THE COLUMBIAN AND MOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 'Agricultural. Cliarconl nUowt'.TArm Medicine, Nvtly nil Mctyliprscg nnd cows tiro luado bo in tho Jlrat)iilaco by cntltiK Im proper fooil or,(oo much or It. A; soon ns tho ownorAtptlq - any of his nnlmnls sick It Is Umcoiriraon custom to begin doslnR wlfif modleltio, "Wo musn't lcnvQllio ntilmal to dlo 5 wo must do sotn'clhlns t" nnd "eo nil manner of hurt ful dniR8 antipoisons ivrb thrust down tho throat sitHpolro, copperas, turpen tine, etc., qulto sufllolotit to mnko nny well nnliual sick, or kill n sick. one. I You didn't rI vo tlio poor thirijr oumiRli you should hnvo glvon it oftoncr you can't oxpect your boast to BC.t well If lYAlSyt-'ilrnortaCKlBya ' oix Our ntlo linn nlwnys boon to glvo nothing unless wo know oxnetly wlmt to do ; nnd lu tho meantime nttoud to overy.exrlor comfort practicable.., If tlio isjjouf, ciijckJi iriwhrln qunrtors, nvoldnll e.vpo5uro,nnd attend to pure nlrnd st.rlct clcanllnm IJiit there iyftntf inwlolnotliaroatfiiftVcr do lmrni, nnd is commonly beneficial. Thls.Ja , pulverized charcoal, A9 wo havb Just remarked, noarly all sick nnl inula becomo so by improper eating, in tho 11 r?t place. Nino cae3 out often tho ri'lgOHtlon Is wronpr. Clurconl Is tho inffitt'c'fllctput ami rapid corrective. It will'ciiro Inn majority of cases, if prop prlyudtnlhlstertKl. An example of Its uv Tfiohlred man camo in with tho Intelllgonco that ono of tho llnest cows was very sick, nnd a kind neighbor nrnmHfid tho tuml druirs nnd imlsons. The owner being III, nnd unable to ex- amino tho cow, concluded that tho tronhh) camo from soma overeating, and ordorwl-n'itcuspoopfnl of pulverized charcoal given in water. It was mixed, placed' In ,ir Junk bottle, the head held upwards', nhd tho water with Its char coal poured downwards. In flvo mini utfts imjtrnvenjijt wasvlslble, and in a row hours tho nnimni was in tho piw. turo quietly eating grass. A-injtrJtanco of equal success oc rimed with n young heifor which bo came badly bloated by eating green ap. pics after n hard wind. Tho bloat was so Bevero that the' sides wero almost as hard as 11 b irreir Tho old romody. sal eratu?, was tried for tho purposoof cor reeling tho acidity. But' the nttompt to put it down always caused coughing, nnU it did little good. Half a toacupful of .fresh powdered charcoal was next given. In six hours nil nppearancoof bloat had gone, and tho heifer wns well. 'We disapprove of quackery, whoro without n preclso knowlcdgo of tho dls ease, powerful remedies nro given nt random, Indiscriminately. Tho ohjec Hon of quackery cannot extend to tho uso of charcoal, for It can do no harm ; and with sick animals, If timely applied effects a cure. American Slock Journal, Winter Butter Making .Havlnc; read an article in tho Itura'Nao Yorker inquiring tho best way to mnko winder butter, I am. willing to give sbmo of my experience of twenty-two yoar3 : Com inenco to heat the milk when the cows aro first given corn fodder, which I rnauago in this way : Strain tho milk In tin pans, filling only half full a lit tlb moroor less will make no difference; thon, ns soon us convenient, set tho pans of milk on tho stove, whrro lot them remain until n roughutsjor wrink led nppearatiuo on the top, of the milk is noticed, (If tho milk gets too hot tho only harm will bo less croarn,) thon take it in tho milk room or collar, in a cool place until next morning, when bring it up in a warm room, and let it bland until tho next day, when it Is generally ready to skim. When treated Ji this way it will not do to skim much under forty-eight hours. My plan is to skim morning and night's milking both at the same timo in winter. It does not hurt butter for tho cream to sour rather aids in churning, making butter come sooner. Tho cream kcttlo I.keop in tho cellar until tho day or evening beforo I wish to churn; then, if convenient, sot uoar n coal stovo or ono that firo is kept lu nil night. In tho morning, beforo churning, try with a thermometer; it should bo at the tem perature of Q2 If not convenient to tot the cream near a warm stove,setting tho kettle in hot water will answer every purpose. Many nersons object to heating the milk, becauso tho milk sometimes burns to tho bottom of the pans: To avoid this set pans with water on llio stovo nnd piactt tho pans with milk in these, and tho difficulty is at onca avoided. If butter needs color ing, I would prefer carrot, which is prepared by scraping off the outsido and washing; then grato into a small portion . of tho cream and strain this Into tl& whole. For a churn Spaine's is,a' uodd one, with large opening for putting In $,tho cream and taking out tho butter;. also can .take tho dasher out, wii-h .rt,nd clean more easily. I would say novor wash butter ; use ns little water "Hbout butter as possible This Is my experience, having washed butter to my balisfactlon, always hav ing it go strongiru few days nttor. I have tried many ways to avoid heating milk lu winter, but 'havo found noth ing aH satisfactory as what I Jin vo given. Farmers' Cuildrkn. Farmers' children aro tho hopo and tho lire of a nation. If thoy grow up intelligent, moral, patriotic, thero is hopo for tho country for a continuanco of free in stitutions. Seven-tenths of our chil dren aro bom on tho farm. They havo the preponderance in numbers, as well as thoy have lu strength and iniluonco. They grew up hearty, robust, active. industrious. They becomo our most nctlvo business men in our cities and towns, uur cities would soon degener ate, wero it not for tho fresh blooil in. .fused into them from tho country year ly. Goto tho most enterprising and successful business men in St LouIr tn. day. and ask them whoro thev wnm born; and they will tell you upon tho farm perhaps in a cabin. Ask your must Huixessiui -lawyers ministers and physicians where thev wero bnrn. mul they will tell you, In the country not Therois more In farmers' niilifirnn than most peoplo look for, and thcro might bo much more still. D you ask now. wo win ten you. uy lurnishlng . them