The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 29, 1872, Image 1
ifilw dklinni RATES OF ADVERTISING. mx AN!) Ono Inch, (twelve linn or II equivalent In Nonpareil tyre) ono or two Insertion, ll.W llircu Insertions, Jioti BPACn. 1m. t. Sit, 8 It, Ono Inch 2M f3,00 11,00 JS.OO 110,00 rwnlncnes MO 7.00 0,iw 15.10 Three Inches , 7,i tt.ou J,o,) Isio Four Inclie 7,m 8.00 II, to 17,M 21.C0 "Hurler column P',10 12, l,o i,M) iw,(0 i. nir column li.oo 1,W) 20,10 nj,m ,),co Quo column .30,00 SH.OO O,00 60,(X) 100.CO Kxccntor's or Administrator's Notice, I3,M Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, JAW. Local notices, twenty cents a lino. Cards In lh "llunlness Directory" cnlnmd, I2.W pr year for the first two lines, and f 1 OOfor cachaddltlonalllno. tstUBOOLOMIIIAN llUIMIinQ HEAHTHK totiRT itousi!, lirooMsntina, rA n v CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, sniTon Ann rnorntETon, I j,r0sTwo Dollars a Year payaWo In aivanco, .TOU PHIMTING UtDi.nn..i uMth nrnlnrrH find VOLUME VI, ---NO. 48. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1872. OOL. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 41, Columbia Oountv Official Dircotory. A cu toJudutt-WJill UKHlt, IsAAO H. MOtl' t5!i'H.rtiefnry,itr.-UonoM-J! II. ItiNni.F.ii. i Hi r.t ifcw-cftr Wii-mammon 11..I ACiiliY. li, 'rirt Atlornrt .Iambs Biiyson, Jn. ,.i,r v AAltON Hf'lTII. -1 u r- ISAAC 1 JCWITT. ,,,-cr WH.MAMLAM0r. I ,,i r .llt'H IIUIlMNB, HlllAH J, t i i W ii.i m Shaffer. , t . ili.iV r, -!. WIU.IAM KlItt'KllAUH, H ri I . .1. IAMV11KI.L, 1MNIKL 1.KK, , . I I SC. N.NI.,1 r . 1 UAItl.i. iO.Mi rpiiv. ( ,ii!i.jtioni-j-iaAACMi;lliiti)K,Jo!iN Ma 11.1 ;nlf, lurr.I-W.M. If BNVtikll, r ii ! r Wjrfc'-Dlrcctors, H. II. MlM.KH tt-i KliA .Fi , lllooinsburg, nnd JollNsoii i.m.Oteeiiwt'tid, Charles Conner, Bio'y. Bloomsburff Offioial Directory - tit. .. r...,lvr r,,.1mif? A. I-'lTNHTOM l'r slilclii, II. II. n 17; Cashier. fj. IViTs-HN. Cnsblsr. if lumlitil llnmtl M imtAOTlnn 7ViliInntl7.Ofln.4l. ft 'fnlloii Ji. 11. LI1TLIS, PresH., C. W. MIM.KII, r 1 Oliurcli Directory. 1'JUCf.irYTKlitAN CltORCIf. MnMrr-Bcv. Stuart Mitchell. bahhnlh Mrrtcra-lVU A. it.; ti P. M. ,vnW(lti.ViOf.(-l) A. J;I. Itavtr Mcellna Wiclncclny, i V. SI. srnls free: no pews rcuUd; htrnuKera wel. tome. BloomBburg Directory. M'KK HAMH Jnt received find forFalo nt tlic U'l.vwiiiAP uiuce. OLOTHINa7&cT I !A11 LOWUMIKIW, JU'rcliaui'iiUKir, Jiain l) st..iii'vi Aiiierkanlloui.e. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. Bn r. liAV All li, ueilier ill l-iiickh, hiiiil-h huh Vi .Itwclrj , Mulii St., Jufit below the American I (l'm llhHUll Aim, Watch and OlocK maker IjiicirMJUtlieRsteomer Miilniind Iron Bin. i V VTHt'AKT, Watch nud Ciocl: Mahcr.Miir. U, ii. Streul. below Main. BOOTS AND SHOES. it M.ICNOltlt, Denier In Hoots and Bhoos, latest 'j and bist htyles, corner Main nud Maikct tjtKflslu the old rostOlUcB. HKNUV Kl.KI.M, Manufacturer and dealer In lioolH and Hhoes, Groceries, etc., Main street, L.- ildooiusbiuy. I'KOFESSIONALi. Dll. 11. 0. IIOWKH, Hnrt;eonUcutlst,Malnst.i above tho Court House. OK. W.M. M. ltKltlUt, Hurgeon and l'liyslciau, unlet' over the l'Hst National Ilauk. t rt (1. HAHKI.liV, Altorney-at-liaw. OI!lce,2d U. Hour In Kxctiaui;ellloi:k,neartho"Kjchaut;o I nlel." 1 H.McKlJl.VY.M. I).,HurBeon and l'liyslciau j , Hurt ti side Main St., below Market. Ml. KUTTEIl, M. I). Hurseon and l'liyslciau . Market stieet, above Main. ; 11. P.OHISON, Attoriiey-at.Law. jnc- Hart J , man's bulldlni;, Main street. "if. 11, 1'. KINN11Y, Surgeon Dentist. Teeth I'l'lmcled wltliout pain: Main St., nearly op b'lte Uplscupal (,'liiucb, J II. I1VANH, M, 1)., Hnrgeon and Physician, ..oath sble Main street, below Market, 01!. A, It, TUflNKIt, I' tice over Kleim's Drue More, lcsliltuui ono dof.r below Ilev, D. J, Waller. MILTilNEIvy A FANCY (JOODS. ii I'KTKIIMAN Millinery and Goods, fj opposlto i:pleopal Chuicli,Maln si, MIUS llAHKI.r.Y, Milliner, Ilamsvy liulldlni; Main street. M. TEKUl('KMN, Millinery and Kancy jl Goods, Main St., below Market, II US. JULIA A. & HAUR IiAHI.'l ' 1 , l.ldleV I Cloaks ami Dress Pattern., sonu.. set comer 'I. a and Weststi. rpnil MISPHS 1IAHMAN Mllllntiv and Fancy 1 Goods Main St., below American, HOTELS AND SALOOXS. j)KK8 IlOTKIi, by T. licnl. Taylor, east cud 1 o! Main street, JIT KCHANTS AND GltOl'EIlS. p f, MA lilt, Dry Ootids and Notions, sonth- V wist comer Main and Iron Bin. POX A WK1SI1, Confectionery and Ilakcry, wholesale and letall, Ksehaueo lilnek. HIMlOWint, HnlsnlHll'nps, Hoots mill Shoes, . Main St., above Court House. T II. MAIZE, Mammoth Grocery, fine. Gro ij. eerles, Fruits, Nuts, Provision, Ac,, Main Centre Htreets. M'KFLVY, NI1AI. & CO., dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Salt, Fish, Iron, Nails, etc.,N, K, cor. Main and Market sts. i. P II. MIU.Klt & f-ON, dealers In Dry Goods, i Groceries, tlueensware, Flour, Bait, Hhoes, Notions, ctc.Matu St. MISCELLANEOUS. f M. CIIP.ISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness I , loalrer, Hhlve's llloek MalnHtreet, U . IlOIilllNS.Uquordenlerseconddoorlrom J jerlhwest corner Main and Iron sts. p i THOItNTON, Wall Paper.'WIudowBhniles ',. natures, ltuperl hlrx k, Main Rt, p V I'OHKl.I,, Furniture Ttranns, thrio story u i iik, Main Htuet,est ol Market St. 1! I!CiK.SHTOCIv,rhntnsrarher, over Ilotblnii AEjer's Htore, Main st. j h. KI'IIN, dealerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem I t.trhu'8 alloy, rear of American House, MI'EI .lACOCY.Maililn and Drown Stouo i urkH, Hast Illoomsliurg.llerwlck road. y'.V. HAIill, dealer In furniture, trunks, ceder willow ware, ueur thn Forks Hotel, V h. 11IDLKMAN, Aneut for Muuson's Coprer UiTnbiilarl.luhtiilns Hod. I' POSTKIl, Whltoand Faue7 Tanner, and '. dealer In Iee,8cottown. VOTE I'.OOKH.and blank NOTES, with or with- OGcc"1 CXeml,loaifor sa' Bt tuo COLUMBIAN Catawissa. I! I'' J'A''LM AN, Merchant Tailor, Second St. 11 liobblus' llulldlus. D'!.J. K, UOIiniNH, Surgeon and Physician hecondHt below