THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNrlPA. it S Tub Columbian Friday, Oct, IS, 1S72. FRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT IJDITOIl. A Railroad Time Table savanna a in,ooMsuuna n. it. North. Hon Hi, P:S2A M, 1:57 Vt M. Inn 4:M A. M. 11:05 1' M. 0:00 l'.M. V&1A.M. i ia it. n. 1'iioJi nui'intr station. NntMi. doing South' .M. UtirA.M. LOCAL. Vanti:d. A Grunt mtui who can ,)U uti honest rnnn sfiunrely hi tltofnco mill sny Harlriinft'H nuijorlly of 30,000 in i lioiiist onu. Ii Wr Ihliml In,!. were favored with a t;onuhio t .storm on Sunday night Hho milker, Hop., is olcclcd to Con ;riNi fintu the Twelfth Pennsylvania liHtrlel.liy "oOinnJorily, Iju.crno coun ty,, t-lveu Bucknlow 11092 liinjor lly. All CltAULUS F. WlU.T.9, of Troy, Bradford county, Pit., a citizen of great cnoruy and public spirit, died at Auburn, N, V on Friday Inst. Wh call attention to tho very full and coniplcto olllclnl table, both county mid State printed on our second lnu;o. Tun Heading H. It. has leased tho Cttdwlss.i H. It. for a term of 009 years and llto louso luii.beon recorded In tho Ur of Rio Recorder of this county. f ju latest novelty In tho form of or iittitient for Indies is composed of bright i! .red sulla ribbon In tho form oi1 a , v,v and knot, and tailed ''tho Title , iiYcoMtxo county give.) Sir. Buckn ., ll7miiJorlty,Hnrtrnnrt 37!),Thomp t -in f ir Supremo Judge' -117, Shyrowood f , (' mjre-is 2;12, and Chalfant for Son n' ir !!70 Lvst week wo reflected upon n lolo graph operator of for rovc.ding thu contonts of a privato ilisjintch. Tho lo.ik was olsowhoro, and wo wero misinformed. "Wo doslro to do no injttstleo to no man. Cot.D weather is upon us at last. Tho first killing frost of tlio season In Muluo occurred on Friday night last. Ico wa3 formed In hquio places. Wo havo not heard of any ico being formo I In this County but frosts have been freii i i of late. Buckley's preposterous hand-bill cltculated on tho ovo of tho election, charging Democrats with intondlng to practice corruption nt tho election, was received overy whero with tiuiotcon lompt. Hut why did ho Issuo it? Evi dently, to cull ofT ntlontlou from radi cal rascolltlcs In tho county, and nllow their cheating and monoy operations with Boro hoads to pass unnoticed. l'i:oriiiJ who are unnblo to go to sleep nt night will ho glnd to know that nil instrument, constructed by un Ingeni ous Ucrmnn, when placed under a mat trass, Is calculated, by soothing st rains, to porsu.ulo tho most troublo3omo" con scion co into sweet oblivion nnd gontlo slumber. It n'so will, nt n set time, awaken tho happy slecpor by n lively selection from ono of Olfonbach's ope ras. Tunttra was a polo raising at Afton on Saturday nfternoon last at which thero wasa largo attondaueo. A meet ing wiV3 organized by tho election of Joseph Polio as l'rosldont ; Isaac IIcss and II. D. Ktiorr as Vlco Presidents nnd Poler Ent as tJecrctary. Captain Urockway was called upon and mndo an earnest speech in advocacy of Oreo ley and Urown. llo urged hU hear ers to lonowcd efforlii for the coming election In Novembor, undismayed by tho results of tho ono Just held. Tho mooting was in nil respects n sue- COjS. It isn't nn ngrceablothingto mention, but thoso who tiro gnthcring Autumnal leaves for preservation must bo careful. The correspondent of u Provldouco newspaper specially warns collectora against poison Ivy, Hho bright colors of which render it very atlracllvo. Tho remedies for poisoning by this leaf mo acetate of copper and carro3ivo subll tnatr -two beatitifitlly pleasant things to u e. Look out also for pokon sumac or ') i .logwo id, which is dangerous ly attractive. It m.iy bodlstlngulHhcd from the oiiniin', n m mac by Its lllit iish gray stems, tho harmless kind pre senting an iron brown. A MUIiTtNU Of thO Hoptl Ilic.itH of tills town was held on Tuesday night last, to take measures to hold a muss meeting in celebration of llartranft's counting in. The hotter sense of u few respectable Republicans prevailed, how ever, and tho matter voted dow'iv. Tin: R.'publieaus of this town and county, although without a candidate of their own for President Judge, were loo narrow minded and blinded by prejudice to voto for Jtulgj Elwoll. Thero is a belter class In Sullivan coun ty, as there, cut of a total vote of Fl"o, Judgo Klwell received 11.17 voles. Wkf.d oit. llo is a pooragrlcultur ist who permits noxious weeds to in jure his crops, and it is a sickly politi cal parly that will not throw o(f tho WiJ have received tho following no tico from the Philadelphia ofllco of tho Pcn'nsylvrtnti Woman Suffrage Asso ciation, with a request signed, Mary Grow, for its publication. Wo cheerfully comply with tho re quest if only to slow ihit we nro not lacking in that "spirit of liberality," in which the writ;r ) onlMotilly trusts. If thero nro any of our lady readers who care to havo anything to do with politics, after contemplating tho result of last week's election in this stale, they had best attend to t ho notice Tun friends of Woman Suffnigo throughout tho Slato aro requested to send their names with post office nd dresses to the Pennsylvania Woman Suflrngo Association. Thoso wishing documents or specimen conies of the Woman's Journal, will ba sunnli- ed. Camrlino was carried on at tho lato Fair with perfect audacity, no attempt being made at concealment. Tho ta bles wero spread In full sight of tho people with tho implements and even tho money displayed. Two of tho blacklegs wero arrested and lined $20 and costs. Wo commend to tho atten tion of tho Town Council tho expedien cy of arresting and fining theso follows whenovor found, as by so doing tho public treasury will bo benefited and tho peoplo greatly rejolcod. rotten and corrupt men that hang to Its cMon of JaiU01 DjnnI a skirts. Weed such men out. Titoyonly 0f nioomsburg, upon whicl cling to us to betray tho organization, and tho sooner wo aro rid of them tho better. Tho opposition influence all such men, and they should go to their masters. Horace II. Fitoii, baggago agent of tho P. & E. It. It., at Lock Haven, was found on Monday morning In thu bag g.tgu room in a dying condition, his tluoat having been cut and nlno severe wounds on his bend, inflicted with u hatchet. It is thought that thu mur dor was douo by a suspicious character who was pcen prowling around tho place and whoso object was tho plunder of tho baggago. Wn shall present in our next mini tier tho cvidenoo which has nppeared, liowlng tho corruption and fraud prac ticed by tho Cameron Ring in tho State, Tu k Tahles Turned : On Tu e&tlay last thu court delivered an opinion upon tho question of ojsts in the contested Council- hlch there has been so much silly blowing in the columnsortlioi27i6Hca. Tho counsel for Diiinis filed a swingeingbdlof costs for attendance of unnecessary witnesses and subpoenaing them and insisted that the citizen's who filed the petition con testing Dennis's election should pay It. lint the court held, that thero was