a i ie tifohunlvum AND rlUlMrlfl-ll KVKIIY FKIDAY MOllNINtl ti uoMlMrtlAN ltttlMIIfttl I9BAUTUK , j! kthji'ih, iu.ootHiuir.a,rA., Jiv CHARLES B. BROOKWAY, KDITOtl ANB wioritiBton. 'ms-Two Dollars a Year p&yaUo In advance, JOB PRINTING H (tlitcscrlptlonii oxecnted with ncatncsH and 11 Itl'Wl m Bmr'iNiiiuis ......... "dolumbift Oountv Offiolnl Directory. w frn'.ril'lif-WlM.IAM llr.WKM.. . ( JlMtf--JnAM DI'UK, DMAO H. MoN- 'iYolhrmotarv,Ar.-ttVPpt.vu 11. Utmt.mi. ll ,i nr.l- Aviforeltr Wn.MAMBnuir.JAColiV. wjrrf .ioni,y-JAtcsiliitY':otr, Jit. Aii(r-AAi:iiN BM1T1I. ' T J. r-lHAACUl.WITT, (i l.l,l WlI.MAMLAMO.N-. ,.,, , I , , ,1, , J t MII'll ItOl.lllNs, ltlltAJt J, III, P' " V, II I.IAM KltArKFU. f , n ,'' CYer.'. -Wtl.MAM KllIOKllAUM, I, i'. .1. i'AHriir.i, Panim. I,kk. 1 . if it. iirfod-WM, JI. tovnri:. , i i , -.1 KiiA3n.it. Ploomsburg, nml Joiinhoii . .., i . i , Kenwood, CiiAiti.KBCoHNr.n.bccy. Lluomsburg Official Dirootory. Ju; u 'tro lltnlmr (K--.I01IK A. l'UKSTOK Pr 1,1, lit. 11. It, UHCtr, CllShler. "ZJl'nuf Jlank-ditMi. PAxroN.Prcn't , tk 'J((Tlj"v.i;I '".7"'.''''' f;f xlntlw 1'.. H. Lmi.K, Pros't., C. V,'. MIM.l.Il, L ' I (.! a Jl'ttUllni) anil ttlii7 Vtnl ytisoctd timi m. 1 iiAcwit, l'rcB't., J. ll.ltoiiisnN. Hie. lilt, im'-io Multml A'rt! locrtioi j. j. 1 iici it 1'icFlilcut, u. U. HAr.Ki.i:v, bec'y. Ohurcli Directory, rnr.snvTi nun tiiuncit. ( .n-Iti-v. Ptiinit MlltliP II; btiMulli btnicrt-il'M A. M.i ,JJ 1. M. hilluth ."t7irf.I-9 A. M. . i .ni'trfrf'fjiSr-Wnliicntiiy. ,!jV. M. Hcui luci no tcitUili fctmiiKim wcl cdino. . Bloomaburg Diroctory. llAl'i' H IIAOH Jnt rwclvcil nmt for unto M tlm 1 Cll.HJIllIAN utllcc. o lotiITn g7"ao. I .AVID l.'(7wKN7liata7McicliinlTiillor,.VHlu 1) t.,!iimo ArlcnnlioHhC. imUCJH, OIUWlTCALS,"&C. I, ! 7,11'IZ, Diiici'lsliUHlAiMitliecnry.Miilimt, liolnw tllCl I'ltal Olllco. 0L00K8, WATWIKS, AO. ,i k HAVAOK.ilonlcrln Clocltf, Wnlclics nml ((.Jiwclry.Mtiluol., Juotbolow llio Aint'ilcan I UU 0. .(Ti i.i isr.itMlAltl), WntchoiHltJlookinnkcr 1 1 in ,ii'Kiiitlisl rmiicr Mnlnnmt lionts n ( ATlIOAltT, Wntoli unit Clock fti.lcar,Mar , lirl ktivet, lii'low Mnln. uoo'ivsANjFsiroKS. M St. KNOItlt. Dealer In HooIk mid Winc. latest I'j mul luKt KtvlcK, eniner Hal" nmt MniKcl Midi", in tlioolit ro.sl Olllce. n'TsUY KMMM.MnmiliU'lmer anil dealer In iSiHdHiind HlineK, UiiicerleB.Ltc., .Main ttieet, l iltloniin.liui'r. I'JIOKKSHIONAI.. ilt. 11. O. IIOWKH, Hui'seiin Duiitlst, Mnln si., ) iilmvti tliu Co u It HnllKu. 1) ii vm. M. Itt'.UI'.lt. Hnrsieon and l'l .