Main, fJILIlEIlT & KUNK.dry goods, groceries, and central merchandise, Slain Street J K18TI.EH, ( nttawlssa House," North " torncr Main nnd Second Streets, J, KKILKR, Jllllard Saloon, Oysters, and Ice uream in season Main St. M. M. IlIJOHST, dealer In (JoneralMerchandlse ury Goods, Groceries &e. RVElIANNrt or Ilrlck Hotel, H. Kosten KcondHtreet'lr'Cl0r',,OUl'''t'aatcorUeril'l'llllUl1 7 U. H. A11BOTT, Attorney at law, Main St. Light Street. H P. OMAM ', .,.. above School House. J3"otA'nd1Sh?e,.Ma''UraCt,Uer lleai" U R. fl.ffT' aeRl" lu Stoves and Tin ware In all Its branches. Pli!2iif,lsfiiT' Her. and dealer lu all Ulndsoi Espy. i,amijrnJHA1'i.Mut"u,'lll'nllu PlsnltJB H 1 nu iiox Man facturlng. Buck Horn. M 'oiusn! f ji, Mntbura SluiUluta mid Snihip 7iml vtMtxKi ( ,VM. I'kacock, l'res't., J, II. RiiiiimiN.Sec, HtouinxMira Mutual Saving Vml Alsvrlntlon j. J. 1 Rowi.u Ficsldent, C. O, BARKM.Y, Bec'y. Orangevillo Directory, II. llHniUNtl & DnOTHEH.Carrcnlcrsnud . jjiuiiiers, Alain si,, uoiow I'luc, HICK IIOTIlf. Biid refreshment Saloon, by ltolir M'Henry cor.ofMain and Plncst, Dll. O. A.MKGAHOEI.,l'hyslclanandBurgoou Main St., next door to Good's Hotel, DAVID HHIIIIING, Flour and OrlslMIU, and Dealerln grain, Mill Street. TAMES 11. IIAUMAN, Cabinet Maker and Un- dertaltrr. Slain St,, below Pine. oCIIUYI.HIl & CO., Iron founders, Machinists kj a and Mamifitcttuors of plows, Mill St, SAMUHI.SIIAHPI.ESS, Maker of thelliiyhnrsl Uralti Cradle. Main St. WILLIAM DELONG Shoemaker anit manufec Hirer of Ilrlck, Mill St., west of Pino Philadelphia Directory. y-aTnwiugiit & co7, " WHOLES' ALK GROCEH9, N. E, Corner Second and Arch Strcels, PlUI-AliKLDllA, Dealers In' TEAS, SYltUPS, COFFEE, SUOAK, JIOLAKSES nun, sricFS, in CAim soda, ic, c. S"Orders will receive prompt attention, may 10,07-lf. JJAltVEY B. WALKEU, WITH M E 11 , SOU It OP V & CO., lairoitTEKS ANnjonncnsoF CJIlNA, OLA'iS AND QOEENSWAItE, No. 1C8 NOIITII SECONDBT., PHILADELPHIA. SU-Oilelnal nssr.ttcd reckoges ol (Jueenswaio cimslalitlv on hand. leWl'K-U. Mrjmrra.iyay3iaywuTr?gwgCTrwmyi.iiiii i.w m n m Bnsiaoss Onrda. E. II. LITTLE, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, OIHce Unurt-Housa Allev. below the Coi-iim bian OIUcc, Eloomsburg Pa, Q B. BROCKWAY, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, liLoojisnur.o, pa. OrFirn Conrt House Aller. In tho Co- lumman building, Janl,'67, c. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Otllco Courtllouso Alley, below tho Coi-nu- niAN Otllce. llountlcs. Dack-l'av and Pensions collected. Uloomsburg l'a. bep.20'67 JOHN M. CLAKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, At It. F. ClnrliN Into office. Mntn slrcet. Uloomsburg, Pu. "jVr EYEULY lLWer Has A Into tho Law and Collection busi ness with B hn G, Fice7e, Esq,, Attorney at Law, olllfi "m Ilrower's liuildlug, Main .Street liLotiMsnuitn, Pa. ov. urn, lbt.'.-ii. "VTEW STOVE AND TIM SHOP. ISAIAH HAGENBUCTI, Main Street one door nbove E. Moudenhall's Store. A largo assortment of Stoves, Heaters and Hansci constantly on hand, and for sale nt tho lowest rates. Tinning lu all Its branches carefully attended to, anil satisfaction guaranteed, Tin work of all kinds wholesale and retail. A ". tal is requested. Jan P71 jgLOOMSBUIlO !lAKRI,i: W O It K S. 1IAIN RTKKI.T, IIEI.OW MAKKKT, DLOOMS1IURO, l'A, Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Ac. Work neatly executed. Ciders by mall will receive special attention, N. H. Work delivered lreeol charge. T. L. GUNTON, Pioprletor, ocll3'71-tf, 1'. O. Ilox 'J7. JABGAINS BARGAINS. QUICK PAI.ra AND SMAI.I. PROFITS. HAVE YOUR MONEY. Goto HENRY YOST, East Uloomsburg, Pa., lor all kinds of the best homo and city made F U It N I T U K K . Prices reasonable and the be.-t work done. Jan P7 tf "yULOAN WORKS, DANVILLE PA. WILLIAM II. LAW, Manufacturer of Wrought Iron Bridges, Boilers, Gasholders, Fireproof Buildings, Wiought Iron Hooting, Rooting Frames, Flooring and Doors, Farm Gates anil fencing, also Wrought Iron pip ing, Stacks and all kinds of Smith Work, Ac, ltenairs promptly attended to, N .11. Drawings nud Intimates supplied. oclimi-ly. JEKNIIARD STOIINEU Would Inform his friends and tho public that ho has taken possession ot THE OLID ST-ft.3SrX3 In tho Exchange Blcck, so long occupied by him and will cany uu Iho business ol n FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, Ho brings to the business an experience ol many years and assiucs the community that ho will lurnish the bestol biead, cakes, rolls.blscult, Ac. flesh every duy. Hepioposes also to keep on hand n largo and well assorted stock of FINE CONFECTIONERY, of all grades. French candies nnd those of do mestic iiiaimfaclute, always to bo had, wholesalo and rt tall at lowest rates. Adjoining the Bakery and Conlcctlouery Is a well established RESTAURANT, where mny bo found Alo and Lager, and Ilc tieshnuius, Oysters In sensnu and thu various ltttlo delieiielcb which mlt the public taste. Thero Is ulso n FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, ovprthe confectionery store, where Indies ami gentlemen can obtain tho best of Ice Crcum in beabon, A fnirhlinroof tl:n public cufctom is lequestea nud uoruiiiH will bohimrcilto ensmo hutlsinc tiou uprll N EW DRUG STORE. CUIUS. A. KLEIM Hiivlng i iirchaied Ihc business ol K. P. Lnti now otitis nt thu old stnml, li eLnlioiissoitiueii of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, I'ATKNT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, I'ANOY SOAPS, BUUSIIEy,JtcAc, And a pi iu i nl ntfortintiit of tho choicest goods usually louud lu llrstelass istabllshmeuts, Phislclaiia' Picscilptlousaud Family lticlpes Carelully Compounded, On Hunduys, open IremSn. in., to 10 a. m., ami from 2 p, m,, to 4 p. m, GERMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN, fob 0'72-tf I7ASIIIONABLEDRESS MAKING. 