The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 20, 1872, Image 1

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. A, t , t
lhi iiuubk, m.ooM8)iona,PABr
Eiiitan and rnomiiTon,
StrM '"Tff0 DoIUti a Tc&r j 7We In r4vh:o,
v (' irlfllt'ii executed with neatness and
VOLUME VI, ---NO, 61.
One tneh, (twelve Ham or IU equivalent Ok
Nonpareil type) one or twolniertlons, 11.50 threw
Insertions, 12.0(1
2H. 3U.
One Inch............
Two Incoes
Tlirco Inches
Four Inches.....,
quarter column..
,160 $1.00 tlflO W HMf
Z'.LO 6 00 7,00 ,(M 18,e
ft.W 7.W V,w l,'J"l in,
,.. 7 00 9 (0 11,00 17,01 85,1
.... lo.oo la.oo n,oo a'.oo wv
i.ii.. itin lafin -Sinn anon mi.
oni colamn;r.rr.'.'.80-,uo niiw o',oo eo',oo loo.i
Executor's or Administrator's Notice, J,q
Auditor' or Assignee's Notice, faO.
Local notlcca, twenty cent a line.
Cards In the "Business Directory" enlnmrt!
$2,0i per year for the first two lines, and $1 OOfcf
uiiirm County Official Directory.
' ,e Wll.MAM KI.WKI.I..
,Cc.-Uiiiot.i'it II. Itisnt.riit.
, r ,,f-r Wim.iamsun ll.JAConr.
j, JAMES 11UVHON, Jit.
. -Mllll.
.11 'IKWITT.
't.l.lAM LAMON.
U.l'H IIOIIlllNS, UlllAH J.
1 M SI1AFKF11.
CVrt Wtl.l.lAH KlUrKllAUM,
I. '.A M I'lilil.I,, DAN H.I. l.EK.
. ,iM-JSAAOMnUllIDn,JolINM03
w ptitfenf Wm. II, Sn-tueii.
.worici Ulrrctiira, 8. II. Mit-utn
MMt, lllnoiiihlnire, uml JoiiNsoil
noinl, CiiAiil.EH i.o.nnku. Beo'y.
imrg Official Direotory,
ivnkmu . John A. FukstoN
i. Imn?., Cashier.
Hunk (JUAB. 1(. I-AXTON.l'rcs't ,
liirrLU, Prcs't., (J. W. Mim.kii,
"inllni oml Vcivinp- Fund Atsona
ocr, Prcs't., .1,11. IIomson.Bcc
'ftmtl lunivg liml .HMoefaffcm
i sldcut, C. (J. llAliia.KV, Sec'y.
lurch' Directory.
i it.
p nvTEniAN cittincir.
. i mart Mitchell.
. - I0 A. M.; 7 r. M.
i .v. M.
l.V, 'i,i- .VedncHilay, 7 P. M.
. , ewsrentcd; strangers wcl
joh' cirg Directory. received and for bale nt the
( .
i . HMtO, MerchautTailor.Malu
, i-erjcan House.
a, '.. tealcr In Clocks, Watches anil
t, 'u iL ot., Just below tlio American
Orangovillo Directory.
II, IIKUUINO nitOTIIElt.Carpontcrsand
. llulldcrs, Main st lielow l'lne.
HICK HOTIif. and rflrcslimcnt Baloon, by
Ilohr M'llcnry cor.of Miiln and I'lnest.
It. O. A.MKUAUOin.I'hynlclanandBurEOon
Main st,,noxtd(Kirtoaood'a Hotel,
AVIlTllEItHINU, I'lour and Urlst Mill, and
Dealer In Brain, Mill Btreot.
lAMKail. 1IAKMAN, Cabinet Malio; and Un
it Uorlnkcr. Main HI., below Pino.
SCltUVI.KH ft CO., Iron fonnnors, Machinists
and Manufactnicrs of plows, Mill Bt.
Uraln Cradlo. MalnBt.
WIM.IAM HI!I,ONa Bhoemakcratift manufac
turer of llrlck, Mill Bt., west of Pi no
Philadelphia Directory.
wTNviUGurr'& Tom
N. E. t'ornor Second and Arch Streets,
Dealers lu
men, spices, ni cAnn boda, ac, ac.
-OrderH will rcotlvo prompt attention,
may 10,67-tf.
ME Ml, SOUllOI'l- & CO.,
lai'ORTEits akd jorir)Ki:soir
.-Oilp,lnal nksortcd racliagcs of dueenswaro
coimtautlv on baud. leuJ'72-tf.
i:.,KU, Watch ami Clock maker
i'l ii cunior Main and Iron Ma.
UiAK'i iVatch and Clock Maker.Mar
,te1. elow Main,
liTl.KMIItH, Pealer In UootH and Shoes, latest
I'j, and In at myli H, corner Main and Market
Mreitt.. In Hip old Post Ottici'.
H"KN"ltY KLKIM, Maiiufartuier and dealer In
boots and RhoCH, Groceries, etc., Main street,
Kp. UlloomsburK.
K H C HOWEH, Surficon Dentist, Main St.,
iii.nve Hie i ouri House.
Dll. W.M. M ItFlllilt, Siirjicon and Physician.
Oinre over the l'lrst National Bank.
fl O. I1AIIKLKY Attorney-at-Law. O21co,2d
, floor In theColiimlilan bulldlni!,
nT"MoKEI.VY,M. I).,8urccon and Pbyslclan:
, nnrthklile Main it,, below Market.
T (1. UlITTEIt, M. D. SiirKeon anil l'hyslclan
, Inrltet street, rtbnvo Main.
T U. IloBlsnN, Attorney-at-Law, Ofllco Hart
il. tnan's bnlldlnc. Main street.
PH. 11, F. KINNEY Surgeon Dentist. Teeth
pxtrnpli'fl u-llbnnt palm Main St.. nearly op
osltP EitNropat ninrph,
t II rVANH. M. I)., Hurcpon and Vhvslplnn
,t . north l,tpnfMr,;n street aboveJ. K.Fj'er's.
