The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 15, 1872, Image 2

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    'UUGOMSlUJUa, pa.
Friday, Not. M, IS?'
Tlio Presidential Kk'ctton.
Vo lintl hoped In tMa tsaito of tlio
Coiaimiuan to Imvo kIvoii tho otuchu
votoof llio (UlTuront Stutea for Pros!-
tlent. but Hi" returns linvo coino In ho
nowiy that tho trtbto luu not been com
nlotetl. Enough howuvcr bus been re-
clvotlto shown dlsAstrous dofont.
Ornoloy lini most probably carrlotl tho
HtidM of OoorKln, Kontur-lcy, Louisiana.,
Maryland. Mls-iourl and Toxas : six
nta(i having an electoral voto of 012.
All tho rest, with 3J1 electoral votes
Imvo Rono for Grant, who will havo a
liopular tnnjnrlty of at loist 700,000.
Till, howoyrr, Is not tlio worst do
fent over oxporlcnced byn Prcaltlontlnl
cMiilldato, for In 1S52 03:t. Winttold
B.'oft, tlioW.iljjcitiilldito, curled tho
HlatM f MinAchmatts, Vjrmint, Kon
tnuhy and Tonnesao, four In number,
whlli Gun.. Franklin Pierce, thoDomo
crrult!, cmdldato sicurol all tho
Tho utter uiutliy oxhlbltod by tho
MD'tnocraU win tho iuu-sq of our rceont
overthrow. Intlibultyof 1'hiladolphla
Hartnmft'rt I'lioriuou majority of 20,000
waslncrmnotl to 15.030 for Grant, tho
volofrflllng olf on tho part of tho Doino
erits more thin 21,000. Columbia
cMintyRtvo a majority of losi than
1000. Wo do not nropaw .Ju3t now to
dl'cu3 tho point whuthur Mr. Qreeloy
waia propor c in lKt.vte. Tho returns
seum to show tint ho w.u not.
Tlio (Jrcat Conflagration.
Tho city Of Ddston has suffered
a' unity almost as terrible as that which
ov -ftoik Chicks'), but llttlo inoro than
a s'-ir fgo. la tho spacj of u few hours
s v.ic n 'vi"ity acroi In tho very business
"In -t" of f.U city woro covered with tho
ru u f tio largest nnd handsomest
limmes, tr business purpose, In tho
U.iltwl St ties. Tho losj Is enormous
bc'rjf variously oitiniatod at from ono
hundred tu Iwo hundred millions. It
is dated that thcro was somoloss of lifo
but nothimrdeilnltc is given in tho dos
p vh. The burnt district was chiefly
oivuHo-l by who!e3alo houso3 in thodry
gvls, loatlior, boot and shoe, and wool
trades, henco thoro is not that ntnount
of pdr.sonal suffering among tho poor to
chroniclo which mado so liorriblon part
of ChlcrtL'o's "disaster.
Iu view of such fearful rivagos of ilro
as this and ChicjRO nnd Portland It may
well bo a subject for serious consldora
Hon whether this ace, great as it is In
iinprovcments.doos not need moro than
all. else an entirely now systom for sub
dump; conflagrations. It is apparent
that with all tho modern appliances of
steam engines and plentiful supplies of
water it Is yot possibio for a largo por
lion of a city, whoso buildings uro call
ed firo proof, to bo destroyed in splto
of tho most strenuous oxertlons of iter
citizens to stay tho flames. Tho most
massive and well constructed buildings
exposed to a cortaindegreo of hoat havo
bean proved to bo not proof against firo,
Tho heat evolved from tho burning
houses was so great as to drlvo tho firo
men from their poss and tho rarefied
air created so llorce a current as to
amount almost to a galo and added ten
fold fury to tho Ihmos.
Such disasters aroso enormou3 as to
defy any dispassionate contemplation
on tho part of th030 who woro not act
ually present at tho work of destruction,
but imagination can paint thoscono
and not too vividly for truth. It is a
fearful thing to contemplate, this help
lessness of men with all their art and
science before such a catastrophe.
It would bo well.for tho representa
tives' of the great business interests in
tho ivariouB cities of tho Union, who
aro liablo at any momont to bo reduced
to beggary by such calamities, to tako
counsol as to an effectivo method of ex
tinguishing conflagrations, olso thero
may bo others Hko those of Boston and
Chicago aud Portland, to mako our
hearts sick with their terrors and mis
eries. Valuable !
W'ASJiiNGTON.Novcmber 8. Tho foi
lovliig dispatch has just been received
at tho White House:
akrenton. Va., November 7;
rr&iuent want: Virginia casts her voto
for Urunt, peace- and leconclliation.
(fcigued) John S. Moaiiv."
'I;ie John S. Mosby. who30 name is
Blgned to tho abovo telegram, is tho
san.a ilosby who as marauder and
guwrilla. earned tho reprobation of de
cent men during tho war. For reasons
of his own ho has become u Grant sup
por;er and Is now a bright nud shining
light in that collection of Christians nnd
statesmen to bo found iri tho Republi
can patty. Had ho not become a howler
for U rant he would havo been denounc
ed, us of old, as a scoundrol by all the
papers which support his master. Ho is
n valuable witness concerning "pcaco
aud reconciliation."
Hero J.s another; tho ex-rovorend
Harlan, editor of tho Washington
Ctrontcle,vho snifllesouthis belief that
the ro election of Grant is duo to tho
"special and earnest efforts of tho great
mass of tho professing Christians of tlio
country iu favor of what they believed
to bo the party of pcaco, progress and
good government."
Wtts.ever buch drivel hoard before?
''Professing Christiana" had about as
much todo with Grant's election as thoy
had, with tbatortheKlng'Of Dahomey.
It WA3 not that kind Of people who did
U,"profcsslng" or otherwise This holy
Harlan is another vuluablo witness as
to "peace and' progre'i.i'
Aud behold !. .here Is our own gory
Geary, doing tho pious on his own hook
and thanking the Almighty "for tho
great privileges of American citizen
ship ; for the untramollod expression of
opinion." Prdlty Isn't It ? and so true.
Following th October ilectlon, tho
most slmurieful and shameless exhibition
of political fraud oyer given to tho poo.
plo of tho United States, Itsquiuls well.
With Geary himsolf in tho Governor's
chair, "counted in," not elected, it
sounds well. With Cameron and Hart
rauft and Yerkca as leaders of tho peo
ple It sounds well. Wo wonder If It bo
absolutely Jndlsponsablo for a Had leal
ofllcololder! or seeker to introduce into
his public utterances' cither virtuous
twaddlo or. allusions to tho Almighty
who, cortalnly, Irpm tho looks of things,
noyor had less, to do with politics than at
present l'
With' such 'political Chadbands as
Moaby.llarlan nud Geary 16 glvothanks
for us wo ought to mako tho 28th of No?
vernber a day of humiliation and nruyvr
rath r than of thanksgiving, Thisro
ceui .enjoining of politico and piety is
eminently nauseating.
IScntou I
Herwlck !
Hloom K Wanl.i
llloom W Ward
Conyngham N..
Conyngham S...
Greenwood 1
Jackson I
Iiouust 1
Main I
Mount Pleasant
3 8201
12 110
3 001
(leu. (Jeorsc (I. ?Icaile.
On Monday last tho mortal remalin of
tho dead hero ofGottysburg woro con
signed to tho gravo amid tho genulno
Borrow and regret of his fellow cltizans
Tho modest, unassuming poldlcr will
henceforth tako his place in history as
ono of the really atilo gonorals of tho
war. Ho was no political soldier, gor
jrcous of uniform aud valiant only in
despatches, but a gravo, rctlcont, con
sclentlous, hard working loader whoso
aim was success aud not Increaso of
rank, piy and emoluments. Now that
ho has passed away aud only tho legacy
of his deeds is loft us, moa will credit
htm with tho good ho accomplished and
assign him a higher p'.aco In tho annals
of tho country than many of tho woar
ers of shoulder strap? whoso spooches
and political intrigues havo kept them
moro prominently beforo tho public
Notouly was General Made n good
soldier, but a zealous ardent, laborer for
the advancement of tho city of his resl
denco, and Philadelphia will not easily
fill tho place of him who s'.ro vo so car
neatly to proinoto her well being aud
material interests.
"TiiUo htm nil lnnll lio was a man,"
nu honest ono, a patriot ; ono well wor
thy the slncero n-lmlrntton and respect
of all who can appreciate a quiet, un
ostentatious courteous gO'UIcraan.
The Constitutional Convention.
