THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY.PA. TlIBLUHBIAN .Friday, Nov. W, 1872. FRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT KDITOK. Railroad Timo Tablo. T.AtKAWANNA A llLOOMPUUItG It. II. Norlli. South, WJA.M. 4:57 I 'M. IM'IA.M. HiOJl' M. 1:10 l'.M. UiMA.M, Mnll Acct liiiuudntlun i;xitiM CATAWIf-HA It. It. l'UOM HUI'HtlT STATION, UnltigNnrth. OolngWonlh. 1:18 r. M. 11:11A.M. LOCAL. Kov. .T. H. Grlcr, of Jcrsoy Shoro, litis married M7 coupled during lib min istry, and ho expects to nud n fow totho 1H this winter. In wrni localities in tho Stuto, where It Is known ninny tetiino'ratico men live, ho leniiioiunco ticket for Stnto ofllccM did nut receive a vote ftt tho lato election. A humorous friend of ours In town In MieakliiR of tho urcat llro In Boston "If ll.o "Hub" Iii destroyed what la to liecotno of us felloes?" John HI. Clakk has taken the ofllco formerly occupied by his father It. P. Clnrk Ksq. atid will follow therein tho profre-'lon of tho law. Michael P. Kyerly Esq. lms entered tho Law Ofllco of John 0. Frcczo Esq. In Brower's building whorohowlll bo happy to u'0 his friends Tiif tiewspapirsof ncigliborliiKcoun tl a complain of u scarcity of potatoes. Wo liiwa not howl any complaints from our farmers and Ima'ino tho crop to bo yearly If not ijullo up to tho aver ago. Wo havo received tho flrdt numher oT tho Osceola Itercillc, u nowspaper pub lished at Osceola, Clearllold Co. by Itrls bin Is-u well printed sheet of Hovcn columns and tho selccllonsof this first number nro very t;ood. The Pennsylvania Itallroad Coin pu ny oir.'r $10,000 and a llfo pasi over all their lines to any ono that will impart Information lending to tho arrest of tho parties implicated in tearing up tho track at Garrett's Siding, on tho main lino of the road, about thrco weeks since. Oim town clock U tho must comical bit or machinery that wo know of. Tho timo It keeps is peculiarly its own, not governed by any railroad or othor hours.and its changes from fast to slow nro as amusing as tho transformations in a pantomime. Tho fact that it is fifteen or twenty minutes fait ono day is no criterion that it will not bo that much slow tho next. An exchango offers so slraplo a pre ventive to lamp explosions that wo gladly mention It ; "Fill your lamps in tho morning." Thcro aro hundreds of persons burned to death or frightfully injured every year by tho lamps filled whilst burning. "Fill your lamps in tho morning'' nnd no such accidents will occur. Apples can bo imrchaned for four cants per bushel in soino parts of Mil lnois, nnd several editors havo purchas ed half ti bushel for winter uso. That is tho stylo of abtiso with which editors havo to contond. l'eoplo not only don't pay them but rovllo them becauso they havo to buy apples at tho above abaurd rates. Fathers I road nnd ponder. If you havo boys growing up whoso prcdIIIetlons aro for tho editorial chair, stranglo them or start them in fcomo other business. Hollow Eve. Tho little ones did not injndge much in tho abominablo nraetico oi rinuiiiK nnu ana poiintim: at tho doors last week. Wo arglad that rcaso is again assuming Its sway, and nopo cro cincener hollow, ovo comes round, this provoking nuisanco will bo entirely uono away witn. Tlio auovo cliolco collection or errors o clip from tho Jlcpublican of last week. In an nrtlclo of eight lines there aio just eight mistakes, which wo havo italicized. If IJcckley docs not look lltllo moro sharply after his proof reading his paper will scarcely bo a pafo ono to plaeo in tho hands of children ami young people. FnoM various parts of tho State re ports reach us ofthoplundcrlngof sneak thioves who enter dwellings on all sorts f pretexts nnd carry off whatever they an lay their hands on. Wo havo ;iot heard of any in our inimcdiato vicinity but there is no knowing when they may make their appearance Woadvlso our leaders to look well to their door fastenings anil to leave nothing porta ble whero theso nuisances can reach it. Forowarncd" should bo "forearmed." John Sullivan, proprietor of tho Duslioro Hotel, in Dushore, Sullivan county, planted, at tho usual seeding timo Inst Spring, a single potatoo in his garden of ordinary soil. A week or two since ho dug them up, and found that it had produced 511 potatoes, weighing 105 pounds or, in other wordy, just threo bushels and a peck. During tho furious galo of Tliiir.nlny night of last week tho recently tr eted roof timbers of tho now hotel building were for the most part blown down. They havo hi en rebuilt however. Wo nro informed that govern! gond sized tri os were uprooted by tho fnu-- of tho Kill". A 15. 11. accident occurred on Thurs day of last week between'o nnd Wilkes-Harro, in which u woman was killed and quite a number nf persons Injured. Among tiio latter vj were sorry to see tho namo of J. 15 Hoymrt or Philadelphia, who Is well In; .ivn to many of our readers. Wo hit ! Ii-.irn- ed how seriously ho was lii;tirv. Last Sunday evening quit .i cmvil of boys collected at tho corner t Mar ket and Third Streets, waiting it I pro tunned for tlio services toeonclude in the Methodist Church. It would bo moro sensible if theso young henllenien wero to wait insido of tho Church; itw.mkl look better and bo far more coiivout mt to those who wish to uso tlio p.iviiitl'tit in passing. Constable Woodward should look after till-'. Vk call tho attention of our leaders to tho opinion of Judgo Harding in tho Important rail road suit to bo found on our first page. As wo stated in last week's Columiitan this Fiiit allects tho Interests of our N. & W. Branch It. 11 being tho upper end of the road. It merits perusal. SiNcnlho 1st of November, when tho Heading It. It. look cliargo or tho C.itawlssa road tho New York pa pershavo been received hero with grca Irregularity, not reaching hero by tlio usual afternoon train and sometimes not until two days after the day of pub Ucatlon. This causes much annoyanco nnd wo trust may bo remedied without delay. Sunday evening's sunset was ono so beautiful as to merit, remembrance. Th whole heavens from the east to tlio wes wero illumined by tho most cxotilsito colors, varying from brilliant orango to regal purple. Such a gorgeous flood or brilliivit coloring wo havo bcldotn, ir over, seen equalled. It washy odds tho finost of thlsyear. Many persons aro troubled In ac counting for thoso wonderful celestial phenomena tho Northern Lights. It is ,ithcr a difficult matter to explain and wo aro glad to bo ablo to lay before our readers a simplo yet comprehensive definition of tlio wholo matter, to this effect ; "Tlio molecules of which tho aurora is composed aro stratified by a peculiar action or tho particles on each other, causing tho waves or vibration to elon gate clliptlcally,nnd to contract on their own orbits laterally, producing a aeitv dilating coruscation, which is in turn absorbed and then dispersed." Tliis wo think is as clear im mini? The last lssuoof tho Iiellefonle Watch man in its list of estimated majorities for Grant puts down Columbia county for ir.0. Oh ! como now, that's a trifle loo much. ;it's bad enough as It is but wo managed to save tho county for Greeley by about 1,000 majority and it is rather severe to hand us over to Grant. Tho County 13 Democratic yd, nlthotigli a few moro such State and National elec tions as this year's, may upset things