THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, iBLOOMSBUlia COLUMBIA COUNTY,PA. The Columbian Friday, Nov. 1, 1S78. PRANK COOLBY," AB8IBTANT JIDITOlt. Railroad TImo Table. I AlKAWANNA HI.C-OMSllUnU It. It. North. Houth. Mt ftfSA M. liWI'fM. Xi'c.lninmbitlmi I!' j. spurn (i:MIP. M, 0:32 Ai li ( TAW It' HA It. It. FROM IIUI'P.UT STATION. UmimNotUi. 0,'!,!'!J"m,1" i:W 1". M. , Hilt A. M. LOCAL Tin-: crop of clioslnuls tlilrf year Is tin lirctctk'iitly lnro. TlmnkSRlvInK Day thlj on llii'2Sth of November. year comes Foutt and tlneo tenths Inches of rain foil durliic Wednesday, Thursday nnd Friday last. Fiiom utul nftrr the lHof November It will ho lawful to shoot rabbits until thu Janimry foUowlnp;. Clov. Qkahy liaa npiioliilcil Amlrow F. Rti-sel of Danville Assoclato Jud(-C, vice I'oler J. lltiglieg, deceased. Fr-ulrreLj never wore fatter or moro plenty thivt they aro this Fall. Hunting them furnishes raroand prolltablo sport just now. 'I'm: real cslalo of Peter .Strieker lato of ( atawtaa, deceased, was sold on tho mtli of October to John and Franklin Strieker for $1,515. Tun Jrcelmulcs of Llcht Street recont ly hold a mooting itud adopted tho ready pay system. This is a movo In tho right tlircctlon.'ind should bo generally adopt cd. Credit is tho bano of our country. Tho a rant parly nro running tho can vas on ptiroly' commercial principles. Votes nro mado n cash transaction. Without monoy nnd bribery tho concern would not last a week. Qkneual Banks, who has been feel ing tho pulso of tho peoplo out West, snys, on his return to Now England, "No human power can defeat tho Lib eral cause." Wu liavo been requested to state that Samuel lltmby has rcllltcd his Hotel at Jcrsoytown and Is now pro pared to entertain guoats with ovcry comfort and convenience. Jr you want agood and cheap County paper, sul:cribo for the Columbian. It U brimful of news mid miscellany. Rally around tho old Hag. CoNict.i.S'O admits (hat the nmtlt of tho Oflobor election by no moans ren ders tho cleclloir-of Orant a certainty, and adds., "Our hardest work Is yet bo ron) U3." KKi.toiotM. Tho diamond hai n powerful attraction for light, but It pos sesses llkowlso tho noblo quality, to rellcct in return all It drinks ami much moro In its splendid radiation. Llko tho Bced, which wo entrust to good mother earth, It drinks tho nourishing milk of tho elements only to roturn it greatly purllled and multiplied. Thus wo drink tho beams of lovo and all'oc tlon only to rellcct them llko tho Bpark ling diamond, with magnified lustre. And is not tho diamond beautiful? Yet If wo do so wo nro still moro beau tiful. H. Z. CoitN Husks. Tho husks of corn oro well worth tho troublo of paving. When dried and torn into strips they mako excellent mattrcsscss, clean una sweet, nnd very soft and elastic. Plaited Into n ropo and wound round a central point, they mako serviceable door mats, tho manufacture of which will furnish pleasing and useful Urcsldu employment for many a stormy day when outsldo work is impossible, or for tho long ovo- nings of winter. They aro worth sav ing for thoio purposes alone. Tin: drcloral ticket in opposition to tlrant was nominated by tho Democrat ic convention at Heading. It Is compos ed of Democrats. It ought, bo supported by every Democrat, Till! llKUWIClC Il6liT,INO' MlMi Tho works of tho Berwick Kolling Mill Company of this town went into operation on Friday tho 17th Inst. Thcro aro at present in working con dition live puddling furnaces and two beating furnacos.capablo of making ton tons of finished iron from tho pig per day. When tho mill is entirely finished Tins vigorous and manly address or ... bQ tcn udalinK furnncra nm v National Democratic Committee Uim) heat1B JllrnaceSi furnishing a III will bo found in nnother column. Wo commend it to tho attention of our rea ders. "Am, that I am In tho world," said Mr. Lincoln, "tho Presidency and all else, I owo to that opinion of mo which tho peoplo express when they call me Honest Old Abo. Now, what will thoy think of their honest Abo when he ap points Simon C.tmeronto bo Ills r.iniillar adviser?" A goad many ofllco-holdors complain that tho business does not p.ty in th.s) days of doublo and extra assessments. "Voluntary contributions" for election purposes come ns easily as ilouht.-1 oth under tho inspiration of a pair i.l" pincers without chloroform. And the Mr.iciion is perfectly lovely, except to tli n con cerned in tho operation. Tin: Democrats of Bcmn'mi, I'.i. in capacity of twenty tonsofbar Iron when running on pig iron and thirty tons per day when working part fcrap iron. F.vorythlng started oil' smoothly and without tho least mishap. Tho mill Is now furnlsliing uar iron lor mo car works of tho Jackson it Woodin Manu facturing Company, and wo understand thcro aro now on lllo largo orders from this company. Tho iron which wo havo seen is a ilno samplo of merchant iron, and wo aro told by cxpeits that tho marketalfords no better. Tho machinery which propels tho mill works to entire satisfaction. There aro two englnes.ono of fifty and anotherof two hundred and fifty horso power. Tho largo engine drives tho roll trains and tho alligator and rotary squeezers. Tho small ouo runs tho fan, shears and pump. Water In amplo and oven superabundant quantity is supplied by a steam forco pump rrom a well soventy foot deep. and todecldowhotherltshall bo repeat cd within their own borders.) For tho first tlmo the system of frco government and tho sanctity of tho bal lot nro really on trial In tho United States. From this hour forwnrd tho preservation of tho franchlso in lis In tegrity dwarfs all other issues. Lot our friends In oachof IhoStntcs catch inspiration from tho heroic con duct of our follow-clllzons in Georgia and In Indiana j nnd from now till No vember let their strugglobo mnnruinnu unceasing for liberty and an untainted ballot-box, for llcform and an honest Administration of t ho dovornmont. Augustus SoiikMi, Chairman National Democratic Com. The Next Legislature. Senate, Republican majority..., House, llepubllcan majority..., ,. 