The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 18, 1872, Image 2

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Iu(!f.olumliinii, VA,
wMIU tliuoluclui returns of tho Hiok
onuliii .l ci )c kr jyiili lii'ji'l-tlijii "S"
itt'tnils .mil lo intHVurf llio innuenco"o
holli Kiinc'int ttml vrulnl "cnunis upon
tlio ri;ultv
tTlii the wliolc tlio county vote
provhi Uio Infc'grltj- ol our poittlhlloti j
1U) cupActly to f( ')t( curritpt Inljttcnco
nnd Pa firm diy!t' .fi iiWnclijlo In
times of t'cmplutlWi nul'iiR'. ' 'lli6 few
tro'irlldf(jn,9 nutt'cW i lbkh who were
oitiuWtJliu. Uil9 cuinly'by tlio linr
lUiiarlllntf, anil who ii'utrrto:ik h
pir'nnu'inceof ovil work fur tliMr Wii
plyt j, "Worn ttnfihfr t;i I nil proo rn-mi'.-
i ii i'c')luili)l?tal)lo extent ; they
v. i" t nl cvofy point, :rul li t lllil In
tin Ir .uVquncCd 'Mij'l nvl'jr" tile
1) tin ciii'lc major'! y o ' ' iJnicr yen's.-
n w s eoiniticntij' n (on.,Ti riororiti yiat
.t w s fouiitioiitiy p i:L:'A rtbrodii that
mr ni.-J .rlty wSh'to ho ,ilWV'b' 1200
iy rt-.)i. of tiNaffeclYni 'in ' otir 'vl
rutin '.Oil oweilvo worffljy- tlio oliprf'
ttlli HxYfM htfj-cSMt 'rrjv5!3 tltft
cfivct produced hv T Ihtf Wlh'nl 'f-
forts of(J o qj'ijvosT ' wliltf n 'grout
w,u iiuiiw.llh,o iiwh-rjf .Wr paY
struifrlfi. VbMiall jio;,v'liroreil 'to' rX
amino tiiu c.vsi.,irrd?b TlMriKf "lUvunl
lns i'a-JL hMAiWrio HfA" ffljtl
ill.l ..;.( utPlTJ-'Ti foToutWoWttM
f'.,'...t 'J:.',, (.its. '
nT urg 'no infJorlli''of 2," for
r iri.r Auditor CJOnOnil
i.R Ii.r
tidjjo of tho Ruprei'iip
ntrnVd llie'iirSltlon of
l- iiu, ij:,y
Ill' l'.V,l ,1-,
'tilW!l 1 1
former ' full lVc
11.,. 'TV,. tif. ,t, .- f,,.
S-'i-iiKiur'fer fV'c!'I-TiT,,t'Jin fSU3'bullii;1i!;
iin.rhJr'r;(Ko'?'Wr MWiM h lSfifi bo
ing IS.'" ;ilfiJur',ift.j .fiU''ihlr year
wuro l)i'!oi' 'wlmt tti'y li'
w'dlo thtroiiiioMtP''lV hrotislit out
ih-lr lVholo' strfn't'li.' T.P.Midi a, thcro
ViiiilfttlooflrOiiclitfrypriictl!'3;l :ijnf ti.
tid to which wo hhull lmvo ocwsiou
ukuIii to rcfir. Making due allowance
hiwcvor fo'r Hip opf'ration 6f tho30 cans
03 tlio voto or Uloomsburff was satis
faplgry an a of parly strength, and
OJlict'Jitlly when wu remember that not
inatty 5 cjirs ' sWco iriojoritics 'here
run nips from 7.1 fo 00 wero regularly
civen flgalnsl m.
'As compared with Iho finb 'mnj'orl
lies ck'oa by them for Packer for Gov
ernor in'lSfi'J, thtf foilbwlng distrlfls
havo incrcasedjuiqir maJoritlC3 on Gov
crnor tho present year,''t6 ; wit : Ben
ion.4 rBlconftbursr, 7: Centrnlia, ':
TTortH'Conyngh'amil' 'Ffshlngcreok
31 j Greenwood, 29;' Montour, '25'; Pine.
"2o j'Bcott, 11 f'and Stigarloar, ,11 ; mak
lAfrln thos6t5h district's ncatu. Of- 175
'and ihifl galnis naturally' accounted
for bytho factbitVh6so'dlstrict8 have
it note increase ofloo on their total voto,
Their vdtd'was full and therefore thuir
m.TjoritIC3 woro increased,
On tho other hand, in Beaver, Briar
crtck, Centre, Franklin, Hemlock,
Jackson', 'Madison, Orange arid Roar
inEcrcck, whero tilnjorltles havo 'ro-
tnalncd stationary,' or havo slightly fall
i off, tho tofnl'voto hn3not increased,
id In i6&tfif'them'i3'lcBs"than it"WB3
inl'SfcO. Tho voting inflllthoso tOwn
shps;wa31vfiy't''obn, but' upon n full,
,yoldt"w6ufd haTO'b'deh'still bet'ter. t,
'A sngUfMncrense'df votdliti'-Milllln
n'r.d'Snjtfui 'PleaaRril did not'iilcfoaso;
'tlicir nisjoiltiea' (wlvich liowbvor.-werci
'goo'd ovnes) ,'whl W n Main and Locust ma'
' jorit!t?3 foll'off uptn'im increased vote ;
ninoJ'n'tliofoVnjeAnd thirteen in tho
lalttr uporyan irciWasicl votobf twenty.
lifVUuiarlfrtba'tionHcf this kind
Ifj -iPlurliS aft to to Oxpoctcd, nnd as td
mcft!t,n'l!fUJIIiWiu grounds for regrets
' erM'WWjflah I ia'hoy all gave ad
ihlri'fjlo votiM6 tht" causo of reform,
attrilbnomblyrOTtsled tho" sinister' in
flupiicttf hi ought to bear upon them.
Vo odmc hastily to tho threo dis
tricts (tho only rcmamlcir ones) whero
wc)TrostrucK by money and by cor
I'oratd'inllutnc'o untl .'.uffcrcd sensibly
ci'J.a party in thorctilHis.' Tlioio nro,
Rontli-CnynRHcnj.n'ftWck and Oata
wispa! ' ' ) . '
South Conynghain poliled but 57
vi (cb1ii1W,9 and 0(1 in 1871. It now
, i.oll.i 100 votes niTu reports su ns given
1 for llbrtrntift', ret tilting in ademoeratio
nuilifrjly'o'f but 2S. But this isan ini
rcjWMe rrf-ult in a fair poll 'of-un
In. tight votes : In that dlalrlct. But!)
votes yrc given" thcro agaiiidt i'ackor
In 1?C0 and btit 10 'rgalnat McCnndless
'11 ls7t. it may bo safely assumed thai
lnorhthmi half tho Hartranft voto re
f crtcd fioui that district is corrupt, or
Bmvfck. lulled 2t)i votoi for GoVer
nor in iVco. 'It now polls !!2a fur Gov
ei nor,1 being an Inoreato of 122. Thli
imp volt (mostly from tho shopa or
jvorl.rf of Jackson A wood In. iindmost.
iy!"lvcrt to tho Ilonubllcnnsl. was torn.
seerf'tind'espc-ctul ; buttho treachery of
ub'out'25 voU're upon" thoStntoticket for
Governor and Auditor Gericral was not
"foresecn and mnst bo attributed to cor
rupt Influence. 81 votes Wcro polled for
tho 'Democratic candidate for aoyor
nor and 85 for Hartley for Auditor Gon
oral, while tho Democratic nomlnoea
for Congressmen at Largo rcenlvcd
At CatawlEEa tho railroad fchops con
trlbutcd their voto to Ilartranft tind u
(nprlclous voto to other candldalcs,
and with this disturbing forco two or
thrro protended Democrats co-operated
corrupt-men whoso political nctlon Js
ulwoys at tho command of thu highest
bidder. Tlio following Is tho very ro
markoblo run of votes for Democratic
eandidatcft nt Catnwlssa, showing tho
interference of tho Catawlssa Rail
road Company with tbo olectlon
tho corruption of tho tnon abovomen
Honed, nnd tho' complicity with,' tho
' latter of tho" radical voters of tho
town: Bueknlow for Governor, 120
Hartloy for Auditor Qeheral, 11C
Thompson for Judge- of tho Suprdmo
Court, 220: Democratic Candidates' for
Congressinen'at large, 160 j Rhodes (or
District Coiigrecsman, lCOpCJialfant for
'Hcnafor, 207, and Brockwny for Jtenrc
umaiive, 100.
But.wo reneat.upon'ti genortil Insbec
lion of nil tho district returns tho cfl'cel
boon, .incl below w! .it tlioy mlaht li
bfLn niiuJc wjlli ififlpPr (lOTf.
tOMw wiw'not.lh'urolij'tily f.iiYtes-3id
oiirHMcitnd ftnddi'ir VolM n'a'imi
produced b.vltliiir money mid corpor
'li' liillni'iiii' hi i'IixhijIm vnio ii'iil 11 f
f'r'lltg litilll- In Hie CMiitii'. :i- liii'mi
slilcriible. Initi'peiideiit nt I ho new
vein nt Berwick, tho number of voters
debauched or Improperly controlled
wim comparatively liislgiilllc.uit, and
may bo liberally fttlin:leil, nil told, ut
100 vole. ThU Is but 11 unull lesult
Mr the money expended and tho efforta
put forth by tlio eorrupllonlsls In this
unty ; and must discourage them In
fuliTrfJTrriTl'IS'Itt'thtrlMamn illreellon fir
t b not to b" e.vpieteil thai within
many (iceiiiioB 10 emtio win nu ionyiu
any nine mii'li-uu enoriuou-i eiccuou
fund to draw upim ns was, this year at
ho cimiimid of .tho Cnui .'nm lling
it'i ltn ugynts.aiiil, alllos Hi Iho .rfovernl
'OuntiiM of the Gunuionwentth. 'With
d(cro.irtl picinltry menus for pollut-
ng.ulmiiliKis In iiituie, they will read
bo ri'ltirm of ls72 ur Jj.iluuihl 1 county
iii-a iilauilln uilinouitl hi against nv
N'lhtlng hcivily huro with any expeeta
tlon ofgottlug tho value of their money
turned to theni in th i form of cor-
lipted votcj.
