The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 04, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian
Friday, Oct. 4, 187 2.
Railroad Tlmo fflablo.
i ( LAW ANNA A llLOOMSlltma It. It.
North. Houlli.
i:F3a.m. 1.57 wm.
imitlutlun - A.M. 11:10PM.
9 li.lOP.W. OiSiA.M.
iVIi-flA H. It. l'HOJt mjl'BtlT STATION,
Noith, OolngBontU.
M. Hill A.M.
-wc, no tickets ritoM
l(K " lllil' UlilJl.lil'iUAUSliUUIl
D. much tlila paper anil Imntl
It ti your Iti'pulillcim neighbors.
A ito'Mii Iiclonulnc to Mr. Connor
IV..M IS mtou full ovor f ha cinbankmont
above fili'ht Htrocl on Knluriliiy lnstniul
U'.H Ililli'll.
Owr.N'i tbo prcimiro on our col
nm.m tlii-i week, wo nro tinablo to ntnl
HIWCL for ilio lenjjlby account of tlio
li-nl in ni-1 tint; tent its by Mr. Won
iter. (liVKt)' .l Tuesday to tlio election.
li,1' no vol or remain at homo on such
im i port "Uit occmioii. 'hot buckwheat
lay a (1 iy.
Wi: t.ivo tho ticket conipleto and cor
rect on otir fourth pane Cut it out,
and volo It early. Toko tho other along
lor your neighbor.
We tiro informed that tho Exehnii0
IJlofkhas been purchased by Messrs.
tnylierry and Gcorgo HurIics Joshua
I' Herman and C. It. I'axton for $lo,U00
n bellovo that n now J5.ini: building
f r tlio First National Bank is in con
ic nplalion.
Vr n mootiiifr of Millard Lodge, No.
0 1 f E my, hold recently, tho follow
' Ulcers wero elected : Wm, O, Clir
t .ii, X. a i O. P. Ent, V. G ; Thonitw
li, Miller, Secretary ; Daniel Mowry,
As-t. Secretary ; T. 11. Strouse, Treas
urer; T. V. Hay man, Kep., to (fraud
L ill 'o.
Till; only way to achieve tho grand
pnrpc&raof tho nomocracy this your is to
cu.T out the vote ! Talking hall right
u'h in its place, but wonic mint bo
ilo.u to get tho voto out,, Itoll it ; ;-rmr
sic vl3, then, Democrats, im i . in
with a will.
HartranfL's Lawless Speculations
isk wshs this i'i.xsiox monbv
Not contout with hid Evnn.s brlbo
and with his heavy Bpcculallons In
slocks, John P. Hnrtrauft In his rapaci
ty nnd greed, snatched up tho pon9lon
money of widows and orphans la tlio
hand? of Major Calhoun. In a fow
months tho amount of pension money
drawn from Major Calhoun and deposi
ted with Ycrkos & Co. for tlio tiso of
Iiirtranft, amounted to
$28, TOO,
as la scon by tho following transcript
from tho books of Calhoun :
Dr, 180). J. r. II. 1TOJ. Cr.
iVucnst 2! VXW Pec'mlier 12 7C(l
" :io K.T0I1
Hentembcr SV s.noa
uciouer o o wi
Decemberm G.UUO
General llarlranft wat ono of Major
Calhoun's surotlca and ho availed him
self of tills relation to Calhoun to gel
unlawful posseeslou of tho ponsion
money for purposes of speculation.
Tito monoy was lllogally drawn from
tho sub treosury and placed Willi Yor
kos for Iho tiso of llartranft. Jiy tlicso
peralions Calhoun's ncconnts becamo
confused, and ho wni Anally dismissed
tlio sorvlco in his endeavors to satisfy
ITiirlranfl'H greed of gain. Tlio follow
ing letter from llartranft to Yorker
Illuminates this transaction nufuclontly
for tho most opantto mind among tbo
ndhercnls of tlio ring :
"Auditou Geni-had'h Office,
ILAiiuisnuno, December 21, 1800.
Dear Yerkcs : Calhoun telegraphed mo
to-day for money, and I had to give a
check forfs,700, which ho will present
to you tomorrow (22d). 1 cannot avoid
lliis. I met Mackoy hero on Monday.
Ho went west in tho nftcrnoon and will
not return until Monday. I did not
think Calhoun would want any money
fiouuii. I will duo you on Saturday,
and whatever yon want dnno I will do.
I will in:..'t Mackoy hero on Monday,
and whatever Is necessary I will
him to do. Y'ours, most truly
"J.l' IlATtTItANFT.' 1
"P. S. Will lift Calhoun's check on
Saturday, and givo you ccrtiilcato of
deposit to that amount. J. V. II."
There Is no denying tho gonuinone3S
of this letter, as in tho eaJo of tho Yor
es anidavlls. Tho hand writing of
the author is too well known, and the
ftte simi'cs of tlio lett-.r have bsen scat
tered throtifihout Pennsylvania by tho
million. Much more curious interest
Is taken in them than In tho photogra
phs of llartranft, sent out by Chairman
Errolt. If It had been feaslblo tho
authenticity of theso sclf-confeS3iiig and
self-convicting letters would also bavo
been vehemently assailed. Kut tho
fno simile is as fatal as a photorapn in
tho rogues' gallery.
Drr.rcti.VTKs at Largo to tlio Consli Convention and Dhiriot Dele
'i tcs to tiio samo must bo vutjd for on
two . oparnto tickets, which must bo
Iipt in two diflercnt ballot boxes. At
' nti in should bo jiahl to llih by ciee-
iO'i liT'l-i o'herwNo nilst.r. y will of
T.u: I'.Mt-Omco editm-s 01' l'.iiimylva-
nl i .r' di'iouncing Col. l'p - ioy for un
di'ruiJn ' () destroy the n'luitation of
Hwir ipft n oxchango lv-iarks: "If
v.-. im-io;-ed inch a roimtn'Son as Hart-
r.iiift's, wo should bavry grateful to
any uly who would de.jlroy it."
paymaster of tho United Slates army,
wlio draws his motithly pay from tho
United Statos treasury, but who Is do
tailed for tills special duly. Tho
comniltlooroom on "southern outrages"
Is used by eight or ton lady clerks,
WI1030 salaries amount to $75 per month
each, and paid out of tlio United Statos
treasury, detailed to frank and direct
letters to all parts of tho coun
try, Tho other rootm now occupied by
tho ndtnlnlaltallon party nro tho ,"coin
mltteo room on mines and mining,
commit tea room on patent.!, commit
tco room on claims, committee-room on
prlvato land claims, conimllteo room
on military, comnilttoo room on Dis
trict of Columbia, eommltleo room on
post office nnd post roads, comuitlleo
room on publlo lands, comnilttoo room
on onrolled bills, roportors' lobby and
tho lobby In front of commltteo
room on post otllcoa and post roadj.
Several rooms arodovotod to dllVeront
stales, such ns Ohio, Indiana, Mlnnoso
tn, Now York, and to each of tlicso
rooms is detailed a $1,000 clerk. All
tlio clerks in. tho interior department
who signed tho call for a mass mooting
of soldiers and sailors to niako arrango
mollis to ntlond tho convention at Pitts
burg, Soptomber 17, In tlio inter
est of tho rndical party, havo been
promised ton days' lenvo of abseuco
and a freo pass tliero nnd back. All
vln belong to Pennsylvania, Ohio, In
diana and Illinois aro to havo lcavo of
ab ,onco from September 12 until No
vember 12, wl lb passes to their dliffr
ent homes to go and return, and then
two months' salaries paid in advance.
Tho appropriations for "special eorv
Jco" in different bureaus Is tlio fund
from which the monoy is to bo drawn
to meet nil tho expenses thus incur
(irreley at I'loomilnir?.