PTi A 1 Tt'iiNrn, T'livslPlanandSnrcenu, of
ftrp -.v, r K'lelln'h llrmr'Btoii', uslileneo one
door below Itev, D. .1. Waller,
i. IM TKiiMAN Millinery and Fancy Goods,
V fiT.pnvitr FoUfornl f'burch.Maln st,
tti-i-. 1 1771? KARKLEY, Mllllntr, Hamsey
iti i.pi'dltic Mniit street,
Vih- v iiFIHtlCKKON, Millinery and Fancy
OmimIs Mi-'p t., below Matlcet,
rt'l.IA A. HADE IIAItKlI Y. iJiilles
.1 i,-,
mii,1 Dress Patternd, rontbeast corner
I MtMAN MlilliKrv and Fancy
below Amertcaii IIousp,
"O'i-ki p AND SALOONH.
1 . by T. Dent. Taylor, eai.t end
" .1
1 f in Goods and Notions, south'
r. r and Iron ftts.
ivi'i'r onlecttonery and Pakery,
i,. ..I -Mall, Exchange Week.
"VI " J'ltspndOiiis.IlootsaiiilHboes,
.1 ' ' ' i;onn House.
I'M "ntnmotb Grorerv. fine Gro.
i' Nuts, Provision, Ac, Main
! A CO., dealers in Dry Goods,
,1.. f, i , Kecil, Salt, Fish. Iron, Nails,
.r nuu iuaruei sis.
Mir f l-ON, dealers In Dry Goods,
... nrrpu.waret Flour, sail, Hnoes,
- ..Inst.
P'' 'I MaN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness'
. f-'i'' i 'a Hlock Main Street.
' ' I lNt,.llQUorileaIerseconddoorfrom
vr- . .ner main anu jrou sis.
!!" "or: Wall Favor, Window Shades
, 1'ni'ert blork, Main si.
' ' . Furulturo Iloonis, thrro story
j r tieet, vest oi luarsrisi.
,-'.'(,K,Pliotogiapher, over Uobblun
r 'ore, aiain si.
rln Meat, Tallow, etc., Clictn'
. "earof Anierlcan House,
. . , PY, Marble and llrnwn Stone
. prs- T-iornMmrc.lIerwieK roau,
V --ler In furniture, trunks, cedot
-o. oeur tiih horas noiei,
n ' 'il' t A v, v-ent for Muii6on's Copper
i-"! ,,ir I ivbtnlr-K ttKl.
n - i.. 'i He ami Fancy Tanner, and
' d 1 in Iee.eottown.
YKVTF 1,1 '(IKS. uml blank NOTES, with or with
l out exeuipMon, for sale at the CoLUMliIAN
'i I.MAN, Merchant Tailor, Second Bt.
KtililtlNS. Siirsoou and Pbyblclau
ntinu Main,
a KI.INK, dry coods, groceries, and
inerruarme, laiu nireet
K 1 I II atlawlssa House," North
tp, msiii sun Neponu nireeiH.
l M. DKOIIST. dealer In General Merchandise
111. Dry Uooila. Groeprles Ac,
UI'IM'.K. Illlbid Saloon, Oysters, and Ice
i renin in si-usun jiHiuni.
Ol'SUUEHANNA oi lltlck Hotel, H. Kosten
n bander Proprletor.south-iastcoruerMalunnd
, uu.i nii'Tii
M. II, AtinOTT, Attorney at law, Main Bt.
Light Street.
V, OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door
"10 UN A.OMAN, Mauufacturcr wud doaler iu
i uuuiH ujiu Eiiinta
H. KNT. i1(AlPr lu Htovcs ami Tin ware In
hii us uranciii.
1)ETFH ENT, Miller, and dealer In all kinds oi
J Grain, i lour, Feed, Ac. All kinds of Grain
n W. KDGAH, Susnuthauba lUMni'
I .andlmxMau facturlui;,
Back Horn.
AO. W. II. Hlim-'M AK'ftt .Isiilurs In ilrv
toodu, yrocoaries unci neueral meichalidse
Business Cards.
OfTico Court-House Allpv. below the Colum
HtAN Ofllco, UloomsburR I'a.
if Officf. Court llouso Alley. In the Co-
lumuiah building. (Jan4,'67.
nM.. nn.. , 11... uinw I. f'ri
UlllC Ulll b tlUll.n kl.Cjr, .'IU
bian oniee. Bounties. Back-Pay and Pensions
collected. Bloomsburs I'a. Bep.S0'l7
At It. F. Clark's late office. Main tlrcct.
luoomsonrg, i'a.
Has entered Into thn Law nnd Collection busi
ness wlih J ohn O. Fieezo, Esq., ADorncy at
Law.oIIlcein llrowcr'.s UullUlntj, Main Btreot
lll.oousHUlio, Pa.
Itospectfully offers bis professional services to
the Indies aud esntlemeti of IHoomsburc and vl.
clnlly. Ho la prepared to attend to all the vari
ous operations In the lino of his profession, and
Is provided with tho latest Improved 1'oncKl.Aln
Teeth which will bo Inserted on KOld platlnit
silver anil rubber baso to look an well as tho nap
ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all tlio now and
mostanproved methods, and all operations on
thcloclli carefully and properly attended to.
Kesldenco and ofllco a few doors above the
Court llouso, same side.
uioomsuurg, iy
yonilng - $200,000
Aetna 4,001,00c
Orient .. 800,000
Itoyal of Liverpool lP.OOO.OOO
Danville Mutual
HprliiKtlcld fiTU.i 0
Gcrmanta. N. Y" 600,000
International N.Y l,'f9,78J
Farmers' Danvllls, 8J0,(J')
Lancaster City 2on,50il
Homo S.OOO.tOO
KHEAH HltOWN, Afent.
mniSl'71 ly. IlLooMSBDBa Fa.
Main Street one door nbovo E. Mendenhall'B
A largo assortment or stoves, lieaters ana
Itanges constantly on hand, and tor sale at tho
lowest rates.
Tlnnlnc In nil Its branches carefully attended to.
and satisfaction unaranteed.
Tin worn oi nil ninus Wholesale anu retail, a
lal Is requested,
Jan 171
Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Ac. Work
neatly executed, Orders by mall will receive
special attention. N, 11. Work dellveied freool
charge. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor.
octlS'71-tf. I. O. Box 1W.
Wo to
East EloomsbuiK. I'a., for all kinds of tho best
homo and city mado
r II 11 N I I U 11 K .
Prices reasonable and the be''' "vork; done.
Jan l'7i-tl
Manufacturer of Wioucht Iron llrldgts. Boilers,
Gasholders, Fireproof Buildings, Wrought Iron
Hooting. Hoofing Frames, Flooring and Doors,
Farm Gates and fencing, also Wrought Iron pip
ing, Stacks und all hinds of Smith Work, Ac.