hotter facilities for education. It is tho mind nnd tho morals that unako tho man. Tho man must ho eiucnieu 10 necomo useiui. Tho ignor umus docs not makoan impression im. on tho body politic. .Ignorance does not rule, but intelligence does. If wo would havo society becomo bettor, wo must educato our children. Farmers' children aro educated chlelly in tho common schools. Good common schools aro doing moro for tho people, for tho 2 country, lor goou morals, than any oth ser instrumentality. Thovrmust bo n. couraged, Those having thorn In their Keeping must employ tno nest teachers, visit them, glvo thorn tiioir inlluenco, and sustain them in every possible way. Thoy' should constantly strlvo to so euro tho best not tho eheanest inni-h. era. Thoy must employ teachers whoso hearts aro In their work; who lovo their vocation; who io not teach simply to uiuuu u juw miliars, uui uecauso thoy fcel that thoy aro performing an im portant duty, which thoy wish to do honestly and well, Jlural World, Youhcf F5lks. (Jiieen ('etcilnM llsenpe. 11Y AMANDA T. .IONKH. CONCLUDED. ,Aiul they wero both so glad to forgot their thrones, and crowns and stars of honor, and g-irtoM of renown (not com mon garters, you know I), that they hurstnutstnglng; nnd nil tho fdry hosts, Hying after, listened till Ihuy almost lost breath ; which wm J it it iw well, or tncy iiugni navo sung 10, aim 1 biiuuiu havo hut tho1 Wifrd.i nnioug so many voices. "Tlirro'H never 11 lit it la nil ttio Und Tlint ille.3 from trco to tree, 1 Andicvcr iwlpplonlong ths I lml f so swift !i wo. And uli, could tho children see, I How merry their li.i.irlH would lip, , To know wo nro coming, n loving hut I, lltlmfjll offUlry-Kleo, 1 Heart 10 heart, mvl luni to li.ttul, In IHtjht so Tiriiad ffoj. "Who Is kind nitho lnorjiln tun, That elilnoion bo-.ver nnd street ; On llio Ibwrry lisdnud the gr.ivol dun, Whatever It clttnca to maet? , Oil, tho r.ylrlcs that fly s j II jel, , g i jffh?y are kin 1U tho mnrnlui,t'ery un; ''For thoy bond totli otrlh to greet Tho villd tbat li clad In n silken cown Or llio lieijar-J it amweet." Now this Is (tin way it c.inio to pas3 that all tho little ones who lived noar the valley-kingdom of KUl.ind, began to see Wondrous sights, and dream strango dreams, and talk In their sleep, us if thoy were visiting with creatures that no common cyo can eeo. And 1 lived nraong thtso children, so I can tell you all they over told mo, about their slghta lind dreams, nnd being a favarjd guest itt tho fairy palace, nnd a confidential friend of Ltdy Bandette, the queen's mother, (old ladles lovo each other qulto as well as young girls, I'm s,ure), I un derstood a great deal moro about mat. tors than oven tho dreamers and sight scsrs themselves ;and learned so many songs that, if I should sing from now until Christmas, .1 should'nt havo sung tho half of them. Anectluto or Jenny Mini. Most of our young readers havo heard of Jenny IiInd,or as sho was sometimes beautifully called, "Tho Swedish Night lngalo," who camo over from Europo a fqw years ago nnd delighted our peoplo by her wonderful singing. Sho wa3 puro and good, as well as gifted, which was best of all, and helped tho poor and suf fering wherover sho found them. Many pleasant anecdotes nro told of her but nono so charming as this: Once, whilo visiting Bath,an English waterlng-placo, sho happened to bo walking with a friend in front of some nlmshouse3,intoonoof which sho enter ed and sat down for -a moment, a3 if to rest hertolf, but In reality to find somo excuse for doing an act of charity to tho old woman who lived in it, and whom Sho had sou 11 fecblo nnd tottering at the door. Tho old woman, liko tho rest of her neighbors, was full of the Swedish Nightingale, whom sho had hoard was then in Bath, entertaining with her voico all thoso who wero so happy and fortunato as to bo ablo to hoar her. "For myself, "said tho old woman. "I havo livod a long time in tho world,and desiro nothing beforo I dlo but to hear Jenny Lind." "And would It mako you happy asked her visitor. "Ay, that it would," answered tho old woman ; "but sucji folks as I can't go, and so I shall never hear her." ' "Don't bo so sure of that," said tho goodnaturcd Jenny; "sit down, my friend, and listen," and then she sang, with entrancing sweetness, ono of tho finest songs sho know. Tho old woman was almo3t wild with delight, when, af ter concluding her song.her kind visitor said. "Now you havo heard Jenny Lind." If sho had givon that woman a hun dred pounds, sho could not havo afford ed her half so much ploasuro. -It was an act ofnoblo charity, of tho tendcrcstand most delicato kind. Money it would havo been easy for her to give, and money sho no doubt did gi vo ; but to sit down in an almshouse, and thoro awak en the enchantments of her voico for tho pleasuro of a poor old pauper womnn, va3 a touching proof of goodness of heart which nothing wo havo heard of Jenny Lind surpasses. Oriental Justice, A Poor Turkish slater of Constantino pie, being at work on tho roof ora house, lost his footing and fell Into tho narrow street upon a man who chanced to bo passing at tho time. Tho pedestrian was killed by tho concussion, whilo tho slater escaped without material injury. A son of tho deceased caused tho slater to bo arrestod and taken beforo tho Cadi, whero ho made tho most gravo charge, and claimed amplo redress. Tho uaut listened attentively, and In tho end asked tho slater what ho had to say in his defense "Dispenser of Justlco," answered tho accused in humble mood, "it Is oven as this man says : but God forbid that thcro should bo evil In my heart. lama poor man, and know not how I can mako amends." The son of tho man who had been killed thereupon demanded that condign punishment should bo inflicted upon tho nccuied. Tho CadL meditated nfow moments, and ilnally said : "It shall bo so." Then to tho slater lie continued : "Thou shalt stand in tho street whern .tho father of this matt stood whon thou must ran upon nim." And to tho uccusor ho added : "And thou shalt.if it Is so pleaso theo, go upon tho roof, and