3 ,.20 creased their majority largely in tho Tho mill is well arranged,)! all its parts and Us successful starting augurs well for tho future success of tho undertak ing. Tho enterprise is well under way and in tho hands of first cla"s business men. M. W. Jackson isthoPrcsident of tho company, Gcorgo 15. Thompson, tho Vieo President and Treasurer, and is. F. Crispin, jr.,tho Secretary. In a word tho citizens of our borough nro proud of their now iron works, and adding this concern to tho extensive establishment of tho Jackson & Woodin Manufactur ing Company, and tho works of Freas Bros, it Thornton, and tho now firm of Newtoit Jackton & Michael, Berwick expects to give our largo towns a closo race by tho tlmotho census takers mako their next rounds. Independent. Adilrrss of tiio Xattoual Koinocratic Coin- nillti'O to till! People or the rolled Slates. Tho October elections are over. Tiiey etiablo us to form a tolerably accurate idea ortho true MliiuMon of tho country. In Georgia wo havo to recount a vic tory for the Liberal ticket .so unexam pled a-i to tako her out of the-list of recent election. In tho election for Gov ernor In lSOO Packer, Dimmer it, had 202 majority. At thoelcctio-i on ilieSth lust. Buckalow had 1,00!) iinjiilty, Seranton was ono of the ii'.u-m that could not bo boushtunby th I! trip ron Hlng. CouNTP.itiT.iT twenty-five and fifty cent stamps aro said to bo in extensive circulation. If any of our readers who owo for their papers have go my sus picious currency they will bo told. whether it is good on calling at this ollk'o. We nro not quite certain whether it would not bo as well to take oaiuti r felt money as to have none at u'l. Wi; aro informed that gold has been found near Shickslilnny in tho richest kind oi a vein in connection with silver and copper. Wo havo not f,een any of thoprteloiH metal nor havo wo seen any ono who has, but tho story Is a good one. There will not bo a largo amount taken out though there may ha some people taken in. TiiuitK is an election In South Caro lina to dav Tor Governor and other Mat o diners. A Treasury King lorced tno nominal isiuie., aim pmciiciuy i) pr nomination of a corrupt man who was a inemner oi it, and tho nouosi uepun llc.ins of tho State nominated an inde pendent ticket. Tho light is between tno regular King and tiio ooiting nu formers. It U to bo hoped that thu lat ter will win. Jvcst. Yes, Mr. Forney, It was "to bo hoped" that tho honest Republicans would win, but they didn't. Thu scoun drels In South Carolina WOro as power- notinco in advance thu decision oi ai least 125 votes In tho College. To this number it Is only necessary to add fcixly votes to elict Gr'ileynnd Brown. In Pennsylvania tho distinguished Chairman of tho Liberal Commllteo has eloquently characterized tho methods by which tho result of tho election there was accomplished. Wo commend his ful as those) In Pennsylvania at tho lato hlUcmcnt to tho thoughtful attention ol election and carried tho .'state. And yet ml.lrv you support tho leaders of tho party In which such political ra-c.tllly is prac ticed. Your de-dro for reform Is cer tainly not very strong. XoivTit Mountain. Wo havo Just returned from a visit to this popular ro.son. SIneo our last visit thero Impor taut r.nd desirable changes li.ivo been made. Additional boats.clty built, havo been pl.icod upon tho Lake, n walk cut out along tho shore to tho outlet, and seats provided at that point. Tho lawn stretching from tho Hotel to tho water's edge has been graded, and tho grovo In Ohio, ilonpllo most unprecedented gains for tho Liberal-Democratic ticket tho Grant managers hnvo carried tho election by a rcducL-d majority, having brought to tho polls their entlro reserve vote. Had our Democratic friends In certain localities of that great common wealth shown the samoenrnestnes ant activity ,and enabled us llko our enemies to rceordourentlrostrength,they would now bo exulting over a brilliant victory In Indiana tho Democratic and Liberal forces havo achieved a most important success over Pennsylvania tactics mos cleaned out. A fino paling fence encloses unscrupulously employed by tho Ail tiio grounds which aro being rapidly beautified. Tho stones urobelngromov cd tho ground broken up, nnd fruit nnd ornamental tiees hnvo been planted In abundance. As tho soli is excellent ahundaiit crops will undoubtedly bo secured. Tho Hotel Itself has been thor oughly repaired. A, fino porch has been constructed in front, anil a Billiard Tablo has been put up In nn appropriate room. Now beds, bedding, and other furnlturo havo been supplied, bo that tho Hotel Is completely equipped. Tho old misnomer "Long Pond" has been dioppedand tho moro appropriate namo of Highland Lnko substituted. Col. Hlcketts lias also constructed a first class trout pond, and In duo time will stock tho lake with black bass. Ho has a forco of men constantly at work, and will spare no effort to maku tho plaeo the llmsl hummer resort In tho State. Decl are its abundant as over, hut owing to tho absence of beech nuts and ucorns this teiiBon, small game Is bcarce. With Improved roads and u gootl landlord Highland Lako cannot fall to become popular, nilstratlon and Its allies, showing thus that a frco people when aroused know their rights and dare maintain thum Indiana has fairly demostrateil thatsh can neither bo "bought nor bullied. Tho moral of theso results is that vie tory is still In plain vlowforour nation al ticket, and that energy and courago will assure It. That victory must bo won. If wo mean to preserve frco Insti tutions on this continent wo must assure it. Tho ovent in Pennsylvania, on Tues day last, when considered in its entws, is tho most appalling political catas- tropho that has ever taken place In this country. Should tho system through which this catastrophe was brought about bo condoned by tho people nud foisted on tho other States, it seals the doom of freedom In America. A sad contrast it is surely that the city In which our republic was born amid tho anthems of a frco people should now bo tho first to toll tho knell of Its liberties. It is for tho free, tinbouglit pcoploofnll tho Slates to calmy rovlow tho fearful erlmo against sufirago In Pennsylvania, llepubllcan majority, Joint ballot...23 Below wo present a comploto list of tho mombcrs of tho Sonato holding over and thoso recently elected. MEMI1H1U) OP TIIK SENATE 01-' PENN SYLVANIA, SESSION OF 1873. Philadelphia , , 1st District.!. B. Alexander, II. 2d District Ellsha W. Davis, It. -3d District David A. Nnglo, D. Mi District A. K. M'Cluro, L. B. V Chester and Dclawaro W. B. Waddel, It. VI Montgomery Klcct In 1873. VII Bucks nudNorthampton Jes3o W. Knight, D. VIII Berks-J. Depity Davis, D. IX Lancaster John B. Warfcl, F. X Schuylkill Win, M. Ilandall, D. XI