BATES .OF A ' iv is u.TISING . AND I'J'J'l'1411'' ,KTllK0O''UnfAM JIUJI.DINO NRAllTItB COURT HOUSE, llLOOJISllUIta, rA., 11Y CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, r.Dnon and rnorniBTon. ..,ttii fif fllV I.'UTIIA V (tinilNIN Yjtns-Itf o Dollars a Year payable In adTanee, - JOB PRINTING ErMittocrlplloni executed with uentncsB anil or."'""",,,',...-,., ,. reasonable rates. Columbia Oountv Official Dirootoryi ; ,,l,ltlll.7ltoe-WlLLtAM ELWIILL. "'tuleJmlaei-luMt Dkuk, Isaac H. Mon .i..i!Himtrii ir. umni.r.n. ,.J '.'T.?:l it Vu;tr-Wlt.t.IANoN H.jAtonY, , V"f yllunitj JAME8U1I1 SON, Jit. ,.,,rAAUON SMITH imr 18AAO DKWITT. ', . , "rt-WILLIAMLASION. i , JOHCM CYKVJS ltouniKD, 1I1IIAU J. ! . II.I.1AM HI AFFKIl. ir L. J, I'AMI'IIKLL, UAHIKU I.Elk HIAII.I CONNKIt ,iM,,i.oncrs-l8AACJlCllitiriK,JoitNMo. , '"'in .Vujict Inlf mloil-Wst. II. Bnydku, l, ii Jt.m- JWi-fft-Dlrcctors, B. II. MiM.Kn i. iiam KuAMin. Illoomshurg, nnd JeiUNHOit ii. ii, Greenwood, Cn aiills Connek, Bee y. Dlooinsburg Official Directory. 'enmbviv Nanking Ifc.-JollN A. FBNSTO I . r ti nt, II. 11. llnoiz, Cashier. i ;l .Vultonnf Innk-CilAH. R. PAXToN.Prcs't , WKinwSVK , ,.i((o,i-i:. II. I.1TTI.E, l'rcs't., C. W. MILX.EB, H7.7uuutiiin; JlitlUUna (mil Saving Fund Aifgrf j, J, llunwLii l'rcsldcut, o. U.HAHKI.KY, Beo'y. Olmrcli Directory. IT.EfcTIYTEr.IAN CItUBCir. MhiMi i llnv. tiHinrt JI II chell. W lf.fA ,Scrllcf-10K A. M.1 7i I . M. MHiilciooJ-BA.M. ,,.., . . ... Wnltipnlnr. 7'.s 1. M. Bloomaburg Directory. l,Ai 11 tiiiamh Inst received nnd for Halo nt tbo Col.tJumAN Olllcc. OLOTIIINQ, Ac. 1AV11 i.oWKNnEIia.MerchnutTnltor.Mnlii ) (, AiiierlcnnllouBPj ""buuas, (jinoMicAi.s, ac. n p. LUTZ, Drugslstnua Apoineeiiry, nuuii nt. J'j, below tbo Tost Olllcc. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. n 1'. HAVAOK. dealer lit Cloclia, Watclics nnd I j Jut -elry, JUlu si., Just below tlio Amorlcan U line. f ,t I nr.HNHAIlI), Wilcli mill uiock mil Uim rsmtllicast corner Mulnuud Iron mn. IV hi AUT, Watch nnd Clock J'liiltor.Jlar. 'I, uclilicct, beloiv Jlulu, HOOTS AND SHOES. Ii V KKOltll, Denier In Hoots and Bbocs.lalCTt I'j mid lieM. Hyles, corner llnln uud ilainct 'i n Ik, In tbo old l'obt OUlco. UKNHY K I.KIM, Manufacturer and dealer In li.intu and Blioin, Oioccrles, etc., Main blieot, L" liloonibbum. PROFESSIONAL. Da 11, 11. C. HOWKll, SurReon Ueutldt, Main Bt. bovo tbo Court lloufcu. Dlt. VM. JI. UKI1KK, Burgeon and l'ni,lvi,iu, Olllco over tbo l' lint National Hank. GO. HARkl.KY, Attorney-at-l,aw. OMce,2d . Unorlu i:xcbausollloclc,ncartbr,'KxcliauKo Hotel." II. McKKI.VY.M. D.,Burgeou and l'byalclan , luil Hi htilo Main st below Market. r. ItUTTint, M. I). BnrKeon and Vbyslclau Mai kct fctrcet, abovo Main, 1!. ltOIUfjON,, OJllcellurt , uiun'H liiilldluu,MnlUhtrcet. nil. 11, F, KINNEY, Surgeon Heiitlat. Tooth 'I, Mnckd wllbiiiitpnlu: Main t,!., uuirly op- e Episcopal Cbuicb, r u KVANH, M. I)., Burgeon mid l'liyslclnn, ,) ,. uili hlduMa.u&trcvt, below .Market. Dl! . l..TlTTtNi:n,riiyRlclaiiiu.dSiiii!eon1or llco over Klelm'H DniK Btmit, rtsiilcnco ono ji ii below Ilcv. U. J. Waller. MILLINERY A FANCY GOODS. E. 1'hTKUMAN, Millinery and Kaney Onoda, oppobltu Ilplscopal Cliuicli,.Miilu t.t, MISH I.1ZZII, HAltKI.UY, MUJuer, Kainfcey uulUllnuMiilufclrret. II1KS M. lillllltlCKSON, Millinery and t'uncy J GiiodH.Mnlnht., below Market. iillH. JULIA a7a (Tl)i: HaTuCLEY, Ijidles' i'l i loaksand Dress l'attcrn, KOUtbeHAt corner M'mii and WestsU. Mini MISHIT HAIIMAN Millinery and Kanoy L (iMnlfc. Main ht below American llouso. HOTELS AND SALOONS. l.ioltKB 1IOTKI,, by T, Dent. Tnylor, eaU end L OI .1111 ulii slicet. MEHCIIANTS AND GHOCEnS. I C. MAItll, Dry Ooods and Notlonu, south- wist corner jiaiu ami iron sis. I'i'X .t WMIlll, Confectionery and llakory, 1 wholesale and retail. Exchange lilock. Hi .IIOWKlt,IIatsnud('ops,UootundShocs, , Main St., abovo Court IIouso. I 11. MA1ZK, Maniniolh Oiocery, lino (Iro ij. ffrleif, FiullK, Nuts, rrovlnlon, dc Main iniii 1 1 niro oireeiM, M'KKi.VY, MKAJj cu., ueaiersin ury unuun, (iroccrles, Flour, Feed, Bait, Klsli.Iron, Nails, ICi i, Ij. COr, iaiU UIIU illUllLUL hlH l 11. JIlI.LUll A BON, dealers In Dry Ooods, ii. Orocirles, Queensware, Flour, Bait, Bboes, Notions, etc., Main st. MISCELLANEOUS. ,i M. 1 1IKIBTMAN. Saddle, Trunk A IlarnebS l, maker, Blilve'i, lilock Main Btreet. I, V, llOUllINB.llqiioi dealerseconddoorfrom 1 unriliwisv corner iviiuil aim iruunm. i, TilOKNTON, Wall l'upi r.Wlndnw Bli.ides . iki luinrta, itupcri oiock, main si. I V, I'DltKU,, Furulluin Hnnmn, tlileostoiy t itcic, .laiu rill cei, v.csi 01 21am ei bi, tj ItDHl'.NSTOPK.I'lmlopiiplicr.over ltobblnii 1 it l.j tt b hioic, jnaiu hi. Kl'HN, dealerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Cboru 1.1.-1 lln's alley, 1 ear of American House, VUKl. JAC011Y, Mai bio nnd Drown Blono vt rks, Dost lliooinsbiirB.uorwicK roan. WJl. UA11I1, dealerln fiirnlturo, trunks, cede! m mow waro, uear mo toi&N iiuiui. IJ II, HIDDDMAN, Afient for Munson's Coppor ir 1 uuuiar i.ikiiuudi; uou, KOSTKH.niiio Maker, nnd Wlillo and Fancy . tllUlltilCUllUWll, MOTH DOOIfS. and blank NOTDH.Wlthorwltlv n out exemptlou.for sale at tlio Coi.uaniAN Catawissa, 1 K. DA 1,1, MAN, Merchant Tailor, Hccoud Bt, , unburn' iiuimini;. H 4. 1C. Hi U Mccoiid Bt KOHIIINH, Hureoon nnd Physician ueiow juaiu. pIMIKHT ft KI.INK, dry uoods, grocorlcs.nnd u ueneral luerchandlso, .Main mreei T II. KIBTLEK, ("nttawlssa Houso," North , Corner Main and Second Streets, I KK1I.ER, lllllard Baloou, Oysters, and Ico 11. Ciiuin in season Malum, MM.nilOHHT, dealer In OcncralMcrchaudUe . Dry Ooods, Groceries Ac, ITHIIANNA or Drick Hotel. H. Kostcll- I biinilt.r l't nnrlelnr kniitli.ennlenrner Mclll and Iwund Street, M, 11, AHIIOTT, Attorney at law, Main St. Light Street. HP, OMAN & Co., Wheelwright", Urst door . abovo School House, 101IN A.OMAN, Manufacturer nnd dealer la UootJl ami Hlinea I) H. KNT, dealer In Stoves and TIu ware In 1 Us biawcbes. 111 '11 Rl'NT. Miller, u ..ure.,raJI,,,r'rtA' and dealer lit nil kinds 01 de. All kinds or uralu Espy. )v: ,!',)(.'