-in.,n. Dlllcu over tlm Klisl National llanli. CI (I, IIAItKI.KY, Attnrnoy-at-I.aw. 0!!lei-,2d U. Iliiiirln KxHiauKo Uloek, mart In "r.iclmiiKO Ifulul." 1 It. McKKI.VY.M. I).,HiitKi on im d l'lohlclnu j , mntlibldo Mnln bt below .Miuki t. 1 t'. 1UITTKK, M. 1). HurKeon nml riiysloliiu iJ , M:iiki:t street, above. .Main. It. IttiltlSON, Attoiney-at-Lau. OiUee Hart . man'H biilldlnir, Alain blrect. Dli. li, V. KINNI1Y, Hurgenn V. litis!. Teeth extiueled without iialn: .Main tt., marly mi- sllu i:ili.(iiial Uliuieli, l It. HVANP. M. I.. Hmceon ni.d l'liyslclnu, ,) smith Kldo Main htiect, below .Market. sit. A. l,.TlTltNi:n,l'liyslelan and Sm Keon.of ) llee over Klclm'M Dine btore, uhlddieo ouo door below llev. ll. J. Waller. MIJJjINEKY & FANOV (iOODS. n ri.TlIUMAN, Millinery and Fancy (Joods, 11. "l'l l.pualto Episcopal L'huicli.Maiu H, IKM I.IZZIT! 1SAI1KI.KY, Mllllnur, ltoinsey ill mi nihllni; Main Miccl, MISS .M. DIMlltlCKKON, Mllllueiy and Fancy (looils,.Mnln H., below Mnikct. MltH. JULIA A. & SAIlI-i 1IA11KMCY, Kadlcs' eloalcsnnd Uress 1'alleru.i, miiiiiist corner v.uoi and Vestbt5. rnlll Mlfssi:s HAItiMAN Mllllneiv and Fancy 1 Hoods, Main bt..belnw Aiueilcaullouso, HOTELS AND KAI.OONS. 1,'OHKH 1IOTKI,, by X. litnt. Taylor, can end I' ol .Maluitiett. MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. 1 C, MAItU, Dry Goods and Notions, tontU J. Mist ooinei Main nod lion bin. WOX . Wrilll, Confectionery mid llnkery, r wholcbalo and letall, Uxthango lllock. n(,.IIOVKlt, HatsnniiriipH, Hoots aiidtilioes, Main bt., abovo Couit lloubo. I II. ilAI'.K. Mammoth Grocery, rlno tiro ,1. rerkii, 1-1 lilt h, Kum, 1'iovlblon, c, Mnln nl ( eiilioHtreels. M'KKI.VY, NllAl, ft CO., dealers in Diy (Joods, tirocerles.Fliinr, Feed, Halt, Flt.h. Iron, Nails, cic.N. 11. cor. Main nud Markot btu. Q 11. MII,I,F.n A F(iN, dealers In Dry Goods, n. (liooerlis, (liieeiiswaii', Flour, fc?al(, Bboes, Nollous, CtC.MlllUBt. MISCELLANEOUS. (I M.CIiltlMTMAN, Huddle, Ti link A Harness li, iiialur, ulilvo'K llliick Main Htrtct. OW. noilIllNH,llriiordcaleri.econd door from ' iKiilliwost comer Main and Iron Mi). 1,1 ' TIlOIiNTON, Wall I'liprr.WliidowHliadefi ll nud ilslllii u. linpi il liloi l.. Main t, l'l W.CORKI.I., Fiiiiilluii- Itnonis, tlii(untoiy ll' 'irkk, M.iln Kin el, mi hi oi Mmkvt nl. lilWlINHTnCK.l'liotosinpliir.ovir Hobblun . I A Kytr's Btorc. .Main hi, I . Kl'HN, denli rlli Meat, Tnllow, I le., Clieiu. I iiiillii's alloy, learol American House. SMI I.I lACdllY, Maiblo and Ilrown Hlnne u orkb, 1'rjil lllooiiisbiui;, Berwick load, U'M. HA11II, dealer In furnllure.trnnUB, coder ' t. Illow ware, near tlio Forks Hotel. ,i It, HIDIjKMAN, Agent for Muiibon' Copper IVliibular Llsjlitnfncltod. 