no issue formed by answer when tho wit nesses wero subpoonued and altenddd; that it was against tho practice of tho courts to hear witnesses at nil in such c.isis (as tholr testimony when required! Is to bo taken boforo an examiner) ; and that tho testimony proposed was wholly irrelevant to tho question before tho court. Tho witnesses aro of courso en titled to tholr pay, but thoy must bo paid by thoparty whosubpoenaed them. Now wo think this is a hard caso upon poor Dennls.and that it is nil wrong that Oun County Faiii. Tho usual crowd galliorcd hero Inst, week, and tho rocolpl3 wero nbout $2800. Tho manage ment was excellent, and no accidents occurred. So far as display is concerned it was n miserablo farce. With two or throe exceptions tho articles wero not worth looking n(. Inn largo agricultur al County llko ours thero is no oxctiso for not having n grand display j but two causes operate ngainst it. First, thero nro no sultnblo buildings to provido ngainst tho weather or against theft. Secondly, tho premiums nro so ridicu lously small that they do not pay tho co3t of moving nrtlclcs to nnd from tho grounds. Less money on horso-Jockeys, and more to tho farmers nnd mechanics would bo better policy. And now nbout tho funds of the Association. Wo nro told that $1,000 have been cleared. Messrs Manngors, what will you do with it? What has been dona with the profits of previous years. Thoy havo not been put on tho grounds for tho fonco is old and rlckctty, and tho sheds would disgrace n barn yard. Wo nro Informed that vouchers aro not kept for monoys expended. Is this so? It is about tlmo tho public got somo inIght into tho management of tho finances, nnd learn whnt becomes of tho monoy ; and wo ngreo to publish gratuitously n detailed statement If furnished us. Wo do not blnmoourpresonl officers. Somo of them wo know havo boon overruled on ques tions ofmnnttgcmont.nndnll nro follow ing tho precedents of tonnor years. Lot us have light, nnd roform about this matter. Addi't S3 to the People of Pennsylvania. Tho following nddress has been 1.33iicd by tho chairmen of (lie Democratic and Liberal Htato commiltcoss: 7b the Vaoile of Pennsylvania : PitiiiAnuiiiMtiA, October 12, 1872. Wo havo lost a battle, but tho Hold should not bo surrendered. Fraud has held high carnival In Phllndolphia, and paralyzed our ranks throughout the Stale ; but tho insolent triumph should renew every friend of regenerated gov ernment to increased exertions. Tho olllclul voto declared in Philadelphia has not even tho semblance of correct ncf. Tho ofllcers charged wllh the re turns of the mooting of tho Roturn Judgc3 wero not sworn. Tho returns wero read off without opportunity for examination. Tho computation of tho voto was not mado out, and tho papers were not fiubscquontly taken to tho ofllco whoro tho law required they should bo, but elsewhere, for final manipulation. IJy this process, practic ed In open doflnnco of law and public decency, tho candidate on tho State ticket who received tho lowest number of votes s returned ns having a larger voto than his associates. Wo had no power to purge tho tho fraudulent regis tration of this city no authority to re strain illegal voters and now havo no tribunal adequuto to tho punishment of election ofllcers and others who conspir ed to pollute tho ballot box. Yet tho principles Involved in this contest will not perish by a temporary defeat in Pennsylvania, whether honest or frau dulent. Tho nation is tho battle ground of roform, and oven without Pennsyl vania right may acliiovo victory in November. Pennsylvania may not bo ablo to give her electoral voto to vindi cate soir-governmont, but sho must not bo voiceless in tho struggle. Her peoplo must manfully stand to their principles and organization. The necessity for tho oxerciso of tho independent power of tho people in this State is mndo doubly Imperative by the means employed to defeat us on Tuesday last, and ho is un worthy of tho blessings of liberty who would withhold his overy effort because local or temporary defeat is probable. This battlo of reform will bo won. It may not bo this year, but suroly In tho near future. It appeals to overy friend of national peaco and purity, to ovory votary of State and universal regenera tion, niul to overy citizen who values tho sanctity of tho olecth'Qfrauchise. Thero must bo no faltering In the ranks. Lot tho friends of IIoracoGrcoloy and the princjple3 ho represents overy whoro perfect their organization at, once. Wo can deservo victory In Pennsylvania, and that may save tho nation. It will certainly savo our causo from dishonor and assttro us early triumph. Samuel J. Randal, Chairman Democratic State Committee. A. K. McOtiUnn, Chairman Liberal Rep. Stato Com. FOll ntESUlENT, HORACE GREELEY, OI' NEW YOltir. KOU VICK l'HESIDKNT, B. GRAttZ BROWN, or M1S30UIU. nr.ECToit3, HEMATOMA!., EDflAn Cowan, of Westmoreland. UKonuB W. HKiNNtn, of Krauklln, IlKMESENTATIVB. BRT.DKM MAnVIMiOf Eflo. John IS, Mir.T.nii, or lluntltiKdon, 8. Onoss I'liY, of I'hlladelpula. niSTMCTS. I Important Testimony! IDQIlNPT Tlin fnUnwInrf lfttrrn nrn fimohrf tho lilflllV WO nro constantly receiving fiom iierioiis whohnvo boon cured by Sclicncli's Pulmonic Syrup, Sclicnck'a Sea Weed Tonic, AND Sclicnck'a Mumlrako Pills. 1. Thomrt J, Ddrficr. 2. Hloph. D.Anderson. 8. John Mofrtu. 4. (leorRo It. licrrell. 5, Not ngreod upon. 0. isnlab II. lloupt. 7. Hitmncl 1). Uyur. H. Jcso ). ltawloy. 0. It. ll.Mwnrr. II). II. Hcllly, 11. John K ii lilt In. 12, P. W. Clunstcr. 15. D. Lowcnliorg, II. J. MoKnlilit. 11. Henry Welsh, in. Henry J. Htnhlo. 17. 11. W. Christie. Is. Wllllnm lMoKin. 1!). ltnssclns llnmu, a'. I M Houlnsom '21. J. 11. Molten, 21. T. II, Htcvonson. in. John II. Hard. SI. Uooi'BO W. .Miller, MEMIlEtW Ot'' THE HTANDtNO COMMIT TEE ! Heaver Moses Hchllcher. llenton I. K. Kncltbtuitn. llerwlclt Iav1 llrcdheiider. lllooni, Must Illsl. David IxiwenborK. Jlloom, West Dlst. William McKlmioy. llrlnrcrcck-J.U. Hnilth. Cnlnwlinrt Oco. Hcott. Centre If. D. Knurr. Contiallo O. u, Murphy. ConyuBham North I'onynfclmm Houth Mtclincl Urnnnnn, Flshlnncroelt 1'.. J. Mellcnry. l'mnUltn-Willlnni Htoker. (Ircenrfood Wesley Morris. Hemlock Hetli Hhoemaker, Jrckson Wllns W. Mcltonry, iKJCUBt Madison Jolm All'.n. Main W. T. Hlnimi n. Mllllln Uninuol Hnydcr.' Montour .lohn U.ttulck, Sit. I'lensaat (leortio W. Jucoby. Orange I). K. Hlom. Pine 1'. W. Hones. ItoarlnRcrcek J, II. Kllngor. Hcott-0. 1. Ent, Hugarloaf J. II. Fritz. reimsRrovc, Hnltm County, New Jersey, FennttAnv 27. 1R72. Dr. J. If. BCIIENCIf , N. E, corner (Sixth and Arch Birecis. I'unitdutpuiH . ... ii.ani.'.tMl Hlr I tnko nlensnrn In add nimr testimony to that or tho many others who havo been cured by thoeulcacyof Hohenck'sl'iilraoulo Hynip.ncn wocu lonir, ami aiaiiuniuu l itis. Consumption lias been hereditary with my family, mostnf Its members having died ol It nt early nges, My mother and three brothers died nt tho ago of 31, ono brother at li7, nud my sister ntl was, when about 81 years, sclreil with liver romplalnt, which raptdlydevoloped Into l'ulmo- nary vniisnnipuoii. jl l'miiii.