I RATES OF ATiViwriSING. 0 i !iU HUH EVERY FRIDAY MOltNINU Iff TUB CO JU. "Win AH Jiuiuwifi" csv.ii inn count house, jiLooitsntjnai'A.BY CHARLES B. BROOKWAY, KDUOn add rnovninxon. -....two Dsllart a Year v&v&blo In advance. . job printing ijdcicrlptlous executed with neatness nnd Columbia Oountv Official Dirootory. I ,, ftMt.n'f7C WI1.UIA1H J-.I.IVJI.I.... ill .loWmce 1am Demi, Isaac H. Mow- KF ' i,onoar;,.tf.-nnoiifit It. ItiKnijRn. .1 ter A lleeonttr Williamson II. JAConY, met Attorney Jame'Muhson, Jit. T AAIIOM HMITll. ,.. iHAAt) bKWITT. er Wii.mam Lasion. , (, in rj t'viius llomitKP, HirtAU J. ,1 1 11, iM.tAHHtiArrr.it. , , ,ifM' air. Wii.mam KmrKtiAVM, u J. I'AMfjiELt., Daniel ur.e. S lll.XNKIt r CiiAiti.FsO.Munpitv. 1 uiuiuiwnrn Isaao Meumnr:, John Mn M'V A'I.Jrit'lllllltnf-WSt. II. BHYDEIt. ,1 Vfir lrrW-DIrcctors, R. It. Mtr.i.rn i am 1- rtAMiJt, llloomkburg, nml JOHNSOil .ouonv. jod, CiiAiti.t'.HCoNriEU.Bcc'y. loot1 .lurg Official Diroctory, 'n, 1 Itivkmn (b. John A. FUNSTOH id nt, 1.. II. Oninz, Cashier. , I , III '1 Hlk-ClIAH. H. PAXToK.Prcs't , ,i.i .is. Cr. tiler. ... , rtju 'ij;nual."rorttrVmlnrtfxnijt' j, .-1;, II. Ltrn.K, PiWt., C. W. M11.I.KH, D nnimihiira Itviltomt nml Having Fni Atvtnn- ,1 W M, 1'IIAllllK, lTGH't,, J 1 ,V M. riSAtui'K, i ruii u, .1, 1J. nui, ms(;ira Mutual Antliiff iVnd tjlm lnoWKit l'li'sWeut, C. a.HAItKMsY, Btc'y. ffe msf; Oliurcli Direotory. riiEHiVTEitiAN nivitcit. ,1IWt-R'V. Hltintt Jlltflirll. Afri'ioM-lOH A. M.J 7Jii 1'. M. ...f.f.r,. Ariinl nA. t. prayer Mcitlng Wednesday,, I. St, jidits freo; 110 pewit muted i Btrang gcra cl- BloomBburg Diroctory. 1" I'ot.tlMlllAN Olllcc, CLOTHING, AC. D,,. t,nir.nii. iii-h:uhui, itLjijt,,tiaui i,t.,Hbuvv Alncrlniu Ilouf e. CliOOKS, WATCI1KS, ilC. y. 1, clry, iiiilust., Juslliclow tlio American 11 hi if. nl iH lil.HNIIAUt), Wiitcli tiud Clock innltcr l H.ruOlUlieaBlcoriHir iwiumiuu nun nin. KIAJ III 'Utl, Yllltlli.l , Ki t utiiel, below .Main. BOOTS AND SHOES. n M.kl.'OItH, Dealer lu HoiitH and Blioos, latest nnd best stylus, corner JIalu aud .Market tuceik, 111 mo om x-uhi. uiucw. HKNllY KIiKIJI, Jlamtractuicr nnd dealer lu Doom nml Shoes, Oroccrlcs, etc., ilaiu bltect, I -iHoomsburtt. PHOFESSIONAL. Il! it. C. HOWKIt. Burgeon Deutlsl, Jlnlnst." V nbovo tlio Com I lluuso. Dtt. Vi'M. M. ItKHEIt, Burgeon nnd I'liyisiclnn. Olllce over tlio l'lrtt Nnlloual Hunk. . 1 (I. HAItKI.KY, Attorncy-nt-I.nw. OUlce, 2d 1 ilimrlu i;xcbau!olllock,neartUo"Kichanso 1111 I." 1 1!. JtcICKLVY.M. D.,Suri;eoii nud rnj hlclati J. , uoi til tddo Main St., below Market, r c. ItUTTEIl, it. V. Hnreoo t) Market htreet, nbovo Slain. , ItUTTEIt, M. D. Hnreoon nud l'uyulclnn 1!. UOIIIHON, Attorncy-at-I.nw, Odlco Hart J, mini's building, Jluin htreet. ill, 11, P. KINNEY, Burgeon Dentist. Teeth I;i xlructed without pnln: JIalu Rt nearly on nbilu episcopal Church, It. EVANS, M. 1)., Burgeon nnd l'liyslclan, kuiilh hhlo Main bticet, below Market. 1 Ii. A. 1. TIIltNEIl, I'hyslclnn aud SurRfon, of I liio ovei IClt'lln'H DrilK Btnit', liblili nro ouo ilimrbelnw Rev. 1). J. Wnller. MIIjIiINEHY & FANCY GOODS. I l'ETEKMAN, Millinery nud Fancy Uoods, l'j. oppo-lto KpLscopal Cliuich.Slalu st, iEY, Milliner, Hamnej' tiding Main btiect. ii(s M, DEItltlCKSON, Millinery aud Fancy J) (lOods.Maln ht below Market. MIW. JULIA A. ft HADE IIA11KLKY, Ijutle' c loaks and Dross l'nlteruj, toulheaul comer ami U'esthtA. rnlir MISPI'.B IIAltSIAN Millinery and Fancy Idnods Al!iliiKl..below American llouhe. HOTELS AND SALOON'S. POli KH UOTEI., by T, Uent, Taylor, caht cud 1 01 ol Mam utiect, MEItCIIANTS AND GKOOEKS. (' t MAltlt, Dry Uoods nnd Nollous, touth 0' vtit corner Main ami 1 11111 utx. uX A WEI1II, Con reel lonery nnd Dnkery, I v. linltiiilo and retail, Exchange Dlock, HI llOWEU.lInlRnndCnps.llootanndSUoes, , Main St., nbovo Court House. 1 If. MAIZE, Mammoth (Irocery, flno Oro (J, 1 cries, KrullB, Nuts, lTovisiou, dc, Main mil Centre HtrretH. li'KI'IA'Y. NKAI, CO.. donlersln Drv Goods, 11 Unireries, Flour, Feed, Bait, Flbh.Irou.Hnllo, . w. e. cor. Main ami jnirkti sis. 0 II. MILI.EH & bON, dealers In Dry Uoods, (iiocerles, (Juecnswnro, Flour, Bait C12UCH, .ui iuiih, Lie.,.-ininbi JiUSOELLANEOUS. .1. CHUISTMAN. Enddle, Trunk A Ilnmcss. tnKker, Blilve'H Illock Main Btrcet. W. ltODIIINS.lltiuordcalersccouddoorlrom 1 in inwi'iii coiner iiiaiu auu iruu bin, J '1 HOKNTCW, Wall Paper, Window Slindrs iiu iixiuks, liuiieii. oiocic, iiiain si. W. COItFI.Ii, Fuvnllnro Itooms, threo Btory "ricit, Ainin Mn et, vtfci 01 ;.iaiuii bi. It IHIWSTOCK, Photographer, over Hobblun x.yer s iore, Xiinin bi. 'U'lIN, dealer In Meat, Tallow, etc., ChciU' 'tin's alley, 1 ear nt Amerlcnn 1 louse. EI. .TACOBY, Mnrlilo nml llrown Stone k, i;ibt liloonikbui'K.lieiwlck 10..U. I1 AUU, dealer In furnlture.lrnnks, ccltr now wnio, ucar the Forks iioiei. " HIDLEMAN, Atrent for Mnusou's Copper luuiiiuri.iKiuiuui: itou. TOSTEIt.Qluo Maker, nud White nud Taney V ITE KOOKH, nnd blank NOTES, wlthorwl out, eMtuptlon.ror talo nt the Coi.uai:i lib IAN I) V.DAM.MAN.MorchantTatlor.SccondBt l. Itobblus- HullJlUB. lift. J. K. itOIiniMB. Burgeon nnd rhyslclan ii nccouil Bt UtUOW iUUU, I'lMiEIlT & KLINE, dry goodo, groceries, and uvnu nieicuauuiho, jviuiu ireei T n. KlfJTLEH. "l nttawlssa House," North " . I'oruer Main and Becoud Htrccts, KtlLEIt, lllllard Baloou, OyBters, nnd Ico 1 viVrilU 1U bCllbUU minium. M. M, niionBT, dealer In UencrnlMcrchnndlso "ry uoods, Urocerleaftc, . WIAWNA n, 1lrl..lr Hotel. H. KoRtCU ) bailllnr I'rMi.lnln. innll..(.a.l .nril., Kt fit II fill it M. H. AUIIOTT, Attorney at law, Main Bt. Light Street. II . OMAN 4: Co., Wheelwrights, first door 1 above School House. 