1 1 KosTKlt.Gluo Maker, and While and Fancy u. lanner.Bcottowu, MOTH llOOKH, and blank NOTKN.ivlth or with. 11 out exemption, for balo at tlio Cui.uauiAN Ulllco. Oatawissa, f'l,'VA?,f-M'-'cl""lt'1'l"lur,HcenuHt, l. Itllblllllb' llulllllliu. Oil. J. 1C. ItOllllINH. Hiiruoon nud l'liyMchm Second HI below Muln, JllIdlllltT & Kl, INK, dry Koods, Kroctrlcn.aud r 11. KIbTLr.H, "Caltawlbba ironse," North ' . Corner Mutu and Kccoud Htreots. I. Jfl'lI'KH. IHIlaid Hnlonn, Oysters, and Ico Ii. t'rcnin lu koaiou Mulnut. MM. nilOllHT, dealer In OcuoalMcrcUandlso . Dry Goods, Uiocorlta Ac. CJUSQUEKANNA or Uilck Hotel, S. Kostcn. h,1!"!' lf',l"'lil'",''OutU.castcomcrMaliiniid M. H. AllUOrr, Attoruoy at law, Main Bt. Light Stroot. H J', OMAN & Co., wucelwrleuts, first door .17t'o'tsA.;uW,oU'MRnur',clI,,'cr,,ni1 dcalor "' U- iUuTbVa?IHi.,,, tU0VC' RUd Tlu waro lu P'n.niS I':.T M1'1'innl dealer In all kinds ol SirHiiVt',i "u,",,,u " Kiuus oiurui Bapy. r.aiva' Jil' ri5VWj?lu"'1 J'1""""i H VOLUM15 VI. - - NO, 37. Buck Horn. M A O.W. H. HHOKMAKKH, dealers In dry Boodn, RrncelerlCH and RCiieral morchnndso Oraufovillo Diroctory, It.llRItniNO & HHOTIlKn.Cnrreutersniid . Uullders, Main ut., below l'luc, ItR'lv ltOTllI, and rofrcslinicnl Hnlonn, by itohr M'Iltnry cor.of Main and l'lncat. D K. O. A.MLOAItGKri.l'liyslclnnniulHurEeon Mnln st next door to Good'H Hotel, DAVID ItKIlltlNG, riournndUrl.itMlll,and Dealer lu grain, Mill fitreot. rAMl II. HAHM AN. Cabinet Maker vaud Uu l darUikcr. Main Ht., below l'luo, rjCJIUYI.EU A CO., Iron fonntcis.Mivchlnlsts O and Mauiifactiucifl of plows, Mill tit. ( tXMltKI,HHAni'I,raH,Mn!toroftliolInyhurl O Grain Uijadlo. Main tit. w II,l,IAMDKt.ON(J Hlioemnkorniiilmanufnc- Hirer of jirlck, Mill Bt., wesi or rino Philadelphia Diroctory. TAINWRIGHT & CO.7 WlIOLEHALt; 0110CKH3, N. E. Curlier Second and Arch Streets, I'lUl.AllKLMllA, Dealers In TKAB, WYltUl'S, COFFEE, bliGAlt, MOI.AUSlv't lllt'K, HI'lt'IH, 111 CAIlt! tODACAC. J-lmli'iH will iecilo prompt attention, may 10,07-tt. JJARVEY IJ. WALKER, , WITH ME AH, SOHROI'l' it CO., i m l'oiiri.iiM A ki joiini:n.s of CHINA, ULMSH AND UIJUKNYAili:, No. 103M)111HIXONDBT., rillLADI'.LI'HIA. b'Oi liiluul assorted a liiigoH of (ineeiiMvare conslanlly on hand. lubil'TJ-tf. EncincB Cards. E. II. LITTLE, ATCOIINUY AT LAW, Olltco Couit-Houco Alley, below tlio Col.t'M niAK Olllce, Itloonisbiiri: l'u. c 1 1!. UllOOIvAVAY, ATTOHN11Y AT I.AW, iiLOOMsnunn, r.. OfTirK Com I House Alley, lu tho Co t.umuian building. IJaul.W. rTlv. MILLER, ATTOHNEY AT I.AW, Olllcn ("nmt Honse