The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 13, 1872, Image 2
85 he GhiUunbhtm BLOOiMsnuua, pa. Friday, Deo. 13, 1872. Tlio t'rctltlcnl'ji JlMsfigp, Wo surrender n Inrgo port on of our Bpaco till.-) weok for llio publication of tlio rntmigooftiie IVesltlont. Tho ituilii points of the uices tgs iny btj iirruiiKL'tl unJur tlio following IteaiH : I. tlcnernl Grant'-- flrat rccouimon dntloti h tlio crmittnn of a liotirtl of com iiil.sloncr-i for nppnrlionliiK llioOonovri nvvurtl. II. N.'.v' In onlor, us tlioy Htiintl In tliu ine-i-i, Is tlio rciMmtnomlatlon of a fitin ml-4-litti to nut Jointly with a h t it i 1 1 it r ono fi-om ( Hrltaln, for tsurvpyliitf tho lioumlftry lino through Hum Clmnni'l under tho ilccl-lon of the Kinpi'mrof Germany. 1 1 1. Next U ttm rtc iiiitiitqitl.itloti of no mini Hilon to survey, conjointly with Orrt Hrlhiln, tint part of tho Alaska tiiionilary which U u iiiturtmtiou with tho llrliisli North American posses, ions. IV ABlnillar ri-coin inundation fur an tipproprlrttton to piy tho expense-' of a t'oiiiutts-i rt lo survey our northern bouiulury liotwiwn tho Lake of tho Woods and tlpj Itocky Mountains. V. Uuhmlttln' to Congress tho pro; prluty ot Inviting tho Internatl6nal Statistical ('cnrres to hold Its next sea hIoii In tho Uotlcd Stales. VI. Still f)ltow Ins tho order of tho oik's iKi',a"!ttroiitfrecoinmon"datlon for an appropriation In ulil of tho Amorl can exhlhltors at tho Vienna Kxposl tlon. VII. Uccommends a further appro pi lut Ion for tlio expensed of tho com mission on tho Mexican border. VIII. A recommendation, repeated, from tho lust annual messHge, to pun ish American citizens who hold slaves In Cuba. IX. A renewal of his Jast yoar's rccniniiiundutlnti to support four American youths at our embassies In ("lilim and Japan to learn tho language of those countries and servo as Interpre ters. X. To authorize our consuls lu for eign countries to aid other distressed citizens than seamen. XI. No changes In our present reve nue laws except to correct accidental errors ; which Is a recommendation to rtsiid stilt and do nothing. XIT. Tho favorable, attention of Congress U asked for certain minor ro forms recommended by tho Secretary of war. They rclato chiefly to mattora of military detail. XIII. General Grantvlrtuallyendors as tho old Whig doctrine of gigantic In ternal Improvements by tho General G ivernment, and paints a seducing picture of several new artificial water routes between tho Mississippi Valley and the Atlantic coast, including a ship canal around Niagara Falls, and sup plemented by the proposal of a land locked cast routo bctweeu Malno and thoGulf of Mexico. XIV. A vaguo request to look fa vorably on tho recommendations cf the Secretary ofthp Navy. XV. Ditto for tho vogrics of tho Postmaster General. XVI. Favoring tho purchase of the telegraph lines by the Government. XVII. Favoring liberal contracts with steam lines for carrying South American malls. XVIII. For tho rocovory of tho lost carrying trado, recommending an ap proprIptlon.of $5,000,000 a year, with out tho least hint as to how it is to be expended. XIX. For a federal census in 1847. XX. Recommending tho dovotion of tho net proceeds of tho Rale of public lands to education. XX t. Revision of .the Territorial .laws, and appropriation for local im provements in tho District of Colum bia. XXII To promote tho planting of forests by tho purchasers of public lands. As will bo seen, but few of them aro of very grave Import. Section VIII, as above, simply renows a recommen dation in tho lost messago and 13 im practicable and absurd. This country has nothing whatever to do with tho laws of other nations who are, or ought lo bo, amply able to take caro of their own Interests. Section XIII, al though very vaguo and containing no specific recommendation, looks to in ternal constructions of tho most enor mous proportions requiring tho expen ditiiro of hundreds of millions of dollars. Should tiio subject bo taken up by Con gre.'s wo will discuss its merits hereaf tor. Section XVI advocates tho pur chase of tho telegraph lines by tho Gov ernment. This is a renewal of a for mer recommendation. This is a mon strous scheme which would creato an array of 20,000 or more ofllco holdera and coat tho country an Incalculable, amount ofmoney. Wo havo no space to treat tho subject now, but propose to do so at longth when, as is probablo, it comes before Congress, flection XXIII looks to tho expenditure of a vast sum, but fails to stato clearly how it Is to bo done. It would certainly bo a great benefit to tho country If tho lost carrying trade could bo recovered but theroisBuch a thing as paying too dearly for our whistlo. Section XIX for a fedoral consus in 1875, Just before tho centennial exhibition, is a good 1 dea mid would bo of valuo. Tho mnjoilty of tho recommenda tions possess no special claims for ap probation and tho messago as a whole, Is by no means., a remarkable docu ment. Camerou Ilcbukcd. The Washington Sunday Chronicle, a strong Administration paper, edited by ex-Senator Harlan, contains tho following editorial rofcrenco to tho ac tion of Cameron, last week, in piovcnt Ing tho Senate from showing Its respect for tho memory of Horaco Greeley : Simon Cameron stooU in awo of Hor ace Greeley whilo.ho Jived, and cringed to Tho Tribune, as ho does to all sources of power; but. Mr. Oreoloy dead, Cam. oron dons tho lionVi skin, and essays to kick. When Mr. Lincoln throw Camer. on from .his Cabinet on account of his peculations in contracts, Tho Tribune was rather free in Its opinions of tho Justico of tbo act. Cameron nover for-j-uvo Greeley for this, but ho nover dar d striko until under tho shadow of a jmiailar victory of tho Republican par ty. Tiic death of his eueuiy inado him i feci sccuro from harm, Tim Milk in (lie Coronmit. Umietnt Mojbv. of Vlrultilii. owns it Mono quarry, tun I Is leporlud to bo usiiingiora contract to rurnisn uciiu MnniM tho National Conirterh'S. Having iiiiiterlully assisted In rurnlsh Imr I In. iifi.iivi nf,.-!... ....... ...iitilti If. seo tho graves handsomely decorated," nr. jmuis jjemocrai. If thero Is nny truth lu tho nbovo statement It becomes clear why tho ox guerrilla chief was ho delighted with tho roolectloit of Gonoral Grant. It may bo remembered that wo published a short t lino since, Mosby's oiruslvo telegram of congratulation to Grant, with mmio comments thorenn. Mosby Is evidently of n speculative (urn of mind and perhaps having lu view Grant's success as n dealer in Sonera sandstone thought It well to conciliate tlio powers that be, to tho end that "thrift might follow fawning." Other Confederate loaders havo bowed to tho administration and round it prolltablo and why not Moshy. To bosuro ho was an Irregular sort of warrior, ono of a kind not usually looked upon with much respect by regular combatants, but "loyalty" covers a multitude of sins and doubtless his sins aro condonod. Thero is a grim Irony In tho Idea thai ho who aided lu laying in tho gravo tho bodies of Union soldiers should now erect tombstones to thoir memories, but in this marvellous ago of anomalies nothing surprises us. If tho dead could speak tlioy might protest, but dead men neither tell talus nor utter remon strances. What blunderer could havo been guilty of tho desecration of placing a Simon Cameron club in tho funeral procession of Iloraco Greeley ? Tho telegraphic report of tho funeral coro monies in Now York on Wcdnosday places a Simon Cameron association between tlio Tammany Hall General Cominlttcoand tbo Sons of Tempo ranco. It is not staled, and it is not likely that tho world will over know, who consti tuted this association. Of all men in tho world Simoa C moron and Iloraco Qreoley belong to tlio most widely separated types. It is not necessary to enlarge on tho obvious differences in tho characters of theso two men. Tho action of Cameron