fall upon tho cul prit, even as ho did fall upon thy fathor. Aiian is great. Jlusks nnd I'm-ps. A nobleman onco gavo n grand feast to somo of his friends. Whilo his visi tors wero sitting at tho tablo.therocamo into tno room a uttio lady nnd a gentle mnn most snleudldlv dressed, nnnh wearing a mask, but no taller than chll- ciren 01 uvoor six years old. Tho gen tloman woro n scarlet coat, trlmmnd Willi cold laco, and hla iariro curlv wlcr was powdered so as to look as whlto as suow. nnd in his hand ho held n cocked hat. Tho lady had on u dress of brocado satln,trlmmed with sllvonipangles. Sho woro a uoauiuui 111110 nat aim leather, and held a fan fn her hand. Thov beenn dancing very gracofully, and sprang about in bucIi a charming way that everybody was dellghtod with theso pretty, well behaved children. An old officer who was dining there, suddenly took a rosy applo from tho table-, and throw It botwoon tho pretty duncers. Thon there did bealn n spniito uud n to-do. Thoy fell upon each other ami toro eacu outers ciniues, scratching nnd scrambling, till oif fell mask and head dross, and instead of two pretty llttlo children, two ugly monkeys stood beforo tho company. Everybody was surprised, yet laughed aloud ; but tho old officer sjIJ : "Monkeys and foolish peoplo rnauago to look well for a timo m lino clothes, uut tney soon show what uiey are," Miscollanooua. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E.M.KNORR'S SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND ISEST. Kvery vnrluly fir Men, Women nnd Children. OLD STOCSi! Selling nt CoH to cloie out to mako room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. J. EVANS. HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. 1IU II A3 THE FINE3TvdOOD3, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS TUB BEST U' O R K 31 E IV. ""For pond fits nnd promptness la fllllng orders lllfl trood.4 nre selected with cara nnd hi Cns torn Work will compare favorably with the best ouoria 01 me lasmonauie cuy ueaier. HE KESrS A LAUGH STOCK OF HOYS' AXI) CHILDREN'S ICLOTHINU AND GE.VTS' Ftm.VISIir.XG GOODS, At Astonishingly Low Prices, llloomsburn, BepU w, 187M1 JOHN O. JACOBY'8 BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, TENN A. Tho undorslcnod would respectfully lulorm the Citizens of Uorwlclt, nnd vicinity, that ho has opened n Confectionery and Bakery In ODD FELLOWS' IIALL, Berwick, Fa., 'where he Is prepared to fnrnlsa nil hinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES. FOItEIQN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS ' Ac, Ac, &c, c, BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Anions tho assortment will be found Cream Nuts, English Wnluuts, l'eunuts. Almonds, Fil berts. Klus. Annies. Cocoa Nuts. Jellies of dlt!er ent kinds, Mustard, Catsup, l'lclcles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit or nil Kinds, corn starch, Kks Ills cult, Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, cueene, Soap, Writing l'aper, Agreement Tapers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produce, of all kinds. Fresh Bread nn Cakes every dav. Ico Cream In Season. Your patronage Is solicited. Berwick, Jan 171 tv 1ARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsbnrg, ra. M. C. SLOAN A BROTHER ITnve on hand nnd for sale nt the most reasons' ule rates a splendid stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mndo of the best nnd mn.t dm. able materials, and by the most oxw i.'ncwj wuruinen. aii woris sent out irom ut tistau Ushment will be found to beofthe highest class and sure to give perfect ratlsractlon. They havo also a fine assortment of SLEIGHS of all tho newest and most lashlonable styled wall anil m.pfnMv .nnrfa wi , .......... . , u-uuw nuu u, iu. MUSI. lUUlVl' lAlS. An Inspection of their work Is asked ns It I believed that. nnn. .nnArln. nan l.a rmitwl (nth. country. )an 171 THE BEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST DURABLE PAINTS now in uso ore tho Montour Slate Paints. ttj luiw uuc-tuuM mure surmce. last longer and tost less than White Lead, the place ol .'.no ;r.VmVr .fr, .,.1 '??.'"K.w".f'e j , - -. ....j ...... uvu.uo uiu ucsireu. Hear what our rractlcal Painters savs 1 " H.It J)- o sreat pleaiure to recommend yonr . .. . .ub u uiwj wu uave long lelt, and overcoming a great difficulty, which has long been acknowledged by nil practical ..M.,.,..Uiu. iiiduaiuhuuu 01 wnitoijcau, "y the utmosphere, causing It to crumblo or chalk oil, I am sattsflcd they will paint ono-thlrd more surfdco and In a belter manner than uni other Kingston. Juno 25. U72.' E0-C' 0VUV- iZVi byrM'r.,yGCeo?c"ra'oUui!l8 nb0V 0I"D,tm " Jl. If. VANNATTA, A. W. MONROE, Bloom.hnrg.ra. hKNU 1 ou mm list, Ann sample cabd DREHER, IIEAY'4 CO., . . Bu1b Manufacturers, sept. 0,72.;iin. Riuwri,P. llf.lTr.nvvu llUDrorfd luruiilLvr IVonil 1'nmn ii 'liuteless, Durable, KUlcleut S the least money. Attention is gjj especially Invited to Match- ipj .iiou,iiuiiuvimi nracK tt and New Drop Check Valve, whin) 1 mil Im wllliilrnu.11 lulu,. out removing the Pump or uiHuruius tuu joints. Also, the Copper Chumber, which tlHVnr .rulTH nr ...ilo. i... will outlafct any other,' 1'or . ,J i'..ii vvvrjrviieru neud fur Cutuloguo and l'rleti. CiiAs. U. Blatcii l v, MTr. WCiuinieice HU, Phlluda.P Sept. 13 1872-ly, 1 XII 1 IT il U Miscollanooua. jq-EW BTOOK OF OLOTHINQ. Fresh arrival of SPRING: GOODS llAVIO LOWENBERQ Invites attcrj tlon to his stock of OHKAr AND FASHIONABLE OLOTHINU, nt his storo on Main Street, lu tho new block, Bloomsbnrg, l'a., whore ne has Jnst recelvod from New York and Phundolphln n full nssortmcnt of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fnshlonable, durable, nnd handsomo DRESS OOODU, consisting of BOX, HACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATSAND PANTS. of all sorts, atzosnud colors. Ho has aho rcplon lihed his nlrendy Jargo stock of CLOTH AND 0A.SHMEtlE.