THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY.PA. IfPn is k ' t inrin i at lllJtj "LUMJDliVI PBAKS COOLEY, ASSISTANT 1IDITOK. Railroad Vimo Table, t At KAWANNA M-OOMSllUItU It. It. I North. Houth. ,,,t , , 0:52 A. M. 4:.s7 l' M, !,,. Mill niliillol 1:11) A.M. lllWI'M, f; ',!"", 1:10 P.M. IW2A.M, IclTAWlrflA It. It. I'M M ItUr-lIHT STATION. In limNcrm. uomn nouur iliu a, M. l: ai.-". LOCAL. I'cler L'tulinch has been nppolnlcrf Ejiijt imutur ill n new olllco to bo known ajlUveti Creek, In this County. amon'O tho distliiKtllalied vlslloisln iim-ii thin week, wo nato Jntliro Goo. W. p'noihvnrcl, O -n. It. II. Itickotta, Con. Sllirry uoyiima a, I'arueo Jisq, Tick river wtHP'osetl up with ico on il'rlilay iil.' '. Jjaat year It closed Son tin iU '''i--"ami) dntp, nnd ro- in Iiiflelo )- IHO nnil Boino dnys. I,s nbwy .1',. v. K'l In r 'v I inned In many pl.i : of vt thickness to Justify rttJ'-r iiv n'Miner consumption, p,m( I s i ", ' this town so funis XI It" V". I'l. iIii. tliU town had not incut hist week on Greeley, although Helo from h 1'litln this lmrtv Hiilin? ii l ii a 1 ilOlpilt' '!' vu t1 u ' villi civilized men I tot sort cf i -i., "')pcd at the rmvo Our. i"ip( ""ii delayed beyond ' ''ilicatlon, for two 1 y thoralluroor per- IvtirtiscmunH ro " Insertion, at thu -ic tho forbearance ca who may have mil trust that no xperlenced. Ml1 U ' rt i a t Without lututiuiiig In tho slightest cloRreoto prophesy what tho ensuing winter will bu as regards temperature, vro desire to state, n- favoring tho Ide.i if u rigorous tea-on, tlni tho thcrniom tier la-nltvnily fallou to t wenty degrees lelowzsroln Wisconsin, and that in-t'ii-o cold and heavy snows havo pr v dled chowlicrc In tho West. Which Infiirinnlion b respectfully oll'ered to the weather prophets for their cdlllca iri and use. TitKgieat Original .letonio lilil. at CjiIuuiu's Hull. Ii'.ut evening wo witneied one of Mr. Ulllz's eelehrated tnlirlHintnenls at our Hull and wo can siy Hint It was one i.f the best that wo hive ever seen in thii town. Wo also siivMimo of ourjeading eitizci-s at tho performance. Franc-Is the magic pritico is one of tho cloveres' llttlo iMngieians v.o havo ever seen. J. K., iiroprP'tor of tho N'ortliiirnWIttml counts Dcmnr.rat his lirgun tho publication of m iumI little il.iily paper In Runbury uiidi r f I lillo fllio Sunbury Democrat, A number I ah furo us and Is VHrycreditablu tn the Ihleand enterprho of th" olilor. If Sunbury supports this paper It will fur ni-h strong evidence of th -r.-.vtli iind iro-ictily of thu town. i.linrles Connor K-(j. has rciUued his ihition of Auditor of this (! muty and rccnnuiendod Jihn K. !. 't. lv. of IhU town as ills successor. Tho (! nirt appointed Mr. Grots', who wM dnulit- Icismako an eflieient titidz'Mlmisnllk'er as ho is fully capable ofperfor ulug all llii'iluties or tho ollleo. Trie ehUdren of common peoplo aro hereby notified not to play with tho little Orn'KH hereaf ter. The Sunbury Democrat savs : .Hi-wti irl-oncrsln tho lull at that nhii'i- at- Irmpted to cpeano on Friday lust, at nniiii, and no vdoubt would havo been I HMfssrul If Perry Hans (tho only other Mi-liner lnliles tlmso atteuipting to I -eii'i ) hud not informed on them. ! Tiny had stripped npn lot of blankets lloenabo them to eet over thu vard wsll. James Cole, tho young man who iyi imprisoned lust week for stealing a pair of shoes of DriNlnu. was thorliiL'- leuder in tho plot. t'oXSTAULn WOODWAUI) rennrlu dir. aulunthoLtttloFisllIliL'ereelrln Hum. lock townshl) between Albert Hum liner's and Goon Smith's, ns holm' In inl.uij:er us cdi un. Thero aro no iiiMlii'to 4 y tr i.) water which runs Im.-n spri . . h0 side of tho road ""I it i . '.n'h (luautitles as to Lremlir'rwi i u .ife. Oao team ilretily Mien ver Mm bank. If this manor is not iitenidfd to t ho .Simorvis- 'Ii Will bo lelurr.eil. Wofiud thef'ihowlmr eoinmuoleated t aiUel.i in tho Herwitk Independent. Anueilngiif he board of Commls wmers of tin i road running in iwuinbla and Luz.-rno counties, met at wuwen Jiousctn this placoou Hatur. UXtlm'Jth of Ndvoinlinr tlin rmlnur. Iril l)llnilnru hi. Ian- tim. . T li'u Hi, N. O. Wentler, U. F. Headlcy, apJ Adam Bult. It appears that H. U Monswas apmiintod as eommisslotior nu is acting VTieu thero was no vacan 'ii and that u prebhlent of tho board - itiniiiui:n wnen no (luorum was Kt'-Clll. 'I' If lu lw.;,,l, , m to ho in thobenso of tho board that "id Koons is not legally a commis sioner and wo do not recognlzo his I.Sllt tf Inli.rfur. In II. n w.n.l .....I ..... ....t..w., ... tl.tll .1(111 , U "why Hiipoint X. Q. Woitler as lTesi- ""v ui mo uoaru oi commissioners. Adam Suit, Secretary, J. C. fjjnlth. periniendent. O X K O ! Tl I K CO M M I SS 1 0 .V K I IS. 'i'ar.ui: are certain gentlomon of this town who dally Infringo upon, if not Hie letter, atloast thu intent and mean ni.'of the law by congregating in tiio t8irtlngroom of tho post olUeo during '"uuis rihutiou ..i tho mails. Wro are certain tint they lmvo no business thero ana" oipjii ly c-rtuin that their c hi versa "on Is annoying to thoio who wait for U'O mails. Wo should think Unit I ""Irpresenco ut such times would bo ""pleasant to Mr. Stees who must llnd their dlscusilous a lilndrauco rather hiii a help in tho assorting of letters M'l papers. Wo havo. heard many ejiuplalnta of lato and would suggest to our worthy editorial friond "wlcli Is I'tt'tmaMor," that tiio practlco bo stop Kd Ho U undoubtodly making no ki'Jiidj liy it, and tho gouoral public 8ln no groat fund of Information from ie loud but not particularly wiso liar juguls of tau Intruders. Turn 'em out JIr. Ilcekloy. It Is full tlmo now for rafllltig for poultry to sot In, Thero doc3 not soom to bo much of this sort of nmustnont In this pari of tho country but In tho cities many thousands of turkoys nml gooso nro deposed of In this way. fJUfmanvKiis nro raised In Matoit. wnu county, Minn., for fuel. Tho oily need lu tiio llowora is found toinalcon hot tiro, and tho woody Htoelc, when drlod, furnishes a goad sttbslltuto for timber, which is very scarce) In that ro glon. It Is estimated that two ncros will produco enough to last tin ordinary family through n long winter. Wood Is too plentiful In this country to require nrtlllcial fuel butlfnnyof our readers caro to try tho experiment wo should bo pleased lo hear of tho ro suit. Tho Delawaro & Hudson Canal Is overod o'er with n cream of crystal ilow, which forbids tho coming and go ing of tho black diamond gondolas. U'uijnc