MMtaHMMMHWMWMMMMH r-f'' w AII MAIMJ-SJaw---! THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. -U-t 1 - lie (ftoiumhian BI-OOMSBURG, PA. Aro Onr Lptrlslalors Crntv? I tlirnucrli m.n.n.,,.,.!.,,. ,.. i.ol 111 has been ollcrcd In tlio StatcSenato Hon utimi thmmMln nml a irrnaj wrmiif lltinit Mxcstho Biitatles of cotnity oflbcrs ut Itnndntir ....i cn.f,.i rom 9.100 (tlioAudllon) hi ffiOOOpcrtmium Injury to nil, ntul under our present laws in cjimtiu where tl.o population I over tl.ero Is practically no redress, for If any iiO.MW. In counties having a 1cm rlop'iht party appeal to court the only ellcct uiually lion than 200,000 tho paries are fixed as U to open the very llood-cntci of libel and follow I'K'rlct Mtorner, Ipridiw. .rim, 1 f-. '.l,,r."r. HALF SlIElFr In putting the Amii to urns yesterday morning the tirt was thrown into pi Icll protn'm- "J w" l"u wr aitft wonnB tlicrcloro eomiicllc.l to isstto hull a sheet, or postpone tliis i:nie for Bnvnt'iil ,1,.,.,, nr.. i u nave ciiot'oir tlie iorincr course na mo-a nutia iuctory to our rentiers. Wo will hcrealtor make up the deficiency. The trial ofTilton vs. Reedier Is cult,. on in the -Newark courts. An attorney for I iwaiie a twoiiaysopeningspcech and ....... u... iiv. get tiirougii. ruticut courts nua in iSew York! ( Icls c' (!ourt, Hitf-ier ,f Will liciorcloi of Deals, luiimy 'J'rcasiirrr, ( ovrily ISurvc-or, County Auditors, each, J Cijimiy C'oniinifiioiiers, each, (Vnnly S .liciti.r. - i CViimiy tyvntroller, molly v oroncr, Collidy Ja lor, Total, vituperation, ami few public men have the courage to facu it. Tlio result then Is that nearly all our puhliu men aro more or loss under load (if suspicion, r are regarded as rogues, or am tho victims of prejudice which destroys or weaken (heir iiHcftilness.And the newspapers do not enjoy tlio high character and Influence that they should tlio public losing tho advantage from both classes it should enjoy. A queer feature of libel suits is that as soon as an editor is'liidlctod by a grand jury for libel bo loses all coursco and manhood T hii hill, It will bo seen, not only creates nnJ proceeds to plead the baby act J in other vend new oflk'ers at high salaries, but words, ho did not do It, but some body cl-e ves niot nxtrav.tmiiit nv to iach nml (nn employee) did it without his knowledge. ITV mifl. FiiKHrlnri n i,HnlV 1 1 h il rtll 1 1 ll'O M We do not doubt this is thularver's and not ..... , ... iviimovcr tf.u.uuu in annual s.i ar cs 10 i . n. u. nunuvvi- im.u 11 um M 000 '0,000 1,000. U.OOO. 1.UIW. 3,000. :i,ouo. 1,000. 0. 1,000. 6,00, 2,000. 1,000. 1,000. 12,100. Mrs. Tillottson a wonum rights orator declares that "there is no earthly salvuti.) , for any pcoplo whose women wear pettlwat inntead of pantaloons I" Then Ictus dispc-is with earthly salvation I For the special relief of tho llarrlibur u ainot we have to say that while Judge Kl wcll had nothing to dowitli ttic preparation of the article by (Jeorge K. Llwetl, Ekj., in recard to the eligibility of member of tin Legislature to tlix U. S.Senate.hc concurs in the conclusions arrived at by the author. w President Grant will pretty certainly b impeached when tho new Congress meets, for Ids Louisiana conduct. Though in view of the present constitution of the Senate he couU not probably be convicted, such action by the House is deemed necessary to prevent the President' outrageous action from being quiitcd as a precedent and justification for similar criminal conduct hercalter. Dauial McPherson, of Caledonia, New York, has invented a binding machine which, attached to an ordinary Reaper, binds sheaves of grain, with Jul. 10 anuealed wire, as fast as tho machiuo will cut the standing grain, and in tho most perfect manner. If all this prove true upon further trial, it will be a great convenience and saving t far mers, a? well as their cooks. A Salary Orabbiiig Vice President. The most voracious t.alary grabber in the United fctatcs is Vic President Wilson. Ills salary amounts to $3,000 per venr, ex clusive of cribhage, and yet he is seldom at Washington longer than is required to draw n quarter in advanco and appropriate what ever cur bo found lying round loose that would not render him technically guilty of larceny. It is said that lie even compounds hi boxes of stationery, soap, brushes, &c, and official stamps furnished him by the govcrnmeat, witli tho Clerk of tlio Senate or some other understrapper, yet iu all that he merely represent tho leading characteristic of his party, which has been well defined by Judge Illack as "a organization to commit grand larceny." Wilson was also one of tlio Credit Jlohilier plunderers, but tried to crawl out by implicating his dead wife as the hero of tho transaction so far as ho was coucsrncd I uity officers! In fact tho burden woiild '1 n clownish one and very properly Is t unlitarablo oven In so lariro a coiintv a "over availing. If n publisher or editor .1. .... " ' -.1 1 1 . , ... ... , oluraBin, and Legislators may depend tho "ora nm "'O worK niiiucli, as no rcprc onlelvill not submit to it. 42.000 would ctl to tho public, then he very clearly I 1. - I 1.1 1.- .1-. t-.r . 1 anlilo salary for any elliccr in this ' ic-qiuusiuio lor mc worn 01 1110 untyl and none but I'rothouotary and irresponsible personage ho employs to do it ioriivinchiding Jailor.) should receive f,,r al"' ''0 h u culpable for employing at bui, tcirtstor and Heeoider should re- 0110 docs not do it right, or who exer uin 000 lee, us now, and tho clerkship else. his vocation carelsly, or maliciously, cour . sin old ho divided in now between or without duo caution, as though ho wcro lutoll eriiiidtheProthonotarv. Solicitor. Hircclly culpable in theso respects hlmelf. ontro er md special Jailor aro useless. Otherwise there would be no end to libel, urvey. C.ironor and AtMltON should re- falsehood and defamation, tho responsible J?ivo o.iy moderate dallriay 'hile 011 du- ll!lriy always screening himself behind some ft .. .. .. I ...nn.ln... t. ..!... . aniuio oi ler sa aries kiiou u oe creaiiv "u;-i'i.-k u lucet Any Democrat iu he Lccislature 1 " e "read to see the Legislature take hold ho view i'.ir such a hill a' tLat proposed of '"' subject, because whenever it has ay at last expect to relir to private life essayed to do so the desires ol libellers, ruver pon tho expiration of I is term, and I black-mailers, scoundrels and blackguards hoeiupe.1 mobbing or o"icr groua insult weinca iiione to attract attention and lavor. jeii h. rctnriH (n hm nmutlt innH ho may I o Insut that thcio are tho classes to be 1 ... . . teem luintlf luekv. legislated against and not labored. A law It do. Beoi.ithatourl;gi!la-.orsarocra7y 1,1 1110 ""crest 01 truth and honest and tins ' Jarv suhicct. Where is tho money P!'" piiinieauons, id i.ivor right ami goon come ro-iito pay tho exurlnUut sums al- ral and to punish falsehood and wrong, United States Senator. As it w.n apparent that no good oflcct could thereby be produced, tho Com'.muian has not dUcussed the Senatorial question, as is its practice- in all pending issues, except in its moro general aspects. The probabili ties at this writing aro favorable to the suc cess of Mr. Wallace, notwithstanding the great risk that is to be run iu hi selection. Wo say risk, though we regard it a certainty that if he is succcisfsl a question will be raised in the Federal Senate as to his eligi bility, the decision of which will be pro longed until after the final adjournment 0 the State Legislature, when the scat will be declared vacant in case the Republicans then have a majority elect on joint ballot. It will bo difficult for the Democratic members of tho Legislature to justify their action iu running such risk, when there is no po-siblo excuse for it, there being an