IB COLTBDBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. Him In rrtthiillhlkriu. 1 1 Is Impeli m to fultou chickens wlillu they uro nl llburly. Tluiy iuu.it l.u put In ii proper coop ; ami thU, llko mint oilier poultry npptirtonnncc, need not lo uxponslvo. To fallen twulvo owl, it op nmy 1m threo foot Joiiff, eighteen Inches IiIrIi, nnU olglilrcn Inches (loop, matlo ontlroly of fonro. No prtrt buIIiI nolthiTtop,I(lPHiior bottom. JJhiore 1,0,1 lo iinil, lu-connt; to HiohIko of I ho chickens put up. ,'Jhcy do not want room ; Indeed, tho closer thoy nro tho hotter-provided thoy pan nil stnnd tip tit tho Raino time. Oitro mint ho tiikon to putupBiich ns hnvo hcon no ciiMoiiied to ho tonother, or thoy will H-'ht. ir ouu Is ipiurrt'lsonic, It Is hot ter to roniivo It m once, ns, llko other liHdixauipleii, it muom llnds imitators. A diseased chicken should not bo put Up. Tito food should ho ground oats ; nnd may iliher bo nut un In u trnutrh nr mi ti Hat board ruunlnk' along tho front of uiu coop, it ui.,y bo mixed with either water or mllk-tho latter is tho better. It should bo well soaked, forml nt n. rutin as loose as can bo, provided it does not run off tho board. Thoy must bo well fed threo or four times nilnv thn fi.i time as soon after daybreak as may bo i.iK-Biuiu or convouiont, and thon at in tervals of four hours. Each nioalBhould lm ..a tutt.if. .....I .. ...uvii iiu moro man tuoy can vim up ciean. when they havo dono leeuuif, tho board should bo wiped, and boiuo gravel may bo spread. It causes ineni to feed and thrive. Aiicr a lortnight of this treatment you v, 111 liavo yood fat fowls. If. how. o or, thero arc but flvo or six to bo fat ted, they must not havo as much uitjtign tlicro were twelve. Nothing is easier than to allow them tho proper I u i, i sit Is only necessary to havo iwo or iiueo pieces of wood to pass bo lum tho bars and form n nartition.- Th' i iLiiy also servo when fowls aro up ai (i rent uegrees of fatuess. This re qui! attention, or fowls will not keeii lai ( r iiuaiiny. A i-oon us tho fowl 13 autllclcntly fat ted t must bo killed ; otherwlso it will not i'- t fatter, but will loso ilcsh. If few. .ro intended for market of courso lhi tire or may bo all fatted at onco ; but Jf for consumption, it is better to put them at such Intervals ns will suit tho time when they will bo required for tho table. "When tho timo arrives for killlnsr, whether they aro meant for market or oUirrwise, they should bo kejit with out food or water lor twelve or fifteen hours. This enables them to bo kept for some timo after being killed, oven in hot weather. Aitee Butteu. A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer says : Noticing in your paper an article "How to inako a hairtl of applo butter," I will glvoyou iny plan : Soon as tho cider is brought from tho press, wo proceed to boil it down as quickly as possibly, to avoid fermentation, but instead of beginning to fill with apples when half boiled, nnd stirring with a paddlo twelve hours, wo ( onllnuo tho boiling process till It is all boiled down to a good syrup, say about llvo gallons into one, which can bo poured into.i wood or stono vessel, nnd will ktcp if not ready to mako up im mediately. Tho evening previous to mako up, with tho assistanco of our men folks, wo paro and coro onr apples which wo stew in a littlo sweet cider, if wo havo it, otherwise, water or soino of tho boiled cider weakened down. When tho apples aro cooked soft wo com mmco stirring, adding the boiled cider us fabt as as it will bear. Four bushels of apples aro sufficient for thirty-two gallons of cider. Threo hours of brisk boiling and constant stirring will make it strong enough to keep a year, if de sired. Geo. e. Wokrinq, inn lato number of tho Agricultural, thus alludes to tho system of deep can3 for milk, when set away for -raising cream. Speaking of his butter ho writes : "It has never been moro easily made, and novcr hot ter ; nnd tho advantage of tho deep can ystem was novcr better demonstrated. I am euro that any dairyman who makts oven fifty pounds of butter per uek would be moro than satisfied with hi investment if. ho would rearrango hi milk room so as to set hi3 milk in de p cans, even if ho has to uso a wind in' 1, as wo do, to get a supply of freshi cc water to set them in." Mr. "Warring uses cans eight inch es in diameter, and twenty inches deep, tit in fpring water up tho rim ; ho is irv making 10 pounds of butter per v. t! , and gets a high prico for it, as tl 1 ' Ogden Farm Butter," is well knew u for Its quality and uniformity. Lime in Cnors. Thero is said to bo carried off from the soil nine pounds of llmo in twenty-flvo bushels of oats, and fifteen pounds in thlrty-elghtbushelsof barley. Thero aro thirty.flvo pounds of llmo in two tons of ryo grass, ono hundred and twenty-elx pounds in two tons of clover, and onohundred and for ty pounds In twenty-flvo tons of turn ips, nnd two hundred and soventy pounds In nine tons ofpotntocs. Somo soils contain abundance of llmo for a thousnnd years, whllo others requironn occasional application of limo aa a fer llllxer. JtAT-I'noov ConN-Cnm. A eorres pondent oftho Cincinnati Gazette, gives tho following directions for making a rat-proof corn-crib : Let tho four corner posts bo 8 Indies fquaro ; framo tho sills which aro to fcupport tlio iloor of tho corn-crib into tho posts at a dlstanco of two feet from tho lower end. Beforo putting tho framo together, taper tho lower ends of tho posts for tho diatancoof two feet, so that at tho very baso tho posts shall bo only i Indies equar. Now, when tho framo is set up let theso posts also stand on tapered rocks. If tho crib noeds moro than theso fourposta to bear up tho "corn that will bo put Into it, mako legs llko the lower portions of theso posts, and tet tneso legs under tho sills. Now lay tho Joints or sleepers on tho sills, and put on the floor, making (ho latter tight, and which will bo about threo feet from tho ground. Have tho door made tight, and keep It shut, and no ints win get into your crib. Cows and sheep should not bopaalur cd together. Horses and cheep form a moro tullablo partnership, as their grazing habits are similar. Young Folks. 