in tho Sonatoon Tuesday shows how little ho had In common with tho feelings of tho club who followed Iloraco Greeley to tho gravo in his name. When a number of Senators, includiug his own colleague, Senator Scott, sought tho opportunity to glvo expression to the sorrow that occupied all hearts but his own, ho moved an Immediato adjourn ment. To Sonutor Fenton's appeal for permission to say a word on tho resolu tion Senator Cameron replied by insist ing on his motion. In keeping with this conduct of Senator Cameron was the action of tho electors at tho capital on Wcdnosday. Tho bcof-wlttcd Borlo was chosen presiding officer, and on assuming tho chair ho took occasion to brutally rovlio tho tlirco millions of citizens who voted for Horaca Greeley as "a desplcabio faction of misguided "men." While tho solemn procession was bearing to tho gravo tho mortal part of tho great loader, and while tho moat distinguished of tho living men of tho nation, Including the President, were paying tho horaago of respect to his virtues, Governor Geary caused tho cannon at tho arsenal in tho capltol grounds to roar In honor of tho action of tho electoral collego of Pennsylva nia. Geary wants auothor office, but wc greatly mistako if ho has not taken tho wrong way of getting it from Pres ident Grant. In tho great Stato of Now York the Grant electors passed oloquent resolutions testifying their respect for tho character of his great opponont. In Pennsylvania the electors respond with contumely and Insult. This contrast may bo attributed, without unnecessary circumlocution, in ono word, (o Cam cronlsm. Tho samo spirit that Cam eron exhibited in tho Senalo was dis played by tho electors with Borio at their head, and by Governor Geary at the capltol. Patriot. The U. S. Supbkme Coukt. Ward Hunt, who has been nominated for tho bench of tho U. S. Supremo Court in places of Justico Samuel Nelson, resign ed,l3a nativoof tho Stato of New York, born at Ulica, about 1812. Ho is tho son of Montgomery Hunt, now dead, but In his lifetime a prominent and wealthy citizen of Utlca. Ward Hunt in early Ilfo was an actlvo Democrat, and as such, when still a young man, was elected Mayor of Utica. Having In herited a fortuno ho wa3 not obliged to exert himself to obtain practice in tho legal profession, which ho had adopted, but in process of timo ho gained a high reputation as a lawyer, and, in 18G5, ho was elected by tho Legislature to tho position of Assoclato Commissioner of Appeals, this Court having under, an amendment to tho Now York Constitu tion been created with the object of bringing up tho arrearages of cases on the dockets of tbo regular Court of Ap peals. This position ho still occupied at tho timo of his appointment to tho U. S. Supremo Court. Ho was warmly recommended by almost every man of legal promlncnco in his neighborhood, without distinction of party. Justico. Hunt, in his privato llfo.bas been abovo reproach ; ho lias boon twlco married first to a daughter of Chief Justico Savage, of Now York, and second to a daughter of James Taylor, of Albany. The Boston Advertiser, a rod hot rad ical organ, deals in (ho following mys terious hints: When tho President was first elected, and great expectations wcro indulged in ot what his independence and reso lution would accomplish, tho politicians openly threatened that if bo tried that gamothoy would soon teach him whero ho belonged, and It must bo confessed that they kept their word. Tho Ponn sylvanians who quitted his room tho other day with clinched hands and set teeth formed but part of an army much moro formlilablo than that which was arrayed against tho President in tho Wilderness. Tho lynx oyea which found In his privato tastes and inclina tions tho means of shaking his prestige during his first term will bo upou him with renowed keenness. Arrnoi'iuATioNB fou 1873. Thoostl mates of expenditurcsof tho various de partments of tho federal government aro published,andamountto301,705,030.00. Thoyaro divided as follows: Legislative f3,-i21,812.10 ; Executive, f 16,-111,481.38; Judicial, $3,383,350; foreign, $1,208,031; military, $31,122,500.88 ; naval, $18,010- 088.05; Indians, $5,415,617; pensions, $30,480,000 ; public works, $I9,4C8,602.99; postal sorvlco, $5,471,000; mlspejlaneous $11,001,741.11; permanout appropria tions, $151,001,237; oxtraordlnary, $107- 468. Tho appropriations aro somewhat below these figures, but tho actual ex penditures will qulto reach tbo call-mates. THE COLUMBIAN After lliolliirlnl. "It Is duno." Earth to earth : ashes to fslies: dust to dust. To tho dead thero remains rest, and to tho living tho bur den of life. Into tho hands of his sor- vant God ga o great possibilities. Ho look hack lo Goil urcat achlovonionts. It did not need tho press and throng of yestcraay ; mo muto mourning o: men ,,.,.1 ,.,..,.. f..ll ..,. ...! n.1llnni. mm nuiiiuu ui mi tivo, iiuu i;uiiiiiiiisua, and religious faith ; thu somhro atato of tho funeral train wherein tho highest omcers or tlio nation uoro ttieir part not less than tho humblest citizens ; tho great multitude of people who waited for hours under tho wintry sky only to bow their heads as their friend was borne past them to his burial: It did not need all thesdtoshow tho curiously whin Hlgulllcanco or Horace Greeley's Ilfo. Tho generation Dial most misses him is tho generation that ho finely touched to so lino Issues. Tlilrtv veara iil'o two classes of young men awaited him. Tho ursi was iiiiiuu up or iarmors,mccnantcs artisans; Industrious nud thrifty fol lows, strong, honest, and capable, hut coarso, narrow, and uncultured. To them tho Tribune camons thorovolatlon of a Ilfo undrotmed of. A Ilfo of books. and art, and dally beauty. A Ilfo of nooio iiuriKtiig, ami largo action, xney know labor to bo their inovitablo por tion. They saw how It might becomo their highest dignity. Into prairlo cabin, and frontier hut, and settlor's saw mill, and artisan's tenement wont these vivid thoughts of n now thinker, and kindled a wiso discontent and u bet ter endeavor. Thosocond class was mado un of dllot tatito and dellcato youth. They did not liko tlio smoll nor tho manners of tho commonalty. They doubted, aflor all, whothor a paternal government was not best for tho masses. Culturo was their shibboleth. Life, at best, soomed a llttlo bolchod to thorn. They wore persons of tho most cultivatod clistasto. To them camo this samo Tribune liko tho sound of a trumpet, liko tho blast of the north wind. It was full or n rudo health and rustic honesty. It shook them ofT thoir narrow podostals and gave them tho broad earth to stand on. It taught them that tho valuo of culture was its scrvtco to Humanity. From theso two ranks of men came tho first recruits of that groat army which Horace Greeley, moro than any other ono man, raised up for liberty and tho rights of all men overy whore. The time is coming when Napoleon and Wellington will no longer seem heroic figures in a people's oyos, becauso tlio Ideas they typilled will ho seen to have been base and selfish. And In that day tho dead journalist, defamed nnd nils understood and ridiculed whiloho lived, will como to tardy monumental honors as tho real hero, the human exponent of tho divlno idoa of lovo. It is common to call him "our later Franklin." But that is to bellttlo him. Thero is a likeness in tho good natured shrewdness, thu practical wisdom, tho pithy speech, tho wish to bonedt men in homely ways. But tho moral nature of the pupil was iutlnltoly broader and sweeter than that of tho master; and whilo the aphorisms of tho older sago havo a slight tasto of coppor, u certain two penny half-penny morality and ex actnuss, tho frugality and ahstomious uesa which tho younger practlcod ouly gave him tho largor moans of charity, whilo saving for tho sako of saving seemed to him only less ignoblo than spending for tho sako of spending. Moro thau to most men