THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. JV. , DEMOUllATKi TICCTP STATU For Governor Ohnrlcs II. Diicknlow For Auditor General William Ilartley JUDICIARY For Supromo (ourt J ui n t3 Thomps mi For Presltlotit Juilno William El wall- COUNTY F'ir (JoiiKresiinoti nt Iaro llcnilrlclc H. Wright llluhnnl Vuux .Limai 11. IlopUlni Fiir District CoiijjrowiiUn lK'iinovlllo K. JUioIlm For Stato Senator Tlioiniu Cliulfiinl Fur Moinbor of A-HOinbly Uli.irlcH H. lirockwuy For l'rnthonotury ami Clerk of llio sovcriU uonria. It. Fraiilc Ztrr For KfirUior anil Knonriler Willliinnon II. Jauoby Fur County Commissioner . Wllllmti ti'iwloo For Counly Atulllor U. .1. CMmplicll DKI.KUATm .VIM. Alton ' ir D.'li iittM ii Ijirotn lint Co islilu IIdiihI Loiivo'illii i Ocor,o V. Wooilw.iril, Juruiitliili S. Hlaclt, AudroA'G. Curtlu, William J. Dior, William II. Smith, Franklin D. Goa'imi, John II. C.impboll, iJamucl U. Reynold, JamiSs Ellis, Samuol 0. T. Dodd. acore M. Dallai, Ilotjert A, Li-unbertou, Andrew A . I'nrman, William M. Corbett, DISTRICT DELEGATES For dldtrlcl deletcs to the Constitu tional Convention. John G. Freeza John J. Metzor AMENDMENT TO TUB CONS l'I TU TION For Amendment. STATE For Governor Charles R. Buckalow Fur Auditor Ooneral William Hartley JUDICIARY For .Supromo Court James Thompson For President Judge William Elwell - COUNTY I or Congressmen at Jiarfjo Hendrlck-15. Wrljjht Jtlchard Vaux James II. Hopkins For District Congressman IJeiinuvIllo K, Rhodes For Statu Senator Thomas Cimlfant For Mumbor irf Assembly Onirics 15. lirockwuy For I'r"iIiunottiry and Clerk of tho m;i'ral Courts. 15. Frank Zarr. For IteUter and Recordor Williamson II. Jaeoby For County Commissioner William Ii'nvton For County Auditor U.J. Campbell DELEG ATE3 AT L AUG E For Dolegates at Larfjo to tho Constltu tutionnl Convention Georgo W. Woodward Jeremiah S. Ulack Andrew G. Curtln William J. Uaer William II. Smith Franklin B. Go wen John II. dunpboll Samuel II. Reynold James Ellis Samuel O. T. Dodd deorfro M. Dallas Robort A. Eambcrton Andrew A. Rurman William M. Corbett DISTRICT DELEGATES lor district delegates to tho Conslllu tional Convention John G. Frcezo John J.'Motzgor AMEND J) ENT TO THE CONSTITU TION. For Amendment. A'l l. P. LUTZ'S WEEK. S. II. Miller & Son, Dealer in DRY GDS GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBURG, PA )U1SU0 SALE JL - V '"' VAMAIIt.K HKAIj UOTATIJ. Tho undersigned Kxccutor ot tho Hstito ol Frcdrrlclcishaller, deceased, lato ot CVntro town ship, Columbia county, will oxposo In salo nt publlo vonduo on the premises, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1872, nt ono o'clock la thonftcruoon, a largo quantity of valuable land sltuuto lu Centre lou-nslilp, Columbia county hounded and described us follows: Adjoining lands of John llclter and others on tho north, land of John Pester and others on tho cast, William Dennis and others on tho south ami Iteuhen Hitler, William llowcr and others on tho west, oouutulnji ONI! Ifd.VDllED AND I'llTY-FlYE A01tl, more or loss. Thonuivo land Is In good condi tion nod will bo sold wholo or In lots!) suit purchasers. Thero uru about Ono Hundred acres clearod and under good culllvatlo 1, on which uro erected Two l-'ramo DWELLING HOUSES, a splendid Hank llarn. Wagon Home, llos House and other Improvements. A nooi Apple Orchard, a good spring. Homo of tho timber land will be sold lu separate lots good Chestnut and Wlilto Oak timber. Terms made known ou day of sale. BAMUEL NEYJIAItD, sept, 6,'72-ts. Executor, QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Illoomsburz, ra, M. O. BLOAN A BUOTHKH Have on band and for sale at tho most reasona ble rates a splendid slock of. CAHKIAUEH, liUUQIEH, nod overy description of Wagons bolh PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be made of tho best and most dur nblo materials, ami by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from the estab lishment will bo found to bonftho highest class ami sure to give perfect satisfaction. They have aUn a duo assortment of H L i: I U II H of oil tlm liowr st and most iashlonable styles well oud carefully mudo und of tho best mater ials. Au Inspection of their work is ashed as It I believed that none snpcrlor can bo found In the conutry. fan 171 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. t rsrATK OP WII.MAMJ. 1IANKA1I DEO' I), Letters of administration ou tho cstato of William J. Hanuah.latoof Jlllllln twp.,Coiumbla county deo'd., have bcou grained by Iholteglslcr of said COUlllT. to J. If. Hotlnr. nf MIllllA fi,...' ship, Colniubla eo. All persons having claims or demands against tho decedent nro reouost ed to mako tlienr known, and indehicd to mako iiayment. ' J, II. lll.TJ.EK. sei)tlU'74-Sw. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -t. IHrATEOFKLIZAllXTII 1IAUIT0N IIHO'I). Antics w hereby given thatletters of Admlnls Km' ""r!'