The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 20, 1872, Image 2

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$hc (IfoiumMniu, pa.
FridayTscpiTho, 1S72.
Oiir (.'ongresslonnl Koinlncp.
After n nrotrrictcu nnd exciting so3
bIoii tho Conrrroaslonnl Conforonconouil
nuluiin. K. llhotles of Danville It
vi9 natural that thofrlotulsoftho oilier
cmtllilfttoa shouUl feel disappointed at
Wwt, but thtu It vs wlilo-sprcad or per
iimncnt wo do not bcllovo. Every mnn
whotmhmlts his inuiio to n conferenco
1) In honor bound to acquiesce In Its ilo
clslnu, nnd tho inoro cliocrfully ho does
ho, tho niorosonso tho pcoplo will (jlvo
him credit for. Our votcrj nro well uc
iU -lntcil with Mr. Ithoiles, nnd know
tint ho hug integrity nnd capacity,
which nro tho prime requisites In n can
tllilitn. For many years' ho has been
pwutlalntr law In Montour County, nnd
In u very respect is better qualified for
Oonjjroin lhau I1I3 opponent, Dr.
tftrawhrliitrr-, who, besides, has always
iieui u blttor Jladlcal. All consider
that our nomlneo Is u qutot, nmlablo
gentleman, who never held ofiico nor
docd ho beloiifr to tho cla-H of profes
slouiuolucer scekora.
Wo bcllovo ho can bo elected, and
Miiall work to that cud. Tho nonilnii
Hon was fairly mndo, tho candidate In
superior In point of ability to hU oppo
nont, and as a Democrat, is milled to our
It leal Know Xollihij;.
Tho Nkw Yom: TimkhIs engaged In
tho ( IV'irt tosllr up a war of rollglons
and a Im lion. Eimicis ICcrnan tho
I) mocratie eandhlato for Governor of
N w York, on account of his being n
Ilmnm Catholic. Warper's Weekly
ha-, fur como time past used Us columns
fur tlu namo disgraceful end. This is
neither more nor loss than :i revival or
the old Know Nothing Intolerance
which was crushed out some fourteen
j f.irs ago. Henry Wilson, Grant's can
dldato for Vice President, having boon
nl 0110 time n prominent lender of tho
Know Nothings, it is not didlcult to
see why his supporters should hato Ha
inan Catholics. Hero is a portion of tho
oath which Wilson took when Initiated
lilt ) tho Know Nothing organlzitlon.
"And 1 further dcclaro and swoar Hint
I will tiso nil tiio means In my power to
counteract and destroy tho influence of
foreigncrsandlloman Catholics in tho ad
ministration or tho government of tho
United States, and in any and all parts
thereof, local and general." Tho sanio
hatred of foreigners and Roman Catho
lic! which 'actuated Wilson in taking
tho Know NoUiiug oath now move3 tho
Times and Weekly in their onslaughts
on men of acknowledged ability and
honesty; menliko Mr. Francis Kornan,
who aro well fitted by oducatlou and by
intellect to fill high public ofQces to the
great advantage of tho Stale.
Irishmen, Germans and foreigners of
all lands what think you of tho party
whoso chief men and journals vllUfy
and abuse you on account of your ro
llglons bi-lii-t'.
A Sensible- Mmmuv.
Tho nowStalo Constitution just adop
ted In West Virginia by tho votes of a
majority or tho people of that Stalo,
contains one provision which is emi
nently fit and just and is worthy or
adoption by all thu other States or tho
Union. It is tho separate or discrimi
nation veto, whereby the Governor may
appro vo somo itoni3 of an appropriation
bill and ilifapprovo others, the approv
ed sections standing as law and tho dis
approved going back to the Legislature
as in tho case of any other veto. This
puts a slop to tho introduction of
"sunken" into appropriation bills and
thcroby toiupolling tho Governor either
to veto tho wholo bill, to tho manifest
injury of tho community, or to ndopt
such rascally sections as may find their
way into it, by tho wllcj of corrupt leg
i-,1 iters, to tho equal Injury of tho pub
lic. Wo should bo pleased to seo this
matter brought up and acted upon by
our Constitutional Convention Boon to
Hmlical Tribulation, . .
It Is Bonio consoRtiofl to know that
our opponents had moro bittorness nnd
h-art burnings In their Congressional
Conference than wo had, much a3 they
tried to smother it. Columbia county
generously Instructed for Slrawbrldgo,
oxpeeling la return that our sister
county of Montour would vote for
Capt. Whilmoyer for Constitutional
Convention. Hut alio did'nl. It was not
In the cards to havo Capt. Wliitmoyer
In that Convention. His sympathies arc
nut strong enough for the corporations.
Bradford, of course had u candidate; sho
ulways has. Hor claims wero based not upon tho fact of hor largo voto.but
because disaffection was so rife there
tt:nt only a Bradford man could
arrest it. Thou Sullivan wanted it.
Bho nover had anything, and presented
a candidate who certainly was tho su
perlor of all tho otliors In ability aud
reputation. Lastly "Wyoming put in her
claim. Sho nover had a Congressman
Assessor, Collector, Custom-IIouso Of
fice, not even a Federal clerkship. Tho
wrangle was hot nnd excited, but some
thing must bo dono, nnd the weakest
man on tho list was nominated. Brad
ford,8ullIvan and Wyoming wen t home
disgusted, and Beckloy, Knorr, Whit
moyer ct. al. hid their sores in silence.
Abbott and Monroo chuckled tho for
mer got his rovougo for tho affront of
twoyoars ago, aud "busted tho Bloouu
burg Ring."
We commenced our political existence
lu 1702. From that year to 18C0 luclu
hlvo, a period of sixty-eight years, tho
pcoplo of this country wero taxed in
net revenue, excluslvo of loans, $1,702,
870,023. During tlicso years wo paid off
tho first war debt, went through tho
war of 1812, tho Florida aud Mexican
wars, bought Louisiana, California,
anu l'lorlda, and handed over tho gov
eminent to '.tho Radicals witli a debt
nniountlng to 177,0-55,077. This is ono
sldo of tho picture Now wo Invito tho
rejoicing Radicals and all tholr dupoa
to turn to tho other oldo. In April,
1605, tho war ceased. Tho fiscal year
commences in July. From July, 1805,
to July, 1871, a period of six fiscal years
of profound pcaco under tho subllino ft
iianclal rulo ortholtadtcalj, we raised
$2,0S0, 113,078, exclusive of any loans,
and nio still nearly $2,800,000,000 In
debt. Six years of Radical rulo during
pcaco has cost tho pooplo CO per cent,
moro inonoy than during sixty-eight
years of their previous' national oxlst
in re.
.More lil(?lil WruttriK
If in lllir-r (i.iv. Ji'VU'll mil Ur-(it. lilt
orpin can tell tin nlioul the Jones Clruut
laud IiihIiichi wu bhall havu to lisle for
further enlluhte'iment from other sour
con. ITn to thl.-i date tho only I ti for 1 11 a
Hon on the mthject U that printed by
'Jic Chicago Tribune. That paper ruvo
tho known and' recorded facts oftno
deod from Jones to Grant, and went on
to say: "Investigation will probably
"show that this property belong to tho
"Ulahop lllll Colony, and that a court
"of equity will ho ilccrco; that, after
"Joium bought It, ho concluded to let
"Gruut into thu speculation, nnd drow
"on him for a portion of tho purchase-
"nionoy ; that ho sold a part of it nnhort
"tlmo beforo ho was appointed Minister
"to Uehjluui, and remitted to Grant
"$11,000 as his share of tho proceeds of
"tho sale, and mado him n deed for the
"remainder of tho land."
When Mr. Jewell mid tho organs
touch this question thoy btop short at
tho point where Gen. Grant drow his
check for $11,000- They shut their oyes
to tho subsequent Incldonts of Jonos ro-
turning tho purchaso money nud tho
deed, and going away to Europe with
tho consclousnes of a good stroko of
business In his heart, nnd a commission
ns Minister to Kclglum in his pocket.
Ills appointment remained an inscruta'
bio mystery until tho Chicago Tribune
accounted for it. Tho explanation was
distressing but cloar. Tribune.
Covernor t'lirtln.
Tho Liberal Republican Statu Com
inltlco havo unanimously nominated
ux-Gov Curtin for Delegate at-Largo to
the Constitutional Convention, and is
sued tho following address :
2b Ihe I'egjile 0 Pennsylvania : Tho
Liberal lte'publlean State Coinniittco
havo formally nominated tho Hon. An
drew G. Curtin as a eandidato for Dclo-
gato-at-Ltrgo to tho Constitutional Con
vention, in doing so wo need not pro
sent any elaborate commendation of
tho choice wo havo mado. Had the
preferences of tho pcoplo prevailed
witli tho political manatrcrs who havo
long ruled tho Stalo for tho attainment
of selfish ends, bis namo would havo
been first on tho list of nominations for
tlio resiionslhlo positing. Ho would
havo been presented, not as a partisan,
but as a patriot who has shed tho bright
est lustre upon tho annals of our Com
monwealth. A generation lias passed
away since our fundamental law lias
been revised by tho sovereign power
that created it, and our progress has
been marked In all that contributes to
prosperity and greatnes. Tho rapid
growth and advancement of our indus
try, its varied nud mullinlied chaunels
of production, nud tho vast business In
terests reared upon tho wealth It has
dovolopcd, havo mado U3 outgrow tho
Constitution of our fathers but to rovlso
It in tlio interests of nubile intOL'ritv
and pnrni!ient prosperity, tho most, experience-!
and faithful of our statesmen
should be chaniod with tho task.
Amonir those) Andrew G. Curtin stands
confessedly eminent, and ho would
bring to the important work a measuro
of devotion to tho pooplo of tho Com
inonwoaun mat row couiu equal anu
110110 surpass. Dnrlnir six vears of sor
est trial to tho Stato and nation ho filled
our oxecutivo chair, lie was met by
responsibilities which severely tjitdJ
his Intelligence and his patriotism, but
ho met ovcry public want, discharged
uvury puunc uuty, aim retireu wun 1110
formal approval of all parties for his on
lightened and successful administration.
and beloved as the "soldier's
No man in our "rent State is morn f.i
miliar with our people, with our diver
silled and growing interests, with tlio
now necessities created by a life timo of
progro33. and none can brin? to tho
amendment of our Constitution moro
practical wisdom or greater fldollty.
Assured that tho pcoplo of tho State
regard to political atilnitics desire
his services, wo present his namo ns n
candidatc.nnd we nsk Air him tliccarnest
support of all who bcllovo him mo3t
couipotcnt and descrviug, with tlio
abiding confidence that ho will bo tri
umphantly chosen.
a. k. JUcCIurc, Henry L. Cake,
Wm. J. Gillinghara, M. O. Boycr,
Wm. H. Ruddiman, E. II. Rauch,
N. EUmaker, Daniel Kalbfus
J. IC. Morohoad, Geo. Coray,
TI103. M. Marshall, and others.
How to Conduct a Political Camnalgn .
Tho New York Tribune gives tho fol
lowing excellent rules for conducting a
political campaign, to wit :
1. Don't waste ail your strength on
parades. Banners, bonfires, cannon.and
torchlight processions nro very well in
their way, but thoy don't mako voters.
They only nmuso tho men who would
volo for your eandidato anyhow.