-iiuu i... iuuh nulsh my employment (that or n blacksmith.) I consulted skllirul nnd eminent physicians, nnd tried many patent nostrums, but without success, so that my irlends wero sure that thero was no hopo or my recovery, ior l was reuueeu from 110 pounds to 101, and wns not nblo to do anything without assistance. Jjy Wllllfc L iiuw it.ut j iuii i. i i ..vmi-jiiiiii in- ternmltlnn. I was Induced to try your remedies. I and placo myself under your treatment, and so rapid and thorough was my recovory, that It KCemed as though somo superhuman power was at worii, unit iuuiy x hiu an wuii an ii liny iiiuu during my llto. I weigh Hi pounds, am ."il years iild.and lor Bomo tlmo havo been regularly at tending to my buslneks, bidding fair to llvotoa good old ago. 1 am iimmtiui iu y.iu ui'joiiu uxprusioii ior having placed mo In n iiosltlou wherein 1 am ft brnclll Instead of a burden to my family. Your Mnndrnko Tills aro ll'o only medlclnol ever uso now, I think thoy nro tho best In tho world. I can refer you to hundreds of my neighbors who will verify nil I havo written, and any In- mrmaiiuii any ui my iuiiuw cuizeuH uiav uuniru will bo freely and uladly clven. unon recclntol stump, by Yours, etc V. Hi. Will. lie dceiilvcdJint for eonahs, colds, soro thront, borrsencss nnd bronchlcal dllllcultles, uso onlv WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Worthless Imltntlons nro on tho marltot , hut tho only scloutlllo preparation of Carbollo Aeld lor I.ung diseases Is when chonilcnlly comb Hod with oincr wcii'unown remeuifs, n in uui-u TAlii.riTS.nnd nit pni ties nro cnutlonml ngilusl using any other, in nil cruraor Irritation of tho intra men brano thoso TAiii.tiTrt should bo noely used, tholr clonuslug nud hoallng proprlollos nro astonish luir. no warned, nover neglect ncold, It Is easily cuiedlnlts Incipient state, when It becomes chronto tho euro Is exceedingly dllllcult, uso Wells' Carbollo Tablets as n spoclllc. . , JOHN li. KF.I.LUU, M riattst.. Now York. octl iw Bolo Agent lor United Btntos. I'rlco 25 cents n box, Kcnd lor circular. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET A romcrkahlo Hook nnd great success. ISlh Edition now ready for Agotitu, Nothing pays 'lul'o. MACLEAN, 1'ubUslitr, 711 Hansom nt., l'ntl.i, octl HV AOHNTH WANTKII 1.00 IC ItKI'.K I I TunNinv Si"i.i:Ni)ttir.Y tt.t.f .tbatp.ii llmno.'J s Jitstoul, Is tho nvvit popular book In print. 52S KngCh, tinted paper, only ii VI easy worth M.5H. oils (Ulclc nud fast, to J1W n weok. Terms or this nud our now lllbles, sent froe. also. flO AnontV T'k't Comnanlon. Huhbaril IlroH.rubllshors.'aitiausomst., t'hllaaa.ioctHw Vigilance Committee. Heaver Oco. Drclsoacn, Chas. Michael, II. lllntcilltor. llenton J. J. McIIeury, 11. J. Case, Jaa. Con nor. Key 'West, FIw., Feb. 10, Dr.J.H.SCHENCIC.N. E. cor. Hlxth and Arch sireuts, milailolphln. bottles H a Weed Toulo nud twelvo bottles 1'ul- lunuio nyrup, lourmeuicines aro o such vnlno that I can not bo without thum 111 my household, and lu fact no family should bo without them. 1 uavn given mem a lairiest, nuuopcniyuc- WANTKI). Experienced Honk Agouti nnd Can vassers, lu all parts of tho II. H. to sell THU MEMOIR 01'" ItOClElt llltOOKE TANEY, Chief Justlc.Mif in Huproino Court of tho U. S. Nnlmok hnrctnroro ntlbtlshol In this millltrv. throws so much light upon our Constitutional nnd l'olltlcal History. It Is a work of extraordi nary interest nud of permanent value) to tho Historian nud Lnwvcr.thoHLatosman.nud Poli tician, nnd every clam of Intelligent readers, oiu uy nuoscripiiun ouiy rxciusivu lurrr tnrv clven. tM''or Terms, for this and oUicr Popular vurK9,au(ircssaiou?o,Muur!ii: k w,, iruo' Ushers, Ilaltlmorc, oct 1 Ivr fW, , rnl?!s nnSiU,i ,VA''n .2L'Av hv,i cIftro lll0,n to uo vcn better than you claim Illooiu, l-.asl 1 Millard, Juo. It. Cnscy, ISainl. I Wrv rfineetrnll irvmtru An i .v .y -:! ::r-.... ...... Jnoobv, lllooni, West M. Eyorly, .Inmos sterner. HrHrcicek Chas. lleed, Ueo. Miller, Uco, Jf. Dower. Cntnwissa-M. 11. V. Kline. Wm. Snyder. Centre Wm, Miller, Ed. llartmnu, Baml. Hovver. Ccutralla Couynghsm, North Conyngha.n Honlh I'lshluKcroek I.. Sf, Crovellug, Cyrus lloblus, Silas .Mellcnry, Chas. Ash, Franklin Moics Mcllenry. Washington IMrr. liroenwood Frank Dorr, O. W. Utt, Jackson I.eldy. Hemlock T. J. Vnudcrsllce, D. 11, Wngucr, Win. Wintcrsteon. Jadcsou Hcury Wagner, Daniel Young. Locust Ellas Creasy, Daniel Htluo, Juo. Sny der, Oto. (Jetty. MattKon-lllchard Demott, Dr. T.J. Hwlsher, J. Jl. (Urtnn. Miilno Jeremiah I.ongeuborger. Jno. Nuss. Mllliln Joseph O. rtwauk, Abuilm fichwciipen ln i-ioi. Harvey Hess. Mohtnur N. Mnuser, I". A, Evans. Mt. I'luosnul Wm. .Miller, Jno. Moulan, ISr. Orange II. It. Kline, U, 11. Ent. 1'iuo I.. A. Herman, Wm. Kni'Mmer. ltoarlngcreek Juo. Moury, Amzl Craig. Hcott J. H. lhicbmau, It. J. .Millard Hugarloaf Alonzo Albertsou, Clinton Cole. W. A. WHITEIIUltST. rntiiADELWitA, March 1, 1872. Dr. J.1I.SC1IENOK, n lttspocted Hlr I tnko pleasuro In nwnrdlng to you this certlllcato of tho wonderful euro your Pulmoulo Hyrup nnd Sea Weed Tonlo produced. niy luruui, uuu uroucnmi luues wero ho uigaiy ludamed that It was almost lmnosslblo for mo to swallow my food. I air. on a visit to my undo, Mr. Charles John son, No. U12 Federal streot, who says your medi cines raised lilm lrom almost death after all oth er means nuu raucu, ana he having, therefore, full conlldcnco in the virtue, of your remedies, strongly recommended mo to try them. I did so, nud lu ono woek from tbo tlmo I commenced taking them my throat underwent a very great cliango for tho better, so that 1 could eat my meals without any difllculty or pain. I can scarcely Iliul words to express my gratltudo for tho early relief your lnvnlnahlo medicines pro dnccdupou me, and I deem It but nn act of gratl tudo to glvo you tho acknowledgement ol my appreciation. Yours rcsnectlully. ItiYUllUlj Al. JAlUlUi. No. ICO West Thlrly-thlrd street, New York. AOENTd WANTED FOlt w.tsa an kxi'o.ik of the hkchet ntTcs and m vs, or MounoMisir. Wllh a full and nuthontlo history of TOIA'tlA MY.byJ, II lleadlo, Editor orthBH.ilt I,ako ltu- Asents nro meeting wllh unexpected success, ono reports over ISO subscribers in lour days, all ot icr 71 In two days. Mend for Circulars and so,! what tho prcsi says of tho work. Address, NATIONAL. rUIHiltSlIINU CO., Philadelphia, pa. ocii iw "Ofd grant thatlhls precious book may Had lis way io;cvery iauiuy in mu num." proniincni reiormcr work. n of T. H, Aliriiuu'a last Three Ycny in a Mini-Trap. Notwithstanding Its Immense sale, wo deslro to extend Us lnlluenco still further, 5 call for moro aid to introduce; It to overy corner of our land. Tl. tq hl;ibl' eudnrKrd bvJudtro lllaek. F. 11. Oruc, Neal Dow others. Will do mora good than any prohibition law ever framed. It sells beyond parallel. Agents havo dono & nro doing splcudldly with It. Ono bos sold