.AU' -Bubniiehaiiim 1 nuilliuxMau f.icluiluir. Pliuilun Mil ft VOLUME VI, --NO. 40. Back Horn. M&O.W. II. BIIOKMAKKIl, dealers In dry goods, grocelerlcs and general merchnndso Orangovillo Diroctory, Dlt. HnimiNU A DUOTIIDll.Carpontcrsaud , llulldors, Main St., below l'luu, BlttCK HOTDi and relresliment Baloon, by Kolir M'Kcnry cor.of Main and Tine st. Dlt, O. A.MKaAIlOKUl'byslctannndBurncon Main st next door to Uood's llolol, DAVID IIEU1UNO. Flour nnd Orlsl Mill, nnd Dealer In grain, Mill Btreet, fAMEB 11. IIARMAN. Cabinet Maker nnd Un J dortakcr. Main Bt,, uelowl'lno. SCIIUYIjEU ft CO.,Iron founners.Machlnlsts and ManufactutcisofplowH, MlllBl. QAMUKfj BH Aliri,KBH, Mnkor ofthollnyhurst I Uralu Cradle. Mntu Ht. WILLIAM DELONO Blioemnkcrntiit mniiiifac. tnrcr of Ilrlck, Mill Bt., west of Pino Philadelphia Directory. yAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GUOCEltH, N, E, Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUTS, COFFEE, 8UOAH, MOLABSEB KICK, Sl'ICES, 111 CAlill BOCA, &C.t AC. 49-0rders will rccelvo prompt attention. ' may in,n7-tr. H AllVEY U. WALKER, M E A. It , bCliROl'i' & CO., 1 M I'Or.TKI.S AKD J01U1K1IS OK CHINA, UL.AHB AND UUEENSWAUE, No. 108 NOUTIl SECOND ST., I'lIILADELIUIIA. 3OilElnnl nssorled packages of Queenswaro conHlaullv on band. Jeb2J'72-lf, Busineso Cards. E. u. LITTLE ATTOUNEY" AT LAW, Odlco Court-Ilouvo Alley, u ian Olllco, llliHiiiibburi: l'a, i.olow the, Coi.tjm c. B. 15ROCKWAY, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, liLoosisnynu, i'A. bv OFrirE Court IIouso Alley, In tho Co LCJiniAN bulldlnc. tJanl,'tl7. W. MILLER, ' ATTOHNEY AT LAW, OfBce Court IIouso Alley, below tho Colum bian Oftlco. llountles, llack-l'ay and Pensions collected. lUoorusburg Pa. Bcp.W67 JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE nbovo Ulooinslmrg, Pa. Howcr's Store, Main street, JOBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT 1.AW, Office Main Btreot below tho Court House. llloomBburg l'enu'a. B. FRANK ZARR ATTORNEY AT LAW, I1I.OOMBI1URO, PA. Olllee Mllh J. O. Ficeze.Ilrnwcr's Ulock. Can ho consulted In Ocrmau or English. inchKnu-tr EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAGENDUCH, Main Htreot ono door nbove E. Mendonliall's Hli.r. A largo assortment or Btoves, Jicaiors nnu Ranges constantly on hand, and for salo at tho luwcsi raio. Tlnnln g In all Its branches carefully attended to, uud satisfaction guaranteed. Tin woric or an kinds wuolcsaio nnu retail, a. rial Is requested, Jan 171 . "jgLOOMSBURG ill A u II L I; IV O K K S. MAIN RTnKET, I17I.0W M.M1KKT, BLOOMSUURO, PA. Mnniimenfn. Tnnihq. Headstones. Ac. Work neatly executed. Orders by mall will receive special aitcniion. n.11. wonc ueiivereu 11-uuui charge. T. L. OUNTON, Proprietor, octimi-tr. 1". O. Uox SOT. B ARGAINS BARGAINS. QUICK BALKS ANT) SHALL TllOKIO. HAVIi 1UU11 J1U.1H1, Ooto HENRY YOBT, East Dlooinsburg, Ph., lor nil kinds of the best homo and city made FURNITURE. Prices reasonable and tho be ' wiik dono, Jan P7i-tf yULCAN WORKS, DANVILLE PA. WILLIAM H. LAW, Manufacturer or Wrought Iron Drldgcf, Boilers, . 1-. iw.i.,.u t,.nn.n..r t... I1.U....U Air. I., Tv...t Itoollug, Rooting Frames, Flooring and Doors, Farm uaies and rcucing, also wrnugiii iron pip. lng, Slacks and all kinds of Smith Work, Ac. Repairs piomptly attended to, N. 11. uniwlugs nnd Estimates supplied. oct7'71-ly. BE LI ERNIIARI) STOIINEIl U'onld Inform frlcuds nutl tlio mibllc that lio has taken iios&tbblon ot T3HEE OLD STnSTHD, In tho Exehnngo Hloek, so long occupied by him uud will cany on tho business of a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, Ho brings to tbo business an oxperlcneool many years and assures tho community that ho will urulsh tho licit of bread, cakes, lolls, biscuit, ftc rresli every day. Ho proposes nlso to keep on hand a largo und well assorted stock of FINE CONFECTIONERY, of nil crndes. French candles and lhoso of do mestic; inanufactuie.nlwavs to bo had. wholcsnlo nnd retail at lowest tatcs. Adjoining tlio Dakery nun louiccuoucry is n wen esuiuusiieu H.HSTAUR.AIMT, where may bo found Alo nnd Lngcr, nnd lto neshments, Oysters In kcason and tbo various lit lie delicacies v hlcli Milt tho public taste. Theiu is aiso a . FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, ovcrtho confectionery storo, where ladles nnd gentlcmcii can obtain tho best of Ico Cream In bcasqu. A fijr.tliarool tlio public custom Is rio,ucsted mm 110 paius will uo spareu iu eusuiu miiisiuu tluu nprlUti,'7--ll EW DRUG STORE. CUIUS. A. KLEIM Having iniuliiiKd II. c l.iislne fH 01 V V. Liar, now oilers nt llm old luiiil. 11 eholto iihtoilnit ii 01 DRUuH, I'llEMlCAUl, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AUT1CI.1X, FANCY BOA PH, HUUBHK'J,cdC. And n general ntKirtnunt of tho choiecstgoods usunllv lound in llrstelass eslnbllubnients. Physicians' I'leseilptlous and Fumlly Recipes Careiully Compounded, On Sundays, open Horn 8 n, m., to 10 a, in., nnd iruiii p. 111,, iu 4 p, in GERMAN AND liNULIBH HI'OKEN.f lehSTMf MiracollaiioouD. li N T I 8 T R Y , h. n. iiowmi. dhntiht. Respcctrully oircrs his professional scrvlcos to the ladles nnd gtntlcmeu of liloomsburg and vl. clnlly. Ho Is prepaid! tonttend toall tho vari ous operations In tlio lino or his proregsloivnud Is nrovlded Willi tliolnteetlinnroved PoncKLAiN i kktu which win uo inserieu on goiu pininic bilver and rubber bato to look an well nstbo nai iirnlteeth. Teeth extracted by nlltho newnud lnostnnnroved methods, and nil operations on tlio teeth cnreluliynnd propcily nil.