Lehigh.and Carbon Edwin Al briiiht, D. XII D.niphln and Lebanon J. G. llellman, K. XIII Luzerne, Monroo and Pike Francis D. Collins, D.J G. II. Rowland, D. XIV Bradford ,Susquohannti,AVayno and Wyoming Lafayetto Fitch, It. XV Columbia, Montour, Lycoming and Sullivan T. Chnlfant, D. XVI Cameron, M'Kcan, Potter and Tio!a Butler B. Strang, it. XVII Snyder, Perry, Northumber land and Union Andrew II. Dill, D. XVI II-Cllnton, 'Cambria, Clearfield and File Wm. A. Wallace, D. XIX Cumberland anil Franklin James M. Weakley, It. XX Adams and York William M'Sherry. D. XXI Bedford, Fulton. Blair nnd Somerset J. A. Lemon, It. XXII Centre, Juniata, Mlillln and Huntlngdon-D. M. Crawford, D.; 11. Bruco Petrlkin, D. XXIII Allegheny Jauios L. Gra ham, It.; Gcorgo II. Anderson.K.; Miles S. Humphreys, 11. XXIV Indiana and Westmoreland Harry White, It. Fayette and Greene W. II. Playford, D. Beaver, Butler and Washington James S. Butan, It. Clarion, Armstrong, Jelfersou and Forrest D. M'Clny, It. Lawrence, Mercer, and Venango S. M'Kinley.R. Crawford Gcorgo B. Delamater, It. Krio and Warrcn-a. H. Cutler, It. RECAPITULATION. Republicans 18 Democrats 11 Liberal Republican 1 Republican majority 3 MEMllEUS OP THE HOUSE OP P.EPRE HENTAT1VES, SESSION OP 1873. Tho following is a complcto list of tho members elected to tho general assem bly, viz : Philadelphia 1st District, George Handy Smith, R.; 2d District, R. C. Tittermnry, K.; ;id uistrict, Hamuei Josephs, D.; -1th District, William Elliott, It.; 5th District, J. Welsh, Ind., (Jth District, Charles A. Porter, R.; 7th District. J.M'uullougli, K-;Stii District, Samuel Daniels, it.; Oth District, Wil liam 11 vodges, K.; iutn District, Sam uel D. Dailey, D.; 11th District, J. 11. Hancock, R.; 12th District, 11. Ash, R,; 13th District, Samuel D. Strock.R.; 11th District, John Lamon, It.; 10th District, Adam Albright, R.; ICth Dis trict, A. D. Loveriug, R.; 17th District, 11. Darns, It.; IStli District, J. iNeweli, R. Adams-W. S. Hildebrand, D. Allegheny Pittsburg, 1 District, II. II. M'Cormick, R; 2d District, S. J. Wainrlght, R. ; J. C. Ncwmyor, R. ; A. B. Young, It.; J. D. Ramsey, It.; llydo . sample, k.; j . w. uauantiue, xu Armstrong Philip K. Bowman, R. Beaver, Butler and Washington J. Cross. R.-. W. S. Waldron. R.; D. M'Kee, R.; J. Allison, R. jicuioru and r uuou J. t. u-eynouis, 1). Bcrks-M. M'CullouL-h. D.; B. K Dry, D.; John A. Conrad, D. Iilalr S. K. iU'Uune, u. Bradford B. S. Dartt, R.; 12. R. Moycr, It. JiucKs sainuoi Darran, u u, n. liegeman, D. UamDila saniuei itenry, it. Cameron. Klk and Jellerson D. 1'. Bainl, 1). caroon and Monroe Mellaril a. sia ilcs, D. Coal roJ. 11. Orvis, I). Chester Levi Trizer, It; K. W. Bailey, R. Claiion and Forest J. B. Lawson, D. Clearfield John Lawshe. I). Clinton, Lycoming anil sullivan Amos C. Noyes, 1).; If. W. Potrikiu D. Columbia Charles B. Brock way. D. Crawford F. Bates, R. Oliver, It. Cum borlatul-M. Williams. D. Dauphin and Perry Andrew K. Black, R-; Isaac S. schminkey, It.; Joseph Shuler, I!. Delaware u. uuiiaru. u. Krio U.H. Wilcox. R ;W. W. Brown K. Fayette Uamuel II. Smith, D. Franklin Thad. M. Mabon, R. Greene S. llagan, 1). Huntingdon Franklin II. Lane, R Indiana D. Ramsey, R. Juniata and Mlfilln-G. Bates. 1). Lancaster A. 11. Mylan, It ; David K. Bnrkholder, R.; II. H. Tshuily, R. Lawrence U. v. M Cracuoii, . libation W. Kaiill'man, R. Lthlgh-B. Ilousmau, D-i R.Stlckel 1), i.tizprno E. P. Klaner. D: Patrlcl l)ihiev. D.: Peter (iuiu'ley, D ; B. D Kooiis,D. Mereer Nathan Moiford. It. Montgomery G. E. Nyce, R.; Olive (1. Mnrr s. D. Northampton M. (1. Slier, D.; R. C, 1 yie, D. Northumberland and Montour J Ainnriimn. 1).: A. T. DoWltt. D. Pikoand Wayno-J. Howard Beach I). Potior and M'Kean C. H. Jouso, It iSehuvlkill T. Euan. D-! B. KaulV man, R-; Charles F. King, D. Snyder and Union 0. S. Wolfe, R, Kimiorsel J. R. M'Mlller. It. susquchantia and Wyoming Martin urunges, it.; n. iu. aousu, n, Tloga-John I. Mitchell, R. Venango R. D. M'Creary, R. Wirron-Wllilani M. Shortt, R. Wtv-tmoieland John Latta, D fl rpi.nnu-nlt. 1. York-G. W. llelges, D.; D. 3M, Loucko, D. HKOAl'lTUIiATION. Republicans CO Democrats 3J Liberal Ronub lean t Ho Is Boinowhnl Improved by hi3 suinmar trip, but is very fcoblo. In tho ovontof his death or resignation tho President will probably appoint Hon. David 1C. Carllcr, of Ohio, nt prcsont chlof Jusllco of tho Supremo Court of tho District of Colurabln. Tho oxperts nppoluled to Investigate frauds In St. Louis havo brought to light fads proving that $101,000 havo been stolen by n ring conncctcu wun the building of tho now county Jail. A fearful hurricane swept through tho provluco of Syracuse, In Sicily, on Sunday last, blowing down several houses, and it Is reported that tinny two persons woro burled In tho ruins. Boss Tweed, of Now York, Is still missing, but It Is said that ho will bo ready to nppear when wanted in court to answer tho sovornl charges of Hi lov ing now standing against him. Tho overflow of the River Po has caused oxcosslvo damages throughout tho plains of Lorabardy and Piedmont. Wholo villages hnvo boon Inundated, Iho Inhabitants driven for safety to tho highlands, and all their crops and stock swept away. Tho Mtnclo and Tlclno, afilucnts of tho Po, .havo also overflowed and created much disas ter. Provlous lohlsdeparturo from Berlin for Italy Mr. Bancroft, tho American Minister, addressed a loiter to tho Em peror, informing His Majesty that ho had been charged by President arnnt to thank him for tho great troublo ho hnd taken in tho settlement of tho San Juan boundary question, and nssurlng him or tho good will and friendship between tho Germans nnd American nations. Old DslnlilMicii (toal Yard. 0. W .NKAL&Uno. WholosnloA Re tail Dealers In all sizes or, tno best, qualities or Red and Whito Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. Llmo burners supplied nt llbornl rates with host quality No. O.coal. ForBinltliflnw, In addition ton prlmonrllcloof lump, wo havo a first class qunllty of Bitumi nous coal, at J0.25 por ton on wlinrf. Largo stocks of all sizes constantly on hand. Strict porsonnl attention given to tho preparation of nil our coal. Grain, Lumber and Slabs tnkon in exchangoror coal. Coal delivered loony part of tho town. Orders left at Mciieivy ixcai a Co'fl. storo or al our ofllco, will recclvo prompt attention. Okpice & Yauds at MCKELVY fi NEAIi'8 FUltNACE, EAST Bi-ooMsnuno. Your