over llvo hun- urcci coinc-i. iih'iuk mi lis Kic-ii. Hiicueri wo mo enabled to oiler tHpcctPlly largo discounts. Monil for Ittusti-aleil circular .t terms, .t enter Intothlsgrealworkuloiico. J. M. HTODDA11T SCO. l'lilta. octl iw SPECUIj notices. SOIIKNOK'S TULMONIC SYKUP, SEA WEED TONIO, nnd MANDRAKE PILLS. O ooi) undershirts and drawors at I. W. Ilartman's for G') ucnts, hotter 75 ets., Sl.OOnndSl.'Jo. Ladies' kuiu foot liolds for salo nt I. W. Ilartnaan's. E. Jacoby has opened his now "Oys ter Hay" in Shivo's IJIoclt two doors below Iron Street, whero ho will sell MauUrakoi'i oysters by tho quart, can, tub; shell oyster's by the barrel or hundred. Ho is also in receipt of fresh fish daily, from tho Lakes and Bay. A share of tho public patrouago solicited. Theso aro tho only medicines that will euro l'unnonary uonsurapuou. ur. hcuciick nas ueen In constant practice over tlnrtv vears continu ally exauilnlDg lungs, nnd knows his medicines, If properly tnken, will euro Consumption, ills Mandinko Pills cleanso tho llvcrand stomach; his Hon Weed Tonlo dissolves tho fnoil. Rtttnu- latestho coating of tho stomach, and makes It uigusr. ins I'uimouio Myrun ripeus ino mailer, and nnlure throws It oil' wlthoutnny exertion. iifcf' Prlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup nnd Sea Weed Tonic, 81,25 per bottle, or 87 uu per half dozen, us cents per uox. I. W. Ilartmnn's store during tlio Fair was crowded from early morn to lato at night, cause his being tho cheapest storo In all tho county. American Itdlcs. America is justly proud of her beauti ful ladies, but how many mnr their beauty, and lose their health and youth become prematurely old in appearance, by neglecting to tnko proper caro of their teotn. Tiioro can no uo excuse for tliis. ns Sozodont. pronounced by nil worthy a placo between tho sweet-o-ttlips, can now bo ltnd in all countries. Spalding's Ulue, useful and always ready. PREPARED ONLY' AND FOR SALE BY J. II. SOnENCK & SON, N. E. Corner SIXTn and ARCH Btrcots, PllILADELI-niA, . And by Druggists and Dealers generally. J0IIXST0N, IIOLLOWAY & COWilEX, C02 Ancn Street, PmiiADEiiPiiiA. Wholesale Agents. npr-12. 1872-ly V AT 1'UIJLIC SALE. It Is not a nlivstc which m.iv trlvo tomnorarv relief to tho biiireror forthoilrsi lew dose, but w lie i. fiotu coiumucu uso brinirsi'i es nncl Kin JreU illsc.ises to nitl lu wealEoatm? tlio Invalid nor is u n. uocmrea nqnnr, waicn, umicr ino popii Inr n.iniu ofltltters" N ko oxtpnslvdlv iinlmpr oiTou tho public ns sovereign remciUe1, but It Is a most, powunui ionic nuu auemiivc, pioiiouncou so by tho leadlus luodlcal authorities rf Lomlou and l'iirls.and hns been lone used hr Iho irirulir physiclnns of other couutrles with wouderful i emeu nn resuiis. Dr Wells1 Extfact of Jurubeba retnlns n.11 Iho medlrlnnl virtues nocullur Ut tho plant nud mustbotiilienasiiperjinuient Ivo llCIU. Is thero wmitornetlon in vourl.lvcr ASnleen' Unless relieved nt once, tlio, blo."d becomes im mire bv deleterloun secretions, nrotluc Uir scrol ulous or skin diseases, lllotches, felons Pustules, I'amcer, I'linnies, tsc., a. jaisu juriiDcun, 10 cieaiis'.', pumy unu rusuu (ho vtLlatfil blonl to liRftlthv action. Havoyou n Dyspeptic Stomach? Unless dljjeH tfon Is itrnmntlv uldotl tho svstem Is d4lUiLitul with losq of vHut lore, poverty of tho illood, Dronslcal Tendency. Ueuerul WuaUnesir; or fis- slludo. 'i aico il to assisi uigesuou wiinoui rcaciion, it NEW. IT JMJ M. P. LUTZ'S CONTINENTAL. Life ' Iiiiauranco Company. OF Ni:V VOIlh. No. of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUKSnll tho now form of Policies JLnnd presents ns lavorablo Lrtns as any com puny In tlio United Htntes, Tlio eompany will maka tenipomry loats on Its policies. Thirty days' graeo allowed nn each payment nnd Iho policy held good during that time. Aiiour. poncios aroineouiesutnio ior me usual causes. roitcics issuoii oy tuts company nr. non-ior-lelture. no extra ennrges mauo ror iraveiunii pirmiiF. lnllnv linlileri. RTifirn In tlin nnnunl nrofltsof tho eoninanv. and liavon video lu tlio elections nnd inniiagemcntnr tlio company. policy or nieuicai 100 cuirgea. JUSTUS r,AWRR:iCK, l'res'l, W. 11. WYNKOOP. Vice l'res't. .1, P. IloaKHS, Secretary, H. il. uiiANDLKit, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of Norlli-Eastcrii Penn'a. "Columeian" Building BLOOMSBURG!-, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKIAY, General Agent. Jnn.S,lS72-tr. DISSOLUTION OF C O PARTNER SHIP. The co-partnership liorctnfnro existing under tho llrm nanio of Hnydm', Hriilnian .t Co. Is dis solved l.y tho deatU ofllcnjniii'ii 1'. Souder. Tlio Ijnoks nfllio lato Him are In tlio hands of Itanlcl Snyilcr to Hhoni all persons huowlng them- selves to uo inueuieu 10 ino urmnro rectuesieu 10 mnuo linincuiaio payiueni. Tho business will hoeoiitinued itt tl,e old nln'-o under tho nnmu of D. hnyder. iv.,v. EsfYMayl7lh IST'Mf Tho Milncrlbcrs legatees undertho last will I wllllinnartyonthrul vigor to tho weary Miirurcr. o'i?,at'!hH vo you weakness of tho , luto.tlnes? You . . w ... .... -- - , lirt;uiisus,ou Mis?. Jones, tlo you know that I. W. Ilartmau .soils tlio best shilling muslin in the county? of I1I3 lawyer who should tuy that bill hinisolf. (anil particularly in Philadelphia), nt hoshouldho nintlo to pay forthol.lunilcr iho ltrcnt election, Tlio facia aro ns- touiiilInt,',niul moro than Justify all tho chari'oj heretofore niado against tho Ring of corrupt Intention ami foul no tion in tho election. JiiX'KfiKY'a last exploit boforo tho election was tho i-nulng of u lying cir cular, hUucil by himself, to tho elfoct that money Imil been t-cnt into this cjunty for tho uso of tho Democracy ami to ho spent in eorruptitiK votes. It U lianlly iieoeaiary to deny this, but wutiko ntlvantago of tho occasion to stato po3ltlvcly, that not a dollar was jut into this county by tho State Com tultteoor any ono else, nud that tho on ly money used by Democrats in this flection was in tho hands of a few men false to their parly, who oxertcd them- stives against Mr. Ruck-alow and spent the money to that end. Ir thero bo ono thing which moro than another strikes us as ludicrous in tho extreme, it is the imnienso amount of military life and vigor displayed by certain gontlemon nttached to our Stato militia orgaulzitlon, who nover had any difllculty In restraining tholr natural impetuosity during tho war and who never distinguished them selves In any manner in ndvanccd positions towards tho enemy. It Is bowlltlerltig to contemplate tho warlike aspect of theso tnllilia heroes ; to scan furtlvoly tho features on which tho God of War has laid his bloody hand to mark thorn for his own ; to behold that lndoscrlbablo gait, half swagger nnd half strldo, which so eminently per. lain to thoso sklllod In battlo, but It Is yet moro bewildering to ascertain that 110110 of theso doughty warriors did moro than draw their pay and talk. Our militia laws defenders ns thcio: our parades no moro gallant figures. Rasl is tho plain