jjjf tot dfol RATES OF ADVERTISING. ! AND ifruni.isitKt) BVKIIY P1UDAY MORNINQ IK rltH UOLUMHIAH IlUII.DinU KKARTIII COURT ttOUSB, ItLOOMaSOUO, PA., BT CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, iDiton Awn rnorniTOB. finai-Tiro Solltri Tear pyM In adrtnet. JOB PRINTING iililficrlpllons eiecnted with neatness and 0,i dispatch at reasonable rates. Oolnmbia Oenntv Offioial Direotory. mtUUM Judoe-WlLLIAM KLWKLL. JlMOdo! Jl'e-1AK DKBH, HAAO B. MON- ' ;vilAono(arv, .-nuiol.rM II. Kisawn, fhoMrr t Sonlfr Wll.i.lAso II. J ACODT. niilrlct Attomtv-JAHW.lSnlBOB, Jrl. Khcriff AAIIOK RMITII. 7imureT William Lanon. (t'imf'nrierj oykus Hohmns, IIiham J. ni nr.ii. Wu.i.tAii HiiArrEK, (UmUtfoHfM' fJcrJ.-Wll.LIAM KltlCKnAUM, ,llil(rj-U. .1. OAMI'llKLI., DAMXL LKE. riiAlxMCoNNnu Jhit; mw(jJl(icT-lBAAO MoIIkidb, Jolia Mo ,..lil'. ... . t.ivh.r CoumV ANiicrimcnueni i , .11, o. . , n tr uittfn William Kkameii, Bloomsburg, and Johnson i !; t.i.r.n. Greenwood, en aiilis cohmkb. Hec'y. BloomBburg Offioial Directory. ti...... ..... T...,lMt ry, tMiN A. U'tTKHTOW Picsidcnt, II. II. Qbotti, Cashier. A'nlitmal Jlnnfc-CitAS. Il.PAXTOit.Pres't , J. P. TuaTiN. Cashier. CWiimMa County Alutttnlfftrtnonmil and iocii(fon-E. II. LirrLi, ITmH., O. W. Millbx, Be.n i. , n , it ... J, J. lir.owKK. president, c. u.iumuii dj. Oburoh Directory. rnBsiiYTKBtAN cnuncit. .V.'iiMm Rev. Bttiart MMchell. ttiMiuf A ScrrlCM-lOJi A. II.; "Ji T. M. tnbbath .SWioof 1 A. M. ymicr Jft (nff WnlnMdBy, 7H P. M. Hrati freo: lio im-s rented; strangers wol- come. Bloomsburg Directory. nAI'KIl DAGH Just received and for sale at tin j. Colujiuian OfBco. CLOTHING, 40. IAVID LOWKNBKIlfl. MnrchantTallor.Maln ) tt.,aljovo American Iloukc. " "(JliOOICS, WATCHES, AO. i V.. BAVAOE, dealer In Clocks, Watches and (J. Jewelry, Jlalu St., Justtclow tlio American 0013 IHIKNIIAHIi, Watch and Clock maker jueArtouthoast corner Main and Iron su. CATIICAHT, Watch and Clock Maker.Mar . kct street, bolow Main. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ii M. KNOnil, Dealer In Boots and Shoes, latest h and best styles, corner Main and Market hireclt, In Iho old Post OOlce. HKNltY KLEIM, Manufacturer and dealer In Hoots and Bhocs, Uroceries, etc.. Main street, hp. llllooinsbuiE. PROFESSIONAL. lt. H. C. HOWKIt, Burgeon Dentist, Main st.' ) abovo the Court House. DH. WM. M. UEHEIl, Surgeon and Physician. Ulllco over tho First National Bank. n a. HABKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. OSlce, 2d I, Hnorln Kxchauge Block, near tho "Exchanse lUitel." I B. McKELVY.M. D.,Burgeon and Physician J . norlhhlde Main mU, below Market. 1 U. ltUTTEK, M. D. Burgeon and Physician J , Market street, above Main. r I). llOBISON, Attorncy-at-Law, Olllce Hart- , man's building, Main street. 1) it. n. P. KINNEY. Hnrireon Dentist. Teeth I'xtracled without tialn: Main St.. nearly op- oklle Episcopal Church, r It. EVANB, M. D.. Burgeon and Phy6lclan, ,) kouth sldo Main street, below Market. Dlt. A. j. TUKNEIt, Physician and Surneon, of llco over Klelm's Drue Hloru, rcbldeiieo one door below Ilov. D.J. Waller. MI LLINEHY & FANCY GOODS. n 1'ETKltMAN, Millinery and Faucy Hoods, opposite Episcopal Church, Main st, IfiH LIZZIE BAHKLEY, Milliner, ltamsey butldlug Main street. MISS M. DEltlHCKBON, Millinery ud Kancy Ooods.Malnst., below Market. MltH. JULIA A. 4 HADE BABK I.KV. Liulles' Cloaks and Dross Pattern, srniibfasl corner M.iln and Weststs, mill: MIRSEB IIARMAN Mllllueiy and Kancy lUoods Main St., below American lloute, nOTELB AND SALOONS. POltK'B HOTEL, by T. Bent. Taylor, east end r of Main street. MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. U. MAUK, Dry Uoods and Notions, nouth- j W( west corner Main and Iron DOX A WEBB, Confectionery and Bakery, f wholesale and retail, Exchange Block. 1 1 C. IIOWEK, HaUond Cnps, Boots andUbocs, , Main st abovo Court House. T H. MAIZE, Mammoth Grocery, fine Oro (J. rcrles, Frulls, Nuts, Provision, Ac, Main and Centre Streets. MiKELVY, NEAL 4 CO., dealers In Dry Goods, (1 rncerles, Flour, Feed, Salt, Fish, Iron, Nails, :c.,N. E. cor. Main and Market sts. ft II. MILLER A BON, dealers In Dry Goods, O. Groceries, Quecnsware, Flour, Salt, Bhocs, Notions, otc.Malnst. MISCELLANEOUS. n M. CIUHRTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness U. maker, Bhlve's Block Main Street. OW, noBBINB.llqnordealersecond door from northwest corner Main and Iron sis. tl J. THOUNTON, Wall I'aper, Window Shades IV. and fixtures. Hupert block. Main st. Gl W. COltELL, Furniture Rooms, three story I' brick, Malu Btieet, west of Market St. 1 1 ltOSENBTOCK.Photographsr, over Bobbins Eyer's Store, Main st. I H. KUHN, dealer In MeAt, Tallow, etc., Chem 1' tcrlln's alley, rear of American House, QAMUEL JACOBY, Marble and Brown Htnne 0 Works, East Bloomsburcllerwlck road. WM. IIABB, dealer In furniture, trunks, cedet " willow ware, near the Forks Hotel. 1 II. niDLEMAN, Agent for Munson's Copper fj-Tubular Lightning Itod. ! FOSTER, White and Fauoy Tanner, and , dealer In Ice, Boottown. TOTE BOOKS, and blank NOTES, with or with I out exemption, for sale at the Columbian Ulce, Catawissa. r. uallman. Merchant Tailor, ueconu mi. .Bobbins' Building. DH.J. K. ROBBINB, Burgeon and Physician Becond St., below Main, GILBERT 4 KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, Main Street f 11. KIBTLEIl. "Cattawlssa House," North ' , turner Alain ami ihkmiuu oreeui. KEILER, lllllaril Saloon, Oysters, and Ico i ufeaiu in season jauiuni, M t injfTlllT ,1..l..n an..nlM...tini1l.. Dry uoods, Uroceries Ac. OUBQ.UEHANNA or Brick Hotel, B. Kosten J bauder Proprletor.south-east corner Main and M. 11, ABBOTT, Attorney at law, Main SL Light Street. H. V. OMAN 4 Co., WheelwrlghU, first door ujve ccuooi itouae. lOIIN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In l Unn i .ml uimj. RH. ENT, dealer In Stoves and Tin ware In all u branches. pETER ENT, Miller, and dealer In all kinds ol imrcliaVed" i,lour' AJl ku"U 0l0raln Bapy. '(' W. EDUAH, Susquehauua Planlcg Mil I 