."!"1 b.c.'J, eroutd by tho Ilcglstcrof on the estate of Elizabeth Hampton, Lite of Hour- ..kv.ucu. .w, vuuuiy, uuw ueceascd. All persons Indebted to said estato aro required to ninke paymentond all persons who have claims sgalustsuld estate to makothcrn known to the "?dl!ff (vl.r', ri.TKU I.EVAN, "ptu'7i.w Administrator. Mirjcollauconn. boots' &ThoesT AT E. M. KNORR'S SPRING STYLES, TUB LATEST AND JJEST. Every varioly lor .Moll, Women ami Ulilldrcn. OLD STOCK Selling at Cost to closo out to mako room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! iJargains ! CALL AND S1SI3. J. KVANS. READY MADE AMU aTTS'.roivr. .a.tdiei CLOTHING. HE II AS THE FINEST Q00D3, LATHSC STYLE3 AND EMPLOY:) TUB H II S T ' W O II ii M U W. ForgooJ (ltsauJ promptueii In lining orders lueiu is luu place to go. His goods aro seloctod wltn ctro and his (!us tom work wlllompiro favorably with tho host euurujui uiu i.isuitju'iiiio city ieaier. he icuEP-s a i, vitas 8 rocic op HOYS' .VXD ClIIIiDItK.V'S .CI.OTIHXH AND cexts- nifixisHi.VfJ fns, At Astonishingly Lrw rrlco-, Illocmsburg, Sept. 2D. laTMl JOHN a. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTION ERYI BEHWICK, IM5NN A. Tho tmdcisluned would resnectfullv lulorm the Citizens of llerwlck. and vlclnltv. lie uus opeucu u Louieciionery auu iiasery in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick. Ta.. where ho Is menarod (o furnish 1111 K1UUS ui l'LAIN AND FANCY CANDIK8. FltENCU CANDIES, FOK El ON AND DOMIHTIU FI1UITB OUANOES, LEMONS, ItAiatNS ic,, ic, Ac, Ac, BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Among tho assortment will bo fonud Cream tlllW),.!!!.!! .lltlMM., 1 .1111119, V I I i 1 l 1 1 1H, Til' hurts. FIl'S. Annies. Cocoa Nuts, .telllaq or -liiinr. eut kinds, Jluslaid, Catsup, l'lcklcs. Chocolate, kaiiiiuu i-i i it mi k ii is. i;orn MLarc i. I'TT'r ii n. cult. Hoda Crnekcrs. Ovhlor t.'nielcpi-M. iMip.t. Bonp, Writing l'.iptr, Agiciinent rupern, En- VVll'J'KSf FISK AND OYSTERS, And iiroducn of all Irlnils. Frmli IIi-.mhI nn Cakes every dav. Ico Cieam In Heasnn. Ynnr pairouac is soiieueu. JUIIK II. JAtXHIY. llerwlck, Jan 1'71 tv JONNEIj1j ,t HATTIN, Wholcsalo and llctall D.Mleis In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL ND NAILS, Rims, IIu'o3 and Spoltss, Springs, AXLE3, null PIPE BOXE, HORSE SHOES, ami HORSE SHOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER nntl SAN D, GLAS3, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS anil TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agents for Fairbnnk's Scales !- PLUMIJINa. STEAM mul GAS FITTING. S- Orders by mall solicited, and promptly ailed. 118 Pcnn RvonvLdf SCBANTON, 3? A.. opr. 4, P ROPOSED AMENDMENT TO -L THE CONSTITUTION OF I'ENNHYLVA NIA. , JOINT ltr.S0I.UTION on'eimsy"van!a"mDni''UC'llto "10 (-'ollk,l""l0' lie II rMofird lu lite ficnale und Uomc ot Jtcn. retentatttet of the OuiunonwcuUh nl yvniuvfismi.i fn OcncralylticmU! fuel. That the lollowlug amendment of thu Constltullonof lids Common" wealth bo proposed to the peopio for their adi. tlou or rejcrllou, pursuant to tho provisions of tho tenth artlclo tlii reof, to win AMENDMENT! Btrilio out tho sixth section of tho article or tho Constitution, and Insert in lien theitof the following! "A Hlato Treasurer khall bo chosen hy tho iiuallllcd electors of the Midi times and for such term of service as shall bo prescribed hy law," , WILLIAJI ICLLIOTT. Bpeakersortlio Ilouso of llepieseiilatlvcs, JAMIW H. IttlTAN, . ,. . Bpcakerof thn Konalc, Ari'iiovi-n-Tho twonty-stcondday of ilmcli, Anno Diiiulnl ono thousand eight liun died huu fccvcnly-two, JNO. W, OEAUY. I'loparcd anil cortlllcd for publication pursu nnt. to tlie Tenth Artlclo of the Constitution. FKANlJlH JOUIIAN, Kccrclnry of tho Commonwoaltli, OFflCi: HKCnKTAIlV OKTllK (JoMUONWKALTU. HAuiiiHiiiuin, Jiinofuili, it us. JulyB'h.lOT, 8nt, Miscullanooua. N EW MTOfi: OF OIiOTtllNO. Frt-slt arrival of SPRING GOODS DAVIIl LOWKNllEUO invites attention to his stock of 0IIEA1 AND KAHHIONAllliE (JL0T1UNU. at his storo on Main Street, In tho new block, nioomsunrg, I'n,, whoro no has Just rccolvcd from Now York and I'hlladolplilii n full assortment of , HEN AND 110Y8' CI.OTItINO, luctudtng tho most fashlnunblo, durable, nnd liandsoms uunsa uooiw, consisting of UOX, SACK, UOCO, GUM, AND 01ti-UIA)TU COAIB AND l'ANTH, or all soi ta,sl?.snnil colors, Ho hag also rcplcu lshod his alicady largo Block of CLOTH AND U.VMI ME II Hi , UTUIt'ED, FiaUUED, ANDi"I,tN VU9T8 BIIIUTiJ, CI1AVAT, aTOUKS, t.'OLliAttS 1' ANDKEttCHlEPH, UIOVIXJ, - uusi-ii.ui;iia, Ann rANin AUivciiiii llo naa constantly on linud u largo and vrell-c- cc ted n3:iortmout of Cf.OTlia AND VESTINUB, ?lilchJio 13 prepared to tuaisu loordcr luloauy kind of clothing, ou very s' no.lce, and lu tho tKSt manner. All his ntoi.ii'u ih miulo to wear, and most oflt Is of lium i