On Thursday morning of las', week a
despatch was received at this place
from Sam. J. ltandall, Clialrnmn of our
Slato Central Conimittco that Iloraen
An Audacious Swindle.
if autUani't lobbied for tho nino
million bill, Hurrison Allen voted for it,
the Cameron lling, Including tho llar
riaburg 'J'tlcgroph, supported it, nnd
Charles It. Duckalow opposed it. Yet
the Iling eluimpions of irartr.uift now
have tho brasslucss of cheek to a?scrt
that thonino million bill w ill bo revived
liyMr. lhiekaiew's election. Stub rec'.i
losues? indicates a considerable panic
in tho camp of tho King.
Tax i'ayeijs, remember that John
l Uartranrt, (I rant's candidate for
ivernor of this Coniinonweallli, lia
h. er. Auditor Oenoral of tho Slato for
Is year-s. During this time Georgo O
IJvuns (his special ngont) carried on his
swindling operations by which tho tax
payers and Treasury wero robbed of
noarly :ion,(ii)0. llartranft permitted
Evans to getaway with this enormous
sum, while Hnrlranft kept it secret fo
thno years, uuliian Iionest clerk mado
ii public, whom Ilnrlrnnft nt oneodis
charged, whilo according to Hartranfi';
sworn statement ho hail $7,000 of
Evaus' money in Ids pockot. fUn you
voto fur thu in in for Qovernor In
Uj'ober V
iuttwii ir, or more properly Jackson
iv ooilinvillo has achieved frodi no
.i-lety has got Into tho papers and Is
I gracefully happy, ft is lliusly
Ilomco Ureoloy, ouo of tlio founders of
the Ilonubllcan nartv and a man of
world-wide reputation on his way homo
f-o.n tho West stopped u few moments
t Uerwlck. Tlio L. & IJ. K. It. depot
fur tho tlmo was brought Into requisi
tion, and bannets fausiionded from it
Willi such inscriptions as "(5 rant &
Wil on," "This Is not tho road to
Wellington" "Circcley for Salt River"
Ce In civilized communities such un
called for insults nro novcr known, but
wo presume it was ordered by tho firm
who own tho majority of tho men nnd
most of tho wealth there. Had Gen.
(i rant met with such arccoption tliero,
there would bo .a gouoral howl of indig
nation, but becauso It was perpetrated
upon tho Democratic and Liberal can
didate for President tho small men of
that purchased ISurough laugh nt their
smart trick. Homo men do glory in
their disgrace, and Berwick should bo
happy of her distinction for mcannesri
IIawuhon Ar.u:N, King candidate
for tho Auditor Generalship, tho prlu
clpal llnanclnl oflleo of tlio Common
wealth, lias been conspicuous and
notorious for many winters past among
tho corrupt Legislators at Hnrrisburg
Ho voted and lobbied for tho "nine
million steal." Y'ot tax-payors aro ask-
cd to mako him chief guardian of tho
Treasury and of tho Sinking Fund
John F. llartranft is said to havo been
an active lobbyist lu favor of tho samo
huge swindle, and wo havo no reason
to doubt It. Wo nro expected to elect
him Governor. Political ethics must
havo mink to an exceedingly low lovol
when such - men may aspire to such
unices; when thoy may not only nsplro
but bo nominated to them, nnd when
upright, Bolf-rospectiug citizens nnd
tax payors are conlldoully counted up
on to feuppon wiem. iv
Government ClerUs IclnHei at
flic Public r.vpcnse to tlo I;ir
nstm wos'Ic for ttrant Oaitra
gcous Viu'ritioisH ol' the i'liinli-
I Prom Uio Washinston Tattl it
Tho cnliro senate wing of tlio capitol
of tho United States has been turned
into a great radical republican head
quarters, for tho use of tho ofUecrs and
rlorks detailed from -tho different do-
parlnicnts of lb.' government. Every
conimittco room and lobby is occupied;
forty boys aro engaged in folding and
preparing documents for tho mail, and
stationery, belonging to tho people, is
hoi in? used without stint at tbo rate of
over $I,0C0 worth daily. Query : Who
is it that pays for tlio papor nod paste v
(paste, too, at $1 a bucket.) W ho pays
tho wages of forty boy?, at $10 per
month '.' Who rays the room rent '.
ind echo nuswors, who ? Tho Wash
liiglon city post-otlice lias virtually
liven removed from V. slieet, between
Seventh and Eight, to the cnpilol, and
J. M. Edmund.!, post master, occupies
for Ids ofUeial headquarters tho room of
tho committee on commerce of which
Zaoh Chandler is chairman. Hero tiio
poitnimler may been ho. si daily from
ton to three, controlling all matters
eannecled with Urn dilution of such
Interesting documcnUas tho Now York
Times, tho Illnghamton Joum'i', tho
Ci);i';, and "What Horac") Qreoloy
knows" about IhK and that, ami tho
other, duly franked, contrary to law.
for on tho 201h of June, 1S72, 'John A
J. Creswell, postmaster general, issued
i pamphlet entitled "Partial rogula
Hons under tho now postal ontle, 1S72,'
in which appear the following para
graphs :
The following persons aro entitled to
frank :
First Tho Pioiident, by himself o
ids nrlvato secretary, to cover all mail
Second Tho vice president, to covor
all mall matter.
riiird Tlio chiefs of tho Eoveral ex
ccutlvo departments.
Fourth Senators, represontallvcs
anil delegates lu congress, and tho sec
rotary of tho scnalo and clerk of Iho
house of representatives, cover thol
correspondence and all printed matter
ssucd by authority of congress, and all
speeches, proceedings, and debates I
And no person entitled by Jaw to tbo
franking privilege shall oxorelso said
prlvllego otherwise than by his writ
ten autograph slgnaturo on tho matter
franked ; nnd nil mall matter not thus
franked shall bo charged with tho legal
rato of postngo tlioroou. Codo section
Postmasters will carefully observe
tho foregoing Instructions,
John A. J. Citr.svr.i.r..
' Postmaster General.
Post ofneo dopnrtmenl, Juno 20th,
In tbofacoof thoabovo law, twenty
bags of franked mall matter nro dally
bent from tho capitol by tbo radical re
publican coramllteo, franked mostly by
lady clerks. Theso bags contain about
100,000 letters, upon which tho po3togo
amounts to $3,000, or nearly flOO.000
per month and all this is dono under
tho direction of J. M. Edmunds, post-
mnstcrof tho city of Washington, and
chairman of this committee. A Chron
iole branch otllco lm3 been established
In tho committee room on buildings
nud grounds in tho senato wing of tho
capitol, and hero twolvo girls aro cm
ployed dally In folding tho documents
printed by Senator Jatnc3 Harlan,
editor and proprietor of tho above nd
ministration paper, and United Slates
senator from tho stato of Iowa, until
March 1, 187!!. Tito samo paper has
also, as assoelalo editor, Major Slanlon,
recley would pass horo at 0 00 a. m. A
largo crowd hastily collected at tho IX'
pot, but upon tho arrival of tho train
found that tho "Cnnppaqua Farmer"
as liotiiboard. Tho following morning
bettor informed gonllemon telegraphed
that he would arrive on a special train
at 10 o'clock. A Drum-Corps was hasti
ly improvised tho band got out, and
ain a largo crowd assembled at the
depot, and Capt. Drockwny, Chairman
f Commltleo of arrangements, called
the audience to order, saying, "Tho
homo of Charles It. Duckalew, the He
form candidatoof Pennsylvania, wel
comes Hoinco Greeley Iho candidate of
thoso who deslro national reform. "Tho
hllo-fophcr then, with hi.-; traditional
kindly look and beaming e iiintnoanco
appeared upon tho platform and made
tho following spot eh :
Fr.r.LOW C'tTiZENS: 1 have but a lew
moments to romainwith you, and those
must bo given to practical rather than
to sentimental consideration. You are
aware that you aro near tho center of
territory, o0 miles in extent either
way, winch must givo tlio lie form can
didaljs a majority, if mnj'.rily tlvy
have. Now I havo been truvoih'g
through other States as well as vou.-r. :
lhavolouiiil enthusiasm ovory where. u
lideicoovtrywherobut I fuundnrcraniK -
lion hotter ininuian nun Ohio limn I una
it in Pennsylvania. Organization seems
o mo your great lack. You need to
now that ovory honest, voter.
favorable to our interest will e mm to
the polls on tho Sth of next month. You
need systematic, careful organization,
sucli as will assuro you that though Mm
day may bo stormy ovory man will do
his duty. Now.dou't mind groat tpeak-
ers; they nro well, but you havo made
up your mums already, uii nmnv
wnai you aro going to no I you aro de
termined to do this tiling or that tiling
or tlio other in tho election at hand.