'and Box Man factnrlug. Buck Horn. M 4 0. w. 11, SHOEMAKER, dealers In dry ' goods, grocolerles and general merchandss , i -Mm'..' VOLUME VI. ---NO. 45. Orangeville Direotory, D II. HERRINU A linOTIIEn.Cftrpentcrsand . Builders, Main St., below Pine. B ItlCIC HOTEL and refreshment Saloon, by itnur iM'iienry cor.oi jiam nuu i-iuusu Dlt. O. AtMEUAUGEIl'liyslclan and Surgeon Main st.,ucxtdoortoUood's Hotel, D AVID HEUHINO," Flour and Grist Mlll.and Dealerln grain, MlllBtrect. JAMES II. IIAUMAN. Cabin ctMako) and Ub dortaker. Main St., below Pluu, SCHUYLER 4 CO., Iron fonnners.Machlnlsts and Mauufactuiers of plows, Mill St. SAMUEL B1I AUPLEsa, Maker of thellayhurst Uraln Cradle. Main St. WILLIAM DELONO Bhoemakcrand raanufac turer of Brick, Mill St., west of Pine Philadelphia Directory. "WAimVRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N, E. Corner Second and Arch streets, PniLAnxLPiiIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUPU, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOIhUE!) BICB, SPICES, HI CAItll BOHA, AO., M!. -Ordprs will rcc.lve prompt attention, may 10,C7-tf. gARVEY B. WALKER, WITH MEAR, SCHROPP & CO., lUrOUTZBM AHI) J01U1B1180 CHINA, 0LAS3 AND QUEEN8WAUE, No. 108 NORTH SECONDS!.. PHILADELPHIA. 3-0rlBlnal aisortcd packages of Quccnsware conutautlv on hand. Iub2l'72-tf. BnBiness Cards. H. LITTLE, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Omen Court-House Alley, below the Colum BIAN Ofiice, Bloomsburg Pa. Q B. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IJLOOMSnUHO, FA. Otfrrrir Pmirt Ilnnhn Allrv. in Ihn Co. LUuniAN building. Janl,'67. c. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofnco Court House Alley, below the Colum bian Office. Bounties. Back-Par and Pensions collected. Bloomsburg Pa. 8ep.20'67 JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE above Hower's Btoro, Main street, Bloomsburg, Pa, JJOBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Main Street below the Court House. Bloomsburg Penn'a. B. FRANK ZARR ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Olllco with J. G. Ficcze.Browcr's Block. Can bo consulted In German or English. luch:U7a-tf N EW STOVE AND TlXS SHOP. ISAIAH HAQENBUCU, Main Street ono door abovo E. Mendcuhall's Store. A large assortment of Stoves, Heaters and Ranges constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest rates. Tinning In all Its branches carefully attended to, and satisfaction Guaranteed. Tin work of all kinds wholesale and retail. A .rial is reqnested, Janl'71 jgLOOMSBURQ SI A R It L G WORKS. MAIN RTnilT, II r LOW IfAItKKT, BLOUMSBURU, PA. Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, 4c. Work neatly executed. Ordets by mall will recelvo special attention. N. II. Work delivered frcool charge. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor. octla'7i.tf. l'. 6. Box an. JgARGAINS BARGAINS. QUICK SALES AND SMALL TBOrlTU. SAVE YOUll MONEY. un to , 1 1.V II IT VIVI1T Enst Bloomsburg, Pa., for all kinds of the best home and city mauo fuiiaiiuim. Prices reasonable and the bertwork done. Jan I'7-tf Y'ULCAN WORKS, DA-NVlli 1' A. WILLIAM II. LAW, Manufacturer of Wrought Iron Bridges, Boilers, Gasholders, Fireproof Buildings, Wrought Iron Farm Galea anil fenclnc. Dl.a Wrnuaht Iron Pin ing, Slacks and nil kinds of Smith Work, Ac. uepairs promptly attenueu in. n it. uniwiugs uuh jitiuiuitH suiipueu. ocurj'7My. TERNnARD STOHNER Vould Inform his friends and the public that ho has taken possession of THE OXulD ST.3STID, in the Exchange Block, so lone occuDled bv him and will carry on the business ofn FIRST. CLASS BAKERY, He brings to the business an experience ot many rears auu assures me rammunity tiiaiuowiii urnlsh the bestof bread. cakes. rolls.blscult. Ac. fresh everv dav. He nromises also to keen on hand a largo and well assorted stock of FINE CONFECTIONERY, of all grades. French candles and those of do mestic manufacture, always to be had, wholesale and retail at lowest rates. Adjoining the Bakery and Confectionery is a well established MBTAURANT, where may bo found Ale and Lager, and Re freshments. Oysters In season and the various little delicacies v bleu suit the public taste. There is uisu n FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, ovnrtha rmifrctlnnprv tor ft. where ladles and eentlemoucuuobtalu tbe beat of Ice Cream In ae&son. A fair , La roof ihe rrnbllc cuHlom let reouested and no pallia will be tnarod to fnnro milnfac- ir... nt.rit ii n-i.tr EW DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Having purchased tho business of I.'. P. Ltati now oileisatthould stand. a tholcoassortmcu ui DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ART1CLEH, FANCY KOAl'S, I BRUSHES, Ac,, 4c, And n general assortment of the choicest goods usually found In outclass establishments, Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Carefully Compounded. On Sundays, open from 8 a. in., to 10 a. in., and jrums p. iu., tu p. in. i GERMAN AND iNULIHH SPOKEN. feu 072-tf Miscellaneous. JQENTISTRY. ii u. JiU r;t iJiviviitv, llv ofTorfl hid tirnfesnlounl rervlcen Lr Iho ladies ntid Rentlwiicn of ItlnoTiiftburgnml vl clnllv. Ho IB nrpnnird to nltctid to nil (lie vml ouHopprntlon In the Huts nf IiIh profpshloii, cintl In tirnvldml with the latest lmnroved Tohcklain Tkktii which will he InRcrtcd on cold p Inline liver nnd rubber base tn look nn well nnlhe .ml- urnltcpth, Teeth extrncteil by nil the new mid moRtiipnrovcd methods, find nil operations on tho teetfi carefully nnd proreily Attended to. lies uenca ana ouicn 11 lew uoors annve me Court House, fitime Mdo. uioomsuurg, jan,i ?i ir I NSURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming JiOU.tK, Aiiun 4,iKi,(ii' Orient .