civilian who Inadvertently William H. Seward, who had boon twleo (iovoruor of Now York, twico U. S. Senator from that State, and Secre tary of Stato utitler Presidents Lincoln and Johnson, died on Thursday Octo ber 10Hi, at Auburn N. Y. aged 7t years. Ho will lu longor remembered for lis "Htllo hell" which sent numbers of his fellow citizens to prison than for any great good he over rendered his country. RitiXGiKo thi: Matter Hoin:, At I.'rear's Hall, Wutklns, N. Y., a few days since, Gonoral Ooorgo J. Mageo was called on to mako aOrceloy speach. During tho courso of Ida rcmirka Gener al Mageo said: "At Haltimoro, when Greeley was nomlnntod, I saw 'Brick' Pomeroy. Uo called mo out ono sido from tho crowd ami said that ho should support tho eaudldalo who paid tho most money for Pomeroy'.s Democrat, nud should not support Greeley because Grant would glvo the moat. This 'Uriel: Pomeroy told mu himself in Raid- morel" OM llstalilHIicd Coal Yard. O. W .Nr.Ai, k Rbo. Wholesalo & Re tail Dealers in nil sizes of the best qualities of Red and Whlto Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. Lime burners supplied nt liberal rates with best quality No. C.coal. Forsmith fires, in addition to tv priinonrticloof lump, wo have a first class quality of Bitumi nous coal, at $(i.2." per ton on wharf. Largo stocks of all sizes constantly on hand. Strict personal attention given to tho preparation of all our coal. Grain, Lumber and Slabs taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho town. Orders left nt McKelvy Neal & Go's, storo or nt our ofllco, will reccivo prompt attention. Ofpick & Yakds at McKelvy & Neai.'.s Furnace, East IJLooMsnuua. Your patronano respect fully solicited. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1S72, at ten o'clock, .nil that certain tract ofland known as tlio Reltz farm, situated In KrniiKlln towu-shlp, Columbia couutv, about IW miles be low L'atawlssa, adjoining lauds of .Michael Mcnsch, Joel Snyder und;olhers, coutalutng ouo hundred and forty-ono acres, moro or less, Willi Improvements, consisting of a largo two-story dwelling house, two largo barns, and other nec essary outbuildings, n good applo orchard. About two-thirds ot tuls tract Is cleared nnd lu a high statu of cultivation, n largo part or It being liver bottom, and tho balance Is well tim bered with oak, chestnut, rino .ve., nnd to bo sold subject to tho dower secured upon tho premises, tho Interest payablo to tho widow of John lteltz, deceased, and the principal upon her death to tho belts of said John lteltz, de ceased. Amount of principal, 1711.00. Tkhms of sale. Ten per cent, of H of tho purchase money to be psldnt tho striking down or tho property. less tbo ten percent, to bo patdou tbu 1st day of Apill, 1ST.!, when posses sion will he given, upon tho purchas r securing tlio balance ot tho puiehase,uud tlio balance of thopurebnso mom y to bo aid In three equal nnnuulpaynicntswlth Interest payahlununuall" limn thu 1st ol April. A. 1). ISiJ. Piucuusers to pa y lor deed. f'ATIIARINE SCHJIECK, E. II. IIAYI1URST, JIAT1I.UA I1UOIIKS, 8UHAN M. MARTIN, PKTKR R, IIALDY, legatees Calaw!tsa.Ocl.lstlS7J. aro lu daimerof Chronic Dlarrhoeaor tho dread- tut liillaniuiatlon of tbo Ilouels. Tako It to allay Irritation and waul oil' tenden cy to lultammallnn. Have you weakness of tho Uterine or Urinary Organs? You must procure Instant relict or you aro ll-iblo to suffering worso than death. Take It to strengthen oiganlc weakucjs or llfo becomes a burden. Finally It should bo frequently taken ti keep tho system tu perfect health or you aro olher wiso In great uangerof malarial, miasmatic or contaslous diseases. JOHN IJ. KELI.OUO, IS Piatt Kt., New York. Kolo Agent lor tho United States. Prlco SI per llottle. Bend for Circular, octl Iw DR. CARPENTER. 100 MULBERRY STREET, NEWARK, N. J. Is now treating buccosafullv. Consumption. Uroncliilis, and all diseases of the Throat nud Lungs, wllh Ids COMPOUND MnntOATKP INHALATIONS, CONCENTRATED FOOD, AND COUUH HYIll'l", Duni'g tho past ten years Dr. Caipenlor has treated and cured lliousnnds of c.i-es of the nbuvo named diseases, nnd has now In bis nos- hea-don cerllllentcs of cures lroiu every pint of liieeouuiry. ine iiiiliiaiioii is ureaiuou uireeiiy into tlio luinrs. Koottiliii- and healluir over nil lullamcd surfaces, entering Into tho blood, It Imparts viflitv as It permeates to every part ot tho Hvstcni 'Iho sens.itlon Is not unmcasaut and Iho llrst lnlialntlon.ollen gives very decided Philadelphia. Oct. 92 n. m.. llartranft's majority In tho Stato is over thlrtv thousand. Wo L'uln Illorv. Koss.Rakor, Cessna, Taylor, Richmond, after thoy got homo. Monro, nnd probably loso Shocmakor, iiaVonosuch tlofcn, tor congress. Wo Iinvo tho Senato , , Btuo hoventcen to sixteen nud clKlilcen to fifteen, if Malacv is An low.i waterniellon is said to havo drops a romark unllUtering to tlio bold contained a horse-shoo and a mule's wr. elected in tho Clarion district. Tho ilouso stands, probably, sixty to forty. Tho Republicans havenlso llvo malorlt.v In tho Constitutional Convention, as lliey carry tho four Senatorial districts ItUaSEL KltRETT. Wo clip tho nbovo Important Item from tho Montour American. It was evidently wrltton by tlio editor under si fong cerebral oxcltemont, but if it bo true that In addition to such moil ni Ilurtr.tuft, Allen and Cessna, tho Ra putiliciu parly of this Stato propose elet'ilng to Important odltjoj, "Iowa Wiioritiullinp;" and such molllona, too, r.i i inl.i'.ii "horso shoes anil nuilo's earn," then havo wo reached n degrco 'if p'llltkMl iloratlAtlon which is ox treniely painful to contemplate Wo hopti tho Htntomont may provo untrue, Such candidates should bo run by tho temperance party If nt till. "VTOTIOE 11 Old Things Have Passkd Away. This Is nt least truo of tho old method of tieating tho long abused and much abused human body. It Is no longer considered wlso to put a patient to tho torture lu order to cuio lilm or a disease In which pain Is already uadcrmlnlng thoencrglcs of bis system. Truo scleuco rauges itself nn tlio hiuo orunturo, anil enuenvors to assist ucr in uer tight ngainst disease. Tills 13 the province ot HostcUer'aHl.imncli Hitters, tho most approved tonic ever advertised lu this country. H may be recommended ns u fall medicine, par excel lence ; for It Is lu tho tall that bllllousuces, dys pepsia and malarious fever are especially pruva ent. The framo, exhausted by tlio heals of summer, Is relaxed and feeble nt its close, and rcquli'CB, wo may say danandt, artificial assUt nueo, Alt'ord It that ossUtauco lu occastaoal doses or Iloslettcr'H Btnmacli Hitters, and tho evils referred to may bo escaped. Throughout tho fur West, nud uu the steaming alluvial of tho Houtheru livers, all tlio varieties of periodi cal fever aro nrobab y rlfo to-day. IK I a en urso ot Hostetter's Hitters been commenced by tho The uiidcrslEncd havlns asaln taken nos- seksloii of tho Malt Route running from Cambr.i to Hloomsburg, stage wilt run as follows : Leave Cambraeveiy Monday, Wednosday nnd Friday, nt half past 0 o'clock a. m., arriving nt lilooms burg at 11 o'clock a. in. Leavo Uloomsbnrg alter tbo arrival ot mo rminucipuia man, noom s. p. in., nirlvlng at Cambra 10 p.m. same even ing. , RATES OF FARE. Citnbra lollloom 81.21, Flshlrigcreek to lllooni Wets. Orangovlllo to lllooni '.'l.