Vithen. Wo nro surprised at this Information as wo had understood that tho canal was frozen over and that tho boats had Btopped their trips for llto season. O.v Smithy last tho Scranton Free l'ies contained an article rellectlng on tho character of n respectable married woman of Providence, Tho following morning tho hmbaml of tho lady ac companied by her brother proceeded to tho otllco of tho IVccPrcsa and Inflicted a sovero beating upon JIr. Coon, tho editor, nfter which they proceeded to demolish tho oflleo, overturning form., casos and stands and knocking things Into "pi." Tho assailants Hum gavo thomsolvcs up to tho pollco and outer cd ball. Thoy wero subsequently arrest ed for assault and battery and carrying concealed weapons and gavo ball hi both cases. Wj: havo received tho 1'lflli Honor I. of tho Commissioners of tho Insano Ho.pItal at IJanvlilo. From this It ap pears that accommodations for two hundred patients can now bo furnished. Tiio Commissioners uruo an ntmronrl tit Ion of $li",OU0 to enable thorn to com plete the wings to tho main building, and an appropriation of $'10,000 for tho Mipport of tho Hospital and for tho payment or salaries and wages. Tho report of tho Superintendent, which necomnanles that of tho Coimnkulnnpra shows tho expenditures to havo been, lo November 0th, $115,10(5. 20, leaving abalatico on hand of $851.01. B. It. Gearlmrt, Cashier of tho First National Bank of Danville, is thu Treasurer of tho Hospital. A young man named Timothy Thomas was arrested a fow days ago for stealing a can of oysters from tho storo of W. II. llrown on Main Street. Ho was committed to jail by Esquire Grow er in default of $200 bail. An InteiHO deslro for llsh seems to prevail amongst thoyouth of tills town. It will bo re membered that la-it week wo noted tho arrest of another young fellow for steal ing a 15 ah from E. Jacoby. Wo would biigge,t to any other youths contem plating this species of larceny that, as llsh is known to be a brain-producer, if they wero to purcluso and eat n cer tain quantity it might confer upon them intelligence enough to enablo them to keep their hamh from picking and stealing. Wo should fancy that a term of weeks in jail was rather a steep price to pay for tho gratification ofun appe- tite. Wu havo recti ved a letter from a subscriber, who signs himself "a straight out Democrat," ordering his paper to bo slopped at tho end of tho year giving as a reason that ho dncs not "want anything that renounces the Democracy of our fore-fathers for areeley-ism." We are bincercly sorry fur tho gentleman, as we do not know where bo is to procure his futuro news paper reading matter, that is among Democratic papers. Almost every pa per or our party supported at tho re cent election, sooner or later, tho candi date o! tho UAltimoro Convention. A fow so called Democratic sheet, declar ed themsolves in favor of tho lJlanton Duncan-Grant faction or, liko the Day Book, nobody nt all, but almof.l tho en tiro parly pros advocated 'tho claims ol Horace Greeley. W- tiro not btiro that wo uudetstand exactly what our cor respondent meani by Gro.'ley-isni but wo do know that thei-o Democrats who opposed or refused to vote for him mailo up tho largo majority which placed Grant lu olllca fur a i-ojoud term. As to which of the two men was tho moro desirable for thu Di-mocruey is a matter of ttisteon tho p.irt of our friend; wo have never had any doubt lu our own mind. Court Proceedings, In the estate of Malcolm Mason, de ceased, on motion rule grouted on Hit heirs to appear at next term and accept tho e.-,tato or bliow causo why the name should not bo sold. In tho eotato of Philip JCUtlur.doco.H- cd, rule on tho heirs was continued. Iteport of viowers vacating a road in Fishingcrcok township noir William Ikolcr, confirmed nisi. Petition for appointment of viowon to change a road in hoeust township, John llarner, D.iniol MorrN and Isaac Dryer appointed viowers. la tho estate Philip Miller, droensdd, silo ordered of those piecs of land not takon at tho valuation. In tho c-.nj of llub-.:coa Naglu's ad miuistralor, against John C.iln, on mo Hon C. G. Ilarkley continued aa auditor. Elias Hoppls against Catharine Hop pis divorce decreed from t :o bonds of matrimony. Iteport of sale In tho estate John Kelm, deceased, confirmed uhl, Iteport of H.ilo In tho estato of It. W. Dowman, deceased, confirmed nisi. In tho estate of David U. Albertson, Sr., decoased, petition for partition, partition awarded. In tho nutter of tiio pitlt'oa-i l'r guordliiu by tho minor children of lt.F. Clark, Hmj., Clareaeull. Clark appoint ed. MoniAY, Decomber ilth. I'he second week of December con vened, his Honor William Elwoll and Irani D-'rr, and Isaac S. Monroe, Esq'rs on thu bench. In thuoitato of Mlcluol Lamon, de ceased, on motion of Mr. JJroekwuy, O. G. Iiarkloy, Eiq , appointed auditor to make distribution among thu cred itors, Iteport of viowers of a road in Horn lock township uoir Irani Kltchoii con ilrmod'iiisl. James Klefer was discharged as com mittee of D.inlolOcarhlirtn lunatic and William T. S'.iuiiian appointed In h!s flload. Potlt'ion of tho mlnm children of John KIIno,Johti Ktlpo appointed guardian, On motion of Mr. Jackson, E, II. Little, Esq., appointed oudltorto make distribution In tho estata of Abraham Hcos, deceased. Tho caso of Commonwealth vs. Wm, n.thinolho proceedings boforo tho Jus tlco wero reversed, Petition forrovlowcra of a road In Greenwood township near Win. Patter son, C. U, Mcllunry, John Sutton and James Stoker appointed rovlowcrs. Petition for rovlowors of a road In Madison and Mount l'loasant near Al bert Hommers, John K. Grotz, Joseph Sharpies and John Loacock appointed rovlowors. Petition for rovlowcrs of a road In Pino township, near Abnor Welsh's saw mill, Gcorgo Hurloyman, Ilonry Wagner and John McIIonry appointed reviewers. Petition of James Kelffer, Commlttco of Daniel (Icarhart, a lunatic for dis charge. Joules Kioffer discharged and William T. Shttman appointed. In tho matter of tho ostato of Daniel Gearhart, a lunatic, petition by James Kelffer for specific performance of con tract, citation u winded. Iteport of E. It. Ikeler, Esq., nudltor to distribute money arising from tho Sheriffs salo of Iho real estalo of Jcro miah Gclkin, and to ascertain pay ments mado on Judgments prior to salo confirmed nisi. Jteport of C. G. Iiarkloy, auditor, to distribute balanco in tho bands of Ed ward Crawford, second administrator, confirmed nisi. Report or 0. 