abundance of men in our rank at least as fit and de serving as he who appears to be the favorito of the msjority of the members. We have scarcely patience to writo of tho Legislature in this connection. JCmintnl ability docs not seem to command even re epect with them, much less do they exhibit desiro to bend the very lirt talent of the State to the U. S. Senate, as mo'tother other States do. Hut the fault of all this is after all with the peoplo who elect tho reprcsenta tives. There will bo 110 improvement iu this regard until legislative salaries are so re duced that tho position will not ho .sought, and tho people he left to select inou with a view to their fitness, whoo purposes and in terests will alone bo to represent the exact views of those who elect them. The Slack O'llarn t'ase. Some years ago, Hishop O'llara, of this Catholic Diocese, removed l'ather fetaek, the Priest iu chargo of the Williamsport congregation of that denomination, and ap pointed another iu his stead. Stack rosiitod and appealed to the courts. A decision fav orabW i him was delivered by tho Lycom ing county court, but upon appeal to the Supremo court tho case was sent back, and It. P. Allen, lvq. one of the ablest lawyers at the Lycomliig county bar, wa appoint td Master iu Chancery, to take evidence and decide tlx points at iue. Wo under stand the exact point. to havo been whether, first, the cannon law of Kurope governed tho Catholic church ia America, or, second, the law of tlio ame church applied to missionary countries America still being retarded by Catholic authorities) as i mi. lonary field. The Master in Chancery lias decided, as we learn from the Williamsport JSuUdin. "in favor of tho Hlwht Reverend lliih op upon all the points raised, and that the bill of tho plalntlir should be dismissed. Tho master hold that the action ot tho bishop, removing Father Stack from hi chargo of tho church of tho Annunciation, iu illlams port, was iu full accord with the recognized law and discipline of tho Catholic church and, secondly, that even wero 1; not, a court of equity will not grant the relict prayeu lor, or reinstate the priest in hi charge; that the law recognizes tho association a voluu tary, aud the priest is bound to accept and abide by the laws of 11 voluntary association while a momber." Having soino knowledge of the parties to this controversy we do not doubt tho decis ion will ho appealed from to tlio utmost ex tent of that resort. Tho decision of the Mas tor In Chancery is lu oxact accordance with our own ludirment on the bubject. It will bo a aorry day for religion and our liberal Institutions when courtsundertako to regulate nnarreh of this character, and all .dy in poe.l und to wliii)' U i now pro icd Ui ad I enormously hi tlio way of olli- :1 salaiics? Do not Legislators know that . neon r urn ulrnndv hnrtlipneil with tuza- tit and that they can bear 110 more? Pro- u of ordinary occupations ate not sufficient (liable people to pay moro than is now froscd upon them and redaction should bo so lit ii stead of increase. At least let our Diocrntic Legislators see, to it that their pa shall not he responsible for further ex- will certainly liud iu u an ndvocate aud lcfcnder. tragance in this or any otl itr line. Con'OHE-sh adjourned during the holydays aud has done neithtr much good nor harm since, that appear on the surface. The finan cial bill lias pacd both Houses and is now before the president. It is not a positive measure in any direction aud will probably have little eficcl, other than that it give as stirance that this Congrew will i.ot further dabble in tho business, but this fact may produce great benefits. Tho several investigating committee sent out during tho reccvi are preparing their re ports. That which visited Louisiana, com Tlio hegislaturi sbody Is of course not yet in fair work intrdcr. Tlio committee vprn imimniml oh icsday and Wednesday, and thev will I posed of two Republican aud one Democrat, noaibt ''f promptly organised, when the I will make a unanimous report condemning cnaneni. proposed will he put iu shape. I theKclloggadininutratioiiforitsfrauds,dcny Of ursc til Senatorial qui stion ha chiefly '"S "intimidation" at elections, and the car occiied le attention of members so far, I pet-bag stories generally, censuring Sheridan but lis will bo "finallv disr.sed of on the for unwarranted interference, &. conig week. I The Alabama report will be iu the inter O Monday a preamble ,nd resolution est of the carpet-baggers, weroassed by tho House lj- a vote of 80 The Pacific mail committee are in hot pur yeiw 73 navs, raising a cqmnittee to in- "fthe fellows in or out of Congrcsi who qufrinto Louisiana aflairs. I received $700,000 of the ten million subsidy 61 Tuesday tho commit bi; thus nrovi- voted to the Pacific Mail company. They tied r reported tlio follow ng, which was have ono contumacious witness in jiil and adepd by a vote of 102 to to wit : I have elicited much important information. W:rean, under the Const tution of the I Though two or thrco bribed members of Cou Unlti States the use of the Federal army in I gress are discovered, a usual the greatest imueiit'3siuu ui uoincfHiv violence can 1 rascal escape. latdV.; thKnt ffi the gifla- ' turd cinot ho convened): aril of "10 tune ot the Senate and will involve Yliea.s, On the first Mouthy of January, I both House. It will also probably disrupt the ;di prescribed by tho constitution ol I the Cabinet liOtnsua lor the meeting ot the general 1..... nr l.n 1.1. ... .i-..iu,..r ui 111.11. M!iiiiiuiiwi.wtu, til. .... r . it i tiimiien the Ixttisbitiiro was convened and Matc of ASmV:S 111 I'""'""" iu pros. of organization, a portion of the 1 Tho clergy of Now Oilcans, including uen iiriny, iiniicr uie auunmiy 01 uie .iiV 1 .,1 ,11 im utw t in Hcvi-ra 1 lennm tin. Prtsitlt of the United States, placed at the rlioal of the so-called Oovernor 01 Louis!,!!, forcibly ejected from their .scat- pc.son claiming to bo lawlully elccun iut'm) of the Lcgislatu 0 : and WlituH, It i tlio constitutional right and progativo of tho Legislature of a fro state 1 judge ot the quaiihcutions ol it own uidoers ; merciore uo 11 lions of Protestants, have issued a nying the statements of Sheridan in regard to all'airs there. All the whites, except car petbaggers, and all all the most resectable ncrrocK join iu the denial, its does also the Republican assistant Attorney General of tho State, Judge Dikble. Thusuh-cominittce Jt'SOill. Thftt tho linUSO (if Renresellta- I rtf lldiurr nl' u'lmm Iwn nrn Uofilllilipntw i 1 ! . r"r.:: 1 v"o,v- " 1 en 111.JJ 1 vainii, iB4aing lor i er .en- im(1 0110 Ucnocrat, also deny Sheridan: an ubmif tho imwcr ctnmnitted to thr I'rer ill"l Kellogg s statements, and denounce tho Hiuont. o nrolest !iL'ait!st ltasli nreetM ent couuuet 01 vuo rciuriiiiiK uoaru a om which slstitutcs the will of the Kxccutivc I laireoiH." The State Legislature, the stran aim inojdural bayonet lor tho qtialihca- .era in ti10 city without rogard to nationality the municipal authorities, the various board of trade, the merchants, tho benevolent or ganiation and fraternities, and in fact every body except the interested carpet baggers unanimously concur in denouncing Shcn dan's statements as false. The truth is that tho General spvuds hi time in a hotel, in Copies f the. foregoing were directed to I dulging excessively in intoxicating lluids, as bo sent I tho President, the members of I is his custom, and there receives tho reports and statements of tho leading carpet bag gers anil send these off as official inlbrma lion. He is vain, haughty aud loves iuUery aud toadyism, as is natural to one raised sud denly by extraordinary circumstances from bly some erupt Democrats are expected to the captaincy of a company to tho high dig support it. nity of x Lieutenant Geaeral, a post ho did A bill v aUo introduced to fi tlio sala- not anil could not reach by regular promo ries of th Judges as follows: Supremo t', but which was secured by tho favorit court 8.0tfor Chief Justice and $7,500 for ' begotten by the lacinations and taunt aa'.h Assoctopervear; Philadelphia Judg- par friendships that aro the outgrowth o 000 ch Vllc 'henv .Indues K1.000 "Oou companion bacchanalian revelries each; Dauiin Judgo $5,000; country Judges Kvery where in Cougress, iu the Senate, each 5-1.001 and As.soriato county Judgea evou in mo cabinet, aim among an peopn five dollars er day, but not to be lea 1 than Sheridan's request that tho people of tho . ... ..r r....t.:.... ! I f.iuu per yir all to receive liltecn cent. oiaica m i.musiau.i, .uhhs-jiihh u per mile for.