THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural: AOips nnil I'luster on Wicnt. Tlio profit In f.irmtiiK Is nil limdo from growing lurtto prop. A torinor atnnnt itiHkonny clt'itr money out of flftiwi IiimIicN iif to tlm imtc, or out of llilrly lumlipl.t of corn to llio ucro, or Iwnnly litntiols of out, or it ton of Imy; nor from imsluron which tilTortl Jml iilenit ciioiikIi to keep nnliimH from Browing pour. Don't Ills own exurl r-ni'o provo It to hlmsi'lf lioyonil tinea 1 1 in V Yut thorn nro moro fiirmcrH Unit fall Imlow Uiwo figures tlinn thoro nro thnt ro higher. This tho consm returns prove, hy showing an nvomzo yield of lts per iicre, tho Stulo throitgli,thnn wo lmvo noted tibovo. It n fnrriier'rt own oxnoriotioo don' Hitlify liltn on thU point, tliero is noth Ing thnt wo can Hay Hint will convlnco htm that tio In making no progress Surely, when a man has labored along for a ilozon yoirs or more, ho ought to h ivo something to show for It. lib may my that ho has lived ami supported his family, but that is not enough ho ought not to bos Ulsflo.l with that. If ha bad act his wits to work and Incroas ed tho produce of hW farm ono-third which without doubt ho might have done ho would to day havo something moro to boast of than tho making of a baro living. To show hour easy n thing It Is to In creaso tho yh Id of wheat, wo will relate n simplo experiment with ashes and plaster by Mr. Hiram Lockwood of Burr Oak, SI. Joseph county, Mich Mr. Lockwood Is ono of tho most . thorough and prosperous farmers In this section j and it Is no flattery to say that this Is a result of careful obscrva tlnn and close attention to business, giving everything his personal over sight and superintendence). Having n hogshead of houso ashes last Fall, ho thought ho would try tho experiment of mixing plaster with them in show' ing on wheat. Accordingly ho mixed a barrel of plaster with ashes, making about ono-third of tho former to two. thirds of tho latter. Ho sowed at tho rato of about fifty pounds to tho aero, on ono side of n a wheat Hold, tho wheat being fairly up. A couplo of showers camo upon it soon after sowing, and tho effect of tho applica tion was vory soon vislblointho deep or color and moro vigorous growth of tho grain on tho part to which tho mixture had boon applied. This dif ference in appearanco and grown was maintained through tho Fall. Last Spring tho plants on that portion took a moro decided start ahead of tho rest of tho field, tho lino of separation be ing distinctly seen froln a distance. Michigan Farmer . Liquid Food fob Sick Houses. In many Instances tho throat of a norso is so inuamou rrom soma causo thatlt is exceedingly difficult for him to swallow food oven in a liquid stale. ai aucn umes inero is anotner gravo difficulty with horses that havo nevor been accustomed to liquid food, or to water that has flour mingled with It. In cases where the animal Is possessed of an unusual fastidious tasto, let the ojesboblindfoldod so that tho bruto cannot see tho liquid that is offered. Then allow him to tasto of water as tho p iil Is held up to his nose and havo an other pall containing hay tea, which Rhould bo of tho samo temperature as tho water. A horso can often bo deceiv ed by this stratagem, and thus bo in duced to drink a gallon or moro of tho liquid. In many instance-), a horso can bo In duced to swallow thick gruel when ho will not drink hay tea, or tea of linceed meal. Wheat flour can sometimes be mingled with wat6rso that a horso will swallow all that may bo desirablo for hlra to tako. Tea made linseed meal, or oil-meal, or oven cotton seed meal, may be employed to make an excellent liquid for a horse that cannot swallow food. Let a quart of tho meal ho put Into a tin pall, with about two gallons or more of hot water, and lot It bo stir red rapldldly as the meal is put In. Then allow tho mass to stand for half nn hour in tho pall covered closely. Dilute with cold water, and hold up to tho animal's nose. If a horso -ever re fuses to drink tho liquid, let his oye3 be blindfolded. If horses have been ac customed to cat linseed meal they will usually drink such liquid with avidity. When a horse 13 suffering from dis temper or Sore throat from any cause, so that tho organs of deglutition are so much Inflamed as to incapacitate the beast from swallowing food, tho strength may bo maintained entirely by preparing liquid food, For a change hay tea may be prepared qulto strong and given In lieu of water. When a horso rofusos a certain kind of liquid food, let another bo prepared. Beets, carrots or other roots may bo reduced to a pulp In extreme cases for nnimals that cannot masticato and swallow rough food. Lot tho roots bo boiled, worked through a colaudor,somo wheat Hour or oat meal bo mingled with tho mass, and water addod to render It or a proper conslatenco for tho animal to drink. A Httlo fresh grass may also be cut lino with sheep Bhears and mingled with tho drink. A horso that has never tasted liquid food.byjudlclous manage ment may bo induced to drink all tho nourishment ho may require. New York Timet. Piiunino Fuuit TrtEES. A great deal has been said about the best tlmo for pruning trees, and wo aro ready to concludo that tho Summer months are tho best,that tho wounds will thon heal over tho quickest, and that tho least Injury Is dono to tho treo. If tho tree raisers will mako experiments, as all ought to do, ho will find in which months wounds aro hoaled over tho quickest. There Is a good deal of truth In tho rulo, however to prune in Winter for j,wood growth, and in Sumraor fair fruit i Tbut the wounds In Winter do not nical over so quickly, and water shoots rare very apt to bo thrown out when amputation has taken placo. , The true theory of all pruning how- fever, Is to guldo tho growth of limbs as to havo no sovero pruning at any ktlme. Start tho head of tho troo right in its Infancy, and If any branches aro going , astray cut them off with your pocket knlfo at any time; No larger instru ment should co into tho orchard at nnv lltno than a prunnlng knlfo; and no longer ono is