THE'ICOLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. form to nnatit" It hprwftfr If (lccrocd time In (hit) nnd worthy, t WUIutoon tho xulij-ft without. It-lay. NAVY IlKVAttTMItNT, The report or tho Secretary of tho Nvy. herewith ncenmpmylni;, ox ttlntnn fullv tho condition nf thHttirnnuh of tho public Rorvlco, lt want nnd do-. flclcnclon, expotiBoi Incurred during tho past yrnr, and upproprlntlnns for tho Humo. It also rIvw a eomphito history of tho BPrvlew of tho navy for tho past ypnr. In addition to Its regular norvlco It Is nvldent that unless steps uro Ukpn to pre.serve our navy that In a vory fow ypurs tho United Btatoi will bj tho wmkpt nation upon tho ocean of all urpat rmwern. With an onorRotlc, pro uTttslvp, huslnpss pooplo Ilka ours, port titration and forming business relations with pvery known prt of tho world, a navy stronR pnnuinto command tho rcspVct f our list? abroad Is necessary for tho full iirotpctlon of their rights. I rMcouimond caroful consideration by Coin ress of tho recommendation mado by tho Secretary or tlio wavy. l'OST-OFI'IOn HKPA.ttT.Vt ENT. TIip iiccompanylnff report of tho Post iiinMer Uoneral furtilslH-i a full and tut Isfiiftory exhibit of tho operations of tlio l'iHt ouico upptmnieni iuriiifr mo year. Tho ordinary rovonues of tho iltliritm-nt Kir tno ihchi year cnucu Jiiiiu.iu, IB7-, Htnnmueii to ji.iuo.u'u T.iUHt thoexnendlturcs $20,053,192.31 Compared wltn tho previous llscal year . i. .. r .... ... . . A, oo nan win iiicretvwui revauuu wn?iOio,tu,5j or 037 per cent., ami tho increiso or ex pPMdlturef$2,'JC3.033 23. or 929 porcoht.: adding to tlio ordinary rovonues the unnu-tl appropriation of $700,000 for frcu m liter, mid tho amount paid to tho Mubsldism! mall HtHatnanip nne rrotn special npptoprlHtlons, tho dollcloncy p ild nut of ttio Oetioral Treasury was $3 317,70.) 91, an excess of $339,707.28 over ttio (leiieency ior mo year isu. Other liitorestlmrHtatLstlcsil Information relatlnir to our rapidly extending postal service is furnished In this report. Tho total length of railroad mall routes on the 3()th of Juno. 1872. was 67.91 1 miles. 8.077 additional miles of such servlco having been put Into operation during thu year, eltrht new lines of railway poM-oflk-es have been established, wltn mi Hfrun yato length of 2 909 miles. Tho number of letters exchanged In tho mulls with foreign countries was 2 1,362, fU0, an increaso of 1,000,002, or 20 per etut over tho numnerln 1371, and tho piwtxgo Ihcreon amounted to $1,871, 207.2.); tho total weight of tho malls exchuuged with European countries exceeded 820 tons. Tho cost of tho United States Transatlantic mall steam ship service whs $220,301.70; tho total cost of the United States ocean steam--lilp service, Including tho amounts paid to tho subsidized lino of mall steamers, win $1,027,020 97. Tho follow ing aru thu only steamship Hues now receiving subsidies for mail service under special act of Congress, The 1'ticiflcMail Steamship Company rccelvo $500,000 per annum for carrying a monthly mail betweon San Francisco, Japan and China, which will bo in creased to $1,000,000 per annum for a . semi monthly mall on and after October l, iB7tf. Tho united, stales ana AIM steamship Company rectlvo J150.' 000 per annum forconveyinga monthly mall between Now York and Bio do Janeiro, Brazil, and the California, Or exon ami Mexican Steamshln Comna ny receive $75,000 per annum for carry- tug u mommy man Deiwecn Ban i ran cisuo and Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, maklug tho total amount of mall steam ship subsidies at present $725,000 per milium, uur postal communlOJtlons with all parts of the civilized world havo been placed upon a most advan tageous footing by tho improved postal connections and arrangements recently coucluded with the leading commercial countries of Europe and America, and tho gratifying statement is made that With the conclusion of n HRtUfaernrv N convention with Franco, tho details of wuiwi nave Deen ueunuely agreed to Dy tho head of tho French Postal Depart ment subject to the approval of tho Minister of Finance, little remains to bo accomplished by tho treaty for somo time to come with respect either to reduction of rates or improved facilities of postal intercourse. Your favorable consideration is respectfully invited to th(j recommendations made by the Postmaster-General for an Increase of ser vlco from monthly to semi-monthly trips ou tho mail steamship route to Brazil ; for a subsidy insldo of thn establishment of an American lino of mail steamers between Ban Francisco, Now Zealand, and Australia; for the establishment of post ofllco savings banks, and for the Increase of the sal arles or tho heads of bureaus. I have heretoforo recommended tho abolition of the franking privilege, and seo no reason now for changing my views on that subject. It not having been favor ably regarded by Congress, however, I now suggest a moaTflcatlon of that privilege to correct its glaring and costly abuses. I would recommend, also, the appointment of a committee or commis sion to take Into consideration tho best method, equltablo to privato corpora tions who have invested their tlmo and capital iu tho establishment of tele graph Jines, of acquiring the title to all telegraph lines now In operation, and of conneoting this servlco with the pos tal Mrvini of the nation. It is not probable that this subject could receive Hie proper consideration during the limits of a short session of .Congress, but it may bo initiated so that further action may be fair to tho Government and to privato partiesconcerned. There are but three lines of ocean steamers immeiy, tho Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany between San Francisco, China" and Japan, with provision mado for semi monthly service after October 1, 1873; thoUnltedStatesa'nd Brazil Line monthly; and the California, Now Zealand ,ttnd Australian Line monthly plying between tho United States and ioreigu ports, and owned and operated under our ilag. I earnestly recommend that such liberal contracts for carrying the mails bo authorized with theso liuesas will insure their continuance. If tho expediency of extending the aid of Government to lines of steamers which hlthorto havo not recelvod it should bo deemed worthy of thoconsld Hon of Congress, political and commer cial objects make it advisable to bestow such aid on u lino under our flag be tween Panama and the Western South America ports. By this means much trade now diverted to other countries might bo brought to us, to the mutual advantage of this country and those lylng-lu that quarter of tho continent of America. The report of tho Secre tary of tho Treasury will show nn alarming falling off in tho carrying trade for tho last ton or twelve years, or even for the past year. I do not bollovo that public treasuro can be better ox- pended In