I ltcncw tho right.
ThcBinokoof tho OJtobor b.ittlo has
cloarod uyay, and our wounded nro be
ing aired for. Tlio dwer tors to 1110 ouu-
my havo .not been numerous, uud llko
tho. traitor Auinld.are-despised by thoso
iwhp.prolllod, IhpU Ircawn.
nut, tuoiigu repuisoJ, we uro not
roi(ted, and arobattur prepared for tho
iovuitiror ligui tnuu wo were lor inai
Of October. Our onpjnenta will need
tliir nogrocj, ropoaler, and fund3 In
JUirr atatej wlilcii voto tlio nmo any
imlthera wl'I not basuch an iiidontlvo
0 l)ijbu tho voters or stuff'tho ballot
Powsmi1 tutu vtiilc carried for Orce-
tru. mid us honoi'ablo men wo should
staiiil liy the R'.!pubtlc.tn3, who
11.. . . e.'.yt ... JAu...l. . u. l.,l
iriiYV ill iiiuu inn nuuiiuLii iii. uiu iuiu
elecll'i. 1 1 -Imply require? n littlo work
tin liiiMinrtori' iii 111 .in In ffct nut thofull
... ...
yote. Attlio eieouo.i 01 tlicsin, over ouu
pomocrats w- re at homo in this Connty
nlone. showing an 'lildlffcrenco that is
uuii.u-ilonablo In u crisis llko this.
Our friends must not bo dircauraged
nioiirdfftiat, In this State. Wo lmvo
carried Georgia and Indmna.witli largo
gains In bhlo.and ns'ls .shown elcwhcro
1 .1 . -1 .
navo more inaii eipiai einincu mi -hui;-
cpss. ljft us net tnrow down our arms
ih Pennsylvania whllstouf brethren nil
ovet' the Union uro continuing tho tight.
If wO eaiinot wln.wocaii at least worry
thocnoniy. Ifthishas been iv-IlullRuu
to us, let us turn the tables and make
Peiiiisylv.iul.i a Gettysburg for our op
ponents. Away, then, Willi faint hearts. Our
principle-) are as sound as over and we
must maliiUiu them to tho last. Go to
morkat once. OnoAN'i.F.TiionoUdnijY
Continue your meetings. Tn 11 wonl, let
us (each our cnoinioi that wo have Just
bpgiin (o light 1
October 8th $t
Tho campaign just closed, ending with
tfiS:'docil$n'"of, .Tbhn'lF. Hartrauft as
GoYornof of thl3,Comin0nwealth, wa3
in sOino respects of moro importance
than any over held hi' tho State. It was
not m crely a contest between two polit-
ical.parllca for supremacy In tho Sl'ato
Administration ; it wa3 a struggto bo-
tft'een tho people and tho politicians of
a corrupt organization. TI10gro.1t nucs
tion nt Jssuo wa3 not onaii sro navo a
Democratic, ruler over U3" but "Shall
fraud and corruption in high places bo
overthrown." Tho answer is disheart
ening. It is shown boyond poradvenluro
inai mo voice 01 uiu ijuujiiu wuiuii mw
been Bald to bo "tho volco of God" is not
so powerful as tho mouoy and means of
a few shrewd and unscrupulous politi
cal managers., Tho plot yllIch opened
with tlio nomination of candidates not
acceptable 'to oven tho' .honest and
V. , r. -. iL'.J , iflt.l
inougniiui ineiuuursui muir uwuinitiy,
has culminated In'tho election of thoso
caudidatC3 by bribery and frauds of a
magnitude lioretoforo unknown In aiiy
Northern Slate. Money was spent
lavishly, votprs were purchased, inor
dlnato rpgl'stratlon was had, hordes of
negroes aud rowdies from adjoining
states wcro sent Into various districts
to voto illegally and tho.tho end attain
ed is llko tho means employed dis
graceful. Tho subject Is ono which de
mands moro than a trilling oxpresslou
of regret for defeat. Tho vital principle
of a republican form of govern mont is
destroyed if the money and influencoof
ono man or set of men can absolutely
control tho ballot box. Tho samo means
which created a majority of moro than
20,000 for John F. Ilartranft in tho city
of Philadelphia may create a yet larger
in.ycars lo come. Thosamo unblushing
effroulery which mado a registration of
moro than 102,000 In that city, an in
crease of 41.000 over that of last year,
may effect a greater Increase at tho next
election., Tho samo systom which trans
formed Iho police Into aids and guides
to New York unci New Jcrsoy lowcllcs
in repeating, and stayed tho hand of
justieo fioin punishing tho crimes, may
bo nud mill be repealed. Where Is this
all looud? An election IpPpnnsylvania,
taking this ono as a s.tmplc, Is a mock-
cry-i It wcro as well that nono wcro
hold. If tho peopl'o.aro so corrupt as to
bo bought and bold llko sheep In tho
shambles,oriiro so indifferent as to look
unmoved upon political debauchery,
then nro WQOonio Indeed to doptorablo
straits, Vhcn dishonest and venal po
llllchms cxi3t'tIioy,may bo swopt away
by popular Indlgnatlpu but'whcu the
peoplQ,themselvc;'nro yepraved whero
aro'.wo to look ?
Tlio lesson of 1I1I3 October election is
wrltton in bold characters and easily to
be- read. If 13 this; that no honost man,
no opponent of tho present rullug port-
era In tho State, can bo elected except
by a majority so Overwholnlng ns to
ronder hopeless tho attempt to nullify
it by fraudulent counting or ballot box
stuffing. It Is a tcrrlblo thing to cm
tcmplalo but it ls,novcrthole33, true.
U.ulc;ta strong, earnest, vigorous ress
tanco Is offered by tho people themselves,
and tho present condition of filf-tlrs
changed, un election in this State Is
"but sound and fury signifying notn
Old Simon Cameron is not content
with tho rascally olcctionln Pennsyl
vania, but is on tho war path domain!
Ing tho scalps of J1I.3 enemies. Cameron
wishes to lmvo every Republican who
opposed Ilartranft, I. e, himself, kicked
out of tho party, llo is especially vi
clous on Fbrnoy aud has demanded of
Grant that nil jpubllc patronngo shall be
taken from iilm. It is reported that
Qratit refused to intorfere,1 but as Grant
is entirely undor tho control of such
men a? Cameron it is highly prolmhlo
that Hlinoii will havo his way. 1
10 Finer al.
VOrXT2 oar1 .1973
Cambria ....
Cameron . . .
Columbia. . .
Franklin . . .
Indiana ....
Juniata... .
Lawrence. . .
Lebanon... .
Luzerne ...
Lycoming . .
100 1
"West more Id
"Wyoming ..
Total.. .
281007 200151
Mujorilv.. 11001
Tho niaj. is 35,745.
Tho rolling mill and buildings of tho
Cambria Iron Wdrks, nt Johnstown
ra., wcro mostly destroyed byflroon
Saturday night. Tho steel works, shop
and furnaces were uninjured. Tho light
machinery in tho burned shops was do
stroyed, but the heavy machinery suf
fered littlo damage. Tho loss Is estlma
ted at 8100,000. Several firemen wore
injured, but not fatally. Tiicworkmcn
have volunteered to contributo part of
their pay to assist in rebuilding tho
works, and such arrangements will bo
mado that it is thought tho delay caus
ed by tho firo will not lost moro than
two weeks.
At,Lancaster on Monday, complaint
was made beforo Alderman Amweg by
Reindardt Reiner, election Judge of tho
Eighth Ward of Lancaster, against Dr,
II. E. Muhlenberg, for offering said
election, judgo $200 if ho would "stuff
tho ballot box lo rcduco Buckalow
majority to 100 In said ward. A warrant
was issued for the arrest of Muhlenberg,
Dr. Muhlenburg is a United States
Rovenuo Collector,and a brother-in-law
of Senator Cameroii.
Loulsille,Ky., is all excitement over
tlio falling of a "shell" of a building by
which five persons werokilled. A strong
determination to hold tho responsible
party to a strict account for tho disaster
provails,and already tho contractor and
tho architect havo been arrested aud
held to nn3wer"tho chargo of murdor,
At llarrisburg, Monday, Emmanuel
Shaffncr, on trial for thp murder of his
two wives and John Sharlock, by pois
oning, pleading guilty of murder In the
second dcgreo,and was sentenced to the
Eastern Penitentiary for thlrly-six
Twoshockofeartliquake.wilh oscilla
tions from cast to west, lasting several
seconds, wero felt In Hnn Francisco, at
fifteen minutes past four o'clock on Sat
urday morning. No ihmago was done.
Tho President has Issued at. elanm-
lion recommending tho obse. )eo of
Thursday, November 28th, as
National Thanksgiviug.
lay of
Saiah F.Willis.wifoof Jaiiu-c I'arlon,
and widely known aa"Fannj Fern,"
dloJ on Thursday In New York.
Indiana gives Hendricks, tho Dem
ocratic candldato for Governor 0j0 ma
jority. Part of tho Democratic State
ticket Is also elected.
Monday's newspapers gave accounts
of fires tho lossis by which aggregate
Prompted by a commendable desire
to tell its readers how Simon Cameron
carried Pennsylvania for Grant, The
Courier-Jounnl furnlshoj' tho follow
ing: "It Is dlfflcult lo say just what
elected Ilartranft. Tho prevailing onln
ion, however, seems to bo that he got
in through n combination of repeating,
oxpondlturcs, puro cussedness nnd tho
Inlluonco of tho Pittsburgh papers."
