The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 27, 1872, Image 2

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tc flfolumbian.
Friday, Sep, ii7, 1X7$.
Rally for the Right 1
Bloomsburg, Thursday, Oct. 3d
Tlio rolloivliiKUNtlngulNlic1 oru-
llll K U'lll pONlltVCl)' bo lll'CN-
viit mill ntldrcfis Uio
Of Washington City.
Of Chestor County.
Let Columbia county do hor
Holiest men to the Front
Wo iiro now within ton days ot tlio
election, yot much remains to bo donu,
Mooting havo been or aro to bo held In
every township, speakers lnwo fully
canviisjed the county larco uumbero
ofdociiuicntd havo boon circulated, but
tho real work roots upon tho masses,
and tho local commlttut.w.
uo 10 worn, men, ut ouce an
Do not depend on your nulghbor, nor
nny committee, bi:' on yourself.
Out your neighbors Inti-reali-il and
tliolr plcdgo to be early at tlin polls and
ILivo your wiuuow hooks fully made
out, and cliulloujri, ovory doubtful
Don't have two mon to do tho samo
thlui:, but let oach havo his allotted
work, and do itcheerfolly, and with on
Tho good mon of both parties aro
with us, and dcvsplto patronage, money,
and bribery, tho current Is with us.
Our candidates aro mon of approved
vlrtuoand Htatosmanshlp, whllo their
oppononts aro tho associate of felons,
and hnvo boon convlctod by their own
parly, and on Indisputable evidence, of
robliery and corruption.
wougiu against Cameron and bis
rotton hortlo.
Against Ilartratift, and his violation
of law by not collecting tho taxes from
corporations, by permltllug tho Evans
swludle, and ncceptlug part of tho pro-
cooua-by speculating In tho funds of
tho State Treasury for his own profit,
and by his attcmpi to dofraud tho Sink-
ingFundof ninoandn half millions of
Wo opposo Mackoy, hla partner In
sin, bocauso ho has boen provou to bo
rotten and corrupt, and sceka to porpet
uato power.
Against Allen, tho Legislative roos
ter and plnchor, who would bo a will
ing tool of Uartranft, Mackoyand Cam
eron. Pull off your coats, men, roll up your
fileoves, and at tho ballot box rebuko
this fortterlng corruption .that has boon
fastened upon tho Stato.
Now Is our timo, and it Is tor Colum
bia county to lead.
"flluiia Vo Hear tho Slogan"
No man was over more endearod to
the pcoplo of Pennsylvania than An
drew Q. Curtin, our great "War Gov
ernor." Few mon will havo tho hardi
hood to deny hla Integrity, ability or
patriotism. Hla ringing letter against
tho "Hing and In favor of Buekalew
should carry conviction to tho hoart of
overy votor that tho public Interests
demand the defeat of tho Cameron
Hartranfl Cabel. And yot, In tho faco
of tho protests of such men as Curtin,
Forney, Blllingfelt, McCluroand othors
of tho beet Republicans n tho Stato,
tho 2000 Republicans of Columbia coun
ty will blindly follow tho lead of Beck
loy and Itoblson, who uso them as tholr
own tools.
Democrato, read tho Philadelphia
Evening JlulleUn now being distributed
through tho County by Postmaster
Editor Bcckloy and soo what lies tho
arunt-Hurtranft party enn publish.
When read pos3 to your Republican
friends and soo if thoy can stomach
"Anxious Inchjirkr." Wo do not
bnliovo that iroraco Orceley shot A bra
ham Lincoln, whilst 0. R. Buckalow
hold his horso, nnd Charles Sumner
Kiddod his rolreal. Nor aro wo satis
fied that A. a. Curtin commanded a
robel regiment during tho war. Yet
wo havo no doubt that affidavits can bo
easily procured proving all tho abovo
a . . ..
caiuuuay, uio 28th of September, Is
tho last day for tho registration of vot
ore. Democrats and liberal republicans
. h,iwoubouo30 your votoa by
noglectliifir to register, do now, and
xamluo tho list and boo that your
T . " u"oreu' wmio perform.
, . ""v "can ne uata lot fraudu
lont votera In your election district.
., ff wnaultatlon, tho Chairman of
, I "'" wjxuiautoca havo agreed that
.m"10',0,' h80onWessmon-atlarBO
shall bo printed on tho county ticket
and not voted on a separate one?
1 1 r K HAUNT
lOx Oovi-i in,!- Cm tin lias wrllti n n let
(Tin Hun. a. K. MnUlure chairman of
triu 1,11 1 rl Sluto (,iminlttiu or ronn
sylvrtirla.diiled Saratoga, Hoptembur 21.
In It hu in cepts IhuLlboral uoniliiiitlon
for Doli'tiitn-iit largo to the Constitution
al Ooiivonlloii.lIiiiloolurtM
ly In faVor of tint itlttitltm ol Hon.
(Jhrli It. Ituckiilow its Uovcrriur,deetii
ng Mich u riMiilt necestary to redeem
llui Stole Mini the Republican organiza
tion from eoirupllon. lie does not say
Who hu shall support In the rrtwlilpn-
tlal canvuss, but declines ho will meet
that issue when It conies before tho
iieoiilo In ueeordanen with hH toltlcd
Tim rinuino i.urruii to Tint pi:o
MY Diiar Sir: Your favor of tho
llth Inst., Informing moof my nomlnii
tlon by tho Liberal Ilcpubllean Stnlo
Committee as candidate forDolegato-at
largo to tho Constitutional Convention,
and Inclosing an address to tho pcoplo
of tho Stato recommondlng my election
cauio duly to hand, but extroino Illness
provcutcd my reading tholettoror con
sidnrlrig tho subject until now.
I am still qulto feeble, and unaulo to
wrlto without the aid of an amanuensis
but tho near approach of tho election
imd tho gravity of tho Issues lmmcdl
utoly affecting the honor and prosporlty
of Pennsylvania to bo decided In Oclo
ber, compel mo to answer when my rest
should bo uribrokuu.
A nomination, made by so many of
tho purest and best old representative
Hepubllcaus of tho Stale, and presented
to tho people upon grounds which stand
out In bravo contrast with tho demora'
llzod politic il munagement now so sadly
provalont, is un appeal I canuot refuse
to respect. I thcrofore accept tho nomi
nation, and If It shall bo ratified by tho
people, and my health poruiits, I will
discharge Its duties with tldolity.
I had confidently expected immediate
ly upon my return homo to familiarlzo
myself fully with tho details of what
woll understood In all general aspects
touching tho misrule in our Common
wealth under its present political con
trol, nnd to speak my convictions at tho
carl Ice t possible moment. Whllo I can
notever bo Indifferent In a Presidential
contest, I felt that tho
In tho OjtoVr election was of para
mount Interest to the pujple, In whoso
happiness and greatness lam enlisted
by overy consideration of gratitude and
Thu h.ul rule that bus wholly com
passed the channels of political admin
istrative nuthority in Pennsylvania Is
not of recent creation. It was tho tiro
leas but impotent power that cnibarras
tho action of tho Government, Stato
and National, during tlio dark days of
civil war, and steadily struggled to
gather advancement and gain from
Six years ago it attained control in
our Stato. How II was achieved is re
momborcd with humiliation by all.
Wiiy It was sought and won our subse
quent history painfully demonstrates.
Tho Republican organization has
mado Its uamo Illustrious in maintain
ing tho unity of tho States and redeem
ing a continent to freedom. It was seiz
ed In contempt of tlio will of the people
and its victories perverted to
I need not recite how, under an hon
ored name and flag, It has created
wide-spread, indeed, almost universal
distrust of authority, and mado honest
mon despair of integrity iu legislation,
In olectlons, in conferring legislative
honors, and even In tho administration
of public justice.
Theso terrible aud steadily-growing
evils in our political rulo have mado the
pcoplo demand tho right to rcsumo their
sovereignty, to mako now safeguards
for themselves, but If tho proposed con
vention is to effect thorough reform it
muat bo aided, not hlndorod, by tho
vast power of tho Executive and other
Important State officials. If Mr. Bucka
low shall bo defeated and a now leaso of
authority thus conferred upon
that has long misruled tho Common
wealth, it will bo marvellous Indeed if
tho convention choson in the partisan
strife of a national contest can afford
any substantial relief or protection to
the people If Pennsylvania is to bo
restored to purity, tho government In
all its departments, as woll as tho con
vontlon,must;iiarmonlzo fully and earn
estly In tho
Mr. Buckalow's confoHed Integrity
and consistent devotion to reform dur
ing many years of official servlco give
tho best posslblo guarautoes of honest
administration and comploto restraints
upon corrupt or reckless authority, and
his election seems to bn demandod by
ovory consideration of
and fldollty to tho honor and advance
ment of the State. If, as Is claimod by
dosporato leaders in Pennsylvania, to
rogonorato our State In October will
affect tWo national contest, a causo thus
to bo ondangered must bo wanting In
tho moet esjontial attributes of popular
confidence. Actuated sololy by a sonso
of duty to a pooplo whoso dnvotion in
timo past furnishes tho most grateful
memories of my llfi-, I shall vote in Oc
111 our Commonwealth, and incut tho
Presidential lssuo when It comes buforo
tlio jRopIo In ncuordunco with my loinr-
sottled convictions. I cannot afford lo
sacrillco a great contest for constitution,
nl, legislative, and udmlnlstrntlvo ro-
form bocauso a Presidential olcctlon Is
ponding. To yield tho nuostlon would
and mako tho effort for Just fundamen
tal restraints cither measurably or
Wholly abortlvo.
Vory respectfully, your obcdlont
A. G. Curtin.
Hon. A. K. McClure, Chairman
Liberal Republican Stato Committee
of Pennsylvania.
Judgo Morrlmon, Democratic Candi
date for Governor of North Carolina at
tho recent election In that Stato, pro-
po.103 to contest tho samo.
Unit. Charles It. lliut.alcivs.
Tim Htnlt-immi nml Pnllllrnl lttrnrmtt'.
Ills l.lroaiul Vllllltl) Soi lllT.
'Prlnclnlo-J. not men." Is an otl-ro-
iimiinii un litpiil in iivlm. Hut what aro
good principles worth In tint hands of
oau men v too maxim huh winnm hu
laid down nnd followed In theso times
Is, Hood principles and good mon to en
force thorn. It was evidently tho rec
ognition of this truth that led to
the nomination oi trio non. unanes iv.
Hucfciilow, for tho onieo or uovornor oi
Pennsylvania. .... . ,
Mr. Hni'l.-iilnw was born III Columbl.l
county, Pennsylvania, on tho 23lh of
December, iki, anil is congetiupiiuy
,imu In liU IlitiMlrM. VP-iir. Ill COIIlinOtl
with ninny or tno most iiisiinguisiiru
men I no no I ttrv. no is. in mo Hiriut-
rl Ronsci of tho term, a srlf-mnilo until.