2. DonH rely too much upon public
meetings. They aro one-sided affairs,
which neither develop your own
strength nor Inlluonco tho followors of
tho opposlto party.
3. Don't re'y too much upon circulars.
Very few voters read them. They nro
used for kindling and shaving paper.
Besides, tho Grant party ha3 abused tho
tho systoin to such an extont that n
man distrusts whatover comes to him
in that shape.
1. Don't waste your money on Cam
paign Chowder Clubs, and other frauds.
This Is a great session for impecunious
political suckers. Ba ns civil as you
plcaso, but show them tho door.
0. Organize Ihe party thoroughly by
districts, In every city, village, and
township of th United States. If thero
Is no local organisation where you llvo,
got together a few of your neighbors
and form ono.
0. As soon asu Club is formed appoint
active canvassers to visit every house.
Thus ovcry man who believes in tho
principles of our party can bo enrolled,
nnd tho wants of every district can bo
7. Have district meetings at regular
times, so that tho spirit and interest of
tlio members may be sustained by as
sociations. Never mind gatherings for
buncombe, but meet often for business.
Fut your clubs iuto communication
with tho county or Stato associations,
and roport to headquarters your needs,
your progress, and your strength.
8. Do these things at once. Begin your
local clubs to day. Tho opposlto party Is
active and well disciplined, and wo aro
not. Wo havo a groat deal of lost timo
to mako up, and only a littlo wiiilo to
do It In. With energotlc aud wolldl
reeled effort, our victory in November
Is cortaln.
Nhvkh lu tho history of political
events was there a campaign so preg
nant with interest to tho voter as tho
present ono. Not only uro a President
and Vico President to bo choson, but a
Governor, Auditor General, Judgo of
tho Kupromo Court, nnd members of
congress, threo of whom nro to bo elect
oil with tho general ticket. Tho good
uud honest men of both partios aro
with ns. Let us till work lu harmony
and success Is assured.
An Infectious cattlo disease, "fatal in
fvery easn," lias apjiearrd In Nevada.
Who Is Etlwnrtl Shearer of MoKoan,
IViiu.? Wowft'-' tnknow,bocau?olie U
tho only 1 1 To long Democrat" In Pouu
sylvanla, ho fa- as heard from, who has
como out openly and declared hlni9olf
for Wilson nnd Grant, No doubt thero
nro others, only their names havo not
been communicated to an astonished
world. But Shearer's has, and a namo
highly BUggostlvo of great cry and little
wool It 13. Tho Grant men In McKcan,
Fonn,, wero imincnsoly exultant whon
tho Life- Long camo out for Grant. They
tolegrnphod tho thrilling fact to nil parts
of tho United Stales, and possibly thoy
transmuted It to Europo by cable. "Ed
ward Shearer." they said, "comes out
openly nnd declares hlmsolf for Grant
ami Wilson." It would havo bcendlffer-
out, you sco, If ho had como out secret
ly. Ilowovor, ho Is out ; nud Ihe A'rio
Dispatch sots up n great crow of "So
thoy como I So thoy como!" Wo beg
loavo to illo n demurrer. Whatovcr elso
Mr, Edward Shearer may bo, it will
not, wo tako 11, bo denied that lie Is an
Individual. He la simply singular, llo
caunot with any proprloty bo called
they. But such Is tho numerical eccen
tricity or thoso a rant organs. Thoy
catch somo poor, lonesome, individual,
singular Domocrnt, and thou thoy shout
ns if thoy had a not-full of such old
fishes. Wo relinquish Edward Shearer,
esq., of McKcan, Fcnn., without a sigh
A great I033, cortaluly,butnotncccssarl
ly fatal to our hopes.
Mr. Henry Wilson thinks it passing
strango that Liberals can forglvo nil tho
misdeeds of .Democrats nnd rebels, but
cannot rorglvo any of tho trifling llttlu
mistake and misdoings of Gen. Grant.
There is nothing particularly wonderfu 1
about tho matter. Let Gen. arant re
form, turn his Incompetent nud dishon
est relatives out or office, dismiss every
unworthy nndlncompetent olllccr.broal;
up tho rings which nro running the uu
tlon, sco that overy fraud Is putiMied
nnd tho government Is adinlnlslero.l for
tho nation's benefit Instead of his own,
and then do ns theso rebels and Demo
crats havo done, put himself squ irely
upon tho Cincinnati platform and du
claro himself for Mr. Greeley, anil thu
country will forjrivo his manifold of.
fenscs and honor him forhis last victory
and his greatest, the victory over him
self. Golden Age.
ANoriiEK neat and creditable little
dodgo of tho Radicals has just boon
brought to light. Tho pension officers
aro sending out with their official pa
pers and under tho frank of their Bur
eau n circular letter of ono Matlack, In
Philadelphia, who has for salo certain
pamphlets in favor of Grant nud against
Greeley, urging tho purchase of these
works. It is hoped that tho pensioners
may be moved to tho support of the
head of an Administration which
permits such abuse of tho priviliges of
tho mails. The Pension officers havo no
more right to advortiso Matlack's busi
ness under the frank of the pension of
fice, in the endeavor to influenco tho
minds of pensioners, than thoy havo to
rob tho malls. But in this campaign
there Is nothing this side of tho Peni
tentiary thiU!iRa(lU!al at.
O.VK of the papers commends Gen.
Orant's quiet, straightforward way of
doing Ids duty in regard to tho civil
service reform. Considering thathls way
consists In quietly iginrlug tho whole
matter, breaking tlio promise ho has
nude, and using tho offices of tho na
tion to pay his personal rotainers with,
tho intoudod compliment beoniosa
terrible sitiro. It is a pity that somo
body cannot invent somothing that
Gen. Grant can bo praised for without
having tho commendation turn into an
WiLiiiiotthooIcctionof John F.IInrt
raifft as governor, bo regarded a3 an ap
proval of his acts of wroug while audi
tor goucral,and bo injurious to tho cred
it and character of tho stito? We may
bo more particular than othor voters,
but wo would as soon think of support
ing a convicted thief for a rosponslblo
ofllco as to support If-irtranfc, who wo
beliovo guilty of improperly using tho
peoplo's monoy to fill his pockets.
Huntington Globe.
Tin: governor should bo tho mo3t
honest, honorablo and upright iniiii in
tho commonwealth. The Oil Creek let
ter, tho Calhoun letter, the stock gamb
Ing operations with tho public funds,
and the bribe of soven thousand dollars
from Gcorgo O. Evans, show how far
John F. Hiirlranrt Iiasfalleu below tho
Philip diiif-on Smith, an cx-Hor-
mon bishop, hnj mado affidavit, in
Utah, charging tho niassacro of com
pany of omlgnvntsnt Mountain :i idow
upon tho Mormon militia. Tho .lassa
crco has been attributed to Indians, but
Smith swears that It was perpetrated
by order of tho Mormon authorities.
Tho Pacific Mall Steamship C many
has received a despatch from Hong-
Kong relative to tho loss of the steam
ship America, which states that threo
of tho European crow and thirty Chi
nese steering passengers wero lost.
EutlKiuafcos, accompanied by under
ground explosions, havo re-comineuced
In River Valley, Inyo county, Oal., but
no damage Itns yet been dono.
Twenty-live men lost their livos in a
Belgian coal mino last Friday through
tho accidental flooding of tho pit.
A dispatch from Wilmington, N. 0.,
says that two men named Gilchrist and
MeClcnuau had a dliuculty nt a church
mooting, on the 10th instant. Meeting
each other noxt day, Gilchrist Hliot Mo-
Clcnnan. Tho latter put four bullets
into Gilchrist's skull aud then fell
Tho awurd of tho Qonova Arbitrators
has been publicly nnuounccd. Tho
United States 13 to recoivo tho gross
sum or $l&,o00,000 for loso.s sustalnod
by tlio depredations of tho Alabama
aud Florida, uud of tho Shouuiidouh nf
tor leaving Melbourne Tho other
claims uro excluded.
Within n weok two poor lunatics havo
been klckod to doath in tlio Ward's
Island Asylum, at Now York, by a
keeper namod Tlionifui Farroll, Ho has
been nrrestod.
Governor Geary has signed thu death
warrant 01 ueorgourant, ror 1110 mur
der of Mrs. Sponco in Ottobor last.
Wednesday, tho 17th day of October,
Is tho day of oxceution.
Churlcfi Sumner has been nominated
for Govornor of Massachusetts by tho
Democrats and Liberals. It Is not
known wholher ho will neeepl.
Governor Curil-i has declined the
nomination 1,1 ih" Liberal Republicans
oT this Htaii- lor CoiigroHSiimu-al-large
on account of 111 health. His physician
nnys that rost and qulot aro necessary In
order to savo his life.
Flvo of tho oldest aud wealthiest
firms In Baltlmoro havo failed. Their
losses aro placed at hotwoou two and
threo millions of dollars.
Thu largest public political meeting
over hold In Now York city with oni
exception tho Democratic mooting of
1803 -was hold In Union Square on
Thursday of hut week, In favor of Greo.
ley end Brown. Thero wore live dif
ferent stands for tho speakers. G.m.
lUnkti, R. M, T. Hunter, Gov. Walker
of Vu., Chaneey M. Depew, S. H. Cox,
Fernando Woo.l uud otliera wero
i. deficiency or between 150,000 and
200,000 13 reported in tho Sub-treasury
lu New York. So thoy como.
Thu National soldier's and Sailors'
Convention met at Flttsburg on Tues
day, thero being a very largo atten
dance. Tho addtve-sfu or welcome wero
delivered byGoncnilsMA-clli"rnihl Gca
ry, and a speech wis ni'i'li- by General
Buruslde. Goncml llr.vle.v was chosen
Buckai.Kw an I) 1 1 a uti.KV aro sweep
ing everything l.i-l !! ilium through
thu Stato. Ewry du. I.icrnasei their
strength, nnd, of imui-v, weakens that
of tho slockjnlib -i i.
Now Aclvertinonients.
.IJ Til
10 1 - nil 111 i 11 11 11 .111 1 . llrM.ri! In II. 11.
Inn lnwiislili,uoai"Kliuiili' nil II," u 111 l.n Int. on
iiic pi-i'iuiii-H, 1111 t.iik lay, iic-oiioi- l-;l,
u niMivit, .. si. c-in'i jclnr-i will Wi-.H) In
Cvnrs Umim;n.l
II. .1. HEEinat, Mloni .
W.miAKrnii, J
Alli-il, Wm ICnicKii U"r, Uleilc.
('iniinlssioiii-rHollli-o. llloDmtburg, Si-p. 1S.IS.I
170R SALE.
subscriber olli-i-i forxjlon lot nf -jimiim I
In Ui-iitnii tmvoilili', ndnlnln lands ol't-stntb of
.nicoii .".Mi, wuuiim Appicmaii nil. I oiiici-i, rou
innio or leu, on wliteli U nioelod n goo. I fninu
no-.isouiui 8I111M1 HQop. Tnoto in 11 lino young
orciumi, iippic, litncii mm cherry mm a never
f.illlni Kprini- 011 Ilio prcmisc-i. Apply lo NA
THAN A. Tmiiu, nilJolnlriK I no proporlv.
fceptai, It UATIIAH1NK ICl.INl'.