-aveliii" expense. Arkansas be officially declared banditti an . . 1110 no auinonzeti 10 tieai wun tiiem us ne Atorhilj.d ail.l l.iltM.liaUS. I nlmMnil. i nninutincnl unwarranted, infiini t 11 , ...... . .. . . . . 1 1 - 1 i.niei suiitaro growing quite l.ismonaiile 0 ml i,rllt!il-as buhversiru alike of law, jtist now, esrcially 111 the cities. 1 ho Judges jCOl.Iu.y, good government, and fr eo institu " cu'isiruuuon ui mv lion3j dangerous to tho peace and honor urn on miu uyect mat a oao ought to ue of tll0 liatiU, taKcn iieioraau tsuprciiio court for the sate tjons of' members, endangjring personal tioerty ai imperiling iree go .'eminent. J!esnh,t That we cominen I the forbear iince of l)e whoso rinhts were so unconsti tittionall violated wo assure them of the sympathfelt for them by all those who are jealous alio preservation of tho principles of civil li rty upon which our government 1 louutie Congress lm this State and to the Govern or of e.ichtate. A movc.alrcady madeby tholeading Re publicans tho Senate to increase tho num ber of ofiic of the the two Homes. Proba- of establuhiV a uniform standard. As now administcrellKire are certainty somo hard ship to etita-s, but much grciter one. to the publioa vldl a to private person, a is shown by lid character of a great many Urant's action in tho Louisiana matte caa be accounted for only on tho grouiii that ho has aeized it a a means to force him nolf upon the Republican party as its candi date for the Presidency at the next election Hn is vain nl'hisowii popularity and believes newspaper.!. Illackguards, liars, meddler ho c.m bo t,lected t0 a term if tuu with privaunlUirs in which tho public has jieimijlican party will nominate him. an no proper uttrest, itirculaters of scandal, ,t,; i. lo (iiormi,.,i .0 fnro nt all haiard. &c, roallr cell to ride over all' law and L. ,i.i,lt ,i, ..ndiidleamratnit tho South decency am ui temporarily most popular js hi!l Ht llolJ alld llenlu ,)lay ti,at card .nun. puuuc. jecens aim non- t0 tl(B la,tj 0 people will find in tins th ij 1 .tuiu nml 'sp.iiaiiy puuiio men, a. wen us k ,)oto to ftll hu flUure uction the public! icll descrvo protccthn against that whuld.inoll scoundrel anl their vilo Age of Statesmen. publicationL bul on tho other hind editors Judge Illack will bo sixty-four years of 1 1 ... age 111 January uei. no wn, we iienovo the youngest man that ever held theolllceot Attorney General of tho United States up to i prltection too whio laboring !'l g od. in now stanti, win oiiiinrs tne lime 01 nts iijipuiiiiiueni, aim younger 'Lining of tho h rdships of man any one mat 111 neimi aiuce, except lul.lli. nun tininlllll.i nr no iVserumil, nun nun huuiii, uiuii im iih , pi die men hao ittle or no , ai.i.olnte.l Presltlent ui. uiisie ircitniiuuii .11, ,rn n thu Uomtnoii f exs at deserve eoa for tho gcii A mittjtrsov violently C)m the libel Jfa.v, protection ifign slander, ami uhi ono editor all another deljes th public have u deteriulningwhlil is truthful. present lihil law jeither public u publlo thefiselvil aro properly and a large, maji-ity of editors same thing f thanulvoi. Win can be fram.l tolicet tho whol well be very neri'ltilv doubted. our own way we ft ild rather inc summary would priut a fu.s. Mint they wlculd would persiiit iu milder form of mul be forever Ufrr tu . "'- 1 1 . ... ... ..1 !.l l. I Inl-lncr an naSI. u complatuu or mo sinu iuuuwus umiu .- ..,. of all el tod or mlsrcpr fuse to corroca 'di action. tnentthey ou; ilscd, prohibild from compelled to 1 1, mmv theso wcro tho ablest, Mr. Jefferson and (len, Jackson, Tlio Kmperor of Prussia nml Van Motkc, tlio latter the greatest of living Generals, were both over 70 when they con quered France. All the Kttropcan statesmen of high distinction nro from sixty to eighty year of age, and tho great IlritUh lead"rs and rivals, Gladstono and Disraeli, nro re spectively four and nix year older than Judgo Illack, Yet mcro Jack-monkey and mush-hcaded tom-tlt, having no material merit themselves, will get off soft blab by tho bushel about ago and old fogies whenever it Is proposed to elevate men of great ability, ex perience and tried Integrity to Important governmental position. Wo havo great respect for youthful ability, but Inexperience is a recommendation to Important public trust no do not believe. A man incapable of learning and Improving, is unlit for any official station, whatever his ago; If capable then tlio older he grows the more intelligent and able will he become. Integrity that has been long tried naildst temptation and not found wanting, can ccr talnly he moro implicitly relied upon than can tho mnt solemn of pledge by groen horiB who ha ve not been tried andaro without experience. Intxpcricnco 1 tho food upon which knave live and greenlcs are their richest provender. Judge Illack, the great est of American lawyor", I now in the very rnno of intellectual vigor, and iu official position would bo of more valuablo sorvlco to the people than all tho spattercrs about old fogyism that the land contains. The fact Is, tho new fogy, tho decrlcr of age, Is a more deleterious character than his prolotypo. He is sure to bo an ass and usu ally a rogue, an owlish imitator or a stupid dolt incapable of intellectual vigor, whose only capital in trade is to decry what is above him, and in tho absence of tangible objection and for want of both judgment and wit to vainly attempt to slur honorable age. He is a character of so little account that he is not wortli shed. ling ink upon and is there fore permitted to traduce tho men he has not the ability to appreciate with the impunity that belong to the irresponsible. Aihertislns Agencies. We believe there is no profession wherein so many swindler cxit, in proportion to its numbers, as may be found amongst adverti ng agents, and were we called upon to-day to point out those of them with whom wo have had dealings who were entirely honor able aud prompt iit their transactions, it would include only S. M. Pettengill & Co., Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Datichv & Co., aud Bates & Locke, of New York, aud N. W yer it Son of Philadelphia. To these may now be added Rowell it Chcsman, of St. Lou. is, Missouri. There may be and no doubt tro other quite honorable ones with whom we have had no dealing. lint wo do not in dulge iu tlio common complaint of many of our cotemporarics of being cheated by the swindlers among the advertising agents, for the reason that we apply tho same rule to them that we do to every body else: not tu. trust them unless we have reason to believe that they will pay and if they are strangers, as they mostly aro, not to trust them at all exc t upon references that are undoubted. A publisher who extends credit to agents upon any other principle is sure to be cheat cd, to be abandoned by the worthy and to do injury to his professions. When cheated he deserves no sympathy, and will get noue from thi quarter. flOMMISNlONKKS' HALK, J TWO COAMIll, liKHIT llUUNr.n CHAMPA I.TKrtS. A UtimtrtT of Mite Limn with irnnd rrllrlnr;. ono six foot Ventilator anil a lot 1,1 MnVtlnif anil Cor leinnatme roui.nmp,wll offered nt putillosntt st i.J . WIIMlliariuil.