THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGK COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. 0lir Columbian ULOOMSHUlia, Ya. Friday, Sept. 1J, 1S7S. llcWiiro of frauds! Tun fillowiriK vigorous ctrculiu lins bneiilHuiwlhyJIiouhiilrmiinoftlioDcni wrutlu Slato O.nmnlUcO nud uomati(ln Hid uttcntlimof nil lioncut elllzons. DpiMDcnUlc Htnto OiminltliHi ltrxiiiw, l'hllailolphlrt, Hotil. I, 1371'. Much euro mid Inilmtry luu licm t-ikou to hniirosa tfiu voltiw of thn rsuie with t ho belief Unit mi unil x. coeslvo ninjorlty will Ihil'Iviii hit tin thn DiMiionrntluHiul l.lliornl R'niiilitli'iiit fctato Ticket, at UioOctoliur fluolloti, li tlio City of I'liilmluliililii. This h wit U li.nnl ii.on eontonmliitotl fr.utils, mule pu-siltilo iinilor tho Iiif.irnoiH ami ii.irii .in llivlttry Law. 1Mio olijoots of tluvsd Htatt'ini'iiU nro to onuouraRo tho Hull ruin of Win .Slnto, and to uroiiso a rovlval fr.nil their rfl.soitt ilotircBseil and hoixi leis I'piidltlon, and secure, whul Ihoy now l,u;k, onuriry and outlmslrwm, dnr In); tho canvass. -ur inoniia in ints itnii nlhur Sink's need hayo no npprohonslon ns lo I'lilla dolphin. It Is trno, sclionipn of fraud urn boliitf arr.uiKfd, and will ho uttmnptoil on thu day or cloetlon, hut thoy will fall of execution.. Vfcllanco luw already heun, and will contlnuo to bo exorcised to oxposn and provent their consumnia (Ion. Tho i-.Miit In I'lilhulolphla, with Ihn nld or tliniHtinilsof hlh niludod Ho ptitilicuns, will ho n surprise, to on iriomia ami to our opponent.'', I am Without fear in this respect. One. plan of fraud coinmuncod I will mention, with tho viowof exposure aud overthrow. It has couio to my know! edge, and is susceptible of proof, that largo numbora ofcoiorod mon general ly young have been brought Into tho Stato from tho neighborhood of Har risonburg, Virginia, and Charlestown. West Virginia, to voto at tho election In October and Novorabcr. Tho former squad wero ticketed to Harrlsburg, and tho latter squad to Cnamboraburg, in this Slate. Numbers, in llko mannor, havo been located in Erio, Clarion and other counties. Moro are oxnectod. I now call upon tho Democrat In overy election district In tho Stato to form"Vlgilance Cornmittoes," to watch and proveut tho success of these at tempted cheats, nnd moot all kindred efforts. Under tho Constitution U1030 colored people not having been residoats for ono year, aro debarred from tho privilege or tho eloclivo fniuchtao, and in overy instance such a? aro unknown in tho communities wlicro thoy sook to "voto should bo fully' questioned and mado to jirovo tlielr right to voto, be fore allowing tliodoposlt of thoir ballot. I call upon tho Democrats for vlgorou8 organizations.nndl invoko special vigi lance in tho nortliorn and western border counties of tho Commonwealth. Victory In Octobor la certain. I make tills declaration witli full appreciation of its import, and tho wolght which should attach lo suclin statcmont.whon emcnatiug fromonoin whom high con fldonce has boon placed. I stato It from conviction, nnd It is mado aftor careful rovlow nnd full knowlodgo of tho con dition and tendency of tho public mind throughout tho Stato. Tho content is slmplo. It Is an issuo between capacity and Incapacity, and between honesty and corruption, In tho fu'uro administration of tho Stato. Tho people will make overwhelming choice in favor of future good govern ment, with a majority boyond tho reach of all ballot-box polluters. Samuel J. Randall, Chairman. Tho Trial of Dr. Sclioepjie, Tho esse of Dr. Paul Schooppo of Car lislo, tried and found guilty in 18C9 of the triurdcr of Mario Slcinccke, will probably rank es ono of tho most la niouson thocrlmlnal list In this country. Ho was convicted mainly on thotfitl mony of two "exports," Dr. Conrad and Prof Aiken of tho Biltiraoro In firmary, who testified as to tho prc-jonce of pru-islc acid in tho stomach of tho dceoescd, after n chemical examination, mid to her probablo death by poison. On this evldom 0 Dr. Schooppo wn condemned to bo hung. His counsol, however, succeeded In obtaluing a ro prlovo i'romaov. Geary two days beforo tho tlmo flxod for tho execution. Ho has lain in prison awaiting a second trial until n fortnight slnco. His trial which has Just concluded, reiultud In his acquittal and tho Judgo remarked after receiving tho verdict of tho jury, that 'ho bollovod it was God's denco which ulono had saved tho Court nnd ronnerjury from committing a great wrong." A commont so remark able, and coming from so rc3ponslblo a sourco Js worthy of moro than n pais lug notice. It is a gravo matter, IndeoJ, if an Innocont man can bo found guilty of a heinous crime, on tho in molrvaf mil. donco of so-called "oxports," and glvo up ins 1110 on mo speculative uud caro leas alllrmatlons of medical tlmomuy prove utterly unworthy of BL'nuua uuusiuoradoii. xiio Interven tion of tho Legislature save! Dr. Sehoeppo'd llfoand provented a Judi cial murdor. but what tlicro for tho throo vonrfl wlilMi m w ' -- v tiug passed In prison, for tho terror and ig- ummuy ouwo inais for murder and for tho loss of reputation and business which ho must now onduro. It Is tor riblo to think of tho lmnrrt,,,. r ... now conclusively proved to bo frco irum gum, dui u Ja Bickonlng U) eon tomplato tho wreck nf llfn n,..i pects which this wretches! business has producou. HKNRY Olev8, tho Now York bank er wpi a iJruisn subject until tho 8th of may. aoou, vviiou uu wrs natural zed ns a cltlzsn of tho Unltod Htaf'i. no might havo b ;n naturalized llvo vears Booiicr, hut tho draft iirovontodl Clows I3 now an active politician and a fervent American patriot In tho Grant Interest. The liiinll In Maine. Till: It I'll M t I'l llll' I'll I I II). I l,.( 1 , M.illit'iiti Moiuuy ..(im (n imv a iimj .nlj 1 r nb.iui I l.tHM fur niv (Irani, IlKpublliMi x. riieitlniiiilnrHiiii'i lu'ir nalx nro j'lMluui 11 1 I lt t . suit nn I ihn ra.." Tiih ! Ini'iini'i" Al Inu (Ire U01111I IS71 they liml. It Is true. 11 ma Jorlly of 10,707, but. in liml your tho to tal veto pnlhid was but 105,80:), whereas this year the veto i.s over I2o,000. Ob viously tho only fair comparison Is that of tho IiihL I'nslileiHial year, wlion a full voto whs pulled In 180S tho limit cil timjiiilty was liyjUi, which as com pared Aim ttiovttiof thu present year, shows u loss tit tho AdmluLstration party of over MOO. Tills percmitago of gain would scenm to in In iV.ivotnbor tho HtMins of IViiusylv.iula, Indiana, Con. ticetleut, Oillfiirnla and Alab.ima. M.dtio him jlvi'ii us no came for ills iviuri.i'Piiiout, buton the (Miitriuy holds out protnlso of f alum victory In other Hiatus. 'L'ho slatol of Veriiiinit and Maine aro perhaps tho leait likely of alt others to bo affected by thu reform movement. The olllelal p.Uronago in Maine, especially, Is very lar(jo ; In the Klttory Navy Yard and the many light housoj nnd custom houses along lis sea board, nnd overy uvnilablo means has been used by's followers to secure Hueeess. I iirR0 niuouul.sof money havo been supplied and iiisessed on all post ollleo and other oflliilnls, the I'osttiiiistor Oeiiernl having he 'n porsonnlly in tho Hlaln In hco Ihe programino fully parried mil. If no oilier Stale does worsofor us than Maine -Oreeley will ho elect nl. A Hill! Xrtlloil. TIIR tJXPKNHK'SOl' TIIK C) HA V-M'CTiUKl. t'ONTISJl. To thu Kni roit op tii b Puess. Sir: In answer to tho inquiry of ono of your correspondents relative lo tho espouses of tho M'Clurc-aray election contost I would say that thooxpense or that In vestigation was less than that ol nny other clmllar contest within my recol lection, considering tho vast amount of labor performed. Tho Walt-Diamond committee sub prenacd 510 witnesses and examined less than 200. Tho expense! of that commit tco.nsnpprovc J by tho senato and paid, nmountcd to $20,231.73. Tho M'CIuro Gray committoo subpoe naed over fivo thonsand wltncssos nnd oxamlnc J nearly two thousand, and its expenses, as footed up In tho ring jour nals, amount to $20,060. In making up tho expenses of thoM'-Clurc-Gray committee tho ring editors embrace tho senatorial salaries of both Colonel Gray and myself, and an item of ovor $1,700 for printing paid to J. B. Lippincott & Co. Tho Watt-Diamond printing was dotio by tho stato printer, paid in his bill, and docs not appoar in tho expenses of that contest ; nnd as both Watt and Diamond wero paid senatorial salarIo3, thoso items should appear In tho expenses of that contest to mako tho comparison just. I ropcat, that In no previous cleuion contost was so much dono at so llttlo cost