JJi Camo to tlio prciulics of t'JO tubscrlber, In
Hutf-irlo.iriownshlp. on or about tlio 1st or Juno,
lMJ.n Dam; Hun Heu-eh, IuvIur a notch cut
uuuor ana on top 01 iuori;ui car nun a notch
01 inn uutier mjooi 1110 leit oir. Also a 1'ai.k
hku n:111.1xn ueikeu wun notcii uiuicr ami
011 top of rljxlit car. Tlio owner Is rcuuoucd to
como f jrwunl provo property, ply clurgei ami
tiKO mom away or mey win uu sou axo.Miii
to law.
SnBirloar,scp!,:),lS7J. ClILnCIll' IIKSS.
ri A mail from 50o.
rail and examine, or 11
OLKI Samples sant (noitaira fro?) for 50c,
ijl.fti! tt-nl tnr .-yip. Ilir
re I all nulclr. tor ill).
it. Li. wui. .urr, isi enat
bam Ku.ual'0, N. Y.
scpizu 1W
FREE I A nrosnactusof thoPeonlesKtan
mi llai'il lllblo. of 5M) lIliitrAtlon
. nvTa w"lboscntlr'0tlluoolcni!enta,
u.i wnu aams anu nauress to IEU
LEU & McCUllOY, 581 Arcl St. PUlla. Pa.
septSO lw
JL rainc" How citner sex may r.wdnalo
nun Ktuu uiuiuio umi .nuecuuu OI anypcrsoil
muy tiiuwu .uii.u.uuy. auis Hjnipio menial nc
fiulrcment all can possess, f rco. by mail for 2 k
togotlior with n marrlajo gulile, Jigyptlau Ora
cle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. 4c. a nucer. ex
citing linolr. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILf,
a kjj. i-uus. i-aiia. sep-J iw
First riEEian tl Xn.Iist.1871
Doublo Klevntcd Oven. Wnrmtnr. rioM
1MB Door, i ender OuarJ, Dumnlug i Nliakluc
Grate, Direct Draft. KUL,LK, VAltttil.V .t(Jo.,
2JG. Water Street, N. Y. septs J lw
i-'.xrnA iNnucEMKNT.s rort cluusi
Sonil for New Clab Circular !
Wlikli coutalus full explanations of Premiums
Tho Way to Obtain our Goods !
Persons llvlmi at a dlitancs from Jfnr Vn.t-
can club togotliBr, nnd get them at tlio same
ri ico wo sun iiicui ai our arcuouso) in jyew
York. In order to net un a club, let n.i,h ,.n..
son wishing to Join bay how much Tea lie wan's.
anil select tno kind nud price from our l'rlco
List, as published in our circulars. Wrlio Iho
uamos, kinds nnd amounts plainly on a list, and
when tho club 1 coninletoRnml Rtmiu bv
and wo will put each party's goods lu scparalo
pacangos, anu mars mo namo upon tnem, with
UiocoHt.sjtheroueed bo no coufuslou lu dls-
tribuiiou each narl V pMllnr. nrncllv tplint 1,
o. ders, aud no mo.-o. Tho funds to pay for goods
orderod can bo sent by drafts on New York Post-
umco uiouuy ovuers, or uy cxnrc3s. ur, wo win,
If desired, send tho iroods bv i-'xnrpss. to niirci
on tlcllvcri,"
The Great American Tea Company
31 & 3.3 VESHY STllMi:!'
Now York City,
O. Dox Ml).
sepi.o iw
No Corset hai evcrenjoycil
p r irT'vr " vul:l1 aworm-wiuo popuiar
Wylrel' 7 ':no dcmaml lor Ilium Is
W(f cause"""' lacruMln bu-
Mv(f t,,mv a,v-!
. VavcvsM Siticfai'.ica
A-i' 111 i i i -, H.i ii it,
A P 15 It F EOT I?1 IT-
iVslc fir 1'iinxr i4fWsi iim viti vu iir nvp.
''irriNO.evdrr Corsnt. IipIiit st.ininn I it tim
natnQTIlUMl'.-iaN,uultUot--iilJ.iarIca Crowu.
..?"c? 11 liarc-Uy Kl von. that a Petition for tho
pardon ol aideou liel-iliUno, somotlino slnco
convicted of liorso stealing, lu Columbia county,
will bo prosoutod to tlio Governor for hli tlKua
turo.nt tliooudortwo woeki ream tlio ilato of
this uotleo.
USTATIC OP Cf.llTWniCI-llv a ixuupt.
T110 UUderSll-UDil. ntldllr n'rmnltit.t I,., il',n
Orphan;' Court or Columbia county, to distrlb
ulo the funds In tlio liandi of Sylvester J, Pans,
ndmlulstrator ofClotworthy H. Fisher, deceas
ed, nmjus the parties entitled to receive
in" saiuu, win uiiemi to tno iiutles of his np
iiolntmsut at tho Shoriirs oiilco, lu tho Court
iiuuse, hi, uiujuisuurK, ou .Monday, loctober II.
A. D. 1KI-2. at lOu-eloi-k. A. IM ..! 'n.,.i .if,. A
nil persons having claims on said luud will pre
sent the-same, or bo forever debarred irom
coiuiu in on aim juuu,
ieptira-lt. Auditor.
Letters of lulmlnlslrntlon mi tim Dutntn nt
i i.iuuii j. uau!mn,uuuoi miuiiu lwp.,UOluinuta
county dco'd., liuvebeonurantod by thoUciilster
or saldcountj.loJ, 11. Jletlor. of Mllllln town
ship, Columbia o. All persons bavlnu clairnn
or demands against Iho decedent nro request
ed to make tlioin kuowu. nud tliosa Indebted
to mako payment. J. 11, UETI.KK,
bepuj ij-uw, Admlulslrator,
Notice Is hereby ctven that letters of Adnilnls
tmtlon havo been eramed by the Iteglslerof
wuiBui voiiiiuo-u eouuiy iu mo nuacrsigned up
on tlio estate of Elizabeth Hampton, lato of Hoar-
iukuucu iw i., in saui coumv. now uccoasca. u
persons Indebted to said estate nro required to
'uu" liayiiiuuiaiitiiiu persons wuu uavo claims
against said eslato to inakothem known to tho
uuuursiKneu,; II LKVnN,
eeptlS7aiw Admlnlstrutor.
, liiirorril i'uruiiiberlVooil l'unii.
7 'iusteless, Durable, Klllclenl
g nnd Cheap. Tho best Pump for
the least money. Attention is
especially Invited lo lilalci
ley's Patent Improved Uruck-
t-iiiuu new urnp liicck vuive,
which can bo withdrawn with
out leinovlug tno pt
dlslurblug tho Joints.
tho Copper Chamber, which
never tracks or scales, nud
wilt outlast any other, l-'or
snlo by Dealers everywhere,
bend for Cutalogua aud l'rlco-
ch'as. U. v, ll'l'r,
&OUCommeicoHt., Plillada. Pa.
Jli isrATi: oi- w. uutlku, dko'd.
Letters ustameulary on tho estate of William
llul lor, lalo of Montour township, Columbia
comity, diu'il., Iiavu been granted by Iho Uegls
ter o( said county to James Kcaly, Exoculor, lo
whom all persons Indebted to said csinto are re
quested to make payment, nnd those having
claims or deinaudsngalnstsald estate, will make
them known lo the l-.xecutor without delay,
JAMEH UKAUY, Excculor,
I'entrulla, pa.
UOIH'.UT I', CI.AIIlf, Alloruey,
tnpl U.'Mw, IllooiilslaiiiVl'ii,
mi -
S. II. Miller & Son,
Dealer in
General Merchandise,
valu.uim: i:i-:.r,'i:.
Tho nmlcrsleued KxfPittnr ol Iho Eilato or
l-''Caaetl I I'n nf f?entn. Imvn.
ship. Columbia county, will cxpo.o lo mlo nt
puniio veuuuoou mo premises, on
SATUItDAY, OOl'OUEU 12th, 1872,
nt ono o'clock In tho nlterunou, n largo qiiantlty
oi uiuuuiu laitu biiuuiu in ucuwo lownsuip,
Columbia county bounded nnd described ns
follows: Adjoining lauds of John lleis-cr nnd
others ou tho north, lands of John Fester and
others on tlio east.Wllliim Dennis nud others
on tlio Koutli nnd lteubou aitler, William Uowcr
nnd others on tho west, containing
moro or less. The above land Is In good condi
tion nnd will bo sold wholo or in iotstofiult
purchasers. Thero uro about Ono Hundred
acres clenrod and nndor good cultlvnltoi, on
which nio erected Two l-'iaino
n splendid Hank Ilarn, Wagon ilnnse. Hog
House uud other Impiovomenls. A good Apple
Orchaid, u good spring, bonio of tho timber
land will bo sold lusepainto IoIh good Chestnut
nnd Whlto Oak timber. Terms nudo known on
day of sale.
tcjit. 0,'7-J-ls. Excculor.
Uloomaburg, Pa,
Ilnve on hand and for salo nl tho most roasona
nio mien a splendid block of
OAituiAOEH, nuaaiEa,
nud tvfry description of Wugons both
warranted to bo made of the best and most dur
able, materials, and by tho most experienced
workmen. All work (.out out from tlio cstnb
Ushincnt will bo found to boof tho highest class
nud sure to give perfect satisfaction, They have
also a duo assortment oi
or all tho newest nnd moit fashlonnblo fctvlos
well uud carefully mado aud of tho best mater
ials. An Inspection or Uiolr work Is asked & 111
believed that none superior can bo found in the
cuuutry, juu t u
Wlierens. lnv wirn Reieno f4. Khrieiiinlrpi-
lias lelt niv btd und boaid. without n lust cause.
I hereby caution nit persons not to trust her on
my necount, us I shull pay no debts or her eon-
iiucung, a, i-. BiiUHMAKKlt.
Hitgarloaf twp., tept, l,'7l-ivr.
Wm.iiius, by tho laws of this CoimiiouweaUli
It Is iiuide tlieiluty ot the Slierlll'or every county
to give notleeot tuo general Klectlon, by publl
cation In oue nr luolu newspapers 111 tho roun
ly. lit least twenty days belnie llioclicllon, nnd
tu ciiuinerulu llieieln the olllcers to bo clecli-il,
and liiiloslimato thu placo at which Iho election
Ih to tn lield,
Tlierroii I, AAllON D.MITlt. ltlli Slierlll
rolnmbla cnunlv. ilo lierebv linHo
known and proclaim lo the nuttlilal pleclow of
I'olitulUla county, tint a general lllecl Ion will lie
I11.UI on TClWllAY, THH 151011111 DAY ill'
OUI'Olll'.tl, 1872, (bolnilho''coivlTneday Ins lid
nnnlli,) nt tlio sovorat tllstrlcti wllhlti tho couu-
' 'leaver townslill', nl thn public of Tlio i.
,1, Hliiinian. ... ...
Iluiilini lownslilp, nl tho puMlc liouso of II Irani
lli ns, In tho lowu of lloiilou, . ,
Mast lllooiu, nl Iho Ooiut Itouso 111 lllojui'i-
Llll'iom, nt UinC.mrl Itiiuso, In IIId.iiiit
llnroinh llnrwlnk nl Iho slorouf John MoAll
all lu Iho borough of llcrwlck.
jiorougu uouirnua, nt too puun uouso ui ji.
. WnlilmiKntll.
llrlarcrrektnwnsliln.nLlhoiiublic school houso
nenr Evnnsvlllo.