Tako hold now on that work widen Is
needed to mako your rcsoh-o effectual
that Is tlio remainder of tho canvass.
:?oo to it that thoro may bo moro up
right, correct, laithiiu, economic legis
lation, both at Washington and Harris
bun: than thoro lias been, and if our
movement succeeds wohopo tint will
ho tho case : that Micro will bo sonorous-
Itv toward Iho unfortunate and defeat
ed, and that tliero will bo a stern r...-o-
lulion to root lrom our .National ami
Stato Legislatures and from public oili
cos that corruption widen is to-day th.
emitter mm imgntoi tno oouy poutie.
You nnow mat tno legislation nas not
been what it ought to be; you know
it can only uo mauo nottor oy tn.-1
stern reolvo and determined aelivi: j
of tho people. Unless llioy send som.-
who aro nreprooi against corrupiioa
they will bo corrupted. There aro enor
mous stakes in legislation. Thoro nr..
parties and capitalists associated in cor
porations for building r.'ilroadsand f .r
other purpose-), good in thcmselve-.,l.i:t
for widen tney Ecouinrgo aii irom un
Government and tho State. It is you.
duty to seo that thoy get nothing but
naked Justice. This can only bo done
by conversation, discussion, and delib
eration among tho peoploin thoirschool
dlitricts. I beseech you, then, to look
at this peril tho peril that when the
election is ove r you will find that some
of your voters wero hired to stay at
homo or wero too indolent to go and
voto. Uegln now and mako yourselves
certain that every voter favorable to Iho
cause will come to tlio pulls, how ho
will conio, with whom ho will come,
and that ho will be there t. sou that no
fraud is committed.
Geo. Walker of Virginia accompan
ied tho train nt tho request of tho priiy .
Capt. Drockway wont with them as far
as Seranlon.
(Jen., Albright's Llli&l on JJoimtor Ihulm-
Prof, Amerman, a teacher in tho
Stato Normal School, of this village,
who heard Oon. Chatlon Albright's
speech, hafl handed im n slnlomont of
facts from which wo extract tho follow
"Saying nothing of the Insult oliereu
to Democratic soldiers, whom ho ignor-
od as having any part In tho war, thoro
is ono thing which I must notice ao
bolng maliciously false. From unques
tionable sourcos, I l'mppon to know all
about tho Fishing Crook Uebolllon in
which tl-o gallant General claims to
hnvo distinguished hlitnrlf. Senator
Dttckalow is charged with aiding and
abolllng robels in Columbia County.
Now thorc were no rebels tliero ; thorn
was no nrmod force, and tho Gonorol
knows It. The people resisted no law.
In Columbia County, as in every coun
ty in tho Htato, a fow had loft their
homes and gono, no nnno anew
Kor political effect, an army Invaded
this pcacoful valloy, and foraged for
lomr months on tho hard earned pro
ducl3 0f this pcoplo; heaping untold
Indigiilllen upon thorn, if by any means
thev minht bo driven to Homo nets of
violence, which might givo pretext for
tho use of Ilro and sword. Peacefully
thoy submitted when tho gallant Gen
oral, tired of waiting, ouo morning
robbed forty houses of their Heads.
Gray haired men, tottering upon canes,
ns well ns tho'j u pon whom wives nnd
children depended f.r dally bread,
wero thus snatched away, and hurried
(o Fort Millltn, thoro r-hut up In damp,
dark cells ; somo novcr again saw tho
light, but died In wrotclicdne-s, not
knowing for vIiat thoy woro Imprison
cd. or who their accusers woro. Now
bscauso Senator Bttckalow, with tho
Iho heart of a -man, dared to say a word
in behalf of his neighbors to this hero
ie General, ho is denounced as a robel.
Wero theso men tried ? A'cccr ? After
months of Imprisonmont,JoeM elections
icrcover, they wero released."
Prof. Amerman formerly lived in tlio
imn.dlalo vicinity whero those events
o.'ctir.'i. Valley JMerprisi.
. OP MUW YOltir.
t on VICE 1'JtmiURMT,
MdoAii I'owAW, of Wenlmnrelnnd.
UHOJUIR W HRINNRIl, of Kriiiildlii.
. imi'MJBr.NrATivi!.
BlIt.OKN MAUVIN.orllTlc.
John H., nf liiinllnnJon.
H, Uuoml'iiY, ol rtillaUelpliitt,
1, Thomtw.I, Unrger.
'ii flepli. I). Anilurnoii,
I, (loorge U. lie r re 1 1 .
Iinportuut Testimony!
Thn rnllnwlnn lollr nro nmoilff tlio limilMVO
rornnitntitlv recoltflna fiom irwnil M'lio lmvo
becu otiteil by
Schcnck'u Pulmonic Syrup,
Scliunck's Sea Weed Tonic,
Schonck'a Mnndrakc Pills.
S, Not ngrnril upon. I
n. Imtnii B. Hniii.t.
7. Hnmuol 1). Dyer.
8. Johho O, llawley.
I). It. II. Bwm r.
10..n, Hollly,
II, K.inlth-,
vi. n; v. (iuumcr.
I. 1, 1), Lowonberij.
II, J, MoICnlnlit.
15. Henry WoUli.
in. llonry J.Hmiile.
17. It. W. ClirUtlo.
IK. William I'.l.onn.
10, llttwolaillrowii.
un, I'. M. ltul.liiK.iii,
21, .1. 11. MolWll.
it. V. 11. Slevotmon,
il. .lnlm II, lluril.
21, aoorgo W, Mlllor,
row oovKitsoii
1-Oli AUDlToiTaBItKItAL:
Of liF.Di'or.n county.
ron jui;oi: ot' huimiemh t:ntutTi
vein coSdiir.sHMKN at r.Auai'.i
or l'liiiuVDRi.i'itrA.
.r j.vr.cnnv, coujjty.
l.'or Niiiiliirs or tlio CoMilK.iHoiml Oon
(!P(). W. WOODWAItl), l'hlln.lcli.liln,
.ii:ni:MiAit . ulack, York.
andkkw a cunriH, ccntti'
W. J. 1IAR11. Punicrscl.
W. If. H.MI'llI, Allegheny.
I HANK1.IN II. (IOWKN. Plllltvilclpllln.
.IOI1N II. l.'AMI'linijt,, l'lillmlclphls.
H. It. IlhYNOl.lM, lnnp.nlcr.
.) A.MIiS LU.LIH, Kclmylklll.
H. t'. T. DODO, Vounngn.
(iKO. JI. UAI.IiAH, I'mlaiUlnlila.
UOIiKlir A. l.AMllKltTON, DnUl.lllU.
A. A, I'UIIMAX. Jroru.
WW. U C'OltllETT, Clarion.
I'CnnaRrnvr, Kaltiu County, New Jtr.ty,
I'ni!tt.lllV !T7. 1S72.
Dr. J. H.BCHIINCK, N. K.corucr HlxtUnml Arch
Birccia, I'uiiniiiMi.iiiji,
ttmnnp.iMi Hir llHko iilcnraro In nJ.unaiiiy
lostlinoiiy lo nr tho mtiny othcis who tmvo
been cnroitl.vll.oelllcncyorsohcnclt'fl I'nlmonlo
Hymn, Hen Woed Toule.aml Maiulrnho 1'IIH.
