THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY,. J3A. tf j -j Tiiiii Columbian. Friday, Sort. M', IS1 rV PRANK COOLEY, AHSIHTAKT EDITOlt. Railroad Timo Table i m j'awanna a ltLOOMsnuito it. n. North. Houtb. U:S2A M, 4:,t71'IM. 4:I)A.M. 11:1).-) 1 M, MKIl'.M. fcElA.M. Mull All'l InllllllllltlOll X II w I'ATA WUHA It. H. r'ltOM MiPltltT STATION. (Intuit Noilh, Uoliiu Month. M. i A. M. LOCAL. Democratic Meetings, Tliu following Mooting liavo boon called nnd will bo hold nt tho places iinimil.nii thu ilntos set oppouilo their rcdpootlvu mimed. Competent speakers will In' present to deliver mlrirossci) ! M inbir- of Hits VI(llniico Coinmlttco will wo Unit plnccH for holdlnc theso iiicol I njj-i hip nemired und furnished with llt-lit.-t. OitKKNwoon Thtirndity, Sopt. 2fllh, nt loin. Miri'M.v -ThuiHiltiy, Hapl. 2fith, nt Kikeniltlll'HHclKinl Houho. 1iiankj:in -Saturday, Hept. 28th, nt flloip-i'h'ifNchool House. HudAiiiiOAi' Friday, Kept. 27lh, nt E.oklol (lolu't). K-U'Y Friday, Sept. 27th, nt School llotiso. ItUNTON Friday, rjopl. 27th. (niter noon Mush Mooting.) Jkiwkytown Saturday, Bopt. 28th, (nfturnoim Man Meollni;.) Mai.vvillii Monday, .Sept. .10 Ih, (afternoon Mium McotltiR.) ' Scotch At IJrcdhnndor'H Hotol, Monday, Sept. OOth. Okntiiu At Hhdllhnmor'H School I Initio, Tuiwlay, Oct. 1st. IliMAltitlUir.K At Evnnavlllo, Wod-no-day, Out. 21. Pir-r.-AlCmtioSclio.l House, Wed nemlny, Oct, 2d. llr.ooMsnuiio At tho Court Home, Monday, Oct. 7th. lly order of Standing Commlttoo. David Lowenhukci, Chairman. GRAND DEMOCRATIC RA Uirr iu:aiHTi:itKD. To morrow Is tin' hist day. Lot overy man sco If his name U on thu list. A meeting will ho held 1 n tho Union Church Jucksoii township, on Monday oveniiiR October 7th. Thero will nlso bo oiio nt KUngor's Hotel in Iloarlnicreek on Friday evening October lth, nndouo nt Stillwater in Fl9hinp;crcek township on Tuesday Octobor 1st. An nfternoou Mnas Meeting will bo held nt Yenyer's Hotel in lloarii wrick townsnip on Saturday October H a. llinro bo a grand turn out. Hon. William Biglhji Ctintlidato Tor ini'inhcr of tho Constitutional Con volition ul Ini'L'u lias withdrawn and Hon. Andrew a. Cur tin has boon nom inated In his place. A telegram from Hon -'tunnel J Itiuiilall Chnirman of tho fcititto CVntrnl Couiuilttcn nnnouueed thai lion. Hor tteu (Jret'loy would bo In lib mshurg by tlio morning train on Tlmr-tlny last. A large crowd assembled at tin- Station to gicet him but were disappointed as Mr. Greeley was not on the tialn. Hols confidently expected lo day, Friday. It Is with sincere- regret Uml wo an nounce tho Hiidden "iid Mlii' untitled dentil of Mr. Tlmiiim liidilm, wldi b untuned in Washington 1). C. on Snltir- day laid. Mr. Itlihton was tin Ktiglluh man by birth, his place of imtlvlty boliiR Llvorpnol, Ho camo to this country In tho Spring of 1802, intend ing to remain but u short timo mid to rolurn In thosamo vessel which brought hlni ncross the ocean. HU Hympathlcs wero however strongly excited in tho war then In progress and ho enlisted In thodefeneo of tho land In which ho was r. stranger. Ho was wounded In tho second battle of Hull Uui'. Tho posi tion of n Clerk In tho Wnr Depart nient was . stih.-ii (montly tontlcietl hint nud ho held It ut tho timo or hl.s death, llo married Martha C. daughter of tlinlato Mnjor William Sloan, nud two young Mn. Cli'.oiKir. Mautz, whom ninny of our eitlzona will remember its deliv ering Jlepiiblle.ui Hpeechos through this licetion of tho Slato, will, with 0, Ii. llmckwiiy, address a public meeting on Friday evening, October -1th. nt Light Street. Tub representation In our County Convent inn is bised upon tho voto for governor. Tho township that fall bo hind tho Packer voto may loso n voto, and thosnthat increase it may gain. Vi3aio sorry to learn that Miss llat tio Jaeoby who was thrown from u buggy nt llcnton on last Sunday week, Is still lying In a critical condition. Perfect lie tltli and it good constitution are tier best allies nt present and may yolsavo her life. HONEST MEN TO THE FRONT II In pursuancoof rt Resolution of tlio Standing Committee, n Grand Mass Meeting will bo held nt HuioMsiitrua, TnuitSDAY, Octobcr,3d. Eloquent speakers havo been secured ntid will certainly bo presont lo tnko part in tho proceedings of tho day. DUMOOltATS AND LlllHItAIi, wllO dcslro tho triumph of right and tho overthrow of wrong nttnnd this mooting nud hiiow by your prosonco that you tiro not in sympathy with cor nipt nud venal politicians. Tuiin Out I from nil parts of tho County. Let overy township form n Delegation with Its Marshal, and, Join lug with other delegations, pour a flood of earnest, zealous, honest men Into Dloomshurg to hear the truo nud Just issues of tlio Campaign dlscu.Hod by nblu and eloquent speakers. Comk in Fonci: in wngir -, on lioreback, on foot, In any anil ov y way nnd swell tho multitude who .ok forward to victory on tho Klh of ctobor. Turn out with Hands, (lleo iibs, Flags, Ilanners, nnd Hickories 1 1 -ttho "Star of tho North" show her strength, and provo that Democracy is not dead yet. Each township should choose n Presi dent nnd report his name by thu 2d Inst, in order that it mny bo put oti tho list of Vico Proaldcut of tho mo ing. DAVID LoWKNIinitO, Chairman County Committee. ATTENTION DKMOCHATS. Having beeu appointed by tho Stand ing Commltteo of Columbia county, Chief Marshel for tho drand Democratic Mass Meettlng to bo hold at Blooms burg on Thursday October 3d, I would nnnounco tho following instruc tions to tho different delegations for tlio purpose of securing order and despatch : 1. Tho Delegations coming down tho Big Fishingcreek will assomblo at Light Street by 10:30 a. in. 2. Tho delegations from tho up-river region Including those which cro3S nt Espy, will concentrate at Espy by 10:30 n. m. 3. Tho Delegations Irom beyond Cntn wlssa will assomblo at that point by 10:15 nnd will be joined by tho delega tion from Montour at Kupcrtat 10:15 a. in. 1. Tlio Delegations from Madison and Hemlock will meet at Dnckhorn nt 10:15 and will bo Joined by tho delega tion from Montour county at Hemlock Creek bridgo at 10: 15 a. m. 5. Tho Llttlo Fishingcreek delega tion will concentrate at tho Fishing creek bridgo nt 10: 15 n. m. 0. Each delegation should uso overy effort to reach the placo of rendezvous at the appointed time, nnd should wait nreasonablo length of timo for tho del egation boyond it. 7. Each delegation should havo a Mounted Marshal, who should wear a white rosotto in ills loft breast. At tho time appointed nil should leave tho place of rendezvous and march towards town, at tho outskirts or which they will be met hy aids to tho Chief Mar bhal, who will aid iu forming tlio pro cession. No ouo should leave tho column until after tho paradn. Delegations from ndjoining counties will receive propor attention. W. 1$. KOONS, Chief Marshal. children nro left to mourn, with their mother, tho loss of a true, honest, man ly husband and father. Mr. lllshton was well known in this town and pos sessed in a marked degrco tho friendly regard nnd respect of nil who know him. Ho wnsu fiulot, modest gentle man of u kind whoso rarity lends value to ono of them whenever found. Wo are suro that In expressing our hearty sympathy with hbi family, and our sorrow for tho bus to them and to the community, wo but echo tho leellngs of tho largo number of Mr. Hlshlon's friends and atiualntance.