Ciiliiwlssn Inwnsh In. nt tho nub lo Ittisti of
Haiiiuel Kostcnhauoei', lu tno town of Cain-
Cenlrolownslilp.nltliosclnot Iiiihj near T.a
f ij ello Crcnsy's,
North I'linyiighim District altlia s Mmol house
lU art no colliery ofjolm Aiidersjn .4 0.1.
Mjiun l iiuyuiimm jHMnci, lit in') nuuio in
riioui is Kllitcr. latelv tiled hv u volo of tho
i-ti iKe'its -or that lownsuip.
i-isniiiucrceic towusuiii, lit mo .tcriii uouss
near O. VI. White.
Franklin tuwushlp, nt tho 'Olil
Uiwnwood lowmlilp, nt tlio lioinJ ofjouph
It. Patlou.
Hemlock township, nt tho public houso ol
Chns. II. Dletlcilcli In tlio town of Unci: Horn.
.luckson township, nt tlio hoitso of Ezeklol
litvusl township, nt Iho puMlc houiool I.itl
wig 'I hlel, lu Ntniiedla.
Mimm lownsuip, ut inn puniic iio.isj in ,hiu
lless, In tliotmrn or .Mllllliivlllc.
MndWinlt)nIilp.nt UiMiubli' h-iiHoofHiui-
ut I lllniby, lu.lerniylown.
Mt Pleas ml lowushlp, at tlio hi. is.) of Hun
nrl lllniby, In J' u.
Ml. riens lilt iem ii- lip, at mu mi.iiuui.., .
Montour Ion nvilp, at Iho ol Wm. Unl
llntishi .ul, . ,
.Main lownslilp, Al thu public h iiHO of Abra
ham U. Khum m.
Itoarlnai-ri'iik lo.vushlt nl. tho ho t tj forniorly
occtiplod by Uu). W. Dielsliacli.
Orniigo tiviis!ili, ut tho public li imo of in.
PmuVmvtuhlp, nl Iho Conlro Hc! Houso
lately llxed by u voto nr the citizens ofsild
'"Au'ritlo'it township, at tho liutso of Allnas
Cole, , . ... , .,- .
SCOlt lOWnsnip, til. paniiu lioinu Ol It in.
' At wlilciulnio nu.l pl.tcos Iho fjti illrto 1 oleo.
Ini-H will i-loel by billot tho rillowim Httltn nnd
(,'ouniy olllcers, vl :
duo person for Unvcrnnr, ono iiei'ion fir An
dllor lleucral, nun pprsoti for JU (go ol tho mi
pi cmo Com I, Threo persons rorl!nn,;i-ossinon--tt-latgo.
tweuly-elghl per tons for Members of Con.
stliullonal Com enl Ion, iit-lnti!', "no person lor
Proildont Jml;;M, ouo poison lot- l.'.nigtess. ono
person lorHeiialof, ono fit- Itopri-tenta-live,
threo persona for I'onslltull inal t'-mven-lion,
olio person lor l'l-otlionotnry, ono person
tin- lli'dsicr mid ltecotiler. ouii p.HH.ui lor Com
inlsslonir, ouo pnrson fir Auditor.
Ills lurlhcriinec'eil ihu cl -cllon polls of
I he several uisiric.SKii.-iii no openea oL-iweeu me
bouts ol six nud seven o'e-liv-k Itilho loreuneii,
and dhall coiilluito open without Interruption
and adjournment tiuill seven o ci-k i: in tnu nvo
i t In. units ..hill tin t-tnipd.
PiitHtiant to tlio provisions conlnliiol In tho
7tlth sei-llonor Iho act Hist aforesaid. Ilio Judges
or Iho nloresald districts) shall respectively Intto
chargoor tboc-eit'llc.iti-s of roiurii of tlio ulcc
llon ol' their nspectlvo districts, and priUuco
ttif-ni at a iiii-L-t lui of ono hid -o ti-mi ouch ills
It lei nt tho Ciiiu-l House, in llloonnbuig, on tho
llilrd day niter Iho il.iy ol the i leetlon, being on
l'rlday, tho lllh day or Oelolifr, IsW, nt 11)
oVloi-k, it. tit., liii-n inul Micro lo do and p-rfJi'iu
lliodulles iiiiured by law ol said Judges.
Alsn.tbat ulirm a llnli-e. li- Klelcnpss or 1111 1-
voidable nccldout, Is imublu lontlendsucliiiiecl
tnir nl Imli-eu. I In n ihe ceitlllc.tlu or reltirn shall
bo l-tkeu cnaigo or by ono of tho Inspectors or
clerks or tno election or tho ilktilct, who shall
iln inul perform Iho duties ro-iulreilol slid Judgo
unable lonllend. , . .
Thorolititi Judges or tin Con -iiM-ilo-.ial Dis
trict composed ot tho comities ol Columbli,
llrailloril, Htuurnn, Wyoming nnu iMouioiii
sli ill niei-Lat.thotHiit House in 'i'uullll-llHto.-lc
Wyotulng CO., on Tuesday, Ojlolwr Pith, li7i, lo
mako out Ihoii'turns lor lnomliers ol Congress
r,-ni tlitd llUti Ir-t.
Tlio lletttrn Judges of the
i-onipiisoil of IhoeotinllusorColtiuibii, Montour,
HuUivaniiud I.ycoiulng shall meet at Iho Court
llotisonl WUllannpoit, I.yeoinlug couuly., on
Tuesday, Iho loth day of October n -t, to in ike
out tho icltirus ror Heualor fi-oni litis dlstrlel.
Tho ltaluru Judges or tho Judicial Dlstilct
composed ut llio counties ol Cohnubla,,
una Wyoming shall men nt ino ijiiuri iiouso in
TUtlklillliuocu. on A ucsuay ino iiu u.iy oi uew
bcr next, to mako out tho rclurtis lor Prcsl-
.ton! IiiiL-nnf tills tlUtrlct.
Tho loUowlug Act or Assembly, regulating
tliomodo or voting In the Commonwealth ul
Petiusylvnula, was passed March ltith, Ibis, uud
rcaus i mis :
Bkction 1. P.o it enacted by tuo Sotialo and
irnnsuoi ltoiirescntiitlves oftno Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania lu tleueral Assombly met, nud
It Is hereby uiiuctcd by Ihonuthorlly of the same
that the qualllled voters of tho sovoral districts
ill tno sovoral couniies Ol iiiiscumiuouweaiui,ii
all tretierat. toivusbin. horoiwh uud special elec
tions, uro hereby hereafter authorized nud rc
nulled to voto by tickets printed or wiltten. or
P irtly printed and partly written, sovcrally clas
sllled as lollows: Ono ticket shall ombrnco Iho
names ol all Judos of Courts voicu lor, nun la
hellud. ontsl-le. "Judiciary-." one ticket shall
embraeo tho n lines of nil thoKtato ollljers voted
fur, and to bo labelled ".-state;'' ouo ticket slnll
unibraco Iho names of nil county olllcers vjlod
lor, llicluiling tuo otuco oi senator, .nemoor auu
M.mi.t.j ..r Atjami-ibK- it voted lor und jiiom-
bcrsoi Cougi-oss, If votud for, nnd ba libelle.l
i',..i.i,iti-. .iiia tli-tfet.sliflllf.mbrafo tho n.itnoi
or all township olllcers votedforand bo labelled,
"fowushlp;"ouolic!:ct shall embrac3 tho tiaiuos
ol nil borough olllces voted for, aud bo 1 tujllc.l
Hi-'trrmi'-' That It shall bo tho dulv ol tho
Sheiilt'iu Iho several counties ol this C mi iioti-
WCallll 10 Itlsei L III men eieenuu "iu':.inu iiuai,
hcrcaiier usucu t-uo nisi, kvlwuui i,.
'pi,. .t own- nerson excepting Justices of tlio
it..,.,.,-, who Kh.ill liolilaiivoillco or iitHiolulmcnt
of profit or trust under tho United stat;s, or of
ii, iL siioio unit cltvorcornui-aluddlstr.ct.wheth
t-r 11 COlllUllssiaiieil Ollieei III uuki h ise, a siioui'
.llTl rtltli-nrnl-atrentwho Is Ol-Sllllll bo etlllilov,
ed under tho l,eglsliture,occiitlvo or Judli-1 try
1 lep.irltlien t Ol Ull-S Ol lie, oi e-ivj ,u uiuuy
....... ..nrotnit district. nndntso. that every tncui-
i,. n fiiiLrress.iud of tho Stalo I. -nlil it-iro.nnd
ot Iho select or common council nl any city, or
POtlimlSSlOnClSOKlliy llie-iu jioi.iie.i iisinei, is ny
law lne.ipabloof holdlngor tuo samo
lltno inooiiiceui iii' isv
in.,,, i-iertr or aiiv election ol this Coiiimou
Wealth, mill line no 1 nspe-i-ioi.iiiu ;u ,n .iinui in
leer ol sn;h election i lull b i llglble i- bo ilien for.
Tho luspeel ivt and JuJgo or uioelicMjnssliall
meet at luelr rcspoitlvo places appointed lor
lini.iin.. tim election lu tho ills' rict lo which tlie.v
respectively belong, bcloro s. i o.i oVI ic In tho
morning, nnd each or said Inspectors shall np
point ono cleik, who shall be a qu.iluled voter
In caso tho person whoshall locelvo tuosecond
hl"hest number of votes lor Inspector shall not
attend ou tlio day ol nny eloctlon, thou the per
son who shall havo recolvcd tlio s joond highest
number ot votes lor Judge nt tho next preceding
election sholl net ns Inspector In his placo. And
In i-aso tho person who shall havo lccjlved tho
highest number of votes lor Inspector shall not
attend, tho porsou elected Judge sh lUappolutnu
Inspector lu his place nnd In caso tho person
elected Judgo shall notnllend, then Iho lnspoo
tnr who received tho highest number of votes
shall appoint nju-lge In his placo in-ir nuy v.i
caucy Khali conltnuo In tno board for tho spico
inr mm limn-n le-r l ie timo lixou IIV UW lor l ie
opening oi tuo eie. ii-i", i..w -i-. .....v.. ...... u.
ino IOW11SI11II, iiini, 'Ji ""'.. ........ oi. .
..iiti-ei-u Rii.'itl bavoboii electul. nresotit nt bitch
election shall elect one ot their number to 1111
such vacancy.
"It shall bo tho duly of tho several assessors
i.,.diirr. iv o in iitienii in. ens oiacd oi 1)111101-
overy general, special ur iort usuip eie-eiiuo, uui-
lllg II1U WIUIIU llllIU Sill 11 UIW HUII IS IM-J'. WJ.VU
f.ii- ibn mirno.o ol I'tvluir luform il Ion 1-1 tho lu-
sivctot-s and Indues, when called ou In ivlallou
IO 1110 nglll- oi mi iwimiu lis....... 1 ..j ,ituii..,i
voloatsucu eiociion.auuousiieu otuct- iniiiers
In reiallon u tuo iissess-ii'jtii-as 110 ui nispaj.
tjrs or vll-ier ol' tlum slull l'uui lima re.