to such an extant as to givo us over to the Republicans. For goodness sake, Meek, cliango thoso figures or our Represen tative won't know who his constituents aro this winter. Tun Miltoiiian, a hldo-bouad journal of tho Radical persuasion, Is strongly opposcd'to tho adoption of the Cumula tive system of voting by tho Constitu tional Convention and calls upon that body to reIst any attempt to securo It. Tho opposition of tho JliltonUui is not based upon any wjr.t of merit in the plan but simply and purely because its most earnest supporter is a Democrat. Suehnarrowuiindcdprejudieoiscoulein ptlble. Wo think tIiat;ilie;Ctimulatlve or any other plan should stand or fall on its own merils and not becauso of its author's political affiliations. Should tho horso dlscaso which has broken out in town become general, it may rondor necessary tho blowing out of tho furnaces as it will bo impossible to furnish oro, coal or llmcstono for dal ly uso. Tho Irondalo furnaco especially would find it difilcult to get coal nnd limostono from tho L. &. B. R. R. Wo trust that no necessity will ariso to com pel blowing out. A number or tho scholars or tho Pri mary Department o f tho Normal School gavo an exhibition nt Cadman's Hall on Saturday nltoriioon last tho prleo or admission being fixed at tlio absurdly small sum or two cents. Tho exercises consisted of dialogues, declamations nnd singing nnd wero most creditably performed. Tho avorago ago or tho scholars was about ten years. Thero was a gcod nudlenco nnd tho low prlco or admission nlono prevented a pecuniary success. Ilaipcr'i Monthly still mnintolns Its high position in tho ranks or thoMngn t zincs. Its ability Is now unquestioned whilst its proprietors seem determined to make it oven superior to wlmt it has been. Tho Illustrations to tho leading articles aro n marked feuturo in this Magazine and ndd interest to tho merit or Iho articles theiDEelves.' Thero need bo no doubt in Iho mind or any ono as tothovnluo or Harper's. It Is moro than worth tho subscription prlco. Pub llshcd by Iliupcr Bros. New York. Teumihle. On Thursday evening a firo broko out, at tho lesideneo of Mich ael Sanders, In East Danville, from tho explosion of n lamp. Tho ignited fluid being scattered, rapidly enveloped tho fiouso in flames. No timo was left to savo anything. Hut Mr. Sanders being tax collector, tried to savo tho papers and money belonging to the public. For tills purposo ho entered tlio burning building; but nlns, ho did not return. Overcomo by thcdovourlng clement ho sank down into tho firo nnd was burned to a crisp. A portion or his body was afterwards recovered. An adjoining liouso was nlso consumed. This terrlblo culamity cast n gloom over tlio minds of all, for nil know and roipected Mr. Sanders, as an honest upright mnu,aud as a Christian. God comfort tho strlckon heart of tho disconsolate widow, so uddenly and so awfully boroft or tho companion, with whom shojournoyed through lire, from youth to old ago. Independent. Tlio Horso Disease. Tho epidemic which provails nil over tho country has mado Its nppearanco In our midst. It Is hotter to acknowlcdgo tho fact nt onco nnd urge owners of horses to exerclsocaro and watchrulness in order to savo their animals. Tho dlseaso appears to bo or a mild form, and begins with a nasal discharge, n swelling of tho glands or tho throat and a cough. Contrary to Its usual rulo tlio mules have been attacked, tomo or tho flrot cases being nmong them. Thero nro now in this town and nt LImo RldgoEorao eighty to n hundred cases Thero may bo many others between tho two places or which wo havo not ltcard. When tho dlseaso makes Its appear unco certain tilings are absolutely nec essary. First, stop working tho animal; when in the slablo keep tho body warm by clothing j givo warm bran mashes nnd chilled water ; npply an exciting embrocation on tho wlndplpo, from tho throat to tho breast j In tho early stages givo stimulants; but when tho dlscaso advances and tho pnUo becomes quick ened, scdatlvo medicines will havo to bo given to nrrcst tho Inflammatory 6ymptoins. Cathartics nnd nauseating medicines should not be administered. Ulcedlug is dangerous nnd chotild not bo practiced. I'ho following remedy is now used in Hnrrishurg, for horses nffeclod With tho provnillng dlscaso nnd from ttppearancos has tho desired effect, viz I It. Lotion Tor horses i oz. snlrl s oT hnrtshorn, H oz. titiutttro or nrnlca, 1 pints or nicouoi. iiatuo iicck nnu untier Jaw; AIho ten drops of nconlto on longuo thrco times a day. In Now York nnd Philadelphia tho following remedy lins been applied with success to valuable trotting stock ! llatulago tho limbs and soak with spirits. Rub tho throat with turpon tine. Mix n small portion of Ipecac and tartar emetic with molasses ; put a fow drops on tho tonguo overy half hour. Mr. Georgo Wilkes proprietor or tho Spirit of the Times nnd an acknowledged nuthorlty on horses gives tho following advlco: Wo think their fond should bo liberal and wo know It should bo good ; nnd n gontlo stimulant, such ns Is nll'orded by n teaspoonful of good condition pow der In ti mash overy other night while this complaint Is about, cannot bo bad. Wo shall venture on it. Good ventila tion nnd protection from cold draughts nro needed now moro than over. For thoso who havo the Incipient symptoms or tho complaint, such ns cough, run nlng nt tho nostrils, nnd wntcry dls chnrgo from tlio eyes, nbsoluto rest and soft food nro required. Their hay should bo wetted ; llieir manger feed should bo nothing but masho; and if they will drink good oat meal gruel, so much tlio better. When tho throat Is affeclod which is nearly always tho caso, If tho cough Is bud, liniment well rub bed in outsido has been round very useful. General Rufus Ingalls, an army ofllco of stnndlng, has Issued tho following rules to govern tho treatment of horses belonging to the Government in tho Department of tho East; of which hols Quartermaster: "On tho first nppoironce of tho dis ease, givo tlio horso a thorough steam ing with boiled oats placed in a bagnnd so fastened to the head that tho steam from tho oats will bo Inhaled. Repeat this until tho discharge from tho nos trilo ii (rco nnd of natural color. Then take leather, or what Is better, carbolic disinfectant ; in grains, llko largo bIzo cannon powder, place In it a shallow pan and burn it whero tho horse will bo obliged to breathe it. "If tho throat is soro (which general ly will bo tho caso) npply frequently hot vincgnr, rubbing It well in with tho hands, nnd wrap tho throat in flan nel dipped in vinegar. Sponge out tho uostrils well with warm vinegar. Ulan ltet well night and day. but not enough to produco sweating, and givo plenty of lresti, clean Dcutiiug. "Givo several bran mashes, with from ono-hair to ono.onnco of powdered nitro in each, and uso Unseed meal or flaxseed In tho oaH. Uso tepid water in tho mash. "Tho hay should bo moistened with water, preferably tar water. "Most eases, if taken in tho time, will yield to tlio above treatment, but should the attack bo very severe, ac companied with considerable fever and very soro throat, Instead of tho vinegar, an embrocation of equal parts of lin seed oil, turpentine, tincture or can tharides and bnrlsliorno should bo rub bed in night and morning. 