1 1 hi niiinat on. no i.u- as u t e teiiiieu on
llm iisslMlniicn of tutors, was hcauti In
tho common hcIiooI nnd eoinploted nl
Harvard Academy, in rsusnttenanunii
county. After leaving school ho was
soveral years engagou in lo.iening, ami,
wnuo UUI3 empioycii. was lining nnu
snlf for thu L'ravor tasks unit hiirher po
sltlonsot ins sunscducnt mo. xnouuut
or his mind inclining him to tho legal
r....l.. I... ,l...ll.l l... ,i.t(1. Tr 1.?
JIlUiL'SIUll, iiU DlUlllUtl lt.IV lt. -..
'acksoif, Esq., of Berwick, and was
numiltcd to tno oar oi uoiumuia cunriiy
In Attiriut. 1813. It was (itilcklv iter
celved that ho had not mistaken his
nursult. Capacity, industry mm integ
ritv soon oncnod for him tlio road to
On tho 13lli or February, isvj, no was
married toParmolla. dauchtcr of ltov.
E. Wadsworth of Town Hill, Luzcrno
county. No ovent of his life has con
tributed so iiiucii to ins goon lonurio as
this happy marriage, uareruny trained
in Christian doctrlno and duties, and
lioenmmlmr in ncr voutn a communi of tho Methodist Enlsconal church
sho has. by a temper in wnicn natural
ability and rollglous devotion aro beau
tifully blended, constantly cheorcd nnd
strengthened her husband and amid all
tho varied scones of private and public
duty in which ho has been an actor, at
homo and abroad, she has been his In
separable companion. When not ab
sent from tho country tho family, con
sisting of tho parents and two children,
has resided at Bloomsburg, Columbia
county ; and If tho esteem In which
each and all aro held by tliolr llfo long
neighbors could detcrmlno tho matter,
thoro would bo no room for doubt as to
tho result of tho prrsont contest ror tno
chief magistracy of tlio Common
In 1845 Mr. Buckalow was appointed
nrosecutinir attornoy for Columbia coun
ty j and after discharging tho duties of
the otneo witn marircu cincicncy ror two
years ho voluntarily resigned. In 1850
ho was elected Stato Senator for threo
years, and was ro-clcctcd in 1S03. In
1851 bo was appointed by tho President
of tho United States, special commis
sioner to oxcuango ratifications of tho
treaty with tho Republic of Paraguay.
Although affairs had then becomo some
what complicated botween tho two gov
ernments, ho performed the duty of his
appointment with onllro satisfaction to
both countries. Returning in safety
from this long and perilous voyage, ho
was chosen Presidential electar.from li Is
Senatorial district, In tho fall of
In 1S57 ho was a third timo elected to
tho Stato Senate ; and in tho winter of
that year was appointed by tho Gover
nor, and confirmed by the Heinle, as ono
of a commission of three to rcviso tlio
criminal laws of tho Stale.
'rni: state.
Mr. Buckalow was an acknowledged
leader of his party in tho Stato Sen
ato ; and was particularly prominent
and influential In tho advocacy of ques
tions of reform, and of nil attempts to
secure equal, just and beneficial legisla
tion. Ho was tlio author of tho act,
passed during tlio session of 1S5I, and
still subsisting, which prohibits tlio sale
of intoxicating drinks to tho Insane, to
minors, nnd to persons of known intem
perate habits ; and prohibits tho cele
bration of tho marriage ceremony when
either of tho parties is in a stato of in
toxication. The penalties nnuexed to
tho violation of this law aro fine ami
Imprisonment ; and any member of tho
Immediate family, or other rciativo of
an intemperate person, may forbid any
liquor-seller to furnish to such intoxica
ting drink. Ho was also tho author of
most of the constitutional amendments
that were proposed at tho session of tho
general assembly In 1857. As oxamples
of theso may bo instanced that which
prohibits the contracting of any now
Statodebtoxceedlng tlio amount of $750,-
uuu ; mat wnicn lormus tno incurring
of municipal indebtedness by subscrip
tions of stock or loans of credit to in
corporated companies ; that which pro
vides for tho creation of a sinking fund
for tho payment of tho existing Stato
debt ; and that which prevents tlio di
vision of counties except by tho popu
lar consent expressed at an election
held for the purposool ascertaining tho
popular will.
On tho question of cumulative or freo
voting ho bas long cherished a profound
interest, and is tho author of several
local acts favoring that modo of elec
tion and of tho general statute which
applies tho principle of tho freo voto to
tno election oi couueumen in all tho
boroughs of tho Stato subject to general
laws. But upon no question of Stato
policy has ho manifested so much con
cern as that of constitutional reform.
a uonvention lor this purposo will con
veno next November, and tho amend
ment ho proposed last winter which
contemplates tho removal of t ' elec
tion oi tno state Treasurer li u the
Legislature aud tho placiug of It . i tlio
hands of tlio nconlo will iitiim.v-.Hnii-
abiy then bo adopted.
In tho summer of 185S, Mr. Buckalow
resigned his position as Stato Senator
and Commissioner to roviso tho Criminal
Codo. for tho purposo of accepting tho
appointment of United States minister
resident to tho Republle of Equador.
Here, as In Paraguay, ho discharged
his delicato duties with prudence and
fldollty. Tho climate of tho country
proving f.ivorablo to his health and that
of his family ho remained tiirco years,
and returning to his country in 1801, ho
found his countrymon armed and urm
Ing for tho suppression of tiro great
On the 13th of January, 1803. Mr.
Buckalow was elected to tho United
States Senate for tho term of six years
ironi iiiu iui oi iuarcn loiiowing. aii
insignificant man is in a pitiable posl
tiou, and shows very badly by compari
son, In this tlio most talented and au
gust assembly of tlui nation. Hut tho
new mourner ironi rcunsyivuma soon
won tlio respect ofhis brother SonaUii-s.
and tlio party In this Stato which op
posca nis eiccuou, equally witu inu par
ly that elevated him to the high posi
tion, felt gratorul for tho honor which
ids reputation thoro rcilcctcd upon their
grand old Commonwealth. In tho
Senate Mr. Buckalow served on tho
most Important committees -among
others that of Foreign Relations, and
was chairman of tho special committee
on Itopresontatlvo Reform, whoo re
port of March 2, 18C9, contained sugges
tions of tho doenost Interest, nml una
oxtenslvoly circulated through tho
country for tho public informa
When Senator Buckalow took his aent
tho country was doop Inltho struggle for
tho preservation of the Fodoral Union.
As a Domocrat ho could not sympathlzo
with nil tho mcasuros and alms of the
administration then lu power. But on
tno quostion oi putting uown, uy rorco,
tho lorco that had arrayoil Itself against
tlio authority of tho ballot ho novor
hesitated a moment : and was as decid
ed and earnest as tlio most ardent Ro-
mbllcaii to bo found In tho Halls of
Conirress or lu tho front of tho battle
Shortly nflor his election to tho Honalit
lie donned his position on (ho nitltjccl or
war in inu loiiowing wows i
"Tlml rebellion was itrrnlnst lint lawi
of thu United HlaliH, mul put tint wliolo
bony or tiiuni ut ueiianco. Aitiioup.ii it
averted for Itself u legal ground of Jus-
iiiicuiou, it is miHi manliest mat n
wns lawless and iiniiuthorlzoil. Tlio
compact of tho Union being without
limitation or time, mud bo held, us in
tended by Us authors, to bo perpetual;
and tho provisions contained In It for
its own nniotitimoni provides tno omy
lawful modo by which its obligation
can bo limited or changed. Consideiv oi mo pumic
law, nnd lu viow of tho Immoino Inter
ests mil .In ncrtl bv 11 this Stato concur
red In measures of hostility against tho
South. littt this was iiono to vindi
cate tho broken law. ntul to secure tlio
oblecl for which tho Government of the
United States was originally founded,
and for no purpose of conquest or op
pression. Upon tho ground wo must
justny our conduct ami submit u wiui
ouinppreiieiisittu oi cousuroio inu juug
litem oi in rrn l una."
And nL'.iin III u speech dellvored in
Iho Senate at tho clodoof thu war its
follows !
"Returning from a foreign country
nflor tho Icominoncement of tlio war.
wlion It was in full progress, and whon
no human nower could avert tlio storm
which fell upon in, I found myself, as
did most or tlio cinz mis oi our country,
nlunlntelv controlled tiv tho circum
stances which surniiti' led maud which
prcsiodus forward tip i h eoursoof con
duct which we could not avoid. J
thought then, and think now, Unit there
was but ono tiling id on. vo wcro en
traced In a conteit which was. in It has
ofti'ti been dCHcrlb.'il. a contest of life
nnd death, nnd was nothing to bo
dono except to light it out, to light on,
to promoto or nsi t lltu collision of
forces which wen h.e i arnivcd iiL'itlli:
each oilier until sun- iiilimiito lesult;!
should hri reacbi il
"As n member of Hie minority in this
chamber, l gavo my voto ror those
incisures of tho majority which directly
pointed to tho use of tho forco of tills
government 10 sunjiigaio mo insurruc
tinn which raised its head ouainst us.
I was onnoscd to tlio political policy o
that majority, and havo continued to
entertain nnd ovlnco that opposition
down to this timo in a respectful and
proper maimer, nut upon tno ques
tlon of prosecuting tho war to a conclu
sion. l never nan any uiiucuiiy ; i uev
cr had any hesitation."
In accordanco with theso views Mr.
Buckalow advocated and voted for tho
following moasurosthat wero to.rurnlsi
tlio "sinews oj war.'
Anrllll. 1801. bill to moet tho deli
cleucyln tho war department, $07,001,
010; and for the naval servlco $2,735.
April 22, 1S01, bill appropriating to
tho sunnort of tlio army, 520,323.807 G5.
This bill was strongly opposed in tho
IIouso, and it bceamo necessary to or
der n Committeo of Conference. Tlio
Senate appointed T. O. Howe. L. M
Morrill and Charles It, Ihichalcw, and
tho IIouso Thaddcus Stevens and
Thomas T. Davis. Tho difficulty aroso
mainly from tho clrcum3tanco that tho
Houso thought tho Senate's provision
for tiio pay of colored troops was too lib
eral. Tho report of tlio Confercnco
Commit tec. signed on Mr. ISackalew,
was adopted. It may bo found In the
Glole, pngo 2,815. Frequently thence
forward, wncn aiiuuing to tins matter
Thaddcus Slovens was accustomed ti
say some vory strong tilings In praise
oi inu manliness mm iiiagnaiiiiiiiiy
Senator Uuclcalow lor agreeing to pay
so liberally tho colored soldiers whom
ho had employed.
May 21, 1S01, bill appropriating to
different branches ol tlio naval service,
$1011,11)2,037 00.
February 17, ISOj, bill appropriating
to tlio navy, $12I,IS0,!)2S 05.
February 18, 1S03, bill making, .ap
propriations for tho support of tho 'ar
my, $551,570,527 70.
Theso live money bills amounted to
($1,-127,S22,SS1.80) ono billion, four hun
dred and twenty-seven millions, eight
hundred and twenty-two thousand,
cicrht hundred and eighty-ono dollars
nnd thirty cents. Mr. Jluclcaew advo-
caeca and voted jor itc iviolo jive. S?o
roport of Senate proceedings In tho
Gonnressionul Globe under tho dales
spocilled in tho bills.