'?011C1S011 sh.lll bi ilerilllLte.t to Vote it .l-av elec
t Ion tH.iloi'os.iU othor than a hll9 Irteiiiinoi' tuo
ngo or tweuty-oueye.iisor iit'jre.whos.i.ill have
resiiieu 111 1110 nunu lit least year, u.iu 111 1110
election district where ho oilers to volu leud lys
Immediately preceding such election, and with
in two yeau paid 11 Stale or county tax which
shall have been nsscssod nt least ten days h.'l.iro
llio eiue'lioii. mil. n Cllluu 111 llie uune.i Diaie;
Who lias previously been 11 iiu.i'.il. ,1 vo
ler 01 Hits Slate nud relumed and who
shall li no 111 tiioeiecttouuisirictuuj paid t ixes,
n.snioicsii.1. suaii oeeuiiiien 10 voto aiior ro
siding In Ibis Statu six months. Provided, that
wh to lieeiucu. cu zeus or 1 10 tiuiied Slatu'
belwoon tho ngool twenly-ouo aud twouty-two
who have resided lu iho ulectlou district t,-n
uayuns iiiores-na suiu 00 euinio.i 10 vote al
Liinui-ii inev nil. 111 not navo 111111 tax.
No person shall be permuted ti Vote whise
uaiue is 1101 eoiiiuiuu.i 111 ino 11st ui taxauio ui
habllnuls litrulsheil by tho Commissioners, uu
less First, he produces u receipt lor the luvnimi
within two years of nStaloorcouuty tax assess
ed ncrejably to the Constitution aud l-Ivo satis.
l.ietorvuvldeuce either ou his oath onum-mni
orlhooalhoriiUlrmalloiiot oilier, than he has
paid such a tax, oron failure toproJuco n receipt
shall make oath to the payment thereof, Second
II ho claim tho right to voto by bolng nu elector
between tlio nge of twenty-ono nud iwcnly.lwo
yenis, lioshallileposoau oallioi'iilllrmatlou that
I10 lias resided In thlststntn nt least nun vani-navl
beloro his nppllcatlon, nwd make such proof
of resldeuco lu thodlstrlctasls requlroj by this
acl, nud Hint ho does verily believe irom the no.
count given him, that he Is of ago aforesaid, and
AllCll lllllLl v ..4 in . n,.llluu uy IU1S UCt
whereiinon the namo or the oc-rsmi thus n.linii
tod 10 voloshall be Inserted In ibn iiliihaiiptiiii
list by thu lusiicclors, and 11 note made opposlto
thereto by wrltlug the word "tar,' If ho snail bo
admitted to voto by reason of having paid tax :
or the word "age," If hoshiU bendiuulod tovuto
by leasouor such ngo which shall bo lulled out
to the clerks, whoshall make Ihullke notes ou
uiu 11st ui voiure itept oy luein.
In nil cases where the uaiuo of the person
. .aniiiuK iu uiu is not iijiiuu uu uiu list luriusiiei
by tho cuuiinlsslouois and as.essor, or his 1 Ighl t.
voto, wuelber found Ihereuu or mil, Is ohjecto,
... J u.ll&dll, .1 bllllll ud UIU UIU
of tho Inspectors to exutnliia siuti n.-isrm 011 n.ii
ns to his iiuulltlcitlous, nnd If ho el ilms lo have
resiuon wiiuiu tnosiaio lor one year or more hit
oalh shall bo sulllcleut proof tlieriof, but shull
liuiitu prooi uy tit leust 0110 com,.i li-lll wuuess
whoshall bo 11 ijuallilcd elector, ti. it ho lias les
Idod In (ho district forinoro than 1 n elavs nexl
Immediately preceding such eleell 1 1, and shall
tusu uiuiseil Hiviuir uiut ills ooua 11 10 lesiauiieo.
Ill pursuance 01 ins lawlulcalllug, Is in said ills
trltt, nud that ho did not roiuovu lnlo said ills
ll let lor tuo purpose 01 voting therein,
Kvcrv nelson oualltted us utoresald. anil who
simu iiiuuuuuo niooi.ii ieqiiirod,(ii lliulesl.leueo
nud payinout ol taxes ns ul iresald, sliall bo ad.
inltleil lo vole lu tho township, ward ur district
ill IVUICU UOBU.,1. irnwv,
II niiv nersou shall prevent ornttenmtln m-n.
vont uny olUcer of any election uudt-r tills net
from holding such election, or use orthreateu
any vioiuiico 10 uny soon uiiieor, or slull inter
rupt or Improperly Interfere with hlui ltitliocx
ccutlon of IiU duly.or shall block upllio windows
or avenuolo any window wboro (uu s.11110 may
bo holding, or snail iloloiuly disturb tho peace
nt Bticli election, or shall use any Intimidating
t hi cats, forco or violence, with design to lullti.
enco unduly or overawe nny elector, or to pre.
vent hliu irom voting or to restrain iho fieedoiu
or choice, such person, on conviction, shall bo
lined lu nny sum not exceeding llvo hundred
dollars, mid Imprisoned for nuy tlmo not less
than Unto nor more than twelve raonlhs, and If
IIhIiiiII bo shown to Court, when the trial ol such
nrroneo slull lie I111I, thai the poMon mi nlfenej.
ln wns not n resident of the eliy, ward, dltilrlol
or lowiislilp where thn otleiisn wjs t-nmmll l"il,
nnd no! olilitli-dlo vo'o Hit In, tin-it mt in vie.
lion In shall bo Mnitottooil to pa a Hi- "I' nil
less limn ono hntidr-tl nor more Hi 1 - -mi Hum
sn-id do'l irs.aml ho Imprls-me t -i 1 ' iiinnU
niiinlhs nor iiiuro Him l-.vo ye 1.
Umi person, niitl)7 Hivpi Hi 1 iliillriil.t
ul Mly tnli'M nut el. r-lli-i im I' iiiiuiiii -lyi-aliii,
or n.'ln.i nun 1 wi 1 "1 1 I'd -1 DiH vole
mil.oiiilspr.iieiillslili-i,-ii .1 1 m i" 1 111 liuowliii;
tho .vim I or such iin-itlll 11 m, .11 ill at 1 nr Pi )
I'liio sucli persDii to. vote, lli i rum oirniidlug
shall tin iMtivlcllnii In Mm-1 In uny mini 11 it ex
eoodlng I wo hilltdro liloll iM, nnd liolniprHJiiod
In any lerni not oxoeedlng luroo months.
Iliiny onosli ill volo at moro than onooloclloii
illsltlcl. or olhorwlso rraudulontly volu nnro
111 III oiirooniuOH.nnoiiayirsiuii iratiauiouiiy
r.iin nini ilnhver In tlio lnsnoctor Iwo tickets to
gether, Willi Iholntontllleg.iUy to voto, or who
lll.lll PIDCUIO ivnoilier III ll'l nu, nil ur tnoy iii-
1.. . ..1. .11 .... n .....I.I Int. .n lli.n.1 It. n,w
iuii'iu. nil. ,ii, .v.. w ..... ... ....j
mini 1101 loss tli 111 Ufiy nor moro Hi 111 llvo hit 11
ill 0.1 il llilirj, nnu 00 liuprisoticu lor 11 term not
loss Hi in threo nor moro than twelvo months.
H any po.-soii not qnallllod to volo In this Coin
tiionw.i.ittii n rrooihlv to law rexoent tho sins ot
Itlalllio.l Clll7.sns,i snail appear ut nny iniui 01
zeus qualllled to volo, ho shall oil couvlctl )il ror
i-i 11 1 1 inr uiu 11111110SH ill iiiiLiiuuciuu 1110 eiii-
lei'- nil'l Jiay 11 suiu nut uiulimiu uiiu iiiiui.i.h.
Inll.tru r.n-nverv niicli nirom-o tin J bo llnnrlsJU
od Inr 11 term not uxojjdtnj .threo motiliH.
run ntuHiTiY iaw.
Inlsjulvoollhtnl 110U20 taluo olo'tmitif 0)1
iihibla luiiuty that by.imuct, outltlul "An
.,i ini-ilinr MiimilnninnLal to Iho net reltllvo lo
the elect Ions 01 1 tils t'omniouweiltli." unproved
Vlirll lllll. A, It, LY1J, lb l'l piOVl.l j 1 in 101-
lowsl ., , , , ,
,V'C, a, Alicr lllll ll-ssossui'iiiis 11 ivu ojjii vo.11-
letodoii tho tenth diy procodlug . I'iu Hoooud
Viiosd.iy In Octobar or oum yoir, tho assessor
1,111 nn iho Mnnd.iv Immodlatulv followluif,
lnikatirctunitii tho county oommUsloners 01
Iho names or nil pei-sousnss isse.l by him slnco
thorotiirnreiiulrodtoho undo by hlui by tho
second section or this act. noting onpisllo oacli
atllO inoouserviliuius nun uaihuuuiiuus lequii-
.1 1,. in mit.nd as nrorosald i nud thocouutvooin.
mlsslouors shall thereupon cttiso thostmoto bo
,1'ldml to 1110 rciuni rciiuruii oy nio secoiiii Hea
Holt of this net, nud a lull nud correct copy thoro
nr tn bo made, containing tho names of all ror.
sons so returned ns resident taxablos lu slid
WUrd,uirouau, tuwnsmp nr preei ou 1, nun 1 urn isu
i.i.inirsto tnu olllcers or tho election ltis.U l ward.
b nongli, township or precinct, on or beforo six
o'clock lnthomornltigortliosoioulTiiosliiy or
ocloticr, nnu no man niiiui 00 iidiiuuio 1 to voto
.,1 iitnni..i.tton 011 that ilav wliose 11.111111 Is tint
1111 said list, unless ho shall mako proof of his
rlglll 1 vole, us iicroiiiauor requiiou.
.v.,.. I. on tlictdiv or Iho cluctlou nnv liersnii
whose name Is not on Iho said list, nud elalmlm;
ho right to vol" nt sam election, snail produce nl
na-.t nun iiuaiinii 1 vuwi 111 tntiiiisirieiiiis 11 wit-
iiiws In M10 i-esldcnco or Iho cUlmatit lu tho dis
trict In Which no claims to oon voter rot- tuo
111.1-init ol ni, least ten itavs next, nrecpdlii' said
cluct lull, whk-ll witness shall take nnd subscribe
a written, nr partly written nnd pirtly prlnled
mil 1 1 e 1 1. to iho fact stati-d bv him. which mil lu.