1J. Ilrockwny, nudltor to dhtributo balanco In tho hands of tho administrator of Amos Ilhodo3, deceas ed, confirmed nisi. On motion of Mr. Comly, Hon. Gcorgo W. Woodward was admit ted to practico law in thosovoral courts or tho County ;on motion on J. G. Frcczo Esq. Hon. Samuel Linn was ndmittcd to practico law lu tho soveral courts of tho County. Charles Conner Esq. of Orttiigovillo ono of tho County Auditors resigned and John K. GrolzEsq. or tho town of liloomsburg was appointed in liissload. John J. Patterson lias boon elected U. S. Senator from South Carolina, by tho Legislature of that Slato and will succeed Sawyer. Mn-rnonic Disit.ay. Hear Admir al 15. F. Sands, Superintendent or tho United Slnles Observatory, nt Washing ton, D. a, reports that, on tho night or November 27tb, between six and ten o'clock, thero werosoven hundred and twenty meteors observed by olilcere oT the instltutlou. It is belioved, howev er, that over threo thousand fell, but escaped tho nttcntlon of tho observers. Tho moteors wero of tho fourtli magni tude, and were generally ofn faint blue, though somo of tho larger wero red dish. Tho tracks wero short, not ex ceeding from four to six degrees, and the average time of ilight was about two tenths of a seoond. This display is declared to bp a very romarkablo one, and tho radiant point seemed to indicato that tho meteors wero moving in tho orbit of liiela's comet. " DllAW Pokeii AND ran ELECTION. Tho Louisville Courier takes tho follow ing draw-pokerish view of tho election: "Wo seem tohavostruck ono of thoso streaks or bad luck which sometimes overshadow tho rortune3 of tho most skillful and deserving. No matter wha we hold, tho Itadlcalshavojust enough to beat it. New Jersey's two little pair turn out neither more nor loss thau Mis souri's three littlo nces. We thought wo had a full hand in Tennessee and a Hush- at leort,in Alabama and so wo did havo but tho show-down proves them to bo not worth a cent. Tho raise wo mado on Indiana costus all wo had won and a littlo moro besielc. Wo had slipped Vir ginia in our sleovo, and hid Arkansas under tho table. Hut it's no us?. Thoy boat U3 holding, beat us drawing, and beat us playing. Ic is evidently not our moon. Wo had a sickly bopo that by hanging on, things might brighten. Hut tho news this morping is uo bettor in one sense, and considerably worso in another. Tho best wo can do Is to jump tho gamo and try our luck somo other tlmo. 'Partner, they've got u?.' " Tho North American having slated that "a big Indian of tho Arrapahoo persuasion lias embraced Chrisrlanity in Washington," tho Now Orleans Times remorks that "a mighty small Indian could embrace all tho Christian ity thero is thero now." MARKET REPORTS. lllonmvlturf; Wl- "It 1 It l'11-.lH'1 n.vt. Culr " eHts. " KImir vim- liiirru; , Clovur- ,-rU t- lax-, J Hull or Ks T.U low l-otnloiH Drii i' A)ilu! liiiins HiUoh nml htjonhi'jrs l.u a per puund , Hay i-r 'ui, tl.Ml !U ... l.'i HI . It 14 . .1 CO . 1 W) . M ill . 10 4') 10 15 0 10 , 25 ul MARRIAGES. I,.M;i)All-l'niTZ.-I).wmbur 7lh, 1872. tiv tlin Uuv. O. M. l.'irnol, Mr, John II. i.ntiluch lu Marali li. riit,uj.!iut!Su.irl KU'lowusiUp.cVa . uj.. l'.i. JlOMIIVS-AUiKltTSOrJ.-At tiio renMenri or ilia lirMu-n r.ittier, liy tiio lie v. A. K. Kllnu, Dec :M, In Kiilriiumut, Mr. Tlionnti J, Holmc-n, ami .Miss Karali U. Alljfitmu. both ot l'ulr muuut, l.uzeruu co., MOon-UAYOOCIv AtT.liclilHtrcft, on Hatur Uuy, Nuvomlior tali, lilt, by Josopli I.illv. liu. . Mr. (luaiiie Moor or Muiibury, lo .Miss Jllmlnu J. llayc tcL uf liloomsbitr. KICAl-nit-JOIINSON.-At I.lglitstreet. oil Hat uraay, Umimljor IS74, liy Joupli t.llly, Mr. William Hliafer ul Itluomkburi;. (o Miss Mnry Jolinmu ca coH towualilp, eVjluiubl couuty, l'a. Hi'i:ciAii 'otici:s. TIIll IJIt HAT Plt'TOltlAb ANNUAL. H'MillC'V's Unllcil Ktaloi Aliunnno for ) M.I. fur illlriLaa iii,i;mit,lliroui;lioiillliB Unllt'dBlalcis, anil ail i'tvili.fil rminlrlt-'HOfltiu Woturii ilt-in-Isplitiit. is now pu lillfcliidniid ready fnriit'liveiy, In iliu l.i', tltti mull, I'uiicii, Nuiumniu. Vrelilit HwedUh, Holland, ltotii'inlan anil hpan !Mi lniiiiiat:i-N, ami ull who to iiiiUt-rhtaitil the It ii. pliilutaipby ol lti-allli feliouiil lead untl poiulerlliu valuablH kUKuuslloim llconuliib. In addition lo uu iiilinlrablu medical tiealioo on iliu ciuueH, uiuvuiilion iiinl euro of u tlinl ariely of ill'.uis. II embraces a larnctuiioiiulof inloi inuliim Interu.Niliu in Iliu mcicuuut, Iliu me elianic, Iliu miller, ilia l.irnier, Iliu planlir, mat liroieu.lonal man ;imd llto calcnlallnim liuvu been mudu for hiicli mirldlmm and laiuiiili'n us a io most kiillablu tor u eurreel ami cumpitiien blva Niilliiiial Culeudiir, 'Ilia iiatinc, uheu.iuul oxtraordlimry t-.mltarjr cll'ictb ot llosti'ltur'KHlouiucli lllller,, thu tui nlu tonlu uud allnullTO ut muiu liian hair Iliu Uliriallan world, nro liiily net lurili in its putts, Willi li uru nlbu luierbiioibed Willi plciorlnl llluv ll.llluiiN, valuublu recipes tor ll'u fioiiiielioia and farm, liiimoious iiuecdotes, und oilier JUilltic llvu unit itinuktuc leiulmt: matter, lu"' helecteil, Anion;; iliu Aiiulials lo Hpjiear Willi llie nptnihi! ortlm ), lliniw'ill bu uno oi tliu mosl iibeiiii. ami iiiui le hmlior rir uUuiy, Tliu iirupiielois, Miksm. llohiulier Kinilli, 1'illH. oui-kIi, l'a.. on receipt ul' u iwuceul hlamp, will Jorwaut u iopy by mall loany pui-tm who ran llnl JipH'lllu oiiu In his uetitllboilioud. '1 lio Un-t- ui'u bulil 111 eveiy cliy, town mid lllii;e, and mo uMeiiklvely lined Ull uu;liullt Mlio lUUru clVllUdil M1 III. til U U I IV. Christmas goods receiving every day nt I, W. llartman's. Muslacho cup3, toy cups, A 11 0 platen, llttlo fancy mugs, glass sets, toilet sots, individual salts by tho dozen, looking glass, match Rafcs, Ac., ita, for Christ mas at I. W. llartman's. A now nml second-hand oxchango andropair shop In caro of Samuel II, Hurlo's lias boon oponed In Mover's building, first door nbovo tho Sfncer Sowing Machlno olllco, whero families can havo their Whoclor & Wilson, Florence Weed, drover & llakor, Howo, Wilcox AGlbbs, llomoShuttlo Flnklo & Lyotis or other Sowing Ma chines repaired nt reasonable prices. Mr. Buries long experience and general knowlcdRO of tho different makes of Sowing Machines is a sufficient guaran tee of good work and fair dealing. Several now family favorites, Weed, Pioronco, drover & Bakers, Homo Shuttles, Taggart & Farra, for salont reduced prices. Persons who wish lo buy.oxcluingo