December 22d, 18G3, bill appropria
ting $20,000,000 for tho payment of boun
ties to soldiers. This was advocated and
voted for In Mr. Buekalew. Durlutr tho
discussion of tho bill, nn amendment
was offered by a Republican
ducing tho bounty from $300 to $100.
jur. Jiucuaiow voted against tno amend
ment. Ponding further discussion on
tho 22d of April, 1801, an nmoudment
was offered by Mr. Hendricks, of In-
dlnua, increasing tho pay of soldiers, 50
per cont. This did not pass, though Mr.
Buckalow voted for it. May 10, 1801,
another amendment was offered and
adopted, which Increased tho pay of
soldiers from $13 to $10 per month. Mr.
liuciMicwvoieajortnis. lUaymn, Jbui,
sliil another amendment was offered to
pay tho soldiers in gold ; aud though it
was rejosted, Mr. liuokalew votedor il.
What moro could havo boon dono to
bofriend thesoldiers? First lie votes for
$20,080,000 to pay bountiu-: then igdust
reducing tno bounty mm s .00 I JloO ;
then to iiieroasu the pay of , iMi in 50
per e.ntj then to iiiiiv.i-.e u.. p-vof
private soldiers from $13 t . Jpj '(jr
month, and to pay no:i u .miulMnmcd
officers $31 per month, anil to
pay tho soldiers in gold. Tlio dillerouco
between tho tax-paying, solf-sacrlllcing
patriot, nnd tho army contractors, who
fattoned upon their hard bargains with,
and stealings from thogovernmont.was
that ho put money in tho pockets of tho
soldiers, and thoy put It In tliolr own.
Sco Senate proceedings In tho Con
gressional Globe, under tho dates
of tho introduction of tho aforo
said 1)111, and Its soveral amendments.
Before Mr. Buckalow's election to tho
Senate an act passod that body, July 17,
1802, fixing tho pay of colored troops at
$10 per mrmth.tho pay of white soldiers
being nt that time $13 per month. That
law remained in forco until 1801. On tho
22d of April, 1801, Mr. Wilson, of Mas
sachusctts, offered an amendment to tho
army bill relating to certain regiments
of colored troops, against which Mr.
Buckalow voted for oxcollout reasons.
First, tlio amendment proposed to In
crease tho nay of whltu soldiers nnlv
from the date of the passage of the bill,
uui. id uuiuun.u mo increasoii pay to
colored soldiers from tho beginning of
tho year, thus making what ho regard
cd as an unjust discrimination. -Secondly,
It allowed a compensation to
Now-Eugland agents who wont South
to procuro the enlistment of colored
troops to fill tho quotas or tho Now En
gland States. Ho thoimht It was eon.
coding quite enough to those enterpris
ing uginiiB id permit uioni 10 siay at
homo and mako money by putting col
ored soldier. Into tho army, without
paylug them a commission on tlio light
ing they wero to do by proxy. Thirdly,
it provided for increased pay to four
colored reuiments (two from Miuiu.iin.
soils and two from South Carolina) anil
iuii unnu tunned uoops who nan neon
equally faithful to their colors. tlioiilin
shorter timo lu tho service, without In
crease. Theso reasons should have boon
concluslvo against tho amendment, yot
it passeu, ami iur. uucxaiow voted ror
the bill, of which It hud become n part,
rather than clvo his voice ul'.iI nut nnv
moasuro for tho compensation of colored
men in tno army.
It will bo romombored that lu 1801
there was a so-called noaco eonfurnnen
at Niagara Falls. It is cliargod against
Mr. Buckalow that ho participated in
Its biocoedings, and thorobv nrovo dbla
readiness to entertain proposals from
iudui emissaries iiiai wero uorogatory to
tho honor and welfare of bin nnnntrv.
his chargo Is purely u lie. Tho
real truth Is that ho wont to Niagara
n tho performance of n duty onforced
mon lilin by tho Senate of tho United
Stated. On tho 2d of July, twM, iiiet-
liitlon Introduced by Mr. Hunioy, or
Mlntio-tola passed tho ficntiU', which
liiMtriicled t fio ('ommltlro on Indian
All'alrs to Inqillrn llilo thn Indian ad
mmiBirniinit oi uio .imperial nun roiou-
1A1 nuinoriiies in inu uriiisu miirin
Amcrli'in possessions. Mr. Harlan, of
lown. Mr. Doollttlo, of Wisconsin, and
Mr. Iluckalow, of Pennsylvania, boliig
members of tint Indian committee,
wero appointed a sub couimiiieo to per
form tills special duly during tho reeois
ol Coiigrcis. For lids purpose solely Mr.
Iluckalow wontto Niagara, Mrs. (luck
ulow accompanying her husband. While
waiting more to bujoiuo l by tno otner
two members oi tno coinmiiiee, air.
Ilolcotnbe, onu of tho volunteer robel
peaco commission, casually met Mr.
nml Mrs. Buekalew lu tho nubile ro-
edition room of tholioteland conversed
with tlieni about tun minutes. The
only allusion to National allalrs during
tins brioi niierviuw was u rumaric oi
Mr. llolcombu to tho elb cl that Mr.
Lincoln would havo dl Ucu tv In ra m
ing tlio live hundred thousand troops
for which a call had just been Ismed, to
which Mr. Buckalow replied "Tin:
TROOPS WILL11I! raised." Mr. Btickii-
low was nt Niagara in tho discharge of
ningu oiueiai duty, xiiooniyconieder
ato ho met, or spoko to or had any In
tcrcourso with, during tho war, was
Mr. Holcotnbc, and thu single remark
hu niadn to him became thu Hp i of a pa
triot, nnd was calculated lo discourago
uio leaders or tno rebellion.
A new pimkirajime
Mr. Hucknlew. should he bo elected
Governor of Pennsylvania, Is firmly
resolved so to oxen tno lnuuenco oi his
great oinco as to craiiicaioinuoiiurinous
OVIl Ol Special legislation; prevent. irmm
in tho conducting of primary, locil and
ireiternl elections: oncourago thu sclcc
tinn or capable and nonesi men uir inu
Lpclslnturo; Induce enconoiny and
fidelity stlii tho State administration
and place tho Sinking Fund in hands
that can bo trusted by tho people. Ills
own words best deilno tho salutary ro
forms that would ho Inaugurated.
"What do wo doslr-cto accomplish in
our Slnto? Whv. for one thlinr wo want
tlio olcctlon of Stato Treasurer taken
out of the Legislature."
"Then wo expect to obtain lu liiegov
eminent of our State, great salutary
and necessary reforms with regard lo
tho transaction of business by tho Leg
islature. Wo expect to havo cut off
from tlio Legislature a large amount of
jurisdiction which has been productive
of evil in the State, and of scandal and
reproach. Largo inassos ol private leg
islation nnd largo branches of Jurisdic
tion with reference to bills, must boctil
off hereafter from tho notion of tho Leg
islative Department of our Govern
ment. You can obtain IhUby two
means, n nst ami in iiniy, by tnu action
oi tno uonsiiintioiiai L'onveniion which
is to meet in November; but wo will
secuto It also to a great extent by elect
ing proper men t Ilia Legislature, and
bvclcetingsomo men with proper views
upon tho subject to fill tho Executive
office. But tliero Is a greater question
than till these tho great question of
electoral reiorm. isotii your primary
and your legal elections aro perverted.
Thoy are not as they ought to bo, freo
and open encounters bJtwocn opposing
"Woll, we can roach that ovii. Willi
good men in tho Legislature, who aro
not subject to Rings, and a man in tho
Executivo office who will recommend
to Uio Legislature the reforms necessary
to purge tno ballot, it is p)ssioio to
ovoribrow irauii nnd lo M-cure nones
and fair elcctlous'gcncr.iily througlinu
the Ojiiinioiiwcaitn,"
This rests upon tho uiiivcrally admit
ted capacity, and tho univerally receiv
ed character of tho candidate. Mr.
Buckalow has distinguished himself as
i student, a lawyer, a stato legislator,
foreign minister, and a United States
Senator. Ho is yet in tho prima of life,
and, of his age, there is scarcely a public
man in the' country who has had equal
experience or lias displayed equal capa
city, fur the management of public af
fairs. Aud what is, if possible, till more
Important In tho present exigencies of
tlio Stato, this character whether per
sonal or official, is allko concodoi! by
ills political friends and opponents to
be above suspicion. Ilo lias not now,
ncr has ho over had, "Cliques" and
"Rings" about htm. Ilo has through
out ids long public life stood alono upon
the solid basis of of his ability and in
tegrity. Ilo lias neither cuamics to pun
Isli nor friends and dependents to ro
waid. Ilo has received tho nomination
not bocauso ho intrigued for it, or oven
desired il, but becuifO ho was beliovod
to bo best entitled to tho honor. If elect
ed ho will assume tlio duties of the
offico untrnmcllcd and independent,
and tho result will prove that n Oov
ernor, either more capable or faithful to
tho best interests of the Commonwealth,
never sat in tlio chair.
Now Advertisements.
Lotlers of Administration on the estate of
x-.ii.aueiii tinier, lato ni ueavcr township, Col
umbia county, deceased, havo been granted by
tho Register of saldcounly to John llluderlllcr.
samo township. All persons havlngclalms against
tiio estate of tho decedent are ltqucsteil to pre
sent them lor scltlomcut, aud those indebted to
Uio estate to mako payment to tlio uuderslgued
ndmlnlstintor, without del ly.
sep 27-lw Administrator.
ntlco Is lierehv trlvou that loiters of Admlnls.
I ration havo been granted by tho Register of
Wlllsoi t-omiiiuiacouuiy to me iiuucrsigneu up
on tho estate or Christian Miller, lato ol Heaver
township, In said county, now deceased. All
persons indebted to slid estato nro required to
mako payment nod nil persons who havo claims
against said cat-ito to m.iko tuem known to thu
undersigned. JOIIM HINumiMTlSU.
sop 1-7 tiiv Administrator.
Too undersigned appointed Auditor to dis
tribute tlio luuds In tho hands or tlio Adminis
trators ol tho estate of deceased
will meet tlio pnrtlcj Interested at his oillco In
, I, n ........ ..f,. n., Mnti.l.... ,1... o-.l.
Ml, ut 10 o'clock n. in., when nnd where nil per
sons Interested nro i.iuestcd to piesent them to
tho Auditor or ho forever debaried from coming
in 101 H.llll Jill! I,
E, it.,
Ecp27-li? -Aud 1 1 or.
