The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 22, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian
Frirluy, Nov. 22? 187 2.
Railroad Timo Table
North. Boulb.
..... MJA.M. 4!S:rM,
( ATAWifcBA 11. H. 1'ltOit ItUl'KltT STATION.
nlni! Norm. ""'"B p""'"
S P. M.
11:14 A. M.
Tnu cubh vitluo of faring In Pcnnpyl
vanirt as ilxcil by tlio Inst cotiBua, wits
uno thousand mllllona of dollars. million of Democrat failed
to vote for President, nnil still Uoriico
Grcokiy hns ninjurlty of tlio white vot
ers of tliocotmliy.
A Now Yorl: oajior calls tlio chicken
disease, the Tien lUienza,whIcli is not so
had. It whs evidently original with a
Charles G. Unrkloy lias removed his
I,iw olllco to tlio Columbian building
adjoining ollleo'a of 0. 13. Urockway,
whero he will ho found attending to tlio
duties of his profession.
Tun saloof t ho Heal Kstato of Jacob
Kostotiluuder, deceased, which was ad
vertised for Saturday November 10th
has been postponed to Saturday Novem
ber SOtli at 1 o'clock 1 Jf.
A miAKEMAX on tho L. & H. It. It.
whoso nauio wo understand is T. 12.
I'oycr, fell between tho cars whllo in
motion, near Scranton on Thursday of
last week and had his left leg mid foot
frightfully crushed. Ills recovery is
considered doubtful.
The Sunbury American asks, "what
Is an editor"" To which tho Watson
town Jiceoril responds: "Wo always
supposed that paper to bo ignorant in
reference to that question."
IIeiik It Is at last ; wo'vo been wait
ing its coming n long time. It is what
tlio horses have got and tho wonder Is
that more of them do not dlo consider
ing tho weight of tho namo. It Is tho
1 ' lllpporhlnophlcgmatoblennocalasta
In;mm." Pretty namo, don't it?
It is ftaid thatun easy way to get rid
of cockroaches is to spread sprigs of
tansy whero they aro troublesome, and
thoy will leave. It is also effectivo in
driving away black ants.
AN nlaimlng feature of the horee dis
easolias doveloped Itself and demands
tho serious consideration of owners.
Animals which aro worked whilst t-ick
or too soon nftcr recovery uto attacked
by dropsy mid in a largo number of
cases tho attack proves fatal. It would
bo well for thoso owning horncs to givo
heed to this and savo themselves in
convenience if not pecuniary loss.
Tin: irregularity of the N- w York
Mails over tho Catawtssa It. it. ntlll
continues, and Is a matter of serious
discomfort. Wo hope tho Tivading H.
It. may tako steps to corn-it this Im
mediately as wo nro loath to beliovo
that it is tho deslro of that road to in
convenience communities on its route.
It is too annoying for patient endur
ance. William Steivek, the Ornmn who
stolo tho horso and buggy of Charles E.
Savagoof this plaeo last summer, was
recently discharged from custody at
tho recent torm of court at Sunbury no
ono appearing to prosecute. This
Sleivcr seems to havo been n half-witted
follow who did not know that tho
onenco ho committed was a seiimn ouo
If ho thought It an ollencoat nil.
From different partsofthoSlaleeomo
reports of n white grub worm which Is
working destruction in winter wlient,
cutting the stalks ofi'nt tho root. Wo
havo not heard of tho worm in this
county nnd do not bollevo It has made
its appearance.
What with tho horso
diseup, tlio poultry disease, this now
wheat worm, nig iircs Ac. tho year
1S72 will ho ono likely to bo remembcr
cil for some time to come,
TiiuitE was qulto a snow storm on
Saturday morning la3t which lasted
tho greater portion of tho day. In
somo parts of tho county snow fell to a
cnn.Iderablo depth. In parts of Hoar
lngcrcd'k Valley thero was a fall of nt
least throu Inches, Tho weathorwlso
predict a fcvero winter, but they al
ways do that at about this timo of tho
year, and ns their predictions havo been
so ludicrously out of tho way of lato
years wo havo lost faith in them.
New Commipsionku. On Tuesday
last tho Commissioner elect, William
li'.twtou was sworn Into olllco. Ho ha3
tho ronutatlon of belriL' a nlaln. honest,
straight-forward man and will executo
h silnlM with ndnlliv. rvrns TtnhblnH.
who now retires from tho Hoard, has
nroved ono of thn most eillelent Com-
mlssloners Col umbla county over hnd.
Quiet and unpretending, ho wns nlso
faithful to tho interests, nnd nt tlio out
set mado himself thoroughly familiar
with, tho routino duties of tho office.
Tho publlo enn truly say of him "Well
dono good nnd faithful servant."
Home of our business men nro com
plaining of dull times," and of tho Mag
nnllnn nf linlnrvM. Whv vnu nnnr do
lutlml Knnl. how nm nnonln to know
that von aro in business? You don't
nuvcrliso, you don't toll them you
havo goods to soli, but sit all day on
your countora or In your workshops
wnltlng for chanco custom. Tho mon
who publish their business to tho world
hnvo plenty to do, nnd aro building up
a good trado. Imitate them, und seo tho
A Wonn in Eawnest Wn do not
know whv wo should bo sublect to tho
expense and troublo of travclllnc
throutrh tho countv for tho nurnoso of
collecting accounts duo ua. Our pa
tronsowous, nndknowlt. Thouggro
eato amount Is laroo. and ueiieed and
mutt have it. Wo must pay cash for
hands and material, nnd liavo'not tho
canltal to nlvo unlimited credit to
couplo of thousand mon. Tlio Decern
her court will enable nil thoso who owo
usn good opportunity to pay, und they
must embrace it, or compel us t o sterner
measures. 2t
TitK Dloomsburg Itcpubllcan of tho
3d Inst., says t me. II. Ulggs, Esq., of
Wllllnmsport paid his muni visit to
town. Ho sold tho ISxciinngo block to
deo, Hughs and son for fifty thousand
dollars cash . Lycoming Standard,
This Is qulto an Item of nows to our
people, to Mr. Hughes nnd son, and to
Mr. Ulpgj.
Tin: double track of tho L. & 15. ltall
road will bo complolod from Scranton
to I'lltslon nbout tho 20th of December.
This has been a long-needed Improve
ment, nnd It will facllltato tho business
of Uio road nnd rollovo Itrom tho pos
sibility of collisions and other mishaps
which aro constantly occurring upon
thoslnglo track.
Lucky. Tho Lycoming County In
surant Company's cntlro risks on prop
erty In Boston does not amount to over
fourteen thousand dollars. Tho Presi
dent of tho Onnpany has Informed
Judgo Wclkcr, tho ngenl of tho Com
pany, to that efTect. So persons in
sured In tlio Lycoming can brcathofrce.
Even if tho said Company loses tho en-
tiro nmount named, by tho recent great
ure, it win oo a iruuog manor in com
parison to their loss33 by tho Chicago
Harper's Weekly has attained n posi
tion in public estimation second to no
other paper of lis class In tlio country.
Its Illustrations aro from tho pencils of
tho best artists in tho profession ,and Its
reading matter is bright, and sparkling.
Published by Harper & Uros. Now York
..i. .,.., i..,. i, i ...
whoso prospectus
Will UU 1UUIJU 11J
another column.
We see It slated, though wo can scarco
ly credit It, that n horseradish zootlo
has made Its appearance. It this bo so,
no man's horso-pistol nor Colt's revol
ver can bo considered safe. The facts Is
that thUzooticbii5inos Is being pushed
rather 3trong nnd It ought to bo stopped
even If it costs tho lives of several news
paper men.
It is reported that an epidemic has
broken out among tlio poultry nnd game
throughout tho country nnd la working
great destruction. Tho New York dai
lies say that along tho banks of tho Sus-
quehanna in this Stato tho chickens aro
dying by thousands. All or which may
bo true.but wo havo heard nothing of it
ner do our exchanges mention any such
mortality. This cpldemlcoccurrlngjust
before Thanksgiving Is serious if truo
for Thanksgiving without turkey Is
not much of a day.
TiieConstitutionaij Amendment.
It appears that -131,020 votes wore cast
at tho last election for tho amendment
making tho Stato Treasurer an elect! vo
officer and -I.S93 against it. Tho sixth
section of tho sixth article of tho Stato
Constitution will now read : "A State
Treasurer shall bo chosen by tho quali
fied electors of tho Stato at such limes
and for such torm of servico as shall bo
prescribed by law."