-us. Llghtstrcct to Hioom lj cents. Aiiiuiermeuiaio puvjesio no chaiged tho same rate. H. J. YAPLE, Proprietor. Milckslilnny.Oct. lltli. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. Xi. ESTATit OF NANCV 1'II.KINflTOM, OBO'D. 'iho underslgno l appointed auditor to distrib ute the. funds 111 haudinftlio Administrator ol the Estnloof Nnncy Plllclugton, Ueeoiscd, will meet tlio panics Interest nt lilt otlleo lu tlio town ot liloomsburir, on Mond iy, November I, IsTJ. at lu o'clock. A. M.. when aud whero all person. Interested mu requeatod to present llieiu to tlio auditor or bo forever debarred fiuiu coming lu for mid fund. M. WIIITMOYLR, Auditor. October lltli, lSIJ.-lw n U3 MAMMOTH Ci ROCELIY .1. II. M XIX V., Main St., corner of Cenlrv, Bloom burg, iM. lias nn extensive stock of FINE FAMILY GROCERIES which ho offers to tho public at tlio very lowca iti9ir,mits urn tlio bu-l lu tho inaiket, nud nro sold nt l.ites kt low tl a' tieeanuni sell on cred it, His plan is to Invu iirtt class goods aud s3ll lor cash FOR CASH AND CA.SII ONLY. Illoomsbuig.Oet. lllli, 1S7J. GRAND GIFT CONCERT. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XV fstate of r.LtzAiurrn, uec'ii. Letters of Administration on tho ostato of F.llzaheth Miller. Into of lloiver township. Col umbia county, deceased, havo been grunted by tho Register ot said county to John lllndcrllter. sametownslilp. All persons liavlngelaiins against the estate of tbo deceUent, are lxqucsled to pro sent them lor settlement, and tlmso Indebted to mocsiaio lomane luc unuorbigueii administrator, without delay. auiit iiiriij'.iti.iir.u. scpI7-lw Administrator. ADMI N ISTlt ATO R'S NOTICE. F.STATIl OF ClllSISriAN MIllFn DKC'l). tratloii havo liecn granted by the Register or Wills of Columbia county to tlio undersigned up on tho estate of Christian Miller, late of Heaver township, in sam eouuiy, now uneeuuu, .v.. persons Indebted to said ettato mo required to :.,ni-r. rjvmnil. nnil all nersons who havo claims against said, estate to inako tbom known to tbo tllluorMigiicu, senCTflw AdMlnistrator. AUDITOR'S iSUTIUii T.STATEOfSASlUrL Mt'SEAI. DEC'll. Tbo unders'gued appointed Auditor to it s. tribute tlio funds In tho hands ot tho Adminis trators of thocstnteof KaiuuelMcNL-al deceased will meet tho parties Interested at bis ollleo In thotownoflllonmsburg on Monday, Oct. &tli , lS7i, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and whero nil per sons Interested nro requested to prescnttheni to tlio Auditor or bo l'irever debarred from coming in for said fund. I:. IKKLER. ecp 17-ltv Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KSTATE OK JIUSEMIAU I.IITKIS 11EC I, Tlio undersigned Audllo iipprliittd by tbo Couit.cilt'onimou Picas ot Co uuiblu luunly, to distribute thu money In l ouii nilslng limn tuo salo or tho mil estnte ot Jeumlati Getkln, unions Iho parties entitled tn letolvo the same, will ntteud to tho duties or his appointment nt Ills ollleo In llloomstiurg. on fnturdny, thu 1...IU ilay of October, A. 1) la"'.', at luo'cluck.A. M when nnd whero all part t. tf or persons having claims on raid money w 111 present the same, or be forever debarred from coming in on said funds. E. It. IKEI.LR, sept 17 Ow, OTICEl flutiseribers to tho Capital Stock of tho Noilli .t West llrnnch Rail Road Co., aro heiebir in.t HI. Ml 1 hot. il snrmi,l InstnllinLllt of 10 PCI CCUt. In vnine, must bo paid to tlio Treasurer, on or b., tlie lath elay ot October next. Py order cf tlio Directors. WM. NF.AL. s. p 27 lw Treasim r. sutl'erersn month ago. i.e., before tho unheallby I 7ASUlON AULtjlJHKbb 1)1 AlvliS U. heason set In, ssven-elgiitsof them would lu nil I Sj Mrs. L. Hawley, Milton, Fashloualilo relief, particularly wb.n llicru Is much difllculty of bieaiblm;. Under tho Influence of mv rcmo- d'ts. tlio tounh soon crows (lister, tbo lllcht sweats cease, tho beetle llouii vanishes, and Willi improving digestion llto patient ranlaly gains stieugtb.nnd lienlth Is n'ulii wllbln lie grasp. Tlio fjiHicfntruttsI 100,1 lapldly builds up tho most (IcbllllHled patient, picLcutlng lo tlin stomach food all itady to bo ai-slmllated and mado into good, rlcti healthy blood. llioinutjii jriqiisio no ul uigui. lonuo vlalu the cough and cunlilo tho I'atlcut to obtain sleep. Full ittrccthwi accompany cae Oojc t my re)ic(iV.v, uhich eomhl of One Iiiluiler; Onellotllen I llli.;,.th Iit!;tut Ono l.oltlo ol Siiotlilin.- rdnlfiiL ' liiliiihuiti tine lleltlo or Intl Ifa'iiio 'Hoc Ir liiliiil.uit ; Ono ItotlloCoiieinlrii eil Pool; use uouie 10 u- i-u Hjriq.. Prlco of llo. containing rei cdlcs to last ono mouth, 10; two mtmihs, tjl , itu-fo months, ll't Sent to any address C. 1 1 I), Pamphlets con taiutng largo list ol p..i-uts cured t.ent tree. Leltersot Inquiry must t., .latu one didtur to In suro answer. Address-. A. H. UARI'KN'ITU, M.D., Newnil:, N. J, Dr. Cahi'ENTIUI'h OATAKKII RHMKDY will clvo imineiliato relic! . and will (inctni.tim.l- ucnl euro In irom ono to tlileo months. 1'ilco nt remedy to last ono 111011111,111; two months, s; tlnco mouths, SID, CIM I.II in nil Its lornih suecissfiilly treated. Send fur list of pntlenls cureil, to A. II. CARl'KNl', M. D., Newark, N.J. juij'nyr militia. lie is n fortunate man if hu escapes n lluontnud withering display of eloquence from ono of theo Who nover set 11 squadron tholltld Nm' tbo division ot a battle know Moro than n (.plnstcr. Thoy nro terrible fellows to thel iricnus. 10 inoir enemies lliey lire nothing. . Man Mismxa. Wo learn fiom tho Clazelte that Martin Loftus, n llrcinan at No. S Breaker, of tho I'oiiusyiviiula Coal Company's works, left homo four weeks ngo last Monday, nnd 1ms not been heard of uluco, llo was forty-six years old, five feet six Indies in height, light complexion, gtay eyes,fuco slight ly pock marked, dark hair, turning gray. Any Information In regard to him will bo thankfully received by John Porklns.or by Mttry Loflus, or Pittston, Pa. Tho press generally Is requested to copy, ClitiiTliDcilIt'iilIon. Tho now M. E. Church, near Nn media, known ns tho "Trinity Chapel," will bo dedicated (D. V.) Sunday Oct. 2,Sth Inst. It Is also quarterly meeting occasion of tho Elysburg charge, 1. Fearon Brown, pnstor. Tho P. E, of tho Danville District, Rev. S. Barnes will bo present, also. Kev. A. W. Guyer, of Ashland. Ruv. King of Catawlssn, ami other ministers nro expected to be pres ent. Methodists, ami nil friendly to church onterpriso generally tiro Invited to bo present on this occasion. Tho "Chnpel" is 11 lino one, tho best 1 think in tlio charge, nnd In a line region of County. A plousaul and prolllublu tlmo is oxpectcd. nrottiibllltv bo 1 A their usual health nt the pres ent time, tio much for not keeping lu tho houso nud uslug dally, the best safeguard ugalnst epi demic and epidemic fevers. As llocks of lmposlorsnnd Imitators aro try luir to follow In tho wake of tho gieat American remedy, therefore bo sure that tho article you bnv Is L'enntno nad verified br the proper trade marks. '1 he truo article can only bo obtained lu bottles, llewnrooftho spurious bitters sold by the gallon or lu keg, OcL lltli.