needed, if used in the proper time. TiiooDject 01 pruning is to reguiato i the growth of tho treo, to throw tho mip 11110 ino proper cnanneis, to jorm a well balanced head with all tho parts open to tho sun, so that tho fruit may lmvo size and color, Young Folks. Moonshine Moonshlno crept down, one clear, un clouded night, to look about tho world and sen what was going on. In hnr hand ulio carried a stiver lamp, by whoso white rnys nil objects could bo seen ns plainly as at noontide ; and wherever iho went, tho shadows, nslmin edof their blackness, stolo guiltily away and tried to hide Miormclvc. Iter path led through a forest and down a moun tain sldo, where wild bcmU roamed for prey ; but now tho timid door browsed securely among tho undorbrush and tho hungry bear trudged suppcrlrsj off to his den, tho stealthy p.iiitlicr kept uso Iras watch from tho branches overhead, tho rattlosnako slid back into its holo and left tho treo-toads chirping cheerily, tho sly fox found tho rabbits too wldo awako for him; for was not moonshlno abroad, with her silver lamp, proclaim ing to all harmless croaturoi, Hero Is your onemy, and thoro Is your enemy V On alio passed, till alio camo to a pio neer's log-cabin, standing alone In tho wldo wilderness. Listening, sho heard tho sound of a volco singing : "Lullaby, lullaby, baby, Lullaby by by, While nil tbo llttto stars twinkle Twinkle up lu tbo sky. "Lullaby, lullaby, baby, Lullaby by by J Tby father has gono n Journey, Ami there's only thou ami I, To rock, rock, to and fro, Ami to watch watch for tbo J irug 3 foe To sleep, sleep. Ami to keep, keep Watch for the savage foe, Whtlo all tho little stars twinkle, Twinkle up In the sky." "Ah." said tho Moonshlno, "tho mother and her babe aro alono and un guarded In that rudo dwolllng. Even a3 sho sings, her volco trembles with fear. I will set my lamp in tho window and pauso awhllo to keep her com pany." Instantly n soft radlanco flooded tho room within, 'and tho mother, look ing up, beheld tho gontlo faco looking through tho window. "O Moonshine," sho cried, with tears of joy, "how glad am I that you havo como I Slay with mo a little, for I am lonesomo : and tell me, pray, If there bo any savages lurk Ing about.1' Not far off a band of red mon, their faces bodaubed with paint, and their hair decked out with plumes, wore gli ding noiselessly through tho denso woods, thinking to steal upon tho cab in unawares and destroy it and its in mates. But as soon as thoy saw tho silver lamp upon tho window-sill, thoy turn ed away, saying, Moonshlno is there I Mooncshlne, seolng that tho dread' cd enemy had turned aside, passed on and left tho mother sleeping peacefully. As swift sho glided through tho valloy and over hill, and across river and lako and vlllago-dotted plain, tho rays of her glittering lamp reachod far and wldo through tho darkness, making tho trees and gardens and rippling corn-fields, glad pointing tho shortest routo to a weary boatman,, revealing to a belated traveler tho robbers who stealthily pursued, looking in upon threo rosy children who slumbered cos ily in ono couch together stooping to kiss their shining curls and happy fa ces, and to whisper something pleasant in their ears. Nor did sho pauso when sho camo to tho great sea, but gilded on over-tho foaming billows. A whito sailed ship tho winds wore driving to ward an unknown reef. . Quickly she sot her silver lamp upon tho porllous rock. Far over tho angry waters shono tho beacon light, and tho mariners, see ing danger ahead, shifted their sails and changed tho vessel's course. Tho wanderer reached, at length, a distant cost, and, holding her lamp aloft, passed on from town to town. A student sat, nt midnight, wakeful among his books. Moonshlno glanced over his shoulder at tho clo3oly-printed page, and tho light of hor silver lamp so put to shamo his miscrablo taper that he extinguished it, and began to wrlto somo verses in her praise. At last, Moonshlno peered down into a deep dark dungeon, and saw a hapless human creature bound with chains. Palo and wan ho was from long years of imprisonment. For hours sho re mained to speak to him comforting words. In tho morning, tho pioneer camo to his homo on tho mountain side, and told how ho bad been rescued by moon shlno from hlghwaymon who pursued him as he journeyed. "Ah, bless her 1" said the wife; "for sho also watched over us, and guarded us whllo wo slept. Tho threo rosy children awak ened, smiling, and told each other their dreams ; thoy had all dreamed of fairy land. Tho storm-tossed ship sailed into port,and tho grateful mariners declared that but for Moonshine, they would havo gono to tho bottom of tho sea. Tho student wont about with such a beaming countenanco that peoplo ques tioned, Was ho moon-struck ? A Jailer, descending Into a deep, dark dungeon, found tho fettered captivo lying silent, with closed eyes ; and tho sad soul that had gazed out of thoso eyes who had set it freo ? Moonshlno ? Aliiakem tho sag, whom all peoplo humblo for his great wisdom and his many . virtues, sat in tho market placo giving instruction. A youth named Beyd, who had recently Inherit ed vast wealth, pas3od that way, and shared with tho old toacher tho atten tion of tho multitude "Seo 1" cried Seyd, "how my good for tuno has loft mo in a day to claim tho public attention which Alhakcm hath beon long years in gaining.1' And ho smiled proudly as ho spoke. Alhakem had heard his words, and motioned for him to draw near, "My son," said tho sag, lot mo peak unto you a fable. Oncoupoua tlmo a gourd wound itself around a lofty palm, and In a few weeks climod to Its very top. "How old mayest thou bo ?" asked tho gourd. "A hundred years," answorod tho palm. "A hundred yoars I" cried tho gourd In derision. "Only look I I havo grown as tall as thou art In a few days than thou couutcst years," "I know that very well," tho palm mado answer. "Every summer of my lifo a gourd has climbed up around me, as proud as thou art, and as short lived as thou wilt be." Boyd beard, and .wont away with his head lowered. Miscellaneous. BOOTS & SHOES. E. M. KNOER'S SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Every variety for Men, Women ana Children, OLD STOCK Selling at Cost room for to close out to make NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CTTSTOIVE 3VI-A.DE CLOTHING. 