Tjik growth of Plymouth is vory clear
ly show by n comparison
election returns with thoso
ago. In 1S07 tho votoof tho
was 187, and at tlio lato election it was
033 again of nearly threo hundred per
cent ! Tho registry showed a voting
population In tho East Ward of 73(i,ond
n tho Weit Ward 1G2, giving a total of
1,028 voters in tho borough alono. This
would make tho population from six to
seven thousand against 2.GS1 in 1S70.
Beat that for increase. Index.
The Catawlssa Railuoah. Sinco
this road has passed Into tho hands Of
tho Roadlng.wo aro iuformed that largo
gangs of repairsnien havo been put at
work along tho routo giving tho track
and bridges attention, which was very
much needed, Tho increased passenger
and freight traffic over tho rond under
Its new management demanded great
alterations which aro now boing made,
and wo should not bo surprised to seo
all tho ravines along that routo filled
up In such a manner as to mako travol
over tho Catawlssa extraordinarily do-
8irablo,bcforo another year rolls around.
Long Lived Family. Mrs. Mary
Cnmpboll,of Wheatflcld township Mon-
tour county, widow of John Campbell,
deceased, is tho mother of 15 children,
who all lived to marry. Sho is now
about 81 years of ago nud her children,
grnnd-childreu, great grand-cliildren
and groat great grand-children number
128. Ono of her sons had 1(1 children,
another &on 1 1 and ono of tho daughters
11 children, A remarkably proline and
long-lived family. Danville Intelligen
Tun Uokek. Now Is the tlmo to
watch for this year's crop of borers. If
you will look at tho basoof tho treo you
will scon little deposit of chips, which
will indlcato their location. Thoy can
bo removed with it knlfo without injury
to tho treo. You will find u worm one
third of an inch in length. Most persons
neglect this operation till Spring, by
wiiicn tuno tney win navomatio a mrgo
cavity in uio ireu.mmtiuiiu.uucii injury,
wiien inoy remain two yens tney uu-
me a largo worm ami do great Injury
to the tree. If gra;s grows around tho
treo, tlraw it away, and tho borers may
bo found even below tho hurfaco of tlio
Pnoi'Eit Mom: oi-'
KnuosKNi: Lamps. Explosions of
koroscno lamps aro frequently produc
ed in tho attempt to extinguish them by
blowing down tho chimney. This Is n
very dangerous practice, and should
always bo avoided. Tho desired result
can bo accomplished much mora cor
ta'.nly by giving a. sharp and rather
prolonged puff exactly at right anglos
to tho top of tho chlmnoy. Tho draft
thus created draws tho llamo nwuy from
tho wick, when tho cirbonlo acltl Im-
mcdIato?y below tho departing llamo
also extinguishes tho red-hot charred
end of tho wick.
The widows of thoso who wore em
ployed as niechaulcs or workmen under
tho trovernmrnt in 16CS0, from whoso
wages n portion was withhold becauso
of tho reduction of hours, can obtain tho
- amount withheld by making affidavit
- to hcridcntlty beforo n Justicooftho
Peace, aunnortcd by tho evidence of two
witnesses Who havo personal knowl-
edco of tho facts, tho official character
n of tho Justicooftho Peaco to bo certified
- to by nn otUeor of tho court who has
custody of tho soal of u court of record
This, with thonpplicatlon for back pay,
I altouldbo mailed to the Fourth Auditor
of tho U, a. Treasury.
OUK C0Naitr.33I0NAIj DlSTllICT.
Wo loam that about tho first of Decom
her Ulysscn Mcrcur will resign his Boat
In tho prcsont Congress for tho purposo
of taking his sent ns a Judgo of tho Su
premo Court, to which ho has been
elected. It Is generally conceded that
a Mr. Brunnol of Wyoming Co., will bo
nominated by tho Itepubllcatis to All
tho vacancy. Wo would suggest to our
Democratic cotcmporarlcs tho namo
of Col. Plolett, who If nominated,
would glvo Mr. Ihunnell much troublo
to get elected.
I nsta i.ij ation. At n regular meet
ing of Berwick Lodge, No. Ill, I. O. of
G. T, on Friday evening, Nov. 8th,
tho following olllclrs wcro Installed for
tho quarter beginning Nov. 1st, 1872,
nnd ending Jan. 01st, 1873 : W. 0. T
Goorgo Lockard j R. II. 8., Alico Spon
onburg j L. II, g., Salllo Hockman j
W. V. T Mary H. Young ) W. S.,
John W. Moorhcad ; W. A. S L. L.
Fenstemakcrj W. F. S., John II.
Frcns j W. T., Suo E. Thompson j W.
M. James 0. IJoyles ; W. C, W. O.
Uamos : W. I. 0., Mugglo Kotich : W.
0. G., Cleorgo M. Uarnnrd.
Thomas McNamivra, a constablo of
Lackawanna township, was found dead
on tho public highway near tho hotel at
Tyrovlllo, on tho outskirts of Scranton
on Saturday li st. Thero is no doubt ns
to his having been murdered, as his
head und faco aro smashed fearfully nnd
his hands cut In sovcral places. Ho evl
,ent'y J?,00' "i?, cuU lr! trylnrKrlto
ward olf the knlfo of tho murderer. Tho
nllUlr Is Involved In mystery. Mr. Mc-
Namara leaves a family. Ills friends
have not tho least suspicion as to who
committed tho crime.
Cumulative voting, wo aro glad to
say, Is n success In Illinois. All the
papers published in the Stato speak fa-
vornbly of tho plan, nnd ouo which wo
nd quoted in tho Spriugflold Ilepubh-
-'" as an original opponent of this
equllablo prluclplo says : "It has vln-
dlcatcd every claim of superior merit
nssurted by its promoters ; it has con-
founded thoso who thought to gain
fraudulent advantages by it ; It has
challenged tho npprovnl of both doubt
crs and opponents." Mr. Uuckaiew is
now a member of tlio convention, and
will, wo hope, enforco tho idea on tin
organic law- of tho Commonwealth
Notice. A messatre to this People
liiiiin tho World's Snlrltual Connuot.
ombracing Ten Discourses, In which is
ndvocated just such n stato of things as
Jesus Christ prefers.
If any doubt it, lot them come out
and hear them through, aTter which, if
they object, let tnein do so in tno pres
ence of tho speaker, so that, by tho aid
of tho Holy Spirit, ho may bo nblo to
point out tno mistake.
Tlio oblect of tho Discourses is to
arouse all Christians, withoutcxceptlon
or distinction, to n sense or dutyjaml ob
ligations, and to induce them, if pos
sible, to mako a united effort to tako
tho world for (Jurist.
Tho first Discourse, which is tho ba
sis or all, will bo delivered at tno uap
Tlic origin of tlio tiretlaa llenil.
According to Larru Leioh. author of
"tho origin of tho Grecian Bend," this
oxecrablo fashion originated with a
devotee of fashion In Paris who had a
onlnal disease, and who was very angry
lu lliuiKing wiui iierHmuu uruin oi
hcrctilned ligiirc and ncr nopes destroy
Suddenly sho seized tho idea of parad-
nurbuii, urvswai u. m-r mn,n,
A crook 111 tho back and n crook in tno arm ;
Ana wltti thoso same crooks
Kho mount yut to ctiurm.
A enlli wiiti added r crook tn her head.
which mado her very happy, for sho
thought that sno would mako tno peo
plo staro when thoy saw tho curves sho
had produced by padding. Tho fashion
"toon" with a foolish few.
Wnoi'AYs the Costs? At every
term of court speculation is indulged as
to "who pays tho cosf'.in actions nt law.
Tho following will glvo tho desired
information :
In tho following eases tho county is
not liable for costs :
1. If tho grand jury return a bill "ig
noramus" in a caso other than felony,
nnd order tho prosecutor to pay tho
costs, and tho prosecutor hnvlng been
sentenced by tho court to pay them, Is
committed, and then discharged accord
ing to lnw, without having paid them,
tlio county is not liable to costs.
Nor is tho county liable if a bill
bo found "a true bill'' and tho defend
ant having been tried nnd acquitted,
and orderetl by tho petit jury to pay
them, and is committed and discharg
ed according to law, tho costs not being
Nor if tho defendant is acquitted
und tho piosccutor ordered by tho pet
it jury to pay tho costs, who after be
ing suntcned by tho court to pay them,
Is discharged according to law, tho costs
being unpaid.
1. Whero n defendant indicted for n
misdemeanor is acquitted by tho
petit Jury, and tho Jury does not deter
mine whether tho county, tho prosecu
tor or tho defendant shall pay tho costs
of prosecution, as thoy aro required lo
do by tlio act of 8th of December, 1801,
tho costs aro not to bo paid by tho conn
Where nn indictment has been ro
turned "n truo bill'' tho prosecuting nt-
tornoy cannot enter nolle prosequt wltli
out tho content of tho court nnd chnrgo
county with tho eots of tho prosecu
In tho following cases tho .county Is
liable to pay tho costs
1. When u defendant Is convicted by
a Jury nnd Is legally discharged with
out having paid tho costs.