pntronngo respect fully solicited. ir. P. Luts. u Bnillntr Hill. Lonsdalo nnd Fruit of tho Loom bleached muslin, ono yard wldo, for 18 conts per yaru. Do you want something to strength i you? Go buy your sugars, teas, coffee, Ac. of I. W. llnrtman. Do you wont to reel well? Go buy our ilannels of I. W. Hartman. Do vou want to keen dry ? Go buy your wntcr-proof cloth or I. W. Hart-man. Do you want to mako a nlco present to a friend ? Go buy your Germantown wool of I. W. Hartman. roil ritESIDENT, HORACE GREELEY, OP NEW YOIIK. E0lt VIOK PRESIDENT, B. GRATZ BROWN, OP JIISSOUIU. ELECTORS, KEXATOIUATo P.nnAn Cowan, ot Wcstniorclnml. Ukukiii: W., or Praukllu. ItEl'UESENTATIVE. Knr.iiKN MAnvi.Viof Erie. John It. .MH.1.KU, nf llimllniiluii, H. Oisoss Fitv, ot 1'hlladclpm.i. niSTiiicrrs. The Iarecst nnd best assortment of no eroceries In this County, is that of .1. II. Mnlzo nt tho Mammoth Gro cery on Main Street. Ho has Just ro- turiicu irom tno city wun nn unusuaiiy good selection which ho olfcrs nt very reasonable rates forcasior in exchange for craln or produce. Fruits, loreitm nnd Domestic, nuts, cholco brands of cigars and numerous oincr articles oi uxury and necessity, may always no obtained. Tho most extcnslvo stock of mteenswaro and woodenwaro in this section of tho Stnto is on his shelves. Ills list or articles Is so largo that It is necessary to call on him to get an Idea how completo his stock is. A visit will repay our readers. URKOIIS OF TOUXIB. Evcrv nervous YounEMon In the Union, will recclvo, free, n Ueclrotunt wlllprovonlilcfcslug through life, liy addressing. In conlhlcncc, Ilox 5172 V. O. 1. Thomat J. Ilni-Rcr. 2. Klcph. D.Andurson. . John Mount. 4. Ocorso It. Ilorrell. 6. (Not iif-rcca upon. 0. Ihnlnl) U. Iloupt. 7. Hnniucl 1). Dyer, s. JoHse O. llrnvley. . II. 11. Swarr. 10. 11. Ucilly. 11. John Kunklc. 12. P. minuter. I. 1. I). Lowcnbcrg. II. J. McKnlsht. 15. Ucnry Wclsli. 1(1, Ucnry J. Htnhlc. 17. it. W. Christie. IK. William P. Logan. !). Hasselns llrown, 20. P. M. ltohlusou. 21. J. It. Molten. 21. T. 11. HtovenRon, VS. John 1). Hard. 21. Oeorgo W. Miller. MEM11EUS OP THE STANDING! COMMIT TEE : Ilcaver Moses Hchllcher. llentou I. K. Krlckbaum. llerwIckLovl Urcilhciuler. Ulooin, East Dlsl Davhl Loivcnlicri?. lllooin, West Ulst. William McKlniiey. Urlarcrcck-J. C. Kmllh. Catiiwlssa (leo. Scott. Centre II. 1). Knorr. Centralla C. O. Murphy. ConyuKhaui North ivuiyuKham Bonth Michael lirannan, Plshhmcreek E. J. McHcnry. Prnuklln Wllllnm stoker. Urcenwixid Wesley Morris. Hemlock Seth Khoemaker. Jackson Sll.ui W. Mclloury. lICUHt MaiUson John Allen. Main W. T. Hhuiimn. Mlillln Samuel Snyiler. Montour John O. oulck. M t. PU-asanl (leorse W. Jticoby. orange J). K. Hloau. Pine 1. W. Houes. KoailnKcreek J. 11. lCIIncer. feott-O. P. Ent. Sugarloar-J. U. Fritz. Important Testimony! Tho followlne lctlcrnaro nmontr the many wo nro constantly receiving Horn peri.ous whe have been cured by Sclienck's Pulmonic Syrup, Sclicnck's Sea Weed Tonic, AND Sclienck's Mandrake Pills. Yigllaneo Committee. Heaver (leo. Drelsuucu. Chas. Michael. II Ulntuilltcr. lleulou J. J. Mcucnry, 1). J. case, jas. lon er. llorwtel: TKalali llower. C. 11. Jackson. llloom. East M. Millard. Jno. 11. Casey. Hnnil. jncouy. llloom, west M. Eycriy, James Htcrner. llrlarcrcek Chas. lteed. Ui-o. Miller. 11 CO. M, Dov, er. Catiiwlssa JI, 11. V. Kllno, Wm. Snyder. Cvutre Wm. Miller. Ed. llarlmau. tiauil Uoivcr. centralla Couyngham, North fonvnihnm Houth Plihltu!creek 1.. M. Crovellii2. Cvius Uohlns. u-is .ncut-iiry, jhu. l-i maim .niifti-N iiiciienrv. w isninuiuii t an. Oreenwood Prank Dcrr. U. W. UU. Jackson r.i'iiK'. Hemlock T. J. Vandcrslice. 11. 11. Wncuer. wm. winierstcen. Jackson Henry Wngncr, Daniel doling. .ocusi i-uias Creasy. Daniel Htlnu. Jno. miy er. Ufo.Gettv. .Maiiisou iiicnard ueiimii, nr. I. .1 nwisncr. M. iiirton. Miilne Jeremiah Lonzruberirer. Jno. Nus.s. Mlillln Josenh U.Hivank. Abiulm .Scliui i'l-cll helsei, Harvey lless. .MOlilour limser.-i-. s, i.viiiim. Ml. l'luiu.ant--Wm. Miller. Jno. Moidau. Hr. Drangi-ll. H. Klinu, U, 11. Eul. t 1 110 1.. a. i.i'l niaii, win, jiiisiuiei lloai lnirci-eek Jno. Mourv. Amal t.'ralg. Hentt J. S. llachuian. U. J. Mlllurd Hugailoaf A10U7.D Alhertsou, Cllulou Cole. Itepublle.m Majority.... NEWS Hx Governor Wm. V. Johnston died in Pillsbuur on Friday latt aged (it years. It Is thought that Chief Justice Cliaso will bo coinpollcd to retiro from the- bench of Iho Supremo Court this win (er on account of falling health. MARRIAGES. iVYLOIt SEYIlEUT. Octoliur 10th, ut tho M K. I'm son, in,-, Ciilawlsn, hy Iho Hc-v. II. P Klng.rhiis. P. Tavloriiiut MKs Anna It. Key- neri.aii oi mrwicK, coi. eo., i-n. DAVIC'E-CUtlMES. Oetohtr llth, at tiio Mimo place, hy llio same, .lonu .. imvieu oi i air Mount, l.ucrno Co.. and Miss Clar.iA. Uilm ol lilghtuluel col, Co. AHE MII.I.EIt. Octoh'r SIth, al tho snmo place, hv IhH sniue. Jom-ii h Cal l ol Locust, ami ai iss Ainnmia it. tinier i'i i aiawissa. iuicii.o eoiiuly, I'll. WEOlt-TETIiOW. On Dm 13lh Inst., by tho Hev. William j. ier, .nr. v i-iiiuiami n. H.iylcr, ami Miss Anna M. 'I'ttlow or Itcadlug, iii. Sl'lX'IAIi -NOl'll'lJS. rn.ii TniKf:i ItAVK Passhi Aivjv.-This Is nf. nil imo of tho old method ol iieallm.- Die loni; tiiniki-il and much abused human body, it Is no longer consiueiiu wise io pui a p-iiieui 10 iuo loll u iu in oilier u emu nun in u n su imj hi i blcli lialu Is already llildelllllulllg IheeueluleK ol Ins system. True Hcleueo ranges lUell on ihi- Hide ol ualulo.nnueiiuiavorNiuassibi mr in nei tit.iii n.FuiiisL nisrnse. ii is is l no iiri vinte o llostetter'sHtomaeh Hitlers, ihe most approved Uinlo eyer ndvertiseil In this country. 11 may be lecommeudeii as a irtii modieine, par excel lence; lor H is ill llio iau mai uiiiiousuess, uys pepsla and malarious fever lire especially prevn- .,t,t. Tim rrumu. exunusieti nv iuo neais o summer, is reiaxeiinuu iceuie ai ns ciusu, tiiiu l (llllies, VU mil say ututumu, uiiiueiai iiAaisi- ,mi.