Alley, below llin CouiM lUAN Olllce. ltountlcs, llnck-l'ny and l'ciislous collected. llloomsburi; l'u. Beii.t-M'tiT JOHN M;. CLARK, ATTOKNE1 AT LAW. OKFICi: nliovo Hnwerti Htoie, Jfaln street, llloonisburu, l'.i. 11' OIJERT F. CLARK, A'lTOllNKY AT LAW, OMen Mnln Hired below llio Court House, llloouibbuiu renn'n. FRANK ZARR ATTOltNLY AT LAW, 111.00-MBllUltO, l'A. Olllco with J, (). l'ui.7e,lliowcr's lllock, Cm be coUMtllid In Geimni) or English. nich'.'J'Til JyTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAUENUUCll, Main Street ono door abovo E. MondenhnH'a Htore. A inrgo assortment, of moves, Heaters ami Haunch constantly on hand, and for salo at the lowest rntcs, Tlnnlni; Inall lis branches carefully nttonded to, nud batlsfactlon (iiiarauteed. nil work oi nil sinus Wholesale nnu rcian. n. lal Is requested, Jaul'71 TgLOOMSRURG .11 A It J. C W It It S. MAIN flTnETT. UHLOW MAllKr.T, DLOOMBUUHO, l'A. .Monuments, Tombs, Headstones, Ac. Work neatly executed. Ordeis by mall will reeeivo special attention. N. 11. Work dellvucd Ireoot cliarL'i". T. L. UUN'ION, 1'iopneior, octM'Tl'tr, 1'. O. llox LV7, B ARGAINS UARGAINS. QUICK KAI.V-S A Nil HMAT.l. rr.OFITf). RAVK YUUll JIOJNliY. Goto HEN11Y YOST. East Ulnomsbun;, l'u., lor all kinds of tlio best home and city maito F U K N I T IJ It I" . I'llces rcasomiblu and tho b,i"' wirk done. Jan 1'71-U yULCAN WORKS, DANVILLE PA. WILLIAM II. LAW, Manufacturer of Wrought lion llrldges, Hollers, Gasholders, Fireproof lJiillilltigs, Wrought Iron lioollug, Koollug Frames, Flom lug and Doors, Farm Gates and fencing, nlso Wroughtlron pip ing, Htacks and nil kinds of Kniltli Work, AC. llenalrs promptly attended to. JN.ll. Dinwlngs and Intimates supplied. oi'tK'71-ly. JERNIIARD STOIINER Would lnfnim his friends nud tlio public that ho has taken possesblon ol THE OL3D STnSTXD, In llio Exchnngo ltlcdt, ho long occupied hyihhn and will cuiry tin Iho business or a FIRST. CLASS BAKERY, Ho brings tntho business an cxpoilcnconl many years anil nssiuca llio community Hint hn will 1 u i ul h ti tho bthlol bread, cakes, rolls, blscull, Ac, llisli every day. Ho pioposcs nlso in keep on hand a largo ami uiil assmtcd block of FINE CONFECTIONERY, orallgradcs. French caudles and Ihosoof do mestlo mauufacture.alwaystobohad, wliolesnlo unit lvlall at lowest rotes. Adjoining tlio linker) and Conleetioucry Is a woll tslabllslieil KESTAUHATIT, wiieroiiiny bo found Alo nml Lnger, nnd llo lieblimiiils, OyMtrslu season and tho various. 