'I tic I Iny unit the WolC When 1 wm n boy 1 lived among tho (Irceii Mountains In Vermont, in Win ter making snow forts and snow men, (sliding down tho steep hills, and In Bummer nnd Autumn wandering over tho mountains after ilowcrs or nuts, or catching tho beautiful trout from tho brook. Hut my brother In Wisconsin wruli) motocomoto him, and I went. lto lived 011 what was allied Mlaxtcr's Prairie.' It was covered with Ilowcrs, and thomany clear lakesaroundahound ed in ilsh and ducks, nnd our principal food was 'boo cakes nnd Ball pork. O.10 of our nolglthors had not had any meat for a long time, nnd getting out of powder they had no gamo ; so ono day they sent up their oldest son, a boy about ten years old, for a pltvo of pork. As ho was carrying it homoward, and golug through a pleco of woods by Silver Lake, ho hoard a rustling in tho leaves in n thicket by tho roadside Ho stopped und listened ; all was still. Again ho pushed forward; and the leaves ru'tlod behind mm, and ho thought ho hoard a stealthy step. Again ho stopped ; everything was still ex cept tho gcntlo dash of tho waves upon tho pebbly beach and tho rapid beating of his own heart. Ho dreaded to go forward and dared not stay for ho saw night was npproachlng when tho woods alwsys echoed with tho howl of tho hungry wolf, nnd tho savago bear and stealthy catamount camoout from their dens. So, picking up a club, ho again started homoward. Again camo tho stealthy step behind him, nearer and nearer until ho saw a gauut and savago wolf creeping after him, and as ho hur rlod on, still clinging to his meat, tho wolf might at any moment spring upon him. Still tho boy, though ho trembled in every limb, did not loso his presenco ol mind. Ho remembered having heard his father say that If any ono faced a wild animal and looked Itsquaro in tho oyo It would not daro to attack him. Ho turned around and faced thoangry wolf, and commenced walking backward to ward his homo, still a long milo nnd a half away. As tho woods grow darker tho wolf camo ncarcr.showlng his whito teeth, with tho hnir bristling upon his back. Tho courageous boy know that If ho gavo up his pleco of pork ho was safe, and could run homo unmolested, but ho know thero wcro hungry ones at homo awaiting his return. So back. ward ho went, step by step. As tho wolf camo nearer ho hit him squaro upon tho head with a stono, when, with an angry 'yelp,' tho wolf sprang into tho thicket and set up n long aud dismal howl. The boy listened to hear if thero woro any answering howls, and hearing nono took courago ; but soon tho savago beast, maddened with hunger, camo at him again. "With his club ho gavo him a well directed blow between tho eyes, which sent.him howling back again into tho thicket. Again and again was tho contest renewed; many times did tho savago yet cowardly animal mauo a sprlug at the lad, aud many times did tho bravo boy beat him off, until at last ho camo near tho log cabin of his brother, when tho disappointed wolf, with a long and wailing howl, dashed into tho woods. Trembling Willi excito- ment and wot with perspiration, tho boy dropped tho meat upon tho iloor, crying, 'Mother, I'vogot It.motherI'vo got It," and foil exhausted at his moth er's feet. 'I don't beliovo that,' says Henry; 'wo all havo to run, and so would nlno men ot of ton. I do not bollovo thoro ovor was a boy so bravo as that.' Yet tho story is true, boys, if it does seem a pretty largo ono. I can glvo you tho boy's name. A Lesson for a Lazy Boy. A farmer went to town ono day, accompanied by his son, littlo Thom as. 'Seo," said ho to him on tho way, "thero isa broken horso shooin tho road; pick It up and put it into your pocket." "O, no, father," replied Thomas, "It Isn't worth whllo to stop and pick it up." His fath or, answering nothing, pick ed it up and put it in his own pocket. He sold it to tho blacksmith In tho next vlllago for threo farthings, and bought cherries with tho monoy. After this thoy continued their Jour ney. Tho sun was burning hot. Noither houso nor trco nor spring wasanywhero to bo seen. Thomas sufforod with thirst, and had great difficulty in keeping up with his father. Tho latter, then, as if by accident, let fall a cherry. Thomas nicked it up with as much eagerness as if It had been gold, and put it in his mouth. Thisgamo con tinued until ail tbo cherries had been picked up. When tho last had been eaten, the father turned to his son,smil ing, and said to him : "You see now that if you had boon willing to stoop onco tor pick up tho horso shoo, you would not havo been obliged to do it a hundred times for tho cherries." To Mnko Hoys runners. I wish all tho fathers would hoed what U10 American Agriculturist says; In ducts tho hoys to tako au interest in tbo farm, in tho Implements, in tho stock; toll them all your plans, your successes and failures; givo them a history of your llfo and what you did, and how you lived when a boy ; but do not harp too much on tho degenerate character of young men of tho present ago ; pralso them when you can, and encourago them to do still better. Lot them dress up in tho evening instead or sitting down In tiieir dirty clothes in a dirty room. Provldo plenty of light. Thanks to koroseno, our country homes can bo as brilliantly lighted as tho gas-lit resi dences in tho city. Encourago tho neigh bors to drop In, ovonings. Talk agricul ture rather than politics ; speak oftho importanco of largo crops, of good stock, of liberal feeding, and of tho advantago of making animals comfortablo, rather than of tho hard times, low prices and high wages. Abovo all encourago tho boy to read good agricultural papore. Get him somo good agricultural book to study. Head It with him, and glvo him tho boneflt of your oxpcrlenco and criticism. When ho has mastered tills, givo liim another. In our own caso, wo owe our lovo for farming principally to tho fact that our father told us of every thing that ho was doing on tho farm ; answering all tho questions and en couraging, rather than refusing, our childlike dealro of helping him to plow, to chop, to drain, as well as tiring the brush heap. Miscellaneous. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E.M.KNOKR'S SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Every varloty for Men, Women ami Children, 1 OLD STOCK Selling at Cost to closo out to mako room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CXJSTOIVE nVLA-IDE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE BUST IV O R K M V N. Forcood ntsnnd promptness In titling orders IUU1U m iuu jiuicu lu go. His cootls nrn snlfefptl with rarn nnil his Cos torn Work will compuru favorably with tbo best vuurut ui uiu iiujuiuuuuiu cuy jjciucr. HE KEEPd A LARUE STOCK OF hoys' as i) ciiimki:ns .clothing AND GCXTS' riTKXISIIIXO GOODS, At AstonlshlnRlv Low Prices, nioomsburg, Sept. '."J, 1S71-11 TOIIN Q. JACOBY'H BAKE11Y AND CONFECTIONERY! 11EKWIC1C, PENN A. Tho nndcrslsncd wonld respectfully Inform tho Citizens of Derwlck, and vicinity, that be ban opened n Confectionery and Dakcry lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Fa., whore ho Is prepared to farnlBh all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FHENCII CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, AC, &C 4c. EY WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. Among the assortment will bo found Cream Nuts, Eugllsb Walnuts, Peanubs, Almonds, Fil berts. Klirs. Annies. Cocoa Nut. Jellies of dlll'er. ent kinds. Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Fruit of all kinds, Corn HUrcli, Egg 111s- Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement Paperu, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produce of all kinds. Fresh Bread an Cakes every day. Ice Cream In Season, Your patronage Is solicited. JOHNG.JACOBY. Berwick, Jan 171 tv QONNELL & BATTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, Eims, Huts and Spokes, Springe, AXLES, and PIPE BOXES, HOUSE SHOES, nnil HORSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER and SAJND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS and TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agents for Tairbank's Scales ! PLUMBING:. STEAM and GAS FITTING, 3- Ordorw by mall solicited, and promptly tilled. 118 Pcnn Avenue, SORANTON, I'-A.. apr. 4,1872tr. S. H. Miller & Son Dealer in DRY GrOODS GROCERIES AND General Merchandise bloomsbLtrg, pa. MiscolltmoouB. jqBV STOCK OK CLOTHING. Fresh arrival or SPIUNd GOODS DAVID I.OWENIIKUU Invites attention to Ills stock of CHEAP AND KAH1II0NA11LE UM)THIN(I. nt Moro 0 MnluHlrcot, Ittllionow liloclt, llloomsburg, l'n,, whoro no has Just received from New Yniknml .'lillndolphla nlull lUMortmcnl of MKM ANI1 ItOYB' CI.0TII1N0, Including tho most fashionable, ilnratilo. nnd handsomo 1 r DiiKsaaooDs, consisting of I10X, SACK, 110CCJ, U OM, A H I) l) 11,-0 l.OTI 1 COATSANI) l'ANTH, of nil sorts, slzos nnd colors, lloh.iinlso ronton Ishcd ills nlrondy Inruo stock of CLOTH AND (.'ASSUME EES, HmU'UD, F1UU11ED, AND PLAIN VESTS BIIIETS, CKAVATB, STOCKS, OOLLAKH It AMnirt-lirlitlT-tu rirniMM Ul-EmiKHS, AND FANCY AIITICLEH Ho niw constantly on liand a largo and well-(,c- cctod assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINUS, Which ho Is prepared to mano to order Into any kind of clothing, on very r.hort notice, nnd In tho best manner, AH his clothing Is maito to wear, nnd most of It In of homo luttuuractiiro. GOLD WATCHES! AND JEW'JltHY, olevcry description, flno nnd cheap. His caso ot lowolry is notsnrpassod In thls'.placo. Call nnd examlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JKWKMlY.ftU. octl371 DAVID LOWENUHltll. ,Thli Cut Hlustratas tho niniuref Utlng i JOItl' PIERCE'S Fountain .Yasal Injector,1 01 DOUCHE Thla instrument Is especially designed for the per fect application of DR. SACC'3 CATARRH RCMCDY. Itlatlio only form of Instrument vet Invented utlh which tluld mediclinj can lo curried high tip and perfectly applied to nil puts of tlio nffectcu natal pa- (ncj.iiiid tho chamber nr cavities coimmmlcatin therewith, lu which sorcsiind ulcer frequently t;xlftt und from which ttio catarrhal dlechanje ttt-ncraily ro ceed. Tlio wantnfBucceiin tt eating Catarrh here tofore his arisen largely from tho impossibility of apply In,' rorucdlc to theso cavities and chambers by any of thi ordinary methods. Thlsobetaclo in tho way of effect in? cures 1 entirely overcome by tho itivtmtioa of tho Doucho. In usimr thla Jiiftruincnt, tfie FlulJ is carried by Its own weight) nosnufing.forc ,li3 or p mplng being required,) up ono noslril In n mil ;yntlyiljvlns stream to tho highCFt portion of the iiTal piease?. passe into nnd thoroupl.Iy etc ante ill the tube and chambers connected thcmvlth, nnd Mo a-j out ot the opposite nostril. Ita uso Is pkutai t and si ft. lipid tint n child can nnd erst and It, l'ull ami t'xpllrlt direction accompany tacit Itwrumctii. When used with this Instrument, Ur. MieV Catarrh Itemedy cures recent attacks of lu tho SIoiul " bva lew application. Symptoms ot C'atarrli. Fieipii'Ut head ache, discharge falling lutu throat, eumetinics pio fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, ollcntdve, Ac. In others a dryness, dry. watery, weal; or inflamed eye-', topping up or obstruction of nasal paaccc, I'tu'liu in car, ueirncss, hawking aud couching to rlonr throat, ulcerations scabs (rom ulcers, icc altered, nnal twang, olTcnslo breath, impaired or total deprivation ot sense of emeil and taste, dlzzi nesi, mental depression, losi of appetite, indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, ticMlng coiinn, Ac. Only a (aw of theso symptoms nro likely to to present in nnv caso tft ono time. lr. SafTo's Cntnrrh Itrnicdy, when used wltli lr. IMorcortNnaI lloiiclic,uud accom panied with tho constitutional treatment which U recommended in tho pamphlet that wraps each hot tlu of tlio Itemedy, is ti perfect f pcclflc for thto loalh ponto disease, and tho pioprljtor offers, In good faith, SHOO rawnrtl fnr n rn tin run imt cum. 