11K IIA3 THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMl'LOYB THE It 12 S T TV O R K ill C iV, ttn rrff,t flto nM.1 nntnnnnn I., ftlllnr. n.,lAR1 cio Is the place to go. Ills eoods aro selected with care and his Cus tom work will comparo favorobly with tho best eflorta of the fiishionablo city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LARQE BTOCK OK HOYS' AM) CHILDREN'S ICbOTHINO AND GENTS' FirriXISIIIXG GOODS. At Astonishingly Low Prices. Bloomsbuiu. Sept. S). 1871-tt JOHN Q. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, PENN A. The underslcned would resDectfultv lnlorm the Citizens of Berwick, ana vicinity, that he has opened a Confectionery and Bakery In ODD FELLOWS' HALL,, where bo Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, &o Ac, &o. BT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Amonz the assortment will be found Cream Nuts, English Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Fil berts, Figs, Apples, cocoa Nuts, Jellies of differ ent kinds. Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit of all kinds, Corn Starch, Egg Bis cuit. Soda Crackers. OVHter Crackers. Otieesn. Hoap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produce of nU kinds. Fresh Bread an Cakes everv dav. ice Cream in Heason. Ynnr patronage fa solicited. Berwick, Jan 171 tv QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, iiioomsDurg, ro. M. O. OAN & BROTHER Have on hand and 1 or sale at the most reasona ble rates a splendli stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description l Wagons both PLAIN AID FANCY warranted to be mad .-o best r.nd mnsi dat able materials, and 7 tbe mot exnxrlencea workmen. All work ent from t estab lishment will be founu t( oe of the high st class and sure to give per'ct satisfaction, They have also a nue assortment of SLEIGHS of all the newest and most lashlonnulo styles well and carefully made and of the best mater, lals. An lnSDecllnn nf thfdr wnrlr In brVpiI ah It. I believed thai none superior can befonnd In tbe cointry. Ian Ml Jyj-EW STOCK OF CLOTHING:. Fresh arrival of SPRING GOODS DAVID LOWENBEKG Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTIirNG. at his store on Main Street, In the new block, Bloomsbure, Pa., where no has Just received from New York and :'niiadoipbla a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable, and handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX.-SACK, ROCO, OUM, AND OIL-OLOTU COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts.slres and colors. Ho has also replen lshed his already large stock of CLOTH AND 0AS3IMERES. STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN YESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, nuBi-ttnuisits. amu FANCY ARTICLES He naa constantly on hand a large and wen-se eded assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which he U prepared to make to order Into any kibu u ciuvmug, un very snori nouce, and in the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It la of home mannfactnre, GOLD WATCHES AND JKWSLRY, ol every description , One and cheap. Ills case ot fewolry Is not surpassed In tulalplace, Call and examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, 40. octlPJl DAVID LOWENBERO, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING OAItpS, OTTKII HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, Neatly and Cheaply Printed' mojjithef latest stylos of Typo at tho mm TMi Cut lllmtrttet the manner of thing )rm rumor's Fountain Nasal Injector, DOUCHE. ThU tnitmment Is cipod&Ur designed for tbo per fect sppllutlon of t DR. CAGE'S CATAftRII REMEDY. It to tho only form of Internment yetjnvcnted with which llulcl mctllclno csn bo carried Moh up and rertctl) applUit to all parts of the affected natal pas- Pfljros, ana ma cunmucra ur coviuca cumiDuiucaiino; thorowllh, In which sores and ulcere frequently cxlif. and from which the catarrhal discharge generally pro cccda. Tho wintoftucccMln treating Cularrh here tofore has arisen largolr rrom tho Impottibllltr of applying remedies to tbego cavities and chambers by any or tho oruinsry methods. Tluaobiucio In tho way of elTectlni cures Is entirely ovcrccmo by the Invention of tho Doticho.In tiglna this Instrument, tho Fluid li carried by Its n weight) no muffing, tore Jng or pumping being roqulrod.) up ono nostril In a full fcc-nlly (lowing stream to tlio hlghert portion of the Inait&l pMsagcs, passe Into ond thoroughly clcantcs nil the tube? and chimb era connected therewith, and howl out ol tho onpoiltl nostril. Haute Is plcntantand so simplo that a child can nndentsnd It. full nml explicit direction accompany each Instrument. When used with this Instrument, Dr. H.rre' Catarrh Remedy cures recent attacks ot t"C!olil III tlio Hrm1bra few applications. Symptomn of Catnri-li. Frequent hend acho, dlscharga fatting into throat, sometimes pro fuse watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, 4c. In others a dryness, dry. watrry, weak or inflamed cye. stopping up or obstruction of nasal pnssagci ringing lit cars, deafness, hawking and coughing to elenr throat, ulceration, pcahs rrom ulcers, olco altered, nasal twan?, nuVnlvo breath, impaired or total deprivation ot sense of smell and taste, nos, mental depression, ion of nppctlte, Indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, &e. Only a few or theso symptoms aro likely to bo present In any caso at ono time. i)r. Mntro'H C'ntnrrli II cm oily, when used with nr. I'lc rco'H Douche, and accom panied with tho constitutional treatment which is recommended In tho pamphlet that wraps each bot tio of tho Itomedy, Is n perfect fpcc'.Ac for this loath somedlsoaso, ana tho proprietor oilers, In good filth, 9500 reward for a case ho can not cure. Tho Remedy Is mild and pleasant to use, containing no strong or caustic drugs or poisons. Tho Catarrh Remedy Is sold at 50 cents. Douche at CO cents, by nil DriiRRlstsi, or cither will bo mailed by pro prietor on receipt of 60 cents. it. v. riciicn.M. i)., , ' Solo proprietor. ' A THTFFALO, N. Y. .:.ur.'" ir..uf riiy- . o . ... ,i y ivnr.Utoa. ' u : iioun I I i-ttl MiV ono .'