'Powell's embrocation' is very good. Givo as n drench night nnd morning tho follow ing : Spirits of nitric ether. 1 ounce. Laudauum 1 drachms Nitrnlo of Potassa ii drachms Water 1 pint. Mix. "Should tlio horso refine his feed. offer him frequently thin gruol, with a liamllul orputverlzeil Hiippery elm Darn and licorico root stirred in it. "When convalescing, exercise gently daily, nnd stimulate tho appetite with the lonowing oait : Extractor uentian 0 drachms. Powder of ginger 2 " "A handlul of wood ashes, mixed with alittlo salt, thrown into tlio feed trough for tlio horso to lick up, will be relished by him and bo beneficial." Any ot tho aoovo remedies win doubtless bo found to bo effectual. There is ono thing which is absolutely necessary for tho animal and that is, rest from work; without this all else Is useless. Tills should bo borno in mind. Tho worst feature which tlio disease lias yet dove-loped is the subsequent ippearanco of furcy and glanders, both or them highly dangerous and conta gious aireclions and held to bo almost incurable. It has become necessary to kill many animals in New York which havo been attacked by theso dis eases. Wo think howover that when tho animal Is promptly taken In hand and cured that thero Is littlo danger or tho subsequent uilectlous. Tho sim pie rules suggested by Mr. Wilkes which wo havo given nbovo seem to us the most sensible, and nro such us can bo followed by all. To effect a euro in any ease, however. the animal must havo rest. To work means to kill. I. W, Hiirltnnn hnj sdld'ovor a half ton of noiind calico tills season ; now lot Just opened. Tho largest variety of overshoes in town is nt E. M. Knorr's. QOURT PROCLAMATION.,m. William Elwdl. rictldcnl Judgonr tbn Court of Oyer ntnl Tcimhier nnd Jllll lieiivory, vimrbiM iiuiinei irennimis npnnn.) f Totirt nf C'ommnu l'lonn nnd Or- f'.to.f Ii. Iln ?Alli lllufrl.'f. mini burners supplied nt liberal rales with nosodof tiiocmmtioiiof cniumiiia, Buiiivnn nnd Imet Mitnlllv Nil O pnnl 1'orpiiillli fires, wyomlnit, nnd tho lion. Jrnm Dcirnnd ImmoH. nest uuniity wo. u,coai. iorBmHiiiircs, M AMocinto judRcs of cuiumum rounty In addition to a prime article of lump, imvo im-d mcir prerciit, i.cnrini?iinio thoistfi lllil IMnliliOiril Coal Yard t W.Neal&Uko. Wholesale & Re tail tlMilern in nil sizes of tho best qualities of Red nnd Whilo Asli (Joal, ociarni j tit tho very lowest market rates. LImo- pnAuVcSJ Tim brat lot of zonhvrs. GcrmttlltoWn wo havo n first elaSS quality of Ulttltnl- "lay of October, In. tho 'yonr of our Lord, mio . . , 1 1 . . I . . . ...I. f I llltlMQntlll . IHtfllL oiiiiiircii nil wools, real laces, black nnd white, slip nnr.tmttnrns nnd other worsted work. in tho county, is to bo seen nt tho storo or a. u. went). nous coal, nt f O.'i", per ton on whnrf. , LnrgObtOCksof nil Sizes Constantly Oil miller nnil UonomlliuartorHossloimortli. a liunil Hlrlnt tinrsnniil attention nlvcil to L'ourtof Common I'leai niul Oriilmn'n Co u IRtlU. lno1I'"s"Bl,111" Wooinrtiurir, in tlio county of Oolmnliln, tlio preparation of nil ourconl. Oram, nrst Monday, iioihb tnosa Jy ot LiUmUCrnnilDinuSlllKOIl lliuxeinillguiur nexi, locoiumuu ivro win-Hi. coal. Coal delivered to nny part of tho J Wo"?,! novciity-two.miil Ui mcdlrccti'd lor liolillnisnUourlot oyer nml Tcr- il ucnornl liuarior homiohboi i nncn uourt, in on tlio comber t7oronrr. lo tho oustnhlcM of tlio Wlinn vmi n-i ti I f iiAtdnn unnnnd nv-nterH I I I null J Ull 1u.l V,!-" n ilrllnlniKi frv nr n. lond OX StOW any town, uruorn iuu Hb iiuinuyy nuu iv nauicouniy oiuoiumuin, inui ini-y no hiuh nnu were' eirtoS Kgoto JnToby' Co's. store or tit .our omco wdfl recelvo In Slllvo's Block. prompt nttcnlion. OI'l'ICK & YAllllS AT rccord,ltifiulilUons ami other muiiivuomuini -iriir,... in- c. KuiiJii irtit,MAfin. Rjbt .iiiiiiiiiiii(noiuiiii-li tn tlmlr oilleei nimiruiln mjm- . i Tho Now Haven rancy slipper over shoo is tho latest stylo, nnd they can bo had nt E. M. Knorr's. ULOoMsmniei. Your pntronngo respect fully solicited. AUENTd WANTED ro "INSECTS AT HOME". 70') rajesj tipwnrtliof TOO cntst 21 full pugoen 01 over SIX vrnvlnzi. "Just tlio Hook for Intelligent rural 1 notlUCU I licit. Homes." -nie urawwa nro laiiiuiu reprcsomn All persons indebted to II. O. How cr nro requestod to call nnd settlo, nnd thoso Having nccouuis oi over six ...... ,11,) n.w1l.w. nrn nnu. iinltdnil Hill I"""'.?,;". .7"'.. V-m lr .1. . ti ions 6f Inicct ; nnd l'lnnt." Hend for Circular. ivuiiuui uny Kwjmun, inu itui u iivn.v AiMre tlioliOR UUOOK9, 121 Mortli Hoven 111 Ml, with nccordlng to law at tlio expiration riiriniipipiun. v t ltm-iy or thirty unys. Rloomsbtirg Nov. 12th 18' 2W 00 sets or Furs to bo opened this week at I. W. Hartmau's$a,uO to $10,00. 4i"; in Hon rer dnyl Agenti wanted I All WJ lO v-u classes of worlclns peoplo, of eltnpr pox, youmsorniu, ranio moro moiii-y i work for ut la luclr sparo momoulfi or all tlio timo than at auytuliii? else, l'arttculnn free. Address O. HflNBON & CO., l'orllnml, Maine, BOOKKEEl'INU.VaJaiJSd. Every clerk mid mnrchant can learn at once. Iloolc mulled UK. II, Uour.uiNO llllYANT, lluiMlo, N. V. jLITHCU'HlMI,ElltALIlUri'3IAN MUrtrAKI), M. P. Lulz hasnddod to his extonslvo .. I e .1-.. 1 - . ..II in. in-l in mil nr uy K u" "."-'" LITHCirsiMPEIltALIlUri'3IAN MUrtrAllI), Mme. Domorest'scut paper pattorns. Ho u wnoiosnio to tho trade, tsiugm n sent, .. ...... 1 ..I.., I .-i..i.i 01 r iri'IlllAV T. nas mo latest, siyio oi patterns giving i."." k; "'; " ,,0vi iw rull directions how to muko ; how much mUhAtinr. Heading, i ... !'vl ivr . material needed, nnd tho largest nud Afrn.wt, Wmitoil Evorvwhcro best assortment of materials for jnr. A?cn 8 JVnte mollis of all kinds III town, to bO SOld patented. Let farmers nnd ovorybody who has Client) for cash. corn to licll send for circular to "FAMILY Mll-"l v.von. fni,V.HIM.V.r.t.-u IV! n lln.M.linn. PA. novl 1W tn lia ilono. Ami tliosn thnt nro boiiud ny rceojinlrnnco, to prosccuto nsaliiit tlio prlsi oners Unit nru or may bo In tlio Jail of tlio nam treaty of Columbia, to bo then nnd thero to prosecuto tbcm ns ulinll bo Just, ju ror nro reqttrntctl to bo punctual In their nttond nncu.ngreenbly tothelrnotlce-i. Dated at llloomii ,,, burii, tlio?Mi ilny of Nov., in tho year L. s. 1 or our lxird, ono tliousnml eight hun dred nndRoventy-lwonnd in tlio ninety firth yenr or tho Iudeponilenro of tho United BtatoJ ot Amcrlen. AAllON (SMITH, llloom Rbiiru, Nov. Slli, 1S7;. HberlU". FOR DIXT.MllEIt TllltM. 1872. Heaver Joiiatlmu I lauclt, .Inootj ltirr Igcr, llentou 1111. Mondculi.UI Jr. llrlarcroelc (Joorgo M. Ilowcr. CntiiwUia Jninci O. lleoJer, John 1). (Illicit, MnthliiH Ilnrtmnn. Centre Adam Hill. I'lshluBcreek-SamuolHIitvoJ. A. W. l'attor- 8011. rmiiltlln James lluocr, William Mioxcr. Ureeuwooil Uoortfo W. Uugcr, IJlumcr i)x vli. JucUsou John l Dorr, Jacob It nit.. Madison Thootloro Ituiiyau, Oicar CMrrcll, Wm. Maslellor, D.mlcl rtuilth. Montour Lewis ltoth, ruiu Asher Fullmer. Hiltiirloat U. L. Mooru, Ezra Stcphcui, T 1ST OF GRAND JURORS XJi E. 111. Knorr cts. to $1.15. has overshoes from 70 flllEAT CUllIOSITV.. Tlio best mon's kip boots in tho coun try at K. M. Knorr's. -A &l Muuazluo of tlio llluhefit order for 1. Ai-enL wantcil In nverv town, on n perpetual Income. Hend 100 for Upecf men to'-amltn's Dollar Magizlue." 