-nil ed to. Residence nnd olllco a lew doom nhovo tho Court House, snmo side. lUoorusburg, Jnn.l'7l ly Etna tKKi.oiic orient.. fioo.oan lloynl of Liverpool. Danville Mutual iilirlngneld Oermnnla, N. Y lD.OOU.KO .Wl.nitl sno.wo 1,151,781 HfltMMI 2110.51111 imernaiiouai i.x,. armers1 iianvuie,, .nnenster Cilr Home S.OCC.on FHKAH 11ROWN, ('rnf, Dloomshdiui l'a. mmm-ly. H INK LEY KNITTING MACHINE THE H1MPI.IST, CHEAPEST AND 111 1,T IN UHEI HAH HUT ONE NEEDLE I A CJJiW) CAN HUN IT! Designed eclally for tho uto of families, and miles v bo detlre lo knit for tho market. Will do every stlleh of (ho knitting In n stocking, widening nnd lianowlngns readily as by hand. Are Milrndld for woislfds end fnncv work. TAKING FIVE DIP I ERI.NT KINDS OF ,1 BT1TC1II Aro very eny to innwngc, nnd not uniilc 10 icl out 01 oruer. LMiy rnmiiy tuoiiui hnvo one. We want r.n Apent in Lveiy town to Inlroduce and sell iliem,loMhoinworllcr lliomostllbcral Inducements. Hend roroiirCliciilarnndBamtilo Blocking. Address. 1UNKLEY 1CKITTINO MACIIIECO., uov. 10,'71-ly. Hal h. Me. BO. HOWE R, ipenod a flrslMilass IOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR B1011K. at tho old stand on Maln8trect,ltloomsbnrg,nfew doors abovo tbo Court Houso. His block Is com posed of tho very latebt nnd beststyles over oller cd to tbo citizens of Columbia County. Ho can accom modal o tho publ lo with tho follow! ug goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double boled stog.i boots, men's double nnd slnglo tap soled kip boots, men's heavy sloga shoes of nil kinds. mell'R lino boots and shoes of all erodes, bnv'n double soled boots aud,KliooBofallk!nds, men's glovo kid llalmoral shoes,men's, women's, boys's uu misses lasiiug gaiicrs, women's giovo icia 'ollsh.very llue.woinen s morocco Daliuornlsnnd calfsboes, women's very line kid buttoned gait ers. 111 snori uoois 01 an descriptions notu peg ed and bowed. 110 would nlso cnllnllontlon to his Ono nssort- meut or AT13, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all tho new nnd populni vnrl eliesnt prlccswlileliciinuntlalltosuitnll. Thcso goods mo offered ntthe lowest cash tales and will bo guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited beforo purchasing elsewhere ns It Is uoucvea mat better bargains nra 10 uo ionuu than at nuy other plnco In the county. jan 1-1 THE ORANGEVILLE MANUFAC TUIll NO COMPANY. MANUFAnuni.ns oir AGRICULT URAL I M PLUM ENTS of the most Approved Patterns. mm fivRi-iiig, ,JolI)li!;r, nt:.) C'K.stitiKN or all descrlpllom. DEALERS IN General Mercliantllse, Lumber, &c.,&c. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo would nnnounco to tho nubile In cfueral that wo hnvo taken tho well known Agiicullur nl Works or this plnco nnd shall make tt our aim to mnuulacturo First Class Agricultural Imple ments coual loan v other makers In tho Stale. such as Threshing Machines, Both Lever and Tread Power, I'lows of every Description, nnioug which will ho tho celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, ncknowledgcd by nil to be tho best plow extant for tlio farmer. Also tho Champion, Sterns' Patent it 11 el The Montrose. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators, Iron Kettles, ami Castings or every elescilpllou. Wo shall uso uonobiit tho hebl mateilalsaud employ 110110 but competent and experienced mechanics nnd our prices will coinpaio lnvorably with any other niaaufaclur cis. Country pronnco, Lumber, old iron, taken in exchange. Wonlsohavon. storo In connection with our Agricultural Works, where inav bo found a full nssorlmont of MERCHANDISE which will bo sold nt small protlts. Olvo ns n cnll beroro purcbnslng clsewhero nnd wo guar antee sntlslactiou. m'irchB!'7i!-ir. Hotola. JIIE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Tho nndersh'Ucd would Inform tho travelling public, that ho has tnken the abovo named estab lishment and tlinioughly reiltted tho same lor the perfectconvenience of his guests. His larder will ho blocked with tho best the market nllords. Tho choicest liquors, wines ami r.lgnrsnlwnys to uo louuu 111 111s uar. WILLIAM l'1-.ri'lT. Kspv, l'a, J. THORNTON 'J. .inn 1.1 n, 1,1,1 11, ia. tin I Im .H tvmic f itb.n.n C- Luiu aud vlclultv. that bo lust lecelveda lull uuii eoiupiuio assoi uueuu vt WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Fixiur.ns, coisib,tash,:lp, uud all oilier iroods In Is lino or business. All ino newest nud iiiosi "pprovcu paueius 01 1110 uay aio always in uu iu"tm 111 iiisesiauiiniimeni iuar.5.'b' Main Bt. bolow Market, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES 13 OWN IN PHIOE J. H. M A I Z 3 ' S, Corner Main nnd Centre sis., BLOOMSUURU. JV new block of Fiesh opened nt MAIZE'S. Teas, ColiccH, Snprar.s, HYHUl'B uud MOLABMEH. CHEESE, MEATS. MALI, Mll. eic, VEOETABLia, 1IERMETICAI.LY" Sealed floods. ii?r t n.'u TiTo.,.i,iu nim.'T m I U.U1 Uim .,,-.r,l. . . 1. luiu.iurv nnu uuaii.tjiiu ruuiits, An Elegant OF Assortment QUEBNSWARB Cnnitlnntlv nn hand. AIM YOOD, WIL1X1W and ULASSWAREol every vty, All any goods are or Iho first quality ami st ex sreuieiy low prices, diAHS'jUl J. II, MAIZE 1'IICSIHKNTIAL CAMI'AIONi OAPS.'CAPial TORCHES, Bind for ILLVSTUATKD CJII' iwit nud Pmcu List, CUNNINGHAM 4 HILL, MAta'l'ACTUltEIl.s, Ko. 201 Cliurcli Street I'lllitAiniiriiiA. Juno i!J, U7Minos, BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, DR. CAHPENTEll. 130 MULBERRY STREET, NEWARK, N. J. Is now treating biicccssrullv, Consumption. yjroneTiUls, nnd nil diseases of tho Throat nnd Luugs, Willi COMPOUND MEDIOATI.l) INHALATIONS, CONCEN'i'RATKl) FOOD, AND w COUOII BYUOP. During tho l'ast ten years Dr. Carpenter has ticntcd nnd cured thousands ol cases or tho above liniiied tllsfoseq. and has now In his not session cerllllenlcs of cures irom overy part of ho country. The liiluilsllon Inbreathed 011 Into tbo lunorR. ftoolhlm? nod lieullnif t inllamcd surfaces, eulerll u Into tho blood. It liutmrts vltalhr asllnermcites lo every nart or tlin system 'Iho benoallon Is not unpfoasaut nndtliolllbt liihalallon;ottenglve.ivery decided Teller particularly when there Is much dllllculty 01 ureamiug. unner 1110 luiiucuco 01 my reiue dlos, tho cough soon grows easier, tho night sweats ccaRO, tho hectic lleuli vaulshcs.and with iniprovliig digestion tho patient rapidly gains strength, nnd health IsrKiiln within his grasp, Tlio Concent rated Iooil inpldly builds up Iho most debilitated patient, proicntlng to Iho stomach rood nil ready In bo issluillatcd nud inado Into good, rich henlthy blood. Tlio C01111I1 Sj nip Is lo bo taken