as In tho M'CIuro Gray caso. A. K. M'Clure. Philadelphia, August 21, 1872. A Word or two to thoso gentlemen whoaro comlngto Pennsylvania tospeak for tho Itopubllcan party. World Sen ator Wilson and aonoral Hawloy and others liko them advocato tho election to tho highest ofllces of their States, of mon who wore conf'ssedly Incompetent and who had boon proven guilty of tho grossest malfeasance in ofllco ? Sonator Wilson Is an honest man, and Qen. Ilawloyhas, year after year, had to fight tho imported repeaters and rufll ans of Tammany. Will the-o two mon lend thomsclvos and thoir great Influ- enco to tho corruptionisls of Ponn3yl vanla.and aid in tho disgrace of tho Re publican party and tho Stato ? Wo toll thorn plainly, that If thoy como hero aud advocato tho olccllon of Hartranft and A'len, thoy will put thomsolvc3 in tho placo of tho npologlsts of Tammany, and Injuro irreparably tho causo of President Grant. It Is humiliating enough to soo some of our own good men, uudor a mistaken senso of duty, glvo their aid to tho Treasury Ring, without having our candldato for Vice President and "tho Gentleman in American politics" contribute to tho pcrpotuatlon of corruption In tho second Stato of tho American Uulon. Pi-ess. If Mr. A. E. Borlo, tho President's Secrotary of tho Navy, who onco was an actlvo merchant in Philadelphia, or Mr. William Welsh, tho President's Indian missionary, who is now n merchant of tho highest standlug, wero to ascertain that their cashlor and bookkeeper had for years been engaged in mysterious stock speculations with a disreputable broker, thoir accounts kept in Initials or fictitious names, aud all tho whllo tho secrets of tho countlng-liouso used for prlvato and personal ends, wo can easily Imagine what would bo tho re sult. Wo aro vory suro tho dolinquont bookkeeper would not bo promoted to bo a partnor in tho firm. Yet this is ex actly what tho "Cashier" and "Book keeper" of tho Commonwealth of Ponn- sylvanla havo been doing fur tho last threo years. It Is ciphered out by Ihe Philadelphia Age that it costs tho Government 8200 por diem to furnish clerks to do tho writing for tho Campaign Central Com' mlltco aud to composo ready-made cdl torlals for tho country press. Tho fact simply stated Is that the country Is pay Ing tho expenses of tho Grant and Wil son campaign overywhore. Wo aro told with a good deal of swelling arroganco that the business men nre all on the Qrant sldo, which Is very far indeed from being truo; but If tho Grant party is so wonderfully rich, wo think It should pay Its own expenses, and not saddlo them upon tho United States Treasury. There is nothing In tho Con stltutlon which requires us to ro olect tho Doctor, though Boutwell scorns to mime so. Tho Difference, Yerkcs misapplied tho public funds : so did Hartranft. Yorkos was trial and convicted for misapplying tho public funds. Hartranft was not tried for misapply, ing tho public funds. Ycrkei Is now In tho ponllontlary for misapplying tho public funds. Hartranft was nominates! for govern, or by tho Cameron ring becauso ho had misapplied tho publlo funds, Tho Cameron ring now call Yorkos a Jail bird. Tho Cameron ring now laud Hart ranft to tho fiklcH as a paragon of hon esty. That's tho difference. Tim N. Y. Trlbnne In speaking of I'i'iins.x Iviiulu's I'l'idld ilei for Governor I'lm liiduiKindciil iimvsnaiiurs uud iiii'iIio men In I'eim.svlvanla aro now enied in Hii earnest and hopeful HirugRio against a nine; nni io.s.s cor rupt, not. linsuliiimclos'S than that which wo putundoruur font lint year. Yet there is one assertion frequently mado bv tho Administration tinners In that Stale, which if It wnio truo would provo now mucii ic.M uopeiui is inu prospcci tiiero tnau with us. Tiioy say mat nan ram. will receive tho lull Hoiiubllcan vote of tho SI lie. It Is diillcult lo con 0 vii that tho soiHDor hIiiiiuu suotild Ii.ivk Ik 111 so driven out of tho hearts of good clllnous by thu power of party discipline. Last year In Now York tho Indignation at thu i.'auds of T wad and his associates was so universal that In tho election thoro was but 0110 (luestlon. and that win betweon honesty nnd theft. Thousand's or Democrats voton against their own tlckut bcittso thoy Imagined It tainted with fraud, and tho State, with n largo Demoo.-atlo majority, (ell Into tho hands of thu Kemtblicans sim ply because Tweed mm Connolly and tho rest had commute J thoir rojborloi in thu mime of Democrats. Yet Ponn- sylvanlans complacontly toll us 'that thoro Is no prospt it of any such rovolt of Hopublicin conscience in thoir Stato. Thoro was never n cioaror issuo no twoon rltrht and wroinr. bolwcon bou nty nnd dlshou ty. it Is patont to overy voter 111 ronnsyivanin wno can rc.ui uini iLiirirauit is n man saiuraiuu In fraud nnd illeirnlltic Uv sworn nllldavlli, by letters, Illhoicrnphcd and published, In his own iiandwilling, by oxtracls place'.l In ovldonco from tho hooks or 111s nroitors, it is proven mat ho corruntlv use 1 tho 'lubllc funds for slock speculations whho Audltor-Clon- crni ; mat 110 mauo uso 01 sccrot oiuciiu iniormatinn to in stocks wmcn wero rai' I or don.cs.sed by his olllcial nets. Thcsoaroovon'sofy "torday. Tho nionoy thus gamou is in ins pocket part of It, doubtless, employed In this eiuva's. His partner and as ioclato, bo ing mora careless or If ss Influential than hlmsolf, Is now oxpintincr in a felon's coll his spirit of irregular cntjrprlso. Mr. Hartranft wrs nomlnalrd because of his bad character. Ho wrs chosen by tho corrupt Iliugnf Harrisburg, nt tho head of which is Simon Cameron, not on account of nny ability or iniluciico ho po33C3scd, but simply becauso rs Governor he would stick at nothing which his managers demanded. Nominated against him Is a candidate entirely nbovo suspicion from every point of vlow. Mr. Bucknlow is a man with thoroughly clean hands. Ho is a good lawyer, and a man of sucli solid nnd useful knowledge of public nflairs that wo may properly glvo him tho much abused namo of statosman. Prob ably not an intelligent mnn In Penn sylvania but thinks ho would bo a hot- tor uovcrnor than Hartranft. lie is supported by tho entire Democratic pre s and by no less than twonty Bo publican newspapers in tho Stato. Many of tho most prominent Republi can politicians refuso to voto for Hart ranft. and declare tho Stato discraced if it elects him. When Gov. Geary was ol. cted over Packer In 18G9 ho received 50.10 per centum of tho votes cast to 19.C3 thrown for Mr. Packor, only 4.G9G majority in a total of 070,C03. Tho merest broath of popular fooling would havo carried It tho othor way. To say now that when Buckalow stands for honesty, intolligeuco, and capacity, in its highest oxprrssion, aud Hartranft is proved to moan fraud and corruption in 1" - lowest mnulf03tntiors, thero aro not honest and independent men enough in tho Stats to. elect tho former, is tho most savago attack upon tho character of Pennsylvania which could po3slbly bo made. Tun following stirring appoal, taken from the Bellefonto Watch nanU equal ly nppllcablo in tho casa of Columbia county. Organize ! Organize ! Although wo havo snoken wc Jk after week of tho great importance to tho Democracy of thorough, competent, perfect organization, wo doom It our duty to again urge Immedlato action and carnost work in completing overy detail of tho borough, township and dis trict organization. Many Democrats.wo know, aro work ing with a will, but in this canvass all should bo workors all must bo work ers. It Is not tho mombors of tho differ ent committees alone that tho party looks lo for that labor that insures suc cess, but to tho masses of tho party gen erally, to every man wno prctouus or claims to bo a Democrat. Much, wo know, has boon dono. but very much remains yot to bo dono. It is tlmo now that tho work was uelnc completed; tlmo that perfect organiza tion was offocted, and a complcto can vass of tho different districts made. County Committco men. havo vou been doing your duty ? Havo you your sub-commlttcc3 appointed, and your townsnip3 morougniy organizcuy iiavo you a committoo in cacu school district, nnd do tho members of that committco know their duties? You will bo hold rc3DonsibIo for tho result In vour town ship or borough. Romombcr It is no credit to any Individual to. accept an of- uciai position, una tnon tail to pcrrorm tho duties pertaining to that position. Sub-Commltteo men, aro you doing your duty? Havo you canvassed your school district thoroughly? Havo you mo name oi ovory ucmocrat in your district on your pou-DOOKY iavo you soon that ovory