61 Libeily uovi -1W m.,u. v. 1823. A FitAanANT breath and pearly teeth nro easily attained, and thoso who fall to avail themselves of tho means, should not complain when uccusod of gross neglect. Tho Hozodont will speedily oradicato tho rauso of it foul breath, beautifying and preserving the tooth to tho oldest ago. JUUILKE! 1873. OP TUB NEW YORK OBSERVER Tho Ilcst Itillglous nnd Secular Family News paper. K a Year with the JlllllLEE YEAH HOOK. tiltlNHY V.. JIOltSK A CO., 117 Parle Itow, Now York. SEND FOR A 8AMP.LK COPY, novl iw ijfattllng's Uluu ; sticmcst tiling out ready. Roots and Siioes. Fivo cases ot boots Ju3t received at E. M. Knorr's. i:nnms or oiites. I'.vory nervous Youn Man In Iho Union, will licclpulhnt wlllprovon blcsulug through We, by uddrcsnliiL', In confidence, JOitN Il.OODEN. Box 51T-' V. O. 42 Cedar KI..N. Y'. fcb., An KuKNTrAL or Lovemmhss. To bo ontlro ly beautllul tho hair shoubl bo nbuodaut nnd lustrous. This Is absolutely essential to com plete lovollncss. Tlio most rcgulnr features, I be most brilliant complexion niut pearliest tooth fall of their duo elfcct If tho hair bo thin, dry, or linrsh.Onthoeontrary.thoplnlnest.facoliltbo but btirmountod by luxuriant nnd silken tresses, Is apt to Impress tho beholder with n sense of ac tual beniuy. That crowning ornament of her hnpplly.wlthln tho reach nr lovely woman, ami being ns discriminating ns bhn Is lovely, sho long ago iliscovereu inai l,)ou-k ivainariou was mo sine mejius oi Fieciiriug ii. no prcpiraiiou for Iho Hair over enjoyed n tithe of Its popularl- , nnu no wouuer, ninco n. produces Mien grail lngresults. Annlleil to tho wnsto and barren laces or tho .c:tln. It fructlaes nnd enriches hem with a now and nmnlo crowtli. It 1, not. of course, pretended that It will do tnls If the capacity for reproduction Is extinct, but so long ns It remains that wonderful rehablUiut wilt assuredly propasato tho gjrm of tha hilr luto life nnd activity. OCfc liJ-lV I0F.NT8 WANTED For Harriet Uecchcr 1 Ktowo's camnai2U boo'.c. with lives of tho Citudlilntes nnd loading men of nil pnrtlcs. SO Htcel l'ortrnlls. SJ to fain d.iy rapidly nnd easi ly made. rlloamiseo. l'arllcularslrce, Wortli lugton, Dnstln & Co. Hartford, Ul. novl Iw Agents Wnnted for Uouoln's CHILD'S COMMENTATOR. ON THE liinLK, for tho HOME CHICLE, 1.2U0 rn;ef,t aWKugravlnt;?. Tho best enterprise ofthti yu:ir for ngeut. Kvery 1. null will Imvo It. Nothing like It now publishcit. Tor circu lars udtlresn U.S. Uoousruuu & CO., y7 Paris How, Nuw Yorl;. novl iw Good Country Tullow Wanted. IHKhest iirlco pattl for prlmo quality by Lj. ii. xjui'i.kii ivst, nun aim utnuio 1IU Mnrsiretta St., Philadelphia. Manufacturer, no vi 117 CASTontA A mi bstltuto for Cantor Oil i vcz- tablo preparation contalnlDK neither MtneiulF, Mornlilnu nor Alcohol, it Is pleasant to take. does not nauscatn, and operates when all other rteen venrs in nroauclni: a nrstiaraiion mom ravjriuiai 4 l urnAara niclcnt than Castor Oil. without its horrid H OX 1 liUil : Hev lasie, i no Lasioria reguiaies ino system ;cmes couuinptlou, stomachache, croup and tlatu- leucy.und killH worms. It does not dlstrc-M cr i urlpe. l!y ItH quietlnc. pootniug euect it pro tlures natural sleen. and is narllcularlv adant- ed In crylUKunct teething children. o uesir mysiciaiiH io ipi mis ariicie, anu will forward thrco bottles cratls to tho address ofauyoueso autheuttcattd. insist that jour ilrur'ikt order it lor voti. It cost shut ft) cents. and uun bottlo will savo many doctor's bills. JQV. 61 U, ISi-lW, "i BTfcITJ" I Vil IT 1tt1l1 L. MARKET REPORTS. Ulooiiinbtii-f; larkit. Wheal per l.nshcl Ityo " Corn " o.ila. " Klonv in-r bariol lyloeni-ed Kluxhitd Itutlcr Tuilow - Potntocs Dried Apples Mams Hull's ami Klioukk-rs l..ird per pound 11 ay per luu tl.M , 11 Ul , 6 60 , 1 60 MARRIAGES. ROSE OF CASHMERE HAIR TONIC Is unsurpassed as a Promoter of the Growth of tiiojuurauii wuisicrs. ii is nouner siicicy nor creasy, yet It soltens and smoothes tho Hair far I better and moro permanently than any oil or : Pomade. Used as a Hair Dressing. It produces tho iiuwt beautiful nnd lustrous closs. Warrant ed perfectly Inrmlcs. Its exquisite perfumo Is quite unrivaled, being distilled from tho wnrld lenownod ltosfsof Cashmero Iirgi bottle', only 50 cts. Address AHCilKNUACil MILLKU 4uuri,aa w,t I'Uiiadclphla, p.v. uovi iw A GREAT EVENT ! Wo havo decided to dlsposo of our Immense stock of UILLIAU1) TAllLEH nt prices a lltlla above cost. First-class 5x10 New Tables, com plete S'100. Secoud-liand Tables mado over now $200, i2-25, S25I, &c. A great variety lo suit nil buyers. Send for Catalogue. KAVA.NAGII A DECICKR. Cor. Canal A Ccntro Bts.. Now Yorlc. nuvl Iw LIST OP PBTI'l' JUHOUS l-'OH 1JK0I:SIUBKTEUM,1S7J. V1IMT WKKK, Heaver Samuel l'lslier, Jr. llentou A. A, Kllue, Jonas Kmlz, I'.lclnrd Hllles. llloom Evnn C. Jouo. Mlchiel Vnltor. Charles A. Moycr, O. A. Jacoby, Thomas Uun ton, Harry Farnwnlt. lirlarcreclt Uramor Dloltertek, Thomas Adams. Uatawlssa Caspar Hhawn, Samuel I.ous, Jr., Is'ilnli John, Cent ro Hiram Wliltemlre. Flshlngcreelt Hen. il. Holder, II. J, McIIcn ry, Charles Krnmer, Jacob Ynple. (Irecnwood John H.iuiU Peter Olrln. Jlcmlock Manilas Jloore. Jackson Abrnm Knouse. Locust Solomon Htrausser. SIndlson David I'liclpi, Morris K. Masters, Oooreo W. Kupplco. MIIUlii Thomas Alcn, Thomas K. Hess, Mt. rieaal John Wunlcli. orange Win. Williams, (Icorgo f'orgu sou, rino Danld flrccn. KoarlUKcreelc Kpliralm Llcby. Scott U. 1". ttu. BKCOND wesk. llenver l'eter Schllelicr, John Hlndolitor, llerHlrk JoUn U. Jacoby, Henry l'owler, Samuel l'valor. llloom Charles Vnndersllce, Joliu A. Funs ton. llrlnrcrcek Thomas Miller, Henry D.nlc. Calftwlssn Henry I'labler, Solomon llelwlg. Centre Fred Hnseiibaeh. Jlordennl Mlllar.l, GcnrKe;Conner, ltaiw Kruwlne,!.. W.Wooley, II. A. Sohwenncnhclser Ci'iitralla Marlln (Janglien. Klsiilngerrclc Mnthkn IJyer, l'liIMp Applo mnn, William T. Emory. Kinklln Holonon Arties'. Greenwood Wesley Uemott, Jackson Hnb bins, Utnrgo W. Utt. Jackson U. Ii. Everhart, Kuiminucl BavaiC I.ocnst Isaac Dyer. Jlnln William II. Utt. Wndhon .lacob Maniilng, 1VU r Wolf, .MIIIliu lMitc l.uiz. joun .-uicuaoi jr. Montour Joseph Muusdr. Susarloaf Moutcomcry Co!c, Ales. lies. AT, M. P. LUTZ'S Important Testimony! Tho following letters are nmoug tho many wo ntucoustnutly receiving Iioiu peisous who liavo beeuuicd by Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup, Sclicnek's Sen Weed Tonic, AND Sclicnek's Mandrake Pills. PeliuNKravc, HaIciu Comity, New Jersey. PEUKUARV 27. 