tho interest of the whole people than In trying to recovpr this trauo. An expenditure of $5,000,000 per annum for tho next 11 vo vears. if It would restoro to us our proportion of tho carrying trado of the world, would bo profitably expended. Tho prlcoof juuur in jurupu nas so mucn enuanceu within tho last fow years that tho cost of building nnd operating ocean steam ers in tho United States is not much greater than In Europe, that I bellovo tho time has arrived for Congress to ihko mis subject into sonous cousidera lion. DEPARTMENT OV JUSTICE. Detailed statements of the disburse ments throuch tho Departments of Justlco will bo furnished by report of wio Aitorney-ucnorai, unu mougn theso have been somewhat Increased by thu recent acts of Congress to enforce the rights or citizens or the United States to vote in the soveral States of tho Union, and to enforce tho provis ions of tho fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of tho Unltod Htates and tho amendments thereto, I cannot question tho necessity and salutary effect of theso enactments. Keck less nnd lawless men, I regret to say, have associated themselves together in somo localities to deprive other citizens of the lights guaranteed to them by the Constitution of tho United States, and to that end havo committed deeds of blood nnd vloloncp; but tho prosecution riunishinoni or many or tnesopcr onr, havo tonded ereatly to .tho repros sIom of such disorders. I do not doubt n great majority of tho people In 7.11 Parts of tho country, favor tho full orloympnt. by alt classes of persons, of mesn rights, to winch they are onimeu under tho Constitution and laws, and 1 luvoko tho aid and Influence of all nood cltlzons to prevent organizations whoso objects nro by uniawrui means to inter fero with thoso rltrhts. I look with confldonco to tho tlmo not far distant when tho obvious advantage of good order nnd peace will Induce an aband onment of all combinations prohibited by tho acts referred to, and when It will do unnecessary to carry on prosecutions or Inflict punishments to protect citi zens from tho lawless doings of such combinations. Applications havo been mado to mo to nardon nersons convicted of n violation of said acts, upon tho ground that clomoncy in such cases would tend to tranqullllzo tho public mind and to test ttio virtue of that policy. I ntn disposed, as far ns my sonso of Justlco will pormlt, to glvo to theso applications a favorablo consider atlon : but any action thoroon Is not to bu construed ns indicating any chango in my determination to ontorco wltn vlL-or such actri. so lone ns tho consplra cles and combinations therein named disturb tho peaco of tho conntry. It is much to bo regretted, and regretted by no ono moro than myseir, tnat a ncces slty has ever existed to oxocuto tho En. forcomont act. No ono can desire more than I that tho necessity of applying It may never again bo uemandod. DEPARTMENT OP THE I.NTEKIOIt Tho Secretary of tho Intorlor reports satisfactory improvement ami progress in each of tho soveral bureaus under tho control of tho Intorlor Department. They aro all in oxcellont condition; tho work which in somo of thorn for some yoars has boon In arrears has bon brought down to a recent datd, and in all tho curront businoss has boon promptly despatched. INDIANS. Tho policy which was adoptoj at tho beginning of this Administration with regard to tho management of tho Indi ans has been as successful as its most ardent frionds anticipated within so short a time. It has reduced tho ex penso of their msuagemout, decreased their foragos upon tho whlto sottlo ments. tended to clvo tho largest oppor tunity to tho extension of tho great railways through tho public domain, and the pushing or settlements into moro remote districts of country, and at the same tlmo improved tho condi tion of tho Indians. Tho policy will be maintained without any cnango, ex cepting such as further oxperlonco may show to ho necessary .to render it moro elUclont. The subject of converting tho so called Indian Territory, south of Kansas, into a home for tho Indians, and erecting therein a Territorial form of government, is ono of groat import ance, as a complement of tho existing Indian policy. The question of removal to tho Territory has within tho past week been presented to many of tho tribes resident upon other and less do- slrablo portions of the public domain and has generally been received by them with favor as a preliminary state to tho organization of such a Territory It will be necessary to conflno the In dians now resident thereon to farms of proper sizs, which should bo secured to them in fee, tho residue to be used for tho settlement of other friendly Indi ans. Efforts win bo made in tne im mediate future to induce the removal of as many pocefully-dlsposed Indians only to the Indian Territory as can bo settled proporly without disturbing the harmony of thoso already there. There is no other location now available where a people who are endeavoring to acquire a Knowledge oi pastoral ana agricul tural pursuits can be as woll accommo dated as upon the unoccupied lands In the Indian Torritory. A territorial Government should, however, protect tho Indians from tho inroads of whites for a term of years, until they bocomo sumcientiy aavanceu in mo aru ana civilization to guard their own rights, and from tho disposal of lands hold by them for tho samo period. During tho last fiscal year thcro were disposed of out of tho public lands 11,801,975 acres, a quantity greater by 1'099,270 acres than was disposed of tnaprevlous year. Of this amount 1,370,320 acres were sold ror cash, bhu.iuu acres locatod wltn mil itary warrants, 4,671,332 acres granted for homeateads, 593,013 acres located with college scrips, 3,55-1,837 acres granted to railroads, 405,317 acres granted to wagon roads, 714,255 acres given to States as bounty land, 6.7C0 acres located bj Indian scrip. Tho cash receipts from all sources in the Land Offlco amounted to $3,218,100; during mo same perioa z.zui.ooes acres or tne nubile lands were surveyed, which. added to tho quantity before surveyed, amounts to 683,304,780 acres, leaving 1.257.G33.G23 acres of tho public lands still unsurvoyed. Tho reports from tho subordinates of tho Land Otllco contain Interesting information in regard to tnoir respective districts, xney uni formly montlon tho frultfulness of the soli during the past season, and the In creased yield of all kinds of produce. Even in thoso States and Territories whero mining is tho principal business agricultural products have exceeded the local demand, and liberal shipments havo been made to distant points. PATENTS. During tho year ending September 30, 1872, there wero issued from tho Patent Offlco 13.G2C patents, 333 exten sions, and 55G eert ideates and registers of trado marks. During the same per iod 19,537 applications for