-. Atr.ini it luaL assisiauco in occasiuoa ilosus ol iiosieiier-s csiomacti iiuiers, nun inu evils referred to may bo oscaped. Thioughout thu far West, and on thu steaming alluvial ol Ilia Koiiiueru rivein. nu mu viieiieM in puiiiHii l fever are nroonoiy rue lo-uay. jia-ui uourse ot llosieller-s uilieis ueeu euiumeueeu uy in sullerers a muiilh mo, i.e., boforo tho unhealth Mfiihou set in. sHvelielilils oi mem M-ouia in a nrobab llty he lu their usual health at tho pres ent lime, Ko much lor not keeping lu the house ml using uauy, wio oesi, sau-guuru aguiusk epi emlo aniiepiiiemia levers. am Uncles of lninoslorsnuil imitators aro tiv lllg 10 lonow in llio wuau oi iiiv ureal- Aiuurii-ti r.'iiienv. iiiereiiiru uu lulu kuiti inu uriii-iu ill buy l geuiilno uud veillled by Ihe proper trade marks, 'lliu lino artlclu uiu only lie obtained in bullies. IIumiku oltuc, spurious b, tiers sold by llio gillon ur in keu. UCI. Illl,.-I. TAHlUONAtWilOUltliSS JN1A1CINQ. JL? Mm. I Unwley, Mlllnn, Pnshloiiahlo liresii Maker, nnd Tcncher of llrlga'd unrivalled nyslcmof lltllinr hy measure, In lliopoodlesl, luostslyllslinnil rerfeel manner, ureases, ioi nnnlso mid nil ladles' and misses' garments, In- ,r 1 1 nu n f.nll Fr.ili, nil tf Islllfllf til letlfll tllO dla cram. or lo havo cutting and lining of siiltd demons well ns lu I'hllailolphla, nnd nt inodcr n,.,Al,i Uully mnrln tit nrdfr. f !llll. third UOOt nbovo JUrn. iirousv'BSiore, Main eireei, bih- llsllrond, west end ,, OCl, 11, 1874 Zin, ill us, Ii, l.r, I aiiiuui'i A full line oriiadIo3',acnts' nnd Chll- rou's knit ttndcr-wcar nil sizes nt SI. r. utz's. Do vou want to look well V Clo buy our shawls of I. W. Hartman. Tothosowholiavofundstolnvostln largo or small amounts, or win wish to lncrcaso their Incomo from means already lnvostod lu other less profltablo securities, wo recommend, after full Investigation, tho Kovon -Thirty Oold Bonds ol tho Northern Pacific Itallroad Company, Hearing seven and throo-tunttis per cent gold luterost (equal now lo k',i curroucy,) and sold at par, they yield nn Incomo considerably moro tlnuono-thhd greater tluinU, B, 5-20'. They aro Coupon nnd Keglstered, tue lowest denomi nation being tlOJ, tho highest 910,000. Nearly ono-lhlrd of tho Main Lino ottho Itoad will bscoraplotod and In operation with alargo business tho prosont season. Allitho properly and rights or the Company, ncludlng a most valuable Land Oraut, averaging about 11,000 acres per mllo of road aro pledged as security for tho flrst inorlgngo bonds now oll'erod, All mnrkctablo stocks nnd bonds aro received In oscunugo at current price, Dcscrlptlvo pain- blots and maps.showlug ltou o of road, Connec tions, Tributary Couutry, &o will bo nirnlshed on application. JAY COOKE & CO., Now York, Philadelphia and Washington. Flnani'tal Agcnti iV. i'. S, 11. llonds for Halo In nioomsburi! by tho Prst Na tional Hank, nud I! looms bun; flunking Cum pany. Oct. Is, I8T2-1W. A DAIINISTItATOIl'S NOTICK. J- KSTATK Ofc JOIfS fl. 1IAUT.M AN". UKIl'l). JjcttcrH nt mlmln.Htrntloii uu llio cstnto ,of I joun (j, lmrtmun lruo or nomou town snip, uni iim bin cou ntyicccasoilthavnljccMKiHiiitcaby tho Kelxtcr otsald comity to Wm. 11. Hmltli of llio Kiimotwp. All iiorsoimlmvlngclnimingnltisttlio CRtatonf thodecetlentnro rpqucsUxl to present tlirni for Kcttlcineut liulotitcd to tiio t-M- iiu iu inaiio paymcni ioiuo uuut'rhitjneu, uu- luimatruior, wiiiioiu uciuy. of OrniiRO twp., Oct. 2?.t-Cw. AUmlulstrator. 42 Cedar Bt.,N. Y. leu. y, ly. IciunBrovCi yalein County, Xeiv Jersey. FElHttTAUY 27. IS72. Dr. J. II.BUHKNCK, N. K. corner HlxtU and Aicli Hirt'fiH, ruiiut cipma. ttrnnectcd Sir I tilco n lens aro in addlni: inv testimony to that of tho many others who have been cured by tho elllcacy of Hcheuclt's l'ulraonlc Syrup, Bea Weed Tonic, and Mandrako l'llls. (.'onsumntloii has been, hereditary with rav family, mobtof Its members haviucdled ol It at early Kes, My mother nnd tliroo brothers dlod at the age of 31, ono brother at i!7, and my sister at IX I was, when about 31 years, seized with liver coninlalut. which rapidly developed into rulmo- rary Consumption, I was compelled to rcllu- quisji my empioyinciit (inai oi a macFsmiiuj l consulted hlclllful nud eminent Dhvslclaus. and tried many patent nostrums, but without success, so that my lrlends wcro sure that thero was 110 none oi ray recovery, lor i was reuueeu from 110 pounds to 101, and was hot ablo to do anytuing wuuoui. assistance. l!v what 1 now look ution as a I'rovIdontl.Tl lu terposllton, I wn lnduecd to try your remedies, mi putco uiybeii miner your uenuueni, ami so anld aud thorouch was my lecovery. that It seemed us though homo huperhumau power was at worl, and tiUay I am as well as at any time during my llle. 1 weigh 15J pounds, am 3U years old ud for bomo tlm havo been rt-sralarlv at tending to my buhluchs. blddlnc lair to live to a good old age. i am luauKiut 10 you ueyonu expression lor having placed mo lu u position wherein I urn a lUeneuL uisieau ni u ourueu 10 my lamuy. lour iiftimraae i-iusnroiuo oinv meuicino I ever uso now, I think theyaio the best lu tho world. I can refer you to hundreds of my nelcbbors who will verily all I havo written, and anv In- tormathm any of my fellow clllzens may deMro wiuueireeiy auu giauiy uivcn, upon receipioi siuuii, uy iuurii,utt:. Key Vowt, rin., Feb. 1J), ista. Dr. 3. 11. HCHKNCK, N. K. cor. HlxlH and Arc htreels. rhlladelnhla. DearHir IMeastt forward, por II rat htrnmer. hx bottles Sea Wt'kd Tonic and twelve b(4tltN Pul monic syiun. Your medicines nro i huch valnn that 1 ran not be without them In my household, aud in mci uo iHiuuy biMiuiii no wiiuoui incni. 1 havo L' I veil them ii fair test, ami oncnlv de ciaro im-'in ui i;y)vin oeueriuan you claim. vry lUApeeiuuiy yours, ac w. a. wniTiuiunsr, TilUDOK NOTIOR I. A .1lul,ln,l of ll.rnn rt.r ml Ihn raid al KlOCKOl Hill i;iiuiiviii iiii,ikui-.,,v,ih . I'",". I it iiinuincltlioldnrant tho on conf tho mibscrlb. I cronnudnncr ocioncr luui, ibiz, ,, ' 'lTcaurcr, CalawlMn.rclobcrlllli, 1572. NEW TO INVESTORS. FAIili GOODS AT Inthot-Ktnto'l Intho Orphans' Court of Col. co., of lluury I tho petition of Prrdcrlclc Wlchey i.ji-uy no" I lur 1.111-1.1111; ii;i loiiuuui;? ui iuu- ceased. J tract. Thn Commonwealth) of l'cunsylvnnlii. To P.llzabfth Kverlv. William Kvcrh-. Catha- rlno Halliard. Humu lloberts. Mary Ann Eyerlv nud Louisa Kyerly, you, and each or you, aro I herehv cited lo bo and nppear In your proper iiersona ucioro our urpnaus-uouri, on me nr&i 1 Monday of December next, to ho hold at lllooms I bure;, nnd show causo why n deciro lu specific I periorraaucooi coniraci-suouia 1101 113 mnue. 11. 11. 