-. Mo.fOO Royal nf Liverpool 10,UOO,(CO Dnnvllle Mutual .. (y.OOII HprlURfleld 670.UOO uermauia, n. r bini.iiu International N.Y 1,109,78) Farmers' Danville, HUi,ii iiHucasicr v.ny... , , n'.o'.i Heine 2,10,100 FREAS BROWN. Avtnt. mi2l'"l ly, Bloousbubci I'a, H .1 INK LEY KNITTING MACHINE THE HI.Ml'itBT, CHFAl'l ST AND M KT IN UKHI HAS MIT ONE NEEDLE! A CHILD CAN RUN IT! IHFlgntd wicclnllr for (lie tire of fatnllltt,iiLd udlcs Mho ilcilic loknlt lor the inaikit. Will do cm ry stitch of the kultlliig iu n stocking, wldinlng nod unriowlngns luidlly as by hand. Aro ipltLtllit for voiktiils and fancy work, TAKING HVH UII'KII1.NT K1N11H 111' STI1C111 Ale iy uisy lo manage, nnd not liable to tel out of oldir. EMiy Family should havo one. Wo want an Agent In teiy town to Introduce nnd sell Ihcin.lo v.hom w e ( lit r Iho most llbeial Induce mcntH. f-'end tor our tMlruIarnltd hainitln Stocking. Address. JIINKLM JiNIlTJKU l A CII INK CI)., nov. 10.'7I-ly. Bath, Me. O. DO WER, as opened a first-class BOOT, BnOE, HAT CAP, AND Uli SlOliE. at tho old stand on Main 8troet,Bloomsbiirg,afow doors abovo tbe Court House, Ills Block Is com posedof thevery latestand beststyles ever otler- ml tn thn rll lxf.ns nl nnlnmliln f.tuitlv. llnnn accommlidato tho publ lo with the following goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled stogn boots, men's double and single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds, men's line boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots nud.shoes of all kinds, men's glove kid Balmoral Bhoes.men's, women's, boys's uu mioses- lasting gaiters, women's giovo Blu 'ollsh verv flne.wonien's morocco Balmorals nml calf shoes, women's very fine kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg ged and sewed. He would also call attention to his flno assort ment of ATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all the new and populai vari eties at prices which cannot fall to sol tall. These goods are ollered at the lowest cash rates and will be guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains are to be fonnd than at any other place In the county. Jan 171 THE ORANGEVILLE MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. MASCrACTCEEBS 01" AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of tho most Approved Patterns. 31 1 II fJcnriiifr, Jobbing1, nnd t'iihlliiKs of nil description1!. DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Lumber, Ac., Ac. ORANGEVILLE, PA. We would announce to the nnblla In ernpral that we havo taken the well known Aarlmltiir- nl Works of this place and shall make It nurnlm to manufacture First Class Agricultural Imple ments enual to any other makers In tho state. such as Threshing; machines, Both Lever nnd Tread Tower. Plows of every Description, among which will bo tho celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by nil to he tho best plow extant for tho farmer. Also tho Champion, Sterns' I'ntent anil The Illontrosc. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivator, Iron Kettles, and Castings of every description. Wo shall nso none but tho best materials and employ nono but competent and experienced mechanics nnd our prices will compare favorably with any other manufactur ers. Country Produce, Lumber, Old Iron, taken In exchange. Weal&obaven stoto In connection Willi our Acricuiutrai worus, wncre mav no found n full assortment of MERCHANDISE which will bo sold at small nrollts. Givo us n rati before purchasing clsewhcro and wo guar antee satisfaction. mircnrjTj-M-. Hotels. 1J1HE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY , COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho underslcned would Inform tho travelling fiuhllo that ho hus taken tho abovo named estab Ishmeutaud thoroughly refitted the same for the perfect convenience of his guests. His larder will bo stocked with tho best tho market atlords. The choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to uo luuuu in uis uar. William ritrm. Espv, l'a. 17 J. THORNTON Jtl. would announeetotho cltlzensof Blooms bum and vicinity, that be ha lust iccclvcda lull and complete assortment ul WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, nxTUBEs, conns, tassels, and all other eoods In Is line of business. All the newest nnd most approved patterns of the day are always to uo iouuu inuisestauusumenu rnar.S.'O'J-tf Main St. below Market. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL BETWEEN New York, Cork anil Liverpool. NEW AND FULL-POWERED STEAMSHIPS, OCEANIC. REPUBLIC. BALTIC. CELTIC, UH31AS11, linn lAnii;, AuiuAiiu ATLANTIC, HnHliiir from New York on HATUKDAYB. from Liverpool on THUUSDAYS. calling at Cork Harbor each way. From tho White Star Dock, Vavonla Ferry. Jersey City. Pnsscnger accommodation! (for all classes) uurivaueu, comuiuiug SAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFORT. Saloons, state-rooms, smoking-room and hath rooms In midship section, whcie least motion Is felt. Surgeons and stewardesses accompany Uiese steamers, it atvh Hulnon. 80 cold. Rteeroce. 230 eurren. cy. 1 hose wishing to send for friends from tho Old country can now outuiu steerage pnpuiu rfrtificntpfl. t'AS currencv. Passengers booked to or from all raits of America, Paris, Hamburgh, Norway, Sweden, India, Australia, cuina. se. llruttu from 1 upwards. vnr insiiectlon ol plans nnd other In formation mi apply at tno company a unices, no. rjuioauway. Kitw York. Jan. Ii, 1S71'. J. II, Bl'AltKH, Agent BLOOMSBUEG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1872. TUJi aiAMMOTII CmOCEllY : j. ii. iii a i i:, ., cornpr of Centre, Bloomg Mil I II st uurfr, I'd. Has an cxtcinlvo slocl: of FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, which ho ofleis to tho ptibllo at the very lowest OASES FRXC&S. HIsKooils nrelho hot Iu Iho market, mid are sold at rales so low Hint hocaunot sell on crctl. It, His plan M to havo first clas goods und soil for cash, FOR CASH AND CASH Bloomsburg, Oct, lllll, lf.72. ONLY. $500,000 In Bank. GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Postponed to December 7, ISl'i. rnitr. sucosn rmAnn (iikt concf.ut in Am of J tho l'ubllu Llbinry of Kentucky, announced lor Heptember 'Jstli. has been postponed to l)r erinlicr 7, 1B7H, becauso tho iiccumulatlnn of orders tho few days belorn the drawing mado It physically Impossible lo till them without n few days' delay, and us n shoil i nstimncnicnL wa In vvltilblc, It was determined to defer It to n tlmo thnt would luakn n lull ilrawlux mho by tho solo of nil tho tickets. Tho money necessary to pay In full nil tin' ollurixl gifts Is now upon deposit In tho Farmers' nnd Drov.rs' Bank, us will no seen by the Inf lowing certlllcato of the Cashier : Faiimciis' and Diiovr.ns' Hank. Louisvili.k, Kv Hept. vi), l7i. i This Is to certlly that thero in now ou deposit In this bnnl: over half a million ofilnllars In tho credit of tho (lift Concert lund. 5i0 W efwhlrh is held by this bank as Trensurti or tho Public Library of Kentucky lo pay oil all gins to bo uwnrdcdnt tho drawing. Jl. 0. VKACII, Cashier. 