1UIN A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In o Itoota ntiil Klinnu R. H. I I1NT, dealer iu tttoves and Tin ware In Ut SI u YhT, Wilier, nnd Oenler In all Ulnda ol T.. Y""j il'UI ItU. Of, Alt ftlUUB WUittiu Bopy. W.MKiAll, Hiibfiuehauuit j'luiiiUK il nd Ux Muu ftieturlng, Buck Horn, M. tl.W.H. HHOrMAKI.lt, dtnlers In dty i Broieicrie nun ttnenil lucrcuuuut VOLUME VI,---NO, 42. Orangovillo Duoctory, II. llEItUINa A nitOTIIEH.Cnrpoulcrsnnd llttlldern, Mnln St., below Pine, ,)HtCII HOTEfj ond reficshmetit Hiloou, tiy AJ nunr jL'ucury cor.ui iniu nuu 11 no hi. It. O. A.MEUAHOEL.PliyslclnnntidBurgcoii Main st,, next door In Hood's Hotel, AVID 1IEUUINO, FlournndarlstMlll.nnd Denier lu grain, Mill Street, AMI'B II. IIAHSIAN.CnhlnetMnkex Hud Uu. dortnker. Main Ht,, lielow l'lnc. rjcnUYM'.n A CO.,Iron fouurters.Mnchlnlsta O nud Mnnurnctuiers of plows, Mill Bt. S AMUEL Hit AUl'LEBB, Maker of tuellayhurst llraln Cradle. Main Bt, WILLIAM DEI.ONO Bhoemnkcrnmt mauufao tiircr of llrlck, Mill St., nest of Tine Philadelphia Directory. AiNAViiiairr & co., WIIUL1EBAI1E Ul(UCi:ilB, N. E. Comer Second nud Arch Streets, I'ltlLADIILl-lllA, Dealers In TEAS, BYltOrS, COFFEE, SUDAN, M0I.AB8E3 rick, sricra, 111 cAuu boda, ac, .10. as-Ordcrs will receive prompt ntlentlon. may 10,07-tf. IAKVKY 13. WAIjKEU, lHI'OUTnia ANIUOllTJEllSOJ' CHINA, (ir.AJH AND dUEENSWAltE, 1 f NORTH BECONDST., rnir-ADnLi'iiiA. tS Oi iKlnal ri'toilid 11.tl.PKts of OneeiiMnire uiihiauiiv on uuilll. lebfJ'Tll-tl. Bnt3inesa Oarda. II. LITTLE, ATTOltNKY AT I,WV, Oflico Court-lfouio Alley, belov tho C01.UM ian Oflico, Illoomsburg Q B. nUOOKWAY, A'l'JUItKt 1 AT JjAW, IILOOUSIIUI'.O, l'.. XS- Ornrr. Court House Alley. In Iho Co- lAJMMAN building. Jaul,'67, W. MILLER, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, Oflico Court Houno Alloy, lielnw tlio COMJil- ian onicc. Douutles. llack.l'av nnd Pensions collected, Itloomsburg Pa, sep.2U'07 JOHN M. CLARK, AllOItNLiY AT LAW. OFFICE nbovo Howcr's Store, Mnlu Mrcet, Dloombburg, Pa, JOBEKT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflico Mnln Street below the Court Houce. loombburg Ft'un'n. FRANK ZARR ATTOItNEY AT LAW, IlLOOMSIlUltO, PA. Oflico Willi J, O. I'iceze.lJrowcr'a Block. Can be conbulted In Ccrmar or Engllbli. - incic,0'72-tf jTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAUJSnilUCU, Mnlu Btreet one door above E. Mcndenhnll's stoie. A inrgo nsruTlment or Hloveo, lientpra nnu Kiingci, eoiiblaully 011 hand, and for bulb nt tho Tinulntr Inall 11a branclieHcarerullvHtleuiledlo. invehL lines. huh saiiNinciion uaianiceu. Tin work or all kinds wholesale uuu rot all. A lal Is requested. Jan 171 gLOOMSBURG v onus. MAIN STUr.F.T, TII I.OW NAUK1.T, HI.OOMSHUItO, PA. Monninents. Tombs. Headstones. Ac. Work neatly (Mcuttd. Ordrra by mall will receive sncclul nttentlon. N. II. Work dellvcied ireool charge. 1 , L. OUNiun, 1'roprieior, octl3'7I-lf. P. v. uux iV. JARQAINS BARGAINS. QUICK RAT.EM ANn SMAI.l. mOFIIU, HAVE YOUIt MONEY. Oolo HENRY YOST. East lllooiubburg. Pa., lor all klndunf tho best uoiiio nuu city maue r U 11 N I I U ills, Prices renhounblo nnd the best work dono, Jan P7i-tl y ULOAN WORKS, DAN VlLLiJi PA. WILLIAM II. LAW, Mnnnfnetnrpr nf Wrniiwht Troll llrld2et. Hollers Oabliolileis, Fiieproof lliiildlngs. Wiouglit Iron iiooung, iionnng i-ramts, niniriug unu nuinn, Fnrni tlntes anil fenellu?. also WroimhtlrOll ptp- ing,niacK8 nuu an kiuus 01 eiiiiiu iyum,fti Repairs piomptly attended to, K? II li..lnl.i.iU .,11.1 l'.llninlna.i.i.lill.i1 oct27;71.y. 3ERNIIARD STOIINICU Would inloim his friends nnd tho Tiubllc that 110 lias uutcn pobbtbsiou 01 THE OLID ST-A.3ST3D: In the Kxi linnoo Rlock. ko I0112 occn riled by him unu wm cairy oil ine oiihuiens in 11 FIRST-CLASS BAKERY', Un 1i t.,f 4 M.o lnti.llirr.LU nft fi V o n fit li lnfltiV years niul iussure tho cummimlty Unit li will ininihii 1 no dckloi niGnii.ciiitLM.iiMitt.iiibcuii.cvL.' frttili every dny. IIopropohCH ntsn lc Ueepoa nana u iaij;o auu v u usburiuu biucit ui FINK CONFECTIONERY, .if nil i.rnilr n. Frenrli pnililles nnd those of dO' mcbtloinnnnriictHre.alwaystoboliail.wholi'bnlo nnd rr tall nt lowest rates. A1IJ0I11I112 tho Ilnkcry nuu Louiectionery is a won cbiauiibiieu KESTAUB.A1MT, whero may bo found Ale nud Lnger, nud Ho lreklunents, Oyhtersln senson and tlio various lilt le dt llcncles which bult t ho public tabtc, Tliei o is also a FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, over tho conlcctlouery btoro, whero ladles nud gentlemen cnu obtain tho best of lee Cream In bCUbOU, A fnir klimnnr llin miblla rust om la renuested nnu no puius win 00 bpuiuii in eukuio pi.o.u' Hon uprlUU,'7MI N EW DRUG STORE. CURIE. A. KLKIM Having puitliattd lie litiMncf n of E, P. ' now 11i1V1iii1lll1iMil1Uti1i1d.il ibtilioiiktiiii, Lutr. mi 11 of DUUC1H, ciii:mic.m.m, PATENT JIEDICINI, TOLi;TAirnn.r.H, I'ANCiYf-OAI'B, llllUfelJiW.ACic. And nctnenil ntkoilnuut of tho cholKStgoods ...null,. t..,,.l 1,1 OrLt flnku MlnlillutittieillS. l'hibleliuib' Pit kuliillous nnd Family lttclrcs Ciutliiliy cuiupouuutu, on huiiiiuyb, open lima 8 n. m., to 10 a. iu., nnd nvmi p. ui., iu t p. in. 1 OU'IIMAN AND LNOL1MI Hl'OKEN.f ltb67Mf MiGCollanciouD. N T I 0 T 11 Y . It. O. HOWHR, DENTIST, Respectfully oilers lils prolenslonnl services to the liullos mid ganllemeii of Uloomsburgnud vli clnlly. Ho laprepnied tonttend In nil tho vnrl mis operations In Iho lino of hln professlou, nud provided with tho latest Improvod Poiicki.ain BllVi nrnl lver nnd rubber h.iso tn look ns well naf he nab cktii wnicn win uo inserteu on troiu uintinr ill teeth. Teeth oxtrnctcd by nil tho newnuil mostnpproved methods, nnd nil nperntlona on tho teeth carefully nnd properly attended to. Iiesitienco ami oflico a lew tloora ntinvo lue Court House, snmo Mdo. iiioomsnurt', jan,i'7i iy HSUItANCE AGENCY. yoming KW.M :inn t.noo.ooc orient 600,000 Roynl or