Jacob H. Rvaus, Executor of tlio last will nnd
testament orAbrain Young of lloutou township,
Columbia enmity, deceased, will exposo lo pub
lic s ilo tho followlnu tracts of valuable timber
I'lrst.a tract of Umber land situated In Pino
township i.-oiumbl i county, continuing nboulTi)
ncios well timbered with whlto plno, chestnut
nun neiiiioc.t:, nuuuiiuu uy minis ni i.uas Aicu
denh.all,.I.)hn l.nckai'1, ltnbt. Utiffcelnud others,
tobosohl on tlio premises
MONDAY, OOTOBEIt 2Stll, 1872,
nl 12 o'clock, noon,
Kecond, uceitilu tract of llmhor lind fcllii.iteil
In Jncksou Township, Columbia county, l'a.,
coulalnlna forly ncies nud lorty-threo nnd
eight tonlli porches, woll llmbcroil wllh whlto
pine, whllo oak un I homloek, bounded by lauds
nl ll'oler lAiihucli, Hainuel Kitchen. WIUou
Ivlio'jnu nml jesso Rliouo lo hi sold on lliu
I'l i-niiscs
nt lOo'cl lek. n. 111.
Third, a certain tract of laud (.Hunted In l-'Ish-InjIJioo
towubhlii, Columbia county, p.i con
tninlug a liuudied mul thlrlecu acres nnd liiuu-ty-lnur
porches with ullowaneo well limbered
wllh whltu oak, poplir, cheslnul nnd pine, t bo
sold on tho premises
at lo o'clock, 1'. M,
Tell Iter cent, of tlin miirlinKA nini,.v
tit the. ktriklug Uown of tho propcily, oue.half
jY". it;.. ii;i icin, in u iiiuuius luereuiier, nun
inu i uiuuiuiny unu-iuui ui i year iiom nay 01 sale.
upon the )tli of October, 1S72, nt 2 o'clock, P, M.
upon the last described premises, Jacob H. Ev
nus will ollor for sale, u corlnlu other tract oi
tlmberlnnd, situated In Ornnio township, Col
uinbla oouniy, Pa., hounded by lauds of M. n
l'.Uteison, Haiunol .Mcllcnry.Ellslia Kvnus iind
Hnrrlit Moypr. eanlalnlna about 55 acres heavily
plno0 wlll'u I'li,ui wiilto oak, una pitch'
Terms uuule known on day of salo.
Wiiutuw, by tho laws of this Commouwealtli
it Is mado the ilnty of the tShorlll of overy county
to give nollcool Ilie general Election, liy publi
cation in ono or moro uuwsiiapurs Ir. thu Voun
ty.nt least twenty days bcloiu tho election, and
lo cuumerntotlieielu Ihoolllci to bo cdectod
U to bo'l lu?'""0 U' ,lnC0 ' ,,,cU "10 tccl'01
Thcioroio, I, AARON HMtTlt. ltlali Hliollir
f Columbia roiinlr, ilo iicrcuy ntnltii
imu-li nnd itrnplnlm In llin nimmlffcl elortOrA Of
MHitiililn nullity, thitt nKoiuirnl Elpftlon Will lo
,l.l mi 'I'lll'.xll W. Till'. K.lflll I'll IIAY II If
OOTOIIKK, 18718, (liollitt I liOROTOtlilTilMil.iy 111 "ilil
llltiill ii.) ill uio nuvi-rm iimiricLS wituiii tnu u.niu-
IHi.lVI'r luwinil'l', III I in' I'Hi'li" il n "i in ni-.t.
I l.-iil mi lim-nililn. nt Dm liiilillo lioilso nf ill nun
Hi., Ill tho lown of ltf-titon.
l-;iisi liinoui, nl uio umirt uimni in niirnui
mri(. West lll'iom.nt tlioCourl lluum. In lllii.inif
Iltirniiuli Uorwlck nt tlio Ktmnof -Iiilill MoAll"
nil in llui iwimimi or norwiuic,
ItnrmiL'll CullLritll.l. llL thu liulllla llUIISO ol It.
A. WcliUilisiiill.
IlrlnrcrDoktowinlilp.nlllinpiilillnHiliiinl linnsn
Hoar Evmmlllo. township, nl Ihn pnulla luiHo or
HAiimcl KoiKiiilMiitlui, lu lliu town of I'lt-.l-
Cciilrotowiuhlp.nt tho li lino luvir Li
fiyotlo Cronny'K.
North CimyiiKhini District nl tho school houso
uoir tlio rolllory of John AihIcmoii A 0-).
roiuin;iiityii!iiiim iiinrini, ni, uio iiuuiu m
ThiHnns UllitiM-. IfUclv llxnil Itv n VolO ot thu
rltl.ens ol Hint township.
l-lslilniwri-oK townstilp, ill uio Bcnon iinn
near U. II. While. . ,
riiuiltlln lowiiMilp, nt tho I.'iwroitra koIioo!
Iioiiho. . . . ...
urccnwooil lowiisinp, nl uio noimi oi .lompn
11. liiillmi.
Humlnrlc township, nt tho putillo lioiiso or
t iias, it, iiiciioricii in inu uiivn in mul-u mi m.
JndiKon towiiHtilPi nt tin lioiiiii of IJr.oUlol
LO10. . . .... . .
liOiMtu lownsnip, ni uio pu-jiic iki.hhih t.u-i-
.lr.1'hlnl 111 Mllt.imlt!!.
llllllll lOWIlllup, III I no I'Uiiiij- luiuij ill .-ni.i.
Homd, In tho town or Miiiunvii o,
.Mmrmni lowinhln. nt tlia mibllo Iioiho of H-im
utl Itltnby, in. IcHcylown.
illl, I IPilSallV mwil-lllip, III uio iiiiiisj i.i nu-
iul llltiiiiy, lii Jerseyl : iwn.
Mt. Plcnsiul luwnshlp, nl tlio houso of II, W.
Mtilllck. , , ,
jloulour iowiisiiiji, ni mo iiousu in iv m, uui
Sinlli 'township, nt Uio publlehmno of Aura-
l.,,,,i Mhntn in.
Roivlnucrock township, nl tho hoin.) formerly
rw,ti.,lr.,l h tli..i. W- IltnUhlnli.
urnilliO lownsnip, hi. tnu ii-iiniu ii-iu-iw ... .in..
l'lno towiisliln. nl tho Centra Kcliool Honso
lately llxeil by a-voto of tho eltlena ofN.iia
lownsnip. . . ....
Hiisurloftf township, nt tlio houso nt AUnas
coie. . . . .... ....
Hcoll lownsnip, nl uio piiouo nomo oi win.
Petllt in Espy. , ,
A t tvlilf-h lltnn no.1 nl.mi.s lll-l filllU.lna (-.00-
(ois will t'loct hy ballot Ilia f illowlinj ISliUo mul
uotiuiy oiuccrs, viz ;
Olio person for Uovornor, ono person for Au
illiorilencrfil. one Dci-uon lor Jihlno nf tlio Hu-
promo Court, Tliroo pcrfioiis rort'ongressnien-nt-I.ii-ini.
twentv-oluht nor.iini for Meinborjof Con-
Ullutlonnl Convention, nt-larKo, ono person for
Presldonl JiuIko, ono poison lor t'onitross, ono
person ior aciinior, nuo porson i-i ivjprmuiu.i
live, tliroo persons for Cntislttullonnl Conven
tlon, ono person lor Prothonotary, ono person
ior liegisier aim liecorncr, ono pciHon ior uoiii-
lUimu.llt. UUU (lUlHUtl MI ..l.l.UU
Ills lurriioraiiccloil tlml llio olcctlon pjlls of
inosoverni district sunn ne openeu ucuveon uiu
nours oi six nun seven o ciocic 111 inn un-i'uoi.ii,
mul blinll contlnnoopen without Interruption
mul niljournmenl until Kovono'otm-lc lu tho ovo
ulngwueu Uio polU khnll be cloicil.
Pursuant to tho provisions coulalno I In tno
Tili kppllonnr lh ncL Ilrst orores ilil. tho llluiios
of tlio nloresatil tlUtrlcts shall respectively limo
cliargoor inoeortiucnies oi roiurn oinno elec
tion of Iheli- lospecllvo illslrlets, nml pioJuco
tlioni nt n moolhi'. nr ono IhiIlm Ironi ouch dis
trict nt tho Court House, lu nioomsburc, on tlio
nurd uaynuer uio nay ui tno election, iieiug 01
l.'rldnf. tlio Illli dnv nl' Octolur. 1-472. nl li
o'clock, n. in., then nml thoro to ilo nuil perform
tho duties rooulica bv law of said luauj.
Also, that where n Judge, liy sickness or una
voidable necldont, is tiuablo lonUemlsuchiuoct
lngol Judges, then tho ooittlleuto nr return shall
ho t'lketi ctiaio of by ouool tlio Inspectors or
clerks of tno election of tho district, who shall
do nnd perform tho duties required ol said Judgo
tumble lonltoud.
Tlio return Judges or tho Congressional Dis
trict composed of tho counties ol Columbia,
Ilrnilford, (Sulllvnn, Wyoming nnd .Montour
shall moot ntllio Com t Houso In TmiUlianuock,
Wyoming co on Tuesday, October litli, bll, to
mako outtliurclurus for members ol Congress
from this District.
Tlio Return Judges of tho fSctnlmlal District
composed ot Uio counties ol uoiumoi.i, .Montour.
Mullivnu and Lycoming shall moot nl tho Court
IIouso nt Wllll.unsport, Lyeomlug county., on
Tuesday, tho 15th day of October next, to make
out thoieturns for (Senator from this district.
Tho Rsturu Judges or tho Judicial District
composed of tho counties of Columbia, Sullivnu,
nnd Wyoming shall moet nt tho Court IIouso lu
Tunkhaunock. on Tuesday tho 15th day of Octo
ber next, to mako nut tho returns for Presl
.lent. .Inili.n of thin illstrlct.
Tlio loUowlng Act of Assembly, regulating
tho modo or voting In the Commonwealth ol
Pennsylvania, was uisssd March ltith, ISM, nud
ic.ius inns ;
Suction 1. Ilo It onactoj by tno Senato and
IIouso of Representatives of Uio Commonwealth
ol 1'ennsylvaul.i. in Uuncrnl As-embiy mot, and
11 Is hereby enacted by tlio authority of the same
that tho tiualltlod voters of tho soveral dlslrlots
lu tho soveral counties of llilseomnionwenltli.iit
all general, township, liorouijli nnd special elec
tions, uio hereby hereafter authorized nnd re
quired lo voto by tickets printed or written, or
p irlly pt luted nnd partly wrltlon.suvoially elas
sliled ns follows: ouo ticket shall embrace the
names ol all Judges of Courts voted lor, nnd la
belled, outside, ''Judiciary ;" ouo ticket shall
embrace the names or nil t uoStato olliccrs voted
for, and to bo labelled ".State ;" ouo ttekct shall
einliraco tho names or all county olliccrs voted
for, Including tho oillco of Senator, Member aud
-Mcmbck'J ot Assembly, If voted lor and mom
bcrs ol Cougross, if voted for, nud bo libelled
"Couuty;" ono ticket shall cmbr.u-o tho names
of all township otllcers voted loraud bo labelled,
"Township "one ticket shall embrace tho names
of nil borough olllccs voted lor, nud bj Libelled
"llorough ;"
Mixtion 2. That It shall bu the duty or tlio
fjhcrltr In tho soveral eountlo, of this Cimaiou
wcallh to insert in their election pioelam itlons,
hcrealler hsucd tho sectlonoi this n:t.