or havo Sowing Machines ropalred will find It to their advanlago to call at the nbovo place. Congress cxpecls to do a llvoly busi ness this winter. So does I. W. llnrt ninn. Now goods for Christmas Just receiv ed at M. P. Lutz.'s When buyingyottr Christmas presents remember that you can got a sot of furs at M. P. Lutz's for $2,u0 to C0,00. Greenbacks token nt par at I. W. llartman's. Strict attention to business, good gootts, nleo styles, ready pay. courteous treatment, with Judicious advertising, has given 1. W. Hartmati plenty or customers. Tho largest lino or dress goods in town is at M. P. Quiz's. Tiio Teeth on AilvertMng Mcilhuu. Every tlmo n lady who uses fragrant Sozodont opens her mouth, sho ndver tlses tho article. Tho stoto of hnr teeth is a cortiflcato of Its excellence. No spot darkons their surface, no Impurity clings to thorn, tho cushions in which they nro BOt nro rosy, and tho breath that swells through them Is sweet as tliojircezo of Juno. Spnlding'sliUiuid GTuo, always ready to use. Havo you bought your children's toys'.' If not, do not mako your pur chases until you hnvo seen tho stock at Thomas Webb's storo on Main Street. Tho largest and best In town. If you smoko or chow you can buy tho best to bicco there, and can bo satisfied that you will not get a pqor article. Cui'in'H Amiiuscades. Tho sly nrclicr, I.ovc, Rliowls lilH nrrnws from many colons of vantage, but It In doubtful If lio delivers his licnrt taking shafts from any ambusli with moro eU'ect titan when lio arms them from tho brnliU ami folds and ringlets of a superb licnd of ltalr. Ladles who itavo not been f.ivorud by Nature wltu this crowning charm of womanhood, can readily and certainly lncrcao tho volume of iltclr hatr and Impart to It a silken lustro by using Lyon's Katiiairon as n dally dressing; wlttlo those whom l'rovldenco tms Messed with n huper nhundanco of this "tllory" of tho sex, can pre serve it, undiminished, in quantity nnd undi minished In beauty to llto latest period of life. There is a ccrminuatlng principle IntlioKAT haiuon wlicii literally compels tho hair, to crow. Itextlrpates scurf, tlaiidruir, nnct nil ex foliations and excrc-touccH of tho scalp which in terfere with tho rapid nnd lio jlthy development of the Hbers. A Dir. Little Thing. The com plete washer; every family should bavo ono of these littlo wonders. Will wash f-hirt wristbands and collars nerfect without any rubbing by bands. Price only 0.uu. 1-or sale ny w. Jl. letter, Illoomsburg, Pa. ,av Imiiortant Testimony! The followlnc letters nro among tho many we nroconttnutly recelvlns lioui persons whe bavo been cuied by Sclienck's Pulmonic Syrup, Sclicnck's Sea Wceel Tonic, AND Sclicnck's Mandrake Pills. I'elinsgrove, Salem County, Xciv Jersey. Febiiuahy 1.7, l2. Dr. J. II. SCHENCIC, N. E. comer HixtU aud Arch Ktreets, l'lilladelpUi'i, Itesnected hlr I tako pleasure in niUllnumv testimony lo that or tho many otttcrs who have been cured by tlieemcacyof Scheuck-sl'ttlmoulc Hyrup, Bea weeu ionic, ami .M.imiraKO l'llls, L'nli.sumntioa has been lieredltiirv with tnv family, mostof Its members having died ol it at enriyages, My moltter ami tbrco brothcrsaled at the n agu oi ui. , ono biulher ut St, nml my sinter I was. when about .11 vears. seized with liver compiaiui, which rupiuiy developed ink) l'ulmo piny Consumption, I was compelled to telln ouKli mv employment (that of a blacksmliii.i consulted skllilul nnd eminent physicians, nnd tried many patent no-arums, but without success, so tliat my friends weru suro tltat there was no liopo of my recovery, lor I was reduced lioui 111) pounds to lot, nnd was not ublu to do uiiyiiting wiiuouinssisiauce. llr wtinl 1 now look upon ns n I'rovldential In, terposillon, 1 was induced to try your remedies, and placo inysell under your treatment, nnd so rapid and thorough was my recovery, that it Keemed as though somu superiiuman power was nt woik, nud to-day I am as well its ninny tlmo during iny llle. I wefgli 15- pounds, am ,'W yeurs old.aiid lor some tlmo liavu been regularly at tending to my bus'lueis, bidding fair to llvu ton good old age. I urn thankful to yon beynud expression for lta lug placed muiu n position wherein I am u ueiietti, HiMctiu ot u oilmen lo my Iilllllly. Vour .Mandrake Tills aril tliu onlv tnedlHnn t tiMTiMUow, I think tlu-ynru thu best lu the VOlll. I can refer you to ltunilrids of iny nelglibors who will verily ull I liavu wiliteii.niiii i,r in lorinatlonnny of iny lellow eilizens niav deslro willbo fncly nuil gladly glvm, upon lecelptol ' ' j'oiin (.-. HUWITT. Eicy iR'c:, S'tSl., i'vll. Hi, ViV2. l)r. J.lI.-fiC'Iir.NUK.N. E. cor. Hixtli nud Arcli slreuls, i'lilliidelplila. Dear sir l'leiiso lorwtttd, per first steamer, six bottles Kea Weed Tonic uud twulvo botlitsl'ul- monioByrup. Your liiediclncs are o sttt-h vnltin Hint I can not bo without them lu my household, uud lu luci uu j.uuii, biioiim ou w'liuoiii iiteill, 1 have given them u falrlesl, nnd openly do claiu tliem to be uvi-n better Hum you clalin. Very reuptitfully youis, ,o, W. A, WlIITKHUnaT. 1'iiiladi.i.i-hia, March I, is.: Dr. J. II.BCIIEMCK". ltopuctcii Hlr 1 talio plcnsuro In nwardlug to .von nits i-eru.icaiu oi mo wouueriui euro your 1'ulmuulo Hyuip nnd 8n.i Weed Tonlo piodiieeil, Mv thinat and bronchial tubes wero so blahlv lullauied Itmt it wus almost luiposslblulormo to .hiiiiuiy iiijr loon. 1 uu-. on ii visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John sou. No. Vll Federal street, who savs vour medi clues rulsed lilm tiom niiuostdeatli titter nil oth er means ntiu luuou.uuu ho liuvlug, llicieioie, .,.11 ... . I?.. ..I . ..... ..e .71 m ,.'