1 Mis, L. Ilnwley, Mlltou, Fashionable . Dress Maker, and Teacher of Brlgg's unrivalled system of llttlug by measure, lu thespecdiest, most stylish and rerftct manner. Dresses, Pot nnalso and nil ladles' and misses' garuit uts, In vites a call fiom all wishing to learn tho dia gram, or to have cutting and lilting of suits done as well as In Philadelphia, and ul modcr nteiates. Suits made to order. Call, third door above Mrs. Brobst's store, Maui street, below llsllroad, west end. Oct. II, Im-i'in. MRS. L. HAWLEV MILTON. Miscellaneous. JQ E KTISTBY. II. O. HOWEIt, DENTIST, Uetpectfully orl'ers his professional services to tho ladles audgsntlcmeii of Bloomshurgnud vl' clnlly. He Is prepared to attend to all the vari ous operations In thollnonf his profession, nnd Is provided with thelatest Improved l'oiic'Kl.Altl Tfktii which will bo lnserted on gold nlntlng silver nnd rubber base to look as well nstbo nat nral teeth, Teeth extracted bv all tho new and raostapproved methods, and nil npcrallons on th teeth carefully and propcily attended to. .nesitienco anu oince a lew uoors nnnve me .v..... ....... Hloomsbiirg. Jan.P71 ly NSUUANOB AGENCY Wyoming nripnt'r.?.,!!!iin.""!V.,!!!LMn.'.'., Itnjal of Liverpool Danville Mutual cprlngdeld Gerinanln, N. y International ,n,y Farmers' Danville Lancaster City Heine f :ro.t( . ... V"'.'""' ...... Wfl.rto 10,I',MO ..... R7O.U0 fifKi.neu lM.THI 8JH,(mi j.ii',,ai a.wp.toj FBEAB BItOWN. Aotnt. msill'71 ly, Bi.ooi:i;r.una l'n. JJINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE THE SIMrilBT, rilEArEBT AND El tT IN unr.i iiab HUT dm; KEEDLEI A CUILD CAN RUN IT I Dolgncd fspcclnllj for tho use orfiimlllcs.nud odlCBVil.odolietoluilUor Hie mnrlut. Will do every stltth of tho kniltlrg In a slocking, wldrlilntr i, nil 11 nn r.wlf.,, nu v. n.llli. na I. . ' Ale fit It lid hi fcr worsltils and fancy work, TAKING FIVE Dll-FLUENT KINDS Ot' v.."""' i" m. in iiiiiiiiige, anti not liable to ct out of older. Every Family should have one. We want an Age nt In tveiy town to Introduce and sell Hit m, lo w lit in we i Iter the most liberal in tin ci mm I . Strn.l f,.r n, iiimln.i.n.ii....Kin Isloikliie. Atldress. IIINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., nov. 10,'71-ly. L'ath, Mc, T C. HOWE R, tws opened a hrsl-clas HOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND IBlt b'lOIiE. at the old stand on Main Street, BIoomsburg,afew doors above the Court House. His stock is com posed of tho very latestand heststylcs over oiler ed to tho citizens or Columbia County. Hocan accommodate tho public wlththofollowliiggoods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy doublo soled stogabootn, men's double and single tup soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds, men's flno boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled hoots nnd, shoes of all kinds, men's glove kid Balmoral shoes.mcn's, women's, boys's and misses' Instlug gaiters, women's glove kid Polish very Cno.womeu'smorocco Balmoralsnnd calf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg get! and sewed. He would also tall attention to his One assort ment of ATd, CAPS, FUIIS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all tho now and populai vari eties at prlceswhlehcnnnotfalltosultall. These goods are ollcrcd at tho lowest cash rates nnd will tio guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains nro to bo found than at any othor place In tho county, Jan F71 THE ORANGEVILLE MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS o( tho most Approved Puttcrns. Mill Kerning, .701)11111)7, mil O'siNlingN of all descriptions. DEALEBS IN General Merchandise, Lumber, Ac., Ac. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo would announce to tho public In general that wo havo taken tho well known Agricultur al Works of this placonnd hhallmakoit our aim to niauiilaelure First Class Agricultural Imple ments equal to any other makers lu tho State, such as Tlircbhliig Machine, Uoth Lever and Tread Power, VIom-sj ol every DcKcrliition, among which will bo the celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by nil to bo Iho best plow extant lor theiarmer. Also the Champion, Sterns' J'atcut and The Montrose. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators', Iron Kettles, and CastliigN of every descilptlon. We shall usenooebut tho best materials and employ none but competent nnd experienced mechanics and our prices will compaio luvoiably with any other maaulactur ers. Country Produce, Lumber, Old Iron, tnken In exchange. Wonlsobavnn store lu conneetlou with our Agricultural Works, where mav bo found a lull assortment of MERCHANDISE which will ho sold nt small profits. Give us a call beloro purchasing elsewhero uud we guar antee satisfaction, inrcb!S!'7l!-ly. Hotels. rpHE ESPY HOTEL. JL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, l'A. Tho undersigned would Inform tho travelline public that he has taken the abovo named estab lishment ami thoroughly leutttd the same for tho perlect convenience of htsgucsts. Ills larder will bo stocked with the best the market affords. The choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to UU IUUUU 1U Oil, U4I. WILLIAAI PETTIT. Espv. Pa. E. J. THORNTON would anntinueetuthe eltlzensof Blooms. burir and vicinity, that ho ha lust lccL'lv.'ilarall and complete assnrtmont of WALLPAl'EU, WINDOW bHADES, FIATVCIX, COUPS, TAfaSELH, and nil other goods In Is lino of business. All tho newest uud most approved patterns of the day are always to bo iouuu in his establishment. mnr.5.'t!9-tf Main St. bolow Market. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL BETWEEN New York, Cork and Liverpool- NEW AND FULL-rOWEUED STEAMSHIPS, OCEANIC, HEPUBLIC, BALTIC, CELTIC. GERMANIC, BIUTTANIO, ADRIATIC. ATLANTIC, Sailing from New York on SATURDAYS, from Liverpool nu T11UKSDAYB. calling at Cork Harbor each way. From tho Whlto Star Dock, Vavouln Ferry, Jersey City. Passenger accommodations (for all classes) uu, tttiiivu, i.tmuiiimi; SAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFOIIT. Saloons, state-rooms, smoking-room nnd bath rooms In midship section, wheio least luutlon Is felt. Surgeons and stewardesses accompany these steamers. ltATis Saloon, 160 gold. Steerage, JMcnrren cy. Those wishing to send for friends from thu Old Country can now obtulu sticrugo prepaid certificates. U3 currency. Passengers booked to or from nil parts of America, Paris, Hamburgh, Norway, Sweden, Dralls Irora tl'unwards. For Inspection ol nlsns and othnrlnrnrmfif in,, apply at the Compauy'sOtllces.No. lOUroadway, New York. Jau, IS, IS7?. J, II, BI'AItKS, Ajont, Poetical. a soso or a si:st. nv jnAN itjaEhow. There was oi!?onnc3tlii a hollow, Down In Iho mosses null knot-gins pro-s. cd I.oflnnd warm, nud full to tho brim ; Vetches leaned over It, purplo an dim, With Imltcr.cttp buds to lollow. I piny you henrmy scuj of n nosl, 1 or It Is not so long ; You shnll never light In a sunnier quest Tho hushes r.mong Shsll never light uu n prouder sUtcr, A fairer tiestful, aof ever know A softer sound than their tender twitter That wlnd-llko did como and g', Ihadnncslful onco of my own, Ah 1 happy, happy I; Right dearly I loved Hum i but whin they were giown, They spread out their wings to lly j O, ono after ono, they Haw nway, Far up tho heavenly blue, To the belter country, the upper day. And I wish I was going too. I rray you, what Is tho nest to me, My empty nest 7 And what Is tho shoro whero I stood to seo My boatsall.down to tho West? Cou I call that homo whero I anchor yet, Though lny good man has sailed 7 Con I call that homo whero my nest was BOt, Nowall Its hopes havo f.illod 7 Nay, but tho port where my sailor wont, AmPlbe land whero my nestlings be. Thcro Is tho homo whero my thoughts nro sent, Tho only homo for me. Miscellaneous. I'KIIIT Willi A HIIAKIC. A THRILLING STOUY. An ofllccr of ono of tho ship3 of tho United States Survey Servico relates this instance of his own rashness and narrow escapo with his life. Ho waded into tho sea at Charlotto Harbor, Fla , to spear "stingaioes," a fish liko n flounder but with a curious rat llko tail: "I had started upon u good sized stlu- garco, probably about thrco feet In length and about two in brcapth.with a beauty of a tall, and soon tho bunt be came interesting. Twico I had pierced its body with tho boat hook, and tho water in tho immediato neighborhood became dyed with blood. Tho shoals extended out a milo in many directions in Charlotto Ilarber, and I, in my cxcltemcnt,had waded out full half that distanco from tho shore. At least a milo away from my men. Tho thought of danger novor onco entered my head, though tho harbor was full of sharks, many of thotn twolvo to fifteen feet in length. My feet' and legs wero bare, my pants being rolled up as high as possible. But I had gono out somo distanco from that depth, tho water be ing up to my waist, and not dreaming of peril, was bent upon tho eapturo of tho flsh. Suddenly, but why I could novcr comprehend, I turned my eyes from tho stingnree, and looked into tho harbor. I never saw that stingaroo again for my heart almost ccasfd to beat, as I bohcld a monstrous shaWr, that no doubt had scented tho blooJ or tho wounded flsh, coming in a direct lino for tho place whero I was standing. A feeling of horror pervaded mo at once. Powerless, death stricken it seem ed, I gave ono yell shark ! and giving ono desperate, agonizing look towards my men a milo away,I turned my eyes, almost starting from their sockets,upon tho monster from which I expected tho most horrlblo death. Tho agony and mental torturo of that fearful momont can never bo descrlbod or forgotten; it makes mo shudder now to recall It. As tho shark spproached mo ho les sened his speed, ovidently reconnoltcr ing tho position. His graceful ovolu tions; tho perfect easo in which ho glid ed through tho wator,tho under jawju3t dropped far enough todisclo3o tho glit tering rows of teeth, sharp as razors.tho caroloss.lazyiraovemeiit of tho powerful tail; and nbovo all, tho cold, horrlblo glare of thoso small yellow oyes, fasci nated mo with deadly terror. In thososhort seconds I lived yenrs of horror. Tho ravenous demon sololsuro ly confident of his power, and I almost powerless, waist deep in water, and no weapon to defend myself but n common boathook! Iseemed to shrink into noth ingness when compared to my onotny. Ho gavo mo but a few seconds to think or preparo ;for death, for quick as a cat ho faced directly for mo, ami scomod al most to spring clear from tho water as ho dived for my legs, I could scarcely hold tho boat hook in my trembling handes, but as his body camo within reach I struck at him with tho energy and despair with which a drawing per son would catch at a straw. In a breath I commended my siul to God, nnd for tho next few seconds bo- camo nearly unconcslous. Whothor tho monster folt tho point of my spear or not, of course I cannot toll. I presume, however, that ho did, for ho missed rao, his ponderous Jaws coming together with a snap. Passing full around mo, ho dashod out into tho harbor again, but not far,whcn ho turned and began tho samo manocti vers as beforo. My feel lugs as ho sprang for rao, nnd tho rovtilslon consequent upon my un looked for rcspito.Ecemed to Inspiromo with now courage, anil I folt that tho cowardly shark might yot bo balked of his prey. I gained nn astonishing feel lug of coolness nnd nervo, nnd deter. mined to present u Arm front when ho attacked 1110 ngiilu, which 1 know ho would. I began to retreat, stepping cautious ly backward, with my eyes ilxed ontho shark. Stealing n look towards tho boat, I saw with Joy tho men had got it olf tho beach, nnd wero manning tho oars That look nearly proved my last, for i had hardly turned toward tho shark bo foro ho was upon mo. I cannot descrlbo minutely what occurred, for I was tak en completely by surprise, anil lost my wits as woll as norvo. I saw tho dull glaro of thoso torrlblo oyes, tho almost white, shining surface of tho belly as It was partially turned upwards, nnd tho waters dashed In my faco. A deadly cold feollng wont over mo liko tui electric shock, as I felt tho sHmy body brush iny