Itenalrs promptly attended to.
N. II. Drawlugs nnd Estimates supplied.
ipencd a first-class
at tho old stand on MalnStrcot.Bloomsbnrfr.afew
doors abovo the Court House. Ills stock lscom
posedof tho very latest and beststyles ever offer
ed to tho citizens of Columbia County, lie can
acenmmodato tho publlowlththefollowlnggoods
at tho lowest rates, Men's heavy double soled
stoga boots, men's double and single tap soled
nil, UUUlB, 1UVU K uuavi' .11.11 HUUrH Ulllll KIUUS,
men's flue boots and shoes of all trades, boy's
doublesoled boots nnd, shoes of allklnds, men's
glovo kid Balmoral shoos,mon's, women's.boys's
nun misses- lasiing gaiiers, women's glove Kiu
Polish very flue.womcu's morocco Balmoralsand
calf shoes, women's very fine kid buttoned gait
ers. In short boots oi all descriptions both peg
ged and sewed.
He would also call attention to his flno assort
ment of
which comprises nil tho new and popnlai vari
eties at prices which cannotfallto suit all. These
goods are offered at the lowest cash rates and
will bo guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call
Is solicited beforo purchasing elsewhere as It la
believed that better bargains are to be found
than at any other place lu tha county,
Jan 1'71 ,
of tlio most Approved Patterns,
mill Gearing,
and C'HNlIngN
of nil descriptions.
General Merchandise, Lumber, Ac., Ac.
Wo would announce to tho public In general
that we havo taken the well known Aerlcultur-
n 1 Works or this place and shall make It our aim
to manufacture First Class Agricultural Imple
ments equal to any other makers In tho State,
such as
Tlirchlilug Machines,
Both Lever nnd Tread Power.
A PIown of every description,
among which will bo the celebrated
acknowledged by all to be tlio best plow extant
tor tho farmer. Also tho
Champion, Sterns' Patent and
The Montrose.
Iron Kettles,
nnd Castings
nf everv descrlntlon. Wo shall use none but the
best materials nnd employ none nut competent
anu pxpenenceo mecnanics ana our prices win
compaie lavoramy wan auy oiuer muauiacmr1
Cnuntrv Produce. Lumber. Old Iron, taken In
oxebaugo. Woalsohavea store lu connection
with our Agricultural Works, where may be
found a full assortment of MEUCIIANDISE
which will bo sold at small profits. Give us a
call before purchasing elsewhere anu we guar
antee satisfaction.
Would Inform Ills friends and tho publlolhat
ho ban taken possession ol
In the Exchange Block, to long occupied by him
and will carry on tho business of a
Ho brings to the business an experience nf ninny
w-nisMid assures the community Itmthowlll
fuiiiibh the bestofbresd, cakes, rolls, biscuit, &v,
Iresh every day. HeprnpoMs also to keep on
hand a large aud well assorted stock ot
of all grades. French candles and those nf do
mestio inaunractuie.alwajbtnbohad, wboltsalu
and retail at luwest rates. Adjoining the Bakery
and Coufectloneiy Is a well established
where may be louud Ale and Lager, and Ho
treshminis, Oysters In season and the various
little delltacies which tulttlie public taste. There
Is also a
over the conlectlonery store, where ladles and
gentlemen can obtain the best of Ico Crriitu lu
A fair shnro of Hie pnbllo custom la requested
and uoptiluswHl besparedto cnsuio satisfac
tion april JV7Mf
Having imnlioicd the Luklntfs of E. 1'. Lull
now olftisat the old sland,u ibolcuasEoilmou
And n general assortment of tho choicest goods
usually louud lu fltslclass establishments.
Physicians' Prescriptions aud Family lteclpes
Coielully compounded.
On Kiiniiiij s, open from 8 a, lib, to 10 a. in., and
llUlll p, U,, U Jl, 111,
feb 8'73-tf
JL Mrs. L. llawley, Milton. Fashionable
Dress Maker, and teacher of llrlgg's unrivalled
systemof llltlUK by measure lu tbespeedlest,
most stylhh and ritlect manner, Dresses, Pol
nimlio and allludlcs' and misses' garments, in
vltes n call ficm all wlshlug In lnuii the dla-
S ram, or to have rutting aud tilling of suits
0110 as vU as In Philadelphia, and at moder
uterales. bulls mado to older. Call, thltd door
ubovo Mrs. Hi cbsl's store, Muln sired, below
itsuioau, west euu.
Oct.Jl1lM2.-!in,MRB. L. II AWLEY MILTON,
The nudcrSIcned would Inform thetravelllnB
fiubllo that he has taken the above named eBlab
Ishment and thoroughly refitted the same for
tho perfect convenience of his guests. Ills larder
will be stocked with the best tho market affords.
The choicest liquors, wines and clgarsalways to
ue iuuuu in ins uur.
Espy. Pa
JL1. would announcetu the citizens onilooms
biira and vicinity, that ho ha Just received a full
anu compieio assorimcui oi
fixtitiies, conns, TASSELS,
and all other goods In Is line of business. All
the uewest and most approved patterns of the
day aie always to be louud In his establishment.
imir.o, mi-ii "juiu aii umuw inurj&ee.
New York, Cork and Liverpool.
Bailing from NewY'ork on B ATUH DAY'S, n om
Liverpool on THURSDAY'S, rnllliitr at Cork
Harbor each way, From tho Whlto star Dock,
Pavonlu Fciry, Jersey City,
Passenger accommodations (for all classes)
unnvuiicu, cuiuuiuiuts
Saloons, stato-rooms. smoklna-room nnd bath
rooms lu midship section, where least motion Is
Burgeons and stewardesses accompany
these steamers,
ItATth saloon, $80 gold. Bleerege, ISO curren
cy. 1 hose wishing to send lor friends from the
old i ouutry can now ontaiu steerage prepaid
certificates. S3U eurrencv.
Passengers booked to or from all parts of
America, runs, iiarauurgn, Norway, bwoden,
llllllll, iisiiuiiu, uiiinn, nc.
Drafts from 1 unwnrds.
For lnsnecttou of nlaus and other Information
siiply at the Company's Otllces, No, 111 Broad way.
New York.