'J lm Jiemwly U mlM nnd pleasant to use, containing no strong or caustic druga or poisons. Tho Catarrh licmetly Is pold at W cents J)uche at CO cents, by all lriiKtrUf,or cither will bo mailed by pro prletoron receipt of do cents. i. v l'3z;ic;i;, ji. 11., Solo Piuprietor. 11UFKALO, X. Y. K, R. BADWAV'S READY RELIEF cuitiis thi: woitsi' imins n from Ono to Twonty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR Lflcr rcailtnr tlili nlvn tiemi-nt nwd any ona MTKEU WITH 1'AIX. KAIMVAV3 IlADY, IlKLlKt' IS A CUKC I'Oll Jj Cli I l Ai.l. It wu the Crbt aud U TMio Onlv Xlii llcmctly hit liiutmiitv Btrn tliu mnht rxcruclat Inif ta'n. ollnvi Ti 11'ititmallotiit, and cures Cuiiecbtluuii, litlhtr of tlio Luni, Homach, Uowtls, or oilier puLdi or craus, ty olo ttjj.llw tluu, lit l 1 .i 1j lt 1 11 j)l I L 1 i-". Ko niMtcr liow violent rr cxcrclutlnj( the ialu tti KIIuU llATIO. Bui-rltldi'ii. Inllrm. CrlmiUiJ. buvoud. iturJ.c. lt jircstr-tcd with ilist-ase may tutitr, C Wir.I APFOnil INSTANT EASP. INTLAMIIATIOV OK THE K1DNM.YS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLAEDEi:. INTLAMM.TIUX OF TUB liOWELS. CO.NUKSIION OK THE LVGS. Bonn TiinoAT, jiikficiilt imKATiiiNu. UYfeTERICS, CROUr, UllMlTJIEItlA. HEADACHE. TOOniArilK, , NKinlALniA, RHEUMATISM. COI.D CIUrX, AGUE flULLS. lliu nppnc uion i-i um Kenny icciici in nm jiuucr pirHwlicio the iulu or dlLitu;tytuUUUalTuiUcdo a-i tytiifort. Twenty urorn n iir i mmmcr n wmrr v,m in n n-w ii.mpi.t flit" CIIAMI'S. M'ASMS. SOL'K ht'OMArlf. unAUTiti'itv, mci; iikakaciie. niAiiituiiA, ykn"ii:i:v, comi', vizi) in the roweia uU al) 1NTCUNAL FAINS. 'iruit vm riiouia un.avs nrrv n lott e or iEnitwn"4 Ittadv litUt'f with tli cm, .V few tlrots lu uttr il I rvwni sltkni'M ur j'liliH I mm cluujre tT wuta. itli telUr Uuu Rr.uuly or R.ilcrs u it btluiulaiit. ia:vE;tt and Atari:, 'EVnn AMJ AUL'Il ctirk.l tor flrtv ii-utj. Tiicre t3 fi-Jt a runciiiiil iuruiit In i lil unltl Hi. a will cure -nr and A.'ic, timl nil citlnr M.ii.nUti.n, lllll m, SrtrUt. '1 vtI,ilil, lU.-r. uitit ulliiT KiviwCiWoil Lv KA1WAY' I'ltLS) qiik-lt ui IiADWA-i'S liKAUV l:EUEi''. l'Uty ceUJ irrUlile. fcwU l( Vr a. HEALTH 1 BEAUTY!! ' STRO'Cl AND VVUK VACU llLOOD-IXf'ItKARK OF OR. K AD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HA4 ?f Ann the most astovimiinu ccuesi m I'UII'K, SO IlAl'IO Altn THE CIIAMIES T11K llttUV 1TNI3E1!UUES, rNPEIt THE INFLUENCE OF TUH 11VULV WO.SDEHFUL MEU1C1XE, THAT Every "3ay an Incroaco In Floch ant( Wolght 1o Soon and ?"olt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUHIFIER. Evi'ry ilr. ft tli RA1MAPAU1LL1AN UESOI.VEXT ((uniiiunlciUa tlirnitb the Itlnl, StMut, Urine, uiul tlitr ItuttNuiKt ilccsor tlitj pyatom the viurtf ILfv, f r lt rti-kS.a t.iD woUii of tl.d lioily wltli low unt buuik! tnuttrl.il, :crnf..l i, t-j-plilllit, C'iuBiiiiiiill(in, OlinduUr dUeitiv, Uki tu tue Tlirti.it. Mfititli, 'i'umorji, Nuiltn In tiie (J! mid and Hilar I'li-taif Ilia syHim, Nr Eyw, Mrumou lHnilinrniS frmii tliti UiM, lit i J tli;' uurst ftuiA of Hkln dlseiui. Emp tluu. I'Vwr H..a. Hvil I Ilea), lnjt i.rin. hAlt Uhcuin, i:ry-Hi-l tt, Auiu. Ill isle b)"t, WormiliTtlte ricfcli, Tumorst Ctitivri Pi lliu Wttinli, und nil wi'ikcidnij and julnful ill i Ii 11 s Mtclit Swiiti, it Snvrm, und u'l wnntiiof the lilt' itIiicijiIc, iro ultlitu tlto curative rtmro of tliU wotidor f iLni CIiMiilHtrv, uikI a lew (l.i)a' uu will Move to my tK,,il" "Jiib! it fr either of tlicbj fruia of.dUuw Ui lu.i t-iit (KtM'cr tu curn t la-iii. If tliu iiilli'iit, ililly tn'comliis rcdurpd ty the wasteland d .n tnltluii timt h miititm.illy i nwui, succeed la imtlt'ii t!u"W ua-ti", nn.i rt'inilra tn a uni ilh new inatrr Id in 1- Cm.iu Imdthy LI ioJ tLls tho SAKSAI'AHIL t i V H ' t d'' tiw, h-it utll ll- lint JAUnAl'AUILI KH Riair.VENT fieri ftll 1 iiu,t i ri'i'u-'ld (tirciit In tlio mm i.f flirmiltf, Hcrofuloim, i iiitiiulw!..i!, c.u dU.iidC4 1 tut it li Ue ouly fosltlve ECMiti'y & XlhuMrr Coittphilnls Fr.ikiirv, 'd V.Vin'i iliaiiut'ii, (lravi-1, Dlilnt., Vwptf Ut ue of Witter, Iiictitliii.iii'6 of t'rtiic, lirltt i IMscoCi 1 iiiiiiiiui a, uiul In u'l iii4 tftt IluTt) tin tirlckiltibt do i i-i.t, it tl.u w it-.r ii thi- i tnuii v, iiiit. t with imUtancil Iwt tliu u lUe w t iff, ur tl.rcuJ lUe u lilto Milk, or tlicro Ji.it in.irl-ld, i! uk, M:inii4 npl'turniico.uiiil uldlo tniicdtiit ii i t, iut I wltiii I In re 1 ii jTltWUirf, l-iirnliitf ni-mutluil . h , ..i-tmt wul'-r, n J .tti U Iho Haallvf tUtt H.iCk UlLiI ul i. l.u Lulim. 1'ik'i', Ji.u), WOn WIS. Tho oul Itiown and uro Itonicdyfor li a Mt-hi, 4 t't. Tsnuor r BO Your' rovl!i Ciirctl Iy V ul'.xtiy's ISctoIvcntt UKvuai y, Mu , July is. ugh. Tit, HiiWiT t tin hl Oi4rl4it 'iuiu"r lu Hi otarl rJ t JMI 1)14 p.rt ri ijII "Utr wi i.u ht-lpf.-r ll." 1 trU4 , y l' ti tlitk mu r nntinlrj , lt i .tiling lmtld 111. I lW v nr lli-dt.ia, r4 tli ijl.t I ulltry ll Liitlkl no rultb la tt, 1-iiii-i 1 Ln'1 mllnf. I fr tlv tnr. I V-ilt ill Uttlvi cf tU K,i4m .t. mill ui') l- vt I.i4w4i 1'IIU, nn.l two LotlUi cf iur 1; n.ly K u4 tl-' Ii nt m Itf of lutimr U t wen cr full, n i-t I ft I Mur, iiiirtf r, kii4 laM lr llin I tit (vt twirlvt j-mrt, 'iii w 'ti lutouf t In lUa luft (la if U mwi, tr tli vroln, I uHl lUU H JV4 fwr UmiUf Uliir, Yuu run rul-I1.li It If avUw. HANNAH I'. KNAl'i'. DTi. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, in' f.iily t udi'li-w, iloautly cmtv with iwi-it (turn, inne rtcnlit.', iurlfy. c'lanw, mil drcnttlifn. l(tda' i'ltlfc fir tUu cur.-of idl di irdcri-f tlio Mount h. I.lvir, Itouclm Kkli.vv, UlA'Idir, rvlu l)l.-iw. JltWtulie, Court Ijnn turn, ittUivimrM, lmllti'ii. 1J "i-tprta, ItlllouniitM. it l louri IVvur. li miniuidloii ot ttte lluiU, l'klii,mid hll ) r.nicfihfiit of tin liituritul V(Cvr. Wui ranted to ifTuU a i04ii1v cure, purely Vt-jjeUUe, cotAalulng tig mercury, litliwr il, or dv li-t vriHU drun. ttf ()i.riurv lliu fuiloMlii iyn'itou:s resulting from Pit crUtrof Ittf IHUveOifciiitit Camtlpil w, lnwsrl 1 1, lullrtti if tli HIvvl In Xht IU1' AelJ.ty t lh fctoutwti, auMlB, l.rttufn, iJiiu.l or tn-l.ruil' Wl Uhr n MxUt, t'turftiHl Wit l'tu lu U IUJ, IVfltiUnf f of l'trii.liin, )rtluwiuui if Ik tUu nnil Ma la il huU. tii, UiiAi, nJ uJUu lliUtu if IUt, turwu( la tl i Iu. A Tw dowt n llAlWAVflriUHwllI fre tUmtem rromall ll.iduvi.Hit'l dinurdtTd. 1 Hoc, aj ui'U urtox. fcul.h V UltUCOIM'rt. HKAIi -RM.S1C AM 'tllllK." Hil on MterftUiup t't KAIiWAY A- (0.. N n. ti Jdtddvti Uiic, Now.Vork. li.fuiiuatlott wuttli tliubtiid4Mlil oMit yuu. m mm i ' i. ii, jur r . r' -J rk H It R E M O V Al MOHIO W A It K It () () M H luivo lioou rciiiovfMl lo thn . NKW imiCU' DtJlLDINU P. OlTOitlTIUIiolll'iHOJl'AI.OllllUfll.MAlNIH Whciono will hcci u guncr.tl a-aiirtmonl of TIIE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, riANOS.OIirJANS, VIOMNS, nmlnll ICINDH tlP MUHICAt. INMTIlll.MlINIH, Also MUStO IIOOIW for nil IIJUTUUMKNTH. 1'IAKO AK1) OUUAN STOOIJJ ALL HTVLia ANUl'lUCKS. TIIE SHOEMAKER PIANO is tho cheapest First Class Piano in the market. Having scciueJ tho Agency ot tho GEO. WOODS' HK.VOWNKO OUOANH, lor Columbia Comity, tojethur with tho CELUllllAIT.D TnMl'Lll ANOl'.LIO furnishes alvnntaaos to jiarcliaseri not fouml elsowheru. STATIONARY OF ALTj KINDS. A full nssortiucul or SQ.UA1U-: AND OVAL FUAMUIW, US.' ;nll styles auJ prices consluutly ou liaihl. STKEL KliUAVINCH, ClIllOMfH A COLOltlll) l'KINTM.HTKllhOiiCUl'KM AND VJiiWH. flu-Call and examine. mchS'72-llm. jNNOUNCEM ENT 1 the liLooMaiiUP.a LiruitAitv iNariTun: AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL will open mulcr tho entire control of tho HOAKD OF TRUSTEES, They havo selectnl us Principal or tho Insti tution REV. JOHN HEWITT, a ccntleniaii whose qualifications havo been fully tested and proved in other educational en terprises nta llko nature; and, they ask nnd have a right to demaud lor lilm and the Insti tution, tho contldeuco nnd support of our own citizens, nnd of tlio irleuds of tho enterprise and ol education overywhero. In point of comfort, conveulcnco and beauty of buildings nnd sur roundings, no school In tho Stale surpasses this; nd wo are determined lt shall not bo second lu tbo kind, quality and thoroughness of Its disci pline und culture. Tlio fall and winter Bcssloa of twelve weeks will begin MONDAY, AUGUST IMth, and close FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20m. EXPENSES: Tuition nud Hoarding, Including washing nnd neat, per week, 5 J.UO, AJADEMIO DEPARTMENT. Tllltlon for dnv nnntls nno ilnllif nep wplr. In the model school, sixty cents per week. lu the primary, iorty cents per weeic. Music, U raw ing, I'alutlug, &c, exlia. Ullls are payable, and must bo paiil promptly, ono-half at the beglnului und tbo other half ut tho middle of the session, J. Q. FllEEZB. L. II. HUriUlT, President. (secretary. A0E1H3 wistel t Wjc Years t,s Wild Indians & Plains. Tho romnilcnble ndrcntureH of iho laraoiTi WHITE ClllKPnntimU WAltUIOU aiuouc the ItedKklus. TbrllUufs aocouuts of (JreatlluntH, iiairuiuauin jhenpes ami x crnuie coniosis wnu tho bit camo nnd hostile tribes. Knlrlteil rirKcrln- tlotiH of the habits uinl KUperstltlons or lliat btruugo people, Tholr Hporm. Legends, Tradl tlnuH. How Uipv Won nml Weil. Krnln. Doctor; Wbrshlp, c. Kg7, FiesU nud Popular. rlce Low. Hl4 f.ellliif hv the thotiRnndd with iron. derlut rnpldlty. Agents uro ranking from SoOto once for Bamplo cbnptern, IliiiKtvaUoiiB rtnd par- cunpterK, iiiiiKivauons nnu i A. 11. 11UUI1AU1), Tubllfiher. JUU1771-U, 400 Chestnut St., l'blla Tho Kaco of Timo Koopora. M. B. ALLEBACH DKAr.Ell IN WATCHES nnd JEWEL11Y DANVILLE VA. BILVHU AND 1'LA.TED WAltK, FUENCII UI.0t.-K8, HWIBH AMI AMUHICAN HTKlt WATCHES. THE ltnsOWNEU ELUIN AVATCIIES. a larouassohtmentoii-'fink JEWELHY, DIAMONDS 4o, H Itcpalrlng pioraptly Rltomlcd to vw . . .. vivi'WfU'm.ffiywvtt.'' tV, . I.U !Wi!fflHtS Moyora' Column. IS CALLED 11 Y MOYER BROS, To tlio fact that thoy urn Mill imOilm! Ilm llnnr liiiHliu KH with all tho t-iii'iKV " chanu'lcrlslle nt iiiciiiuif"i in lonncr iiutus, hi uieir inn imw lusi staiuli lu GROWER'S 13L0CIC, nnJnt tho Corner of Main nnil Market Htrccln. ThelrhUick lilnruernnil moro varied than can lm found lu any oilier culnhllslimcnt nhort of I'liiiaiioipnia or lone, audi ivoieo is oner mi lu larKO or finall quantities at llKiires an low If not lower, than tamo kooiIi can lu piiroUnfeil f'Ncwhure. Call nntl examine lor yourself. Tho wiKiiesHiofiepartmeiu utuier 1110 iiumeiiiaio sir ft rvliiou ntul control of ttio llrui, comprises I'ALSTrf, OILS, OLAHSJ, 1'UITV, AC, AC. Thev l:epn entlNlantll On hnnd flnin flvo Infilx illllercnl brands ol While Lead, umnuc which Is John T. Lowls & Bros., llucl: Lead, WII1U) V&K, illllUlOIUI, AR'tlf, iVC, Varnishes, Coach, Furniture, Daiunr, Shellac mid Japan Dryer. In r-slors vou will llnil timbers hnllulrvnnd In oil, Biennas, llrowns.Mctnlltctmil 'aml l:e,l!eils enciian, ucuijeau, Ainerieanauii viuuebu er- miiiions, limes, veiiows nun ureens, nmoui! which nro the? eclebratcil Versailles and Hhamrorh, very handsoiuo and permanent, nnd especially ndapted to tho luiutluir ot blinds, Ac. Llnhccil Oil. Turpentine Ac. All sl7es window glass, largoslzesof superior