New Advertisomonta.
BiimethlliL' Hew. Q salable art!
rli-v, cell ni bight, I'ulaloem-i
nud ouo kauiplu fi ee. N. y. M ') g
lu., .1 yOurwmiijv nv., , 2.
HllHilpi-ci I S"d stamp for Ul'd Catalogue on
JiulKllOg. A,J. Ull-JiHEI.!. AUU
57 Warren HI..N.Y. Octlblw.
rililldiaNO IIUMIIUOI nc
J- llv ki lllllnu .l.lfirVTH villi n,.t-
helnbt. color of eves .t hair, von will receli-o hv
return ot mall, u correct picture of your futuio
iiuu..uu ; ....v. , in, iiiwiiu nud uuiu ui iiiiir
rjnge. Address W. FOX, P.O. Drawer. No. ai,
f lllWM,llirti, UC1191W
yjow oi'un:
Tho Clinical advantages of llo School aro un.
ulTU-ltts.W. ' '
For CutnlOKuescontalnlnir full
bly lo Pruf. CIlAh W. CIIANOKI.LOlt, lioau
ocl, 18, yy, ijaiiimoro, Md.
a mi rou
Bloom, East Ward.
RIoom, West Ward.
Conynghnm North,
Conynghain South
Grconwood ,
Madlgon ,
Mount Pleasant
Ronrlugcrcck 1
Scott 1
Sugarloaf. 1
ITon. Willimn Klwcll luul no
Tlio 1-1 DclckMlea at Uirffc to
I.. ClrpHlnrs Irce.
IJ.ivia & Do. ,Mrrs, 711
Aizcikh vrniitc-il. W. 11. 11.
h'iKsail, N. V.
P $75 to $250 per month.,
M mnlo, to Itilroilu,- llir (JK.'JITINi; IMPltOV-
in i:i) (,'OMMllN MI'.S'S, I'AMII.V HI-.WINO
C-( MAUIIINK. Till-ill icilne will ktlfli. hem,
leu. tuck, quill i-r. i' ml, lirnlil mid cm
liroliler la u inti-t -,r wanner. Prlco
nuls-113. 1'iillv li-i, 1 ,uil wnrrAiitctl for
$2, .11 vii yearn. Wo will p.iy 8 1 ,00 0 fur any inn-
V.....U 1. 1, ,1, ..... wi .. .iiuiu iJC.tllll
lul.or moro olattlo ficniu thuu ourJ. It makci
the "Klrtitle Lock Htlch." V.vcr? nr-fiml
f2 atlchrnu liocul.nmnillltlioclolh cnimotlic
sl pnllca ai.irt Mltliout tcarlug it, Wo pay
ngcniH irum j.a io eju per moniii anil cx
5 ncuscs. ur n comiuUslon from which twlco
M ilio amonnl can holn ule. Aililresi SKCOMtl
C cago, 111., or (it, I.oul
ciiiur rAuns! rnuu noin:s!
On tlio lino nf thn ItMnV I-Afltl-'lll tl.lU..
UOAD. 12.W 1.1,01 .tcrq nf thi, lint V.r ,.,lnr
I anils In America.
3,uui,iKiu. Acre in Nvbintfei, In Iho Plat to Val
ley, now for mile.
Mild Climate, FertiloSoll,
for Grain KiowltiKaiiil Stock liaising nusurpas?
eil by any In tho llnlteel mates,
t'lioanvr la prlco. mnie favorable leims clven.
anil moro convenient lo marlcut than can bo
loniiii ciscwnero.
l-'nui: HosiKSTiiAW l-ou Actual Skitlkki.
Tho best location for t'olonlcs Solillcrs enti
tle!! to a HomcMnail nf llUlAi.rrs.
Hcnil for new ilnscrl it Ivo pamphlet, with now
ma'is.pnblllslieil In Mnnllsli, (lerman, HweillMi
nuu uuuui vry wiirt'.
AUdrcss, O. I-'. DAVIH.
Laud Com'r U.'l. It. K. Cj Omalia, Ncu.
"""""J 'Jii'iiueu vj(jii, ihiiiiii; viiwei, iiiuu-
Ins Door, Fender Uuani, Dnmplnc: AHhnlciug
viiuif, imil'ul iniii, r ULtUUii. WAiiiiv.iS to,
10 Water Street, N.V. octlSlw
TolUoso wlio hive funds to Invest In largo or
small amounts, or who wish to lncicase their
Incouio from means already luvosted lu other
less proQlablo tccurllles, wo rccommcud, alter
full Investigation, tuc Sovcu-TUlrty Qold Couds
ot tho Northern PaclQo Railroad Company,
Hearing seven and three-tenths par cent, gold
Interest (equal uow'losjf currency,) nnd told at
par, they yield nu income considerably moro
thin ouo-thlrd greator UianU. 8. 5-Ws. They
are Coupon and lteglstci wl, tlio loweit douonil
nation being 8103, tbo highest SIO.COO.
Nearly ono-third of tbo Slain r.iua oftlie ltoad
will bi complete.! and In operation villi a largo
business the present scavon. Alljtho property
and rights or tha Coiuiiany, Including a most
valuable Land Grant, averaging about 1,009
acres per mile of rj.-id aro pledged a? security
for the first morlgago bond now oBetoJ.
All marLctablo Blocks aud bonds nro received
lucxchangoatcurrcutprloo, Doscrlpttvo pam
phlcts and maps.sbowing Iloute of road, Conucc-
Hons, Tributary Country, id., will bj furnished
on application.
Now York, Philadelphia and Washington.
fVnanttal AacnU JV. 2. It. 1.
Bonds for sale lu Bloomsbnrg by Iho Frsl Na
tional Haul:, and Blooiusburg llanklus Cum
Oct. 18, 1S7J-1W.
In pursinnco ol an orJcr of tho Orphans'
Con it of Columbia county, tho uudorslgutd r.d-
iiuiiisiraiur, ,c.,oi mo e.iaio oi i-uiiip uieeiov
ilcc'il l.uo of tlio townsbln ol lioavcr. lu sali
county, will oiler lor salo on tbo premls-
vr. nil
H certain t-H2l of lau 1, bouilci and ilc -nhod
as loujwi, via : u I un norm ny i in 1 ol l.v.ll.i
llonulniftr. i.n tut etisl uv l.ih.l ol I'liilh, Ale
Uranii, on I lie sf.ih hr -i mi'HIo v.n I mi mi tho
wesi uy lanu in j.u,.- u iri;ii'i- oiiii'iiu
nud one hundred aud forty-nlno perches, moro
or levi, whereon nro erected a two-stoiy l-'iaine
uweiiin & iiiiuxu iuiu u jruuiu ii.iuk uaill .l.l,ru,
A cerium other tract or lain! hounded nnd Hu
scrlbeil ns follows, viz : Uu tho north hv laud o
loiiu lie ler. on tho emt uv land or 1:11,13 i:i v in
011 tlio south hy i-iuil or Jacob Khearniau and on
ino-ivcst vy luuu 01 reicr Jitiegiu, couinin
more o,' Ies.s.
xr.UMH OF HAI,E.-Tou ner cent, of one-
lourtli oftho purchii.0 mouov to be mild nt tho
Ktrllclng down of tbo proin-rly, onu-Murlh less
1110 icn per ceiii.. on iiiecoiiuriiiaiiouoi sale anil
thoreiuuliiliii! thrio.Riiutli In 0110 year thereaf
ter, with Interest from tlio eouilruiatlou
nt Iho tamo time, at thedn-elllug holism, lite of
said deceased, will bo exposed to Bale by public
vcuiiuo, uio iouowiug personal propoiiy, vi :
(inoclnibos horso, one table, one bed nud bed
diug, oneeuplioard, ouo sulky, ouo wagon, 0110
culling bench, ono lauulug mill, ouo plow, one
uurrow, ouu biouu bleu.
TEHMS : All sums of 83 and under, cash 1 over
ii lour iinnths ciedlt with approved securi
ty. ...
Al.liU. IAii,
Oct. 18,1872 Admlul.trator.
Hew York, Cork ami Liverpool-
O Eltll A.NIC, uAl,,'',,J AJJKIATIO,
Sailing from New York on BATUIIDAYS, from
Liverpool on THUHSDAYS, eulllng ut Cork
Harbor each way. From tbo White star Dock,
PnvnnlA Ferrv. Jersev CJltv.
Passenger accommodations (for all classes)
uurivaueu, cuiuuiuiiiK
Saloons, state-rooms, sniokluu-room and bath
rooms In midship sectiou, where loast motion Is
Surgeons and accompany
lliehu biruincrif.
ItATi-j. S.1I0011. f SI nold. Stcerai-e. !10 curren
cy. Those wlslilhx'lobeud ten trleuds Irom tbo
0111 country can now ouiuiu siuuruo prepaid
f-erlilli-atc-s. iii eurt'encv.
i'stkeug. is booked to or from all parts of
Aiuerlca, Paris, llninburgn, Norway, Sweden,
lllillll, Aiisiruiiia, I.UIUU, ue.
llrnlls irom 1 (inwards.
For liiKnectlon ol nlaus and other information.
npply at I bo Compauy'sOUlces, No, illllioauwiiy,
New Yoik.
Ott, IK, 1U72, 3. II. Bl'AlIKH, Agent,
Warren pange
First Frenlum' H ffiAD.ictt.lB71
cm nr.
iomiiii:ss)ii:x at nunc.
182 to! 1821 if 183 ' 181 " 181 181 0 O t! 170, 0 18(1 4 131 !'