1 1 1 1 In delicacies which bulltlioiuililictasle, Theiu Is also a FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, Gvortlio coiilcctlonery slnrn, Mhero ladlcsnml gcnllcmcu can oblaln tho best of ico Cream In heiibou, A fulrbhaionr Ihopublio iltbloin Isic'iueslod anil imtialngwlll bo si and to insuio snllnlnc lion. npiU VU,'7.'-U EW DRUa STORE. CIIR1H. A. KliEIM Illivlni: puicluiKd llio busliKkH ol I), 1', l.ut. now olleiN at llio uiil hln jtd n I oh nuhhoiliiion of DUUGS, CIIKMIOALS, 1'ATIiNT M KUMJ1NIN, TOILCTAHTIL'I.Ut, FANUY KOA1H, JIUUHHCT.ilc., Ac. Anilngciui'til nbbutliiKiit ol tho choicest uoodi Ubiially louml In llrstcliissebliitilUlniicnts, l'hyilelniis' l'ifbcrlplloiis aud Kuiully ltechtii Clilelllllv Ct,mnuuniled. on HuuUajH, open from 80, iti to 10 a, m., and linn,'.,,. ,. j .. ... ' ' (1FIIMAN AND l'NGMFII B TOKEN,; fell U7a-lt sifti t WjJ If w Miscollanoonn. D E N T I 0 T R Y . II. C. 1IOWKU. DENTIUT. Kcsnectrnlly otrors his professional services to tho ladles nnd Bontlemeii of Illooninburgandvl, olulty, Helsprcpnredtontlend to all llio van. cms operations In tho lino of his profession, and is provided with tho latest Improvod I'orcki.aih nllver and rubber haso to look an voll astlio nat ikictii w i r m i lie liiNi'iii'ii mi iri'iu iiiiiLiiiu ural tcolh. Tcolli ortractcd by all tlio now and tooslapproved method,, and nil operations on llin toclli caiefnllynnd propcily nltended to. Hosldcnco nnd olllco n few doors above tho I'ourl HouVie.samis side. llloomsbiirK, Jaii.l'?! ly I' NSURASt'E A a V. N C Y . Wyoming :ai.M Wnii.. t.OUI.lXK! Orient Itnynlnt Liverpool.... Danville Mutual liprliiRucld ilcrmanla, N. Y International N.Y rnrmers' Dnnvlllu Lnnrnster City Home io,i!mh 5",0OI 57n,(io 600,000 1,(.W,7C1 )l),lll) EC0.5H) i'.OW.COl) I'HEAH IlltOWN, Aient, ti,,ai'7i 1. lnioMKnuuo i?ni 11 J N K LEY KN ITTING MACHINE Till. M.MM.IKi, CHfAI'EBT AND ltlHT IN I'MCI UAH I'.tIT ONE NEEDLE 1 A CHILD CAN HON IT! L'i s In ii i u .ijicliill fin the use of families, and mtliH Mho i!i, lie lol.nlt frr tho niatket. Will do cvci.v Ullc Ii of the kiillllug lu a Mocking, i Idiiniig and mniovrii.p as iiadllj aitl y hand. Ale splMidld li-i MniMitlh M,d l.uicy work, HTl'lCJll Are uy uisj In ini.mige, unit rnlt liable to lit nut of culir. I m i y Fnmlly should have one. Wo vmit nn Agent lncvcij Iikui tnlntioduco anil lell thtiii.lowliomwi'ollit II, e most liberal tiidiii cnmitH. Heml loi ourLIiiuliii and Batuplu Sliickliu'. Addi'esH. lUNKLEY l;:ilT'riNC, MA'. IiINF.LO.. nov. 10,'71-ly. ltmli, Ml. i j, it li, u ii. j'lii.i, i.i.. mi. j .' JJ C. 110 WER, bus iitfoiiMt a llrst-olass HOOT, BllOE, HAT CA1", AND FUlt b'iOltE. .it the. old Htnnilo.'i Mnlnlitroot.llloomsbnrg.nfew