- 1. IU 1.IUIII..UI K. HI' ll l- nsila, tlio thirl inyot February, ISTf., at 1 o'llo 1. p. hi. ihnsonrttel'slmd titcn la tiv In tlio Court room, liftore MM room was repaired ntid ntted tip with flan Light. Uuinmlsvf!ie,nn1c ll r.rdrrt cornmlsMoniTh', llloonviburir, Jan. 1, Ta h. WM. KIUCKllACM, U;r. )R01'OSAI.H FOR STRUCT LAMPS I PrntintnU fnr Klfpff. I.nrnm nml T.ninn IVvstn. fur the Town ot liluottisburi', mil tie rcrrln it 17 the rreslil'tit ot the Town council ot mid Tun a, un til tour o'clork, p.m., nn 'rhurmlAy, ni3tl itibl., lap wimps nn'i runs in of caui tinny, v '.1 in nnn tier, nml I )ia former to bu of n character nut stile for thi! proper consumption of thrira lurnhkeil by tho insoinsuiirir ua i oniimny, i-ouirncinrs 10 lino in pumnt, Town tloiidi, lutraM with Interest, ono tear from ilfll rrv of ttio Lattins nud Pu,ts and tlio necepmneo otlh samo by the prornr authorltl". Hampl's of Ijtmps and Posts ran seen nt the i;uunui room of caning un mo M'tToi nrv.t ii. i.iiw iit.-iiutm. w. winT, HeorctarT, President of Town Council. liloomsDiirs. .Inn. la, 1ST5. NOTICK TO COLLM'TORS. Tho Cntintv frensitror. on tin first day of .Tun tiary last, h ul In hi i inntls JJ1.31 county fuml, nnd oterpald on Dciif fund t, wldch show tin- amount nuTpald and duo tho Trcamrcr to Lo 2t),73. In or der to meet Hie current demand on llm County Treasury, collectors are requested to make promvt pajments. 'I ho amount of County tax iinrollttert Is JH31X53. If alt of that amount, nt lenM.qhoiitJ bo natd Pv tho l'cbru.iry ourt. nnd It Is kopedthat oery collec lor nm try iy afiwo m niipuiniu uj iu:il umv. The amount cf tint Tax uncollected Is f mt.ii. Commissioners' ortlef. WM. KltlcKlIAt'St. llloomsbur, .tan. Ir.tli, tSTS at. Clerk-. BLOOMSBURGr I OPKHA HOUSE. FOR. A FEW NIQHTO ONLY! CO.MMi:.(TNU AiOjDAY,'.lAN. 18, 'TO Oocond Annual Tour of ism Mmtmw SBXiSCTZlD OOlVirANTf. JENNIE CARROLL!! AND 20 First Class Artists, .SII.VI'.ll lltyitK OIlC'Iin.STRl. Will n)ipar in a now Son'alional Drama in live tu ts, written especially for JENtflB CARROLL. I.STITLKD WOMAN AGAINST .WOMAN. "WNSTtr LTU'LOTM:!T-At homo Male or Fr Vinalc, no a we. k warranted. No onnltnl reqnlreit, Particulars and alualjlo wimnle sentfreo. Adilre. with o cent return btainp,C. Itoss, WlUUmsburir, N. V. t TiSYCHOMANCY or SOUL CHARM 1 ISO. How tlthir mx may fascitintp and Katii the lovo atut .infection of any penmn they choose Itiitiintly. Tilt Mmple, mental nnqmrenielit nil ran pow, free, by mall, ror Ht cenm, toncihrr wllti n Marriage nuhle, Kiryptlnn Oracle-, DnMins, Hint to l.aillt'K. Wedding NlKht tlrt, Kt. A n'lrer book. Addre:T. WILLI M it CO., Pubs. l'hll. Miiryluiid Eye und ICur Institulo Ml North diaries Street, llnlttmnrc. Md. tinoitlli; ULI LfMI, M. II., Ulo I'p.h - -i,p .of I'.JO iidtorhurueryin tho Washin?' .a I loversl tv. Hiiri-eon In t'liaiiri'. The lirire Inndsonio rvsldeneo of the late ctuittrs t'iHi.nt.1. lifiH lMen titled tin with nit the Improve ment ad ipted In the latest Schools of LuroiK', for th'jMH'ei.u in aimentor mis ciasnoi uiie.i". y ply by letter to ClKUItllU ltllULtNll, M. I. i?urt."oii iiiiiiuiiT. C0U0US, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And nil Throat Diseases, TJSB WliliiiS' CARUOLIOTABLLiTS PUT VV ONLY IN 1ILUK IIOXICS. i tih: .tail Hvny, n:LiixJ!v Sold by Drtiffglsts. LICENSE NOTICE. "rVTOTIt'K Micrehviiivcnlhc folloniiii uninrd I s persons have Med In the otllce of the Clorli ot oaarter numoos urir ptiuons for TfiTf rn. railing llouse and Lid. tor ftore Ltecnsi, willed will tu pie. ecnttd to th Courton Wodnendav Februar td, IS1S1 John h. Mann, centrn to.i nsnip. Hotel. Humphrey I'.irtcr, ureenwood, " " A.T. Uel.-r, llenton " ' Michael l)othlirty, Huntour " " rcrnard siouncr, nioonisburr Vatlnfr House S. H.Harker, (cott " Issiali Kramer Ccntro " " K. M. (dlmore, Iiloomsburr " llobert lleaitle, tlrefnwood Hotel wiiiiam iiiijsr, iwuomsuuri' " iiriMiorniursr. luviver " , 11. Kvons, llloomsburp; amsri:an cohnst 3oloiqt, In some of his finest selections on hli GOLD CORNET. Popular pritts nf Atimhs'mn. lltntrmd teats can be oblmned nt UKUKUi A. VLAUK'S Hook Store. GENERAL ADMISSION, 50 and 35 Cents. The Outrage in A General of the regular army, with sold iers having loaded muskets and lixed bayon ets, entered the Assembly hall in the Capi lal of Louisiana aud forced certain members to leave their seats and rctiru from the hall until enough were thus expelled tint less thuu a qtionn remained, and the r.oldiors al so forced tho clerk of the As-cmhly from his place of duty and put ono who had uo au thority to ho there in his stead, against tho protests of the Speaker and Assembly. This was dono ly order of Gen. Grant. Now, i Gen. Grant may properly do this in Lutiisi ana, he may also do it in Pennsylvania, o any other State. If in tho States, then with more propriety lie may thus treat the Kider al Uonwess. 'j hcrefore. if ho shall he a.nn a candidate for President, ho may force th leclaration of his own election, by m.irchin tit military force into the halls of Congress and expelling a sufficient number of mem bers to give his adherents a majority, nn havo only such Electoral votes counted a ho may dictate. As in Louisiana, it woul only bo necessary to set up tho pretence that tho negroes had been "intimidated" i some States that voted ajainst him, as an ex cihc for his action. The question arises will the people sub mit to having a precedent established for ouch high handed usurpation, by ntntaiuing Gen. Grant's action in Louisiana? has already informed them how they are to bo treated if they refine as "banditti." 1 it is still sale to presume, that here in th North tlio ri;;htof protest may still be resort ed to, and unless the people are willing tha an example of tyranny aud outrage shall bo formed into a precedent, they mint protest now. We remind our Republican tnend that precedents they now establish may be followed by Denioc.its and other parties hero alter, and that therefore they are not a disin terested or merely accommodated party. His. tory repeats itself, and what ono party is sustained ill doiii to-day may readily be practiced with impunity by another to-mor row. IIuwaki: ! when public rights are be iug trilled witii and outraged I SHOUT POSTl'ONnMBS'T-DAV F1XKIJ-FULL DISl'ItlllfTION'. First Grand Gift Con'curt. IiTontpBlisrFeinalG TTomane Assaciation AT ALl'.XAN'MHA, VA. MARCH 29, 1S73. II. riti.S'KZARlt Clerk (Juartcrlv Sessions. THE POPULAR I A QU C TAD 17 OF W. P. JONES, Corner .Iulii anil Third street.?, CATAWISSA, PA. WK ovl THK NKW YEAR WITH TT i'i'i'er liellilie fn. rl.H ne our Fr.fbds and I'atrons. na mg removeu oacK to OUR OLD ST MID, Which has been Thoroughly Re modeled Ihrouohout, We ha c now one ot the finest rooms in this vlcinl. tr. Vt e shall alnaj s keep a full assoi tment ot iNCV Ultt OOODS, DKI.S3 GOODS, SHAWLS, &C Aiid we shall endeavor to sell themnt prices wldch iou will appieetate. v.niimf inaiiKsior )ourni tied faors fu tho past ajid trustlti" for a continu ance ot the same, I am Yours Respectfully, No Extra Chargo for Hosorvad Soats. TOJ20 per day. Airenls" wanted. All 'J cl.wsot "orklng people of both sexei, jounif ai a oni, m.iKomori'moncyniiTorKiorus.iniritirown localities, during their "pare moments, or nil tho time, thai at an thins else. Wo ortsr employment that will pay haidwmely f r svery hour's work. I'm! particulars, terms, Ae., send us jour uddress nt onee. lion't delay. Now In the tliuo. non't look ror woik or iriMnrss eisewnere, tintll jotiunio learn ed what no oiler, u. SriNsON &C'u., l'orll.uiil, Malic. ilAU, lil l.lj A He!