Vlt snail lieiliin eioaiiy iviicio tuu iesiuuuc,3 is oi
ho p 'rsou so ciiiiniiiig in no n volert nnd 1110
person so i-laliniiig Iho l ight to voto shall nlso
lalio nnd '.ubicrlti.-11 wrltton 01 nii-llv wrlllen
aud pirlly prlnle talll lavlt, stating to tin) best
(II Ills nil iwien'4-J iin-i iienei, wiii-rn unit wueu tie
w-isiiorn luatiiuisa cm:t-ii 01 1110 uiiiniuon
we ilthor IViinsyKMitlu, unl orihoUtilli-itstntos
11 it ha 11s ruslde 1 In 1 ll-j Commonweal! 1 nnu
year, or ir formerly n citizen tuordu, nnd his
movii.i iiioreinuu. t'l-it 111 ii.isrosiaiiii 1 icrei 1 nix
mint is next precuiinu saidotostiout that hollas
unl niove-i nun 1110 iii-iirici, inr 1110 purposo 01
vollu therein : that ho h is nil 1 uSUlo orcnuti
ly t ix within two years, which was assessed ut
luast leu il lys beforo said election ; and, iriihit
ttr.ill.ed cltl.eti. shall also stato when, wheroaud
by wn 11 court uu was 11 tiur.ui.3 1, nun su-ittaiso
niolitco ills certlllcilo or iiattn-.ill.itlon lot ex-
auiluallun; tlio satd mil lavlt sh.lll nisi stale
1I1011 and whero Uu tax ciiilmed to bo paid by
thoulilnit was assessed, ;nnd when, where nnd
In wlionio mid. null the tax receipt tberetor
shall bo produced lor examination, tmlots the
am mt suaii st uu 011 111s iiiua.ivit nut it, lias
beo 1 lost destioyod, or ihtl lie nover recolvo.l
auy.butir til 3 p.-rs nisi claiming tho
voio snail laiiunuu Nuosi-riiionu 11 111 uvil, no
is a ii.uivo o 1111 eiu.-.ju 01 too uuiicn rsiaies oi
It b 11-11 elso.vheru. Hit ill state Hi 3 f let In Ills mil
divll, 11:1-1 slu. I pl'.lllUO OVldCIHM lliil ho his
been 11 itiiraliii-.l, or Hut. ho Is entitled I) cdl
zensii 11 in- iinsinol ills fa' lorsnatiirallzt'
in I sh ill lurth r stale in his am uvil tu it ho is
nl h i 1110 ol tilclu.' thonll.l.iv I belwo3ii ill
agesol twenty-ono uud tweiily-l wo ye irs ; Hut
uu 11. is lesiuini 111 uiu niaiu one yu 11 uiiu 111 111
iileetl, in district ton il-ivs next ni-eceillu-r sitcl
election, ho slull bieuillted tn voto,iilthougli he
shall not h ivo iuld taxes ; nud tnlll lavlts
01 1111 nerso us muting sucu ci iitns. it uu 1113 11 1
davits ot Iho wllnesses to their lesiduuce, slull
be preserved by tho election hjird, uud ut the
closo.of tlio olocllou they shall bo enclosed with
llio list of voters, taltv list nnd otliei- natters re
quired by law U bo liled by the return Judge
wun 1110 proinonoiary, nun stiau remain 011 uie
therewith lu tho nrotuouotarv's olUco subioct to
examination, ns other election papers uro ; If
ine election oiucers siuui nun tuat tuo anpucaut
or appllcauts possess all tho legal auallileallous
01 vuiers, no 01 tuoy su 111 00 peniiiiten tu vute,
and tlio namo or names shall bo added to tholt
list or t.ixablcs by tlio election, olllsors, tlio word
"tax" bMu i added where tho claim mt cl Urns to
voio ou lax, auu 1110 worn -ago - wuero nj claims,
to voto on axo: tho s UU3 words being added by
Llio cleiks lu 0.1 -Ii c no rospictlveiv on tuo list
of pel's jus voting at -S.1311 OlJUtlOU
ft-. lislull bilv.vriilfor.itiVfi.ii'Klilcltl
zoti of tin district, 11 itwitlistan llu ; thinauno
Hijprop ised voter Isc it U113 lo 1 iu list or res
ideiiL tix iblos.tJ chillengj t-13 viu ol'siuli nor
son; w.u -e lp in 1 1 1 si 11 3 ii.-oif 01 t.u l-l'it of
sniti-.t-' as Is iiiim.'i uro 1 ny nw si 111 03 11 lb
Uclviuvl' uii.tcioini 03 in. cujii 111 ujirii
and llio v i'.j .1 1 uilto I or rejo -tJ I, .11' ) .' lilj to
tim net I in 1.1 : OVOl'V tl31'SOtl Cialllltll X L3 O 1 U 11 it.
oi-nii-i.i ctttz3ii shall b3ie.iulro 1 In in-olaci hts
naturallilton cci title ito at the eleell m beforo
-ot!ug,CXC?puug wneru n? u t i 033:1 uu ye irs, voter lu tin dis'i-l.-tln w.ii-h he
oilers his voto; itivlou Uu vo; jolsueli parson ne
tnr? n.fioive I. It shall bj tuo duty ot 1113 e'.e-tlou
olllcers to ivrlte or sump 0:1 S'uli certirt-i' the
word "votoJ,",wita tho m'i 111 1 yoir; nut I
nnu- fin,-! I Oil Olll301or0irl30rS Sil ill 1-0-310 a S3L-
oui vnto oil the sinia day, by virt 10 or tin simo
eertlllcato exeeiHin' wuero .S3IIS a-o oiiiuoi u
voto by virtue 01 tno iiitiu-aiiAiiiou 01 nun- 11
thm-j ihov and tho ooi-sou who slull o.ler suji
second vote, upon so olleuding sh ill bsguilty ol
,1 in .1 inisoi'iiie-iiioi-. nil i on uon v leu on I diui ,
bo lfnod or Imprlsoue 1, or both, ut tin discretion
of Iho court -, but the line slull net oxeeel oae
liuudro I dollars tu oicu oise-, nor 1110 imprts n
t nnn vear; tlio ll'Jiu natlUlllll nit slull b3
lulllcto.l 0:1 e mvlctlo ,11.1 ih 1 oJlioi'sorelootlou
.vim 111 1 11.. .,(!. or l'OlllS3 111 111 itc. or uttiso t.
bo made, th.-lu loi-sem n niiired 0:1 atji-esild
natur.Hl. Hum cortiin u 1.
Jsc. tl. II a'lyi-l-.'i. J 1 o.ll - ii- siull rolusi or
neglect lo reiiuiro s.i -a pi'i -t 01 llio rlg it ol s ill
r ii,., in I 4 l.l'.l 1 -I'll) 3 1 111' t lis I I V. Ol t l.l IUYA V
iiiu 1 . 11 s.ioiiloniont. frojl aav nji-son or.
lerlu z to .otJ wli HJ ti ml) is not o l tie list 01
' I bv mi' nil illll ) I voter prosent, au-l sil ill
aiiiutsa'-i ii.-r.s in to vwio .......ii. tw-iuiiiiij
ac l i"o it. Ol ert-pjisoa 1 un in uiii naau, up-
no no .vltiLioii. b - iralltv ot tt hi,;,i mis I3.110 mor
aud shall boauuljiio'3 I, fJ? oeiy s-.u-h oiliiiea,
1 ,. 1. 1 v il tine not oxeeedliig 0:10 lulu Ire 1 tl illars
or to undergo 11:1 imprlsoiinl jqL noi. tu-iro turn
ouoyoar, or citner or uj.u, ut tin -aiure-i j.i
1 irt (, 111 ri.
&'v. 7. 1110 respective tissjss'j.s ; iiispjjtoi-s
..n.l In.les of Iho elections slull Ollh 11 IVO the
power loadmlilisteroatUs toauy pjrsuuctilmlug
ni- in i-i.L'inl to unv other 111 liter or tliliis reiniir-
n ,1 1.1 1 illlll 11 HI. I'll 1 lilt 1 O .111 Ol S 11.1 III
llaois under this act: a-i l .11 e.-.ll'.tl lalso
uit'.i,ii.hi . liv nnv ii3i--.oa lu 1-jl l 1 1 1 . J 11 llllt-
lor oi- thin' e iv. in- 1 1 y sujl ba
liwinllv luiorr.ig lie I by 11 1. .ill illcjrs
sli ill be punlsiieil us poijury.
I&.V. lu. The ussoss i-s s.uu ,
same compensation Ur tin t.
spent In perl'orinlng tlio diit. 1 t
ed us Is provided by 1 iw fat I - t
i-c vo the
1 - us ii-ity
iy u-ijoiu
.1 . i -e o
iticiroiuei -initios in in 11 11 1 1
inlsslousrs ns in other eis-i, .1
bo l.iwl'ul lor uny nsSdssor U isj
.niv ti.trsiin eleil wiLlilll ten
. i.ily .1 nil
n 1 1 11 j
. 1 i . lit
eoJlng tlio election tJ ba lull 1. i- - '-ii
Titosd.iy In Ojtoberluuuy yen, "
tlays iiiixtbelore any oieetloa 11.
1-reSlllOUt llll'l VillJ-l resuie-in, in i.
Suiles; tiny vljli.loanl tills p.-i.m
it mis liMllo 1 1-11-.iii-l subioct 111 nil
luUlllll.! llll 1 IO tlOt CXiIe'CHUg one nun il j-i uoi-
lars, i-, tmori . i.iiiieitl n-it eiie-jit.ig tiuej
111011 is. .11' 0 -b. a. ilnd.sJ.-eii m ol llijejirt.
s' .-. U. ').! 1 13 n it 111 1.1 o'"llv-o.- nt n-o mtl 31 llio e ),ialy, suiting 11 1 1 -1- o i'ii tu it t
vtiui' oeuevo i.i.uii.iut w.i. uj pi,.u-'tc3i 111
tin uteciiou aoiat 1 1 U3 nei.1 111 a iv .1 -.n-u-i
shall In 3 iuiyol ofi-j.uiiiu pleas
in s ,1-. 1-M11113 , 11 in sussioa, or u on a juig.
rli.irooliii a .iiwii, t3'ippjlut tw 1J11 l-eious, a 1
ui-t uu'. llli Jllluill. CI11.3US 111 llio u la 1! y l I
as at sin election : s ti.l overseei
stun 113 sii.-e.j.l li'j.nillderout p illtloil p.utios,
wiieni tiiolnspeeiji-.slieloii'to did' -i. -at nirllos.
an I where b 1111 or s 11,1 Lupivtors lulnui Dlho
, - , l '".ni nil p 1113 , not, 1 ui I le U.1.1.-.J31-S shall
bo lakoti Irom me opposite pViiieal p trly s Ud
overseers slull luve I In t-lglii, to bj pieeut with
tuo 01 u?ors 01 llu elecmii luring the while
lime the satin Is hell, t'n v.ilus couii'.o I und the
iimi iiiuuuinil III I SI4-1C-I1 11 lUOeieCHOIl Olll
eers! v.,l us, ir ihey seo proper
ticlullongenuy i3r,j 1 p.leilug to vote, uud In
.. ...rt,: . . ' , .. ''; "iiuessos unuor oat 1, 1
l-Oirll'tl tn Ills 1- .. it. of mi Iim .j. .,1 .u.,t.i ..1....I...
.,D,t UIU.1,111,
11 id to exumlnu his papeis produced : nnd tin!
ltlli4al1slfl1 UlllJ nllilil l.l I 11H.1 .1 ...,.IM . I . .