-3, SrilU'ED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, C11AVAT3, STOCKS, COLL AIM rr a viiwufif t f no tit twrva HUSPKNDKIW, AND FANCY ARTICLMJ Ho nas constnntly on hand n Inrgn and woll-e- octed assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prcpnred to mano to order lulo Any kind of clothing, ou very short notlco, nnd lu the best mnnnor. All his ulothlng Is made towoar, nnd most of It Is of hmno uiumiracture. GOLD WATCIllv't AND JUW'iLRY, olovery description, Unonud chenp. His rase ol fewelry Is notsurpassed lu this, place. Call nnd exnmlno hlsgonerat nssortmcnt of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AO. OCU371 IIAV1D L'JWENUEltO. TEILETS, OOO OOO Or Sii'rt-ar-Contctl, Coucciifrntcdf Kuot cud Elcrha! Julcor Ant totr GrautticR. Tin: "r.rrrMj caAy CATIlAU'iiC) or riultum lu Pnrvi lMiyetc. Tho novelty of modern Mwltral, Cl.ominl nml Pfnr ( macfiltical bcli'iicc. No ti o of any luujriT taking lint Iir'O, lL'imlcho iiml iiai.ioi UU ftutipoi'i.-tl if ctieaj', rrutjp, nml bulky liiiiMlIcntt, ulau wciun hy n ireful npplicnlUMi of cliomlcal ttli'mv. citruet nil tho cathartic nint i.tlu rnuiljctunl t,iv urtir limn tho mot ahifiUle runt a ntul liviiirt, nnd cuiiaiitntu ttitui Oianulp,Kcnr'cIy lnrci'thnii u ::ititiml .rt'l, llmtcmi borcaillly FMn!loftl by 1mo of tliu iut p('1imU1o ami fn-t itltotu tatu. UachUtllo liirtratl vo pr.fM, inn mot concent rnte.1 fdii.i.m much cat hat h- pout r i U embodied In any of th hiro pills ( mint t r nlo In tho lruj hlioH. r:o:n t'w'r wmt!rrful mliau!c loer, In jiroportioa to their t-lze. pfnplc U havo not tried them nro nnt to Fitpnno that titer arc Imn-h ordraxtlcin etloct, Imt rucii not at all tf.o tnn tlio different actlva principle of w t.iitiiht are composed bein to iaiino;iiid and i.ivlf!b'd. ni.u bv (heothcrii.n to prodneo a nnt earclitiu:n:ut tlioroiitfli, yvt gouti' and IttuiUy ui-.'r.;-Uiik catliartit. $500 neirnrcl U hereby r.V. ivd h (hj r or of theso l'dlct, to i.ny cii ia.rt .v, iv i .1 ilyel, will find lu i!u..n n.i. r.; I t ot; i ul mercury or any other mtiibrtl jioLu:;. Holus ruUrt'ly vc;ptubl r; r.i euro is leqiilrett whilo i.In;f thein. rl . ( ;; without dbtiubnnro to tho cor.'tltutlrn, t cupation. Kor 3ni!n;H'c, tlr:nl MtlplUlOII, IllipilrO ItlOtMl, fc'll ; ) . Shotiltlorr( Tllidimof tin t zlucttDtSuur I.i'ticctitlutm vt x . arli Eta.l I a t u in. m oinl;. . ; . attacIiN, inln in ri'niott ol Siitornal a'nvcr, rSIoatccl fo. Jtr r ",.t sto-uacli, Ktinjkof Xiloodtoi:i-.. ,?f ;:h Colored I'rln?, EtifiorJnijiii,- n;:.t rsioomy rorclio.lfimt), W.q tit VI 'vc n E'lcaxaut lnintJvo xv:Jcn. in o 1r,,.i lionoftho re.n'jJUl puwtr of t y 1'u- ' - i' orer vo prciit a arlety vt C -.ctt. v I fp' umt lliolr action upon i: mi.': 1;.: -i my ! uul i'tafe ilf ii't a 1.10 1 r tl ..'0 Chcnplu? tliclr n.iniulio ir.iptt a.j doc not tmpilr litem : tlie.i-.r-f c-itu . . I hi ; enclosed in t'la- bntihM pn,Jero l!cirlrtiu mui.i.i palrud for nny lcnirth tr iia.(. in utiy eil-. ate. m that tliey nro ahvay fuMi nnd itli.iMec which j un ti.o ca-u with the pill found hi tho drutri,lu:e . put i:p Us cheap wood or pa"teb'urd bote?. Itecolltvt li r rdl dUcaes v.hcio a 'Via.vati r, A'torativu rr Purcatlvo Id Indicated, theec Um!j l'. iht will glvo tho luoet purfoct fitlH.r.ictb:i tuail who mvV 1 1 Tlicy aro kU1 hy all ciutevrtalu ? lirtitr'iHC nt'i ecu in a bottle. Do rot allow any druirlet to induce ou t t. !tS nnj thins ohel' 1 1 1.1 tt-iy U Ju--t a yuu a - y rcllei !ic 1.-' i r a Ijwt pri:'.t on t. uUU.k.i ho I'Mmiitsi" IT jmir drif.trnt eau ct r t , ' tin-it. - 1. i 1 I aud ktiUu tlit-'in by uiu.'! it'i i . 1 ' :'t t:::r;;, a , my, . it i M.'C t A! . v ujirtuies. .11 Olli full . u ,.'i;K&i.ilh , . ! y t 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 o it ; j, ' .i 1. iv ri' t txcntcUitutf ninf, n'. , . iilitir'' -i i'-iik vi.tilifri'f 11 , 1 ., . t. s.--, 'uLTi.r i mi da or iiigat., Ly ti.t a, i .. , 1 -.r (K TVTVTV MlNl'T . 1 . , . il.'i-ktl, l.'viitiua, I .' :. '.a'VAV'fj' "esady REttc '. r.i i.vsiaxv ua-h. . : ii-' Tin: kih::i..v. ( : V.MM.MION Of' '111 El..... : . ';.:. vu.i or i';i-: itiwki.h. rl, .IIKSI'IHN OK Till: 1.1 . . 'li!.:; u d kh-pi.t hupa nilMJ. lUl.HI'A'IION Of "11111 ilLf. i.vTcr.i it..)'-i", iiiriiniuii.v. CATA1U11I, lXFLri:?: r'Aiv. T.ior;:.uiir. r.r.rit.M.fiiA, KliCfJlATl nn,' 'i, .r.;-r. nii.i.-. . ... i .ri.' Hi' .t Krlll't t" tl.o ! i r n i.t-lu liu ... i . . ..ui:!:, iu..3 wtj Uuld l.) . 'i 'y (".HiitH 1 1 1 i'f t- nil U r wntrr will !n n ' t u i-lj fir.1 C'.IA.'ll'.i. M'AKSIf. SOL'lt MOll' if ,, .i ii;',!!V, Mint in:.uiAonr, iihiiii.i . . n:nx u. l'AIN.-. t i .i-i- ii'irtitl.l ii1i,ivh cirn n Iblllo ft ItltUvn It .lily Itl'lliT v. til Ihi-lit. A li'W tlroim in hiitrr t ,1 .... vl .ll.'.H 1 r .i I" I ".li II..IIIYU i.i Huikr. 111 II... i . .o .1.1 U I '..'i. I. .It, , III. u fct'illtllia) I, .'livtiu a:: Ai!i::. 1 "'"'t A .. ii a i.rTi j Tlicrs 1 i i'iiiui ...i I I .i.ritl III t nil nira Fivrr n u .' ", i.u.l ..'I i i..p . .ai.-'s l.;t!...i.. tNjmlit , Til t.' i n.i.v. ,i if. i' - "MiMHi'tl i v iiAiiWAvs, rlu. .j ri I' ' ' I' UV lilXlLl.'. filly ciLU HEALTH liEflUTY I! ' .", ,'.;: I'!-::;: r.i.-tt i.i.oon-iNri;nAK v I ...-.'li W'ilullT-i'l.I'Mt hKIN AND EUAL'- '.U'.'l. c . ll'l.UXlO.. Mi 'UllU To ALU RAD WAY'S V. 0 S A R S A PAR I L LI A N RESOLVENT M U: Till: MOST AST0NMI1INO 4!lTar.3j PO Oi'll'K. KO U.M'IH AUK TUB CIIAXIIIJS Tllli ftmr tTMjntiiors, riu:tt nn; iNKurKM'i: r Tiiid 'tiiubv wu.vunin i. mcuicini:, VIIA'V Kvory tOay nn tn Flosli and Weight lo Soon and Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. K-.i-y dP-n tf tl:a RAIMA IMltIl.T.1 AN" KESOIA'EXT eo'iinm ili.ttfi IlinnisU tlio ltlnl,, IMiic, uti-1 t lie r 1' Mm I fi-p of til. m'tiju tho Mtvt vt l.fv, fur It 1Y1 I'll inn u . t- rf iUj nf villi new mill nouiiit mat, .Vrt'ruli, K)ihll i4, ('iiiiniiiDi'llnii, (il.mJiiUr ilbcrtw, Ulcy hi tlig Tliru it, Mk'iIIi, Tuninrd, Noilc li ttio (iluinl iunf (itltvr 1 art (if Hi i -lt',it, horn Kis, hrriimimfl 1'lM.lmrtrn fun ii On llir, nml tlu uri funm.f si.ln dlurnxfn, ljuii iWm. Kovvr S- i w, Sml I llfiit, lilrw Wmm. NtU Ktitmii, I'.r'-Kipt Li, Acin-.' hji'iii, Wiirina In IhtJ fletli, 'I iiinrni, Cuiocri In Uiu Wiimlt, uni nil toiukciihu lind (uSnful rli