Promptly at tho hour of twolvo on
Tuesday last the constitutional con
vention mot in tho hall of tho houso of
representatives and was called to order
by Hon. F. Sordan, secretary of tho
commonwealth, who read tho govern
or's proclamation containing tho names
of tho delegates.
After calling tho roll of members, Mr,
Darlington, of Chester, nominated Wm.
M. Meredith for president. Tho motion
was seconded by Mr. Purvlanco.of Alle
gheny, nnd was unanimously adopted.
Tho president elect was escorted to tho
chair by Messrs. Woodward and Dar
lington. Messrs. Meredith, Woodward,
Darlington and Purvianco wero nil
members of tho convention of 1837.
Mr. Moredlth briefly returned thaks,
when tho business of tho convention
At the first opportunity a dolegnto
presented resolutions of tho councils of
Philadelphia inviting tho convention to
hold Its future sessions In thatcity. Mr.
Linn Bartholomew responded with a
resolution at onco accepting tho invita
tion. "Various amendments and motions
wero put which occasioned considerable
debato, but it was evident that a largo
majority was in favor of immediate ad
journment to Philadelphia. So unseem
ly was tho lirsto that Judgo Woodward
asked whether tho delegates proposed
to tako up their carpet bags and move
on Philadelphia immediately. At length
Mr. Gowen offered a resolution that tho
invitation of tho councils of Philadel
phia bo accepted and the convention
moot permanently in that city after tho
first of January. This resolution was
adopted by a largo majority.
On motion tho chair was authorized
to appoint a committee of ten to con
sider and report what permanent offi
cers aro needed by tho convention, whon
tho first day's session eimo to its close.
Tub following card, published In the
Now York Tribune will bo read by tho
frionds of that papor with great plois
uro, and romovo any doubts that may
havo boon ontortaincd as to Mr. Greo
ley's future courso.
A Card. -Tho undersigned r lumes
thoeditorlalshipof tho Tribune, which ho
relinquished on ombarklni; in another
lino of business six months ago. As
heretofore, it shalltbo his endeavor to
make XiU u thoroughly Independent
Journal, treating all parties and political
movements wun juuiciai nrmness mm
candor, but courting tho favor and de
precating tho wrath of no ono. If ho
can hereafter say anything that will
tend to heartily unlto tho wholo Amor
lean peoplo on tho broad platform of
universal amnesty and Impartial suff
rage, he will gladly do so; for the pres
ent, however, ho can best commend
that consummation by silence and for
bearanco. Tho victoi.s in our lato strug
gle can hardly fall to tako tho whoio
snbjcct of southern rights and wrongs
Into early and earnrst consideration,
and to them for tho present ho Temlts
It. Since ho will never again be u
candiUato for any office, and is not In
full accord with either of the great
parties which havo hitherto dividod
tho country, ho will bo able and will
endeavor to give a wider and steadier
regard to tho progress ofscieuco, indus
try nnd tho useful arts than a imrtlsnn
journal can do. And ho will not bo
provoKeu to indulgence in those bitter
personalities whlcn uro tho recognized
tune of Journalism, Sustained by a
generous public, he will do his best to
mako the Tribune a power In the
broador held It now contemplates, us,
when human freedom was iu poiil, it
was In tho areja of political partisan
ship. Horace Greeley.
A temi'EUance man declaros that
In tho recent eloction moro than 1,000
votoa wero cast In tho city of Philadel
phia for Mr. Chase, tho tomnoranco
candldnto for Governor, and not a Bin
glo ono was counted. Hut they woro
counted in for Ilurtranft, by Kopubll
can tollers aud counters.
Tho Washington Dally Patriot, a
Dcmocratlcjournal, after two years of
existence, suspended publication Monday,
Acres of Flanio Millions Lost!
Tho ilro originated in tho rear end of
nlarg-j (ivo story granito building sit
uated on tho corner of Hummer nnd
Kingston streets, on Saturday ovenlug
nt about 7 o'clock. This building was
surmounted with u high Mansard roof,
overtopping nil tho other buildings in
tlio immediate vicinity. As soon as
tho flames began to spread through tho
story Immediately beneath the roof,
nnd beforo an englno or hojo carrlngo
had reached tho ground, groat volumes
of flame suddenly burst out from tho
rear of tho lower stories, and In loss
thnn twenty mlnuto.3 tho wholo facado
on Kingston street, fully ono hundred
foot long, becamo a shoot of 11 imo, and
quickly tho sanio thing was truo of tho
Summer street front. Tho heat was
then solntcnsothatlt forod away the
firemen, who had by this tlmo nrrlvcd
on tho scone. A strong wind unfot tun
ntely arising, tho flames wero swept by
It over Summer nnd Kingston streets,
nnd desplto tho bravo cxortlons of the
firemen of tho wholo department tlio
flro was communicated to the buildings
on tho opposite corner of tho two streets
and to tho great block on tho corner of
Summer and Otis streets. In less than
half nn hour afterwards theso Immense
buildings wero nil enveloped in flames
that reached far abovo their high roofs
By this time the wind had increased
to nearly a gale, and tho flames, having
tho cntiro mastery of everything, swept
from story to story, from roof to roof,
from block to block, nnd from corner to
corner, driving the firemen from every
vautago ground they could sccuro, and
rendering all their exertious useless
and futile. Whcrovcr tho flames reach
cd they rapidly consumed everything
of a combustible character.
AVinthrop square, tho very contro of
the great wholesale trado of tho city,
embracing somo of tho most costly
mercantile buildings over erected in
tills country, nud occupied by such
great Arms as James M. Beebo & Co.,
Stewart & Co., Auderson, Heath & Co
and forty or fifty others, was bsforo ton
o'clock ono mass of ruins.
After repeated solicitations on tho
part of business men, owners of real
estate, and others, Chief Engineer Dam
rell, Just beforo two o'clock, gavo tho
order to rope off tho streets loading into
Milk street, preparatory to blowing up
the buildings on tho south sido of that
Tho report of buildings blown up, in
dicatingthatgunpowdor was being used
to stop tho lire, was heard at flvo min
utes past tlirco o'clock, nnd was tho
most welcome sound of tho night, for
it betokened n fearless, honest, radical
effort to savo Boston from Chicago's
fate. Threo discharges wero made in a
block on Dovonshiro streot, and thc30
threw tho building partially down, but
without apparent benefit, for tho flames
Jumped over tho gap almost instantly.
Tho building was closo to tlio flro, and
it was at once seen that utiles; blocks
moro distant wero speedily prostrated,
tho effect would of courso bo simply
nothing. Trains had boon laid in Fed
eral street as early as two o'clock, tho
street being then immediately cleared
for action, but It was not until a quarter
to four that tho destruction of buildings
In tho path of tho conflagration by the
explosion of tho gunpowder wa3 begun
in good earnest. Tho shocks caused tho
old city to tremblo to its foundations
It is impossiblo to cnumerato in our
limited spaco tho number of vnluablo
bulldlngi destroyed. Tho Merchants
Exchange and Po3t Ofllco wero lost.
Tho conflagration was got undor con
trol at about ono o'clock, p, m., having
In tho spaco of fifteen hours destroyed
hundreds of tho costllo3t and most sub
stantial warehouses iu tho country, and
temporarily paralyzing threo of tho
leading mercantilo interests tho shoo
and leather, wool and dry goods trades.
It Is said that thcro Is not ono wholesalo
shoo and leather establishment left In
Boston. Tho wool trade has suffered in
an equal degreo, and tho dry goodsjob
blng houses loft are few and far betwr :n.
Tho now Post-office and Sub-Treasury
building was for a long timo exposed to
thoflerco flames and smoko, but was
scarcely scarred. This ina33lvo flro
proof structuro saved tho Boston Morn
ing Post Building, directly opposite,
nnd helped greatly in proventlug tho
flro from reaching State stre n. Tho
Old South Church also escaped, t lough
sovcral times given up for lost. Tho
costly and beautiful Transsript Build
ing, and Currier .& Trott's Jowclry es
tablishment, on tho opposite corner of
Milk street, were burned.
Tho following aro tho gonoral boun
daries of tho conflagration : Tho wholo
length and both sides of Summer streot
across Federal, and nearly down to
Drako's wharf, and thenco in nearly a
direct lino to Fort Hill, along Hamilton
aud Battery-march to Kllby streot, as
far ns LIndall and Central streets, and
from Milk to Summer, on Washington
stroot. Within theso boundaries, au
area of nearly seventy acres, every
building is consumed.
Tho lo3s Is now estimated at between
$30,000,000 and $100,000,000, and tho In
suraneo nt $10,000,000 to $12,000,000.