When in cases of surety of tho
peaco tho court directs tho county to
pay costs.
3. when tho grand Jury Ignoron bill
nnd direct tho county to pny tho costs
and when tho petit Jury acquit tlio do
fendant and direct tho county to pay
tlio costs,
1. In caso of felony, when tho grand
Jury Ignore tho bill, nnd when the do
fendant la acquitted by tho petit
6. In all cases when tho defendant is
found guilty and sentenced to pay n lino
and costs or prosecution or givo secun
ty to pay tho same within ten days or
golojail, nnd defendant goes to Jallnnd
comes out under tho bond act, tho
county is liable,
0. lu cases when tlio defendant lsdls
charged becauso tho complaint Is nn
founded, tho county Is llablo for tho
I .!.! . 1 1 1. 1.. .1 . 1 I....!..,. I. I
nf (,n ,,in USI Ijlllircil, 111 11113 luwil, UL-HiuiiiuK in
of five years church nt (11 n. in., next Sabbath.
East Ward it. B. Godi-'key, M. G.
Michael Sandeuh, who was burnt
to death nt tho recent flro In D.tnvlllo
was tho frtthor of J. H. Sanders, editor of
tho Hazloton Sentinel am formerly of
tho Berwick aaicllc. Ho has tho ayin
pathy ofhisfrlonds nnd acquaintances
in this county for tho loss of hla father
under such tcrrlblo circumstances.
Insurancc-Hro nnd Life.
Tho disastrous fires nt Portland. Chi
cago nnd Uoston havoo Illustrated tho
Importance of II ro lnsuranco and direct
ed universal attention to tlio subject of
lnsuranco. nut ror lnsuranco compan
ies, a majority of tho losers by theso
fires would havo been rondcred bank
rupt, and tho rebuilding or tho wnsto
places would havo been greatly retard
ed. Heavily as tho Insurance men havo
lost, it is probablo that theso disasters
will redound to their future bene
fit. lint, lmnortnnt as ilro Insurnnco Is.
llfo Insurance Is no lessso. Indeed, tho
latter mny bo deemed of greater Impor
tance. Loss of lifo is certain to occur j
loss bv firo is not. "Tho certainty of
death is nbsoluto ; but tho certainty of
rovcrso is soldom thought of. Wrecks
of fortunes strew tho path of llfo every
where. Everyday oomo family is ro
ducedfrom nlllucnco to penury." How
roituuato for suchfarallioi if their heads
havo "taken a bond of fate," Insuring
thousands at their denth for their wid
ows and orphans 1
Tho importnnco ot ljiio insurance
may bo Inferred from tho chnrncter of
tho men who lnsuro tholr lives. Tho
ablest statesmen, shrewdest merchants,
nnd most profound professional men,
In this country and Encland. havo
adopted this means ofprovidlng against
disaster and ror tholr lamuics. J'jvon
millionaires, knowing that "riches havo
wings," resort to Llfo insurance For
Instance, A. T.Stewnrt, Dr. Urandreth,
Cvrus W. Field. andS. 13. Chittenden.
of Now York, nro Insured for $100,000
each , Martin Lendonberger, of this
city, is insured for $50,000, nnd J. C.
Caldwollfor $100,000. F. T. Walton,
esq., who lias just been elected to an of-
uco worm $7o,uuu per nuuum, is insured
for $50,000. Tho lato Joseph J. C.ina
van, orthis city, though n millionniro,
was insured for $20,000. Tho following
named gentlemen who havo died with
in a fow years past, were insured for
tho amounts appended to their names,
viz: Sir Robert Clifton (JSnglnnd.) $t
250,000 ; William H. Seward, $100,000;
nean iiicnmonii, ? loo.ouu : aodoh
Lawrence. -10.000: Ex-Governor Gil-
moro of Now Hampshire, $15,000: D.
S. Voorhecs, who was murdered In
Brooklyn, Now York, about now
Years, 1871, $50,000 ; Georgo F. Ncsbltt,
Now York. $40,000 : Daniel S. Dlckin-
son, $10,000. Theso and hundreds moro
iiko mem, wno:o names migui uugiven
wero mou of great talent and shrewd
ness, and their families aro now com
fortabto in conscauenco of tho wisdom
of theso men In insuring their lives.
Tho Importance in which llfo lnsur
anco is held by tho thinking portion of
tho public is shown by tho fact that in
thoyear 1871 thodnnth claims paid by tho
HfocompanicsinNowY'orkstate amount
ed to $UjG7 1,073, and by companies of
other states doing business in New
York $10,100,018, making a total of $21,
S15.G21 paid to peoplo in insuring in
that statu alono in a singio year:
Whilo thus sliowlni: tho importance
of lifo insurance, wo would advise all
who insuro to lio very carerul what
companies they select, for thero aro
somo that aro unsafe. Among tho most
reliable nro uio iNow lorK jjiie, mo
Mutual Benefit, of Nowark ; tho Con
tinental of Now York ; tho Penn Mu
tual, tho Pennsylvania, and tlio Amer
ican oi tins city ; and n row others that
might bo named.
On duo reflection tho intelligent
reader, wo believe, will agrco with ti3
that Llfo Insurance Is, at least, quite as
important ns Flro insurance. At all
events it is evident from tlio character
of tho men who lnsuro their lives that
It is not upon tho fools in tho laud that
Lifo companies depend for business.
Uloomsburg UlarUet.
Wheat per bushel 31.U)
llyo " l
Corn " '
lints. " 4
Flour per barrel It 00
Cloverseed 5 CO
Klaxsied 1 W
lln Iter - :W
Kebs VO
Tallow 10
Potatoes -10
Dried Apples 1U
Hams 15
Hides und Hhoulders '.'
Iird ner nnuud u 10
lluy per ton - S3 00
U'lIITSIOYUIt-LUTZ. At tho resldenco of tho
brldo's patents, near i.spy, iov. uii.uv t.ev.j.
Sit. iwiim.-iniijruoi . i'li .fcci.i.rn ... m iiiiiinyti
of Oreeuwood, to MUsN, Alice Lutz.
RniN-rT.ECKRN.STEIN.-On tho lfilli Inst.,
by the Key. wiiiiauu. uycr, air. juuu item,
to Miss tnziuein i-ieciteiisiciu, ooiu oi uau
vine, ra.
HULKIt. In ilrlai-creel: on tho Otli Inst , of
dtopsy of tho hiait. Kiran, witooi jaeoi) Mi
igr, llgeu in years, i ui iiun uuu o uu) ,
T.uiz Nov. 7lh. aflernu Illness of Ihrao weeks
Christina Lilt, ugiu ui years, u iuomn s nnu 21
MrasiNGnU-UICIIAnD.-On Iho Inst.,
liy itAv. r. b . llnllmeier. Air. Jo in v . .les-
sinner of llerwlck.nnd Miss Mary h lielehara
ol Mudlsoa townsuip, this couuiy'.nTt.vNT siLVlltl. Atthohouso of J.i
en 1 f limit, in llraneuvl 10. on lUU 17lll UAV o
Hnnteniber. 1S72. by J. n. llnrmau. eso.. Mr.
lleiijnmln llllclebraut of Orange tnnnshlp
and liss ciara silver 01 uioouiiourg.
Rimr.TZ KTnoirimilSR At the houso
111 tirv i.ont?. 111 iiriiuceviiie on 1110 .itioiivo
November, 1S.72 by .1. 11. llarmnn, Knj., .Mr.
Jnmes 11, miuiu.oi j.icksoii lownsmp. -joi
lunula county, and Miss Uebecca Jauo Klacl:
houso, of Jordan township, Lycoming county,
Ariir.NllACir.-InOraiigovlllo. November 1st.
1S7.', John Aeneiiuacn.iigeu as years, u niouius
nud 17 days.
nnnnfierannlhcrdo our lilottecr utile rs f.ill.