rv, NUItt hwpiild, of hiH-rtn, uml all ulc t fllto Mo I'll i i!". i. tv ulthlii tho ciirallve r.tneo of IliU woiulir of MwU-ru 4 hi'iuWlrv, nii.l a f'w l.i iixo rnic to miv t'i"-'ti u-tiitf li for t'.thcr if Uuj TouimvT dwt-aiHj lti j m nt piwi r " euro tlu'iti, if il.f I'ttlcnt, d.illy liwuitiiff roilnccd W tlic waMcit and d -com)! i-ii Imt tintt U toullnu.illy iirori'utiiiir. huccLttl lu irantiiirf Iikhi aU( find r. l tuu miuo wltlt tiow tnuti r i ii ii uiu liMltiiy tl'-iMUbua tl.ii ll.c SAKSAl'AlilL MAX v. fit :md il'L'4 lecur-, Nut oiih (ho fnPAnimi Trair.viurr eiev a t.u riiiK ill d iiet-iit In itm niiQ of Clinnilc, Hcrtifutoii, i tMiHltutioii i1, t'iv;.HS i tut It lithe uuly rualthg c in- f r trrnnrr, a'nt AV"tih itlcncii, (Jnvet, IJittten, Drfljtry n,)i i -) of W-iIit. Ineinttliifiic of t'rlne, Jirlyltt IHmai-Ct M - miiiiirli, and in till cni-ei win luiluru nr trlckilut dc .i H ur tlio Wrftir U lldck, ttjU'ty inlxnl with naUlaticva htt tlio l.ltit ur an tti, t r t iirt-.nU Huu v. iillc, or tlu r a i-ii imirlihl, ihttk, Mllniii aiintarunce, uud while bunctlott C . 4t. ninl Uv tlicre la a jirlcklnir, tmniliitf m-nnatlon l. t (' t III W.tllT, II. I (Ut lu il lUtf b4lUll Lt Mil U btlli U' iiftho LdtiiN, J'rlw, i.ti. WORMS. Tho fcaown and sure Remedy fc-r V.'or.,i .hi, 'Ja;e, tie. Ttsinor or 12 Vcurs' O.rou'tli C:trt'U Uy tZixlwny'a Resolvent. 't kRLv, MtM , Jnly li, Ibti. 1)1. n.pvrtv -t liv hi I OtnrUn Tuinr In Hi ovrlr anil liurli Ail lh It i rt fftil " It," I dJ f j it t Hi tt vnu t nun 'nt-4 . n ibti K i Ih.I m, I v i ir l! Unit, in4 t. K it I wuulltry It) t iili'l iu Mlh In It, I lit .uli nl. tud uiitf Ihix i-f ll4.1ttv'i IMIi. ftn.l two U.uIl'1 t,t trur Kvtly KviUf t ami tW li twi a f1!!') uf lu'iinr U lj m4 cc Mt, n4 I fml UlUr, tmtar, nut hi)Ur Hinii 1 fci fur twfcl j ran. Vita uM U'r Mm In IU Ul lij tf tht tvt, owr tlia un In. 1 vrlUtllt l SOU fur tie UtaLtff mLim. VoU hii iul Ik. It If ) Udi."irf, HANNAH I'. KNAI'i. ORi KADWAY'S PnRFEGT PURGATIVE FILLS, .' f tty lantih's, tVjfaiitly to-itnl mIMi wt-t piim, pirtrii reRuUU, 1'iiiiry, ciutuw. ant t-tri-miilii n. ILitivm)1 l'U' fir Un luroof all illntirdtii t th Mom ich. I.tur, Itnui'i. KlihicVD, IlU'l.lcr, Nirvon 1 1 Ih hIiiiI.i', ('tnljnv Ixni, riiheiir, littlUtKitiiii. itPifi-U( It.lluii.nuii. Ji.l luns Kfer, Intl. until tltu ol ll'i lljtU, lilf, nml all IM ruiipt'ineiiU of Hit) Vlt-ra. Wnrrantul to itfitl a nwtlv cure. I'nrt-ly Vijittai-U', ut.talitli. .u tuenury, lull rilf,ortl.'liltrl-udint!. fir Ottricn itli evu.itaii b lemltli'i from Pis CriUHOf Uio ljLkthu Urcai nt ('ntiptirn, Iuwr I'lUt, lulltiMi if U V A In Xht IUU AtUity t ill in- ii-uh, Nn -rtt Htluru, liUi -l cf 1 .-.I, Hll bee U'trljiit la Hid tU'inHfii, rr Mi.ttt n, khUi irtr tJuitrr liy l ll 1t ( f It, KIiiiii li ll llvttil, Ilurrlt J MJ MiH.'ill Ui mI.Ibi lullr, , ul l rl. t'uikitf rr fcullwHii( ri(tatji.i ii, 1.4 n I vlntf r lu1. I Hi. .i.-.. f VUUiln ur VU Ufoi t'iKirll, r.rcrnuil I nil l'ni hi t!. lUrbl, Win wary of l'MtUtt 'f (I j tlx n,.1 I , )'.!q iu lW Pi.". ilJil, Uli, h. iJv.4 1 'iL . .r tuu, Uruivt tn lU A f- v A , l: !)WAYR I'll I tflll f.T tliotrctfin ff.lil ul) I) -I.hi j illxil Uia. lti litvlil 1 If lilt, MU,p HY HltimilrH. ' 1 liV.SU "VAt.HH AMI Utri:" Scat on llifrManp to UAliWAY CO., No, bj WaMnt l,iu.e, Xaw.).i r UfUftl.Utluli .Mlll tWUMJtili ulli Ur(.t yuu. 1878-Iy REMOVAL!! I. W. NILES? isi us i o v a n m n o o u h lmvo bccii rcmovcil to tho 'i f I H I L NEW UIUOK IIUILDINQ :r f 0IT03ITK tlio lil'lfjdjl'AIiCIt 0 UCi i, M A I N pt .! Wlicro no v, 111 Uccji it uoncriil UHMirlmcut ol TUB LATlflST HIIEHl1 M,t3Jl(.!, i. r PIANOS, QUCIANS, VJObiNS, tttntnllKINIH OF MtrstL'AtiiNaTttUMIJNTH. Alstt 31USI011001W for nil IN'STltUJIIlNTa. 1'IANO AND OUUAN STOOLS Al.lj STYI.ra AND l'lticm. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO is. the cheapest First Class Piano in the market. llavlnj sccuroJ tlio Agoucy ol tlio OKo. woods' m:N0WNi:i) ohuans, , for ColumUlu Ouuuty, toiotUor with tlio CULEUUATED TEMl'I.E ANOELtC furnishes nJr.1ut.130) to imrcli.isci'siiiol fouiiil elsewaeio. ', BTATIONAUY OP ALL KINDS. A full nsiortmont of .S.QUAIIE AND OVAL F11A3IRE3, L all styles and prices couMantly ou Uiuld. STEKIi KGHAVINGS, RIIHOMCH Jt rOLOUUD ruinro.BTisuisoauoi'ia and vikws. CTirCM ana ciaininc. mchS'72-Cm. The rnmnilrahlo mlvfinlnres of tlio fiimous WUITE UHIKb'nnil 11IU WAHUIOIt among tho Hoa Skins. Thrilling accounts of Great Hunts, jiuiruruuuiu ji.NcaoeRiiiiu ierriuieuoni.usLH wiiii tho big camo uud hostile, tribes. Spirited descrip tions of tho hnhlts nnd nunerstltlons of that biruugo people, -joeir rsporis, ..ckcous, aruui Hons. Ilow they Woo and wed, Scalp, Doctor; worsmp, ffic. now, rresu nuu I'onuiar, itico Low. 11 Is selllnir liv tho thotixnnds with won derful rapidity. Agents nro making from S'jO to 8 1U0 per week. Choice Hold yet vacant. Scud at onco for sample- chapters. Illustrations nnd par- iicuiurs 10 i. jr.. jiuiiiiAlfci'. loioiisuer, Jau77'71-tr. 400 Chestnut St., I'llila Tlio Raco of Timo Keepers. M. B. ALLEB DEALlill IN WATCHES and JEWELRY DANVILLE P.. SILVnit AND PLATED WAUI3, I'llENOH CL0C1CS, HW1SH AND AMEItlCAlv STEM WATCHia. THE ItENOWNED ELGIN WATO A LAItanAHSOnTllENTOl.' FINE J UWELllY, UIA.MONDS Ac. II Hepalrlng promptly attendod to. S. H. Miller & Son, Dealer in DRY GOQDS, GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBURG, PA. AGENTS LOOKUEllElmATwi For tlio Now Splendidly Illustrated Kdltlou of lleesuae It la tlio most fascinating anil popular hook m print, una excels nil la real tlthunce and low jirtc.i. Jukt out. Mi piiKes, tlnlid paper, only J2.GOeasyvtorlln3.tii). Is u Great lilt, ti lls lulck uud lust. Terms of this uud our liew Do inchtlo HthloH, far tho most complete supcruly IN Ununited uud fust-selling edition exluut, ulso, tlio "l'ocket 0011111111)1011,'' worth f 10 to nny hook agent, sent free. Write ut onre, tntlim where you saw this, to HUllllAUD llllWi. nur,us-tr l'uUllsli(rs,7i HuiiMiiuht,,l'liila Wjc Years Wild Indians & Plains. Moyera' Column. 