111r1uijr.11, Cleric Orphans" Court, October 2j 187.3. M. P. LUTZ'S T ASV KOTIOE. I J All collectors ha Id hit: unsettled couutv du- 1'licates dated nrlor to i7il. aro renuested to I meet us atourotllco lu Dloomsburjj.ou Wednes day. October 30th, Friday, November bth, or Bat urday,?ovcmberUth. audpay such amouutuas may bo duo to tho County Treasurer. Wo nro determined thatthosu balances duo shall not bo carried through another bcttlcmeut. Legal I proceedings win oo commenceu againsi inosoi iaiims 10 aucuu 10 mis uoiice. Col ectorsofls; will not force t t ie r duties. They will receio personal notice between this uaio auu iuo next lurm oi i;oun. H. J. ltUKDKIt, (ComV. WILLIAM BlIAFFKlt.S Commr's.olllpe. llloomsburc.l October lis, ib'lf. S Attust: Wm. Kiiclcbauin, J Clem. Octij.lSTi. ruii.AiiKi.i-iHA, March I, 1S7'J, .J.H.HCMKNCK. tLMiedi'd Hir I talcu nleusuro in iiwni'dimr to you 1111s eeiuucaio m iuo wonueritu euro yum I'm 1101110 nvrun mill mi vteii to u m-ntitiui i My throat and bronchial lubes were so highly tuuamed tuai u wns aimo-it lmpossiijjoiormo u Hwauow my hum.. 1 an; on a vKlt to my uncle, Mr, Onirics John son, No. Dlii Federal btreet, who bays your medi fines raised him lioin a.uostdeath niter all oth er means had failed, and ho havhnr. tlieieroie lull eontldtnco iu tho vlrtuo ol your remedies, strongly recommended mo to try them, I tllu so. nud In ouo week from thu tlmo I commenced laUlug them my thtoat underwent n very great change lor tho better, ko thai I could eat my meals without any tillJlculty or pain. 1 cm hcurcely llnd uouls to express my gralltudo lor mo eany renoi your invuiuuuio mtuicints pro duced upon me, and I deem It but an act ot gmtl tudo to glvu you tho acknowledgement ut my appreciation. Yours rcspectlully, lV.LiIllUli Jl, IALUIOi No, IWWcbtThUly-tUlrd street, New York. nOLUMIUA COUNTY s. s. J In tho Ornhans' Court of Columbia conntv. I In tho mutter of tho partition and valuation of I tho estate ot Plillln Miller, late of Centro town. Milp, deceased, to Cyrus Webb, residing ntThay- I lt neoMiii I'Qiiuiy, Jvimi-as, louare nertuy no tilled that on netltlon of Levi Miller ono of tho heirs of fcald decadent. Llio Ornlmtis Court of tatd County granted n rule upon tho heirs of I said decedent to accept or iciubo uio fsuiio ai tno valuation or htiow causo wny tno namo bnouiu not uo t-oiu, iiiereioro you aro noruuy co mm a tided to bu and an near at an Orphans Court to bo holdeuat llloomsburg, In and lor tho said County, uu tho Monday of December ncxi. ami ineii ami iiiero acceniorreiusu uiuls- tute at the vnluatlon put upon It by tho inquest iiuiy nwanicu, or snow wny win namo Hiimim not bo sold agreeably to thu act ef Assembly iu such mado and provided; hereot fall not. witness tho Honorable William Klweit j;so , President of said Court, ut Hloomsburir. tho iiitti day of October, A. 1)., ono .thousand eight huu- uieu una seveuiy-iwo. AAI.UA Wll 111, Oct. 5th-iw hiherllT. POLUM1UA COUNTY s. s. Vtn tiio nrnlmiii' Court of Columbia eountV. In the matter of the partition ami valuntlnu of tiio estalo of rhlllp Klstlur, into or Mouul rio'w ant lou'uhin.leeased. to tho helrH ol said es tate. You aro hereby notified that on petition of Johu KUtler ouo of tho helm of said decedent, thu Orphans' Court of said county grunted a rule mum thu heirs of said decedent lo accent or re fuse tho estate at tho valuation or Hhow cause why the same should not bu sold, Theremin you aro hereby commanded 1: bo and appearat an Orphans' Court to bn hntden at UlooinsburK, lu and fur the said county, on the llrst Monday of December next, and then and thero accept or relu;o tho estate at llio valuation nut upon it by tho Imiut-sL dnlv uwtirduL or show why tho s.imo should not ba sold agreeably to tho act of Assembly U sucli ease mado and provided hereot fail not. Witness the ilnnorttblo William lUwell Kq.. I'resident ot oursaut conn, ai Mioornsour, iuo iiiinuy in (A-iooer, a. it., ouutnousana eiui; hunirtd aud bevcuty-lwo. A A HON SMITH, Oj(. Hj 177i! - hherlir. WEEK. AGENTS LOOKHERE ! Por tho New Splendidly Illustrated Edition or Ecciuso It Is tho most fascinating and popular hoolc In print. una excels nil la real rUoauce and low mint. Just out, 6ii panes. tinlil paper, only Si.lWeaky worthn.&. Iu Orcat Htt, t'"s quick and labt. Tt-rms of this and our new jio- llll-hllO Illllll'l. llir Hill llliwii, ii iiiinciu i - . lustrnted and tast-selllnit odltlon extant, ulso, Iho-PiiclielCoiiipaiilou," worth Jin lo any i;ooH nBont.i-ent fii'i, Write nt one. stHtlnK wheni ymi saw thin, in IllIllllAItU IillO. HJir. i.uU A'liuiiMjriH, nuin CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company. OP NEW YOIlk 1 iff Policies limi 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000, ISSUES all tho now form of Policies and presents as favorable terms m. any com pany In tho United (States. Tho company will mako temporary loan, an Its policies. Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held good during that lime. All our policies aro Incontestable for the usual causes. Policies Issued by this company are non-forfeiture. No extra charges mado for travelling permits. Policyholders Bliare In the annual profits of the company, and have a voice tn the elections and management of tho company. No policy or medical teo charged. JUSTUS LA WHENCE, Tres'U VT. 11. WYNKOOP, VlcoPres't, J. P. RorjERH, Secretary, S. C. CUANULKK, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of M-Eastern Penii'a. "Columbian" Building BLOOMSBTJRG-, FA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General Agent. Jan.S,lS7'J-tt OUI1MC SAI.K V A I. II V It 1 II V 11 l i: r. filer of llio Or- iiunly, the unili-r- I Ol' SCIIKNCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SKA WEED TONIC, mill MAKUUAKE PILLS. Thi'M" nro Ihe only inedlrlurs that will cmo Piilmoiiiiiy CouMiuiptlnn. lir. ritheucU has been in coustaui pun-lieu ovi-r Unrly years contlmi ully cxauilnlug lungs, and knows his uicdicliu, it pmpeily InUtii, Mill euro Coubiimpllou, UU Mandrake l'llls t-joauso tho llverimd stomach; his ht-H Vreed Tonic dUsoUes tho lood, stimu lates the coating til the sloimich, and makes It dlgist. Ills Piilmouh! Hyrun ripe ns thu mailer, and lialmc throws ItotI without any exei lion. VALUAUI.l-: llPAl, PSTATll. '1 ho uiuk-r.slgiu-il P.M-i-ulnrnf the i.sltaeol.Inliu lli-.'U'll, ilu-i-llM-d, latent .Mllllitl low-lihlp, l;ol' u lulu. i county, Mill, .poMi l-s.ilo alpuhlli' vcu. uu--, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1872, on the iirrmlsesa co ti,ln fnlut nl ground sltuuto iu .Mlliuuvillc, uu wnuii is in. cieu n largo TWO-hTOKY