-, iiuts with ADVERTISING : Cheap: : Hy-tema- l'. .in iieton hiio tounciupiaifmaKin, con ivlth n'Msiuners for tho luiertl n otad'or- tlM'ments. Miould send ' cents to (leo. 1'. Hoirel! K, Co.. 41 Park How. New York, for Ihelr I'AMI'ill.Kr- IKMiK tnlnely-seventh rdltlon.) containing llt-sot over iprno and estimates, slwnlnx tho Ico,. .iiiTfniii'iu.'niH luuen lor le.uun p.nn'r.s in many siato.t iitatretueudous ruiluctlou rn.inpiio-ll-Ju i's' rates. Out tub iiook. l.m. i"s-iy. ATEW YORK TltlllfNE. "THE LEAD- 1 INC1 AMKHICAN NI',W.sPAPi:i!."-THK 1IKS1' AiiVlUUHlNd MKUIL'M, Dally, tin a year. Seml- W enklv. Ii. l'oitair.' I'ree to the. Suliscrther, Specimen Copl'S and Adti rll-ln' Kates I ree. Wtvkli. lu cluM i,r so or more' only l, pota''o paid. Address Tim Tui- Bi'sn, X. V. Jan ls'twy. CRAfHO 0PEKJN6! LIST Of GIFTS. 1 drand caU out 1 tirand Cash inn 1 i Irani I cash tllft 10 Civ-li tiltis, Slti non eiieli If, Cali Hilts, M1 J each m cosh i.ltts, lo.ij each .... 100 Cash (Ittts, MJ each 1 no.) Cash tilt's too eueh 1 ono Cash (lifts, 5' otti'li 2. ciio (litis, .0 each . ... 5J US Cash (lifts, amounting to Number of Tickets, 100 000. PIHCIS OP TICKKM. Whole Tickets II lives (,'n irlers t.ljhths or each Coupon r I iok"is tor ...I inootl , . . . f.o OOJ . . . . na lK pnouo ... " Otl'l , .. MIKW : . . w Mi ... 11KJ 0'MI . . . . no osi . . . . w u. ...flouoeO') .IJ0(. . 10 0.) . r. oo ALSO, All tint. errtal lot of irftunrt sltuafOln ths town of CatawiBMa, in tho county ot OolntnliU andstato munmiiiu, oouiHiro riiu u.fiuiu.i muunn." "i PPffinnitu; hi uio eonif r ot a lot or naran nruosi, on the t.nrth raAtuMAnf MAln trwt. of Itie said town nf ('MlAi-l..!.- theneo hr .&ld lot north eftstwardljr itvo nunnrcAi ana len ris.i ii nn r.ucy, invui v vj rum wicy, D(xii irmrrariiiy ("iriiiy iwo ierv moro or iei lo rurner otalct nuworlato nf Jooop'i rmton, thiMiee by t'Md lot nouUi weftwardly two htuidrod and ten firttothe nofesHlJ M.dn street ihenco by ttio same soulh oatwariiiy cynty iwo v inoroor less, to the plueo of tM-i HTiinp, on which V erected a frame buUdinir occupied ua store rooms, a dwelling hoitso, Ac. A LSO, All Unit, pertnln lot of cTound Htmleln tho town ot CnUm-aa, hi tlio county aforesaid belli lot mull ed ana numwreii in iuo Ktnerui pian oi iown oi ..- url.A iiiuiii.rr.fl ht . t.'cn . 1 a. I tuiundeil LTivl doner) to ed as follortn to Till! on toe nutitn by kiln street, ot said town, on tho east ojr unotuer lot wionsnnir 10 too muii .1. . iirouai, on iui norm uy -ui mm, ii uu tho west Jlso by an alley, nun tie' ui purldiancos. WUeil, taken In rxeutloii and tu KS wld m la properl) of J. s. urubat. A IO, All thnitf. four true.tM nf I And Mtuat In ltuATCr town- Ship, Columbia county, rtnni)l.iti, bounded and di'Sljitbcd ni follows! ono of Hum liint.lnif at a post at th i soma woi corner ci a irwi oi unu sur i'Md on n warrant to ( Htbarino LotiK'nberser, theneob) aaldcatliarini'lsioiteulsrifor trct north 16 degrees, wrsr 5IJ nnh"S to a ponti ttn'iico north Hi dvres, wittn t'''.i(.s tnaposti thtncobr ISIlil Mirieyt'il in uie u.iui"s oi I iiuuii. ouu.u to deifrees, Wirt, loo mtcIwi to a post: thenro by landsurvi-d in tlio nanio of linnul in; north ICS, degni's, taauia a instt tbenoo north "s decrees, oast S I pi relics to a post ! taenoe by land ot Jesse llrooks, north VI divreeii, west is perches to a red oak: thenee by lanJ In the name of Jew nrriks, norm Tniicun-es, ea-i -v iH'r. nes loupuei, ths p'.ace of bpglnnlmrt coii'Alnlnr ai'.i4 acres and allowanuMnore or itssi Hiirv .ml onawarrantto Andrew CUrk dated th.' md da of August ltJ. One other of flit ni be(;tnlnk' it a post the south nest corner of the alxm-dcs. itln -l trart.Bunejedonwar rant to Andre dark, then, e bj tne western lino of the said Andrew Clark tract north iss decree, wist an nefehMtonpostl tciL Oby land suricyisl oil warrant to Marj Scott and Jarou MHT. W, de Kree, west so peretirn to nt.-nea, thence by land Bur seiedon warrant to llcnjjmln I.jock, soumnde ciees. ea'.t 116 p"ri ties to a pine, thenee bj Nia sur vived on :i warrant to doorus Nyer.soutti M degrees cast Its S-i! iHTCIiistoiipost: thence by Lindsur ?oied on a warrant John ilanonjr ,nortUUde(,rfe, oii-t 1M tiorch"s to .i ht. korj i tiieneo n lans sut rey tn the nam" ot Jose liroota, north la decrees, wi t as perches to i'ost : thenee by t he sirae. north TS do-i-ri...s. , or. n..ret,(.ii to a oost ttic tilac' of t.casoi- nlinfiontalnlnic 41'JS acres moro or less: ts.tnono saoie trai t ot lindsur ejed ou warrant to Daniel Meier, datvd All-out It, t"3. one oth r trott ot them, beiflnnlnc nt a post tt: south wet corner or thulastabox d.siriud tradsurrejed on warrant lo II inlel N'otcr and tti-no- by tho said Uiin tel :ej er, north 13 decrees we'.t :' r-lu perches to a Pines thence b land of r.eojaintn i ,-.k south IA60 grr es, .vest to lino dli Wins part of the tract sold to .Ueoti Ilos-sler, ttienco b the said laid ot JaooW noisier to the no.-ta-ri line of land surtejedon war rant John Jr., them e by th same north is de'-reei, tivst a p'ist tne place (f lielnntiiff contsln lr.? 'Jta iu rci mor or less 1 be tn,' a part of n tract Oliar.ll Minrejrii oil a narjiir.i iu .iru. jn u S.a AugUit litri. and the oth'r nrreoi oejuiuioe at Stones t.ernrutlni; It from lands surreye on a iarrani 10 iieiijiuiu ujoci., .mi...i nest 3J'i Mo ponlii'S toaston! thence s'lUth It;,' decrees, east St pciidrs to-stoncs; thence by lands surT)eu onawarraui 10 iarj ;-iiu, niui..- ..tOIO) Th- Montriellcr ccmno iiumanossoi 1.1 1.10, fil tered In II' Legislature ot Virginia n ml . Irru It Court of oran.) Co.. proiiosud bin. 1 -.itid III ft in cert tu est and en low a 'llomi; tor the OH, 1,,.,. 1 ...itp of vindnl 1." nt Tilont- 1 11 11 11 ii. W. P. Jones. . 1.. TL'HNFlt. i:.cli; Hotel. n. r. (unnvER' Ites ilenco .Market St.. 1st door below Kev. O. J. waller's. & (i.VRDNER. TvRS. TURNER XJ onico over Klclm's liruj store Jan. 8, 'J.vy nioomshuri,', Pa. WANTED. T the Cslawi- Piper Mill. One Hundred lonsot Kyo, Ythsit aud Oata STRAW . Cash av t I R lll'IM I oet. t,'-m A ELLAS MENDEN1IALL fAVlNCt re-mued the business of Mcrchan L dtseliis at his old store, on MAIN .STREET, 1SLOOMSI1UKG, KEAll THE K011KS POTEL, Desires to call tho attention of Ids l'rlends nndthe l'uoitc t'enerany.o his NEW, I'L'LL AND VA1HEI) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits a share of publlo patronage. HIS STOCK CONSISTS Of DltT GOODS, oi:ocumi:s, (lUKHNSWAliE, WOOIIliN'U'AIiE, willowwaui:, hoots suoi:s, IIAltDWAllL, 1'LOUIt AND FLED. pelier, tho fonncr rusWcuce ot i-resiucut jjuicj '1'"","'flovrnoi-s onice. ltlchmonil, July 3, lsji. TtatTordi me pleasure to ay that I mn wcll ne- qu.iltiti I wit'i a nrei; 1111101111 ,'",""'",?'" V, Moui-ler 1 enmie 1 iiiii.iu.- iss.i, I......... in toe M. inlt.i ot iay linme. im I 1 at P"i t hetr hit. Ill- H" ' 1HM Hi' lr wun 'i aii' 1 11 1 iii 1 t. .. lasMw iMibllo roulHl.'lKT, InniK'lico u.vntiilila. V.i' .lui. nT4.- ' I cowinenrt tlv'in as np-iiH 1 1 Iidhu ami Int.rUy, ana ruiiy cn- tt. . linillK. V. s..IuilKft' fMst'n DNt. of a. .it.. 1 it ilVir (- v-l.i Vflli',lV of a.: Hon. 1(01)1. :. V.UtiPl, Un:t.-(.nv., ( I v.i iinu u. t. s'iiiuw Ivinmi'nivnf'T tickets nmv Ij mjiil-'hy exprt-RS 1 - 1... S). ,rl.l..ri'.rl li.ttf I - !. . r. . ...t.. . ..i.(inii-ninifi t-n to nil fnr (!r. ur urn inuiu uhu?, n 7"'iM",",'v. ,: ,i ,t . ITf I .'1. 1 . ' rt aii-Aiiiuii in, NOTICE. rVUV. Iiuine-s of Dr. J. t'. HITTER, hcim- X of sui h A ehamrter as to render him unable to intend to tne settlement and collection of Ids account., lie Iiih then fore placed them InourhiuuK All those knoTiIni; theinaeiies indebted to him will call at onee. l'HLL'Zi; A r.YKULY. niiiuinsburir, Dee. St. IsTl. Jan. s, '7 it HOWS' Al'I'IlAISKMENTa 1, iin. e.itliiulii-' iiniimlM'iiienLs of real and personal proni rtj .set apart lo widows ot d-iccdents I line ocen ilieu ui iu' oiin..