose, and CUl'ULO, BLACKSMITH AND BITUMIX- OUS COAL, nrlces to suit the trade. All rtm unrrtiiiir r.. ired before leaving tho Vanu Also ?low3 ami Threshing Machines, nnd all kinds ot Canting und Machine Work. lM!P.lllt(; nrnmnlH- ittt.iml,.,! tn n-n.,.. ....i.i respectfully solicit the l'itriinagi nf the Public. ('. M.X.J. It. I.OI KAIID. Tiiejunly Kelinble (lift Distribution in llio Country 1 a suonTrosTvoNiiMKvroi'iliK nnuoii-rcohCKKr. As manoger tt tho gift coueerts given In aid ot the public Library tf Kt id mky my tllkn creates tin lmiK.rUnt truitlu behalf of tho Pub'lc library uid the ticket- holders if tho Mill gift ciivt 'Ihe ubllc Library U Ki nlucky ondlllo tle-kei-holdi rs ure Jointly Intel osle-d lu the amount tt the drawing. Tlio larger Uio fund to 1) distributed In gifts the greater will be the kill utt urdi d lo enihlui ky lleki t. holder and tho moie thu amount reallcd byll.ell, brary. To have a full draw lag Is bo manlj.-stly to the Inti-reH f t thou.- Icicichttd il.ut, ratbirtlan liutua fruclloual drawing tu tho Both Inst,, I dts m It due to tho tm'.t conllde-d fn me by tho tl' ket-holders aid tho Publla Ubrary ot Kentucky, that a short n,t p( nement be made lo enable mu to dispose of tho unsold tickets and Lavo a furl drawing, '1 hough the very large amount now In bank would enable us to distribute handsomo gifts, )tt w o should feel dlap- nolnted In this our last conei(, Miould wuw com pelled to make a fractional drawing, hottett-r large. Wq liavo reteived ho very largo a numbt r of letters from all parts it the count r from Ihohe moat large lutcrcstcd, urging a poMiKim ment If all tho tlcu-u bo not bold bv Iho Del h, that, we bs-thtrengllit-ned In our sense cf duty to tho ticket holders und (he pub lic Library, to make tho postponement, Under the circumstances, wo have determined, In tlio Interest of all parties, to postpone tha concert and draw log to Saturday, Fobruar.. ST, wt, at w idcn, tttne the draw. lag will positively take plact, and, as a guaruntaa tt GREENWOOD HLMJNARY- NKXT TBltM BBGLNS Monday, August 3d, 1074. l'or larticuli-ra, Ailelrcss, It. U. WHITACItE, MlLLVH.i.r, I'A, Junto,'!!-! Gran's Ferry Priutiue IdIl Wiris. nom.Nso.v, SausoiaMt, i lUU'Jillada. BLACK AND COLORED 0. E. IIOIUNSON, J, 0. KOUINSOX, JOU.N M. I'JtArr, lat ot II. D. Wttdo & Co. PIIA'iT' ItOiUNION, spruce mmmA MABBIE WOBKS. T. L. UNTOXsT, Proprietor, MAIN HTliLLT, 1IKI.0W JIAIIKLT. Manufacturer of and 'enter in all Kinds of HOMEHTAL MABELKW Wo uso Iho best AJIKUICAN and ITALIAN .Marble Ito has on hand and f urnUhcs tu order MOXUMHNTf, TOMBS, iu:ad,sto.i:s, uitxtj, VAsia, &f, Kvery variety of Jlnrblo cutting neatly executed at (.iu lowosi lu.uke-t pili-us, A ion? nrueltealuMie-rlencit and nersnual attention lo huV.uusH the piuiiile-tti-coullde-iit of git lug hall-tai linn. All unit is by mall promptly ultt-udeii ill. l . e. uujt l. CtfiTA'. 11. Yl'urli diliiercdfrce of eharye."