it was given to him to sco of tho travail of his soul and bo satisfied. Yet tho nation is coming to understand that no success of his was so triumphant as that which, on tho 5th of November, wo all called a defeat. To havo educated a pcoplo into such astern and high lovo of liberty, that when It fancied however blindly, his foot to bo turning into strango paths it should choose to follow his great counsols rather than his groat leader ship, is such a glory as a man might well spend himself to win. Thero may boanerd now of tho cruel taunt that his vanity persuaded him to bo a can didate, and that ho counted on a lovo and confidence from tbo peoplo which ho had nover possessed. Tho universal griof doclares that not his most sangu ine friends, not ho, himself, dreamed of tho real affection that went out to him. Novorablo qulto to keep pace with him, the peoplo had plainly strug gled up to a position from which, with largor vision, ho had stopped to a higher. When they seemed to deny him, they were his truest disciples. God permits us tho high ouds wo set ourselves, but often changes tho means to better. Our leader, and those of us who followed him, believed that his words and his works would convince tho peoplo that magnanimity begets magnanimity, forgiveness, repentance and deeds meet for repentance; and lovo tho acta of love. Wo see now that only his death could bo thus eloquent. Beside graves, men are touched with charity. They are swift to offer repar ation to tho dead for injustlco done tho living. And tho day is not far distant when Horaco Greeley's last act, tho candidacy that resulted from his pass ionate doslro to lift up tho boautiful and prostrato south, and to see tho union reunited and resplendent, will seem tho whitest and bravest of a long life's bravo deeds. If wo bad a Westminster abbey, our friend would yesterday havo been laid therein. And yet ho would not havo de sired that stately Isolation, For ho bo lioved that more aud moro, as tho years go on, tho sentiment of religion would refuse to bo entombed In cathedrals and to cousecrato hero and thero a bulldlncr. To him all places wero sacred wherein a great humanity had followed after tho Highest. And ho would havo chos en tho equal sky for his canopy and tho generous earth for his bed, becauso the samo rest and shelter aro free to all tho raco. Wo can afrord to leavo him in his unmarked gravo. Timo and death, those kindly counselors, havo undertaken his vindication who in life wo.ild nover stoop to vindlcato himself, and :o them wo may safely trust his fame. For Humanity sweeps onward. Whero to day the martyr stands, On tho morrow crouches Judas with tho silver In his hands, b And the hooting mob of yesterday in eilent awo returns. To gather up the scattered ashes into History's golden urns. Tribune, "Tiiuek very dcslrablo things" to tho Springfield Republican aro: First, tho direct election of tho President and Vicol'resldont by tho peoplo ; second, tbo oxtonslon of tho Presidential term to six years; aud third, ineligibility of tho President to ro-olectlon. Tho argu ments in favor of tho first of theso ro formsro suggested by tho death of Mr. are'elfey and tho confusion that bos resulted In tho Electoral Colleges of thoso States that voted for him. "Sup pose," says our down-East contempor ary, "ho had been tho successful instead of tho beaten candidate. Or, supposo it was General Grant who was lying to-day in tho coffin; it might as easily havo been tbo ono as tho other. Fancy tho perploxlty of the electors tho agi tation of tho country tho effects of tho suspeuso upon business. Thero would bo no timo to assemble a National Con vention, and tho National Committoo of tho party would not speak, if it spoke at all, with any binding authority. Tho electors would practically bo left to guess at tho wish of tho party or of tho people. Suppose they guessed wrong what then V" Tho Republican gives no now reasons for its advocacy of tho extension of tho Presidential term and of a Constitutional provision making (lio ro clcction of tho President Ineligible, as, JutjepU, none are necuou, Sooner or later thesn two things ipust bo done, and it would bo best to act on tbo old adago and do them nowt Fret i. AND DEMOCRAT, CONGRESS On Wednesday of last weok thu Sen ate transaclod no business. In tho Hotiso tho dchalo on tho bill making appropriation for tho construc tion or ton now sloops-of-war occupied tho greater part of tho session. Tho subject of postal tolography wasrofor red to (ho cotnmtttco on appropria tions. On Thursday in tho Sonato Mr. Sum ner was oxcuscd from sorvlng on nny of tho standing committees on account of 111 health. In tho House, bills wcro introduced by Mr. Whcolor, to incorporato a bank ing association, with $100,000,000 capi tal, under tho tlllo of "Tho Governor and Managers of (ho Exchequer of tho United Statas of America;" Mr. My ers, giving a ponsiou of $2000 to tho widow of General Mcado. Tho bill providing for ,tho construc tion of tho stoam vessels of war was passod with nmondments. Tho amend ments rcduco tho number to bIx, provid ed tho contracts for thoir construction shall not bo undo until full detailed es timates shall havo been presented to Congress, and that half (ho vessels shall bo built in privato ship y arils. On Friday thoSonatocliosothostand ing and select Committees. Tho Lib eral Republicans woro left out by tho administration senators and classed with tho Democrats. Such chairman ship as they hold woro taken from them. On motion of Mr. Wright, tho Fl nanco Committee wero Instructed to in quire into tho legislation necessary to rellovo tho stringency of tho money market, and tho propriety of an addi tional issue of legal tenders, and report as oarly as practicable by bill or other wiso. Adjourned till Monday. In tho House, Mr. Dawos, from tho Ways and Means Committee, roported the bill obollshlng tho Internal rovenuo assessors, and transferring their duties to tho collectors. After dobato, tho bill was passed, with nmondmen(s, making (ho timo of its going into operation tho 1st of July, 1873, and requiring tho col lectors to give additional bonds for their now duties. On motion of Mr. Haider man, tho Select Commlttco on tho Cen tennial colcbratlou wero directed to Id- qulrointo tho propriety of taking a consu:! or tbo united States on tho 1st of January, 1875. Adjournod until Monday. In tho Sonato on Monday tho creden tials of Mr. Morton, ro olccted Senator, from tho Military Committee, reported a bill to refund to tho Statos tho inter est on monoy borrowed for tho equip ment, transportation and payment of troops during tho lato war, Mr. Cam oron moved tho French spoliation bill bo mado tho special ordorfor Monday, but Mr. Sherman opposing this, ho simply moved that it bo postponed to that day. Tho motion was agreed to. After an executivo session, tho Sonato adjournod. In tho House, Conslltutlonal-amond-raents wero Iniroduccd by Mr. Hlb bard, authorizing Congress to fix a uni form timo for Stato olections; by Mr. Banks, providing that tho Presldont shall hold office for six years, shall bo Ineligible to a second term, and shall bo elected directly by tho voters on tho samo day thoy elect Congressmen ; by Mr. Coghlan, prohibiting tho disposal of tho public lands excopt to actual settlers ; and by Mr. Lynch, providing for the choico of Prasidont and Vica President by direct vote of tho peoplo. A largo number of bills wero introduc ed, among thorn bills by Mr. Banks, making tho President's salary $50,000 a year after tho 4th of March noxt. It was agreed to tako a recess during tho holidays, from December 20 to Jan uary 9. In tho Senato on Tuesday a resolu tion directing tho Judiciary Committor to inquire Into tho expediency of so amending tho Constitution as to provide for tho election of President, Vice Presi dent, and United Stales Benators by direct votos of tho