101 40 105 40 105 51, 105 105 105 51 51 51, 105! 511 105 5l! 101 5
81 212 85 230 101 213 127 100 100 211 211 213 100, 215 100 212 02 22l
222 101' 2131 -170' 207 170 207 208 203, 172 172 172 200 170, 205 171' 210 108,
127 103! 120! Kill li))1 151 12.1 125 125 105 105 105 118 17l! 127 100 123, 170
152, fid 152 0(1 102 0(1 153 153 153 05 05 05 153, 05, 153 05 153 (l-i,
120 203 1KV 2.17, 220 111)' 14!) 150 150, 235 237 235 130 251 207 173t 151 231 1
103 70 10,1' 00 10I1 70 113 118 148! 8l! 81l 81 148 81 118 81 113, 81'
118 73 1 07l 71 08 75, 100 101) 100' 75! 75 75 10II1 75' 101 71 00 70
115, 11' 115, 11 111 11 111! HI III! 11' 11 II 111 11 1I3 11 113, If
01 30 (II, 3(1 02! 33 03 03, 03, 35; 35 3"i (II, 35 01 35 (Hi !!-)
200 40 20S f.0 203 53 200 201 201: 52, 57 52 201 52 201 51 23!) 51.
50 51 51' 53 53 52 511 51, 51; 52 52 52 CI, 52 52 5 Mi, 53
185 157 181 100 182 102' 182 182 182 100 150 150 182, 100, 182 Kill 170. 1 01 1
140 00 Ml, 0(1 111, 00 110 110 110 08 OS OS 110 08 1 10 OS 111! 07
101 12 105 12 100 ! 12 100 1 10Ci 100 12 12 12 10(1 12 mil!' 12 100 12
230 lit) 237 118 230'i 117 231 2311 231 120 120, 120 232 121 237 117, ,232 121
108' 18 103 18 1I3'I 11 111) HO! W0 10 10, 10, 110 10 112! 14 110 10
100 51 1751 45 115 41 173' 173 173 41 44 41 173 43 173 41 100 15
103, 40 108, 1(1 107! 40 103 10S1 103, 40 40 40 IDS 4(1 10S 40 103 40
Ol! 43 01 41 01 51, 88 8S 8Sl 52 52, 52 80 05 81 5lj 80 50
071 58 07 5S 0(1 50 07 07 07 57 57 57 07' 57, 07, 57, 07! M
110' 0l! 1151. 01' 110 87i 111, 143 113 01 01 01 137 70 1I3 01 142 (II
100 23 103 23 10ll 25' 101, 101 101 21 21, 21 100 2(1, 101' 21 10l 21
50 30 50 ,'JO 40 30 50 50 50 35 35 35 50! 05 50 35 50 ,15
150 lit) 153 1 10 100 1 17! 153 158 158 1)0 110, 140 150, 110, 15S,, 110 110, 15S
150( 18 ICOj 18 HOj 10 lio! 140 110, 17 17 H I10,j 1 1I0( 17 118 18
3 82(i.'2 HO' 3 8112072 roOo'llT 3 83 1! 3 0171I3 817 2 0781 2 031 2 07o' 3 7S0"2 111! 3 87S':2 003 3 78112 000
oi)i)03it"ion for Prcsitlcnt Judge. lie
tlio Uonstilutiontu tJoiivciuion on tlio
l.ctt"rs teitamcntaryon tho cslito nf Jtarsarot
Croary, lain of llloomsuuri;, Oiiumhla enmity,
ilcceaccil, hpvobecn Kranlcil ly tho UCRl-tcr of
rt-iiiicunniy. ioLrfii.iyciiourc.i-yoi Loairo i-iwn-ship.
All pcr?oni liavlns clvins nR-iltut llio
eiiuio nio rciliii'-ifu in prcyoin uit-iit m iuii
uxcciiiors in Loiitinijiii county. Tunis inucuicu
to tho estate either on unte.tiuli'ineiit. moitcaco
or hook nccoiuil will nmkii puyiueut tu iho
executor wiiuoui uciny.
liAPAViirrn i-'iuifiv.
Oct. IS Cw.
KsTATtt op Ai.11r.1tr iiCNTfit dec'p.
Tho iindcrsianed nnnoliilcd Auditor 1 1 ills-
trlbulo tho funds In tho liandi of tho Ailmliils
trntor or tho citato of Albert Itiuiter, deceased,
will meet llio parties lulcriHto 1 ul tho ollico of
John Ct. Freeze, Esq., lu tile tow n or lliooins
burg, on Baturdoy, November Dtn, 1S72, at 10
o'clock, 11. m when and whero all persons In-
icre&ieu, auu iiuvin cniiiiis hi;,iiuhi 1110 esuuu,
nro requesteil to piesent thorn to tho Audllor,
or to bo forever ileb.iiieil from earning lu for n
sharo ofhnld estate.
V A I, U A U I, li It li A I, i: M T A T II.
Ill vlrluo of nutiiorllv and order of tho Or
phans' Court ol Columbia county, Iho under
signed administrators of 'Clio eslatu of Jacob
Kosienoauer, ucceasoa , win expose 10 saio uy
public vciiduo on ilupremiseu, ul 10 o'clock lu
the foieiioon, on
Tho homestead farm nf tho decedent, lying In
l- ranaiiu lowusuin.iu uoiumuia couuiy. ooilllil
ed by lauds 01 J. T. llecder, lauds of Philip Mou
bardt, lands ol Yettcr's heirs, lands of Mosoi
llowcr, lands of II. J. Itcedcr, lands of KUas
Weaver, lands of Wm. Stoker, lauds of John
Honor, Georgo Scott and others, contain
and twcntv.nlno nerehes whorcon nro orectod
U:i large brick IJwclllug House, n lurgo Hank
liaru.sueus anu ouioouscs. wuu n largo nppio
and irultorcbnrd, with a well at tho houso, and
a spring and a well nt Iho bam, and a second
excellent nnd largo spring on tho south sldo of
the farm. There is ou the farm
The piopcrty llcsthreemllcsfrom Cntawissa, 011
the public road leading from that plnco to Klys
burg. Tho neighborhood good nnd healthy,
and tbelaud In 1111 exccllcntstatoofcultlvatlou,
No moro desirable property has been oll'sied for
many years.
iiicgrain in 1110 grounu is rcserveu.
o. ii. L. Kosri-iNiiAUKi;,
TEUMS OF SALE. Twenty per cent, of one
fourth down on striking oil' the property; and
tho balance as Jollows : One-foiiriii loss the
tweutyper cent. 011 Iho cotiilrruatiou nisi ; and
tho remaining threo-lourtbs on the first day of
February 1S71, with interest Irom April 1 IS7J,
when possession is to bo given.
It. 11. RINOLEIl.
Oct IS, 1872,-11 Clerk.
J A dividend of three per cent, on tho capi
tal Rlockof the Calawlssallrldgo Co., will bo paid
to tho stockholders at tbo ollico of tbo subscrib
er on and after October will, 1872.
Tic usurer.
Cntawissa, fctoV,cr Hth, 1S7.'.
The undersigned will oll'jr at public bale,
lu rishiugcreek township, ou
unless dlsnoscd of before that time, several
town lots and baok laud lmprovoi uud unim
proved, situated 011 main road betweou Benton
nud Pealertowu, There lb also a good
located on Flshingerook which will bo sold. For
further particulars apply to
Still "Water, Columbia county, P.i.
I-Ishingcreck October lltb, 1S7J.
For tho New Splendidly Illustrated Edition of
lieciuso it Is the most fascinating and popular
book lu print, nnd excels nil la leal elegance and
low jitlccs, Jnst out. 521 pages, tinted pnpo.,
only fijsa easy wni th tVi). IsnUrcatHIt, sells
quick and last. Terms of this and our new Do
mestic mbles, far tbo most completo superbly Il
lustrated nud rust-selling n-lllion extant, also,
Iho "Pocket Companion," worth 10 to nuy book
ogeut, sent rroo. Wrllo at once, stating where
you saw this, to HUliUAltl) Finos.,
npr.m-tf Publlshcrii.TI bau.oiu St., Phlia.
COLLKlii;. Thoroujli iustritetloii. Health -nil
and beautiful location, Ouo of the mnsl
carefully conducted nnd best s-.utalned iustltu
tlnns In tbn stale. Fur terms ol .., address llov,
JOHN II. llltAKELHY, Ph. 1). jJUHiy
Agent1! Wauled fo.- Cobblu's
on -run ninix, for Iho home i-iucLn.
l,a pages, 25'jF.ngraving. Tbo best enlerprlso
ol tho ear lor ngcuts. Every family will have
it. Nothing like it now publlsneii. ror circu
lars aildrcss n. s. Uoousi'Kiiii
CO., 37 Park
o -i I -lw
now, xsew ion,
I GENTS A'auted.-Por Harriet lleoeher
Amowe's c.impnlgu book, with lives of tlio
candidates and leaillng men of all parlies. SO
Steel Portrait. f5 toSJOa day rapidly nud oaslly
niadc, Wnlo nnd see. Particulars Jiee.
CI. oat I lw
Payablolu Now Yorie City, for salo nt prices
that will pav over'l.t per Mint, on tbo invest
ment, Jiuruuii-Ali IM1XH4 of the highest
grade always ou band. TlllH. I'. ELLIS a CO,,
liaukois, 11 PlnoSt.,New York.
octl iv
Crumbs of Comfort!
Crumbs of Comfort I
Crumbs of Comfort!
Stove doss!
Over Twenty-Four Thousand Gross Sold In
Less Thau Nino tlonltu.
It Makes a Stovo Shino liko Eumishod
Ask Your Storekeeper For It,
If ha dou'lhavoltgoto tbo next store; but
don'l bo humbugged Into buylDg or using nuy of
uu ulu pjiisues wuuu you cnugci,
Al the tamoPrloe.
Every Jobber aud lletall Dealer in tho Lulled
States has or will have it forsjlo,
H, A.I1AUTLETT tCO..Manufactuicrs.l,hll
adclphla, Pa. oull liy
Tho subscribers aro Manufacturer's Ageuts for
It. W. Ucai'', colcbrated ASTIISf A IlELIEF, tho
best rcrredy fur Aslbii.i yet dlscQvcied. In
stunt idler guarantee J or piiicbaso ii)oi,ey ro.
fuiiUed, The mrdtclne Is put up 111 llireo sixes,
which retail fur Uo., SOe. and 81. Persons ro.