-lw. Dross Maker, and Teacher of llrltn's unrivalled system or tlttiug by measure, lu thospecdlcst, most htyllsti and rerfect manner, Dresses, Pol auaise und all ladles' nud misses' garments, In vites a call fiom nil wishing to learn tho dia gram, or to havo cutting and titling of suits douu as well as In Phlladul plit.i, nud nt luodor uto rales, suits mado to outer. Call, third door nbovo Mrs. Probst's store, Mailt street, bclJW ltsltrcnd, west eud. Oct. II. IW.-llni. MRS. L. HAWLEY MILTON. pUDLIO Ct-Al'-TKAP and Cast. Iuvalld reader, If you aro unwise enough to put yoursoif outside of any of thu vwcfe tomes guaranteed to coutaln "no ilUluslvostlmulaiit," you will inevitably eonio to grief. Ask your physician If any liquor pro pntutlon, destitute ot stimulating properties, Is worthy of the namo of a tonic, llo will tell you no. Blum all such nauseous catchpennies. Plantation Hitters, tho most wholesome Invlg nrant In t ho world, owes tho rapidity with which It relieves tho disordered stomach and tho nerves to Die dllluslvo agent which conveys Its medical Ingredients to tlio scat of tlio complaint, mo ateut is mo spirit 01 inosu- ,rr.x-n . v gar eaue, tho most nutritious nud agreeable of I 1UU.S UA i , MARRIAGES. Wlfll-MILLF.R.-Ou Hie lltli Inst,, by llo v. T. F. Hollincler. Mr. Joseph II, Wise oiMadlsou tu p., In Miss l'liimn K. Miller ol Hemlock twp., this county. W EI.L1 VHR ("OTNUH. October tltlf., at the likldtutuof Dr. Thus. Swisher, of Jtrscj town, bv thu Rev. 11. C. Mliuio. Mr. Ul lull Wclllvtr ni lull's (I love, nnd Miss t'atu M, Collier of jeiseyti wu, DEATHS. HOLDlllIN.-At White Hall, October 11th., Miss husnuJ, Holdreli,nged 1 1 ears, V months unu o uti s. HESS.-Iauifti:. Hcks. twin infant daughter of Milton 1), end Harriet Hess, tiled In lluullng toli, l.iieiliu Co., Pa,. Ott. Vd, Ifc-K. Age. II'.liiiiiys, ritio vtis u gttal sutler' cr, nil tho varieties of olcobol. Tbo inetllciuul In- grtdleutsut the Hitters, vuluatiio ns tnoy are, wouiii ne coiupuraiiveiy tiheietis wiiuout iiu tllstrlbutivo basis. They would ferment nnd sour, llewnre. us veil bono lor health, of the luirilhlo compounds of relnsodruns lu a statu of itlllKllluiiou which iiiiuiuugs in ii I'uucuvuriug to mist upon tbo pubilo us mcdlctucH. KKKOItS or YOUTH. Every nervous Yoiiuk Man In Iho Union, will receive, lice, u Recipe that will proven blessing lliroilgll lilt', l-y liuiiicsauii;, J il euiiiiiieiiet-, juuit ii. ijuui-rit llox tTi 1', O. li Cedar ht,,N. Y. Kb. t5, ly, SALE OP VALUA11LE TIM11ER LAND. Jacobs. Evans, Executor of tho last will and testament of Abratii Young of llenton township, Columbia enmity, deceased, will oxposo to pub lic snlo tho folluwlug tracts of valuable timber First, n tract of timber lnnd situated In Pino township, Columbia county, contntnlng about 70 ncres well timbered with while pine, chestnut nnd hemlock, bounded by lands of Ellas Men ileiihall.Johu Lockart, Robt, Rinseluud others, tobubohl on ino premises OCTOBER 2Stli, 1S72, Tub Hum ik Roof anii its Thatchino. It tlKininn deservus well of bis oouulrv who makes two blades or grass grow where only ouo giew before, surely hu who produces u glorious crop of hair on u compwriitlvely barren seal pile serves the hearty I hunks of the obliged puny, All lionor. Ihereloro, to 1'rolessor tv. T. I.jou, lor, uuniKSttouably, htu let owned Kitlhalrou iiecoiupllbhes Ibis object. Ullltloiueu whose whlilteissre shy ol making tlitlr appearance In forte, or llbetu of whoso luousluchts dlscloso those. ''iiiugnlllct'Ul dlkttinces" lor which Wash Ington City w us mice so (unions, will llud IhU Hair I'likinuliT I he most wonderful encouiuger ul Ilbious tlovtltipt nit ul that bus ever yet been Invented. Holh uncs nrosdv lud to uio It, us. ny uu ouus, it is inu msi iirucie tor improving tliogtowtliuudbtauty of tbo lialr, keeping II ree iiom scurtiiu.i tiuiiuriiu.preveniiugH uoiu btcomlug harsh thy mid gii.y (.'loss &uu euuov.iiiu il Willi ne let Chemistry has cvcrivolMtl fioui tlio wuc. elvlm- it a rleli iicKluuuy i mil jtu. tabic Ulngduiu, at ii o'clock, noon. Second, a certain tract of timber land situated In Jiuksnn Township, Columbia county, 1'u., cnntalulng foity ueies nud lorly-lhrni and olght ttnlli percliis, well timbered with while pine, Hldtoonk am) hemlock, bounded by lauds ol il'ettf l.iuibach, Hamiul Kitchen, WiUou Kltelicu aud Jitso Rliouo to 111 kohl on tlio premises TUESDAY, OCTOBER iiOth, 2S72. at 10 o't luck, a. m. 'Jblid.n (erlnlii tract of lnndkltuatedin Fish Ingirio lowtikhlj., Columbin county, l'n., niljoln lug lands of I'lilllp Applemau, J. A, He witt, Htniy fcycr, dee'd. nud other, ism mining a hundudnuil Udrleen ncris nud nlno-ty-lnur licrchiH Willi ullownueo well thubeied with v line ouk, poplar, chestnut and pine, to bo sold on Iho primlkts WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER MOtli, 1872, Kt In o'cloi II P. M, Ten i en im. 01 il.o tiuieliuko lnonev tiavnlilo nt thi'Hliklng ili.vui ul llio piopeity, nne-Iiall Iiss tho tin per cud. In tl luuiilhs tin nailer, and t lien liudnli g tl i-l lilt HU uir luuii ihi oUsle, Executor, ALSO, Ul t.ii the U tl, i l Otli 1 tr, 117'.', lit S o'clock, P. M. upon itt hud iliktill id prtiiilkis, Jutob tl. Ev ans will t Her im not., it ceiiatii otber liact ul, l Hunt i it In Oiituvu tnwushlp, Cnl umblii cciiui) , l'n., I ouiiiltd by lauds ol.M, II. I'ulliucii tuiiOilMilitluy.l.llshii hviius and 11 in I It I .noli r, itiiuiiiuiug imuiitm licit h uiuviiy tlinbeiul tUillu l ine, white oak, and pilch j I no. '" ' j'XVoil r. I.VANI1. pUBLIU SALE () VALUAULK RH.VL HsTATE Iupursniuco of nn order of tlio Orphans' Com l of Columbia comity, llio iindursUu .l ad mlnlstiatiirt.Vt!.. of tlio ostato of Rlttii W. 11 iw- man, l.iloof thu township of Or.iugo, In s.itd coutity.uoccasoJ, ylll odor for silo on tli j prein Ises on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1S72, at leu o'clock, n m, Ilia folloivliu valuablo leal estate in Oraiiju township bounded and dekcrlbed as tull.iws, to wit i lly lauds of John Neyhart, John Achu.ib.ic:i ivnl itiraui K. Klluu coutatulug O'iACREi AND 120 PERO.tE.S, and allowanco. Tkhms oKhAf.E. Ten uer cent, of ono-fotirtl ot tho purcbiLsu money shall bo paid at Iho sliiking down of tho propcily, tho ouo-touitli less Iho tell pel- cent, nil the cuiiilun ittou 01 salo and Iho lemnhiltig Hiiro fourth' In ouo year llieicaiter, wltli liuerest lrom tho cniilli mutton illsl. Puichater to p ly lor dee I ami si. imps. ELI. Mlhl ll I'.OSV'MAN, JOHN WELSH, Allhlln V.l'.llois, Oct. i,d, Postiionctl to ISecembci- t, ISfJ. rilllE SECOND GltANIl fllKT CONCEI1T IN AI11 Ol" 1 tho l'ubllo Library of Keiilncky, nuuounccd liirscptcmberiitli, lias been postponed to Uc comliti' 7, It7K, bccaiisotho actiiiuulatlou ci ordeistho tew dajs bcloro tlie drawing mndo It physically imposslblo to till them without a few tUys' delay, nnd ns n sboit vostponement was Inevitable, It was tltlertulued to deter It to n t ituo mat wouiu iiiniio ii mu tiiu.ii.. buiu by Iho salo of all tho tickets. 