Liverpool 10.000.IW Danville Mutual 1 S".UK) SprlngltcM 67o..i ttermauin, it, 1 ..... (jiiu.mu nieruniionni M.v i,i:i'J,76J 'nrmera' Danville BOO.nn .anca:,tcr ciiy wtofiin loiiie 2,000,100 FREAS 11ROWN. oetlf. mei21'71 lr. Ht-oouBTtDiin Pa. T.TINKLEY KN1TTINQ MACHINE -0.JL Tin: HlMl'LHBT, CIIKAPl-ST AD Um' IN uniji iiAii hut ortij fM.l.UJ.l.l A CHILD CAN RUN IT1 Dei Igncd Cfpeclnlly for tlio use of families, and edltb wliodulre lokult for tho market. Will do ever' tlltch cf tlio ltiilltlug Iu n stocking, ldenlngnnd nnirowlngns readily na by hand. Am fpltndld lor MoiMcds nud fancy work, AK1NO FIVE 111 I FI.Ill.NT KINDS OF Tl'ICHI Aro very inv lo mnnnee. nnd not llablo to ict out of older. Every Family should have one. Wo wnnl nn Agent In every town to Intiodnco nil nil tlitui.toMboniwetillerlliemnktllhernl imliiotliicntF. Send for 1.111 (.'llciihirniulh'.iiimlo Htoeklup. AilditfR. IIINKLI'iY KNI1TINU MACHINE CO., now 10,'71-ly. il'ii h, Mo, T-T 0. HO WEE, mi opened a flrbl-class ROOT, SHOE. HAT CAP, AND FUR MORI:. I tho old atnnd on Jifnln Street. l!loomslmr:r.nrw doom nbovo the Court llonro. Ilfsstockiscom. piipdof tho very lnlcst nnd bebtstylea ever oller od lo the citizens of Columbia Counly. Hocau iiccommodato tlio public with tlio following goods ut the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled alogalioots, men's doublo and sluglo tap kolcd kip boots, men's heavy stogashoea of all kluds. men's lino boots nnd Mines of nil gradea, boy'a doublo soled bouts nud.shoes of nil kinds, men's glovo kid Dnlmoinl aboes.meu'a, women's, boys'o inu misses-lastiuij gaiters, women's giovo Km Polish very tlne.woinen'Hmorocco Dalmornlanud calf shoes, women's very flno kid bnttoned gait era. In bhoit boots ol all descriptions both res eil nnilseweil. Ho would also call attention lo his 2nn nesort. nieut of ATS, OAIU, I'UKS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil Iho new nud populai van ctlesnt prlceawlilchcnunntfalltoBultnll. These goods mo ofleicd nt tho lowest cash rates and will no guaranieeu logivo Batisiaciiou. A call Is Bollclted before purchasing elsewhere aB It Is believed that, better bargnlna aro to bo found than at any other placo In the county. JHU 1 11 THE ORANGEVILLE MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. iiANrrAciuriun.s of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of the most Approved Patterns, mill Gearing, Jobbing, n:tii CnMingN of nil descriptions. DEALERS IN General Meicliandiso, Lumber, Ae.,&c. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo would nnnonnro to the public In general hut wo have taken tho well known Agilcullur il Woiksof I hl.s rilaconud bliallmnke It our aim to iiinmilaetuio Ilrst Class Agricultural Imple ments cnual toany other makers lu tho State, such na Threshing machines, Doth Lever and Tread Power. I'lowd ol' evei'j' I)csci-iilion, among which will bo tho celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by nil to bo tho best plow extant Inr tlio farmer. Also tho Cliniiinioii, Sterns' I'ulcnt mitt The monlro.se. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators, Iron KcttlcH, and Cahting.M of every description. Wo bhall use nonobut tho bekt lualerialsiind employ nonobut competent mid experienced mechanics nnd our prices will couipaiu Uvorably with nuy other manulactur eis. country prouuee, i.umuer, uiu iron, taitcii in exehango. Wo albo haven ktoro In couuectlon wllh our Agricultural Woiks, whero may be round 11 lull assortment of MEHCHANDISE which will bo sold nt binnll proflts. (Jive us 11 pall befoio purchablug elbewhero nud we guar antee satisfaction. iunrcu'!7.'-iy. maiOTmJMi.ii in ill w - i. iii.n- Hotels. rgillE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho nntlersiiined would Inform tho travelling public that he has taken tho above named estab lishment and thoroughly relltted the knmo lor tlio porfect convenience of his guests. Ilia larder will be Mucked with tho best the market nflorda. Tho choicest liquors, wlucs nnd clgarsnlways to no louuu in 111s oar. . WILLIAM I'f.Tm'. Espy, Pa, THORNTON All won burg nud ould nnnouneetotho cltlrcnsnf lllooms d vicinity, that he ha JuM. received lull tiud completo abbortmcut ol WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, riXTUIIl-H, t OUPH, TAbSELS, nnd nil other goods lu la lino of bnslncKD. All tho newest and most approved pntterns of the uay are always in uo muuu iu iiinesuiuunuiuoui. lUiir.D.'t'J-tf Muiu Bt, below Market, BAUGH'S Eaw Bone Snperior Phosphate OF LIME, Hlnndard highly Improved nnd warranted, Price, $15,00 per 2,000 lbs., Cash. aNew Works now In opcratlou.'CO-B-New Material Uicd In mnuufacturlng.'i.a 77ie die uhleh tlcitracil our uorls on the Vth et Sijrtit cuu.iii uiity ii itr'iJururi ticiuy. Wo warrant the standard of our Raw Itouo I'liospiiaie to bo 01 it nigner grauo tnau belore, No eoublsumeuta will be made under any cir cumstances. it is not ccrioin wo can continue to ben at our iiifbtni teuuecu price euing to the aavance In )!aw tutelial. 4vVo limbic our customeia and friends generally inr tucir coutiuucu tiuuu unu iu ill list d ordeis. Wo enn also furnlbh our GROUND RAW BONE, WARRANTED PURE, At $10,00 per 2,000 lbs,, cusli. Onleis lor fall trndo nro rtquetled to te to lu ns tally ns pokblblo. HAUOH it SONB, Kn. 