! Aug. SI, Tl-ly. T. L. OL'.NToN, Proprietor. GKO. ATli'IllNC-loXcor Organs and Melodoono Till! 0LDK3T, AND HOST PEIUTCi' IMuituiautoiy in the United States 5 4 0 0 0 Now lu uaii. No other Musical Instrument over Qjotalniul the same popularity. tl-Seud for 1'rloo LUs. Addnns, Not , UUWALO.N. Y BLANKS! BLANKS VDV HA U AT TUB COLUMBIAN OFFICE. est k 2sji p.-oadtvay.'I-ew crk, Anns. , Madison Squire, l v ork, betting Machines, fhlcagii, 2j! xtato M., Hettlnsf Machines utid Arn inv V V llodon, tt .islllli.ion ru, snuuj ; ,10N, A. . Cincinnati. lsi was 4tli St.. Hewlii-' Machines; litica, i2-j(-eiies--e.vr.. witting .u.iuhuii-s. Atlanta, Oa., DeillM's Opera ',ol.jYjrWu?nf ' Vashlngton, I). C.,Ul Seventh St., Sotting .tiie-hl". CHEAT STBIBE ! A. J- READY MAD AND custom mId: Jan. 9, 7l- ly liloomburii', IM. 1SE 3.000.00 T1T 1 r V.IiTJA.33XiB GIFTS I TO 1111 DISTIIIIIUTEI) IX L. D. SINES' 17 1st Jicjului' Monthly EMTE O'i? CLOTHING,1 UK HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST SFY1S, lAN'O EMPI-OrUTUB! BEST WORKitEN J rift l'or flood rift tad Promptness In fllUneCerj therolstliepkx'togo. I Ill-roodt aro fleeted with caro and blai'iUM OWItU will couture favorably with tho ba:I;rts of tho fashlonobl? city Dealer. MB KLEP3 A I.AP.OK STOCK OP, OLOTING BOYS' & OHILDEEN ilJN1 'ioi AND JXTLEMES'S I FUR. WISHING GOOD! At J tonlstdnjly Low Prices. ! A. J. 'AlHS. July 1, WI3-J. JVAY ST(kv OF CLOTUIXq AND opposite cnxm.lL hotel, WlIKIti: may bn found a full stock of firujri, Modi, clnes, Chomleals, Pharmaceutical Preparations Perfumery and Toilet Articles. I Ti:NI)KltSI10TT'H(li:ilMANLINlMI!.iriiasprov. 1 I edtnbti tho best Internal mid external family modlrlno vet offered to tho nubile. Don't fall la tur ono bottlo-only to cents, In lariro bottles. A lUN'DSOMH CIIKOMO picture plvoa lo Jtt iiurcha-ier of n bnttlrt of floral Litrait for Mi Imndki-rchlcf, a delightful pcrfums-only M aaall per bottle. f-lIoltOH WOsTKNIIOLM'.l Celebrated lltiziwt T Pnckel Knives. Itnanrs. nnd Sclnsors. I.vlles a tieiiLs Knives In Ivory, Pearl und swell handles, a titU line. iS box-, MIII.IN'S Ilulrand Whisker Dye, the b"ai jet ouereti. it pro-luces a noaiiiiiui t,io or urown as may uo uosireu uniy .- v nAltl) Itubber and other Trusies lid ."urilitf appliances of the most approved patterns, fro llio most celebrated makers. A complete aortai at very low prices. MPoitTKD niiddomesllc HalrOlK Pomades r. inetlcs Ac. of tho linest uualllr tad tasleo perfumes. Oil. WAItltnx'3 Worm confections. A lafs-mt reliable nreiui-utlon for eanelllmr worms, waa- tantcdtoglvo s.itMaction in all caaoB ssuhuH rm box. Olt tho best five cent Cliars, and Che ehOKS llaranas, cnll at llendersholl's. T I i:N'DKllsilt)Tr (lerman Cattle Powder li wlU I I out ilollbt. tbx lHwf. rnndltlnn nowdfr la V market for Hones, Cows, swlno and jsjuliry Otly , ceins jter pae-Kjgc. 