miilii'-itue. ol every descrlpllmi, ni.e n . I wny. 111:1 chso ol iowolry Is liotsurpusi o I In ilspLu-e, Call and cxamlnohlsgonoml iuimi,,., imi! ol CrxTlIIN(l, W. T'-i !,.. JMVVKl.HY, AO. ctl3';i 1IVII' l. nVENlliil'.O. Thli Cut Illustrates t'i3 of Uilnr; iX3Xl.' HCIiOB'Q jYountiiln iiijecicr, Tills Instrument ts cspsclally designed for tie per fect apiillcailtm eT on. oaoe's cATAnmi remcdy. UU tho'o'ily form of Instrument yet invented llh which 1UM inuillchio can ho enrtied high vp and 'perfxli'j apptl. J to all partj of tho nll'octciT napal paj pa,'0,nn.l Ilia chambers or entitles fomtr.imlc.ittn;; thorowilh, in which orc?nud ulcers ficfiuci.tlycxlft, and fi-oj which the catarrhal discharso pcncially l ro cooj. Tinwintnfinccetsln trcatlns Catarrh here-tafo.-o hu arisen lamely from llio luipcrslhlllty ef applying rcmollos to lhco catltica mid chambers by any of tlia ordinary mcthoils. Thlj oliflnclc In tli3 w.iy of eltctln? cures h entirely overcome by tho Invention of tho Do-icho. Ir.uslns this Intlmmci.t, t ia Rj!J U carric J by Its uelnM) ro tnuK.'ng. lore J 13 or pumping bcln rculrsl.) up ono nctti II lu a lull r,'i.ut!yilowlm; stream U l!u highest poillon ol the pi-ssacs.pnssss Into nnd thoroughly clcanrcs pll tin t tho and chamb crs connected tl.ercw llh. nr.d lla.vioutol 1'ia oppos'ta nostril, lnufo is pleatnnt and sj il-npM tint n ihll 1 can understand it. l ull and oviillclt Olroctloim ncconii any each I i--'i..i'iit. When used with thl9 Instrument, Dr. Si."'.- CUarrh ltemctly cures recent attacks of "Colli lu tlio Ilrncl"by.i few applications. symptom ot Cntiirrli. 1'rcqucnt head-r.- lu1, dtscharpo filling Into throat, sometimes ino fi.jc. watery, thick mitcus, purulent, ofi'cr.slve, Ac. In otliira n dryness, dry. watery, weak or hillamcd c estopping t)i or obstruction cf nasal pasascp, ' U'lui lucirs.dearncss, limkin; and totishlns to throat, ulceration3, scabs horn r.lcets, tolce .''1 ' el, nasal twin?, oll'cnslvo breath. Impaired or t nil deprivation ot penso of smell and taste, dlzzl ii', montal deprc"lon, los of appetite, indices ti .-1, cnltrgod tonsils, tickling couRli, kc. Only a f.w of thoio symptoms nro likely to bo picscnt in a-.vcisoat ono lime. Or. Sarro's Catnri-h liomcily, when used wUhlTCi'. Icrco'iaNnsnl lloitclie,ni:dnccom junled with tho constitutional treatment Mhlch is n-coin.ncn.led in tho pamphlet that wraps each hot tie cf tho llomedv, Is a perfect specific for this loath soma ill-case, and tho proprljtor ofl'ers, In Rood fultlr, 3301) reward for a caso ho can not euro. Tho KeraeJy Is null and p!cacant to use, containitiff no strou or cuitatlc drus or poisons. Tho Catarth licmcdy Is sold at CO cent., Iiouclio at 01 cents, by nil UritgsrlHtu, or cither will Lo l-.iallod by pro-p:-lstor on ruoolpt of t!) coiiln. i:. v. t'2::i:rr:. r;:. c.. ti -!o Viopilelor. ' ---'.I. V. Y. ulS7:iy. !;.:-. ..v. iviiusr l'Aixd I.s ......i O i to Twenty Mlnutos. :c oriu noun .1 i ' - .'Ivfiikrmctitnfotlmiy cr.o "II W'lVW I'AIJf. iarT. jv iti'Lim' la a cuun Ton r,vr.i:v i-ain. Tt w.tiilio ErstanJ It T'lio Only Laln TComcrtv ii it M'lm'Vi'i; llio mflht ccntclalln jaInF.ii.hy In t Mum', nt,! i tru Coi'peslloiK, wltdht-r or IliO I-intc", St. i .u U, ik, (i? o hi.t cliuli it crgins, ly oi.o ftj'' ' ' iN' Vnnu nsn t Tvr.XTV minutkr. r.on, ,it-T hiv m vil t t .cruuWtli Ihu i-ilii tJio UIIK'J. M ATI', r.i;l rl ' Uf, In i-i.i,!s,t.uiVi lc. i r j n .-iniu-il uliii .ii.' t iVBtmtr, O RADWAY'G fJEADY HELIE? " wn.t, rror.i) instant r..bu. iNn.AMMATii,-) of 'iin; KinNr.v.i. lM'f.AMJIA'HON t)l' 'HIE BI..DD2l:. i (Niii:sriiiN hi-' Tnri lunhs. ptinu Tiinovr, Mi-nri'i.T niiHATiiiNa nv.-Tr.i:uj, i-i;oip, dipiitiikhia. "--" iiATAliinr. nrnrnv' i " .lui'iii:, v i U) f'lllM.S, '1 1 a nj.plli ti i f.rl.ul.v'ro I):-- j i . mfdrt. , , . ! r.t'll.UOIA, llllCUJl ATiSJI. i' ', Ito.i.'lv TJellef In ll.o ratrr i r i..u..' .ty ixjit i , u tul'jril caaj cal 'I'i.-.i ly limn. 1 1 I i!J 1 flinlilM. tt 'rtl.-r ,.! fn n IS... tfl rum t.i:Ml'.-l. MAWm. klilll! t.iiiir-,,ir ii :: ii-riMtitv, Mi i; ii i: i.jh n, niAituiinv. . Kl Lll.l 1 ' n c-m; n 1 llio rf Itn.lnn'j ISVlilf i 1' . i. iiuij . tu ,i. i nn t u in, f tier. llUlc'tcr . ., ;r Atu. 4 ' ' i r i ti. T'lcro U r.itK -It i i 1 1 inrit l'i i or mid '. I " , nt.t. TiilfM, . . 1 . i i(ty u I A '.ii'. ,. lillow. if, I ii' i n iriii-i .., Ii. i , 1 ir l aile, I- .-i t , BLKii BEAUTY! ! " , a; rt'n. r.l. n M.oon-ivrMirjAsE 01 1 ; t::.i vi 11,11 p. . i,!-n skin anu iCAV- 1 i:i:i 'lu all. dl; RADWAY'S SA!lSAPARILL!An RESOLVENT 1. - i' Miii inn iin -l Mlllj Til!! M.r A.TnIIIVO CM-ISM: FO ' 1- I.. HI l!.P II A I,; Tlltl I'HANOKM fill V.'i'.i'' M-:::::-t 1, mluh-ixi:, Cvs.- .. ay on tnc;o:.3o In Floch v.ivJ Wolght Is Saon and Folt. THE CfJHAT BLOOD PURIKIER. .h".y?r.? ', ?-"f",''A!'