(jnuBumpllon lins been bert.lllnry wllh my
faintly, most or lis inemueiH Imvlt.g tiled ol It at
onrly niien, Jly mother nn.l tlireo biotheinilled
nt tlio ago uf ni, ono brothor nl 27, nnU my sister
a wn, when about 31 years, neliiett with liver
complaint, which rai.Mly.lovi lope.1 lulo rulmo-
ary UOIlBunip.lon, i win. uiuni'i-uuu n luiju-
uIkIi ray employment (lUul. ol n lih.cHKi.inii.)
r nmi'inltril nn.l eminent nhVRlrlnnv.
anil trlo.l many patent iioslriim.s, but without
succcHa, so that niy rriemii wero uro mm ihcro
tviia nn limn ni rav recoverv. lor i woicuncru
from 110 pounds to 101, and was not nblo to do
nnyiuing wuuoui. nBHisuince.
i: havo recolved tho first number of
The Plymouth Index published at Ply
mouth, by A. L. Levi and 13. J. Adams
It is a small sheet, and hoists tho
Republican ticiret, llartranft nnd all
Kf.oW2Nxu or a Oitunt'ir. The
Saint Paul's United Brethren Church,
situated 4 mllei snuth of Cotnwlssa,
near tho old Ksthcr Furnace, has been
remodeled, and v:U bo reopened tor ill
vino Service on Sunday. October 13th
1S7L'. lSishop weaver oi jjaitimorc, i.
1). will.oinciate, a'smeu ny uio Jiov
Iahih li.dt.ell of Moumville. Pa.,ltev
(J. W. M. Rhror. P. H. of the Hairl
hurir District. 13. Pa.. Oinfcieneo nnd
llov. J. It. llcilr.cll of SiiamoUin. Tiio
Services will commence on Saturday
evening. All me cordially invited,
Also '
Su.ndav School isstituti:.
Tho ShamoUin District S. S. Instiltilo
will convene in tno fit. Paul's Church,
Monday evening, October 11th, 1S72,
and will continue over Tuesday anil
Tuesday evening. Tho ahovo nnmtd
niiiiihl'jis and a largo number of dele
gi.tes fioin ShainoUin, tho Shamol-.i.i
V.. iky, Bit. C.irmel, Dear (lap, V
iivMa'aud tlio surrounding ouiiau.!!!;.'
Mi'oxpcctid to he present. 'J'iiosinu'in;:
. ill ho under tho le.tdei.ihip of Prof.
.Da!;:;ilt. nutlior of "hailing O'er tlio
S.'.i," "Stand the Storm," "MU- io.uiry
Fa i o well," and many oth'-r rf our
sttuiilard S. B. songs. A gem r.i! invi
tat-ou Is extonded.
S. 11. CIPPLIC, P.iftor.
uniedia, P.l.Bopt. ill, 1S72.
ron pniaiDENT judoi',
voti couaitrasj,
JOHN a. FREEZE, of Columbia.
JOHN J. METZOER, of Lycomin;
roll AHHOtM.Y,
KOIt ltUCIJSTKll & litcortDKi:,
v Miuit I now look u win un a l'rovlilcnlln. In-
temosUtnii. I w.ii lnttueed to try your romeillcM.
nn.l nlnco mynoll unuor youi-, ircaimoni, ana bo
rnpul an.i inorouuu was ray recovery, iniu ii
bccmcd as IhouKli eomo Hiipetliuinan power wns
nt wnrlr. and to.tlav 1 nin iih well an nt unv tlmo
durliiR my lllo. Iwclhl52 pnundu, ammiyeara
old, nud lor Koino time luivo been leKUlnrly at
Icmllnato my buslncufi, bld.llus fair lu Uvotiin
good old ao.
1 lull liiniitt nil t'l 0 .'.l uuj.m'i UApreifiiiii jr
hnvlnil placed mo In n i.o&lllon wliuielu I utu u
ii-neiiL instead or a burden lo mv fiimllv
Yi.i.r Alnlii . -ii tn I'l itiirni n fill V Irlun I
ever lino now. I llilnlc Ihcy aro tho bet lu Ibu
l can refer you lo nuuureus or my ne c .bora
who wilt orlly nil I hnvo wrlllcu, ami uny In
roriimllon any of my fellow clllzeiii may ileslro
win in irteiv nun uiamy civcu. uiion iccui .loi
llll(il', n 1 .nun, un
JUI.i. I.. llllYill.
Key KVcst, I'la., Vch. lit, ISVi.
Dr.!i:,N. II. cor. nixth nud Arch
Hiiceu.. i'l... iuu niiia.
Itair Hlr l'lcnvo forwaril. peril rst dlcnmer. nix
wiiui'B rce.i lYCkuouicuu.i iweivo noiueii'iu
monlc Hvrun.
Your me.iieiuoi nro o mien vaiuo inai i can
not bu without llioin lu my household, aud lu
iiu-i mi iiiiiuiy Hii.iuiu in. wunoui mem,
I hnvo given them n fair li st, and openly do
clnro thnm to bo oven better thnu you claim,
uiy lufpetuuuy youiH, ic.
I'inr.ADEi,piii.. March I. ls:s.
Dr. J. lI.bCUUXL'K.
lloHpectcd Hlr I taUo plcneuro lu award 1 113 lo
you till- cerllScato or tho wonderful euro your
i-iuinnuio syrup nuu sen- weeu'ionic prouuecu,
Mv tl.loat aud brotlrlil.ll luhnt wnrn hn hlvtilv
imlamed that It was almoallmposslbloformo to
fcl.UIUl.V illy 1UUU
1 11111 oil 11 viaiL 10 in v line p. .nr. 1: nrio.i .in m.
in. Ko. 1112 Federal ftLrecl. whn mhvm vinii' inndl.
uuiirn iiiisuu uuii 11 11111 ii.iuosi ueaiu niicr nil tim
er mount nnu l.uicu, anil 110 having, therefore,
iuii tuuLiuuutu 111 iiiu viiiuo 01 youi leiueiuen,
hll'OUZlV lecummeuded inn tn Irv tlinm. fill.
mi. and In ouo wcilc Irom iho tlmo I commenced
Inklm; them my thioal underwent a very great
ch.tngo lor tlio better, so that I could cat my
mcnlii without nnv diillcultv nr n.itu. I eau
senrcely llnd wordn to express my grntltudofor
1110 enr.y iciici your liivauianio meiucmes pro
tluced Unon me. nud I iIlchi U but nn net nf cratl.
tiulo to givo jou tho acknowledgement of my
npiutciaiioD. loiira lcineeiniuy.
KAUlllCl, fll. .IAi:iJIIS,
Kc. 1C0 Wchl Tlilily-thlrd hticcl, New Yoilt
Tlioho are Iho only medicines that will euro
rmmonnry i iiiihiimpiiou. in, cneucic has been
111 t'u.isiuiii. piiirucu liver iniriy years eouiinu.
nlly eMimliilng lungs, nnd knows his medicine.
11 pio.eriy ipufrn, mh euro 1 onsumption, lit'
Man.UaUo l'llls i'knun Iho liverand htnmaeh
his Fiu Weed Touio dissolves tho lond. riiihu
latca tho eoatiii'; ol Iho Htmnach.uhd mukcslt
uiui'ci, 111s i-iiiiiioiiiu ny11.11 ripens lucm'llicr,
mm ijiuuiu iiuuw.s ii on wuuoui any excruon.
t'l li e nf Iho l'ulmonle Byiup nnd Kca Weed
iiHiie, i,i per uo.ue, or syiu per unit uozen
iMiiiiiiitiive 1 jus j eenis per uiix,
TI10 ficin of the Toilet
Tin- world says is Sozodont. It renders
the t.'uth pearly white, gives to tlio
bioaili 11 fragrant odor, extinguishing
tho ill-humors which usually How from
a bad and neglected set of teeth. Bozo
dont is so emvenient, mid produces 11
suii-alinii it unco so dolightliil that it
litnkos it u jdoasuro to uso U.