13 GALLED UY ZHEOTTESKL BEOS, To llio Met that thoy nro Blltl m!i!ni llio Drnir limlnesH with till llio cncricy sn clmrnutorlstlonf tliumiulrci In former thiiui, nt lliclr old uml DesiBlnml. In BEOWER'S BLOCK, mil nt llio Corner of Jlnln r.tnl Mnrbct HlreelM. 'I hrlrnloclc Ulniircrnnil lmiro vnilotl tlinn run liu foiuiit 111 nny other o.littillsliincnt hliorl nf I'lillailelpliln or New York, All of which Is oiler oil In liirco or Miiuil ountitlllrn nt llcures ns low ir not lower, (linn mine chum nm Iw piiriushpit tilhowhuie, C14II mul enmnlno for youiself. Tlio liolesHloiIepiU'tiiieut timler luo liniiiedlalo hu l erVlsion mul conliol of tliu II mi, cuinprlsri 1'AINT.S, OILS, OLASi, l'ttrTY, .ti.'., AC. They keep constantly on hand from llvo to six Ullereiit L'luiids ol Whilo Lc.ul, nmoiig which la Jolm T. Lewis & DroB., Duck Lend, Whlto 0.tlr, Dinmoml, Arctic, Varnislies, Coach, Ktirniturc, D.tmar, yiiullaoniid Jiiimu Dryer. In colors yon will lind t'nihcri hoih dry and In nil, Siennas, Drowns, Metallic nml VundjUo.lled. Vcmetlnu, Hedljpnil.AinerlcaiianilChlneso Ver millions, ilium, Vellowsnnd Gieeii", nmous which nro llio colebvalcil Versalllc. and Sliiimiocl:, veiy hnndsotno mid pprmnncnt, mul especially mlantoil to tlio p:iinting or blinds, Ac. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, .te. All sles window glass, largo sizes of superior quality for pictures, n kptclallty. Uastorotl by tlio ga'lon or dozen, Laudanum, Paregoric, llatetnau's drops, goldeu Tincture, llalsam Do Idulllia, (iod trcy's Cordial, Kssenees Lemon, 1-cppermliit, Wliitcrgrccu and Clunnmou, Alt lliu popular patent medicines of tho day, among which wo enumerate. Ayrcs, Jctynes.Vltiegtir Bitters, Hostel ler's, Drake's, nml lloolUnd's Oer man Hitters. Pills, Wright's Jayno's, Sclienck's.nnil all others known to tho Cominunlly. A largo nnd varied assortment ofKnlghts world rcuowucil cooking extracts. Lemon, Vanilla, Koso, Ilaspberry, Ktrawbpiry, l'lno Applo, Celery, Dauaua, Acaiu otrer cd below manul.icturcr.s prices, to country incichuntN, Hiilccs, Cinnamon, cloves, l'eppcr, JInce, .MnManl, AC, nt bottom prices. ALSO, Holland Flour teut phur, Upsom Sails. Salt l'etro, Cnlabra Lic orice, GumCamphor,l!orax, Assafuittda; ('uttio nnd Horso rowdcrs.Uluo Vitriol, Extract Log wood. Cnstllo nnd Laundry Sonps, Lump Chimneys, nud Lamp goods guiicr nlly, Lump Cnnllr, Silver Mind, c.ilelne.1 riasler, ltosendal Cement by tho barrel orhiishsl. Tho cclebralod Mlllvlllo Fruit Jar, n'lcnonl edged to ho hy far tho best, in tho .Markets, nil glass, of Miporlor 1uatcrl.1l and workinaushlp, Consumers having onco used these, will havo no other. Country Thyslcians will find ourstocl: full nnd complete, comprising nil tlio old staples of tliu Materia Mcdlca, ns well ns all tlio latter discov eries or medical HClenco, Quinine. .Moiphlannd Onlum always lu nbumUucn. Haueoli.os, and White's pharmaceutical preparations, Kluld and Solid extracts llllxlrs nnd 1'iltsof llio l'hariua copcra Misur-coiUed. Powers and Wclglitmau'i Chemicals, nnd I'rof. (j.iulbb'a medlelues, n lull slqck, I arinci snnd others will lludourstocK of Pure Ground Western Hone, Oil of Vitriol, Sulphate ofSodannd Nltrnlo or Soda, of better iiitullty nnd ul lower prices than can bclound elsewlieio. COACH AND WACJON JIAKI1P.H would do i to seo oursioeic nnu innuiro our prices bo loro putcliusluijeNowheie. Our retail and I'rcscilptloli department Is undor .111. oupv. 1S.U11 Ul Jilt. A. B. CATSSCART, whohas had years of oxperlencoln tho business. Able uud comncteut iissistitnL. iitu'iivu in nti..i,- dauco. This department consists ol tho com pounding of Physleians' prescriptions and fami ly leclpes, ttio pultlug up of Dya Mtutl's, et" tho rclaillngof Palent SloJIclnes nnd Drugalst's sundries, such ns l'erlumory, comprising all of Hum .ii. uiu,, vuiiuuub .vmeri can raanufacturois nml tho specialties of nil tho Foreign, French, English, German and iiuuiiu 1 uriuiiiurs. Toilet Soaps 111 largo variety, both Inifortod nnd Fine Ilnlr, Tooth, FJesh, Clothes, Shav. inp; & Nail Brushes. Truases.Slioul der Draces & Supportors, Nurs ing Bottles, l'ocket Books, Bill Books, &e., tc. Cigars of rarest nut choicest brands from Sets., toiicts., each, Pipes nnd clgur smokers and many things Im- liossiuiu 10 euuwcruiu uere. tuo nanusomoil SODA FOBITilSi J n tills nart of the Rtalo. called llio "TrAhorir irom which la conutnully druwu, those cool utitl refrebhliiK Uoveracus m popular with tho AmtT" lcun 1 mb lie, the mbillcntcd waters of Vl:hvt iitvvvt,iA uuu uvuti. 1 1 rl1 Ifnlnif.nlniil.w. Tco 4 i.iiuunn.niuilh ACliat Illicit I, U'lUIJirilitll nil tho oUlcIna) prtpmatlouH ot tho U, 8, i'tiur- OIL OF GLADNESS abpoclllo for Croup. IJunis and HcaMs ami nnn (if the most valuable auxiliaries In tho euro of i i'iiiT-puuM, jiuurttt'iiPhH, mo uver Known. Tlio a rifely lucreasttiir nak'S attest IU uminiutitvnH uhouuehohl rcmc tly. Moycr'sTarCoufih Drop w valuahhi remedy for cuLiuhti nf loim blamUm? ntui iiiritit.i.t Nuioptlou. Plavorlutf tfxtrtfcu.t&Meiiuu Jamaica Ulncer, etc To all of which wo ulc tho uttou tlouof the general public. Tho wagon will still continuo to iny ita ettxtotl visits to tlielr country custom. crd, MOYER imos. Muy 10, ly. M Ktt Vcvnnn fun InUt theno llllltr acconl U-x t-' (liicriln-i, nnd remain Ions unwell, provldcil llicir 1'tnie .ifB not clitroj cJ bv t! pmton or otticr mciim, P. ul tile m-kiih wiMt'd bomd tlifl jviint rf rcpnir t)-pcpht or Itullrlloiit, Tatn i.i itie S!nnil('i n, Cm r!h, 'i tulttnesa rf ttie Cliest, lirti ih, Roiir hnrii uioim tif I lie Stomach, Tale tn tlio Mmiitt. ):lh m Attuks I'.ilpitit'.oii of tlio Heart, In f itiiln ttimt or tlis l.iini;, l'.itn In the regions of the Kid . nn t a liiutdittl dt'icr iuitfnl rjtntnma, are ttio off - i iu (Y DncpM.i. In lhca toni'I.iints it has no a,ii.)1. atitl one brittle will miv! n Letter guarantee v( iti t- it id in a luiRihy ailvvriiirmcut. I'(tv l'1cmnlo (fiiip1uliitfi, In ymm? or old, mar . (t or 1 h If, nt the lUuii of uontauhrxjil, or the tunt i ,! tin - 'route llittcistliplay RutleciHol an Influence i i " .1 nnikrd improenieiit la ftnnti twrceptiblv Nn' inHfttniiinlnrj' mul f'hionlc Ilhru nnUnr.t nntl (lout, lluiniin, Remittent ami Intermit ni I 4, )im i ! uf tlio lllootl, I.i ver, Kidneys and i Hit, thce Uititri hue til rqnil, Siitlt DineaiM i nt In Vitniod l!!