baro legs! somo thing struck mo on tho elicit, nnd for n moment I bollavo I becntno unconscious, Tho shark Bcomod to twist his body completely around mo, tho boat hook dropped from my hand, nnd fell over tho monster's bad:, my fcctnnil legs be lng thrown completely outof tho water, n9 my head and body wero wholly sub merged. My escapo from death was wonderful. Tho shark fulled for tho second tlmo In catching mo botweou his mas3lvo laws. Tho water restored mo n Httlo and I scrambled to my foot, and almost wild with terror, looked for tho shark, and nonocan Imagine the Joy I felt when I saw him swimming at full speed to ward? tho ontrauco of tho harbor. I turned my faco to tho shore, nnd slnggorod along till within a few yards of tho beach, when I was wholly over como, nnd swooned from tho effects of tho dreadful ordeal I had undergone. Falling In water only four foet deep af ter such n remarkable oscapo from a hor- rlblo death, I cimo within a hair's breadth of drowning. Tho boat's crow arrived not a momont too soon, as it was over an hour before I was resusci tated and thon only nflor tho tho most unwearied oxcrtions. An Ailrontnro with Mexican Hogs. Tho wild hog or peccary of MexIco.In spito of its insignificant size, Is ono of tho most truculent and llerco Httlo ani mals tho sportsman can fall In with. Standing seldom morothan twcnty.and never moro than twenty-four inches high, they uro, from tho sharpness nnd longth of tholr tusks, nnd tho rapidity with which thoy can cut up and down with them, really very dangerous Ht tlo beasts ; and from their going in small bands of from threo or four to flftoen or twenty, sportsmen generally give thorn a wldo berth ; nnd no matter how good your dogs may bo they stand no chanco with them. Thoy seem to fear no dan ger, count no odds, nud nro seemingly always ready for a flght. Numberless stories havo been told of their fierceness, and I am about to reiato an udventuro of my own with them, which might havo rosultod very unpleasantly for mysolf. Many years ago I wa3 on a shooting expedition up tho river Brazo3,and fool ing rather aguish ono morning, did not accompauy my companions on their dally excursion. Being bettor in tho af ternoon, I took a small rlllo and went into n cano patch to seo if I could pick up a wild turkey for dinner. Moving on in a silent raanner,I noticed tho slcndor cano stems in front of mo shako, and presently saw somo nmall, dark object, which I at onco concluded to bo n wild turkey. Moving on a3 quickly, and at tho samo tlmo as quietly as I could, I at last !nw enough of thn body to llro at, and pulled. Scarce had tho report died nway be fore, in twenty directions, Iho cane3 wero shaking, and I hoard tho snap- snap 110I30 which wild hogs make. I know it was no tlmo to loiter there, or oven to wait to re-load. So turning about I bolted for thooutsklrs of tho cano patch ns hard as I could lay foot to ground, with tho wholo pack after mo like so many hounds after a fox. For tunately for mo, just outside tho canes were somo trcos,upon reaching which I throw tho sling of my rifle over ray head, and went up ono quicker, I bo Hove, than over a loprnan wont aloft ; and even thon my pursuers wero snap ping and grunting around tho root of my trco beforo I had timo to comforta bly settle myself amongst its branches. At first I was disposed to mako light of tho situation, for I did not then know tho tenacity with which theso Httlo mixtures of ill-temper and bristles stick to their enemies, and I fancied that If I shot onu or two of them tho rest would skodaddlo ; but as I wanted to savo ray ammunition, I determined to havo n pipe, hoping that thoy would got tired of waiting, nnd by returning to tho banquet of young cano shoots givo mo n chanco of descending from my perch and returning homo. Sol lit my plpo and thon reloaded my rille. Upon counting tho herd, I found that thero wero six teen of them ; and thoy really formed no pleasant picture, a?, with tho bristles on their backs standing on end liko 'quills upon tho fretful porcupine," they rattled their ivory tusks liko castanets, and besprinkled their breasts and shoulders with whlto frothy foam, as they ran round nnd round the troe, looking up nt mo with nuythlng but n fiioadly expression of countonanco. After waiting fornbout half nn hour, saw that they had no prosont iutou- tion of leaving. So, selecting tho largest of them, I put n ball through his head. Tho Hash and report, instead of,as I had fondly hoped, scaring them, raoroly seemed toadtl fresh fuol tothelr rago,antl their ed'orts to scalo my fortress becamo redoubled. Again I loadcdand dropped another, which had merely tho samo offect upon them. I now began lo bo seriously alarmed, for I had only four moro bullets In my pouch; audofcourso, from my position being so much abovo him, thoy only represented four moro of my enemies, leaving a party of ton still to keep up tuo blockade, it was only nbout thrco o'clock, nud I know that my frionds would not roturn to camp until sundown, and oven then my nbsenco would cause no alarm, as thoy would conjecturo that I wa3 hunt lug ; nud so tho only thing I could do was to sit in my troo until tho timo for my frioniU' return drow nigh, and thon open llro on tho brutos again, and trust to tho chanco that tho report of my rlllo might bring somo of our party to seo what was up. Hour after hour dragged on, but tho day seemed never-ending ; and from tho cramped quarters I had to occupy, and tho oxtromo hardness of my seat, my position was, ns may bo easily Imugln cd, anything but it pleasant ono. Hiiro ly, I thought, tho beggars won't stop hero nil day; thoy must get tired of It boforo long. But no, thero they stuck nud if over nnysot of boasts, or oven men, showed ludomitablo pationco, theso peccaries did. By sunset I found tho hurduessof my soat becoming unendurable, and I shift cd my position to n staudlug 0110, but my legs wero so cramped that I had to hold on to keep from falling. At tho tlmo that I thought my