.H.LlAN- ItlMOLVKNT r.ii.iii'i . ,ii. 1 i't ic'i t!. I ,1, h. ,i r,ii,.,,iuj ,.1 , ili-.iiil-.t'-,.rilii..,.',.iitVM, r l.iV. fur it T' 1 i'ia l.' ut .f I 1 j Inly v Hi 1 v ml tuii-it mil ri I. !i. - 1 11.1 j, ( ,. 11, -I (, n,li r dl-.i..., I . s N !l. I 1 ll.11 (llnn.L I I . I. J I i:. . I, hli 11 , 11, Jil,i ir, 3 Ii'1 " ' I-rim f h i.i C'.-i. til., Uni . 1 . H l'I II OJI'-jlViio, Kilt ihicuin,' '. I' l.-, i,'iiriilliit,irli,, .Inn. m, 1 -. v I ll ' t 1.1. 1 Inliifi.I 11 1. o(. .t i! I t il 1 u it..o r uio if IliU l.limlirl 1 ' hi ;. i.i I 1 r w i ii'o win tiruvo to? ' - Ii f.r i.'.i ,r if t'. .i r .11 i 1 1 i Its 1 1 . 1 rici.i. t, I. .,; 1 :K'ni-. ! the want MSnil 1 t'..t Ii twill mil y 1 , .im, tm 1 la ' 'ii' I H 1 . tl ' -i . Willi uiw Hi-tier- ( Iil.v II . .. ...ul II 11 , VKSAl'AI.lL. ! In' Ami 11AI111..111 li-miiT cirM all il .i -i it, I-i i-iin- r Tin ,,,v.t tlcrofulnus, . .I 11 1 Ii. but 11 buuouiy inmltha ,' I'.liKlih f romp'Snliitx, V - ill t I. I... Il.nt.,1 lll.l..,.. tW.,-u -.i.'.c o' lyuii r. In. 1 nn fin .r l'i ino lrllit' Ills. 1 0. ' 1. . I, ii'.il In 11 1 i Blur.' Hi r.1 t,i. Irliliilii'lilo . r 1 l.u wukrUl'i .'., il.mily, inUul mI, niMiu.t 1 "."' '! ( 1" 1i1n.uU li.o 11I.II0 1"., or li.ira 1 1 .ll. ili.rk. I.i'I.iih ll..iiir.nii'i',aii,l ulilio bo'icililst i' I., 111 1 1 inn Huu 1, 11 j.iUUln, tuiniliii; F'li-itlin l. it' f. i-..1.ii.iIiUj Buiall uf thu Unit 1.1M VO Tf H S, -Thn onl" l.iioini j.11,1 uro P.chkiI) f r t i' Voniv.' Crov.'lit . 1 :.y :ii;HvayM IJocolvonl. I'liur. Mt.,, H, 1i3. 1 I I l' irull 'luu,., ii, l . ntvl'. t 1 11 11 1 I ' 1' r . trn, t . ,j f it." 1 tr ,4 11 ' ' ."I 't I n i" ...l'I n.r. 1 law 1 lit ' .' I iiy Ii i I i Ii ,4 1. ft th lu It, '. , 1 ; , I' 1 1 I I. .U I..UI.1 it II.. .1 '- .11 I' xtt UuKn-fjour , , '.mil'" I ',l'l til, 1 1 1 ' i' i 1 1 1 l Ii , of II j crt, . r,,n. i' 4 ii I rllt u ..1.UI nl, v..u iii It if ,. i ,....t, r. i.nAn. KADWAY'S' ;EFECT PUH8ATSVE PILLS, i t l it'll a i Vjrtuiti v ( im tv.) Ith iwmI Ri'ni, turffp. '.'' I ,rlf'. " ,r fl tun. ItiihitiyVl'iris, ',' .f -..I .It Ut.. H M.H1..I1 .lur, llott-ila, "I'.. , II .UU-r, Ntrum li,- tm, llf.ilurlio, ('uiifctlpa '(t-l I ifMi, l,.lii.'Cil!.in, 1 ifcll. IlilluUiliOM, Jiil- i- I'm.-, lull nn. .i j'Uin.ftini ull it '..iit.'i.t. i.f tli-i Iiiicnii.) VlNv-m, Win rahlcd lo cirut i .'lu ur , I'tiiclv i nil ill . a uu Cifrcurv. ' r, , ' M .1 ii'dnu ', " i !') -iIhwIhh' kj i. it' tut ni.llli.i from l)c i l. tho (iuiuii ' ' -"i, I i Ml.., lulltiM f lU rU.I In ll.o ll fcl' n 4in '-I Ii, - lliHrllnru, IH pi t .f I,,!, Ull' ' 1 tl M.'iii ii. Kmii UuiUtltmr.Mlliklliirir 1 luttrr t' Ir fl, ft, mi -It. -H. ..;n.r .1 IU IUrrU4 WiJ Wrtitd III t.jMthi U .ft, or rMilltKHtliij 1 ''' i i i I iif huiiir. I'lmii if iiii. Ihiu t,r i.I.mi iis.. lit, ,r t..l I lull n iliv IWIJitlU-Uwy .liti,.i, i-f ( kiN rul ji, lUn In lit 1." kll.tU, Hl.,1 ...I.I. I III tv if lllfcl, UlltlKJf t U Af ; . 'Hfr.AI.WAVKl'U.IiiwUir.cuil.BijMMn , V luirV li"1' $ t-ia i'r Ux. ' 'Mi! I. U Ml I, I t J uU oil REMOVAL!! l. w.. Nii-iias', M U S I 0 W A It R 11 O O M s lmvo been rcniovctl lo llio NHW HltlOK IlUIIiDINO Ori'OSlTIHIieRfiaOJl'.VI.iMtUUUII.MAlNUt Wlm o no trill keep a gticml awnttmout ot Til Li LATICST SIIUHT MimiO, IMANtW.OlMlANH, VIOLINH, nmlnll KIND 1 01' MUHILUI, IN.-W'UUAlUN'm ,mi Mii.MHMtO'.ii:s f ii-nil iN.-ti iiiiMi::-ti'.4. 1'IANO AND OKUAN jriVMUf A I.I. HrYt,Ul ANDIMilUKt. THE SirOlCArAKER PIANO i.s (lie clionptvit. I'ivsL CIn.f3 Pitmo in the market. Having sccntC'l tho Ajroucy ol the tiEo. woods' nns-owNi:i) oikiams, liirColttmUl t Counly, together with tlio CULUUllATKD THJU'I.U ANUUMO fnrnUhcs nlVAuUK-M to liurciitsjri not founit eiscwnere. STATIONARY OP ALL KINDS. A full nsjoilment ur SQUAUK AND OVAL FIIAMHUS, t"ll styles mul lU'lccicunhlgiiUy ou li.fjil. strkij lMii.YvixuH, ciiitoMin .t roumr.u I'Ul.NIS, STLllllUO-JCOl'IiS AND VIEWfj. 3-C.iII .tml examine. mchS'TS-Uiu. A NNOUNCKMKNT! THE llLUOMSUUlia UTHHAHY INSTlTUl'l' AN!) .STATE XOUJIAL SCHOOL will open under tho entire control of tho BOAKD OP TRUSTEES. They luvo -selected as l'rlaclpal of tho Iustl tution KEY. JOHN HEWITT, n contlomau wlioso nualiflcallons have been fully touted and niOVPil ill olhnr ndnnnlfniinl on. tcrprKci or a llko Dnture; nml tlioy nslc auU tut Ion. the ronHileneo nini nnimnrf. nf nnr nwn citizens, aud of tno friends ot tlio entcrprlso and ot education overywheru. In point of comfort, convenience and beauty of buildings and sur- lummiNK-, nu Haulm iii vuo mnio nurpasses mi.s: nml wo nro deterinlnod It hli.ill nnt ii Lirrui.i in tho kind, riuatlty and ihorouglincss of Us dlsct- iniuu ui hi urn i uru. Tho fill and winter slssIoii of twelvu ymszh will IH'glU JIONDAY, AUGUST SOtu, nml closo FRIDAY, DECESIUER 'Orir. EXPENSED: TtiUIon nml Iloirilltii;, InelmliiijwiH'iluj uu,l uu.ll, l'V. 1,1.1.