patents, In cluding reissues and designs, havo been received, and 3,400 caveats filed. The lees received during tho same period amounted to $70,095,480, and tho total expenditures to $G2,355,390, making tho recolpts over the expenditures $7,740, 090. Since 1630 200.000 applications for p.itents havo beon filed, and about 133, 000 patents issued. Tho office is being conducted undor the samo laws and general organization as wero adopted at tno original inauguration, wnen only from 100 to 600 applications wero made per annum. Tho Commissioner shows that tho offlco has outgrown tho original pian, anu mat a now organization has become necessary. This subject was presented to Contrress in a special com. munlcatlon in February last with my approval and tho approval of tho Secre tary of the Interior, and the suggestions contained in said communication woro embraced in tho bill that was reported to tno 210U90 oy tno uommitteo on Patents at the last session. The subject of tho reorganization of tho Patent Office, as contemplated by tho bill refer red to, is one of such importance to tho Industrial Interests of tho country that i commenu it to tno attention or con gress. Tho Commissioner also ticats tho subject of tho separation of TUB PATENT OPFIOE from tho Department of tho Interior. This subject is also embraced In tho bill heretoforo referred to. The Com mlH9loner complains of tho want of room for tho model gallery, and for tho working forco and tho necessary flies of tho otuco. it is impnssibio to transact tho business of tho olUco properly with out moro room in which to arrango files and drawings that must no consulted hourly in tho transaction of business, Tho wholoof tho Patent Office building will soon bo needed, if it Is not already, for tho accommodation of tho business of tho Patent Office. PENSIONB. Tho amount paid for pensions in tho last fiscal vcur was $30,109,340. an am ount lartrer by $3,708,434 than was paid during tho preceding year. Of this amount $2,313,409 wero paid under tho act of Congress of February 17, 1871, to survivors of tho war of 1812. Thoannu- al Increoso of ponsions by tno leglula tion of Congress has moro than kept naco wltn tno natural yoariy losses from tho rolls. Tho act of Congress of .Tunn s. 1872. has added an estimated nmnunt nf 760.000 per annum to tho rolls without increasing tho number of pensioners. Wo cannot,thoroforclook for any substantial d?croaso In tho expendi tures of this Department for somo tlmo to come, or so long as uongress oouuu- una In an rlmnun thn rut OS of pensions. Tho wholo numbor of soldiers enlisted In thn war nf thn rebellion was 2. C83, 623. Tho total numbor of claims for invalid pensions Is 170,000, being but 0 percont, of tho wholo number of enlis ted men. Tho total number of claims on hand at tho beginning of tho year was0l,C99. Tho numbor rccolvcd dur ing tho yoar was 20,571. Tho numbor dlsnoscd nf was 39.179. making not wnln nf 12. AM. Tun number now nn fllo is 70,035. On tho 80th of Juno. 1872 there woro on the rolls tho nomesor uo, 405 liivulld military nenstoners.and 113, 618 widows, orphans, and dependent relatives, making an aggregato of 208, 091 nrmv iinnalniiprs lit, thn nnmo 1 1 IIIO tnero wero on tho rolls tho names of 1,419 navy pensioners nnd 1.710 wiilnw. orphans, and donondunt relatives, making tho wholo number of naval pensioners a,i7. rnoro navu been received ajneo tho passago of tho act to provide pensions for tho BUrvivon of tho war of 1812, 05,651 applications prior to Juno 30, 1872; of theso there wero allowed during tho last fiscal year 20. 12G claims, and 4,815 woro rejected liirlmrtho voar. loavlnir 11.630 claims pending at that dato; tho number of ponsions or an classes granicu during tho last fiscal yoar was 33,838. During that period thcro dropped from tho rolls, for various causes, 9,101 names lcavlncr n crand total of 232.229 pon slnnetM nn the rolls on tho 3d of Juno. 1872. It Is thought that tho claims for pensions on account or tno war oi ibh will all ho disposed of by tho 1st o Mav. 1873. It is estimated that $30, 4S0.000 will bo required for tho penslou sorvico during tne noxt nscai yoar. THE CENSUS. Tho nlnthcensus Is about completod. Its early completion Is A subject of con gratulation, Inasmuch as tho uso to be mado or tuo statistics tncrom contained dooondsvery eroatlv on tho promntl tuuo of publication. Tho Secretary of tno interior recommonds tnat a consus bo taken in 1875. which rocommonda tion should rocolvo tho early nttontlon of Congress. Tho Interval at present established betwoon tho Fodoral consus Is so long that tho Information obtained at tno decennial porions as to tno ma terial wants and resources of tho nation la of llttlo practicable valuo after tho expiration of tho first half of that pe riod. It would probably obviate the constitutional provision regarding tho doconnlal consus tr a consus taiten in 1876 should be divested of all political character, and no reapportionment of Concresslonal representation bo made under it. Such a census, coming as It would In the last year of tho first con tury of our national exlstonco, would furnish a noble monument of tho pro gress of tho United States during that century. EDUCATION. Tho ranldlv increasing Interest in education Is a most encouraging feature in tho current history of tho country. and it is no doubt truo that this la duo in a great measuro to tho efforts of tho Bureau of Education. That office is continually receiving evidences which abundantly nrove its efficioncy from the various institutions of learning and educators of all kinds throughout the country. The report or tho Commiss ioner contains a vast amount of oduoi tional details of great Interest. Tho bill now pending before Congress pro viding for tho appropriation of tho net proceeds or tno sales or puonc lanus ior educational purposes to aid the States in the general education of their rising generations, is a measuro of Buch great Importance to our real progress, and is so unanimously approved by the leading menus or education, tnat i commenu it to the uvorabio attention or congress. AFFAIRS IN THE TERRITORIES are crencrally satisfactory. Tho enersrv and business capacity of the pioneers. who are settling up tho vast domains not yet incorporated Into States, aro keeping pace in internal improvements and civil government with the older communities. In but ono of theso.Utah, IS tho condition of affairs unsatisfactory, except so far as tho quiet of the citizen may bo disturbed by real or imaginary damrer of Indian hostilities. It has seemed to be tho policy of the Legisla ture or Utah to evauo ail responsibility to tho Government of thoUnited States. and oven to hold a position in hostility to It. I rocommend a careful revision of tho present laws of the Territory by Congress, and the enactment of such a law as tho ono proposed in Congress at