Democrat In your dis trict is registered? Havo strangers moved into your district since tholast olection aro they Democrats aro thoy assessed ? It Is your duty to see that the30 matters aro attended to. A per feet organization complete a3 it should do complete nnu poriect as u can mako it by a llttlo bit of work mdat tcntlou, will cuablo you lo tell the re sult In your township, wc ;ks boforo tho olection, nlmo3tas as the etc lion Itself will tell it. It Is only through porfect org.iuI.t tlon nnd determined workTH at every vote can he x'olled 1 Every vote must de polled ! In this county wo havo two hundred and four school districts. Ono voto at homo In each district will reduco our majority to loss than four hundred. A (jaln of one vote in each district will give us over seven hundred majority in the county I Where is tho district that caunot poll a full Democratic voto. and sccuro the voto of ONE ropubllcau for tho honest uuuKALEW, nnu our Btato nnu county ticket, nrrainst tho Evanh "rlnir" can- dldato, and tho tools of Cameron that radicalism uas thrust forward as stand urd bearers in this camnalcn? Doraocrats of old Coutro, remembor that our clianco for redeeming tho Stato from tho ruio nnd ruin and robbery of the Oamerons and tho cliquers that our opportunities for n most glorious victory In tho county woro novor uriguior tnau moy aro now. Wo only need to do our duty each aim overy ono I Campaign Xutes. Ex-Senator Jones, of Iowa, hasjrst uuu uuwh ins arms, nnu is out wr uroo loy. Fifty P ipubllcans of tho tow a of iiast Hiriiurioiu, Jiradford County.havo in ;iureu jur uruuiuy uuu lirowil. Judgo Qeorgo A. Craig, n prominent -a'liuunm icaucr oi mo republican par ty, prints n strong Qrooloy letter. "I novor said Grant drank too much says Wilson; but "ho ought to join u tomporanco society." Thomas A. Doylo, roiiubllein mayor of Provldoneo, Rhodo island, repudia tes Grant and lias dc ilnred for Greoloy. Ex -H tut i Senator Thomas Davis, of Rhodo Island, a leading republican of mntsiaie, is out lor urcaioy. Two hundred and fivo liberal romih llcans havo signed ft call for a Grceloy convention in jjoniin iiiiiiiiy, ujmo. Senator U n 'a i's profits from print ing eanipal 1 . Liniment:! nio ptil down at f 1,000 pu u el., Tho Indianapolis Sentinel sayb that Oliver P. Morton is fast sinking out of Right. His power is gono In Indiana. Grant carried West Virginia In 18G3 by fi.000 majority. This yonr tho Grant men did 'tint oven nominate n ntato ticket, Ex-Mayor llarstow, of Provldenco, Bhodo Island, n republican, declar ed his Intention to support Grooley nnd Brown. Col. Ordwny. of Now Hamp3hlro,who Is sorgcant-nt-nrms of tho house of raprcontatives nnd n politician of no knowlr;lg( 1 sigaelly, has doelarod for Greeley, "Dutch pimps" and "red whlskored Dutch pupplr -.," aro two of tho compli mentary names given lo liberal Ger mans by Grant nillco-holdors. That nlylo of Utoraturo Is very lively. James lis Curry, for twclvo years chairman or the republican town com mlttoo of YorkInnd,Wcstchostor county Now York, has written a lotlor resign ing that position and declaring for G reeloy. Gideon Holllslcr, Unitsd States min ister to Hayti under Lincoln, and au thor of tho standard history of Connecticut, ropuiliati'.s Grant and do elnres for Grcoley Buekalow and Il'irtley mo admitted by Republicans to bo honest mon. Ilartranft and Alton aro denounced by Republic ins as anrupt- nnd unworthy. Colonel G. CI. Hm i, of tho Wiscon sin voluntc:rs, :i Grant ckctor In Ken tucky on tho ticket of IS0S, and since u territorial Judgo In .'un''.ua, has come out for Gmloy. Cjlonol G. V. Swu.irliigcr,post master at Sidney, Iowa, twenty years, and chairman or Um n-puiillcau county committee, has diirnrnl for Greeley. Bishop Simpson luu li en claimed rs a warm supporter of Grant. This Is a groat mistako, or, moro probably, a wilful misroprrson'atlon. Bishop Simp son lies declared thai ho intends to volofor Grceloy. Sumo of tho subsldizod papcu In tho sovonth district of Iowa append tt tho namo of John A. K?sson for congress tho words: "So long ns ho proves him self loyal to Grant.'' So there is still a doubt as to Kosson's lovalty to Grant. An Administration ofllco'holder, who has boon out West on an electioneering tour, Is rosponsiblo lor tho statomont that '1,000 Kentucky negroes liavo been colonlz' 1 In Indiana to voto for tho Octobor elections there. Negro' , in lo's of twenty, thirty, forty, and fifty, aro leaving Maryland, tho District of Columbia, and Virginia "to work on Simou Cameron's road In Pennsylvania." Four Republicans membo. of tho Into Wisconsin Legislature aro stump ing for Greoloy nnd Brown. Tho anti Grant movement In tho West is r turn ing moro force each day. To namo fivo Republicans who will voto for Greoloy for overy Domocrt who will voto for Grant, nnd ten Republi cans who will voto for Buckalow for overy Democrat who will voto for Hart our chnllengo to nny ring organ in Pittsburg. Post. NEWS On Friday last a mob nttackod tho jail at Beardstown III., for tho purpose of lynching Diffenbachcr, who wrs con fined thero for tho murdor of a man named MlUted, on tho proviors night. Failing In their attempt to break into tho jail, thoy revengefully set llro to tho (own, nnd burned down a wholo block of its best buildins3. Judgo Dent was brought beforo tho PoIIco C)urt, in Washington, and fined ono hundrel dollars and cosls, for his nsault on Henry R:ed, esso'eiato c IV ir of tho "Sunday Capital." Tho Hon. J. M. Wcakloy, Stato Sena tor front Carlislo and editor of The Carlisle Herald, was nssaulfod and vio lently beaten last week by Dr. A. B. Sharp.a prominent lawyer of that place. Tho quarrol grow out of a contempt uous allusion in Woakloy's nowspapo r to a rccont speech of Sharp's. A prlutor named S allivan, a brothor In law of tho Sonatir afterwards assaulted and boat Sharp. Forrester tho supposed murderer of Mr. Nathans in Now York two years ago was nrrc3tod in Washington on Satur day last. Tho rewards ottered for this and other offences aggregate $10,000. Tho steamship American of tho Pa cific Mali Company's lino wfsdr troy ed by llro nt Yokohama on tho night of Augrst 21th. Tho crew woro saved. Hong Kong trcasrro to tho amount of $100,000 w; s lost. Tho vessol was built in 18G9, and va'ucd at $1,000,000. SouaDr Sumner has gono t Eeropu Bororo leaving however ho gave to tho chairman of thj Republican Committee of Mis-muliu-elt. an elabor ate written s,ie. j'i in lavor of Urojley for Prc:ident. Tho Dsmocratic and Ltboral Uupub. lican Conventions of Now York mot in Syracuse on Sept. Cth aud mado ajoint Stato ticket. Francis Kernan, Dom. was nominated for Govornorj Chauncoy M. Depow, Rep. for Llout. Governor; S. S. Cox Dom. for Cangnssraau-at largo- and Enos C. Brooks.Rop. for Prison In spector. Dr. Schoeppo who li?s been on a second trial on tho chargo of poisoning Miss Stelncoko of Baltimore wt's ac quitted on Friday last Ho has boon under scntenco of doath for thro years. Jcioph BroA'n, a boy cighteon yei-rs of ago, was convicted in Pottsvlllo on Friday last for tho murder of Danlol S. Kramer and wife an aged couplo living In Washington townshlp.Schuyl- kill Cj. This murder was a peculiarly brutal ono, tho old pejplo having bcon beaten to death with elub.s. A llro lu Erlo on Wednesday of last week dlstroycd tho Reid Houso mid block. Loss $270,000. Ai'eon tho Now York policeman who Wf.s caught In tho net of burglary has bcon sont ;nccd t) twenty years In tho Peuitonth'ry. roinptjntlco Indeed. Tho "Straight oufConvontlon which met nt Louisville on tho 1th of Sopteni bor was a rldlculou" failure having neltlior head tall nor body. ClmrU i O'Couor of New York was nominated for President but refused tho nomlna tlon; John Qulucy Adams wci choson for Vlej President but refused; James Lyons was named for President hut re fused, whereupon tho convention broko up without making any nomination. It 's raid Unit thu Board of Arbllra tlon nt Geneva will award dnmugcH to tho United Stat s amounting to uniito thing over $10,030,000. Olllcial returns of tho North Carolina election glvo Caldwell, Repuhlicaii,101G majority for Governor. At CJlumbhi, on Monday, n mnn mimeo uohecu was s.riicK on tho lioiul with a club In an affray with a circus employe, nnd fatally Injured, Ills as snllpnt hri not boon arrested. Tho trial of tho July rlolors nt WIN ll,impiiil eamo lonticud on Friday la t and thojury rondored u verdict nreon viclluu against twenty onu or the dC' fondants, Including Birmingham, Oroo vy, Whllton, and Blake, who woio chargod with being tho loaders. Jitilito Gnmblo will pass hoiiIoikm mi llinm to day. Now Advortiaoinontfj. OTIOE. 