-1., SJ.VU. ACADEMIC DEl'ARTMEN 1 .i tnuii mi inii!ii, u iu uiiiiur per tvcoit. In tho modol iclioiil, sixty enW per week, lu thn nrlmnvi' riirti.,,iiiii,...M..u..,. , ,-........f .... . j winni tlct ...llll-, IlillV Iu:j, lMlUtlUtf, A.C.. ostin. inns uro iiayuuie, nnu mil. I in nal I nromnt v ono-iiair nt thu beulnuluj tutd othor h.iif at uiu luiuuiu oi mo bessiou, J. O. FllKEZC, L.. UUI'EllT. Secretary. 1'iesident Twcl?e Years nT Wild Infiians Plains. ?.V?.n.r.,'.1!?. ;?,bla 'flvenltirr of tilt, Innious J,VI.'l?? -! EPnnit 11K1 V.'Altltloit a-oous the Ilodbhins. Thrilling acnuntol Iluuti, llnlt-iireadth Kscapt s nnilT'Trlblo Conte.ts wlih Iho hljKamoaml hostile tribes. Hplrlle.l iloseilp tlona of tho halills ami snpctMltlons or Mrango people, Thiilr ,Sporl. tcsenils, Tindl- tlOUFl. IlilltlUrll'iif. ntt. I ll.,,l rtnl'i. Worship Ac. New, l'lo-h aud lVipulilr, Tilce , i I .,,''' 'v i"u iiiiiiwiiiiiin Willi una SSI.'1" raplillty. ABent nro muklns front SVi t HW per week. Choice Held yet vacant. Hend a mice, for rsamplo chnpters. Illustration') ami par ticularu o .v. if. HUIIIlAItl), l'nbllsti.r Jun71-tr, liW L'hektnut HI., 1'htlH Tlio Ilaco of Tluio Keepers. . B. ALLEBAGH niSAI.Klt IN WATCHES nnd .TfiWELBY DANVILLE I'a. HlliVlIlt AND l'I,ATi:i) WAUi:, FUKNCIl t.l.u.ltr, MWI1-M AND AMliltlt'AN HTKM WATOIIICS. THU UENOWNKD HI.OIN WATCIira, A I.AltUi:AHK01U'MKNrOc" WNB JI'iWIII.Hy, IlIAMO.'.ua Ac. itetialrlnit pir. ptly nllenileil to Moyoia' Column. IS CALLED BY MOVER BROS, To tho fact that they nro still piwlilna: tho limit InislncsM with nil tho enemy mi clininclrrintla of IIioiiiroIvm In former time-., nt their old butl- 1118-lRl.HUH lu EROWER'S BLOCK, nmtnt llio Corner of Mntn find MatkcllitrccUi. 'I lielrntiKk N Iflrcer nud molo vailcil than ran liufonntl In nny oilier slabll'ihini'Ut fchort of i iiiiaiieipniaor mow loric. Aiiorwntrii is oner oil lu lnritoor mnull quantities nt Hiturcs ai low IT notlowcr, than "aiiieKOOilican Jm purehancd plscwhcre. Call and exumtno for youiself. Iho wholcsitlmU'partiucut miller Iho luitiuullalo hti lwvlston nnd control of Iho llrm, coinprlses l'AINTtl, OIIS, UI.ASH, l'UIT V, At.'., AC. 'iliev keen conitatitlv on li.nnl from llvn In lx illllrii nl liiands ol U'hlli' Lend, iilnulii; wlileh Is Jolin T. Luwlu & 1J103., Illicit Losul wiiiio unit, j;iuinonii, Arctic, &c, Vurnlshtu, Coach, Pttrnllnro, D.tniiir, Shullnc mul Jiiinn In eolnra inn will find DiiiIiph hnthilrvnnd In nil, Hleiinai, lliowiisMclalllcnnil Vauilyke.ltrds Venetian, Ifod lyml, Aincrlcnnand (.'lillieso Ver- lilllllolii, iiituH, I'll. jiv.l ami Ulceus, ninotiK wlileh aro tlio cclcbi-ated VcivHIIim and Mianu-oek, veiy liaudsotuo find permanent, and siii'clallv tulanlcd to tho mlaUii'- of lillmN. Ac. Iilukpctl ull, Tiiipentlue, Ac, All Kles window Klass, largo of superior quallly for ph'lure.i, n kpeelallty, Casloroll hy tho pillon or tuii'.eii, i, iiiuiiiiuiii, i-nregoric. iiaicmnu i ilrops, KOldeu Tincture, ISalsaniDuiMaltha. uod fi'ey'a Cordial, Ksfiences I.cmou. l'epneriulnt Vlnlcrirrccti and Cinnamon. All llio onpulnr patont meillclnea of tho day, ninonix wlileh wo enumerate. Ayrc, Jnytics.Vlnognr Dlltcr.s, Hostel tor's, Drnko'ti, nntl Hooll.intl'H Qor mnn Dlttcrs. 1'ills, WrlKht'.s Jnyno's, Scliunck'.s.niHl nil (dlipr.-j known to tho Community. A laiKO and varied assortment ol ICnlahtu woild luuuiviieu t'ouiting esiraei.1. I.cmnn, Vanilla, Hose, ltasphcrry, filr.twlitrrj' t uiu .tiiiue,vt-ieiyf i.aiiaitii, .ve.,aio ouei cd below manufacturer prices, to country meichantp. spleen, Cinnamon,- Cloves, Pepper, Maco, Mustard, .tc at bottom prlcei. ALSO, Hull nnd Flour Sul phur, Kpsom Halls, Salt l'elre, Cnlabr.1 Llc orlco, OnmCnmphor.liorax, AFisafiutlda, Cattle and lluiito rowders.IUuo Vitriol, Ustruct I.ok wood, Castilo and Laundry Hoaps, Lamp Clilmticys, nnd Lamp Koods uencr nllv. I.u in n cnalk. Hllver unul i l'lailcr, Itosemlal Cement by tho Ijan ol or bttslieJ Tuqft.-Ichr.itod JIlllvlIlo Print Jar. ncltnowl etiKCd loljony tho best In llio Marl:et,n'l Kiiiss, in huiicnor material nun woiK-iiKinMiln Cousuniers Iiavlugojeo ttied these, will Ii.inouc other. country 1'livslcIauRw 11 Und nm-i.ti-1.'r rnii n.i complete, comprWiur all tho old staples of llio Materia Medlea, as well as. ill tho latter discov eries of medical science, Quinine. Idoiphi.nind Y.v. n hi iii'iiuuaufo. jiiiiieu ii. os, nnu Will o'm pharmaceutical preparations, Fluid and Solid cxtrncU Kllxlrs and l'lllsol thu l'harma copcoa sugar-coated. 1'owcih aud Wolirlil man's Chemicals, ami l'roi. B iuibb's ine.llelnei, n lull I.'.I rmru nti,l nllmi-u n.l 11 11., ,1 nrn . . .J;" . - -""'v.." uiu unit, ..IIJIH in l llll) Oronnd Weslern llnue. (Ill of Vitriol, Sulphato ... ......ti, nnu iui.iLo in com, oi ueuur quality and at lower lirlcis than can bo lonnd olscwheie, COAOII AND WAOWN' MAKKItH would do wen in ti-eoursiocir aru ni'iulfrt our pilous lie .ui v i'n i t'li.initiH eo'j iv iii . e. Our letallan.l lVcscrlptloa deiuttmcnl is tiuJcr MU, A. I!. C'ATHCAItT, , , , ..i.j ". ' vimiiL'nru in ino iiusinesn, Ablo and competent assistant! always lu alien, danco. 