That ever,
ry person excepting jihucos oi tno
sliull hold any ollicu or appointment
IVfll-ft who H
of prolltor trust under tho United StaUs, or of
UllS E51.111-, UUU Lily ui I'Uii.uiiiiAiuiiiaii .ti, ivnuiii-
er a commissioned olllcer or otherwiso, n subor
dluato olllccrorngcutwlio Is orshall bu employ
ed under tho Legislature, exce Utvo or Judiciary
Department ot this iStite, or of auy city or of nuy
incorporated district, aud also, that overy mem
ber oi Congress and of tuostato legislature, and
of tho solect or common council ol nny city, or
commissioners ofnny lncorinr.itcd llsirlct, Isby
law Ine.ipableof lioldlugor uxereislngat tno same
timo tlio oflleoor nppnlnunont of Judge, In. lec
tor or Clerk of any election of this Common
wealth, and that no Iuspcetor,.Iudo or other ol
llcer ol su:h election sh ill be eligible to bo ihcu
votoa for.
Tho Iuipjct irs and Jn-Uo or I lie elections h ill
mectut their iepe live pl.iuos nppolulod lor
holding lliooleotloa In lh-Jilis'rlet to whlehthey
icspecllvely belong, boloro sjvou o'clock lu the
morning, and each of said luspjctors shall ap
point ono clerk, who shall b.) .i ipulhled votor
ol such district.
In caso tho person whoshall receive lliosecond
highest number of votes lor luspoclorsliall not
attend ou lhu day ol any cloctlou, thou tho por
son who shall havo received tho second highest
number of votes lor Judgo at tho noxt preceding
election shall act ns Inspector lu Ills placo. And
lu caso the person who shall havo received tho
hlglies. number of voles ior luspector shall not
nlicud, tno person elected JuJgo slull appolut an
Inspector lu his place and lu c.iso tlio porson
olected Judge shall uotnttend, thou tho inspec
tor who rocelvod tho highest number of votes
shall appoint a Judgo In his place ir if nuy va
cancy shall conttuuo lu tho board for tho space
of ouo hour after Uio tlinollxod by Uw lor tho
opening or the election, tho qtullilod votors of
tho township, ward, or district for which such
olliccrs sliull havo bo."U elected, present nt such
election shall elect ouo of their uumbjr to till
such vacaucy.
"It shall bo tho duty of the soveral assessors
respectively to attend ut the plaoa of holding
everv coueral. special or townsuln elecLiou. dur
ing tiio wholo lliuo such election Is kept open,
ior ino purpnsu in giving luniiui.iuou to tno iu
snectnrs and Judgos. when called on lu rotation
to tho right oi auy parson l by them to
voto nt such election, andou such other matters
m reunion to too nssessuieni ns ino sn i inspec
tors or clLier of them shall iro-u tlmj re
'No nci'sun shall iijieimittoJ tj voinnL itive..r
tlonssatorcsiido'.lier than a white Irooimn of tno
ago of twonty-ouoyeaisor inoro,whoan.ill havo
lesldcd lu tho State utloast ouo year, nud 111 Hie
t-lecliou dlstuci where ho oilers to voto ton il lys
iiiiiiieiii.ibvij' 1'ii-euiiiii sueii uieeiiuii, nn t Wliu-
In two years ii-Md a Stale or ejuutv tn which
shall havo been asscsacd at least ten days bclore
tho election, lint n citizen of tho United States
wno lias previously uccu n uiialiued vo.
lor of this htnto nnd rclurned nud who
sunn uavu in mo election nisiriet ail l p ul l ixos,
as aforesaid, shall ba ontltlcd to vote utier ro.
siding In this State six months. Provided, that
whlto freemen, citizens of tho Culled States'
between tho ngo of twculy-ouo and twouly-tivu
who have resided in tho olcctlon district ten
days as aforesaid shall bo uullllo.l to voto al
though thoy shall not havo pild tnx.
No porson shall ba pormlited ti voto whoio
name Is not oantaluod m tho list of taxable in.
habllsuts furnished bv tho Coinmlsslonurs. nn.
Ichsl-'list, Iio produces a receipt ior tho payment
w ii in ii " ) 4i. i i rewuu ur vniiuiy iu lissess-
cd agreeably to tho Constitution nud glvo Mills -iactorvevldeueeolthcrou
his oath ormllrinnil.m
or Uio oath or nUlrmallou of other, than ho has
pain sucu n ia., uron laiiui o to proauco a l-ecelpl
shall makooatli to tho payment thereof. Second
Il ho claim thu rlht to voto by bolug un elector
between thungooi twenty-one nud twenty-two
years, hoshiilldeposuiiu oath or alllnnatiou that
ho h is resided lu tills Blato ut least ouo your next
before his application, and muko suchprool
of rcsldonealn thoillstrlctnsls requlrod by this
iiei, uiiu iii.ii. iiu iiuus verny uuiiuvu iiom tno ac-
cntiut given htm. that ho Is of into nfoi-esal.i. nn.i
sueli other ovldeuco m Is required by this act j
,,iib,i,.,M ..... ....... v ... ..... i.e.aui. .mi-, iijiuil.-
fed to votoshall bo insortod in tin. iilnli.ii.ii..i
list by the Inspector', and a noto ina lo opposlto
thoreto by writing Iho word "lax," 11 ho snail bo
admlltul to voto by reason of having paid tax :
or tho word "ago," ir landrail lioudinrtled to vote
'j i:u-.u Biieuutu wnu-u buaii no eiiieit out
lo Ihoelmlis, whoslian inuko tlio llko notes on
the list of voters kept by them.
In all wiiL-iu ihn iiiiiii.i i.t ti... it..-.....
elaiuilngliiyululsiiot louiidoulholMlurulsheil
by Ihocoiuiulssloneisiiudas.essjr, or hlsiightto
i"'i ...iwiiici iiiuiui iiiLtuiin or uui, js oojeciou
toby any qualMed cllliju, It shall bo tho duly
ol tho Inspectors to oxainluo such iierson on oatn
as to his iiuillllo.illous, aud It hu i-l dins to have
resided within tho Slnto for onu j.ur orinoro his
.'.iiiinililiiuysilllieiuui prooi UU'liill, bill Sliail
make proof by ut least ono competent witness,
who shall bo a quulllled elector, lu it ho has re-tided
lu thu dlstilcl lor more than i n days next
Immediately proccdlug such viecil.i i. and shall
also himself swear that his bona II lu iosI lence.
lu pursuuncoof his lawful calling, is lu said dis
trict, nnd that ho did not remove into said dis
trict lor tho purposo of votlug therein.
Every persuiuiuallilol us uioresald. und who
shall mauedue proof. If required, or thurosldcucu
and payment or taxes lis uloresald, Hhull bo iU
milted to voto lu the township, wind or illsti let
lu which he shall resldo.
If uuy person shall prevent or attempt io pro
vent nny olllcer of nny election under lids net
Irom holding such election, or use or threaten
nuy vlulencn lo uuy such oiUour, or shall Inter,
ruptor Improperly lutui fern with lilin lutfioux.
ccutlou or his duty ,or shall block iiiitho windows
or avenue to any window where tho s.nno may
bo holding, orshall riotously disturb the ponco
nl such election, or shall uso uny lutlmldutluu
threats, forco or violence with deslgu to luilu.
euco unduly or overawe uny elootor, or to pro.
vent tilm Irom votlug or lo restrain tho freedom
of choice, Bitch pcrsuu, on conviction, shall bo
lined In uny sum not exceeding five hundred
dollars, and Imprisoned ror uuy time not less
than three nor moro than twelve months, nud If
it slmli bo auowu lo Court, vrhen tho trial ol suoli
tillenco shall bo hid, thai Iho person n tiirond
Inn was not n resident nl iho elly, ward, dlstilcl
or township where tho iiil'i use was eiimmltted,
nud mil onlilli'd In voto therein, llii-n nn ennvla-
l.lll lie snail n seiiuiiiciiii in ii iv n n i n n n
tx iu liiuu nun luinilrAl luir more lb. i t i t i-nl-
mind ilnlliirn,iiudlwlmprlsiinol u.i' I .i it-islx
ilnuuis nnr niiirn urm iiviij-ihm,
ir aliv nersiin.linl liy I iwuil llui -1 i ill Ir m I
,i,.ti. i.i., nt nnv nlpi'ltiiu n i-. tlinimin-
weillli.or linliuniliKrwui-Tl i I Hall Vnlo
oiitiiflilsiiiiporillslrlcl,iiril i . . 1 in Itiio.vlut
Iho wuut or nnch innlllli' n -n, h ill ill I or pr i
miro hiii'Ii porson lu voto, tup is in nil-.idlii(
shall nil mmvlcthm lu II -mil In nn sum nnliix
cncdluit Iwu liutidrol ilnlliirs.iiud li ilniprl, lit I
III nuy term not uxoaodliu turno iiinnlhs.
irnny iiuosu.iu voia ut morotuiiu una oieciiou
district, or nthorwlsa frnudulonlly voto m-iro
ill-Ill lllli-D on . il u smiiuii'i, urnnsii iuni.ijr
r. .1.1 mi. I il.illviir lu Ilia lnsuactnr tw.i tteltntq to.
gollier, with tholuleutUlog-illy tn voto. or who
sit ill prno'iru iiuoiher lo do so, ho or thoy of-
I'llllllIM Sll.lll, 'i i"ii,mn-ju uw tiiiuu in i.uj
Hint lint lii is Hull llfty nnr more than live linn
tlrod ilnlluri, and In Imprisoned for n term not
less lll.iu luieu uui inoiu ni.iu muiiu niunins.
If nuy pofson not quallllod to voto In thlsCom
i.i iiiiv.i.i in n-traeablv to law (oxcent tho mm of
tiuallilcd eltlzons,) shall nppoirnt nuy plioi of
1 n cuoil ior inu puii.jiu .......... ...u
tons quallllod lo volo, lio shall ou oonvlcl I in for
liltniidpaynsumnot oxceodliK ono hundred
ilollart fur overy Riichoirenco nnd bo lniprlsiu
nl for it torm not exceeding .throo mouliis.
Tint unumriiv law.
t iiUnfflvoolllslal nollco totho oloHors nf Col
umbia ojuuty that by nu net, onlltlo I "An
Ai t rurlhor Riipplonionlnl to Iho net rolallvo to
tho election or this Cnmiuouwoaltli," npprovod
Alirll lllll, A. V' I" i;i piuvin-.-u .is iiji-
"w1 . n II. n I. .....I...,., .