1,000 Prizes, ninouiitliiK to $500,000 i3sr a -a.sk:, will bonwnrdetl, tho highest prize being 81l)0,U0O SoO.mo, sffl.uw, nnd down in legulnr giadnllon to lloo, which is tho lowest. Tho drawing will positively nnd unequivocally tako placo December 7, Agents uro peremptori. ly r ciiulnd lo closo salcsnudmalto lettinm No vomber 'i. In order to givo nmplo tlmo for tho Until nirangomcnts. Orders for tickets ornppll catlous lor Glculars should bo atldressedto CV. T1ICH. E. 11KAML171TL', Public Llbrarv of Keiituckv. Oct, H-lm Agent Louisville, Ky QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. C. SLOAN A BROTHER Have on hand and for sain ntthn mnot vnarna- olo rates a splendid stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY" warranted to be madn nflhn lmci. .mi mn.i ,in,. able materials, nnd by tho most experienced nuiiiiMi-ii, jin worit sent, oui irom too estab lishment will bo found to bo or the highest class and sure to givo perlect satisfaction, They have also a fine assortment of SLEIGHS of all the newest nnd most lashlonable styles well nudcatefnlly made and of tho best mater- An lnsnf ctlnn of I hi. Ir wvlr la na . believed that non-j superior cun bo found In tho country. . ,.7I THE BEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST DUIIABLE PAINTS now In uso nro tho Montour Slate Paints. Tht v rovrr nnn.llilni mnr.) unrrfln tnc lid cost less thnn Wlilt r, I.ftlil llm lil.m. nf which they nro very genorally taking where economy, durability and neatness uro desired, jicur wnaiour i-racucai Painters says! ltnlveq mnirrrnt. nlrncnrn tnnuAn.nii SlaloPuluts-ns supplying a need wo havulonir en, and ovcrcomlnn n great difficulty, which lias long been acknowledged by nil practical Painters, namely tho oxidation of White Lead, by tho atmosphere, causing 11 lo crumblo or chalk ol). I am satisfied they will paint one-third moro surfaconnd in u belter manner than urn other pigment I havo ever uicJ. ... , . ,. UEO.C. GOULD. Kingston. Jnnniiv it??. Wu t hi etlully roueur In tho abovo opinion cx rcsstd by Mr. Geo. f. Gould. 11. II. VANNA1TA. A. W. MON RUE, , , II.F.HIOKS, llloomsbtirg, Pa. bi:.i run riucn list, anii sajiplk caisd. DUEIIER, REAY ft CO., sept. i,'7J:im, sola jminuiactuieiH, Rupert, Pn, III.ATCIILKY'S Itiilirntrd ('urutiilierlleoil Pump. Tasloless, inirublo, Etllcleut and Chenp. Tho best I'ump for tho least money. Attention is especially Invited to Blalch ley's I'aleut Improved Brack et and New li op Check Valve, which run ho wlihdrowu with out lemovlng tho Pump or dliturblug tho Joints. Also, tho Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, nnd will outlast nuy other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Ieud lor Catalogue and Pilce Llt. Cu as. u. Blatciii.iv, MTr. .001 commerces!., Phllnda.l'A DR. CARPENTER. 130 MULBERRY STREET, NEWARK. N. I. ' Is now treating succckslullv, Coiistimntion. Ilronr.IiKls. and nil diseases of tho Throat uud Lungs, with COMPOUND MEDICATED INHALATIONS. CONCENTRATED FOOD, AND , , COUGH SYRUP. During tho oast ten vears Dr. Carnaninr lino reated and cured thousands nr nup. nf ,t,n UbOVO named illseni.ru. nml ban nnur In ltlu ,.u. session ccrtlUcatea of euros from every part of uuwmmij, mo .uimiatiun 11 ureuineu uirecliy 11110 mo lungs, sootlilm; una neallni' nvnr nil Inttamed surfaces, entering Into tho blood, It Imparts vitality as It permeates to every part of imparts vitality as it permeates to every part of the system Tho sensation Is not unpleasaut and IllH 11 rut Itilinlntlnirmten i.lvt.u vorv ,IMI.U.I is not unpieasaul gives very decided relief, particularly when thero Is much dltllcully of breal htng. Under tho lutluenco of my reme dies, tho cuugh soon grows easier, tho night sweats cease, tho hectlo lleuh vanishes, aud with improving uigestinn me patient rapidly gains atrenuth. and lienlth Is ai:alu within his L'rusn. 1 no lonrenirsiru i con rapiuiy uuiium up tho most debilitated patient, presenting to tbe siomacti ioou 1111 rcnay to uo assimilated nud miiiiu into goou, ricit tieuitny uioou, '1 lie Cowrli Sirun Is to ho tnlcen at nlcht fnnlle. vlale iho cnuith mid enablo the natlcut tn obtain sleup J'utl tUrutims accotitpuiiy each loz 0 ,iy One liiliah ri linn llollle 0 1 Ulcralltc Inlialsut 1 One l..llln ii I k. l.-tr....n ............ ... v,'.. .1. ruiilM.llH .t.il.tuiir .llllilllllll 1 tllV Buttle or tntl Ihrinorrlisitlr Inliulsnti Ono ISiiltlet'onrrnlrsleil l'uoil) Ouo Bottle 10 I'oubIi Siruii. Price of Box coutalufug remedies tn last ono uinuiii, civ; two monins, lis: tureo mouths, !.l Bent to uuy address O. O. D. Pamphlets eon tnlnlug largo list of patients cured sent free, Letters ot luijuhy must contain ouo dollar to lu sure answer, Address, A. 11. CAiti'iiN ri;it. m. l).. Newark. N. J, Dr. CAlll'KNl'KU'a CATAltllH REMEDY will give irarncdlato relief, nud will (lit cm perma nent curu In llolll ono tu three mnnlhu. l'rlrn of remedy lo last ono mouth, 5j two mouths, .4, ll,D IUUUIIIB, flM vA.iet.u iu 1111 its lorms suceessiutiy treated. m'liu lur iisi 111 jiuiie'iiiM emeu, to A. H. CARPENTER, M. D., Newark, N, AGENTS LOOK HERE ! S w." For tho Now Splendidly Illustrated Edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE j Because It la the most