.. ..UUUIU ., IIIU 1J1IUU Ul JUKI ll'IIUUir-l. strougly roeomincnded mo to try them. Idld so. and in one week from Iho tlmo I commenced taking tliem iny throat underwent u very great cuuuge lor iuu ueuer, so mat l couni eat my meals without any dllllculty or path. 1 can scarcely nun wurua 10 express my grtiuiuuo iur luu tarty reiioi your luvuiuuuie ineuiciues pro ducedupou mu.iind I deem It but uuuet of grntt tudoto glvu you tliu nckuowledgemeut ul my appreelallon, Yours lespecifully, No. ICC Vi'est Thlrly-llilrd street, Nuw Y'ork. aClIUNOIC'S PULMONIC SYRUP, KUA WKE1) TONIC, and IilANDItAKK P1I.LS Tltesii am llto only inullclucs tittit will curu I'uiiitouaiy louMimpuon. iir, ncueiieu nas neen In constant liruclleti nir thirty veals eontlnu. ully enumliilng lungs, und knows Ins iiiediclites, if propi liy taktii, will emu C-ousuiuptlou, Ills Muudruku rills cleause tliu liver unit stomach; ills t-'ea Weed Tonlu dissolves tliu fuod,stlmii laus tliu coating ol titH siunnieli, nud makes it dluest, Ills I'lilmoulc Hyruii ripens thuiuattcr, UUU UUIUIV IIIIU,, a ,tlllu,lluil VAVI11UU l'rleu of tho Pulmonic Byrup uud Hen Weed luiiie. ci,. per ouiite, or tl uu pel lieu uuseil, Mliuillukul'ilU3 ccuts per but, rUEP.llSEl) ONLY AND l'OU BALE 11V J. II. BCUENCK t SON, N. E. Coiucr H1XT1I mill AUCH Btrcits, l-IIII. ADEI.l-IIIA, And by Drugglsls ami Dealers geneiully, JOHNSTON, 1I0U.OWAV Ic COUDLN, C02 Sthekt, PmiiADELrjiiA, Wholesale Agents, Old 1,'slnldlslieil Coal Ynr.l O. W.NEAT,&I5no. Wholesale A lie tall Dealers in alt of tho best (jualltles of lied nnd Whllo Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. Llme biirners btippllcd at liberal rates' with best uuollty No. O.coal. PorBinlthflrcs, In ntldltlon to a prlmonrtlcloof lump, wo havo a first class quality of Uilttml nous coal, at (0,25 per ton on wharf. Largo stocks of nil sizes constantly on hand. Strict personal nttontlon given to tho preparation of nil our coal. Grain, Lumber nnd Blabs taken In oxchango for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho town. Orders left at McKclvy Ncal & Co's. store or nt our olllco, will rccolvo prompt attention. Oitich & Yahds at McKKLVV ti NEAI8 FUIINACE, EAST HLooMsnuna. Your pntronago respect fully solicited. UKllOHS Or YOUTH. Every nervoim Young Man In llio Union, will receive, free, n Itecipaiunt will prove n blessing through life, by nddrcsslnc, In confidence, JOfiN II.OGDEN. Hox 6172 1. O. a fednr Ht., N. Y, feb. l), ly, fJAsroKlA. A Riibslltulo for e:.nlort)ll a vcz rlaltln piepnratlou conlaltilng neither Mlneritls, Mot pli llio uoi' Alcohol. 11 Is pleasant to take docs not 1m1se.1l, nud operates when nil nine" leinedlss f.ill. Dr. Pitcher lias experimented fllleen yonis lit piodiiclng a preparation more elllclcnt I nun Castor On, wltlunit lis lion Id tnslo, 'I lio Culorlii regulalos thu sysleni cu.ri onsumpllnu, slnmacli nclio, croup and amnion er, and Kills worms. It does not, dlstiess or gripo. liy Its (llletlnc;,so3t blue ellecl it piodtt ees nntural slcen, nml is pirticutnriy adtiptcil lo crvlng atnl teething children, Wu dcslte rityslclBtis f) test this article, nml will forward linen hollies giaUs to tho nililiess orniiyiino so attllieulicaliil. Insist that your ilinssistortlcr It loryon. It ends but jo cents, nml ono boiilo will s.ivo many iloclor'g bills. novo iw. QOURT PltOCLAMATION. WllKItltAB.tlinltnil.WiniftTn Elwell, 1'ri.alilnul Judgoortho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nud eicncrnl Jail Delivery. Court of ounrtcr Messlons of (lie reacunud Court of Common Picas nnd Or- puairHunuriin tiio mm judicial District, com- loseu oi iiiacouiHics oi loiumnin, nutiivnn nud wvoinlng.nnd thollon. Irnm llcrrnnd IsannH, luouros Associaio judges or uniumuia, eounty havo issued their precept, bearing date tliolSlh day of October, lu tho year of onr Lord, ono thousand, eight hundred ami sevcnty-two.nml to modlrcctcd lor lioiailigaColirtot Oyer nnd Ter miner nml UcueraKluarter Sosslnusof tlm Pcuco Court of Common l'lcas and orphan's Uourt, in Illoomsburg, In tiio county ofColnmbln, on the llrst Monday, being thoal day ol Docembor next, to contiuuo two weeks. Notice is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to llto Justices of the Peace, nud tho Constables nrtlm said county of Columbia, that tltcy bo then and Literu in inetr proper person nt lu o ciocic in tho forcniMin of said 2d day ot December with their records, lmiulsltlnns nud other remembrances, in do thosu things which to their oltlccs appertain to bo done. Ami tboso that aro bound by recognizance, to prosecute ngalnst tho pris oners mat uru or may be In tho Inll ol tho sum entity or Columbia, to bo then 'luul there to prosecuto litem as shall bo Just. Ju rors nro requested to bo punctual In their attend auco.ngrccably to their noticed Dated ntlllooms- uiu-g, iiioMti uay titnov., in mo year i. H. of our Lord, ouo thousand eight hull- ' died ntirl sevent v-tu-n nml In I tin l.,it v linli year or llio Indcpendcnro nt tho United Stales of America. AAKON UM1TII, uioomsuuig, nov. stn, 1S72. tilicilir. Jeysto:,t- CAitr.iAai: Works Btt.oo3as3ait, pa. A. S. CEOSSLE Y llO-S on hand and for Knlnphnnnnr i linn ll.rtr!irnn. est, forcrisli.or wlU cxcliangofor old Wnguuaou CAItRIAQE3,BUOQIE9 & WAGONS of every description, both plain and fancy. Portable Top llugslos, nnon IJugglcs, Plain and fa ncy Platform Hpring Wagons till of tho latest stylo nnd mado or good material and fully war ranted. (Jive me a call betoru purchasing else where, ns I cannot bo undersold. I claim that I inako the best wagons for tho loast money. Inlsodo painting, trimming and repair old work tit tho shortest notice, old springs welded and warranted to stand or no pay. 1 wilt ex changed portablo top buggy lor any kind of .uu. lvi, siii-u us iiumiocit, pmo, tistl, nun Hickory and poplar to bo delivered at ray shop by lhu "rat ot Feb.. 183. Irondalo ordors taken and JIcKelvy Nenl & Co.'s for repairing as cosh. "ec.uu A. B. UllUSStiEY. NOTICE. A mectlnornflbnRtnn-rhnl.lnru nf ll.n n,.ti. wissn Deposit Hank will bo held nt their olllco, in t,atnwisiii, on tno second Tuesday of January, Id, J, between thu hours of 10 n. in., and i p. m., to liotd nn 'election for sis Directors, to servo during tho ensuing yenr. ii. u. 1IAVIS. . , Casltlcr. Cutawissa, Dec.O-Iw, PUBLIC SALE oi VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In nursuanco of nn order orthnOrniiina' f-n-tri nl Columbia county, tho underslguoJ as adinln tstrator c. of Peter llitner, late or tho town ship of Locust, In said county, deceased, will c-.poso to hale on tho premises, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1873, at lOo'clnel in tiio forenoon of said day tho fol- iniviug uescriuuu real esinto stiuaimi in llto township and county, nloroj ild, to; wit: A ctr l.illl tract ol laud, contilulug 103 ACRE-!, AXD 31 PERCHES, neat measure, ndlolulm; lands of Minimal hi Inn. Jr., Joseph, llllllg, Edward Summer, Henry uaoio, nnu a. ii. nsuer, whereon nro eroded a good dwelling house, a good bink barn, and otli- er hulldluns. 11 eood snrlll'' of water lit thn ilnnr of dwelling ; tlieru is also on tha promises n good orchard and n lot of good oak timber trees. Also a tract containing. 