1 nuvico IN livtvvy ki vim, int.. It I I HUIIII iur I11U pnulon nl (lid m lloliliuiip, nomotlmo inlnco convict I nf liorsodlcnUii'i, lit Colnmliln cimnty, will be proiontMl t Jlhoduvornnr lor li's l;un. lure, ntllioonaoftwo woek -om lUo dito of thU iiollce. 01ll37'MW Mill. KATJiSJIKISIIIjINK. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KSTATB Or CLOTWOIITUV S. 1'IUIIKlt. UKC'll. Tim iiiiilorKlsiioit. aiiillLor nnnolnUul 1v tho OrnlmnV Conttor ('i)liimlilii enmity, lo illntr!ti uta llio mutts lit tho liamls iiTHylv iturj. I'iu't, niliDlnlitratornf Ulolvrorlliy H. I'Mslior, il ccni- il. niunnn ino iiarur uiiiuit'ii lu r cuivo tho Mimo, will nlli'iiil ti) llm initios or h's np iialulin?iit nt llio Bherlll'n miloo, hi ihoOouil Houso, nt Utooimlmns, on Momlny, .October II, A . II. 1K7'J. qL II) o'clock. A. M.. whfii nml wlirrn nil persons lnvlui!clalits on snlil rnud will pro sent tho Mime, or bo foiovcr dclnu.'cil ' 'oni coinli3 111 on said filllil. 6cptl3'7Mt. Auditor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. f. ESTATK OP WlM.tAMJ. HANSAH IlKO'l). l.oilnr nr ml 111 In Islrftt Ion ou Ihn r.ltitn at wiiiimii .T. Hininnli.latoor Mllllhl twn..(?olntiibln county doo'd., Iiavobooli Rrnnlod by Ihn nerds ter of said county, to J. II. Hotter, or MllU'utomi ship. UolnmblTC.i. All persons lmvliic claims or uemaiuls nijaliist the docodont nro request nl to luako them known, and thon Indeliled to maKe niiymcni. j. 11. ujviiii' scpiia n jv. iiiiunisirniur. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XX estate or icMZAnrrii iiAMrroN hko'ii. NolIcolH hereby given thatlotlois of Adm'its tratlon havo been Krulltwl by tho ltcalsterof WhUof t'olumbla county to thu undei'HlRiied up on tho estnto of Ullziboth llnmplnn, lato of Hour- lURcrocic iwp., lllSRlil county, now iicconseu, ju peisons Indebted to said esuto aro required to mako laymontnnd nil pors ins who have claims acal ns. said eslntoto mako thorn known to tho tindcislnneil. PKTBU l.UVAN. scptll'7-uw Auministraior, nr.ATcntk.''n IniirnT'.l (uramlicr WoO'l Piinii. Tnslcl h, Dti.nblo, Kfllclout nndChenp, Thob'stl'umpfor tho lor t money. Attention is especially lnut li match ley's I'alout lmprov 1 Ilrack ctnnil NewDiopCht ck Vnlvo, nblchcnu bo withdrawn with out icinovlun tho 1 until or disturbing tho Joints, .dun, tho Copper Chamber, which never rrf les or scales, nnd wl'l otttlr 't any other. For lo by 1) tiers eveiwhcro. voiid lor ' .togtto and 1'ilco LUd. CIIAS. U. llLATCllt.RY, M'i r. ."( mtmcrcoHt., l'hllada. l'a. S. H. Miller & Son, Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND General Merohaudiic, BLOOMSBURGi PA. NEW FALL. GOODS M. P. LUTZ'S This WEEK, QENEKALi ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Wiikiikik, by the laws of this Commouwcallli It Is luado the duty of the Hhorlirof ovory county to Klvo uotlco of tho amoral Klcctlon, by publl cation in one or nioru iiewsrapers lit tho coun ty, ut loiust twenty days belme llio election, nnd to OlllimcralO lllltrftlu Ihn nlltwr in lin I inid to deslunato tho plnco nt which tho election Is lo bo lielil, MM ..... . ..!.., Itlnll Ul.A.tlTl I llf'I UHII I', J, ...lllUi. fli'lllli, ..'H'. jiiv... of (A'liiiiibln eouiily, do hereby inalin ItiiiiHit nnd proclaim to the iiuallllsd (IccIom of ( oittmiun couiiiy, mat n Eciteuii r.icriiim yo I i.'d on TUI'MllAY, TIIH HKIllI'II UAY Ol' (lirrOIIKIl, IS72,(bclni;lliiisccondTiii'sd'iy Insibl liiuntli.) t.l tho several districts wlthlutho I'uilu- ''leaver tornslilp, rtt llio publlo homo utThm. lon'umYo'wiishtp, ntllio publlolioit'Otiflllrini Hess, In tlio town or llonton, IM lllooin,nl llio Couil Homo In lllnoms" liurir. West llloont.nt llio t'oiirl lloino, In Itlojins- '"ilmonsh llerwlcltnltlio storonf .lohu MoAn nil lit tboborotmh of Horwlck. novo iKli Conlrattn.nt tho pulillo liouso of II, A. Wolilonsatit. ... , , llrla. creel: township, nt tlio publlo sshool liouso near Uvnusvlllo. Cntawlssa Uiwnslilp, nt llio public h uiio of Hainuol Koslonbauder, In llio tuwn uf C.ita- WCcn'troto nslilp, nl tltoseliool liouso luur tiv fafiorUi (.'o,.yn!iam District ntlho hoIiohI ltnuso ivnr the eolltery of John AiidoM iu A (M. Bmil'i tvinyiifcham lllutrlel, nt loo liouso of Thomas Kll.jcr, lately Used by n voto nr Hid clllens of that township. , , l'lslilinier.'Olc lowushlp, lit llio school ltoiHd near 0. il, While. .. . I''ianltlln township, nl tho fjuwionco i.'hool ''urccnwooit townstilpi nllho hiuni ot jowplt ''llVmlocli township, nt llio ptiiiilo Iioiiho or Chili. II, Dletterlch in tho Inwit ol luck Horn. Jackson towualilp, nt llio liouso of itzeklel C'llosiist township, nl llio public liouso nl taut win Thiol, in Numodin. , . Mllllln township, nl Hit. public Iiojso of Anon lless, lu tho town of Mllllluvlllo, Mndlsm township, nt t It i publlo homo of Bum uellllmliy, lu Jersoylowu. Mt, l'luasant t'lwnslilp, nt Iho houso of Him unl lllmby, in Jewej lowil. Ml. I'll us Hit township, ul tho liouso ol H. W. MoulcT.. Montoin' liiwnshlp, nt llio I101110 or W'm. Hoi Slain '"township, nl llio public homo or Alirn ham K. Hhumnti. 1' nrlnccreek llm homo formerly occupied by (Joo. W. lirclsbich. . OrntiKo township, ut tho luibllo Initio of V m, UnntiKUt. . ... l'lno township, nl tho Centra Hchool liouso lately llxcd by a voto ol tho citizens or mild township. . , . . Hu.gnrlo.if loivn'.hlp, nt tho lumso or A linns Hcott township, ut tho public hmiio or Win. lVlllt In i:py. Al which tlmo nnd places tho fii.illHo.t elec tors will elect by ballot tho following Hlaln aud Comity olilcoi-H, vl. t Ono pcison for (Jovcriior, 0110 oci'sou for Ait. dltor llcncral, 0110 person lor JiiiIro ol (ho Hu premo Court, Throo porsous lorCoiiRrcssmeu-iit laruo. Iwcnty-clght persons for Members of Con stitutional Convention, aMarno, ono portion lor l'losldont Judgo, 0110 poison lor Conxr s ono Ferson for Hciuilor, 0110 porson for lleprcsonla Ivo, threo persons for Constitutional Conven tion, ono person ror l'rotlionolary, 0110 person for llculster nnd Kocordci', ono peihou lor Com missioner, ono porton for Auditor. Itls further directed t lint llio olection polls of Ihosovcritl dlstrlc'i shall bo opened between llio hours of blx nnd seven o'clock Intho rorcnoui, and shall contlnuo open without Interruption nnd ndjournnienl utilil sovotto'clock In thu eve 11I111? wncn llio polls hliall bo clod. Pursuant lo tho provisions conlalnod In tho "lllli secllouor llio net llrslnlotosald, llio JinUjos of the ntorcsald itlstilcls shntl respectively latto chaigo or tho cortnlcatcs orrolurn olilho elec tion or their lespectlvo dlstrlcK, nnd proluoo them nl 11 niecliiu' or ouo ludizo 1mm eneli ills- 1 1 let nl the Com t liouso, In llloomshum, oil tho third day nfter tho day of llio eleellon, oelns on Friday, tlio lltli day or Oelobor, isil', at 10 o ciock, 11. 111., ineu uuti inero 10 00 nun pcri.uui tho duties reouirrd bv law of said ludnci. Also, that wheren judge, by sickness or una voioauio iiccireni, is iiunuio loiiiieiuisucu iiiuui lngol Judges, then thoecrtltlcato or return shall bo taken ennrgo or by ono or tho Inspectors or clerks ol too election or tho iMslrlcl, who shall do and pel form tho duties required of said Judgo unable lo attend. luo return Judges of the Congressional Dis trict composed of tho counties ol Coluinblt, 11 rail fori!. Sullivan. Wvonin' and Montour shall meet nt llio Court liouso In TutiUli innock, wyomius co., otiTuesuay, uctouer 13111, is,., 10 mako out tho returns for mombors ot Congress from this District. Tho Heturn Judges of tho Bomtorlnl District coiiiioseo 01 loecouuiies niwoiumoiii, .Mouioiir( Hulltvnnnud I.vcorr 'nt shall meet ul tho Coun liouso nt Wllllamsport, LyeomliiR county., on Tuesday, tho 15tli day or October next, to mako out tho returns for Senator from this district. Tho Heturn Judges of the Judicial District composed of the counties or Columbia, Hnlllvnu, ami Wyoming snail meet nt. tuo uourt liouso in Tuukbnnriock. ouTuesdav tho IStli dav ot Octo ber next, to ninko nut tho returns lor Presi dent judgo or this district. Tho following Act of Asscmblv. reizulattn llieruodo of voting )a tho Commonwealth of l'euusylvaul.1, was oassdd March Pith, IMS, aud rcaus inus : SncrioK l. Do ll enacted bv the Senato and Ilonsoor Representatives ortbo Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lu General Assembly met, aud It Is hereby enacted by ttionuthorlty of thesamo that tlioaualiUed voters or tho several districts In tho several couutlos orthis commonwealth, nt all general, township, borough uud special elec tions, nro horeby hcieaftcr authorized and rc to voto by tlckots printed or written, or pin tly pi lnted nnd partly wrltton, severally clas-slitcdn-s lollows: Ouo ticket shall cmbraco tho niuaes ol an Judges ol courts voted lor, nud la- liolleu. ouisiue. "Jliuiciarv t" ouo ticket snail cmbraco tho n .taes or all tnoStato olllcers voted lor. nud lo bo labolicd ".stato :" ono ticket Minn cmbraco the unities of all county olllcers votod lor, Including thoollica or Senator, Member and Members ol Assembly, if voted lor uud mem bers or Congress, ir voted for, nnd bo labelled "Conntv 0110 ticket shall cmbraco tho names of all township olllcers voted lor nnd bo Libelled, 'iownsuip;"oiin ucuct, Minn ciuoraco mo names of nil borough olliccs voted for, and bo labelled itnriHiif 11 m:rrriov 2. That it shall bo tiio ilntv or llm Hhcrlirni tnohovcral couuttes or this ciminon wealth to lusert lu their election proclamations, iiereitiici ig&iieu mo urti. scciiuu oi tuts uci. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN. That uverv ucrsoii excenttna Justlcos ol llio lViica who shall hold aiiv ollleo or nonoiutinent of protit or trust under tho United States, or or lilts OUlie, I1I1U Cll.v ui uii'uituiuti;i, WJICUl- er n coinnilssioncti oiucer or otnerwiso, n kuuo.- dlnnlo olltcer orngouiwno is orsuau no employ ed under tho l.cgislntuioxeoultvo nr Judiciary IH'partnieui oi lius maiu, or 01 any eny or oiauy tncnrnoriitcd district, nud also, that everv 1110111- hni' nrcoiu'ressnnd ol thoSliito lieglsiatiire.nnd of tho selector common council ot uuyelly, or commissioners 01 uuy incorporaicu tiisirici, 14 uy lawincapaoiooi iiouuugor uxcicisinui. inusamu 1 11110 1 110 01 iicu or ui'iuiiiiiiivui.iii j uuf, juai uu. lor or Cleik or nny itefllou nt this Common' wpuitb. and that no liisneclor.Jiulo or other of. Ilccrot such eleellon bli ill bo tlUlblo to bo then vol 0.1 for. Tho Inspectors aud Judgo oi tltoetecllonsslialt lueetnt tlieir respective places appointed. lor holding thoclocllon lu llio district to which they lespectlvely belong, bororo seven o'clock In tho morulug, auu eacu 01 sain nispcciors snail up point ono clerk, who shall boa quallflcil voter nt kitplt illstrlct. In caso tho person whoshall receive tliosocond lilrrhokMiuiiiber of votes lor lnsDCctor shall not attend ou tho day of any cloctlou, thou tho por ton who snail uavo. received mo soeomi ntgnest .in... I r,r vnlna f." ImllfA nl llmilnvl iw.i...H it election shall act ns Inspector lu his plnco. And 111 caso 1110 person who sunn uavo icceiveutno iiiL'tmtt. number or votes lor iusncctor shall uot ntteud, tho porson elected Judgo shall appoint an Inspector lu Ills place and lu caso tho person OlCClCU Jliugu ftlliiu uutuuuiu, .uvii luu iiiiui;- tnr who leculved tlio lilgliest number or vot 1 shall appoint n Judgo lu his place or ir nuy v:i- cancy snail eouiiuuu iu .no uumu iui iuu biui'ju nf nun hour nfter tho titno flxod bv law for tlio openluj; of tho election, tho quallliod votors or llio LOWUSllip, A.liu, u. uiaiiii;!. lur WHICH Hllcu nincerH shall liavo boon cie cted. urescnt nt such clectlou shall elect ouo or tlielr miinbsr to llll such vacancy. "It shall bo tho dutv of the several assessors respectively 10 nueuii ul me piuco 01 iioiiiiug cviti'v ireueral. snocial or towusiiln eloction. 1I111-- ing llio wholo tlmo such election Is kept open, lor 1110 purpose 01 giving iiiioriu iiion to mo in Kni'lois mid ladiroi. whou called oil lu relation to tuo right ofuuy person asseso 1 by thoin lo voio nl siieti eioctiou, uuu un sucu oiuur iiiattors lu relation to tho iwsessuionl as tlio stl I luspoo lots or either of them slnli "'010 turn ro- (p.111'0. 'No nci son shall us iier.ulltod to volo .it an v olee. tloiiusulot'os.ildolhertliauu whltdlroeiiiiuorLuo ngo of twenty-onoye.usor moro, who sull hit vo resiitou 111 1110 rstaio 111 least 0.13 year, nuu 111 1110 election tusiriet wucre uo oners 10 voto toil u lys Immediately prccodlng susli clectlou, nu.1 wltli in two veard olid a Stato or couutv tas which ..hall have been as&ossed nt loast tou d lys bdfore 1110 eieenou, jiui. u citizen 01 inuuniioi mates who has previously been 11 fiuallilod vo ter of this Stato nud rotnrued and who biiaii navo 111 1110 eicciiotinisiriciauu pain taxes, ns uiorcs.iiu. simii uu eiiutiea 10 vote niter 10 siding In this Slnto six months. Provided, tual wuuu iieciueii, ciii.;us oi 1110 uuiiua ataios between tho ana of twontv-ouo nud tu'onti'.twn who liavo resided In tho olection district ten days as nioresant suati uo eiitiiica to vote .11. thoueh thoy shall not havo mid lax. No person shall bo permitted lo voto wmso name is uub uouiuiiiuii 111 mu iiai. 01 laxauto ill' habitants furnbihcd bv tho Coinmi&stoni.i'4. 1111 lcssKlrst, ho producos n receipt lor the payment Wlllllll iwo years ui 11 matuur couuty ia. llstoss cd utrroeablv to tho Constitution and edvo satu niclorv evidence cither ou his oath or nth mint Inn orthuoathovaillrinatloiiof other, than ho has paiu sueiiii tax, oronuiittroio proanco a receipt shall make oath to tlio luvmcut thereof. Knonnd 11 ho claim tlio right to voto by being nil elector between the ago ol twouty-ono nnd twcnly-two yi him, iiuniiiiii ui;i'U3uuu uaio ui uniiiiiuiiuu Hint ho lias resided In this Stato a t least ono voarunxi bcloro his application, uud mako such proof of residonco lu theillstrlctasls required by this uct, nud that ho does vorlly bellovo from tho nc. given him, that ho Is of ago a, 1, a ml sucli other ovldcuootis is rcrpilied by this act; wheititpoutho namo of tlio peisou thus nilmtt. ted to voto shall bo lnsorled lu tlio nlDliabetlcal list by llio lns-iectors, nud a unto made oppostto LllUrCVU II? V.lllllK IUU WU1U " IIIX, ' 11 UO SHUU UO admitted to voto by reason of havlua nald tax : or tho word "ago," if bostoil! hoadmltied to vole byreiiso.iorsuclingo which shall bo callod out to tho clerks, who shall mako tho llko notes ou llio list of votors kept by thein. Ill all Cases WllClu thn limnn nr llm ii,.ii.nli claiming to voto Is not fouudou the ll.tfurnlslied by tho eoiiitulssloucrs aud assessor, or Ills right to voto, whether found thereon or not, Is objected toby nny fpiallllcd citizen, It shall bo tho duty oftho lii.pcctorstooxiiiulno such person on oath us to his iiuallllcatlous. and If ho claims to linvo resided within tho Slnto for ono year or moro his uaui Buu.iua Miiiuciuui prom uieioor, bill snail juiiuuiiruuiuyuiicasv ouo COllll .'lent witness, who shall bo a riualtfleil eh-ctor. m.n. im inMrp.. Iilwl In tho district lormoro tliau t 11 days next Immediately piecedlugbt'ch elect!. 1, uud shall uiu 111111.1:11 sweur nisi. 111s uoua 11 to lesiueuce, 111 1'ursiiuucu ui 111s lawiui cauiug, is 111 sain uiv trlct, uud that ho did not icmovo Into said tils trlct for tho nurnoo of votluu therein. Kvcry person iiualilled as ulou-suld, and who shall inakodropioof, If required, of thu residence .1 .11 i.,y,ui.-uii tti lUAun 11 niiiiuiuin, niiuu uu uu milted to voto III Ilia tuwushlp, wurd or district 111 WU1C11 IIU BUU1I icmuu. 11 iiiivnersou shall I.rovout oruttomnt lo ore vent uuy olllcer of uuy election under this not from holding such election, or uso or threaten any violence 10 uuy sucu uiuccr, or suaii inter' motor linoroiiurlv Interfere Willi him In Ilia ex. ccullou of uis duljoor shall block upllio windows ornvenuoloanv wludow whero ihoBamomny bo holding, or suall riotously disturb tho peace at. Hiicu election, or suuu usu uuy lutimiuailtlg lliivaio, luivu ut tiuituv,, ivilll uuifu lu 1U1IU1 eneo undtilv or overawo anv elector, or to imi, vent liltu Horn votlug or lo restrain tho freedom or choice, such person, ou conviction, shall bo lined lu nny sum not exceeding llvo hundred dollars, nud lmprlsonod for nuy tlmo not less Hum tin 00 nor moro than twclvo monllis, uud if Il shnll bo shown to Court, wlicu the trial of sucli iiiruneo shall bo limt, thai lli pnwin no niTVmd lnc, was not u icsldaiil of llio oily, w.inl, illntrlct or t iwusiilii where llio olteliso wis 1 mimm-d, and not t liliiledtii Miio iiiorein, inrn on e uivi i lull lift Hll-lll bo NOIttOIIGOlt lO II IV II 1 ' ol not Iiion- e hi I tin 11 ono huu'lied nor iii'iie ' m "il doll ui s. nnd In Imnri io'i' 1 t 1 ..'i i. inonlhs nor more lli iti l ye u irnny person, notiiy liW'i'i ' 1 1, 11 ill .ran 1 itloMly votn nl nny eleellon n' 1 liis Cniiuioit WtoIiIi, nr liolnst olborwl'i" 'i ' 1 I si'111 voln 1111 01 1111 pr.ipri fii.iri''i,iii 1 1 . i . i nioin-in i ho U'llilL ol Mitch on illll 1 n. Il ill 'll 1 nr nr 1 otiro such porson to volo, im pi mm oilnii ilnn Muill on ciiuvli'tlon