. i.i' is a rmn roi: I.VJ.UY IAIN, i. i tli.' flrM. urn! U !y I nln JtoiiMMlv i it ft luc ia'iii". ul!iv4In i -r tr'M'irii, wliMlnror tlm Luii--, . r tatul j ur Wi u.n, t-y tt.ti a) j .1. r On I ) , HI K'll, Itutt i in rno-i : 1 Twrxrv mim'tes. Nil ii'iitttT liu " u' 1 tti(! tin- u!ii Hie lit! MA'I'lt'. IWtl rlli-f, 1 ..1 1, 'rlMkt!, Julius, .Neuriti, ,v .r j'ltiitriitti w .tii ii-n.t.. n,tj miikr, rtHDWAVS READY RELIEF Will. MTIinil IXSTAXT !!AI?. m. IM'W.'JVATHX UK TUB KIliNhV. iM-bAMM.vruiN or iuc bi.ADi-a. i:,Tl..MMTU).N O,-' Till: HOWKl.s. olli:siIl)N OK Tlin LITJi .-i. r.nitn Tiir.c.VT, 'ni rici'i.T hiifatiiimi. I'ALI'ITATIO.N ol1' UllK ilEAUT lirsTCr.ICS, LT.0L1', JUriilllKltlA. OATAUKH, lNTLUE: . lin.UIACII", TOOni.VMIE. M'.t'KAT.ntA. llliF.mtlT. COT.D ClltU.S, Afit'i: 1'UII.I.H. 1110 npinr'ii!tri i i'iu weany ifeiiri to iiiq tinl.wliLra tliu t ir tllLjcuilv rlal. ulil nflnnl pn.. i untiturt. Twenty drop! li ln'f a litmliler ff wait will In i Itinnirnts cino CHAMPS. M'ASMS, MIUU M'OM ,rll. IIKAIll IllllOi, Mf'li IIKAIIAI'lli:, DiAIIHIII liYKKNTKHV. COM!', V1AU IS TIIK UinVHL'j, all INTKItNAl, PAINS. Trnvcler nlinuKI nlwuva carry n lultle rf Kaihtnt' ltl-nily ltl'lll-r M'tli Hum. A tow ilnm 111 ustir t li irvci sIlkiii-u, ,.r 111.I1M frmii tl.iitu-i-1 f wnttr. It u lie ur ilau IVculIi llratiily or li.turd lut u slliuulatit. I'KVKIS AMI AtSfE. rnvnil AMI Alilll-: curl lur Cnv n.iil. Thr-n 1. rv.t a rcmoilliil nirent In tliln werlil tint will euro l'lvtr ainl Apiie, mi'l nil Mlur Jl'iliulmn, ItllloiK, Scuilor, Tvi.tinl.l, tllow, unit i.tlior KtnirM-ililtil -v I'.AIIWAWS PjLI.) m iiulcli iu ItAIlWAfs lil'.AUV ItlXICr. fllty ceini lirWtlc. buU by DrUfgMi. - HEALTH ! BEAUTY! STIiOXO AND PII1IK ltlOII IlMVlll-IXl'ltrASi; Of FI.KSIIi.NK WKlllll l-CI.RAIt BKIN AND liKAU- BR. ft AD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HA" MAUI3 TIIK MOST ASTONIMIINO CPRnSt RO CiUICK, SO KAl'Il. AHK THi: iMtAMMIN TIIR ItODY 1TNDRIUHIKS. i'MlKIl TUB lNKUrHMM: op this 'iuulv vo;;in:i;i"ut mliucxnu, THAT Evory oy an Jncroaca In Flosli and Wolght Is Soon and Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. T.VPTV flrfili ff Ilia SAr.SAl'AUlI.T.lAN lti:s(lI.VKT ronimuiitcattH tliroiieli tlm llUifnl, hni'at, UrliR. ninl cttiK flitiilit ami jalcca t tlie nynteiu tliu Uorcr 1 ifo, fr It rtuttri tlie wasti-v of tlio t Hiy whli new nnl nuiiiitl ittnt Scrftruli. Syihlll", roiiauniptlriti, .Inmliilnr dlji'tiH.', L'lccrit In tlio Thro it, Motitlt, TiuiMirs, Notlt'x In tit) O'ati'N in ) ntlicr turt-H-f tliu KjMi'in, Sord Lye. Stnuiins l'l frtini lua Kir, tvvl Hit worst forms of Sktn dltt'iini' tloim. IVvir Strt!', caM lleml. liintt Worm. S.i't Kryit'LU Acne, Itl.ick nlfl, Worm in tliti Fli'.'h, Citictri In tho Womb, nut) till uctikei.tns tiiul j Charcot, Nlelit Swi-M. Lou of Hpcnn, niitT nil w lilu tirlnclplt, hrt) v it hlu tlio cunittvo ruipo of tl i df iliKli-rii (,Mictnl-trv, tnnl n Uw h' uso will ctiy i'i(noii u-itiK It for t-lthcr cf tUae funna if. 1 juitetit iom'it to euro tlicni. If tliu p'ttioiit. iliily lK'comln(f rcducPtl liy tJie 1 ilecomi'OHlt imi that a lonllnii.illy jiroprcuHln, rtii i, iirrvsttiiz thtrtti utiHtM, ninl rt'itlr tlio fjimowitli tu rr lit tin tcftoni liraltliy Miwtl aud tlili tbo SAUS.U -s LIL LIAN will ami itttmn-trtir. Atit r.ui iiopi mo !AitHjiPAitii.T.i itrsaLVEirr cipci all 1 Iimvil nirilitA In llm ittut of Ctirnnlr Si'fnfnliMi I 'ottM It lit tonal, mij bkl:i tllJLMics ; but It Is tliu unly poblllvu euro fur ruiiiiry vc ISUuUWv Coiiinlaints. Vrlniry, nml Wmii'i ill-i-nst-n, 3rivc), Dlilittcn, Propur Pinil.i f V..ter. liittiiitlm'iicrM.r Urine, Hrljjlirn Disuse Altmiiiltitirla, ntul In it'l aw vlura tl tro nro t.rktuiusl dr lidMiH, or iitu wim-r MiiiKK, tnnuiv, tnut'il Willi nuUbtancci nltu the white of un 11:1.', or tltrvu'U like white ellk, or tlirra Un mtirlil.1. 1 :irlc. Mllmirt nnnimriinri' nii.t whli.i I, Inut dci0HH8, nml wlifn lluro t t'ricklnj;, burnlnfe twtit;Uin wltcii vwliifltwatir. nvjt.ihili. tho Small tf tho Duct onJ tltniirOip Mnn. Trkt.', ifijso. WUKmdi-Tlio oi.iy known and euro Kcmct!y fur I."tri(i-Vl'J, J'jjh, tie. Tumor of 12 VcaiV Orov.C: Curcil by E!iuHvay's Resolvent. Vircatr, Mam., July 14, ISJ3, Tin. TltntrtV! I liirl lit t OtMrinn '1 uim.r ! tl. nn.rl,. ait.l hihU. All Ilia ls.n-1-.r mil "lti.rn wu un hrlpfi r It." I lrl4 vry tltliiz tliitt w rtvoiiiiiKTitrrl 1 1 ttt iiutbtnn helium I tnw. I mt imt isnirriii, niu mittiii'ii. i wvitiu iry li Lia lit. I Ho rulti in n, Uhiihj 1 lisvl (itlfufal f .r twlr jirnrs. I i.k tlx UtlU$ of-ill IW.lrnt. nj out Ihix if llnlwi)'! 'ill,int twu Wttlri of vnur ltdsbtv IMleft ti.l tlirrn li not a ilifii r.f luux.r L U s n ' inj ( futl Uitlff , miitrirr, ntul lipiir thu I Ins fur twl )nr, Tli worst tuiiiur wu Iti I ho left tUU cf tho Uturli, brtr lH cr-ln. I wrll tliit W Jtm fur Uij IttUkLKf Cthm, Vim ran tm 1.11 1, if )filihrH.M, 11AN.NAII I', K.N At V, RADWAY'G- PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. pffttly tfiHtPtfiw.ctivintly innti-il Mlth fwct pirn, iiirpot teiciilate, i.urlfy. cit-niw, im t tnni:U.iii. lU'lwnv h I'll. f;r the tur-'of nit ilionkTJ of the Mom uh. I.hir, P . a KldnovH, UKtUler, Nitvuui UIw imr, IIu.t1fti Ip, t.ti)'i a tion, J'oMlvi'iu'M, luillufkilciii, lHrpipiiU, ltiIUu-iifj, itil luilit 1 ivcr, Ion ol tho UoAiln, J'iM, nml ull Do ranguiienta of tho Inlenul VKm. Wiirrantfl to crtt-it a tosltlfe cure, Tnrtly Vi-j;it.illtf. cotiUlLliiir im nivrcurr. mlinr I1, or (tali t ermiH ilnicn, tf CHijtrvu tiitifi'llowlnie r-yiiii torus rcsultlrc from DI. OMvri of tho Jfhjikthe Orfuim t ritlrAtloB, Iimarl rtl, KhWi if ll Tie A li tU !Tt4 Aciiiity t.r lh httiiiiw h, Nniiaon, llinrtlitim, Ht'Ui of I'm'il, ri.ll litu ur dliht tn tU Sioin ji 1 R, ur 1 mi. Ullii, in L In if i-r r lutlrr Itiic tt llml'ltcf ILt) Ftoiimtli, h ln.i..lhr , f tin ra.l, llurrir.1 u4 inuifuit uwnililiiir, rlutUrlirl)in lU.rl, rliuhimr t r, hwnntlunt in Ijin Mtura Dimiatt ir Vtii-m. Ihu ur ahsl Ilia ttll,l l i an. I I I..II I I.. 1 1... 