A good many persons wero injured,
and sovcral killed,
Tho Ninth Kegiment, with detach
monts from other reglmcnti, amount
ing to 1,200 men was on duty for tho
protection of property and tho prr or
vatlon of order.
Tho torriblo featnro of this di-aster is
tlio enormous amount of vnluablo pro
perty which has been destroyed. In
this respect, tho flro has never been
equalod, not oven by tho similar
catastropho at Chicago. It began In tho
very contro of tho wholesalo buslncjs
section of tho city, and hundreds of tlio
finest business edifices In tho country
havo been dostroyed. In tho gonoral
ruin banks and mercantilo nnd manu
facturing houses havo fallen. Tho
ground which they occupied Is not less
than two seventy acros In aroa. Thous
ands of clerks, working girls aud work
Ingmen nro thrown out of employment;
and tho Individual suffering is already
vory great. Thoro aro those who cstl.
matotho loss at $300,000,000, without
making any account of individual losses
but their Ideas aro bollcvod to bo great
ly exaggerated.
It Is believed that overy local and
many of tbo Insurance Companies of
New England will bo ruined ns most of
thorn wero moro or lesj crippled by tho
Chicago Ilro.
Thcconflagrntlon was rekindled by n
gas explosion early Monday morning,
but tlio flames wero checked after de
stroying four or flvo nddltlonn'l stores.
Tlio total number of buslum houses
nud firms burned out is stated nt 1)30 ;
dwolllngnnd lodging liouscs.OO, Among
tho buildings nud offices burned out
wero tlioso of 21 banks, 1(1 iusurauco
companies and 27 newspapers. It Is us
tlmated that 300 families nro homolcss.
Public meetings havo been hold in
Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, St
Louis, Detroit, Cincinnati, Pittsburg
aud other cities to offer aid to tho
sufferers aud money Is subscribed In
Crtimbi of Comfort.
Thero has been no time, until now
within tlio last twolvo years, whon the
Tribune was not suppo3od to keep, for
tho benefit of t'.io idlo and Incapable,
sort of federal employment agency
established to got planes under govorn
mcnt for thoso who wero indisposed to
work for their living. Any man who
had over voted tho republican ticket
believed that it wu tho duty nnd the
prlvllego of tho editor of this paper to
got him a placo In tho custom house
Every red-nosed politician who had
cheated at tho cairns nnd fought nt tho
polls, looked to tho editor of tho Trib
una to securo his appointment as gau
get-, or as army chaplain, or ps minister
to France. Every ctmpalgn orator camo
upon us after tho battle was over for
recommendation as secretary of tho
treasury or tho loan of u half u dollar
If ono of our party had un Interest
ponding at Washington tho editor of
tho Tribune was telegraphed In frantic
hasto to como to tho capltol, save this
bill, crush that ono.promoto ono project
or stop another. Ho was to bo every
body's friend, with nothing to do but
to tako caro of other folks' business,
sign papers, writo letters, nnd nsk fa
vors for them, and to get no thanks for
it either. Four"-fl(lhs of theso peoplo
wero sent away without what they
wanted, only to becomo straightway
nbusivo enemies ; It was tho worry of
lifo to try to gratify ono demand in
dozen for tho other fifth.
Tho man with two wooden legs con
gratulatcd himself that ho could never
bo troubled with cold foot. It Is
sourco ot proiotina satisfaction to us
that office seekers will keop nloof from
a defeated candidato who has not Inllu
enco enougli nt Washington or Albany
to get a sweeper appointed under tho
scrgeaut-at-arms, or a deputy sub
assistant temporary clerk into tho pasto
pot section of tho folding room. At
last wo shall bo let nlono to mind our
own affairs and manago our own nows
paper, without being called nido overy
hour to holp lazy peoplo whom wo
don't know and to spend our strength
in efforts that only benefit peoplo who
don't deservo assistance. At last wo
shall keop cur offlco clear of blather
skites and political beggars, and go
about our daily work with tho satisfac
tion of knowing that not tho most
credulous of place hunters Vill sus
pect us of having nny credit with the
appointing powers. That is ono of tlio
results of Tuesday's olcctlon for which
wo own ourselvr1 profoundly grateful
-AT. r. Tribuue,
'ion ham Joiciilis Helncil llpnulillcni
Members of tlic Legislature to Jfako Money.
It i3 well-known nt Harrisburg that
ailing is formod nt the commencement
of each session of tlio Legislature, for
tho express purposo of extracting
monoy from corporations nnd persons
de3iring special legislation. Tills tiling
nas Deen going on for ten or twclvo
years. Tho Iting is not confined to ono
party, though it has mostly been mado
up of Republicans. A few profligato
ana mercenary Democrats havo nnnu
ally joined it, and Mr. Samuel Josephs
has been ono of tho leading spirits of
tno rascally organization. It has been
difficult to sccuro such positive infor
mation as would enablo the transactions
of tho Ring to bo oxpo3ed a3 thoy do-
served to bo, but its operations wero
seen and felt at each succeeding session
C J. 1 T I J
ui mo jjegisiaiure. wnenover somo
schomo liko tho Nino Million Steal, or
Pcto Herdic's boom bill was under con
sideration, tho Iting acted as a unit,
selling tho vote3of Its members for a
larger prico than could havo been so
cured If they had negotiated for bribc3
singly. In many cases Sam Josonhs
acted as tho authorized spokesman of
tno King, and became treasurer of
moneys paid for tho vot: i of Its mem
bers. Moro than onco lio has called
tho roll of his confederates In iniquity
at tho closo of a legislative ses'slon, nud
nas given to each member of tho Itinir
n chock for his "divvy" iu tho differ
ent transactions.
A llttlo Jar botweon E. J. Keonan.
formorly cdilor.of tlio Grcensburg J)em-
ocral, and Jas. It. McAfeo, editor oftbo
Greonsburg Herald, has led to somo In
tcrosting revelations. Mr. McAreo.who
was a clerk of tho SlatoSonalo last win
ter, mado some chargo against Mr. Koo
nan which tho latter disposes of very
speedily nnd effectually, and then pays
his rcipects to his assailant. Among
othor things lio produces a lottterfrom
Samuel Josephs, which was written In
roply to n note sent Inclosing somo arti
cle which had been inserted iu McAfoo's
paper.torobutcertaln rumors in relation
to his connection ylth Josoplis nnd tlio
Legislatntlvo Ring when McAfeo was a
mombor of tho lower houso. Hero Is
what tlio Treasurer of tho Legislative
ltliig says over his own signature:
House op Representatives, 1
ilurrisbunr. Pa.. Ma- ltb. 1871. f
E. J. Keenan, Esq.,
Dear Sin Ynura nf-IMi tnat
enclosing published article, received.
I havo only to say that almost ovory
Republican, particularly Messsrs. Ful
ton nnd MoMullen, wero unxlous that
tho Resolution should pass, provided
that tho Ayes und Navs wero not. rail.
I was nlaccd in tho chair win, tmf
understanding, nud warmly coiigrntu
lated by the two members reforn-d to,
for my prompt and unbiased decision
which gavo them au opportunity to got
their trunks away from tho Hotels. If
thoy had uny desire to nut thomsniviM
on tho Record, thoy bad every oppor
tunity to do so by making u motion to
reconsider, which thoy could havo done
uny time insldo of six days.
Inasmuch ns that would doprlvo thorn
of the small sum of four hundred and
soveuty-ilvo dollars they did not think
it proper or wiso to do bo. On tho wholo,
they woro delighted at tho ublo decision
of tlio chair.
In tho language of Josephs, McAfeo
having served mo lio knows how the
old tilings works. I to has been there.
Truly yottrj,
HAM'l, Josiil'lts.
cnmci with it very bad rruoefrom m.i
old friend MaAfe, Vilo t HAVli PA in
Do with this aa you please. S. .1.
Tho abovo letter not only shows up
tho corruption of our legislature Iu Its
truo light, but It unmasks ono of those
who took great p.ilus to conceal his con
nection with this gang of plunderers.
As Joaephs has Jmt boon re elocto I to
the legislature by tho withdrawal of tho
regular Republican cmdldato and tho
concentration of Republican votes upon
him, ho will ii') doubt bo continued In
tho profitable position of Troasiiror of
the Legislative liln-j. Doubtless other
opportunities will bo prevjuted for pro
venting tho calling of the nyn aud nays
when paying bills aro to bu put through
for tho benefit of tho Rlng.u'id wo may
expect to seo Mr. Joopln called to tho
chair during tho coming s )SInn.
Ono thing must and will bo done. Mr.