Ve-i.fls 1 1 in u rolls rabidly 011 it wrttts change
on uverythlug within Its limits. Not only on
Iho canvass OI naitliu n cuaugu wriiieu uy uiu
variegating scenes of the nunitul season, hut nlso
111 me nuiliail rauus uy lliu neuvy uuu lepeaieii
Ktrokcs ol mortality. When 11 child, or mtddle-
nged person dies, 0110 of tho present genemtlou
leaves nils worm : oiu wneu uuu wuu uui le.ieu
od three (.corennd ten years, departs this life,
we may say a remnant of tho past eeueratlou
lias left. I, Ike tho mighty oak which stands
Hlntieln the onco wild lorest land, nnd has out
rode Us fount r silvan companions lu lliu raging
storm and sweeping tempest, so our aged pio
neer lamer siooa mono wuiio me near compan
ions nf ills boy-hood days have long slueo
vanished nway. Had and melancholy, indeed,
must havo been tho reflections ol his latter days
us ho stood upon the summit of lour score yeuis
and looked down tho declivity of tho past tn
view the scattered resting places nf ihosu who
tirgun llto Willi linn, omnuswercu longbiuco 10
tho tall of death, llut ut last he, too, proves hli
mortality bv yielding to Its ruthless him. I. I.tku
the llurcu tornado which sweeps uwny Iho last
towering treo. ho death ut last swept nwuy this
loneiy leuiuuni. ui iiit-pu-.).
Mr. Achenbueli wns born in NorllnuuLcilalul
county, whon the Itevolittlonnry wnr was lu
nrneiess. 1 y his longevity newiis n connecting
lluk between the tv.11 great revolutions of this
country, 'lueuiieuutiig circuuihiunces 01 ins
ynuthood naturally Inclined him to lend u ru
ml llle, ami. In oceiirntieu, to follow tho tool
steps ol his luthir who was 11 farmer. When h
vouni! inuii. ne loriueu iiieaeiiuuiuiuueuui i'.iiit
he'll l-'ulr who bubsciiuemly l-ecnme his latthtut
wile. Alter (pending Uio curlier pint of their
marrieu 1110 111 ineir unlive piuie, iney iniiveu
lo this touuty mid have Kbhltd heio oyer
In Infancy, he was dcdlrnlid by his pious par
ents In holy huptiun to Hint Bavlor who Mil
'Hufler tho lilllu (ldldreli In coma unto liie.iind
foibid them not." When at n sultHblo ago, ho
lliiuiiueii i'ui-.i.-iitiniii 111r.11 ueiiuii uuu intilFoi
emnly milled 111 eouilruintlon the sncrtd mi v
wnleh his 1 nrents lock lor him In bis bnntft.111.
Ill view id the Llittcd.coliffqiuuus of this
mlly slid Imporluul stcji.ho could hnve i-uin!
iruiu uie very utpin ui n in feom inuu-iiiin com
"Oh happy day. Hint stays my cholco
On thee my Wav lour und my Hod."
In the moiulngofllfe ho entered tho vineyard
01 111s i.uru, uuu couiiuutu 10 labor luitmuny
until the bttlluu ofhls sun. Yis. fullv seventy
lenrs he wus u faithful servunl of Christ,
lib 1 what a worthy -xnmnla l,ir tnillnlloii.
l:eIUB solicitous lor thowellaruot ZUiu, he was
uot slow to tender It snbsliiuilai aid. Appeals
Hon lecelvid neliurltablo rcsnonsefitmi his iren.
trous hturt, while at homo, lie Mas one of thoso
UUU. IKHIIi DUIIVttlUUjllV, lit) IB I1U t Ul 111UMU
few uuoil Wlioin tllfl elllirrli mulnlv (lfim-mli-il
uu miuiieiiui vuiipuri uuu uuuus ior uiu ereo
11011 ui cuureu euiueeu!
lleing H time-honored Elder, benultefienlieiit.
lv ueciimnauUd his Pastor In eluMUuiiit tsviuul
und theubybteuiiiegineiully linown thruuuli
out Iho church. In thuytur INslho ueelved
u si viui uiviisiiuu m uusiiu uie setusuary uu
nkormry nf tho l'AlnrinM church, llnvlnit n
ilmlro to pnrtlclpnto In Ihl cplehrntlmi, hli two
niirvlvlnit (Inuulilern nrcouipnnlocl him thither.
ItiniMtlnvo necti pruttrlnsr to the umcl co
plo of tlmtcnnxrcKiulotl to bu fnvoroil Willi hln
prencncfl, fn ho wan ona of It olilent members,
ami hli rullier tlio donor of Iti grounds.
As n citizen ho won frentMlly known nnd
li lu lily cteotnol. I'cclliiifn ileop Interest ill tin
wclfnroof Ills country, ho clioor fully porfonnoil
Ills civil duties. Lllio tho good Hamnrilnn ho ro.
gnrilcd nil whom ho cniilillnnny way honed this
neighbor. Ills door was always open nnd Ills tn
bloftprcnd fortho;comfort of his follow men,
many of whom thus becsmo debtors to his litis
pllnllty. Mr, Achenbnch pos'onscd Homo very Rood per
sonnl fiunlltlps. Thero wns somethlnif pleasing
nnd dhiuined In his manner, wnlcli novur failed
to command thn esteem nud friendship or oth
ers. Ills airo nnd happy deposition hnvo most
worthily dooured to him tho on-repcatcd tltlo of
ndcarold man. Wohavo frequently heard this
tltlo applied In him, nnd havo accordingly qnol
edltns ntostlmonyothtshlKli stnnllni; In tho
community. In tho transaction of business ho
was noted for his promptness. And In his old
oro ho wnspossisso.l with n. romarltnblo reten
tive memory by which tho past ntrorded nranlo
mnterjnl for rcllectlon nnd toclsl culerlalu-
Hls'marrl t llfo was no loss rotnarli iblc. lln
tcrUij this holy rstalo nt nn early period, ho
nnd his dear companion wero permitted to so
journ toRotlicr ovor thieo scoro years, mnuy
must havo been tho nssoclatlons which cluster
ed nround such n long mnrrlod life. A common
liousoslicKcred thum, tho namo tublo fed them,
nud tho ono henrtli wanned thorn. Happy must
havo been that home, nnd pleasant tlio hours
which they spent with their ramlly. llut nlnsl
how marncd tho chniigo, Tlio fumlly Is now
scattered, tlio father Bono ; nnd that homo Is no
morons It onco was. Tho children now feel th
loss of n departed lather, whllo our aged mother
must endurun short separation from her llfo
compsnlon. Although separated by thn river of
dentil, tho two blended spirits nro still united In a Very short
llmo will meet to p irt. no moro,
Mr. Achnlueh died from tho lnnrnitttos of
old ngj. Ho seemed to be conscious Unit ho wns
passing nway, nnd was fully resigned tn tho Is
sue which was fast approachlnif. Ho gently
sanlt into tho quiet sloop of doath. Ills funeral
toolt plncoon Mnbbnth and wns largely attended.
Tho occasion wns improved by n discourso on
lttv. Hi U.
A. K.
The Waunino has hekn Heedkd. Hiuco tho
csposuro ol tho attempts mado by rerlnln un
scrupulous local dealers, to palm ofrthelrcoarso
nstrlnRcnts, mado Irom cheap nud ;impuro ma
terials, In tho plaeo ol tho great, national tonic,
ltostetter's Htomnch Ulttcrs, publlcnplnlon has
set strongly ngalnst theso empirics nnd their
preparations. Their ocurntlon is gone, or soon
will ho. When the light Islet Into deception It
soon wills down, l'eisous who trlllo with their
own health, by using unknown preparations,
with no guarantee to sustain them, when an es
tablished spcclllc, proven by twenty years ex
perience, to bo exactly what lUs claimed to bo,
Is within tho reach, uro mrtf to repent their
temerity. Many hnvo dono so In this Instance,
but It is hopod that tho truth plainly spoken hns
arrested tho ovll. Ill tho lncnutlmo thedemnud
for tlio leading protcctlvo nnd restorative incdl
clno of America wasnevcrsogreatnslt has been
this nenson. From the fever nud nguo districts
of tho west, toutli-west. nnd south, it Is literally
nvcrwhclmlng, nnd it may bo saldof thondvlccs
from nil pnrlH of the country of tho cures It Is ef
fecting In dlspepsln, billions complaints, nnd
chronic constipation, that "their uamo is lo
pion," Kvfrywheio thosiclc nud feeblo seem to
hnvo reollrxd tho imnortanco of "holding fast
that which Is good," nnd of avoiding whnt is
epuriouB nnd dangerous."
Iho numerous "Hitters," under vnrlousuamos
Arhlch mercenary dealers endeavor to substltuto
for llostetter'stitomncli Hitters nro procurable
In bottles only, and nover sold lu buls.
nov 15 tw.
Important Testimony!
Tlio following letters nro among the many wo
nro constantly receiving fiom persons who havo
been cured by
Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup,
Sclienck's Sea Weed Tonic,
Sclienck's Mandrake
reiinsfrros-e, Snleiu Coituty, New Jersey.
FEllllUAltV 27, 1S72.
Dr. J. lr.BCIIENCICN. K.cornerislxthnnd Aich
streets, Vhthulelphla.