'OH Chapped Hands nnd l'aci", m flljtarlaa L 1 tl-in. Ih-t mnstrlellL-lttfitlnrenratlaB miu ftCnto eel for tho purpose. tan.tvfi-y. HEABQOABTSBS I'OS IP in Paints, Oily, Glass, rutty, Drugs, S'piecs, Patent Medi cines, &c, &a. mm To le drawn M'.mlaij, lbiiiarij 21J, 1S75. Two (iraiiil Cniillal.t of 5.000.00 each in Cash ! One Prize, Sl.000) , . Vo Prizes, 8oOO V 3(11 I 3X11 1 "ive Prizes, $100 J Horso ami llutrgy with 3ilver-mountctl Harness, worth SCUOI Pine Toned Posewood Piano, worth $550! 'HltEU nOIil) WATCHES etOUAIN'8, WOltTIl WOO EACH 1 Tlireo Gold American Utintinx Walchcs, worth fl2-j each 1 Ten Laelies' (Johl llui't'iif: Watches, worth iflOU each 1 1000 Gold and Silver Liver Hunting Watches in alt, wurti .Iron fc-liO to fc.iUU each ! GOLD CHAINS, SILVKIl-WAItU, 4C, AC, XUMU1UI OF GIFTS 7.000 TICKETS LIMITED TO 75.000 AGEKTS WANTKIITO SELL TICKETS. tOWhOm Liberal l'remlums will be paid. Single Tickets tl: felt Tickets 5; Twelvo Tickets 5iu; -iweniy-uto ue-kisizj. Circulars e.intalnlin; u full list of nrlzes. a descrln- tlon of the manner of drattlng;, and other Informa tion In re-feicnco to tho dlitrlUullon, will bo Huutlo any ono orderlne; tue-m. AU l-.-tters must be address ed to Olllee, Excelsior liuilil'if, I-. . HIXV, e,-or. uacoa: nonworiu, no-v m, uie;iAii, v. J.ui. 9, 1ST Ttv "PUBLIC SALE. TS imrMuuieeof nn oiiler of tlio Orphans' Court I of Co utr.bta Colllitv. tho undersluned admlnls. tiator, ie,.of Jacob (lit Inst, latent tho township J .Main lu said county, deceased, tvllleiposo tu publlo salo on the premises, on .SATUKDAY, JANUARY Dili, 1873. commencing nt lo o'clock a. tn,, ot said dav, Uio to! lottlinr desciibed valuablu real estale, lu aJl: All that certain tract ot land situate br the town ship nnd county uforesald buiimled by lands ot James i.iL-ucr, iie-orifu 1 1 Liur, uivi i it-iso unu 1110 rioieu ilraiicli of the SusdUchaiiiM river, uoutaUibii; 17ii Al'RI-M. moro or lesj, 'I hcrt 1 eren U.-d on tho premises a 1'ltA.ME DWHI.I.INa lJOUtiK, in Oiit-lllteheii, a rraino Hank llnrn, airooil Well of V)iiU-r ut dour of luri'lllmr I hum-, u nuoil tppio ireinuii. .tnoni. uno inimire-ii uini limy lu-rus oj he land Is rU-ai-cd nnd lu erood stuto of ciillWatlon, lialaiici- nf land ttoll timbered ttlth chesLnul. oak. AC, and to besnlil subj"ct t) a luortn!;o held by .tirs. i.euiiro I'li-siici now i.u-ut, una iiiiiuuou unu i-l ,'lity-ltt u dollars und iilnet ee-nls und uHo siibicct touloaso u'U'i'ii by said lutostiitu lo Henry i ,11 Unu, h-aMii1.' and di'udsliu said nmiK-ity lohlm furbote-n years fiiuii tlio day of Aplil, A. D. tbll, at Iho yeuily renl of tiiruo, Ti:itS S ill-' H.I.I::-Ti-n n-ir cent, ot one-foiulh of Iho pun-huso iiionoy loLupald on day of s.ili-, tho oiie'-fuiu 111 less tho It u per e-, lit, on cnullrinalloh of sal-,und baluiico In ono year theie-after ttlth Inleivst from CKiillriiiatloii nl-l. i'lirclniser to tako Uiudlurd's iis-osslou 1st of Apill, A. D. si-"'. Piialiaser to pay .Muiiituie-, mc. is, i-iii-ii