Josephs must bo summarily expelled
from thocaucusof Democratic mambers
if ho dam lo enter tho room whuro it Is
being held, Tiio abovo letter furnishes
sufficient gniund for such action e von If
ho had not played tin traitor at the re
cent Stale election. Ho is not fit to bo
recognized as a member of the Demo
cratic parly, and no Djuiojr.itlc mem
ber of tho legislature can associate with
htm on terms of equality without being
susp' cted. Lancaster Inlclliycnccr .
Tho town of Palazz-jjo, near tho City
of Brescia, in Italy, n town of over 1,000
Inhabitants, was visited by a violent
hurricano of Tuesday of Irstweek. Half
of tho buildings in tlio town wero de
stroyed, thirty two persons woro killed
by the falling walls nnd timbers, nnd
1,000 families mado homeless.
Pittsburg is just beginning to suffer
from tho disease "among tho horses. Al
ready business is being seriously Inter
fered with, itbeitiglmpossiblo to secure
enough teams fjr transportation pur
poses. A human body, "found In two bar
rels," floating in tho river at Boston,
lias been identified as that of Abljnh
Ellis, ofNo. 19 Dover street, iu thatcity.
Circumstances indicate that ho was
murdered, but thero is no clue to tlio
Asevcro storm passed over Pot' 'villo
nud its vicinity on Thursday night of
last week-. Tho extensive trestle work
of tho Philadelphia and Reading Coal
and Iron Company, at HeckshcrvlUc,
was deniollslie 1.
It is rumored that General O. O.
Howard will bo promoted to tho Major
Generalship mado vacant by tho death
of General Meade, and Immediately re
tired with tlio full grade of Mnjor-Gon-oral.
HU retirement will still leave a
vacancy in tho list of Mijor Gonorals,
which, it is thought, will bo llllod by
the promotion of General Terry or Gen
eral Canby .
At Baltimore, Tnursday evening of
last week just pi tho polls wero closing
on a special election to fill a vacancy in
Councils in tho Sixth Ward, nn indis
criminate firing of pistols took placo, in
which ono youug man was killed and
another was mortally wounded. Tho
firing is alleged to have boon entirely
unprovoked and toliavo proceeded from
a crowd of men, m jstly colored, who
wero passing at tlio timo.
It is understood thatnt the approach
ing session ofcoiurosi a bill will bo in
troduced especially providing for tho
retirement of Chief Justicj Chase. In
addition to tho fact that lie has not boon
ten years on tho bsneli, ho is not of tho
ago reijutreu oy mo net of uongrcss
which retires on full pay tho Judaea of
tho supremo con rt. 'On account of his
health tho Chief Justice is anxious to
withdraw, but would of ourso liko to
do so on full pay. It lu's long been un
derstood that Hon. David K. Carttcr.of
Ohio, will succeed Clime.
A great fire is reported in London
England, which broke out on Sunday
night nnd consumed tho City Flour
Mills valued at $500,000. Ono fireman
w?s killed and several wounded.
At Newton, Kan., Friday last, Jus
tlee Holliday was shot dead by n do
perado named Michael Fitzpatrick,
Marshal Johus jn attempted to arrest
Fltzpatrlck, when tho latter drew a
revolver nnd defied him, Johnson shot
tho outlaw dead.
A terrible accident occurred at a coal
mino near tho villago of Monceaux, in
tho Department of Sorac-et-Loire,
Franco. As usual, thocauso of tho dis
aster is duo to an explosion of fire-damp,
and tho result is the death of thirty
eight miners.
The funeral of tho late General
Meade, which .took placs 'ou Monday
last in Philadelphia wps ono of tlio
most imposing and Impressive over
seen in this country. TJio wholo city
seemed to turn out spontaneously to
join tho nation is mourning over tlio
hero. After tho eeremonh i iu St
Mark's Church tho procession common
ccd moving and took nearly au hour to
passuny given point, All the national,
State, und city officials contended who
should do most honor to tho deceased.
Presideat Grant rodo in au open carri
age, and Generals Sherman, Sheridan,
nnu oilier army omcyrs nppearo I in full
Tho notorious femalo brokers of
New York Victoria Woodhull nnd Ten
nlo C. Clallln wero arrested on Saturday
and locked up, on tho charge of sending
obsceno literature (tholr nowspanerl
through tho mails. Thero aro said to
bo a number of warrants out for their
arrost for libel.
Now Advortisemonta.
IT or
Tn -Hirannuco of nu orjor of tUo Orn!inu
Cmir, of Columbia uounty, tlia u,i,ljrIt;iioJ ml
mliiMrutor, .Vi-., of lliu cululunf Jo,,,m Kuli
llo, ductKiuu J, imeoItlietowixlilporCoiiyuKuani,
)u b.ild ooauty, will ulWr hi tulo uu the iiremlaos,
1 nVlrwlr In thonfleriioon. throo cortata loU nr
KruuuJ iu MuntiiuacUy, In lliatowanuliiofOou
yuulmui,Culumoiti uouuly,eacti lot coutulujai;
wtiity-llvo feu! front, by imoluiuUroJ unit forly
feel lu clL.,i,boiuiUcil by lot of A, W. 1,'ii-muer ou
tlio uoulti, Lelby etretit oil tUo weal, II. H. Murr,
on tliu uortli umloj tliucasi by HQ alley, ou two
ot which there nro i-ifcloililoimnii,! uii.ilf uiorv
frame dwelling home, lala the vvtHtula ortald
deceased, kltuatu In tho lowutulpof Uouyaghaui
uuueoumy uiorosuin.
IV 1 l.l,l Jl uuulllAn,
Tkhuh av Hai.v. Ten lie.' cent, or iinn.
fourth of the pnrchaae money to bo paid at tho
atrlklUK down of tho property, the one-lourlu
leas the ten er cent, lu be paid at tho conilrina
lion cflliekule, aud tho bubiui-o lu ouo year
thereafter wltliluteroH fromcoullrmatloa ulsl',
1'itekeaxlou given on LI, 1S7U.
i-urouuuer w pay tor uee J.
BUomsburg, Nov. till, 187i
llr vlrtito rtf sundry wrlln Ivunt on I nMli
riHirtoflVmmnn I'lcM and n 1111 ilirprien, w n
liorxpoKpd lo piilillmali) nt. thn Court Homo, In
tlKMniibura, on Mnwti.V, tltolM ilnjf of Hmwii-
li'T, 1STJ. nt ono o'clock, p. in,, l ho following
Iho followlllit
propprllM lo tvil I
All iii:il ('I'lim
itnln plcroor lmrrol nflnml Nlluntu
in lowuililp, Colnmbln c.iiinl, l',i ,
I iicwrlueil im follow, lo will Coin-
III UonyiiRiiitn
Ix.nnilmt mill II
lrumcuiK niinn roiiiro or iiieinoo 01 inn numi
iiliiitniont "t IhnbiliUo of tlio New York and
Middle eonl Held laltrond nnd (!onl lloiupniiy
wnlohnoisM tlio public rovl londlint from tho
lownorAnliliiiiiltolliot iwiiof J.H'iwm,i,tlionea
iiorlliOldwotH, weU I foot, thenco north H
dinri-e. went :K1 1 feet, I .euro uotlli eliihty-two
(Wldparcoi eaU V 1 lect, llienco north twenty
iiluKiind ono-lmirilemi ei, vntlM feet, thenco
north SI ileirrt'Pi, oiwl 1 I frfet, llionco miutli 8 do
creo'., omt Ifilfi'et, t ie ice lunrtli ill'J duroos,
wmI n.'l fool to tlio place of licalnhlny.
Hutted, tuKeu In execution nud 10 bo sold nl
Uio property of Hninuel Ijolbjr,
AlUliilploi'oor pirccl of taint sltuito.l In
tle-ivert'iwiiililp, Colnnt'iU o'mnly,.nnd HlnH
ori'enui Iv.illl.i, b'liluilu tiill I described at fol
iown.lowlt! on tlio we,t, mnuli aud rpit by
Jiuiitanf.Ineiili llltiterlller nud oil tlio north nnd
rcutbylaudiof I'elcr Kiieclil,CJiilalulux HI' I'
AORKS more or less ou which lire creeled n log
housu und barn with tho nppiittonancc,
Vo!7vl,tnkeii In uzec illnu nud t) bo sold n)
tho propel ly of William Uulp.