(Hkl, which h generally produced l il i.niinitt.t i f the 1 hue t he Orftatn. 'nicy tuo ii (Uiitlo t'ltrgnttio n-j ivclt nrj iiiih, l'i 'e-isinc nhn the peculiar merit of nctintt at i ; iu 'rful a vnt in rulievmtt CoiiReFtinn or lnllimmatioii ul i In. Ln i and VnctTal Orxans. ntui In llilioun Diseases, Kv Hkln DIsciiRri, Kruplion. Teller, Silt Uu tt'i. V, niche", .Siot, I'inivio, Pustule, Hulls, Car i ik . liinji-wDini ,, Kmc Vacs, I'.rmm1a li!, 'tin f i, Jb-m'or ninino( the Wkm, lltimors aim l)i i i . of the Sinn, f wlntcvcr ti.tme or nature, are lit 'tllydi'tt i'p nnd tart hd out of tht system In a thcrt 'ir p. iluite(t ihcu Uiitcn. jirtipvrttr) of Iru WALKPtt'i Vimpgar I iitmh are Aporkiit, Diaphoretic and Carminative, N'tiii i i hixitlve, I)lurctie, Sedative, CutmtcrIrrl I .mt, ,Si'(tnitte, Alleraiive, and Atiti-llilioni, (4nittftil ThimiiniitlM Vtttrott Hit ti lit tho Hunt ttondtilul Invijurant that eicr cuitaincd llie rtintoili; rVt ii- T WALKl'.H.Pi Jj'Uti : .n. n.u.?TrnnATii&co., i Ata , San riaticifico, Cal., .i a I Lit .ilioit Ma , New Voile i.irin ANL) DUALKKS. au'iS.lm I)') I H I'V Af I hlS-72 THE pEEl THE AMERI8AM BUTTON-HOLE QTERSEAMIN& AND 003IPIBTESEWI!fJIA0IIN LI. -0- Tlin first nml only IUirTON-UCUjU Afl) SUWINU MACIIINU coinlilnecl tlml has mndo lta mlvciitln llils or nny oilier country. as-Tlio following reasons nro given why tuli Is tho best. Family Macliino to Purclias9. ). llocaiiEO It will ilo eviirythtujjtli itnny ma-i clitno can ilo, bowths irom tho llnest to the coarscbt mnlcrlal, horn. luliiL', felllus, conl I n k. brnlding, lilndlngKath erlus and sowing on, at tho hamo timo rulllltig.i riulltlUK, etc., bolter than uny oilier ma chine. I, IlecniHoltwIUwork a buautlliil eyelet hole, i 5. llccauso It can lo over-liaml soiuuIhl', by 'which Micrts, iilllow icascs nud tho 1 lliu aro sewed over nnd over. I I 0. Uecauso tlio best, mechanics pronounce It itho best finished nud madoou llio best princi ple of any machine iiiauuf.tctured, It has no springs in brent: nothing lo got out ol order. 2. Iiccausolt can work a bonntllut biitton-lioip,: making as nnon icarli as by tuo hand. 1 3. Uecauso It will eni- , 7. I'ecaiiso It Is two iip'iriiriillliiinlprn ,NO nU(1 "KW1SII ilA- Barm ent. r"ei OQ ,ln CIHNiicouibtnod. r-No other Machlnocau accomplish llio kind of sewlngslaioil lu Nm. ''.;!. 4, nnd a. 1'artn-s using a family hewing macliino want n WHOI.i: MAUUINU.ono wllhull tho luinroo. incuts. It Is tolasta I.l.'i:TIMU,aml therefore ono Is wauled Unit will do tho most work, nnd do it tho bcstiaudthls do several klmU of bcwlngnotilouo ou ANVOTHHltMAUIIIN'i:, beildts Uolug every kind that all others can do The American or Plain Sewing Machine. (Wltlioul tho hutton-holo parts), docs nil that lsdouo tin tlioCoiubluatlon except butlon-holo and over-beaming, S. J. FAUX, Agent, BLOOMSBUllft, Pfv. AOUXTS WAKTHI) IN EVliltY TOWN. COMPANY'S WAKEUOOMS. 1318 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Kxamlno them btliro Mowluj Machine. itirclinsluz any oilier 1 1S72-0 tn . jcKELVY, NEAIi & CO., DKAIiUUS IN DEY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND Genei I Jllei 'cluuul inc., BLOOMS UUIUJ, I' A. JaniXTK-tf rpilE SALES OP SEWING MA X chines in 1871. usrcnorteil. under oath, lu lS7i', lo tlio owners of tho riowlus Jlachluo l'at- enis, know mat tno GS. MANUFACTURING COMPANY LAST YK.Vll 30LU 181, 260 Machines, NINETY PER OENT. OF TIIEM IJE ING FOR FAMILY USE. this is ovan MORE SEWING MACHINES THAN "WEUE BOLD UY ANY OTH ER COMPANY DUR. 1N0 THE SAME PERIOD. Tho Singer Manufacturing Co., 31 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. l'llIf,AUKt.l'lIIAOFl.'CE 1100 Chestnut St, J, A. HURON, act, iu iitjouwuurir, uutfJly A&ENTS! QUICK! oryou will in U.scholco ur territory, (therolun rtlkll for In mi Iklrl I.i;Via' last nnd greatest work, OUR DIGESTION, or. MV JOLLY h'l(Ii:NI)'MHIltMi' It lsby olila!lmlnut tailing and nuleablu book In Ihu lleld. lltluon ii vllullv limiiirliitil. miiIi. Jcet. lilt U by America's most lionular writer oiilieallh. a It Is, for the price, llio Ininentuuil tiuiiuau.t.cai, uuuil uver boat uy euuuriiiiuu. Agents, llio peoplo nro eager loruncli a book, and will urge you to brlna It lo tlieui, Wrllo lur ttriuii, ic., fiio. tii..uititu jtiAuj.i.Axs, I'liuuituer, aprll i!V72-tf. TlriaiuioruHlieel, 1'lilludel jlila. K all. Rail Hoaa 3. PENNSYLVANIA nh NninlnftorMontlnv. riM ltSllroadtl, nna.SV n'V.lS?. 1' nnd nrrlvont l'lilliulolilili. Rnf,,l " nnd nrie, iw rollowsi 1 ""'" o,., 13 ART W a t is riillailelphla lixnrc.slci .n ("Jtcept Monday) at 8.05 t,, ,,, ' -. i iiiiHiieiiiuiii aiuiij n, in. i ,;r;"" v Yorlc nt 10.0.1 n. in. """"'''hi I'-nst I.lno lotves Harrl v,,. inurrlvcs nt Woal, I'hil ' r , , v,y nnd nrrlvos il Now Yorlc nt n , ul - , Iuicnslor Tralii ih . "lonni" , ! rlsbur,( tlal y (ox'c .pt 'aV,01!1 t with tiirnuah car lor l'lii i , WHt 1'lilb.dolphla at IS j '"' ' 1 l'aclllo llxprem leaves V rr rept Mimdny) nt 115) n , ' llUnlrn llxpron lowcs it r,t ropt Huntlaja nt ivu r. , '. I'Jilladeli.hbiatKWp. fu.,' 'la Yoi tt nt ll'.U p, in, ' 11 lu lUrrisburi? An'omtnnd.i.iii.i . lit I'hlln-lel iililn ut O.-Ji p iu Slnll Trnln, leavun Unrit ',ar Hunday) nt i.i; p. , tr, ",r uUI.IU p, in,, mi 1 nrnv j t .Suw Cincinnati Impress I . , ,r, nt lii:Mp. m,, and nirlvitie ., nt2.-jU n,ni.,tluditrrli n t .,, " 1 In, 1 ' WESTVAlUi Krlo Mull woil, I ir Hrle, . JJ'Hy nthJJn. in., ncr.viinj n, , llrlo llxpress west, for ilrlo. ttvlnxiii i:rlout7:l0n. m. J Hoiillient llxwess leaves Hani Z:ll)u.iu.,urrlvosutAUoouant(I , " nrr vcsiitl'lttburi!aiii.hp, , " ' L iromili l'.iseiiKor Trnln icJ , , tliilly(ox.