tho lost session, for instance, or some thing similar. to it, as will secure peace, tho equality of all citizens before the law. and tho ultimate extinguishment of polygamy. m DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Sinco the establishment of a Territor. lal Government for the District of Col umbia tho improvement of tho condi tion of the City of Washington and sur roundings, and tho Increased prosperity of the citizens, is observable to tho most casual visitor. Tho nation, being a largo owner of property In this city, should bear with tho citizens of tho District ajust sharoof tho oxnenso of theso improvements. I recommend. appropriation to reimburse the citizens for the work dono by them along and in front of public grounds during tho past year, and liberal appro priations In order that the imnrovement and embellishment of the public build ings ana grounds may Keep pace with the improvements made by the territor ial authorities. AGRICULTURE, Tho report of tho Commissioner of Agriculture gives a very full and inter esting account of tho soveral divisions of that Department tho Horticultural, Agricultural, Htatisticai, Entomological and Chemical and the bench Is con ferred by each upon tho agricultural Interests of the country. Thu wholo report is a completo history in detail of toe worxings or mo Department in an its branches, showing the manner in which the farmer, merchant, and miner is informed, and the extent to which bo Is aided in his pursuits. Tho Com missioner makes ono recommendation that measures bo taken by Congross mi protect ana inanco tno planting oi forests, and suggests that no part of the public lands should bo disposed of without tho condition that one-tenth of it be reserved In timber whero it exists and whero it does not exist inducements should be offered for planting it. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. In accordance with tho terms of tho act of Congress approvod March 3, 1871 , Kroviuing ior inoceiODrattonorino ono undredth anniversary of American Independence, a commission has boon organized. conBistlutr of two members from each of tho States and Territories. This commission has held two sessions, and has made satisfactory progress in the organization and in the initiatory steps neeessary for carrying out tho pro visions of tho act, and for executing also tno provisions or tno act or Juno l, iB7i, creating a centennial board of flnanee. A preliminary roport of progress has been received from tho President of tho Commission, and Is herewith trans ralttod. It will be the duty of tho Com mission at your coming session to trans mit a full report of tho progress mado, and to lay before you tho details rotat ing to tho exhibition of American and foreign arts, products.and manufactures which, by tho term of tho act, Is to bo bold under tho auspices or tho Govern mcnt of thoUnited States, in tho Cltj of Philadelphia in tho year 1870. Thfi celebration will bo lookod forward to by American citizens with groat In tor est, as marking a century of greater progress and prosperity man is record ed In tho history of any other nation, and proving a further good purpose in bringing togother on our soil peoples of all mo commercial nations or tno eurtn, ina mannor caicuiateu to secure inter' national good fueling. THE CIVIL SERVICE, An earnest doslro has been folt to cor roct abuses which havo grown up in tho civil servlco of tho country through tho dofectlvo method of making appoint ments to office Heretoforo Fodoral offi ces havo boon regarded too much ns tho reward of political sorvico. Undor authority of Congross, rules havo boon established to rogutato tho tenure of of flco and tho modo of appointments. It cannot bo expected that any systom of ruios can do entirely euecuvoanuprovo a perfect remedy for tho existing evils until inoy navo oeon tnorougniy tesicu by practlco and nraondod according to tho reaulromonts of tho sorvico. Dur ing my term of offlco It shall bo my best onueavor to bo. appiy mo rules ns to secure tho greatest possibo roform In tho civil servlco of tho Government. and it will require tho direct action of Con gross to rondor tho onforcomont of tho system binding upon my successors: and I hono that tho cxocrlonco of tho past year, togothor with npproprlato logtsiation Dy uongress. may roacn n satisfactory solution of this question and secure to tno puoucsorvicd ror tin timo a practical method of obtaining faltnful unu otnciunt oiucarsand nmptoyos. U. 8. Grant. Exccutlvo Mansion, Decombor2,1872. , iiifiii nmistssrAjracFwr Y'tUNGUlVER&BLO.fn la ihe wonder Ail medicine io which ttii afflicted Aro fllmvu tolute I for relief, tho Ulcovcrcr bo lluvdhc tm comMiniJ In harmony morn nf Nn turn' mot Mvcrcljcn curative properties, which (lot hn liHtlllcl tntt) tlio vegetable ktnilom for htulhitho sick, th.ia were ever before eomblnM in ona mjllclno. Tho evidence of this fnct I fri:il lit tlio i,' rout variety of most obMluutc dU ei-HM which It hn been found to conqner. In tho etirj of llroiiclitttNt Severe Couch it'll t'u uirly U;o4 of Ooiinu mptlou, ft ho atnl!ijl th3 mod tail faculty, and eminent phy Hpr.ntmnftj It tho greatest medical rtlsum ry of thu a(t). Whllo It cures tho severest Coushs, It trtt.Llvn tho syten and purlflcH tlio i I It Its ure.n and thorough Mood purify l'i ;i turtle, it euro all llu morR from tlio tvxt S j roll la to n common ltlotcfit l'lin 11 i, or i;iiriipt(nii. MecnrUt disease, Mtne rtl l1 an t their effects, are eradicated, and vi'trus hutlth an1 a sound constitution estnh lU'nl Erytiula Salt Itlicum. Fever S r, Scaly or Itouali Slclit m short, all t'u in njroii rilcues can fed by had Mood, m cj-iucred by this powerful purifying and in vl r itln modlclno. if yj.t fjal dull, ilrowjy, tlchUHatcdJmvc sallow c )l r of skin, or yellowuli brown sjwts on face or h l tt froiuunt held iclio or dizziness, bad taste In nn ifi, In tcnnl licit, or chills alternated nlthlmt tli w, l.i .v s)lrlt, nnd gloomy foreboding. Ir rulirap;utlto. m I totiiuo coated, yon are suffer lu fr.iu Tori 1:1 lUvor or "Illllom HJ4, In mil CKd of Ilver Com IlalJit'oilypi"rt of thes fj-mptomaarcctne-rii'i:3t. u nniW for all such cases lr. I'iore G 1Jj i Mo licit Discovery has no cniM, a It c XiiU p e-inu, leaving tho liver strength cnoJ ail hoilt'i. For tho euro of Ilnbltunl Constipation nf the bowels It Is a ncer fail Iu rJiiily. nil t'ruo who have usttl it for thii p iru ho aro 1 M I In it pni T.w p-n-f.'tr oTi-m reward rr medf- cl.w thit'vlll vnl it fr the euro of all the en fr w i! 'i If i reeo'npu ndi-d. Sill 'if -1 i t it b'.M V-' tiinil by It. V , .. M ' V-l'i-tetr - f 1- rN.lI citM'it'i i'i" 'it V Y Sj 1 1 1 1? n 1 fin-' ' a Hue 'l.i H.tlt.