fascinating nnd popular liootc 111 print, una l-xceis till la rem ru'curica una ..in ,)Wx. .Inst. nut. ills liaues. tinted raner. onlv fU.60cai.y wnrlh I3.UI. Is 11 Ureal 1111. tells quick uud last. Terms nf this and our new Do in. .kiln Hlhlim. far tho most cotntilelo snnei ol v 11- liiiitriit.il nml tiiKt.svllliii' fMlltion extant, also, 1I111 nPnrlipt. f 'mil million." wollll 110 to nuy book agent, sent Ireo. SVllto nt once. Ma lug whero yon saw this, tu llfBllARP illtOH., npr.VU-tr l'ubll(litlB,7il HamoniBI., l'hlla Hi Poetical. Tho Twins. From n beautiful lnkoln tho ji.nunlaln Two rlvulots camo down, With n tttstlo nnd llittter lllto ribbons of bluo By dellcato breezes blown, O'er beds of golden lustra Iu the shndowol rocl: and tree, They t-ang tho tama luncs with tholr silvery tongues An l clnpped their hands In gloe. O'er rocks with mosses mantled They eddied and whlrlcdlllce 11 waltzing pair, TIM hand In hand with laughter and leap. ' They mingled their misty hair. O'er tho self samo loJgca, Singing tho sclf-samo tunc, They passod from April to breezy May Toward the fleldsof June. Tliey whirled and danced nnd dallied, And through tho mendnwj slid. Till tinder the samo thick gra,ss nnd llowcin Their fuluro courso was hid, saw (wo bountiful children Of ouo fair mother horn, Llko two young clonjH of coldcn line TI1.1t smllo 011 the breast ol Moiu. Tlio inmo In ago nnd beauty, Tho same iu volco nud tlze Thoajmo bright hair upon tlinli ho,i!.i, 1 ho samebhio In IHslr ej en. Slnglrg tho same song over Inthuself-satno silvery tann. They palsed from April luta M ty, Toward tlio fields of June. , They whirled nnd dancednud dallied, ine uenuuiiu vales nmld, Till under ihtfsamo thick leaves and llowers Their fnturo courso wai.ltld. T, Buciiaxax Read. In Xoieiitbcr Galai;. Miscellaneous. I'L.mjitj.cAitns, Tho origin of piaylng-canl3 is velioil in obscurity. Tho moat generally credited opinion, bowovcr, is that they, as well as chess, cauio from tlio East ; but another and very plausiblo opinion is that they wero invented pos terior to tho tlmo of Charlemagne somowhero about tho year 1390 to divert Charles VI. of Franco, who had fallen into a melancholy mood from which it was linposiiblo to arouse dm. Breitkopf considers cuds to bo of Easton origin ; Bulletpronounccs them French ; Helncckeii regards them as German ; and tho Abbo Rino, tho Hon. Daine3 Barriugton.and tho Rev. John Bowlo, declare them Spanish. Among so many widely-diverso 'opinions, it is somewhat of a task to get at their truo origin, although His known that thoy havo always been used, from a very early period, by gypsies in telling for tunes, etc. Cards must havo been known in En- ropo early in tho beginning, although tiicy wero not genorally used till tho end of tlio fourteenth century. In tho Book of Accounts," by Charles Pou- part, treasurer to Charles VI. of France, mention is mado of tlirco packs of cards, which wero bought for tlio diversion of tho kintr, and which cost fifty-six 80I3 of Paris. As early as tho fifteenth century, card-making was a reguiarly-estab-Halted trado in Germany nnd Italy, and tho occupation was chiefly carried on at Nuremberg by women. Augs- burg and Ulm, together with Nurom burg, wero tho principal cities In which tills trado flourished. Gorman card makers sent largo quantities of cards to Italy ; but thoy wero declaied forfolt and subject to a penalty in Mil. Hoin- ecUon states that thoy wero sent in small barrels. Cards wero known in England in the middlo of tho llftconlh century, aud an act of Parliament was passod Iu tho third year of Edward IV., 11G3, pro hibiting their importion. Tho reason of this act was not, as might bo suppos ed, en account of tho ovils attendant upon tho uso of cards, but becauso im portation interfered with tho progress ofhomo manufacture. Macphersou, in tho "Annals of Com merce," says that King Charles I., in 1031, created a monopoly of playing- cards, purchasing them all of tho com- pauy, and selling them again at a much higher price. Tho earliest cards used for play wero btencilled. Tho earliest woodcut known was in M!3, and represents St Christo pher. Tlio oldest examples of suits aro: Hearts., bells, leaves, and acorns, used in Germany ; swords, cups, batons, and money, used in Spain, aud still used thero ; ttcur, trelle, piquot.and carrcau, used In France; theso corresponding to our hearts, club3, spades and diamonds. Tho face-cards also called court and coat card-) havo been dlstincuiahed from titno to time, with many din'ercnt names. I'oro Daniel tolls us that by tho Ffcucli,king of hearts was designa ted Charlemagno ; king of diamonds, Ciosar; king of clubs, Alexander; king of spades, David. Tho queem corres ponding to theso were: Queen of hearts Judith; queen of diamonds, Rachel; queen of clubs, Argltic; queen of spades, Pallas. Tho Jacks, or knaves, of this pack wero: Ofhearts.La Hire; of diamonds, Hector; of clubs, Lancelot; of spades, Hagicr. These wero tho. earliest. Next, in tho reign of Henry IV.. tho kings wero Solomon, Augustus, Clovls, and Constantlne; tho queens wero Eliza both, Dido, Clothlldp, and Pantalisca, wlilio tho knaves had no names, but wero distinguished merely by their costume, guln, iu tho time of tlio French Revolution, thero wero substituted, for tho kings, Mollcro, La Fontaine, Voltaire, and Rousseau; for tho queens, Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude; while- tho knaves wero four republicans. Ono Is a grlra-looklng ruffian, with a bonnet revgo upon his head, and a piko in his hand; tho second is n eoUller with a musket ; tho tilled uu artilleryman ; aud tho fourth n young man dressed In fanciful costume, also carrying i mus ket. Another pack gives for tho four kings, Solon, Cato, Rousfcau, and Brutus j for tho queens, Prudence, Justice, Union and Fortitude; for tho knaves, Han nlbal, llornlliu, P. Drclinun, nnd M. Scievnln, 00L. Thtro iu also n republican pack, do' scribed by Rclgnot, whero tho genii aro substituted for kings, tho