lu Hind III nny imm imi m coning .wo iiiiiiiiruii iioiinrs, nnti 00 iioprisoii'M ii nny term not excoi'dlin throo iiioullis. Ilnuv otiasli ill voto ul mora tli.iu nun ntr ltloti llstrlcL or utherwlso frtiudulnnllv nl.n morn thnti oiicnon llio s.ima day. or shall fraud it loiillv fold nud deliver to the Inspector two tlckoti lo Kolhor, with tliolntont Illegally lo volo, or who shall procuro another to do uo, ho or thoy or rindiiiit shall, ou oinvlcllon, bo llm .1 in nny sum not loss than llfiy uor moro than llvo liun- .iron iiouurs, nua 00 iniprisouoii inr 11 lerin 1101 ihs lll.lllinrco uorinoro man vweivu iiiouius. If anv noison not onnllllod to volo 111 this I 1 11 - nuuiwi'.iilii lutreonhly lolaw (oxoopt llio sms o.,) shall nppoarnt any placo or election for llio purposo ul ltuliioncliii! tlio eltl zousrpullilod lo vole, liosliaUoncoiivli'i 1 in for ri lltiiid pay nsuni not oxooojlug ono hninl'i'd dolt irs lor every siteli oirenoo nnd bo lnipi is jd oil lorn torui uot oxcoodlng .throo niotilli). Tim itnutyritv t vw. I nlso I'lvonlllclal lintUo lotho elo il)n ol Col iimiil.i county that by an net, entitle I An AcinirllierHtipplomental lo tlio not relative lo tho elections or tills Coiumoiiwoaltii," appro oil April I7lh, A, D, l'll. It i'l provided ni lol lows 1 iV.'c. a. Aller the asiossiiionu lnvo bJoiio im plo.odoii tho lonth ilvy pioeodlug tuo Heiou I run., lnv In (lcLohur of o lull voir, tho ns.issor shril.ou tlio Monday ImmodlatUy l'oltowlus. inaKonroiuruiJiuo ootiuiy commissioners 11 tho naniosor nil persons nnossod by I1I111 slnco inn return rciiulrod to bo mado bv hint bv tho sscoitd section of this act, noting opposltu o.velt unino tiioouiorvauous nun oxpiauatioin vequir. ed to bo noted as nroroald; nud tho county co n mlsslonoi's Bhall thcronpoii causo thosamato bo ndd"d to the ro.urn rcqulrod by tho necoiul sic I Ion ot tills nil, nnd n rull nnd correct copy thero. or to bo made, conlalnlui tho names of nil por. SOUS BO rC! Ill UUU 111 ICHUlOOb Ill.VJlt"! Ill Raill wnrd,borouIi, township or pi cclncl.aud ruin lib llio sumo togetlier with tho ncceisary elrjtlon lilnnlrq In Ihn Llllcersor thooloctloll lllfiolit w.'iril. lmmtiirh. Inniishlo or ureelnct. ou or lioforn kiv o'clock in IhoinornlUK or tho second TuosJay or ucioocr. una uu ui in nu.iii u j iie.iiiuii i 10 vote ntthoulecllon 011 that day whoso na.iw Is not on said list, unless ho shall mako proof of lil t llglll in iili , 11 ueiUlllill lui iciillirou, Bit. 1. On ihoMay ofthoelec 011 nnv n.i whoio namo la uot on tho Nald I'st.nud cluluiiuit tho right 10 votontsaideioctlon, shall producont least 0110 quallllcd voter ot tho district ns n wit ness lo thu residonco or llio claimant In llm ills, trlct lu which ho cliltns to bou voter for tho oerlodor nt lonst len davs uevi. iirniA.ilnfv ut.i election, which witness shall tuko nnd subscribe n wrltton, or partly willten nnd ptrtly nrlul.d iillKbivlt to tho lactstitcd hv him. ivlni.ii Vin.i . viLsuaiiiiciioucioaiiy wneiu tuo rosldouco lsor 1110 person so cunning 10 oa n voter nud Urn person so claiming the rlht to voto Hlnll nlso tuko uud sulworlbo n written or partly wrltt' U nml partly printed alii l.ivlt, ttatlug I tho IimI or his knowlodgo nn 1 belief, w.1010 and when lie noill. mill, uu is 11 citir.en 01 tlio Uonillloll we.tllliof t'ennsylv.inl.iand orilioUiiilod.slatiiS', that ho has resided 111 the ('.iiiuiinnwall 11 .mi. year, or If lornruily itelliz.m llioreln, nut lias ni'iNon mert'iioiii, m.11 ue ii'isrosiacd ninrolu ni nioulhs next precedln,! saldeloetiou; Hint hob is 11111. iiiov 1111 linn iuu limine nil llio puipislol voting Ihorcln : ho h is ml I iisialn nrmnn ly lix within two.vo.iiM, which was assessed at least icu uiys ociore K.11.1 election ; iin.i, irnivit tinill.ed clli.eii. shall nlso Ktito when, whnr.iniul by what court ho was 111tur.1llz.1d, uud shall also 1110 luco his ccrllllcilo or ltatlll'.llUltlnu l,n- n. iimluutloii; tlio nald nllll.ivll shall nls stato wucu nun wuero 1110 lav ciaimeil 10 bo p till by thn mil nit was nssosiod. 'anil wlinn. iplwir.. .tn.l to whomo paid, nnd llio tax receipt Ihorcfor Klmlt bo projuood for examination, unless llio alllant shall Htilo 011 his ullU.ivlt that It Inn booa lost destroyed, or tint ho never received nny, but if tho person so claiming tho right do voto shall takonndsiibscrlbnannlll.Iavll, that ho is nuative ooru cuizeu 01 1110 unltod SI'ltos (or 11 u ji 11 t'lsuivui'iu. nil ill ml 11 1, 1111 1 ill 1. 1 11 in j nil. davit, nnd Hit ill pro luco evldoneo tint ho his oeeu uniuniti.cii, or imi 110 is entitled ll c'lt zonshlo bv rcas'iu of Ills tathnr's iiatnr.ill-itlmi'l and sh ill lur tlier stato in hi. nil! i.iuii. iiniiinu ut tho tlmo of taking thoiillldtvll betwoon tin ages or tweiity-onoaudtwonty.twoyevrs ; lint ho has rosldod lu tlio Slato ouo year mid In tho election district Ion days next pre iodlug such election, ho shall booutltiedto volo.althougli ho shall not havo paid taxes j and llio sal 1 mil Uvlts or all persons making such claims, and tho mil davits or tho witnesses to their lesldeuco, ehill bo preserved by tho election board mi l nt thu close ;or tho election they shall bo enclosod with tho listor voters, tally list and othor papers ro nulrcil bv law to bo tiled bv Ihn I"." iuu I'luiuumiiiviY, uuu nuiiii rouiaill Oil 1110 therowllli lu tho protliouotary 's ollleo Bitbjocl to oxamiuatlou, ns other oloeilou papers nro; ir ornppllcauts possess nil tho legal rruallilcallous Of Voters. hO or thOV slllll be linrmlltnrl In v.iln inu uivuiiuu uuieuia Biliiii null iiiiil inn iii.tiiki.iul uuu iuu uiiiuu ul 111.111US nililll UU IIIUIUII IO lllOir list ot taxables by tlio clectlou olllcou, llio word "lax" being nildod wiioro tho claimant claims to volo ou tax, nnd tno word "ago" whoro ho claims, to vote on ago; tho simo words bolng add I by tho clerks lu e.iih cue rosnaotlvolv ni tin lut. 01 poisons voting itUnieholeetlou, fkt. 3. It shall bolawruiroranvoiiailllod cltl. zon of thedlslrlct, notwithstanding (ho uanioof the piopnscd voter Is coot iluu tou tho llstofros ident clulleiuj tho voto olMtoh por son, whoreapm Ihosiuiaprjof of tho right of stilliago ns Is 110.V reiiilio I by law shall lu pitb llcly 111 ido uu I aoto I on oy llio election luird nnd tho vuto a lmlllo.l of rejoeto.l, aejo.- Un; to tuo ovuieucu: every paiaon ci.uni'o u oj 11 u u iirnll.ii 1 citi.eii sh.tll boreuulro.1 to oi'o.luco his lialumllz.itlon cortlilcalo nt thu election boforo votlug, excepting whoro ho Ins beou for ten years, consecutively, a voter lu tho district lu whim ho oilers his voto; nud ou tlio votoorsucli person be ing r 'Oiveu, 11 snail uu mu uuiy ui iuu i-'i '11011 olllcers to wiito 01-stamp on such cettlllcalo tiio wofd "votod," with tho inontli nud yoir j an I h any cloctlou olllcerorolUcors shall roaeivous' oni voto on tlio same day, by virtuo or tiio samo cortlllcato oxceptlng wiioro sons aro cnlllicd lo voto by virtuo or tho natural!, ttlou 01 ilnir f thcrs, thoy and tho person wlio bliall otlor such second vole, upon so ollendlug shall boguilty of nlilgh mlsdciucauor, nud ou conviction ther it. bo lined or Imprisoned, or both, at tin discretion of the court; but tho lino slull not cxeool one hundred dollars In each case, nor tho Imprison ment ono year; tho like punishment shall bo lutllctod ou convlctloi, on tin otlUcrsorelectlou who shall neglect or retina to 111 iko, or cittso ti bo made, tlio Indorsement req ilred on aforesaid iialuralUillon coitltieito. See. n. II nny cloctlou oillcor sh ill refuse or neglect to require such prool of tlio right 01 .salt rago ns Is picserlbr I by tills law, or tho laws to which this Is a supplement, I rom any person or lorlng lo volo whoso namo is uot ou tho list or assosncd votors, or whoso right to vote Is chal lenged by any quallllod Voter prosonlf'.iud shall admit sucli poison lo voto without icqiilring such prool, every person so ollVndlu'S shall, up on eoavlctlon, bo guilty ol a high iiusilemoinor, aud shall bosouteucod, for overy such ouence, to ply 11 lino not oxccodlng 01 o hull Irod d.ilt.trs or to undergo an lmprisouiuo it 110 moro in tti ono year, or cither or both, nt llio discretion or the coutt. Kca, 7, Tho respective assessors ; luspsclors nnd JmUes of tho elections shall each Irivo tho power to ndiulnlslor oaths toany person cl.ilmiug tho right lo bo assessed or tho right or suili-.ige, or lu legird to any othor matter or thing requir ed to bo douo or Inquired Into by any ot said ol llcers uudor this ucti 111U nuv wilful falso swearing by nuy person in ri'l.iH 11 1 1 any mat tor or tlilug concerning w lU- i 1 nr so ill bo lawfully Intorrogito 1 by 11 ir 1 si I oillears shall bo mtnished ns perjury. 