Tipaldiiig'.-i Uluo will mend your
William Morris would inform his
friends mid tho public generally that
ho lias opened 11 W7 'Pallor Shoji on
Main Street, two doors below tho Court
Home, over thu (ilieo of Robert F.
Clark, EMi., whero be is prepared to
supply the best quality or gentlemen's
wear of tho Int03i style.?, (lentiomon's
own material mado up at tho lowest
Vanti:i. Two smart girls lo learn
the Tailoring bushier. Wagfs will Im
paM them during their (apprenticeship.
Apply to William Morris, Main Street,
ovi r Robert F. Clark's olllce,
I. W. Hart man's btnek of goods is all
tlio talk throughout tho town mid
county in mtnntlty, quality and style,
It cannot bo surpassed.
reaver Mines fchllclicr.
Jlenton I. K. Krlrlibaum.
nerwiclc Levi llredlicndpr.
lllonm, Kist Dist D.ivM I,o.'enbcrt!.
niomu, West DM. William MeKlniiey.
lb inivrecl: I. C. milh,
c.itawlssa (len. Hcolt,
litre II. D. Kuoir.
''tu'inlla C. (1. .Murphy,
l 'oiiynlmm North
'oiiviifclium hou lb Michael I'l'.ii. 11.111,
l-'iidllilifcicek- 11. J. Mellnuii'.
KiauUlln William flnltcr.
1 ir. en u'ood Wesley lori h-.
llemloclE v'i lb shoei.inUer.
.I.iclifc.m Silas W. Mclleury,
Jladlso 1 John AlUn.
Muni W. T. HlmniHii.
IMIllltu l-rtnucl Snyder.
Mnntnur John ll,(ulel;.
Lit. l'leusa it-Ooorso W. .Incoby.
Oinngi D. K.Ulnru.
l'lne l'. W. Wonos.
llOTilnscrnelc J, 11. KUnKor.
I'eott o. I1. lint,
huuiiloaf J. 11. 1'illz.
Vigilntico Cimuiilllce.
Ul'.ivcI' Cieo. Drelsoacn. t.' Mlirleti I. II.
1 1 i 11 ti l I Hit.
lli nlou J. .1. Mellcuvy, n. J. c.i.e, .1.1 1. Con-
ItiTftlcls Is'il.ili liowcr, i'. II. .la.Kson.
lilojm. l.iil.M. Mlllatd. .Inn II. Ca'-ey. Hsinl.
iiiiioiu, .ii.'i iy, ..'iiiicH .-.icriier.
llil ll.-ud. lieu. Miller, (leu. M.
Catawissa M. 11. v. Kline, wm. Knyiler.
Centre Wm. Miller. I'd. Jlarlm.iu. Kami.
1! iwer.
Ce 11 1 mil a
Conyniiliuni, Nordi
CiinyiiKliam tiniilh
l-'lsliinneitjel: 1.. M. CmvcUii!' C'iui lldliiii".
Hllas Mellcnrv, Clin. Ash.
riuultuu .Mines Jlellenry. Wn'.filiiiit..'i
lire' lr.vood l'T.iulc J)err. U. W. Utt. .lacu'nn
llenilock 1. J. V.o.Llerslk-e. II. It. Wanner.
Wm. Wlnterfdeoti.
. uckhou louiy v.i"iier. inntoi cun;r.
I.oeiiM Cll is creasy, lunltl SUne. Jnn. Hny-
uer, uen. iieny.
Madison lUtn.ira Dmolt, Dr. T. .1. Bulsticr,
J. M. Uli ton.
.Mnino Jcrcminu i.onseniieiger, jnn. .-sus".
,111111m J 0.-.CPI1 u.liw.coic. Aiuniui weiiweppen.
lielnoi, Harvey 1IO-.S,
1MIJ1II lllll .1. .II.ILUV-I, Il.ltll.
Mt. 1'lcns.fliit Win. Miller, Jno. M.irdan, tr.
iiinnae-II, U. Kline, II, li. Cut.
l'ino li. A. lieiinnn, wm. liarsnner.
Itoarliioi'i'tok Jno. Monty. A1117.I f'rnlK.
Henlt I.H. Daehman. II. J. Millard
SiiRarloal Alouzo Allurtsou, chulon Colo.
f. P. Luti; ri'ci ived another largo lor
of Ottoman Shawls, Black Alpacas and
colored dress goniis thi3 wcoic.
rtll.I.Jtr.n-MILI.CIt. At tho ir. i:. pnrsmnso,
jieiunu. r.i.. on Tnurs.iav. August .1. issj. 113
Iho llev. A. CliroUhwnlte, Mr. Asher
Tin; Montour American in spcnkln;
of Mr. Buckalow thin pleasantly nl
links lo him as"thls model of an holiest
man, whoso cold blood will not tinge
ids mniblo vlsago though tl o deep
damnation of I1I3 deeds might mako Iho
Davlis hldo thciusolvos."
My I but that is pretty writing. Read
ing Dime Novels is what docs it.
Tut: following method of ripening
peais is given by nu exleiiaivo fruit
eullurlst. Tho requisite! are a e u'. room
and woollen blaukcts. Tho aie to
lie spread upon ono blanket and cover
od with tho second. Treated Intuit.
way they ripen rapidly and without
mealtncs?, tlio Bartlotts coming out a
lino golden color and SIckols rich and
ruddy-looking. At least half tho fruit Is
spoiled by tho ordinary In-door motliod
of ripening, and housekeeper's will hall
with delight a now and eifeetivo
means of attaining tho deslrod end
without loss or vexation or spirit.
Lock Haven, If tho columns of Iho
papers published tliero aro lo bo bo
lloved, must bo Iho worst plaeo In tills
section of tho Stato, Every number of
tho papers contain accounts of from flvo
to fifteen lights and rows. Why Is this
thus? Aro thoro no policemen oris
thoro no' ohorgy In them ? Tho town
will sutler If ono of two tilings Is not
dono, cither slop tho lights or tlio pub
lieation of them. Tlio well regulated
mind avoids such dangerous places.
Thopeoplo will otni from nil part.!
of iho county next weoi: to i. w. nan
man's store for his nice goods'.
Remember that Ana rlcan black silk
is twenty tier than impor
ted nnd M. P. Lilts:, pun ran tees overy
vard ho soils not to eiaek or eliango
Soiiiutbln.' now. ladlen nnd gentle
men bhould not fail lo visit the Freo
Panorama at tho 0110 dollar store.whero
tho liiirehnsor of any arllclo will receive
a present, gratis. Open In Itccm.'s
bu hllnir. onnodto tho Post Oflleo for a
snort nine.
merof l'lno township, Columbia cn rannd
r.itsstjirun u. Miner, ui uiacnwonu town snip,
commmn county, im.
iAr.i;nii-:iii,i.r.n. At winiam... .m. cm the
unit lust., ny llev. w . nieriiiu.sir, nen. v rar
l:er nnd Miss Cll.l A. Miller, both of Green
wood, Culumbia oonuty, IM,
lT.DI'AlllU) ONLY AND Foil SAI 1'. liY
N. II. Corner KIXTIlnud AI1CU Htieels,
And by DrugKlslH nnd Dcnleih Reneinlly.
00 Alien Sthket, Pnii.ADni.i'iiiA
Wholesale Ayenls.
itir-1.. ii,-jy
Life Inawranco Company.
No. of Policies Issued 43,000.
ASSETS $5,500,000.
TSSUES all tho now form of Policies
JLnnd presents ns favorable linns ns tiny com-1 in tno united isinms.