1872. Dr. J. II. SCHENCK , N. E. corner Sixth nnd Arch sireeis. i uiiuut-ipuiit. frnunreipil sir I tnko oleasure In adding mv testimony to that of tho many others who have been cured by theelileaeyofHcheuck's rulmoulc Syrup. Hen ween Tonic, aim aianurimo rius. UOllaUlllitiuu nut win .iiBitni.... .ii. iiij family, mostof Us members having died ot it at early My mother nnd threo brnthersdled nt Ihoiigoot 31, nim brother at 17, ami my sinter at U. I was, WUCIl Riioui. oi years, scizeu wnn liver complaint, which rapidly duvelopcd Into l'ulmii- pnry t-oiihuinpiiuu, i ui vuiiijiciiuii mi iuuh nulsh my employment (that ol n blaclfsmlth.) Icnusiilled bkllllul nnd eminent physicians, nnd tried many patent nostrums, butwlthout lliut my Irlends weio smo that tliero was no nope or my recovery, lor i wasreuueeu friiin l iu niiutids to 101. and wus not ablo to do nuytlilut: without ashlstnuco. liy wuai l now iuuk upon us l iuwueiiuui in terposition, 1 was Inilueeil to try your romedlcs, and place luyscii unuer your iieaimeui, nun so rapid nnd thorough was my recovery, that It deemed us though homo superhuman power was lit worii, anil lo-uay 1 ttiu us wen us ui liny lime during my lile. I weigh 152 pounds, nm :w years old and lor sumo time havo been regulaily at tending to my busiucty, bidding lair to llvutoa good old age. I am thankful to you beyond expression tor having placed mo In u positlou whuieln I um a benelit fnstend of u bunion to my lamlly. Your Mandruko l'lllsuiotho only inudlclno I over uso now. 1 think they uro thu best Iu the world. I can refer you to hundreds of my neighbors who will verily all 1 havo written, und any In formation any of my fellow citizens mnv deslro wlllbufriely und gladly given, upon iccelptot stump, by Yours, etc. JOHN O. HEWITT. Asthma Cure rc- cs tho most violent narox- f4 In Itvo minutes, ami eil'ects aniecdy drosH. C. Ul'HAM, a South Eighth Strhil&d., l'n. Sold by ul 1 Druggists, I sullered with CATAIHtll thirty years, and was cured by a simple remedy. Will send re ceipt, postage ireo, to all alUlcted. ltuv. T. J. MEAD, Drawer 170, Syracuse, N. Y. novl Iw A milNISTHATOH'S NOTICE. XV FMTATn 01' I'ETKU K11ITZ, EC'n. Nntica Is lierebv given t hat letters or Aiinunis- traliou have beou granted by the Ileglsierof Wills oi uoiumuiaeoumy io ino uuucisigueei up- (iu the csialo or l-tier i-ruz, mic oi Bii;:ario.ii township., in s.ild conuty, now dcceaseii. .n persons Indebted to said estAto nro reiiipred lo make paymentnnd nil persons who havo claims ngalnstsald estate to luatio thctn known to the uudertlgucd. JOSIAII It. FII1TZ, Aiiiniuisiraiur. Sugarloat twp Nov. 1st 1872-Ow. f VI.TATP. MV VI.iy.AllF.Tll l.tN(iKIl llKO'l). Tho uuderslgued nppoluled auditor to distrib ute the luuds In tlio bandsof tho Administrators of tlio estato or Elizabeth Lunger, deceased, will meet tho parlies Interested nt his olllco Iu the town or UloomsbuiK. on Saturday, Nov. 30th, l72,nt 10 o'clock, a. in., when nnd whero all per sons Interested aro r(iuested to present them to tho Auditor or no lorover ucunrreu iiom eoiuiuu In lor said lund. L a.llAHKIiEY. uov 1-w, Auditor. OTICK. Nollco Is heicby g ven that tho account ol James Kielfer, coiunillto of tho pcison and estato of Daniel Uearhart, al.unnticnllluilow.i shlk ot Koarlngcrnek. lins been filed lu Iho Court of Common Picas ol Columbia counly. 11. 11. 1U.MJI.1.11, IDOWS' API'llAISHMIiNT. Tho fullowliig aiinriihemeiits of real and personal proiicrtvsi-t apart to widows of deced ents havo been tiled In tho olllcei of tho ItejUler orcoluinblacouuty, under tho Ituies of Lnurt, and will bo presented for nbsoluto conflrmatlim. to tho Orphans' Coait lo bo held In llloomsburg, In and for said county, on Wcdnesdav, tho Of It day or November, 1S7, at 11 o'clock p. m., of said day, unless exceptions to such continuations uro previously tiled, ol which nil persons Intel estcd in said estates will taUo notice : 1st. Widow or John Krclsher, Into of Locust township, deceased. Sd. Widow or John Hucklo, late of Mount Pleasant township, deceased. IM. Widow or James March, lite of Centre township, deceased. 4th. Widow orJamc3 Uoylcs.latoorilrlarcrcek towuslilp. deceased. 6lli. Widow of John Fester, late of Centre township, deceased. flth. Widow ol William llutler.lato of Montour township, deceased. 7th. Widow of John Kclm, lata of Orango Invvnubln ilpee.lsed. ttii. Widow or John Urcn, lalo of Catnwlssa township, deceased. 9th. Widow or John C. Hartman. late of llen tou township, deceased, 1 '. Widow ot Isaac Mears, lato of Locust town ship, deceased. WILLIAMSON H.JACOP.Y, itegisler. llcglstcr's omen, r llloomsburg, Nov. 1.1871 novl 115V MW Piotbonotary. "171 XKC UTOll'S NOTICE. Xll kstatuoIi' joHNnitiriiiT, nrc'n. letters tesiamentary on thu eslalo of John Urlght lateofFIshlugereclttwp., Columbia couu ty, deii'd.bavo been granted by tlio lteglsteror said county to Jucob (leislnger, or s uiio twp. All persons having claims ngntnst tho estato nro requested topic-sum them to thu l.iceulDr, In Columbia county. Thoo Indebted totlioestnto either on note. Judgment, inortgago or book ac count will mnko payment to thu executor with- HUU'"ay- uov 1-Cw. Executor. P UULIO SALE VAI.UA11LE OF llEAIi ESTATE. KILE HESS. At bis rosldonco, on 111- 21 inkt.. l.v Itnv. H. Fullmei. Mr. Jumes Klla and Miss Mary A, Hess, all or Sugailuar, Columbia CO. KiCLLFA' EVANS. Oct. 3d, by John Chamber. lln, James Keiloy oi uioomsuurg, io .nsj Surah E. Evans of Greenwood. HAUTMAN-nilADEU.-Nov. 3.1. 1S72, by ltov. II, Wilson. Air. .lucoo ii. jiiiumnu anu niiss llesturlu A. llruder both or Uuiou township, Luicruu County, 1M FIUTZ-llAKEIt.-Nov. rJ,ls7i,b7 ltov. O. M. l.arned. Jie-njiimm r . r riiz, oinuarioai town ship, nud Esther A. linker or JucUsou towu slilp, Columbia co I'd. IIEISS HENSHEU On tlio loth Inst., by tho Itev. William j. uyer, air. jacoo iie-iss iu Miss Cathuriuo lluushel, both or D.utvllle, l'u. Itoy Ti'csl, Fl:i., Fcb. If), 1SV2. Dr. J.1I.SCI1ENCIC.N. E. cor. Sixth and Arch streets, rhlladciphln. . Dear Sir Please forwaid, perHrt steamer, six bottles Sea WcvdToulo and twelve bottles i'ul moulo Syrup, Your medicines nro o such vnluo that 1 can not bo without them iu my household, uud Iu laci no luiuuy suouiu uo wiiuoui lueiu. 1 have given inem a lairtest, una openiy uo clure thein to be even better thuu ou claim. ury respeciiuny yours, ceo. W. A. WHITEHUltST. In nursuanceof an order of tho Oiphans' Court of tho counly of Columbia . the undo signed ml- muusiruior c. oi iieiijnmiu e-uiup. iuiu m um Township or Locust, In tald county, decent ed, will expuso to public salo cm SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23d, 1872. at lOo'elo-ka. m., a certain messuage and tract or laud, slluated In tho township ol Locust, nforesaid, nouuueu ny innus oi auiuu ciay bergeron theenst, by landsot Isnnu 1'islier on the north, by lands or William Henulnger on the wesl, uud lauds orilanpiSCulpon thusouth, couiaiuiug 17 ACRES, Tub Wahninci hah hken Heeded. Hluco tlio exiiosuru ol the atiemnts made by certain un set upulous local dealers, to palm olf their coal so UsmilgcuiN, mauu iroiu e-iieap uuu ; iinpuru nu -terials. lu the place ol the great national tonic, Hosteller's Stomach liltlcis,putillonp!n!ou has set strongly ugalnst these tmplrlcs und their in eoa rations. Tl.elr ocurntlou Is gone, or soon When the light Islet Into deception It soon wills down. Persons who trlllo with their ou.i uslug uukuowu prepnrutlons, with no guuruutea to sustain them, when au es. bllthcd snecltlc. tiroveu by twenty years ex. oeilenee. to be exactly what It Is claimed M be. Iswltbliilbe reach, are sure to repent their iciiiiirilv. Man v have done so lu this Instance. but It Is Imped that the truth plainly spoken has arrested mo evil, imuu imuuumoiueueiuuim for the leading protective uud restorative medl eluu of America was never so great as 11 has been this season, From the fever uud ague districts nr i tin wi-kt. Eouth.uest.and south, it Is Uteiullv overwhelming, and It may bo suldor the advices Irom all purls ot the country or the cures it Is e-r-lectlug lu Ulspepslu, bullous complaints, and cluouioconttlpatloh, that "their nainu Is lo. I'lmi'i Kvfrvwhero the sick and feeble seem to have reallieu tlio Importance of holding last Hist which is goou," aim oi avoiuiug wimv is kiiiirlou. nud daueerous.11 Thu iiumermis"llltlers," under varlousuamos which mercenary dealers endeavor to substitute lor llosle-tter'sblouiaeh Hitters aru procurable in noiiies only, unu unver soiu in uuia, uov 15-lw, Just received at tho 1 look Storo onno ultu tliu Court liouso. it beautiful edition of aolilnniltli'H.Hiirn's, Scott'u, Milton's una otuer worus, oniy i.