33 ACRES AND 92 PERCHES, neat men mi re, adjoining lands of Joseph Hilling. John JlilllL- Hi.. Chillies l'ettcrmim. David Krclshcrnud KdwnrdStrausscr, 23 acres of which is well timbered with good tlitiucr trees. TmiJISorHALi:. Twenty tier rent, orniin.tlili.l of tlie purchase money to bo paid nt tho slrllc- mg uowu oi iuu properly, ouc-iuirti less the twenty per cent, unon tho dollverv of the nn,. Kosslou of said lil-oncrtv. one.thlrd nr Mm tnr. chasu money lu ono year from llio delivery of mo possession, wnu luieresiirnmtiiutiatoorttie delivery of the possession, nud tho balanco of tho purchase money lu two years from tho do livery of tho possession, with Interest from dalo oftho delivery lmyablu annually. Possession to bo given April 1st, 1ST;). Unpaid purchase money to lie secured by iloud and .Mortgage ou the premises. Ptiicliaser to paw for deeds. uittiiiui; liiiNiiti, JUllN A. llITNElt, AdminUlrutor. Niiniedla, P.i., Doofl. 187J, WAS'l'IiD.-Itespouslblo men ns Local Agents to sell frllltand Ornamental Tret's In liorltouds whero thoy reside. To tho right nr very iiuuiui luiitis nun uii opporiuuiiy loes tabllsh tisaroutid prollliolo busliioss. Address TheDlngeo.t: Conanl Co . Wltolesab, Nitrsorv. men, West tlrovo, Chester Co., Pa.j nuvVUiiii PROCLAMATION 11Y TITE aoVEItNOR. To Anion Rmltli. High 8kcriir oftho L'omitvof i.uiiiiuui.1, aciitu i.ireiiiiv. wnoreas, n vaciiuey hxs happened In tho representation of this Mlulu In tiio lloitse of ttepreseutatlves of thoCongress oftho United Htates, luconserpiencoorthoreslg. ltstlou oflhollou. Ulysses Jtereur, witu lias been elected n member ot llto l'oi ty-Secoud Congress irnitiiuu 'iiiirieeuiti i;otigre.ssiouni itistrict or litis Ktate, eoni posed of llio counties of llradford, Wyoming. Hulllvuu. .Montour uud Colum bia. Iow, Thercforo, In pursunuco of provisions In Midi rases inaduuud provided by llio L'oustttu Hon of tho Un 1 1 i'il Kt'ilis, nud of nu act of tho Ueneriil Assembly of tilts Htato.cntltluJ "An Ael relallng to thu electlous ol tins Coimnnuwu illli," approved the second day of July, A. 1). eighteen mtiiureii tutu iiiiriy-uiuo, i, jouu w. ucary, beliig.vesled Willi the executive uitthorltvofthu ritatu of lVniisylvaiilii,liavu Issued tills writ, here. oy foiiiiiiuiiitiiig you. iuu s.iiii Aaron noiuii. lilgli Hltorltl ns nfores.ild, to hold an elccllou lu the said enmity of L'olumhla, uu Tuesday, the iiltti day of December, In tho year of our Loid, ouo thousand eight hundred uml sevouty-two. for choosing u rcpru snntatlvu ol tlin lieonle of tills Cotuinonwe.ilth lu thu Ilousoof ltepresentatlves of thuCunsress oi iuu uuueu Hiaies to un iuu vacancy wuiou ltas hntiueueil ns aforesaid. And you uro itereby retjulreil nml enjoined to glvu lawiui uouee.auii e-iuio to uo neid ana con durted tiio b.Uil election, and make u return thereof In inaimir and form ns by law Is direct ed ami renuirml. tllveii under my hand and Iho ( Real of mo mate nt uarisourg, tins iniru u.iy iiiiiecom er, in tliu year of our Ixnd, one thousand eight iiiiuoreii aim nevcNiy two. iiuu oi iuu i;omiuuii weullli tuu nlntiy-seveulli. EllANCm JOUDAN, Hecretary of tiio Commonwealth, 11 V the ejoVUHNOit. Dec. (I, Sw. "A lteposltory of Knslilon, l'lcasuio, and Instructlou," Harper's Bazar. polices of the I'rcss. Tho V.'iuar Is edited with a eontilbutlon of tact nud I n lent Unit wo seldom Uud lltnliv louiliul: uud tho Journal liselt is llto organ tit the great world of Issliloii, Jlosloii lYavetUr, TlteV.'imir rommeuds itself to every member of tne lioustliiitd to tliu children bv droll uud pretty plenties, tn tho young ladles by Us fashion-plates in endless variety, lo tliu provident mutton by its patterns for the children's clollius, lo -intrrfimiud- by its tasteful designs tor em-biiiidertdillpiiersiindluxiirlousdteKslng-gowns Uu t thu r cad ina-iiiutter oft lie Jtazar Is unlloriulv of gttut eieelleuee. Tha pupcr has ui'ijtilrcil u wide popularity tor the fireside enjoyment It ullords, A'. 1'. I.Ydimtf 2t, SUBSCIlIl?a;iOlMS-1073. 'i'crius i llAlil'KU'u IIazaii, ouu your 1 1 (0 An Extra Conv oi either Iho JIaiiazink Vt.n;i.v, or IIa.aii will bu supplleil gnais lur eery clubof I-'ivk Kuusciiiiii'.tH ntSi iuiiiiIi, lit one run lltunco; or, blx Coplts lur W 00, Wliuuut exitueopy, Kuliserlntloua tollABi'i:it'ilMACiAztNi:. Wkek I.Y, "ltd Dazaii, to one nddirts fur ouu jeitr, Sin CO; or, two of llarper'H l'erlcdleals, lu one address lorouo yeur, ti w, liaclt Numbers can bo supplied nt any lime. Tliu live volumes of If aiii'ku'h Uazar, for tliu viuib Ites, 'till, '70,71, '"i. eligantly bound in gteen iiioiorio clot ti, will bu tent by express lltlgui Pit'iium, tor ii w tncn. llto postage on IIaiiI'UH'h Hakah Is Jlcertia yi nr, which must bo paid al theiudjcritir' lost ultlee. Address IIAHl'Elt & lil'.OTIIIUtH, Ktw Yolk. MiBcollanoous. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E. M. KNORR'S SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Every varloly for Men, Women nml Children. OLD STOCK Bellini- nt Coat to close out lo mnko room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOY!' Till'! I1CST WORK i! 12 tS. r.I'or good fits and proniptncis In lllllug orders muiu is lite place in go. Ills croods nro solocted with rare and his rns- tnin Work will romnarn favnnttilv with Ilia best etlorlsof tiio f.lslllonalile city Denier. HE KEEPS A LAItUE HTUCK OK iiovs and ciiili)Ki:ns ; AND K.TS' FVRMSIIIA' fiOODS, At Astonishingly Iiff Prices. Illoomsburg, Kept, na, ls7I-tl JOHN Q. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONER Yl llEltWICir, PEN1T A. The undersigned would rosnoetfullv Inlorm tiio Citizens ot Uerwick. aud vicinity, that ho lias opened u Confectionery and Uakery in ODD EELLOW3' II ALL, I'erwlck. Pa., where lie is memired to furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND l'ANCY CANDIES. KP.ENOII CANDIES, 1'OKEIfJN AND IJOJlESriCKUUITS OUANGE8, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac. rXc. &c, ,1c. 11 If WHOLKSALK AND IlKTAII.. Among tho assortment will bo found f?re im Nuts, ''.ugllsli Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Fil berts. Figs, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies of JUl'cr eut kiuds, Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Cauneil Fruit of nil kinds, Corn Starch, Egg Ills cult. Woda Crackers. Oyster Crackers, i.'iieenn. Soap, Wilting Paper, Agreeiuoiil Papers, En- vuiope, EISII AND OYSTERS, m A ml jiroituco of nil Uiuox. Knli llreud vtti Ciki'S uverv iluy. lio Clean, in M-iwon. Vmir palroutigo la coilcltcd. llcrwica.Jiini'JI-tv Jlloomsbiut;, J 'a. M, O. HTX.VN A V iOTHKU Have on huiul im.l forsntnn' thutmwit rfT.