'Ihls deparlment consists of tho com- linil ti ll ill., .ir Oil . k I.,!-, .1 ' ........ nl ..I In.. . ... r . I . i ,-, . ... i'.w-vi iiitiiuit nnu lajni ly leclp.'.s, tho pnlllni; up ol Dyo HltUls, etc, iho rojnlllns f Patent JloJIelncs an I liruguliiv iiHiimij , vij:iiiiimii nil oi law mot oliolco from our luo.t oailnont Ami'ti. em maiinactiireisand tho spsclalll a ol'all Hid Kori'ij; i, I'Vonch, English, (i 'rnnii und iiiiiiiin I'.'riiim.'.r'i. TollitHoips in taino, huh tm. o tj I an Domestic, Fiiio Iluir, Tooth, Flesh, Cltitlii's, Hlmv niK&Nall UniiliM. TrutM.HIionl. tier Uraeos & Sniiportcw, Nuru. In' Uiittlo.H, Pocket IJoolts, Hill IIjoUs, .tc, Ac. CiKirs of rarest an l ehoeest bran 1 from Sets, toil els,, eai'li, Pipes and smokers nnd many things im possible lu enumeralo hero. Tho handsomest SODA FOUBXTilEKT in una part or mo Hlato, cnltid tho "XeelierL'.' irom which iacontitanllydrnwn, thosorool nnd lean public, nUo tlio nietllcuted waters of Vhliv nl'l' ?hn?!S"ll?ril!,"""B 1),C"'l"""l. 'nmPllSCS " , , i'i . i 'in in inns ui ino u. M I'liar. iiiacopu'a.'JIuctuus.ByiupHtC-lc., ur OIL OF GLADNESS of iiii' iiiiiti t vn i iin i .v.. v '.v r, n: " "" n Liti-itdrt r.tH ri. it....... . r v, in.r.v.n,:: ir,;n-r;-.r..."" """v.' 1 ,,iu euro. ol W!'BU&i iU iWita'r'lty Thu . ,v , s llm.i..l.lP.. It .,. i ... . . iivn . iiiiyiniiii uiiiu, it viiiuaiiio remedy ui mi Kim oi iouk niiiiiunii nnu lue plent con. sumption. navorluifi'xlriMls,to,en,.Ljamaleft fi.1.'.,.,f',f,B' i"u 1 f wlilc-lt wu usk tnoutli'ti. lion of Iho Kcncrnl public, TIlO WIlL'Oll will Htlll nnnllmin Ir, Km utateil vlalH to their country cnstnt'.f. ors, MOYER BROS. Mny 10, ly. No Vcvnon cnn Inke lliro lllllcrs acconU n s ti. i tu i , tu nl rrm.un Ioiir (mwcll jirovutcd ihcir 1 .ii'iin not ili imvi (Uvniim i. n isnn ur other means, a id iw till iit,iii- w iviul In voiul the point nf rjmir. Dynprplrt or litiUSf Mloii llrirliclic, rain I i Hie Shfiil'!n C'.ti'Ji-, '1 ij,lilnc cf Hit' C'liest, Ium nc. Sfui llirciini.nis of Hie Siomadt, UvlTiMe In llio Mniiili. Umw AuicU, P.ilpil.iiion cf Hie Heart, In t unin.M n of tlio I-nnses l'ai" f" feRtt1'" of iho Kict i - , nml .i liiunlicd tidier paluM bj iiinm, are tho elT ' i en of lipe,'M.i. l llu-to cimil.ilijtfl it no i'til. Ami ii o Unite will i roe a teller giuMtitee of its i mi (li in a lumlhy nhtrli.cineiit. Kor I'Vmitlo Coinplntiilii in fmvna or t-U, mt r e-l or MtiRK nt tho diwn of womniihooil, rr the turn , f lit, tlicie Tunic llitU'rwHiilay flrnleculcd an lulluetico t i a tiiirkLiHiuproeiitLiit 13 snmi percYptiblti. l'oi1 ln(1ntiuitnt(ii-y nml Clii'oiiln Illicit' umlUni mul Onut, lliliou. Remittent nrvl Intermit ti.tit I ,-tn, l)ibcacs v( the lUuod, J.iur, Kidneys and lrlad.lcr, ihe8 llitbin liavo tii tfiial. Such Uncases , rt canned by Vitiated lilood.uh'cli U generally iinxluccd 1 v ricMiiKtincnt (f ttio DifiCblive Oisans. TM'iucn Oentlo latf;ntUo ni well ai .i To i i lf. tsicsiiift fllo Iho pcculiAr merit rf noting as ,i jKmernil ai'cnt In reUeHnp Congeition cr Inflammation iflG Liver mid Organs, and In Ihlions Diseases. tor Hit In l)licnt-H KrtiPtion. Tetter. Salt Rncuin, llotchcs, Spots, Pimplts, ruslules, Hoils, Car lninclcj, Uint'-worm-, Scald-llcad, Sore 1Iyc, Krysfnela l'i h, Scurfx. J lifihn itloniof tlie hkint Humors and Div ia c- of thu Sl.m, t f r.lntcvcr namo or ii it nro, nro lit 1 1-illy ting i p and cinlcd ont (if tlio nystcm in n short tune hy the mo of thcsti littler1. Tho iniiicillci of Dr. Walkph'a VttitTOAn lliTrRS are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nmriinnn, I.ia.hWc, Diiirotic, Seilitivo, Couutcr-lrri Ui.t, Sndotifir, Allciatlvc, and Antl-lhhouS. (Jialcfttl U'linunmitN ptnclaim VincgR Hit run't lh' nn"' iiiUrfiil ihM cer sustained UiB-.mVius . 1 WA1.UI 1 .I'm- . It.H.iMol)OXAIn&CO.. Diu,i i iii'Ulii Ati, S.ui l'r.uici'-co, Cal., an.' ii.uutW i h num .i id Chnlum Ms., New VoiV kiH D t'.V Al I . KUtililbl'S AND ur.ALKKS. ulS-72 ftti28am THE THE AMEBIC AM BUTTON-HOLE OVERSEAMINCI AND COMl'LUTHSHWINO SIAC'IIINK. -0- Tho nrbt ami nnly mm'ON-UOM: AND HUWINO JIAUllINi: comhlneil (hat hai miulij ns nuveni in huh or nny otnor rntintry. i-'jlio lollowlug icauns nro ijlvoii hy Ihls .1 illU LH..11. Family Macliiuo to Ptircliase. J. llecaiiBo It will do.i 1. llecmso It will work cvurythliiKthalanyma-! t beantlmi eyelet hole. mum eau im, hewing from tho llmst to the eoarscbt material, hem iiiIiil', fellliu:, conllns.i liraluinsr, blnilluiSKath erlninmi sowlna on, at tho mhiio tlino ruining, aulltlui:, etc., better than nny other ma-! chine. 