&u cncii. I'lllLAUELl'lilA. March 1. 1872. Dr. J.H.BCHENCi:, itcspectcii air i tuue pleasure in nwaruiug iu ou this cerllcato of the wonderlul euro yuur 'uluioiilo Svrun and Kca WrcedTonle uroduced. Mv throat uud bronchial tubes wero so highly lnllamed that It was utmost Impossible for iuo to swallow my food. I um on a visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John sou, No. 012 Federal streut, who says your medi cines raised him lrom almost death after all oth er menus had failed, and be liavluc therefore. full euutldeuco lu the virtue of your remedies, slrouulv recommended mo to trv them. 1 did so. and In ono week from tho time I commenced taking mem my itiroai underwent u very great, chaugu lor tho better, so that I could canny meals without any dllllculty or pain. 1 cau scarcely Und words lo express my gratitude for iuo eany renoi yuur luvaiuauio lucuiciues pio duccdupon iuc,uud I deem It but aunel ul giatt tudo to givo you tho acknowledgement ot my appreciation. You is respectfully. UAL1I1.1I ill J.IUIII.T. No. 100 West Thlrly-thlrd sucet, Now Yolk. moro or less, whereon nro erected a Dwelling house. Knruand other out buildings. . TKiisn ok sale. Twenty per cent, or ?, or tho purchase money to lie paid nt tho striking down of Iho property. One-ha.ror th balanco of the purchase money to bo paid ul the eonur mntlou ol'tho fnle.nnd Ibc balanco ol tho pur chaso money to bo paid in oneycnrlherenltcr, with tnleiest Irom eoullrmallou ill si. Purchaser to pay lor deed, l'ossetslon given ou iho 1st day ol April 1S7J. ...... rETEIt SWANIC, Administrator. Numodla, Col. co l'a Nov 1 , Is7i. CORPORATION. Nntlco Is hereby given that on the 10th day oi n.tntur a. ii.. is7-a netliiiin for tho lncor- Ji A isiration of the Odd Fellows Hall Association or i llloomsburg, was presented to tho Court ot Coin ' , moil 1'leas or Columbia county, which was ex- .imliinil nml nmirovpil li tlui court flUil nrdereil tn bo filed, nnd that notice or said application should bo published lu one newspaper, publish ed lu snld county, lor lour weeks prior to next term, nt which timo said Charter will bo con- iirmeu unless goou euusu ui; i ',""' i, ,"L-,. trury,, uov. 8-lw. l'rothonotaiy. pEGISTEU'.S NOTICES. Jli Notice is hereby given to all legatees, cred itors nml other nersotis interested ill the es tates or Iho rt-specllvo decedents and minors, that tho following udinluistraton and guardiau accounts havo been Hied lu the olllco of the Iteg liinron'oluiubla enuutv. and will be liio-.ented forcoullrmaitou and Hllow.snco lu Iho Orphans' Cnuil, lo be he'd In llloomsburg, on Wednesday. llio -Ithdny or December 1S7-", ut Sn 'clock p.m. ol said day : 1st. TlHHiecount or William Neal, Admlnis. trator ol i-;u.a no) u, late oi iuo iovu oi j.ioums Ii 1 1 r l' . deccnsi d. '2d. TliellrstaiidllnalnccountofJohii It.Y'ohe, guardiau ol tho person and estate of Francis II. tiess, minor emiu oi lMiuei iiess, l.itooi .uiiliu tnu-lishtli. deceaseil. 3d. ThetlrstaudnnnlncconntofD.A. Wataou andJotiu Meudershotl, executor ol jnuu I'egg, Into of Madison towuslilp, nccctissd, 1th. The Html accouutof Hiram J. Iteeder.ox ecutor n John Zeiglc, lato or Fiunklln town sb In. deceased. 6th. Tlio Urst and partial account, of Jpsso K, Sharpless. executor ot John L-ewrem-e, l.itu of e-auiwissu lowiisiup, iiee-easeu. mil. The Urst and Ileal account of r. K. Jjck- sou. tuistce, to sell Ileal Lstato of John Daveu nort. l.ito of Ilrl.irereek. deceased. 7th. The account or lleiii. Wanner. Ailmlnls tratnrotS.imiiel tl. l'llklugtou, lato uf Locust lowiisiup, iieceaeu, Mb. The first, and llnnl account of George Olr- lon.Auiiiintsiriunr ol isyreni Kile, 1 tie ornugar lotu towiisblii. (leeeiesetl. 'Jin. Tho account or.lnslsh M Frit., n lmliils IratnrotthoestatonfWIIIIam Hoes, lato ol bit rnrlnil towushln. deceased. loth, Tlio Ilrst, nnd tlual eceonnt or nniel ltambach, executor or Joliu Miller, lato of Rrl iircroe-k liiwnshln. ilci'pascil. Utli. Tho llrst nnd llnnl account of Conrad lilt' tetibeuder guardian of Catharine A. Miller, t mlnur child ot'Geo. P. Miller, Into or O utre tovvushln. etcreaseil. IJth. llio llrst and dual account of Anna Mllli'i', guardian of the person and (-statu or Ja cob W. Miller, a Minor child or Geo. 1'. Miller, latent Ceutin township, deceased . 13th. The llrst and nihil account of William Falrmau Jr.. administrator ol William Falrman, Sr., lalo ol Mount l'leasant township, deceas ed. Hill. The nccouut of Lewis Metier, executor of William Coll'mau, lato ofCaluwlssi township, uecenseo. 13lh, 'Iho account of Isaac Lcldyund Moses Slee ker, administrators or U leou Sleeker, lato of Hemlock toveushlp, dec used. loth. Tho account of J. Ii. hhaipless, executor of Elizabeth Yetter, lute ol Cutuwlssa. Township, deceased. 17th. Tlio r ecount or Jacob Harris, ndmm's tintor of David Snillh lalo ol Hemlock towu slilp, deceased, uu filed by William Horrls and James . Harils, udmlnistrulors of Jacob liar- r'mh!ClTho'rinaluccount of William Cox Kills. 1 surviving execulurol Ellrabelh Murry. late or Columbia county, us Hied by II. Morris K Is und W. H. Holstelu, executors orWiu.Cox Ellis, de censcil. lath. Hit) accountot Michael nilrtlmo, guar dian (if the k isou nnd estate r Mary 1-. rurccl, minor child ol Charlotte, I'urcel, latu of Green wood township, deceased. 'J0IU. The account or John C. Kllue and Jo seph Kline, Executors ori'aul Kline lato of Mt, l'limsallt township, deceased. '21st. The llrst account of Martha D. nnucr. sllco nnd Wllllnm Heldly, administrators or Daniel S. Vnndersllce, lalo oi Mt. l'leasant township, deceased. S."2d. 'Iho nrst nnd final acconut or ioorgo Wbllonlghl.Eunn.ltan or l'eter Whitcnlght lul nor chllif ot Michael Whltenleht, lalo uf Hem- l.nlr lloii.mLlill . Ii. Thoilrst'ace-ouutorSlephen II. mlulstratorot jaeou uyer, lute oi ureeuwuuu township, deceased. aitli. The acoountot W illiam Eyer, ndmlnU tintororjohn Dalhnan latooiGreeuwooi town- lIi1 ilnMflklllt. WI LLIAMSON II. JACOBY. lteglster. Ileglsler'soillre, I lilooiusburg, Nov, 1, 1S72.J CONTINENTAL. Life Insurances Company. UP NEW YOItli No. of Policies Tail 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUESnlltho now form of I'olloie? JLnnd presents an favorable terms ns atly com pany lu tbn United States. Tho compauy will make temporary loans ou Its policies. Thirty days' Krnco nllowod on each payment, anil the policy held good during that time. All our policies aro Incontestable for tho usual causes. Policies Issued bv this comrtanvnro nou-ror- Icltnre. no extra cnarges made for travelling permit. Policy holders sliaro lu tho nununl nrollUnf tho comtianv. and havo n volco tn llio election and management of the company. no policy or inouicai leo ciinrgtu. JUSTUS LAWIIF.NCI!, I'rcs'l. W. 11. WYNKOOP. VleolTos'l. J. 1". HomtB3, Secretary, 8. C. CltANULF.ii, Jr., Actuary, Cenlral Office of North-Mem Peiiii'a. 