Jan. IS, ll72. J. J I. SPARKS, Agent,
The only j trtct Insttmiient In the world. And
Is lu 1 Ichntts. Power. Brilliancy and
Imiabillly, HpKlal teuns loTeacheis. Mailed
lavois in in
lei tj im n, fctnd lorllluslrutcd Arloi
W, F0BTER, General Agent,
tf,l Maucji C'lU'Mi.I'A.
Annlo and Willie's Prnrcr,
Tlio following poem, written by Mrs, Sophlah
'. Snow, Is ouo of tho most exqulallely touching
and beautiful that wo havo ever read. It can
not fall to reach tho hearts of nil who perase It,
besldesbclngpocullarly appropriate to tlio holi
days t
Twastheevo beforo Clirlstmnsj "Good-u'ghl"
had been said.
Aud Annlo and Willie had crept into
Led ;
Thcro wero teats on their pillows, aud tears in
their eyes.
And each lltlloborom wai heavy with sighs
For to-ulght their slcrn father's command had
been given,
That they should retire precisely 'at seven,
Instead or at eight ; lor they troubled him more
Wth questions unheard of than over beforo ',
Ho had told them ho thought this delusion a
No such being as,"Sanla Clans" over liadbeen,
And ho hoped after this ho should ncvci inoro
How ho scrambled down chimneys wllh rrcs-
enu each year,
And this Is tho reason that Iwj llltlo heads
So rcsllossly tossed on tholr soft, downy beds, .
Light, nlno, and tho clock on the steeple tolled
ten j
Not a word had boon spoken by olthor till then,
When Willie's sad faco from tho blanket did
And whispered, 'Tear Annie, Is you fast
Why, no, brother Willie," a sweat voice re
I'vo tried It In valu.butl can'tsliutmy eyesj
For, somehow, It makes rao so sorry becauso
Dear papa has said thcro Is no 'Santn Clam ;'
Now wo know there Is, nnd It can't bo denied,
for liocamo ovory year beforo mamma died;
But then, I've been thinking that sho used to
And God would hear everything mamma would
And perhaps sho aiked Mm to send Santn Claus
With tho sacks full of presents ho brought ev
ery year."
Well, why tan't wo pay dest as mamma did
Andnsk Mm to scud him with presents
I'vo been thinking so, too." And without n
word raoro
our little baro feet bounded out on the door.
And four little knots thesoft carpet pressod,
And two tiny hands wero clasped closo to; each
'Now, Willie, you know wo must firmly bellevo
That tho presents wo ask for wo'ro suro to ro-
celvo :
Youmnst wait Just as still till I say tho 'Amen,'
And by that you will know that your turn has
come then."
Deal Jesus look down on my brother nnd mo
And grant us tho favor wo aro asking of Thco :
want a wax dolly, a tea set and ring.
And an ebony work box that shut s with a
spring :
niess papa, dear Jesus, aud ca use him to sso.
That Bauui claus loves us far better than he,
uon'i lev mm get rretful and angry again
At dear brother Wlllloaud Annlo, Amen!',
Please, Desus, 'et Santa Taus turn down to
And bring us somo presents beforo It Is Ight,
want ho should dlvo mo a n Ice lttlo sed,
With bright, shiny runners, ana all painted
you ;
A box full of tandy, a book n nd n toy,
Amen, and then, Dosus, I'll be a good boy."
Their prayers being ended, they raised up tholr
And with hoarls light aud cheerful again sought
tueir ucets;
They wero soon lost lu slumber, both peaceful
ana deep
And with fairies in Dreamland wero roaming in
in sleep.
Eight, nine, and tho little French clock had
struck ten,
Ero the father had thought of his children
Ho seemed now to hear Annie's half-suppress-
cd sighs,
And to sco tho big tears stand In Willie's blno
'I was harsh with my darlings." ho mentally
And Bhould not havo sent them so early to
But then I was troublod-my foelincs found
For bank-stock to-elay has gone down ten per
Butofcourso they'vo forgotten tholr troubles
ero this
And that I denied them the thrico-askcd.for
Hut, Just to make sure, I'll step up to their
Fori never spoko harsh to my darllnss be-
So saying, ho softly nscended the stairs.
And arrived at tho eloor to hear both of their
IIIs'Aunlo's 'bless rapa' draws forth tho big
"f.trange,stranBO I'd forgotten," said ho with n
"How I longed, when a cldld, to havo Christ'
mas draw nigh.
I'll atono for my harshness." he Inwardly
'By answering their prayers ere I bleep In my
Then no tamed to ihb stairs nnd softly went
Threw off velvot slippers and silkdresslns
Donned hat, coat nudboots.iind wasout in the
A mllllonnro facing tho cold, driving sleet.
Noj.stoppod ho until ho had broeght every tiling,
tromthobox full of catdy lo tho tiny gold
Indeed, ho kept adding so much tohis store,
mat tho various presents outnumbered a
Then horaewa rd he turned with his holiday
And with Aunt Mary's aid lu tho nuisery 'twas
slewed ;
Miss dolly was aeatod beneath u pine tree'.
Bytbo sldoofatsble spread out for her tea;
A work-box well filled In the centre was laid,
And on It a ring, forwhlch Annlo had prayed.
A soldier In uniform st cod by u sled,
With bright shining runners nil painted red."
Thcro wero balls, dogs and horses, books picas
lug to see,
And birds of all colors wre perched lutho treo ;
While Santa Claus, laughing stood up In tho
As If getting ready more presents to drop.
And as the fond father the pleturo surveyed.
Ho thought for bis trouble bo had amply beam
An d ho said to himself, as he brushed off a ti-nr
'I'm happier to-night than I've been for a year.
I'veeuJojtd more true plcasuro than ever ba-
What caro I If bank-stock lulls ten per cent
more. I
Hereafter I'll inako It a lule, I believe,
To havo Santa Clans visit us each Christmas
Eve." ;
So thinking, ho gently extinguished Uio llglit
Aud trlplcd down tho stairs to retire for the
As soon as the beams of the bright mornlrur
Put the darkness to flight, and thostais, ouo by
Four little blue eyes out of sleep opened wide.
And at tho same moment tho presents espied,
Then out of their beds they sprang with a bonml
And the vory glltsprajed Jor wero nil of thorn
Tbcy laugbcdandlhey cried lit their Innocent
And thouted for "fapa" lei come quick and soa
What presents old Bantu U.aus brought In the
(Just tho things lhat thry -wanted,) and left Jia
foro light.