lllUClC DWPi.I.INO HOUdP, Uriel: wash house, fr.imo bu i and olher Im provements, u GOOD PUMP at the door, and a variety o FRUI T TREES. Al,ont llio same time mi l placo SIX INliOTS, sltuatoj lu Iho town aforesaid, all lu a Htnto of nooii cuiiivaiioti. hiuo to comuu-iico hl unu i'i-litrk lii tin, nl tfrn nun nt sulil ilav when duo ltl- teliihimii and enndlllou-s 01 mlo will ho mado known by riAMUlil, uui;awv, Kxtcutor, .Mllllluvllle, Oeluher2j, itli Price of Ihe Pulmoule Syrup and Sea Weed Tonic. Sl,lJ per bottle, or S7 to pt-i- hulf duzeu. MauilraUu Pills i.Ti eeiils per box, UI5LICJ HALE o P .VAI.UAUI.i: P.UAI, p.stati:. llv vii I it- ' ii ,1 n lly and l-iltr. ... , ..I . ..Ini.lllIlL slglu-d uiliuiiilslr.iuns ol Iho estato of Jacob Jliisluuuinil'!', llL-eeiiswa , ivm , ,,"-o i- "i"- "j public viuilna omlie pteiulseii, ul IU oi-lncli lu ihu loreiioiiu, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 10, 1872, Tho homestead tarmnf thu decedent, lying In Pmuklln Columbia nouiily, boiiuil- is! by hunts oi j, T, Hi iuer, iiiuiiHoi riniip im. Uarilt, lands ill euel rt iiciim. iuuiik ui hiiim,-llowt-r, lands or II. .1. lleeder, lands of Kilns Weaver, lauds ul Wm. Stoker, lands ul John Hon it, (leiirgo Scott und oIIicih, cnululii mi! TWO IlUNDHUDliudPOHTY.P.IUlir AUItKK aud twonty-i'Ino peiches whereon nro erected ,i luririi i,rif-ir iiivi-uiiiiz jiuu.i-. 11 iintiu j.iiuib H im. sheds and nuthouses. Willi ulaigu apple and irutlorclmid, with n well at the house, und I uspilug umi a well ni inu uarii, nun u .i-couu laoellent laid liirgospriugon tuo south side ol the farm. Tiiere is ou ine lurm TWENTY ACRES OF TIMBER. Tho nrunertv lies three mllesfrom Cutawlssa.on tho public road leading irmn that place to Klys burg. Tho uelghliorhooil good and healthy, and Ihu laud in uu excellent slato of cultivation. No moro desirable properly has been ollereil lor uuiuy ears. TllO g lllll 111 IUO KTUUUU is i"-ri ru. O. li. U, JOdP.l'll II. KSl'iTU:. AUjnliilstrators, nrrl ill.' HAI.n Tivimtv ner cent, of ono- fmi.iii iinwu nn striklui' oil' Ihe nrouertv : nnd the laluucu as billows: Ono fuurlli less the lweiitypereenl.ini Ihu eonllrmatlon tiid! uud reuriuiry ipii, iiin-iinv nun. i',, when pussissiou Islo bo given. Oct lMb7!,-ts ' ' fieri DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNER mill'. The co-partncrhlilp hcreloforo existing under I) ii film name nf Snyder, Jlarlman ft Cn. Isdi i,l veil by Iho death nrilenjamln P. Sunder. 'JIih hnnlts nf llio Into firm Hie lu tho hands nf llunl.4 Sunder tn whom nil jiersnns knowing tlu-ui- M-lvc in ue luucuieu 10 iuo urmurc ri'iiesib, ut iimke linmcillate payiRenl. TIih bustuess will iiecnuilnucd attho old placH iiiiili-r tho namo ofll. Snyder (. U SNYIHCK, .V CO,. hw-Y May 17lli lSTi-tf DM INJSTRATOR'S NOT'fcE. FHTATK Ol-i:lllll.STIAN MILI.KIl llKl'U. Ki.tii'O Is hereby glvmi that letters or Ailmluls trillion havu been grautld by the Ueglster i" WUN"' I'iriiiiihi.icoiiuty tiillieiin,lnrslgiiMl up on Ul ' slat" or Christian, .Miller, late ur lleavu t dw il-'l.i P. in said county, now deceased. All persons ludeblid tn sulil eslato lire re,lliriid to make payment f ed all persons who han chuiiis nuaiusL sain i -.snii,- i, ,"" , , undersigned. JOHN ItlNliP.ltl.lTKlt. sep ow AdHilnUtratiir. AUDITOR'S NOT1UE KSTATKOrSAVUKl. JKSEAI. IIKI'.'II. Tne unders'gned appointed Auditor tn ills tribute tho tiuids iu thu lunula or tho Adniinls tratois ot the estuliiot f-niiiuc Mi-Neal ilwusul Will lncel llio pavues linei---lun ui inn uui.-n in Ihetownorilloiuiisbiiii; on Monday, Del. !isth , 1M1, at 10 n'clo"k a, m , when uud where all per sous Interested mo reiuut I to pivsintlhem to tho Auditor nr be rolever I'ehsrred from comlug lu for said lund. X.. Ik. iiicurnv. ep!7-lw Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. E.sTATi:orjKnr.5UAll,.i:rKis deod, Tno undersigned Auditor appclnUd' by tn Court ot Common Picas of Co.uiubla conuty, to distribute the money lu Court urlslng from tua sale nf the real estate nt JciimlaU (letliln, among the parties muitlcd to lecelve the same, will nitend to the duties of his nppolntinni. in lilsolllcoln Hloomi.bniK on Saturdny. the .fltli day or October, A. 1)., IMS, at 10 o'clock, A . M when nnd where nil paill a or persous having claims on mid nioiuy wi l pre.enl tho same, or lit liiicverdebiirrul f oul comini: in on said luud-s. P. II IKEI.l,lt, sept S7 Cw, piua'Aitr.n only anii poii sai.i-: hy J. 11. SCHENCK & SON, N. 'iv.-iii i il: n nileiit Minis set In cushions of rose. A breath like tho petliiiuo Iho toilet bestows; These aro cuurnis iu wiu ni-iiiis wiicu uu uiut-r iharms Mile, Hut they can't bo preserved without So.anosT h aiu. SpUllllllU'd Toj H, Ac. Qluo liicnild Eurulturo, Moycr UrotliOM liavo on liand and for bii'lo nt rcasoiirtblu rnlcn n reninrliti lily fino nssortinent of Iumiw ami HlmilCH. All lyl(w with pi leen tohult purcliHSGrs of ovcry class. ADil.irillU'UI.Huitl'itlSE. l.ailles who-so faces nro clouded by superllclal dlseoloratlons, and wlin linei, reiiilviul 111 trv lIXUAN'a MAIINOI.IA llAf.M as a remedy, liavo no Idea or the wclcomu suiprlto they will recclvo irom their nilrrnra iitler n few applications or Hint Jienlthful purlller of thu cumpluxlou. If at all uielUihle, they will scream Willi rapture on beholding lh cliuuge, Wholher tho blemish It Is desired to remove I hi Hiiuowuess, uioicui-a. pimpics. inresuv., iiniaii' uess, or an unnatural Is houud to ills, niiiH-iir under iho toulu one ration of this wonder ful agent, Tn say that iho blemish disappears, docs not, however, convey any Men nf thu elleel iirn,lit,i,il hv tills celebrated buatltlller. TllO 11 II sightly Huge, whether dlilnscil ovtr thu wholii couiiieiiiuii u ui in spins, tn .itiiiii--, -!.!i- by it unlforni, penny nioom,iii wniiii uu iie.i rip lion inn ilu Ju.