'Columbian" Building BLOOMSBUR&, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, Jan. General Agent. ;,iS7:-tr. DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNER-SHU'. Tlio co-partnersuip bcrt'tor,-rn existing under tho tlrm name of Snyder, Harttnati it t;o. Is dis solved by the death oriietij-amlti F. Souder. Tho books of the late tlrm are iu tho hands or Daniel SuyUer to whom all persons knowing them selves io ue loueuieu to iuo nrenuru reiiue-nieu in zunko lmmediato payment. Tho business will bocoutlnucd ntthe old place under tho name orD. Snyder A- e.'o. 1). KNYDEIt, & CO,. ESPY May 17th. lS72-tf T7XEOUTORS' NOTICE. All ESTATE OK JIAItOAUKT t itCAgV Cnc'I). Letters testamentary on tho ostato otMargaret Cre.iry, lal or llloomsburg, ulumbla county, deceased, havo been granted by tho I'.elster or said county, to Lafayette Crcis ofCeutio town ship. All persons having cle ms against iho estate aro requested to presont them lo tlm ICxecutors In Columbia eounl . Thosu Indebted to tho estate, cither on nolo Ju 'inent, mortgngu or book account will make laymeut to Iho Executor without delay. LAKAYE- IE CItEASY, Oct. 18, Cw. Ilxecutor. TVTOTICE Th ho uuderslirued havlug (lain taken nos- sesslou of the Mall Itoulo iroiu Camlirn to liloomsbnrg, stngo will run ra lollows : L-ave Cambra overy Monday, Wediu--day and Friday, nt half paste o'clock a. in., arriving nt lllooms burg at 11 o'clock a. m. Leave llloomsburg alter thonrrlvnlof the Philadelphia mall, about 5. p. m., arriving nt Cambra 10 p. ni, same even ing. RATES OP FARE. Cambra toBloom 81.2V. FIshlngcrcek to Illonni 50cts. Oraugevllle to llloom acts. Llgbtslreet to llloom 15 cents. All Intermediate places to bo charged tho same rato. II. J. YAl'LE.l'roprlclor. Shlckshinny, Oct. 11th l7i A rHJRLIO SALE (Ih VALUA11LE HEAL ESTATE. In nui snniice of an order of tho Orphans' Co-irt of Columbia count v, tho umlerslguol as admin istrator .c. of William Hess, late ol tho town ship orSugarlonf, In said county, deceased, will expeso to sine uu tne xireiiuses,uu SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10th next, at hi o'clock, a. m ot said day Iho follow ing oesciineu real estui, to wit : a curiam pieco parcel nnd tractor land, sltuato in tho town ship nud enmity ulorisald, adjoining lands or Marshall Miller nud other laiid. iirsald William Hess, deceased, cnuuiluintj F O R T Y - T WO AO R E 8 and sevenly-four (lurches, ten arm of which Is clemeii land and balance w II timberi-d wim nas und cue mint, upon wn.n i is oiuci.' i u uu lions.'. AI.- I a lisi-lid I in I fliuili in tho township nnd ... i ' iLili.ituiii.' l.inJs of Alarshiilt ether binds of snld William Iiess, de'ccaseil, eoiituluiiig FOUR ACRES end Hfly-two isiiche-s, upm which Is ensted a double gcurei HAW ailla. lu good ruutiiug order. Tl'.llMH OF S.VI.E. Teu nor ecnt.ot one fourth ol tno puiehnso money to bo paid nt the strikiugiiowuiu uie propcriy,iueciue-iuurLii less tho ten per cent, to bo paid nt tho con- llrmatlou ot the sale, and the balance. In ouo year llu realter with ilnleresl trom eonllimatlnn UlHIi 1 osscssion given ciiuii neeueiuc enu payment of tho purchase money, l'urchasur.s to pay ror deeds. JOSIA1I It. FltlTZ, Administrator, Sugarloar twp., Oct. 'Ii, 1K-. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. estate of john c. iiautman. dfo'o. Letters ot administration nu tho estate of John C. Haitman late or llentnn township, Col uinbln county ,ileccnsed,have been granted by tho lteglster ol said county to Wm H. Smith or tlio saiuutwp. All persons bavirgclatmsagalnstibii estato ol the decedent are lefpusled to preseut thein for setlleiuenl, and th..s ludi-btcd tn the csiatu to ninuu paymeni ioiun uiiucroigneii.nii tnlulstrator, without delay. W .U. 11. 11, , f Orange twp., Oct. 2. 6w. Administrator. COLUMBIA COUNTY'S, s. J In tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county. iu 13H muiier oi en psriiwuuuuu viiiuauuuui tho estate or Philip Miller, late orcentro town shin. ilf-p.PRj.ed. to iH-rus Webb, le-sldlllg atThaV' cr Niirisha 1'ouiit v. Iviinsns. Yiiuaro lierebv no- titled that ou netltlon or IajvI Miller one of tho heirs nf Kiil.t decedent, the Ornbuus' Court ol said County grauted a rule upon tho heirs or said decedent to accept or leruso tho estate at ino vn nu ah nr snow rnuto wnv cue fuiuu should not he sold, Tbcreroro you nro hereby rmmmiiiilpri tn In, nml nnnenr ut au OrnhaUs' Court to be holden at llloomsburg, In and lor tho said County, on the llrst Monday or December tifiTf . nil ii I npii nun mprn HprpiLiir reiiinu i linen tato ut the valuation put upon It by tne imiuest uuiy awarueu. or snow wny um sumo .uuum not. h hnlilni.i-pf-rthlv In the act eifAssemblv In such caso mado nnd provided : licieof fall not; Wllnpus thp. llnnnraliln William l-.iweil rjin resident nf said Court, nt llloomsburg. tho Kill .' said deceased, will bo exposul to sale by US VOI eiCIOlier. A. J.. OUO lllOUSailU e-lglll, llllll' died nud seventy-two, ,eieivvin ft.ii nil, Oct. 23111-lw SherW. TN THE X I'LKA SU11ENCICS PULMONIC SYRUP, SEA WEED TOiNlC, anil MANDRAKE PILLS. Theso are tho only medicines that will cure rulmouary Consumption. Dr. Ucbeuck has been In constant pracilco over thirty years continu ally examining lungs, uud knows his uu-dlcluei, ir properly taken, will euro Cousuinpllou, Ills Muudruku Pills cleanse, the liver and stomach; his Sea Weed Toulo dissolves lite lood, stimu lates the coaling ol thu stomach, and makes It digest. Ills Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter, uud nature throws It oil without any exertloii. ORDINANCE NO. 8. An ordluauce to open, widen nudstrnlght: pii MnricetKlieetut the iironertv of Martha Wells. nml to open, widen nudstrulghlcu fecund street ai uie rorss iiiuei. Section 1. lie 11 ordnlned nnd e Inun council (it Ilia lowu or llloomsb lu li..,..liv tinplp.1 liv ulllhiirll- (if tlio salue.- Thut MniUet street he opened, widened and strulghh-ned, thiough and uloug tho propcily of Muruia wens, ou iuo boutu-easi corner ui iinike t and 1 bird streets, lu such a inunner that nov 1 COURT OF COMMON 'Aai-iT.' nir.iTMiirA iviitntv. JOSKl'II 11. Al-Sl'ATCH Tlll'STEIi OK EMMA VALE' ul A jii:ku vs. iiuuoj.i-ii usuu. ' 11. V'.. ul Ui.nlninli.. Tam IWTf Thoaudlloruppointedby tho Court to report distribution ot iuo fund lu Court nrlslug lrom Ibu bberllh. sale, under thu ulsivo writ, will mnnl ,li rmrllPH intiuastikl for tho Ullrliose Ot ills niii.iiintment. on salurdav tho thllteenth ,,,,,, duy niNoiemlier.A. D. ItU at 10 o'clock a. in. nacled by tlio nl ,ls imlc0 , iii,)01,lki,uig, ..whoii mid where lstiuig.uuu It nu iiarlHsln Interest uro required to preseut their elulins or no eieuaried lrom claims nu saiu lund. t,'.,Wiui'ia."i novx-lw. ' i I . , Auditor, : j I'ik'0 of tho l'ulmoulo Syrup and Sea Weed Tonic, f I, '.'