-.' I'AI.NS ...... v i .Joncy Mlnutoa. M: O . iiOUR ' r ut t ifil any cue .lt(I I'AIN. ..' w , . MiLiKK is a rune ron V.Vl'V I'AIN. . Oiv CM ititd lit ' " . L'ulu llemeily .t ,.,.ti ii m m il Ins pairw, allays In I ii.n aMi ) -ii-l ('nni'fhtlijii", lielhertf Ui Lungs, , i i n:oM '" Aw'mrh'r Ii it T'.VEXTY MINUTES, tninntlti the ptiln the 1111 HU- 2 tnl rit-kii, , rriiilcd.Kirvtiiw,eurulklc, r,. .iniMti.i i!ij' suUtr, KftDWAY'S READY RELIEF MIA AITOIU) INSTANT EASE. if lJr..A!PIArii". UK THE K1DNEVH. ,. INFLAMMATION OP THE DLASDEM. i.AMvniuN op ihk howels. t'OMIKSIION OF T11E LUNGS. bouu viir.oA?, .mmoliLT dkeatiiinu. TAU'ITATION OK Tut ilEART. UVSTHKI "9, (.T.OU1-, UlI'imlKRIA. CATA11UU, INFLUENZA. I'.EAHAl'ISi:, TOOtllACim., nncuMATisu. The nnjiioiifii ,,f ilio Itrndv lEcllcf to the partor Jim whtra thu ,au i,r tlluiiuliy uu u Ul alTurd com uii tLmCoit. fwctity drop. In Im'Pft tumhlpr nf wstfr will In a few wmiHiU cure CUANIIU M'ASMS, SUUlt KIOMACII, MKWU'llimV, Mt'K llKAllAUHE, DlAltltllEA, vtAL'i!iV.w,Jfu JN Tufc ' Mi.mlU always carry ft bottl ef Radna It in J y UelltT Willi tlirni. A tew tlrop lu wutrr will rrttn r liknt- ur rtntu tlaujcs of water. It ii belter uu.t l'reucU Umutly r HlUt-rs u ti ttmolaiit. VliVKR AND AGUE. rEVE.t ANU AUVK ciirj.1 for City ceuta. There Is not ft rvuifiiml umul lu tliU world tlmt will cun IVver and AKUti, uuJ ull ot.H'r ilatailun, IHllous, Scarlet, Typhoid, billow ano 'tlii-r rrm(ilU-. l.vltADWAY'H PILLS) m flulclc u ItAIlWAVH liKADV H&L1EF. i'lfty cc&U I .rU i:W. boM hy DruggUs, HEALTH !BEAUTY!! ' KTROVCl AND PVP.B 1IIC1! IlLOOD-JNCIiEASE OF I I.KjII ..N" WniilllT-CI.EAIt bKIN ANU BEAU llllll. CMMl'tUXlW bEUUUEU TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ATOVIKIIINO CUHESi PO .J.'v.80 ItAl'll AUK THE CIIANUKH TUB 1K THIS 'inULY VO.NDEnt'UL MEOIC1NE, i it a r Cvory day nn Incroaso In Flosh nnd Wolrjht lo Soon nnd Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Emy drop ff tlis BAItSAI'AHlLUAN HESOM'ENT commuiilcttvs Uirtm!) ttio lllooil, bwrat, lTrlui, ulirr fluids witi Julcrscif t)isBleni tlit vigor vt life, for It rrimlrs tti wasti- nf tlio tiojy witli new &nt suunj niaft-rUI. Strofula, Kahili, ('Diixiimrjllori, Glandular dUrftar. Ulct-ri lit tho, Mciulti, Tumora, Nod en lu the Ulands ami other t'.rtiif tlid lyMvui, Kora Eyes, fctrurooua DUcharitii from tlia Eat an'l IU wrt fatmtot Skin dlaeawn, Erup (ever BcaM llrnd. King Wi.rm, halt liheum, Kn'l(i;Ui, Acni'. itlaek hpots. Worm In tlia Flh, Turaorn, Cuierr li tho Wimih. nn.l all weakeblnc and iialnfiil dU cli-irge, NL'lit yiTtatt, Iihj ft HtH-rnt, and all wastes cftha lir irliiri ttW, ar within I)ij cumtlva ranra of thU wonder of MiuUrn (Jlicmlktrv, uml a fi' tU) una will prove to tiny trni u4iik U fur cither of tlicsc fyriuicf dfa its jutf ut power l cure llicm. If the jiiitlcnt. dally lecm.Iiur reit'iced by the waitts and tl'vo'iipoiiltl.iii that Is ccniliiually prtxrcaslnr, syeceeds la .trrcadnsthwo wMtfji, nnd ri-uir same with new rtiatrn littiM'ltf from bUliy Hijod ami tliU tho BAHijAI'AUIL 1,1 . will and ilors ieturf, Slit ouljrd'wa tha iasAP tULLUT TtCSLTEKT Mnl all V.ii-iwi retiifi.fil nitenta In ihu euro of Cbmule, Bcrofulana. i oiiMttLtloiu1, mnl fkln illsvjscs ( but It ti tho only positive cure fiTr Kiilnry n lad tier Complaints, TMnarv, ay WfmS i'1-mi', (Iravfl, Dhhtt. Iropy Mtpt''iH! of W-itrr, Iimmtliniica or Urlnp, Hrljtht'a I)laeac l;;,4iiiliiur(.i, and in a'l cav whrre there ar Lrlekdtut de-141-diN .ortlio wntrr UlliUk.flmulv, mixed with uWtnncei lltcu thf Mtoof uiMEr, ur threaJi Ukawhlta Uk, or there - iiMirMil. dsrk, Ultima appearance, and white bonedul di'l-it. ntit when tin re U a prlcaln, burnlrir nensatJon hen puniliu wttti-r, avd pain lu the boiaU ,t the IUck and I '. ni llw I.Iiip I'rieo, oo, WORMS. The enly tngwn onj re Remedy for Tumor cT 12 Ycurs9 Growth Cured !y ECudivny' ttcnolvcnt. Pn. Hiifui. t yi OtmIm ImiMir 1b U rtrlM mJ homtu All th ItMrtnrt l-t lliM wu ka htlp Tr H." 1 tikd rtry Ihli'it 0l rp.n.ii ndd i bat itMit hvlpwl me. I im rout H-w-IhmI, an. Un,b wouU try It 1 but b4 no f.lth In tl. UrMit I a4 rfr.t r Wrl.t )t.f, J uok Js tollUi f ih. lW'il i..l m baa if 1UU' nil., an4 U Ulil. pf T.0I Itl ItrlWl anJ tit- It nt a imi vt lumr to U im or all, .nil t h. I UlUr, tti).rtr, 4 I kT Cf IwIt jAt, TU tvwi MMliith n.U.rtbt Wwtlssrtr tketroln. I wrtu thil Ik u Ut Uig Uliifll ,t Dlb.rt, tan ft, ntlbU1f )uiiili'o.. HANNAH P. KNAfl. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, ft fvrlly tMtrWi, cVjiaittlr coatwl with iwpet gvm, pur. ruUti', I'urlfv. ilfiiiwv. unl ilrriirtliriu Htlw.y' J'llli, fyr th cur of nil diwnlera ' lh bum 4th. Llrer, Ilowrk Kl4ll4IM'(l liUrllltr, N'.rVWUl XJUW4CI4, lQ4iil.chf. CoRtllp.. turn, riMtlrrnth,, 1 44,llx viAlon, DrewA, lltliou.neiii, Jill. l.u tttr, linliimia-itWucI iha llovrck ril, ill lie-rii4-fncnu uf t)a JmtmNl Yicvra. Wurnmtea to tfft . ixtullv. nirt. Partly VrKttallv, 4VQt&ln4nir Do mercury. UiWr.4U.ir4ll4-lerirmi4ll1l:M. ..5Sr9'.'M"'.,l'.ru",?'" mloirn reiulllm from Dli. crtip.iiM, i.w.,1 ni,,, riu... f iu m ii, iiud- " ' ""'"k. Sr.u,lm4.lU4,Hi.HW,4Ur rl'' u'if ''."l! 4'k. .l4l4.i .1 4k. ll.rrW U.1 .U U jr. II.. FI, ,4. ,.4 i.ll l'u u 41. Ilwl. n,lvury I T'".",' T'l'"",1"",''' 111. nJ l), l'.l. U 4k, JUii Lili,',t "WJ llu.l 4f 1U; l-irbluj I. u, I ''Vi".?"!' HlWAV'ij I'lLlSnlll fn Ihttymrm i(ii;ii iiv i.iiivriisiri: .4... I4r..l, , ' I.r. AM' Till1 K. I;-', .ri"! en. t.-ltr vtamp ' JtUIJiii taut?, Nrw.V'.rW, II.II1IJI 4 4I J''. !, Uut, HLATCnLEY'S ImpmTtil Ciicaiabtr Yl'ooi Vnwp. lu.leleu, iluruble, Efilcieut tndClieap. TlielieHtl'umplor the leMt money. Atlentloa in nspeoUlly Invited to lllatch. ley'. I'atvnt Improved llrack. et nnd NbW Drop ctieck Valve, which can be withdrawn wltn out removing the rump or disturbing the jolnta, Al.o. the Copper Chamber, .rhloh never crack or acalea, and will oullaat any other. For Bale by Dealer everywhere. Hend (or Catalogue and l'rlce Lint. Uiia. O.BuiTCJii.v, MTr. CWl Commerce Bu, i'hllada. l'a apt. 13. im-ir, REMOVAL!! I. W. NILES', MU8IO WABEBOOMB bavo boon rotuovod to tho NEW BUIOIC nUILDINQ Ol'rOalTEtUeKl'lflOOl'Al.CIIUllCU.MAINUt Where no will keep 11 general aaaortmeut of i THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, riANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, and all KIXM OK MUSICAL INSTltUMKNTS. Alo MUfllO BOOKS for all INSTRUMENTS. PIANO AN1 OnOAN STOOIJJ ALL STYLES AND riMCES. TflE SHOEMAKER PIANO is the cheapest First Class Piano in 4 the market. Having secured tho Agency ot the f GEO. WOODS' UENOWNED ORGANS, i. forOoluinbla County, together with tho CELKUHATED TEMTLB ANQKLICJ rurnlahea advantages to purchasers not found elsewhere. BJ3TATIONARY OF ALL KINDS. A full assortment of ISQUARE AND OVAL FBAMEES, ,' LVUl styles and prices constgutly on hndd. STEEL KGUAVINGS, CHROMOS & COLORED riuMTb, aTKKKoacorjss and vikwb. WCall and examine. uicli8'72-0m. tsammmmm Wjc Years lv Wild Indians Plains. Tim rtmnr1rahlA art vn In ma rf thn tnmnnii WHITKniUPPftiwI Itin WAItnTrntDwinnin thn