peoplo, was adopt ed. In Commlttco of (ho Wholo thoHouso commenced work on tho appropriation bills. Tho Indian measure was taken up yesterday and about half discussod. NEWS Tho Eloctoral Colleges met in their respectivo Statos on Wednesday of last week. Tho Republican Colleges cast their votes for Grant and "Wilson, but tho Democratic wero divided. Tho Democratic electors of Maryland gave thoir votes to-Hendricks, while thoso of Georgia gavo 6 for Grafz Brown, 3 for Greeley and 2 for Charles J. Jenkins. Tho Democratic Electors of Tennessee voted for Hendricks. Thoso of Missouri gavo 8 votes to Gratz Brown, 6 to Hen dricks, and ono to David Davis, for President; for vice President they gavo 0 to Gratz Brown, 5 to Georgo "W. Julian, 3 to John M. Palmer, and 1 to Wm. S. Groesbcck. In Arkansas whero thero aro two sets of olcctors.each claiming to bo tho popular choice, but tho Republicans only bolng recognized by tho Governor, tho Republicans cast their votes for Grant and Wilson, and tho Democrats tholrs for Gratz Brown for President' and General Banks for Vlco President, Comptroller Grcon, of Now York, has refused to 'pay tho Aldermon of that city their salaries for November, on tho ground that tho tax-levy increasing their salaries is illegal. Tho Aldermen will suo to recover their pay. Tho laborers on tho now post ofllco in Now York, claim $750,000 pay under tho eight hour law, and threaten to striko if their claim is not,, allow ed. Samnol N. Plko, formerly of Cincin nati, died of apoplexy in Now York on Saturday, aged 50. He was tho build er of tho Cincinnati Opera Houso. A terrlblo accident occurred on the Pennsylvania Railroad, about 50 miles west of Harrlsburg, Thursday night of last week. Tho second section of tho Cincinnati express bound oast rati into tho rcarof tho first section and telescoped two Pullman cars. Two persons wero killed aud a number injured. Last Friday Henry Rogers was hang, cd in Now York, for tho murder of Policeman Donohoo.and Barnoy Woods was hanged, in Washington, for tho murder of Samuel A. Cheesoman. Tho Attorney Goneral dccldos that post ofllco officials havo no right to openordotain lottors or other mall matter not addressed to themselves pypn though thoy know tho contents to bo lmmora; ELOOMSBUEG, Tho President has sent n number of nominations to tho fictmte. Among thorn wcro Hon. J. L. Or.r, of South Carolina, lo ho Minister (o Russia; Ward Hunt, of Now York, lo ho Asso clallaio Justico of (ho Supremo Court ; B. F. Phillips, or North Carolina, to bo Solicitor Goneral ; Btlgailler Gouornl Irwin McDowoll (o bo Major Goneral ; aud Geo. W. Falrmati (o bo Poslmas (or at Philadelphia. Secretary Botitwoll Informed tho Ways and Moans Commlttco last week, that unless tho Houso took action in disapproval or his "Syndlcalo" opera dons, ho would proceed in liko man nor to negotiate tho remainder or tho funding loan. Tho Protostaut Episcopal Church ConvontlonofMinaehuiotts;hns elected Rev. Dr. llalglit, or Nuw York, Bish op of Massachusetts, lu succood Etst burn, deceased. Commissioner D.niglas) and Secreta ry Boutwel I uro pressing tho mcasuto for cutting idown thu expenses of collecting tho rovenuo. Tho Indications are that a bill will bo passed doing away with assessors and assistant ns scssors. It is reported lint thu National Council of tho Chcrokeo Indians havo passed a bill banishing all whlto men from nmong them. jTho action Is said to cjuso much dlsutlsfacllot), and has created considerable excite in out. Tho funeral of Horaco Greoley took placoon Wednesday of lust wiok In Now York. Tho services weto held In Church of tlio Divlno Paternity, and tho funeral addresses woro delivered by Rov. Dr. Chapln and Row Henry Ward Beccher. Among the mourners woro tho President and Vlco Presi dent of tho United Statos, tho Vlco President elect, tho Postmastor Gonoral and Secrotary of war, tho Chief Justico of tho United States, tho Governor nnd Governor elect of New York, tho Gov crnorofNew Jersey, Senators Trum bull, Schurz, Conkllng nnd Fenton, Generals Sheridan and Babcock, nnd a host of other military and civic officers, besides distinguished citizens nssocla tlons. clubs, ote. Nearly all (ho stores along tho routo of tlio procession wero closed, emblems of mourning wero nu merous, tho bells wero tolled nnd tho flags half-masted. Tlio Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery. It is estimated that 40,000 pcoplo viowed tho roraains of tho distinguished journalist, whilst Jyiug in stato tho day before Tho city of London, England, was left in total darkness last week, owing to tho striko of thu gas laborers. Tho effector shutting off of all light lira city of thrco millions of peoplo can bo moro readily imagined than dcscrlb cd. Tho conflict lu Now Orleans between Governor Warinoth and Senator Kol- logg for tho control of tho Stato cuinu latcd on Monday with tho impeach mont of Wannoth by tho Legislaturo which has beou declared elected through tho decision of Judgo Duroll in tho United States Circuit Court. A terrible galo prevailed through out England on Sunday, prostrating buildings, trees, nnd telegraph polos and causing immenso damago at many seaport towns. Tho galo was equally sovero In Wales and Ireland. Afihk broko outin tho Fifth Avenue Hotel.Now York.on Tucsduy night and destroyed a portion of tho hotol. Loss probably $75,000. Sixteen of tbo hotel servants woro burnod (o death and ono so seriously burned that her death is expected. Tho hotol was crowded with guests among whom was great con sternation. Bo3tou on Tuesday last re-elected a Democratic Mayor Mr. Wm. Gaston. New Advertisements. T70R RENT. A .l...alll...1.n l ...... ... . aud UliickHmllli tools on moderato terms, apply fur nattlntitfln. ... . i r f John Mownun. r. ,o., o. Jlltllln township. Pec. 13lli, VSti, 31 rOTEACHEUS AND FRIENDS OF EDUCATION. Thn Atmnal Hn.ulnn nr fl.n Teachers' Institute for tlio your lili, will beheld UK W1UUIU.UUIK, 1U 111U NORMAL SCHOOL BUILDING, commencing Monday cc. S3, at 2 o'cIock,p. iu., and closing Friday ovenlug of tlio samo All persons toichlne or preparing to teach may become member), anil nr. requeued to encase In the work or tbo Instltnto and rtcelvo Tis bend Is. TheexercUes will consist of Class Works. Essays, Klocutlon ami DUcusslons during the day ; and Music, Uepnrts, Headings and Lec tures in tlio evening. IV Is our itestro tlmt overy teacher in tlio conn, ty will surely bo present and assist lu inaltlug this Institute a deoliled success. School Directors and all others feeling au In terestluthokclioolsof thocouuty aro respect fully Invited to ntiuml, w. ii. sNYnr.n. . . .... CountvHuperiQteudeut. Catawlssi, Pa., Dec. 13lh, wre. lit. TTOLIDAYS! I 1 1. Tho incst complete assortment of TOYS, FRENCH OANDIE3, CONFECTIONERY and aiinmuororurtlcloi suitable fjr Christmas aud New Vair's can bj rjua I ,ui tlio storo or THOMAS WEBB, Muiu street, below Centre. In addition lo the abovo, tboUrgot aud host stock ot GXG-ARS, TOBACCO.SMOKINGandCHEWING IFIIFIES of all kinds ami prices In this county can be luuuu ... tun naii.a i-nuiuimuiiiuiit, (llvn 1 1 1 111 u null nn I nhtjiln tin. lioul. it i,nn.l. for reasonablo pricts. Dec. 13, mi, lm OPECIAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Wiikkkas. by tbo laws of this Commonwealth It is made tho duty ol tboBlieriirof every county to give notice of u special election by publica tion in ono or moro newspapers la thocouuty, at least niteeu Unys before Ilia election, and to enumerate therein lue oilleers In bo elected, aud to designate tbe place at which tho election Is to bo held. Therefore. I, AAUON BMITII, High Bhorliror Columbia county, do herobviualce known and proclaim to the quallUed electors of Columbia county, that a specUl Klectlou will bo held on TUrMllAY.THM TWKNl'Y-KOUUnt DAY OV DltCEMliKH, Wl, at thu several dUtilcts within the county, to wit; Heaver township, at the rmbllo homo of Thos. J, Hhuruuii. llenton thepuulljhouioof Illraui lless, lu tlis luwn of Ueutuu. EastUlooin, at the Coutt House lu Blooms burg, West lllooni, at the Court Uojso lu lllooms. burg. liorough Berwick, at the storo of John MoAn all In the borough of Herwlck. llnrouga Ceuuallu, at tho public houso of II. A. Weldunsaul. Ilrlarcreek township, at the i. nolle school house near Kvausvllle. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. " GO TO THIS MAMMOTH GROCERY FOE YOUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW TEAR GOOItt flower. Rlicrklns, will lomilo m o Ivos, Prince 'f us currants, priinellei, sweet potiitoox.iitiil nil klndmr dried Trim . i,rL Honor)-, nuts of nlltlndi. nlln,crnnlrri r,,,,, vennlcllll sago, tnplocn. taplocn.rsrloa, Twin llrot be rs Y "j'"1,' , UV,, nndlilo coireoR. roasted and green, arid groun.l ,"",, ''a J, ! ;r"i oiVe' itHSlit bl 'rvWoAur.oB'vcr'y "Art lM UUiyjdiU Navy. H,-..,, ltoll, Cable, Ban VMi, Natural Imf'm , , Ing tobnecocs. choioh si:(MKS-nuM a von viw, to tex ouxts aiii:ci:. Lqno Jaea Yellow Haw.OnTiH Hi npnlo clifd.e.sapsngo 1 kitchen nml laundry Maps. Washing mai Ic i oajy. . f'JA'Vp, 0 ct., choico Drlpi and Now Orleani baking cut, loaf sugar, tiulv,- -the very licit,- -Oood molasses 41) lU: ni,r, gVo f yellow sugar. 10 and 11 H. 9-t!astcot lu emlloss variety, nil , ,, granulated sugar, ''ort A.sugar, I ctfl., ticst O su brushulbf nil kinds, brooms, ooll'oa mills, sugar buxct . s HianiK, meal siiiiiiii, ciiurn". ni,n.-.ui,"'", '"T'- - it,,,,,. ja. knives nud tiajs. toy buckets, matchos, best seamUsH 111141, Hour sacks. ' (liiccnswnro Enough to Stock Half r Catawlsia township, at tho publlo houso of fninuel Koslciibauder, lu tho luwn of Cata- wist Centre township, at the sclnol homo near M laycltn Crcasy's. ... North Conyngliam Putrid uttlin dcliool liouso near tho colliery of John Anderson A Gi. Houtli rouyttgliiim District, at tho lwuo of Thomas Monroe, l itolv llxtxl by a Volo of tho clllfiis or that township. Fishlngcreok township, at tbo school honso neirO. It. Whilo. Knuikllu lowush'p, at tho Lawrcnco school houso. Oreonwmd township, at tho houso of Joseph It. I'.iltnn Ilcmlnci: township, at tlio publlo honso of mas, ii, jjieiiericu in 1110 inwii 111 mir num. Jacks in lowuihln, at tho Iiojto ot Kzeklcl Cole. ' Locust township, nl. Ihopuhlls hnnso of find wig Thiol, In Nume.lln, Mlillln township, nt ihn public home of Aaron lless, In 1 no town of Mlftllnvllin. .MnillMiu tnwnshln, nttlie public houio of Ham ucl Hlmby, In Jerseylown. Mt. I'lensaot town-hip, at the lioiuo of H. W. Montour township, at tho hnmc of Wm. ltol llngshcad. , Main township, nt tho public houso of Abra ham K.Shuman. Hoarlngcrcek township, nt tho house formerly occupied by Geo, W, Drelsbaeh, Orango township, at the public liouso of Win. Unnngs', . . Vine township, nt tho Centro School Honso lately fixed by it vote of tho citizens of said township. Hugarlcnf township, at the house of Allnas Cole. Scott township, at tho public houso or Win. Pcttlt In Espy. At which limn and places the. qualified electors will elect by ballot the following olllccr, vl.i (Inn rmrunn rnr Member nf 1'nll jrcss. It Is lurthcr directed that thn election Hllsof Ihosovereiuisirictsfiiiaiiiicopenoti neiweeu me hours of six and seven o'clock lu tbe forenoon, and shall oontlnuo opeu without interruption and niljournmmt unlilsnvcn o'clock In tho eve ning wnen ti.u polls shall b- cbwed. Pursuant to the provisions conlolnod In the "Cth section ot the act tlrst uiorrMilil, tho Judges of tbe aforesaid district shall respectively tuko ehargoof the eertlllcates of return of tin elec. lion of their rcspccllvo cl strict, and produce them at a meeting ot ono Judge from euelulls trlct nt tho Court House, In llloomsbnr, 0.1 tho third dnv after tlio dny of tho election, belo 011 Friday, tlio '.Till day of December 183, a. H o'clock a. m,, then and thero to do nnd perform tbo duties required by law of said Judges. Also, that where a Judge, by sickness or una voidable accident, Is uuablo to attend sueb meet ing of ludues. then tho certificate or return Khali bo taken cliargo of by one of iho Inspectors or clerks ot 1110 election 111 1110 district, who sunn do mid perrorm the duties ro iuirod of said Judge unable to attend. Tlio return Judiiea of tbo Coimresilonal Dis trict compose 1 oi thn counties of Columbia, llriidlbrd, Bulllvnn, Wyoming and Montour hliall meet at 1110 conn liouso iu 1 u'ikuiiiiuock, Wvntnlni; eountv. oil Tllosdav. December tllst. lX72,lo make out thuroluru4 lor inombars of UOtlglCHS llOlll 11111 UlMllUl. Tho following Act of Assembly, regulating tho mode of voting in lb" uniniiiouweaitu ui Pennsylvania, was passed March lvtti, l:M, uud reads thus : Suction l, Ilnltenactod by Iho Senate nnd Houso of Representatives or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lu Ucnorul Assomblv mot, nnd It Is, hereby enacted bv tho authority of the samo that Iho qualified voters ot tho aevcral districts luthesoveral countlosoftlilsCommon wealth, utnll ctmeriil. township, borouch nnd pcctal elections, ato horcby hereafter auihorlz- eu una requireu to voto uy ucsen nriiuoj or written, or partly prluUvl and partly written, severally ctasstlled as follow! : Ono ticket shall embrace Iho names of all Judgesof Courts voted lor.nnd labelled, outside, "Judiciary :' ouo ticket shall embrace the names ot nil county olllcera votod lor. Includ ing tho olllco or Senator, Member and Members ot Assembly, If voted for and membors of Con gress If voted for, nud be labelled "County ;" ouo tlcitct shall embrace tho names of all town ship otllcors voted for and bo labelled, "Town ship ;" ono ticket shell embrace the names or all borough ottlcers vo'.ed for, aud bo labelled "liorough;" Section:1. That It dhall tbo tbo duty of tho Shcrliriu tho sovernl counties of this Common wealth to Insert lu their election proclamations, licrcurter Issued thu tlrst bictlon ol this act. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That every person excepting Justices of thn Peace who shall bold any otricu or appointment of profit or trust under tbo United Stales, or or this. Stale, and city or corpora ted district. wheth er a commissioned otllcer or otherwise, a subor dinate olllccr or ngeut who Is or shall bo em ployed under tbe Legislature, Kxecutlvo or Ju dtciary Department of tills State, or any Iclty or any Incorporated district, tind ulio, that overy member or Congreks and of tho Stato Legisla ture, nnd of tho select or common council nlany city, or commissioners or any Incorporated dis trict, Is by law Incapable or holding or excicls. lug at thu same time the otllo or appointment or Judge, Inspector or clerk ofuny election or this Commonwealth, nnd that no Inspector, Judgo or other otllcer of such election shull be then voted for. Tho Inspcctnrs ami Judge nf tlio elections Khali meet nt their respective plscc3 appointed ror holdlng;the election lultho dhtrlct to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each of bald Inspectors idinll ap point ouo clerk, who shall be n miuliiled voter of such district. In caso the person who shall receive tho sec ond highest uuinber of votes for Inspector shall not attend on theday of uuv election, then the person who shall havo recolved the secoad highest number of votes for Judge nt tho next preceding elections shall acta Inspector In his piaco. And In cose the person who shall tiave received tlio highest number of votes for Inspec tor shall not attend, the peison elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector lu his ptace aud lu caso the peison elected Judgo shall not attend, thcu tho Inspector who received tho highest number of voles shall appoint a Judgo lu his Elaco or II nny vacancy shall comtaui In tho oard for the space of ono hour nrter tho timo fixed by law fur the opening or the election, tbe quallned voters of the