- 01 uie iieKnier 01 1 ui-uinbtai-iuintv. under the Utiles of court, and will ba pres.. nled for absolute eonilrin.itlon to the orphans' court to be held in llloonisbur;, In nml for said conn tj.on Wedu....sday, I ho ad dij ot February, P.J4, at 1 o Clock p. tn ot said clay unless exceptions t" sucli eonnrm sons lnti 1. Widow ot Willi im Il.ubcr, late ot Modlson tnhlp, deceased. 2. Widow of Samuel Kostcnbauder, lato of Cata wissi lownomn, neceaseu. X Widow of (leor.-o Krossler, late ot Scott town ship, d.veasd. 4. Widow of Datid Coleman, lato ot ITshlnjcreek loernsiiip, uece.iseu. Ileiister'-i office. 1 Y'. II. .TACORT. Illoomsburf, Jan. sth.isro.f lteflster In tsonncction with his stock of Mt rciiandlso ho eonitantly keeps on hand In his yard. A l'l'I.L STOCK OF Dressed and Untacii I-iiife AND SHINdLr.S OF Ills MAN'LTACTi ItL. Bill Lumber mtule u speciality. CALL AND SKi:. Oct. 3, ts73-tf. k p. in., of said clay unless exceptions tn sucn . ,,,.V,PJ ,,,,.,,., rn il lull I re tonsil Hied, of Wlllcll all tier-1 A liI'.MiS It lAlMI nteresti'd In B,dd e states will tuku notice: f.a- C.OI.MA.N.S p,pTO. j A Tj JJlHl,i;s A. Pino M'ltATIONs. ddress for circulars,. DOLMAN CO., v30 Arch St., I'hlladelpliLv, T EGISTER'K NOTIt'ES. I 1 N'oilco Is hen bv ulen to all lec.ilees, credit 01s and ottur persons inten Med In the estates of the ri'spectne uceotieui.s anu minors, iinu 1110 iouu-ln- ndtulnlstratlon and " neeounts havo la-en Illt-d in tlio oflieo of tiio Ttt-Klsit-r of Columbia counlj , und will be nrosenli-d for eonllrm itlou utid allow ance In Hi.' orphan's Court to bo held In I'.looms- our, on ilt'.UH', ill" aiuiiyoi ii,oruari, is.o, ai j o clock, p. 111., oi saia ua 1. nruimit of Hiin-lial (1. Klniiev. iruard Im of tharles II. Mcliowi'll, irr.indson und lulr of .ilallhew .Mcnoweu, late 01 hecut tuwusuiii.ui coascu. The final aieountof Ixl . Illdla, cu.inllaii ot (.'iiiru B. rc tenn'T, 11 minor caun 01 1.11 Lrctcnui;, latoot scott lowiisnip, ueeeanu. The tlritt asd tlu.d ticcouut of Moses Hat Is, nip mlnWtrator ot saiuh I lain, lato ol lirlarcreck iown snip, ciecoasoii, 1. 1110 priuuil IIIH1 llliai u:i;ouiiiui .jui.u .-i.t.-.t. executor of William Itobblus, lato ot lireehwood township, di ceacu. r. The account of Neliemlih Kitchen, executor of lijnlel Kilchcii, lato of Hshmgciecii township ue ceased. r.. Tho iiccnnnt of Clinton Xlendcnhall. adinlnl; tratorof l'oter .Minor, lato of Locust township, do ceasist, 7. 'I ho account of Jewu Mcnsch, cuardlan of ('lata LIFE 01 '-R. LIVlNfJsTONE A new toot. eiinirileti'. ai'lhentle and reliable, con tatnlnc Ids exploi.itlous und illseiacile.s in tho wUds of Africa, soil i-jpMU at low pi lies Insult Uie times, Also the X't'sMui, by ' v. Wi.i .M. Wlllett. Tor nil deuomliM.Qs, un e.v (lj woik lued in a hand ioiaeftjlu. our kivim fil.ks aro uuutpialled fur si) its and prices. Asreuts Wanted ,.M,S5." (. 11 v I'Liii.iMU.N r.1.0., ruu.Kioipuia ra. Tin: masOxX & hamlYn" 03?v.a-A.nsr co., Winners of Tliro Illirhest Medals end lHpleniaof lt'innr, at Mennj. "s. and Paris. '117, now orfrr Uio Finest ssui luu-iii 1 f the llest 1 .il lnel Organs In tho World, liu-ludlu'i new t-tiles with recent linproie lr.etit'., not . nh ovcpisln lv for cash, as formerly, but also on New Flans of K.i-v Pj)ineiit -. the most fa vorable eier oirered. organs Pouted with Pililleiro of Puiclm-e, to almost ,iai pait of tin. eountr.i. Flr-K, pavuii iil Jj.ujor upward-.. Illustrated I uLilogtus un'i . ircui irs, wun 11111 paiucuiars. m-ih, irii on 10 UU(.t. Addrerti. J1ASOS A HAMLIN OlillAN CO.. lloston. New Yolk or ctileaico, III Maine, where prohibition prevails, fif ty thousand dollars in fines for selliii' li quor was eullectcd during the past year, and it cost thu people a larger sum to enforce the law. Tho question arises, does prohibition! prohibit? MARKET REPORTS. RLOOMSIIURU MARKET. Wheat per bushel $ 1.4 Ityo " 'J. corn " 7-s oats " Ml Flour per barrel s.o Cluverseod Flaxseed l.M llutler us tsnp vo Tallow IJ- Potatoes M Dried spples ,10 Hams .. .! IS sides & Shoulders 14 Lard per pound 14 May Kr tun 15.00 lieeswux '.s Timothy Seed D.ou QUOTATION'S 1'OU COAL. tweuty-iilno, nus what and. when elected tu tho .Supreme bencl j ,,r hoi'iimn t 111 votiiiL'est u nei ju.tico i-cnnsvi Jnder the )-'ln"1 m . . 'fT M UUIJs 41 A 1 ItCllllUlli-ftll VIII t V I 14 ll If t 41H1 Yorl.- nr William Allen. Dumocratlu Gov. irotected, ernor of Ohio. Ho is about twenty years think thu tho junior of Charles t) Connor, UaleuvJush ing and Revenly Johnson, his compeers at the head of tlio American bar. and all the walks of public and business life aro crowd ed with leaders in comparison with whom Judgo Ulack is a youth, .ancMter Intelli' geneer. Wise people wcro ouco ofoplnlun that ion;; experience and long tried and well sus tained integrity, necessarily embracing a considerable degreo uf uge, were recommen dations to important trusts. Nearly all the American Presidents wero older when No. 4 on Wharf .... .no. 0 " No, o " " lilacksmlth's Lump on whart . " llltumluous " i 4,011 per Toil , s 0,01 , t ,M " " . t 4,011 " " , t 11,00 ' " lier a law caso may If we had no to the ors who icntatlon or who but as u t at leas oult tha - .., T..l. ri I I- t . 1 XstMl 1 O'OGKK lulu dUUijtiJ uioe. it now, UUU UUIUIl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PAPER RAGS rpho paper flour b-ijjs Mild at the Ciii.i'.miiian I onico urn very strowr und In all realists supe llor tho lK)t made printed both for lluckwheat uud Wheat lluur uuJ uru sold cheap for cash. f. NOTICE. Tho partnership heretofore eiliUiisr. under the Arm of Coleman M era has this day boon iilv-,olu-U by mutual consent. JLssu ecu. KUAN K. L. MYKltS. Tho husslncss will bo coutlnuod by Jesse Coleman, at tho old Maud where ho will alwu)s bo triad to ru el.) 0 his old friends and customers. BUSINESS GARUS, VlSII'lNOCAItlW, LKlTKlt HEADS, HILL HEADS, I'ltOUUAMUtU, itisi Ktis, laH Obeapiy and tJnaUyFrtutwi, (Joint risks of anv class solicited. A very reliable uuil popular company, 1111 1 easy 10 which lor. Appiv prouipiiy ui liner 10 luo lluur, in 1 11 r;, t uiiauci- phli. Nov. 13, '74 -3m. AG ENTS WANTEDS Provident Lifo 8c Truat Co., OT 1MUI. l!;i.EaOI 4. Sldier, minor child ot John sidlcr, law ot Franklin Incorporated 3d month, !2d dav, 18Cfl tounsliip, duciia-scd. ' ' ' s, Tlio final accoiiut of Samuel Kosteniiauder. cuardlaa of Clara Ku-tcnui'ider, (nii.v campi as meu by tho udiutntstrators of sut.l cuaidlau. s. The and nn il account of Jacob (lerslna ex.-cutor of .Icilm tirUht, lato ot l'lshhujcreek tuwu blilji, deceased. tu. Thoiiccouutnf Hcnrv Hetler. executor ot Peter Hetler, lato of Minim tuwusulp, decoased. 11. Tlio account of Laf.ivetlo Cre.isV and Henry SiiilTcr, nJinlulstmtursot Peter II. Wenuer, lata of llrlaicrcek township, deceased. ii. The tlit and acaountof Isaac N. Itun .van, executor of 1'rlsclll.i M.ltuuyan.lato of .Madison township, uiTeastu, lteclstei-sonice. I W. IL JACOBY. I)looinjburtf, Jan. slh, lS75.f lhviaer imjiji.ic sn.i: or vat-i'tti a REAL ESTATE! nl T I IIUISTI tS a tarj-'O live, family paiier, of Mo V 1 rl-'s and irood rt-adlm,'. No M-elailanhiu, jhi 'PI I n bills, tula's n-.r uiliertlscinents. onlv 7! 