HedHklnfi. Thrilling accountu of UreatUuntA. tiairhreadth Efirjinofi And Tnrrlbl CnntnatH with the big came and hostile tribes, spirited descrip tions oi the hubltH tind nunAratltlnnR nf that bhiiuso wopie, jneir oporiH, legentui, muii- iiduh. now tney woo anu we a, Hcalp, iocion i ui; v n i a i ciu auu a uu u i t i a liivv IjOW. It la nelltnc hv thn thmiHAtKiu with wnn. derful rapidity. Agents are making from t0 to $100 per week. Choice Held vet vacant. Bend at once for sample chapters, Illustrations and par- jauzr: 0U Chestnut bt, , l'hlfa Tho Raco of Timo Koopors. M. B. ALLEBACH IN WATCHES and JEWELRY DANVILLE P.. BILVEIl AND PLATED WAKE, KttENUB CI.0t.'lC8, SWISS AND AMERICAN STEM WATCHES. THE HENOWNED ELGIN WATO A IAUGE ABSOHTMENT OF FINE JKWEL11Y, DIAMONDS 4&c. tl Hepalrlng promptly attended to, S. H. Miller & Son, Dealer in DRY GODS, GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBURG, PA. AGENTS L00KIIERE! obea?.. For tho New Splendidly Illustrated Edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE, Became It Is the most fascinating and popular boolc In print, unu excels all la real tlenance and low pricct. Juki out. VU pages. tliii4l paper, ou y li.6u easy worth 13.60. Is u Oreat Hit; kVlU quick and fast. Terms of this and our new Do. mestlo illblex, far the most complete superoly IN luslratedaud last-sellliiE edition extant, ulko, the "lockei CoajJiDlou," worth flu to any book agent, sent free. Write at ome, sutlnit where Vim UUW llilu In II 4t 414, A 1. I)ir4u apr.KJ-U l'uLlUtiers,7J' Hansom bt., l'hfla I Moyora' Column. PUBLIC ATTENTION IB CALLED 1JY MOYER BEOS, M To the fact that they nro still pu.hlnc tho Irn bnslness with nil the eiieruy so characteristic of themselves Informer times, at their old Inisl ucs stands In BROWER'S BLOCK, and at tho Corner of Main nnd Market Birr els. 0 Thelrslock U larger nnd moro varied than can bo found in any other establishment shorlof l'hlladolphla or New York. All of which Is offer ed In large or small quantities at figures ns low lfnotlower, than nine goods can he purchased elsewhere. Call and examine for yourself. The wholesale department under tno immediate) su pervision and control of tho Hem, computes Y PAINTS, OILS, GLAH8, PUTTY, da., AC. They keep constantly nn hand from five to six different brands or whlto Lend, iimnug which Is John T. Lowls it I3ros Duck Load, Whlto Oak, Dlatnuml, Arctic, &c, Varnishes, Coach, Furniture, Damiir, Shellac nnd Japan Dryer. In colors you will find TJmbcri both dry nnd In oil, Hlonnas, Drowns, Mctalllcand Vaodyke.lfedi Venetian, ltodLrnl,Amerlrannud Chinese Vcr millions, Blues, Yellows nnd Ureous, among which nro tho celebrated Versailles nnd Bhnmrock. very handsome and permanent, and especially adapted to the painting of blinds, &c. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, dc. All window glass, largo Blzes of superior quality for pictures, a sptclality. Castor oil by the gallon or dozen. Laudanum, Paregoric llHtemau's drops, golden Tincture, ilalsam Do Maltha, God frey's Cordial, Essences Lemon. Peppermint, Wlntergrcen and Cinnamon. All lho popular patent medicines of the day, among which we enumerate. Ayros, Jayncs, Vinegar Bitters, Hostel ter'u, Drako's, anil Iloollutnl'a Gor man Bitters. Pills, Wright's Jayno's, Schonck's, and ull others known to tho Community. R A largo nnd varied assortment of Knights world renowned cooking extracts. Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Kasphcrry, Strawberry, Vine Apple, Celery, llannua, Ac, are offer ed below manufacturers prices, to country meichants. Bplces, Cinnamon, Clows, l'eppcr, Mace, Mustard, c, nt bottom prices. ALSO, Hon und Flour Bui- Shur, Epsom Halts, t l'etre, Calabra Lic orice, Gumi.'amphor,Uorax, Assafuitlda, Tattle and llorso PowderB.lllue Vitriol, Extract lyog wood, Castile nnd Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimneys, and Lamp goods gener ally. Lump Chalk, Silver sand, Calcined Plaster, Kosendal Cement by the barrel or bushel. 8 The celebrated Mlllvlllo Fruit Jar, acknowl edged to be by far tho best lu tho Markets, all glass, of superior material and workmanship. Consumers having once used these, will havo no other. Country Physicians will find ourstoek full nnd complete, comprising nil the old staples of tho Materia Medlca, as well nsnll tho latter discov eries of medical science, Quinine. Morphia and Opium always In abundance. Hancollios, and White's pharmaceutical preparations, Fluid nnd Solid extracts Elixirs and Pills of tho Pharma copeia sugar-coated. Powers nnd Welghtman's Chemicals, nnd Pror. H-iuibb's medicines, n rull stock. R Farmers and others will flmlouratocK of Pure Ground Western Uono.OU of Vitriol, Hulphnto And at lower tirlcpH than run Itnfnnnil ukuuihoro COACH AND WAGON MAKKIIH wonld do bh bu owuuurHH,'ttHuu mriuira our prices lie- 0 Onr retail and Prescription department Is under MR. A. B. CATIICART, whohashadyearsof oxperlenceln tho business. V wmv UNIRWUM I444V44H 141 Ulteil- dance. This department consists of the coru- ..umu.uh ... . UJO.vmus l4C3Uri4i4.1Urif linil jaiUl- Iy recipes, tho putting up of Dye Bluffs, cw T tho rotnUlng of Patent Medicines and Druggist's sundries, such as Perfumery, comprlsl ng ull of tuuiuu iron, ,iur must, emiueni Ameri can manufacturers and the specialties of all tho Foreign, French, English, German and liauan reriuuiory. n Toilet Hpnps In luryo variety, both Imported and iJamestif Fine Hair, Tooth, Flesh, Clothes, Shav ing & Nail Brushes. Trusses.Shoul der Bracea & Supporters, Nurs ing Bottles, Pocket Books, Bill Books, &c., &c. Cigars of rarest nnd choicest brands from 5 cts to ia cts each, E Pipes and cigar smokers and many things Im possible to enumerate here. The handsomest SODA FOUNTAIN In this part or the State, called the "Iceberg," from urn!, laranalnntlvflramn 4lins. -nnl .4 refreshing beveratcs so popular'wlth tho Amer ican puDiio, also, tuo meuicateu waters of Vl:hv, Saratoga and Heltzcr, R Our ManufsLCturluc nenarlmnnt. all the oniclnul prepnratloas of tho U, H, rnar OIL OF GLADNESS aspoclflo for Croup, Burns and Scalds and ono of the most valuable auxiliaries In the euro of yetler-plles, hoarseness, etc., ever known, Tho lar4relv lnereaslnc sales attest H44 4 tr, 4i44li4dtv m m a household remedy. s Mover's Tar Cnuirh Drnns fl vnhialilA r,.nM farcouKhsof long ttaudlin; and luclnicut emf. sumptlou. Flavoring extracts.Kssence Jamaica, (iluger, eic. To all or which wo ask the atlou tlon of the general public. Tho wacon will still rjonllnuo to'trav its stated visits to their country custom ers. ' MOYER BROS. May 10, ly. No IV rum mil Inko tlicne lllttrm Accord tug tn iliifcifon, mid temsln Ifinff unwell, jirovitled llielf ime nte unt d'Mrnyed by mineral pniaon or oilier meant, Ami tlie vilAl nrRan waMfd l-ejond tlie point of repair. p) uprptii r Imlli;eiltin, Hcadulie, 'u In tlie ShmtMeM, Cnrc.ti, '1 iplitncss