-iboth hcroond olMuvhuro. KOIl l'lllCStDENT, HORACE GREELEY, or nhw youk. koii vioiJ rnunoKHT, 13. GRATS BROWN, w Mis3oum, ELECTOIH, HEMATOMA!., KDdAU t'oWAV, of WcstmnrtlniHl, Ukuuob W.Hkinnkh, i( tTiiuttlln. IIM'llKKRIMATlVB. HKM1RH MAnVINillf llrlp. .lOIINH. MlI.t.UK, r IllltltlilgttOtl. I). UlSWH 1'ltV, Ol rilltnilnlplllA, msTitini!. 1, TIioiiihh J, llnrRcr. Hlrpli, 1). AtHk'lHoii. :i. .loliil I. (looiKo it. Hcrrcll. B. fNol nurcoil upon. II. lmlnh II, llmipt. 7. H.umul I). User. H, Jrsso (I, Hnwley. Ii. II. ll.Hwurr. ID. 11. Kclllr. II. .Iiilni Kuulcli'. IS. 1-'. V. Uunstcr. 11. I), l.awciilioii?, II. .1, MlKnlrfM, 1 Henry WcIbIi.. to. llrnry J.HInlilo, 17. it. w. T annul?, is. Wllllfttn I'.IioRU'. It'. K'l w Drown. 2". 1'. M. IV'liliiknn. ;i. .1. It. Moltdii. 1. T. II Hlovcusou. ..'1. .IuUii 11. 21. (luorso W. Milter. t;t'.uon!! or vott'iu. Iery iicrvoim Yonnfc Mint lu U)0 tlulon, will rtwlvp.freo.p ltpclpci flmt will prove n bin- nine through lll. ly (ulJrcsyn.tncc, Box .',1 JJ I'. O ' t 'ciMr St.. il, . fab. A, I). Important Testimony ! Tlio foltottluB letter nrti ninniK thn nwnv w nroeoUKtimlly lecclvliin fioai porvjos wlioliV boon inrcil liy Sclicnclc'a Pulmonic Syrujj, Sclicia-kV Hoa Weed Tonic, AMI Sohciifk'u Mnmlrnko Pills, Tun Friendship FiroCo. attended by the ltloomsburg Cornol Hand made their tinpoaiMiieiuin our utreets on Fri day last, the liaud In their now uni forms, the Ilremen with now llro-hats.. The dress or the (laud, black cloth with silver epaulets and Hlripes, nnd hats with whllo pluniej, was very tasteful and neat uml loolc-i exiremely well. rim now hats of tho "(Ire laddies" are of the in t hodox shupe which Inw found favor lor years, ltoth l'lretiien anil Hand looked nnd marched well. After their p.uiiilo through thu principal streets, they marched to Hondorshott's woods tovnjny themselves plcnlcally and we am Informed that they hada good timo. STATETICKET. i-ou uovtuNon ClIAHLICS H. HUCKALEW, OI- l-OMlMMA COUNT f, FOlt AUDlTOIt (lIINEltAI,! WILLIAM 11AHTLEY, ov nr.uroini countv. rou .iiirdi; oiMsuI'itEMii cotntri JAMES THOMPSON, or r.iiu: county. I'Oll CO.NOItll-H.MEN AT I.AItdi:: HICHAM) VAUX, or ii!ii,Ani:i.i'iiiA. JAMES liTTlOPKINS. Of AI.I.I.lllIKNV. HlCNDUlCirH'. WlUGllT, I l- I.UZKHM! COUMIV. I'oi- PIimlKi-4 or llic Cnimllliillonnl Con- (1150. W. WOODWAltll, IMillnaclphtn, .lEltl'.MIAlI H, ni.ACK, York. ANU11KW O. CUltTIN. Cintri'. W. .r. llAElt, Komerrct. W. II. H.MITir, Allegheny. 1''IIANKI,1N II. UOWIiS. l'lillnilelpllln. JOHN H. UAMl'UEIil., I'lilUilelpllltl. H. II. ItKVNOI.DH, Lanrntor, JAMliS i:Miiy,Mclniylllll. S. (,'. T. I)OI)l, VGiinngn. (IKO. M. DAI.I.AH, PiillniltlphU. UOIU'.ltT A. 1.A.MIIEUTON, D.lllphl". A. A. I'UUMAN. Clrcen. WA1. COltllElT, Clarion. PrmiKrov' y'"'1 Cloiuily, New .li i-ey. rr.nnu.MiT 27, lfB3. Dr. .1. H.i"iiKNCK,M. tLwirnerHlxllmnil Areli ktwet. I'lillndelputi. . . . Itmiwe'iil Btr I lnl: rlemarohi muIliiB my tc-t Imxtiy l thai of 1 1 1 o ninny otlicrn who Mm I eeli eiireit iv Ihncttlrnoyof Hrlic-nok'H Pulmonic Hyriip. Heft Wceil I'onle, nuil Mnn lrnlio I'llle, Vniiuiimtillnn hns lieen hernlltnry with lily family, moil of Its im niberK liavln-: ille.t ol IL nt early luca. My innllii r uml three Tirolheidilleil nt tho kuc ol 31, nuc tiothcr ut -7, tuul my Nl.itcr ttVwa, when nl-out tit yean, elxl Willi llvfr eoniplnlnt, whteh riipl'llyilovclopeil Into I'utmo rnry Constimpt lun. I win compelled to rolln milxh my tiiiplii.vineiil(lhntiifii IiIhohhiuIIIi.) I I'onniillnl 11 1 1 ill ft'iil eminent ph hlchmw, uml I r ltd many piitent nmtrunix, lint w lihoitl uk,.m... I.H tln.L inv filemlH wi ru Nino thnl thore tcnu mi lutiii i l inv il r nun . nil . v. i-.-i inurau from lu poumlH to l')l,nml wiw not ithle toito unyinini; wiinoui. hmsisuihuc. 1 IV u lull 1 now ioiik )i) 11 n l'liil hii-iii n l'l t( rpiwltioii, I wns Induced to liy oui lenipllcii, mi., oivnnir tinilci- i (inr liiuimoot. mid ho mplil nnd llioronah w.h my teeover.v, thnl. It r.tim' d as IhoiiBh uomo Hiiperhiiin.111 pnwor wni at win k, and to-day I am in well us ill any limn 1 w I1J1 151 notiiid-t. nin .l .e old m.d Inr H iino tlinii hnvu hcen refill irly nt diirii... my litis. tendiuuli lay hiivliii k, UUIiIIIik fair lo llsotoa Hood onl l mil llillint III 1 III Jim tii-j i.uu usoioii i-ir hnvliii; plia-c-d me In a ponilon wherein I am n henil I InMo id oi a nurilou 10 mv im v. our .MtinuruKO i-nis nro inn una lue-nciun 1 over nv) now. I think they nro Iho lust In the world. 1 can re.'cr win 10 iinuorcnri 01 ins nciiintiorn who will ulfy a'l I havu wrllton, and any In lormatlon nny of my felluw cdizi-ns m-iv desire will ho ficcly and ghullv glv. 11, upon rccetptnf mainp. ny 1 ouip, vlv. ,l(fll v. Jil.lVill. You can got tho celebrated "Lion" brai.d of black Alpaca nt;M.,l Lutz's at any prlco,from 30 cents per yaul to 1.25. We notlco all wool Empro.-selolh in handaonic shades In oneof M. P. l.utz'ti show windows marked -15 cents per. yard. "How is that for low." Over 1,000 yards of American Hlack Silk has been hold by M. P. Lutz with in tho last two years nnd overy body iir pieascd wun incir pureiiasc. Do not think of buying u shawl before you look nt I. W. Hnrtmnn's. I. V. Hartman has tlio latgost stock of fall goods ho over had. You can buy your llaninrls of L W, Hartman out of a stoak of 25 pieces. Many Dconle inniilrowhy it Is that four thousand Slncer ,Sewin!r Machines nro sold a week, or two thousand more each week than any other Shuttle Ma chine. The reason 13 nlnin to all who bavi had much exnerlenco with Sewitnr Ma chines, also to Machinists who say it Is mniio oi tno - nest metal on a biiperior plan to others. Tho nnst lias proved it. and the future will confirm it, that the Singers are tho most durable, fasti st, easiest lo learn, tuul less liable to get out of order of any Shuttle Machine yet invented. Xo Lady's Toilet Comiileto Unless there bo tho fragrant Sozodoxt: unto iho hrcatii sweet odors il imparts, tno cums a ruo.v reuness soon assume, tho teeth quick rival alabaster tint.nnd seoiu as pearis set in a conn vase. Spalding's Gluo, clicap, convenient, useful. C0UNTYT1CKET. rOI! I'RnslIJENT JUDdE, WILLIAM ELWKLL 1011 COXUHId, HENNEVILLE IC. RHODES. I'on si:natou, THOMAS CHALFANT. l'Olt COKSl'liUTIONAI, COMVr.STIiW, JOHN a. FREEZE, of Columbia. JOHN J. METZGEll, of Lyeomli.