ItlltllliLf iirlco will b.ivn tho inoillclnn uaiiL fmn
by inulTorexprois. Also samples sont freo to
any who desire. ETIIIHDUE, TULLEIl 4 CO.,
m,r, 41, 1, mil lv
SI.X.VTOU. .osninu'.
received 3978 voles, lo voles wcro
Jjemocratic ticicct, received an average vote ot o,ivx, uiusu uu muin
AvimiLL CiiUMicAi, Paint
XIns Trovcn Itscirin lio (Hi
R.unplo cardof bcaullfulcolors and vecommon
datloii'i from owners ol tho llm-st resldcncoi lu
thoeounlry furnished fu-o bv nil dealers nnd by
AVUltll.lj CU1K.MICAI, PAINT CO., IK Hurling
blip, New York, or, Cleveland, Ohio. octl lw
Bcath I Bad ' I
Millions of youux nnd oil people (both sexes)
nro tortured dally wit 1 disordcrid Htomach,
lllood, Heart, I.tver. Kldueys, viz, : Ague, nerv
ous hendacho palpitation, ghUliK-ss,drowsIiies,
uo cneriry, dlsiiepsla, citairlt, rlienmatism, neu
ralgia, gravel, weak back, constlp.itlou, piles,
.tc, Ac. Wo l JllKioiisly commend our UOI.I1EN
PACKAGl-:-". Never fall Mallod freo lor I.
Ijescrlhn i-iinr ciig , Circulars hoc. Addio
CITY INrillMAltY, Yo-.uustow.i, O. mil lw
Is tho cheapest nud best article In the inarkclfor
niuclng I lollies, Tho gcmiluo has bolli liar
low's inul Willbeigei'N name on tho label, an 1 Is
put up nt wiiineiKers iirugMioiv, jno. -11 .Minn
eecond HU, Philadelphia. 11. H. WILTiilUtUEH,
Pioprlctor. For sale by Druggists and Grocers.
octl lw
I OHNTM WANTED. Aconts mnltomoro mou
A ey nt work for us than nt iiiiytbiug else,
business llghl nnd permniicut. Particulars freo.
u.tsriNsoN j: uo l iuo An l-uuiisuers, i-ori-land,
.Maine, octl lw
yaaA AGENTd WAN l'ED. Hamnles sent
H;UUfrcoby mall, with terms to clear from
tiJtolllU per ilay. Two entirely new articles,
baiauio im uour Auuresn-i, ji. iiiii-j, ,-seir
ark, N. J. octl lw
li Pursuant loan act of tbo General Assom
biy of tho Coiiimonwealth or Pennsylvania,
entitled "An Act relating to Electlous iu this
Commouwenltb," approved tbo 2d day of July,
A. D., one thousand eight hundred nnd thirty
nine, I, AAHON SMITH, Sherlll of tbo county
of Columbia, Pennsylvania, do hereby mako
known nud glvo notice to tlio electors of tho
county nlorcsatd.that an olectlon will bo hold In
the said county of Columbia on
the 5th of Novombcrj A. D. 1872,
at which tlmo electors for n President nndVIco
President of tbo United States will bo elect
ed. I also hereby innko known and glvo notlco
that the placoof holding tho aforesaid elect-on
lu tho several wauls, boionghs, districts nud
townships within tho cjuuty ol Columbia aro as
fo lows, to wit :
Heaver townshin. .il the mibiM Iiaika nf Tim.
J. Hhumnn.
1 teuton townshin. nt Iho iMtlillMimicn.r in,-nt,.
Hess, in the town ot llentou.
i-asi, n.ooni.nviuo court Jionso In lllooms
burg. West llloom, at the Court House, hi lllooms
biir. Uol'OItlEh Borwlclr nl. Iho Unrnnrinlin
nil In the borough of Dei wick.
U01-0U2I1 CCIltritlhl. at Iho (lllillll. linnan nl IF.
A. Weldonsaul, tbo public scluol house
near Evausvllle.
COtaWlsia towllsll n. nt Ibn nnhll li invr. nf
caiuuei ivusieuuaiiuer, in ine lowu of
Centrotovrusulp, nt tho school h mso La
fayetto Creasy's.
North Conynsham District nt tho school house
near tho colliery or John Audoion a Co.
South Convnuhani DIslrlci. i. tho of
inouias nnuer, mieiy uxed by a voto or tho
citizens of that township.
X lsuiUL;iTe-l lowusuip, UL llio SCUOOl UOUSS
near C. It. Whlio.
Fraukllu township, nt tho Lawrence school
Urecnwood township, attlio houso of Josoph
It. P.ltlOU. '
Hemlock township, nt tho public homo of
uiins. 11, ineueiieii 111 1110 unvii ol illicit Horn.
Jackson township, at tlu houso of Kzcklcl
Locust township, nt the pijjllc liousoot Lud
wlgT'hlel, In Numedm.
Millllu township, nt llio publlj housj of Aaron
He-is, In thu town of .Mllllluvllle.
ladlsiu township, at tin public houso of Sam
uel Himby, lu Jcrsoytown.
Mt. Pleasant township, ut the houso of Sam
uel Klmby, in Jerseytown.
Mt. Pleiisaut township, ut tlio houso or II. W.
Montour township, at tho homo or Wm. Hol
Ungsbeiul. Main lowushlp, nttho publl:h3iH3 ot Abra
ham K. Sbumau.
ltoarlngcroek toirnshln.nt tho housa lormcrlv
occupied by Goo. W. Diolsbich.
uruugo lownsuip, u tno public noaso or wm.
Pino township, at tho Centra School Houso
lately llxcd by a voto ol tho citizens of said
Siiuarloar townshin. at Iho hmnn of Aiinns
Scott lownsh In al t ho nnblle linnsn nf U'm.
Pettlt li Espy.
ins inriiicr unec eu llir-.i 1110 ciecuou polls or
tbo several I ha oneiie.l ln-tunt iiia
hoars or six aud soven o'clock In tho forenotn,
and Fball contlnnoopon without Interruption
aud aUJoiirnmeul uulll suveu o'clock lu thu eve
Ulug wncu the polls shall bo closed.
pursuant to l ie provisions conlu nod In m
7Sib sectiou ot tho net llrstiiforcsnlil, tho judges
uiu iiiui u-s.tiu iiisiiiuis su.iii icspeciiveiy nice
chargo of the ccrtillcatCH of return of tho elec
tion 01 incir respocuve uisiricls, nud projuco
them ut a meeting of ono Judgo eacli dis
trict at tlio Court House, lu Ulooinsburg, on tbo
llurd dayalier tbo da;' of tho clccllui, being on
Friday, tho m i dav ol Novenibpp istl' m in
o'eloclt, n. 111., then and there to do nud ii.-rljrni
motilities leqiuroii uy inw orsaul ju Igi-i, .
Also, that vhero a I ltd jo. bv sic'r
voldablo necldent, Is unable toalteudsueh meet
ing 01 juuges, men too ceriiiie.ue or leturn shall
be taken charge or by ouoo! tho lnsnoctsri or
ckrksof tnoelcillonol llio dMrk-l, ,ho shall
donnd perform tho diillos lciulrtdui -.aid Judgo
nimble tonlteud.
Tho lollowlng Act of Assembly, regulating
thamoJo ofvoilug In the Comimmwuiltli in
Ponnsylvaula, was mssid Maich liitb, pjji, and
rends thus ;
Section 1, Do It onacto.l by tno Sen-ito an I
Houso of Ileprci,eiitatlvesof tuoCommonnealtli
ol Penusylvaiiia in (leueial Assembly met, and
It Is hereby ennclod by tbo authority ol tlu samo
that tbo nuallllcd voters ol tho several dKiil,-u
In tlio sovcral counties of
uu Kcuuiui, luiviisiup, ooroui;u uuu special elec
tions, nro hereby herealter authorized aud re
quired to voto by tickets printed or written, 01
partly prlutcd nnd partly written, boveiully cms-
silled as iolinws: Ouo ticket sh ill .embrace tbo
iiniues ui uu Jinnies 01 i;ouris voieu tor, nun la
belled, outside, ''Judiciary j" ouo ticket shall
embrace the names ol nllllioState olllaers voted
tor, and to liolabolleu "State;" 0110 lleket shall
embraeo Iho'niimes of nil couuiy olllcers voted
lor, luciuuing inu oiuce 01 neilllior, lucmucr uuu
Members ol Assemblv. ir votod lor nud mem
bers 01 Congress, if voted for, and h Ubolloil
"Cminly;" olio ticket shall eiqb,ico tho names
of nil luwnshlp oltlcors voU-dforaiid bo lubellod,
"'township;" onn ticket shall ombraee the names
or all buruuzli unices voted for, and bo labelled
"Jloronub !"