quality for pieilires, u ipteiauiy. uasioruu oy uio kuiiou or dozen, Liilnliinum, l'nrcRoile, llateman's drops, uoldeu 'llncture. llalbam Do Maltha, tlod- Irey's Cordial, Kssences Lemon, 1-eppermlut, WlnlciKi'ton unit Cinnamon. All lliu popular patent niedletiies of tho day, among which wo IHUIUCIUIC. Ayres, Jayncs.Vincsar Ultlci's.IIo.slut ler'a, Dmko'd, anil Hooll.ind'i Oor man liltters. I'llls, Wrifjht'H Jayno's, Schonck'd.and all othcrd known to tho Community. A larco and varied assortment of Knights world renowned looking extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Hose, Kaspberry, Str.iwhctry, i oiu ppie,t'iery, imuaim, ve..aru oiler ed below manufacturers prices, to country meiehauts. y pices, C'lunamou, Clows, repper, Mace, Mustard, AC, at bottom prices. ALSO, Holland I'lourbul phur, Kpsom balls, Hall I'etre, Cnlabra Lic orice, (luniUauiphor,l:orax, Assahetlda, ('attlo aud ilorbo rowders.IJluo Vitriol, lCxtract Iaj woud. Cautllo and Lauudrv Hoans. Lamp Chimneys, nnd Lumpi;oods ueuer- nllv. I.umn Chalk. Hllver sand, (.'.ilehie.1 I'll aster, Hosendal Cement by the ban el or bmh;), Tho Cl'lebiatpil flllvllln l.-rllll. .T.li- nnlrti.iu't. eilced In be by Mr the best, lu tho .Markets, all Klas, of superior malerial and woihmaiisiilp. Consumers havius once iibed these, will havo uu other. Country l'liydlclaus will find onrstoclc full and complete, comprising all tho old staples of tho Materia Medle.i, ns well as alt tho latter discov eries of medical scleneo, Quinine, Morphia and Opium always in abundance, llanco lhos, and While's pharmaceutical preparations, Kluld and Solid e.xlracts K'lxlra nudVillsol tho rbiinna eopiea sugar-coaled. Dowers and U'ulKhtmuuV Chemicals aud l'rof. S inlbb's inedieliies, n lull Moclt, Farmers and others will llndoitrstoeir nfl'tirA OrimmnVcstern Hone. Oil of Vitriol, Kulphalo or Soda nml Nitrate of Soda, nr better iiuallty and nt lower prices than can bofound elsewhere. COACH AND WAGON MAKERS would do wen Iosco oursioeiciinu impure our piiees be lino purchuslDi; elsowheio. Our retail and Drcn'rlption detnrl incut Is nnder tho siii.irvlalou or 31 K. A. II. C.VTHG'AKT, who lias hadyenisor expcrlencoin tho business. Able and couilictclit usslstiinu iiIu'iivm In fitt,.ii. dance. This department consists ol tho coiu- pouuiiiiikoi i-iiysicians' jirescnpiious mid Intnl. ly leclpvs, tho puttlui; up or Dyo stuUs, ef tho rolaiilng or l'.ilent Modlcincs an t Drugalst's sundries, such as l'errutnery, comprising nil of tbo most choice lrom our most cmlnunl Ameri can manur.ictureis nnd tho specialties ot nil tho Foreign, French, Knglisli, Gerinun mid Italian IVrninicrn. Toilet Soaps in laigo variety, both Iniroited and Domestic, Flno Hair, Tooth, Flesh, Clothes, Shav ing A Nail Uriuhes. Triisses.Shoul. tier ISraces & Supporters, Num. hit; Uoltled, 1'ocUet Books. Hill Uoolrs, &c, .te. Cigirs of rarest nni choicest brands from 5cls,, to ij els., each, I'lpes uiul cigar smokers nnd many things lm pusslblo In I'uimic rnto here, Tho handsomest SODA POUMTAIM In this part of Iho Slalo, railed the "Iceberg," fiom which iseoiislaullyitrawn, thuseeool und refreshing heve ratios so popular with Iho Amer ican public, also, tho medicated watci of Vlsliv, Surutog.i and Sell.er, Our Manuraelurlng Depailmcnt, enmptlscs nil thoollielnal picparallous ol tho U.S. l'liur macopu'a, 'Jluctiues, tiyruim, etc., OIL OF GLADNESS n spoelflo tor Croup, Uurns and Scalds and ono or llie iniiKt vnluablo uuxlllailui In tlm euro of yetler-pllos, hoarseness, clo over known. Tho largely increasing sales attest its popularity ns ii household remedy. Meyer's Tar Cough Dropi n valuahlo remedy for roughs of long tlandlui: und liielpleut con. sumption. Flavoring extracts, Essence Jaiiiulcil (lluuer, etc, To all of which wo uslc Iho alien tlou of tho ueueral public, Tho wngon will still continuo to pay its Bttuod visits to their country custom cm. JIOYEPv BrvOS. IMny 10, ly. ..... fnl.n flirin llttlrl-ll flKnrd i i In ln .. in 1 1, nml tcm.iin lona unmll. r"yulcil limit i.muMU' iml ii. lloycil hv miniTjl pnison nr other nie.nn, mill Ilm il.ll orilli" I'll-U uvraiu liic gnm "i-r".' , l)iipi ilii or llidlltrllim, lle.iilulic, r.iln in Hi Slmul.lt n, t'lnii'li', -liRliincMif llie Uii'l. pi'fi l,f... Si.nr l..uu.lli.nniifllo Slumltli, ll.nl IflMeia Ilia Mould. I . un Allnli, rlpililion ef llio 111 art, In Ihiiiiiiuiuii nt liic Linus l'.iml" iiu.' regions of Hie M1 m ..mil i liiu iliul ollur iMinful i ) iiiiitniin. nro lie off rl mi of lljpei In timo toniilililiM It lul no c mil. n ui "no 1 1 Mill prmo 1 ittf r gisiMnleo ef 113 l.ioul III Hi .1 l.-i.mliv nilveilnemi.'Ht. Iiii' I'cniiiln l-iiniplilliilM, in ynuiiK or filil, inir I cil or 'iiiii . .d die tl mil ol iMimnlilmni!, or llie turn I I nie, llie I c Diltui ilnplay n dcculcil an iiilluciico I i it .1 inuki .1 liiipniieliHlil H soon Iwiceptililc. K.il' lillhlliililHtnl'J- nnil Clirnlllfi Ithril tiltlllllll nnil (imil, lli.ti'il'i. l'l-nnltcllt ami llllerilitt. 1 nt I vi". Diiei n if tlm lllontl. I.lvcr, Kluneys aiul Ili.iilcliT, tlii'-o llitun line nn equal. Such Dienen ,.i c lined bv Viliitul Illnoil.nlilili U generally produced In ilcrmnenier.t i f llii- l)iellie OrRlMi Tlirv hit ll tlrlillo i'nrpitlto ni tvrll n ii'Tunlr, tKHMirtiiiR a'no Hie peculiar merit of atlliii a i nor., rful nii.'iit In lClioMna L'oiigc.llmi or lnllammallon i f the hu er and Vinrer.il Orgam. and In llilioiu llue.i'cit. 1-iiv Milll Dlsiimfl, i:niption. Tetter, Silt Klieiim, ItUnclie. Spots Pimple", riistnle. Iloil,, Car hinic'e., ItiiiK-uoriiM, Scald 1 lead, Sore l'.cs, Kljsnielat, lull, Sciirr, li.coliuationsof llie Skin, Humors and Uis mi of tlio Skin, of nliatcler liamo or nature, aro lit erally duq up and i mud out of llie r-ysleul in n hwl t limf liy tile U-.C lit tlicia llittert, The iii'tipritlFH of Dr. WLKrn''i VmroAn lhTTsns are Aperient, 1 liaplmrellc and Carminative, NitlMiit'iia, l.lxnlir, Diuretic, Sedative, Countcr-ltrl-lint, SndittilH, .Mler.ltivt', and Anli-lliliotH. (llilterill Tlilillillldit pliK-taim VlNFavn lhT TiiRs tlie iim.t wiiiuli-ilul lnlKiirant lliat cer sustained tile siul.in).' -tein. I WAUriMWr :t.n.?tii)oxAi.i.tco., Driifc t .TnHlfii A';ti, Sin Trancnco, Cal., and lonui , t a , n, ion in I Cli.irllun Sts , New YoiK 1.01 ll I.Y Ai I. li!. I Mil: li AND ULALEKS. H1S-7J imitasOtn THE QHJKEKT THE AMEBIGAM BUTTON-HOLE AND C0.1IPIiHTj:SUH'IN(J M VOllINi:. -0- Thn llrsl nud only ItlllTON'.IIor.E AND NUW'INU JIACIUNE cnmblned that has luailo lis advent In this ur utiy cither eotiutry. 