-r roil AfcSLMDLY, CHARLES H. HROOKWAY. von rr.oTiioxoTAHY, 1!. FRANK 2ARR, rou mxHSTiir. & nncoiiDiiit, WILLIAMSON II. JACOBY. roil count", WILLIAM LAWTON, . rou AuniToit, U..J.I AMPIJELL. mum he i w ok T1IK BTANniNO COMMIT ti:i; : Iteavcr Mocs Kehttdier. llcnton 1. 1C. Kilckhaum. ltcrwlcli Lov 1 Ureal lender. llloom, l'ast Dlst. David LowenhiiiK. lllooii), West Dlst. Wlltlaia MelClnney. in laic. cclc J,u. f-'mllli. Uat.iwtssa tluo, Bcott. Centie II. 1. Knorr, I'entralta V. O.JMniptiy. ' HiynglKim Km th Conyiif;hfim Houtti Mieh.icl Jlrnnnau. I'ls.lilns!cicelc I". J. Mcllenry. 1- lanlilln William Hlolii r. (ircenwood Wevloy MorrLi, 1 1 em loci' Seth i-laa-malii-r, Jackson alius W. Mcllenry, Ijf-CUSt Atadlson John Allen, Mnln W. T. tjlium -n. Mdlllu mnnucl Hnvder. Jlonlour John O.Cinii-lc. fit, l'Knia jt (1. orao W. Jscoby. Orange U K, Blom. 1'lne 1". W. Hones. Ito.irlUKcrcel: J. 11. Kllucer. Scntt-0. 1'. lint. biifrivloaf-J. II. l'rltz. Pennsylvania Military ApaflGniy, , dcutiivie ."!) T'u n- n 1 '"t'i f ,''. 'i-i;.; a on nnnienfMWilmi'd..T,K.plni.l n, 1 l,..viiuli mtrllot!on 111 WvJI Kilueeiln. f r t-li.--- Hngll.h le Impart! by S'e.t rii'nt Eradnntci nnd other competent profi'iii. QlrcumrB miy lie WWdlnert of iicl.TUKW. iivAi r, j l'rcet. 1'. St. A. MAMTON 1' EM A LIS 1 NH'LUTUTE. Oil PHUn, A IUH. tutrul If. It.. KemiettKouarc. i In tnr tin., K, ni- Jill Iho liulurflmculH Ih.if i-oliilltute n home In e inneetloil with n thnr uiigh Bnallah IJd iriitloii, at Ills pel frhool yeir NocTlrn" exoepi f iHluelroolton ill Wnr,Mn-lc, ....... t.-....l. It t... t .. , !,,, ntt.l Tlriiwllli,. r-Jt.Plril it-.TIIWl RimiMKii-- (, "(( ' I KnNhltiV.M'UooU). nwve oncn cmi'i'i,'" i" rriif iffltn. Irrpirfo lit I'A A N T 1-vy rrii HAl.rTii" w. mwavni:, pun ii it Dtewaiiourner jMI'JtdVUll t'MUlV AI.K1J A; lfNUUU,V.r,i O Hums any hp-- coal. l-'lll.I.Klt. WAUIliiN Al t'. iiiWntcrSt N. Y . Itcy "IVeht, Via., Cvh. lit, ViY2. Dr. J.II.SCIIIINCK, N. 13. eor. HlxtU and Ar.-h Kirceiv. i-niiaoe nam. Ileal Hlr llcn!D lor ward, ner flr.t nt earner, wlx hollies HcaVi i"J Tonic and twclvu botlten i'nt- inonio Hyrnp. Vour medicines nro o mich vnluo that 1 cm not lo without thorn In lay household, and In fai-t no family fdiould bo without them, I li.vo i lveu Ihcm n fair teat, nnd openl) do clnn them lo bo oen hetter than yon ctalm. very repccuuiiy yours, a-o. y. a. vHimiuiwr. i)mt)MTt, (. ,ivi rI,s,lXlI.J H. Ii i-iiir,ini,a i(i mii-i i,,'i. 1 1 -.l1 ri ru 1 and in .i.i iirm locatliin. tnn ill ihe imi.t eArnmny eon- diutol nnd KH mulidnw . InslliuiionH in.n' SUUe, lior trrimi, etc , 'fldilic! lt.-rl JOHN If HKiKIII.i;v,l-n. ii. ,-i'rjtt"jf-i "WV B H T L S J N U AT LOW HATES! 1 Kin- ,m tier Jnt'li ner At oil lit. wu w it lnseil an ndVi'Timeinini. in i.j i irKi dims I'npci-Hin l'uoii, Idstnent on nppllCHllou to OUO. 1. ltOWi;i.I. .ICO., Adveiusinii Ageuw, II rnrlt Kow, now yorir, CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1812. Ai-entK wnnte 1 for our rampaiRn koooh. ncii ni Slulil. I'ny lumicrtent. pi-olll. Nnwntlio line, Send at on ror iiescripuvo uircunirsann l'rtfohlnuofour Kino Bbel I3ngravlin(8 tit all tho I 'lid'd 'lei, i-anipnTKii niosniiniiw'i, PhntiiLiapliB, lladues, I'ln.i l'lan, nud try-, tniiiK nun. l In Iho limes. Tell Iiottan per tliy nu(, (.in. In L-llll bn.mtlfM Hf-llt Irtf. !. AlMTlMH Moouu & o'uounfEr.ii, i'l i'ltilc ltow, Kow orlt.i Vni'Mi WA.NTim for l.liamlinrlln'i OriM ( am- paiRn liooie. iiiK Slraado of 72; A Novelty In l'olitleal and Popular Mloraliiio, A (JiiAPiiiu History or tno iiepuniu iu an i ii....nnMMn t,nri l,.B, n rnrv nil etIi or 1 1 in Ml-I ail ed Liberal ltnimblloaii l'ailyi all lusldo vlinv 'of Iho t'lneiunaii i.ouvenuon. inn innioi u-n,-ii mini In Iho null-inr liirlhouin law done- iiui ulili i. fmiii nliniu'i dred ilWii'i-i l not rt pin -.le whleh rniiv ':i-c lemp'ir-ii'y nil luiiiiuuni in. wun- iim. tiinr.l ik'o lir!lur IMInn and Kin- aid i-t wnlt.iiiiK the invalkl, iioi-lHllitd'icI' rid Hon' r,uhll;.uti'ieriiieiiopu- rn,. nniiie of" IHtem ' n Mnfliininiveiy imiiuou nl nil -Jl imnedli-., but It Hit most pott en lirionic an I nin-rniivc, pi ..,.-....,..( . by Iho lending mnui'-ninmnoriiivs in " d Parln.and him bein Innu Hsfd by tho i ran Inr vRielnns of ntlier couutii';B vtlti wouucriui m- side allow- or tlio oampalisn. The llnest Illns- "ji .Vn.,Vi( ii. triUed Dook publlalu d. A lioolt wanle I by .every . " " " ' Anitrleanoltlr.en uui pliyKielnim of ntlier rirmouiuiriviuiLii. Dr. Wolls' Extraot of Jurubeba retftliiK all the rrt6dlclunl vlrtuei peculiar to tho plant and miiht bo taken annpcrman' ntcurntlvo ..H.-r,l miueio wnui.uij'vi"'" ; i -tJnlesS rcllOTol atoneo. ttie hlool -oino Im- nnro by tlQlotorimi- iuorellom, nrp-pi-uni- acroi- UIOUS Ol Hlllll UIKHllnl",, ll.U((. i, (a, CanUtr, I'lmines. "c, t. s jaKO JUrilOl'lll. 17 "Mill.' i M'"'i lin vitiated blooil to liealtuy aciioa. llnvo rou tLl).vmiciitlc Hlomnch? Unlc-s dluev ( Ion l.t promptly aided Iho nystbm li i aiilillliAiod with loan nt. vital. force, poverty of tho UI'hhI, lhopslcal TonUCUeyi Ijnil' rill sltndn. 7al(e ItlonislM lll.'i 'linn wi-n iu. run:ii"iii ifc wllllmpatl youthitil vl;-or i-i tno weary kiiiroror. t,M. BN.llM(nnr Old Itllll.lltlOR? YfHl nrnii, itmicernf L'hroute niarrhiaor lllo droad- ml Inlliirumatlolioflholliiiviil-. TaKo IHO ailtiy irrnuuun nuo wuki mi iwnuc..- UntUlOS, ahd restoro To ncetiru lorritory id oeeo, huu.1 II for outlll. UNION f'Ulii.iMiir.u u.. Clileago, 111., l'lillo., l"n or Hprlnnltold, Mans. POLITICAL GOODS r nil kliiil-a. l'Illi:V'O!lKH,'l'I.AOM,I,ANTI',.UNt;,T0Ul.'ltH, IIA1IUKS. 1 Kll I111J1S, .U-. JOSBI'II II. VIJHDY, po,..l .'11 M-.l.leti I.n.1-1-. 1JJ, NfcW YOHK. llavoynu wuiki-xnof the Uterine or Urinary Or -mis? Ynl niitH prreulo iuinni rouoi or yon nrell.l.Ji to ruireiiiiK worsothaudeatli. Tnltn II to rtrenutln il niBtlilc WcnUneAS or lllo becoinos n Unrdcn. .,.,.'', t- illiilly It hlioul't oe irniuinny uiueii v. ( ' ! ii,.. ui iifVt. in im .1. ,.. liiBilth oi von aro othiu- wImi hi ureal aa-"rnr malarial, miasmatic or ronla -Iouh dl-e.l Kl'.Iil,1 1 'l.l. l jail ru., i-ew ioih, i. im ill. fur thn Hulled Ht.