Si.c-rioN I. That It shall bo the duty or tho
sneilll 111 tbo several eouutles or this oimmoii
wealth to iuseil lu their election proclamation,
net timer itsiicu inu nisi, kvuuu u, iiiis a.-i,
That every person oxcopllug Justlcos of tho
Prtico who nball hold any oUieoor npuhiutmeiit
of prom or trust under ibo United Slates, or of
this Stato, nud city orcorporateddlstf let, whotht
or 11 commissioned ollleer or otherwise, n subor
dinate oibcer oriigeiitwho is crthalt bo employ
ed uudur Ibo Leglklature,excpullvo or Judiciary
Dcpaitmeiit of thl.s State, or of nuy city or ol nuy
incorporated district, and also, thul Overy mem
ber ot Congress aud of IhoHlulo Legislature, uud
of the select or common council ol any city, or
comiulshloucispriiuy Incorporate-.! district, lsby
lawlucapahloof holdliigoioxeichlqgntllie samo
time the ollico or appointment ol Judgo, inspeo
tor or Clerk of nny election or tills Common,
wealth, nnd Hint no Inspectoral udju or other of
ficer of such election thall botlljiulo to bo then
voteu for,
The Inspectors nm, Judgo of ,iu , kolloim shall
meet at tlieir rpspeellye placws uppointtu lor
holding tbo election in llio district lo whlpluhoy
lespi-cllvely beluug, before, seven o'clock in the
morning, nud each of said Inspectors shall up
point ouo cerk, who nljall l qualltlod yoter
It such dslrc;.
u caso tbo person whosliall rcelo IbOf.ecoud
highest minlbfi-qf volos ov liisncctar hball not
attend ou tho day of any election, ilion tlio per
son who shall have reoeivcd tho second hlgiicsl
number of votes lor Judge at llio next prooedlng
election shall act ns Inspector lu his place. Aud
lu easothe person w ho shall havo iccelvcdtho
ht'ihes'. number of voles lor Inspector shall not.
attend, tho person elected Judoslull appoint an
inspector lu his place nud lu oavo the porsun
eleited Juago shall notntlend, tlieu tno Inspec
tor who leeelved tho highest number of votes
shall appoint a Judgo lu his plnco or IT nuy va
caucy shall cuiiUuuu In tho board for llio spaco
of one hour after tho Hinollxed bylaw for the
I enoru'v. UraElLfcll "'. II -"iron. I
& ! c I & I fi I
171) I)' 181 0 181 0! IS? I)' 182, 182
1)5' 51 105 51, 105 51 1 M 100, 103
108 210 218' 01 07 222, 02 227, 102, 103
200! 172 Sir,; loo, 200 M m, ni 20 2;.7
l"li 175 100 101 110 17 12. 100 122, 12.
5 05 15S; 00 153' (li, 133 0B 150 150
158 2571 111 211! 151 2351 151 231 II III
0, 83 148' 81 143 80 1 13 81 150 150
100 75 0'.),, 7(1 00! 75 100 75 07 1)7
12 2 111 11 Hi! HI HI' H 1l 111
(t 35 01' 35 01 35 Oil 35 (15 05
".VI 5" 201, 51 2SS 5 201 1 53 200 200
"50 53 50 5.1 50,- 53 50 51 51 oi l
105 170' 101 100 100, 172 180 . 100, 182 182 1
! 00' 111! 7 LT-J 70 1,10 03' 13!) 100 j
1" 100 12 80 20 100 12 100 100 !
2 lit 233! 120 2,12, 123 2-13, 121 211 21
T 1 Too' 1(1 U0 10 110! 30 111, 111!
100 4 170 II 100 41 171) 43 173 173 1
lis 40 1)3, 4(1 103 40 103' 40 103 103
73 07 72 00 80 51 8fi 52 8S 8S
CO 1)7' 57 03 02 03 50 02 -2
112 00 113 01 73 135 113, 01 12m 12-,,
0? 2 10! HI t'S 22 101 21 103 103
51 31 fifT 35 50' 35 50 35 -10 10
150 150 158 150 155, 152 157 150 155 lu7
110 17, 110 17, 1I0 17, 110 17, 150' 130
3700'l27l0 3033 FolC) 3 031' 2 23o' J 703 2 OoT J 77il' 3 781
cast for tlio Temperance Ticket.
oponlngorthoelectloti.tho quallllo.l voters of
tho township, ward, or district for which such
olllcers shall lmvo bon elected, present nt such
election shall elect ouo of their number to UU
such vacancy,
"It snail ue 1110 iniiy 01 mo ncvcnii micwn
respectively to atteud nt the plaon of holding
every general, special or loivnsnlp election, Uiir-
lug mo wuoiu nine sucu eiueumi is i.ei-i. yrt
r...ii,iiirii,nnr iiivtii,. Iiir.irmit ton to tbo In
spectors and J'ldges, wbon called on In relation
10 me rigub in iuii iioi-iuu i,uhuu ...v.u v
olu nt such election, and ou such other m itters
In relation to the nss-ssinpiit as tho s il I luspso
tori or oltlior or them bh.ill from tltnj ro-
''Nol'icrson shall b -i pormlltod to vote at any eloo-tlimi-Hiiloresaldotherthannwhlttilrceiiiaiiorino
ngo of iweiity-oneyenrsor m ire,wlioanll havo
lesided In tbeStalo ntloast ono year, and in tho
election district whero huoirers to voto tcmli.s
Imiiiedlntely preceding mcli el-'ctlon, -m l wltu
in iwn vim's n.ilil iiHiutn or cjiiuw t-ix which
shall lmvo beeuussosscd nt least tun days bcloro
the election, Hutu citizen of IhoUulled HUltos
who has previously boon n quallilod vo
ter of this Slate nud loturucd nnd who
shall have in tho electlondhtrlcttiud paid taxes,
nsnforcssld, shall bo entitled to vote nf'er ro.
siding In this Slnto six months. Provldd, thit
whlto ficeincn, citizens of Ibo United States'
between llio ago of twenly-ono and tweuly-lwo
who have resided lu tho olectlon district ten
days as nfbresald shall bo entltlo.1 to voto nl
though tliey shall not uavo iuldtnx.
No person shall bo panulued tJ volo wlnio
name Is not contained lu Ibo list of laxablo In-h-ihllants
lurnlshed by the Commissioners, un
less Flist, bo produces a receipt ror tho payment
within two years or a Stato or couuiy lax assess
ed agreeably to tho Constitution a id glvo s.Uls
raslory ovldenco either ou his oath or ulllrmatiou
orthooathoi-aillrmatlonor oilier, than ho has
paid suctiu tax, oron i.uiuro m pro.iuco n reeeipi.
shall inaltooath lo tho payment thereof. Second
11 ho claim tho right to voto by being nu elector
between tho ngo ol tweuty-ono nnd twouly-two
years, bosh.illdeposoan until or nlllrmatlon that
ho hasres.dedlnihUStalont least ouo year next
before .ds iippltcatlon, usd miko such prool
of resldoncolu thodlstrlctnsls required by this
act, ami inai no noes verny oeuove uoui me uc
couut given him, that ho Is or ago nloros.UU, and
such other evldenceiis Is required by this net;
whereiipou tho name of tho person thus tUmll
ted to voto shall be Inserted In tbo alphabetical
list by tho Inspectors, und a nolo mado opposite
tliercto b writing tbo word "tax,' II bosuallbo
admitted to voto by reason of having p lid lax ;
or tho word "ago," If hoshull bo admitted to vote
by reason 01 bucungo wuiciisunu no e.iueti oui
to tlio clerks, who shall mako the llko notes on
tho list ol voteis kept by them,
In nil cases whotu Ibo naino of tho person
ni-iimiiiL' to votols not found on tho list furnished
by tho commissioners nudasscssor, or bisrlghlto
VOle, WIlCliiCi I'nmu muiuuii ui nu., ... uuji-livm
toby any quallilod citizen, It shall bo thu duty
Arum inviierLorsLo examine such ner.sou on oath
as to his quallllcatlons, and II ho claims to have
resided within tho htato lor ouo year ur moro his
O.llll Sltall OO SU111C1UUI piOUl lllUieUI, Ulll. SUHl, inmifbv at least oro comnoteut witness.
who shall be a quallilod elector, that ho li is res
ided In tho dlslilct lor mora than ten days next
hoinnJIaleiy preceding such ulcctio.1, and shall
also hlmselt MVo..r Hut his b nu 11 lo rcsl Jcncj,
In nursii mco of his 1 iwlulcilinig, Is In s..ld dis
trict, nnd Hut ho .11,1 not remove Into slid dis-r,i-
tin, nuroosool voting therein.
Every person quail lied ns nloresald, and ilio
shall luaicadno proor, II rc'iulrud, of tbo resi leuco
aud luymoul ol taxes us nl'jres.ild, shall lu ad
milted lo voto In the township, ward or district
lu WHICH 110 suau le.-iiue.
ii nnv Dtrsoil shall n. event or altcmnl io m-o-
vcut any olllccr ol any uluctlou undor this not
from holding such election, or uso orlbrentcu
nuy violence lo any sucn olllccr, or shin Inter
riintor lmnronerly Interfere with him lu the ex
ecutlon ol his duty.or shall block up tbo windows
or nvenuo to any window whole tlio same may
be holding, or bbnll llotously dlsturo tl'u pence
a-stn-h election, or shall use nuy lutlmld Ulug
tlueals, iorco or violence, wuu uesigu io iiiuu
e'ico unduly or overawe nuy elector, or to pre
vent him Horn votlug or to roslralu tho freedom
or choice, such pcrsuu.on conviction, shall be
lined lu any sum not uxceedlug I Ivo handled
dollars, nud Imprisoned lor any llmo not k-ss
than tliieu nor moro than twelve mouths, nud il
It shall ho shown to Court, when Iho tilalot'suci
ollcueo shall bo bad, th it Ihc person so olfeud
lug wus not a resl lent or ill j city, ward, dislilcl
or lowiisuip witeio iu-i iiiiuiisj cuunuiiieti
and noL eniilledlo vino therein, then on couvlc.
Hon he shall be sentenced to pay n lino ol not
less tunu ono bundrdd nor moro thai ono thou
sand dollai's.nnd bo Imprisoned not les, than six
mouins nor more man iwo years.
H nnv ncrsou.uot by lawuu.illtlo.1. shall fraud
uleMly otont any election of this Comiuou
weallh, or being otherwUo quallilod shall vole
out ol his propel dlstrlcl.orllauy person kuowiuj
the want of such quallllcatton, shall nil or pro
cure such person lo voto, tho person unending
sum ou couviciiou ue iiueu in any sum uoi ex
ceeding two hundrc.l dollars, nud bjltuprlsoued
In auv term not exceeding llireo months.