Aiiuiinisiiiiiur, Gentleraon'a Dreaa Cods i DAVID LOWENllEIiG i Invites attcallon to his larseaeidelegaitock of i Cheap aM FasMonal lotliiiii, at his storo on; i MAIN iElT.ECT, IN THU NEW BCK, llLOOllSDUIta, 1A., whoiBhe hat Just racolved from NawTtaadrhU atlelphla a full assortment ( MEN'S AND BOYS' CLTHING, lnclueUn; Ue tamt fashionable, dibit: and caua-iuuie t i AJOTIlE 11 wu NOTfCR. i lienlif uiven t hat an niuillrallnii III lo madu under thu Ait (f As-ti-rnfilv nr thu e-ouiinoiiweallh of Pennsylvania tnttlli-d "An Act to iro me iur uio iiicnr vr ninu ami lu-autaiiun nt eer- aln i-uriHirutlriis." umipited Am II tit. 1T4 fortliu i-haiti-rof uu lutuadudciii'!ioralljiitubor.illodl'en- bio uau .tssoeiaiiun, - inei cinuae'iei anil onji-e-fc l-l tvldch Is to pr.t ld, crii-t und furiiMi a lull, or biilU able, biilldlmr or bullills'f, In llioluwn-lilii of I'enlre, iur tin) ei-uiiii tiiaiiunii inu i-aiiunn ot liusuillliiry. nr to lease Hiiltablu bullillnu'S for said n:.riii.i. am for tuul purpohu tuiiute, iioswjss und enjoy nil tho llnt-s, oe-ue-iiw unu jiiivne-oo 01 tliu sum uce 01 A se-iui'i. ei, t, . Aiu.L.r.11. ueu. i, 1 1 si. auonioy ror incoriioraiors. TiTANrrit.''n Afil?N7rno to soi.ii it " vviixixaaav auuuiu I'OK Till! 5U3 PHOYItU NT hH K AN!) TKL'ST CO, or I'liiiniii iptiia. OUnANIZI'.l) AND MANAOr.ll IIV IfUIKNDS). Oood risks of any c'asfi sollellod. A very relUblj and isypiitur t-ompany, und easy tosoilui for. An plv piiimplly ly letter to tho IfOAlJ-l Ub't-Il'i;, l-hllu, ui;iin.iT, riUVU, 1 1--S10. "VfOTIfK Is hereby tilvtn that the lilnouis 1 bui-K lias company tt 111 put In sei t Ice plpa and furnish meters lu the eltUcns of ploomsburir for fUM wln-ie tho dlstunie finm Die hi ret t does not uxets-dwifeeti excess ot te fiet will b chnrued at ma iuiuvi uutciiui iie-i n-tte uiuu reiuemuer 1st. kept. II,.-It .....,ee,vtar,. NOTICE. CON3WTLNO Olf I liOX SACK, TRUCK OUM anoJl CLOTH, COATS AND i:AI3TS, OF ALL BOUTS SIZES ANIDLOUS, i lie has also replenished his alre-adf ree stock of, CLOTHS AND 0ASSIli:E3, STniPiD, rwuittn. t AND PLAIN H-m, BIIIHT. QVVA'1'S SOCKS, j 0IOOI.I.AIW, HArfDKKItCIUEiU. (ILOVia-' AND .'spmoEta, FANCY AltTLES. lie hi- constantly on handaUtocui wen scleas- -I cd &j.'ioitiacut ot 1 1 Olotbo nnd YetliugB, which ho U prepared to make u. his into any kind of clothing, un ycry short urtfa ua In Uio beat manner, a his clolldntf li amt to U ear and raat of It Is ot UJinumanufarture-, J OOLl) nVATUHES AI D iliWKLUY, 01' liVUty DDSOltll'l'lON.lfNJJ nd cheap. ma uaoboi- JJS1VU.UV ISNJIT !JIU'AS31tD Ut TUWI-Ue'Jl. I I CAIJ. AU) illCAMINii UUaitSiaAIi ASSOItTt MENTjlf oiot: July l(VMf, Mng, Wn:chtaj Jowl- IVJLOlVUNIlEim. - ? NO'UfJRi An tjt-tlon for aril Directors to w Ho for Iho riitufnjr car nrtii T, ... i... . . Of tBl tl. W. Iiraoi fi , ll.l;6tll llinv tnilliw.m; neu of lb, rt. tv. liraDili loftm-'liT in""" "'uuuf K.UW'.l I!"'