-lfr-H. ?l pur Hot .e .send for I'lrcnlar. upMllw JO'IN 11, I'r , is i rniLADEM-uiA. March 1 Dr. J.11.HC1II3NUK. iienpocicn i-nr i lairo picasuro in awaruius 10 you llil-i ccitlilttUo of tbo wonderful euro jour l'ulinonle fjyiup and Sea Weed Toulo produoed. Mv ttiroat and bronchial tubes wcio so lilulily inllanied thai It waa almost Imno-islblo formo to nwanow my louu. 1 ate on a visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John son, No. 1)11! Koderal street, who says jour inc. ill cluca raided blm Irom almost dentil after all oth er menus had failed, and ho uavtnr?, IhcreioTe, foil LonlldLiico lu thevlrtuo ol vour n niediea. sliim-lv leeommcmlcd nio to tr.vtliem. I did so. ma in ono wceK irom mo lliuo I commeuceu iflklnrr Ihcm inv throat imderwenl, a vecv uroat ch,ini;o lor tbo belter, so that I could o il my I meals wlitiout nuv dllllcultv or naln. I cm bcareety lltid wolds to express my -jintltuUo for ino tariy lciiei - wir iu-.aiuaoio lueuiciries pio ducedunon nie.and I deem It butaunct of Grati tude to tjtvo ou tho nekuowlcdjicment ol my I appreciation. xours resiieciutiiy, ItAOlll:!, II. .fAClllW. No. ICO West Thlily-tlilrdi.lrett,2('ew Yolk. P. LUTZ'S loir ootnwnl AKtrnt: rl-ltl'fovi'i d.dr. is now made known m " Treat o I'd I i oclivo It llKll V rrvSf-rtnlion wis dlscovere.i by hint hi sneu a n.n.efo on i-riet-.-u ann an in tioes publlHbcd by. Dr. O. l'hilps In-own. .'fenara- ... n.l. 1 I1U i.rnul.lnnllnl mull ner I hill, be 1'.lluoL .inreiCU- tloosly refuse to ni-iKc it known n-. It tiai enrud pvorvbmly who lift.H nsen It fir em, neer uuv luirfllml In nshiile cjho. The Illind ten's IHJV be nitftlTiCiI from any ilru-.'slsti A i-opvanut fito luatl. AOOK si, UJ-. I'. j lli;i.l .) I jei-st-y city, n. j. tnnll npplteanLs by u IJ..OW.-V, ' ilill'l f t , Eicliler's Recipes, for Liquors i,onia--i me iairsi unproi-i'ii iiifciiiij..ti-i-. inl.)ln; III- lllilll's, Will l-B.HrilH.OItlS Illtlois 'an-y O'liiuis e rnu -i. uapn, nay innu, o.c,(i--. SCHEKCK'a PULMONIC JYItUi SEA WEED TONIC, anil MANDRAKE PJLL9. Theso nio tlio only liiedtctncs that ,-lll core I'uliuonnry Cousnmptlou, I)r, hcheuck has been In constant nrnetlco over llilllv vears eontluu- ally exnmlnlni; liinff, and knows bis medicines, II pio i ily liikiii, will emu Consumption, Ills Maodinl.-n I Ills uieminu tlio llverand slom-ith; bit- l-'e.i Weed 'lonto ul-.hOlvch ttie iooil.Mlmu latrs tho inaliuc ol the s'omeeli, nud mukcslt dlgesi. ins I'uimculo nyrup ilpcns thoin itler, and linluiu llnows 11 oil without auy neilloli. ttiiuiii i.niimiiij In the Lt'ium uudnesi eaa af- nmloi.llipmfl!. Ihe li.Hilr -.tjros. Oellvorcl l'l' jnoll on n eelpt r.r.'J liyAiriirsnArir A Mir.i.riii 1 NW. inr. 'Maiul Callnwiiill His.. I'hlladotplUa, IM. inu-.x and sau'pu MieiuiH.rai ii-. CONTINENTAL. Life Insurauco Company. or NI3W YORK 1'ilee of the l'ulinonle Syrup nnd flea Vccd joiiic. i:i,..i per noiue, or S7 uu per neii uoi.en, 'laudiaUu l'iils M cents per box. rjtI3I'.l(I3I ONLY AND l'Olt SAM-3 Y J. II. bCIIENCK & SON,. K. 13. lorncr rdXTIIand Altflf Htreet-, pmi.CELPlJIA, And by lli'tiyalsts and D.-.iteisginoially, J01IXST0N, 1101X0V.AY A; covi)i:x, Alien STIU3I.T, PllII.AUJ-.l.l'IIIA. V!hj(cmU Aocnls, npf 12. Is7"-ly WPWW rtin mails irom &'l.'. ' all nnd ex-imlno cr lit Ol ) M implej. aaut (imi'ni-.n inn) for Sue. Hint Vigilance Committee. Heaver tleo, Diclsuacu, Chaj. Mlchicl, lcla'l ipili-.c lor 51 1, I1M1! 13IU110, in, 1. it U, WOL L'l lsi rhat- sep i'g p.v S. II. Miller & Son. Dealer in Nothing hire iMn nicMcliie. A liixuryto Iho pnlnlo,arninl083CvaciMnt, n. touUe sllmulnnt lo Ilio riicultit Ion, n TorHplratnry ircjiaratlon,im tintl blllnui tn(lic!ni, a stotuuclilo, a diuretic r.ini nil ml in cii tin allcrntlvu. I -1 itch nro tho .K'icuowlo'lfjetl ami tl.illy proven properties of No. of Policies Imed 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUEa alltbo now form of Policia t.and presonta ns favorable terms as any com pany lu tho United Htatcs. Ti.nrtiiiKincwlir Tnnlrn lernvinrnrv loans on 3 AH LOWS INDIGO BLUE '"yday,' CTaeo allowod-on each payment. anil mu iuiiu wuiuKuuuuiuiuni,... All oiu policies aroiueuuiesuitiii; iui (n caues. . l-olli'losiibllcu ny tins company arc uuii-im-lelturo. . ,,, ,, no cxira cnargos inaiio lor iiaveuuiK ik-iiiu, l-nllev linldcr. Rhnrn hi Iho aumiat nrorlts of iho eomnaur. and havo a volco In tho elections and management of tho compin;-, iso policy or mouicai ico enari;o'i. JUSTUS Ii.VWllI Ni 13, l'res't. W. II. WVSKO')!'. Vlcu l'res't. J. I'. ltooKits. rieorot.iry. hi. C. Chandlui;, Jr., Actuaiy TiiRim lino truth in tho ronorla mailo bv other atronts that if persona who lnnrm HliiL'prf'Qwlni' luclilno.-s full to nay within a month, tbo Machine.- will bo rceallcil. or ihoso on wnicn money was imiil. only two of four hundred was ro t-ailed iu a year. Ono bad ten dollars paid, tho othor was oruereu in lor rcni- in; H out. to a Hunt party. A full assortment of Zephyr.-) and yarns. Also cmuroiuorio,s lor sain ny A, i). YVK1IH. Hut ten dayn until tho election! Rea der, do you want our Statu tickot elect oil? Ifso, tro to work and do what you can. Sittint; still will not help us. Sco tlio Indifrnriml and tbo doubtful. Lot oauli man nvt bin influcnco and wo carry tlio Stato, and show an example, to tlioso who voto after ih. Tm: Uincitown Paih. It wan our pleasure to attend this annual KatlicrliiK last week,aud wo couless wero ar-reeably siirprlseil lo find tbo lurao nttendance, iliiodlsplny nnd jooil older. Tho local accommodations and patroni(-o aro small yet by dint of fjonil inaimKoiucnt anil liberal ad vortislrifr largo crowds aro always accumulated. Tho rental of stalls alonu amounted to $1000. Much of tbo success is duo to tbo activity anil energy ofT. .1. Foster, Secretary of tbo Institution. Ci.ud Mi:i:tiaush. 'J'ho following Democratic Club meelbif-s havo boon held sinco tlio last ls:-uo of tbo iiian, On Tuesday of last week at Ltidwii; Thlelu's hotel lu Locust township. 1!. E. arr and J. M. Clark addressed tho mcotiii";. A meeting was held in Robrsburg on Wednesday of last week. C. O. Rark loy and V. J. Ruckalew dollveiod ad dresses. At Shuman's Hotel, lleavor Valley, on Tiiuraiiay ol last week, thero was lino attf iidance. Ii. V. 