-tonH' hie ratft n R;lendl.l hIih:U ot OAHltlAUKM. 1 ,OHt1 nud VHrr iloHprlpttoii ol Wo pms 1olIi I'LAIN AND T SCY warruntiil lo ha nimlo uf t . OuKt itutl inonl thu. able mattTialH, ami hy 'mi twt experienced worKiuen. AiiwnrK himh oui mm irio cmud llahmeut will bo foutul to Itoorttiu lilulicL rlu&j mul mire to ulvo perlerl atijir-.tctUm, TlicyUuve Risn a cue Husnruueni 01 H L K I O II H 'rail lhu ncwef-t nud most tuHhlonxbla htylnt lull. A ttitportlon of their work 1m ankid tin ill hellevod lual uou wnnerior oau bo found In the N EV BTOUK OK CLOTHING. Kri.sli arrival ol Sl'IUXU OOOD.S DAVID I.OWENI5EIHI Invites attention to tils Block uf OlII"APANDV-HIUONAI!LECL0ri.lI.NO. at his store nu M.ilnMroct, Intliiiiicw block, Uloomsburj, Pa., whore no lms Just leeelvnd from New York unit Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, lilcludltii; thf most fa-lliiunalile, durnble nnd uandsotne DltHSHiJOOlw, cciulstlun of 1I0X, BACK, KOCO , ti UM , AN D 0 1 L-fl Lerri I COATSAND PANTS. of nil sorts, sizes nud colors. Uo has also repleu Illicit ills already largo stock of CLOTH AND OAS'JIMEKES, rtTIUPED, FIUUKED, AND PLAIN VESTS HHIUTS, CllAVATS, 3TOCK8, COI.LAltH ItANDUKItCHlEFS. 11 LOVES. flUSt'ENDElW, AND FANUY AHTICLEH He nas constantly ou iiauii a largo auu well-se ecled assortment of CLOTHS AND VUilTINUS, which ho Is prepared lo inano to order Intuiuiy kind of clotlilui,',oi very short notice, and lu thu best manner. All his clotliltiu' is made to wear, aud most or It Is ut home luiuiulaetiire, GOLD WATCUUI AMI JEWii-UY, olovory description, Hue uud cheap, 1 lis ease ul fuwelry Is uotsurptissud In tlils'.plaeti. Call and oxumlne hlSKeiiorul nssnrtuient of cLemiiNa, watches, octU'71 DAVID LOWENllKllU, BUtHNKSS CARDS, VISITINII UAKIKj, IJITEH 1IEADM, lltl. I, 11 K AIM, Pl'.OUHAMMES, POHlEttS, U,, AC, Noally uml Cheaply Printed mo I j the Utod Mtyleiof Typo ul the GOODS AT M. P. LUTZ'S WEEK. LIST OF PETIT JUKORS FOR. ULCEMHEIt TEUM.ISTS. riKST WEEK. Tte.nvcr Fainnel Kl;l)er. Jr. llentou A. A. Kline. Jonas Itantz. U'clmrd Bllles. illoom Evan cj. Jones, Micnat'l waiter, Cliflrlos A. Moer. O. A. Jaiobv. Ilinmim (Jnti. Ion, Harry Karnwalt. Hriaicrucli Ilminor Dletterlck, Thomas Adams. catawifcsn casparlllmwn.Kamuel Long, Jr., Isiifah John. rentrc lilram wnupmlro. FUninncreek Ben. M. Ooldfr. K.J. I-Iciron. rj", Charles Kramer, Jacob Yaptc, uiffnwuii-jt)uu rmiiui reier uirion. Ileniloek Mathlai Moore. Jack son A brum Knoue, Jricust Solomou Htrauser. Jladlnn U.ivld IMiolns. Mnirla V.. Mnlprs. .Miimn inouiHs Aien. Thomas K, Hess, Mt. 1'lent-aHt John W'anlch. Orange Win. AVillhirns. (icor Kereu- fion. j'lno nnnlel ur-en. ItoarlnuLrf-titc Kiiliialin Ui by. Scott II. 1. Knt. si:t'ttvn wvi ic Ut-avei-i'i tui f5eblHnT .lul.n IT I n-li-I I U-r. Item Ick- J (m (J. ,1-u-ohv. Ken v Knivlor. Kn in net lVanT, lllomn- Iuu .itumfblac. Juiin A. Kuuh- ton. Hi-hii-M.. u I iMimn-i NMHer, Henry Doik, ('atjiwis--a Heiiiy I'Jalilcr, Solomon llelwltf. (Viilit I'ltd llnecnlJHCh. Mordt-rnl Allllarrt. (ieniKtM'onnt-r, J muiu Urnwine.l-. AV.Wooley, H. A. Schweppenhelser v tni ni Mil4-ii an in waugnc-n. H.lilui;preek Matblas Kycr. riillln Annlo- mnn, William 1 Kiupry. I-'innklln Solomon Ait ley, iie uwood Wesley Jjumotl, Jackson Itnb blriP, (Unrtio W. Utt. Jaiksnn 1. Ij. KvLihatt, Iinmanuel Bavago. Luciibt iPiiac Iiyt-r. Miihi-WlMiimi II, i;il. Mddtf tin Jncoh Manning, IVtt r Wolr. AT illlln Imihc Lilt, John Mlchitul Jr. Montnnr Joseph Maust-r. Huiiiiilouf Montyoinery Cole, Alex, Hsu. LIST OF CAUSES Fcl llliCEMllEUTEItM Ml. ri us i' wuei;. llroomali A t1.!. vs. McNIusli .t whtima-i C'leiiunl (1, Uiekets' n liuiuihtiutor Vj DaVUI tsweeitcy el til. Lewis J. Adams vs.Flshlngereoi School District K. SeaMerthw.illo vs. I'Vi'dndc-lc Mefeerou, I''r.inklln lownshln v. Jotin Melluvuolds JeremlaiS ltudy vs .Ineoti Schuyler. n.ivni i:ox'S neirs vs, jixeoouitamueriin, Veulah Itsi ce'sailiiilulslratois vs. W. A.Kline. .Mlcliitfl Maliloii vh. l'illludeliilila di Uuailliii; itallruail Co, i'atrlolrJiiiiiii'liiui vs. riillailclpli a .V iiuitru.iu u, Itn-er I)iou vs. riiiUdclphU Ho,idln, Kail road Co. Mr. Mary Conuelly vj, rhll.iJclph'n ft Holding lliiuro.u o. I'r.meis J, Kline vs. Jacob Ilerrlnsr. Divlil tlt'lslnser vs. 1). uiee, lSos-srLfc Kiainervk, William liarhor. A. W. Eu'on A ifo vs. IleeJ, l', W.uuer Jt wife. Jesf pli W. l-'ausey vs. John Mullt.tu, A. II. Htuwnri v. Kr.ioels li. Jolly. Andrew Crevelluu v., Thomas Treiu-lt. A. I'.irdeu A. Co. i. II. W. Mel'.eyuiiUts et. al. A. l'.inleo ,k Co. s. Dauvlllv.llaiileiou Ji Wllkoi- Darre iiauroau uo. Er.i s,l,yous v. Solomon Dlrlc. .1. W. S tuHev vs. o. II. Melielc. Ciark Merrell vs. A. II. Slewutl. KlCC'OND M'KKIv, William liOugeuberiser ct ut, vs, Hugh W, Me lie uoiilt.. William 11. Abbott vs. Jeiemlnh H. Ilrobst. llenjaniln NVaner vs. Joseph It. Ithoiles It. S. lloweib' udiuliiuiiulor vs. I I'. Dean 4 11. C. il.irtou. John Yeajser's ndmlulstr.itjr v. David Ilauck's Hilinlulsirnlor. William 1'. Ueraril vs, Jolin O, Jacjby, Wilson Agorvs.i'. II. llrocltway. KHz.itK'lh Hmoyei's tuliiiluUirutor vs, Michael llellur. U. I). I'tiwlcr Indorsee of II. 11. ItorUo vs, O. II. Miilllek. William Coleman vs, Howard Crimes, John AtiMutcli .v. wile vs. Enttiiiiiel llast, Jacob Hleiuhelfvrt, I'tilllp llreutr.el ,t A. Auteubscli. Il. ii ry Miller ss, Abraham Klae. Willlaui K. Wll-ou, luilorseu of Tuomas lunil s, J. iiritiuu. Joliu KoUUutt's executors VH.Je.ssel. ltlce. Jereinltili S, lholisi vs. Danville, llanlelou ,t Wllkesb irro Kulltoul i;.. Jacob Mellek vs. Luwls l,ailtli. Josepli li. Hiadileii , 11,-ury J. Mcl'-weu et nl. Catharine II, Schnierk vs, J, It. Ilrobst. M. M. llroiisi mitt MlciuclliroiMi, Lev Kium vs, l'enm Wails, ivliulnlstrntor of Joint II. Watts, itee'il. Johu llrllllUKur. Ji. vs. J, Uaelim.ui, AGENTS WANTED! The impttralleled suepess of llio "Vict ir HewluK Maehliiu." last nud West, npeus u giKsl ttpiwr tiiult) lor SewlUK Mitcliluu iijents aud responsi ble men in laku l iu ii;;oiii'V lor tills County 1'or elieulais, biuupiesof work and terms, ad dles, The "Victor Sowing jtichmo C- MANAOEH, No. 1227 CIIESTNUTSTIlEliT, PIIILADKLPIIIA. noitu-, J-o.rflt'S.'WA-iE CONTINENTAL. Life Inouraneio Company. OK MEW VOIllv No. of Policies Issued 4300.. ASSETS $5,G00,000. TSSUEStill tho now form of Policies JLnnil preoenln rm lavornblo twins ns any com puny In the Unlleil Htntes. The company will inako tempornr- loans on Us policies. Thirty days' Rrnco allowed on pach payfnent, nml the policy held cootldmlni- Hint time. All our policies nro Incontestable Tor tliu usual causes. l'olicics lEsued by this company lire non-for-iclture. No Citrn charRes miulo for travcllinie p-rmlt". 