Respected 8ir I take pleasure in nddlngmy
testimony to that of the many others who hAvo
been cured by tlio etllcacy of Hchenck's Pulmonic
Bvrup, Hea Weed Tonic, nnd Mandrake l'llls.
'Consumption hns been hereditary with my
family, mostof Its members having died oi It nt
early ages. My mother nnd three biothersdled
nt t ho ago of 31, ono brother at 27, and my sister
at 13.
I was, when nbout 31 years, seized with liver
complaint, which rapidly developed Into Pulmo
nary Consumption, I wns compelled to rellu
noun, mv emnlovraeuttthatof a blnclrsintth.)
1 consulted skillful nnd eminent physicians,
nnd tried many patent nostrums, but without
success, so that my friends were sure that thero
was no nope oi my recocry, ior i wns reuueeu
from 110 pounds to 101, nud was not able to do
anything wunoui hhbisuiucc.
tv wimL i now mult luiuu lit it i iuviutuii ti ill'
ruosltlon, I was induced to try your remedies,
and plaeo myself under your tieatmcnt, nnd so
rapid nnu inorougu was iny recovory, inai n
seemed as though somo superhuman power was
at work, und to-day I nm ns well ns nt nny tlmo
during my life. I weigh 152 pounds, nm 3il years
old und lor soiuo time hnvo been regularly at-
leuningiu iny uumucm-, uuiuiui; lair to iivu in a
good old ago.
l nm iimmtiui in jiiu uc-iniu t-spreK.sion ior
having placed mo In n position wherein I urn n
benefit Instead of a tmulen to my faintly.
Vuur Mundrako rillsurotho only lnetllcluel
ever uso now. I think they aro tho best ill the
I can refer you lo nunnrens nr my neighbors
who will erlly all I hnvo written, nnd nny In
formation any of my fellow cllUens mav deslro
will bo freely nud gladly given, upon receipt ol
siainp, oy iours,eic.
dua. iir.!ii.i.
Hey TV', rill., Feb. I!), 1872.
Dr. J. II. SCIIENCIv, N. 13. cur. Sixth nud Arch
sirceis. I'm aue nuia.
bottles Hea Weid Toulcund twelve bottles Pul
monic Hymn.
Your medicines nro n such vnlue tliat I cnu
not be without thum In my household, nnd In
ihci no laiuiiy suouiu uu wiiunut. lueni.
1 havo given them a fair lest, and openly do
Clllio mi-ill lo uo even ueuer loan you ciaiiu,
cry r-peciiuiiy yours, .o.
PiiiLADsi-niiA, Mareli 1, 18 2.
Dr. J. U.BCllL'Nl'K,
ltespetted Hlr I take plcasuro lu awarding to
you this ccrtlllcatoot the woudeiiul cure jour
Pulmonic Byrup nud Sea Weed Tonlo produced.
My throat and btouchlal tubes were so highly
luttained that it wus iiluiost ImpoASlblo for 1110 to
bwullow my food.
1 air: 011 n visit to my uncle, Mr. Chnrles John
son, No. 1112 Federal sun t, who says your medi
cines inlsed him Irom nltnost death utter all oth
er means had failed, und ho having, therefore,
full conlldeuco lu thovirtuo of your remedies,
strongly recommended mo to try them. 1 did
so. und In one week from the lime I commented
taking them my throat underwent a very great
chtiugu lor the better, so that I could eat my
meals without any dillicuity or pain. I can
scaicelydnd words to express my giatltudo lor
tho eat-Jy relief jour Invaluable medicines pro
duced upon me, nud I deem It but untie t ol grati
tude to gtvu you tho neknowledgeiueut ot my
'appreciation. Yours respectfully,
No. 10(1 Wist Tlilily-lhlrdslieet.NeW York.
Theso aio Iho only medicines that wilt euro
I'litmoiinry cunsiimpuoii, nr. fcneucn 1111s oteu
in constant niacucq over liiiny years eoniiuu
nllv cxninltilln' linn's, and knows ills inedlcilu'-i,
if propi ily, will cine Consumption, ills
luuuiiiue nils i ii-uiiM. lliu iiveroiiu miiiii.ii.ii;
ills m-.l Weill 'lonlu 11. solves lliu toon, slimu-
iulcs the coating ut tho stomach, and makes It
tllesi. Jits ruimonic is 11111 ripens inoiuauer,
unu uaiiiro iiuows 11 ou w iiuoutuuy t&tiiiun.
Pi Ice of the Pulmonic Hinin and Ben Weed
nunc, i-i,.i lei inline, or eu pel ueii ii"'
Muudruku Pills la etuts pi r bos,
N. V. Coiner H1XT1I and AltCIl tUicets,
Ami by Diugglsts und Dealers generally.
.KH1XST0S, 1I0LI.0WAY k C0VI)i:.,
Ahch Sir.KtT, Philadelphia
Wholesale Agents.
M. lS72-ly
a pi
Old INtalilMiitl Coal Yunl
C. W .NDAL.tUito. Wholosnloetlto
Drnlurs In nil h;:m of tho heat
tiunlltles of Itotl end WhltoA&h Coal,
nt tho vory lowest inurkct rntt's. Lime-
mirncrs btipiiiicti in iinoriu raicn wiui
nost quniny sso. u, t'oai. porhiiimi nns,
in m lil i t Ion to u prlmo urticlu of lump,
wo havo a llrHt cltisa quality of Dlluinl
iioiiH cnitl, nt per ton ou wharf.
LiinrohtocKsoi itllilzcs constantly on
lianil. Strict i(;rsonul attention ulvi'ii to
1110 prciiarniion oi an ourcoai. urain,
Luiulior antl Slabs tnken In cxchaiiL'o for
coal. Coal tlellvorett to any part of tho
town. Orders left at MeKclvy Ncal &
Co'rt. Btoro or nt our olllco, will rccolvo
prompt iittcntion. Orrici: fc Yauds at
McKiii.vY & Ni:ai.M Fuunack, East Your patronogo respect
fully bollcltctl.
M. P. Lutz lias rccclvctl lils stock nf
futa for Indies, Kcntloirii'ii siiitl children,
nnd will rdl tliimtttt tho lowest eath
TitKur. wlllbo irciichlii; In thuSuInt
l'uul U. 1). Churcli four lulled south of
Cntnwlmi, Urceinber Ut., ut 10 o'elcik,
it. in., by B. II. aiiiplo l'tisitor. At thu
Eanio tlmo tho dclt (,Mtis will bo elected
to tend toOriiiidConftreiiciitn eouveno
ut Uiiyton, Ohio, on tho third 'riiurndtty
of Mny, A. D., 1S7D.
Itnro clinncu i'ov Scvliig niaclilno
nicii and Others.
Agcnls wanted for tho Domestic
Sewing Krtchlno, now 'thoifBtundortl
mnchlno In tho country. Agriu'ls for
this county call und bco us nt Urown'd
Hotel, Hloomsburg.
It. W. Vanzanjit,
Ooneral Traveling Agent.
For Philadelphia Office, JU15 Chest
nut street.
Flashing In tholr pearly sheen,
From tho glorious corallne,
Keo thoso teoth iiutnrnlshcd I
White alike, tho baclc and front,
Yes, by tho Fragrant Hozodont.
May beauty's mouth bo garnished.
Spalding's Uluo mentis Headless Dolls,
Fon Sam:. A deslrablo rasldenco in
Hloomsburg. Inqulro of
Expcrlonco has proved that tho best
method of treatment for tho Horso Epi
demic is frequent salt-water baths. This
theory is balscd upon the fact thut tlio
oyster (which Is addicted to salt-water
baths frequently) Is entirely exempt
from tlio Epizootic, und Jaroby contin
uts to receive them dally In quantities
and nt prices to suit tlio masses, nnd of
a quality to suit tho most fastidious
All persons Indebted lo II. O. Mow
er nro requested to call anil Settle, and
tuoso Having accounts oi over six
months' atnndlng aro now notified that
without any exception, thoy will bo dealt
with nccordlni: to lawnt tho expiration
of thirty days.
Til . -V .lt. .R-ll 11...
JilUOlllSDUrg 1MJV. i-ui ioi. -w
Ilools and Shoes. Flvo cases of bools
ust received ut E. M. Knurr's.