'Mtr and J, M, Clark wero tbo speakers, In Franklin township at tho Swamp One of Sincor's aircntjlu this county was oll'ered ten tlollars moro on eacli Macbino iriio would sell tho original Howe. This may account for Howii's agents selling ut retiiiccn prices, or giv ing extra attachments to induce parties to buy an old stylo slow Machine. tt. School Houo on Frld-iv hint ihn mnnt himd. Strict personal attention given to btiiooi noiuo, on i'riu.iy last, tho meet , ,,re.)arnt,on of nU our ,0al. Clraln, ing was organized by tho election of iA ',i,or and Slabs taken In exchangp for Okk of Mc Kelvy Neal & Co's fur nacenieii, named John Mc Cormlck met Willi u painful accident on Wednesday, last which may result in tlio loss or a portion of ono of bis feet. Ho stepped upon a enko of cinder which bad been but a short timo boforo run out, think- big It to bo hard enough to bear his weight. Tbo outer surface of tbo cako hioi;o through and his foot went. iiiilchi deep, into tbo tlcry mass of mol ten iron. His foot was shockingly burnt nun It ts feared ho may loso tho toes. Tinutu was a polo raising nt Washinc ton vlllo on Saturday last at which thoro wits a tluo allcndaiK'o nnd which was, in all rtspects, a fcticcesy. Tbo pole, 110 n i l in length, was a hickory, of course, nnd Its elovatlon to tho perpendicular was greeted with tbo cheers of tho as winblngo nud tho music of tho admlra iile Cornet Rand from Danvlllo. Tho aiteling organized by tho election of wpt. John Derr na President ; Michael wugner, W. D.Weldouhnmer, Esq John McCionlgle, Oeorgo Uillmvcr (leorgo V. Suplce, Jesso Qrosh and Januu N. Miller. Vico Presidenta CliurliB H, Tyrcman, Thouia1! Duller hccrelnrlet'. Col. John G, Frcezo llion aililrcssed tbo uicotlng, and was follow ed by John J, Mctzgnr and Josso Am iinriuan. ah ovoning meeting was arranr-cd at which Hon. Thomaa Clial rant whs to speak. Tbo young people bail tnad'o preparations for a ball in tho ovoning, which wo prosumo took placo, wo trust it waaBiieceasful. n,il ftnnl ili'livernil to nnv unit ol tho town. Onlers lert nt Aicivoivy reai cc Co's, store or at our ollico, will recoivo iiniiimt nttontlnn. Ol'riCI3it x Alt US AT .Ylt'ls.KI.VY iV JMKAI. ti 1' uitriAi u, r.A.-si Rr.ooMsnunci. Your pntronagn respect fully solicited. Washington Parr, ns President ; Christ Ian Artley, John Artley, Vico Presl dents i John Rcdine, Secretary. E. M. Tewksbury, R, F. Zur ami d. W Sterner mado speeches on tho occasion On tho samo evening in Light Street, Col. John Q. Frcezo addressed a meet Ing. A meeting was also held iu DIetter Ick's School House, Montour township, Evan Wolllver pivsldod, and V. J jJuckalow and wesluy Wirt wero tho speakers. On Saturday oveniiiL' thero was a meptlnr at Ronton T (! Wminnr vvns a poition of Its claims to pubi o eonnnonco. lllLtllllk iu iiLlllllll. j. ij, eniier was J)lrln(,aiei.loilof)nol.n n,,,,, sixteen yoars. 11 tnu presiiiiug oiucer unit aiiuresses wero ( tail Old IMalilisliiMl Coal Yard. W .Nkaij & Rito. Wholrsalo & Re lloiilorq ill nil frizes of tho best ((utilities of Red and Whllo Ash Coal, nt the very lowest market rates. Lime- burners suppueil at ltnerai rates wuu best finality No. (i.coal. For smith tires, in nttailion to a prime nrtieioiu itunp, wo havo a flral class finality of Ritumi noua coal, at f O.ffii per ton on wharf. Largo stocKSOi an sizes constantly uu lll.i termor llcnton J. J. Mcllenry, 11. J. C.V-.0, Jas, Con nor. llerwlik Isalalt llowcr, C. II. Jackuou. llloom, liasl il. MUlaiil, Jno. II. Cnscy,BamJ. Jaeohy. llloom, West M. llyerly, .lnme Sterner. Ulo I, Ueo. Xtlller, Ouo. M. ISower. Catawlssa 31. 11. V. Kllno, Win. Knydor. Cenlic Win, Miller, Kd, llartmuu, fainl. iiower. Ceutinlla ConynBham, Norlli Cnuyuham South l'lshlniicreclc I. M. I'rovclfii!. Cyrus Uoblns. Silas Mcllenry, Claw. Ash. l' rami ll u mioses nieinwry. wiisniiiioii iirr. Oreeiiwood l'raulc lieu-. 11. W. Utt. Jackson Leldy. Hemlock T. J. VnnJoi nice, II. 11, M anner, Win, Wlnlerstten. .laeicHon ueaiy wugnor, imnii-i voting, Locust 1311ns Cie.iiy, DaiUel Mlue, Juo. tiny- 1 F R E E I A prospeetusof Ihel'.iopl'SStan- rpf, mini oiuio, oi iiiu-ii'aiions, . nnvrc I ,JV scui niu in .in uuuii iiio-iiis. i.v.ij'h io. r Menti name and aiidt-fss to zinii- ijj-.ii a iuruuisuY. Ml aib'j ht. IMtla. 1'. fepunw " DSYCHOMANCYorSOULCHAR- I mine" Hov o.lher Ax mm- t.isiinnfn and nam the lovo aud ntiectlons e l anyperson mo euooje lustanriy. -litis i-impio mc.iiai no (iti.rement all ci.i n . ie-s. 1-eo bviiu.l fjr ';.". together Will a ma rhuo gttijo, Kivptlau Ora cle. Id' nmw, Ulats I-i I. idles. i.e oneei-.ix- ltli'5 book, luo.uio K.i'd. AddritsV. WILL i.VJl iv l o. i-uin I'.i.i. np2)lw DRY GOODS GKOCERIES Is I bo cheapest apd Us'- art Ido In tlio, market lbr in,. ..!(((- i'i,.tiifs Thn I'eiminn lias I mill Bar low's and "WIltbcritor'K name on. tno label, nnd Is put, up at Wllthorser's Dru:; Store, No. ill North r-ceimdNt.,riiiiadelphli. i), H. W1LTH1SUOUU, I'loi-iti tor. l'or saio uy uiiit&iaiimiuiumi'., IlS3iVAKI Ti-or mw ejisnnrTtl.nd. I31eed- iiiK, ltchln or Ulcerated 1Mb Hint 1)11 iiinii's riLVj ltiiininv l.ills to eule. It Is I Pii-iwied expressly to euro tlio l'ilcs.nmlnotlilng I else, feolil by all brugglstfi. l'rlco, Sl.tW. iflll Central Office of Irtli-EasternPenn'a. AND dev. Oto, (icily. MmliMin Kiel J. M. (ihlon mm laiip Sta rirstPREltn y b Gcnot'iil Merchandise, r.rxjoMSJiUKG, va. MinllMin lUcharJ l)"inott, Ur. T J. Hwlshor, Miilne .leremlall f.ntll'i libeie:i-r. Jno. Nltss. Milllin Jom oil U. bn'unk'. .Ybudui Seliweiipeu- lielsoi; Harvey llois. Montour r(. i-umsir, i-. a, i.;va-is. Ml. l'Ieasanl--Wm, Miller, Jno. .Muulau, Sr. niniiiii-ll. It. Kline, U, 11. Kut. Pino L, A. (iciuiau, Wm. Kairitiuer. ltoniinnei'u k Jno. Mouiv, Amzl Craig. Seotl .I.S. Il.tchman. It. J. Millard fiiicarloat" Alouzo Alhtrison, Clinlou Cole. Am.Iust.1871 Dotiblo Llovated Oven, Wnnultig Closet, Ilroll )ntt Door, I-'onder (luard, Dumplu & HhaUiuir tlrale, Direct Draft. l;'ULLI31l, WAUU13N rtfo.. .j,iuiei-rjiieei,ii. i ht-puj iw ,1 )UI51iIC KALE MARRIAGES. 1-II-31''UU-Ka1L1:11 -on Ilio 1211i lust,, by tliu ltcv. William J. Hi or. Mr. Ileury Kltlor ot Cattawls.i. r.t., U Mis llattlu Kalier ol too per towublilp. -On tlio samo day, by the same, Mr, ueorgo Moyer or Loctia unviodilp, tu Miss Am inim ICumhle, of itlugtown, IM il ii'Kft REVI1KIIT Iii Iiaiivllte. Senlemtici lltli, Mr. 1. W.IIK-Iis of Willow Sprlugs, nnd 3111,11 L. J.KOl'Um OI liel WICK, IM. DEATHS. DUTY OFF THAMS E.xrn ixuui:i3MEN"rs l'on cLUini Send ro-.