1 1 1 u i ts. a year, send in cents for s spirlmeris hi fore ion formt 11 ! Splendid Map Premium. Airenis wanted ei-r whi le. Ill-,' Cuniiiilssl.un paid ! II. L. lUsits-us, f.a-t Wiisblnctou Slreet, liusion, Mas., cus .ii in dii n i, i nil i.,i ii, TN piirii:meo of an order of tlio Orphan Xourtoi uoiuiuomcouniy, rciiQsjivuuiu, ou iitiirilay, Juikiiury iioih, is?;, at 10 o'clock, a. in.. Isaac K. Krlckliaum, H.xecntor ot John lilliio, I. it. i ot lientou township, in satd eoiiuty, dcci'ssed, will txiosu to sale by public venduo on tlio pri mlae.s, u cci lulu tract or lot ot laud containing 115 ACRES ANt31 P RCHES. sit let measure, bounded by lands of Thomas (llbbons, (ii-oriro Miller, Samuel ost, Joel Kc fer, Silas Kurns und Hamuli I . sum-, said tract contains about six Tt.FIVKACKKSL'I.liAltUll LAN 1) und tho Uilatieu Is well limber"! with White l'lui uud W'hllo oak. There uie erected thcrcou 2 Dwelling Honsts and a Frame Bara, There Is also a Rood bearing Applet Orchard, and va rious other Fruit Trees ou tno premises. o-'v. i .:.- Ten per cent, tt ono-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid ut tiio strlklnt; down of too property, Uio ono-fourth less tho leu iT cent, nt tho coullruiutluu absolute, und llm rematuhuf threo-fourlhs luouo jeir then-after, with Intercut from tho coutlrtnattuu lit. si. l-ato the estiito ot said docoased, Situato In tho township ot lionton, the county ufuiesald. I. K. KUICKIIU'M, llnton, Jan, 8, lsts-ts. taecutor. HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBiSBA A1IB YOU WEAK, XERVOL'S, OR DEIIILIT.VTED Are you so IaiiRUld that any exertion requires more oi mi in oi i man ou it-t-i i-ap.toio oi nuihin'7 'then try .luriUK-lia, the wondeiful tonlo and In. Tuoraior, w hich iicts wi oeneuci my ou im. leorellv uiuis us ui imp-in iior ioiui uie vital roices. It is no alcoholic anoetler. wtilch stiuoii.Lii.i for short time, unl Intel Iho suircrer fall toil lower depth of misery, but It Is a vesetublo loiilo uctlnij ' . "J lid 11 , 11 P,lll Cll, It regulates the llowels, unlets the aerees. nu Klvesfciiclta healthy tono to iho whole sjhtem us to Dij-.B iti-i.u tuu luiiiiu. ii-.-i iikt. it ni-w person, Its operation Is not violent, but Is characterized bj trroat Lrentlene-ss: Iho rLitleiit i..xoi.ilem.i'sniikti.iii.-ii change, im nuirked results, but ivrailuullv bis troubles . ..... uirii ii-iiis, U1.1- mi ,iiuu.S, And sllcntlv Sleal nival-'i This ts nu now und untiled discovery, but has been lonif Used with wonderful remedial lesulls, uud is iiroiioiiuceii oy uio iiuue.-il meuiciil uulhoiltlc "the most powerful ionic and altcrullvo knun n," Sskjonrclrui-i-'lst tor It, rti sals bv JOANSTON, 1IOLLOWAY Co, riiuauL-ipuia, i d, lOHN In tho ear rtcelved on subscriptions BUSINESS for 18752BT !irl stoics, lie. Proiltoble. Wo cuariintcu ennvassers nunva-s. Afci-ins waiiii-u. .siiuress man i a, is. MANN k Co., nil M, Howiirdhtreet, llalllinors, Md, Jan, s, T8. tw ' ' BO IPE.TR, CE2STT COMMISSION l'All) HOOK AdIINTS. On uow und most nonular booka bv one of the t in. est siibscilpllon linns lu tho country. II books for aurcuMi fjuooiia lor II.'."", Ac, No liumbuij. Send Auurcos, i , u, lion t..". null for circulars und sec, oru, conn. riMIE ew York WEEKLY WITNIX' l, Klvlni; News, Markets, Stoilos, t'totures, an and Llvo LdltoriaU ut a ear, 1'ot.tuiro paid, lm reacueu jo.wn circuuuonm thres jcara, bus bend (or cular. i.ttii,tf. nr-t.ntH wanted evir.v where. I)ec.w,'74 4 I Ci'.NTS WAM V.U. At tho rate this worn 2X. lo now Dollliii' It will ait-mi a tarn oi 100.000 COPIES .efore Hie canvass is comnto. Pie-bvierlan mln steis wliliout aehaiL'o. or tei-M- in ill health who wish to rclulii II bi oii.-n-iiir exercise, students, lay nun i int-r.s n i ucsno in uuiaiii iiiiiatuctiir aovineut In ii most rirnetnbl oicupattou, uro to- llcueu louppiyiurau uift-ncj ut ocii THE HISTORY OF THE PRESBYTE RIAN UIIURUIt THROCGtlOUT THE WURLO." A bn.intlfiil hir-n octavo jlume. Illustrated vxith sleet and wood inifrav ins, wldcticvci v I'reslij tcrlan r.uuuy win wuni in possess, .vppin uiious ioi 1-ai.iu- sivo it-rriurj fciioui i oc in-i ic tu winy, .luuiuaa. Uli VV 1 IT l.. i-1'..S l a. Dee. M, '74 Cm. 440 I'.roome Slmct, New York, "SflERIFFS SALES" TY virtue of sundrv writs of Venditioni Lx ! poi.ns and Fieri Facias Issued out of tlio Court oi i utrmun I'll . so of Columbia o.uniy, nnu to me cu- recteii, will b. exo .sen to public solo at tno uoi in not sf, m nioonHCure;, on Moitilay the 1st day nf February, 1ST ut one o'clock, p. in., tlio followii'i described prop em. to-vvtc: All that certain rue-o or psreel or una snuan in run n. creeic lOTTHsnto. i. tuiuni i couuijr. r., bnonrlprt on re north hi lund.of II P. EJ'r. ya the westb land of B. F. V.7.i.t, on the south by lasdsof Joseph Dleterlcs and f etir nreland and n tho east oy l.inas o, joqu wenn-r, no tthu-ii jrc i-inipua dwellleir housd ni l sdir-le. ecntauur.-M acres more or less with tho aypertensnces. AI-0. ill thst eerriln rlcp c,rnarcl of land stttMt" In Flshlni: creek lowiisnln. Columbia enuuty, tiounUed bi lannot Hlebe- Pennlrgt'in on the north, F.-lis Wenuer on th- rait. W. t'. I Truer on thu ana Peter Eehlln on tho south, containing so acres moro or lesa whereon are a frame dwelling house a bank barn, was-ou oiiiil nn I ottiT ou' tmlldin -s. SeUfd, taken lutoe.xei-iitlun and to tw .sold as the propcrtv otT.ILL'dt;r aud William U.UJjar lato trad ins in I.di;!U' & lirother. ALSO, All that c-rtaln real at ato situate iu ttis townsnip ot Loiust Columbia iount. bounded by lands of lleorse Itun'zel on the north, John Kllno ou tho south, (leorjH lleiverou tn wet, und on thu emt, eontalnlai; ono husdred aros more or ls. sei?od, tnkCB Into execution and to bo eold as tho proptrty of John llhOAds. ALSO, All that real estate situate In tbe tiwn of Itlooms- buri, CclumbU countT, and Mato cf t'uiiusylv'iiita, bouuded and descilbod ivj folio, lo wit: ou the est In an alley, n.rl'j bi-aiutcf Simon c. blilve. east h Mala ttrcci, south by u lot et eauiarlno old, laid lot belli',- seionty foci In fruut and one hundred and ett'hlj feet deep, be the hame more or less, wnereon are erts iim a utvoiuu uo imi uuu siauie with iho uppurinancts. it led, tuxen In rxecutloa and to be sold as tho pr i rtr ot LU Jones, Adudnlstrutor, Sc., of John Jonos decoased. ALSO, AU that hou nud lot of land Utttite on Cntharlno street In the town of llloomiinrk-, county ot Colum bia, Fa., frontlu,' tlfty font ouaald Catherine street adjoiulti!; lot ot M'hu l"i- on thi north and L L. Vlverson tliesoitth. wli.-reon u erected a two -try frame hoUso and out uulldluffi, now o.-cuplod by A. J. llu.-kalnw. sol -1 taken lu e.eeulo:i und to Bo sold as the propert) ot sauiui-l (.lros. ALSO, That certain lot of crroun J lu rat awl ua town shin. Copland.. i uunty, bounded ou th north b- tho lian- vtllo iluilrbin and VV llkesbarro ttall uo id, on the can by l.-.-id ot Win. :cKeiv i , on tho aoutu bv n private road, .in 1 on IU wosl by la'i I ot "arali Fisher con-tjiidn-.- ro acres more or lcsa, wun the appurten ances. s.tzed. taken Into execution uud to bo sold as tho property ot Oaild OuuiiuT with nutlet to turro tcu- mils. ALSO, Ix,t on Sjeond htrestor Mill street In tho town ot Kspy, Scott tiv.'usblp, Columbia eouutv, wherei-nari erected a pliiiln; mill aud shop, with eujliK, mactiiuury Ac. ALSO, Lot situate on So. -on 1 stro-a li sd-1 town, ndjoln- iu;r uie sioresiuu piunin llliil 101 ou ino west, an'l laadot J.crovellni; ou the ust, anl snind streit on Ui j south, aud west by un all' ; MhereuB are erected a dwelling house mil out b illdhi.-j, now oc cupiid by Leonard Wood as tenant. ALSO, Lot ou Second ttrcet In s dd town, boundd on tho aorln by Second stn-et, southb., uliey.east by Henry Trembly, west by I. and Tcomm crou-lliiif Jr., whereon are erect td a rram' divtlllu; Il ia and out bulldtuis, now occupied by John Hensou as teuaut. ALSO, Lot situate on Second ttreftln sild town adjoin InysoeonJ street ou tho north, oast oy Kobsrt flast, west by Mrs. Uurd'n. sauth byun alley, whereon art erecti'd a fiamodwrlllus house and outballllu,', oc. cu;lca by I'liou. K. kovlerteaaut. ALSO, Lot on Poeond street tn said town hounded on the north b Second stieet, east by toluf 11. u, crrveiun,', souta bj un alley, weil by lot of 1. CroTelln.:, w here on araencU-d a frame dwelllci; hous". out biiUdln $ and warehouse now occupied as anouieo, by Thus. W.KJtfar. ALSO, Lot on Slain ftrcet in said town, bounded on tho north by an alley east by aa ntley, west by lot of Jacob Itoss, viberoon Is rnvted a brick dwci:iub' hou-ie now occupied by Thos. W. Ud jar. A LSD, Iiit ou lbs south side ot Pennsylvania eanl lu said town, bouuled on the norm bv a.ild canal, aoutuby the susipuhauna rtnr, oust by lot of uu. en-sou, vv,.