1 1IU lllOUl'J Iturouij V 1 ,"":, , tren d gilts Is now upon deposit In tbo Inrmers nd Droviis' Hank, ns will bo sten by tho lol- lowlug certlllcato nf tho Cashier : FAiuil.ns' ASH in' ii.tMt. i LuUlbMLI.E, Kv.,(-cpt.'.li, 1S7.'. ) n-l.tu lu ii.c.rlllv tlinl tlit'TO Ih now (.11 dtliOSlt ,, il.lul 'in It mrr linlfn million of dollars to the rrcdlt of the Gift Conceit lnnd. S'.ui,UK)cf which s held by tins iianii us jrcasiiiei'iu mu lumn .iinnrv of Krnt nky to pay oil' nil gills to be awarded nt till draw lug. ,.,,,,, ,, 11. is, 1..VI.II, t llklllOl. l,(JUO l'llzik, amounting lo $5003ooo insr cash, ...111 I in nirnnlril. tlio llllllllSt 111 lie bClOL' E100.UOO t-iU.ljtv, eo.eeu, nuti tiiiwii in ittmai niau.ii.u. is. ijitiu, wnicn is im; lowtki. Tlio drawing will positively nnd unequivocally (nl.. l.lnrn I l.-cnilber 7. At'ClllK 1110 iierelilplot'l- H- v r.mlt. .1 In nlliSO S.lltSllUd llllllt O ll'llirilS NO VO mber "i, In older lo glvo aiuplo lime for the final air.ingonienis. urueis ior iicnuis nruppu canons ,or ui iSffai.umi public l-iurary 01 Keuiuciiy, Agent Ixmlsvllle, Ky. pi eirieorier ewart A S E 13 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r or Willi mJ. Haxnaii iifi'ii. ot administration on the estate nf Will. ,in J. Hannah, tatool Mllliln twpColuinbiii emiiilt die'd., have been crnntod by-tnolleKlsicr of saiil . Hinij.toJ. H. Heller, ol Mltllin ton n shlp, C.iliimblaco. All peistms huvtitg claims or tteiuauds niratust tin decedant n.u reiiiit -ed to make them know i, und those tndeinea to innkn li.ivuient. J. 11. HlcrLKti Fepi U7Mra . Adtiilutsti.u .r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XI STAT11 Ol' BI.IZAlHi.Tlt IIAMITJS hec'h. Not ice Is hcioby given mat lettors 01 .".1111111. s. trailou have been granled by Hi; Hcgisi. ci wtitKi.f I'oliinil.l'i couctv lo tlio .".l.lcrslKiif I i- ou the estate ot I'lU'ibcui, 1 twtil R lugcrrt u twp., in sni-l couii'y, now oeceasi'ii, i. peisous Indebted to sntd im Ut me reqti'reJ t. make payment ..nd all pc rs n- who liwo cl ir i against said estiito to iiiiiHo then Icoowii to i n. uuderklgntd. l'KTEU I.UVA.s'. EcpllV.-iiW Aiiininmiraioi-. THE P.1SST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST DURABLE PATXTfcJ now in uso arc tho Montour Slato Paint They cover ore-third more suil'.ico. last P i and cost less ll.ati White Lead, iho ph." which thev nre very gonetnUy taklDg v econoiiiy, dimiblltly nud iioatneMtureileMi, , Hcnr what our I'ractlc il Painters says: It gives megitrt i kn' me to rtefinmc'i, Bl.itol'.itiils-iissuiiplyiugn noed wo liave fell, and oxcieumlnv a gieat dilllcully. . hnH long Pi en ncliuowledgeil by nil pn:.-, Pnlnteis, i.iuni ly the oxu'btlon of while I by llio nliiumphiie, u. using It to erum'i . cbnlk oil. l nm f.titunit.1 llicv will nalnt nue.lhlrd i tnifscoiind In a be'fttr in.iuncr tliauuuj o.' pigment 1 have ever ttst-d. ft Kingston, Juno SI. 1 7.'. We cheerfully eoucur In thualo.o oplnh. ' pressed by M,. Oto.C. Uoul , A. W. MON'1.01'. II. 1 HIOIW, llluomsburg, P.l. fcKNO IOK 1'llICE I.IT, A5JHSAai'lr.C.r.' . DltKUF.H, 1HUY OO.. Solo Muunftctureis. pop'..,'W.3m. Rupeit, i urner IMl'ROVHD UNRIVALKD X UNIUIUALKD Burns any uizo conl, FUI.LHIt. W ARRUN A CO., Ski Water HI N. Y. ic'i 0 sw FURMAOES. POWr.RFl'L AND F.l'ONOMH'.M. lirA'ILUS, Janus A, Luwkon, I'lttnlte. WARRllN A; CO., 'JtU Wntel 1 1. N. Y, UptUMV QARRIAQE MANUFACTORY, illnomsbnru, 1'a M. C 1LOAN A nitOTUKIt Havo mi hand and ltruliintthc inusl rnssmiM bio, rntcn n s I. u P. I ii.ek nf UA RitlAOFM nnnoiis. and mer dOHcrtptlnn i.f Wrt-..i.. u.u PI 1N AND FANCY warranted to be imnle ol the l.en nnd most dur ulilo mati-ilalh, mid by thu most experlencisl wnrkluell. All null: sunt out Unlit in (islnli. lisbmeut will bu loiiud in iMoribe blglu-st class and stun to give pi iltcl katlslncllini. liny have IIISU II lll.L' ll-fl.l l.ll ill oi M LU I 0 H nl nil the newest nnd nimt Lt-.Lloiio'.'c 'tvtos wen and rareinily iiiaduiiutl uf Urn b. si oiaUi. mis. An Inspection ci their work is i.s P 1 believed Ibal iiiino superior cku bo round In i,k TOTICE. J. To nhoui 11 may concern! Whertns. my wile. Rokti Cook, has It II lay bed und board nllh- nut Uliy c.ilikt., I hcieby caution tlio taibllo l ot to trust her ou my aufount, in 1 will pay no tie bis or her loiituicllng. .MIlllAl'.l. IIIUK. tVntralla, Kcp, VMh, ls7i.-3ll country. tan t'TI 1 S lll.AT('III.l S Iiiifiiuiiil Cu(uiiiLi r llisiil Pui.hi. 'liikioitss, Duruble, lalluii.t IttltlCllClip. Tllt'blhl I'll Ml lol thu liait money, Atli utlou is ispccialiy liivlietl lo lUulcli lev's 1 nlfiit liiimovcd lliuek 1 1 and New Plop I In ( k Valvo, vliit-hcuu be wiihdiuwn ulih nut KIllovlUK tbo I'lltisj! nl lll.llll I1IIIU lliu jl.lllis! tlio CtiPiHi' Cluitilbfr. tibleti never tmtks nr benlisi, u;itt ion (, uuy uuivi. ii'i kulo l.y Poiders evei where rtliu 10f VUtUlt'gUeUUtl ITlDtl' Chas. i). lii.Aitiii.KV, M'l'r. 'Jit't lohif liebl., I'll I littl.i 1 ft 1. AGENTSltAMl,AI0-VAlfDvsn ' WANTLD. JfUTI.KNS' MAN I A comi.lctn Political Compend, for inf-. s o,(. l.ivtsiirnllthol'l-kkldcuts.ulldtl 1 i nt l'rcsldcnlinl Cnndtdntcs. Tlio Cont ' the If. ft, mill Jhclmvttoit ij mtijwiid . Iitical Conventions, in ,( ('mi' 1'latlorn s pUlc miction Returns the J,ut Census, snio , l-llll IHI lllll JHI'lIk, ti. ..mi-. .IV--". Piimtl.tit. ltaukiUt 11018 SW t cttidy MWle. For i livulnis. rddies J t 1,1. .I'Siimr.ii', . Klplti IW 711 Slllki'lll ht., I'hll.i.U pUBliTCSALE JL of VALUAULK U1HL linT.VTK. In piiuuaueeofanordcroriheOrphiiiik . of I'oluinblncnuuty, ihoiiuileralBiied A-n tint or, ,lc, ot thu estate of Tutor SliUUor cntuwissa lowusliip, tn ild county, .1, will t-xpost. lo public title i.u Hit pn in SATURDAY, OUTOUKR Jill ), 172 nl lu o'clock lu tho forenoon nf uil.l tiny, I .c n i lowing d. Kcilhitl HOUSliliiid LOTliF HKtil N . kiliuiitd en tho noitli klile ol l'oinlli hiiroi i Hie town of Cntnwlssn.icmiiy nlortsul'l, 1,., , id and iltsicrlbed nsiollows to wltidn Hu i by uuiillry, on i ho rust by lot of Millions W tuistemi.nuli c "Uth by louitli Hlrtit. ii mid. niul rn the v.Tst by nil alley, beius t wldlh IJ"! ah' net In llt-plll, wuiefiu Is II l uuood 1'IIA.MK lUitbsHund iittiisr: IUL-. (Inoil veil i t wiiti r at the tt'iot l (INPITION OF KALK.-AVU per tt m fnlth ul tlio illlebnsn lnolil-l tball i., r lhobiiililhi;doinottl)Opii,i'.j.iL m . less tho tin per lent, nil the tcrtin i Mile, mid tbo ttinulpli.'i lime t uu . mr IhcKuller. with IlitilMt from II . i iniiUoii ulil. l'mtliawr la )y fir,;. kUiiniw, 11 1 RAM .1, Bl F I . CnlawlMB.Hcp. 10, Kit. AiUtulU' 'i,