- N'ow CI lh Circular ! Will h c nt.tlns fu'l otplauatt ins oi Pivni u in. Tlio Way to Obtain our Goods ! Persoi llvlnr; at a Jt tine- frnu NVt Yoik eluh togeih 'r, aud get ilioai nt the sain,, i ncu i.s we ell thorn at our Waronousoi lu New Yolk. In outer to get up a c'tih, lit each per son w i- bin? to Join say Ikw much Toa ho wiium, and mJco. t .0 kind and pil o Irom our l'rico List. as mihllshc.l u our ciicniti-.i. -,ilolhe uamos, Ulndinud niiu.untspialuiy on a Us', and wit -n tliu elub 1 c nnpti-to send It tons hy mall, and wo will put can i pub'i vnods lu n-pnau- iniuag'-s ann m ir c too ii'i-uo upu lit' in, v-i'i. In- c I. s ' hen. neel be liu ' .nui'do'i l-i 'i-- tt IbJtljn e.teli n ut v tret'lnr; exictly wnut n ordirs. and no more. 'J ho muds to pay lor no , i, frdifj e in bo nt bv tlr tl'ts o i I.t i"i U I1 'I (JIllcii money m, or '.y oKpress, or, we will, 11 it, s led. s. lid t 'o it n.1.1 I'V MlK'.-.t i 'r' 6.1 UfU, o r VALUAllLK 1!1 Al. I SIATi:. Tlio umlri-strned nt (hi, 13slato of I'n diilckhhntlVr, di l e.ised.lato id I'eiuro town-i-tilp, Culumlila rnunty, Mill xpnsi lo irdo nt public vendue on the piemises, on SATURDAY, Of.TOItEll 12th, JS72, at one o'clock In tho nltrrnoen. - largo iiuantlty of vnluablo laud, hltuatu In I'e.itio towiikhlp, t-olumbla counly, bouii'lrd ,'pd deserlbeil fnllows: Adjoliiimr 1-uds ol t..i,n llolscr nn,. others mi Ihjnniti'. lam's, il.n l'ostcr ami other1, on ilio en !. Wll'luin n ds end ntheri on Ilio south nnd lieulif n 11 ! , 'Viilluin lluv.or aud oiheisou lho"VOht.eouiji Vil OXI3 I10-IDUKI) AND I'll I 1 UEJT3 WANTI31). Aiteuts mako moro nion- M oy at worn lor us inau at. anyiiuug eibu. liuslncssllsut nnd iiermanont. Partlonlars Irco, O.s-riNSo.N & Co., 1-luo Ait rubitsners, l-ort- land, M.iiui-. septewi WELLS' CARBOL.C TABLETS Columbian" Buildin FOlt CIlUlllLli, LUliUb IV llUAIiftUSl-..-).-i. TliiEoTablelspieseJittho Acid In Combination with other eaiclcntromedlos. In a tioputar form nrnll T IllOATnnd LllfJlUJlScases 110A ItbUNUSrt and ULCLIIATION' of tlio throat aro Immediately rellovod and statomonts nrn constantly bolng l-ent to Iho propilelor or njliel In eaes oi inroit, niuienui'. -n j .-m- mhu-i -i I A III M I l hriil-i'.,i, .. ().. -..'l Wilts' I'riilinlleTiibh-l". l'l Ico 1 1 ll'IIU l'l-, '- X. JOHN I). KLLIIOU. 1 - I- an 1. m'".i'"' iht tlio U. H. fell. I Inr I', Hcpttl tW ,s i. iii Al-, nt. felllit!!('aniiial2nnadze-,. till) lor Ladles and (lints as broust and soar! illns. cold l'l.lled. Willi phntng-s ut I'Kidoli'i . .11. . Wnr. niles milted five for!o cents. JiCllll I l Ul, IU im." '., BLOOMSBURG, PA. CHARLES B. B1CKWAY, JlUt. General Agent. . rW-tf. XlAJUTOIW KOT10I3. Mpt 0 IU' .tt-.-( !i,tiuiientrtry ni Urn ostalo ufjnim Ilrtn. Mli ! ':il-nwibsi towusliln, Colnmltln. lotiMiv. lU'-i-iitnl., hivo boon cmtttcil hy th , kl. -ii iiMr t- t(i tit l V UfcKtor ol hi rmmty o CT. Jmrt?iuiii ami ROHS 11'IVIMT; cihiimh iiHtiint- in" viuuu nit' nucblutl Id luchi-iit tltum l(i iho KxtrntorH In f'ttluinbla comity. TIioko Indr litotl to tlio tMnto t-Uhfir on nouvpnijiuioni, nun inao or oook u count will mill-.' i:iyiuciil lo tho Kxorutitrj 'S !n ynn.l 4'O'iiH- or in mis i i '.uu u i( Um ilnml o .C'J tm'JlVllli'ii.oli moro or Tlio v tt-ni , ih t r,hl w puicUiftoi-i, V ' i u ii ro hi:li itvu tC'jot. ! 't I) Y F. U 1. I X. 'J- a spldnltd llaitlr nnr.1. Wngoi Hotnc, IIor ll'iuso nud oilier liuprovt-iuents. f noolApplc II Q U fi ii a An eh wiul llinsmvlm-.t" rrrct llkeno-fi,'!2 In. seittbviaalU'l. alto. CampaUu UnoOa, IslIU Vi.3., 'i.,i.-r,i,ud 1 rilled i.e. Sann.les tnti'sl i-lvles Wnlillnu enrdt,, "totes, .to. Iffie. lei.l. II Iw A UHMil 1'. 1 l'iitiiver. 1SJ lireadway N.T. MY JOLLYFIUEND'S SECRET iim Lr.-sru.' now A crcaleit work isnn immeit'e success. 1SIU thousand In pioi. Asents ilellj-lit-ed and colnlmr lnoney. JVLKM. I WAN1 l'l evirywlieic. OHO. JAn.i:.', i-iinnsncr, wanoni fit., I'liUa. K'PA l.l'.V Tn IllnnillKlilu-'. on II. o 1 Mil lomber, Mngilo I'uxlon, tl.tiighter oi Wllllnm uud Ulizn hlaiey. tueu u cns, . mu mis iirtu b days. SITCIAI. XOTIflllS. m, ' . . . m . n (Helmut, a nond kpilng. some of iho timber r.: iTiiVu- Tho Great Am orican TgA Comiifiuv iaudwinitoiiiiiiicjuiiiteiiitB--iii)odchetnut y " u "' or Sen- "iniviui.uiw.ii J-t-m uuiuyinij ami V.l.tUiOak tuulier. XeiiuHju-iai' kuowncm .. . . .. rt'im iin :i. .:ivi38i:y ' ruu:r. Nov Yoi'c city, .lay of mu-. FKF.M TO : i Mpt U IW r"..n.t for ctmatin twl ajicclnl term, for "Mi ll linn-,,; tVpubll ennlsm In Am'-riM "Thi'l ptent Hdlliiir 1" nt. , , J. M.hlOl.DAIt.C i O., IMI ll.l.i-ln, I'nU m FURNACES. 1'ilWEllt'lIL AH11 iiCONOMtU L Ut-AfUUs. J.llilCi A. UlVtrUU. lU.Li,e. i-i'i.r.Kit. WAttit.:'" & o.Jj'.ViiiBii-t n.y. bi pilIJll, opt, P,7i-l. RAiiri'i. NLYti.vun. 1. si culr, inv'r no wiruou-r IT. This is wuiii tno klngo and horso car companies, llvery-stablo ueepers, luciuuers ui iuu inn, .wi.. .... h1""1 nud tialners say of tbo Muitan Liniment. They can't uowllliout it." Aud why? lleeansa it Inlalilbly reduces tho external swelling , Ac, which, uudcr vailous names, impair tlieuse fulness aud value ol Iho king of qundruptu. nud also because, lor spralus, mains, galls and oilier lnturles to which horo-llelt Is liable, It Is Iho most irutworuiy prepnrauou in n o ni.u- Uet. Yet theso recomraenuaiioris coiuiniso imij mniio by O. 11. lirock wny and W. J. Ilucknlow. On Jlontlny nlf-btnt Half Wny Houso Centro townsblp, Josopli Polio, Prcsl dent ; Samuel niettcrlcli, Kocrotnry. Tbero wns u laro uttfiiilaneo. Musin Darklcy uipI Ilucknlow dellvoroil speocbes. At Eyor's Orovo on Aloiubty nlt!lit tbo followlni; olllceid wero cboscn: Preaitlont, J. I). Wilson: Vico Prcul ilcntH, Win. Kyor, IsnnuIMuIlrlilo.Iarnol Jlcllrr, Ilobcrt Itobblnsi Becrctnrles, Jacob welllvcr, J. IJ. Quick, F. Eycr, W. II. Jacoby, Q. W. Sternernnd Wm. L. Eycrly niblrosscd tlio iiiootliifr. At Dlottcrlcli'ri Bcbool llousoln Mon- tour townshlii on Tuesday nl(lit last. Tlio Club was niiilreusod by 15. F. Zarr, nnd W. L. Kycrly. Tlio ntlondnnco xtaa very cood. At Fowloravlllo on Tuesday nltjlit O. W. sillier nnd W. J. Ilucknlow dellv orcd nddressoa. Samuel Sinltli, Prctsl dent, find Cbnrles Heed. Becrotnry. Several meetlni-n for Wednehday nlgbt wero postiioncd on nccount of tbo has been recojulzed as a speUllo for mnuy of iLe most agonizing dlsordcrj wlilch millet tbo hu mnu famlly.Mtch as iheumnllsm. goiit.uciiraliila, lumbago, tlc-doloieux, i-oro throat, oirncho, toolbachoj aud lllcewl.o a peciless npplicat'on tor cuts, luuists, uurits ami bcuus- f -.( k r.i n r i 11 Riiliklltuto for Castor Oil Is It niii'hiii xchicli does tioL dlstiossor irrine. but is mho to opcruto when all othor renudles havo Ulled. You may confidently lely upon the i Cas io) la Id tsiomacn Acne, i.oasiipaiiou, i-iaiuieury Ciotip, Worms, Piles ordoiangcd Liver, It con tains neither Minerals, Morphine, Opium nor Alcohol, but Is purely il vegetablo preparation, iciicctiy nannies, uuii huuyh uu, iiiui(-mi. nuc. Tho Casturla soothes and nulots tbo sys tem, and iirodtices natural sleep. It Is a wondir- Itlliuiug to nssiiiiiiiiiu niu ,u(m ,i (;,i,i(,.i.