..... p... u. b.u..w . ,. it-ipiiru.i luuuoiilto
a.,... mwwiiinuciaiw inn lippOIIHOll OVOry
convenience and r.icllltyloi Hioillsjliari-uof ihefr
dti'lesj tittdll said election o II -or.s slull reluso
iu peiiuit nam overseers in 110 piusoilt, uud
lieriurni llielr dullus us nl n-os.iul, or 11 thoy
shall ho driven uwuy fi-oni the p-ills by violence
mi.i iiiiiiiiin.iiiiin, uu uiu voies pouua ill suet
eitcllju dlstilct 111a bo iejcelu.1 by nuy Irlbu
it... 11 j nig iiuuuiesi, uuuui- s tin p-ieci ton : I'i'ovt
al, That 110 pel-sou slguiug the i3lilijti shall
I be'uiuieu an uveisuei.
iic. 11. Aiiyassessor.clocllouoille -ror person
uppjlntediisiiii overseer, who s nil neglect or
reluso to porforni nuy duly enjot 10 I tiy litis u-:l
without leasouabloor legal oiusj, slull bo sub
ject lo n penally of ono Ii n 11 lied dill us, uul If
any nssessorshallusscssnuy i3isou as a voter
who Is unl qit Hilled, 01 shall iulus3iu iut-essany
one who is qualllled, ho shall bj gulliy of 11 nils
deiiieauor In otllce, uud on cotivniloti In pun
ished by line or Imprisonment, 11 id nisi In sub
ject to nil ustiou lor Uatu-igus by llio parly ag
grieved j nud If any persuu slull fraudulently
niter, or add to, del.ioo or destroy u-iy lisl of vo
ters ma In out us dlrcetod by this net, or to if
down or removo tho same from tno place where
It has been llxed, with iiaudtileut ur luiioalev
oils lutein, ur Mr uny Improper purpose, tho
person so otliudlug shall In guilty 01 a high
mUdciueaiior, and oueouvlcllou slull bo pun
Isiiud by 11 lluu not exceeding ouo hundred dol
lars, or luiiulsoiiiueiit not oxceeJlug livo years,
or llio discretion of the cotir.
Ave. 15. All olectlous for city, ward, birough,
township nud eloctlon olllcers shall herealler ho
held ou iho second Tuosdny of October, subject
to nil ptovlsloiis of tuo laws regulating tho utoa
lion 01 such olllcers not Iticonslsteui with tills
net! Ihe persons elected lo such oulces ut thai
lime shall tako their place, nt tno expiration of
llio terms of tlio persons holdlug Hie same ut the
tlmoot such election -, but no election lor llio
olllco ot'ussessor or nsslslaut ussoss3i- slu 11 bo
held, under this act, tiuill the year one thousand
eight luiHilrod nud seventy-two.
In obedleiteo to Iho lequlrement of John W.
deary. Uovoruor of Iho Conimouwoallh of Penn
sylvania. I hereby publlsii tho I' iltoetiih Amend.
liieut ut the Coinliiutlon or tho United States,
tho Acl of Congress enforcing tho same, aud the
Act of Assembly relative thereto!
Tho Fllleonth AiuchUmeutof tho Constitution
of Iho United States Is n follows 1
Hiarriosr 1, Tho right of citizens of tho Unltml
Klates shall not bo dented or abridged by the
United Stalos, or by nny HUto,on. account ul race
color, or previous condition of servitude."
"Si-crioN i. Tho Congress shall have power to
s-ufoiee Hits nrtlclo by upproprlato leglslallou,''
Ah Act to eulorco the right of citizens or the
United Stales In Vote lu the several Stale 1 of this
Union und lor other purposes 1 ....
"SKorii)" 1. tlQ it tnucteil by Ihe Minnie (but
llmiQ 0 .'(iiv)i(al of the UniUit Htulet 1
Aiii'-rlcnin Lnwjrcil AtKiwM, Tint nlUHuius
if the Unltiil Hlateii, who nro, orsluiiiT
vise unillllisl by law to volo'nt nl lv ,?,n"r
lie pcoplo, Innuy HI ilo.T.urllnri! t..."1'"! I,.-
y,-lly, parish, towiuhfp, schn ii I ,tl, 1'',,,'ii-'Ipitliy.o,-
oth ir territorial su'j-t vi,, '"' n
in enttttoi nu-l nllowed to vow al, nil . A li ill
I'llH. Without illtlnr-l Inn nfrn.n n .7 "1C I oi,,.
mis ooiilltlnii or sorvltudOi nny n, ,,'7r, nr-.-
liw. i-iisloni, tuig.s, cr,ro iil.itlon f ,,,V " ' . 1
oniiary,;iolvlM:sV,n:ii,,Sc..'1' n,"'""r
nr shall bo clnrgod with the i orr,.V . !.'.''' u
nines in iiirnisuiug to oillzjtis nu on , ,Vi "
lo perform such proroqiilsl) , or lo li3,.1V,.Ul,! Y
mod to vole, It su.Ul bo llu Italy of30,?"'l ll'
lull mr.,.. ".Hill if
luglyomll toglvo full orrect tonus kd.m
shall, for ovcry such otroncc, forfeit nni J,,'1''"!
sumorilvo Innidroil dollars to tin "n?ly
grieve I baroeovorod byniin.ii 1 t
.ho case, with full cuts and such 'u i!.,r, J" "u
counsel feoi nstho court shall ilooin i.V.,'"
shall nlso, for overy such oilonoo be ,i
.sum; in n iiunueiiie.iiior, una snail on p i,
I hereof, boUnod not los, than llvo I m K'f "n
nrs. or bn Itiinrl3min.l unl laoo I " 'red ,ai.
,utd not moro than onoyoar, or billi ni I?"1'',
erotlon oflho Court." "'"bat n,,;
a iiinuor supplement to iho net rnii,
oloctlons In this Coinmtmwe'illli i rol""nj lo
"rtuonosi 10. TliatKomuoli,if0vorv,.,1 ,.
sembly ns provides lint only w lirtu ri.of A'
sltall bo entfilol to volo or h3 Vi'glst.'rod f.-e"l!l1
tv,in...,.i co nr
provision or tho llrst section or til i act ! L',ll,':
soyouioouui April, ls.ll. enltttn.1 iV.!",T"t
further silil
loinetiui to tlio act rel i,,",n.Vl
elections of this Coinnifjiiwoiltii i " ,,f lr'v'"
otliorwlso 'PiatlUed luidSroxIstu " lawV' i ?u
titled tn volo ut nil Koiierat nn I huAi u ii" in
Ill IhU Comiuouwo.uiii." 16,1 11 K'-ta.
Atlhosamotlinonnl pttoos. nlso nn .,!..,
will b 3 hsld for dolomtnl t,, ,i'.n"?.'.?.11 eloctlon
amend tho Constltuilonor iho stato ini ' '
tv Willi tho Acl, entitle 1 "An Act to " ';',,'
cilllngneouvent oiitoamniulthoUoustlbiii '''
npprovod April 11, 1S7J. As prujcVliSl 'J1'11-,
act. tho fo towlnpt rutoi nnd regulations iw " 1
piy to sain oiociioti, nnd tho rolum j or I
I'ml. AU tho gonoral olocMon to bo i m i
socoud Tuosday In October uoxt, thero-"hi'ii
olec oil by thnquallllodoleclorsoriliisn,. ,V
wealth, ilotegites tonootiventlou to ru.-i. ,
ngales.iuc i voter shall bo nipuioi t- vn,.r .
V . , 'V.irau, ,r,w,?.n' i i,n Wyw-'ni". '' it is-s
est 111 Voto shall'ho dectarn I i-loclol erM'!,,1'
tho county ol Allogh -uy, firming Hi". -r,;.e; ,' '
!,".Vi1r".,,.l,l,r';,i i?.l",r't...viura " vouVsif;.
lilghost lu volo sh ill Incle.-. .1', l l,, t ,
Hosot I.uzorno, Miurn tun I t'iite, Inrniin. i
rhlrt-U'iitliSouatorlil Dlslrlot. wunre i ii, J,-.'
sh ill voto ror in ini Hi m cinlllu0( !,i
tho six highest in voto slull I13 elejlad -t'll , .
city or l'l'illaloliiiili by aeot. at lirg) h,"','
clly, and tu tholr alec' ion 11 1 vol -r slull v i
moro Hun U11U3 ti mdl I ili-s, uu 1 iho six m, ,
lu volo shall be declare I elected. '
oVcul, I'uo Judy's in I luspjclors im-, ,
election dlslrlctsliall provl lo two sun i'iihih. ,
ror oao'i poll, oue lu wuloli lodepult tun,,,
votod lor Defogiitos nt lirgo, uud llu -i,.r
ivhlcli lo dep slt Hie Ih-Usits vote I 1 ,,- p,,"...
Delegatus! whloli b ixess'i Ul Im 1 1I1 .11,. 1 '
lively, "Dolo-Uos at 1 11-40" uul "U.,tr,., n ,
giles;" and Itiiu-h dtsi i l it In Hn r p
-idelphl.i nun Idltlonal b x slull be ih.ivii.. li
eaell p ill, ill which to ilep islt t ll 3 tl-lt.v.,'
lor"Ullv lulogatos;" uud sill lint iii-u-i,,.
b ixes must o lull bo 1 i'ielle.1 "1' ly l)ii,..-tt..
Tilrtt, l'iiis saldeloctln.i shall In h,-l I a 1 1 ,
diicte I hi' t'lo jiropsr oloo'l 111 olll- --s -1. 1 1 -, '.
oral election districts or tip ''iu-tiu,t- , '
nud shall hogovernot n 1 1 ivgul i'o 1 1-1 ,1 '
spects by Ihe general olo-tliu liwsorti 1 ,n
mon wealth, ho rar ns Ih-isa-n s'rill b,- 1 . ,11 ,.
blu Ihcielo, nnd not luojiislst-'iit with up
visions ol slid net.
I'Mrth. The tickets to In voto I ror 111 -,n 1 . ,
largo ol time invention sh ill h iveoit ,h mii.r '
thu words "Delegates nt 1 ir go," and 01 1 1-. 1,.
sldo tho n imos ot the e nidi 1 itos to b.i vo- 1 1 ,
not exceeding fourteen In number.
V"i. Tlio tickots to bo voted lonllsuii-l in 1.
hers of tho convention slull have o 1 tii.inii.ii
the words "District Delegates," uul 011 tnuii
sldo tlio namo nr names or tho ciu.ll-lileir il l
ror, not oxcoedlng tho prop 9 r iiuniijir Iliuiicl 1,
uforosild; but uuv ticket which s.ull i-iunuii
grenter nitmbor of nanios thin tin iiiiinii riir
which the voter slull bo oullllo t ti vote, s 1 ul
be rejected i uud In caso or Hn ilolog it is 1 1
chosen nt largo lu l'nlla Inhihi 1, tlio wm.
"City Djlcgitoi,".shtll b3on tin oitslb m u
Hit'h. Ill tlio clly ot Plulilo'pliU til,' iv 1 1
Judges sil ill unci at Hi) Sutu lions ,1 t ,
o'olook on thoT'u irs I iy uoxt fill i-.v. 1; tn .
Hon, nud main out tho rotu.-iii ri-sill.- . !
the vote! cist unrol l f ir del u s it u.-j-ni
city nu 1 destrlct doing i-,3i, 1 1 . m a 1 -i, n
eitiveulliii! tie ret-u-.i J-ilc. r ' 1- so
olootioiiillsiiijis wltlu-i 01 -1 1-1 1.11 iiti-s ,
excluding l'.ulilolp iia, s u-. u-.toa Kill,
noxt lollowiiu tlio eleetlon, a' In its-i tl 11I1
lor tin mooting or thn retu. 1 1 il--i -n t 1
uotiuly and m Uiooiit lull aula -iriu vj-.u,.
lor tho ojtiuty, of tho votes oh' tu-reun-members
of the o'lvenllo 1 ail tor di.I-i -members
ol tho sum; uul tin in- -i-a.ll.i -tho
return Ju Ijesof lliesildc.lyoi i'a tit -Iw .
aud of tin several co utiles 01 i-i Cuiu. -wealth,
lu tin m iklag of th.-.r iv a ,
tho same as thoso pressrlln I 1 n- r 11 u-1 1 1 1: - 1
tin eise 01 a-i olectlon for U 1 1 -, ,- - it
roturus iruis-nlttjl to tin wvre' i-y nl -,
Cniumiuwe ilth, slnllbj ad lr. Iiitliiloil .
alone an 1 no-. 1 1 tu j Spi I'tur ,i tins n 110.