rt night to nllc vlato the e'ougli uud enable tho patient to obtain Bleop. Full directions ttccmnpuny each boz 0 my tc mcioV., which cumlil 0 Ono In linlcr t One llutlleo l.tllcrallio Inlmlmit One lloltln el Southl'i? Celirlfiuro Inlinlanl Olio Hottlnof Anil Jit. morrliAslr liilmtnnl) (Jno li.itllrConceiilrnletl leud; One II idle o Cougli Mrup. Pilco or Dox containing remedies to last one 111 01 it 1 1 , fill; two months, 81x three mouths, iT Sent lo nny addresi C. O. D. Pamphlcls con taining largo list, ul pnlienls cured sent frco, Letteis of Inquiry contain one dollar to In burounswer, Aildrest, A. II. CARPENTER, M. D Nownrlf, N. .1. Dr. CAUI'K.NTEIl'H OATAHRIf RllMEDY Will glvo tiumcdlnlo relief, nud will ellect n perma nent cuio In lrom 0110 to three monlhs, l'rlco of remedy lo last nuo mouth, fj; two mouths, 5Si threo monlhs, 10. CAM I It In all Us films successfully treated. Send for list of patients cured, to A. 11. CARPENTER, M. D Nownrk, N. J. JnlySillyi' THE BEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST DURABLE PAINTS now la uso aro tlio Montour Slate Paints. Thcv cover one-lhlril more surface. Inst lonirer nnd cost less than Whito Lead, tho plnco of which they aro very generally taking where cconomj", durability aud neatness aro desired, Hear what our Practical Painters says: It elves moerent tilfnstirn to recommend vonr Blato Paints as supplying a need wo hnvo long leu, nun oveicoming 11 great, (iiiucuiiy, wiucu hns long been ncknowledgod by nil practical etintcrs. namely tho oxidation of Whilo Lend. by Iho ntiuosnltcie. cnuslnn It to crumblo or clialk oil. I am satisfied they will paint one-third more surfaco and 111 a better manner thaunn) other pigment, l navo over nseu. ora u. uoui.i). Klncslon. Juno 23. 17;. Wo checrlullv ennetii' hi tho nhovo oninlon ex pressed by Mr. Geo. C. Uonld. ji. 11. vAxiflAi i.i, A. W. MONROE, 11. F. IIIOKB, Bloomsburg, Ta. Bi:Nn i on rnie'i: list, and sample caiid. DREIIER, KEAY ft CO., Sole Miinuraeliiiers. sept, C,'72.3m. Rupert, Pa. i. n. FIIAOTSOUS & 00, Q13 aiAIHLUT STK.EHT, PAILADELPHIA, Wo havo onencd for the FAr.r. TitAiii. itm argest and best assorted stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS. Table-, Blair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Clialn.Cotton. Yaru.ltat- ng. W milling, 'I wines, Winks, Clocks, Jnoklng masses, l ancy iinskcts lirooms, llaskelu, Duckets, Kruslies, Clothes Vrlna. era, Wooden nnd Willow Wait-. INTIin UNITED STATES, Our larco inerensn III bnslnpsu r.nnlilf.c 11a lo sell nt low prices, nud furnish tho bestimallty ol' Ooods. feOLK AGENTS FOK TUB CELKBKATfiD A3IEUI0AN WASIIUIt. Prlco Sj.&l MOST PERFECT AND SUCCESSFUL WASHER EVER MADE. .ontswnnted for tho American Washer in all parts of tho Spite. NEW YORK. CORK. AND LIVF.nrOOL. NEW AND FULL-1'OWERHD STEAMSHIPS. THE LAROHST IN THE WOULD. OCEANIC, CELTIC. REPUBLIC, ATLANTIC, J.ALTIC, ADRIATIC, MAJESTIC. Balling lrom New York on SATURDAYS, lrom Ivcrnool on THURSDAYS, nnd Cork Hnrlini. tho day following. From tho Whito Star Dock, 1'nvonla Ferry, Jersey City. Passenger accommodations (for nil classes) uuilvnlled, combining u A l.M.r' uir,.L.,, , i .lAAinnTiTi .3... ... . , nii,i.u,jiiiui.wJirui,il Saloons, state-roonis. binoklni'-room and Iwfb rooms hi mldshlnbectiou.whciu least motion in rell. Surgeons and htewardosses accompany thcso btcainers. Rates Saloon, f SO gold. Steerage, S."0 curren cy to London, Liverpool Glasgow Londonderry, and Bristol. Tlioso wlshlug to send lorlrlcnds lrom tho Old Country can now obtain stoerago piepald ccrtlllcates, S13 currency. i-absengers oooueu 10 or 11 om nil parts or America, Paris, Hamburgh, Norway, Sweden, India, Australia, China, etc. Oralis lrom tl unwnids. For Inspection 01 plnns nnd other Information, npply at iho Compauy'sOMces.No.WUroadway, New York, .1.11. hl'AHKS, Agent, Or to W. PEACOCK, Bloomsburg, Pa, nul2tf BAUGH'S Raw Bone Superior Phosphate OF LIME, Standard highly Impiovcd und warranted. Price, f 15,00 per 2,000 lbs., Cash. TO-Now Woika no7 in opcratlon.lTtJi a-New Material used in niannfacliiriug.'u'i 'Jlic fire which tltstrocd onrwoilscn the Vlh tl Sii'ril, itfUKU vmy tl ttinjivrwy Ufiui. Wo wairant the btandard 01 our Itnw llono i-iiospuaio 10 110 01 11 uigiicr 1'iaiie man uerore No eoiislcmneills will be lmulu under nliv etr. ciimstauces. it is notcciinin wo can contmuo to bellnt onr iircbeut icduced pi ico cuing lo Iho mlcuuce In 'law Material, AilWo thank our customers and friends irenerauy ior ineir couiinuen initio ana 111 cicnsed ordeis. Wo cm nho furnish our GROUND IlAW BONE WARRANTED PURE, At $15,00 per 2,000 His., easli. Oideis for fall Irado mo reriueslcd lo bo 10 lu ns eaily as possible. iitvi'uji ritiisn, No. SOSoulh Delnwaio Ave., l'hlhulclnliln. July ll3m A f! INTS 1 CAMPAIQN HAND HOOli 1W I AND WANTED. ) CITIZENS' MANUAL A comnlctol'olltlcfll Comnend. for voters of all vurtlcs. Axe1 of till tlio I'l-Lisltlt'iits-niitl tho tiri-H t ilt iTi'biuciuiui utiuuiuaics. ruu junsmuuun oj ite u, tt, umt iKciarmion cj j n(iejienticncc iv Ittical Conventions, ami their PlutlarniH. Com pute Klct'tttm He turns the last Ceusus, nnd otUer Ktutlhtlcnl 'J'ublctJ, .10. '250 Pages; 30 JhiQravinga; l'WecSUS. Jlnok sella at light 810 to$W ;icr day iwllymadc. For Circular, mlilress ficpl G iw 711 Banbom Ht., riiUaduluhiii A nrATrPD T nnTlTlmiM Theio H a I 'or UioNcwBpleudldly Illustratoa Edition of INSUN CRUSOE, llecauso It Is the most rascluatlng nnd popular noon in priui.nuu excels nil in rein i icgance mm lew yrtces, jubi urn. 03 ptigctf. iittit-u jttiv.., only (IM easy worth j3.l. Is u Oreat 1111, bells eiulctt aud rast. 'jerms 01 tins nnu our now uo mestle lilhles. far tho most coinnleto superbly Il lustrated and Inst'Selllug edition extant, also, tho "Pocket Compnnloii," worth 10 to nuy book nnout.seutfioo. Write nt once, stntlng wheie you baw this, to ItUlillARU 11UOH.. npr, Publishers, 7il Sansoiu St., Phlla 1II.ATCIII.RVH liiiproseil Cui-uiubt-r uootl rumii. Tiisiulesb. Durable. Ellicleut nndCheai. Tlio bcHlPuiupfor the least money. Attention is espectully invilcit 10 lllalcli lev's l'ntent liunroved Brack' rt nnd New DropChcck Valve, u lilchcnu bo wll lidinwii with' out removing tho Dump or dlktiilblug tho Joints, Also, thu Copper Chuuiber, l.iilih miver iitirks or scales, nud will outlast nuy other. I'or sale by Dealers overywhcit' t-cml lor liitaliiguonud 1'ilco 1.1st. I '1 1 AS. 11. 