3-Tlio followlui; reasjns nru nlveii why this Is tlio best. Family Machine to Purcliaso. J. lleeauso lt will do; evprythlnulhatuuy ma chine, can do. suwiup. from tho llutst In the eoniscst matorlal, hem-1 1. lieeausoitwlllwnrlt n bcautllul eyelet hole. G. Ileeauso It can do lover-hand scaminjr, by 'which sheets, pillow leases mid tho lilio uiu ,sew ed over and over, i 0. Ileeauso tho best mechanics nronounco It tlio best Mulshed and made on tho bciit priuci nlo of utiv niachtno niiuir, leiuui;, roitiiiig. braldlnir, binding Rath-, erlnsiind sowlnc; on.nt the samo timo ruflllng., tin tit lu tr. etc, better' than any other ma chlue. 2. Ecc.uivelt eanworlt, a beanlllul buttiin-hiile, mnUlug as tlnun iearl us by tno hand. , nianulacturod. It has no hprltiKs In brcah; nothing hi (rcl out ol order. n lnAn...nt. ..Ill , ii 1H-UIUSU lb 11 lllll o. ileeauso it will em- n.,,iliniw i,, .,., . gaimeut! Lnk'r UM combined. J-Ko olhcr Mnchlnoean accomplish tho kind of scwlngslatcd lu Nos. '.'.a. i. and j. l'tlltles lislnir a Inmllv feewlni? innelihio want a WHOLE MACHINE, ono with nil tho liniirovo- juents. ins 10 lasia i.ii' liTiJib', nun inercloro ono is wanted that will do tho most worlc, nnd do lt tho best: and this inachlnn can do seiei.il lc.nds of how!n;;nntdono on ANY UTlIEll.MAClIINi:, besides dolus every kind that nil others can do The American or Plain Sewing Machine. (Without tho hutton-holo parts), does nil Hint Is dono ou tuu Combination except button.holo nnd over-seaming. & 5. FAUX, Agent, BIOOAESBUIin-, Pa. AlJIiNTS WANTJiD IN UVKUY TOWN. COMPANY'S WAHEHOOJia, 1313 Chestnut Stroot, Philadelphia. Evnmlno th"in beforo puichaslnir nnv oilier Sewliii; .Machine. irJlls;'j-ilm. jypKKLVY, NEAL A CO., t DEAEEU3 IX D11Y GOODS, GllOC E II I E S ,' AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSliUKO, l'A. Janai'Ti-tf SEWING ' MACHINES. 1-IIE SALES OF SEWINC1 JIA- X chines lu 1S7I, nsrepnited, under mlh, lu ittii, to Iho owners or tho tiuwlui; MachlnoF.it' euls, show that tho SI AN UFAOTUIU NO COJIPANV IjAST'YEAU sold 181, 260 Machines, NINETY I'ER GENT. OF THEM BE ING FOH FAMILY UcJE. TI2I3 IS OV33S. MORE SEWINCI MACI I INKS Tl IAN WEUK BOLD BY AN Y OTH ER COMPANY DUR ING TI1KHAME PERIOD. Tlio Singor Manufactiu'hig Co., 31 UXTI01T SQUAIffi, HEW VOUK. l'HII.ADEM'HIA OFFCE 11M chealtiutSt. j. a. uouoN, aut, in iiijonisuurir. uua'Jly AGENTS ! QUICK ! i orynit wlllmlsscholco ot territory. (Ihero Is a rush lor 11) on lllll iiiiffw lasi nud crcntesi wum. IS' last nud greatest - OUR DIGESTION, or, MY .10I.I.Y FUlEND'SSECltEl-. It Is by odds tho most tali Inn nnd saleablo hook In Iho Held. 1 Illsou n vltully linnorlnutkub. Ject. 2 It is by America's most popular wriU-r on ueaiiii. a it i, mi uiu in ice, mo laruesi nun handsomest book over sold by subscription. Aeellta. Iho rconlo nro oilier forsurli n linnlr.nnil wfll urero sou lo bilui; ll to them, Write for icruis, ACi lieu. (1E0110E JIAPI.EAJf, I'uhllsher, nprll SO.TMf. 731 Sunsom sneet, l'lilludelplila Rail Roads, PENNSYLVANIA HAILUovi, HUMMlUt TIMI! TAUI.U i:iaht Trnln-i (pilly) to and front 1'iiiui , (Dilly) toiindironi Elio. (auuday-i il-cccpted.) QN ntul nflor ilontlny, Junn n Iho llwioiiKcrTriilii-ior the l'otiiiiy v,,,,'1' iMiirnad Ctilillmuv w III ilnnuM r...V: 'yini.i and nrrlVQ nt I'liiTadeliilil and l'lttHbur 'iV r lownt J " EASTWAltD. n.f.iit,i.lln.t,,l.,l,lfi t . .. iiiiimv.,..,... ,,a rim, lo.ivei nam U illy (DXeeia JliindayinliisMn, miui j nl Weit I'hlladelphl.nittliVia, m, J ai'M-t-asl l.lnu leaves llarrliimrj il.il v rept Jlnndayjat 8:11 n. miitidarrlvis " :W-.Mall Train leaves HrtrrUuurpih'lv rent Hiindnyi nt 8:Wp.iii,iuidnrrlvi!dnt " ilcirhlaiitl'Jilln. hi. 4 " e:i i-nrino uxprcsi leaves llnrrlilnir tit :Vi ii. in., nnd urrlN es tit Won 1'liiimK ,,. ",, 'K:uo'-Wlmlm Express lcavos llarrUburni . I (except mnidayH al IS'H) p. m nnd a n. . ! West i-hlladelphlaiitlhJJp. m. nl 111 ltl'Ji-CincliinaH EspruiH ioav6s It ,,i dally at Ittfi p. m.,iiud nrrlvesiUW. ,,..;' ttcliililn nt V':1J ii. in. !):i-llarrisbiirit AceiimmcnUllnii leivr.n rUlinpif .Inllv lovciiit Mtitol.t... ... .i.-.i . . ' ut 1 iiiraiielpliVn Va li.-l , ,nY ' 1 " .!ij niiicasicr rrniii, via Slmml .T., i llarrlsbtim dally (except Hiuuliiyiut ,, ,', ' . and ntilvts nt Vint I'jilhideiphliv al Vs'l ,, , , ' 4;n-Erlo Express wost, fur Erie, rnf ( i hSly-ajn!:!! lMJ-CIuclnnntl Express leaves Manhunt da ly (except Hunrda ) ai li-a , , i:aln.Mi. I1,,,l,lul ""V""11 ii"l")ur..' n.''i?.rf'n?ma I;,PrM Imvoj IlntrUljaMtliilv und arrives nt l'lilsimrK at U;lu n. in. l:W-l'nst l.lno leave, Hnrrlslniril da lv to . r.n1'ta,?,",l.ay,) ,lt lM.niarrlvu,.,,i ah mu.V,, uU-15 a ill" ""fl" "UJ "f'tvCH al l-ittkbiil l;JJ-.Mall Train, lravoa itarrlRbnri dally . cepi Sunday) ut ii.u p. in. nriives n' Ah uiu., ut .tljp. iu., taltos Mlppcr niii urrtvesiii 1'uW .ir lit it, til. . 'rw ."- JunruiiKfi 1 i.wu lO.tVCS 11. ll rl Ut- duly (except .Sunday) ul 7UU a. m. uriivi Altuoun nl 1:30 ji. m. ni.d at l'litsbniri a i,,. :JU way rnsjcmrrr Train loAVoH..iri mr UK I'lirmml strtn.l'ifl ut Titil ' S:01 Throusih 1'nssoiiKer Train leavci iint uitf dally (exiepl Mi)iiiliy)at ;i;i))ii, mii i i, lAilwm.i:itb:lU.'t,m.audurrlVu,iit l'llis. a I. ,i. in. s.vMunr, a. nr. , Hlipl.Jlld. Dlv. I'. It. gUOnTEST KOUTK UASTWAltD. DauvillG, Hazlotou & WilkesliarrG R. K IiVa'A'A' ARKAXaHZthA iX EAHTWAED. WKSrWAiU). A. tr. u;avk. L11AV15, Huuhiiry Dauvillo Calawliisa llazloluti (U'l) ,.3J 1 New V a . 