"And now," added Annie, Jn a voice soft and
"You'll believe there's a fiuuta Claus, rliu.
know ;
While ucar llltlo WllMo climbed up on his
Determined nosecret between, them should bo
And told iu soft whispers, how Auuls had sad
That their dear, blessed mamma to long ago
Used to kneel down and pray by tho side of her
And that God up '(liLeavtn had acweid hi;
Then we dot up nnd prayed dust ni welt as wo Cloy tint! FOX, nnd tllOV WOfO ten Of
twolvo Kamc9 nltcnu. "Gentlemen,"
said tho Russian minister, rlslDK from
tlio tnblo, "the game has closed for tho
season. Tho appropriation Is exhaust."
And suro onough not another gamo
would ho play, much to tho disgust nnd
vexation of General Scott, who, of
course, was a considerable loser. Harp
er's Magazine for December,
And Dod answerod our prayers, now wasn't a
dood t"
"I should Bay that Ho wni, If He sont you all
Aud know Just what prossnts my children
would please.
'Well, woll, let him think so, tho dear little
Twonld be cruel to tell him I did It myself.")
Blind fathorl who caused your slcrd heart to
And the hasty word spoleeu so sn to ro-
Twos tho Being who bade you steal softly up
And mado yott Ills ogent to answer their
Tlio "Sponsible IMltor."
Don Piatt edited a campaign paper
In Western Now York, somo twenty-
nlno yoars ago, Horo Is ono of tho ro-
TJio talented editors wero oapccially
objects of vituperation nnd assault, and
Gambling In Washington.
Washington for many years had boon
n hot-bed for gamblers of high and low
degree Thero wero a dozen faro-banks
on tho Avenuo within a stono's-throw
of Gadsby's, on tho comer of Sixth
Strcot. Many of theso establishments
had club rooms attached, whero mem
bers of Congress and others amused
themselves with brag, vingt-et-un,
and whist. Draw-poker camo Into
vogue at a later day. Gambling, nnd
for lnrgo sums, was common, particu
larly among Southern and Western
members. Scores of thoni from Ohio,
Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and tho
Gulf States squandered tbeir modest
per diem, then eight dollars only, at
tho gaming table; and somo impaired
tholr private fortunes by tho samo In
dulgence S. S. Prentiss was reported
to havo lost thirty thousand dollars the
first winter ho was In Congress.
Tho most notorious and dushlng
gambler of tho day was Edward Pen.
dlcton. Ho camo from Virginia, whero
ho was woll connected, his family being
of tho best blood in tho Stato, and ho
married a most rcspcctablo and accom
plishcd lady, whoso father held n ro
sponsible ofllco under tho government.
Pendleton gavo sumptuous, entertain
ments (it his club-houso, which wero
well attended by somo of tho most em
inent public, men In tho district. Mr.
Mangum, then President of the Sonate,
John J, Crittenden, John M. Botts.
John B. Thompson, of Kentucky, nnd
Linn Boyd, afterward Speaker of tho
House, and others of lesser note, wero
frequently his guests. Congress had
enacted stringent penal laws to prevent
gambling, but they wero a dead letter,
unless somo poor dovll mado a com
plaint of foul play, or somo fleeced
.blackleg sought vongeanco through the
aid of tho Grand Jury ; and then the
matter was usually compounded by the
payment of money.
Whist was n favorlto game with the
foreign ministers and tho elder states.
men. Mr. CIny, General Scott, Mr.
Botlisco, and Mr. Fox nephew of
Charles James Fox who represented
William tho Fourth and Queen ViC'
torla, ofton played together, a hundred
dollars being the usual stake. They
generally playod well, as Hoylo taught
tho gamo ; but many of tho members
of tho fashionable clubs of New York
lay with more skill than was dreamed
of forty years ago. Governor Marcy
was a great lover of whist, but ho would
nover bet monoy on tho gamo. Thoro
wero always Inveterate whisters In tho
Hennto. A story was current nt ono
timo of n protracted sitting tit tho card
table, at which Governor Stokes, of
North Carolina, and Mouutjoy Bailey,
scrgeant-at-arms or tno senate, wero
two of the players. It ran In this wlso
tho Senato adjourned from Thursday
over to Monday Tlio party sat down
to cards after dinner Thursday evening,
They played nil night and uil tho next
day, only stopping occasionally for,
refreshments. Tho gamo was continued
Friday night and Saturday, through
Saturday night and nil day Sunday and
Sunday night, tho players resting for n
snatch of sleep as naturo becamo ex
hausted. Monday morning tho game
was in full blast: but at ton o'clock
Balloy moved an adjournment, alleging
that his ofUelal duties required his pres
enco in tno senate-cnamDer, atones
remonstrated, but the scrgeant-at-arms
persisted, nnd roso from tho table. Tlio
Governor grumbled nnd scolded, but
finally gave it up, swearing that If ho
had suspected Bailey would break up
tho gamo thus prematurely, ho would
not havo invited him to Join tho party,
Mr. Webster played whist, but indif
fontly only. Tho Virginians wero nd
dieted to lhat stupid gamo known as
6lioeinakcr loo, President Tyler was
fond of loo, and on n rainy day, when
thero was no great pressuro of public
business, ho has boon known to mako
up n gamo ut tho Whito Houso, and
play nil doy, having dinner In his
chamber. His companions usually wero
William Seidell, Treasurer of tho United
States, Cary Selden, his brothor, store
keeper nt tho nnvy-yard, and sometimes
Governor Gilmer, of Virginia, with
now and then nnother favorite. Tho
amount plnyed for was always small,
but Mr. Tyler was ns much delighted nt
taking a pool ns If ho had won hun
tired s.
Public opinion was not so averse to
gaming in Washington as iu most of
tho Northern cities. Probably tho tono
of publlo morals is no more elevated
now thau it was then, but thero was
had rather a hard tlmo of It. Tho ofllco
was broken into and tho limited assort
ment of typo knocked into pi. Tho In
furiated mob, Instigated by that flond,
Saxton, as tho paper asserted, seemed,
however, to rospect that sacred relict of
tho great Franklin for that was not dam
aged. It may bo that it frightened them.
Tho editors had their eyes lu a chronic
stato of mourning. But they wero gamo
and kept up tho war, until ono day a
long-bodied, brond-shouldcred, double
fisted Democrat, nnmod Jim Mooro,
stalked Into tho editorial sanctum nnd
mado tho novel proposition of being
published ns tho responsible editor.