5. llocanso It ran ,1.1 over.naun (.ennnuir. uy which sheets, pillow cases nml tho llko nre towcu over anil over. (1. Ilecauso tho best mechanics pronounce H tho best llul.shcl anil mniioon ino best nrlucl 2. llccnnsolt can work nlo nf nuv maehluo iimamiiaclurcil. It has ipnugij n nrcau iiiititiiiK ns iiuuit peari"nr.,i,i:, ns by tno lninl. llu.r Id Lrct out ot ower. .1. tViMimr'l will nm Iti-'CHHp It U tWO hrnlilsr nvJr "llin V.i P"5 '." u""' A maklUK n".Kal auJ 'f "l K? wrvo Sarm,cui!'JOr,,er"" n"5c"iN combine 1 M,V iri) other Jraehlnoeanaccomiillsh UiklnJ of tuwlngslatoil lu Noi. u.J. J, nml 5. 1'atticN usIiik n family Ecwlna mae'.ilnu want a v iiuiii .-.i.iuiii.MJ.oiio williallllie Imiuuvo mcnts. It Is to lasln I.lPETIJir. mil llieiclur,! ono Ii wanteil that will do tho most work, anil tin It lllU unti null Llll lilllUlllllll call II 1 bOVITai Kill US HI 111 lllll IIUUU OU.V.-.1 HI Ill.ll.-1.1;II1A1'., besMcs tlolug every kind that all othcr.1 cm do Tlio American or Plain Sowin Maehino. (Without Iho buIlim-lioIorai-l), iloosall Ihat Is done on tho Combination cxet'in biitlou-holu HWU UYW.-&V.II1IIU. R J. FAUX, Agent, BIiOOJrSEUEO. Pn. ACKNTS AVAXTHI) IN EVUUY TOWN. COMPANY'S WAUEHOOMS, 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, i.xnmino ui"m b.Mro purchaslnj; nny oilier uutviuii 1'iui.iiiiiu. n-'i ihTj-uiu. jJcKEliVY, NKA.L tt CO., DEAIiUKH IN DHY GOODS, 0 11 O C E V, !!, AND General Merelut nrfise, BLOOMSuuna, ia. J.millMf WING MACHINES. Will HA IiK.-j OF SKWINTI MA- .JL, fhlni'S lulbTI, asivpnilfl, uiiilir oath, In cnthowilmttho''' ",UB w"' MAi UFACTUItlNCl COM PAN Y LAST YEAH H'J.I) 18J, 200 Maeliinos, NINETY I'KU CHNT.OFTilKJt llK- 1 V 1 l.'.- I 1.1 4 f V I 1 ..... . run iii.iiii.i LSI'i, THIS IS OVER SO, IOItH BKWINO MA01 1 1 NKS THAN iiiiuiiniiiju j)i Ai 1)111. Kit COMPANY J)UIt INO T1IKKAMK PJCHIOD. Tlio Singer Maimfacliu-ing Co., 31 UNIOU SQUARE, HEW YOltK. l'llll;Al)-:U,aiA OI'FCK 1100 ChestnutKt, .uouo.v, Aur. lu Illjuiiislmru. nut'Jly AGENTS ! QUICK ! f.iniMu, ,... . . . . oryouwlllmlischolco oflcrrllory,(lheiiilsa J..:Wl:SMastntmercataiWlo"r,t.,ul,' 011 J10 OUR DIGESTION, I,, !i, li "!'!'" VPi'i"01 ,ak'll!n"'lfcnlcabloboolc .. ., It I. I .. A.Ti.i "t ' 1 miiy 1111 KJ1UUH HUH. Ject. Hit Is by Ameileii's most popular wilier luneaiui. u im.jorilio price, t io-lniKestnnd linniUomi'st book ever bold ,by mUseilptlon tfiili1 I'?1'1? n,ro "l,!cr nr iucli a I oot' in tcriuTo?. 11 10 "'e,n' Wrltu f0' ...,.n i nn ..'"l!:.'!.' ui'KAWi I'niiiisiirr, urrlUV72-tf. 73Jaui,inHIU'U. I'hlladeli, iin. Hail Roncls, pKNNYl,VANlA il'Vl,,,.,,,,, BUMMUH T1MK 'j'Vi:!,' l:ii;lit Trnlni (IJallvl tn nntl l'UUburff,niiii'rn rri 111 1 ' . UWIIylliiftSlf om'i:ironlUj ' (yuudnya Kxccntii i0' nN.. .""or Jroniluv. .1 w uiu assener Trains of thn o.M"11 1. llallroad Uomiiauy will depart iVJ'lk"a i lUSTWAUl). !:.JO-rhllatelnhla K.tprev, !e,lvc, it BOA-Vtul Uuo loaves Harris nn... ., . cept Jionaayjnt 3:31 n. In.. mm lir.L lj' l'lillndclphlant7.U3n. m. ' ,r"Vl . mw .mrii irniu leaves Harilsiinr , cent Bimdayl nl 8:Ui. ni.iiud nrr,1'.-' i t r ilantlJ: In, m, """uufrni..i,t 4 .iiiti.1"1 express loaves Itavrl 1 lisuitm'.'"''11 lm "mvc,fi West I'm,, i ,t ftiw-Illtnlm Ksptcss leavcj llnru ' (i?c?':Si f,.1,u,,.n:l"! ai l'. in., una ; Vostl'liil,iiielr1iiiiatlii3Ji,iii. '" 1 lUi-ij-Uncliiiiall Impress leavrs .t ilial-IlnrrlBlmrrf Accnminoilnllmt 1 7iio-,iiiie.tstcr Trnlu, via .Ifnimt j llarrlslmrif dally (except Hninlay),,. , ', nnd turlvis nt Vsl 1'ulladeH hlo ,,t , VIVAUD. jW-Erlo nxprcss we.'.f .r ,i .. r slmiij dully (uxeepi Man i. yj . ' . ' rlvliigatlhlonl7!IQB. m. 11 hli-lhlo Mall west, tor lri .. I ., hurtfdally nUiUn. ni.JairlM' . - a- , lOilo-Clncliuinll i:-ii'(s i ,. . dally (oxceiit Saluidm I at ir' , ,, , Attoona nt llili . m i MhTv.u n'mveaftloonValn'-lo arrives nt Wtlnhuru nt Wij p. m 1 ' ' la' i..Il?,iJ7?-u"or" lprens loaves llarrl hur . ly it lal n. m.,nrrivesiu Altoniia i t , utid nrrlvcs nt l'lttstmrg at hi,, h. in. " ' 4:n)-l'nsi. j.iuo Ikivcs llarrl-btii . ,i,, wi'-S.1i"ll.,,Ji) nt ,:V' p- "'" n,,lv"-! ' 1 1 liUjp. in., inltes wipper una nrrlM n l ill ll'i J lit III lil Jlnll Train, leu vci ZInrr,bur , cent Sunday) ut I:2i)p. m. nrrh. , a' , :15p.m t.tltoskuppei niid urrlvtsm. t nt li'Jj a. m, 7::10-Wuy I'ns.'enmci' Tinlitkiv s dally (except Huiulav, it 7:10 u, Alloona at 1:'1J p, in, a,. I ut l'ilMjui- 8:0) Throngli l'.wi-onier Train h i bttrir dally (except Monday) at !!:! a. . iit Aitoouaalbilua, m. aud arrive ,ai. l 1:15 p. m. HAMUIT. A. Ill . Bupl. -Mid. Div. i Danville, Hazlelon & vnilfGakvj KArWAIll). , l.i..v i:. a. ii. Hunbury, , .,, liauvlllo 75; t'nluwl.ssa lln.lctoii l' pt llcthlelicin, I i-:j ij.iu 1 ' A . ll'u ' w Yorj 1 . 1 11. 1- pin l! .1 : li i-sJ I Kil 1'J.llJ ai-;j,' si-i JJi.5 Itazleton. C'al.i,Mi ,, Hauvlllf. 't ml. in- i-iiiiiiiieipiitii i-i. 1 iti.ii'itiii, New Yorl:, ,, Jiioniierninii tr.tln co iuecisai , Vi?i V ,,c 1- iM '' In' lr 1,11 B"l"? 