'OFouth Delawaio Ave., l'lilloilelnh a. July lli-lliu 1'ItiaiDENTIAI. CAMPAIGN. CAPS, CAP1S1& TORCHES, Bend for Ii.i.uutiiated Cut' culah nnd Piiicit Lisr. CUNNINGHAM 4 1IILI. MANVKACrUIIElId, No, 201 Church Street PHILADELPHIA. JllUOHI, 1S7M11UH BLOOMSBTJRGr, PA., FlUBAY, OCTOBER 18, Poetical. In Alitiil.iii. Thoj c irgtowj splendid on tlio mountnln Bleep, Now lingers long thowirm nud gorgeous light, Dylug by slow degrees lulo the deep Delicious night, The filial triumph of tho perfect year. Rises tho woods' magnificent nrrny j lleyond tho purple mountnln bights appear And slope away, Tho elm, with muslcnl, slow motion, leaves His long, lllho branches on tho tender air ', Whllofrom his topof gray, eordclo waves IlWrcarlel hair. Where Spring first hi 1 her violets 'neath tho fern, Whero Bummer's fingers opened, fold on fold, The odorous, wild, rod rose'd head, no,v burn Tho leaves of gold. Tho loftlost hlll-tho lowliest flowering hcrb- TI10 fairest fruit of season and of cllmo Atl wear nllko tho mood of tho superb Autumnal time. Now natuto rour her l.tst and noblest wlno ; Like somo Ilnrebiiile., beside tlio shining btrenms Reclines enchanted day, wrapped In divine, Impasslonod dreams. Rut whero tlio ji tinted leaves aro falling fast, Among tho vnluj, beyond Iho r-irthest hill, Thpvo slls a Bhadow illm, nnd sad, aud vnst, And lingers still. And still wo hoar a volco among tho hlll.s A volco that moans nmouj the lmuutod woratt, And with tho mystery otmrrow fllla The Bolltudes. For whllogiy Autumn gilds tho fiult nud leaf, Aud dotli her fairest festal garments wear, Lot Time, nil noiseless, lu tho mighty sheaf, Hinds up Iho year, Tho mighty sheaf which never Is mil mud Tho reaper whom your souls beseech lu vain Tho loved , lost year which nover may bo found, Or loved again. Miscellaneous. I I'roin Chambora' Jouriinl. a 3ni)i)i.i:-AGi:i) i.on: stouy. Thoy bad come, ft llttlo group of friendly faces, to watch mo off, with waving handkerchiefs and kindly good bys, and I stood on tlio stern, nodding and waving back, till tho steamcrswept down tho river out of sight. I know I should havo their prayers that tho great sea might bo gentlo with mo; I know they would watch tho weather and look for the telegram of tho arrival of our ship; yet I know I was taking nothing from their lives, and that they would each go homo hardly missing mo; so it was with no great wrench of heart that I saw tho pilot put off from us, and took tho last look at my nativo shores. During most of tho passago 1 wasju3t comfortably seasick, so I sot all tho day long in a reclining chair on dcck.watch ing tho whito caps on tlio purplo and green and bltto waves that mounted and fell down and up, up nud down, away out to tho far horizon. I saw tho shin ing nautiluses float by, now and then a whale, or a shoal of porpoises, or a sail, speeding whito and full across tho wa ter. I axw also a good many other things nearer by, for I didn't put my eyes in my pocket along with my short-sighted glas-e.s, and nobody was much likely to mind a middlonged woman in hood and water-proof. Tho first thing I saw was nyoungigirl with dark oyes and brown hair that rippled itself into a tanglo of rough curls whenever sho took off her not. SIio v.w not so very pretty nor so very brilliant; but thero was n piquant charm about her that attracted half tho passengers before tho first day was over. By tho end of thosecond day ovorybody, from tho captain to tlio ship's surgeon, and from tho surgoon to tho cabin boy, was eager to show her attention ; and everybody was mot by tho samo gonial smilo and lively retort. Sho won hor way at onco into my heart by tho kindly thought that led her to bring iittlo rclishC3 from tho tablo to tempt my sickly nppotltn, and tosootho my forehead with bay-water, and gentlo touches of her shapely brown hands, where a great emerald glittered, encir cled by diamonds, Very soon sho got in tho habit of drawing her rug beside my chair, nnd sitting on tho deck lean ing ngainst mo, so that I might "pot her," as sho said. This was how it happened that my quiet out-of-tlio-way corner camo lo bo tho center of tho life and gaycty and romauco of tho wholo shipboard. It seemed that this young girl, Ko3n Armour, was an only child, nud nn orphan, going to nil ttitclo In Germany, her nearest of kin. "Dear heart 1 1 hopu her undo will bo wiso as well as loving,"saitl I to myself very often, for sho scorned too fragllo n bubblo of humanity to drift on through llfo alone. Tho tips of tlio brown curls wero lighter than Iho rc3t ; and hero and thero wero llttlo bright touches nil over her hair, ns though tho sun was shining in spots on it. Ono morning I sat coll Ing these gleams of stinshino around my fingers, nnd watching n llock of Mother Caroy's chickens skim restlossly over tho restless water, thinking theso thoughts nbout Rosa, and having her soft presenco alono to myself for a few moments. Not many, howover; soon camo up n Now Zenlander; of courso thero wn3 a Now Zealander or an Aus tralian on our boat You aro very lowly, Miss Armour,' said lie. "Let mo bring you a chair." 'Thank you; I prefer to sit hero on my rug and havo Mi33 Wells pot mo, replied Rosa, turning up her eyes lan giihlly. "Tho deck Is my favorito scut if I can only havo an excuso to sit on It." "But you need something over you,' persisted tho Now Zcalaniler, going away, nnd coming back directly with his own heavy gray wrap. Then ho scaled himself on u low enmp stool besldo her, folding tho wrnp over tho two. "I never eaw to rough u sea ns this till tho way from Honolulu to San Francisco," snid ho, looking out upon tlio gentlo swell of tho lazily-mounting waves. "Rough 1" crlul Miss Armour. "I am stiro tho ocean is ns smooth nsn mill' poud I" "Oh I but not ns compnred to tho Pn clllc peaceful ; it wna rightly named Wo linvo nover such gnles on Hint us sweep tho Atlantic, but only tho gen tlcst westerly breezes." Tho Now Zcnt nnilcr shivered na lio Bpoko, niul drow liU wrap closo over Ills Unocs. "Wo avo Iho most clmrmliiK ciltnato In Now Zealand," lio went ouj "wo nro nover too hot, nnd nover loo cold. In fact wo think of tho weather. And tho novor Eoll is tho most fortllo in Iho world." "Pity it is In such tin out of tho way part of tho earth