companions would bo roturnlng, I began to bawl out at tho top of my voice, but no nns wcring call camo back, neither did tho pigs seem nt all Inclined to Image. So, nftcr half an hour's Incessant "coo eo lng," I determined to begin with my rlllo again; and picking out ono of tho largest of my boloaguors, I settled his hash. Ton mliiuU'J nfter another re. colved his dose. I had now only two balls left, and I hardly know If It would bo bettor totiso theso, or to rcservo thom for n Httlo Iator. Ilowovcr, I had plonty of powder and caps. So I know that, nfter I had dono all I could against tho Infuriated animals, I could still keep up n fusil lado as nslgnnl to my friends that some thing out of tho common had occurred to mo. So two moro bit tho dust, thus reducing my much too attontlyo Httlo friends to ton. By this timo evening began to close in, nnd I becamo much afraid that I might bo treed for tho night. I had noth ing to eat or drink, savo a cup or two of tea, slnco tho preceding day's dlnnor, and hunger nnd Intcnso thirst now ndded to my discomfort ; tho latter do. sire, howovor, I somewhat allayed by chowing tho leaves of my trco; and another good resolution was made, namely, never tostlragaln out ofcamp, supposing I over got into ltagatn,wl-th out carrying a storo of biscuit. Suddon- I heard tho report of a distant shot, nnd hopo onco moro reigned supremo. So, pouring In a doublo chargo of pow der, rammed well home, I flred In reply to It; nnd then loaded and fired half a dozen times, as quickly as I could. Presently I heard a shot much nearer, and then began to shout as loudly as I ould. Soon after I heard ono of our party sing out, "What's up ? Whero are you?" "Here," I shouted, "up a tree treed by hogs ; and, by Jove, they'll put you up ono In nbout n second If thoy find ou. Cut back to camp and bring all hands back." "All right, old'.boy,"wa3 tho reply. 'Sit qulot; I won't bo long." in noout nan an hour my friends ar rived, nud tho first intimation I had of their uppproach was u crashing volloy, which laid moro than half tho hogs dead. A chargo followed, and in a fow moments tho coast wa3 clear of all but tho dead and wounded, aud I was froo to descend from my leafy bower. This did manngo to do, but I was so stiff that it was not until my legs had been well rubbed, and soveral nips of brandy absorbed, that I was able to walk or even stand upright. Wo got back to camp nil right, but I over during my sojourn in Mexico kept a sharp lookout for hogs. A law Report. not: os tub dumise or rtoE, vkrscs norc os tiif. DEMiaUOf DOE. This was a caso of ejectment. Gab ble (Q. C.) for plaintiff. This is a clear caso of ouster (6hower, 2) ; but if tho tenant in possession disputes tho title of tenant in tail, ho cannot plead laches ( Campbell, 1). In this caso tho remain der man wa.s regularly lot in, but tho widow cannot now claim dower (Black- stone, a). Supposo tho mortgagco had been nnxious to foreclose, then plaintiff must havo been guided by tho rulo in Sbolly's caso Adolphits aud Ellis, C). Hero thero is nothing of tho kind. If defendant takes anything, It is tho char acter of tenant in rovorsion after tho possibility of Issuo extinct (Shower, 1). Tinimpus tsergoant) contra, uoo takes only a chattel interest, or, nt most, baso feo Tauntcn, G). Tho court must presumo that tho outstanding term is atisfied (East, 0). Tho rule is not now as Coko laid it down, for MansQold (0. J.) declined taking It up. This Is 11 caso of common oii3ter. Doo walked lu as trustee, and was kicked out In tall. Thcro is no relief for him at common law Braclon). Tho door was shut up. on him by defendant's son, and tho parent Is not nnswerablo for tho act of tho boy Ghitli.) juugmcnt was now ucuvcreu uy 1110 court. Mlther (C. J.) This I tan uncommon caso. Doo was never ifulariy In, nor was Roo regularly out. Both took as devisees of the same to1 ator. Tho caso In Shower cannot guldj us horo,though the rulo laid down has been recognized. I do not think there is much in tho objection to tho widow's claim of dow er, though I seo I havo got it upon my notes. A mortgagco may suffer by laches, but then tho defendant should havo pleaded tho tort. Thero is notlb ing of this on tho record, and thu vcr diet must no accordingly. l'uiiy IJ.) 1 am 01 tnosamo opinion. My brother Thumpus hasreforred us to Bractou. I know tho point in Bracton, and havo decided it twico tho other way. But bora I think the rulo lu Shelly's caso comes in and carries tho verdict. Twaddlo (J.) Thoro nro four points In this caso -, thrco of them amounted to nothing, and tho fourth has boon con ceded. Tho Laches ought to havo ap peareu on tho pleadings. Thero can not bo a uso upon a uso (Sanders,) but iv trustco may tako by tho common law, which tho statuto.tJac. II., c. 14, did not Intorfero with. Tho provisions of tho net removed much nbuso, and tho eighty-fourth Is n pnrtleulnrly whole somo section. Hero tho questions do not ariso, nnd, as tho rulo is clear, tho verdict must follow it. Shiver (J.) I am of tho samo opin Ion, The louneers about tho Cltv Markot of San Francisco wero astonished, ro cently, by tho sudden apparition of a small boy, wrapped lu flames nnd screaming dismally. No sooner was ho nut out man a second oov. uicowiso burning fiercely, rushed on tho sceno nnd demanded to bo extinguished. Ho in turn, was followed, nfter n few mo ments, by a third llamlug boy, und tho snpi'hitnra abandoned themselves to tho bellof that 11 goueral conflagration of tho small boys 01 ban Francisco was in progress. Thoy waited, however, lu vain for any further burning boys, and finally ascertained that tho three boys who had so astonished them had picked un thrco sonarato sticks of phosphorus. and placed them lit their respective pockets, In which warm recoptnclo tho phosphorus nail burst into names. Rattlehnakf.1. About tho 10th of May last,Dr. Cotton caught, at Prospect In Giles county ,Tennes3co,a rattlosnnko four feet threo Inches long nnd five Inches In clrcumferonco. When cap