Iiiiny onosh.ili voto nl moro th.iu ouo election
district, or otherwise lrnudiileully volo more
than oucooulhe saiuouay, orsuiuir.iiid.ileutly
lold and deliver to the lusneci or two tickets to
gether, with tlio Intent illegally to vole, or who
shall procure uuolhcr lo do so, ho or Ihey oi
fcudlug shall, ou cmvlction, bo lined lu nuy
sum nut less than llliy nor more than ilvo hun
dred dollars, nud be Imprisoned for u term not
less tnaiituieo nor moro man ivoivo mouths,
If nuy person not quallllo 1 1 v n tu this Com
mou wealth aareoably lol.iw lex- ulhusms o;
qiiiillllcil,)sball nppear at a-iy plac9 ot
election lor tho purpose nl luila.- i ig fio citi
zens qualllled to vole, hosii iilo.i o 1. 1 -n m tor-
leiliuid pay iisum nut iiyco U -,' lio Iuiu, 1. oil
dollars lorevery sucll oileiiju .i. 1 oj liunsu
ed lor n term not uxcoe Hug I . o- nu;n,
the im Ji-;ruv 1. 1 .v.
I nott.e l iia.i e.
iiiublv ujuuty Hint, by uu .ic ,
Act lurther supplemeninl lo lh- u
tbe elocllotis ol t'rls (Jouiiuiuu' -1 t i
April .7111, A. 1). liUI. It, 1 1 pi- .,
lows :
' il-
. I
.ye. .', Alter nu nisoism -n:s n ivo 'uj-i co u-
pu-i-ioi tui m-i u iy pivc-Jllilg l u a.'jiud
1 iles-l.' .' t.i K ii-.- oi ei'i yo l-', mo nsl'S301'
suii.oa uu .ittiii i. iiiuoiii ituiy ijiiowlug
m .k 3 n r i iru I ) luo county co.iiiiiUsI,mii-4 nt
liie u.itii.-s ol nil persoasass -ss 1 1 hy bun sluco
tho leUiraieqairo.l to bo mitj by h I.n by the
SvCJiut oi mis net. noiiiig no,) ,,ite e i -h
ii-uiij a-iii ep, man re unr
ed to bj note I ns alurjs u.l: -nij t.uo,.-,.o
nilssioucrs shall Ihcroupjii cause Ihesiiueto bo
u uicu tj me ieiui-ii req-uroa. uy i.u t.ecjn.1 sjc
II in or this a.-t, and a lull and correct c ipy thoro.
of to bj m i te, cont-iluliii the n i ues ot nil ner.
soussj rjiiiruid us re.sidi,nt laibles lu suiTl
,J, J.,,.,...,U.,, i'l.viuji.uuu iiiruish
me samo i.A.oiiu.r wuu uio necu,.iry election
ou said list, unless bo shall make, proof oi bis
right to herclnaller required,
ace. i. On thi;diy oi Hie election nuv lMrson
whoso name Is mil on the said list, and cl.ilmiiVi'
the right tu votuuts.ii 1 election, sliall luViJ ee i,t
loast one qualllled uie, ol the Vliutrl ut iii iiivlt.
uess to the resld;;i),;e or th - i-lub u it i,i li e .lis.
trlctlu which ho fcUlms to bo a voter or ih.i
period ol in least ten days next lirecodlni!' sVhi
election, which witnoss shall u&A and s bs-?mo
n u-r lh,n nr tifti-l I v wrll I .... ...... "".I SOOSriue
ullldavlt to tho met stated by jj w fch1 a ll'la.
vii suau uenuo c eany wneio the lo.ldeueo is of
;;ersbn lalmrng'the rYglX ,' ISSr Ih'Vli aUo
Hike and subscribe a wrlueu ,. .-.," ;iit j
uud partly printed alllduvlt, stating to llio best
oi h(s knowledge mid bellel "Sl?Xn heu hi
was bom thill Ho la u ctz-ii of the Co.iiiuou.
weal hul Ponnsylyanlauud oi thu Lultud states
th it he has resided 111 i lni Coniui-ruwo. Illi oae
year, or II lonuerly n eltizsu therein, uud has
moved tberelroui, that hob-isri.sUl Iherelu six
months next preceding said election; that helms
not moved luto the distrlci lor the' ,"0 ,.l
yotlng Iherelu j tliatbu his pil iiKtalunreouu
y mx v.iiuiu iwoyeuid, whlul. was assuUed at
..iv mil i .lis ueiun siimeiCCllJll ; and. If n u u
urull.ed elll.eii. sin lalsosiaui u- ,,,,, whoi-..m,.i
by what court hoiyas uatiirull.jd, iiudshillaiso
pioducohlscertlllcaloor naluMlUiliou lor ex
iiiuluallon ; llio B.ild ullldavlt k.i.Ul also stitu
wuenniidivburollio taxoialiuo,l to bo paid by
thonli.itt wiu ueuul, ;uuil ivlion, v.lleie uud
to vhomu paid, uud the tux lecelnt theiefor
shall bo produced lor exauilnatluii, uuless (ho
iilllaiii shall sutv ou Ills nllUavll tint it bus
boon lost destroyod, nr that bo never r.cciVed
nuy, but If thu person so clilmUj tbo right to
voto shall takouud bubscrlboun nllld ivlt, that hu
s a native burn citizen of tho United States (or
ir bom tUewhere, shall stato tlu fact lu his nlll
davit, nnd shall produce ovlduico that, ho hut
hcGiiiialuralUoil.-Qrth-itliols entitled U citi
zenship by leasoucf his father's iiaturallzilloii!)
a id sh-lll lurther statu iu hl mil lavlt that ho is,
nt lho llmo of taking thoullld.ivit belwoen the
ages of tweiitj'-ouo and twonly-two years ; that
ho has resldod lu tho Slnto quo yaar and In tho
tied qn, district loiti)ayli net prccodlng such
(.lection, lio bMiull hlciulllod to votu.althiiugli hu
tli.ill ipit havo paid taxes; nud tliosnldailldavlis
ill nil persons mailing Mich claims, nud ihoafll
davits of Uio wlliicsses to their residence, shall
be preserved by tlio election board, nud nt Iho
closo of the election they shall bo unclosed with
the list of voters, tally list nnd other papeis to
quired by law to be Hied by Iho return Judgo
with tho'prothouotary, and shall remain r,n Ilia
therewith lu the, prothouolary'i, ollico subject to
examination, ns qtltcr election papers uro; ir
the election olllccl.i shall Hint Unit the applicant
urapullcauts possess nil the legal riuiilllleitlons
of voters, lie nr lliey kliall bo permlttod In vole,
and lho naino or names bhtillbo added to llielr
, iu,.,uw.iiiiiitu i w'ard.
borough, township or pec uu, oa or ueroro six
o'clock W the morning of tlio second Tuiisiav lit
October, ami uu mau su.ul bo pjriulttoa to vhto
nt thoelectlou ou that d 1-4 wAou i.l,;5i1
HIST. Ill,mill s .11
IO.N. tll.I.MIII.
"o .
10 ,
o- :t
71 1 ,
11 1
35 'li,
53 ::n,
53 io-
101 ))j
0(1 z)i
12 III
121 317
11 12'
42 pj
15 211
51 Mi
51 1 1:
01 ls
25 121
3 si
152 3i 1 1
is Ki,
- 051 5" 70 1
- imunuu. . h15i ,ui
list of taxablos by tho elai 1 1, ,i olll"0tB, Iho
"tux" being ndded whero t no i iiilmaiil clil
volo ou tax, and tno word ' .rliorehocl
lo voto nu no; tlio samo voi i bolug mid
iim elprlcs In each caso re-1
iy ou t
of persons voting ut such
Nee. .". Ilsli.iirtiol-iwM'
n ,.r Mm iiutrli-.t. noLwlt ,
Mll'qita .0
u II
thoproposeavoior iseouioui . n -.nur
ldeutlaxablos.loch.lllellg i ir .
son; wlioro ipon tlies.iiUBiii i if
siul'r.ijo ns Is now reiiulro 1 1 ' -ltcly
made nnd acted i) i ny l n
nud tho voto admitted or' -lo-l I ,
tlio ovl loncoiovory P'rsoi- i -i
ur.ill.odcltl.on shill bore i Ur I
nnturallzitlo-icorllilcito in. ' m -votliiir,oice)tlugwtioroh''
coiisujiitlvuly, a votor In ' 1 l i
oll'urs bis vole; nndotUH- . ol
Inst received, llshill bolh -ii i .
olllinrs to wrlto or stamp on
wor 1 "V ho. i, wii i iu-3 in -
nny olectl-jii ollljeroi-o 11 -
oud volo on tlio mmo ill.-,
cortlllcitoexjeptlniwh. ',
voto by virtue or tho m'rr.i" ii,
thurs, thoy and lho per on i h
sse md vol", upon so oil', , I
a high nilsdomo mor, nud
bo llnod or iniprlsine l,or i) it i, .; , t
oflhocoutt! but llu -') dl nil ,
huudroa dollars in e vu oi in tm ,
.ueut o io year; the li::o punish u u
lulllctoAouoiuvlcllo ,o'j;'mo.11 rsor
who slrill neglect or iw'it-i s lo tu lie), n- c
bo in-ido, llio Indorsement ro j Uiv I on a
uatiu'iillzitlon corltilcitj.
c. u. Il any eiccuo l otiicer sum v
negloct lo requlro such prool of the rig
rage ns Is piesirlbo I by t'm law, or Hi
WHICH mis 11 a supplement, u-o;n nny r
lorlng lo volo whoso u lino Is not ou t e
assessed voters, or whoso llghl lo vote
enned uv any uuiiino i voter prose p ami
admit Mich person to voto Willi, in ,,i
such proof, ovory peisou so nll'cndlug .,o.
on conviction, bo guiiiy or a nigh mi vloin, i ,
uud shall bo sentenced, for every s.irh ui
topiy a lino notoxceoiiingono iiuniie.i ,i u, .
or to undergo an Imprisonment not ,n ,r ,
oue yoar, or either or both, attlio d s, i,
lho coiiri.