All that pertain lot ol Rvomid Mltuto In tlio
1'iOroiMli c,r Cent r.illn, lu tin county or UAIuiu
bin und nta'n of 1'euinylv.inlii, b utudo I and do
Kcrlhpd in follow, to wit I On tho uortli by land
or Adam MpiihoIi, on the out by nil nllny.ou tin
south by laud of itolubild A Kllim, nud on the
mil by rront Run utreet.tliosatnobeliiK twenty
Ilro feet lu In, lit, by ono hundred and forly
feet In depth moro or Icsn ; whereon are erected
ntwo utory friimi lln'elltui! UouMouniK.'nrpon
tersliop.' Also, the lutcieit of tlio said dofeinlaiit
In twootliprlotitdluatcd lu tlio b,irmth afore-B-ild,
b iititded ami iloiert'ud in fillnw, li wit!
On tlio north by lmd ol R-jtibeu ICulttle, Oil tlio
east by nn iilley, on tlio nouth by Rillro td Avo
lino mid on Itu W04t bv Lojnst Avcuili, tuu
Mine belli' fitly ft,al In trout ny ouo huuJrod
und forty leol. In deptli moro or leu.
HeUcdnnd taken lu elocution nud lo ba Bold
ni the properly of Rudolph. Herb,
All Hint real oit.iloflllintol In Mlillln town,
idilp, Columbia cjiiuty, Ht.itn of I'otiuiylvantii,
bnumle.tituddeocrlbednH lollowi, lo wit: On
thoe.nttiy laliJt oHolm Stiresk.iind Ijiwrunco
Walton, .south uv lands of Abrihani Schwep
penhelser, w t by Intuit or Clurlet Mowi y,
north by n publlo to id lei, Unit from tlio Mltllln
roid to Niscopec', on whioti nro creetod a
llivflllinj House und II im, Willi other out build
Itifr,', Raid tract coutalnlnysevoiity-llvo ucro, be
tho Hiiino moro or les-i. Alio one other tract or
plcco of land atliialod lu the County, Htnto nud
lowmhlp nfnres.ild, uoundod mid described in
follows. On tho north b liuid of Kleair
Hcliwenponliolser, nnd on tlio wit li- Mud of
isnaoK. Hcliwoupeiiiiener, nirtiiny join Win
ters cist byapJblloro-vd It'll hi'.' Inim Mnlnvlllo
toXttlliu com.iluiui Flvo Aero? be the huiuo
lmreor lesa.
Hetzed, tiion In evecutlon aud lo bo sj1d ns
the propei ty of John R, Yoho.
All lint lot or piece of liul siluito lu llio
town ofRspy, Mcollt iwnslilp. tjjlitm'ilac i inty,
Klnto or l'eumylv.mla.b niuded nuddcsorlbaJ. ns
loilows, to wit: on tho lint, by 1 it of Willi un
II. One, on the H null au 1 Went tiy nu nlley, on
tho North by Mali) iitreet, slid lot belli thirty
feet In front ninl ouo hun,lred nud elilitv leol
deep, on wlilcti nro erected ii atiry unl n lulf
iiniuo uwciuuj limine wun i:io appurte
nances. JSclr.e.1, taken 11 execution and lo bj :ol 1 ns
tho property of J.icksou Rfttus,
tho following described real eP UoslhiUo lu llio
county of Coin inbti, township of Hco.t and State
of I'onnsylviiula, to wit: lot No, I, situate lu tho
town of 12sny, whereon are erected a Iwo-story
brick dwelling house, n two-story Iranio store
house, n lrnme stable and ollisr out buildings,
bounded as follows, to wit: belns on tlio North
side or .Main (Street, ou tho East ny lot No. :i, on
tho North by au alley, ou tho West by lot No. 5.
Also, one other lot situate on the North side or
Matu tstrcet or said town, bounded on tho U.nt
bv lot of Hamuel Drake, ou tho North by uu
alley, on tho West by let of RcRlua,
whercou nro erectej n two-story Ir.iuio dwelling
house and out buildings. Also, llio undivided
iiue-linlf part of the lolknvius descrllitd brlci;
yard bind, bouudod on the Mouth by l.ind ol
Mary K. Rolb.irt, Kdw.ird Aelienbichiind Wes
ley Hiickli'.ini the lint by hind of. I. J. Roliblus.
ou tho North by tho biuno und West .Market
Street conUUnln' two ncras more or less . Also
ono other piece lu said town ou tho east side of
Market Streot, bounded ou tho South by un nlley,
on the West by laud ot Robert U: st, nnd on the
North by land of J. J. Robblus, coutnlului; ono
acre, moro or loss. Also ono other lot No. SI on
tho South side of K.ild Thlul Street or said town,
bounded ou tho West y lot or Jacob Mussel
man, ou tho Mouth by a . alley, ou the by
lot No. S3 owned by Robert Rist, whereon Is
erected a Iranio dwoltlus lioase. Also tho undi
vided one-hall part or luoendern nuo-half part
of lot. No. 11 oj the Norm side if .Main street ol
said town, whoroou are erectod u two-story
frnnio dwelling houso, n Ira-no stablo nud other
out bulldlui-s. Alio, ono lol or piece of laud sit
uate In the town or Mltlltuvlllo la the township
orMIIlllu. lu sild eoiiuty, bounded ou tho Wesi
by Fair street nud North Water Street, ou tno
Last by l.iudor susm llaier,aud ou the South
by Second Street. coutatnlU'r six lots each slxtv-
s x Irout nud lourtcea rods deen. be the s.uu
moro or less, whereon are erected u dwelling
uuusu nnu Nuuitf. ncj3ii ami itiueu iu exectl'
Hon and toTo sold us the property ot Reese J
Mlll.ird. Also, lot to. 51. situate in Ktm- l-n
lumbla cmu'.y, un the SoutU side of becoui.
Street a JJoliiiiiK lot of Uhrlslmau nud Oarrlsou
on tho Mist, nlli'V on the South, nud lotol James
Fowlei'on the West, whereon uro erect d u two
story uweuiUK House nnu oiu Ulllldliliss. sel.eil
ui&cn In execution nui to b j sold as the prope,
tyot N.S. XI us ley.
the fnllowiiM described real tstalo to wit: situ
utu ltiSeett. towtishio Iu the tuwn or Msov.ud
JolnliU laud or Alfreu llikeui'in ou the M st,un
aiiey on uiu isoriu, una oi ueore 1. unaiust
ou iuu est, anil puuue ro.i i uu lliu MOlltn. eon
mining about one-third or an aero more or less,
wnereen is erected n one auu rt unit story Irani
dwellluir hollre.
SeUed, lalcen In executlouaul to bo sold astho
property ot Ulan: urovellutf,
n cert tin tract r,r lind sltmtJ iu ruulngcropk
sylvaula, eoul '.Inliia aiuiU lorly-nlno acres,
lowusuip, uoiuinuia ciuiiiy. uuu state or I'enn
juuiu ur less, uuuuneu uuu oecrioei as loilows
10 wu; ou uio .Mirtu ny jnud or Sylvester At
bertsou, ou the Uist by land or Ahulra Albert
Mill, oil tlio South noil West, In- lau i ol .Iiili'i ,4
Moore, on which lire erected rttwo story Iranio
uwcinii iiuu.o uu i inim jsiauio wiiu mo aiipar
lenaucei. Seized, taken In execution imd lo bj bold in
mo properly oi joci u. Aioertsoti.
Nov. 13, 1S7-",
"AComploto Pictorial History of tho times."
"mo oesi, cnoipasi, unit iu isi succslut
Family Paper In tho Union."
Harper's Weekly.
-Yoi ( ics of the Ti cas.
The U'eeklj is tho ablest and most powerful
itu,-iu,iiL-a pcnuuiuai puuiisue i iu mis eouuiry.
Its editorials uro scholarly nnd convincing, nnd
curry much weight. Its Illustrations ot current
uit-'um are iuu nnu ireso. nun urn iir,innri, r
pur best doslsuers. With a cliculatloii of 15J.0UJ,
. .v ""'ii "r ui luasi nil u a luuiiuu lior-
bons. nudllslullaeuceinnu orgmor opinion Is
Mmply treinciidous. The nrUu uiii.iiiiiiw n
positive position, uud expresses decided vl -ws
on political nnd social problems. uivHllo
W, It. 'rJtUI tiltl,
Terms I
llAitrati's Weekly, oao year 51 to
..An I,tr.i Copy of olthor tho MAOA.iSE,
Wekki.v, or will bo supplied malls for
"uij VjIII" Ul C IVl.ljU HSU tl I U KllM III 3 1 I
ono reinlltauce: or, Sla Copies lor t:t Oi, witli
out extra copy.