Plotcdoii Iho tenth diy precodlng tho nooouil
Tuesday In Oclolior or oich yoir, the assessor
Elltlll, Oil luo .Mouiiay iiiiiiiuiiiaiuiy iiiiunviuK,
makonrolum to tho county commlislouoM of
Iho names ot uu personsassossoa uy uiiu siuco
ii.n i-i.tnrn r.Hiiilrodlnbo mado bv him hi- tho
tCCOIlll SeCllOU Ol uiisnut. iiuini upiiosnu oiiun
ll.ltnO UIO OOSCrvilliuns nun luqun -
m in nn li mm I lis niuiu..iii I nuil luuujuiiy .
niaatiiiinrAsiiiitl thcrcunou oauso thosAmoto bo
n-lded lo uio return roquu'ou uy mo h-joju-i soc
tlon of this net, nnd a full nud correct copy thoro
..r I., i..i maun. r.ouLaiiiiuz mo n net oi i 1 nor.
wins so relurnod ns rosldenl l.ixabloi lu said
ward,boroujh, townslilp or precinct, nnd Mrnlsh
tho s iino touothor wllh tho nos-OHsary election
blanks to lhu olliccrs of thoclo.Hlou Insild ward,
InrniiKh, township or product, on or boforn six
o'clock in tlio morning of tho socon I Tuos lay of
iictnlior. nnd no man sli ill ba Pennine I to volo
nl tho election on that day whosa namo Is not
on Hald ll-it, unless ho shall mako proof of his
right lo vnte.ns horolnartor requhoJ.
ffee, I. On llicjday nf tho election nny person
whoso namo Is not on tho nald list, nnd olalnilnir
iho right to votonlHaldoloctl in, shall proauooiit
least ono rpvniiuou voicr oi mo instriei ns n wit
nnss to tho rcsldcnco of tho clilmant In tho ills
trlct In which ho claims to bo n voter for tho
period of nt least ten days noxt proeodlng said
election, which witness shall take nud subicilbo
n written, or partly written nnd ptrtly printed
iifll.1n.vlt. to tho fact stated bv him. which mil 1 1.
vlt shall dolluocloarly wliero tho rosldonca Is of
uio porsou so claiming in no a votor! nnd tho
person so claiming tno light to voto shall nlso
inko nnd subscribe a written or partly written
and partly prlntotlntlld.ivlt, slating to tho best
of his itunwieugonna lienor, wnero una whon ho
w.isniirn, tnnt no is a citizen or tno common
wealth of Pennsylvania nud nfthoIInltndHLilrs
that ho lus resided In tho Commanwo lllll omo
year, or It formerly a cltlzau tuerclii, nnd has
moo.S thorelrom, that ho hasresldad therein six
mouths next preceding said olcctlon! that holms
not movod lnlo tho district lot- the purpsso of
voting therein ; that ho Ins pil l nStalo orcnun.
ly tax within two yoan, which w is nssossod nl
least ten days berorosaid election : aud, If nuat
uuilliied citizen, shall also stato whou,wlieronnd
by what court ho was natur.Uizj I, and shall also
m-odiico his ceitltlcato nf natui'iilt.allun lor ox-
umluiillon; the said nllllavlt shall also state
when nnd whero the tax claimed to uopild by
tho nlllaut was nssossod, Jind when, whero nnd
lu whomo paid, nnd tho tax receipt therefor
shall bo priidiiood tor examination, unless the
ntllant shall stato on his niHttavlt that It has
beo i lost destroyed, or that ho uover receive!
any, but It tho iiersanso elitmlng the right ilo
volo shall takoandsubscrlbonnnill lavlt, that ho
Is u uallvu born citizen or tho United States (or
Ifborii t'lsowhere, shall stato tlia tact In his alii
diivll,und sh ill proJueo evidence that ho has
been naturalize!, or that ho Is entitled to citt
zonshlp by reason orhlsrillior'snatur.ill..itloui)
and sh ill nirllior state lu his nil! lavlt th it ho is,
at tho timo or tilling thonHld.ivlt between the
agos of twenty-ono and twenty-two ye in ; that
ho has resided lu tho suite ouo yoar und lu Iho
election district ten days next preceding stiea
cloctlou, ho slull bo e initio I to vote, although ho
shall not havo paid taxes ; aud the said nlllt.ivlis
or all persons in iklug such claims, nnd thonlU
davits of the witnesses to their residence, shill
bo preserved by the election board, nud at the
closo.-nf tho oloctiou they shall bo ouclosod with
iuo list oi voiors, luuy nst uuu ouier papors. re
quired by law to bo Uled by tho return Jud-ii
villi iuo proiuonoiary, nun suau remain on mo
birewlth lu tho prothouol.iry's oillco subjoct to
examination, ns other election pipers nro ; If
the oleetloii otllcers shall nud that tho nppllc.iut
or applicants possess nil tho legal qualifications
of voiors. ho or lliov shall be nermlttod to vote.
aud tho namo or uatnos shall uo nddod to their
list of taxablos by tho eleetlou olllcors. tlio word
"tax" being ndded wnero the claim int claims to
voto on tax, nnd tno word "age" whoro ho claims,
lo voto ou aire; thosimo wards being added by
tho clerks lu oi-jli c.uo nupj-jtlvely on t-io list
oi pjrs-jus vouu ut sucu lueciinii
Al-c. ;. It shall bJl.iwl'ulfjr.inyri.i.ilill-j.leltl
.en of thodlstrlct, nul.vllhstaudluj than unoo;
lljiroposod votor iso i i.tiui3ao 1 iuo list ones
litent la table, to e'.lltljnJ tlia voto of stllh njr
son; wherouinu thj si n Jin-o if of t'to njtn. of
stiurafo as is uo.v luquuu i u i iw su tu uj p in
Ucly m idj un i actoi oa oy llu eloctloa bnrii
and tho votoa Imlttu 1 or i-ejajta 1, acii.-tli: to
tlin ovlilonco! ovory parson euinnnx t- lu a n it
iirnllzodcltlzau shall bjrequlroj to prolucahls
natur.ill.itioucertlilcilo ut tno electl-m bjfnro
voting. o tea mug wueiuuu uisoaju iur ion years,
consecutively, n votor In Uu dlstrletlu w.iljh lia
oilers his vote; iiudou tlia votoof such parson nc
inir r.n-alvfld. It sh ill be the duty of th) ole'tion
olllcors to wrlta or stamp ou sum cortitl.-i'.a tlia
word "votod,".wlth tho iiuath aud year ; no 1 if
any election oui joi orniu jurs sn in lajoi u u s jc
onl voto on tho s una day. by virt 13 of llrf s una
certlilcato excepting whsro sons a-u orlnle! to
voto by virtue nt the naturallzitlia ol tlulr fi
thors. thov nnd tho narsoti who shall otter suol
second vote, upon so ollendtng shill bagullly ol
alilgh mlsdemomor, nnd ou ejuvlcuou more it
l,.s tl nt.n tr I nun Is.m.i 1. or both, ut tlia dlscl-ei-tnii
nf thu court; but tho lino slull not oxeaal oaa
inndr.i.l dollars lu oicii uoa. nor uio luinrtsiu
mout ouo year; the lino puulsiim--ut slull Ui
InUlcte.lou con vlct lo i, on th) o.ll it-rsuf eleetlou
who shall needed or reiusa lo niikt'. nr oiusa I
bo made, the iua.iri-maiil raq Pre I on iiforus lid
uaturallullou oartiuoiia.
mee. li. II nuyeleetliiioillurs'iul rafusa or
neglect to require soon pro u oi me rijtit nis m
rago as Is presjrlba.l by tills 1 iw, or tua tj
which this Is ii suppiomsui, n-o.n a ly p?rs i.i ol
Ierln-4 to voto wh isa inuu is not o i t-io list o
assesse I voters, ni- right to vota Is oil il-
leugo.l by any iiuilllla I voter pre.oiit, nud sn ill
admltsach nersnn to volo Willi it rouulrlu
such pro ir, every pjrs in so oll'm ll-u siinll, up
nn po ivlation. hi erulltv nl a huu nils lame mm-
and shall bosoiilonce 1. Ior over such oll'ouaa.
lo piy u lluo not oxceojlug nun Ire. I doll irs
ni-in nmloriro u-i luniris.inmeni lint m-iro tin
onoyear, or either nr bat'i, ntllio dlsiroilm oi
the court.
&'.. T. The rosnoc'.lvo iiisaisars : lusiuct.irs
und JuiUos of tha elections slull onli luva tlia
power to administer ooun to.iny p.'r.sjucui-iitu
tha i, to be ussossjd or the rljtht ol sullr
or in legird to nuy otlur ni ittor nr thin; requir
o l to bu dona o-.- luuulro.1 lut by auy nl s ltd of
ficers miller this uat; -ml .in'al lalso
swearlu-r bvuuv narsoa lu reli'.l ) i ti any mat
ter or lului concerning w in-1 i i -v si ill ba
1 iwfully luturroi'.o I by a . - ..l -i Hears
hall b uunlsben us net ilrv.
A'ea. 10. Tno assessors siml i iv the
samo compensation Ur Uu tin u . sirliy
spent m poriarming iuo inuu . ui jv e
ed ns is provided uy law i ir 1 1 . . i.' an
ILtalr other dutlos to bo nlld Uy t i - -1 i',y onu
mlsslnuers ns lu other ois.i ; 1 1 . i u ill u it
bo lawful far nny n.saisjr l ja ..--I . n ijuni
any porsou whatever wit.iiu ta. i .. , i
coalug tho election to In lull . .
I'uesd ly lu Oato'iar lutiuy year, -i . . i
days noxt before nuy oloau 1 1 ,. i
1're.ldeut ami ViOi-lVosldeui nl -n.
Stales; any vial I'.louor this p.-1. .s ...i
a iiilslemean ir nud subloat in- i d . . . .
feuding la a lluo not exceeding n.ia uu I i. a .1 .1
tarn, ur to imprisoumont un o(a-auu iuiuj
inu.iiu.. in- uoiu, at luein-rjtCll ) l ol uu uo III.