tured, It had eight rattlos nnd n button. Slnco that tlmo, It has bcon confined In a glass case. ' It lias not partaken of ono partlclo of food, though It has been tempted with micoand other small an Imals on which tho rcptllo Is accustom ed to feed. Tho snnko manifested no Inconvenlonco from its confinement, nor did it loso nny in slzo or bodily vl- tallty. Its oyes continued to gliston liko magnetic steel, and lis lancinating fangs to protrude nt tho nppearanco of any ono near tho case. Dr. Cotton thought nil tho whlto It was a male. Though smnll mlco and rats havo been confined in tho caso with tho snako un til their own hunger urged them to blto at its scaly hide, tho serpent refused to givo thom notico or partako of food. On two or threo occasions It has takon small quantities of water. Ono day, nt ono o'clock, on going Into tho back room of tho storo, whero tho caso is kept, it was discovered that tho snako had given birth to four young snakes, nnd by threo o'clock sho had given birth to thrco more, making sevon in all. Tho young snakes mado their np pearanco ono nt u tlmo, and In n colled or striking position, their eyes glisten ing and tholr envenomed tonguos con tinually darting out, Tho young ones nro each from nine to fifteen Inches in length, and In n stato of perfect devel opment. Thoy aro quick of motion, and possess no ordinary spinal vitality, ns they crawl readily to tho top of tho caso, with celerity across and around it from end to end. What is most singular and contrary to all tho received notions concerning tho rcptilo, each of theso young snakes hns n full buttou on tho tall, which clearly refutes tho idea that they havo to bo six months old beforo tho formation of tho button. Tho old snako was lying in her caso In a lethar gic state, witn somo indications, as tho doctor thought, of increasing tho coll ing family. Tho youug snakes coll around her, nnd under and over her; and she seems to havo for them tho ma ternal affection of Instinct. This snako has been in c.iptivity nearly four months, yet during all that period sho has not partaken of it morsel of food, and has brooded her seven youug. As to exactly how long from inception tho process of gestatrm or incubation has been going on, theru is no mean3 of ascertaining, as wo can only dato from her coptivity. Dr. CHton informs us that ho onco before kept iu tho samo caso a largo-sized rattlesnake for throo years and nlno months, and that he studied closely its various moods and changes. This snako, ho says, did not partako of a partlclo of food for tho first nlno months, and but Httlo water. Ho then gavo It mlco, rats, etc., putting tho samo Into tho caso alive; and It commenced devouring them voracious ly. It never would touch a tamo mouso or a dead one, fresh ns it might bo. When a young rat wa3 put into tho caso, it would plant its unerring fang n somo part of tho limb or body, and then wait until it died from tho thorough Inoculation of tho poison. When quito dead, It would turn It over teko it head foremost, and swallow it, evidently drawing nutriment from tho poison its own fangs had infused. It shed its skin twico a year each spring and autumn a now rattle appearing at each shedding, which explodes the pop ular notion that but one rattlo comos n year. Desire or the Dying for Rest. In their last hours men nnd women want physical rest and ease abovo aught elso; and I havo known Instances In which tho replies or persons near their dissolution wero In such sharp contrast to inquiries mado of them as to becomo grotesque. I was by when an acquaint ance, having been struck down in tho street by a falling cbimnoy, was carried home in a dying state. As soon as ho had recovored consciousness, his wifo, half frantic with terror, leaned ovor tho sofa on which ho lay, and sald,"Oh ! my darling, do you really lovomo?" Tho responso was, "Yes, If you will pull off my boots," and theso wero his last words. A gentleman, long 111 of n wasting fovor, had reached that condi tion of rest which generally heralds tho great transformation, nis betrothed, who had devotedly nursed him, said, "Dearest, do you dio happy?" "I should," was tho answor, "if that In fernal fly wouldn't bother mo," and spoko no moro. "Wouldn't you liko to seo your father?" Inquired a doting mother of hor only son, as his ltfo was ebbing fast. "Of course I should, but I'd rather havo my faco washed." Such words, npparontly harsh and unfeeling, como from persons of natural sensibil ity and tenderness, becauso In their dying hour thodcslro for material com fort often crowds out overy other con sldcratlon. Galaxy. TI10 Old ami tho New. What Is Stowart, or Belmont, or the Marquis of Westmluster, to Ptolemy Philadelphia, of Egypt, who nmnssod a Httlo property or $350,000,000? And which of our extravagant young ladles In theso boasted times ever gavo her lover as Cleopatra did, a pearl dissolved In vinegar, (or undissolved) worth $100,000. Then thero was Paulina, ono of tho ton In Romo, who used to wear Jowels when sho returned hor visits worth $SOO,000. Well thoy boast of Mr, Slowarl's "mnrblo palaco" on Thirty' fourth street antl Fifth aVenuo, Wo do not supposo this houso, which is about tho best thoy havo in Now York, cost mora than half a million of dollars Clcoro, who was n poor man, gavo $1C0, 000 for his house, and Clodlus paid $050,000 for his establishment, whllo Massala gavo $2,000,000, for tho houso at Antlum, Soneca, who was Just n plal philosopher, Illco Mr. ureeioy, was worth $120,000,000. Why thoy talk about a man's falling In Now York for a million as if it was a big thing. Cicsar, beforo ho ontorod tiny ofllco when ho was a young gentlotnan In prlvato Hfu owod $11,000,000, and bo purchasoil tho friendship ofa Quuator for $2,000,000 Mark Anthony owod Jl,100,000 on II10 Idea of March, and ho paid It beforo tl.o Kalends of March.