1 ,t i t lVrl ration, Ulluntini tf tt fLlti nt.,1 Vjt, :ut, tu Ilia lt. LIiU, MfiJ iuJJbii J lu.Lit (f Ua,( Lurnlinf tu lU A f-w iIo-m r., It AT WAY'S PIM-Swlll rvo thonvfVm from nil I Km nlini- 1 .1 i.u.hli n It, I..., ... 1 ... fctM,t ll V MtlMItiWr ' ' to K A ll WAY .V- (. iV., b? Mjl.kii Ijir.c, w.Y - iiiiuiiiuiioii unnn iiMMuumia win iMjiHitt jou. HLATCIIlKY'a j ImproTrd C'urnmber Wood Pumn, Z Tusteloss, JJuruble, Klllclunt tCa andClienp. Tlio boatl'ump for u the lentt moDey. Attention is -3S especially Invited to lllatcti- (h ley's i'atent Improved Ilrack- viiuuunuw uropunecic valve, whlcti enn bo wti lul rown wltli out removing ttio l'ump or disturbing tlio Joints, Also, tlio Copper Chamber, which never i-racks or scales, and will outlast any other. J-'or salo by Dealers everywhere. Heud for CatalOKUo and l'rlco 1,1st, CllAS. G.llLATrilr.lLV. lil'Pr. Bcpt. 167MX. M"- "Tho best, cheapest, and limit successful Family Taper In tho Union." Harper's Weekly. Bl-USMJIDIiY ILLUSTKATEu. Noticti 0 Ihe Prtn. Tlia Wftlhi U tl,A nlilr-at ami mne Illustrated periodical published lu this country, IU editorials are scholarly and cnnvlnnlnir. am carry much weight, lu Illustrations ot current events are full and fresh, and are prepared by pur best designers. With a circulation or 150.0UO, tho Weekly la read by at least half a million per sona, and 1U influence as an organ of opinion I slrnply tremendous. The Weekly inalutalus a positive positlou.und expresses decided vlsws on polltleal and social problems. Louisville (Xurier-jQurnaU BUDSORIPTIOKrS-1873. Terms 1 IlAnriR'a Weekly, one year Jl CO An KxtrA Hnnv rt nlllipp ,Iim Minivm. WKKKi.Y.or IlAZAlt will be supplied gratis for QVervlllnlinf KtvviltTii.nDiii.udiiiii iwi , .. one remlltancet or, tilx Copies for til UU, Willi- Bubscriptlons to lUiti'Eit'H MAfUZiNE.WKiK-i-y, and UA2AU to ono adilress for oue yeur. llu.OOi or, two of Harper's l'erlodlcalj, to oue address for one year, 1! (x. Hack Numbers can bo supplied at any Urns. Tho Annual Volumes of IIaiu-kk'h Weekly. In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by express, free of expease, tor V UU each, A complete Hut, lomprlsiugHlxteeu Volumes, sent on receiptor cash at the rate of 5 21 per vol., freight uf ex pease of purchaser. The postage on llAni'Eit'a Weekly la W conts ay?rwlc,,.II,?"l b0 Pald lutucntcr's post oulce. Address UAIU'JSU A imOTHEKS, New VorU. or 'vmml REMOVAL!! I. W. NIL12S', MUHIO W A U 10 11 O 0 M H m hnvu been removed tu tliu NEW HltlCIC UUrLWINO OlTOSITKtholU'IHCOl'.VIiOUtllilJll.MAINHt Whero afywlll keep a general assortment uf 'CUE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, PIAN03, OKUANS, VIOLINS, andallKIND3 Of MUSICAL INdTMUMENTB. Also MUSIC HOOKS for all INSTIIUMENTS. PIANO AND OHOAN BT00IJ3 ALL- STYLKH AND FKICE3. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO is the cheapest First Class Piano in the market. Having secured tho Agency ot tho HCCIEO. WOODS' ItENOWNKD OltOANS, EEBlforColumbia Couuly, together with tho CELEIinATED TEMl'LE ANOEUO furnishes advantages to purchasers juot found elsewhere. STATIONARY OP ALL KINDS. A full assortment of ISQUAllE AND OVAL PBAMEES, BCCall Btylcs and prices cnnstgutly on hadd. STKELEOItAVINGS, CIIUOMO-t OOnoIlKD rittTO, STEllKOSCOI'ES AND VIEWS. 3Call and cxamlno. tncU3'72-Cm, SM'II Twe'je Years -as Wild iDdlans -s Ptains. The rcmarknblo adventures of tho lamous WHITE CHIEf and DIU WAHHIOK among tho KedHkluH. Thrilling accounts of Ureat Hunts, Hairbreadth Escapes and Terrible Contests with tbe big game and hostile tribes. Spirited descrip tions of the habits and superstitions of that strango people. Their Sports, Legonds, Tradi tions. How they Woo and Wed, Scalp, Doctor, Worship, 4c. New, Fresh and ropular, I'rlco Low. It Is selling by the thousands with won derful rapidity. AgenUnre making from $60 to (UK) per week. Choice Held yet vacant. Send at once for sample chapters, Illustrations and par ticulars to A. II. UUIIUAHD, inibllsher, lana'71-tf. 400 Chestnut St.. Phlla "A Repository of Fashion, l'loasuic, and Instruction." Harper's Bazar. Abflces a the 2Vcu. The Jlatar Is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom find in uny Journal; and tho Journal itself Is the organ of tho great world ot fashion, lloston Traveller. Tho Jlaztir commends ttself to every member of toe household to the children bv droll and pretty pictures, to tho youiiu ladlos by lu fashion-plates In endh s variety, to the provident matron by ltspatu ins for the children's clothes, to paleramtlius by Its tasteful designs for ein brotdored slippers and luxurious drcbslng-gowus Ilutthe readlug-iu.itterof Ihe .Hamr Is untlormly of great excellence. Tho paper has ncqutred a wide popularity to." the llresldo enjoyment It atrords. A'. 1'. livening Vost. SU3JSCHIPTIONS-1873. Terms 1 UAr.i'ER'y Bazah, ono year 1 co An Extra Copy oj either tho Magazine, Weekly, or Hazak will bo supplied gratis fur every Club of Five Buiiscriiiuhh alti 00 each, In one remittance; or, Six Copies lor 20 DO, without extra copy. Subscriptions to IIari-eii's SUaAzttin, Week ly, and IlAZAlt, to ono address fur ouo year, 10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to ouo uuuiiwa jur uuu jreur, ci ui. Back Numbers can bo supplied at any time. Tho flvo volumes of IIabi'eii's IIaziii, for tho yeurN low, -o-j, -iu, -ii, -n. eieganiiy oouuu lu green morocco clotn, will bo bent by cxpresu trtlght prepaid, for V 00 each. Tho nostaso on IlAni'Eit'H TIazati la "11 rvntn n year, which must bo paid at tho tubacribcr't post- HAlll'EIl A BROTHERS, Now York. M. B. ALLEBACH DEALEll IN WATCHES and JEW.ELEY DANVILLE I'n. SILVER AND PLATED WAUK, FRENCH CLOCKS, SWISS AND AMERICAN STEM WATCHES. THE RENOWNED ELGIN WATO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FINE JEWELRY, DIAMONDS ftc. tt Repairing promptly attended to. S. H. Miller & Son, Dcnlcr in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBURG, PA. AGENTS