Subscriptions to iiarpkii'h MAiu:n.N-n,Wi:tK-i.v,
nnd IIazui to ouo uddie.s tor ouo year,
lu.uj; ur, iwo oi iiiirpers roriujtc in, tl ouo
uuuicss lor one year, s i '
Back Numbers cm bjsuppllalatnay tliu)
tho Annual Volumes of IIaiu'eii'm Webiilt
In uealcloth bludlua, will be sent by oxpresi,
freo or expanse, lor f7 IU each. A o iiuploio Set.
coinnrlslmr sixteen Vnlninm. Kniii.ft,, i-..f.,it .r
ilk uio r.lio oi 5 1 iiur vol., ..oiuui ul ox-
peuso ot purchaser.
Tho iiostnao on Haiu'EU'h Weeei.v is '.') cents
njear, wlueli must be paid nt the tubtenber't
li.VUI'KK llROTUnRS, New Yoik,
Repository of Fashion,
l'loasuto, uud
Harper's Bazai
Polices u the r -en.
TllO llazar is edit 1 Willi n cnlilrlhnlMn tt lnl
nudliilent ihatwo seldom ilud iuuny Journal:
uud tho Journal Itself Is tlio i,i'.in of tho ureal
world or Itsulou, U livelier.
irni iMinr commouus useir 10 evoi member
pretty nlotliies. to the voiiu l.niis iv u. n.,,.
u ..iu (.uiiaviiuiLt li, lliu uniiurini I v i n, mi.
lou-plales lu endless variety, to the provident
matron by Itspattoruslor thoehlldreu'sclutlies.
li, nritttrftimillii liv ltd t,.o,i.i..l .,..1.. '
broideredallnoersuud 1 11 srurimiu it r..,..,i .,.,..
Uuttho readluij-inatterof iho JlazurU uullunuly
or uroat oicellenoe. Tho paper has noiulrcd 11
wide popularity lor ilia llresUo uujoymeut It
u nurds, .v. l .J.ieninj J'osi,
Terms I
UAui'Ea'a IiAZAii, ouo year . f l oo,
Au Kxtra Cony oi either thn Mhm.,m,.'
WKKSLY. or llAZtU Will bo Slinnllnl ,,..H,u i...'
uvcry Club ot Fivn suiisuiuuitH'S ul ji ooimeh.
lu ouo ronjlttancoj or, Six copies lor ii) tl).
without extra copy.
Subscriptions to IJabi-ek'h Mauazimi:, Week
ly, und UAZAlt. to one u ldie-.s ru- u,ui v..r
tflu Ou: ur. two of Uarner's I' 1,1 ,m
address for ono year, 97 U I.
Hack Numbers can bo supplied at nny time,
Tho flvo volumes' of llAiteiciiVs Hi'im fnriim
years lulS, 'tiJ, 'TO. '71, '11, oie.'autly bound lu
ureeu luorocco rlotn, will bo son I by express
.3. ,'V,'M.U, .V V. w V..VI..
year, which must bo naid at tin, u',.w.,.'. '
olllco. Address
JlAlll'iitl it llllOPIIRRS, Now York.
KJ Cum
Cuiua to Iho promlsosor tho subscriber mm
uuout llio Urst of October last, u
will weigh 130 pounds. Tho owner will come
forward, prove proper y, pay cliartjes, and tako
her uwuy or slio will bo told uceordlui: lo
Mal-ivlllc, Nov, I5lli-ot.
. - i '
Havpor'H Magaino.
Xulleettrf llir tic).
Theover-llicrcnsliiKOlronlalloiiof Hill excnlletlt
imintnly provos IW eonlltuied ii'la pUtlon lo nop.
tilar ileslii s nnd needs. Indeed. When wo Ihlnk
liiloliowmanv homos It peuelriuesovery month,
wnmustcoimdor ll mono or tho ulucators ns
well in ontertallieis or tho publlo -iiilid, for Its
vast popularity Inn boen won by no npponl to
stupid pr.judlcei or depraved tastes. Iloston
"Thoclmracler which Oils Magaclnc posscssp
for variety, cntorprlso, nrllstle wo iltu, und lit
erary cnlturo thai lini kept p.uo with, If It lins
not fed llio tlmcs.should causo Its conductors to
reanrd It with Jusilllablo eomplupency. It nlso
eiititlesltheiutoiiment claim upon tho publlo
KTAtltudo, 'I'ho M.igtulne lias ihmo Rood and not
evil nil tho days of its life. HroMyii little.
siTBaozixniowrs -i s 73 .
HAitPKit'B MAilAKtNE, ono year II C)
An Mxtnt Copy of either tlio Maoazi.vk.
Wkkki.y. or lUZAii Will bo supplied Kintls for
overy Club of Fivn Soiiscuiiieiii ut Sum uiou,
lu 0110 rem Ittimco; or, sixCoples turtUfl), with
oulexlrn copy,
HulHPrlptlons ti)HAta'i!ii'!s,Wiciik.
t.v, and llAZAi:, to ouu address ror ouo year, t Pi
ll I : or. two of Harper's l'erlo llcat, lo ouo nd
diess for ono year, t7 00.
Hack Numbers era besupptled nt nuy tint .
A complete Set or HAiii-eii's vztNi:, now
couilirlsliitf 41 Volumes, In elolli binding,
will ne sent by expioss, Ireluht lit ntpensa or
purchaser, lor SI ii per voluuie. iVl.ijf.'o vuiunipf,
by until, jm P'ttl. HI ml. Clolu eases, lor blndluif,
0s cents, by mull, postpaid.
Tlio postage ou llAltPKii'is Maoakwk Is 21 cts.
nyiuir, which mint bo pild ut tho ntbscrtbcr't
liosl-ollloe. Addross
llARl'KR el I1IIOTI1RH1, Now York.
All ridli'Cl.nrs bnldlni' tlnsctlled county till-
Idieates dated prior to l.S7i, uro requested to
' . ... ...... .linn 1.. lll...l,...ll.l. .... IV.1,1 I, nil
ill eel us iii mil "iiivu iii i,i,i,iii,i,ut i,i ....
dav, October :Wlh, Friday, Novumlierstli, or Sat
urday, November Utli, and pay such iiiuouuUus
may bo duo to tho County Treasurer. Wu nro
determine ' tlmttnoso iiaiaucos ituo sum not oo
nrrln,! Ilit-nitlll ntltltlier hOlt lOIUeitl . liClAt
iii'occodlius will ho c'ominoiicod luilnst llioso
lalllnj to attend to this notice.
Collectors ol IW'.! will not rorisot their dlltlei.
They will receive personal nolico biitwccu this
dalonu I tho next term or Court.
II. .1, RlU'lUIlIt, JCom's.
Comnir'ji.olllce, llloomsuuri;,)
October 'Js, lull. Y
Attest: Win. itricitoiuin, ;
Thn iimlersliriipd'oii l'rldav of l'alr week
ljsiottho tlcsel otllce of iho lair Grounds u
iiiiiang oilier articles,
two nolcs,
vi. :
Ono drawn by Danlil & Aus istus Kverhart for
all nit SjJp.ivablu to tho order of Illram lliker,
now deceased.
Another drawn by Divld Roberts furnliout 831,
dated about April 1st, lS71,and p lyulilu cli;uteeii
inoutln alter ilato to Joshua Frit, or order.
All parlies nro warned njilnsl iR'KOtl.ltln-
either or said uolos as payniuut ur tho suuiu has
beu Btopped.
Ths Under will please return to
Ailiur. 11 Irani llaker deo'd.
Siujirloartwp., Nov, 1st, l7J-'iw
X'X Tin
'no folio wins list of roil 1U111120S Ii n
oeennssesse l uuu eoniiriueu. ill. si. ill seoieiu.
tier sosslons, and if 110 protest bo eiilciod ui-alust
UioHitns II wilt hoc.-intlrinodiibsolutnai Do.-, ses
sions, is::!, aud tho eouuly bo lli'olo for tou pay-
lIll'Ul Ol 11.
Greenwood twp., noar Win. Pattsroa's, to I),
C. Alberison S 73
to Wm. U'.-eci Ill
to Henry .Mather I.'",)
Urecnwood twp., near Nicholas ICI11 It, toJo'.i.i
It. lives i :u
to Isaac llayeocic n
Ronton twp., noir Adam Smltli to '.V ij.iI j.'
Shult. S IU
lo Fred llltey 10
Juetisoii twp., near Joshui rtiv.i;o i Ilivll
Y011111: to Joshua savage $ o u 1
C. II MoIIenry ACo MU)
Win. Parks 75 1 1
John Vouu ' 10 UJ
Cyrus Itobiitus,)
II. J. Raeder, J-Co,n.
Wm.Shitler. J
Co ill's. Olllco,
"A At!