You ain't up to tneso vying rollers,
you ain't. Ju3t turn 'om over to mo
say I'm tlio 'sponslblo odltor, will
xnis was novel out pleasing, nnu
James was duly Installed in tho post
ho solicited. Not long after an inspired
blacksmith or oloquont thinker, ad
dressed tho hard ciderltes. Our notico
of this event reads to tho effect that our
quiet town was startled and alarmed by
a Btrango noiso that broke out with
great violence, on Saturday lost, near
tho church. On repairing to tho spot, wo
discovered that tho unhealthy hollow
ing camo from a stray long cars that ha"d
wnndered Into our town. Tlio ownor of
this disasirceablo boast would do woll
to capturo inul stablo him.
Tho paper was scarcely distributed
beforo tho eloquent blacksmith bound
ed into tho ofllco, followed by n crowd
of curious friends.
"Whcro's tho editor of this nigger
baby's dip?" roared tho stumper.
"Don't allow no profane language on
theso premises," responded tho ad In
terim editor, turning over tho ex
changes and scarcely looking nt tho In
dignant Intruder.
You bo ! I want tho editor I
"Well, well, woll," cried Jim.witn
SuoEiNa a Mule. Tho Now York
Herald's correspondent, with Androw
Johnson nnd tho other Congressional
candidates iu Tonncsseo, writes :
"If thero had been nny enngulnnry
Ill-feeling among U1030 who camo to at
tend tho meeting, a scono thnt took
placo beforo its assembling must havo
routed it completely. That sccno will
last, In tlio moraory of those who saw
It, ns long as life remains. It occurred
on tho vorgo of tho town, and camo near
spoiling all Intorost in our own circus.
Six negroo3, on tho common rond, op
posite a blacksmith's shop, for over nn
hour wero trying lo porsuado a young,
tall, robust country mulo to allow him
self to bo shod. They put n ropo collar
round his neck, nnd to that attached n
lino which, thrown out botweon his
hind-legs was intended (o trip up each
Iu turn, and hold it lu position while
tho blacksmith Sam by name oper
ated on tho hoof. For over an hour
this extraordinary mulo fought tho six
men, kicking away tho trap laid for his
enslavement as easily as ho might n
cobweb, nnd describing, high up in tho
air, forked lightning diagrams with his
heels a sight fearful to bohold. Pant
ing, yet patlont, their hats kicked off
their heads, their shins bruised, nnd
tholr pants torn, tho six gallant darkeys
stuck to tholr supernatural mulo until
finally they secured his right hind-leg,
und had his hoof laid on Sam tho black
smith's lap, ready for tho sacrifice By
this timo all tho surrounding points of
vantage wero occup led by spectators,
wrought up to tho most Intonso pitch of
excltemont Johnson men cheering on
tho mulo, Maynard mon cheering on
tho darkeys. Sam tho blacksmith was
n tall, well-built fellow. Ho had his
back to tho niuto's head, and was In a
stooping position over tho hoof. Iu front
of him, about slxfeot from tho mulo's
tall (a perilous dlstanco), was a clrclo of
nbout twenty darkeys, awaiting tho
operation of putting tho sho on, with
tho most solomn interest
It has been demonstrated In Now
York that pinto glass windows nro
Ineffectual In stopping runaway oxon.
It Is said thero nro two reasons why
somo pcopio uo not minu wieir own
business. Ono Is tbat lltoy luvo no bus
iness, nnd tho other Is thnt they havo
no mind.
Indiana la oxclled over tho birth of a
pig Willi tt coumcnancons inucn jiku a
Christian ns nny other Inhabitant of tho
town in which lis parents IIvo.
A Buffalo naner nnnounces that by
tho recent burning of nn ico-houso thero
20,000 tons of ico wero "reduced to
Tho latest dellnlllonof agontleman
is "nmnti who can put on a clean collar
Without being conspicuous."
An ntnalour editor luIndlannnolU ha.t
mado n fortuno by his pen. His father
dlfKl of erlef nftor ru.tdlnc ono of hii
cdltorlnls, nnd left him $130,000.
A county pnper speaks of an ".wed
lady of sixty-five" Tho placo la ho
heathy that all of tho other ulxty-tl vert
aro young ladles.
rm.n nn l,nt...d
XllU UUltUlllUl OUUVY , 1. IIVI UtllllU U 1UV
hours on tho streots of PltUburi;, looks.
ns If Its original color might bo obtalnod
by a good cont oi wnuownsii.
What Is tho diiTercnco between a
crushed hat and tho Intoxicated son of
wen th v narouts? Ono Is n cylinder
stove nnd the other is an helrtlght.
An orislnal Pennsylvania editor
comes out fairly nnd equaroly. Ho calls
his p.iper"An airy old sheet, devotod
to wind, whisky, wickedness und other
religious matters. Vox Populm, Vox
Tho editor of it Western paper wrltoj;
"My wlfonnd I have separatetl. As wo
both wnnlcd to bo boss, nnd us sho was
likely to beat me, I left her. Sho says
sho will nail mo yet, nnd I bcllovii
A voune lady of this city hasjust
sont to Europe an order for Ulty yards
of Brussels carpet, twotaty-flvo feet
wide. Sho is itolng to work a pair of
(dippers for tlio editor of tho St. Lnnls
dignity, as if his precious tlmo wns bo
ing intruded upon by a follow bO'
neath his notico, "I'm tho 'sponslblo
"No you ain't 1" chorused tho crowd,
"vou'ro onlv Jim Mooro."
Don't try to fool mo," foamod tho
orator ; "I want tho foller that writ
that!" pointing at tho somo what per
sonal imroeraph.
"ii you siy I'm not tno 'sponsioio
editor," exclaimed Jim, getting up
nnd it seemed ns if ho never would get
.dono doing that "you aro a liar!
You'ro u-llar anyhow!" and in tho
twinkling of atelcgraph.thcinjurcdora'
tor found himselfstandlng on tho curb
etono3, with his lately sympathizing
friends regardin.T him curiously from
behind corners.
It Is not necessary to say that wo
wero not again disturbed.