11 latch lev. M'l'r. SlHlCommrtccSt., Phllnd.i. IM, I i THE WAR GOVERNOR F0RB00KALEW! At nu Iiiimeiiso meeting hold In Bellefonto on Safunlrty night lust, Gov ernor Curtln spoke as follows : You see, my frlcndii nml neighbors, that I am glatl to meet you. A real ilonco In iv distant and forolijn country of dllTuront asioelalloin and political orfranlzttbns, no far from weakening my alRtloiis for my nntlvo country and my iiilmlratlon of Its frooatid gen erous iii.iiltullons, ha" strengthened mid confirmed thorn. I returned homo af ter nu ab'icneo of threo years and a half, FOpamtod from all tho political asperi ties which dlvldo men and country men loo often In this land, feollug nono of thoso violent opinions which oxclto men In rt political contest such as I now find engaging tho vast people of my country. Away from tlio newspapers and tho parly drill, I hnvo not luiblbed that fierco political hatred for it Is on ly political hatred which scenn to have Inspired parties nnd men In tlio United States. Why, it Is strango to a man absent bo long from his country to find "thiof," "liar," "traitor" modest words In tlio political lltornturo of tlio country. Traitor 13 a common word, yet. a man who Independently In this country ntlorapta wlml ho bollovcs is right, must ha denounced. My follow citizens, I havo long acted with tho party called republican. I received its hotiou, I discharged its dutle?. I tried to dlschnrgo my duty. Applause. It was tho pleasuro of tho pooplo of this SImIo lo lift mo to tho position of tholr highest honor in yoars, long years of great sufl'orlug wlien tho country was lorn und convulsed by civil war. I witnessed that strugglo with regret. I did not measure Us magnitude lior ditl I understand its full consequences. I was for my government intackt nnd did not beliovo that any stalo or com bination of states Inula right to scccdo from tlio Union, cortalnly, that they had no right to plungo this country In to a civil war. When tho war wns over I belonged to that class of men In tho republican party who boliovcd in general amnesty and tho ballot. What could wo do ? Could wo kill all tho men in tho rebolllon, or could wo tako them back ? A "voico tako thorn back." Tho general sentiment of tho btnlatC3m''n in tlio laud was that wo should tako them back into tlio fellow ship of tho Union, aud If thoy rebell ed ngaln, teach thorn again that wo could compel them to obey tho laws. believed at that tnno and beliovo ow lint wo could liavo nail peaco throughuot tlio land if agoncral amnesty could iiavo been proclaimed nnd tho ballot with it. Applause.! My fellow citizens tho war camo on through tho teaching of certain south- cm politicians who supported a doc- trino commonly called states rights. Now I fear, my follow citizens, that tlio pendulum has swung too far in tiio other direction. Applauscl And whilo wo had just refson to complain of'tiio Iuiidlous doctrine of stato rights wo hnvo nlso n just right to complain that tliero is too much centralization of government now, overlooking tho Just rights of tlio states. Icomo now to speak of Pennsylvania. My friends and neighbors, all your rights of prop erly, nil your rights of porsonnl llbcrly, nro found protected In tho government ofthostnte. You scarcely felt tho im press of tho national government. Our courts nro stato courts, our laws nro stato laws. You find your rights, your interests protected in tho government of tho Stato. Now, lam told, nay, I was told in England, that tho stato of Pennsylvania must olect n ticket put into tlio field brcauso it effects tho elec tion of a President. I hold to no such loclrlno. I would not hiimillato my stato by such a doctrine. 1 would pro sorvo lo tho stales nil tlio rights guar antied lo them by thoeonstltutlon, and would nceord lo tho national govern ment all thn powers given it by that instrument. Tho protection of tho peoplo cf Pennsylvania uud tlio pres ervation of tho purity oT their govern ment is n quesiion lor themselves, in Which oilier slates havo comparatively little Int. -rest, and which has no eon ncclitm with thu national politics, Now, my fellow clti.o.ns, I havo do. elnral in n loiter recently wrltlon, and which has given olVotuo Iokouio of my political friends, 1 havo declined that 1 would not support tho ticket put In nomination last spring and will bup- port for governor Charles R. Buckalow. Applause. I know Mr. Buckalow, I havo known him for over twenty years, no nns niauo ins marie upon tho legislation nml tlio constitution of thoslato. I havo difl'ercd witli him in political opinions nnd havo acled with tho parly in opposition to his viows, havo nover received his support for nn olllco In my iifo, but know ho Is n puro and honest man, applauso, Now my fellow citizens I havo nothing to say against General Hartranft, ho was n gnllnnt soldier and servod his country faithfully, but Innu ovll hour, In his ambition ho wanted to becomo govor nor of Pennsylvania. If ho had becu governor for six years ho would not bo nuito so ambitious oftho honor, laugh tor. llo connected hlmsolfwlthnrlng surrounding tho Ireasury of tho ntnto not of u recent dale, It has been iu full power for blx years. Tlio present governor of Pennsylvania was noml n.itcd and elected by tho Inlluenco of this samo ilng j It hns been there over slnco. H then wr3 foi incd and a com bluiitlon iiuitlo to elect tlio governor nnd to provide nil tho machinery by which tluy could reach every county In tho stato Vihcio they cculd control a voto nnd return their chief to tlio United KUtcs poimto. It is said nil this OOL. Is fair. How fair V Ooncral Irwin, of Beaver county, was six years tiomnils Bary general of Pennsylvania. Ifo