Oct. Ill, IS?
Nov. S, lS.TJ-1't.
DilCRMliERTKItM 17.'.
rtiisr wkeic.
Broom ill ,t Co. vs. MeNllls!l it Sh'ltn 11.
Clemucl ii. Rickets' uiiululslraior vi. Divid
Sweeney et ul,
Lewis J. Adams vs. Flshliucrosk Hclnol District
11. Soattermwalte vs. Froierlcc .Mireoro'i.
Frauklln township vs. Joint Mjlrevuolds.
JereinlnuH. Ruly vs. Jacob Sjhuyler.
David Cox's heirs vs. Jacob Cli imuerllu.
Venlali Riece'sadiuiulsimtois vs. W. A. Kline.
.iiicuai-i .Minion vs. i'jiia.lelpliM tl Kj.iJIu '
Rillio.iil Co.
Patrick Mouaahau vs. l'iiila lelphti A Reidliu
Railroad Co.
Riuer Dixou vs. l'.illaJelpli'.i .t: Rn.llns Rlll-
read Co.
.Mrs. Mmy Connelly vs. l'.illa Mlpli a t Ilea Uus
Francis J. Kllno vs. Jacob If orrlnz.
I) ivld Uelshuer vs. Joisn D. Rice.
Iliuart.t Kramer vs. William llirlier.
A. W. 1:11011 A: wire vs. IMnJ, F. W.iruo.' it wif.-.
Jusspli W, Fausey vs. J0I1.1 MuUlsau,
A. II, Stowart vs. Francis II. Jolly.
Audrow Crevellni; Vs. Thomas Trench.
A. l'ardeo .t Co. vs. II, W. A el'.oynnlds el. ul.
A. Pardee A Co. vs. l).invllle,ll.i.tetou X Wilkoi-
lurro Railroad Co.
K.ra S, Lyons vs. Solomon Dirk.
J. W. S inkev vs. o. II. Mellek.
Clark Meriell yj, A. II. Stewart.
second week.
William Liujseubjrgor el ul. va, Una I W. Me
Reynolds. Willlnm ll. Abbott vs. .Toroiiilah S. llis.bsl.
llouj.imln Wujiter vs. Joseph R. Rhojej.
U.S. Rowers' iidmlulsiiatu' vs. I,, F, Dj.iu it II,
C. Ilarton.
John Yeaei's or vs. David II uuk's
William 1". Oerard vs, lolm G. J.ujby.
Wilson Aservs. c. 11. Ilroekwoy.
ICII.ibL-lli Smoyer's administrator vs. .Mijli.ul
C. 1). Kowlor Iudorseo of II. II, Rorke vs. O. R.
William Coleman vs. Howard Grimes.
John Ausp icU it wlto vs. Rinauucl II nt, Jacob
Steluheirert, Pnlllp llrent.el ,t A. Autjubaeli.
Henry Miller vs. Abraham Klasc.
William S. Wilson, Indorsee of Tuotnis McF ir
1 md vs. J. II, lliirmau.
Johu Roblsou's executors vs. Jesso D. Rice.
Jeremiah H. Ilrobst vs. Danville, U-idewu .t
Wllkeslnrro Itillimt Co.
Jacob Mellek vs. I,ewls lirlsli.
Josejih II. siaddou vs. Ileurv J. M 'ILvo 1 et ill,
Calliarlnu 1). Schmeek vs. J, ri. Ilrobst. M. M.
Ilrobst aud Michael Ilrobst.
Levi Knit, vs. renin Watts, 11 Imtutslrator of
J 01111 u. wan.,, uoe u.
Johu RrillliiKer, Jr. vs. J. Riclnn in.
The itiidcrslimud appointed Au lil'ir lodlstrlb
uto tlio lauds in ttio hinds of the Almlnlstra
tor of lliu estate or Amos Rhodes, d-jo-nod, wd
meet tlio turtles lutereated ul inooillio of Y
H, Abbott, Usii., of Citawlss.i, ,111 siturdiy
Nov. "'eloex 11. 1U..WI1011 and where ul
pirllcs lnterestej.and liavlnclitins aj uu t tho
ostatouro requested lopresotuthem to Mis Audi
tor, or to boiorever debirrod from oj.uiu 1 lu lor
u sharo or s lid estate,
C. II. IIROL'ICWAY, Auditor.
Iu pursuaucoofan order or the Orphans' CJiirt
or Columbia county, the undcrslno! Admluls
trator. xe., or .Mull K:i:ia; deoisnd, of ilu
townsulp ot llentou, In bald county, will expoio
iu b.iiu uu lliu piullllscs uu
at 10 o'clock in Ih3 f.ironooa ofsald dir tlio fol
lowing doicrihsd iso ll estate, to wit: A cjrtalu
mcssu.isoaud lot of grouud, situated lu lljulou
lowushlo. Collliublaeouutv alorositd. b niuded
on tho north by lauds ol Jeremiah stiles and
William Coleni'iu.ou theo.isl by iaudo of John
It nil., .011 tlio south by land ol lleujiiuln Mc
Heury, und on the wet by laudsofMary Knriis,
moro nr less.on which aru erected a Plonk House
and it I' i'liiuu li.ini.
T.iiM.s oFHtLE. Ten ner cent, of one. I, nil til
of tho purchase , money snail bo paid at the
stiiitiuir uowu ui iuu propeuy, uuu-iuuiiu
less the tou per cent, ou the confirmation of sale
and tlio romululuu threo lourths lu ono year
thoreallcr, with Interest Iroin tho coullriuiillon
ui si. t'urcuaser to pay lor ueeu 1111,1 sunups,
R.JI. RINUU'lll,
November 1, 1S7J. Llerk.
lio deceived, but for coiicliH. colil. boro throat.
auarbuufat uuu uruucmcui uiuicuiuv. uu
Worthless Imitations are on lliu market, but
lliu uuly scleutillo ireiarnllou of Carbolic Acid
lor lAina diseases is when ehomlcaiiy cuiubiued
Willi oiuer well.kuowu leniedles. us Is theso, nnu uu purues uio cnuiiouea iigaiusi
11KI11U IL11V ULiiur.
Ill nil casesur Irritation of the mucous men-
biiiuu ttiesoTAULKi-M should bo 1 celyused, their
eieaubiu auu iieaitu proprieties uio usiuuisi
lie warned, never neglect u cold, It Is easily
cured In its indiilent slate, when it beeullles
chrnule the euro Is exeeedliiiily dllllcult, uso
w ens caruono Tamets us a speiiue.
JUll.N i, iitiijuuiiu, is l-llillHl., now jurn.
uuvl Iw hole Aijent lor United Stales,
1'rlco Uj cents a bos, Send lor circular.
Aneuts wanted lu every county, lur "llio l'eu.
Plu's Slunduid lllblo,,r B5U Illustrations, j:xtru
i.i,iu. I'mwni'i'iiis lieu. Address Zlculor A Me-
Curdy, IIS Arch St., I'hlla., i'a. uovl Iw.
to Til K WORKING OIiAHS, inalo or female
File il w.etc uuiliullteed. Resntcluble bliiolov- ill liome. duv oruvouluu! no cutillul ru
nulrMil i lull Instructions unt valuable naekoiro
ol goods to murlwltli sent free by until . Ad
diess, with il cent return stamp, il. YOUNG Ji
CO., ID Courilmdt St., New York, uovl tw
A bits and iiektlcmkn, AeouIs wanted to sell
lolo Woiker, 6ucls. : Needle Tbreadlui; Thim
ble. VJits. : Morocco Net-die Hook. O.cU.. 10
laruoits papers small Needles. IIS per day
smo: sample iieo to uny ouo at abovo price. 0.
THORNTON CO. 6v Broadway, N. V, novllw
"I'tiiutntlnnatily the bost sustained work or
morn readily acquire I. t-, , ','
nrull proressloits. V n Ii 55m 1"
8lrcct,Now York. rtl JN""
Tllft tUtl T. . t '
'rut np in ollr (-,.,. '
For naloat Wholes.
aBri(lr.IAII.PA S.JK
aJJP. O. IJox J0. Nniv v .",
will dispose of 1CNI Pmuos, JM,,i'''""lwsy.v.
unns.nlslxilrsl-olasstuiike'rs 1 . S"?'. i '
Muslo A Music Mercli.iudisuY
AGEN'J'S wntei1 f'f tno Kri
More, or Hariier's Weekly l '
doised bycollogo presidents .ini 1
vines, its lltb, end contouH wm '
housitids or readers-why? V',.,.
ko It lias over been le i " , ,
this, soud stnmpnnd see elr-'u r.i, 1 1
. It
u, "'P l,c. i1"11 olicapest rumllv 111 '
llslicd, will bo sent i m" Z , ,,
"Bon l. It coutalus uearle-.w,,' 'SK.0 ' J ',l,.,'.T.!i " " lutein
i.,irrtii,;...T ? "v.iiiy ouu line
inle. etc? .1
1 d.
nudhlarc ur cctlon from a I. ,(,,
For full iWrlplton nnd terms ,
mediately HUilllARD llltos "!l
or Iloston, ' """ ,
dlo-HKed, those who mo lit,,
S life, and youth of both 1 e
read with tho ereat st nrni,
iiy uoay l-ricna : 5::r-
1)10 tiHWI-t' la It nn II. "
- r , ts . ...