.') per buttle, or 17 ui per hull dozen. Muudiuke Tills V0 ce-uu per box. I'llEI'AUEl) ONI.V AND Foil SALE II Y J. II. S0IIEN01C it SON, N. E. Comer SIXTH and AUCI1 Htrccts, 1-llir.AIlKI.l'ltIA, And by Druggists und Dealers generally, JOHNSTON', HOIXOWAV k COWIfllN', G02 Alien Stueet, PiiiLAiii:i,rmA. Wholesale Agents, npfl2. inu-iy elm kmtiH shnii bo 11 nubile street or highway ot the lull wldlh of ninety-nine feet, the eeutio tbeieot lobe lu ino dliect lino lioni 1 no centre slouuuow established In Market nud 'Ihtrd slicets, to the centre stone established lu Mar ket and Fifth streels. Second 'i. That Second street bo opened, wid ened and slruighlened through uud along thu Folks Hotel properly, and tho properties ou thu Noilh side oi said Hi to ml slrcet Horn tho Kpis. cm ii I church niooeitv to Iho Liulilstreet road. iu b lu ll inauuur Ihut the same shall bo it public strict or hlghwiiyeit thu lull width ol eighty-two uud one-hull feet, tho ceutro thereof to poim thu dliect lino from Iho eeulru sluuo lu inld Sec cimt street on tho east line or 1 roust re it totho eililio slouo tn freint ol the Forks Hotel Ihene-u to tho centre slouo In the rear of tho Forks Ho tel as shown ou tbo Town Map. snriioN 11. 'ibat nrucecdlues holnslltuttsl for the sssessiueiit ol dutuuges tn all persons who inuy bo Injured, and contribution iipuuallsuch properties us shall be bcntlltled, by iheopenlng, widening uud slrulglitculng of the suld Maikil and Second slieels lespeellvi-ly, l'ussedrii'pleuilie-r7lh. 1S7J. Atlesl, el, tl. 1IAUU1.EX, 11. MENDENHAI.I.. Secretin y, I'lesldeiil of Oaiiull. IlUsiinsbuii;, Til., OclubcrHlsl,. Mi, pATENT ill iMf&lS.ii - AHION PIANO. 'Iho only rerAel Instrument in Iho world. Aud Is MiiiQueiiicci lu inclines, l'nwe r, llilllluney nud lminbiluv. Sniielnl lei ins In Teachers. MurWed juMiiaiorjiigj nnu, Kind lor Illustrated Arloii lump U , KOHTF.ll,tlierl Agent. uinrl0'7l- 11,1 Mauc'II Chunk, I'a, COLUMRIA COUNTY . . In the Orphans' Court of Columbia tounty, lu the matter olllie partition and valuation ol the estato of l'hlllp Klsller, lato ofJilount l'loas at township, deceased, to tho heirs of said es tate. You are hereby notified that ou petition of John Klsller ono of tho heirs or said decedent, tho Orphans' Court otsald rouuty granted a rule upou the heirs of said decedeut lo accept, or re- lose mo esiuiu Ui iuo vuiUHlluu ur snow euuso why the same should not be Bold. Therefore you aio hereby commanded tu be und appear at uu Orphans' Court to bo holdem at nioomsiiurg. in sun lor me sain couni v. ou ino nrst jionauy or December next, nnd then nnd I here accept or refuse tho estate at tho valuation put upon It by ihn InnlipKt. dulv iiwiirdiid. nr show whv the same should not be sold agreeably to the act of Assembly In sucu cuse mauu uuu proviueu nereoi lull rot. Witness tba Honorable William Elwell Esa President ol our said Court, nt lllooiiisburg, tho 13th day or October, A. D., one thousand eight; uuuuriu ana seeuty-iwo. .... aaivu.-s wiiiu, Oct.m-1772 bicrlir. n the palatal In tlio Orphsns' iluiirt or Col. eo., if lleurvltho netlllnu of FioUerlck Wichi-y F.ycrly ele-ffor spccitle perfoni uucj ol cuii ceascd. J tract. Tbn Commonwealth 1 of Pennsylvania. J iv, Riiinhetii i!vrlv. wllllnm Ever r. caiiin rlim Halliard. Susan Koberls, Mary Anu Kye rly nnu Louisa Kyerly, you, ami emu i" jnu. lierebv cited to he und appear lu your pmpi r iicrsous before our Orphaus' Couit, nu tho llivt Monday or December next, to bo heldiit lllooius. Ill g, nnu SHOW caiisu WIIV u. eieeiew n. nijvin.. .ei iurmanco or contract should not ho innde. it. ii. iiiiei.uii. Cleik Orphans' Coui I, October St3 187 J. D Ul '.MO SALE L VALUAHLK UUAL In nurKnanctf (1 nu ort'er or llio Orplinn1' Com I i Columbia, c-tiuuly, tlit. uuUfrslytml iuI- U it Hit "I lllil lOWIlhQlp Ol lil'UXT, III wilt I cniifi' , will onT Jor win on iho iiroiiMv- CH Oil TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 'Si, KS7, a cerlnln tract or land, bounl.d and ilescrlbtd as lollows, vU : Ou tho uortn oy Isnd nt l.ydla llenulugcr, on tno east oy ni riiiup ,ni O ran u, on tho BOitlh by a puli'lc run I nndnn llio west by land ot Jacob itnrilger coiitiiiu- ae. THIRTY-NINE ACRES. and ono hundred and torty-nhin porchrs. moro or less, wiioreou aro erecteu u iwo-siory l rauie Dwe-lllng House ami a irumo u-iui; uaru. ai.-i. A certain other tract or land bounded aud dm scribed us follows, vl. : Ou tho north bv land i f John Keller, on the east by lund ot Ellas 1 ,rvin, on iho south by laud nf Jacob Shearman nud on Iho west by laud ot l'eter Knight, contain ing TWENTY-NINE ACRES, more or less. TEltMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one fourth or tho purcAsso money t ) he paid ut tho striking down of tho prop-ity, one-tounh less tho ten per ceut. ou thu conllriuatlonof sale and the remaining threu.foui'th In one year thereaf ter, with lute-rest lrom the continuation . AI.I.EN MANN. Administrator. ALSO, nt the same time, at thodwclllug house, late of to sine uy puuiic endno, tho following persoi .1 pr; perly, viz ! no domes noise, one lauie, imio uvu uiiu nt-n- ding, ono cupboard, one bii'i.-, ouo wngon, ono culling nencu, mio iii""i' " n(unu j..w, harrow, one stone sled. TEUAIM : All sums oi mi i uuuer. e-iun, uvit Si four uiunlhs ciidlt Willi upptoved seiurl- i tt pvir i v-v Oct- 1S,1S7J Admlatstrutor. )UI5LIO SALE I oi ALUAIII.I, Ul.-Mi l.ll.Vl li, Tho nnderslened Executor of tho cstnteof John 4iruwir, uese-nseii, luieui 11111111 iifivuriuii, vvi iimlila.eouiily, willexpusi; to sale iitpuull';ven due, ou SATURDAY, NOVUM HER 16, 1872 nn the nrciulscsn certain Inlot ol ground sltuutv in Jiuuiuvillu, ou wuicil is e.ecieu u lurgu TWO-SIOHY 11II1CK DWELLING 1IOU3? llrlclc wasli house, frame burn ami othsr Im provemeuls, a OOOD PUMP at.tho door, and a Variety o FRUIT TREES. Also at the nun time nud place SIX INliO'CB, situated In the town uforesuid, all la a slate of goou runiMiiion. mho io eomiueneu ni uuu n'elneVr In the ullernoonol said eluvw hell due ut. tendance and conditions uf sale will bo luudo 1 .... T Li . .1 1,1.-1 . 1.1,1.. . UV Executor, Mltilinviiie, October ss, lsri. UBLIC SALE VALUAULE OF HEAL ESTATE. llv virtue of authority nnd order of tho Or phans' Court or Columbia county. llu under- sigueu aumiuisiruuirs cu ino esiau. ui uue.tu Kostenbader, deceased, will uxHse to sale by publlo vendue ou the premu s, ut 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, ou SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, IP, IS72, Tho homestead farm of tho decedent, lylug lu t runkiiu iowusuip.ui tuiumuiu eouuiv, ooiiiiu est by lauds ol J. 1. lleeder, luuds of Philip Men- liardt, lands of Yetter's heir, lands pf Muses newer lunus ui Jl. J. iwrc-urr, ueiiua in i-.n Weaver, lauds or Wm. Stoker, lands or John Ilowcr, Oeorgo Scott and oilieis, containing TWO llUNDIlEDnudVOHTY-EIOUT ACUEW anil twenly-Blnc perches whereon nro erect eel U lulgu urieac jiweiuug iiuu.e-, it uiiku iiumu 11. uu. sheds nnd oiuhoiesea. Willi u lingo npiilii uud Irultoivbiiid, with a well ut the house, und a spring nud a well at tho bam, aud n second excellent und largosprlugon the south side nf Iho furm. Miieru mem me lurui TWENTY ACRES OF TIMBER, Tho property lies thre miles from CatawUsa, on tlio public, load leading uiua that plucei lo Wis- uurg. ine llelslll,"lu,, mnw u. uniiiujr, and tho laud lu au eicelleulBtatoiitculilvatloii, No more Utslriiblo property has bttu oH'erest lor many years. Tho tinlu In the cronnd Is rrirved. O. D. U KOS'lENllADEIt, JOSEl'Il U, KN11TLE. Administrators. Tl'.llllH OF SAI.K. Twenty per tent, of cue fnuilh dowuon striking till thu piuparty ; aud tho lialuacu ns IoIiomsi Ouo-lourlli lets Iho twenty per ceut. on Iho continuation nisi: and tl,u reiualnlnglhreo-Iourtbs on Iho Urn day nf February IS7I. with Inlcrint ituiii Apiil 1 ', when possession Is to bo given. v 1 ! U. 11. UlNdl.F.U. OctH,l?,-tH I'lerk.