hold that olllco during tho war. I nover heard nny objection mado lo tho dls chnrgo of his official duties whilo In thnt olllco. I never heard him charged with malfeasance In olllco. Tliero wn3 nocomblnatiou for plunder nround him. I don't know iu tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania to-day, n inati on whoso word I could rely with moro hieadfnst bollof Hum that of lldnoral Irwin. Havo you read his statement V Ho soys that when ho was Btato trcasuror, Mr. Scott was elected senator nnd n now election was lo bo held that coming winter, that ho was waited upon by certain individuals, nnd thoy proposed to him that thoy would ro-olcct lilm to olllco If ho would tuko out of tho treas ury tho $118,000 balance duo on tho amount oxpended on tho election of Mr. Scott. Now, my friends, Mr. Scott was no party to that. I beliovo Mr. Scott to bo an honest man, but ho was selected by this ring, und they expend ed tho money. Gen. Irwin rofusod their request, nnd ho was turnod out of olllco nml Mr. Robert W. Mackoy elected. Now, my friends, Mr. Robert W. Mack oy was n teller in a bank in Pittsburg. Ho seemed to havo qunllllos which suited tiio gentlemen who surrounded tho treasury of tho stale, nnd ho was mado stato treasurer. Ho Is tliero now in olilee, and ho asks for a ro-elcctiou. Unfortunately for General Hartrnnlt ho was auditor general of tho accounts of Pennsylvania. Wo havo but two of ficers connected witli tho treasury of Pennsylvania treasurer nnd auditor general. Thoy hold tho books, and they hold in a fiduciary capacity money raised by taxation of tho people. It is a penal ofibneofor tho stalo treasury of Pennsylvania lo mako profit from de posits in tho treasury. You will find by examination of ttio roports oftho treas ury Umt from a million uiul a half to two millions and a half, and sometimes threo millions of dollars, nro kept In tlio treasury, nnd this balanco is hold for tho cntiro year ; that money Is put out on interest, and thus ho is en abled to buy his olllco and sustain tho ring. Very well ; he is doing Ibis. Thoy employed a broker in Philadel phia by tho name of Ycrkcs. I do not speak of what is charged, but of what is proven by tlio books of Yorkcs. This transaction amounted in ono year to hundreds of thousands of dollars, uud you will find that Mr. Mackoy, ; tho stato treasurer, received his share, and unfortunately tho candidate for gover nor received his share Now it is suid by their party supporters that other men did Iho vory samo thing. Tlioy say they did no moro than other audi tor generals aud slalo treasurers havo dono. It was tho good fortune then of thoso who did it not to bo found out, and It will bo tho plcasuro of tho poo plo of Pennsylvania, ns it is their high est duty, when they aro found out not lo givo thorn suffrages or elovato them to higher places. Now, my friends, I nover had tho support of members of the treasury ring, and njvor had their votes. It was my good fortuno not to havo their friendship. When I wes in England, on my way homo, I found tlio ticket nominated and I mado up my mind then that tho ticket might bo withdrawn, as tliero seemed to bo 6omo arrangement to effect that purposo, and I hoped it would be. I havo no hesi tation in saying to-night that if such n man as Mr. Ketchum or Colonel Jordan, who wero both candidates, had been nominated at Harrisburg, I would not bo lu your presence; but If they chooso to tako a man from that Pennsylvania treasury combination orrlng.Iwouldbo iuscnsiblo to gratitudo and falso to tho trust imposed in mo if I dared to do claro mysell In favorof it. I know very well tho permlty of my present course, and I discounted It beforo taking tlio staud I did. I only regrot, my friends and neighbors, that it pleased Provi denco to throw mo upon n bed of sick ness. I lost nearly a month. If I had had my health aud strength I would havo travolcd from Lake Erio to tho Delaware. Applauso.l I havo a per fect right to stand by you, fellow citi zens of Pennsylvania, a Ight to ollllinto with any party who will purify tho government of my s'.ilo, Applause. 1 havo no doubt that tonight I stand Iu tho presonco of many of my friends nnd neighbors who would not havo Loin hi'i'o if I had not declared these sentiments. I havo uo doubt-(hat if 1 could look over this crowd nnd could soo 11, I would nolo tho nbheiieo of many of my old friend. Laughter, and a voico "thcio is plenty of now ones in their places.'' 1 accord lo ov ery American citizen tho right to ex press his scnllmenls and excrciso tho highest, noblest nud most sacred duly which an A met lean citizen performs, Hint of exercising tlio duty of bull'rago the casting of his ballot. And hrslt como to this, when n man chooses to cast his ballot from nn honest convic tiou thnt it is ids duty to cast it for lion est tneu nnd ngalnst tlio ring surround ing tlio treasury of tlio slalo, und elbow deep In it, Unit ho is to bo tlenouuced V I have no doubt that tho word "trai tor" will bo freely used. Traitor to what'.' To his country, no; to party, what parly '.' Wo all claim, democrats claim, nnd rcpublicns claim, on tho other side, that they nro both parties of purity, nnd eepnrnted from nil this I como hero nfter nn nbsonco of threo yenrs nnd a half, without feeling any of this emotion, I look over tho field and am prepared noxt Tuesday week to cast my ballot ngulnsl tho caudldato of that ring. It is said, my mends that if you voto for Bucknlow you will voto for traitors, you will volo for rebel sympnthlzcrs, you will voto for men Who held back dining thu war. 1 havo heard Unit Lcfore, my friends, when tho war wits cleft d by tho courage of tlio solilleis. It was not by statesmen, nor by generals. They did their part, but wo suitnlned our government, ninlu tallied Us Intcgrlly by llio force, pow cr and courugoof Ihonicn who carried muskets nnd held sabres. Remember, my friend-', it Is not generals, colonels captains or nipjirs that preserved to us 1872. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 33, tills liorllago of llborty nml equality which wo received from our ancestors. Wo owo It to tho common soldier. Whom is ho? Ho is notelovftted. Ho served his country faithfully nnd ho is now serving tho country by Ills labor. Wo find when tho war closed men who clamored most that rebMs should bo shot wero men who surrounded camps, who wero quartermasters by profession, who bought oats nnd horses. I could nittno Homo of thoui to you to night. I could toll you names of somo Who fatloned on army contracts. Now thoy call a imm who daroj to nstert his ludcpcndonco und ids rights ns an American cltizon n traitor. And, my friond3, 1 know that when tho country was bleeding at ov ery pore, when every household had lost its favorites, when tliero was blood upon every door-nill, when tho graves of our bravo men wero In overy cemo tcry in tho slate, when every breast blazed with enthusiasm, nnd when sol diers lo savo this government marched into tho Jaws of death, thoso men fur nlshud camps with horses, oats und hay, and fattened, nnd they wero for hang ing tho rebels. Of all Iho nion engaged in tho war tlio most forgiving men were tho.o who fought It out. Vo nil ad vised men lo go to tho war. I did it with others. Tlio soldiers forgave nnd forgot. Real soldiers, not tho sham soldiers. Tho real soldier soon forgot ids injuries, nnd with a deslro to make this country prosperous, to return to friendship for these warring states, to givo us peace, licavon born aud blessed peaco, and novor agnin return lo tho fierco strugglo nud sectional hale. Tho governor referred briefly lo tho Impor tation of negroes into this stato for vot ing purposes, and ended by urging on his hearers tho necessity of watching tlioo freedtnen who leave tho District of Columbia to work on Camel oil's rail road. Mr. Curtln did not foreshadow ids policy wilh regard to his future action on national questions. Siuniiilii up Hie Ihlileiicc. It is now timo to deal with tlio men on Irial beforo tho peoplo of Pennsylva nia ns courts of justice treat all cul prits when they havo them on trial. Tlio duty of tho court is to iiirn up tho cvidenco as it is presented for nnd against the prisoner nt tho bar. Tho candidates respectively for Auditor General uud Governor represent lu their persons tho Cameron Treasury Ring now on trial, nnd whilo Hartranft and Allen nro tho Individuals whoso names appear rnpst prominently iutucslruggio and proceedings of tlio trial now in progress, General Cameron, tho tutor of all tho political crimo which lias dis- raced Pennsylvania for lholast twenty- ve years, Is really tho man on trial. As Hartranft nnd Allen aro defeated by a round majority, so will his crimes bo condemned, nnd his blurred nnd blotted political career rendored for nil limo to come a wnrning to men without brains or culluro not to attempt to occupy daz zling heights in public affairs by tho mero forco of fraud, becauso when thoy havo reached tho summit of their glory it will bo, like him, to bo dashed back into an abyrs of shamo and condemna tion from which thcro is no res cue. What aro tho facts proven '.' What nro tho charges mado V" The 1 rcss lias led tho cause of tho peoplo In this trial oftho plunderers, nnd well may it now sum up tho evidence. Tiiochargo was direct as to tho Camcrons' using of tho pub'ic money lo conduct their private banking operations, and tho proof to sustain this charge Is tho record kept in the Auditor General's olllcc. Gen, Hnrt ranu was publicly appealed to to pro- duco this record, but ho refused, declar ing that tho pooplo of Pennsylvania aro not fit lo know whero their money is kept, and yet ho asks tho samo peo ple to voto lilm into a more important olllco to which ho now rspircs. In tho faco of this refusal, wo senta trusted cor respondent to Harrisburg, who manag ed to got tho facts desired, and thus tho peoplo wero put into possession of tho fearful truth that tho Camoron banks of Lowisburg, Ilfrisburg, Middletown, and oilier localities aro run principally with public ;money, by tho profits of which ho and thoso nround him grow rich nnd sccuro tlio means to corrupt the Legislature, lo soli tho olllces In its gilt and vast corporate privileges in opposition to tlio truo Interests of the pooplo and tho spirit of our govern ment. Therolsno rebuttal offered to thcso facts; not u slnglo witness has been produced lo show that the public monoy has nover been thus used by tho Cameron Ring, or that Cameron never paid tlio Legislature for tlio Senator- ship. Bui, in tho faco of tho fact that Hartranft holds tho proof of till that hns been alleged on tills subject of thus using public money, nnd moro Ihnn Iho peoplo aro nllowcd to learn, ho and General Cameron encourago their or gans to Impugn tho veracity of tlio witnesses who havo convicted them.- Whenovor an attorney Is forced to ro stor to nn ntienipl to break down n witness tho court and jury at onco con cludo ho has no caso, ns tho pooplo havo long since concluded In tho liaiio now being tried. Tho Cameron Treasury Rlnghaveno cjso. Tho only question Is, is tho Jury beforo which thcso bold, bad men have been tried composed of lion est men '.' Tho ovldenco Is clear nud strong enough to convict. It Is over- wnciming ami crushing. Tliero nro thousands ot men In tho ponitcntlaiies of tho country on much less evidence than thatmdduccd against Iho Cunier ons, but it remains to bo scon whether tiiojury will convict, whether tho pow cr of tho arch corrupter extends to shapo tho verdict of a presumably hou est people sitting In Judgment on tho prow icilmlnnl ofi'cnco of n political Ecamp. If It does, wo ndviso overy man who liolils n Pennsylvania sccurl ty nt onco to sell out, for thero will not kon dollar left In tho sinking fund nt tho end of Hnrtrmift'a term as Govcr nor, whilo the debt of tho State will not bo reduced a farthing. Tho necessities of tho men who nro now plotting to elect Hnrlrmift, as well as their greed Ono lntli. (twolvo line or tii1vra.cntlu Nijiimvelltriie)uDOorlwniuerllcJuS,iJiiircc iiimrttom, Jtw P.U'a nnft Inrli Two . Tiiren mrtim. ... IM, at. fxm !, . Kin i.m sm. 6 lr, M.m im,((i (fro wjt) IB " Ol.ld IIWO l our lucr ,;; W,5Siriz:gg Kg Oho column W' J".,w four lucrw 7,00 !V ll,W I7.IM M.m an,oo ),im liypi i?j,i"i K.Tceiitor'f) or AilmllilKlmtorlj Notice, !1," Auditor's or Asslsnco's Notion, WJ. Loenl notices, twenty cento n lino. Cards in tlio "Business Directory". wlrimii, t2.m per venr fur tbo first lwo lines, und ?l,ui fur each additional line, for money , nro such na to forco them, in caso thoy ran put tho noxt governor of Pennsylvania lnlo their pockets, to dovoto tho resources of tho sinking fund to cleaning out-Urn vault accounts of tho Treasury, and fixing up their own back accounts wilh tha snmo tl. - partmcnt. Gentlemen of the jury by which wo mean pcoplo of Ponncylvaiila yu hnvo tho ovldonoo b.'foro you. 1 is for you lo bring in n verdict through tho ballot-box. The culprits on trial ... . t.!