that nobody can llvo there," snld Miss Armour. c "Beg your pardon, juis ; inoro nro sovcral English lown3 of 30,000 inhabit ants each ; aud wo nover think of our selves ns being out of tho way,bul rath er feel sorry forthoso who livoso.'far off," returned tho othor,bondlng his lull ilguro earnestly forward. Roso leaned iter pretty head toward him in a confiding attltudo of interest, and laughed: "Oh, so you aro tho peo ple, nnd wisdom Is going to dlo with ou," said sho. "But what do you do out thero In tho heart of tho univorso ?" "Wo dig gold for ono thing, nnd rnlso shocp for another millions of llicmj from thirty lo forty vessels aro constant ly plying to England with tho tallow nnd pressed wool." "What do you do with nil that mut ton?" asked Rosa, looking Idly nt tlio light In her ring, nnd then as idly nt tho light in tho speaker's eyes. Wo uso what wo can," was tho re ply ;"nnd somctlmcs,I nm sorry to say, wo bury tho flesh not usually; but sometimes an order will como lo ono farmer for a thousand sheep, If you ploaso, and all ho can do is to clip off tho wool, got out tho fat, and bury tho carcasses." "What nplty tho meat can't bo sent to tho hungry poor at homo 1 Why don't somebody condenso It as they do tho beef in Texas ?" I said in my practical way. "In good timo, I daro say, somebody ill; but wo can't do ovcrythlngat once," replied tho Now Zealander,look- ing with sudden interest at tho gamo of shufiloboard being played beside us. Just then along camo tho ship's sur geon, a blondo youth In uniform, with his hair parted in tho middle. 'Mis3 Armour," said ho, "tho gun is lo bo fired at tho bow ; will you como and sco it done'.'" Miss Armour started up at onco,turn- Ing tho samo half confiding glanco and ready smilo upon him sho had boon giv ing us. "I am going to lcavo my rug with ou ; I shall como bacK," said sho, beaming over her shoulder upon mo as sho took tho surgeon's arm aud went nway. Tho Now Zealander looking after her, tried to consolo himsolf by drawing his wrap in another fold across his knees, did not succeed, and finally got up and cut away. Of courso it was not worth his whilo to makolilinself agreeablo to middlo nged womanlu hood and wnter proof. So I sat, and looked ut tho llko rtcs3 of a lako among thosunsot clouds, nnd tried to decido whether I had better tako oatmeal gruel or biscuit tea for my supper; wondering tho while, half un consciously, about tho old chord in my memory that was always boing struck by a certain musical ring in tho Now JSealander's voice. After an hour or so tho gun was fir ed, and presently Miss Armour camo back, and with tho disorder of tho strong sea wind in her hnir, nnd its freshness in her protty pink checks. "I'vo como ns I said," sho murmur ed, dropping at my feet again, and railing up, as though sho bad got whero sho best loved to bo just such a smilo ns sho would havo given to tho stokers down in tho cngino room,or tho ship's cat. But it was lovely lo look upon whilo It lasted ; and wo mlddlo aged pcoplo havo learned to warm our solves lu nny chanco ray of sunlight, without stopping to consider whether It Is likely to bo perpetual. This timo tho bit of sunsliino did not stay long; for thero camo up an nrtist with his sketch book ; nnd when Miss Armour had sufficiently admired his graphic pencilings of tho captain nnd tlio quartermaster, and tlio sea sick oc cupants of an upper berth, it was time to throw tho log ; and so ho boro hor off, to find out by her own eyes wheth er wo wero actually going at tho rate of thirteen knots, or only twelvo nnd n half. That was how tho dayj wont. Tho passongors read aud paced tho deck, playod 'games aud guessed riddles, and wero always hungry ; Iho pilot stood steady and firm at the wheel ; tho sail ora ran up and down about tho rigging llko overgrown spiders, and wero for over scouring nnd scrubbing, tying and untying, drawing up aud lotting down Thus, at last, wo had como safely al most to our desired haven. With fair sailing, wo wero only ono day out from port : fond ns wo had grown to bo of each other, wo woro getting impa ticnt to part. Miss Armour, during all tho voyngo, had kept on as sho begun, beguiling overy ono with her trick of lip and eye. They ran niter nor hko ooys nt tho string of a klto. Well, they nnd nothliirr better to do just then ; nnd when sho had fadod out as n rainbow fades, I mado no doubt sho would bo ns easily forgotten, or only remembered as a midsummer's day dream, by all, unless It might bo a solitary, warm hearted man llko tho Now Zealander, To toll tho truth, I was n llttlo sorry forhlm. Evidently.lllohad not brought lilm nil it might ; nnd ho was hungry for the lovo nnd confidence that hnd nover been his. So I was afraid ho would miss this llttlo sparklo of girl- hood and wnrra youth, nnu una tiio void deeper when It had gono out. To tho very last dny, Rosa kept her place by my chair , nnd to the very last tho Now .elander kept his placo by her, when no ono younger stopped in lo ear- ry her off, which wna pretty often, to bo sure. Then, ho nlwnys quietly went nwny himself, with n kind of grnvq ro grct iu his fiuo. On tho lust morning, Mlt-s Armour had Just left us, along with a young lawyer, to drop oranges nnd lemons nniong the tteerngo passen gers, when I notktd Hie new Zealander looking nfltr hi r with n fndder regret than tisuitl nlinobl n pain In his eyes. OOL. Ho hnd such hnndsotno dark oyes I I could sco thnt without my glass es. Now," said I lo myself, I nopo no Isn't going to got soft n sensible, gon- tlcmanly, ngrcoablo man Ilko him, and aulto old enough to bo her father 1"- And sol looked at him to sco If ho was, when nutldcniy no tunica upon mo. "At least you might havo written, Agatha WolU f'suld ho, sharply. I started, ns you mny