Alio uoiupmiy win lu.iiiu ioiiipuii. iu.uf. w..
us policies.
Thirty day' craeo nllownit'on 'each pnymont,
and tho policy held Rood during Itmlllnie.
All our policies aroluconlcstablo for tno usual
1'ollclcs Issued by this company aro nou-ror-felt
u re,
No rxlrn elianres maun for travelling nermiip.
I'.illcv boLli'rs Hbnrn In thn annual nrolllaof I
tho company, and haven voleo tit tho elecllons
and iiianacviiieiitof Iho compnny.
jno pouey or meuicai leo cuarKCti.
W. It. WYfJKOOl'. Vleol'ren'l.
J. P. llooKits, Hecrclary,
H. C. uiiANULint, Jr., Actuary.
Central Office of North-Eastern Penu'a.
"Colxjjibian' ' Building
General Agent.
Jan. S.lSTH-tf.
Cotters tcslnmeutnry ou tho estalo of John I
Uren, lain of Catawlssa township, Columbia
rnnniv. deceased., havo been crauted bv the I
ItCKlfcterot said county lo C. T. Mnrgcruiu nnd I
James i.nv. i vi.iiiwii. iiiwiiiini'. .vn ii;i
hnns liavln! claims against tho estato aro ro-
niipsioil to nreseiit thoiu to tho Executors lu
Columbia couuty. Thoso Indebted to tho estato I
cither ou nolo, Judgment, mortgagor bookac- I
count will malto payment to tho Executors
without delay. C. T. maikjkiuiji,
fcOptO,'72-Gw. lixccutors.
Pi mtith riir sTKPiir.v liAi.nv nKO'n.
r.ttfru lphtaiuciiliirv mi tlio eittato uf Htenhen
Ilaldy Into of Catwlssu township, Columbia
county deceased, havo been granted by tho lleg
Istor or Columbia county, lo Peter 11. llnldy,
Douclas Hushes, nnd Wllllntu J. Martin Krecu
trs to whom nil persons Indebted to wild estato
nro requcsic.l to inane pnyiiieiu. uuii iuusu iiav
in" Hnimsor demands luralustsaldiontate. will
malco them ltuown tolho Uxicntors without
1 l'ETKHlt. 1IAM1Y,
Ans2)'72-lw Kxccutors,
1-aTATK fV l'l.T'.AUKTIl lOWLKIl. 11FO O.
Letters nt ndnilnlstintton on tho estnto of
DllzabctU Klstlcr lato of Mt. lMcasaut twp Col
umlilaeounty,deceased,hnvnbeeni:rnntedbytlie lleglstcrot said couuty to Joseph Gilbert ol tho
samolwp. All peikonshavliiBclalmsngalnsttlio
n.ti n rtt I. in itfrr.l in t. n ro reniifsted til mcseilt
tlicm for tcttlement. nnd llioso Indebted to tlio I
cbtato to mnUo iinyment to tho undcrBlgucd.tid
luiuistrator, wiiuuui ueiav.
.'.1 made Jrom &uc.
LiJ.1 families sent ( i.ntaKO
li, L. WOl. 'tirr. ist Chat
Oil' Samples sent
renin .juica i.n- ti'j.
liaiu.'iiUaio, N. .
Call and t Xnlaiiu: c,r 11!
tie. ) ti.r -Jie. that
..epUM Iw
p n
A prnspectuuol' the lVupliKKtan
daid Whlo, of K) tlhi'.liat'ouH,
'111 bo book am nt.
Kend naiuoand nddi-is-i to y.IKtl.
LIUl .t McOLUlDY, Osl Area St. l'hlla. l"a.
sepuu iw
mlutr." How ollliri' wnv fjisMniitd
iiml cahi the Inyo and nttt-etlunH ol nnynorsou
uii-y fiionio iiiainnuy. tuih unnpio nr.
iiuwimnt all can iiusscss, ireo liy mini for im,
i);uiticr witli a itiarriauo yutiJo, JIyt lati Orn
(i. Invalid. II hi in to li.iilitiH. &i a iiuppt. cv.
riling hntAz. imm) koUI. Address T. WUJj
JAM A CO. I'tiu. I'ulla. K'lOlw
cw. wi vrs
rirst ncmlua m 0AD.Inst.1871
t;onb!o Dlevatcd Oven, WarmlUK Closet, Droll
Inn Door, Fender Uuard, Dnmplnir A slinking", DliectDrall. KULLUIt, WAltltllN Co.,
'Ml Water Htiecl.N. Y. seiitil lw
Heud for Xow Clnb Circular 1
Win h contains full explanations of Premiums
Tlio Way to Obtain our Goods !
Persons llvlnirnt a dutaucj from Nov York.
eau elub together, unit ai-t tlicm nl tho same
r neons wo sen mem at our warcuouscs m rew
Vorl:. In order til l;ct lip a clil, l.l wh per-
sonivlshlns lojoln say how much Tea ho whuIh,
anil soicci. tno uiini iniu prue iroiu i-neu
List, as published lu our ehenlurs. Wil'u tho
nanus, kinds nud amounts plainly on a list, and
win u the club 1 eoiiiideto send It lo us by mall,
mid we will put cacu i.trtj .s toods lu separate
t atiltages. and niari iho name up.m Hum, wllh
Hie e.isl, si there need bo no eonruilon lu dis
tribution e.icli patly cetilni; exnelly v.-ha'. bo
orders, and no more. Tlio luuds to pay for goods
ordered cm bo sent by dr.ilt' ouNtw Vorltl'jst
i mice money orders, or t-y ev itss. Or, wo will,
11 d. stred, send the goods by . ir'ts.', to coltu-t
on ii. fit cry.
Aug 23--J2-0W.
li KHTATi: Of 1IENKV I.K1I1I, ntX'Il.
Letters teslameutary on tho estato of llonry
l.l."lll, 11. IW UI IKMIVI fcl 1'.. .Ul.lll.Ull. V:UUU.J,
ileeensed, have been granted by tbo Heglfctcr of
said county, lo Joseph Lchr and Aadrew Hhu
man. All persons having claims natust tch
estato nro requested to presout them to tho
Executors In Columbia county. Thoso indebted
to tho estnto, either on noto.Judgment, morlgago I
or book account will mako payment lo tho
Kxccutors without delay.
Aug. a), lSTS-Uw. DXCCIlUilH.
siur. 'I'he tii'iiaituershiii heretofore existing under
Hie Ilrm name of Snyder, llarlmnu A Co. Is ills-I
solved by the death nflieiij.iniln 1". Monitor. Tho
looks oi iiiu lino urui nro ill uio oi ii.tniei
Snvdcr to whom all persuus knotting them
selves to bo Indebted lo Ibu lliuiuu. iniucsied to I
pinko Immedlato p.'iinent. I
Tlio liusliuss will bi'i oiiliuiied al Hie id 1 place I
unuer tne niiiuo oi i. r-iiyoer .vi-o.
D, A CO,.
IM'V May 17th lK2-tf
'Iho ill. di rslgl. id, olldllor u l lit. .1 by the
Orphans' Cnmt nl Cnhiinbla county, to dlslilb
utu llin luuds lu lliohni.ds 1 1 Hj Hester J. l'uux,
miiiihilstriiliir nf ct.ituorthv S. Klsher. ileeens
ed, aniiing tlio parties i nlitled to receive I
the same, will ulttnd lo tho duties ol his np- I
iiollitnr nl nl tho Slicrlll' olllco, lu IheCourll
House, nt nioonisburg, on Monday, .uctootr H, I
A. D. 1WJ, at 1 0 o' i lock, A. M., wheu and wheio
nil iirrsons bavlimelnlius tin said luuil will
sent Iho same, nr bo foiever debarred from
coming in ou nam uiuu. t
1 1. j .