- This was nothing j ho squandered $720,000,000 of tho pub lic monoy. Ejopus, who was a piny actor, paid $100,000 for a single dish. Caligula spent $100,000 on a supper. Tholr wines wero ofton kept for two ngos, and somo of thom sold for $20 1111 ounco. Dishes wero mado of gold nud silver, set with precious stones. Tho beds of Hollogabalus wero of solid sil ver, his tables nnd plates wero of pure gold, and his mattresses, covered with oarpots of cloth of gold, wero stuffed with down from under tho wlngoflho partridge. It look $33,000 n year to keep up tho dignity of a Rnman Sena tor, and somo of them spent $1,000,000 a year. Cicero nnd Pompey "dropped in" ono day on Luctillus nobody nt homo but tho family and that family dinner cost $1000. But wo talk of pop ulation. Wo boast of London and Now York. Romo had a population of be tween thrco and four millions. Thu wooden theatre of Scaurus contained 80,000 scats; tho Coliseum, built of stone, would seat 22,000 more. Panbury Xcws-lsms. The following paragraphs aro taken from various numbers of tho Banbury (Conn.) Xetos, n paper whoso locals aro often quoted and gonsrally admired for tholr quaint and good-natured wit and lively insight Into human nature : O, for a thousand boavers to dam this mud. Numerous boys with worms nro off fishing this week. Partridces In B mver Brook nro famo enough to eat from tho hand when properly cooked. Tho Michigan newspapers aro full of items tho prico of shot guns having been reduced to $7. Tho terrors of death were somewhat modified tho past week by the pres ence of a bag-plpcrln town. Tracts designed to meet tho special requirements of pooplo whoaro putting up stove3 would havo a good run just now. To tho anxious inquiry "How shall wo keep our boys In nlght3?" wo would respectfully suggest a total abstlncnco from unripo fruits. Tho weather bureau at Wasbinirton has been secured by tho indefatigable Gtlmoro, and will contribute a thunder storm to tho juuneo. Wo nro rather nroud of tho solemn nn- pcaranco of our clerks. Wo don't beliovrf ono of thom would laugh if he saw any Douy ion uown anu oreaicnis leg. Throuoh tho facllllv of our divorna laws and tho thoroughness of cholera morbus, a Danbtiry man Is permitted to call six men by the ende trlng term of latner." They must have had tho mumps in n virulent form up in Sherman. Every other person ono meets ou tho street looks ns if ho had boon e-uesslnir at tho weight of a niulo. Never oppross tho woak. When a pa per of our own calibro appropriates our items as its own wo tio not complain, but the and should bo nbovo such businers. Wo are orphans. Wo didn't think thero was anybody Insano as to practice on a holiday Ith n pistol loaded with lead, but in thero Is such a person in Danbury, wo opo ho may be caught.nnd resuectablv burled. Tho boy that goesinswimminirnt tho railroad bridgo with nothing to concoil his nakedness but a mnlo on his b.icU is respectfully requested to either give 11 : that habit or change that molo to tho front. A South street boycan mako ono hun dred nnd sixtv-flvo "faces" withoutit ting down. Tho feelings of his broken hearted father, whon reaching for him witn a strap, can Deiter do imagincu ban described. A choral association formlntr hero ants somebody to lead thom. Tho poo plo who llvo next door to whero thoy rohearso aro equally anxious for some body to lead them -, and tho further hn leads thom tno welter tness outraged peoplo will feel. "How much Is that nlo plant ?" said a dweller of a qulot district to a vendor of tno material aaturuay evening, "sixty cents" responded the dealer. "How much?" whispered tho dweller, strug gling to catch Ills breath. ''Sixty cents," repeatod tho accommodating merchant. Can it be possible thero is a lust ho.wen above us?" murmured tho stratigr. Yes. sir. "said tho vendcr.rospcctfullv. Tho stranger withdrew. A Greenwich man has inventod some thing that goes into a cow or horse and brings out anything liltoan apple or po tato that may bo misplaced. A good deal of enjoyment in an animal's pu lng is marred by tho apprehension nf accidents In swallowing. The Green wich man's Invention will boapt to glvu tho animal more confidence. A Balmforth avenue raau was observ ed going up homo this morning with a gun that will carry at least an ouncn ball. As no lives next door to a young man who Is learning to play R iry O'Mooro on a pair of cymbals, we havu thought It "best to print an extra number of coplssof our next Isuo. Orders left at tho news stands or this otllco will bo attended to. Tho fow lines received on tho death of soveral individuals, iu tho past week, aro respectfully declined. We don't liko .1.1. 1.1... 1 .f ....n,-.. U'n vnnnli,n n n.nnl Ulla itlliu ill Jf'juu.v. , u awivu siin.K ileal of It, but wo don't seem to harden under it. jnow 11 1110 aumors 01 ino'ii affecting stanzas would only try to eon trol their feolIng3 and not givo away so to tho bitterness 01 uieir gnei, 11 won in bo much better for thom and for thoso depending upon them. Thoy would find tno worm 10 uu ongnier, iiiey wouiti grow puror nnd nobler themselves, and might iu time, and wo don't think It Is too much to expect might loam to spell. Origin or Foolscap Paper. Tha term foolscap, to designate a certain kind of papor, no doubt has puzzled many an Inquirer. Tho origin Is not only nmuslng but historical. Charles I of England granted numerous mono polies for tho support of tho govern ment. Among othors was tho manufac ture of paper. Tho water mark of tho finest sort was tho royal anus or En gland. Tho consumption of this urtlclo was great,aud largo fortunes wero mado by thoso who had purchased tjic ox cluslvo right to vend It. This, among other monopolies, was sot asldo by tho parliament that brought Charles I to tho scaffold; nnd, by way of showing con tempt for tho king, thoy ordered tho royal arms from tho paper, nnd a tool, with his cap and bells,lo bosubstltutrd. It Is now ovor two hundred years sliico tho fool's cap was taken from tho paper, but still tho papor of tho slzo which tho rump parliament ordered for their Jour nals, bears tho uamo of tho water mark placed thoro as an indignity to Charles,