A-iC. 7. Tbo rosiioci vo niSiSlDls n .
nud Judges or tho olectlons shill ei .
powcrio nuuiiuisiero.iius louuy pei'stiu ni.ur.
inu ngllL io ou nsseiseu oi iiu, iiu, ui miu -
or III lcg.ird to nny other m-itter oi-tum-od
tobo ilouoor Inquired Into by auv oi , t
ilcers undor this net; an I any iv
swearing by any person in i in .
lor or tnlug concerning w.ilch ',i
li.viully inierrojiioa by uiy i s i
shall be punished as pcijiiry,
rcc. io, inu assessjrs su-.ii i ,
samo eompiins.ittou for the to i u,
spent lu performing the diltloi I
ed as Is provided by l.i-.v for ttio p -r ,u u i
their othor dtlttoi to bo pild by the . u
mlssloners ns In other casos ; nil I mi i n
bo lawtul for any assessor tnassess a n m
any person what over within ten da u .
ceding tho olectlon lo bo hc 1 on i ii , :i
Tuesday 111 Oatober lu any year, or wi'mii ,
ituys nextbeloro nny election tit ei
I'lesldeul und Vleo-Prcsldeiil ol I i ,i,
Slates ; any violation ortbLs p. o i hid ,- n,
a mlsdenieaiior and subject iiin o ti is , ,
lending ton Uuu not exi-eediug m- "to h d ,i
lars, or to liuprlsoumotit no, ev i
mouths, or holh, nt thudlscreil,i,i ' ,-n,i
.S'.c II. On luo petition of ii , c i, ui ii .
zonsof the county, stating iiu-Ui o.. ui
verily bcllovo thiitlraut wul no p ur i
tho olectlon nbout to bo he! 1 m -1 dist.. n
suall bo the duly ot thoeoari oi mini in pi
o said county, if In session, "i -i i n a i i
rhercol lu vacation, tolippom . i , i -ems
bcr nud liitolllgcut citizens oli in e my .
as overseers at said election, m I in -sh
ill bo selected from diilcienl pom ci
where tbo Inspectors belongto dlllei- a n
uud wbeiu botliot said bispeetoi-s heiuiii '
samo politl nl parly, both ol tno ovi-i n
ho taken Irom the opposite politic. il iany ,
oveiseers shall have the right to l,o pi. em ,- ,
tlio olllecrs or the election, dining i n h
tlmo tbo Kimo Is held, the voto cotm i "
let urns iiiiidoout uu I signed oy the ei, -i , n
ccrs; to keep a list ol voter-., it ttiu so p, .i
lo ch illungu utiy person ullerlng li v ,.-
torrog.Ue linn and his wltucssos uud i -i
reg-ird lo his right of sullrno at suit u
and to exaiuluu bis papers, ,1 .ui
olllcers ol said election ale n qmr, it i .i ,
said overseers so elected nud iipp-u" I
couvenlenco und facility lot- liiodiM-n i,
duties; und If said election ollli'ers si, u ,
to penult said overseers to b pi u
perionu their duties ns nioresiiid. u u
U ill bo drlvun away from im poi.s i
audliittmldatlun,ull the volos pom 1
eitctljn dlsttlct ma be rejceti-d by ajy m
nal trying a co mesi under said etoc i u
cit, That uo person signing ho p l ,u
appointed mi overseer.
ific. 11. Auyassessor, cle.-Lionoill ,
appointed as uu overseer, who a ill n
reiusu to peiform nuy duty eiiioiuo.l o ' - -without
re.isouublonr leg il cause, sin'i n.
Ject to a penally ofono bun lied d-M ,i-
any nssossorshallussessuny j.i-i--hi hh
who Is not qualllled, or shall ri-lusit )
ouo who is qualllled, ho shall b gu I' " "
doineauor lu otllcc, and on eouvtcti.i
lslied by lino or imprisonment, a id i, "
Ject to au action tor diini iges hy Hn t,
grloved; nnd If atjv person shall naiitu
alter, or add to, delttce or destroy aoy
tcrs ma-lu out as directed by this - n
down or rouiovo lho same rtom tbo u. n
it has boon Uxed, with fraudulout or mi
nus Intent, or tor nuy lmpropor pu
person so unending shall bo g.ulij u .i
mlsdeuicaiior, and ou cotivletlou sn lit
Ishe.l by a Hue not oxeocdlng ono hun I '
bus, or ltuprlsoumeut not oxceo.ttn,. u ,
or both, at tho discretion of tlu conn,.
AW. 15. All electlous for cily, w I.
toiunsblp uud clectlou olU'ers sn itl
held ou IhosooJili Tuosd iy of O.-i mei
to nil provisions of tao laws regulut , 1
tbm ol such olllcers not lu -ousl -i a. '
net; tho persons elected to stieli o'tl
tlin-j s'l.ill take lliolr places . i n
lho teiius ot tho persons 1. n b ii ,
tlmo of such eleJllon ; no , "
ollico of nssossor or assist i n u n .
held, under II. Is act, mud it' v )"
eight hundred nnd Kjeuty-t v '
lu ob.idleiioi totlio requi u -
Geary, U jvernorof the r n u ' 1 - '
sylv.iula.l h -robpub. I. i i-i ' ' '
iiient ol lho Cou.tilut! ri . i I i 1
ttioActof Cojgro sou, -. i u ' 1 i
Act of Assembly lo'ul,. - i i -i
Tho l-'llieentti Am.-. I ,i i m ,
of the Uulted htiti i is is i . nv.1
"Sucrios l. Tbo ugh; oi , . ,
Italoi snnll not bo dea.-i 1 i - 1
Untied Statos, i rbynu.- Ml i'-, j..
color, or previous c ni; ' .-i -il i ,
"SrcrioN-a. TluiCougr. a itn 1 iii. i
enfores tills aitlclo by nppropil u t i -
AuAilto ouloiuii the right ol on . .
UultodStntesto vote Inlliesovii US'
Union and fjrothr purpoies:
'Si'.ono.v I. Jle it 'im- t-d t'i ?
llilUC of 7.'pV'.eiil a-tjr oj th Uat I -Aiwrten
tn tbiren .1c;.iVm. That nil
oi tno united tsiaios, wnoaiu, i.t
wlso rnullile I by lav,' to voto at a iy e'
tho people, lu any si ito,l'eri It iry.d st , .
ty. oily, parish, tuwiiship.sclio il di -in '
clpilliy, or ollnr tenlloriil su i-Jn i
be eutlllo 1 uud allowed to volo at all sn
Hons, wlHi r.ildittlnctlnnnr rae -, il
ous coultil i.i ot servitude; iiuj cm
law, custom usage, ur.regulalloii ot ui. -l'erritory,
or by, or uuder Us tiuti. u ' . '
contrary un withstanding "
Su.'iinN J .In be ilfartl. r -i (i
by or iiudi-i i i authority ol in i' in- 'a
I i-.vs of nny is .no, or tlio Hws oi .m. I -i
uny act is ursnill bo required to be 1
preioqulsltior ml illtle xtlmi tor , it.iu.
such Consllliiil i or I iw, parso-as ,o o ti
or shall lio elm. ;u t wlih tho i.-innui
duties tu luruls i i ; to eltlzjus an o.,f.o,
to pctlo. m siii-h .- ic pilslio, oi 1 1 " 'u
lllcd to vote. It s.i.libj the duty ot '
peisou and ollleer liglvo to nil e 1 o
llulled Stales, lho s'liuemit luuul - ip "
lo pet'l'onii sum pureqiilsllo, im I "
quallllo.l l'oqto without ilistun'ii ' '
color, or p evlous condition ot sen t '
any such purs iu or oltloer bb ill re'
luglyoinil to glvo lullell'ect In thu si; .
shall, I ir every such bllence, fonult ui, 1 1'
sum ot Ilvo bun lied doll us 1 1 lho p'
grlnved iherelu', tq by una
lho case, with lull noils and suoh iillowaii' .
eouiiiel tecs us the court. Mm U decni ui-.
shall ulsii, for every such pilsni'o be d,
gullly of aiiilsdeiucau'ir.andslinllriu i-np
tbeieor, bo lined not losi than Uvo him It '
lars. or bo Iniiulsotied nut less Hum "'I' 111
nnd not more than ono year, or bulb, nl
crclloti ol ihu Court," ,
A fiiilhersiippleiiiont to tho net rclaim
clccliou., lu this Couunonvvcaltli ' ,.
"SKi nox W. Thai so much ol every 01 l"
seuibly us ptoldi.s that only wmh m- '
shall bo eutlllo 1 tb VoUi'iir-ho legist red '
nw np ns nhiimhiir lo solo ut any geao,.n
lions ol (bis i-oiuinonwf ollh,
and wncu
wlso qualllled uudcr -vxlsilng law-s, I
ui , niun miJ soot- nt u
laws, ba e n
ire i-1,
bi! lis -Ills 1Mb day of Oi'iober. In luo yi'.u '
l.or3 one ihonsand eight huudred mid si s
two, und lu Ilia iiluety-sovelllll ye.irul lie I
penleuco of tno iiullud States. hmitUi
Sherlll'or Columbia Cmu'j
111 K)mbui'i,l'.i.,0U)bci' li W.',
speyiai eieciioq oi mis ouiuni nun. i ,
the same Is hereby repealed i and liil I
that nil ireemeii, Wllliuut illsllnollol I '
sliall ba ourullea nud leglstored nocordiua ,
Ill III. '
provisions ql the 1 rt suciion ui 'uyivo; ..ri -bovoutoeulll
April, Wfl, tin tied. "Au A
. i.,,i,.iilii tn I lie III I lUlilllllli ,
.1 1,