6'ce. lu. Tho assessors bh ill 1 ' 1 move llio simo compensation for llio "m u fssaiiiy spout lu perl'ormlng tho dtttle 1 tli.oiy enjoin, odns Is provided by la.v lor Hi p r'niuivvo or their othor duties to bo p lid by ill c unity e uu iiilssloner.s ns lu other cas is 1 an 1 1 . li .11 not bo lawful for nny assoss ir toasses. a ix .i,iliut any person whatever within un d i,-. 1 .xt pro. cuJlng tho elootlou to bj hell 01 1. , . ,'id TnesdayluOctobofluauy.voai', .r , 111 tt ,1 days next bjlorj nny olocttou 1 1. . , . , I'lesldoul and Viej.l'joslileut 1 .1 .'1 j. SUtos; any vl it I'lonoUhls p. ij-Isi . 1 . 1 i'l no a mis luniuiiioi'tind subject til nil '.irs si or. fending t aa lluo not cxcucdlug nuo liuti ir d dol lars, or to 'iuprl,juinant not cxcmjiu throo mouths, or lio"i, it. Ihodlsorcll'i't of the cour., .V c. 1 . ou fm p.'tm 111 01 llvo or miro cltl zons or tlio counly, stating uu lor 0 ith tint thoy verily hollo vo tiiitlr.uil will lu practiced at tin eleellon about lo bo hoi 1 111 .i iy district, It shall bo tin duty of tlneourt ofoiinuiin ideas ol sill county, II lu su.slon, or if not n juJto lhoreiillu ya'.itUu, touppiliit two Judicious, so ber nni Intelligent cltujus oftho oiuniy to act as ovcis-ers at silt eleetlo.i ; overseers sliail be 1 soleetei u'oindlileront pilltleil parties, whero tho uspi-'tois bolouito dliiV'tout pirtlos niul where both o( sali Inspectors bolonj to llio samo pulitl;;it iiiriy, ootii .,r t'10 ovorsoers shall bo taken frpaa tho opinslto political party ; said avor-.coM shall luvu the ilgln t bo proseut With tho oi ioors of 1110 elei'Uoii dining tho whole tlmo tho samo is hel 1, the voles counted and tho returns made out ail I sljuoibv tliuelootlon olll cers; to keep n list of vour, If they too pioper ti challoiigo nny nna 1 olllnug to voto, 11.11. In. lori'og.itohtiu nni nil witnesses tuulor aalh, la egard to his lijut ol Mniy-ye nt,sald elcotlor, 1 nLt.?,!xAm,".10,1".. VW" produood ; nud the olllceri of said olocti uro requlroi to aU'ord to said oversoersso elecu.l and nppohitol ovorv duties; ami It said olection o-llcorsslnll refuse to permit said overseers to bo orosoul, ri'id perlorm their ilutlos as itlors.iU., or It thoy shall bo driven away from tlio polls by vloleuco nndlutlnilda loti.ntl tho votes roilui nt sncli eicctl in dUtrlct 111a bo rejeclediy nny trlbu iialtrylngacoutestiiuderb.iiai.'lectioiri i'lmlii rif, That no person blgnlug tho patdl.m snail b j aiipointed au oversocr. ate. II. Any assessor, olection onlc 'lor persou np'ioliitod ns nil over.eer, who suit uegieei.or le.tiso to perform nny diilyoujoluel oy this net without roasonablo or legal ouisa. slrul ba sub Jecttoapeual y of ouo bun lied dilljis, nud If nny assessor shall assossnti'' pjrson as .1 voter who Is not quallllod, or shall refus 1 1 o a,se.s uuy ouo who Is quallllod, IiobIiiiII bo guilly oi a nils, demeauor lu oillce, nnd on conviction bo pun Ishul by lluo or Imprisonment, a id nls 1 bo sub Joet to aunctioii lor damages by llio party ag grieved j and If any porson shall tiaiidiilonlfy niter, or udd to, ilolaco or destroy uuy list ot vo tersmalo out as directed by tills net, or tear down or lomovo the samo from llio plo 10 whoio it has beou ilxod, with iiaudiiioiit or lulso'jlov. oils lutout, or lur uuy linpropor purpose, the person so ollendlng hhnll bo Biillly 01 n hlgli misdemeanor, nud on conviction Mull bo ptiu tshed by it lluo uot exceeding ouo huudrod dol lars, or Imprisonment uot oxcocdlng two years, or both, at tho discretion of tho conn. Ace 15. All oloctlous for city, Wind, borough, lowushlp nud elocllou olllcers shall heivaltor Tjo held on llio secotid Tuesday of October, subjoct to all provisions of tho lawsiogulatlug tho cloo liou oi such olllcers not Inconsistent with this net; tho norsous elected to such olllces nt that tlmo shad tako their places nt tlio expiration 01 tho terms of tho persons holding tho samo nt tlio tlmo of such election 1 but 110 ciccllina lor llio ollleo of assessor or assistant assessor sh 11 bo held, under this net, until the year 0110 Ihoitsind ohhl huudrod and sovcuty.two. Jn obcdlcueo to llio requirement (if John W, (Jeary, (lovornorof llio Coniinouwealthof Penn sylvania,! hereby publish thu Wllooulh .Amend men t of tho Constitution of llio Unltod states, tlio Act of Congress onlorcliig tlio same, nud llio Act of Assoi-ibly relative thereto! Tho Kin -nth AiuehdiuoiitorthoCoustllullou of tho Uultod States Is as follows 1 "Mectic-m 1. Thorlghtofclllzonsof tho Uiiitod States shall uot bo deulcil or abridged by tho United Statos, orbyatiy State, ounccouul of race color, or previous eondlllon uf sorvltudo." ".Section 2. Tho Cougress shall havo power lo cuforoo this nrtlclo by nppropilalo legislation." An Act lo ouloico tho right or citizens or the United stntcs to voto lutliosevcralHIatos of this Union ami tor other purposes! "Hkotiom 1, Jlc II mortal by Ihe AVnnfo and ltww 0 Jlepreitntalwcti 0 Ihn UMUtl tuntet 0 Ai.icrleuiilCnngrtnAKmwil, That nil cItUcus if Un Unltal HtitM, Who nre, or , nn Isoijunlliloilbr law tu vnin'ai V. ,, ' ho m iplo, in nny Stato T m 1 11 .r. , y.nlty, pnrlih, lownslilp, si h , ,, linlliy.or othor tcrrlloun , , 10 millllod ml I allowed p, vol a Ions, wllhoiitill tliii'tlnnoi 1 1 ,' ' 111a nl t....... 1 1 ...I .. ' Ww.oilsloni.iisaBj.or.r'o.iltiion , Territory, or by, or niuier lu nu . ', eotilrnrynotwIllnHnlliu." ' 1 . or iiiidcr thn niithiirlty orni ',, ...iT.-i.ri il..iu,i,i mu laws or aii '.r uuy net Is or shall I10 req' is 1. pi'croqulslloiir niuiliiciil'iii for vol ,, , such uonstltu ton or law, par inns 1" lut1"" or slin I 10 eliar-rod with tho re 'for . ilutlos in lurulsiiiui- lu eiilims 111 In perform such pruroqu's lo.orloV , ' Hied to vote, It shall bo 1 1 , ,'l lly"u'r ;' 'I ,. person nnd ollioor n giv to nil en . y 1 tnllol HtnUl.tho same an i i , ....."'Pf lo I'pirorm such proroqulslto, nn,i t , , "n r nu 10 to vo n svllli stil n.,n.V.,..,,.V ll 1. ' ... , niui.-nj, n. uo iueu,iireu uynn .., IS, 111 lllll liJSl. uuu huo 1 atim . J lllllSOl loo 11a Ihn nnnrl. linll .ii." ' ' i mil nl., .,. ;,.. .:.l."'V..V"""' 1 r , anil ty iifn nils Jnmoauor, and shin no 11 I i.iorooi, no imod not loss than llvo I , , ' , , 1 lur.;. or bo lmprlsonod not loss tin, r ' ''"i .111 1 not liinriUh iu ono year, or bAii 5 ' crellon of llio Court." , l",,lt ''Mo ,. n n,.,f!ML','ln"n,V:k;!!.".,.t. t0 "'..'CL rul. ' simbly ns provides tint only whifo r, 'A'' shall bociilttlol to volo or I 1 reti", rtll J" Ihii Mliiin io II..I...1.,. .. ..... , 1 .: : yeallll , ' Hat ii 1 iroomcn. V i ... it dl, , ' lo,,1 , ' s'i ill bo enrolled iu I ulstere' ' ., provision nf tn j isi seeil'iu of I n. not , i 1 sovotU,.unlh April iwi. entitle 1 0 .' " fililliursup;,toineiit 1 to Ihonet riiluinVii !ttslawiuotvy;alnrtl, ' 1 " CONSTlTUTIOeTA', CONVIINTtl J. At tho namo tlmo an 1 places, nUi nn ni, i will In held l.n delcK aa to liio c",vmP,t amond tho Coiistltuilonor thoHtate Incoi, .', Ity with tho Aci.entltlo I "An Act lo roj calllnju convonllon toitmoud IhoConsilh , apnrovo l Apri l 11, 1S72. As pro ..crib, i !l act, tho fo lowing rules nnd regain' Ion i , ply to said olccllon, nnd tho return tor i irtl. At tho goiionil eleellon h u . second lu October noxt, thoro elocled bvlhoqililllK leloHiirson mi ,, wealth. deloMtos lo n c in on'loiilt n., amotid the Constitution or this SI P , convention ahull 001. .1st or ouo lulu Ir i thlttv-lliroomoniiiors, tob rletei n,"ln " nor lollowlngi Tweiii.v-ot;lt niotuiior. in'.' shall bo eloclolln t'.irS'Ho at Iti'"..u, ,, 11 li'ichvotororthoSliii lnlvo'nii ,,.,' thai, fourtocu Candida: i, aud llio ly ,,, J!l highest lu volo shall bo doclared elO' ,n,. I iilnoilnlogatns shall In nppilntol loan I i, y." from tho dlirorHiit souai.irlal illitrl'Li . dlalo. throo dolojilos lo lio I'loctu I for " ntor thorerroni; und In o'ioosi,ia ,p , orates. o.tch voter li ill lioeuiuici ti vn ,'ot moro Hi m two of too nu ubers i '' rroin hlsitlslrlcl.aulthotor . caul i! J est ill Voto shall bo declare I el' ct a , ' the unity ol 'lie, r i. mmi n r third .Si'ii.iton tl D.sti'U'i , wli'i-. no w, voto tor m.11 .i i In i six c ul I dat i 'ilgln.l. lu Vol.. sh ill heel, "i. t t , , ' " l I'S or u'.lc, ,M lui'oe an I I'I'i , , riilileenlli Heniiloii il lPstric .',. , sha'l Voto for mrire than lorn- i . tho six hlshest. In votu slnu in (.,, .j i , uildlllonal dclcgiiles sh dl un dm n clly or Piilladelphli, by a vo.e ai ,lr , ,,, c ly, and in thoir ul' "ion u i vot -r hiive