think, lo henr my own tiamo spoken so familiarly by a stranger ; when looking ngaln, be hold I I saw beneath tho bronzo, nnd under tho wrinkles nnd behind tho beard n faco that twenty years beforo was tho dearest in tlio world to mo tho f&co of Duncan Ashley. Wo pnrted ono day expecting to meet on tho noxt, but that ovonlug ho was called away, and wrote Instead of coming. Iu that letter ho said what ho had said beforo, with lils oyes yes, thoso samo. beauti ful oyes that I was tho cholco of his heart nnd tho desiro of his life. "Answer mc, I cannot wnlt till I sco you." bo l answorcu a long loonsn loiter, though thero was no noed of writing; for lio had read all I could say long bo foro, with thoso eyes of his ; then I watched and walled for him, but nover saw him or heard ono word moro. If you aro young, you can Imagino tho slow dying out of hopo nnd expecta tion, nnd if you aro old, you know how such thing3 can bo lived over, nnd hid den in secrot gravc3. nut now, ns tnougn tuo gravos nnu boon oponcd, nnd tho Judgmont set, camo this sudden reproachful question up from tho burled past. I faintly caught ray breath, ns I turned back my oyes and looked him In tho faco again. i-orgivo mo," saiu no utreciiy, tn a gentler tone, "I did not mean to speak. You brought It out with yourcyes ;that questioning turn was .so familiar. Of courso you wero quite right, nnd I nov er blamed you. I nover meant you should sco mo again, but tho tempta tion to feel myself besidos you. only to bo in tho soothing charm of your pres enco was too great. It has been a bless ing I shall carry with mo all the rest of my llfo." lie was rising to go away, out x put out my hand. "I did write, Duncan Ashley," said I, "tho letter must havo gono wrong." "You did I Youwrolor' ho cried, sinking back to his chair again, nnd looking at mo eagerly. "What did you say ?" "inero was oniy one tning i couiu say; and I said that," 1 answereu, blushing as though I had Just written tho letter. A raiddlo ugL'd woman in hood nnd waterproof. But, dear me, it was only my faco that was mlddlo aged, after all; my heart was as young nnd silly as over. And ns far as Duncan's faco, tho marks of care, and thought, and timo, fell off, leaving In it only tho eternal youth of love. It was tho only story of n lost letter, and tho older story of a proud man be lieving himsolf rejected and humiliat ed, and fleeing to tho ends of tho earth with his pain. "Twenty precious years wero wast ed I" said my now Zealoander. "Wo will not bo separated another dny whilo wo both llvo. Thero is a ciorgyman among our passengers ; nnd wo will oo mnrried this very hour!" Thnt wns so lino his neatiiong decis ions I Certainly ho did need a sober, second thought llko mo for ballast. "That cannot bo 1" I cried. Tho cere mony wouldn't bo legal without a II censo or something. And I wou ldby no moans no nnyining so sensational and conspicuous. "But, bless you heart i I might as well hnvo tried to wipo up tlio Atlantic with my poekot handkerchief. Ho was so grioved, nnd so impatient, and so resoluto (and, indeed, twenty years is longonongh for nn cngigement), that I finally dropped off my wator proof and sea sickness, and stood up behind tho pinnacle, and was married boforo eight bells that morning, ring and all. Duncan produced it from n small kaskct whero ho had carried it in his waistcoat pocket for the wholo twenty "l count never oeur to tint, tuu muu . - . ... A II.- lflllA thing nway," said Ifti looking at it ten derly. Tho noxt day wo camo to port, with tho sun shining and our flags flying. There was a flurry of good-byes, a hoist ing of trunks, nweicomlngoffrlondson tho shoro. and a glad hurrying to and fro. Among tho rest was an Instant's nest' ling of Miss Armour's Upson ray cheek, and a little cling of her hand In mlno, tho vanishing of n smilo and sho was trono. llko tho flash of a flrc-fly, out of my eight forovcr. But wherever sho Is, nnd howover sho fares, sho has tho dally blessings of two middlo nged hearts, whoso way to each other sho unconsciously lighted. Conccrulnp; .Colonels To call a man "Colonel" is to convoy the Idea that ho is of a mild, raeok and benevolent disposition. It la also an ovldenco that ho nover wns a soldlor, For lnstanco, we may recall somo of tho colonels of Philadelphia. Thero Is Col onel Fornoy, Colonel McClure, Colonel McMichael. Colonol Scott, Uolouol Mann.Coloncl Fitzgerald, Colonol Phil- lipg, Colonel Greon nnd Colonel Fltz. of what rcglmout ? And wo might mention mnny moro gentlomon of high stauding who havo novor boon in tho nrmy, nud enn ouly bo called "Colonel" as n tribute to their antipathy to uioou. If every colonel was a soidlor.tho stand I jDg nrmy iu Phllndclphla would bo a 1 menace to our llbortles. Their numbor is ns great ns It was In can Frlnclsco, to which John Plitouix bears witness in tho following story: Tho slenmer was leaving Iho wharf, nnd everybody was - taking leave of friends all but Phoenix, who had no friends to bid lilm farewell. Ashamed of lils loneliness, ns tho boat sheered off, ho called out in n loud volco. "Good-by, Colonel," nnd, to his great doliuht. overy mnn on thowharftook off his hat and shouted "Colonel, good- by riilUuhlpliia rost, 1872. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 35. Woman's VIIU Tho following passago in tho llfo of Oustavus Vasa, whon that distinguish ed monarch took rcfugo from tho Dan ish usurper in Dclccarlln, to maturo his noblo plan for tho dellvcranco of his country, lb' truly dramatic.' On n llttlo hill stood n very nnclent habitation, of soslmplo nti nrchltccturo Hint you would havo taken It for n hind's cottngo, instead of a placo thnt In tlmca of old hnd boon tho nbodo of nobility. It consisted of n long farm-llko struc ture, formed of flr, covered In n strango fashion with scales and odd ornamented twlstlngs In carved wood. But tho spot was hallowed by tho vir tues of Us heroic mistress, who saved, by her presenco of mind, tho llfo of tho ftituro deliverer of her country. Guslavus, having, by an ovil accident boon discovered iu tho mines, bent his courso towards this bouso, then inhab ited by a gentleman by tho namo of Pearson, whom ho Iliad known In tho armies of tho lato administrator. Hero, he hoped, from the obligation ho had formerly laid on tho officer, thnt ho should, nt least, find a safo rotreat. Pearson, recelvod him with every mark of friendship; nay, treated him with respect and submission which no blo minds nro proud to pay to tho truly great, when robbed of their external honors. Ho exclaimed with such vchomenco against tho Danes, thnt Instead of await ing a proposal to tako up nrms, offered, unasked, to try tho spirit of tho moun- talnoors, and dcclnrod that himself and his vassals would bo tho first to sot an oxamplo, and turn out under tho com mand of his beloved General. Gustavus rolled on his word, nnd promising not to namo himself to nny whilo ho was absent, somo days after wards saw, .Pearson leavo tho bouso to put his design into execution. It was indeed a design, and a black one. Under tho specious cloak of a zealous affection -for Gustavus, tho traitor was contriving his ruin. Tho hopo of making his court to tho Danish tyrant,- and tho expectation of a largo toward, induced him to sacrifice his honor to his ambition, and for tho sake of a few ducats, violate tho most sacred laws of hospitality, by tho be trayal of his guest In pursuance of that base resolution, ho proceeded to ono of Christiern'a offi cers commanding in tho province, and informed him that Gustavus was his prisoner. Havine committed this treachery, ho had not tho courago to faco his victim, I but telling tho Dano how to surprise 1 tho prince, who, ho said, believed him- solf under tho protection of a friend, ho proposed taking a wider circuit homo, whilo they, apparently unknown to him, rifled it of its treasure. "It will be an easy matter," said ho, 'for not oven my wlfo knows that it is Gustavus.'' Tho officer, at tho head of a party of well-armed soldiers, marched directly to tho lake, the men Invested the houso, whilo tho leader, abruptly entering, found Pearson's wife, according to the fashion of th030 days, employed in cul inary preparations. And somo distance from her, sat a young man In a rustic garb, lopping off the knots from tho broken branch of a tree Tho officer told her ho camo in King Chribllcrn's namo to demand tho rebel Gustavus, who ho know was concealed under her roof. Tho dauntless woman nover changed color; sho immediately guessed tho man whom her husband had introduc ed as a miner's son to bo tho Swedish hero. Tho door was blocked up by soldlors In nn instant sho replied, without onco glancing at Gustavus, who sat mo tlonless with surpriso If you mean tho melancholy gontlo- man my husband lias hnd hero theso two days, ho has just walked out Into tho wood, on tho other side of tho hill. Somo of these soldiors mny readily seleo him, as ho has no arms with him." Thoofllcor, not suspecting tho oasy simplicity of her manner, orderod part of his men to go in quest of him, At that moment, suddenly turning her oyes on Gustavus, sho flow up to him, and catching tho stick out of his hand exclaimed in an angry volco "Unraanuerly wretch I What, sit bo - foro your betters ? Don't you seo tho king's officers In tho room ? Get out of my sight, or somo of them shall give you n drubbing I" As she spoko, sho struck him a blow on tho back, with all her strength; and, opening a sido door, "There, get into tho scullery," cried she, "it Is tho flttost attracted Mr. E's atlontion and inuuc u placo for such company I" and giving I him to exnmlno the foot held lnvltlmr him nnother knock, sho flung tho stick I Iy ur for Inspection. Tho result of Ihut after him, and shut tho door. "Sure," added sho, In a groat heat, "nover woman was plagued with such a lout of a slnvo t" Tho officer begged bIio would not dis turb horsclf on his account, but she, af fecting great roverenco for tho king, and respect for his representative, prayed him to enter her parlor, whllo sho brought him somo refreshments Tho Dane civilly compiled ; perhaps glad enough to got from tho side of a slirow, and sho immediately flew to Gustavus, whom sho had bolted ln,and by means of a back passage, conducted him in a moment to tho banlc of tho lako, whero tho fishers' boats lay, and, giving hi in a direction to an honest cunt to across tho lake, committed him to Providence, Wit ana Humor iu tho lllblc Tho Rov.a.B.Wllcox.wrltlngln tho Independent, begins a dlsscrtutlon on tho i'Wl nml Humor of the Bible" thus: "Shocking I" many a good old saint will cry, at tho very thoup;ht of It. "Tiro Blblo a Jest book? Wkat godlesB folly shall wo havo uu next?" No, thoBfblo is not a jest book. But thero Is iflt In It of tho first quality t and u good reason why it should bo there. Tako a few spcclmons : Job, In his thirtieth chapter, la tell Ing how ho scorned tho low-llvetl fel One Inch, (twelve linen or lu equivalent In Nonpareil typo) ouo or twoluaerlloos,! l.YU Hirer Insertions, urAcn. iM. SK, DM. 6 11,00 tl.00 11.00 6.00 7.00 9U 7,W VP) J, 9,00 11,00 17,00 12.00 n.on aioo lr. 110,00 15,00 moo WI,fO 01,00 100,00 Una Inch II M Two Inches . ,U) Three inches S,(H Four Inohps .... 