An Indian's Revenge. Tho fol
lowing Incident Is relatod to havo ro
cently occurred, by tho Richland coun
ty (Wisconsin) Independent : An In
dian trapper nnd hunter has been op
erating In ono of tho northern towns of
that county, and near his camp lived a
farmer. Tho Indlnu had a box filled
with rattlesnakes, covered over with
grass. Last August tho Indian camo. to
tho farmer's houso ono day, intoxicat
ed, and asked tho furmor to give him n
certain sheep that ho was preparing for
exhibition at tho county fair, saying
that ho was hungry. This tho farmer
refused, but offered him n hen if ho
would shoot it. Tho Indian declared
ho would have tho sheep, nnd fired nt
it, but missed it. Thoftrmor then set
his dog on tho Indian mil drove him
away. A row nights si ice, tho farmer
was awakoncd from IiIf sleep by somo
thing cold crawling ovor him, and soiz
lug tho object, Iio hulled it across tho
room. Ho was horrified to hear tlio
noise of rattles in uvery direction. Tell
ing his wifo to Uo quiet for her life, ho
raised up aud turned uptholight, when
ho jaw a hugo rattlesnako coiled up nt
tho foot of tho bed, ready for a spring
Seizing his revolver, ho fired, nnd shot
off its bead. Tho noise of tho pistol
aroused tho hired man, who hastened
to tho room, nnd, beforo reaching It
(tho door was open), killed two rnttlo
snakes. Two moro wero killed In tho
bedroom, making flvo in nil. At tho
foot of tho bed was tho Indlnu's box. It
is supposed that he entered tho open
window aud emptied tho snakes out on
the bed,
mulo drawsuch pious rovorenco from a
like audience
" 'I'd ha' let him be,' said ono ; 'dar's
no uso n-fussln' with such a good-for-nuflln
meulo as dnt.'
" 'Fo' Gad 1' exclaimed another, In a
low and cautious tone, 'I do b'llovo In
my so' do oio debboi hisself is In dat dar
" 'Wot you speaks aliko dat fo'?' said
a third, turning on tho provious speak
or, 'Dat meulo hears every tin' yousay,
nnd tlnksitinsulllfi.' Don't know wed
dor do dobbol is In him, but I do conse
quentially b'liovo dar's heap o'kick in
his hind-legs still. Guess whoovcr gets
him will tlnk so too. I wants my head
insured wheu l'so axed to nurse him.'
"In tho meantime, Sam had his Im
plomcnts ready, and nn nsslstant farrier
approached nnd laid tho'shoo tenderly
upon tho virgin hoof. A nail was Insert
ed, whilo Sam elevated his hammer to
deliver tho pregnant blow that was to
drivo It safely homo. It was a moment
of breathless nnd agonizing suspenso
with whites and blacks alike. Tholattor
anticipated a triumph for their race;
tho former prepared to keep their sides
from splitting asunder. Sam's legs
shook, but ho brought down tho liam
mer with all his might; and at tho samo
moment an explosion occurred that
fairly ba files description. A trip ham
mer falling on a ton-weight of nitro
glycerine, immured in a tin box, could
hardly have produced nny moro sud
den and bewildering results. Quicker
than thought tho mule drew his hind
leg forwnnl, and, sprf-glrg It back
with inerediblo force, struck the still
stooping Sun square in tho bulbous
centro of his hind section, projecting
him forward In tho air like a cannon
ball from a catapult. As Sam disappear
ed In space, ho knocked nil tho darkeys
down in front of him liko ninepins,
scnttcring them over the road in all
directions, and landed himself on top
of a snnko-fenco twenty foot away. The
roar that went up from the assembled
niultitudo might havoboen heard In tho
noxt county. Tho mulo grew nlarmcd,
took to his heels, and, amid tho cheers
of tho Johnson party, crossed tho coun
try for homo and freedom. Poor Sam
had no shapo to him when ho camo to,
and it will be many n Ieng day beforo
tho terminus of his spinal column for
gets that visitation of mule-power."
An TIot..n., itAOi.l hi ni, l,n rvrf.iftft
II 1 I 41-11 X1I3IIIUHU, ui9..,u,.,b t.u,w,,iu
Never did 0f potatoes in his nativo Island, said, as
The editor of tho Monticello Watch
man, who has Just been elected n mem
her of Assembly, is iu doubt as to
whether or no ho will bo enabled to
tnko his seat at tho opening of tho next
session. Hear him :
Wk want money 1 ! ! That's, what's
tho matter. Wo haven't seen n two
dollar bill slnco election. Our subscrlb
crs must bo under tho impression that
wo feed on glory : for since our election
to tho lofty otllco of Member of Assem
bly they havo stopped paying their
subscriptions. This won't do. What
uso Is our election If wo can't got to Al
bany ? nnd 7oi cau wo get to Albany
without money V Might as well send
n deaf nnd dumb woman to a quitting.
a clincher, "And suro a bushel of them
will till a barrel."
A yountr man who wont West from
Danbury a few months ago, has sent
only ono letter home. It came on Fri
day. It said: "Send mo a wig." Aud
his ronu parents don't Know whether nu
is scalped or married.
A Mrs. Day, of Springfield, III. .lately
gave birth to quadruplets, weighed ton
pouuus each in their stocking leet. tho
bereaved father says Shakespeare wai
quite right when ho said wo do not
Know ' 'what a uay may bring lortn."
Mary had a littio lamb,
sno asKcua man to snoot it.
And when ho wont to kill that lamb,
.it nau tno epizootic.
Tho following questions aro nronosod
for discussion iu a debating society:
How many is five? and why? "What
Is ducks? and how?" "Is It or is it
not? and whence?"
In a country churchyard wo find this
epitaph: "Hero lies tho body of John
ltobinson, nnuiiutii ins wile:" und un
derneath, this text: "their warfdio is
accomplished 1"
Tho famiuo-stricken editor of tho Tt-
tusvillo Press tearfully remarks: "20
cents each is tho price asked for Cali
fornia noars in town, and yet we aro
told that civilization advances, und
I'roviuonco tempers tno snorn lamu
who cannot raiso tho wind."
Tho St. Louis Globe says : Tho lazy
man or this establishment snores oc
casionally. Ho took a nap In tho nrtH
room, day beroro yesterday, ana tne
neighbors rushed in to know why tht
press was worKing on auntiay.
A Savannah gentleman, having set n
steel-trap to discover what becuuoof
his cnicKons. lounu nis moiiier-tu law
grievously lacerated noxt morning.
Since then the demand for stcel-trap-i le
aid to no somenim!: unprecedented in
tho hardware trade of Georgia.