LOOKHEREIJJSBil.,, For tho New Splendidly Illustrated Edition of ROBINSON SRUSO t Bcoause It Is the most fascinating and popular book In print. and excels all In rem! eUtmnr aihi ou jr(. Just out. VI1 pages. Unfed paper, uuiy i.ou vuity worm 90.11. is a ureal till, sells quick und fast. Terms of this und our new Do mesllo lIlbloH, far the most complete superbly Il lustrated and fast-selling edition extant, also, Ihe "Pocket Comjuinlou," worth 110 to any book aifent. sent free. Write nt omn. ktatinv uiin. yuu saw this, to IlUllllAltD IIROa, upr, m-u t-iiuusiicrs,T'if r nsomtii,, I'liue Moyoro' Column. IS OALLEI) 1IY XKZOYER BROS, 0 To tho fact thnt they aro sllll pushing tho Drug business with all tho energy so characteristic of thcmsolvci 111 farmer times, nt their old busl ncn stands lu BROWER'S BLOCK, and at tho Corner of Main and Market Streets, Thelrstock Islargcrnml moro varied than can lie found In any other establishment short of Philadelphia or Now York, All or which Is oiler cd In largo or small quantities nt figures ns low If notiower, than nuuo goods can lie purchased elsowhero. Call nml examlno roryouiself. Tlio wholesale department under tho lmmodlnto su pervision and control of tho firm, comprises PAINTS, OILS, ULAS3, PUTTY, .CO., AC. They keep constantly on hmd from llvo to six dlllercul brands of Whlto Lead, nmiiug which Is John T. Lewis it IJroB., Huck Lend, AVIiito Oiik, Diamond, Arctic, &c, , Varnishes, Coacli, Furniture, Diimnr, Shcllnc ntul Japan Dryer. In colors you will find Dmbors lint li dry and In oil, Sleunus, Browns, Mctallleuud Vnnd)ko,ltrds Venetian, Rod Lead. American and Chinese Vcr millions, Blues, Yellows mid Uroons, among which nro tho celobrated Versailles and Shamrock, very bandsomo nml permanent, nud especially adapted to tho palming or blinds, lie. Linseed Oil, Turpentlue, Ac. All sires window glass, largo sizes or superior quality tor pictures, h speciality. Castor oil by tho gallon or dozen. Laudanum, Paregoric, llatcman's drops, golden Tincture, Balsam Do Maltha, God frey's Cordial. Essences Lemon. 1-eppcrmlnt, Wintcrgrcen and Cinnamon. All lhu popular patent modlclnes of tho day, among which wo enumerate Ayres, Jnyncs.Vinegar I$itlcrs,IIo3tot ter's, Drnko's, and lloollaml's Gor man Bitters. Tills, Wright's Jayno's, Schcncic's.nnd till others known to tho Community. A largo and vnrlod assortment ofJCnlguts world renowned cooking extracts. Lemon, Vanilla, Hoso, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pino Apple, Celery, Banana, Scnro oirer ed below manufacturers prices, to country merchants. Spices, Cinnamon, Clovus, Pepper, Mace, Mustard, 4C., at bottom prices. ALSO, ltoil anil Flour Htil phur, Epsom Sails, Salt l'etre, Calabru Lic orice, Gum Camphor, Borax, Assafcutlda, Cattle nnd Horso Powders.Bluo VltrioI.Extnict Iog wooil, Castile and Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimneys, nnd Lamp goods gener ally. Lump Chalk, Silver sand, Calcined Plaster, Itoseudal Cement by tho barrel or bushel. e Tho rclobratod Mlllvlllo Fiult Jar, acknowl edged to bo by far tho best lu tho Markets, nil glass, of suiierlor material nnd workmanship. Consumers having onco used these, will havo uo other. Country Physicians will find ourstock full and complete, comprising nil tho old staples of tho Materln Mcdlca, as well as all tho latter discov eries of modlcal science, (lulrilne. Morphia und Opium always In abundance. Huuco llios, and White's nharmaoeutlcal nrenarntlnim. Klnlil nml Solid extracts Elixirs and Pills or tho l'harnia- copcea sugar-coated, l'owors nnd Welghlman's Chemicals, and Prof. B.iulbb's niodlclues, a lull DkUVIi, Farmers and others will fliidnurstocK of Pure Ground Western Bone, Oil of Vitriol, Sulphate of Soda and Nitrate or Soda, of better quality and nt lower prices than can be round elsewhere. COACH AND WAGON MAKERS would do well to seo our stock and inquire our prices be- iuiu iiuituiiniuij uibuwnuiu. Our retail and Prescription department Is under mo ttupei itiuii UI MK. A. It. CiTIICART, who has had years orcxpcrlencoln tho business, Able and competent assistants always lu atten dance. This department consists ol tho com- ly rcclpts, tho putting up or Dye Slulls, pt T tho retailing of Patent Medicines nnd Druggist's suudrles, such as Perfumery, comprising all or inu jiiwai, i-iiuieu iruni uqr most emiueui Ameri can manufacturers and tho specialties of all tlio Foreign, French, English, Qerman and iiitiuin I'enumers. "tjf n Toilet Soaps in Lvrgo variety, both Imported anil Fino Hair, Tooth, Flesh, Clothes, Shav inrr & Nail IJrushcs. Tri)!S3fj3,SIioul tler Urnces & SiipportersNurar, ing uoiiies, iocKct, uoou 11111 Books, &c, Ac. Cigars of rarest ani choicest brands from 5 cts E Pipes nnd cigar smoicora and many tlilugs Im pobslblo tu L'uumcrato iiciv. Tho haudtiomest SODA FOUMTAIBT In this part of tho Stato. called tho "Icebcri.' from which Iscoustnutlydrawu, tliosocool and refreshing boveraues su popular with tho Amer ican public, nlso. the medicated waters of Vl:ur, U...MbUbt. 1.11M l)l.l.VI R inuutiu.iiiiiuii A'vjjiut till I: lit, UWUI)'IurN alt the oiUolnat preptiratlouM of tho U.H. i'lmr- OIL OF GLADNESS a specific fur Croup, Burns and Scalds and ono .of the most valuahlo auxiliaries In the euro of yetter-plles, hoarseness, eto over known. The largely Increasing sales attest Its popularity ns u household remedy. s -"J . . -uub'1 ll", TUIlllWIU .VIIIUUJT Iiir (MlllL'll!! Ilf Inilir btnilllllur nml lunlnlaul nun. sumption. Flavoring extracts, liisenoe Jamaica uiuger, eic to an or which wo usk tho atteu. tluu of thu ijeucral public. rPhn Wflrrntl will R 1 1 1 1 pnnflnlin in nm, Its bttitctl visits to their country custom- era, MOYER BROS. May 10, ly, EK S4l N inn H W IVi-Nnn run tnko llicao Illllc-m flccord t- tn lUrcciiom, And Kmnin luiis unwell, provided their b,mt t Ate tint dcMtoyed by mineral poison or other means, ntul tlic orKins w.ntcrl bcyonj tlio point of repair. l)-ftp'plit ctr Itiillpftllniii Henrliche, l'.im In tlic Slionhkrs, (oiirIi, 'I ijtlitnes of tlie Cliest, Dini tienn, .Sir KtticiniiniK