-.. .(.". i.rAi-niil. Ihnm fioni ervlne:. A 115 cent boltlo Will do tho woilt for a lamlly uudsavo many doctois' bills, ."g v i" ' UDITOIVH NOTICE. jf. l-STATK OK JKI1KJIIAII UETKIN llKO'Il, Tbo underslgued Auditor appointed by tho Court of Commou l'lensof Columbhi couuly, to dlstrlbttlo the luoucy In Court arising from tha balo ol mo real ibinio oi jeitiiiiau iieiaiu, iiiiionutho paitles entitled to rccelvo tho same, will attend lo tho duties ol Ids appointment at Ids ollico In lllooiniburg. on Hutuiday, tho IMIi ,l,iv nf fletiilmr. A. 11.. 1S71.'. nt 1U o'clock. A . M.. WUCU UUII Wliero llll pariltn or ISJinuua (iuvihk claims nn bald money will present tho samo, or bt fotovor debarred from coming in nu said funds. l. It. IKKLLII, sepiCTiiw, TVTOTIOF. 1.1 Blibscrlbera lo tlio Capital Hloclc of tho Nurlli.t West llinluli ltall ltnad Co.,aio heieby uolilled that u second lithlallmiiit of IU I'll' cent. In mine, iiiUHl bo paid in tho '1 leubiiier, oil or bu- lutu tnu tain itay in wcinni-r uuxi. liy niiiui ui iuu iiiii-wiiiis. WM. NliAL, sop iff IW TliOMlicr. VALUAiiLE llisis. A regular habit ol body is absolutely cs..eutinl to health and oleai nessorimellccl. Nor Is tliij ull. lleuuty id pcr ton ennnot eo-rxM with an unuatural eondl- tlon of tho bowels. A iroo pnss.igo oi tuo leiusu matter ol Ibo system througli theso ualuial waste pipes, Is as ueccbsary to the puilty ol tlio body as tho Irco passngo of tbo oil'.il of n city through. Its sowers is ncco.ssiiry to tho .health of HO ItllMlltlltMllU. Indigestion Is tho primary causo of most of tho diseases of the dlschaiglng organs, nud ouo ol lis most commou results Is constipation. This complaint, besides being dan -orous In Itself, lias mauv dlsagreeablo concomitants such as uu unpleasant breath, a sallow sUlu.coulainlnatlug blood and bile, hemoriholds, headache, loss ol inomory.nuii geuorai uouiiuy, , iintr.riei'MHtomnch lllttLis roiuovo all tltes evils by removing tliolr luimcdlato causo In the digestive organs, and regulating tho action of tho Intestines, Thu combination of pioperllcs lu llilu V, l.,l,rn1r,l nl en.irntloil Is Olio Ol ,ts Chlel muds. It Is not merely a stimulant or a toulc, orauantlbllloiisngout, or a nerviuc, or ti blood ilnMiirnt. m- n enthnl tie. but all theso CUl'lttlVO , l,,ineiilM Imllelniislv blended 111 UIIO UOWeifUl resi iiauve, ii icinis activity nun vioi iu um Ineil aud eiurvated stomach, lcllovcs tho nil intnttiy canal of Its obsti net Ions, and gives , nn,. i,i Hip, meriibi-niio which Hues it. izreittlv stimulates tbo liver, braces tho nerves, uud rimerM iim ntiimni snirils. No other remedy nos- sesbes Bticn a vttrieiy oj uygicuic viriues, ii is loiueso cimracienbiiu viiiues iiiui ii uwt. us iresugo as n noubeiiotii iiienicine. I'.sperieucu ins moved thnMt Is us barinlo&s as It is elllca- clous, aud hcuco It Is ns populir with tho weaker sex as with thu btionger, llostctter's Htomacii lin ers aiesoiu in uottics only, nud tno trado-msiu uciow in nio glass ana Miirr.ivcd mi tho l.ii'in is tbo ttbt ol lionulno- uibs. jiewnru ut couuteriuiis, svpiio-iw THO M PSO N v.'i'i:lv-uks-ownuo v TfcNr glove mnm corset. ; ?i.'F"SSifj3f I" Coistt lu. ever rnj'iyed ;wuiy--"-iir. nun n wond-wnii topuinr- I f i.- lh m t ( OK AUliKTS AJ- l.l.UiA' TI.Yr.OL'Mi'.V.N VAPHINO BOOK . i t'nmlllllli'nficrFniih. llsliod. will bo bent Irt B ol cluage lo any book agent. II Vontiilub uenrly too lino soilpluro 11- 's""V'!i i:"'A. ires'- ktaunc exnhl En3; ri ui.d we will shov, rou what our t-vi n-iTi'.viiial jj. it . Iffil OT 'I' item ui rr:.""1 i-OTlflMvN Uav-Ksl SiJ.l:fa:'.l:! WI i'ffi W-V'b U.iJdsM.e, I'd.:,' sSn ' Wjt l3oiumic .I. 1 1 a A-k PERFECT FIT. I r TaOMPsOSW OI3SUINI3 OLOVI3- I'-Il'l'IMl.cvo-y I'orsotbelnzstauino.l with tlio nnmoI'II i.MlMO.V.andtlinfal) i.iiiic.i CiOwu, ti 1 1 by a'l l lrst-ctiss DdilfTj. scpt.-i I ! X I A' UTOlifi IS't. )'!' it ; p;. lU 1.-.TVTK Ol' 8TK1MIKN IIVLII1 DEC II. Lell. rs toblaiuotitary on tin- ctalo of Stephen i-ni.ii- inn. ,ir t '.linu iss,i I'lwnshtn. Coliimlirn county iteeoased, tuva Ucir grantml by tbo ling. Istor ol Columbia counly, lo IVIer It. lla'dv. DotlUla Hughes, linn M liii'im ,i. muriin i.i;ti-ii-ters to whom all persons indi-lili-d In wild osuuo nro re'iuestiil lo make p iyiin nl, und thosn lew- llVi milling (. -h -; ..v.... , .. ... make tuetn uiiown t'luio i wcuiinswiitiiiiii. dehiy,r , .. l'',l !,'( II, ll. 1.1. 1 , IM'lHiLAH lllttilirx, WILLIAM J. MAIITI.N, ll"2i,j--lw li'.-iil ri i VtTviKTItATO't'S NOTK'l';. 2. u-iAtr. or 1 1 izmiktii Kisll.r : in. Leners .n i'uiiiiiiiinui.iu (...,(."--l-.liz.ibelh Klsll. r laU- of Jit. l'lcasaut Iwp . ' titubli eoiinty.deceased.liave been gi anted lo lteglslci ol tr.ld county to Jobepl; o Hurl "I samo Iwp. All 1 . riiBlmv'-iRcliilnv. ii-nli entatoof tlio ducodontaio l-eiiueated to pie them inr Fettlemcnt, and tl.osi lnd'-btcl t . i estate to mako payment totho undcrslgm l mluibtrator. wlih-.tH VVA , Aug lll-Oa-Cw.. Adii'in't-'i'i XLCU'1:()R'8 NOTIOE. Lii s"ATi:or jons ri-jrEii,ir nn. n. .,,,r...a (iilnMir.iiliirv on Ibocsl.lte ul I " ' Fester Ueuter lownihli,Ciilnmbl.i - e ty, dee M, Iitl-.o ueen gviiiui-d u. atu i'i'iiuij- tlio ltegls.Hi - tn Julio i-Vbler, Jr., of Ilrlan- . -.'.ini. r. v ATms-A.l'l'I:Ll?IIlNacO. J 1'.'. 3 ,? i nrivnimtivn. Allnen I'UUa. lM. uptOlw iVavuVg eiaims ataiust Ibo lo nrefceiil incni i. iuii ...(v. (c - ... T70U SALR. Tho subscriber oilWi-s for salo a lot of m-ounil lu ltent-in towushln. adlolnlii'- lauds of estate of Jacob Ash, Wlllliim Applomannnd olhers, eon- li'ioiiii; 22! ACRES, more or Ksi, on which Is erected n good Halm house aud smith shop. Thero Is n lino youm; orchard, apple, pencil and cherry and n never- lauilig Hiniu uu mo pieuiises, Apply ill NA THAN A. Ti' mis, adjoining Iho propel ly. bept w, tt CATIlAlllNL lililJ INK. TUB greatest wanted u eprc'intngolsuunaud women, ueaiiuy anuvuo ous iu mmuauu uudy. Tho contlntieillieadaebes. wekuebses.iiei'vous- uess, A; vaiying alluuut wlilch ullllet women ni o generally tlio 1 1 tu) t ol liupoifect action ol tho blonutcli nud other vital oigaus, Dr. Walk cr's California Vinegar llitlets, hoiug compoa-d entirely of vegetablo bUbslntiees ludl;uuotis to i uiiiuruiu, mny ouiiiiivn 111111 buidy oy tbo most delleatu. nud sio a htiio reineiiv. co.. reeling all wrong action uud giviugucw vigor 1 1 tliowliolobjktini, nt t.a'iw At tbo book Ntoro onuoslto tbo Court Jiotiso you will Uml it lurno lot of Hl.itra nt wiiolesaio uml retail, uiao btullonery und books, toniiirlsliii: works ol 1'i.u- try, IIlHtoiy, ltloi-iiiiiby, Fietlun, ete., etc. tin?eritiioiiH ior AiitjjajiiuuJ hoiio- T?STIAYH. Xli Cnino to tho piimltf s of the inbscilher, In htigailoal lowublili. on or about tho 1st ol Juno, im:, u i'A 111. llbli lli:ili:i, Having H liotcil cut undirand on lop of tlioUsh.t car nnd a nolcli on tbo under bluoofllio leli ear. Also a 1'ai.k in ii l i:a in, IM! jn iKi'it wun noun under nun oulonnf rliilittnr. 