The Courier-Journal is hard on Sus in
when It says: "Wo shall nover ktio.r
the age of Niagara Falls, bec.ttlso Su-mi
u, Antiiony is tno only person no.v iiv-
In ' who was allvu when the Falls wern
bul t, uml sho has forgotten the dat ."
Au Illinois woman went Into thrlv
or on sulcido Intent, the other du., A
lot oi sordid boys on luo b.uiK thiew
mud nt her. Old Ai'nm roso in her des
pairing bosom. Sho waded niiiore, had
tho boys arrested, nnd will see them
put through before tho tries suit'ldo
An Inebriated straneer pioiiplt ted
himself down the depot stal. ami, on
striking the landing, repro'ichfu'ly
apostrophized himself with : "If you'd
been n wauiiu to camo down stairs,
wliy'n thunder didn't you tav so, yon
wooden-headed oltl fool, an' I'd eiiiiiti
with you al showed you the w iy " -Danbury
n slw railroad r "A railroad
ruii3 from Oswego to Syracuse. It is
thirty-six mllos long. I rodo on It,
nnd thoso cars movo so slow thnt if you
thon less pretenso nnd ostoutntlon of want tho draught in your faco you havo
nurlty. At a largo party glvon by tho to rldo backward to get It. They nover
wife of a cabinet minister. Mrs. CIny, havo hot journals on that road: tho
chaperoning a young lady from tho great danger Is that tho at titling and
North, passed through a room whero gravy nrounu mo nxies will irceze
gentlemen wero playing cards, Mr. Clay Tho screech of tho locomotive Is very
nmong tlio numbor. faint, kind o' llko tho warble of n four'
Is this a common practice?" In- year.old boy blowing through a knot.
Another Slow Haliroatl.
A correspondent tells tho following of Noxt wcek wo hope to favor our tiVar reasonable doubt Is suoh a doubt as will
A man at the Clotrlleld fair wened
that ho had vines which In nu ordinary
season produced grapes so lartrothat tho
skins wero turned to account by cutting
them In two nnd covering old utnbrm-
las, and just becauso ho hadn't tlio
grapes or umbrellas on exhibition tip
Journal calls hltn a diabolical liar.
A. satl-minded "mountain"
says: "Tno ono dollar gold pieces nro io
1)0 Wlllltirawn iroui circiiiuinui. ini'y
aro a great nuisance. Wo havo seaieh
cd for ono of them in vain many tlmcw
In the depths or a small iwcKet-booK.
And wo havo lost, probably, dozens of
them every day ror years."
A ludco of Milesian oxtracllou. ih r'-
ox a lurv as follows : "Gentlemen of tho
Jury, you must find thnt tho defendant
is cuuiy noyonu u ruusotmuiu tiuutii. ;v
delinquents with "dose lectio bills."
Come now, bo liberal with u. Wo
ought to raUo monoy enough to buy n
new shirt to go to Albany with wo
must raise enough to get this ono wash-
od any way. Then too, tho Instincts of
Bclf-defcuso admonish us that wo ought
to buy a flue tooth comb, bofnro daring
to venture Into an At-sembly so largely
composed of Radicals. Come, subscri
bers, won't you send us a few couples
quired the young lady
"Yes," said Mrs. Clay j "tliey always
ploy when thoy got together "
"Don't It distress you to imvo iur.
CIny gamble?"
"No, my dear," said tho good old
lady, composedly: "ho 'most nlwnya
In tho winter of 1811 General Scott,
Mr. Clay, Mr. Fox, nnd Mr. Bodlsco
played whist onco a week for somo
tlmo, tho stake, as usual, being u hun
dreel dolltrs. They played n match
gamo, Scott and Bodlsco against Clay
and Fox. They wero well matched,
and for n long tlmo tho gamo was pretty
oven. At length fortuno favored Messrs.
hole in aboard fence It Is capablo of
giving n grasshopper a thrill of alarm,
but won't scaro n crow worth n leather
cuss. Tho conductor, engineer nnd
fireman nlways walk ahead of tho train
to look for brbken rnlls, and tho cows
nlwnys rttu on ahead of them to keep
out of tho dust. I tried nn experiment.
Two trains wero passing, nnd I stuck n
match out oMho window and lot tho
head of it rub agalsta passonger ear. It
went so slow I couldn't strlko n light.
If you over tnko a trip from Oswego to
Syracusoover that road you want to
tako lots of clothes, a wholo ham and n
barrel of corned-beef along with
convince n reasonable man that tho do-
fendant is not guilty.
A Locknort barber tho other day
Docketed his razors and decamped. Just
as ho was leaving ho presented his wife
with an old patrol pantaioons, wim
tho remark that sho had "always worn
tho breeches,"ttud sho might keep
as n souvenir of their family ditlleultlus.
Tho woman wasn't very sorry lor nu
loss, nnd she did not weep Inconsolably,
but sho hung up tho old pantnlootssnuil
Inbeiled uiem: wanted a man to
1111 theso panU. Thero has never been a
man In them." Tho deserted wifo is a
peg ahead now.
An elderly Detroit man startled a car
load of passengers recently whllo th
train was under full headway, by sud
denly rushing to tho platform nndjump-
Ing Oil, llirnwK uuuuuuny ouiuiut-r'
snults before ho brought up against in
fence, llo appoarcu ni uio neareei oo
pot in n short time, looked all aroun
nnjl then exclaimed: "Whutnold fooli
T thouuht I bad left hit umbrella hero
nnd taking tho attitude and Jumped off thMt get
i said "I kin list kneipk nQW httUR lno. if Jon 1 , remeui))
i saiu . l Kin jist khock cijudjinr; u under th seat."
. Punch's lde of fimlly govenunenU
MoUior-Whcrti'a bby, Mrjr ? Mwy
In tho other room. Mother-Go dli
rectly nnd sco what bug's doiug, uuflt
tell her sho inuau't.
A iiELiaiatENT youngster, aged elgh
ty-threo, nppliod to thocouuty clerk of
Evansvllle, Indiana, for a mnrrlago 11
cense. Tlio clerk remonstrated, saying
that a ir.en of his up e ihculd turn his
thoughts toward tho other world, In
stead of matrimony. "I'm of ago, uln't
I ?" nsked tho old chop. "Woll rath
cr," answered tho clork. Off camo tho
old man's coat
of a pugilist, lis
(Its out of any man who doesn't approvo
of tltis hero matrimonial venturo of
mlno. I want tho license or there'll bo
somebody licked quicker than thun
der." Uogotit.