-ei)lMoud.iy)at ;i;w ; , ' AUoonanttijUa.iii.and nrrlvcs ii i'i Paeillo' express leaves llnrrliimrj l:l iy in., arrives at AI-mihh brinkfasl, and arrive at r,u Way ras'onser Train low 't (except (Sunday) ut 7:1') a. ur t.'tmiuit US) p. ui. nud ul 1' nit Mall Train .lu , Hiiiidny) nt. l:li p m n i 7.V."p. in., lor (.uu'er, nad .n.v l.n, Kast l.Ino leaves II ir islm Mi inlay) ut3.'KI i. in., r.iv p. iu., ami nrrlvos a' I'tii tm I'lllsburi! ovprest loiv i lu eeptMunlay) nt ll,.wp. ui a l.UJ a. iu,, uud iiirlvu ,.t i'n r.i, Cincinnati llspicst 1 tvi il nt UKu a. m urrlvttat, .v ..n nud nrrlvos ul I'ltttbui" .i .n. n , A., I. OAH4ATI', l, ,i llonernl .M.vuaor. , , jUORTJEHT ROUTi. L i , ItoiiTrillp Tlavlufmi J?. V7ilif03l.i,v ni. 1 Huwuu ii, , WINTER AlillAXQVMl. KASTWAUD. . LEAVE. A, II. Huubury ii.ju Ilauvlllo 7,u C.itawlssa 7,'js lliuletou uus W'l r 1J I 52 r. .m, hlehcm, 1 i?J uiu ladelpbln 1 1:,' an slutuu, fi-'H lu'..15 vYorli. Jjs,-- a.W lioiuioucin, llazlc i I'ataw . Dauiiiiu. l'lilladel) NOW .Thonrtornoon Iralu connecisai s X ,y."i ! W !' train Koiug U Wllllsmsnortb..! i; Ixiclc llsivi-n .. , tho Northern Central IM p. tu.. in reaelilUB llnrrlsburf; 7.W p, in. u 1U.15 p. in., nnd also with IUj u u. blown Comrortablo nnd liaadsnmj ( j now route. j, m:itvi:v KAsr,, s.i,, UU (. wuinuiiavfl Ul'JW'IliAL u.M T ri mr n... . - . . . tv A 1. On anil alter Nov. :ito, l'7., r u leave tJUNDunv asfolIowH ! NOUTIIWAltU. 12.1 l-.M. Daily except Suiitlayi !o I.lmlin, canaudiilcua, KodicMi , uUl KuspcnslonlirldKo und N. l'a'i i. O.oJn. m. Wllllamsporl. lllm'ri.ll . u . nlo, Crlo tic. i.jji: jr., imiiv, (except 'luu.'.aj r- w. - J,3). .'..."' "-'llv. (except' au '.ns Mr ,i llulIulonndNiitu',.. v..t 1.. ,. Irom Uliulra. TIEAIJ.'b '-UI.AiiW 1J.53 A. M. Dally except Jlon hy, i. u, .a .. WusUlasiOu and 1'lilladelplil.i. 11.03 A..M. Dally (except Sundiivs) fin . , ., Washington una i uPailoliiUia. S.U) l'. m. Dally (except Mm 1 ,v , 1. 1 l'lilladelpUla, ,tc. . s. w No J..' ' jl. r i.cji Auiied 11. 1'isi:. Cen'l. J HADING RAIL1IOA1'. MUMMtlll .UUlA.'.Ui I, Aii.i i'i.. Trains leavo llairlsbnrg for New ,k. M Iowh: At j.OJ, b,lo, a, in., auu u ueetlni; with trains on l'enu i load, uud arriving at Now i a i 3,S0, and !),!) p, m. lespecuvelj. Itclurnlus: I.e.ivo Now Tor n. 12,u nut. (I.iop.iu. 1'hilaUcIpliia at : , ,. and 3..10 p. ni, l.eavo llantsbni'ij for llciidlns, 1'ot' . . . riuniua, Mlllelsville, Ar.nlaiitt, uatmu . leniowu and 1'tiilaM.nt o,uam . . nud 1,(U p.m., snipping nt I.tuauon ami v WltJ btiulons; tllol,l) p. in, tr.. -u . . l'lnl't'., l'ottsvillo audi ohuniiiii .ii j i vlllt.hchuylklllllaveu and Vuuum . kill aud husiiuchanua lUuio.iu, t burn ui 3,m p. ui. Ilast lvuusyivanln Itauroml v Ue.iuiu lur Allentovvn Kasion utm . at 7.l ll'. 10. n, ui., aud I.Oi p, m, . loaoNow Yoihal H.ooa. in., Ifc . ami Alleutowu ut7.2ja, in, K.. , , un.' p. in, Way l'ltssouger JTrain 1 7r"0a.iu., eouuectlni; w in h'ln .u u l'a. railtuad reluruliii; Hum lieiul n . btnppiu at all blatu...s. l.eavo l'oluvlilo at 6.10 and a.t.0 a . H,:.0x. in., llorudou ut lo.J a. m., n.i. 5,10uutl 11, 1j a, iu., Ash!ond ut7,eju. u p. iu., Muhanoy city at 7.51 a, in. tin.. t I'tmiutjuu nl ft,-i a. tn., anil i!,lo p. m. t.u t' , dolphin, Now Yoru, llcadituj.llun s in ; tt l.oavu I'ottbvlllu tut betitiyiUi. aiui sua, hauuu Uitllroatl at 8,15n. lu. lor ht-uau ll.lo a. ui lor l'lno Urovo and Titimuui 1'till.svlllo Aecoutuiodutluu Tiaiit .t villo utft.ciUa. iu,, parses Iteiittinij ut 7i t j. . ilvlu;; at I'lilladelphlaat V,H a, in. I'.-tu. leuvei. riilladolphia ut o,lj p. iu,, p . i i. lug,, urrlvlii;;at I'uttM lout -j - 1'otll.lowu Aecoiumuii.tilou Tr.nn, le t- i town ittu,13n,iu,, relurului;, leu. ta 1 .uu . (Nlulli uud Uiten) ut 1,'I-J p.m. Columbia ituilitiad I'ralun uiu . 7,'.'Jit.ui., unit U.l.tit.m. for Kphruiu. li ter, ColumUia, .Vu.; returniiij; i. n f.'.U ti. m. nml a.'j p. m,, and cuiiiiuui.. m. unit J.ljp. in, I'eikluitiutt ltll Tra.uH t . Junction ut T.Ujinul b,Y a. m., .. .'. tutuln.', le.tvo ureeu Lane nl o. aud l.-l p. in., couuocuus tv ill Ucadluu lUtllload. l'leueuns Vulley llallroad in a nlxvlUo ul O.liln, m., J.I0 uud o.i i lu, leuvu llyetu ut tl.Jo u, m., U', i .. cottuoettiti; with trains ou Ku.tdm i Coiebloolldulo KitlUuail ll.uu tc . e utll.iu u, in, l.'JU (j.: i .t 7,13 p, m,, in I Ml. l'Uaiaut at u.uo, 8.UJuttd 11. .i. conueclliu! Willi trains on Kj.i.lur; Cuestor Vulley Kallro td Trains port at s.'Ja. m. aud li.lo uutlo.u u leuvo Dowululuwu ut i...jj ... n.ll p. iu., conuoclthi; wtlh tt.t ltallioad. Ousuudai, leavu Now Yuri; ui phiu at ,oJ it. m. aud .l,ljp. ui.T m tralu nmulny only lo Head. it 8,0U ii.m.: liairlbUillt; ul 6.0'Ju. in. iiim - i leavo Allouiotvu ut I.jj aud i. u., Heading ut 7.15 a. nl, und KWtp. " bulg, ul 7.U0 u. in. lur .Sow VoiU, in u Alleulotvu uud lit i.IU u, tu., nud iut WUladolphlii. Uommutullou, Mileage, Season, lilxcuralon Ticolit tu nud Horn an poiu duceit rales. ItagiSU'u chocked lluoujU; 10J poau t- u each paijon:ei, J. K. Wouj i , ASt. Hllpt. iV 1-lIB, .u... u l'.eudiui;. l'a., Ac 1. Is- 1 AOKA WANNA AND ULuuJlv JJ 1IU1U1 itAILUOAD Uu uud vltrNuv, 17, 1571, l'i.Bseii0'ei Tt.t u run uu luilowu i aoiUB North. lioin Se Ariivo Airlu Lome u u. iu, p. ui, 1'. in. i f crautou u.iu Ul id liutuu ti.l-i II.5J i:iiislou 1 PI. KSll i.. ... . ( W.llurfo SO'm VM " ' l'lymoutli 8.15 1S.5J 2.10 r)hlctil.lliuuy.... 7.30 li.uo a.ta Uerwlck 7.W ll.SS XjI lllool.l b.UJ 11,11 J. 7 llaiivllla - 10.50 1..7 Connection luado atticiuutou by llio im ' train lor Uiunt lleud, lillnjlmliilon, A.n-"-" all poluU Nui Ih, Kiist uud ' D.T.lluUND, su' AGENTS ) t,AMx'AiaN A"'N1' ,W,,K WANT JOITIENS' MAN l A nnnnilurn Pnllllcftl folillit'llll. for t' "J liarlcj, luviuornll thol'iealdeiitii.and tuo i ent l'lesldcntlal Cuudldaten. Tliu tbmil"1' ' " ln U, ti, mul Declaration if Juttemiitcm ' l,,Ut t.l..w,.itl.w,u lh,t t.l.Hliirill. t it Wo llleetlou Ueturuu the Imt L'ciibiM, uud t'l Mlatlallcal Tables, dc. -Hi i'auva; SHJ-nu-"' Vikeil.'ii. Jlookmlls attlglit iv to t V ttwlj muile, I'or t JrculaiH, ttddiebs tiut' t' it.t.t' Aniui'. -kept II Iw 7il Kausum HI., 1'hllni'U1 BUSINESS CARDS, VIHITINIJ UAiyiH, til l Kit IIKAlia. UlLIi IIUAI.M, ... VOdlKKM. iiO., ttC, Neatly und Cheaply FrinteJ aiijthe lutMit blyleaof Typo nt the llro, (Sunuilyi Keple!i.7 I