moro than thro) cuull t it i, an 1 thosK h i voto shall bo ih-nlaro I id. ' ft' Tno ,riM;.M an I Imp, n , etect'ondlslrlctshallprovl.lolwosuui , r.ireieh poll,ounhi w.iifli t j a. ,n o i , . volcd roe IMicgil3s at Urge, nui i lilcli lode, 1slt llio tlctots voto 1 . in Uolegalos; which luxi ssii.iil In I i i , , vively, "Delegates at ' r-" an 1 "li ' ) gilos:" nud lunuli dutrlot In til v ,, ulolplil.t aunililltlouit b ix shill lie n ivn each mil, lu which to d isII Mi i, for "Clly Delegates!" nnd said las. in Inxos must oic.i bo labollod "C ly 11 i. n JVid'iI. Tho Hnld cloctlou sh tlt In hel l u , , ditctel by llio proper e'eel lin olll' r. n elect Iiu districts or tin m and slnll bo govornol aad re ml vet m spools by tho otoetl iii 1 iws in i a inonwe.iltl, so r,ir ns llin sun ' sli m li ,, . bio thereto, uud not lucon slst 'iu wan i, visions ol said net, I'jurth. Tho tlokots to In vo'.o I rnr in n . largo ot thoi'oiiveullon slintl have on m ' the words "Djlegitos ut Urge, mil ui si lo llio n iiiicsot' tlucin ll III 'S Hi not exceeding lourtcon lu uutiiliei. Jt!t. l'ho tickets to ho vol t.l lor ilisi i n iv ber.s or tho convention shall h ivo on Ui i i thu words "District Dele -it h," uu I on . m. sldo tlio namo or names of tlio ovudlil i' v :i i for, not exceeding the propir iiumoai mu I aforesaid! but any t'ekot wtttch sn id cin una greater iiuiubor of u.i'nes Una tin tunin. i which tlio voter shall bj entitle I ti vole, mi in bo rejected ; an 1 In case or tho d 'teg u u chosen at iu P.iilile p in, i. . . "City Dilogilus," sit ill inoii i i ir l, ii ticket. A'irti. Iu tho city nl I'h 1 1 Ig ,uu i i , . . Judges slnll meet nt tin Sli'e Hits a o'cftick on thoTiiurs Uy not i ill ni ,u tlon, nud ma'io out llio roturns rirsi-l i n tho voles cist therein fir d .1 rii i n ia mt City and district dolog.i'ji, 1 1 i in n - n C'liiv-iiitloo; the rotur.i J 1 1 , r n eloctloiiiltsul'ts within o i ''i i 1 1' i s , ovcludlng IMIla lelphl.i, s,n . ni , in Ki ' next loilowing tho eleetlo.i, at llio iisii u i for tho mooting of tho return nl, . n 1 "mi county uud inalco out full iv.ui n i e , . for tho county, of tho votoi cis' n n oi moinbo.'s or tin convention nil i. a mombors ol tin samo; uud tuo pn ilm llio return jn Igosot tliostld city oi i'o i IMi nud ot tho several counties ol i n, i a n wealth, lu tho hi iking or thmr imi hi.. . tho samoits ihos . pressiilul lo' reuu t m , tlio easool ,m eleeitou lor U iei n n, s returns triusiulttol to til) S""i"i . Coiuiuotiwo ilth shilHn ad Ir. s l'i in , alouo iindii'iM tli i -Spj ikar m i i s o - n. I'. I Jll'f VS. 4e-'rct u-y ot 1 1 mi u m ro ruj t jni . i'ithj.n Wiimin is, A Joint II: i.ilii' n ! ip auiendmout 1 1 tho coustltu m i moiiwo.iltii, has luJii ttgreo 1 1 by i " e tho niembors elect I to oich llo i- . i tsl'itui' two suo'osslvo se .s whlcli is as fullows : 'joint m:soi,urioN i'itjp.s. -s A M U N' O H I'l NT T O T 1 1 1-. CUN'-Sru'i l''N I'KN'NSVI.VAN'IA. "7e li rctJlri'U by thvS'na1' .i ' ll rcscn! itlcca of the CmiiimwcaHh oi I'- i In dsneral Atneinbln met, Mu n nmondmout of tho Constltut lo i oi in inouwe.illli bo proposed to 111 i p i i. ad iptioit or rejection, piirstuiii Ii im v Ions of the lonth uitloio t'lerooi, i i . AMUN'UM'JNT. "Str.koout Ihoslxlh seetlou ol 'us clo ol tho Constitution, and Insuii in I n of, tlio billowing ,' 'A Stato Tic isin i u chosen by tho qitallf telecto. ol the s such tlmci nud ro-sueh term oi si'i'vu bo proserlb' I by law.' " Anii Wiikkuas, Itisprovllol lilt' lieloof tho Constitution that uuy urn . Im m so ngroci upon, slnll bo iiibmlltad plo lu suclin m".nuor and nt sueh lime, in -lhi o mouths ullor belug so ngniui lo o ( n llouse.s, nstho l.olslaturo sh ill preseiio. Ann WiiEituis, Ily nu net or tho (lenei.i i soinbly, ot til's Oominonwo 1th, iipprm I elovauth il iy or April, A, I), o lo tin isi.i 1 "' hundred and seventy-two, It Is provld I " lor llio pjciisoor nseerl'ilnli'i tho soun people of tills Coniiuouwo.ilth in rcgir.l i" adoption or rejection or s ltd iiiiioii'iiii u " Uovcrnor or tho Commonwealth sliul 1 writ or oloctlou, dlrojl'jd to each nu I ei Sherlll ol this Coiiimouwoalth, eoniiina ' u. tliom to give uotlco lu tho u.iul maimer, 'i ii' lees than two nowspapors lu'a city an I jj ly, (If so many nro punllsh' I t'luielu.iau I u e least two prhitol haiiibllls lu u.i"h etc iu.i i -trlct lu every elty nnd oo luty WMorulu u i u i' iviper Is publish' d, th U an etej lo.i wit ;i lu oicliof tho townshlpi, b in I ills, wn Is e cbio.U nnd districts tlioroin, ju tin soj i i I hi day or Oelo'ior, in llio yen' of our 1. thomiii l e'iht huudi'u I alt sev.i i.y-i v " tho nurp is.' of .luol lia-v a i 'i I n .io;i. i. i r.itllloitlou or lejeello i oi mo sit I aiiie.H n wlilch slid eleeilo l s.i i1! be o.uiijl, i I clo jo I uinu tlio day lisi atjrosi d, uf Un nnd within the luu s. .i' 'iilivuli.u w o geuoraloli lions or lu.s r nn n i iviuIm . r 'teltiboopiu ., h .1 1 au I c on .1." NowTliititKfO.:i.', In o1).' II mii'j t nil ' , monts of tlio toiilli arttelo ol llio I uisiuii and In ovnplliucj witli tlio truo uu u ine,iuln"or llm sil Vss ni I, JOHN W.dHVHV.Uoveruii'oiiliosudi monwe.ilthor l'oiiusylvauti, d Isjiio Mi U coniniiii liiijuu l roqiililng you Hie tf I V S5iiril,li"ud'.il' tliostld ojuuty tigh ' " Intho iisuil iiiiunor uud as by liw r. , . i that au el" 'Una wi.l lu hold aoeoi unit i tonus of tho OJiisiltatliu ml ihe i ivum the act of tlio lloaeral Asseuuly u ' ' oiohof tho tjwuslilm, lur nulls. ' olncts nud districts therein, otith s m ' ' i day oro it b jr. lu the yar oi our I. I " ' s.indoigit huudr t nui sevomy-tw , ' iitopojo of deciding upon tho appr nal nu i . ii'atlon or ivj 'ttou of tho sal ' unn oi a Tint for i i pur .osoof aseerul ilm ' '. of tho p !)' ot t' . in ; - ' tothoadoi' ' i'l or rejection of sali am nlm tho Uoverii oi tho Coiniiiouive.iliii sh "i ' " n Milt ol el Ion, directed to t:i 'i tm ' ' shorlil' oiiii. immoiiwoalth, ciiiiiim"1 t no u to give i. 'Mco lu tho usual iu inner, in tr is tli iu two ii .upipersliieieh eliynu.l ly, it s i in my ii-.i published therein, an I u loist two prl'ii I hi'idbllH lu e.teh eleellon trlct 1 1 c.i .- .pui oouuly where' i uo o nper' I, lint nu election will is " me.i'iof inoti ishlps, boron ".lis, clue's ildls'ii t, tueteln, on thosi.o'i I day ol lotobi,!', lu ihu ol' our t 'i'1 ""' .hoitsiod eight huulred uud wiveuiy-iwu " nllile .tlon or rejection ol tho said niiieiiilnn ' .I'lilchs.Ud elocllou shall bo opoiiuil, held u"' clos-.l, upon tho day last nforcs ild. nl tho p a nn I within llio hours at aud wlthlu which ' geuer.ll el' tlou or tills Coininouwciillh oil ' reeled lo bo o leued, hold and closed ; uud U bo tho duly o. tho Judgos, inspectors and citrus or eaoli or said townships, borough,', wind'. '"" eluci ' nud lUltrlcts, to looolvo nt tlio kald on Hon tickets clthor written or iirliitoi, or p u -wrltton nnu p.attly minted, from eaoli oi in nuallllid voters of this slato, who may .'' tho same, nud t deposit tliom lu it box or b to bo, lor tho purnoso, provldod by tho prop olllcers; whlci liekcta shnll bo labelled ou i" outside "amendiuout to tho constitution, i"" onihol'nido ".'or tho iiiuenlmciil"or "agi'a tho niuoiidmcut." Section i. Tliat tlio election of tho said pron cd auici' iuout shall, lu all respects bocoimitoi ed ri tho genem! elections of this CO")"'';"' wealtli nro now eonducteil : nnd it sliall be u duly of tho lotiirn Judges of Ihoios'iocllvo ci iu ttos mid district thereof, Ilrst having oareiiil nscerlalued tho iiumber of votes Blven lor "i ng.ilal sue'i iimoiiduiont, to mako out dupuc1 thereof, expressed lu woids nt h' . ' nndiiotluil'uresonlyi ouo or which rul a ins. so made, shall bo Iodod in tho prothonoiiiij ollleo of tho court of common pious or (In pi"l'; or county, uud tho othor no.iled and mi "ray to tho socro' .ry of tho (Joiumonwoall h.unil ; ouo of said Judges deposited lorlhw 1 1 h tlw most oouveuioii, post ollloo, upon which po aio Kimll bo 11.1 d ni the oxuouso or tho piopil -no piiiiu o oi iicciiiing upon mo ui'i'i""-- comity, Ulvon under my Iiand.ntruy onico. lull dooni burg this Oth day or September, lu f"' ': our Lord ono thousand eight hundred n ui , ej outy.two, nud In tlio nlnety-soventli year ol tuo Indepoudcuooor tho United Htiitos, AAliurs tiaiiiiii . Sherlll' or Columbia Conwy Iltoomiijiir, IM., fjcptoiubor 8, WTA oolor.orpiovlous conlltlon or sorvltui n aitvsuclinors'jiioroilloer shall roui "'if lugloiull lomvo lull (itroet toll h .'""n,. s'i ill, r.irovery such odutice, furisll aii 1 .''''' sniii orilvo liundrod dollars 1,1 u,., , ., " ' ' ,