7,ut) Onnrter column lt.)0 Jiair coinmu...,...i3.iw MAO ao,o U,00 one oolumn......3u,uo 8fl,oo ,og 00,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13,00 Auditors or Asslf noe's Motto, $2JS& Local notice, twenty con la n line. Cnrilrt In tho "Business Directory" column, l'i,uo pr year ior ine nrsi two itaew, una 11 wiur wcu RuuiHuani line. lows who pretond to look down on him In his adversities. Thoy nro fools. They belong to tho long-enrcd fraternity. Anybody, with loss wit, might como out bluntly nnd call them nsscs. But Job puts It moro dcflly (xxx. 7): "Among tho bushes thoy brayed ; undor tho net ties they woro gnlhorcd together." If thnt is not wit, thero Is no such thing as wit. And yot tho commentators don't sco it, or won't sco It. Thoy aro perfect ly wooden when thoy como to any such gleam of humor. Tako another lnstanco Elijah's rldl culo of tho prophets of Baal. Thoy aro clamoring to their God, to help thorn ont of a very awkward predicament. And, whilo thoy aro at It, tho prophet Bhows thom up in a way that must havo mado tho tho poopleroar with laughter. Tho stiff, antiquatod stylo of our Eng lish Blblo tames down his sallios. Tako thom in modorn phrase. Theso quack prophets havo worked thomsolvos Into a perfect desperation, and are capering about on the altar as if thoy had tho St. Vitus' dance. Tho sccno (I Klngs.xvlll. 2G, 27) wakes upall Elijah'ssonsoof tho ridiculous. "Shout louder I Ho is a god, you know. Mnko him hear I Per haps ho is chatting with somobody, or ho Is off on a hunt, or gono travelling. Or maybo ho Is taking a nap. Shout away t Wake him up 1" Imagino tho priests going through their antics on tho altar, whilo Elijah bombards them In this stylo, at his leisure. If Mr. Beochor over said anything that con vulsed his audlenco moro thoroughly than the prophet must havo dono the Jews around him, I should llko to hoar it. Paul shows n dry humor moro than onco, 03 In II. Cor. xli. 13: "Why haven't you fared as well as tlio other churches? Ah I there la ouo grievance that you haven't had tnetotupport Pray do not lay it up against mo 1" Those instances might bo multiplied from tho Old and New Testament both. What do thoy show ? That tho Blblo Is, on tho wholo, a humorous book? Far from it. That religion is a humorous subject that wo aro to throw all tho wit wo can Into tho treatment of it? No. But thoy show that the senso of tho ludicrous is put into a man by his Maker ; that it has its uses ; and that wo aro not to bo ashamed of it, or to roll up our eyos in a holy horror of It. Sarcastic People Whon tho sarcastic man uses his gift for the good of his kind, ho may, per haps, bo tolerated in society. Thero ex ist a few people who aro at onco benevo lent and sarcastic, who aro too noble to use this dangerous weapon upon people who aro weak and blundering, who aro too Just to uso n ngainst -people wno ao not deserve it.but who tako an exquisite pleasuro In finishing the fellow who overbearingly treads on tho toes of every ono about him. Wo know ono or two ladles in particular whoso biting sarcasm is an inestimable ble3sing,a shel ter to the weak, and a certain destruc tion to the oppressor. But theso kindly disposed individuals aro rarely mot with. Genorally speaking, tho sarcastic man or woman thinks it tuo most uo lightful thing In tho world to hurt other people with tho poisoned arrows of 111 naturod speech, What such people call conversation is death to their vlotlms. Indeed, their pleasures aro Identical with thoreflned Joys of a party of urchins pelting a pond of frogs to death. Tho frogs cannot help themselves, and it is such fun to kill them I Thero aro occa sions when sarcasm is an excellent wea pon ; but it should never bo used except In Belf defence. Advancing civilization, which has abolished tho thumb screw and rack, which has put away tho pis tol and bowie-knife, will somo day abolish tho, finer savagery of sarcasm. And let us hopo that in tho good-breeding of tho latter-day, wit will bo no cover for mcaunoss,sraartncss no excuso for malignity ; that tho man who airs his smartness by saylngan unkind thing will bo socially abolished, unless ho can show that ho spoko in self-defence or to uso tho cant of tho day In amoment of "temporary insanity." House Sense. Thomas Drummond, a teamster lu our city, owns a norse, which has been afflicted with lameness for two or threo weeks past. One morn ing Mr. Drummond turned hlin lout upon tho common.hoplng that fresh j air and exorcise, would benefit tho ui i- 1 mal. Upon gaining his liberty thocrip- pled horso hobbled alone on threo legs direct to tho blacksmith bhop of Win. Eager, entered the shoeing department and stood there holding up the injured foot, with his head turned and ins oyes intelligently fixed upon Mr. Eager. This peculiar net on tho part of a unite examination was tho discovery of a long nail driven into tho frog, which was tho causo of tho lameness. Of course Mr. JZacor removed tho nail. Thero was something moro than instinct In thN I act. It was good horso Benso. Mr. Drummond gonorally has his horsiu shod at Eager's shop, and tho suffering l bruto undoubtedly reasoned that this was tho placo for him to go for relief. Janetville, H paper. Blazing His WAY.-Peter Curt. wrlght having been brought up In a log cabin, did not llko climbing stairs, ana when ho took up his quarters in n noit i ho preferred rooms on n lower floor. Ho once went to Chicago nnd booked him solf attho Trimont House. The preacher was assigned to a room in tho eighth or ninth' story. Boon after being shown to his room, CartwrlgbtraugthoU.il. A waiter was piomptly In attendance. 'I want an axe-.'' said Cart wrlght. Tho aatonlshed servant saidhowouldpiocuru one. Having obtained an axo, Cart- wright asked tho waiter to guide him doyn stairs. At the first turn lu tlio Btalrs.Curt wrlght blazed his mark in the walnut baluster. Tho dumbfounded waller cusked what ho meant. "I want lo know voy way back to my room again'1 Bald Cartwright. Tho preacher was assigned lo a room at a uiore rural distance from mother cuilli.