.. J. at Jil oe3,Vuri', Dec. SI,1,;4 " TweY.W, MOYEll BRO'S "T7"OUIiD call the atleiilion of the tmhlic f 7 their very l.irsu and wcl selected sRicS f Coods which they oner at the LOWEST MAHKET BATES. 500 boxes Window filass all and qualltls& (Hass for Picture Frames a specialty. IFliilcLciul, Pied Lend, Umhei'8, Litlmrgc, Siennas, Greens Pluea, Yellows, dry nnd in Oil. Uenend Agents tor MONTOUR sLr.TE PAINTS LINSEED, OLIVE, WHALE, OASTOR, and other OILS VAENISII and JAPANS from the best Manufactories. Tbclv Mock of SPICES esce-la any lu this section ot tho Stale Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S FaiMily Medicines. Cone-ial Depot of suppUes for Dr. J. 9. Ayci's rOl'ULAJt MEDICINES. Tba 1'rtacrliJlou Depaitmentls uirdcrtAO chorda el competent l'barmaccutlils. Pliysiciaiiii' Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED WJTJI DEePA'IOIL Colli Spaiiliiig Scila Water. The attention ct country dealers, eipitiaUy Uf tdlid to our stock ct BOTTLED GOODS, SHOES, ALUM, Patent and Propriotary Medicines tx, Our w agon w 111 contlnuo as formerly to make 1(4 usual trips to supply customers. OIL OF GLADNESS, a specmo for Coughs, Cold?, Croup, Punis, Tetter, Pilci) etc., an Internal and t'xtcrmil remedy whc&i leidlus ykr luus aio ntU-.tsd by thousands lu this oil adJOJab.i comilt-i is luienufacturcd liy tboia ii9 unvj4 Ut llie nnJci.d ULLur urueuy or throaga Uuir dtalara, Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, Waat gtaklui uslnsa U biani Hit Unit uaift uul aaiaa ot Uoj'tr Urv'a etiu wcrek -vil nf (jladsi3j(r blown la uo glUaabd tae UjniLau Uilocr JVW cn tho wrapper.,ny YULUAN IROlN Ar0HKS, DANVII.LU, HOSTOUlt COCNTY, PA. 7-IL!,I.M II. LAW, Manufacturer of W'rmialil Hun Pitdjes, liollere, uasholdcr. I-lreprocf llulldliia;, Wruutht Iron l.ooilmr, JtoonLt 1'raiues, l-'looilnj; und Doors, I'arm dales and 1'eni luif, also t ruiiuht Iron I'lnlut', blacks and allklodk ot amllh Wort, Ac, Utpulrs promplly alteaded lo. M, II. Drawing) und Kstlinate 3 supplltd. Julyl,UI3-tf DALTIMOR. E EVE A EA ltlNSTri?TJTE, n UAH J, CHISOUIj u. D Prof es'.er of Itj u and liar DIscw i IrJ thf, 'unlYejiiy ei Md., SunuhON iu Cnuu., rids InHllillKii, fKnWIslied lanaoofllin 1hd. und lluest Utt i-lllue, s lu Uio illy of lirJUwoio. Is Ihia-. ouirlily crpuiiUi-d m.d ntled up ttllli every eunvea. lenco lor the uicliisltutrealment U rti.eius luifa-Un? from I'je and lair lihcases. Kucli imtie-nt has a ihomU-r to himself, anil r. cellos every tilteiitl..ii Ircm sillied nurses, "Hiosurne-on with Ids family re&ldealnlhs Inrtl. tule, a vny ureal ttnti nleneo to the tji k, esriclah thoMopetute-d uimn.tthu can Le yudtud at all tlme'n uud ut a momentit uutle-e. raf'lhosu eterirlnir U lormntlen tlll i.r,iy by letter la JU1A.N J.flllMil.M, M. Ii, ' M'"Kr 15 l-tnnltlln hi, Pallluiore, Aid, IlMl rlMl' SAW1'I;IW WAKIUIS, lailllk' (aublaillon I 1 1 r Ii Jrfilli-.liool, with chrouos. Bind ttaion. ) i- tu, New Dodtord. iitm. itup,