df the Stomach, H.iil Taste in (he Mouth, Ihlioin Allncks, l'.ilpit.nttm of the Heart, In fl-miiiMiiiHt of the I .utio Pain In tho regions of the KM tiers nnd a hundred other pilnfut f-wnptomft, aie the otT fpiiiicn of liyfpcpjii.i. lu these complaints It lias no ciim1, nnd one bottle nil! prove n Letter guarantee of Its 1 ktii than a lengthy Advertisement. I'm liYmnlit Cnfttiiluliitxt In yminRor old, mar tied r.r single, nt the d.iwrt of womanhool, cr the turn ft lite, llioe Tonic Hitters display so decided an Influence tli it a nnrl.rd improvemtnt Is soon perceptible. tW Iiillrtiiiinulor. ninl Chronic It li cu muli nt nnd Oont, Itiltotn, Heniittcnt ami Intermit tnl fevers, licaesof the I Hood, I.iver, Kidneys and lllridtlcr, thee Hitters have no equal. Such Diseases ore canned by Vitiated Jltootl, which Is Reneully produced bv ileranjtLnicnt of the Digestive OrR.iiis. Thi'V men (Jciitlo I'iuruIUo nn writ ns a Tunic posMisinc also the peculiar merit of acting ns ijinweifnl ngent in relieving Congest inn nr Inllammation t.i ihe Li v rand ViicernlOr,;.in. and In Itdious Diseases. l'Nir Skin D.M'ttNPM, Eruption. Tetter, Salt Kheum, lllotchcs, bpnts l'imples, l'ustufes, lloils, Car buinle, It niff onus. Scald-Head, Sore l.ycs, Krysioela Itth, Sent ft, I)icoItir.itinnipf the Sktn, Humors and Dis t.iHc of tho Skin, uf wlntevcr name or nature, nre tit erallydiiK tip ami cairlet out of the tyitcm In a short lime by lha mc of these Ilitten, Tlio piupoillc) of I)r, WalkurM ViNraAR JttTTKns are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nmitiioii, Laxative, pmretie, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, hudtiritic, Alterative, and Anti-lIiHons, (J.-iitirut TliuiiffniifN proclaim VinkcR Hit tiiRh (lie mo4 Wumlcifnt Jinigurant that ever sustained the sinking ylem J WALKKK, I'rnji r Jt, II. .M. DO.VAI.D it CO., Drtiistv and Ocn Ats., San Francisco, Cat., and ctuiitr f W .1 liitinton nud Chtrlton bts , New York COM) UY A I I- DUIOGISTS AND DEALERS. U 13-72 nut23 3ru THE QUEESra BUTTON-HOLE AND COMPlETHSBWINa.MAOIHiV li. -0- Tho first anil only HUTTON-HOM! AND HUWINU JIACIIINl'l combined that hasiuado Its ndvent In this or any other country. 3-The following reasons nro glveu why this is tho hest. Family Macliinb to Purchase. . llccauso It will iln1 I. llecansoltwlllworlr ovorythlng thatnny mn- a uoauiiiut eyelet hole, cnino can uo, sewing1 from tho finest to thel coarsest material, hem inlnL'. felllni;, cordlnc! hralding, binding gath-! 6, Ileeauso It cau do over-hand scntnluir, hy jWhlch sheets, pillow cases nnd tho llko nro eriiia auu huwiuk on, ni tho samo tlmu rullllnc. sowed over and over, qulltlnit. etc., better than any other ma 0. llccauso tho best mechanics pronounce It the bust Mulshed and chine. mado on thu best lirlncl 2. TKrnitsolt can work plo or nuy machine manufactured. It has a beaulirul button-hole.i uo Kprlturs to brealr uothttt!! to cot out o innuiuR as unoa pearl us uy luu iiaiiu. order. 3. llccauso It will em 7. Ileeauso It is two machines In ouo, A broider over tho ed(;o, inakiHK a neat nud beautllul bonier ou any garment. IlUTTOn-lIOLK W11111; inu nud Hkwinh ciiiNucomuiiieu. i-JNoother Mnchlnocannccompllah tholiliul of kowlngstalod lu No, a, 3. 4. nud a. Turtles uslnu a fnmllv sciwlni? mnclilnn wnnt. a WHOIii: MAC'IIINK.oue with all tho liuprovo- iiiuii,. It Is to last a LIFETIME, nnil llinrernrn nnn In wanted thnt will do tho most work, and do It iiiu ui-n, , ttiiu iiu-i iiiiiciiiuii eau no several ieiiiiis ofsuwlugnotdtmu on ANY UTIIIIItMACIlINli, uuoiuw uuiu uvery uinu luai. uu oiueis can uo Tlic American or Plain Sewing Machine. (Without the button-holo parts), does all that in uuuu ou inu omuiiiaiion except, uuiiouiiuiu uuu uver-bcainiui;. 8. J. FAUX, Agent, BLOOMSBURG. Pa AGENTS WANTUI) IN UVEUY TOWN. COMPANY'S WAItEROOMS, 1318 OhQstnut Stroot, Philadelphia. Kxamlno tliem before purchasing anyothor -uwiiili .uueiuue M' cKELVY, NEAL & CO. DEAI.EltS IN DEY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSUURG, I'A. Jan2(i72-tf EWING 1MCH 'HUE SALES OP BEWINQ MA X. chines In 1871, ns reported, under oath, in lsiu, to the owners of lhu Bowing ilachlno l'at- I-UIB, BUUW IUUI. IUU SIMMER MANUPACTURINQ COMPANY LAST YEAU 80LU 181, 260 Machines, NINETY PER OENT.OFTI1EMUE- INU FOR FAMILY' USE, xzxis xs ovsn MORE SEWING MACHINES THAN WERE SOLD UY ANY OTH ER COMPANY DUR. INO THE SAME PERIOD. Tho Singer Manufacturing Co., 34 UHIOH SQUARE, HEW YORK, l'lIILATlEU'IIIA OFFCK 1100 Chestnut Bt, u, a, iuuuc, aui, tu uiwiusuurg. uugy ly AGENTS! QUICK!! or you will miss cholep of teirltory, (tliero Is a rush for In on mi) LEWIS' last and greatest work. OUR DIGESTION, nr. MY JOLLY VIllKNIl'HHEnilMl-. It Is by odds Ihe most takluif aud saleable bonk 111 tho field, lit Is on a vltallv llunortaut sub. Ject. UU Is by America's most popular writer uu ueuiiu, a it im, ur 1110 price, me lurgcsi. auu haudsouiest book ever sold by kubsvrlpttuu, Aueuts, tho people are eager lor.uch u iKiou.aud will urtto you to bring ll to them. Wrlto for terms, ae., free, , i ,.-.,,11. tt.t.ri.. t ...... MnvjiMiii, . iiuiuiier, nprll ;0,'72-tf. 733 hausom bliicl, I'lilladelphia OYERSEAMING Jlail Roado. pHNHSIVLVANIA RAIUl0J WlNTEll TlMK TAUM,, Klnlit Trains l)aliv"rrr . . l'.lro,Cjuudnya teeptod.)1 (o "0d u ,illl, l"ssongorTra us or i?,?;.23113. 18;l Hallroiul OommiMv wii, .J L?.r. J I'snnwi.: I EANTlV.ltm I hilladClphhi afJJil ; , ' 'AVdy0' "f wl Yurie at iu. in. m. ' m,J nlve! tttj;l at il'lilladeliihluattwj p. i. H ' "x- mil Lhlcago Kxpress leaves llarrNimr. , ,, 30p.m.,arrlvusallVillaaulph, iui I?i1,allr,'l NewYorkntO.lo a, ui. lJ,'"Mj Cluclnnittt Kipross leaves lt-ri , at luiMp. in., mid aiv,"uv,na7H IUS5J, aud arrives MNmi Yoii"?! WESTWARD. Mrln . ...... '1 brealcfast, and Mrttr,0,iil"iKi,,liI,W! ifflri.L?!"'1!!!!!. a my (or. p. m., r:;- MM m and arrives ut''fftUu.A11l,t'8'.!j5 Cincinnati Expresi loave. lr.rrii , I Ueneral .Manager amVlTu'i; gHORTEST llOOTE EA3TWA11D, Dauville, Hazleton & Wilkesharre KB WINTER A RHANQEXENTS. EASTWARD. WESrWAUU. Sunhnry , llauvlllo Catawlksn llazlelou A. SI.) I i.i;avk. ..v .. 