of the Cliest, l)i;tl ne, Sour f'.rue Lit ioni of llie Stomach, Had TaMe In lli Mont!.. Ihlimii AllaiK l'.ilpilattoit nf the lleait, Tn flamniation of (he I.nngS 1'aln hi the rtR.otw of the KM tiey, and a linndred other pilnful symptoms, ate the off il ri nc of 'yH,fl"'' t,ie'c tromplaints It has no iqnil, and one bottle a'i1I prove a Letter guatantee of lis tiH-iit1 thin a leiiRihy advcrtlemfnt, I'or I'Viimlo ('niiip!nliitJ(ln yonnR or old, mir ried or fiiiRle( at the t!.twn of tAoinanhnnd, or the turn of life, thee Tonic lhtteridiplayio decided an influence tint a marked Improvement Is onn perceptible, Vor lnftiininintni)' mnl C'liroiilrt Itltru tnntHin nnd (lout, Hiliou. Kemittent and Intermit tent Keveri, l) (f the ltlood, I.iver, Kidneys and UUdder, tbee lhtters hue nn equal, Such l)ieaie are raided by Vitiated ltlood, which Is Renerally produced hv drr.niKcment of the DiReMhe Organs. Thry tire n flrntte liHRnlUc nn well nn ii Tdiilr posMH&inj: also the peculiar merit of actios as a powei fill agent In relieving Ompftion or Inflammation uftlie LHer and Vt'ceralOrRans, nnd In lhlious Diseases. tir Skill Ilstniir, Eruptions Teller, Salt Ulivmn, Illotchts, Spots Pimples, rustnfes, H01I1, Car btincle , Hii)R-worm, Sc.ild-llead, Sore l'ves, Erysipelas, Itch, .Scurft, l)ico!urations of the .Skin, Humors and Dis rates of the fakin, of vvlntever name or nature, are lit orally ting up and carried out of the system in a short fme by the u of thee Hitter. Tho proportlefj of Dk. Walkfr'i Vinpqar HiTTKfcs are Aperient, Dt.iplioretlc and Carminative, NunltioiH, Iitatlvr, Diuretic, Sedative, CounterIrrl, Suilnrifir, Alterative, and AntbHihoti.. Clintrfiil TlioiiiiiiiiU pioclaim ViNnairt Pit Tfits the iimwI wonderful IiniRr-rant that ever sustained the tinkinR s)steui. J VAt,K!.!t, I'ropr K. II. 3IcD(XAT.II A, CO.f DniRRi't and (Jen Agti, San Francisco, Cal., and corrcr i f '.vhintn?i and Clnilton Stt , New Votk EOl.ti HV Al I. Ulil'dOIS'lS AND DEALERS. DlS-72 mix 23 3m THE QUEE1 THE AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE AND COJIPLETKSBWISia MA0IIIN E. -0- Tho (lrst nnil only HUlTON.HOI.I3 AND HEWING MACIIINK comllnc4l that ha mado Ita advent In this or any other country. . Tho following reasons aro given why this la tlio best. Family Machine to Purchase. J. llccauso It will do 4. HprauqQ It will work ov4irymine Dittany ma a bountiful eyelet hole. chlnu can do, Hewing irom ine nnest to ine, coarsest material, hem. 6. Itccnuso It can 4I0 mini;, felling, cordlnc. braUlimr, lilndlnBeath print and sowing m,nl tho samo tlmo riilllint;. qutltlnt;, etc., better than any other ma- over-hand seamlnc, by which sheets, pillow cases nnd tho HUo nro 40wed over aud over. 0. llecnnso tho best cuine. mechanics pronounce. It the best finished and made on tho best prlncl pie of any machine inanufMctured. It has no spring to brcuk; nothluz to net out oi 2. llfcausott can work A beantlful hutton-hol,! matting ns una a pearl as by the hand. lordcr. 3. Ilecauso It will em broider over tho edKO, making a neat nud beautiful border on any, garment. 7. Ilecauso It Is two machines In ono, A llirrron-HOLK Wohk ino and Hkwino Ma. chink combined. tNo other Mnchlnecan accomplish thoktud of sewing stated lu Nos. V.3. 4. nnd a. Tarties using a family tewlnir machiuo want a WHOLE MACHINE, ono with all tho Improve menu. It Is to last a I.1FETIMK, nnd therefore ono Is wanted that will do tho most work, ami do It tho best: and thlsmachlnn can 4I0 heveral kliids of bowing notdono 011 ANY UT1IKK.MAUUINK, besides doing every kind that all others can do The American or Plain Sewing Machine. (Without lho button-holo parts), does all that Is dono on tho Combination except hutlou-holo nnd over-bcamlUL'. S. J. FAUX, Agent, BLOOMSBURG-. Pa. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. COMPANY'S WAUEROOMS, 1318 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Kxnmlno them before purchahlng any 44ther OU4V441U -4il44:i4414U. U'J S7.(JU jycKELVY, NEAL & CO., DISAIiBRH IN DRY (GOODS, GROCERIES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBUIta, l'A. jan:e'7:-tf SEWING MACHINES T'HE HALES OP BEWINQ MA X chines lu 1871, as reported, under oath, In Mi, to tho owners of tho Hewing Machlno l'at- VU4B, D41U4V 4UH4. IUO MANUPACTURINQ COMPANY LAST YEAH BOLD 181, 260 Machines, NINETY PER CENT. OP THEM BE ING FOR FAMILY USE. THIS IS OVER 50,000 MORE SEWINO MACHINES THAN WERE KOIjU BY ANY OTH ER COMPANY DUR ING THE SAME PERIOD. TllO Singer Manufacturing Co., 31 TJNIOH SQUARE, NBW YOItK. rnH.Alir.M'IIIA OFFCH U00 Chestnut St, J, A, JJoiiON, Aiir, in uiooinsuurir. auKUly AGENTS ! QUICK ! HSivKHS LEWIS' last und greatest work, OUR DIGESTION, or. MV JOLLY KHIEND'HSKCItEr. It Is by oitds lho moU taklni; nn4l ualeahlo book I44 U144 fli-ld. lit Is 011 a vllnllv lmnortanffeub- Ject, VII Is by America's most popular writer OU IieUllll. O 41 I., 4Ur IU41 ',44;4T, II4U 14444irbnuu buudsoinest book ever cold by nutocrlntlou. Agent, the people are eager fomuchu liook.and will urno you lu brlnK it to thorn. Write for terms, etc., free. ' '..L..t1,.. 411irEllU 14..,.44d,.b llC4JlVVtr. .4A4.4il.a444 4 ,4U, 40144 , nprll 20,'72-tr. 7W Hausom Hlreet, l'hlladelphla. kwmS4I :0b Rail Honda, pKNNSYLVANIA nAII.ilOAa WlNTEIt TIM 15 TA11LL. EASTWAiin Philadelphia Kxprnss Icavci HarrU . 4 (Mount Monday) ni 3.M n, m , ..I I iilHdclnhU hi U:U 0. m. 11ml "rr v YorK at 1U.0J a. m, rrlv N . Kast I.liio loives HurrUlinri ilil ,4 , , m., arrives at Wost l'lill.vlelniil.i i ami arrives at. New York .it I ii ,, , , Linaister Train, vli Miuiit J, ;. , . rlsbum dally exeunt h 444.1 4V. i " with tnroUBh car for riilladcfbhi V. . Wst i'lillH4lelphla alii top, 'in'. ' ' Paclllo Kicpross lo.ivoi llarrisli trj rppt Monday) at 11.9) . w Br .. l,a, ,.f.ll.olnI"" 1'' truvo4 at . atii.Jlp m, Kliiifm i:.tprcss Istvci lltrrMn j rent Himdayg nt aou p. m nrr.v ja'iiw" Htrrislnirg Aoenmmoilitlon 4 44, hum dally (oicoptHunday)nt I.OJ11. at l'lillalelnhiaatO.JJp. m. 1 Mnll Train, leaves llarrlsliur Sunday) ut 7.11 p. mnrilve 7, nt 11.30 p. in., nnd arrives at Nm. n 111, Cincinnati r3ipross leaves liar, nt lnMp. in,, nnd arrives al We ,1 nt2:J'J a.m., and nrrlvcs atNew Yoi WESTWARD, ilally an.ii a. m., nrrtvluis at J-Jrl 4 ''flo Impress west, for Krlc. lo-i boric lally (except Sunday) u . rtvlnirnt f:rlont7il0a. m. Houthern Kxnress loaves Harrlsln, 2:3 In. 111., iirrlvcs at Altooim nt 5 M a. nrr ves nt V ttsuurir n W.iu p. ,.'" 4 !w",Kl1 I'lVoniior Trnl 1 Icavei da ly(oxcept MomUylnt :i-m , Alloounutsiiua.iii.nud arrives m l',, l'nclllo' express leaves Harrlsh.n :!.. u. m., arrives at Altoonntu.u breakfast, ami nrt!, , 1., ,,,.. ON ami after Monthly, Oct. "jm, i... tho I'anongor TralnsVc lw 'l',187-'. Ilallroad Company will dopartf?, ':3,?'".i and nrrlvoat PhliadelpuU, Sew Y0 ' '! 1, ' and Krle, ni follows 1 rK' ''t'llii , '1 I, ' til r 14 W' ' Vut w X ' it. ru c i v.. " 1. 