He, tl, Ou t io pitltla i of live o. in ire ettl
zons n tna oo.i.ily, s-.ill a u.i I .r n.uh m it tbov
vvrny oano.-a tlutiraul will na praciicj I nt
...j u.tu.iui. I.UJ4I. iu uj iifi i in uuy ins rict- it
snau ua in a duly of in j emit ofoimnun ploas
, .-. . w4iiu'i, ur n ni; 11 Jlllg.
rhereot lu ya y Ion, ta appalnt t w a Ju It.:iou), so
bor uui liitalllgout oltUans of the cj-iiiiy ta hci
I !U,BJ;:, ni "-ii 1 election J S'llil OVOl'Sior.S
n.. ... .,j neieuiu i ii jniiiiuerent p itttioil p-irtlos,
whero thu lu-ipact n-s lulousto dlU'eroat urlios
uuawncra uiiaotsailliisyacto.-s boloa- to tho
bo taken iroin lii , opnodto politic Jt p irti -said
ovoi.eers sh HI h wJ iho rlAt t a bi iir.,.ni,i.,wf,i!
inu imuors oi mo oioetuu, dm ui tha whale
timo tho sums is Hal I, tha v.l'.a, cuuutoj und tl 6
f.'t'urus iiuJooutaiU sliuedb tho elect "u oill.
nlll ...i-n ... I i ,i . ,'.u.eo.i ; mm mu
ii n viuuvin i -uu require I ill ail.itd to
u..i,Bi,..MW!ui ami uppiiuiod over
couvou enoo and r.mllll .j i .-. il, n. i'i i,. iT.'.l
ilniles ; nud it said oleotlou -nil ier.s si Sit re use
to penult said overseers i., ba piesout, nud
lh i!a iVi'SJ.'. iMi"- nl nvs-iti , or If' 1110?
n..di,rtl,nldatlon nfl t o vTo Ve iled i t su,
oitetl an district ma bu rcjeelod by nuy trlb
ual trvlnBncmilnsl ,,.l., J.. , "u ,!:'..,
ii, '1 hat nu person slgulna the pit tlon shall
appointed uu overseer,
i t i""- "esur,uiojiio i oill.' ror p.-i-.-.ou
V .iVi.T . . r "'"''-i. iui i-iu ui-iec'-iir
..... . i-v. ....... ny uniyeuj l uy llus il-;l
Without reasouablu or I04 il cans 1, sh id bj suh
Jeet to a penally ofono liu.i Ire I d ill.ns, u-il I
nny iissussiirsuaiiusHossuiiy (urson as n vn'ei-
wiui is uui iiii.iiiuo.1, or sn 111 lulus 1 in itssu.s.iay
. ...... ..M.....UI,.,, iiukihi uj giui-y ni a mis-
demeanor In oillco, und on couvieilj-i bj imu
shod by nuo or imprisonment, 11 id als, b 1 sun
Joct In uu nation lor danu us bv thu niitv 111
grloved; und II uuy pt-isuu slull I. uiJulunily
tiller, or add to, defuco or deitroy a iy lis', uf vo-
tors ma lo out us directed Iry tills nut. ur tear
down or remove the s una Irom uiu pl.t u wlkiru
it 11.1s uueii ii.uii, wiiu iiiiiiuuiunt ur 1111,0 lluv
oils lutoul, ot- lar uuy Improper jiurpi.o, tin
Iierson so ulleinllug shall lie gulliy 01 11 hljl
iiil.ueiiiu.iiiui, 1.111. uu uui. v.u, 4011 sn ill no pun
Ishud by 11 lluo not excoedlug onu hundrn-l .I..I
lais, or Imprisoumont not oxoeo ling two years
or both, ut tho discretion of tho oaur..
ace. 1. aii oiecuons ior city, ward, lurougli,
township nuileloctlm oilsiorsslultlierealtor ba
held on tho second Tuesday or October, subjoct
to nil provisions of tho laws regulating tho eieo
lion oi such olliccrs not Inconsistent with Ihls
net ; tho persons clectod to such oillcos nt that
timo shall take tholr places nt the oxptrattuu of
tho terms of tho porsous holding tho saiuo ut tho
timo of such election; but uu election lor tlio
oillco of assessor or usslstiut assessor slull bu
hold, under litis net, uutll Ilia yearouo thousiud
eight hundred and seventy-two.
Ill obedience to Iho requirement of John W.
deary, Governor of Iho Couiiuou wealth or Pen 11.
sylv.iulu,l hereby publish tho l-'llleoutli Amend
mout ol iliuCuiialltutlon of Iho Unite I Status,
the Actof Congress oufoiclng tho same, and tho
Act of Assembly lolatlvo theietiil
Thu l-'illecutli Amohdiuontol the Constitution
of tho United States Is ui follows 1
1-Ki-f.rmH I. The rllfht oreiti-eonu rtftlm tfi.ll ..1
(States shall not bo domed or ubrldgod by tho
United States, or by any stato. on ueeouul of raoo
color, or provlous condition uf servitude."
"HKOHuKli. Tho Cougresj shall havo power lo
cuforoa Ihls nrllclo by uppropilate legislation."
All Act in uuiuit-'U uiu iigntui cuizeus 01 inu
Uultod Htntos to voto In lliosovoral Statu, of tills
Union aud tor other purposes 1
-'.SEOTION 1. Jte it enuctetl Lu tha itenote ailil
II'uk 0 Itetircientatiies.o Iho UiMcil Hlnlci uf
Amcrlcu in wnurcti Aueiiilleil, That lUlcllUms
rxVii, "eepunstoi voisirs, lfthoysoa proper
tocliallougaiiuy parsn ollerlus to vote and In
torroguo h in au l his witnesses tinder 'oa th. n
regard to his light of suilraja ut "aid oil" ton.
,lll IU UAUIlllllll ills 11,11.1.
or iliaUilllisl Btat!, win arc, orslnll i
whoiiualllledliylawlo v.iln'ii ,,, '
tlio pooplo, lu any HI Uivr.u-. II ,r.' ,( ' i
ly.i-lly, p.irisn, lownshlp, . u Mill
I'lptiliy.ii-ulii r ln-rll-nlii s.i ! '
b-j entitle I n-i I nl -iw.i I M v? . 1
.-i .
., .bit. nil. uiiiiuei rill ill ni , ,. ,. .
nus cnu lltlnn of iitirvli.ii.l.'i; n-iv ii, .
law, custom, imiii. nr.rei il i ll.. . . '
1'oiritory, nr liy, nr imler Pi n l , 1
nnti.iry iiiitwilhst hi Uuu."
nyiiruiiueriniinuiunrltv' ortq. 11,,,.
I iwsof nny Htati. or the lnvmi un n
uny act II orshall ha repairs I ti il, 1
y or under lhu nulhnrlly or t
Htich O inslltull
-i.. ... iu ..I in 1 ir y 11 ... , . -aior
liw. pirtm, , . ii
iMo-i wpii mi I0; ,",
HUM to e n!i 1, ',
prere-M s or 1 1 11 , i' "
or shall I13 o'iar,tM
uuiios 111 iiiruisui
Lii liorrnrni sun 1 111
tiled to voto, It sliail lu I 1 r .. . 1
person nud oill-ju- to Klv 1 1 ' '
llnllod Ht.lto1.lln. nil., . ...'..'' n ,r
in poriorin sncn nrereu in 1. n,.i !"
1 1 11 1 , . .
iiuallllol to voto with ml il.stbi 1,,'
color, orprovimm condltloa or n .m,, " U
nuy such porson or mil ier tih.ill rui'ij '"n
illnllllnl I.i v.itn tullh.,.! , i
. ...... u ... kivu lllll tlliuot l I I . . - I
11, forovory such. otronoa, ffirr nt mi 1 '
uotllvo hundred dniinrj 1 , ii.I'h
vt .
ivc I Ihcrcby. lo bo roaovpro.l hy np, "-I 1,
... ,.-e, ,. .... ..... .1-.-1 ini'i siieu an.ui.., ' J
intiiHol leoa nstho conit shall don,,,1.1
shall nlso, far overy such oirju J i '
tullty,'1 n 1
thereof, bo Unod not Ion uuu llvo ,?,J,'1 . 1
i.irs. or no imprisouod not loss than ,,,' 1 1
nud nit moro than nuo yo ir, or b ill. . i 11 -crotlon
oriho Conn." .,
crs, or in cl.tlmlus in volo nl.
special olcctlnu or this t'.iininu.i,v 1. ,' U
i.iu n.iuiu i iieii-oa riMiuaieu ; tin 1 llm 1 11
that nil froomon. wltlion iHstlu-ii, ,''
shall bo enrolled mi I c-lslored 11 -I'll,?1 '
provision of tho llrst or lh 1 a'-i " 1
sovotitocnlh April, ls-li, ontltl.ji .l'''" t) t'loitct r.-lui,,.1
tlectlons 01 this Commmw llth." n I i '
rilhorwlsoiiuilitlod under oxlstlug uv;' "
i.t.u.i iu yuw at nu gonoriiiiui'i spec hi
ill this OimuiouWu.Uth,"
At tlinsiiiii tuna iin-I phior-s, ,.i. ,.
will bjliDld MrdolegU", to tlia TihvL
nniond tha C-iiistltuil iu,.r 11, . , !iL, ''l.'.0"1 1
liy with lhu Aot, imllllii i "An . V' ""' "
npprovo l April 11.1S72. Aj .r.,VCri. " '
net. tlio following rulos nud roiuialionj i ! L
' It 1 ii . ' '"V" 10 1:"""1'1 or tin.
Knit. At tho Konornl oloctiou ti 1,, .
icond Tuesday in October noxt, thorn l
octod byihoiuallllodolo3torsorihisi ,'
oalth. doloiilos lo a eonvnnilini 1 .. ..."''-
Hiuoud t ho O iii'it llui Ion of Ihls stale- 1
convention slull omstsl ofono linn'iV.
thlrtv-thro.iinotiibors, tobaoleclo-l in ,..
nor f.illowlngl Twonty.olghl inoinlion liw
nlnn .lAlpi-ifps shnl I 1 1 1 mm il nl r. 1 . . . i
from tho dllrornt Monitorial itlstrlot It
llilr.l Hnnal.nrl.-il IIUIrl,.i ,.,!.-"..'u'J I'.
volo for moro Ihvi six ciudhlatji m, 1 ,
hllnst lu voto shall booloctud, -ui 1 i , i , "
l. WX.W'X" '. A'lipi I )r iitn.
lu volo shall ba deolaro t t-lectod.
ccj,i'i. iuo juijoi an I Insneotnrs .
election district shall prnvlla twnsu p,.,''.
for oaoa pall, ouo In which tadopuli ,i,
.- .."."f -r: r"'.t'!'., uuu ilia ni
bnxos must each be l.i'ulle-l "C iv h, ,. 1
i'i...,i 't-i.a ui.i t..n.i ... .... ... . .i'v' -i
ilucto I by tho proper olcctl iu aill .Jrs n
oral cloctlou districts of tha i,M u-n . ...
ami shall bo govoruol aid raruli'ai , , '
spocts by tho genor.ll oluati.iu u- ,
motiwoalth, so lar ns thosini shall . , , '
bio thereto, and not lnajuslstjiit won i,'.'"'
visions ot slid net. " "
i-'jurti. Tho tickets to ba votol lorm ,a , ,
large ol tlioouvontlou shall h-ivenn u ,
tho words "Dolegatos at 1 irJ." ft, , ' "
sldo tho inmosof tho o.iudll not lo b , '"
not excoedlug fourteon iu nuiiilior
, J'v't .Tll l'clco-'1 " vote I tordi.i .... . ,
hers or tho cnuvcnllou slull h ivc o-i i u . . I1'
tho words "Dl.trlot an ". ' "
sldo tho narno pr uaiuos or the eiuh.luo.!, 1
for, not oxcoodlug thu prop ,r uutnlier II pi '
uforesald; but any ticket wuio'i sti ill ,,
Hreatoriutmbocot namos llm iu,
whlcli tha volar slull boo-itlill 1, " , ' , .
bai-ojeetad; uullncasa or th .i
"CtyDjlegiloi," slull ba 0.1 til. .11 "1 '
ali. In tha city nl' Ph lu-i ,,, , . r
Judgos slull inaat at tha S 1 J Hi,
o'clook 1111 tha I'uiiri Itv mti f ,n ,,v ,,
t on, nnd mako out th) retui us n, ,11 - , n , .
city und dlstrlJtilalei it -i.t-i H i m, "
cauvantlnj; tha mt ti'.i Ja... , ...
olocllDiidisirlaUwItliTi - i-i. , mi ,,,1
oxclu ling Pad 1 U-lp i-a, si. u -i - K
iiextlollowluj tli-julmn,)i m ,M ,,
for tho nootlng or tho retu , 1,1" ,,'
county and nuka out full a-il -i- iru- r
lor tao eoiiuty, of tho vo' -. .1. tliarji
monijors or tha couventlo.i m nr 11
moiuborsot tho suuo; and tn ,1 , ,,1
tho retuniju Igosof llusil le 1 .1 , 1
and ot the several oauutlos ,,1 ,n
woalth, lu lh a miking of their 1 ,, ,
tliosamoas th-na prosjrlbjl lo.' ui , ,,
thoeisoul 111 election rani i.' u .
returns trmsmlttol to Uu s . .