S3 -rot iry of I 1 1 1' 1 11 a inn -i, 1
Aua.voMtm' ro rut: coxsnruiiuN
Wiiihinvs, A Joint Hiiiiluil 1 1 i.-i,iisiij 1
.uneiiliiiout lo Hi) Gi.islltu 11.1 ... tils 1 hi
niouwe.HHi, has b03 1 a roe 1 1 1 by 1 in ij iru .
tlio iuotui)crs olocto I to 0 it'll llo is i -a in -1. .
1st ltlir.l,tlt tWOS U'JistVO S3S.I M , o ll-slil-,
which Is ns folio. v.s :
"JOINT UmtlliUriON I'ltJi'JHNJ l
AMi-:vi)Mt:.vrroTiii:cJNMi'ii't'fiijx m
i-t-D.'e.-1 6.v Ci3,s'-u n.l r ih, i:
rcse-if ilivsiof th:1 Ctitiiin-v)i"'i f. 1 iw f
1t ( Audii'i'i nft, T.u- ti 1 .' 'i 1;
iimeudunut or the Cius' 1 1 11 t 1 .
.11 mwealtli 1)3 pr in s j 1 1 1 1 1 1 p - v .
ad ipHou or i-ejeett-iii, pan 1 i-i , 11 t'i-
I j-is ot tu 3 tjntli iirtli-.o 1 1 ii-3 i, 1 1 a-i1 -
".-Itr.kj oat the slxtli sejliou of 1 t.isivi 1
clo of 1 10 Coastllullo.i, a-i t ins rt in h .1 1
of, the followlu i t 'A Suite Tre is 110 .u
elnsjii by llio qit ilireJ olojtors 01 t'n 1 ii
Sinn times mil lor smh tor.n of -v 1. -1
be proscrlini by I iw.' "
AND WllllllhAS, It IspiMl'I 1 t l'l . 1 I i.l.l
tide or the Cousttltill 1 1 Hi it a-iy .tin tin
so agreed up in, slull be suo.iilitj.l .1 t'i i-
do lu siichu 111 itinor an I nt stu'i tha 1, si 1- -three
mouths arior bolitjs 1 agreil to iw tin-1 '
llojsoi. nstho l.'jjlil.itui'J shall pi-es. rlb.
and SVji mti: v-s, lly 1111 act ol' tin iJcu i.i 1
sembly, of this Co.iunouwoilth, uiiiir.wet 1
eleventh d iy of April, a 1). o n tin is in 1 -'-' '
liundro l and seventy-two, it Is provi Ijl 1 n'
for tin p.npiS3of tlnsouse of 1
people of tills Coniiiimiwaallli lu re-tr.l t
a lopllon or rejection uf s lid aunii 1 a n
II iveruorol the C0.11mo111vc.1l1u slull 1-
writ or elecllo.1, dlrojled to eaell an 1 - -
S icrlll or tills Cointuomveilth, coiiinum
thetn lo give notlco 111 the usu il in inu.n, iu -less
th 111 two uewsp ipirs lu eaeaclty ail 1 1
ly, (Hsu in.uiy uro puullslu 1 1 isrein.i.i-i I 1
loist two prluto 1 hail Ibllls In lueh eli- in
trlct 1 1 oory city uud co inly w.nre n a 1 1
iiip--i- Is ptlDllslnl, thitau ulJ.-'.i u ifnl ' 1
In uishof Hn t', boi-.nuns, w.u I- 1
cm -ts -.11 1 lislrlets t le.-eiu, 111 1 n sen it 1
,1 1- of in njer. lu the yeir ol oa. I. nl '
tho isi-i I 01 ju! nun ro I a-i I s-voiv-i.'
ttie inn-p n 1 nt 1 "'i li'i-i 'i iiii- ai'i" 1
i-itlll'Uti i-i 'ir r.j iei in .1 1 1 1 I .nu ilu
wnieli s H t ul 1 -ii 1 1 s ult in 0,1.-11 1, 11 1 1
elosu 1 upon tu 1 d iy 1 1. .11 uos id, 1' tu e
an I wiUilu in ' a ui s, i- 1 1 1 wnlnu '
gmeral ulo Hons o. In s i') u 11 niv ill 1
re 'tod lo bo opju.i I, Ii il 1 .1) I ul is si.''
Now 1'IIKItKKOlti:, In o ie 1- -1 -3 1 1 in 1
munis ol' the teuta article ol l!n Cm- '
and III e nmll i-i 13 with the inn 11 -ine.iulngol'l'ion
il I ai-1 ol' tho 113.11-1-il " '
I, JOHN V. UKUU', llofernoroftii'si I
1nn1we.1lU10IPe1usylv.111l 1, d 1 Issii in; 1
cimniau lliuiiu I requiring you tin mu i'"
SMifil.Slurllliil tins ltd count!- i' "' ,
lu the usuil m inner nud 11 by liw r. 1
llut an tl., tioii "Ib3 hold 1 ' 1
ermi ol tho Oon itit.illoa and l ie I'r-m''" -Hie
net or the V"",1'' ,1! 't , '. V
oachor tho lowiislilns. luruiuhs. 11
clucts uud ittstrlcts therein, 011 the
day ol'OJtibir, 11 tho ye ir of our Ij )f;J "'
sandelg'il hundred uul soventy-lw.i. '
m opostlur docldlng upon tho apt;;: , ' , 4 , "
j,-atlou or rejection of thosild -te""'" "
Tlul for Hi 1 puriiDsoorusoertalii 1.
or the piop ,- of tills c.iiiinoir--e. du 11
to the adopt 1011 or rejection of said a"' ")
the llovei 11 1 ' ur the Ooiuinouwo ill 1 " 1
n writ ol el, -lion, directed to ' ' " ' .
,,i- ..r 1.. . i-,.,mii.i,iu-,i ilt l. t; nliii in
ttniii t glvo 11 itlce lu tho nsu-il iiu'i1''-;-,1
tlou tickets, elthor written ur lrli""J' "J ',
willteuiiud partly prlutol, '"'""',)
qu Hilled voters of llils state. "" '", ',.
tho samo.nnd tu dopostl thoin In a be '
to bo, lor tho purpose, provided by 1 -ue 1
olUeers! whieU lloiets shall bo l..lwl-o ' "" 4. ,
outside -'utnendiiieut to tho iniislltiu' ,.
ou the liisldo "lor tha uuiohr neiii' uf "'
HiciirioN That tho election of the sal1' I'.'!! .
ed aiaenditieut shall, in all respect s. I ie""
ud ns tho general elections ;f, nils lu-"
wealth are new 0 inducted I nud It 1 uu .
duly uf Ihe leturu Judges nf the res nea lie1;
ties nnd district thereof, llrst liivl'i ,
uscerlaltied tho number nt votes ' ',
ug.1l.1st such niiieudinont. ti make , i'.u
returus therour.expresseil lu weMi
nud nut lu lliiiiesouly 1 ono.ol ' MV,,uUlj,''
so 11111J0, snail uo iousou in tuu i"--;,,,, ,,:
uillcoor ihooourtof common pious of"?,'
or county, uud the other seaicu u ;
to thesocrelnryortho Coinmonweal J
oiio of said Judges dopoiillod lortli v t ,,,
IllOSl COUVUUIOUt pust uineu,
shall be paid ut tho oxpensu ot I'"''
county. . .
atveu iiudermy Iiaud, "1'" on,,f liVJ';' 31
burg this Utlulay of ao.ieiiiber. In I ul
our lioi il ouo t huiisaud eight hundred '
only" wo, 1" Ul0V!urffi slates
Indepoiidoneeof the UuU1,0,,hj1I.ii
Hherlll'of Culiiiui)l.ll.,u'
Uloonnbuig, l'.iHe)leuiUoi'il,l7A
SKdl ltiN 'J. Awl Iw Ujurlhcr nn,i 1 .,
by or under tho authority or tho u,iii,i,f- ."n n
laws or nny Htnte, or tho laws of hi w r l
mynct H nrBhall be roqulrod to K , .1 r" "r
pieroiiulsllnor auallltoallnii tor vol n ! 1 '. 1 1 n
stioll Oiinsllttll lo 1 or 1 nr. imh .....;".!i 1 hi
MlllS.ll llll UlllClir "UtlVO lllll I C UlZOIU n. ' 1
United Hlatoi.tho Bimontil ootml "ni ll'
to perrorm such prerequisite, nu l i i?""!!
itiallllol to voto without dlstlnsilon 1, r0411")
nnln, . II.AV IIIIB ni... ,1 1 1 I..,. n r ,."."1 f l.
iitiv such norsotl or nillaer n
special oleclloti of this Conimonwoilfir"!;1;'11 '"'
fio samo is horoby ronoalcd i nm Hi 1 1, , ',1 "n '
that nil ircomou, without distltiniV.,. .rei '"t
s uatt ua enrol . -,i nn, ....
-iiiiuiiii tuo u-jusiitiition ot tuts sti ,
couvonllou slull a insist or una hiin'iVi 1
tlilrtv-thro-i momhers, to ho eteclo I i , 1 ' " "
ncr following! Twentv-clglit moiuhon
shall bo cloclotin the -una at larg -1, , " 11
l!ich votorof tlioStito -'uu volo I r iV- tn
I nan mill troll I-.UIIIIO ItOS, au-l I,io tlir,.io,. ,
blghosl ltl vo'o shall bo declared i-lojle . nn,'!'1
nltio delegatos sh ill b i npp Unto I to an 1 1 ','
rrom Iho dlir.iruit Sotutoi-Ul illstrlctt n..1
Ulato. throodotegitm ti,3 doited r" V "
a tor Ihornrromi and ..i imhhIm. mi ..'!' ' '
less in 111 two 11 ws p il',',' , , , ,,, 1,1, nl
ty, 11 so 111 my .1 s luiDllslnd therein, no;
luisl 1 ') prltit . hiU'lblllsliiea-'i e e-
It-let 1 1 every 0.1 imdcouuiy wueu 11 u
tupei s iiu'itls le I, Hut an election .u '
In 01. 1.1V thutn ishlps, boroughs 1 n-J
clues .1 1 1 dUlrlets tlierelu, ou tin 1 n '
day ol Ulober, In the year ol 01 1 1
th-1' eight lijiUro.l uud snea )
the puiii no of deciding niim Hi-,'.! J; '.' '1
ratlile 11I011 or rejojtlon of tho said a.u "
which s.ud eleottoa shall be pe
cl-isid. mi 1:1 the day last "Ml'1""
mil w mm ihe hours tit uud wit ,
guae il rle-ll )U or this CoiuiitoJive-nlt .
reelud 10 be opened, held nud closed, u 1 i si
be tin duty of Iho Judges, luspjctors uiu
..t .. .l. ... . .1.1 t.i.u.ialiliw. Ilill-OltillS. If" '. '
1.1 HI