'c ' Wild inuport (,.;;; Loch 11 ivent. ,., llio ortficru Central p. m.. , iaihlu IlnrrKburs 7.U) p. 1,1 "1 i'.l. p. 111., and also wlt.i 1 lii fj.i 'b.u y lUi.wn Ittllro.iJ. 3 t'oiuriirtaijlo an 1 h.1,1 Is .in 1 1 , new mute, J. IIHIVIIY i: VilJ, bap.rii, MoivriiEmT7KNTK vr. A ' WAV, un i.Ld uflcr Juno Sid, is7.', ,', , leavu 1- u.NnuitY ns follows : KonrmvAitii. 12.-J) v.a. Dally to Wllllamsport, l;lm , , daUua, Uocuestor, Utiiralt', Su-,. .11-, ,.' nnd N. falls. ' 12.1 1 1'. M. llullaln, :;. rails, , O.uju m.Wlllinumporti;imli.i Uric-. City. M., Dally, (except Hundays) lor .V M'Oi t and Uric. mi&; (O'OPI Nniulaya) f. 1 1 IhtlUlo an 1 ill.inr.i r.ill ,vli. Irani Klmlrj, Tl'-AISS HOUTll iVAK '. lil; A.M.Ii.itlyiur lMitiniuif,'-, l'hlladelphl.i. ' ) ll.u- A,JI.Daily (cTcontBnnun , ., j yasliln:jtoni,j:diVja.'4'" -J',Vf ff- ',:1."f' ("Scept dun I . , , . l'hila.telpli'.a, ac. Ueuoi: . . . Ar.vr.Kii ll. i'mj., u. i-.'l.svr'!. pEADINa RAILIlOAi . SUJlMUIt AP.ItAt.-C. I. TIIUr.SDAV, AUOf ,-: I Trains. Ic.ivo Ilnrrlburu :.! lows: At -..1111, n, in" .1.. . , noetln;; ,iib trains 01, f ' load, and -trm-lug at Ni- v , ' J, 0, aud ii.u p, m, re.pocin Rnturului:: r.eavo New Y h lJ.u.1 auu o.iu p. in. l'nlladoipli 1 and 8.:;u p. m. Iicnvo ilairlaburgforlteaiiiii.. maipia, Mlneisvliro, Ashland, t , ,, leuiiiwu and 1'hlla'il. nt 3,Wui!d s. ?m!,.,!-1""k.t,"l'l'lll"t'1")l'anon im.i 1 ;X,atloiis; thu ,,. ,, ,rillu ,,, 1 "i' Vullv,1,1,l0ndi.'iiliimbla.. . . ,. , I ecl,'"l,lulllI''ivoiinmiAnbi,i, i till and Husquebunnn ltailroad, .e 1, , linrir al :,10 ji. m, ' Mast lVnusylvanl'i li-iiirmd t -i, o ii .'i'l. 'if; 'Vluiu"wn liw'u'i and ii 1 at 7.W 10.10. a. m., aud i.o p. m. u , , leayo jjow 01lcat U.uuu. m., is.i an.l , ,, and Alleulowu nt7.-Jj.i. m. 1 " , . , uni' U.J? p. m, ' - ' Way l-asseuser Train uai im,, . 7. u 11.11;., eonuectlnswlth blmiiai li u . I'a. i-allro.idieturnlnglioiii lie.ulini;a' . , (.lopplnantullslatlis. 1 I.envo l'ottsvlllo at B.-W and a. m J,ip. 111 , llorudou at lu.oJ n. ni mi, , E-.'J'Uiif IM Jo. m., AMiland ai7,oj',L 1, ,, , V-Wif'SW c'tynt7.5l a,.!, . ,, , ' "A I"" alb,J) a. m and i,K) p. m. m, pi, .. I.cin-0 VpttsvlUo via bchuylluli ami m, haima m. for il.nusL? . ., "i 3.1!' lu;tfor H'loUlovoaud Tiem.ini 1 oltsvlllo Accomuloilallou Tiaiu i.-av Vllloat5.o0n. iiiiias.seslte.idiniiai,,iii,, u. T.n W ,', "J'n'll'hlant a?m. Ite.u M leaves l'hlladelphlu nt o,15 p. m p.n.ii It 1. lm;at,,IJp.m.,iirrlvlHEnt)'otisvllijiit ,v lotlstowiiAecommodallonTralaJtiiv ii town nl (!-,! n.iii returulus, le.t4ei Vl iJe m.j (NlnthauilOrcunJatl,!)!"!!!, Columbia. Haiinud Trains uuv 7,'.il, nnd B.15 p.m. for Epbrata,, .,. un, m, tcr, Columbia. &e.; tetutdliij; ikyu 1. ,1 .1,1 , K"0a. 111. and JM p. m aud, cultimbia .1 . m. und a.l j p. 111, l' e 1 i. . ,. Juuctlonnt 7.:ai;d ,3-ia. m , , tuiulny, leave 0;.'uii l,aut' 0, ., ... , n,lu,,i:-',,i,i1l""1C01-iii'rf Ikuillint Halliond. I'lclterlm; Valley llallri), 1 ,,,, u, IllXVlllual ll.l'J a. 111., .l.u 0,11.1 . a. liiK, leave UyeiHat(i..,-,a. 1.1., I , ,,4,. , 4 ,,, coiniiii'lini! ulth train, on tte . f"M 1 Con bio ilril.ilollMlli't.a.iti.uL . al u.hi a. m, l.;o U.JiA 7,1 j p, i., . . ill, ilea.uit al tJ.O 1, .s.ui an I 11 eoiiueeliiij v ur ir nil-, 0:1 i:-.. n Cui'slcr Valley U 1 n , u iv 1 portal n,.Ua. in. .ui'l .'.u . in t . .p. m. leave l)uwulu,'tov,"i at . . 5.1 J p. i.t., c ia 1.' ...1: ivil.i . ItillioiJ. On Sunday s..w .1 , ... . phl.i nt h,('o a. m. Mil s.llj.. 1 ,( ...... .....,...t.i ...... 11, 1, m i. .;;) IL.IU' I - ,U) :i. m,- ll ii uji,.i,'. at 6.UJ.I, ui. and J.iw , leae Allcliloa-u at 1,1 nnd 11 ;i p. ',, iteiidlu at 7,13 a, m, and u,.wp. m, 'or n . burn, ut 7,t,u a. m, lor Jin v Yin h, 111 7 u a. nt' a, m , an I Ciiiiimiii.ii:',iii, .Mll'.ayti, K imii, s. m . I'j2ULirkiilll Tlnlr.,:.. I., mil I...I.. .II......I il lined rates. Ji ilfgayu iniujicvd turoush: l pj .u I . each ia 'Uer. J. K. A 1 I I- 1 . Asst. Hunt, ,t Ui. . M . IU-4.ll:., I'.i., Ana. J, IS?.'. ! AOKAVANNA AND Ui.Un.Ma 1J lllJIili 'JAll.ltOAll On aiiduli : .Nov. 17, IWl.l'iu.aeUi'. . ir.muivi run is 101I1. .s 1 Uolns North, t,.uii- MiiVoArilvo 1.1 mo I. 1. m. p.m. p. in. 1 U.l'l 1. 11 1. 15 . Mi U.U i! Ker. 'tlou ... I'ltl.iou irt,l..vl..l. I k. j: W.l. nrei f'ri " Ull 1 2.211 UUO u:m 11.11 '. i 5.IU ilC-l S.SI U.57 11 Villi. 1 1 ll n.lS. Hhleith'.luiiy..., 7.1 iui i.ii'i, ,.vi lllooiii t,nj uiiuvuie J.27 Connection niado nt Hci-niilou bv thu 10. 10 a. tral'i lor Urt'ai jluiul, illinihnmloii, Albany au all points Norlli, i:.istmid Wil. if, i, jiuu.sjnup i, pat'hnt ' ARION PIANO. The oulvjirfcf Instruincnt In tho World. ' Is iiiirowitait lu Itli huess, Tower, llrllllancy iiinj jnuaoiiiiy. ripei'ini ifiiiii, in ii'iu-iieiB. ..u.t..... favors lo Cleruyiucu, Bond lor Illustrated Arloi' ft W, l'0Ti:ii, Ocncrnl Astnl. mar 10'71-lf.l IMAUi ii Clii'Mf. I BUtUNF.iSb UAJ103, vmri'iNu OA hum, ITITKK 1II.AIW, llll.I, llHAIrt, , l'llOUItAM.!! I'OHTKIH, it.',, M.t.llt. nml I'liO'llllt. Prlnl 1 Frni.i fif IiIpM Htj'lei (if Typa at the a