1H10-71 11. ; A. .will..-
The Great Amorican Tea Company
!1 & 3.1 YES E Y PTtlKI.
N'ew York Clly,
sepr--T iw
Vim I'm Imv IfOOtls for Cash Of I. W. blood and bile, hcmorrhol.Is, heat
In tho county, mauo i noio ox uuu ior
all tlmo to come.
Yam m.R Hints. A ro&iilnr h t'llt of httdy lh
nUMluU'!y rshcntial lo physical health and olcav
iitsa l lutflk'f-t. Nor N tills all. Ucautyolpo -son
cannot coi xUl with im unnntuml cor.dl-
llun id iho bowels, a livo prtbsngoor tlio leiusi'
matter of tho system thuau;h thoso nituml
wtisiB pipes, u us ni ccsbiiiy lo tho pnrlty nt the
uuuyiit iiiu iiiu jniMMiKu in 111c imutui a viiy
1 liiuiiEfti lis sewcr Is iioctssary lo tho health ol
IW lnhulmimts.
liiillirchtlon Is tho iii'liiini'v cause ol most ol the
diseases m' tho dUcharnlii;' otms, nnd ono of
us most common icmuik is const i. at um. this
compUlnt, besides belli s thumenms In Itself, has
maiiv iiauieeuuiti eoiie.oiiiiiiiui.s micu uu
unpkasant oveiUh.n tallow hl;iu,eanlauilna(hif,'
ovo all thrso
nvils bv re iiinvlnir their Immodiato cMiiu In tho
dtgefttlveoraan', and rt'tfulutlnjitlto Return of tlio
nnehiines, too cummuaiiou oi propcuies in
thih 'cuitbratcd prtpaitttlon U ono ol Us chief
mfciftb, It is not mciely UBtlinulant or atouie,
orim antlbllloui ntjenl, or a nervine, or a bloott
Uepuiuui, oracatnurtic, uutuu curativo
e lumen tu ludielouslv blended In ouo nowerlul
rtstJiaiive, 11 icmu aciivuy nun vigor in mo
btomucu, rcucvLis tuonu
obstructlon. and nlves
tone to tho membrane which lines It, greatly
T H O 31 P S O N
wonr.r.itENow xr.u vtent
Gr.oyj mmm cowm
. .-l.--'--iTSr-7 . No Cni' till everen tnved
jtiJj.i ucniiwona-wiuo popuu
5B.S.t5 Itv.
t.rj rue iicnuum inr inem '
.' conn.inily iucieiEliii;, be
Old I'.slrtlilUhotl Coal Yaril.
f!. w .XuAii.tllno. Wholcsalo & IiO'
(nil Hpnlera In till sly.CB of lliobcat
Olltllitled Of ItCll mill Wllito Ash Colli, lueil nud'eucrvuteil stoma
nt iho verv lowest iniirl:et intes. Limn- !'? ettJ.a'
... . - - - - iiuif in iiiu luciuuiiiuu wuicu lima ill Bieuii
burners ElippliCd nt liberal rates Wltll sUmulites tho liver, bracea tho ncivcn, nud
lll'it Ciualitv No. U.COtll. Tor Muith Urea, elm: . Uio nulmal spirits. Koolhor remedy pos.
f lit inn (r. n i iirlinn nvltpln nf lutiiii s sucli a varlely or liyBlenli. vlr ues. H U
In ntlilnion to a prlinotmiciooi itiniii, ll)11L.s0 chnrnetciisiioMuuiH that t owes its
wi! nnvo a nrst enisa quaiiiy oi Diumu
ial. nt 50.25 nor ton on wlmrf.
Lanru stueUa of nil filists constantly on
Imntl. Strict per iiitinluttontlonglvcu lo
tlio iiroparntion ut an our eoai. uriuu,
I .iinihnr nml filnbs taken ill exelillllL'O for
ponl. (3oal ilollvercil to any part of tlio
town. Orilera leit at jMctveivy xseai a
Go's. Btoro or at our ollleo, will recelvo
nronintaUcntlon. oiu'icr. 6c yahdsat
McKei.vy & Neai.'h l''i; knack, Uakt
lli.oojisni.'ita. our iiatronngo respcet
fully sollclteil.
ti.'oai n household medlelne. Exnelleuco
nmvi'ii u Di il is un uariuies as il is eiueii-
cmus, and henco It Is villi thu weaker
Mfit. wn l mo sirouiier.
lluictter'sMtoiuncii llllteif. nro sold in hollies
iml , unit uio irauu-mnik below in uio mass and
cii'.iiiMd on thu Inblu Is tho test ol uenulue-
ulbi. liewiiro of couutcriulls. septli-lw
niivnuii nv A ltiific 1 Tlio dlsappoltitrd nd-
i,.niurnm who have liolu Utiielo tlmo nttenint-
id to run their worthless pulnliiHKiilnsl Urnuo'il
l'lnntotlon lllUem, vow llial they uiunot under
stand w hut fouiidullou tbelo Is lor lis uinalni: it v. Thn f.Ytd.iiiatloli tstdmnlo eiinneh.
'rlieiepulatloniif Iho woildMciiowncd Ionic Is
founded upon a inelc, uio lock ol Kxperu uec.
All Uu liiLMidteiits aro puio and wholesome.
How, then. could Irlcksiers and clicfttsexpietto
livni it wiib cnuinoimdH iifehcaiiilriuis nud ro
luso liquor, or Willi iliiuoilcus tmsli In a slato of
not eons lei mental Ion ? Ill imii.ii tho charlatans
linvocoiuo to urlcl, 'Hull' lltllu piineluismlUil.
Tlielr contempt lor tho sniiclty of tho i iiinmu-
utty nas ueeu uny piiii.s..i... leanwuiiu i-iuii'
tnilmi ltltters seem to belli n full wav ol ovenl
millv soneihcdlmz every oilier mtdltal prenara
Km. Indlllili il ill UIO ellISS til Which It blllllllUS.
Ill every Mtnto nml Territory lu iho Union Tt l,
lo-ilny, Iho accepted epecltlo for iievousdehlllly,
dyspepsia. fecr tuil iitsue. thumiatlMii, niul ull
idliumuluvi'lvlinjudilicliucy of vital power.
'J in: uicnlestwant orthoiiieseiilni:elsmcuand
wuint u.iieiiiiny uuii viKO'iius in iiiiuuiiiiii uiuiy
u lie coniiuuiii ncniuieues. weauuesses. nervous'
ntss, & van inir allineuls which iillllil winuei
n ro gem rally Iho lesult of Importeet ucllon ol
iiiu siDiuticii nun oiuer vuai oiumr Air, uiuu
er's Cullforula Vlncear Hitlers, beim: com no. id
cutliely ol vegetable suUstances Indigenous to
iiiniuruia, muy ee iiiueu wuu peiieci. sunny uy
ii o i iosi iieueiiio. in ii aro a sum iiiueuv. ctir
1 1 el Uii; ullwronc actiuu nud il vin;; no- vigor lo
tho Viiiulosjstiin, sept.llo'lw
i:tu:oii.s uv ovvu.
Every nervous YouuttMnn In Iho Union, will
receive, In e, a lleelpolhal Mlllpiovou blesslm;
iiuougu in i', ey iiiiuieMsuut, in eoiiiiiieuee,
juuis ji, iiuui',n,
llox 517J I". o i'i CedarHtN. Y.
Kliawlii.tlriiiSKoodt), IliitincU. waler
prooft?, iiiusllnn, iimler irnriiienU for
liullen una kciiIh, calico by tlio ynrii anil
pomm. ueiuiiiM ny tuo yam ana pound
&c, will bo un mieclul salo next weol
at iiiu cnuip re.iuy pay moro oi i, v
e.iu u
'i ill Ul U
Un'vcr:al Satisfactica
Aic jlau'sime, iniiuble,
IVouomlcaf, and
otice Is hereby ulven, that a Petition for tho
pardon ol (Udcou llelshllne, sometime slnco I
eonvicieu ill uoisu sieuuug, lu iuiiiiuua, cuiiuiy,
will lin nreventetl to tbo Gnvernor for bis sliruu
lure, at tho cud of two weiks from tho dale of I
this notice.
tepia ,2-lW illif. lC.VrKJ114lMll.lKlS.