SrJS ltHincotliii with tho ':
-nriiq cess j nud there's uiouiy n,
Bend lor our circular ,, c!i'
sootrrcc Gi:o. MA' LUAN, I'liino , . !
. "G 'd Kraut thalthls prec .is b b ,,
Us way to overy family I iim , . ,'"
prominent reformer, of T ts , T
work, L
Threo Years in a Man-Tr-
Notwlthstnudlni; Us linmenses.i' u- '
extend Its Inlluenco still nuttier, .te n r, ,
n 1 to Introduce It to every i nrn, , ,'
It Is lilhly endorsed byJu.Uo ,., ir
Ome, Neal Dow ,t others, Will ,lo , 1
than nuy piohlblllou law cier, uinw'
beyond parallel. Aseuls have dm, I . 1 '
splendidly with It. Dun has oidoier II,
dredcoiiles. Owln to llseicil s.. e 1 , ,
enabled to oiler cspoclollj Imm ,11. '
ca'i'i.K'UworlC!lto'ie'' J'M M'U',I,".
TIIEatiEAMi:t;lCAN Till. .Vl-is
liavoliuslnessconnectiiiTis wuh nil a
i'iill)rtsorcliliiaund,liipin,iui, n.,' ,' ,
Teus dlrept from place 01 kioa.h. , ,,, ,
tlio consumer irom iilo Sprollts. Ii
lj yoirsslnco tho Lniiipauy Wisnrj
Itlins lieeu a splendid s,n c , i,X ,
llrst. This was duo to the fad ,. ,.
and Mold aiUu
nnd illslrlbnled theiu to our eu.innii' . m
parts tirth United States lor one nuei f '
uniy. iieiween llio Peu-urower ami le.i-iom...
11 v wtifcnmiuu iuu nysieill (11 SUPlilrlll"
s'.imers In distant pirls ot the cuoutry i
Tens, nt Now Vork Caro Prices, oa tlis e
lilau. And since wo mlupted tins el ,11 we -,
saved tho people of this eoentry .uii,n)i,
lars nnuoutly, In tlio cost ol lln-.r auiili,
en day noossslty.
Soud for Club Circular, wu c 1 c nr i, ..
recllous, premiums ac.
Tlio Great American TeaCompMr
01 to at VKiRY hTll .hT o.
1". O. llox 5UIJ.
EXO.UIHITI-: AID6 to louder sril.I
New nnd IinpoiUutluvcntu, "o
for ladles use.
Till; ATMOSPHERIC Ill'STLR, tneoni
p'etoone. I'eirecllou lu Impoitiu i bis i, i
charinlnly nttri ctlvo" i !, rr.
and form of evc.y l,ishluable 1 ul. p,
ter eltot -Nalure's Chaiiiis, n,
and rounded beauty Kraceful itiMiii i "
tliu, uud contour of bust lu all m i-j u,
Tries only 3J.0.1.
TI1U LA l'KRLT':. No lndv c in d . w
Ask to seo It. 1'ilco only -.'.UJ.
perlee'ly boeurlly whllo attachcil. M "
ilelljlited wltn our lnveulluu. Pi
Any of tho abovo articles sent o i i.- m
price, or samples or all sent on leccip oH -Wo
want Mlllluers, Dressm ikeri, K, tp ''
Fancy Stores and Aleuts In uu-n
our celebrated. lusilv nontir. uud t esi .
Inventions. Imiddttlou lotlie above, vrnun
riicturo tho Child's Iliblo, Dress Slili-UI, Km
Gloves, Curlers, Cilmpeis, Garters uud an
ber r.incv articles lor ladles' uud clilkli, n ''
exelii"lvcly. Au extra liberal dlscoum '
Ir.ue. Send for Illustrated catalogue, vi "
the I.'i I'erlo Co.'s yoods, uud tako no 'iiuer
Seo that our trade-mark Is blaiiiel j '
uoods none others aro eenuliio.
"I-.V l'URId'rM'F'ti Cel.,
unvllw UJ Clumbers tli't'ii N. i
Aiteuls wanted to canvass lor the
The Qro:t Illustrated Pesp!c"s v;e:V.;,
the host ntul cheapest paper putilMic I, in
Is nnd n corps ot most popular ati'lio".
exclusively lor It, Wo give a copy of"'
alleled chromo,
just so man,
to every bubserlbor, Asjcuts Piko from
llvo to ilililv liiiiues a day. No busiiw
lUo tills. Soud for terms ; nud seeuiv '
lor eiiteriirlsu at once. SHU
STODDARP it CO. I'ubllslieiS, 7J1 Hall u
1'hlUdelphla. "ul1 '
It Is not a plivslo wlilclt mayuivoteiiii""
relief to llio siill'ercr lor tho llrst le-w do;'
which. Iiom continued use brlnus Piles una i.
died diseases to aid Inweakouluiflli "
nor Is It ft doctored liquor, wiitcn, iiuuei - ,
lur namo ol "Hitters" Is so extensliely P-i "'
oirou IhopublloassovoreUu remedies, wu '
most powerfulTonlo nnd alterative, pron1""
so by too leading medical author lies ul I; 111 '
und Purls, nud lias boon Ionic used by I '
lihysiclnns of oilier couutiles with v.oao.i
i emcdlul results.
Tip. Wnlln' Kxtrnftt of JuTllbeba
retains all tlio medicinal virtues I'cculi'i' to '
Iilaut and must bo taken us a psrm menu iu
uuuuei, i impii's, wu., oi. ,r , i
.'Juka Jiirubcbit to cleanse, puilfy uud n'
th vitiated blood to healthy act ou.
"ii i' O. .. .. ,
'iutto ll to assist Digestion wiui'im
wllllinpart youthful visor lu the weary mm
llnvo you weakness of tho liitostliies
nro In danger of Chronic Dlan hoeaor me u"
nil Inllaminatlon of tho llowels. .an.ku
Take ll to ullay Irritation uud wind ell tsmu "
cy in luuamuiaiiou.
u lullamiuutlou, . ,
ave you weakuess of llio Ulerlno or V "
uns' You must procure luslaut i; ue'
aro liable tosuireiluu worse lliitit "y-';'J-.,
ii ... i,.n .. ,l ,'n.-ikuejs Ol
nave i
Take It lo stretmthen oiuiuto woakuets i
becomes a burden. ., , , , ,., .
Finally It should be frcauently taken t
Iho system In perfect health ur you a e e
wlkolnuieat uauuerof uialarlul, lulasiuam-
couiasious uiteases.
couiagiuus uiteases. ... Y..ili.
JOlllTll. KU,I.OGO, 18 l'iall til., WJ" ,
Solo Agent lor Iho I uliei ht.u
l'rleojt porllottlo. Bend for Circular. ul"
r.l ll-.ll ii r.'.
Ill Job HKAliH, ..,,
4J., l.
MkuUv nud Chonnly Prlnie l
u. .cry iow inces ror Cash, or i, ,V, :
balshcolu hiii ill mmtlilir lii.tii,1,,"',"'
octavo tlrstclass-Pianos fv, Bro' 1
or titi cash. Now rea, ly 'n H 1 ?'
the mint beautnul stylo 11.1 1 ,?0rrf l, ', if
lnai O. I llslr.lln.l i'i,..!......1'0'1 " 1 1
S3 p
"Heiii. . , M , wi,. -
Is thcro wnntofuctloninyonrl.lyerAN'u
Unless relieved nt once, tho blood been , a
pure by deleterious beoretlous, luiiluolui.
uluusor sum diseases, lllotches, I' clous, I ui'"
lluvo you a iiyspepiic bioiuuvu i y',, ,,,, i
T,,t..ju l IK '
Hon Is promptly aided tho system isu " . A
wlih loss of vital force, noi ei tyol lb"
ileal Tendency. General Wcuitiio.
Krom tnsUtust styles of Type at tlio