township, ward, or dis trict for which such olllccrs dhall havo been elected, present at cuchclcctlon shall elect one of their number to elect such vacancy. "llfihall bo the duty of tho several assessors respectively to atteud at tho placo or holding every general, special or township election, dur Ing the whole timo such election Is kept opeu, for tbo purpose orglvlng Information tu the In spectors uud Judges, when called on lu rela tion to thu right olnuy person assossoJ by them to vote at such election, and on such other 1n.1t ters lu relation to thoassessnioiitas thu said In spectors or either of them bhall Jrom timo re quire. No person shall bo permlttoJ to voto at any election as utoiesald other thau a whl.u rreo mauortho ngn of tweuty-oue years or more, who shall havo resided lu tbo State at least ono year, aud lu the election district whero lie olfcrs to volo tell days Immediately preceding huch election, and wllhln twoyoars paid 11 Bluto or county tax which shall havo been assessed at loast ten days before the election. Hut n citi zen of tho Uulted States who has previously been a qualillcd voter of this state and returned and who Bhall havo In the cleotlou district aud paid taxes, oa aforesaid, shall boentltled to vote after residing In this State six months. Provid ed, that whlto Irecmen, citizens or tho United Stales, bolwecn the ago oltwonty-onennd twenty-two who have resided lit the election district ten days as aforesaid shall bo entitled to voto al though they shall not huvo paid tax. No person shall bo permitted to voto whose namo Is not contained In tho Us of taxable In habitants furnished by tbe Coinmtssloncrd, un less First, ho produces ft receipt for the payment u-iibln two veara of u mate or eountv tux as sessed agreeably to tho Constitution (,nd glvo satisfactory uvuiuucuunueruii ins ouiu oriunr matinii or the oath or utllrmatlou of other, than ho has paid such a lax, or on failure to produce llTCCCipt siiuu muiu ouiu in iuu imyiiiunt iiiero. nt Hiicnud. lrho claim therlitbt to voto hv lm. Ing an elector botwoeu tho ago of twouty-ono and twenty-two years, lie shall depose un oath orufllrinallou that hu has resided lu thlsstatoat least ouo year next beroro I1I4 application, and make such proof of reildouoe In the district as Is rcoulred by tills act. and that ho does verllv bellevo from the nccouutslven him, that bo Is of ago aroresam, aim sucu otuer oviuoucu us is re quired by Ibis act ; whereupon tho namo of tbo person thus admitted to vote shall bo Inserted lu the alphabetical list by tho Inspectors, nnd u note mauo opposuu iiicreui uy writing me word Lux'-' If ho shall be admitted to voto bv reason of having paid tax ; or thu word "age," ir bo thai! bu admitted to vqto by reason or such ago WHICH snail uu euueti uui iu mu eieius, WHO shall mako the like notes ou the list or voters kepi uy mem. In all cases where tbo name of tho ncrsou claim. ing to vuto Is not touud ou tho list furnished by the commissioners and assessor, or bis right to vote, wuuim;i luuiiu iiieicuu ur 1101. is injected to by uny qualified cltlnun, It shall bu thu duty nf the inspectors to cxamlno such ncrsnii mi niith utolilsqiialllleatlniis.uiidlf hu claims to have icslded wlthlu tho Mta to for ono year qr moio his oath shall bo BUfllelent proof thlneor, but shall ma lili prom nyut icasv P'o competent witness, who snail bun qualillcd elector, that ho has re sided In thu district for inoru than ten days noxt Immediately preceding such election, and shall also himself swear that his bnualldo residence, In pursuancuof his lawful calling, Is lu suld dis trict, and that lie did not remove Into sulij ills, trlct fur tho purposo of voting tlicrcirt, Dvery person ijualltlcil us aforesaid, and who shall makuiluo Proof, If rcoulred. nf thu rcsldcno and payment (taxes as nlorcsahl, shall ho ad mitted to voto In tlio township, wurd ur dlntilct lu wlicli hu -hull reside, If aiiy person shall prevent or attempt to pre. vent any ulllcur of auy election mulct' tldsuct from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to guy such ulllccr, or shall Inter, rupt or Improperly lutci fero with him lu tho ex. edition of his duty, or shall block un thu win, ilows oravenuo to any window wliuio tliusuiiiu may bo holding, or shall riotously disturb tho neueo ut such election, or shall usu anv lntlinl. dating threats, forco or violence, with design to inuueucuuuuuiyor uveruHu any elector, orto urevent him from VOtlmr or to restrain thu free. ilom of choice, such person, on conviction, shall bu lined In any sum not exceeding llvn hundred dollors, and Imprisoned for any time not less tuau tureo nuriuuiu man iwcivomtntns, ami 11 It shall bu shown toCourt, when thu trial of such offence eld II bv Uud, that tho person bo offending . 1 . 1. r m... ... t riiltiuievs Uuriiem all Itlmls, thn patent safety lamp, warranted non-oxploslvo, tho hort In 11 uK,,.. Pmcoof business, South-west Cor. Malu at Contra Hlruols, Illoomsburg, In. I II TV A December 13, .UTMf. " ' AA' ""VXJli. Hnnrttnir mntorUU can wuiK Doz?n Stores, aud of tho very best Quality, nnd will couoto with any was not a resident of tlio city, ward, district or township whom tho offense was committed, and not entitled to voto therein, then on conviction hoBhall bo sentenced lo pay a lino of not lesj than ono hundred nor moru than rmu thmnanil dollars, nnd ho Imprisoned not less than six months nor moro than two years- ,,., ir nny person, not by law qualified, Bhall fraud, ulcntly voto nt any election of this Common wealth, or nthorwlso fiualtllod Bhall votu out of Ids proper itlsti let, or If any Person knowing tho want ol Biich qualillcatlim, shall add or procure, such person to voto, tho person nuVndlng shall on conviction bo lined In nnysiitu not exceeding two hundred dollars and bu Imprisoned In any term not exceeding three months. If any 0110 shall vntenUnoro than ouo election district, or otherwise fmudulcntly voto 111010 than oncoon tlio samo day, or Bhall fraudulently told and deliver to tho inspector two tickets to gether, with tho Intent illegally lo votu, or who shall procure another to do so, ho or thoy oirond Ing shall, on conviction, ho lined In any mini . not less than fifty normore than th o hundred do lain and bu Imprisoned for a term not lesi than thruo noriuoiolliantwclvoinontlis. If any person not qualified to voto In this Commonwealth agreeably to law (except thu sons or qualillcd citizens,) shall appear at any placo or clectlou rur tho ptirpmu or Influencing tho citizens qnallUcd lo vote, ho shall on convic tion rorlelt and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars lor every Mich olfeneu and bo ltiiprl-wmud lor a term not exceeding thrco mU"llH- Till HIHIISTHY LAW, f(, , 1 also gavo ( notlcu to thu electors of Col umbla county that by nil act, entitled "An Act further supplemental to thu act lelatlvu to thu elections of tills .Commonwealth," npprovud April Hill, A. 1). lUtW. It Is provldod as follows ! Arc. a. After tlio assessments havo been com pleted on thu tenth day preceding tho second Tuesday In October or each year, thu assessor shall, on tho Monday immediately, lollowlng, maku a return lo thu county commissioners or tho names or all persons assessed by him slncu tho return lequlred tu bo inado by liliu by thu second section of tills act, nothing opposite caoh namo tho observations and explanations requir ed lo bu noted ns afoiesald 1 and tho county coin mlsslnners shall thereupon eauso tho snmu Jo bo lidded to thu return required by tho second see Hon ur H1I4 not, anil 11 fullund correct copy there or to bo made, containing thu names ot all per sons so returned as lesident laahlus In said wanUiorougli, township or prcclnct.and furnish thu sainu together with tho necessary election blanks to thoofllccis to thuelectlou In tuldwnrd, borough, township or precinct, on or beroro six o'clock In thu muinlnir