UKKOltS or Yotms.
liverv nervous Yount? If an In the Union, will
receive, trie, n lleclpo tlint wlllprovonblcsslug
througli llle, ny addressing, In conlldcnco,
Box 5172 1'. O. 42 Cedar Ht., N. Y.
leu, u, ly,
Iv kvf.iiv oiTAurnaop TiiKOi.nnn where It Is
known, nnd thero nro low Indeed whero It lsnot,
tho Mexican Mustang Liniment takes p rcccd
nncn nf nil slnillnr nrenarntlons. ILs trnnsccn- merits havo obtained for It n popularity
soldom readied by liny proprietary modlclne,
in us iniiiucy mo nni. oi lis succtss was pn
nouueed In tno wljo spread endorsement .which
It. received from tihvslclnns. veterlnnrv sur
geons, horsemen nud tho publlo generally. No
ono now thinks or questioning Its claim to bo
thoytandard I.lnlmont of America.
WitniirAS-'thoHon. William El well. I'lesideut
Judge of Ilia Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, Court of ((wirier Sessions
of tho Peaco and Com t of Common Plens nnd Oi
phau's Court lu the 2Clli Judicial District, com
posed or tho counties of Columbia, Hullivnn nnd
Wyomlug.nnd tlio lion. Irani Derr nnd IsnnoS.
ainnino rtssociuio jiiukuh ui iiwitiiuiii.t i-uumy
have Issued their precept, bearing dato the lSlii
day of October, lu the year of our Iord, one
thousniid, eight hundred nnd seven ty-two,aml to
medlrecled lor holdlugaCourtot Oyer nnd Ter
miner and Ooneral Quarter Sessions nf th Peace
Court of Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, lu
Illooinsburg, In the county orcolumbla, on the
first Monday, being tho H I day ol December
next, to continue two weeks.
Notleo Is hereby given, to tlio Coroner, to tho
Justices of tho Peace, nnd tho Constables of tho
said county or Columbia, Hint tney ue men ana
there in their proper poison nt 10 o'clock lu tho
forenoon ot said 'Al day ot Diecm'jcr with their
record, inquisitions nnd other
dothoscthfngs which to their olllces uppeituin
to bu dono. And thoso that nro bound by
recognizance, to prosecuto ngalust tho prls.
oueis that aro or may bo In tho Jail of tho
sum saly of Columbia, to bo then nud in orosecuto uieiu ns snnu no just, ju
rors nro requested to bo punctual in their attend
ance, ngieenbly to their notices. Dated at lllooms
, N. burg, the 5th day of Nov., In tho year
u. H. OI our l,oru, ono lunusauu eigin nuu-
, died nnd seventy-twound lntho ninety
fifth year ot tho Independence ot tho Cnited
suites of America. AAltON B.MIT1I,
nioomsourg, xvov. bin, uu. nueriu.
11 Tho following appraisements of real nnd
personal properly set upart to widows of deced
ents havo been filed tn tho olllco of tho Ko;islcr
of Columbia county, under tho ltulcs nf court,
and wlllbo presented for nbsoluto confirmation.
in mo urpnnns couii 10 uo neui in iiioonisuurg,
in and for said county, on Wednesday, the -nil
day of December, lS72,nttI o'clock p. m., of i-aid
nay, unless exeepiions in feucucouniiuaiKiuH uio
previously tiled, of which all persons Interested
in said estates will tako not leu :
1st. Widow of John Krelsher, Into of Locust
township, deceased.
2d. Widow of John Ituckle, lato or Mount
man sunt. tmviiHhlo. deceased.
3d. Widow of James March, lato of Centio
townsuip, ucceaseti.
ltli. Widow of Jimus Iloyles, IateorUrtarcrcck
townshln, d-eeused.
6th. Widow of John Tester, lilo of Centre
li.iunklitn. deceased.
Mb. Widow of William Rullor.Iatc of Montour
township, deceased.
7th. Widow of John Kelm, l.ito of Orange
township, deceased.
8th. Widow of John Uren, lato of Catawlssa
lowusnip. iicceascii.
Oih. Widow nr Joint C. llartninn. lato of IJsn-
lon township, neccaseii.
V. Widow of Isaac Mcnrs, lato of Locust town
ship, deceased.
lteglslcr'sOIUce, I
lllnomsbiirg, Nov. 1.1S7J.J uovl
Notice is hereby given to nil legatees, rred
ltorsnud other persons Interested lu tho es
tates of tho respective decedents and minors,
that tho following ndmlnlstrntoti nnd guardian
accounts havo been Hied In thootlleonf tho lteg
luterol Colombia county, nnd will bo presented
lor coniirniniton nun auow.nnco in 1110 iirptinns
Court, to bo held In llloomsburg. on Wednesday,
tho ttildny of Dtccmber 1672, i,t 2 o'clock p. 111.
of said day t
1st. 1110 nccouiit 01 wniiam c-cit. Adminis
trator of Kliza lloyd, lato of the town of lllooms
burg, deceased.
2d. Thellrst nnd llnalnceount of John Il.Yohe.
gunrdlau of Iho 1 er-on and esialo ot l'rnnel II.
ncss, minor cuiiu 01 iJanict ness, 1.110 01 luutu
Inwilshlo. deceased.
Sd. '1 he first nnd tlnnt nccoiint of D. A. Watson
nnd John Mcndetshott, rxccntnr of Jauo Ptgi,
luto 01 .lauisou townsuip, neeesscii.
1th, Tito Until account of llirim . I. Iteiler.ex
eentor ''I John Zelgle-, Into of franklin town
ship, deceased.
flth. The fit st and nartlal nee mtit of Jcsso K
Blunpless, executoi of John Lawrence, l.ito of
cniawissa niwntiiip. iHeetiscu.
ti n. 'l lto nisi a in ileal account 01 1:. .1 aelv
son, irusleo to sell Ileal estate of John D.tvuir-
lurt, moot UrlnrciiTk.dcce i'imI,
Till. Tho account ot iienj. Wiuner. Admluls
trntorotBiinuel C Pllking'en. into of Locust
tiiwiikhlp, deeeaeil.
sin. 1110 nrst nnu iitini nee "tin 01 lieorgeutr
tnn.AUhllnlstialor ot Svu 11 . Kilo latentugar- township, (Uceasuit.
Dili. Tho11ccnuntor.I11d.1l1 i: I'rit.. ndmlnlH
t rat or of the estate of W II lia 1 1 1 lo 1, l.ito ofriu-
111111, 1 luwiisiiii). iii'rpiis.'ii.
ltuh. Tho 111 Kt nnd llci.l reount of ' nulel
Itaiuhach, exicuturof Joh. M.'lor, file of Ilrt.
tireieek tow-nship, ileceasul
11th. The llrst anil linn! (.mint of Conrad lilt
lenbender euardl 111 ot i tthirlne A. Miller. 1
hilimr child ot Him. p. Miller, la c ot c uire
township, doreased.
I2ih. Jho llrst antl llnrtl neeount of Anna
MUIer. guardian or iho net-sou nnd usttito nt Ja
cob W. M-llur, a Minor child of (leo. P. Miller,
line 01 1 emro townsuip, uoceaeii .
llth. 'Iho llrst uud until account of William
Fun in. m Jr. ndnilulstratorot William l',
nr., nr o 01 .Mount, I'lensi'Jl tuwusuip, uecens
Ilth. The account of Liwls Yet'er, exicutor of
William e '-11 nan, 1 i'o ofCitawlssi tovvnsli'p,
1.1th. 'J he i.c'iuiU of Isaac I.eldy nd Moses
"decker, nil inlulsi 111 tors of (ildeoti Sleeker, lato
of Hemlock lov, lishlii. dieeasi il.
Itlth. 'i'l.e a' count ot . I. K. Hluiipless, exicutor
of Kliatielli iittr, lute 01 l uiawiti. 1 iowitsnip.
ui't cnse.i.
I7lh. Tun recount nf Jacob llnvrls, ndmln's
ti.itor of David Minlth. Into ol inmlotk town
shin, deceased. i.s lilt d bv Wllliiim tlnrrls null
Jiitues A. llnriis, uUmintstralois of Jtu-ob liar-
lis, incensed,
istli. Tin- Until nrcount of Willi. im Cox Kills,
surviving executor of Lhabi th Murry, la'o of
i-.iiuitiiit.i couuiy, us tin n nv 11, .-tiorris t- nisumi
W. 11. llolstelli, fwcllluts ut Win. Cox I. Ilia, ill
hull. The account of Mlibnel llllulnie. guar'
1IU11 of the iiihtiti nnil tstateol Mniy 1.. Pun-el,
luiuor child ol Charlotte Puicil, Into ut Uiieu-
woo.1 lowohiilli, utctttheii,
Littti. Tlu iii'coi'iil ulMiitin I. lClino und Jo
seph iCIlne, LmcuIius iifl'aul Kline lute ol Ml,
Plui.suiit township, decease I.