liberties for quccns,ond tho equalities for knaves. Thofourgcnllnroof war, of tho arts, of pcaco, mid of commerce; tho liberties arc religion, tlio press, marriage, nnd tho trades ; tho equalities aro of duties, ranks, rights, and colors. Tlio acos of thin pack nro surrounded by (our fasces, placed lo.ango-wlso, carrying tho words, "La Lot, Rep. Franc,, " mid thp wholo colored blue. Also a pack from Now York gives, Instead of tho kings, Washington, John Adams, Franklin, nnd Lafayette; for tlio queens, Venus, Fortune, Cores, nnd Mluorva ; and, for tho knaves, four Indian chiefs, Also n pack called "Union cards," mado during tho lato war, glvc3, as Iho suits, stars, flags, shields, and eagles ; wlilio for tho king is substituted a colonel, for tho queen n. goddess of liberty, and for tho knavo n ma jor. A pack of geographical cards appear in tlm reign of King Charles II. of England, iu which the fifty-two coun ties of England mid Wnlw wero geographically described on tho cards. Tho heads of tho kings appeared on tho lops of tho cards, on which wero described tho counties Hereford, Mon mouth, Middlcsox, and Yorkshlro : tho queens on Durham, Huntingdon, Rail. nor, nnd W orcestershire ; nnd tho knaves on Anglesoy, Gloucester, Lei cester, and Scotland. Tho Italians havo a gamo called La Mancfitala, which is said to havo boon invented by Michael Angelo, to teach children arithmetic. Tlio puck has nlncty-soven cards. Louis XVIII. in 1818 granted n ii- cenoo for tho manufacture of cards, and a pack mado about this tirno has for tho kings Charlemagne, Louis IX,, Francis I., and nenri IV.; tho queens Illidegurde, Blanclio do Castile, Mar- guorltodo Valois, and Jeannod'Albrct; and tho knaves Roland, SIro do Join- villo, Bayard, nnd Sully. Theso aro given lit tho costume of tho period in which thoy lived, and according to their grado or profession. A pack of cards, mosUintcrcstlng to gastronomers, teaches how to carve. Hearts means flesh; diamonds, fowl ; clubs, fish ; nud spades, baked meats. Tho kiug of hearts presides over a fair loin of beef; tho king of diamonds com mands a turkey ; tho king of clubs dis penses a pickled herring ; while tho king of spades appropriates a venison pastry. Cards havo often been used for po litical purposes, and a pack mado iu Holland, during tho tlmo of tho stay of King Charles II. of England there, trongly satirizes Oliver Cromwell nnd tho Rump Parliament. Theso cards nro all ornamented with somo tlevico, and tho suits and numbers nro marked on tho upper corners of tho cards.havlng rhymes derogatory to tho Cromwellians and Parliamentarians. One, alluding to John Bradshaw, tho president of tho commission which senleneed Charles I, to death, is as follows: Brrulilmw, tho prcsldent.p rond as Iho popo. That loves upon klngi.nul princes to tram ple ; Now tho IIousols dissolved, I cannot but hope To seo such a prcsldcttt nindo an example Bradshaw, tho knavo, sent tho king to his grave, And on Iho bloodr-oynl did trample; or which tho next Lent, ho was made presi dent, And erelong ho'llbo madoanesample." "John Bradshaw was his name, How It stinks, how It stinks ! Who'll makowlth blacker fiuuo Pilate unknown. This worso lhan worst of things, Condemned tho best of klng-i, Aud wbntmorogulltyct brings Know 'twas his now Tho games which aro played with cards aro innumerable, and It would be useless, If not impossible, to mention them all. I will mentlou only a few of tho favorites. Beziquo and sixty-six aro tho favorite games played In Germany. In every beer-saloon or coffec.houso ono may seo parties playing cither ono or tho other of theso games. Picquet and baccarat aro tho pet games of Fr nice, whist of England, and euchre of America. Among our "Western g mblors, poker (or blufT) istho favorito. Sailors havo nn especial fondness or high, low, jack, and tho game, 'i'liis latter gamo Is also known by Uifi names of soven up, all-fours, and old-sledgo. As for such purely gambling games as faro, rouge cl-noivtvivgt-un, etc., theso aro almost universal. Appleton's Jour nal. Source of the Sun's Heat. A Xcw Theory. Tho source- of tho sun's heat is a prob Iem. Tliis heat Is so intense Iu degreo and so great In quantity as to bo aston Ishlng, Secchl attributes to tho eun a temperature of eighteen millions of do grcos ; Ericsson only four or flvo mill Ions, wlilio other philosophers put tho teraperaturo at tho vory lower figure, yot comparatively enormous. To illus trate tho amazing heat of tho solar orb, Ilerschel says that "If a solid cylinder of Ice, forty-flvo inlle3 In diameter and 200,000 miles long, wero plungod, end first, Into tho sun, it would melt In second of tlmo." This degreo of heat fii tho sun Is nretied from tho heat of tho sun at tho distanco of tho earth from tho sun. "No chemical comblna' Hons or combustions," saya Prof. Young, "such nswo nro familiar with could accouut lor It, so onormous is tho amount." Many theories havo been put forth to accouut forthohcat of thosun, butnono of them is satisfactory. Mayer propos ed that it derives its heat from tho in ccssant fall of meteoric matter upon it but this has been conclusively refuted "Williams suggested that tho sun ob tains its fuol from "a hypothetical mil vorsnl atmosphere, through which tho sun and his attendant planets move;" but this, also, Is untenable. Another theory is, that tho beat Is derived from tho condensation of tho sun, which Is said to bo'dccrcnslng In fclzo ; but thero is nothing to bustaln this theory, Thero Is no reason to bellovothat thero is any Ices or any moro heat derived from tlio sun uow than nt any former period, Tho earth at ono time hud cer DEM. - VOL. XXXVI - NO. 38. tainly a much higher tcmporaturo than nt present, but that was tho result or In tcrnal and not of solar heat. It is a peculiarity iof tho sun's hdat that na wo pass upward through tlio at- inasphero toward tho sun Its rays bo como loss nnd loss powerful, so that at a comparatively slight olovatlon wo reach n region of otortul froit nud biio w. Thero