of the ueconil Tuesday of October, and 1111 man shall bo permitted to i,oto at tho election on that day whoso namo Is not on util list, unless bo shall mako proot or his right to vote, as hereinafter requited. S'eo. f. On tho day ot tho utectlon nny person whoso namu is not ou tho said list, and claiming IIIU riKlll lO VOlO Ub Slllll UM-CllUll. BIl.ll at IcaslonoquallUedvoterof thoillstrlctorn wit ness to thurustdoncu or tliu claimant In tho ills trlct In which ho claims to bu a voter lor the period or ut least ten Hays next prcceiiing nam election, which witness shall lake and subscribu a wrltton.or partly written anil paitiy printen iinhliivlt. In thu fact stated bv bllll. whlcll llUida. vlt shall dcflnu clearly whero tho leslduncu Is of 1110 person so claiming to uu 11 uiui , uiiu mu person so claiming thu rlghtto voto shall ulso tuko ana buusciuo a writieu or iiamy riiicu and partly printed aflldavlt, stating to tlio best of his knowledge und belief, whero and when ho was norn.iuai 110 is u citizen 01 luuiaiiniuuii. wealth nt Pennsvlvnnlaand of the United states: that ho has lesldedin tboCoiumonweulth ono year, or if formerly a citizen theruln, and has moved thcrclrom.that ho has resided therein six months next nrecetlltiL.sillil election : that ho has not moved Into tho district for tho purposo of vnt ni. iiipriun ! 1 Mat no 11:1s nam 11. amiu or coun ty tux within two yesrs, which wns assessed at least. I imi iluvslinfnm said rlectlnil! a nat urallcd citizen, shall also statowhen.whclo and by what court ho was naturullzed, and shall nlso produce hlscertlflciito of naturalization for ox mutilation; tliu said aflldavlt shall also statu when and whero tho tax claimed to bo paid by thu nlllant was assessed, and when, whero and to whouiu paid, and thu tax receipt tliuietor shall bu produced lor examination, unless tho nlllant shall stato on Ills nllldavlt that It has been lost destroyed, or that ho novor received auy, but if tho person so claiming tlio right lo voio Huau inueantibiiuscriuonnaiiiuavu, tuai uu is 11 native born citizen or tho United Suites (or If born elsewhere, shall stato Hi fact In his affi davit, nml shall produco uvldcnco that he has ueou naiurauzeu, or 111.11 110 is eniitieu 111 citi zenship by reasouof blsrtitlier'Htinlurallzmoii:) and shall lurther stato In his aflldavlt that ho Is. at thu timo or taking Iho affidavit bctweeu thu ages or tweuty-ono and twenty-two years ; that ii nas resiucu in 1110 nuuu ouo year ami iu ine eieciionuistrici teu nays next preceding sucu election, ho shall lis entitled to voto. ill thmntli ho shall not havo paid taxes ; and thesal lalll lavits 01 uu persons iiinKiug sucu claims, nun mu mil' davits or thu witnesses to rhelr resldeucu. dial bo preserved by tho election board, nud at the closo of tho olectlou they shall bo enclosed with tho list of voters, tally list nud other papurs re quired by law to hu lilod by tliu roluru Judge Willi tbo'nrothouoturv. and shall remain on Hie therewith in the prothouolury's ofllco subject to examination, us oilier eieciiuu papers nru ; 11 the elccttoii otllcors shall tlud that thu applicant or applicants possess all tho legal quullllcitluus of voters, boor tbev shall ho permitted to vote. and the namo or names shall be added to their list or taxublcs by tlio election olllceis, thu wont "tux" being udded wlicru tliu claimant cl ilms lu voiu ou tux, ami iiiu worn "age wuuru lie claims, to vuto on iiei thn samo words bcluc addud b. tho clerks lu each casu respectively uu tuu list 01 persons voting at sucu election Sec. S. It shall bolawrulforiinyiiuallllod clt zcu of tho district, notwithstanding ihenaiuu of 1110 proposea voter lscooiaiuuuotittiu nstoi res- luent iuxnuius,to cnaiieugu mo voto 01 sucu pur son; wbereapuu tho same iiroor or tho right or sullinge as Is now required by law shall bu poli ticly made nud uctud 1111 oy the election board and tlio voto admitted or rcjectod, according to the evidence : ovorv person cialmlm- to hu a nat uralized citizen shall bu required to proJucu his naturalization oertltlcuto at tlio election belmu consecutively, u voter lu ttm dtstrlcttu which hu offers his vole; and ou Ilia Votoot such person be ing received, It shall bo tbo duly or tliu ctoetlmi olllcurs to write or btamn ou such uorllllcalo the vutinir.oxeeptiui' wheru Hu lias bouu lor tuu years. word "votod," with the month aud year ; and ir auy oicction ouueroromcers su in receive a sec ond volo on thu samo day, by virtue of tho bamo certificate excepting where sons iuu untitled to voiu uy virtue 01 tuu uuiuruiiz iw.m 01 uuir ii thers. tbev and the nersou wbu shall oiler such seconu votu, upon bo oiidiiuiug su 111 ougiiiuy 01 a high misdemeanor, uudoucouvietlou thereof, uo nueu oriinprisoueii.or uotu, at uiu iiiscrouou of tbo court; but tho Iluo slull not uxcuo I uuu hundred dollars lu each case, nor thu luiprisou uieut ono year; tho Uku punlsHm-ml stnll bu lulllcted ou couvlctlo ., ou tho,o;ll x-rsofulojil u who sli'ill neulect or retuso tu iu iitu.or eiusu to be made, thu indorsement ruq itred ou afoies ltd naturalization curiiuuue. i'ec. (I. II any eloctlot olllccr s'l ill rjrusi 11 neglect to require such prool of the rigiit ot salt rage its is proscribe 1 by this law, or tliu laws 10 luring to voto whuso uutnu is not 011 tiO list ot assussu.l voters, or wiioju right to vntu Is tengud by any qualm 3J. vulur present, aud shall udiullBuch pel sou to votu wllhoit ruqulriug such proof, every nersou so oirjudluz smut, no on co ivlcitou, bo guilty of 11 lilgiiinisdome itiur, to pay a Uuu not exceeding ouo hundred dollars or 10 utideruu un luiiirtsouiueut not more tuau ouoyear, or uluiur ur both, ut thu dlscrutlm of UIU UUUI 1. Vt'3. 7. Tho respectivo assessors ; Inspectors and Judges of the elections shill each hivu thu power to administer oaths toauy persoucUluilug Uiu rlitut to bd assessed or the rlnht of sullVai-e. ut in iib'im vu nny ubuui in mur ur luiiij lequir- i-u iu ou uuuu or iiiquiruu luto uy uuy 01 oi fleers under this ucl; aud auy wilful lalsu swearlug by auy pcrsuu lu relation to any mat ter or thluir eouuuriilnn which tbev shall bo lawlully luierrogalei by nay of sail olllccrs siiuii uu puuisuuu us puijury. Ale. 10. Tho assessors bhall o.ic!i receive the same compensation lor thu tluin necessarily ed as is provided by law lor the liertoriuaii'-o of iiieii- uiuui uuuus iu uu pain uy tuu uuuuty com missioners us lu other cases ; uud It shall not uo luwiui lor auy to assess u tax itgalnst any person whatever within tun davs next nr,i. ccdlug tho olectlou to be held ou thu second Tuesday lu October luunv vear. 01- within tin dajB next beloro uuy eTeciluu fur electors of President uud Viou-Prcsldctti of thu United .stales ; uuy violation of tills provision shall bu i iuinuctuu.uiur UUU bllllJUUt lit" OlllCCrS SO 111' rending ton Iluo not exceedlin- one hundred 1I0I lurs, orto Imprisonment not oxceudlutj Ulreu 11. Oil tbu Petition fir llvn or nuirn i'IiI zous or tho county, mating under oath that thoy verily believe thatlraud will bu practiced lit mo uieeuuu iiuoiu 10 uo held in any district. It shall bu thu duty ot tho court or common pleas or bald county, If lu session, or II iiot a Judgu rhereotlu vueatluu, touppoluttwojudlclous, so ber und Intelligent clllzous nl tbu count to act as overbcers ut sai l election : said uvcrsecis shall buueleclod from dlUeront political iiurllua, where thu luspetlors belong to dllleruut parties, nnd wheru bolii of Bald liisptctou boloug tn Uiu 1'o.mi.ui puny, ootu 01 tuu overseer biuu bu taken f.oui ihuoppoUto political party; said overters Uall have Uiu right tu bu piuicul Willi the olllccrs or tliu election, uurlng thu wholu time thu bamo Is held, thu votui cuuuted and thu returns luuJuotit uud BlguedbK tliu election oill cors ; to keep u list or voters, ir they see urunur tu challeugu any pcrsuu uttering lu vote, uud lu terrogaluliiuiaiiiilils