7.IU lEnHtun, rniiii Uctlllc i ,. ttlhlehom. WJ KMo Ilaleton. l'hll.idelphla -J n Calnwlssj. Iliuleton, hTjfrf 1a:h Danville. New York. jCl U.5J Sun bury. Thoanernoon train connectnnl Stitib.irj n ll'-Vs' '- P- "it' tram Bolus Wesi( uiuvt i Villlamsp,itt(i.:ii); Lock lIaven;.Vip.iu.,an I wo tho Noriiioin Cential I.OU p. m.. iimviui! Sunt reaehlu; llarrlsburg 7.UJ p. m ami Iiaium lo.lj p. in., and also with tho Su ibury anil 1, . lsUiMiiltallro.nl. Comrorlablo and handsoniD Co.i niso.i 'ii new route. J, HEUV'EY ICABE, Superlui 'ii i pq-OKTHEKN OKNTKAI, JtAli On aud aftor JunoJd,'l'o7J, Ti.i os . IcavoSUNuuitY" nafollows : NOUTilWAUD. 11M l'.st. Dally toWllllamspoit, Elnun . dalgua, Itochestcr, UuUalo.Susputis.oii , aud N. Kails. " 12.1 1 1. M. Ihillalo, N. Falls, .if. o.Uia. m. Wllllamsport Elmlr.i Erie A C.W 1-. M., Dally, (except Sundays) lor V , . sport nud Erie. I, 10 v. sr., D.illv, (except Sund'iys) r.,r t n . llull.ilo und Niagara i-all, via. lh m , i from Elmli'j, TKAIN.9 SOUTHWAUO. Uii A.M. Dally for Daltlinoit.W.i ., a , i 1'hll.idclphla. II. 01 A.M. Dally (except Sundays) fur !' , r Washington nnd ltaEsulolutihi, Ul i'. sr. Dally (except Sundays) I ir . . Gcnornl 1'.' i i i .ttrncn lt. Fuji;, Uou'l. Sup't. TiEADlNCl IlAII.UflAi, SUiUIEll Ar.ltANaE.Mi.s .. riiur.soAY, AunuoTlst li : Trains Icavn Harrlsburs for New mil u . . lows: At .1.1)11, s,lu, a, in., uiu j,ni p. m. lieelliiij with trains ou lVnii'.- , ., load, and arilviUK al Nuw Voi i a,cu, and ll.Ij p. m, lospeetlvely. ItHturiiliiK: I.eavo New Yoil: ' " 12.10 nnu 0.UI p. in. l'hlhtdelphu al .. . '. and 3.iU p. in, I.eavo Haiiisburi; for Ileadlnr;, Dot 'si niuquu, illnersvlllo, Ashland, Sbanu),. u . leutown uud l'hlhi'd. at .l.ojniid i-.lii a. . andl.tu p.m., stopping at Lebanon and pi m ,, way. stations; Iho l,o,i p. m. train eiiniic. i i l'hll'it., l'ottsvllliiiindL'oliiniblanuly. Km rm ' e.SehuylkillHaven and Aubni ii, v .irt. , kill aud Sus(uehaiiiia ltailroad, lime it bnrir at D.IO p. in. East l'eiuisyivnnla Itallroail trims i Iteuuln lor Allentowu Easiuu and .N v i . al 7.10 lO.iU. n. in., and l.oi it. in. It, m leavuNew Volk at ".till a. ill., lil.to ntul n . , and Alleutowu al7.iKi.ui. iL'.Jj.ii, , unit U.Ua p. in. Way 1'usseuEcr Train leaves l'n., a'. 7,'JJu.m,, eoniieclliii; wlih hliiiii.u u i. 1M. railroad retitrnlns lioin Itead'u0,. blopplui; nt all stations, I.eavo l'uttsvlllo ut 6.10 nnd 0,iH ,i. m 2,'JJ p. m,, Herildou lit iu.ltj a. m., hliaai. i. o.IOaud 11,15 a. in., Ashland at 7,t)ja. in. a ui p, m.,Aiahauoy city ut 7.31 a.m. and . , i'ainaiUa al b,:ii a, in., and 'J, ID p. m. u., i ilelplila, New York, lleadinj;, llanisiu. Loavo l'uttsvlllo via SchuyiitiU u.iu hauua UuilioadatS,l5n. m. lor Hum-jui o ll.lo a, in., loi' 1'lno (Jinn, and Treinuiir, I'litlsvlllo Accommodation Ttam u i Vlilo IllLoUn. m. .pusses Uoaillit;; at, 7,i ja.lu. rlvlnij at l'hll.idelphlant u.s, u, m. iieuii leaves l'htladeliihhi at 5,15 p. m., paiii i- iv, iusat7,l'Jp.ni.,arrlvlui!nl l'otisMiloui !t..j , .. , l'ljttsioH ii Accommodation Train, It aves town at (1,1 j a.m., returutui;, Itaves I'luiaue 1 1 a (MntliandUrceii)al t,9) p.m. Uolumbla ltailroad Trains leavo Ui.ui , 7,'.M a.m., and U.l jji.m, for Ephrala, I.lia, Lu ter, Coluuibla, .Vc; retutnlu,: leave Iriui t p.vu u. in. nnd j,ta p. in,, and Columbia a lu. and 3,1 j p. in, I'm klomeu lfcill Enad Trains leavo Pi ... 'Junction ut 7,:i3iind S.Vin. in., 2,ii ij , I ,.. m turatnsr, leao Ureuu Etiuo ul u.i.i .' ui nnd 1,'JJ p. in., uuuuuwtlii.; wuu Ite.idiUi; ltailroad. I'icut-iliij Valley K.illr.u.l Ir.iu 1 . t nl.wllloul U.IU u. in., ,1.10 and o.ijp. ui inii, ljavo llyeis altUu a. m., l.'.li ,uu i. cuunectinj with ti.imsou Ituidini IU 1. Cotcbioiikdalo Uallio.id traiusie.ive ix at u.U a. m,l.'.iJii.'j).v 7.1ip. m., lami. Mi. I'leastiulatu.ui, ,s.ojau,ui.. i.i, t.i ouunectlui! wuu ir.iius ou 11m Iiuj tl Cuister Vulley ltallriu.1 Tnuiis a n poll at s.uOti, ui. aud 2.IJ and n.i. p '. . iciivo D'jwnlngtown at il.ji a. i.i., 5.1J p, m cj-iuucliu with tiu . , i. K:,ilni.ul, (Jn tjimd.-ys, luavo IT w York ul ,, u p i phi. i at f.'JJ a, m, mid :l,lip. m., iiii. ii'.i.u liuiuuitf only lo Uu.idlu,!;) k.iiu . . a.ixj a.m.: H.irrUburi;nto.u0.i.iii. .mil J leavo Allciitinvu ill l.:li mut it..; p. . , iteadln' al 7.13 it. ut, aud 1 1. j, p. m, . n hurt', at 7.CU n. m. ur 1,'ow York, . I i . u. Alleutowu uud alu.U u, lu., iuh (..1,1 I'hlladelplUu. Commutation, .Mileage, Mo. 1.111, n .. Excuislon Tickets to and from ull u,u , ducod rales. llawao eliecked Uii'miijU; 1)J puuti each pasoui;er. J. E. WiiiJl'l-l Asst. Stlpt. .V Euj. li 1 , Itoadliu:, l.i Ana. 1. 15? J. f AO I C A V A N N A A N D iJlAJu. XJ IHIUll it.VIhUOAIJ Oil ullilJIUrNoV. !7, IS7l,l'at,SLU ; 1 li uiu us loiiows I Uolns North. Arrive A11IV0 11.111. p. m. .. 0,10 1,11 . , f.is 11,3-.' III! ', Lease p.m. i.li ..I i i.m 3.U.S j.-ii 3.57 Scraniou I'ilUloll Klnusloit 1 It. iS; W'.llarioC'rs I'lymouth shlcksliluuy.,., llerwlck lllooin Mil 1JUI s.ll 7.W . M . b.Uj 1J.!M :m 11.ua 11,11 Dauvillo., 1U.SU l.'J7 Conucclion mado iiLSciautoii bv tho lu.Ua.ni. trnhilordieatlieuil, llliuthnmlou, Aib.iuj ami allpolulsNoilh, Kiistaud West. D.T. HOUND, Sup't, PATENT AltlON PIANO. Tho only nercel Instrument in tho World. 11 IsimrniiiiiViilu Itlchuess, l'nwer, llrllllancy 1111. Durablllly. Special terms to Teachers. Jlaih' ' lavors to t'lcrayineu. Wend for lllusl ruled At too 1 iiuibUlct, FOSTEIt, Oenoral Aieul, inn'in'71 If.l MAiimi chunk l' B WINESS OARDH. VISITING DAItpd, MI-TI.-1I. lllTAll'l llIEIi HEAIH. l'ltOUltAMMEl. I'OdTKIW. 'J., & Nmtly nml (Jhoiply Prints, 4 K. mo I tin litust Styles of Typo nl tlio