7.U3 .. 7,'ii .. U.US VA Ifi !;1 k lew Yorlr. ..'1.111,11, llethlcU'ra. Hethlohcm, r. jr. TO, -JkM 12.1U I'hia i ijj ii.15 l, ('" 143J Hazleton, titawlss.t. liiiuvlllo. A U11IU1C1II .iiiAieioil. New Yorfi: suuhury. thoUi? fti?T5??" 'r.?1? -(:?un!?t''.t.i Hnnbury win, w7llaT;.r:T'u1.:u'V west: arrlvcm tlia Norlhrn nSnfSi !V'v:c4 IV.'.':.a'! WHO stoJwP..,l'Lr.,.V!,JaS!SO W"" tUu Buibur aai L iie'w'mn'1010 nua uaaJao'a3 Coaches oa thU J. IIEUVEY ICASE, Superintendent, NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL On and nfter Nov.2lib,'l872, Trains villi imvonuKHuitY as follows : NOItTifWAiin 1Ul:rVttiV except Hundays loWIUlamsrorl 0.30 n. ni. Wllliainsport, Elnilra, It jster, Iiuir. ?aIS!lJS,,fSSeepl unua) William. 4'Mltunr,,.,M!,i15,i'CXC0,J.t,?,miIaJ' ! for IJImlrs ,1 . J,"",'1 JluSr Fall", via, h His rullroad TUAIN8 SOniHWAItD. UjO. l.M. Dally oxcept Monday, for HaltlmoriJ WiLshiustou and 1'hlladelpllla. 'I 11.03 A. M Dally (oxcopt Holidays) lor UaltPnoiel Wushliialou and i'ullailcl.,hhi. I 8"t0phih,;i!?l''!,(0:Ecert Sundays) lor Ilaltlinorcl , ED. H. YOUNO, Uouorairnsseritvr Aseut, ALFititrt It. Kiai:. Ucu'L Bup't. JEADINO RAILROAD VI N r E 1 1 .A UU A N( 1 K M f r. .Monday, Ducemiicu rd, , Tralus leiivo Harrlsburs for New York, as lo.. lows : Atf)..!J, s,li), a. m uuu a.uu p. m oou. uectluis with trains ou l'euusylvlnila Kail, load, and arriving at New VoiU at 1133 U,5U, nud 0,1) p, m. respectively. Hemming: Leave New York at s.uo a. ia 12.5U auu 0.11) p. in. rhlladolphlant7. '.ilju.iu and y.:!0 n. m. Leuvu llarrlfaburir lor IterulfiH.. (iniinviii t-u. miKiua, Mluersvllle, Ashland, Hhnmokln AN leutuwu and l'hlla'd, at S,su and b.W a, in..guo nudl,Jj p,nistoiipliirat Lebanon mid prludtial wuy hlutlousj p. in. train eon m Mini; lor ruil'a., roltsvliluandColuiublaonly. l-'orPolu.. vtlle.behuylklUHuvou aud Auburn aScliuyl. kill und busquehauna Itallroad, leave Harm bun! ai 11, IU p. in. East reuusylvanla Itallroad tia s leave lteauliuj lor Alluulown Eastou nud Voik ul 7.3J lU.ij, a, ui., and iM p. in, iiiuln luavu New Vork at i)M a, in., IJ.aj ami .. j i p, m und Allentuwu lit 7. -U a.m. IJ.25, sm, .i, uuj und p. in. Wuy 1-assuJuer Train leaves I'lillailelphla st 7,:!uu.iu., cuuuucUnii at Ite.idlu willi 'rain ou luiifcl 1'a, railroad leturulnu leaves foiisvilluat 1 1'5 p. in., slopping at ull stailoas. Leave rotisvlllo at (J.'JU .U5 u.10 a. m aud 2,!ii)p. in., llemdou at 1U.00 a. m nhainulilu ut U OUnuit ll.U'J a, in., Ashlaud at 7, Is a. i.i and ti,j p. niMahauoy City at 7.6J n, m, ami ia,5i p, iu, I'liiuaiiuaatli.a.a. in,, aud S,lo p. in. lor l'iilhi. delphia.Now Vorlt, Ueadliii;, llurrlbburivc. Leave rottsvlllo viu Bchuylkili uuu nubiiuo. liauua Itallroad at l,0j a. m. lor llurrlhljuri,', ohd 11 Ion. m.,lorriuoUrovonudTreu int. l'ottsvlllo Aceoiiimodatlou Train ivesl'otls vllloattl.uo a. m., passes Ueadluts ut 7,l'Ja,iuaf rlvlnu at l'hlludclphlaat lu.ts a. in, lteturulug leaves 1'hlladelphlu at 1.15 p. m., p.islug Iteau. t 7.15H.1U.. uirlvlumu. I'ottsvilluut v,uu u.iu l'ottslown Accoiniuouatlou Tralu, leaves 1'olU t3wnattl,lja,m returulus, leaves 1'hlladelpliUi tNlnlhiiiidOreeii)atJ,U)ii.m. Columbia Itallroud lraiiis leave Heading at 7 Sua m and 6.15 p.m. for Uphrata.LitlE.Lauum. lur Columbia, rtc; returning leave Lanciitor at tf.iu i a. m. and U.30 p. iu., and Columbia at 3.15 a. in. and 3 WJ p. m. I'erkloiuenUall Hold Trains leave rerklonieu Juucllou at 7.&5and U.0U a. iui,55 i p. m. re turulmr. leuvo Uleeu liuo at 0.15 ll, lil.,l.'.ii liud i isJ P. 1"-, counoctlus with tralus oil "l-lSl Valley Itallroad tra. . ,e.,ve i'lia nlxvtllouiu.iua. iu:).li) aud 5.y) p. in.; loturu. luu, leave Dyers ut 0.M5 u. m., li 15 aud l.'ij i. m., cuuuectlns with trains ou Jtoadl'u H illroid. Colebiookdalo Hull road tralus loa it) t'otuiowu attl IU a. m,l.i'Ui).2)J 7.15 p. m returului! leave Ml. l'liasaut at U.iW. H.UJ aud U.ij a, m 3.0J p. in, uuueelluu witn trains ou Il-jadlng ltullroail, Cuester Vulley Itallroad Train leavo Ui.iiju port at ,3Ua. iu. and 2,111 and 6.11 p. m. returning leavo ljuwiiliiutowu ill u.5j u, m li.ilJ uu 1 6. U p. m., couueellus with tralus u.i Ite-idmi "outtuudays, leave New York aW.Sl p.m., I'm. Phta ut s.uu a. m. a'"l a.lop. m ilhe S.UJ a. in. iriiu luuulugouly lu tteadlus;) leavu I'otuvllle U.iW a. m.. llarrlsburi! at S.3U u. m. aud im) n iu. . leavo Allcutoivu ut .5 P. m leave ituullus at 7,15 u. m.aud mbp. in, lor ilairw bur".a"7.30a.m.lorNewVoik,andatt'.lua.iii,, audi,15 p. m far l'Ulladelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, Bohool juJ Excursion Tickets to uud Irum all points, at to- UDaUB-'aiieeeiieckod throush; 1U0 pounds allow! each patenter. K W00.n.J.:Ni Asst. Bupt. Eu. Macu'ry. UoaJlus, l'a, lo'J. AOICAWANNA AND BLOOMS- on niidvlljrNuv, tl, ls71, l'asseuger Trulus vtlll u u as follows : dolus North, Airivo Arrive a. m. n. in. (Joins Boulh Leuvu Leave p, iu, a. iu. ' 1.15 1U.UJ i'.ll IU.3J crannu tuy Ui i IISIOU,,,..,,.... ,i. Klunstou 1 Ht 8.30 1'UI 2.3.1 ilO a.ts 3.01 3.67 W.uarro C'rs Plv.nnnlll n.lii Bhlckbhluuy.... 7.3U li.u uerwicit Bloom U.U5 Danville lauviue... , : ,,:," , .,. , t:zi Couuectiouiuuuu ui.ou.uu.. ; ' A ir.;.V.V,r..d tralu lor ureuiueuu. """?' all points Noi th, tost and Wt. Na meotluVoftheBtockhotders oftlioC a. wissa Ddposil Ilauk will bo held at their o Ice, lu Cttluw si, ou tuo second Tuesday ol January, 1S73, betweeu the hours of IU a. iu., aiid t . i: toholdau.electlou for six Dliecturs, to serve durlutfthocusuluisjear. hvvih C'ukhler. (iitawUsa,Dco,fl-lw. TOTI0E , ,., ,.. Ll Alio uuuemiBiie'i nav iuu ,.iiu. -'". ,7.. SuVstou of tho Mail lloulo ruunfuit irom Oa'nUra the arrival of the Philadelphia luall, abouto. !. IU., UntVJUB ai vuiuuiu wi p-i lug. RATES OF FARE. t'ambra to lllooin lt.2. I' Ishinucreen in iim. lit IliUVIIU 44 ' charged the same rate. yaple. 1'ioprietor. Hlilcltslilmiy.oct. IHU MS. m iirrwo, at Vl l-i. f ffii l1"1!'' ,1 ana arrives at NoW li ru t IN h." i, Muoastor Train, via Jim,,,, , 1 ' lu' rlsburg dally i'n.i t S Uu f" Jui 'e,tve li with luro Z yni? lor' l'hil ilnfT'i , Vest IMUii-aolphuiSl uffK'i