21st. 'Uie ilrt nccettnl nt D. Vund
s 1 lee nnil will 11111 lleiutv. utllnliilMiniut-
Djlilel H., late 01 .Ml. Pleiisaul
township, ureeasid,
i'.'d. 'llto Hist nnd flnul neconut of Ootitge
wiiitniti'iit. iiiiiiiiiiin nt I'.-t.-r Widteui'ilit nil.
nor child olMlihatl Whllenight, lute nt Ileni-
lutk township, tlectaid.
'iiiaiit-kt nceiiuiit rfHtenhen II. Miller, ml
inlulstrtitor of Jacolil-;yer, luto ot Urti-uwood
lth. lite uivouiitJif WtlllHin Kyer, itdiiilnls
trulor nl Joltti D.illtu'an lateoiUreenwood town
ship, itictat ed,
p.t gister.
lteglslt t s uuicc, 1
llluouisl'lllg. Nov. I, lt72.
nov 1
"1 lie only ; nict lliMlliliuut lu tl 0 world. And
In nmiji.oKu! Ill l-h liinti., 1 nvir, llillllaney and
lilltiil'illly, hperlul Iiiiiiu lu'l'iiiiheia, Mutkul
iu ot 1. to fli n) inin, iu.d lor IlliutiuleU Arlon
C. W. rOSIMI.flftiernl Agent.
1UUI IV UU.l lAUlll I.11VMI, l Ai
'01 raacs: upwards of Ttd cuts : 21 full pigo cn-
gravtn:s. "Just the Hook for Intelligent mral
homes.'' "Thodrawlus nro f iltltful representa
tions or insect nn.i nam." uu mi-circular.
Address (iKdiirll- llnooKs, 121 North Seventh ht.
Phfladelphla. nov 1 1872-Iy
&,-t 4n Ci')() ver day! Agents wanted I
VU lu v v classes of working people.
Peotile. of
clthf r sex. yotuigorold, ltttike moro inoney nt
work ror us m their sparo ninmeuts or tut mo
timo than nt. ntiythlng else, particulars free.
Addless li. KTINsON st CO., Portland, Maine.
r.tvj. Kvory clerk nud
IJ merchant etui le.n-n nt once, nn-il: nulled
If, UlWMhmi Uryam, Uuil'ilo, N. Y.
GLiTacnxiMpr:" vi most w'-i.
Wliolesule to tlii tin I . Sin re eins sjm
ixwtpild, on fee. lil o' ?l .r-'.lld'.N 'I,
l'lllJi: l IT.' Ueul. g 1'.'. ll'ivl IW
AgonN Wiintctl Everywhere
to'till the b'st. low-price I Corn-Sihellor ever
palenlol. Lot lariiiers mid who has
corn lu shell send fir circular lo "I-'AMUA
C01lN.MIIELLUllCO.."II.irrIsburg.lM. novi iw
p HI I AT CUHIOdlTV. A SI Maqnzlne of tho
VT liljjlubt onhT lr SI. AKeiit wauto Uu uvety
ton,ouu perpetual !nci)ini. McnU iUftrptcl-
men tn'i3inltas Doll ip Wnyaztue.' o Ijiberty
Si., Y,
no i lv
The Ilest Hellglous nnd f-ccuinr I'linilly ews-
51 a Y.Mrwlllithe.irillLKi:Yi:AltV.OO;i.
hii"Nt.v i:. moiisi: ti co.,
:.7 Park How. New Yoi k.
novt Iw
1 0ENT8 WANTi:i-I'or Harriet
1 Hlowe's e.itniiaUll liools.with lives ol
e.iudli'ates nnd h-.idli g inin ol nil parties. 'J-i
.-su-ei i luirniiK. c 1 111 ff-'n nny ratiiti i un.i ohm-
lymudii Wrltoiitid see. partleiilars irea worlh
litgtou, litis In i;u. llurlfoid, C'l. liovl Iw
Ageuts Wanted far foouln's
os rut: iiiuuk, fur the homi: 1 11:11.1:.
,.C00 llll:e. aVlKugra, intri. The best eoternrUo
of the vesr lor ngeuts. livery I.tnilly vili itavo
It. Nothing like It now published. I-'or el.-eu-
iars nndress 11. H. iinoosi'Ki.11 .t i'u U7 Park
How, New orlt. nuvl Iw
Good Country Tallow Wimlctl.
lllglie-il price paid fur tirlmo mr lltv tiv L. M,
IILKINTUN, H nip nnd ( iiiiillu M'innriieliirer, ,
110 MaigtrettiiHt., Ph. l.ulelphla. novl Iw '
Jk unnrpassp(l ns a Tromolor of tho Growth of
Iho llulraud Whthlcr. H K neither stleUy nor
urrnsy, yet It sottenn ami smooth s iho Hair lar
hettcr tin I moro periiiaurntly th;tu any Oil or
lNnuauc. ust'it hh u Hair I)rtK'n, It produe
tho mo-t hentuiful fltvl lustrous eloss. Warraut
oil iififectly luiunk-. Its exouishc ncrfumo Is
qultu unrlvaltil, hoins lUstllUU frum the w. rlJ-
unov.-itud Jlo4Pb(jf l ushmi'ru larg hotline,
only 60 Uw. Adtliets AKCllKNjtAl 11 uMILLKlt'uimoeipma. im. uovi iw
Wt) have ileeltled to dlmo of our linnieni.e
(.ti ck ol Jlll.l.l Alt!) T.MII.KS ,,i . rices ulltllj
titmvo rol. ririt-eltibii axle Niw TauliK, eom-pli-lo
SJiHl, Ki eoiid hand TahU-H iiitiUe over now
f-.-iS,, ,ve. A great viiiuiy lonui uu
oilier, hel.d Kl' i'utiiloll .
Uor. Canal .v. Ceniiobth,, s, v Yurlt. nuvniv
ASTHMA ! iiVvesAoiMniK
Jt"! Iblil-- lit live llilliuti , and
I'PIIAM'S Asllinui l-iuo re-
n.t iolent ptirox
id eiteetK n Hteidy
euie. 73ftH. n box. hy mail I'lictitaiH free. Ad.
die- r., l i-ii .wi, .onuuui (.ii u ii oi., i iii mo,,
Pa. Hi I.I hy nil Urugiilhti..
I hitlKud wltli iwrAHItll thin- yuir, nvd
was cured by n Klinple r.iuedy. Will nnd le-
eelpl. poMttgo iree, loan uuiieien. itev, -i. j,
MI.Ali. Drawer l.i', Hyraeuso, N. V. novHw
X. I hTATK or I'fcfuii tint iir.c'n.
Nolleels hiiety gien null uiiet or Auminis-
trillion hnvo been gluuteil hy the ltegUterof
WilUol Columbia couuty tn the unucralguerl up
on the tfclutunr I'ller Pill;, Into nt Miiiaihua
towitbhlp.. In Mild eouuly, now deum-id. All
person luui nun in nini t.iaiu uie iiijuiiixi to
innke pi!) lueulaud nil inn.ns who lmc elallun
t-galukl .Hid eMuto to luoke them Ituown tn lliu
uuderi.ltiiiul. JOB1AI1 H. 1 nil.,
riusnilrnf twp., Nov. lt TS-Ov.,
I IN Notho itt ItJtLv L'xru lhr,t ll.o iiccount
iti Jiiinrtt lvjiiti 1. 1 i in nil 1 ict i'i 11 1 Miniii
fehlp ol Kotull Hdr, linn Udii lUtwl In
Court ot Cttxtuiiii 1 Hub ol nuiuuixHct-uiiiy,
It. 11. HINGLi:!
nov Ww
Lifo lucuranco Company.
No. of Policies Issued 43,000.
ASSETS $6,500,000.
ISSUES all the new form of I'olMr"
nnd presents ns fnvor.ibla terms s nny com
pany In tho United Htntra.
Tho company will make temporary loaos on
its policies.
Thirty dars graco allowed on eneli piymcnl
nnd tho policy held good during Hint time.
All our pollclos nro incomes table for lliu usual
Policies Issued by this company are non-fnr-Iciture.
No e.tlrn charges made for travelling permllii.
Policy holders shnro In tho nnniinl pioills nf
the company, and haven voice tn the dec ions
and management nf the company.
No rollcy or medical fee charged.
W. U. WYNKOUP. Vice Prs t.
J, P. P.noxns, Hecretnry,
H. C. UtlAMuLKtt, Jr., Actuary.
Central Office of M-Euleni Pcim'a.
"0( i,tjmbian' ' Building-
General A$eni.
Jan. 5,IS72-tf.