-jt by lmid of Uobllu 1 1 w hereon aro eroct odatiatas dvvulllnt; houso and out bulldlu.-s; ooou jilod by VV. Hill as truant. ALSO, Ixit on north ofsjild onus.1, and vrcst by a atruet and souih and uo-st by ihu lviiusaul.t const, wberoon aro eroctoJ a fratno dwelling house and out build in j; now occupied by M. Cimvitock us tonaut. ALSO, one other lot on south side of Main street, In said town vvlioioon aro erected three dwelling liouws buuudodoa tho north by Malustroet, on tho east by ciinal atnat, on tho south by au alloy, on tho most b) land ot iiavld Hurlmaii. Selio 1. taken Into execution and to ho sold as tho property ot Thomas W. Udtrar. ALSO, All that certain roul oatato situate In Looust town ship, Columbia county, bounded by lands of John Kllno aud others ou tLo noilii, Jacob (Mul and Hoav. erand .smju ou tuuiuud. doorifo ntner, Wrtsht lluiitics und others on the south, John Allller uud Pulcr Hitler onttioweat, i coutahiluif two hundred acron wore or loss i wliernuu are eroctod t v. o dw elllnir huusos, two barns and out buildings with tho ati- srroei. e.Lst tiivs to stones: tLcate by lands 5'irvejed on a warratt lo panlcl cjer souUiilY decrees, v,o.,t las torches to a pine: thenco by lands survived on awarraat to Ilenjamtn Ljoet, south 73 dcjrrevs, west liu perens 10 ino pmco oi ociiuoiiki contulnt,' IM ucros more or less. It beinj tno aumo tract ot lanu aurreyo i uu wurriun 10 ..ou. ..n.-i .stizea,iuiienine.ii.i unouiiiiu io ur wj.u nn mo iiuk erty ot thu UanvUle, Haileton Vi Ukesburro Had kuiu. A 1 SU. au that certain lot ot land beltur a lime nuarnr. situate In tho township ot Scott, Columbia county. l'.v., bounueu on in ea-,1 oy quarry lot oi .-lart ic nun Purse!, on tho north by land ot Aaron loon, on tbo n.-st hv Hnotro-r ouarrlotot 0. hlco. on tho south by land ot Aaron nxon and Jeshe W. Merrel; on vtmcn are erect.'u ii uweuinj,' nousr, amuio, uuiv.a aud other out bullilnirs, Lime Mimic. AIJSU, oni. niherfliarrv lut situate lathe Bamo township, Vnovrn as the ore. n quarry lot, bounded on the east by the above d-.'sertbed lot, os the north by land of Aaron Ituon, cn the wert oy ipiarrj ioi laio oi ooan White d s ea.eil, and on the South by landot Aaron lloou ; on which aro h dwelling house and out build In;, and three lime kilns. All that certain lot ot land situato In Madison townMdp. Columbia county, bounded b lands of Ill'lUOlt HBO l.cllllcl Oil I Jr l.-Jl I.I., uuvilliu-j lliuuiv man on the east. O. P. Chrtstnlh and Wllilsta Iti-tb on tho south, Valentine va flitter and a ptbltc road us the west, containing v.;tf acres more or leua: whereon are. f re.-t. d a frame dvTelilng hou, u larto barn, and on bultdlnifs: with the appurtenances. tftljed, taken Into execution and lo bo sold as the property of Jesso 1. Hlce. ALHO, AU that certain re at estate situate In Heater town ship, Columbia county, bounded as follow, : be;rln a stone, in public road. thnce alor.eald rood north "ii dejjrtss, west 13 purches to a poit; tiieneo by land ot tin, Smith south 13 dejriifs, e.uHl purchss to a post; thence by landot Jesss Johnson south 72 diKrces. west a parches to the plact of t-n-t-tunlnr: containing threu ucres, moro or less, with tho appsrtf nances. Sclr d, taken Into execution and tn bo sold as tho property of John UlnderllMs. ALSO, All that certain price of land situato In Itosrln creek township, Coluiabla eouaty Pa., bounded ani descrlt-edas tollows, to wit: on tho north by lands of Jud.-o co.t and others and William LlntlUe, on tho eiitbytho county line, nnthestuth by lands lati cf ls'iao Ituckliart and os tho rest by lands ot James Lrans containing thirty a-rcs more or less. soli'S, taken intocTocutloa and to bo soil as tho property af Jonataw Uaenraan. ALSO, All that certain piece or pvcelofland situate In tlio borouHli otlierwl'-k tounty, ot Culuiabl Fa , on Froat street of said torn, bcclnulnffat ibe corner of tho lotof William t Illlams, tlu-neo by amioeiKhty f.sjl to an alley, thence alon aald alley, thirty two fret morn or lei to lot no owned by.lchn HIIL IVnco by the same etRbty feet to front t.tret ofori-R.-ild : thence by tho ( nine nn et thirty two feet more or Kss to the plai o of bestlnnlnt; : oa which are erect ed a two ston n.-lrk store and dwellln; hoiuc, wltA thonprnrtonsscoa. ScLsl. taUo Into executlan'.and tolio eoldasths prcporty of John O. Jncoby. Mierirt'S Oftlee, MIf'lIALL O ROT Kit, liloomsburi, Jan. 8,'T.i tc. snoriff. JIVE AGENTS WANTED. J To sell DU. r'HASr.'sftLCIPF.I; OK INFOP v HON FOR r.vr.liYDODY, In svery county tn ti Fnlted States undt.msdas. KnlarKed by the ft ll.b'r toMSr-ajes. It contains over 2.t--o loujeho . leclpcs, uud Is sult'd to a Iclassisand Conditions if s-ey. A wonderful book nid a household iiecm hltv. It sells nl "I'jlil. (.reates Inducement dyer off' red to hook ag( nts.'e copies fsent br matl post paid, f'ir M. Fcluslveterrltoryglvfn. Aecnts more than double their mor.ev. Addrcs. HR. CH SK'S TKM PKINTINO IIOL'SK, Mot. 20, "74 ?ia Ass ksos. Mini. AN ACTUAL Dl'HlNbsS INSTITUTION AND Tri.KOltAPIIIC INSTITUTE. For Istorraatlon call at Ofiioe, or soul for CoixEaa Anv tnrt'ki. Jun ivun" LIGHT STHSET BUGGY & CAKRTAGE zjl JISTTJTj a a? o .erx- HK OMAN herebv lnfavms tha fiulills . that hohasenteiedlutoeo-partnershlp with his omt lit r, (1. L. oiunn, and that tbebuslues Will hcrcuftcr bo conducted under the llrm name ot si. v. wii.i.v 'c E.ttoi-cr.ct. They will have on hand or manufacture to order 1SUUG1KS, carriaoks, spring waoons, light wagons, ItOAD WAGONS, an every tldn? In their line ot business, of the beet tnutitlul and most ecmpleto workmuushlp, and at p. 1. 1 low us ciiu bu urtorded, tSur of l'Mie jKihoiiajc u rtipetifully ny.ict.VW. 4-ty. II. 1'. OMAN Jt BIIOTHEU. KEYSTOHfi CARRIAGE WORKS' IlLOOMSItURG. PKNN'A. A S. CT.OHSLKY lias on hand and for sale A. cheaper than the cheaiost, for cash, or will oMUauco for old Vagonson reasonable terms CARRIAGKS, UUGGIia, AND WAGONH of every description both plain and laaoy. Fiiticj Flatforui Spilni; Wnnons ull of tho latent stv lo Portalile Top Ilinfi-te, opeu llusgles, Plain and iticv Platform Snout? Wnironit nil nf iimint.iMt.kiii. and made of icuod material and fully warranted. (ilvo mo a call Is foro purcliuMinr ehu'where, us 1 ean- uoi n iiutiersoiu. i ii.iuu mat I make IU0 pest wuj;. ons for tho lean money. lalaodo p.dutlnvf, trlmmlnj und repair old work nt tho shortoht notice, old stulntni weldisl and war. routed id atiitnl or no pay. 1 will vxeUausre a i-irtiv ,am ui.i oi lumoiT, s'lcn us neir bio top buuy for any k: tfdcllvei on ui inv soon ny mn nrst or l ebru ir', IsIS. Iron dale orders tukenaud .Meltelvy, Neul & Co's for ro-palllll!U-iouli, A. S, CIIOSSLUY. July l,l73-tf. QU It I.ICS OAMllLOS A CO., UANUEUS ANI) UUOKKIts, M South Ihlrd street, , Dealers In noTernmcnt SecuIUos, Gold md HUie C'ullecttops luiulo. stock and lkiudi bought and sold on onromlskloa, fl'O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. X Notice Is hereby (riven that t'je Home, Warren SeUod, taken Into execution and tn bosold as tho draw k'linT. ne rC.tirTI. .ii . 1'uul' u rMTty iaaianliu,-liman. 1 lxo. ti, -N- K 51 i-riiUTlSIt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers