The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 20, 1872, Image 2

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xt (ifoluwbuw,,
Friday, Deo. 20, 1S7$.
Our Nomination for CongrpM.
On noxt Tuesday nn election Id to lio
held In this Congressional District to
.1111 tlio vtmuiuy caused by tlio nsliim.
tlon of Dlys$c9 Morcur. Tlio ltcuu
Means liavo noiulnutod Dr. Strawbrldgo
not becamo ho wonted It, but lociuiso
the Illoomshur runtinKers, hivlni at
tompted hU defeat boforo, now deslro
to regain ft vor by foraliiK him lutoau
unwilling llh'lit. Tho Doinocruts havo
unanimously nomtnatod Oil. Victor 13.
IMollotof Bradford county. Ho needs
no commendation at our hands, lit
record and llfu aro matters o( public
history, and overy voter In this District
Is fitmlllnr with tho staunch "VVysox
The duty of our e.tuntry Is cloAr. llo
w.isour cholcu at tho last eonfcronco
anil let us stand to our guild now. Tho
opposition ftro at sea, and now Is tho
Koldun opportunity to wreck llicin.
Let every Democrat turn out. Work
or success. Wo plodge our word that
1000 timjorlty In Columbia will carry
tho District, and wo should glvo 2000.
Tlio'.lmo Is short, but tut us work, and
show that thu spirit of Democracy is uot
crushed In old Columbia. Every man
to his post, anil victory will bo ours.
Since kI"R to press wo learn that
Ilunnell, of Wyoming, has been substi
tuted for Dr. Strawbrldso as a candi
date for Congress. Does ho know any
thing about horso races and tho quail
tics of poison?
Louisiana's .Miseries,
Tli o troubles In Louisiana havo bo
comics ) compllcato.l as to requlro expla
nation for tlio general reader. Thoro
uro t wo Legislative bodies, each claim
ing to bo legally elected. Ono of those
Is known as tho SKcllogg Legislature
tho other ns tho Warmoth Legislature.
Kellogg is tho present U. S. Senator
from that stato ; Warmoth tho present
Qovornor. Tho Kellogg Leglslaturo has
impeached Gov. Warmoth j tho War
mouth Legislature has been served
with an Injunction from tho U. S. Cir
cuit Court ; tho clerk of tho Houso of
tho old Legislature has been Imprisoned
to keep him from calling tho roll of tho
Warmoth Legislature ; Judge El
moro holding Gov. Warmoth's certifi
cate, as Judgo of tho Eighth District
Court.has been sent to Jail, but prompt
ly.'pardoned by Warmoth; and tho
Capitol is In possession of tho U. S.
troops with Gatling guns and similar
Republican means of persuasion.
In addition McEnery, Democrat,
and Kellogg, Ropublican, bath claim
tho Governtship. Kcllogg's claim
is donied on tho ground that tho law
loaders an U. S. office-holder Ineligible
he being now U. S. Senator. Such a
conglomeration of entanglements was
never before known.
At a recent mas3 mooting hold In
New Orleans ono hundred prominent
citizens wero selected to go to Washing
ton and lay tho matter before tho Pros
dent, and Mr. McEnery claiming to be
Governor sent a messago to the Presi
dent asking him to suspend action in
tho matter until the committeo of ono
hundred bad conferred with him. Hore
is I ho President's reply :
"Washington, December 13 5Tb
Hon. John M' Enery. Kew Orleans :
Your visit with a hundred citizens will
ho unavailing sa far as tho President is
concerned. His decision has been made
and will not bo changed, and tho soon
er it Is acquiesced in the sooner good
order and peace will bo restored.
(SIgued) "Qeorgie II. Williams,
"Attornoy General."
It can bo seen from this that the Pres
ident has made his decision without
waiting to hear a fair and impartial
recital of tho facts in tho caso, and sup
ports tho negro Lieutenant Governor
Pinchbflck and his legislative followers
bocauso upon thorn hang tho hopes of
brother-in-law Casey for futuro high
As wo aro not of tlioso who expoctod
a different courso from Grant than that
which ho has pursued heretofore, wo
aro not surprised nt his action, and tho
lay for balng startled at any such ac
tion has long slnco gono by. Brother-in-law
Cosoy still reigns Supremo In
Now Orleans and yearns for tho U. S.
bonatorshlp. Of courso ho must bo do
fended whatever tho result to tho peo
plo. This wo presume Is Civil Servico
Reform and thoso of Orant's admirers
who can got any comfort from it aro
welcome to do bo. Soldlcrs.Gatlingguns,
biyonots,Ft;derai;Uourts und Executive
iuterfurenco aro all In tho category of
appliances to securo tho rights of tho
States and tho peoplo, and aro all used
lu a quarrel with which tho Federal
Government has no concern whatsoev
er. As wo have said, wo aro not surpris
ed. Wo expect no lesjsolong as Grant
has in Louisiana, or elsewhero, abroth-cr-ln-Iaw
to look after, or any other
interest to subserve. To securo porfect
neutrality on tho part of tho adminis
tration In any Stato quarrel thero must
be a total alwenco of anything which
can advanco his interests.
It is one of tho terrible results of tho
last ten years of Republicanism, that
inopoopiocan lookcalmly on thlsstruz-
glo and merely shrug their shoulders
when tho power of tho Foderal Govern
nicnt Is used to coerco tho citizens of a
Stato. Thero will bo worso to eomo
beforothis reign of Grantisover. Thoro
aro other States which may provo con
tumacious unit may requlro armed
troops of tho United States to lead tho
peoplo into tho ways of pleasantness
and peaco.
Wo commend this Louisiana affdlr to
mo intention orsuon of our Democratic
brethren whoso "stialeht out" otnm.
UCllS revolted at lloraon firnolnu
who preferred to cast their ballots for
this other man, whom fawning ndrnlr
irs uuugni 10 term witn oittorest irony,
"tho soldier-statesman." Wo wish you
juy ui yuur wurii.
Judcje DimitELL, of tho United
States Circuit Court of Louisiana, lias
decided against Governor Warmoth und
his returning board, and In favor of tho
TjVtinh hnnrfl Anil In tti-mmnl n utnln.
tlon of his ordcrs.ho directed tho United
c, ... . ir t. .. I . .. . .
oiuivd luursiiui iu iuko possession or tlio
Stato House, yesterday, which Is now
In possession of United States soldier j I
This is heavy weather for "Stato
Rights V'J)ay.
UnltedStatos Bonator Colo has Intro,
duccd u bill Into Congress providing
for tho substitution of United States
notes or greenbacks in placo of national
bank notes. This measuro is favored by
ttiosn who wnnlfl rnnlrn thn luioln
community carry 1350,000,000 of green
back Government debt. Wodon'tsco
it. When Individuals borrow thoy havo
to pay Interest. Why not tho Govern
ment 'lFMladelpha ledger.
Hovr Election, nro Conducted.
What slim chatico Philadelphia has
for honest o?ectlons will bo somewhat
better understood by thoso who read
Judgo Flnlcttcr's opinion upon tho
way In which Prothonotary Lough
rldgo neglects his duties as tho custod
lan of tho election returns, and permits
tho election laws to bo violated with
impunity. Thero scums to bo no law
for election rascalities hi thls"61ty, and
Courts appear to bo powerless to protect
tho ballot box, except through tho ox
pcnslvo and tardy form of contest,
which, besides tho lmmonso cost and
loss of tltno It Involves, Is so hedged
about now-n days by "lung" contrlv
ances, that to cntor into a contest Is ir
tually holding an election over again,
by summoning tho wholo hundrod and
tweuty thousand voters ns witnesses.
This Is well understood by tho "Ring,"
and honco tho approved method now Is
to falsify and forgo returns, glvo tho
foreordained candldatoa cortutcate.and
forco tho candidate really elected by tho
peoplo Into all tho dxponses, loss of
time, worrlmont und uncertainty of a
contest. This very fow aro inclined to
do, and henco tho "counting out" sys
totn makes things very easy for thoso
who resort to it. Most of tho "modern
improvements" in falsifying roturns,
and in embarrassing thoso who tried to
oxposo tho nefarious work, cropped out
In this case Philadelphia Ledger.
Ono of tho results of mismanagement
In tho Post OmcoDepartracntis pointed
out by tho World. It says: It will
hardly bo bollovcd, and it is novcrtho
less truo, that it costs fl to deliver n let
ter in Now Orleaus, whllo In llaltltnoro
tho cost for delivering a lottor Is 1 cent.
Tho following tablo will provo It:
1871. New Orleans. JJaltimorc.
Mail letters delivered filO.OGO 1,873,201
Local letters delivered 70.475 019,517
Total letters 589,511 5,192,778
Cost of carriers $33,793.01 $51,031.87
Cost per letter GJ conts 1 cent
Upon what grounds this shameful
wasto, this glaring beef-catlng can bo
defended, wo lcavo to Postmaster Gon
oral Ckeswell, who it vory much be
hooves to find them. If ouroxomplary
Postmastor-aoneral bocomcs autocrat
of tho telegraph servico, which requires
so many thousands of messago carriors,
how equitably ho will adjust tho mos
sago service 1
Direct Vote for President.
A direct vote for President and Vice
President of tho nation is favorod by
tho Cincinnati Commercial. Thatjour
nal remarks: "Ono of tho inconven
iences of tho doctoral system is that it
is Impossible for tho voter to distinguish
botwccnthocandldatcs for tho Presiden
cy and tho Vice Presidency. For ox
amplo, thero wero thousands of voters,
who, had tho voto been direct, would
havo voted for Horaco Greeley for Pres
ident, and Henry Wilson for Vice
President ; and possibly thero wero
some Democrats who voted for Grant
who would havo preferred to voto for
Gratz Brown for Vlco-Presldont. Un
der tho electoral system thoro is no .op
tion. Tho National Convention names
tho candidates, and tho olectors who
stand for thoso candidates, chosen
by tho peoplo of a State, havo no alter
native but to cast their votes for them
when thoy meet at the Stato Capi
Iu thn Snnntn nn Wnrlnmr1nwif loot
week Mr. Sherman, from tho Financo
Committee, reported tho House bill for
tho abolition of the svslnm nf Internal
revenue assessors, with amendments.
The Houso bill relieving tho disabilities
Of L. O. C. Lamar, of Misslssinni. was
concurred in ; also, tho Houso resolu
tion lor a reccs3 from December 20th to
January 9th.
In tho Houso. Mr. Ilawlov nrosentnd
tho memorial of tho Centennial Com
mission asking tho aid of Congress, anil
it was reforrod to tho Centennial Com
mittee. On motion of Mr. Shellabarger,
tho Judiciary Committeo was directed
to inquire Into tho power of Congress
to rogulato commerco between tho
States, bo as to prohibit oppressive dis-
cuminaiions Dy railroads. Tho Indian
Appropriation bill was passed.
In tho Sonato on- Thursdav of last
week tho Houso bill abolishing tho In
ternal revenuo assessors was passed
witlxsome amendments.
In tlio House Mr. Daw es, from tho
Ways and Means Committeo, roported
tho bill authorizing tho Secrotary of
tho Treasury to issuo coupons in ox
chango for registered bonds, and it was
passed by a voto of 13G to 23. Tho Sol
diers' Bounty Land bill was considered,
and a substitute offered by Mr. Holman
was adopted yeas 105, nays G2. Tho
Deficiency Appropriation bill was
reported. Tho Pension bill approprl
ating $30,-180,000 was passed.
In tho Senate on Friday last tho bill
appropriating $500,000 for tho purchaso
of an additional post-office sito in Bos
ton was ronorted and nnssnil. Mi-.
Morton prosonted tho credentials of
uoorgo is. Spencer, ro-elcctod Sonator
from Alabama. Mr. Cragln, from tho
Naval Committeo, reported a substi
tute for tho Houso bill providing for
tho erection of bIx. steam vessels. It,
Increases tho number to ten, and tho
material Iron or wood, at tho discretion
of tho Secrotary of tho Navy.
In tho IIou30, on motion of Mr. Ran
dall, tho Postmaster-Goncral was asked
for information regarding tho stylo,
cost, contracts, etc., of tho now postal
cards; tho present contract for postago
stamps; and tho advertising for pro
posals under tho hw, Beveral patent
bills woro passed.
Tho Senato on Monday, after tho
transaction of tho usual routlno busi
ness, took up tho bill on tho Fronch
spoliation claims, Mr. Cameron mak
ing a long speech fix favor of tholr pay
ment. Tho Houso did a rood dav'n wnrlr.
Mr, Cox Introduced a resolution calling
on tlio President for a full roport of tho
Federal interference in Loulslana.which
was voted down by a strict paity voto.
A whitewashing resolution was then
Introduced and adopted. Tho Houso
then went into Committeo of thn Wiinln
on tho Deficiency bill, which calls for
Edwin Forrest, tho groat tragedian
was found lying (load In his bed-room
In Philadelphia on Thursdnymornlng of
lost wook, fully dressed.
John G, Nlcolay, of Illinois who was
President Lincoln's private Socrotary,
has boon appointed Marshal of tho U,
8. Supremo Court.
Tho estato of Horaco Grcoloy Is in
litigation, as thoro nro two wills. Tho
later, dated In Novomborof tho pros
out yoar,8hortly boforo his (loath, Is con
tested on tho ground that nt tho Mmo of
making It Mr. Greoley was of unsound
John T, Konsott, tho distinguished
landscapo painter, dlod suddenly in
Now Yorki on Saturday. Ho was Pres
ident of tho Artists' Fund Society, and
tt member of tho National Academy.
Hkuu Is a Jolly sort of an idea s Tho
Now York nnd Now Havou Railway
Company havo boon oxporlmontlng
with a now safety switch, which is thus
described: Tholoverof tho switch is
onclosod In a small houso orsoutry box,
tho door of which Is locked. Whon
tho switchman enters tho houso and
opon? tho switch, ho thoroby shuts tho
door of tlio houso or box, from which
ho cannot mako his exit till, by shut
ting tho switch, ho thereby opens tho
door of tho box. If by any chanco a
train comes along whllo tho switch Is
open ho must mako his escape from tho
box to avoid tho probability of being
himself killed. Ho cannot mako his
oscapo without shutting tho switch.
Therefore, overy tlmo n switchman
opens n switch ho is bound under pen
ally of death to havo It closed boforo
any train comes along. Ono man can
attend to only ono switch.
Now Advertisements,
370U RENT.
? A Owolllng-hnnso and litacksmlth shop
nna lllncknmltli tools oil lnodenuo terms, apply
lor partialis to
Mifflin towiiBhln.
Pec. 13th ,1872,31
J.1 The Htockliolilorn of the North nna West
nmncii nun iioau uompuny nro hereby notified
that nn election for PrvhldftiLntiii tuni.. .lira.,.
tors to servo for the ensuing year wlll'be held nt
tho Olllce Of J. 11. lloblson. Kan.. In lllnnmulm
on the (fooond Monday, bolag tho 13th day of
-"".'j uv.ivwu u.u uuurs 01 ooo nmi
three o'clock, 1. il. lly order of the board.
.. . . WM. NKAI,.
uec. 17th, 1S72, l.w Secrotary
Excursion tickets for tho holidays will be Is
sued ut reduced lares between nil regular sta
tions ot main Hue nnd brnnchos (excepting be
tween local polnu oirOenuautown ami Norrls
town brunch), good from
Saturday, Dec 2l,1872,to;8aturday, Jau.'.l, 1873,
both days Inclusive.
Passengers should securo their tlckots boforo
entering the cars. Full farei charged If paid
on the trains.
Assl. Runt, of Kng. Jluch'y.
Reading, Ta., Dec. W, 1S72. Zt
'Iho co-partnerehiD heretofore existing
between K. J. iU.f.MolIenry Is this day dls
solved by mutual consent. Settlements of ac
counts cun be made with either member of tho
late firm. All accounts not sottled within thirty
days from data thereof will be placed In the
hands of a proper oOlco for collection.
The buslue will be continued nt tho old
stand by E. J. Mollenry, who respectfully so
licits n continuance of the liberal custom given
the old firm.
Stillwater, Doc. 20th, 1831.-3t.
The nndcrslgned appointed Auditor to distrib
ute the funds In tho liandsor the Administrator,
H. llenoredltors of A. Wltman,deoea9ed,
will meet the parties Interested at his offico In tho
town of IllooTusuure, on Saturday, January 18,
1H72 at 10 o'clock, A. M., when nnd where nil
persons Interested nro requested to present
them to the auditor or be forever debarred from
coming in for said mod.
December 20th, 1872., Iw Auditor
'Jhonnaerslgned appointed nndltor In dlstrlb.
eSuf?.r amone creditors and heirs of the Estato
of MlchOAl Lemon, deceased, will meet the nor
ties Interested at theofllco ofo. GUBarklev o n
oaturuay. jauuary loth. 1873 nt 10 o'clock
when and where all parties lnterestodnd hav-
''-,' .uu u.,ttitt uro n-quesieu to
E resent them U) the Auditor, or to be forever de
arred from coming In for n sharo of said estate.
doc2),4w Auditor.
i bcsuiiuentary on me estate or Enoch
Fox, lato of 1'lue township, Columbia cou
nty. deceased., havo been granted by the
Heglstr of suld county to Zobeddee Hitter and
John J. tox.of Jordan two. Lvcomlntrco. All nor.
.nnu havlnir nlalmii nirnlnnt. Iha numtn
nnoclrwl tfl rtrPfiPiif. ttmm te. th. ...
euner on uuie.juugmeni, mortgage or book ac
count will make payment to the Executors
without delay, ZE11EDEE ItlTTEH,
uov20 -Ow, Executors.
Jm tho Orphans' Court of CnlnmhtiL Mimiv
in the matter of the onrtltlon nmi vninntinn nt
the estato of Philip Klstler, late of Mount Pleas
ant township, deceased, to the heirs or said es
tate. You aro hereby notified that on petition
of John Klstler, one of the heirs or said deced
ent, the Orphans' Uourt of said county granted
n rulo upon the heirs of said Ueoedont to accept
or refuse the estate at the valuation r show
cuuse vtuy uid diuuo siiuum uot oo BOIU. mere-
foro you are hereby commanded to be nnd ap
pear at nn Orphans' Court to be held at lllooms
burg, In and for the said county, on tho first
Monday ot February next, and tuen and Jhero
uivcjv u, "iu". .uu MLUiu hi, lUU VUlUUllOn PUl
upon it by the Inquest duly awarded, or show
why the same should not bo sold agreeably to
the act of Assembly in such cahh mnM nmi
vlded. Hereof fall.uoU
Witness the Honorable William Elwell. Esn..
President of our said Court, at Blooomsburg. the
hundred nnd seventy-two.
Deo.20th-1872. Cw Bherlir.
In tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county,
in tho matter or tho partition and valuation of
the estate ol Malcolm Mason, Into of the Town
of Bloomsburg deceased, to t lie heirs of Bald es-
. V!r t. i. ""tcuy mmueu mat on petition
of Walter Mason, one of the heirs of said deced
ent, the Orphans 'Court of said county granted
n ruin nnnii thn linlru nf dm.i nb A.T.-.
orrefusoths estate at th valuation or show
cause why the same should not be sold. There
fore you are hereby oommanded to be and no-
nAratAnnrnlinnur!ntirr,y,.ni.,nn m .f:
" . -.- . , vwh. w wvuu.uvu n. U1UUUVS-
burg, In and for tho said county, on the first
...vuuttjr uir.uiuary next, anu tuen and thero
accept or ref uso tho estato at the vnluatton put up
on It by tho Inquest duly awarded, or show why
tuesame should not be sold agreeably to the
act pf Assembly In such case made and provld.
ed hereof fall not,
witness me Honorable William El veil Esq..
Eres. ,d.lnt. of oar "a,a Court, nt Ul.nnsburg,
III A 'Urn flair nf Tlfyavlmu r . -1 .
eight U und rod nnd sovouty-two.
Dec. SO 1872, 6w. BUerim
In the Orphans' Court of Columbia county,
in the matter of the partition and valuation of
the estate or Mary Hannan, late of Oronga town
ship, deceased, to the holrs of said estate. You
nro hereby notified that on petition ol Jacob M.
Harman. one of the heirs of said decedent, the
Orphans' Court of said county granted u rule
upon the heirs of said decedent to accept or re
fuse tho estato ut the valuation or show cause
why the sumo should not bo sold. Therefore
you are hereby commanded to be and appear at
tin Orphans' Court to bo held at Illoomsburg, in
und for the said county, ou the nrst Monday of
February next, and then and thero accept or re
fuse tho estate at the valuatlou put upon It by
the Inquest duly awarded, or show why the
same should not be sold ugreeably to the uct of
Assembly In such caso made und provided.
Hereof tall not.
Witness tho Honorablo William Elwell. Esq..
President or our said Uourt, at lltoomsburg, tlio
20th day of December, A. D. uuu thousand eight
hundred and seventy-two.
Doc. 20-1872. Ow Shgrlff,
Tho undersigned Exocutor of the estate 'of Mrs.
Margaret Creusy, deceased, late of ihu town of
lltoomsburg, will uxposo ut public tula upon
the preiulsts, on
FRIDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1873,
at 2 o'clock, P.M., the following desirable real
estate, to wit .-
A certain town lot situate on the west side of
JaistHtreet.of the town of UlooiiMburg, ndjulu.
lug lot or John McUeynoldson tho south, und
Murttn W. Hwa on the north, being
on said street, by about 100 feet deep, whereon Is
ertcluu ulurge uud convenient
and also n large stable with other necessary ou t
buildings. Possession to be given April 1st. 18J3
Thesutd executor also oilers ut publlo salu
upon tho, on
at 1 o'clock, P.M.,
In the village of Oentrevllle.
Tehus of sale. The above described' premts
es will be sold at the following terms, vlx ;
Tell percent. of the purchase money at tho
strlklng.down of the property ; ono-thlrd of the
nurchtse money less the ten per cent, upon tho
nrst day of April. A. D 1873, and the remainder
In two equal annual payments, with Interest
from the first day of April, 1973, payable annu
Llmo llldo,DocM,lS72.
VALUAULE heal estate.
runmant to directions In the last will nnd Us
tament of Daniel Kitchen, law of FlshlncrreeK
township, Columbia county, deceased, will be
sold ntpiibllosnlo nn the promises, In Fishing,
creek township, said county, ou
the following described real citato, lato of Dan
iel Kitchen, deceased, to wit I
sltuata In Flshlngcrock townslitp, Columbia
conuly, l'n., nn tlio rond loading from lllooms
burg to Now Columbus, nbout four "miles rrom
Hohrshurg, bounded by land of Wm, Trexlor,
Peter Evclnnd, Wm. nnd Ueorgo Iklgar and oth
ers, containing nbout
Tho Improvements nro n
a largo new bank birn, n now wagon house,
with corn cribs attachodandnn excellent spring
of water nnd well or .water. The land Is In u
good stnto of cultivation about twenty acres Is
timber laud. There is n lino young npplo or
chard, ns well as cherry, poach, poar and olhor
irult trees on tho premises.
B.ilo to commence at one o'clock, p, m., when
conditions will be made known by
. . Admlslstrntor.
Itohrsburg, Dec. SOtU, 1872 iw.
In pursuance of an order ot tho Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned ad
ministrator, Ac, ol Iho estate of Christian Lutr.
deceased, lato of Iho township of Mllllln
In said county, wilt oiler nt ptibllo salo on tho
premises, on
MONDAY, JAN. 13th, A. D 1873,
at lo o'clock, a. m , tho following real estato to
1st nmossuagnortractothind sltuato In the
township nroroial'l, bounded by lands of Isaac
Andrews, Henry Ilettler, John Mowry, Obodlah
Swank and others containing about eighty-two
acres, more or less, whereon is erected
Btableand other outbuildings, lato tho residence
of said deceased.
2d, n lot of timber land nUo sltuato In Mlflllu
lowusuip aiorcsuiu, containing nbout
ho rinded hy liuuWnr Jncnhlngenbergori Henry
Ilettler, Jobn Hand uud UeorguHwrnilc.
Tkiims orBALK. Ton rc clmiL of niiP-fmirth
of the purohftHO motiuy shall bo paltl At tlio
leflfl thu tea tier cenL on the cunllrmntlnn of rab
ftud the remalultiff thrco fourths in ono yenr
iiiereanqr, wun luiBrest irom me coniinntiiion
nl si. l'urchasor lo nay for ilcod nnd slnmpi.
ilec.20lS72, 497 AdmlniHtriUor.
State Normal School
offers sunerlor advantAees both in nnlnt of com
lorl nnd in thoroughness of Instruction to young
men anu women preparing to become leacuers,
or nrerjarlne for college, ltsifacultv Is commut
ed of graduates from some of our best Colleges
ana normal ucnoois. Its location is beauuiui
and healthful, lis accommodations nro of the
most modern kind. The exnonses nro verv
moderate. Hoard, tuition , washing, hent.nml a
furnished room, tS per week. Mnslo and Draw
ing nro tuo oniy extras, xne utato pays
a week on the tuition of thoso over 17 years of
gu wuu uro urupariDg xor leacoeifl, anu
to those who graduate In tho Normal Dopart-
uicui uuu jjicueo bueiuseivos to leaca two an
nual terms In tho common schools of thu State
The Second Winter Term Segins January 2, 1873.
For further particulars apply to
Dec. 6, 1872-tf.
IT oil
In nnrsunnco nf an order nf thn nrnhnnn' nnnvt
of Columbia county, the undersigned ns admin
istrator 4c of Peter mtner, lato of the town
ship of Locust, In said oounty, deceased, will
FVo tu MUD UU ,UC ireiUIBU3, uu
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day tho fol
lowing described real estate situated In the
township and county, aforesaid, to; wit .- A cer
tain tract of land, containing
neat measure, adlolnluz lands nf Michael Rtlno.
Jr.. Joseph, llilllg, Edward Strausser. Henry
Uable, and A, 11. Fisher, whereon are erected a
good dwelling house, n good bank barn , and oth
er buildings, a good spring of water at tho door
of dwelling : there Is also on tho premises a good
orchard and a lot of good oak timber trcei. Also
a tract containing.
neat measure, ad loinlnc lands nf Jnspnli I tfiitne.
John Bllllg, Br., Charles Fotterman, David
Krelsherand Edward Htrausser, Z acres of which
Is well timbered with good tlmoer trees.
Terms ofSale. Twenty per cent, of ono-thlrd
of the purchase money to be paid at the strlk-
iug uuwu ui inu property, uue-tllirtl less tne
twenty percent, nnon tho dollverv of the nna.
session of said property, one-third of the pur
chaso money In one year from the delivery of
me puHsgssiuu, witn interest irom tne uate ottne
delivery of the .'possession, nnd tho balance of
the purchase money In two years from tho de
livery of the possession, witn Interest from date
oftho delivery payable annually. Possession
to be given April 1st, 1873. Unpaid purchase
money to be secured by llond and Mortgage on
the premises, l'urchasor to pa? for deeds.
uuutiuu lit in Kit,
Numodla, Ia., Dec 0. 1872.
"The best, cheapest, and most successful
Family Paper In the Union,"
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Xoticei of the Pros.
Tho M'ceklu Is the nhlnqt. ntnl i,inut n..
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IlAiti'KK's Weekly, ono year 91 CO
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The Weekly Patriot Gratis !
To overv new subscriber to 77ie Patriot for tho
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nov28'72 "THE PATRIOT."
rr-n ......... umlti. liti. ui.n.itpn,k., , r
luAuiuunuiiwi.aiu au.iiu ui iud lyuuuiy ui
Columbia, ,Vcn(( Onttma : Whereas, it vacancy
has happened In the representation of this Hlalu
In (he House of Representatives of tlio Concrcss
ot the United Htates. luconsequouceof the resig
nation ui uiu uuu. uiytwOT Aiercur. woo itas ueen
elected a member ot the Forty-HocouU Congress
from tho Thlrlcenth Congresslonul District of
thlsBtato, composed of the counties or Uradford,
Wyoming, Hulllvan, Montour und Colum
bia, Iow, Therefore, In pursnanco of provisions In
such coses niudo und provided by the Constltu
tlon of thu United Htates, uud of an act of tho
Ueneral Assembly of this Htuto, entitled "An Act
relating to the elections ol thlsCommonwoalth,"
approved the second day of Julv, A, 1). eighteen
hundred uud thlrty-ulue, I, John W. Ueary,
being vested with tho oxecutlvu authority of tho
HtateofPeunsylvanta.havelssuod this writ, hero-
uy commauuiug you, tne sum Aaron rtimtn,
HlghHheritl'as atorosald, to hold an election In
tho said county of Columbia, ou
Tuesday, tile Ultlt day of UecemTier,
in tho year of our Lord, ono thousand eight
hundred and seventy-two. for chooslug a retire-
saututlvu ol tho pooplo of this Commonwealth
In the Houso of Representatives of the Concross
oftho United Htates to ill! the vacancy which
uus uujipuueu us uiuresuiu.
And you aro hereby required nnd enlolned to
give lawful notlce,uud cause U be hold und con-
uucteu tne saut etectiou, unu iniiKe a return
thereof in manner uud form us by law Is direct
ed and renutrod.
Ulven under my band aud the Orcut Heal of
the Htate ut Hutlsburg, this third day of Decern
er, lu the yearof our IjOtd, one thousand eight
uumireu auu neveuty two, uuu ot uiu uommun
wealth tne nlnety-seventli,
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Hvthk Uovermou. Dec, U, aw.
Wiieekas. by tho laws of this Commonwealth
it Is inudo Hie duly ot the Hheritrof every county
to give notice of a special election by publlca
tlou lu one or moro newspapers lu the couuty,
at least nlteen days before the clectlou,nud to
enumerate therein tne officers to be elected,
and to designate the place at which the election
Is fo ba held.
Therefore. I.AARON HMITII. High Sheriff of
uoiumuia couuty, ao uereur maze unowu unu
proclaim to the qualified electors of Columbia
oounty, that u special Klectlon will be held on
DrX'KMHKR, lmi'.at thu several districts within
ma couuty, tu wiw
Heaver township, ut the publlo house of Thos,
J, Hhumaii, ,
lleuton township, at the public homo of Hiram
Hess, In tho town of lleuton.
East lllooiu, at the Court House In lllooms
burg. west Illoom, at the Court House In lllooms.
llurough llerwlck, nt tho storo of John McAn.
all lu the borough of llerwlck,
llnrougb Cenlialla, at the publlo house of II,
Am Weldunsaul.
llruucreek township, at the publlo school bouse
HOT, j,tav,.v.
. .. .., ii.i I 1 1 1 mi nnlkiir.a n, Atttt. f'rnna mill tit nnlr ibaH j i
Ing tobnecoes cuoicn si:AKS-i'iu,n a i'on nvu, to ten vents avikvk.
Iinn tanlt Yellnw ltoo OnTln Kiv. Kritltt and
.Ibaccoes. Hwee 'b mnnd clay l.lpU. to
nm.lochee.c, sap sngochccif, hum. beer, tm
Quccnswrtro Enough to Stock Half a
. i ".' " i",r.,C.:.V.,.
tu sen cueap lor ensit or ionium jj...p...... j -vj
Plnceof business, Houth-wost Cor. Main a Contro
December 13, 1872-tf.
Cntnwbun township, nt tho publlo houso of
Hnmuel Kostenbauder, lu Iho towu of Cull
wlssa. Centro township, at tho school houso near U
layolto Cruasy'H. ...
North Conynahnm Dulrlcl nt thn school houso
near tho colliery nf John Anderson & Co.
Houllt Conynglinm District, at Iho homo or
Thomas Monroe, Utelv llxod by n voto oftho
cltlz-hstir that tnwtiRhlp. . , .
l'lshliigcreelc township, at tho scucol houso
near C, II. Whlto. , ,
Frnnklln townsh'p, nt the Lawrenco school
Greenwood township, nt the bouse of Joseph
It. l'ntti-m.
Hemlock township, nt tho publlo honso of
Unas, it, lJieiieriru in tuo town oi mictt huiu.
Jnckson township, at tho houso of Kzcklel
Locust township, nt the publla house of Lud
wig Thiol, In NumoJIn,
Mltllln township, nt Iho publlo houso of Anron
Hess, lit tho town of MltUluvllie.
Mndlsou townshln, nt tho public homo of Sam
uel ltlmby, In Jerseylowtt.
Mt. Pleasant townihlp, ut tho houso ot II. W.
MelllcK. ....
Montour township, at tho home of in, Hol
llngshead. ...
Main township, nt tho public houso of Abrn
ham K. Bhunian.
Ronrlngcrcek township, nt tho houso mrmcrly
occupicu by Goo. W, Drelsbadi.
Orange township, nt the publlo houso of Wm,
Pino township, nt Iho Centre School House
lately fixed by a voto of tho citizens or s.tld
Sngarlont township, at tho houso of Allnas
Hcott township, nt tho public houso or Wm.
PeUlf. in Hsnv.
At which tlmo nnd places tho qualified electors
win erect uy unuoi tun loiiuwing muccr, vis ;
Dnn nnrsnll for Mntilber nf Cim-'rois.
It Is lurther directed Hint tho election polls ot
thosevereiutstrictsBiiniiboopencu uetweou tno
hours or six and seven o'clotlc lu tlio forenoon,
nnd shall continue- opon without interruption
nnu nujournmeut uninsovou o ciock in tuo ovo
tilnt? wtiAii tl,o noils shall b-clniod.
Pursuant to tho provisions coutnlnod lu the
Ttth section ol tho uct llrst aioresald, tho Judges
of tho aforesaid districts shall respectively tako
charge or tho certificates ot return or thu elec
tion of their, respectlvo districts, and produce
theiuatn meetlugot ono Judgo from each dls
trlct nt tho Court House, In llloomsburg, n.i tho
third day nflcr the day of tho election, belu on
Friday, tho Z7lh day of Dccombcr. 1SI2, nt in
o'clock a. in., then uud thorn to do anil perforin
tho duties required by law of said Judges.
Also, that where a Judgo, by Blckness or una
voidnblo accident, Is uuabletontleud such meet
Int? of Indires. then tho certlllcato or return shutl
botnkeu charge of by ono oftho Inspccloisor
clerks or Iho election or tho district, who shall
do and perform tho duties ro iulred of said Judgo
unable to nuonu.
Thn return Judges or the Congressional Dls-
trlct composod ot thn counties of Columbia,
llradrord, Hulllvan, Wyoming nnd Mohtour
shall meet nt tho Court llouso lu Tuukhanuock.
Wyoming county, on Tuesday, December Hist,
1872, to mnko out tho roturns for members of
congress iiuiu nut uisiiieu
Tho following Act of Assembly, regulating
tne mono oi voting in tun v;iiiiiiuouweiiiiii ui
Pennsylvania, was pussed March Mill, liMi, nnd
reads thus :
Section 1. He It enactod by tho Honato aud
Houso of Rcprcsentntlves or the Commonwealth
of PeunsvlvunU In Gouernl Assombly mot. nnd
It Is hereby enactod bv tho authority of the
tamo thai tno qualified voters oi tuo xevcrai
districts In tho several counties of this Common
wealth, atall general, township, borough nnd
special elections, nto hereby hereafter nuthorlz-
cu uuu requireu to voto uy uciLubs iriuttm ui
written, or partly printed and partly written,
severally classified as follows :
One ticket shall embrace Iho names of nil
Judgesor Courts voted for, and labelled, outside,
"Judiciary;'1 one ticket shall embrace the
names 01 all county olilcers voted for. Includ
ing tho oillco or Senator, Member and Members
ol Assembly, If voted for nnd membors of Con
gress, ir voted for, nnd bo lubollod "County;"
ono ticket shall embrace tho names of all town
ship olilcers voted for and bo labelled, "Town
ship ;" ono ticket shell ombrace the names of nil
borough oOlcers voted for, and be labelled
"Ho rough ;"
Section:!. That It shall be tho duty or tho
Sheriff lu tho sovoral counties or this Common
wealth to Insert in their election proclamations,
hereafter Issued tho first section ol this
That evory person excepting Justices of the
Peaco who shall bold any olllce or nppolntment
of profit or trustunder tho United Slates, or of
this H lato, and cltyoroorporoted district, wheth
er n commissioned olliccr or otherwise, a subor
dinate otllccr or ngent who is or slinll bo em
ployed under the Legislature, Kxeentlvo or Ju
diciary Departmentof this Htate, oruny Iclty or
any lncoriorated district, and also, that overy
member of Congress nnd of tho Htuto Legisla
ture, nnd of the select or common council of any
city, or commissioners or any incorporated dis
trict. Is by law Incapable or holding or exercis
ing at thu same time tho oillca or uppolnlmont
or Judgo, Inspector or Clerk of any election of
this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector,
Juuge or other officer of such election shnll be
then voted for,
Tho Inspectors nnd Judgoof the elections shall
meet at their respective places appointed fjr
hokllngltho election ln;tlio district to which they
respectively belong, beforo seven o'clock in the
morning, und each of said Inspectors shall ap
point ono clerk, who shall bo a quallllsd voter of
such district.
In caso the person who shall recolvo the sec
ond highest number of votes for Inspector shall
uot attend on tho day of any olcctlon, then the
person who shall havo recelvod tho secoau
highest number or votes for Judgo at tho next
preceding eloctlous shall act its inspector in his
place. And in caso tho person who shall have
received tho highest number ot votes for Inspec
tor shall not attend, tho person elected Judge
shall nppolut an Inspector lu bis place and In
case the person elected Judgo shall not attend,
then tho Inspector who received tho highest
numberof votes bhnll nppolut n Judgo lu his
Iilace or 11 any vacancy shall coiiiluuti In tho
loard for the space of one hour after Iho time
fixed by law for tho opening oftho election, the
qualified voters oftho. township, ward, or dis
trict for which such olilcers shnll havo beeu
elected, present at citch olcctlon shall elect one
of their number to elect such vacancy,
'Itshnll be tho duty or tho several assessors
respectively to attend at tho place or holding
every general, special or township election, dur
ing the whole tlmo such election la kept open,
for tho purposo of giving information to tho In
spectors and Judges, when callod on lu rota
tion to the right of nny person ussesse.l by them
to voto ut such olcctlon, nnd on such other mat
ters lu relation to theassessmontas tho said In
spectors or cither ot them shall Hum tlmo re
quire. "No person shall bo permitted to voto at any
election as uforesald other thuu a whlto freo
man of tho ago of twenty-ono years or more,
who shnll havo resided lu the Htato nt least ono
year, and lu tho election district whom ho oilers
to voto ten davs lmmodlutcly preceding such
election, and within two voars paid u Stato or
couuty tax which shall havo been assessed ut
least ten days before the election. Hut n citi
zen of tho united States who has previously
been a qualified voter ot this HUtto and returned
and who shall havo lu the election district und
paid taxes, as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to vote
after residing In this State six months, Provid
ed, that white freemen, citizens of the United
Stutes, bctwocn the agoortwenty-oueaud tweu-ly-two
who have resided lu the election district
ten days as aioresald shall bo entitled to voto al
though they shall not Ituvo paid tux.
No person shall be permitted to voto whoso
natno Is not coutulned In tho lis ot tuxublo lu
habitants furnlnhed by the Commissioners, uu
less First, ho produces a receipt tor tho payment
within two years of a Stato or county tux as
sessed agreeably to tho Constitution tud glvo
sallsluctory evidence euner on ins ouiu or nmr
niatlon or the oath or alllrmstloa ofother, than
be has paid such u lax, or on tallttro to produce
a receipt shall make oath to tho payment thero
of. Second, If he claim tho right to vole by be
ing an elector between tho age ot twculy-ono
and twenty-two years, ho shall depose an oath
or affirmation thut he has resided lu this HUtto at
least ono year next before his application, and
mako such proof of ro.ldenco In the district ns
Is required by this act, uud that he does verily
bellovo from the aocouut ulven blm, that ho Is of
uge aforesaid, uud such other evidence us Is re
quired by this uct ; whereupon the name of tho
persou thus admitted lo vuio shall bo Inserted
In tlio alphabetical list by tho Inspectors, und u
note made opposlto theieto by writing the word
''tax," It ho shall be udmlttod to voto by reason
of having puld tax ; or the word "age," If ha
shall bo admitted to voto by reason ot such ago
which shall bo called out lo tho dorks, who
shnll make the llko notes on the list of voters
kept by them.
In all oases where thu natno of tho person olalm.
Ing to voto is uot found ou tho list furnished by
thu commissioners and assessor, or bis right tu
vote, whether found thcieoit or nut. Is objected
to by uny qualified citizen, It shall ho thu duty
of thu Inspectors to examine such persoiton oath
us to his qualifications, und If ho claims to have
resided within thobtutu for ono year or moro his
oath shall bo sutllcicnt proof thereof, but shall
mako proof by ut least ono competent witness,
who shall bo u qunlltled elector, that ho bus re
sided In tho district for inoru than ten days noxt
Immediately preceding such election, und shall
ulso himself ivear thut bis honulhlo residence,
In pursuance of his lawful calling, Is lu said dis
trict, and that ho did not removu Into suld dis
trict for tho purpose of votlni; therein.
Every person qualtlled as uforesald, and who
shall make duo proof, If roqulred.of tho resident!
und payment f tuxes us aforesaid, shall bo ud.
milted to vote In tho township, want or district
lu wheh he shall reside,
If any person sliall prevent or attempt to pre
vent any oillccr of auy election under this uct
from holding such election, or uso or threaten
uny violence to nny such officer, or shall Inter
rupt or Improperly interfere with him lu tho ex
ecution of Ills duty, or shall block up tho win
dows or uveuuo to uny window where thu sumo
may bo holding, or shall riotously disturb tho
peuco ut such election, or shall usouny lnllinl.
dating threats, forco or violence, with design to
lntluencouudulyor uvcrawu uny elector, or to
prevent him from voting or to restrain tho free,
dom of choice, such person, on conviction, shall
bo fined In any sum not exceeding nvu hundrod
dollars, and Imprisoned for any tlmo not less
than three nor moro than twelve months, und If
It shall be shown toCourt, when tho trial of such
uflcucu ftlutli bv bad, that thu persou tpj cllvudiiq;
-the very uesu iitS '
7m nnTntnl i?Sir lmil .1? sinrnr II ctfl.. boVt O sugar, llK els., good yellow sugitr. 10 nnd 11 yts. M-Hnjltols la onilloss variety, tub,, bacdi J ''
StrnSir nea'Ta'ndsTcSmnKa cotton .Ju.?iM"1 lW'"C' brU,"0', Uiah"iom- xon. '
knives nnd trnys. toy hucitoU, matches, host scnmltss bags, Hour sacks. "t..
A lamn slnck nf (llnss.wnre Lntops nmi Chimneys, llurncrs-nll kinds, tho patent safety lump, warranted non-oyploslvo, tho best In ttv, ,,,
stnolt i? Tw J Tnn.l I'ocket tlnflerv HUver Bpnous, Hllver Tea Hpoons. Fancy Knlvos nud Hllvor Forks. HI vcr lluttor Knives, Fancy tVUV'1
nnd Toilet Seu Lnd "eU' cllllm Vl,,07' 0n,n. "K0." ""0, i;"."1ifJ"',r,"dfl,'.ull!l, Mmiho cuiM. CItlni? ,'
fen cm, J t SrS'i-hiim mu Vv ChUia nlg,. Toy China 6ups, Toy China sets. China To Hets.Hlono Waro, lMrthen Waro, ItrwUlnVliSs u
K.",f."':"A?;"B?,flu'"?,'Bl..?? ntid Lnntorn Olobo", n thousatid of nrllclcs lint mentioned, nil of which I nn, .
FliwoM, (Irttid l)it-.Uoti.lllrds l'.o, Nay-nut, U
Dozon Stores, nnd of tlio vory beat Quality, ami will compote with miy irCu
u, ;".- ,,i.,,,,ii,,,ri. iA
Hlrcots, liloomsbnrg, 1 .
was not a resident of tho city, ward, '"strict or
townshln where Iho oll'onsu wits committed, nmi
not entitled to voto thuroln, then oil conviction
hoshitu no seiitenceu iu puy nuo
than ono hundred nor moru than ono thousand
dollars, nnd bo Imprisoned not less than six
mouths nor moro than two years.
It nny person, not by law qualified, shall rmtid.
ulently voto lit nny election of this Common,
wealth, or otherwise tiualllled shall voto out or
his proper district, or tr uny tierson knowing the
WllUl Ol SUCH quumieanwi,, oil,,. ,,!",,
such person to vote, tho person unending shall
on conviction bo lined In uny sum not uxcceillnR
two hundred dollars, nnd bo Imprisoned in nny
term not oxccciltngtlirco months.
ir nny onu shall votoatmoto thnn ono election
district, or otherwise fraudulently votu luoro
thnn onco on tho samoiluy, or shnll fraudulently
lold nnd deliver to tho Inspoctor two tickets to
gether, with tho intent Illegally to vote, or who
shall procuro another to do so, ho or thoy offend
ing shall, nn conviction, bo lined In any sum not
less than ilftynormorothan llvohuudieddollars
nnd bo Imprisoned for a term not less than thrco
nor moro than twelve months.
If nny person not qualified to voto In this
Commonwealth ngieoably lo law (except thu
sons or qunlillcd citizens,) shall appear ut any
placo of election for thu purposu ot lulluenelng
tho citizens qualllled to vote, ho shall on convic
tion fotlelt and pay a sum not exceeding ono
hundred dollars for every such ollcnco nnd bo
Imprisoned for u term not exceeding thteu
",U,""S- Til II ltl.GISTUY LAW. , ,
1 nian ,'nvn niiielal notlco to tho electors of Col
umbia cuimty that by nn uct, untitled "An Act
ruither supplemental to tho act tho
elections of this Commonwealth," nppiovotl
April 17th, A, D. 18GX It H provided as iouuws :
See. 3. After tho assessments havo been com
plctod on tho tenth day preceding tlio second
Tuesday in October of each year, tho nssussor
shall, on tho Monday Immediately, following,
initu., ,t ritm-M tu thn eniintv commissioners ol
tho names of nil persons ussossed by him slnco
tho return required to bo tnado by lilm by thu
second section of this act, nothing oppoilto each
nnmo tho observations unu explanations roquir,
m i i,t,i uuiL,nris.i!l and thu countv com
lnlssioiicrs shall thereupon cnuso tho sumo to bo
tuiiicil to tno return requiveu uy inu etccuim
tlon of this net, unit it full unit correct copy there
r ir, in, i,n,il,i. mntiiltiiiiir thu names ot nil l)cr
sons so returned' us resident tuxublcs in said
wnrd.borough, township or precinct, uud furnish
tho samo together with tho necessary election
liltinL-u tri t linittlW'CI'A In till! ClCCtlOU 111 KaldWltl'd.
borough, township or precinct, on or before six
o'clock lu tho morning of tho second Tuesday of
uctoncr, aim no mausnau uu pci-iumen n, ,ui
at tho election ou that day whosanaino is not
on said list, unless ho shall make piool of his
right to vote, as hcrcinnuer required.
.SVo. 4. On tho ilayot tho election any person
wlinn nnttm U lint mi till! said list. 11911 1 claiming
tho light to voto at said election, shall produce
ut ieasionoquaiiucuvoieroi iiiuuisineLu, u il
iw44 In thn mxldciicn of thu claimant lu tlio lliS'
ttlct In which ho claims to bo a voter lor tho
period or ut least ten days next preceding wild
election, which witness shall tako and subicrlbo
it written, or partly written and pat tly printed
iiOldiivlt. tn llm fact, stated hv him. wlilcli alllita-
vlt shall dellno clearly wheto tho tesldencu Is of
1110 persou so Claiming louuuvuiei , mm inu
person so claiming tho righttovotoshallalio
tako and BUbsclbu n written or partly written
and partly printed uflldavlt, stating to tho best
of his knowledgo and belief, hero and when ho
was born, that, bo is a citizen or tho Common,
wealth ol Pennsylvania nnd or tho United states;
that ho has resided In tho Commonwealth ono
year, or ir formerly it citizen therein, and has
moved therclrmn.thnt ho hasicslded therein six
mouths next iireceilltnrHald election : that ho has
not moved into tho district for tho purposo of
voting therein ; that no has pant it ntato or conn,
tv tux within two yours, which was assessed at
least ten days beforo said election: and, It aunt
tirallzeil citizen, shall ulso stato when, whero and
by what court ho was naturalized, and shall also
produce hlsccrtlltcuto or naturalization lor ox.
animation; thu said nllldavit shall ulso statu
when itnil whero tho tux claimed to bo paid by
tho afltuut was assessed, und when, whero und
to whoiuo paid, and tho tax receipt therelor
shall bo ptoduccd for examination, unless tho
afllnnt shall stato on his nllldavit that it has
been lost destroyed, or that ho uuver received
auy, but If tho personsoclalmlug the right to
vote snait tnitoaniibuuscriooanauiuavit, mat no
Is nnatlvo born citizen or tho United Stutes (or
If bom elsewhero, shall stnto th fact lu hU nlll
davit, nnd shall produce evidence that ho has
been naturalized, or that he is entitled to citi
zenship by reason of his father's naturalization:)
nnd shall further stnto in his uflldavlt that ho Is,
at Iho tlmo of taking the nllldavit between the
ages of twenty-ono aud twenty-two years ; that
ho lias resided lu tho Htuto ouoyo tr nnd lit the
election district ton days next preceding such
election, ho shall hq entitled to vote, although ho
shall not have paid taxes ; and thosntdalllduvlts
or nil persons luuklug such claims, aud the 111
davlts or thu witnesses to their residence, dial
bo preserved by the election board, and ut tho
closo or thu election they shall bo enclosed with
tho list or voters, tally list nnd other papers re
quired by law to bo llled by tho return Judge
with thc'prolhonotnry, nnd shnll remain ou II lo
therewith lu tlio prothouotary's oillco subject In
examination, ns other election papers uro; It'
the election olilcers shall llnd that tho applicant
ur applicants possess all tho legal quatlllcatlous
of voters, ho or thoy bhalt be pcnntitod to volu,
and the uamo or names shall- bo added to their
list or laxublcs by tho election olilcers, tho word
"tax" belug added whero tho claimant claims to
votu ou tax, und tho word "ngu"whero ho claims,
to voto on ago; theiiamo words belug added by
tho clerks lu each caso respectively on tno list
ot persons votlug ut such election
Ave. fi. It shall hn lawful fnrnnvnualllleil citi
zen of tho district, notwithstanding the uuuiu of
inuproposeu voter lscuatuiueuuu iiiu iisbui res
ident tuxables, to challeugo tho voto of such pur
son; wheroupou tho same proof or tho right ot
sullrago as Is now required by law shall bu pub
licly made nnd ucted on uy the election hoard
and tho voto admitted or rejected, according lo
Iho ovldeuco: every person claiming to bo n nat
uralized citizen shall borcuulrud to produce his
naturalization certificate ut tho election befoiu
voting, excepting wherohe has neon lor ton years,
consecutively, a voter in tho district In which he
offers his voto; nnd ou tho votuorsuch person be
ing received, II shall bo tho duty or thu election
olilcers to write or stamn ou such certificate the
word "voled," with tho mouth ami yuar ; uud It
uuy election oiuceroroiiicurs snail rucuivu u sec
ond vote on tho same day, hy virtue of tho samo
cerltllcato excepting where sous are entitled to
voto by vlrtuoor tho nuturallzallon of their fa
thers, ihcv and tho nersoti who shall oiler such
second vote, upon so attending bhall begullly or
umgll luisueiueauur, uuu ou euuvietiou uiuretii,
be lined orlmprlsonetl. or both, ut the dtscrcllcxp
ot thu court; but tho liuo shall not uxeeul oue
hundred Uullurs lu each case, uor tho Imprison
ment uuu year; tho llko puiilniuieut'sh til bu
Inflicted ou couvlctlos, on the oill jers ol election
who shall neglect or rcluso to in iiiu, or cum In
be made, thu Indorsement req'ilrud ou mores lid
naturalization cortlllcate.
, ice. e. II nny clectloi ollluer s'.i til refill or
neglect to require such proof of tho lUUt ot salt
rage us Is proscribed by this law. or thu laws fo
which this Is n supplement, Iroiu uuy persou al
tering lo votu whuse uuuiu is not ou tuo list of
assessed voters, or whusu right to vutu Is chal
lenged by auy qualllled voter present, nnd shall
admit such pcisou lo voto without requiring
such proof, overy persou so olleudlug suull, up
on conviction, he guilty of a high misdemeanor,
aud shall busuuteucod, for every such offence,
to pay n lino not exceeding ono hundred dollars
or to undergo nil Imprisonment nut moru thuu
uiioyoar, or ulther or both, nt thu discretion of
the cuuit,
ficc. 7, Tho rospcctlvo nssessors ; Inspectors
uudjuditesu! the elections shill each havo Ihu
power to administer oaths to any person clalmlug
tho rlgut lo be ussossoM or thu right of bullrage,
or lu regard to any othor maltorur thing requir
ed to be douo or Inquired Into by auy ol said of
ficers under this uct; aud any wilful lalso
swearing by auy pcrsuit lu relalluu to uuy mut
ter or tulug cbucerulng which they bball bu
lawfully interrogated by uuy of sali olilcers
bhull be puulsuou us perjury.
See. 10. Tho assessors shall each recolvo thu
samo compensation lur thu tlmo necessarily
spent in performing tho duties thereby enjoin
ed us Is provided by law for the performance of
their other duties tu bo paid by the couuty com.
nilssloners us lu other cases -, uud It shall nut
bu lawful for uuy assessor to assess ataxugaliist
any persou whatever within ten days next pre
ceding tbo election lo bo hold ou tho second
Tuesday tu Ocluber ill uuy year, or within ten
Ways next boforo uuy election for electors of
President aud Vice-President or the United
Hlules ; uuy violation of this provision shall bo
a misdemeanor und subject tho olilcers so of
rending to n lino uot exceeding ono hundred dol
lars, or to imprisonment not exceeding thrco
months, or both, at thedlscrotlou of tho court,
dec. II. Ou tuu petition of live or moru citi
zens of tho county, sbttlug under oath that thoy
verily bcllevo thutlraud will bo practiced at
the election ubout to bo held In uuy district, U
shall be tho duty of tho court of common pleas
of said couuty, H lu session, or It not it Judgo
rhereoflu vacation), touppoliittwojudlcloiis, so.
ber uud Intelligent cltUeus of tho county lo uct
us overseers ut suld election ; said oveiscers
shall bu selected froiudlUeront political parties,
whero the Inspectors beloug to dltlcroul purtlos,
and where both of bald Inspectors beloug to thu
bumo polltltul party, both of tuo overseers shall
bo taken from the opposite political party ; said
overseers shutl have Iho right to bo present wllh
tho olilcers of tho olecttou, durlug the wholu
tlmo tho sumo Is held, the votes counted uud tho
returns luadeoutuud signed by thu election oill.
eers; tokeepallstof voters, If they seu proper
to challenge uuy person ollerlug to vole, und iu
terrugulo him uud his witnesses under oath, tu
regard to bis right of suffrage at I suld eluotluu,
and toexuniluu his papers produced ; uud thu
olilcers of suld electlou uru required tu afford to
suld overseers so elected uud uppululed every
ouuveiiknce uud facility fur ihodlschurga of their
duties ; uud If suld election olilcers shall refine
lo penult suld overseers to bu present, uud
perioral their duties as uforesald, or It they
shall bo driven uwuy from the polls by violence
uud Intimidation, all tho voles polled ut such
election district iuu bo rejeclod by uuy trlbu.
nultrylngaoouujst under said elocilou; 11-ovitf
ed, Thut no person signing tho petition shall ba
appointed au overseer.
Hie, II. Anyasscssor.elcctlonollleeror person
appointed us uu overseer, who suull neglect or
refuse lo perform any duty enjoined by this uct
Without reUSUUublo or loiful naiisn. shall hn unit.
Ject to u penalty of ono hundred dollars, aud If
uuy assessor suauussoss any person as u voter
who Is uot qualllled, or shall refuse to assess uuy
ouo who Is qualified, ho shall bo guilty of a inls.
Uemeunur lu olllce, and ou conviction bo pun.
lstiud bv flue or lmnrlsouinont. uud ulso bu tail,.
jeot to uu notion lor damages by the party ug-
griuveu ; uuu ll uuy pursuit siiuu irauuuioillly
alter, or add to, deface or destroy auy list of yu.
lobbors Prices, (loods delivered lo nil parts of I lie town frennr ri,.'."J'i-1
)0 1 Ai Any : Other Man, nnd other chenn.
own frnnnr pl.n.. '
J. H. MALZ13.
tors malo out as directed by (his net iT
iiownor removo tho same from the plica
It has boon Ilxed, with fraudulent or bili
ous Intent, or for nny Improper nun! . .''
person so offending shall bo gitllly -At . !
mHdeincnnor. and on emiviptb,,, ui.n ,n M!
ou conviction shall i . '
isncu ny n hub not exceeding onn lnm.1. , i
exceeding ono Imn.lrcJ 'h,:'
out nut exceeding iwi . li'''
rctlon of tho court. 1
lars. or lmmlsnumout nut. n'
fir iiulii. ul. Liin uiscrpi mil nr inn on....
arc. i. ui viocunn inr city, ward
township nnd election oillc-crs i shall liercan , ''
held on thpsecond Tuesday of October ,. 1
to nil provisions of thu laws regulating ti,e0(',
tlou ol such olilcers not inconsistent w If, 6 '
net ; tho porsons elected to such unices ! ,
tlmo shall take their places nt tho riniJ.M .iut
tho terms or the persons holding Iha sin , .?'''
tlmo of suchcloctlon; but no election r"!
oillco of nssessnr or assistant nssessir .,' '
hold, under this act, until tho yearono th 1 '.
olghl huitdrod aud sevcnty.twn. llwa ''
In obodtenco to tho requirement of bii, u.
Geary, Governnroftho Commonwealth ,,r i.
nvivuuiii,L uuiuuy uuus u iuu r llleetlt 1 Atn 1
mcnt oftho Constitution oftho t'liltoil st.i
vuujxctot liuugress eniorciug iMosanie nnl i '
Aetof Assoinh"y rolatlvo thereto! 'fl
Tho Fillecnih Amohdmpiit of tho UousiUui
oftho llnllodHUtos Is us follows, SI '
irfrtrsST I . Thn.rll, 1. nf rll Ivnnu ... ,t. ..
Hlnles nnnii not bo denloil nr iil.n.i , Vr"
United Stales, or by nny Stato, on i-ccuuntot,.'
color, or previous condition of Rcrvlhulo
?U"V: ' iuuvjuiBiuss snail navo nowen
enforea this nrllclo by annronrhitn lo-.i-V..;"
An Act to onrorco tho right of clllen, , ,' .
Untied Slates to voto In tho several Utiles nmi
ltiitmi ninl lur other nurnnuis; "-sunus
tSr.UHU.S 1, i,C I, UiKUILI, i ,SV''!.'f , .
Amcrtrntn oimt Ammbletl. Tint nil vitlz .
or tho United Htntcs, whnnro, orsliall ,
who quatllloil by law to voto nt any cleelbn tT
thopoaplo,lnnnyStato,Torrltory,ilisirl't.i . V.
tV.clty, parlsn, township, school district. 1,,,.,.
olpiltty.or other territorial nui-ellvlslou, s ,,
he outitlo 1 and allowed to voto nt nil sued , I.
lions, without dlstlhctlon'or race, color, nrim.
oils condition or Borvltudo; any I'mMiiin
law, custom, ttsrge, or rcrul.itlou or any m
Territory, or bv, or under III uulhorily u
contrary not withstand lug."
rfKcrioN 2. And be it jarlhcr rntvtcd, Tin
by or unilor tho authority of thn CjiisIIIiui.ih
laws of nny State, or tho laws or any IVrriti,
any act Is orsliall hn required to bo iluu-.
prerequisite or qtttllllc.iuoii rorvotiuu, ail i.
such Cmislllutlou or I tw, porsousor oillr t
or shall bo charged with the crformiric
dutlos In furnishing to rltlzoiisuu opnurtun'.
to perform such prerequisite, nr O Iiccouijimv
llled lo vole, It shall bu the duty iff every s
Gersou and olliccr to glvo to all citizens or
tilled Hlutes, tho samo mi l equal nmiorpim
to perform such prerequisite, itul to b
qualllled to voto without distinction of ri
color, or previous condition of servlluilo, an
uny such person or oillcor shall refuse er lui
lugtvntnlt to give roll afreet to Hits socllon
shall, tor every such offuueo, roifelt nu 1 p ty e
sum of Ilvo hundred iloll.trs to tho per on .
grieved therobv, I o bo recoverud by uuupiIiki
tho ense, with full costs uud such ultnw.irnv
counsel fees as tho court shall deem Just, iv.)
shnll also, for every such nit onco be iltemu
guilty or a misdemeanor, aud shall on eoavlc .
thcreor, bo fined not less thuu five him heil ili..
lars. or bo imprlsouod not lass than ouo in"iv ,
and not moro thnn ono yuar, or both, at Hit ihy
cretlon of tho Court."
A further supplement to tlio act leUttiu -clenttnns
in this Commonweallh :
"Suction 19. That mi much nf every not of .
soinbly ns provides that ouly whlto rreeni'
snail bo entitled to vote or bu reglslerel as tel.
crs.nrias claiming tn volo nt nny general
special election or this Commouwealtli, luan
tho sumo Is hereby repealed; and that here ire
thnt nil freemen, without distinction of culm
shall bo enrolled and registered according Inu..
provision of th tlrst section of the actupprot
iho 17th day of April, lsi'J, entitled "An ,e
further supplemental lo the act rotating to nit
elections ol this Coiniuunwealtli," nnd wheii
olhcrwlcn (luallllcsl under existing laws, bo en
titled to voto at all general uud spculul election,
lu this Commomwealth."
Given uudcrmy hand, nt my olllce, In llloom
burg this Clh day of Decern her, lu tho year
our Lord onn thousand olghl hundred uudfcav
enty-two, nnd In tho iilnety.seveutli year of Hi
Iudepenucnco of tho UultuJ Htalcs.
Hherlff ol Columbia Couui
llloomsburg, Pa., December li. ls;j.
risliart's Pine Tree
Nature'c G-rent Remoily
FOR Tin:
Ths?oat and Liiangs.
It is griillfying to us to Inform tho public tn.n
Dr. L. It. C. Wlshart's, lot
Throat aqil Lung Dlscasos, has galnelau envu
bio reputation Irom tho Atlantic to the r.iil
coast, nnd from thonca tosoinooflhollrstf.iii"
liesol'Europo, notthroush tho press alone tan
hy peisous tluoughout tho Stito actually bene.
i..l n I. la .,ui Whlln tin nnhllsll-
es If ss, bo kay our reporters, ho is utinblo tu sui"
ply tho demand. It gains and holds IU reputi'
Flrbl. Not hy stopping cough, but hyloosiu.
Ing aud assisting niituro to throw off tho uu
heallhy matler collected about the throat una
bronchial tubes, tt'AluA cmucj frrifnfwii,
Second. It removes thu cuuso of lirltaiw"
(which produces cough) of tho mucous ineinUrane
and bronchial tubes, assists Iho lungs to uctauJ
throw oil' Iho unhealthy secretions, und piirltlw
tho blood,
(Third. Itlsnco from kqualls, lohell.i, lp
nnd opium, or which most thro.tlauil 111113 rerac
dies nro composo 1. which allay cough only and
disorganize thu btomach. It hn a MiotliHu '
feet ou tlio stomach, nets ou tho liver and M
noys, mid lymphatic and nervous regions, "
rcuchlug to overy part of tlio system, and iu
Invlgorntlngnnd pui'llyliig effects 11 hasgjuu'l
a roputallon which it must hold abovo all otm "
lu tho maiUct.
The Pine Tree Tar Cordial
Groat American Dyspepsia PI Us,
Ilelng under my Imincdlulodlrcclloii.llieysUiiil
notloso their curallvo qualllles by the '
cheap and Impuro articles.
Homy H. Wishart,
Dr.L.Q. C. Wlshart's Ofllco Pallors niu optu
on Monday, Tuesday and Wcduisday from V A .
M. to 8. P. M.i forconstiltallon by Dr. Wm. L
llageo, Wlthhlm nro associated two cunsulllub
pbyslclaus of acknowledged ublllty. This op
rortuully is not offered by uny other liistlliitlnn
in tho city,
All Letters must lie AiMfc"'' ,0