Is no heat upon tho moon, though ita surface is exposed to the rays of thosun, as Is evident from tho fact that tlio shining of tho moon 1m parts no heat to tho earth : on tho contrary, so high an uuthorlty an Prof. Tyudall considers tho rays of tho moon to bo cold. At thp samo.tlmp wo uro tp remember that tho moon has no atmos phere. Now, let us put several considera tions togothor nnd seo what wo havo. No sourcoof heat is moro certain and invnrlablo than friction. Wo seo tho heat-prodaclng results of friction every day, on every hand. Light flashes with h velocity of 183,000 inllai In n second. What an lneoncelvablo dejtreo ofrapldlfyl A flush of light would go qulto nround tho earth seven times in a slnglo second. A ray of light a quiv er, a vibration from tho sun Sashes down through tho vast fields of either and enters our atmosphere. What Is tlio result? Intenso frlctlou with tlio ntom3 of tho atmosphcro : and when tho ray of light ha.3 reached tho earth it has becomo heated. Tlio sun Is a lu minous body ; wo havo no reason tobo llevo that It Is an lntcnsly heated ono. On this slmplu theory how easily theso various phenomena cm bo under stood. If tho sun is nhot body, and If it3 rays aro heated when they But out upon their Journey to tho earth, tho temperature should not grow loss as wo ascend through tho air toward tho sun ; It should remain the samo, to say tho least, at nil acce3slblo heights. But as wo ascend through tho air tho rays of light which wo encounter havo met with less reslstanco In their flight ; es pecially, thoy havo not been called Into conflict with tho denser stratum of air near tho surface of tho earth, and con sequently, thoy aTo loss heated. Tho absonco of an ntmnsphcro upon the moon will account for tho coldness of that satclllto ; for lo say that n hot body will radl tie u iMJrays Is tho height of absurdity. Just hero, however, tho question may occur, why, if heat U derived from tho friction of tho sun's rays wllh tho at mosphcro, does not tho friction of tho moon's rays with tho Rnmo- atmosphore prodnco heat ? That question is easily answered ; tho sun Is a sclMuminou3 body, tho moon is not. Thero must be, ns thero unquestionably Is, a very wldo constitutl differenco botwoen thocharac- ter of tho rays proceeding from thosun and thoso proceeding from tho moon a differenco established by'llim who, "In tho beginning," mado tho sun, a self-luminous body, "to rulo tho day," nnd tho moon, a merely reflect! vo body, "to rulo tho night." But it may bo questioned that tho friction of tho sun's rays with tho at mosphcro can bo sufficient to produco tho degreo of heat that wo find in a sun beam ; and especially, that its flight through n fow thousand additional feet of air can causo tho differenco in its temperature on tho top of the moun tain and at the lovel of tho sea. "Wo know that tho effects of friction nro wonderful. Wo draw a match it fuw Inches across a hard surfiico, and frlc tlon ignites it. A man allows a ropo to slip rapidly throutrh hit bunds, and friction burns ihu 11 nil from them. A railroad oar runs a (ow miles without having ils wheels properly lubiicated, aud so much heat is evolved as to set tho car on fire. A meteor In Hying through spacoata comparatively slow rato of peed, is drawn into our atmosphcro, and causes it to tako Uro and burn. If very small it is consumed in tho uppor regions, nnd leaves only tho luminous trail ofn shootingstar. Ifof very largo slzo It may swcop along at a high ele vation, or plungo directly toward tho ground. Becoming highly heated in its course, It sheds n vivid light, while, unequally expanding, It explodes, throwing on" largo fragments which full to tho earth as aerolites, or eontln- uo their separate courso as motoors." When causes bo comparatively trifling aro followod by effeets so striking, what may not bo tho result of a ray of light flashing down through tho atmosphcro nt tho rato of 183,000 miles iu a sec ond I In tho discoveries of tho spectroscope, however, thero may seem to exist an objection to our theory of "tho sourco of tlio sun's heat. Tho spectroscope Is a modern Invention. Without going in to any description of this Instrument or discussion or spectrum analysis, suffice It to say that by means of this Ingenious apparatus tho cxistonco of iron, magnesium, ttodium, hydrogen, and sovoral other elemonts, In astatoof combustion in tho sun, havo been dls covorcd. But it docs not follow that thero Is necessarily that dogreo of heat in tho sun that philosophers havo at tributed to it. Tho luminosity of tho sun must depend upon something ; why not upou tho combustion of hydrogen Irpn,etcV It Is almost certain, from tho facts already discussed, that tho warmth of tho sun's rays iocs not do pond upon tho heat of tho sun, but up on their friction with tho atoms of tho atmosphere Much of tho solar light which illuminates tho earth does not como directly from tho sun, but Is tho result of tho dispersion and diffusion of tho sun's rays by'tho reflection of tho atmosphero ; In llko maimer tho genial heat which wo derlvo from tho sun'i rays may bo attributed indirectly to tho vitalizing envelope that surrounds tho rolling sphere. T. J. Chapman, Tho Key of Death. 'Tho following singular tradition is re lated of n key in a collection of curios ities preserved In tho uiscnal nt Venice : About tho year 1000 ono of thoso dan gerous men, tn whom extraordinary taent Is only tho fearful sourco of crlrao nnd wickedness beyond that of ordinary One Inch, (twelve llnM nr lit equivalent In Nnnparoll type) otio or Iwolnsorllous, I UK) three inaorUona, $W 'ui'ACE. lit. 2M. 8M. 0 lr. Olio Inch iim 13.00 11.00 JO.OO 110,00 Two Hidden ... S.I0 ItOO 7.IIO (1,00 15,0 Throe Inches 6,11 7,X) 11,00 Iz.lM IS 00 Four InclKJi 7,11 (,00 ll.nn 17,00 'iifln quarter column...... 