'Iho owner Is reouosled to coino iorwaid ri"ve pioperty, piy eh.igoi and l i a e i ni l ll a " a. oi nicy win no soul n euilliuj in law-. hliyulniir, hl.,,t .(i,is:i tULllintr 111SMH. Svt IXKOUTOft'H NOTICE, a.i isi.inn.r wm,, ni.i'n. i i in is itkiiiiiumniy on tno i biiitH in wiiuam llutli r, lntn ol .Mi nfour township. Columbia cuuui.v. l ie n.. intvu ni-eii urniiieii i v 1110 tier-is. U I' of bald ennui) lo Jiiiiiih Kdtly, lixectitm, to innu mi i , i .mm um, ii i-ii in sum ehuiiu hi', ro tittenlid to in ki el nient, nud those bsvl. g claims nr di mtimls iiituliiiit silil t stntctw III Inul..- llldU 1.1I11A11 to lit!- hbldltll!' VlllhliUI dclio. JAltlJs KI1ALY. Lbeiutdr. I intiallii, i'u, QAJ1IUAGF. IMAHUFAl-V lllo ociHirt,. I'a- II.ivo on Land and for sate at tbo inol n-an.'". uUratesaHiilondi. stork ol CAKUI MIES, liUUOIBH and evory descrlpt; ou ot Wagons unit PLAI3J' AN1 VANCJ warranted to bo m " ol ilto best and inost flnv nlrlo matorlsls, nnd Vy i ''tost. eJtperlencfca wotkmen. AllwmU ftnl nn roni yi?.81'; llslimeut will bo found to benf tbo !il(rifit nndsnielnglvo pir'fetsut.'n.'ttctlon. lhoyliavo alsn it tine iiisoitnicnt of 8 I. V3 f (131(1 of nil ihe iiium! i-iii1 moot, bibliloiialdo I tylr- well ind .-i.i jnJiy ladlo and of tho best nialer- Anlnspnctiu i "f tnelrvi'iirl: ! itilinl in it I believed thai liouo .-ipul'lfi- ran ho found lu U " counli-y. Jan I'71 AGENT.1-. TO THE JlESQUEi SiyJtmi.TOi'i-V-'j.J.UV N yux,nji Ai iiiff.',n. ......... - mote tntlti nbout, Itie innu nl, the papers In IhoworW. ir you want to know ir Oraut Is n tliier.llxi ora,tlruultvdrltlits boo-. Agents caii luukolnve wages for lUe next few months telling it, as It t wanted niul wo gtvo oyer- va:.-ti-.ii. fciTrEN'S -JtANUAL. I A I'OJUU-ai i'OiniOU IUI wm-n Vi is J 1 lllO 11. r.. lUlu iHTmiiHiwnvt-w' county. Tho liuli:ca 10 i u cmulo tun wr ui.te.jiuli''tuiwiB or bji.lm -count yy t LKVI I'lCSTKlt. niWii.. Kxocutors. incc'u. A 1).unist:hatoivs notice. t f HTATU 1P ll'll.r.lAM J. HANNAH llHII'll Lrtters of ltdmllilslrotliirt on thu i -lnL' nf William J.llHiniah.laluol M)llllntwp.,ColiiiuIii county ilic'd,, lave la on irru ni-.l by ( tin Ittwtstei or bald oiitnil ', teJ. II. lletUr. ih Mullln lowu fchlp, I'liti.nibl'i .b All pi-i 11,'Hi um nn- jlain . or iluinn id'tnimu' im. l-.i'i'lmt mi. r i uubi- od to ii ul.e 1 i-'i itui.wii, nnd tliobt "i'l m. 1 to niulio)i.iwii m- J. ii. iii-.ii.iiit biptlilJ-tiW. .Ulminu-tinl'ir. A DMINISTilATOlt'S NOTICE. XV. op ki.izaiii.tii iiamiton nnu'n. .Notice Is heieby Klvon lotteu or Adminis tration hao boon grunted by Ilia Ueulkln' of Wilts of Coltimlilnriountylotho nuetumlgni d up ou thoobtatoof liiibotlillaiuptou, latnor Hiw lugcrcek Iwp., liihilid e.iinuy, All poisons ludebtod lo said csdlo aro reouiiikl l.i limlai payinoulitiid ull person, wuu liuve clttiius ugnliul wild istuVo In niulto tliiim liuuuii tn Uie undor.lgncil. iuri'Ki; LLVAJ. hepllSTAlw Aflltllii.'btialor,. 13105- I'i.ul llnl , . . . . ....... j i.. ni i.tu ,,,i,i i .iirnrms. ueptiii'imi-. ni0 . ;) iir da" rat 'jv made, l or clicultirs address l)Ul-'t-li:Ll AcllMilAD. l'ubllsber.l'tilla. sept 0 IW ill i... '.iv in.ulo with Mcucll Ki.y- 'ni-it ,i'U.-. ' ii'ure circular .-1. i ii, ..., we..".", bOptti IW $250.'?! and hanip'., .'" VI. AGHN Td LOOK IlEUEJ l'or tho KcW 1- plomlldly IllnstMte 1 1 nil . Tbtr,' Is a Jil'SIt ill of It ill -leeausell I- lite most l.iKelnnliug ivpnptimrbook JUS! ''UlMsjMiii, ."--..-- ,,- ., , weu-lh (UI.W. J K'1.1 'i'.'; Mlld.i ais.. K t, ,.r ii,ia .in,! um-,'iew nibuw.i ai" a. 1'ookl 1 (k.lilsillliil J''l , ,'"U rii Hanxili Uu. It I' 1111 A It I. LlWb.. Ti.bLIierH, lit Hnii. w.. StpfitW ."r.Vr.""..n .., . -.irn ins. in every oouniy A i'b' 'I'V w A i u I 1 1 1 in uoll ii new 'J' iVAiiinrv. It "in. rult ..1 thro.. ywitil lilsir. by4 J'"1'??.' f WW " Iheeel. bi'.iteil writer mid" lu tlllltloil PI 1 1.3 nitHAT rtEPUlU.IO. ii ., n.or'.'a. u u.ii 's illubU"'"' ivUh on i)'"M,;Xua eiS.i Iitfu. lllrulw.i. dlor thoiKUOHitf I'.'1"" . "f isiluu. A i'..'-. U"VWeV'.. lli'V, ,1 ...ti'liet. sells ntuer iniin any ntner i - - ,;,;Bi.. nt tw in limidUi. l or iwuui niul '-"u"jHl ifYw WILU A M 11 I .V NM A CO.. . VM''l WIH. I'l.lla. 7XECUT01t'-;, NOTICE. Letters tsbtaiuoulary on tho Obtuto ri 1.1'hr, 1M of Iteaver twp. Cotuml li c ,U'ie!b.ed, liavo bein granleil b.v t:.( l" i btld county, to Jo-eph Lelir and Ai j rt in in. Alt i'er--oiis in. M c..."1 - I-si ito are Huucided to pTosont Mien; l tu. i:x-e!iitors In Columhta county. TLiyse ludcbKd io Iho chtale, either ou itolu Juiigin- in. tuoiigiiuo Iir book iic-miit will m.iko i.iyment lo tbo femora w.iuouv a,,,,,, ,T,m,t AMJliliW nuuMii.'i .Vtig.bO, 1S7S-GW.- Lxocutois Dissolution of co pautnku ... Hiur. ,..,... ,,.,. ..,,.r tlio llim K a" t Buyio ilartmauA: C..T is ills, solved by the death of llei'Jamlli V. Kotid. r. '1 i books ollbo lalo ttrin nro In tbo bands ol Haul. 1 snyder to whom nil porsnns knowing ilii-in-kelvcs to bo indebted to iho tltmaro rcijuosted io '"'Ibo imslness wll boci.nlluued allbo old pla.u under tho name ol i. nn uei " " l'M'V May l'tU IWMf A UlUTOH'S NOTICE. ulolboltiuiUiutliilitinils ofHylvesfer J. -anx, dm iiUtrutor of ClotworlUyH. Fisher, dcct'is. Si itniaiit" tho parties entitled to reeelin Ki kilmil will "tl' "' " 1110 aullt,,i of M" "I" nnhUiiiVnt nt the Hhcrin ollico. In thoCouit ftouso, at liiionisbiiri. on Monday, ;tk-tober 1 1. a fii TiV-' Yt IU o'clock. A.M.. when nnd whein it'll iierdn hiivlngelaluts on said fund will pi. hm m 8"lul't "' bo, "rv:r delurred Irom coiling In on M'I I'"1"' Wi W1K.,. septmMt. Auditor; TVTOTI0E. Notice Is hereby given, that nlMlt'"U for 11 Tmidnii ol il lii-iii'in". Monienni - ruin, lionvlaludut boibo .imUiia, In toluuibi miilj , will iffwAiU'.l for in- klgita nin',ttt Uieudoj:iwii Mtiki from tbo ilaio ut tliW notion. lepl'i'M-lw M11H. K K 111:1-111 INI rnln, ucii, lll'tll.l.l . I.1.A11I1, Aiioiuwy, -.c,.t o.7J in. Ill i ni iiniE, IM,