JLl Tboutiilcrslgncd having main tnkon pes
sesslnn or tho Mull ltouto running Irom enmbra
to Hloomsburg, singe will run ns follow : L- ive
Cnmbra every Monday. Wednesday nnd Friday,
nt bnlrpast (( o'clock n. m., nrrlvlng nt Itluoms
burg at II o'clock a. m. Lenvn Bloomsbtir niter
tho nnlv.-il of the I'hllndeliihln iHtill, alum: A p,
lit., nrrlvlng at Cumbrn lUp. m. siitto e. u
Cambra tonioom 1.2-1. Flshlngcroclc to III00111
f3cts. Ornugevlllo to liioom Wets. Llgbtsttoet
toUloom 15 cents. All Intermediate places to be
chaigcd the same rate.
lr. J. YAPLE, Proprietor.
Shlckstlnny, Oct. 11th Ii72.
Letters ot ndmlnlstratlnii on 11m ostati. nf
John C. Ilnitmnu lato of Denton township, Ool-
umtiiacouuty,ilecer.sed, have been granted by tho
Itegtstcrolsald county to Wm. II. Mmlth ol llto
same twp. Alt persons having claims against t ho
estnto of tlio decedent nre requested to picent
them for seltlemeut, nnd thoso Indebted to tnu
estnto to mako payment tothu underalgucd.ud
mlulstrator, without delay.
i f Oraugu twp.,
Oct. 25. Ow. Admlnlstrulur.
In pursuanco ol nn on'rr of Iho Oij I tins
Coutt of Columbia county, tho undErslgutd ad.
mlnlstrnlor, e.,or tho estate of Philip flu I. y,
tlte'd lato of the township ol Denver, lu slid
county, will offer for sale on the ji nils.
cs ou
a certain tractof land, bounded nnd described
ns follows, viz : Ou the north by Nnd ol Lydla
Ilennluger, on the cost by laud of Philip Mc
Grann, on tho south by ti r.ubltc ronlttudon the
west by laud of Juoob Ilarrlgcr toninlii
and ouo hundred and forty-nine perehc.i, ir ire
nr less, wliereonare erected u twu-stoiy l-'r no
Dwelling House nnd n frame Dank barn. AL-U.
A certain other tiaet of land bounded nil de
scribed ns follows, viz : On the nut til bv land ol
John Keller, on tho oust-by land u! IJlia Lrvln,
ou llto south by land of Jacob tslienrinati and on
tho west by land ol Peter Kueght, continu
more or lefs.
'iUUMS W SALK Ten per cent. f siie
fourtli of tlio purchase money t i be pai I nt llto
striking down of tho property, oue-fourtli less
tho ten per cent, ou the conflmiallouol sale and
the remaining thrce-fourth In oue jear thine -ter,
with ihlcruil lreui llni oiiihimu' ion
Admin ist. . . .
,.t tho snmo time, at tliodwel lug house, 1 'ic of
a.t ctocuanwl, will bo expoatil ut rhv by i.
i' nt) clotlica liorto.oiioiabl'. oue Iwil uiivl t- i-
Ui k, ono cunLoirJ, one Milks , one w . .1
ctii' rt'; lioiicfi, ouo mill, ono ji,
j'K'tM : All sunn nf fl nml utidor, '-' r
1 mr laontha cm.Lt ;xih appiovcit s
i I'TATEUF r:i.i2, .Jll. ill i.unoei: V '
Th 'I'rtKTKtirneti nnr-oiulf-il mmPurtfi 1
uio li t it: oils lu tlu lialnUol the A'lln'nl t
nf thf cstaftf of i:iza'(th Lunwr Wv i- '
met t tuo part.C" mtcrefcteu at his IP"
town or liuiumsiiurrf on b'utuul'w
lTAntlO ti'cloth.a in.. ulien nml wo i a
Honb interfUsl ui n (pi.tPt.t to prei-ciit. ih i
tr.o Auditor or tie rni. rrto'iarrfd from t
in lor tjuld luiul.
r. a. !!i ki
nov Mv. ah .
ittTATKot jobs naionr. uu
lOttors li'slamcntjirv on Uu ln i- i
Ilrljtht lalni KUtihi((crofll twp , iUmrt i
Ly, deo'd.huvo li on ranii'ii by Hi l.t .
saM oouuty to Jacob (JiHlnrr, nl s :
All perKony havtu claim agimtft tin- i ut
rt'fnii."t(l to prpftODt thorn to iho K' '
Oilumhla-oounty. Thosf In lhud tn
i-ltliiT on nuto, JutliiiiiLiii, iu irtjfitfti n
ciuni m ill tnalio p'lymeia lo lUu o-t i i
out Uulay,
nov ltiw. i..
vaiiUaiua; ukai ijtati.
In vuiKuancoofnii ordor of tho Oiph ir.s' i
o Iho rutin ty of Coliimblu. th uuilo s
inluiatratut' !)'. ol T'Orjuiuln C'atuo. 1
Township of Ijucui, lu Mitd unt:, !
will txpusQ to puUUc fcaloon
nt 1 o'c-lo U a. in , a r rialn nit''iK
ii .1
or .an. . suuiiit'i in n u i-'V.-nfejUi
uforeald, tountlcd y JnudM of Atl.iio
herstr ou Uio rusi, iy i.'i'U. 01 iuar rw.r
UiuiiuiUi, i i.intiii m -vtiuam iiuin:n i n
tho vi"i, ai.d Uuh)h ct Haupv Cu'pon t! . 1 1 ,
coniaiuli k
17 Acum.
innrr (ir whficou au t Ti lcd .1
Uuu sr. taru and tuher iu but.dluK.
Ti-KJMLF hale. i'wniiy per cent. f
tt,t 1 urchHso luotiev lu h t .hl At till" r n
dnwnof Iho pn pt'ity. Oi i-U.f of thn t i i
ul the pu reliant) money to Ot, puitl nt ilw- - i
inatiou of tho mlr, and th huluiioo ol t he
clllio taoticy to ho 1 aid m outybartt t i
with Inierctt lium eoniUmatiou ut st. l'ui tr
topa foriit od, l ';sbiou fclVCtloU th, !
nl April U"t.
Adtnioi-i -Kuuiodla,
Col. ra la., Nov J, WT.'.
V An oiilluune. t-i open, widen nn-l
eiiMnilientieetni iiiepropertyor.Marut;i wt n
and lo open, wldenaudilia'gt.leuieeoiitt &ti i
ul the 1'orliH lintel.
HictionI llo it ord.lned nndni..'te 1 1 i.
town eeitiiellot lite town i'i ltlooiuM-' d o
!. liuiehy enacted by nuthniily of 11) . n e
'lhat Miitlin meet be i pmil. wldui i M
HtralKliteucil, Uiiougli nnd ulonu ihe p.i , 1
Maltha Welln im the ,ul li-c. t ti tin. r n I
.iiu l;tl nnd 'llnid itri eu, tun.ih mi m i i il
the KuniKbhnll bu u l uhllu btml ur hit, .V i;
the lull width ot uluil.v-idi e Int, tin iiii l:
theiiol tobe lu iiiedinei line Iiciu t1 - e iHi
htoiie new i nidilifclud In MMke' t il 'IM I
vtitith, lo the eenlie .lobe it. nhlUl.i t i'i M r
Uil unit l-lltn stiieiK,
Hi. con ti II. 'iliul hiciud ktreet bi ru 'v .1
ened ettd i-tialuhlencd ihroegti iijut ut t t
1 orKH jtoui proneiiy, oiuut e i rnp, nn n ' '
Ninth side ot fuld Hieond ttliel llol-i t) ,
toi nit liuiilipioi eity to H'" 1 IlIhh l
ill klKl. ILIIllllo. itudtii tuiue r linll be n
street or liljrhwnyo! the lull wlilili met 't '
nnd nne-lmli eet,ihe rei.tiu tlteriot t " 1 t n e
diriit line limn Hie ei bin m i i '' ( I- c
oiiil unit nn tl e enht line of Inn i t -ii
ntu nul. lu tti ul in the links IH'iii i'
In the ctMre'Oi e In the lear ul Hk 1 w I
U 1 tin tltowu on tbu Towu ilup.
HUlin.v J. Hint iitnietilleul-1 'Lt 'tilt 1 i
tho bkiinuiiit ol UminitfiH to nil luui v
may I o iijuiid, uuil con l.i uliuu uitu '
I'loiiliee a. tihiill I I it'Ulilid, by 1 1 i -Mdi
llllig und ktlHlirlili Hll'K of the lu.u . ; n
anil Uteuuil ttreet. iekitetlvt),
lakiilEeuUnibli'7tll l.-TJ.
AUt.C), O'UAliKUX, F. JII'M . " I
ttiertiiurv. l'vcftldenl l
lllooiilkburil, !'., Cell! er UJtl.. WJ I