11. 1 111. 1 1 Way rassrntrer Train leaves Hiri. , . ,1 (except Siuulayj nt 7:10 11. m. arri" V t'lonant 1:W ji. m, ni.d nt l'lttsu.i.u tn. ..Mail Train leaves lUrrlslrart! i Sunday) ut p. , lin,i nrrfi( , " i.'ia p. in., for supper, nud arrives a' i l.u, a. m. " Kasl l.lnu leavos Harrlsburis 1 Sunday) ut5.')J p. in.. arrlvsi"t , p. m., and nrrlvos at I'ltuuuri: at l'ltlshuri? express lowss Harris ceptauiii.iy) utll.:w p. m..iirrlv I.uj n. m and arrives at I'm r.i. Cincinnati Express lo.ivos II nt I'.'iiu 11. iu., arrives nt Altonn nnd arrlvo nt l'litsbura at A.J. OAS3AT1', 11. Ueuernl .Mauaer. (Ion gHORTEST ROUTE E. Dauville, HazlBtou & Wilkesbarfd u. j WINTFAl A IlIUXaiMLXU EASTWAUI). V13il'VAUI. r.EAVK. 14 1 New York. i.uave. a. M, Sunbnry, Diuivillo 7.112 Catawlssa. M, 7.1W llnzletou u.iw r It-'a r.iMou. I'lillu lleltiltirin, 1". M. llethloliem, 1 l'hlladolphla !M llailetou. '4 J 12.r Uauvllloi ' Now York. Ja! 3.&I Irijtll44ir. .ThanflorH.,... ).nn ., (U ii T i. . ... 1 nmvimuui:4'4t44 1llliuary Wlltt '.K t.4.:fP;: i. train ipnng Vot. WillIatnsnortt).;V, Lock,n 1 witn tho Northern Central l.w p. ,.. moving S),un, roachinir Harrlsburi; 7.00 p. m nu, luuimurs p. in., nud also with tho Sti auury ana Lnw lalown Itatlroad. ComrortaUIo nud handsome Coiches uu this new route. J. UKIIVEY ICA3K, SuperltitsnJoat, NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On and artor Nov.L'lin, 1S7, Tratiis win leave StiNnuiiY ns follows . NOUTHWAUD. IU P.M. Dally except Sundays to Wllllninspott, Klmlra, CanaudalBua, Ituclichter, llullalo Suspension llrldgb aU4l N. I'alls. O.SOa 111. Wllllainsnorl, Illmlra, Ilodiu.ttr, Ilulf. nlo, Erlo Aa. 6.53 p.m., Dally, (except Sutulays) for William sport aud Erie, Dallv, (oxccptSundajs) for Klnilpi Ituir.iloand Niagara Kail-, via. Erlo rullruad from Elmlra. Tit A INS HOUTUWAHD. 12.50 A.M. Dally oxcept Mon lay, for llaltuuoit, Wushluclou aud I'hlladlplil.i, 11.05 A. M. Dally (except Sundays) Ior ILiUtrnmi Wiushlngtuu mid i'nlUl'ilpUla. 8.C0I-. ji. Dally (except Sundays) Icr llultlinnto riilla4leptiiH, .to. KD. S. VOUNO, Ueucrul I'usstuuer Autm. ALrr.Eii It. Kisi:, Oeu'l. Si'p't. READING RAILROAD. SUMMEU AHHANQEMENT, TllUllBllAY, AmiUnrlbt 1ST2. Trains leavu HnrrlsburB lor New York, us io,. lows: At 5.011, s,io, a, in,, huu 2,UI p. in., oou. uuctlng with trams ou l'ennsylvaula Kail, road, and arrlvliiK at New York ai Ull, 3,50, and 0,10 p. in. respectively. lteturnlnit: Leave Now Yoik at i),oo a. iu 12.u niiu 0.U0 p.m. l'hlhidelpUlaat;.iti,.JUii.iii and 3.;o p. in. Leavo iliirrlsbure for Iteadlni;, l'uttsvlli4- 1. miuiim, Mlnersvllie, Ashlanil, Hliaiiinliiii . leniown nud l'hlla'd. at D.Olaud &.IU a. in., .uu nnd4,06p,m.,itoppliijat Lebauon and prlurlu way stnilons; tllo,u. p. m. train cciuuci'Iiiib mr l'hll'o., l'ottsvlllo audColumhlaouly. For potts vllle.MclmylklllHiivou aud Auburu, via Schuyl kill and Suhiiuehanuu Itallroad, lea-.e H,iri-burir-Mi ll.lo p. m. East l'euusyivauia Itallroad trams h.ivi Iteauini; for Allentown i-laf-ton aud ew Vnrti nt 7.00 10.10, u. m nud 4.0.i p. in. Uitiiru.iw, leave New York ut 9.U0 a. m., U.uj nu.l (i,oj p. ui aud Allentown utT.'Jia. in. J.13. Hi .tin' am' tl.Uo p. m. Way l'assciiger Train leaves l'iitl.4di'ipiii,4 7,'0a.m., conuectlui; Willi similar Ir.iui ou l'a. railroad roturumi; from Heudintial m stopping at ull stations. Loavo l'ottHVllto ut .LIO and o,oo a. m., sua 2,30 p. in., llerudou at lu.oo a. iii..r4Uuui4ikin mi 6,-10 and 11, li a. m., Ashland ut 7,0.i k, m. and .,ti p. ni., Manauoy Cltyut7,fil a.m. audi., i-. in. l'amaiiua al 6,:i5a. m,, and 2,1(1 p. in, tor Phila delphia, New York, Heading, llitrrislitirt:,&c Leavo l'ottsvlllo via bcliuylkin auu umiu,-. hauua Hallioadal8,15u. lu.Kir llarnsourii "U ll,. a, in., lor l'luo Urovu aud Tremoul, l'ottsvlllo Accouimoilullou Train n-.tyth Poiu a, iu,, Heading at 7,uj.i, m.,ui riving ut riilladeiphlaul O.Si a, iu, Itetuiiiiuy leaves l'hlladelphlu ut 6,15 p. in., ji.44.siuj kcmii lui;ut7,10p,m,,arrlvlUKUll'uli4 ,i,.uii, u, i'otlfilowu Accommouauon'li .. . town uiu, Li a.m., returning, te.i ' (Ninth und Uieeu) at 1,30 p.m. Culumbla itallroad Tiuius lta 7,20 a.m., and 0,16 p.m. lor Epbriiia, ler, Columbia, Ac.; relurnlug leave 1. u -tt.ilou. in. and 3.23 p. m., ami Coluu.uia ni a. 1. iu. and 3.15 p. 111. 1'erklomeu ltall Uoad Trains leave ivraio Junction al 7.35uud 8,"iu. in., 2.oi 5.11 ,i. iu lurulukr, leavu Uieeu Lauo at U.I5 a. ui - ' aud i.i) p. 111., oouucctluii with iramt Heading Itallroad. 1'lckeilug Valley Itallroad trains Idirc l'1 nlxvlllu ut 0,10 u.m., 3.10 and 5.Jp. in., .1 lug, leavo Uyeis ut U.35 a. in., 12.15 atu I.J i cuiiuectlug with trains ou Ho.nllni IUiIkiix Colebruokdulo Itallroad tralua i4j.ive t'ou. uto.loa, m, 1,20 0.21-x 7.U p. 111., riiturnuu Ml, 1'leu.saul at 0.00, tl.oj anil ll.ii 11. 111., .- i couuecllui! wltn trains on HuadlUj IU1M1 Cuester Valley lUuroad 1'ralus in port at 8,30 a. m.aud 2,10 and 5.51 p.m. ictuiu leuvo liowutngiowu ut u.55 a. 111.. ii.-i" 6.10 p. in., connecting with trains o, Uj Hulltoad. Ou Sundays, leave New York at 0,00 p.m.. 4 phla al 8,00 a. in, aud 3,15p. m,,(lhe&,oj- i train running only to Heading;) leave 1'oU ' 8,00 a. in., lliirrlabuii; ut 0.00 11, in. mnl ! leavo Alleutoivii al io aud U.33 p, m., Heading ut 7.15 a, m, und 10.55 p, in, ior iU burg, ui 7.W a, m. ior Now Vork, al ;.2o .1. Alleulowu aud at 0.10 u, ni und 1.15 p u i'hlladelphla. Commutation, Mileage, Season, hCU' . Exeursluu TlekeU 10 aud from all pom' . duced rates. llaggago checked through; 100 pouu.H 411. cuch iuistinger. J. E. WOOTfKN, Asst. Bupt, it Eug, .Mui'U i . Heading, l'.i., Aug. 1. !.'. LAOKAWANA AND ULOOid UUHU HAIL.HOAD On audnltjrNuv, 27, is71,lasseuger lruim.v.iH run us loiiowa 1 doing Nurth. Arrive Arrive 11. m, p, m, V.iu 1.11 . 8.19 11.52 OoiugHouili Leave 14, 111, a. m, 'ill KJ 2.11 craulon ittniou Klugston 1 St. uoQ 12.31 12.2H 12.00 11.30 11.11 2.U 2.10 3.18 3.51 3.57 iv.iiarru j u rn Plv,M,444 tl4 HIS shlckBhluny,.., 7.30 llerwlck 7.3J tilooni - 8.05 Danviuo lanvmo ...... m . a , 10.50 -1.27 fjoiiuectiou muuo umuruuiuu w.w.f 7i train for OreatDeud, lUnghaiulou, Albauyaua ..Ii.l. M, 44-41, 4.'.ik, .ml UMl. "' 1 " v, T. iioUND, sap'l A niJM 1 'Si I CAM l'A I ON HAND HOOK -l and J CITIZENS' MANUAL WAV A 1 . it..ii.ini r.n....,,.l fnr vritrri cf II lar, Lives of nil tho J'risldonts, and th" Mf cm I'lesiuentiui cauuiuuies. 444U wm.-. lite u, 43 , unit jc ciri4w, vj '.M"i'-""v'""." iiil Conventions, mid Ihtir l'luiforius. to pttte Election Heturnsl4(ii4( Census, aud otu iiuiisin-ai jauies, au. " ..uie-, w 7. Wl.-25. ltaakMU atttuht 810 0 JAI Per ' 11 U4 4-44.4.4J rf4J3444r..4'. . -; y ncptlllw 711 BansoniBt., l'lilladelpiua BUSINESS CARDS, VIS1TIN11 CAltpS, Kl i lir.4.4o, DILL HEADS, l'HUUHAMMEH, rounsiiH, tu , to, Mnatlu 41 ml f!li nn ill v Printed rooijlhe latest atylt-s of Typj nt the