Coiuniouwo tlth, sh ill ba a 1.1 ,- -sn-1 1 .-nuo
alononu 1 id: ti thospiikoi-ui 1 1 s uit
I'I niot.V
U lii'ct.u-y ut t u. j u 11 iu..
AMt-:ui.-:vi' ro v.i 10 cjNsriTunos
. Witiatitis, A Joint'in p ,.,
aaieujniout to tin Cjustltuim , ,
maiiwe.ilth, his baa 1 iirea II 1 ii. 1 -a.
tho membors oloata.l tonieh lint. .1 mi.
lsliturvit twos.tojenlve s i-i-i , ,
Which Is 111 follows :
"JOINl" R1-:S0I,U1'I-)N P.tJI'i Ml iv
AMi-:viMi:Ni'i'0Tiii:,-jKsru' m
),-; ..... 1 1... 11. . v
11 .III
rci'iUxltveinf the Cmnifiv "
tn (tiiicral Ajv'in'jlt in-. Tu
.iinuiininuut 01 tno uu. UIU 1 . I oi i
m mwutlth liapraposa 1 1 ) i u .
ad ipllnn ur, punii l it n i
I ins nf thu tenth article t i.-i - u, i ,
"Strike out tho sixth soatiuu nr tu.- sn .
clo of tlio Constitution, and ins ri ui Im.i
uf, the f.iltiiwhu : A State Tiv i ir. si
ch hju by thoipialllo 1 eloj on u m s u
snail times an 1 lor su h torm n s - .
ba prescribe! by law.' "
And Witi'.iiEAs, it ispr.n i le 1 m i -i-ti
tleloof the UJUStltutloii Hut an, .11 11I111
so n-jroal upau, slull ba suli.iuilil -0 .
plo lu suchuiii iniior uu 1 ut such urn -, ui
tliroo mouths alter luln.' so ngrual ti tn tli
Houses, as thu Liojlslalura shall pros. rib.
And wiiKisnvs, Uy uu net or 1110 oca 1 .
sombly, of this Couimanwuilth, niniravil
oluventlidiy ot April, A 1). o 10 lluju .1
hundi'od and seventy-two. It Is provl lei r
lr the p-.iipjsoof ascertaining the sens.
pooplo ol tills Comiuonwaattti lu regir-l u
alopllon or rejection nf slid nuicnJiu .1
U ivoruor of th-j CommouweallU sli.ill nu
writ nt cloctlou, directed to eichauJ
Sicrlll of this Comuionweilth, contain
them to glvo u-jltco lu tho usti il m inu-r. .
less th in two uowspipars iu oaeai-liy a 11 '''-i
t, (if mutiny aro puuh-ihe It 1 u-eni,. .i -loist
two prluto I hanlb.lis III ea.-'i elt . -trlct
In ovory city nnd en inly wn -r m 11 - a
paper Is publUlia I, tint an el . -ii-iu ir 't
In o ich or tha township) 0 n 1 uns, wai t
clncts nud districts tlie'oln, in 111) so n t
day nf Oato'ior, lu the ye 1 uf out I. -llei
is 1:1 1 eljllt lllUl.'el III - 1
tuopurpjianf tealiiu-, in 1 1 -v..
ratilloittj.i or reje.-iio 1 i-i-siidau . .
wulca s ii I 1 1 - "in 1 s 1 1' o 1 1 1, '
cloio! up m ta 1 d iy 1 1 a. n' 1 .1, 1 .1
and wllhiii tha h 111 s, 1 inl.vithu w
gjuoral clootlnui ni i'i si'jn in-i.v-reete
I lo ba op in I 11 -1 1 ,n 1 .1 i 'I."
NOW TJlEltlirolthl, luo'l llii'jltlii
moots nl' ilia to. i' 1 aitulu 01 uu 1 tii
an llu 0 o.iipll 1.1 j wuh the tru --e
mo-ialugor t'.io s il laof of tho U j u-i . 1- i
I, JOHN W. Ul-IVItV, 'li 1 4
monwoilth of I'j-iusylvaul 1. d 1 issu '
eomiuau lluj au 1 rdquirlug yo.i lu .tu 1 .
Ssiirir.Shutil'ur tlusild amuty ip
III tho usu il m inn ir aud us b 1 1 v
that an election will lu hold ii-i-oi.uu
terms of luo Caiis'.ltntloa an I Um 1" n -the
net or Ilia llaj-.ial Asmui uy -1
eishof Iho towiis'i'ix, luro.ii, .1
clncti and districts therein, uu 1 1 1
day olt).;t ibar, lu thu year of oai i-e-l
saud olg it hundred nut soifoiity-i.v -
ptioposa of decldiug upon th j appi .1 1 1
lleatlou or rejection of thosill aiii-iiii
Tint In 1 1 1 purpoio of usccri'U-mu
of tho pen,. - of this Cnmuionwu.-'i 1 ' 1
to tha udop 11 or rejuotlou of said m " 1
tho tl-iveru -if tha Comiuouweih i-""
a writ uf i-l 'ton, directed to 0. 11 in"
sheritr uf 1.1 o.i-nnioawe llth, en -tnu
u t ) jive . .1 -u In tha usu il ol inn -i -n
loss lu in 11 .vijup'jrslile.U'll Itj.m1 s ui my a p.ibllslu ,1 Ihur. iu, in '
lets' 1 iv j print -. h tudbllls lu c n '1 e1
trl.'i 1 1 every un j und oouuly wiicium n -piper
. pu'dls 1 I . Hilt UU elcello-i iv."
luu.i-i 11 tiio 1 . Hhlpi, barniuhs, wn.
i-luuls 1 1 1 illsii-.e.. aoieiu, uu tu.-s'CO it 1
diy ui i.-bi'i.-r, In tlia yuir ol our I."1
tlDUsml eight hiulred and s-ivi-uD'-m
Ilia iuip jiuof deciding upm III - iil'P "','
r.ttl.ln n inu ur ri'jectlon nl tho s.n-1 u -u 1 1
Whloh s li-l elu.i. In I slull b.) npoui I, U'
el is ..I, up 1.1 lh day last ulnres u-l, a) ui
uu I wltniu Uio hours nt anil wlimu
lo lluiifthls Cumin luwe.illti '
...... 1, Ll ..1. ...........1 1...1.1 .... 1 ..iMw.l all I 1
ijiilhidilty 01 lliuj'uJgos.liupoctursaiii -.
or uicli ui s il I towuslups, boroughs, wai 1 f
enieis uuu nsilliois, til luuuivu at in" -
tlnu ticket. Hither written or piinte.l, ui i"1
wrllteiuiii.l putly pilutud, iruiii e.wu
',il ill Uo 1 voters or ihls stute, wno uny
Uio s.iiuu, and in dup Ilium lu a box ur "
10 bo, for Iho purpose, provided by llw I"
olllcors; whloli tickets shall be labollel o'i
outside -'umoudiuont to Iho (vmstllutloa
011 tha lusldo "for tho niuau laieul" nr
tho alileudmeut,"
Snurio.N That tlio election of Ihas iM 11 !'
ed aiueudinont hhall, lu all respects, hoeeiiai
ed ns thu uouerat uloelloiis ur lliN -,',", ,.
woillli tiro uow 0 inducted ! and It hl1 ! ',J.
duty uf tho return Judgus of tho lospociivj'
tlo,aiiddlstrlot llieroul, llrst having -i'ul
asiwrliilutid tho unmoor ol votes Hi! '..,
ag.ilast such umondmont. t ) iniko nut ail .p '
lelurus llieiouf.oxprossed 111 words "' "";
or couuty, aim uie ouier seuteu mju
11. II..-. ku)r..nirir nr Un) i lomninillirea til. Uul
uuoofHJ,lil Judgus deinsllod lorthwliu w .,
moil oouvuiiiout inst oillco, upon whiou I ij"
Sllllll UU p.) ill lit IUU UXpUUSU ill '
.....I ill ...
Ulvon uuder my liand.atmy oillco. In H' "lu
burs IhUullulny of Hopteiuber, 111 l ie J; lei.
our Lord one thousand eight hundred '
uuty.two, and lu llionlnuty-sevenlh yi-nr""
luaependonooof tho United stales. ....
AAIIUN HMll ', h
Hherlll ol Coluuiblil te"i
iv iurinorsupnicmtmi l-j tho net r 1,1
t-loctions luthls Oouimouweallhi 11 11
y ucrtoK ID. Tint so muoh aruv rv 1 -Epmbly
ns provides that only whltu ,
shall ba ontlilo t tn voto nr I. .
Hiian no oiocLuniu tunritiiu at lai'ize u.i
Hack vntor of tho St ito sli ill Voto lo'r n , aud thu Ihmi,'!' 111
lilcrliniL in volo shall bniln-hli-eo i.,;i1"-
a. ...... ...tu. p. un VIUJIUI ,), ,
ator thororrouii and lu o'.iojshuall ill,';,
cantos, oach voter shall ba entitle , ,,
not moro Uuu twoof tho m mbn in ,
ironi his district, nnd tho ihroai-vi III, "
est In vnto shall bo doclarod iileciu,i .
tho county ot Alleithsnv. rm-mhi . n.'.SJ'
shall vnlo for more th w r .V CVuTl,',' '
tho six highest lu voto shall ba ., ,.,! ii
nddltloual delegates shill ho clnnTi r 1,1
clly of Pulladetiuil i, bv a von, nt 1 1?
city, nnd lu tholr oloc .1 ,:i ni voier shi'i '" "
inure II. ill Hire i 1-, II I .1 .. ".. V.r."!n." i
; iuo i k
wnicn iiiueposii iuo tioiots votol fir ii... '
Iialegatps; which b )xns sh ill ba 1 umi, i ,'V
lively, "IJjlojratoJ nt lir-- an I "D
Etei;", nudlnciclidlslrlatlntln. rni- f
adolplil.iauiiddlt onal n i-c shall be n.-o.'. ' ,
oich pill, lu whloh to dap nit I In i'-' .V
for "Cltv tljloiatos!" nil I ail I I... .".
UloomsbiUBi Pa. Heptomber u, i