1'oilcy Itoltlers sitaro in the nnnnai protitsof the company, ami havo a voice tn lh elecilons nml mauaitemciil of llio company. No policy or medical feo churned. JUSTUS LAWHKNCE, Tres't. W. II. WYNKOOl', VUo I'res't, .1. 1', noar.ns, Becrolary, H. C. cn.VMD-.Kit, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of Norlli-Easlerii Pemfa. "Columutan" Building BLOOMSBUHG, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General Agent. Jan. S.I8T2-tr. ' NOTICE The timlerl?ne 1 li.iv.luu nsaln InKen pns-sei-slon or the Mall Urttitoiuunlmtlrom Cnmhra tn IHooniftbuii. htnse will run as lollows : I.eavo e'nmhra every Mnmluy Wnlnoilay tiul t'rhlny, nt half pastO o'elocKit. m arriving nt Illooms ImrBnt 11 o'clock n. in, l.envu lilnomsluirit niter Iho arrival of Iho l'hllndclphla innll, about B. p. hi., nrilvllii; at C'umbra 1U p. m. same uven- KATES OF FAKE. Cambra to Illoom 11,2", rishlngcreek to Iiloam GOcIs. Oransevllle to Illoom Uets. I.lKUtilicet to Illoom 13 cents. All Intermediate places to bo chargod Hie same rate. v II. J. VAl'I.E.l'roprlotor. SulcksblnuyjOct. 11th 1172. A"2S?is Wanted for Cobbln's CHILD'S COLAENTAT01l ox tiik itiui.i: for tiie nurK ciuvia:. Ii' 0 page, 20 KnyravliiC'., Tun bet rntcrprlso cifthe year for a. cuts Ke v family will tiavo It. Nothluu like it now uuh thtd. Knr elren larnadflresH 11. H. UOOD-st'KD & CO.. :t7 lulc ltovt New Yo r U . 1 1 ov.,;nv ACiHMTS WANTKIJ. We Kuuiuiilew vm iloymcutfornll,f!llierMX, at 55 a tin v. nr S.Otli or moro h year. New orks bv Mr-i. H. H. Htowo nud otheiN h-upeii) premlnins t-lven away. Money mado rapidly and easily at vorl: lor u. Write and hee. rartlniUtH tree Wor.TiiiNaTOX, Dcstin i CoMnttrtrord, Ci. iiov"yiv en in SOA jer ilay! AiienW Wrinled! All u lu v V classes of woilclnc pt-ople, of either pnr, youiiKorolil, ma'co more moiipy at work foriiH tn liielr npaio momeutHor all the tlmo than nt anything else, lUrticulars free. Addrc&8 (J, HTINbON A CO., Porlluul, AUlue. Insure In IhnTKA VEI.El'.-t nf II irifanl. i'l. w ClUTHCH'SlMVEKIAfiTll -i-.TN MflSTsllli; I Wholesale lo iho liti't. Klmre. estis kmii. postpalil, on rectdptot Si. W. HEIl.MAN T. i'l'.UEAlII'h'. Kcmliue. Ta. uov:tt 4w BOUKKEKt'iNUinrc.'.iij. Ever "cleik iniT merchant can learn al once. Ho k -u.lleil ilC. II. tlollLIUNO i'.KVANT, Htlll'.lloN. Y. BOORS, SASHES, 'BLlM Ic. Scud for Illustrated Cntilnen l mtADI.EY -tCHrtl'.IEIt.'l.t 111 Uey t. New York. novJHu' A GREAT EVENT! Wo havo iloelded lo dlsnoo of our immerse Mock of llll.I.IAttl) TAllI.lis nl prices a hull above cn.t. first -class .1x10 New Tables, e ntt nlete li)0. Hecond hand Tebles mticltt over tu-iv SM), S!23, itoi, Ae. A ureal variety to m I all buyers. Heud for rulnlorftte. KAVANAtill .t IJEe-KI'lt. Cor. Canal 4' Centre ssts., 'ew York, n ,v2nw ROMCMMEREHAiRTOMC . unsurpassed nt a 1'rnmotor of th Gnuri h f iho llalraail Whisker. It U noltherMleUv nor Kieiuy, yet It Rortens uud H'UootheH tho lia r tir i.ttu-r and mora pcrm.iuoiitly than any il r 1 made. Uvd ui tt 11 ;il r lreM ok Hpnilur h l he nio'-t beautiful nnd lusuous kUi. Whuu i 4-d ul tft;cilv liarmles3. Its exomNli nerlunx- 'h iiltri untlvalfd, h( distilled tmm thn w i M-unowiie-l ltosesof Caslnnero J.r holt I., jficti. AddiesK AWfliK.N'IJAtil -V .MM 1 Kit V. St., riilladelplila, l'.i. uovJ'Jlw The Weekly Sun. only ;t a t.r. r.i"j. Tlie Itenl Knmlly Pnper The lXet Atrrlcuti urat !a).ir. - Tlie IIi'Mt lolltlcul l-nju r. Tin- IhstSlur) Pniitr. llio llcst titsldnti Itoportx. ilit IIchI i'tittto M.irkt t ItciKvtst. ila l!tM Crumt Mnrkct Ux ri. tiio lUt pujnr l'ury Un. TIIK V.'KHKhY M-.W YOI11C Sl'.'l. r.i;ht paues, 3U folutiiUK. Mil year, or bus than - eenua lliliuber. Stud our dollar. Addresi 'i ll J M Xw Yiiik Cli - . TITE (J UK AT WEEK L V ri-ix: HARRlSJiURG PATRIOT The Wookly Patriot Gratis ! To overy new sub-ci iber t 7'Aff Patriot ftr the lb:i, wIkho uaiut', ui com panted by Tw i Iinllart. 1 rertdtred after thl d.ilo ami nrlnr o i .Intinnrv unvt. wis will wpnd innr for the ih- malndtr o( l?7ta. i: rally. WBEKIjY I'ATlvEOT: One copy, one yen" t ii ti OuuCopy, six iitonilis I "1 l-'our lotMes.ono jewr, ctr'i I 7,i Ten Copies, one year, each t. u Twenty Cop v. oiih ) esr. e,.i li I. 'i Fifty Copies, and upw i it', oue er, each .. I.' a An extra cony, free, is riniiMied to Hie A p.i ul scnitluK in elubs of ten or mure. A copy et ll.e Ihlilu lUnul will bs Ktnl, Jrcc, to UidAyti'l kumlini: in clubs of lift j- or mure. Ail ipei t.l l keparaiely aittreteil. Inn must, u lu o ih p i-t, olllce. (-ieo dlrecllons below.) Til V DJ LLY PA TBI 0 T, l'uhllshed every innrnlnj. Sundays exeepUsl, it n llrstclu.Hs neMbpiiHr, eonlaiulni; lull t it uraphlc reports fpeelalM'aHhtiiclon dlsuitilit.s, the most complete ulul neeuratw market lepaits, lull accounts of pioceedliiKs ot tho I'onstltuinitt nl Convention, Couisre-s uml i.e-JsULirc, ipl y editorials, etc, Ono Copy, ono year, in mall, S7 ; Five Cpp'os do , (ii s leu Copies, do., ', Lartter Chilis ut Hie hist t. tie. ljpers tns be separately addressed, bill must be isken lo oi o package. The money tuiisi uccoiitpuuy Hi" oi lier lo lnsuru atteuilou, ItUIIlliCTIONa Additions In Cluls ini.j be miulo Htuuy time In tlieenr s. Hiiilo Club tntes. CiiaiiKuslu I'luu Lists mailii only on liipusi or peiMius iieelviuis itieUsLe". nit iiiu date or Mibscilpltou, ttitfuii post nitlee and Male, to which Unas been pitv oul- seul. Ti:t'..MS. C'asli lu ndvaore, Hend l'ist ttitleu Money Order, l!uk liralt or Heuiitered I,tltet. Hills sent by Mall, will be ut lite liik ol Iliu Kuder. 'l.yeiiU rrosficetus ami Hp-rliueii ft p. Addicts, novam riii' i'athiiit," IXKCUTORS' NOTJOK. Ijj kitatk o v KNori t fox, n iclu. i Cutteru lesiaiiieuury on lhu t time uf Kmeli I'm, late ul l'lne towitslilp, Columbia lim ply. deeeine.1., have been i-rauliil li tbu Heiilster of said county to Zebnlile llltlei and John J. l'ox.of Jordan lwn.L)i-uiulugtu. All jer sous hnvlni claims tigalukl tlie enisle tire to. quested tu preteiil them lo tha h-Veeulois in Lyeomlue comity. Iliusuluilebled to the isnuti ellbtl on iiote.liidttuent, inoilsfseor botl: tie. count will liltiKe iBylilii.l tu llie l'xerniors viuiuuv ueiuy, no W -Ow,"i lUIUUlit lirt'lbll, JOHN J. l'OX. Kxteutow, ACCIHIT1 I