10,w 12,0) H,ui so.oo i,oo llair column.........l5.oo lxjeo 20,uo m,uo w.m One column .30,00 86,00 40,00 00,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator'' Notice, 13, W Auditor' or Assignee's- Notice, WO. Local notices, twenty cents a lino. Curd In Iho "rittslnes Directory" rolnenn, 12,(41 per year for the nrm two lloei, and tl OOfor each additional line. men, camo to rslabltsh himself ns a merchant or trader In Venice. Tho stranger, whoso namo was Tebaldo, !? camo enamored of tho daughter of nn ancient house, already affianced to an other. Ho domandod hor hand in mar riage, and was, of courso, rrjoctod. En raged nt this, ho studied how to bo ro venged. Profoundly skilled In tho mechanical arts, ho allowed himself uo rost until ho had Invented tho most fur mldablo weapon that could bo Imagin ed. This was a key of largo slz?, tho han dle of Which was so rnHtructO(l that it could bo turned round ith little difll cuity. Whon turnoditd' -closed nsprlng, which, on pressure, launched from tho other end a ncedlo or lancet of such fine ness that it entered tho flesh and burled Itself thoro without leaving any exter nal trace. Tebaldo wallod at tho door of tho church In which tho maiden whom ho loved was about to receive, tho iiupthtt benediction. Tho aisassia sont. Ihn slen der steel tinporrolvcd Into tho breait of tho unsuspecting bridegroom. The woundi'd man had no suspicion of In jury, but, Holz'3tl With sharp nnd sudden p un In tho mid-it of the ivrnmony, ho filnleil, nnd was curried to his own Iioihi- amid tho lamentations of tho brbliil parly. Vain win all tin; skill of the physicking, who could not d I vino tho causo of thlsstratigo llliics-t, and 111 a fow days ho died. Tebaldo again demanded tho hand of tho young maldan from hor p.iroiils, and rccelvlngnsccond refusal, thoy, t'K), perished miserably In n fow days. Tho alarm that those dciUis, which appear ed almost miraculout, occasioned, ex cited tho utmost vigilance of tho magis trates ; and when, on close examination of tho bodies, tho small instrument was found In tho gangrened flesh, terror was universal ; every ono feared for his own life. Tho maiden thus cruelly orphaned had passed the first month of her mourn ing In a convent, whon Tebaldo, hoping to bend her to his will, entreated to speak to her at tho gate. Her reply was most decisively in tho negative. Tebal do, besido himself with rage, attempted to wound her through tho grato, and succeeded. Tho obscurity of tho placo provented his actions from being obsorved. On her return to her room the maiden felt it pain in her breast, nnd uncovering sho found it spotted with a singlo drop of blood. Tho pain increased ; tho sugcons who hastened to her assistance, taugnt by tho past, wasted no tima In conjec ture, but; cutting deep into tho wound ed part, extracted tho needle before any mortal mischief had commenced, and saved tho life of tho lady. Tho state inquisition used overy means to discover tho hand which dealt theso insidious and irre3lstabIo blows. Tho visit of Tebaldo to tho convent caused suspicion to fall hoavily upon him. His housu was carefully searched, tho famous in vention discovered, ami ho perished on tho gibbet. Stago Fright. A manager says : I onco "sent on" a young medical studont in the charac ter of a lover who had to make a de claration, bo accepted, bo surprised by rival, challenge him on the spot, declare ho would not stir till this green sward was stained with tho blond of ono if not of both, ordering parenthotl- eally pistols for two at onco and cofrVo r ono In ten minutes, and, in fact, go irough tho greatest amount of bom bast compressible into a short tlmo Of courso tho lovo making was to bo of nt most high flown character. "On" 10 wont, and at the eight of thcaudtunoo ami tho lady seated at her work taliln. subdded into a very abyss of fear. Instead of running frantically tn- wunN tho object of his afTectlons, fling ing himself upon his knees nnd bursting into a tremendous rhapsody as ho ought havo done, ho simply stood, and looking at hcr,twistlng his hat feebly in his hands. Not ono word could he sny, but In dead sllcnco crept ncro.-s I tin st.igo, slowly took up a chair, otlWi'd in sit down, looked behind him to maUo suro If tho chair was readily In Ils place, sat down on tlio extreme edgo nf it, looked at tho ground, rubbed his knees slowly, nnd now aud then glutj ced up at his intended brido much as u dog looks up when It has stolen some thing uud looks if it is going to bo whip ped. Tho audience was In ecstacles. They all thought it was pure acting, aud tho part was that of a bashful lover. Certainly any ono who could act half so woll ought to mako his fortune. IIo had been in possession of the stage somo soven or eight minutes without speaking a word, when happened hjs mouth onco or twice, rubbed Ids tneiy again, and at last said In a broken und husky voice, "How's your mother ? A perfect shriek of laughtor burst from tho audlenco, and gave tho opportunity for gutting him off the stago. Thu rival rushed forward, pounced on him, hauled him off by the collar, flung him solf on his knees, did all tho rhapsody himself, and wo had to patch up tho scene as wo best could. . Although so comploto a failure on the part of tho In dividual, tho scene was tho best of tho evening, and Is well remembered to tho present day. Tho following bear story is related by tho Bangor (Malno) Corameiclal: "A few miles from tho Katahdin Iron Works is a log cabin in which somo meat was btored ; but a largo bear who happened round1 fearlngitliat It would spoil boforo cajon, thqught ho might as yc11 have a taste far hliASolf. Accord. Ingly ho cautiously approachQd tho huj nnd tried to push the door opon, (bujt fulling In this ho went to tho window, which wero closed by shutters, nud removed ono from each Bide of tho oabln, for tho solo puryoso no doubt bf making sburo his retreat, for if for If attacked from ono window ho could then Jump from the other and so Cbcape. IIo then went and took a piece and departed aa ho came. This game was so cleverly iierforincd thnt tho ownors of tho cabin, who wero con cealed In tho bushes mar by, let tho old fellow depart In pcaco."