Tl'lNll, ovary lMrsolbolnjstamr.ot with tho
nioTllOJIl'.sON.audthotralO'tnarkn Crown.
Huld by nil I'lrst-Class Da.iie.s.
siptil lw
.iiicnti ft. Evans. Executor of tho last will nnd
testament of Abratn Youiur of llenton township,
Columbia eontily, docoasod, wlllcuposo to pull-
uosaiutuoioiiowiui; tracts oi vniuuuiu vntiuvi
nrsl.n tract of timber laud sltuateil tn Pino
township, Columbia county, cnutaiulug nbont"U
acres well timbered with whilo plno. chestnut
nnd hemlock, bouudod by luuds of Ellas Men-
denluiu. John i.ocuan, uom. tiuisoi nun oiuer.1,
lobe sold on tlio premises
MONDAY, OOTOUEU 3tli, 1872,
;it 12 o'clock, noon.
Beeoud. iicertulu trnct ol Umber lud slluatod
IU JnCKSOU iUWUSIlll, ..illllliiutifc lulling,
rniiiniiiinif fnrlv ncies nud lortvthreo and
el.;litlenlh porcliew, well timbered with while
plue, wlitie ii. il; and liomlock. bounded by Inn. Is
!.. .. , a nl i.'ii.l..... Aim......
Kileheu nud Jessa llhotio to Ii J sold uu tho
TUESDAY, OOTOmOlt iiUth, b72.
at lOoVlork, a, ni,
'Ihlid.u cL.rlaln liact of land situated In l'ish
Inucieo township, Columbia county, Pn., nJJnln
nn: luuus oi l'uiii u .niiieman, .1, ., j'c-
wilt, Henry Dyer, dee'd, nud other, eon.
1111111111? a hundred nnd tldllceu nercs nnd llllie-
iy-jour pcrcniK wnu wen iiiuu.'ie.i
with w i o oak. noiilar. c icsiiiut nuu pine, to lie
soul ou too picunst
1T 1.. X frtl Tl F ftn'IVlltl.'W fill Ml ll.r'
, J.iiS 1 41 3lJi , w "i'iiii ,.'., ...
nl lrt n'.-l.ii.l.- 1 At.
Tell per 1 tut. 01 Iho pmchasu money payable
nl tbo slill.lne duWll ut' the uioneitv. ouu-hall
iiisd the li n p.'! nut. In li inuiilliK Hun alter, uud
I ho ri iiia.iilei: ono half lu 1 yuir from ilsy orsalc
upon Iho "th of Oc tnlicr, ls72, nt I o'clock, p, M
uiKiii tho last descilbtd lircmlscs. Jacob H. Ev
aus will oll'or for sale, u cerluln oilier tract ol
. I. I..11. 1 el.lintr..! It, flllillut. fitwiivlilt. I1..!-
iiiubla cnuiilv. l'n.. liouu.letl bv lauds,
I'alleisnn Honiuel Melleuiy, J'.IIh.i Evans and
linrilLl.Mnyer. eouiaiuinttiii.ouiai acres uinuy
llllllieitil willli. pine, williu uau. nun pueil
pi ue.
'I'trms iiinilo Known on day of sale.
r hstati: nv Kr.izAiiirrn Mir.LKlt. nec'11.
Letters ol Administration ou tho euiuio 01 1
lrtivnlii.ili Millfr. lutn ot lluaver townsbln. Col
umbla county, deceased, havo been granted by
1 in iipirisif.1' rn Knni rimiiiv ill j mil iiiuueriiLci.
same township. All persons liavlngclalmsngalnst
1110 esi aiu 01 1110 necei e it uiu rut iicsicu iu inn
sent tlicm lor settlement, and thoso Indebted Ut
Iho estate to mako payment to tlio undersigned
uumiuisiraior, wiinout ueiny.
Kep'.7-lw Administrator.
rsr.VTB of cuitisriAN millkii incu'n.
M..t.rn u hcreliv clveli that letters Of Admlnla-
tratlon havo been granted by tho lleglstcr of I
Wills 01 Loiumuiacouuiy 111 1110 iiuuuisiKiifu m,
on tho eslaloor Christian .Miller, lato of l!eaer
township, In said enmity, now deceased, All
......w iiiili.liti',1 to khIiI Bstato nro reoulred to ...ivtiiiMit. nml nil iiemuns who havo claims I
a "'alusl k dd estate to make them known to tho I
uiulcrslBnoil. JOHN HINDEltl.lTElt.
sep 'SI iiw AUHiiuisirator.
W vnr ITKni' HAM1TET. Mf'NKAL. llKC'l).
Tno undeis.giied npilnted Auditor to dls
iriimin tin. fun. Is in tin. bauds of tbo Ailmluls
t rotors of tbo estate of Bamuol deceased
will meet tno parlies mieresieu 111 uisuiucu in
ill... .....1. ...... ntt Mnmlnv (lul. elli
IlltlllllVIIUl lilii.iiuom.ii, .... . w.,
n.7 nt in nVtiKdc n. 111.. whon nnd whoro all lier-
unMu intfirpKtud am renuested to tiresellt them to I
tho Auullnr or ue lorover ueuarreu irom coiuiug 1
lu for said luuu. ...... .
BCpt7.lw Auditor.
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by Iho
Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, to
dlstrlbuto Uio money In Court arising from tbo
salo ot tho teal estate of Jcrimtau Uetklu,
ninong Iho parties euiuicu to leceivo tuo same,
will intend lo Iho duties ol tils appnlutmeut nl
his otllco In lllisimsbni'K. ou t-utiinliiy, tho 'Mh
day of October. A. 1)., I si 2, at luo'clock.A. M.,
when nud wnero nu luiruru or persons uhviuk
claims on said money will prc.ent tho samo, or
bt lorover debai red fiom eonilng 111 on suld
funds. E. 1U 1KE1.E1I,
sept 17 iiw,
Bulerlbers to the Capital block of tin.
iNOllUK WlHt 1I1I1UCI1 llllll Iillllil v.u.,iuu iicmuj I
nolltled that usiiuud Installment ul 111 per cent,
lu same, must no pain 111 1110 1 leasunr, ou or no
loro the IjIIi da of iiclohir uexi.
!y uuierui i.tu 11111111111..
WM. NEA1.,
sepS'lw 'rieiiMiiiT.
I '1 1 statu 01' wm. mrrmtu. uli-'u.
l.i.ltrru tistuliienlarv un Ibu estalo of William
llulltr. Into ot .Montour township, Columbia I
county, die d., havo been granted by Iiiu llcgh.
ler of said couuly In James Kutly, EieeuUir, to
whom nil pcisous indebted tiiBaldeslatuaroit'
iiuesltd lo mako payment, nud thoso having
claims or demands against Bald cstate.wllt niuku
tlicm known to the Executor without delay.
JAM I'M KKAI.Y, Execnlor.
Ceiilrnlla, Pit,
UOilEUT 1'. CI.AUK, Attorney,
sept 0,'72-Cw. , llluoiusburg, Pit.
1 Tho subscriber nll'ers for salo n lot of ground
In lleuloH township, iidlolulng lands of eslalo nl I
jaenii .1 sil, v, llliaui .'ij.pieiiisii nun iiiuiTS, isiif
more or less, on which Is erected n goo.1 frame I
linuso nud sniltli shop. There Is a line young
oivhard, apple, pencil and cherry nud n never-
l.illllig spring 011 tho premises. Apply to ISA
THAN A. Ti'iuis, niljolulug Uu. proiierty.