-ilke. K. luiuti SIXTH aud AUCII Btitcts, I'lIll.AllKLl'UIA, Aud by Diuggists nnd Dealers generally. JOIIXSTOX, HOM.OWAY .V- COWDUX, C()2 AllCII HtUP.KT, PlUI.AIIF.M'HIA. Wholesale Agents. npr-U'. lsw-iy PATENT ARION PIANO. !i'ho only iwii-of Iiistrument In tho world. Ami l i iiiiiouiiifiif iu Klcluii'ss, I'uHt-r, lli'llliancj- am lllirabllllv. Siieolul terms In Teachers. MlirWis favors in Clergymen, Send for Illmlraleil Arlou niiipiuei, V. V. FO.STKH, (lencrnl Agent. inarlu'71-lf.l iuurii chunk, Pa. I DM I N 1 ST I tATOR'S NOTICE. A uirATB ui-' Wii.i.iamJ. Hannah uuyii. r.ntlers nt iidiiiliilstrulioii nu Ihu estui vt W lllluiii J, llatiiiali.laluiir MlllllulWi.,CuliiiGihlis e, Hilly deu'd., nave bun ii uiaulul by t tin llegkiten oP said eoiiuly, lu J, II, Heller, nl Mlllllu ti.u sllp, Ciilumlihu'o, All persons having claims in- iiuiiiuuiU uu.iiiisl thu ilccndeiil uio ieiust-i-it In mnku Ilium kliuMIl, and Ihuso Indibted liJiuakopavininl. J. Jl. lIKl'l.tUl. r-epl I ,'11-tiVt, Aillililllstli.lnr, lu pnrsiianco ot an ort'ir of tho Orphans' CnuiL nt t'nluiunta eouniv. tho uiidersluued mi ni lnlsti ulor, &c, of tho estato nt l'tillip sieeley. dic'd latu of tho township ol lleavir, lu said county, will uuer nu- saio uu inu iieiuis- s uu TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 187. a cerlalli tt net of laud, bounded uud described iw InllniVw. Vl. ! till the lllirltl llV Ulld 111 LiVlllll lliiuilugr, nn inu east uy iiinii oi I'liuip iuo (lr.11111, on iho south by u public roaJuudou tho west b laud ul Jaeub Hurrlger cuntnlu- lag. THIRTY-NINE ACRES. and imo hundiid and fjrty-nluo porches, moro nr lo.s.wneicoiiaieericieii u iwo-siury name Dwelling House unu a iramu iiiiuk uaru. ai, A eeriain other tract of laud bounded and de scribed us follows, vU : On thu north by luu-1 of John Keller, ou tho east by land of P.llos Krvlu, nn the south ny l.ind nf Jacob Shearinau nnd ou lliewtst uy iiimi ui 1'iicr jtui-giu, cuiiiuiu lug TWENTV-NINE ACRES, moie nr less. i'KHMS HP H.U.i:. Ten per cent, of oue Ininlli ol Ihe iiurclisso money to be until ut tho sinking iluwu nl Ihu property. uiiu-tourlli less tho tin ,il ii ul. on lliueoiillruiatlouorsiilouud tho icinaliiuig tlnee.lourlli lu ouo year thereat lur. wllh luuicsl Hum tho cuullruialluit "h ' AI.I,i:N MANN, Administrator, ALSO, nt. llio ninio time, at thodwelllug house, late of said deieased, will bu exposed In tale by publiu VeilllllO, llio lOllinviug iieisuiiiii I'li'l'i-ii, .-- nun clothes horso, ouo inble, ono bed aud bed, .Mm, inu, i-iil.l,naril. nun sulk) . ono waauii. out I'lituug bench, onu laiiulug mill, unu plow, unu tun row, one htnno sled. TPItMH : -all Minis of l-iiind under, rashjover ti llllll I'l-JlllllS VIllllS Willi J'piuiii ni-vun- ,y" AI.UIV MANN, Oct. is, IS7J AUmlnlsir.ilnr. PUBLIC SALE I 7XECUTORS' NOTICE J? UtlNHSH CARDS, Jli VIMli'lNll I'AHlis, IIKAUS, lill.l, HHMkS, I'llOHKAJIMICti, 1'OSTICHS, all,, .IU, Niully iiiiil Cliciiiily Printed rnin ihe Intnsl Htyli nf Typo tilth VALUAULP, ltliAl. P.STATE. Iu pursiuiuco of an order nf thoOrphaus' Ci irt of Culumblu county, the uuderslguud usaumiu- William uess, luieni uio iimii shin ofrtugarloaf. lu said ojuuty, dsoeused, will impose to sale ou thu pruimsoti.ou SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10th noxt.nt 10 o'clock, a. m., otaald day the follow ing described leal estate, lo wit ; a cortalu piece t.iirp.ii linn lnir.L ni num. siiiiuiu ill luu luhii. ship uud t-iiuuty atuirsald, aiijolulng I mils uf AltirSIIHU llliei llllll llllll:! ,11,1.4- O...H l, i.itn... Hess.dteeosed, eoutuliilug V O R T Y - T W O ACRES nud seveuty-roui perches, leu a.-ro ot which Is ..I......... i ..T, umi i.nUiif... iiuiiiiiitiil wun uasuiidchisluul, uiuu wn.clils eiuotud a iuj 1 lOUSC, ALSO, . rM nr l.uiii sitinto in the tuwnshkri and ..11.1, IIIIII-fkllKl. 111 II11UIIIU l.llll III .IlillSUIlll -I!" . .. " ...ill il'iln 11.... X lller unu inner i-iuus ... sum ,, t,,.,.. ,,v9. iliiceased, coniuiuiug FOUR ACRES iuid llfly-two perches, upon which Is orixtul u iliillliiu geiiie-i SAW MI Li. H i con i ruuulOR order. vn,'iiMH in,' HA I.E. Ton ner i--nt. u one, f uirlli nr iuo purchase inuney In bo luild ut tl io striking down ut llio proiieriy.tuo oiio-iouriu less llio leu per ceni. i nu lunu v uu, nm .i .,.,..11,111 ni tin, sulil. unit thu balaueo In oui y. mi llienulter wllh dnleieH frnni eonllrliullon 111S1. 1-usM-snimi hi",. ",,. - pi ivroeut nf Iho inin-haso mnuey, I'ureha-ers U. ,,.y Hr iteed.. .,... AdiulnUtrntur, i Hugirlo-.f twp., Oct. 21, is'i A mFlNISTRATOR-a jnOTICE. t- .L,..,i..i)i, W.IXAIlirlll 2J1LI.K11.1UH' l. , loiters nf Admlulstnitloii on tin, lalii ol i.-nii. in Miller. Into ol Heaver lowusiiip, cm ?Z"! WiT HCeWllel Li..iieinwiisliln.AllpersnnslittVliigelul!iisugaliist ''':!'Sf.i"".J!"?'!t:WutnKu llio ebtulu UiliiHku )iayuient lu llio uudorslgued uuuinuiriunr. iriNDKltl.U'EU. eni7.iw Adinliiuitralor, - . - 1 1 VMTlTUfll- srAllllAlirTCllEAHY 11RU I. letters testnmeularyon tho esUto ofMargnrel Creary, lat of Bloom-mug, Columbia enuniy. uoceaseii, nave nei-u iii,n ) saldconuty, toIif.iyeitoCieasyofCoutro town- snip, ah persim. iniiniu i, ..,,...- cstaU aro rtiiuested to pieseut then to tin; Kxeeutors iu Columbia county. Thoso indebttsi to the eslaie, euuer nu uuiw juugiiciii, iuVB"Sr nr book aocouui win huiu-o (juui w Kxecntor without Atw. ltiV . 1 111 11, KIM1-1-, . . Oct. 18, Civ. EiecuUir. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ii. IJiTATH Ol- AMIlJltT 1IUNTU PKC'n. Tho undersigueu aujiniuusi .luuimi i-i m-,-rlbulo tin funds lmlie hands oftha AdtnluU slur Ol llie usiaiu oi isiuuiv iiui.i vui-u-i. in .....ut thn nnitlim ltitcreste 1 at the nltlcu ol John U, Preeie. Ksip, lu the town of Uumiius. burg, on rsavuruuy, isnveniui.i vim, .o... n o'clock, a. in., when and wliero ult persons lu. terested, undbavlog claims iigAluslthe estate, iuo leuuested to pieseut them In tho Auditor, or to be forever debarred from coming lu for u hareoiiiaiuesiaie. A ocll8,si, n. -,"'fi lSrJEiTEiinr..i Imvlmz azalu taken 1i,js session of tho Mall Homo running mini Camhr.i In Hlooiusburg, sbige will run tu lollow s I Leava cninbru every Monday. Wednesday and f rliliir, athairpasiuoc.H.'Ku....;. ..... ",".""" -; tho urrlval of the Philadelphia mall, about; . . ni., ariiving vaiiiuni wi-. iV.-. lug. RATIW OF FARE. Cimbra tn llloom Jl.M, Klsblngcreok to lllooni Mcls. oraugevlllu lo i loom iski. "'""'" to llloom 13 cents. aihi-" -elia.gedtusbaiuurate. vx!,,P..PrnnrlFllr. Hhlcksuliiuy. Oet. llth W.'2. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. UiTAlKliy- NiM'T I'll-Klllllliil., UY i'. .... .r.V,,.,! .nnnllltod findlnjr lu dlsli III- ututhufii'udsVu Uau.Uoftho Admlulsirauir of ihe Kstito or Nancy Pllt-Inl..toptJll"c,r.,,,,,,, N! i inrinf 1 11(1 llurLif'M lULUIWk mv lowuol llloomsuurg, ou Moudsy, Novemter , isV5 at lu u'cloclr. A. M., when utul Mhtro all plV-ons luterU-J a,p' renuesled u pre.enl liT..:.. nii.uinr nr b rorovcr debarroil fro in coinlUB ill for said mini fclobor mi, 18W. iw M. WlIITMOYKIl, Alldltur.