under uulli, lu regard to his right or sutlragu atuald clucilon, aud to examine Ills pupera produced; and thj ollljcra ot bald eieciiuu uru required to ullurd to said overeersbo elected uud uppolutod every couveuleiicuiiiidraclllty for UiedUchargoul their duties; uud If bald electlun olllccrs Hlall reuni lo jiermll suld overseers, tq hu pruaeut, uud lierlurm their dutlos us nKimuii.t .0- it th.i hall bu. driven ttway frmo thu pults by vlolcneu uud lullinlduiluu, till thu voles pqllud ut such eleellm dlstilctiiia bo njcclod by auy Irlbu. Hal tryltiguoouiuat iiuder baul eiuciiou i'loi'ul td, That uo nersou uuulirf thu nutilluu bhall bj appointed uu ovvrtir, Ho. II. Anva&20sor. cleotlou nillcei-m- uppoluied ns an overseer, who suuli uegleulur relusu to perform any duty eujoluod by this act without luasonubluor luliul causa. ulin 1.,. Joel to a penalty of ouo hundred ilullurs, nud If ..twuinti. i...,. , person as u volor who Is not quullllel, or shall refuse to assess uuy ouo who Is qualified, he shall bo guilty ofu mis' ddiueauor lu oillce, aud uu eouvictttm be nun. lshed bv Hue ur Imiirlsouimm! n ,,1 niun i.a'u..i. ject lo an action lor dumugo by thu party ug- b. , ...... .. .y I. ou.. uuu irauuuieii ultt r, or add to, deface or destroy nny list of rnn-i, moi nml lmnMor. Jicst fecturv " I'll, ! ds lit II in, U , i J, tors iiitIo out ns directed by this net (ir 1 , down or rcmovo the samo from tlia placo wh -It has boon fixed, with rraudutont or mis-1 mis lutniit, or fir any Improper P'i aisi person bo otrendlng shall m gull y ol n 1 , iiil-dcmealior, and on coiiyjcllou h U i " Ishod by u iluo not exceeding otiu b. 1 lars, or Imprlsnniiicni not oxcoudlii or liotlLattlinillscruiionor tliJco.u AVc. 15. All elections forcilv, vi township nnd eloctlm olllccrs sit ill held on thoKecoiid Tuesdiy of Oct to nil provisions of tbo laws refill. n, linn ol Biieh olllccrs not lnconsl du act; thoiicrsnus elected to such oi timo shall tako their placos at t:u Iho terms orthn persons holittng t'i timo of such election ; but 110 elc. ofllco or assessor or usslstatil. asses 1 held, under this nct.untU tho ye.u oii.' 1 eight huHdrud nud sovcnty.two, lu obodlenco to Iho requirement ,t ,t ibn Qonry, tlovornorof tho Cuuiinonwea1 ' I'. svlvaiila.I hcroby publish tho I'uienit vm mont or the Constllutlou or tho tu 1 . , tho Act of and Actor Assembly relative therul i: The Fifteenth Amendment of (lie I' a m ol tlio United states Isns rnllowsi "Si:cnoN 1. The right of citizens nf s ',, Ptates snnll not bo denied or abndgi I JV Uultod Stales, or by nny Stato, on co 1 n ,,1 , color, or provlnus condition or RcrvltuJe "Section 2. Tho Congrosi shall h ive pm-ir . , cnrore.i this article by iipproprl ilu lej s,n An Actto onforco tlio rlghtnl clt ( is (1i United States to voto In tho several Hi 1 s n Union nnd for other purposes : SKCTtov 1, lie it cnic'cd by th' 4 nf, , lhivtc of li'prcicnta'wci at the tJmlt I " tr , n. Amrrlft in Oiiqre -t Ai.cmblcd. TI1.1t 1 cin, or tlio United States, who aro, or nh ill 1 ,n wiso qualllled by law to voto at any c 1 thopuopte, In any Ktato.Torrllory.dis , tv, city, parlsn, tuwiuhlp, school dlst it, m., clpilllv. or other tcrrltoilil suii-di m m ho eiitltlo I nnd allowed to voto ut nil .11 . Hons, without dlstliictlon'of raco, eilwr or ,1 ous condition or servitude; any (1 , muii law, custom, usigc, or ror il itlou oru s . Territory, or bv, or under III 111UI1 irity ,. , contrary notwithstanding." '.'IXTION 'J. Anil tie it further rnvb I, T'i by or under the authority ot the (J i.istltiti i-i 1 laws or any Statn. or tho laws or any Territory anvnet Is orshall bo required to bo doueie .1 prerequlsltoor qmllllciUon ror vntlnz, a il iiy such Oonstltutlo 1 or 1 iw, persons or mil -jri -i . or Khali bo charged Willi tlio 1 errorm mco ir dulles Hi tiirnlslilug tn cltlzdiis an tippurtiiii y to perrorm such prerequisite, or t j tiij-ne q 1 , . Hied to vote, It shall bo the duty of every sn-a person and otllcer to give toatl clltzms of id. United States, tho satnonnl oqu il uaoortmiu to perform such prerequisite, an 1 t tut em qualllled to volo without dlslluctl'ia or rtc color, or p'oviotts con llllon or a 1 1 ir any such porson orolltCH-- hhall refuse tIiui luglvomil to give full ulTeet totlils sn-tio.i, 11 shall, forovery such ofTeueo, forT'lt itultny sumoftlvo lmiidrcd dollars It tin pir in a grieved therebv.ln lio rcoovored liyauatt.oi , tho caso, with rail costs and such allo.e lie a 1 couuscl foes us tho court shall deem j isi a 1 shall also, ror every such oll'.'tice h d -em 1 guilty ora mlsdcmeuuor.nnds'iallon e mvi.-t o 1 thnrcof, bo fined not lost than five lulu Ire I d 1 -lars. or bo Imprisoned not lss 111 in mi n a . nnd not more than ono year, or b ih, iu tn dii cretlon or tho Court." A further supplement to thn act r lit 115 n olnctious in tilts Commoriivsalth 1 "Section II. That so miieh o( every ne ot s seuihly as provides that only wiilta freem, -i suall bo entitled to voto or bu mglstero I 11 vm. crs,orlns claiming to votu at any gcu-rtl o' special election or this Coniinouweiltli, bs and the same Is hereby repealoj; ami fiat lier-atui that, nil freemen, without distinction of color, shall bo enrolled and reglstoro l nccor iuk'-i Firovlslon of th- first section of llioaut unproved lm 17th day of April, 1811), entitle I "Mi At further supplemental tn tho net rotating 1 1 In. elections 01 this Comninnwealtli," and when olherwlco qualllled under existing Uws hoeii Illicit to voto at all general aud special elections In this Cominotuwealth." Ol ven mynlUco, In IIIoouk. burg, this lilh day of December, lu Iho year of our Lord 0110 thousand eight hundred 111 1 set enty-two, and In tho iiluety-sovouili year or tin Independence of tlio Uulted Htntns, AAltO.V SMITH, Sherlfr or Columbl t Cojuty. Ulooinsburg, Pa.. December II. is;.". Wislmvt's Pino Tree Nature's Great Remedy Kott rim Throat and S-iungs. It Is gratifying to us tn Inf ir.u the p.ioli in v Dr. U li. C. Wlshart's PluuTreu Tar Cordial, fni Throatnud rung Diseases, has gituolii'i euvi 1 blo reputation from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, and from llienc to Nfimu of tlio 11. si fa un lies of Europe, not through tho press alone by persons throughout tbo BUto iictnally bi iie fitttd andcuroint his otllce. Whilo ho publish cs libs, so t-ay our reiiortcrs, ho Is unable to sup ply tho demand. It gains and holds its icputa-tion- Flist. Not by stopping cough, but byloosiii lng and assisting nature lo throw oir the un luallhy mat'er collected about the throat ant bronchial tubes, uAfcri causes irritation. Second, It removes tho rauio of lirltauou (which produces cough) of the mucous iiioiuhrauo and bronchial tubos, assists Iho lungs tone and throw oil' Uiu unhealthy secretions, and purities tbo blood. (.Third, Itlsfico from squalls, lobelia, Ipecac nnd oplnm.of which most tlnoat aud lung reme dies aro compose I, which nil ly coujh ouly aud disorganize tlio sto.'inch. It his 11 bnothtug if foci on tliu stomach, nets ou tho liver and kid coys, nml lymphatic and riglom, thus reaching to overy part or tho system, and lulls Invigorating nud piirllyiug ctl'ucts It 11 is gained a lopuUUIoii which it must hold above all others lu tho market. NOTICE. Tiie Pine Twe Tar Ml Great American Dyspopsia Pills, ASt -VOiUl SUGAR DROl'S llclng under my linmedlntodlrecllon, they shall not loso their curatlvo qualities by the use ol cheap nu I Impure at tides. Homy IX. Wishart, miE'E OF OHARGK Dr. Ii.Q. C. Wlsharfs Olllco Pallors aie open 011 Monday, Tuesday aud WedUf sd.ty from 11 A . M, tuts. P. M foriousultutloii by Dr. Wm. T, MiiEoe. WlllihliH are oisoclated twocousullttig Physicians of 1 eknowleilgid ability. This up- lorluuliy Is not oireml hy nuy other lusliiulluii lu tho oily, .ill Loiters innst Uo Atliticsstil 10 L.Q.0. WISHART, M.D., NO. 232 NORTH SECQND MTn TAR CORDIAL, Philadclpha- ucc,,197S-0m