-.r are won known 10 you. uw ciuui among them has tho mark of past con demnation upon him. His portrait has long hung in tho political Rogues' Gal lory. Tho Legislature of tho Stato has branded hlin us a corrupter or its mem bers, and tho Cougress of tho nation lias put on record a cotul .ninatlon which holds lilm in general execration ns n public blunderer. Thus sustained by Judicial precedent, legislativo action, nud popular demands, if tho verdict In October is not of condemnation of tho Cameron Treasury Ring, all plunder ing of the peoplo will hereafter pass nt n premium. If tho pooplo do not resist tho deflnnco of their will ns mndo by tho lost Republican Stato Convention, then let them hereafter not appeal to tho action of nn Independent press and thu leadership of independent men to crush wrong, und look to tho threo years of Hnrtranft's Gubernalori pow er for an excess oftho vUlainy by which tho Cameron Treasury Ring herctororo blackened overy Administration witli which they had nny power or inllu enco. Geullcmon of tho jury, what say you ? Is tho prisoner at tho bar guilly or not guilty 'I Press. Tickets to bo Voted nt October Election. By tho laws of this Commonwealth, in thoso Counties whero several Candida t.-u aro voted forononoplccoorslipofptipcr, all candidates fur State offices aro lo bo voted for on ono ticket, Willi the word "State" on tho outside. AH candidates for county olllces, including Stalo Sena tor and mombcrii. of Assembly, and members of Congress, including those at large, on ono ticket, with tho word 'County" on tho outside ; and all can didates for judicial offices on ono ticket with tho word "Judiciary" on tho outside. In accordance witli theso provisions, tho names of tho candidates for Govern or and Auditor General will bo printed on tho ticket heaiica -state;" mo names of tho candidates for Judgo of tho Supremo Court, as well as .thoso for Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas, District Court, and Associato Judgo, on a ticket with tho word "Judiciary" on tho outsido; and tho namc3ofa!I candidates for Senator, Representatives, members of Congress (including thoso at largo), and for all county olllces ex cept judiciary, on u ticket wilh tho word "County." Iu ndditlon lo these three tickets, tho Act of April 11, 1S72, provides that can didates for Delegates at Ltrgo to tho Constitutional Convention shall bo voted for on n soparato ticket, having on tho outsido tho words "Delegates at Large," nud that candidates for District Delegates to said Convention shall bo voted for on a soparato ticket, having on tho outsido tho words "Dis trict Delegates." By another Act of A 'embly, approv ed April 11, 1872, an additional ticket will Invo to bo voled, for or against tlio proposed amendment to the Constitu tion, witli words on tho outsido "Amendment to Tiin Constitu tion," Thcro will consequently bo six tickets to bo printed : I. One headed "State," containing tho names of caiidldales for Goornor and Auditor General. IT. One, headed "Judiciara," con taining tho names of candidates for Judgo of tlio Supremo Court, nnd nil other Judicial olllces to bo filled in each County at this election. in. une, iieaueu "county," con taining tho names of all candidates for county offices, together with thoso fur Senator, members of Assembly, nnd members of Congress at Largo and DIs trlct members of Congress. IV. Ono, headed "Delegatus at Large," containing tho names of can didates for Delegates at Largo to llm Constitutional Convontion. V. Ono, headed "District Deli: gates," containing thonamosof Can didalcs for Dolegates from each Btina torlal District to tho Constitutional Con vention. VI. One, headed " -i Tin: Constitution," containing voti - for or against the proposed amendment to tho Constitution, relative lo election of Stale Treasurer. Thcro regulations do not apply lo t ho City of Philadelphia, nor to a few omiii ties for which special provision is mad- by law, but to all other counties. And wo hnvo Jointly ngrecd upon tho fore going to sccuro uniformity in thu print ing of ballots by both parties. SAMUEL J. RANDALL. Chulrman J)cmocratto Stale Commit! . RUSSELL EltRETl', Chairman Jlcpubllcan Stale CbmmtHi-. Tho following Is tho tremendous speech recently dolIvercdbyGr.ini lu Nowarlc N. J : 'Ladies and Gentlemen : I con I not but feel gratoful for tho reception I havo rccclvod at tho hands of tlio c i zi'iis of Newark, ot Now-Jersey. To-d ., I had tho plcasuro of vlsititig tho St i Fair near Elizabeth, whero I saw Hit clso but people. I waa at your Expr i Hon to-night, and again I saw but li i of what they had tliero to see, I hoj- ' seo to morrowvliat I wanted to-nig. f, to fee." Wo nddj also tho ono mado Iu Phlla. dclphla last week : Gentlemen and Merchants op Philadelphia: You have henid much better speeches to-night than I could mako if I wero so inclined. 1 tun very glntl to soo you and am pleased to hear that you have boon to hear tuich lino speeches and how you havo been engaged to night. Comment wo take It Is perfectly uu ncccspnry, as thu Immense mind of tho ppcaker shines through the words llku a c.iiidlo from lh' Inside of n hollow puiupulu, '