doors ubovo tho Court House Ills stock Ik com. posed of tho very latest and bost styles ovor oller cd to Iho citizens of Columbia County. Ho can aciimmodnto tho public with thofollotvlm(i;oods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy iloubto solod stoga boots, men's doublo and single tap solod kip boots, men's heay ritogn shoes of all kinds, men's Alio boots and shoes of nil grades, boy's double holed boots nud.slinci of nil kinds, men's glovo kid Ilnlnior.il shocs.uicn's, women's, boys'.i nud mlf sen' lnbllng gaiters, women's glovo kid Folli.h.very II ne,w, mien's morocco llnlruornlsand call shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait ers. In shmlbootsol all dcbrilptlons both peg gdl nndsewed. Ho would also call nlteutlou to his tliio assort- UU'llt of ATM, C'Al'.'t, FIJltB A Nil NOTIONH. which comprises nil tho now and piipulni vail eties at pilceswliich cm lint fall to suit all. Thcso goods itro ollered at lho lowest cash rates and win no gunranieou logivo saiisiacuou. a call Isniillclteitbeliiioiuircbaslng elsewhere as 11 Is bolloved that better baignlns nto to bo found than at any other placo In trie. Pfiiuly, Jau 1'71 rpiIK ORANGEVILLE MANUFAC- X TUltINO COMl'ANY. MANl'KAU'llflimi.S OK AGRIC ULT URAL IMIM iE M ENTH of tlio most Ajiproviil l'aKcriiH. I1 111 Keni'Iii, Jobbing, nml C':isiii;s of nil descriptions. DKALEI1S IN Genowil Mercliiiiiillsc, Lumber, ivi'.,ive. ORANOEVILLE, PA. Wo would nnnounco to tho public lu gcncial that we havo taken tho well known Agilcullur al Woiks or this placo ami bhallmnko It ournlm to mnnulacturo Mrst Clnss Agrlculiurnl Imple ini ills equal to any other makers lu tho Blule, suclins Thrcslilng jIaclilncN, Doth Lever and Tread l'ower, I'Iown ol" every Icsci IiitIoii, among wlilch will ho tlio cclobratcd KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by nll.tn bo tho best plow extant lor the farmer. Also tho Clininiiloii, .Sterns' Patent and The Montrose. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators, Iron Kettles, ami t,'astliif,'M of every description. Wo shall uso uono but tlio best materials and employ uono but competent and e xperienced mechanics and onr pilceswlll eoinpaio favorably with any other manutactur ers. Comilry Troduco, Lumber, Old lion, taken lu exchnngo. Woolsolinvon sloro lu eounectlon with our Agricultural Works, wlieio may bo louml a full assortment of MEUCIIANDISE which will be sold at small prollls. Glvo lis a call beforo purchasing elsewhero and wo guar antee sntistnctlon. march22'7J-ly. Hotelfj, npilE ESPY HOTEL. F.-tl'Y, COLUMIIIA COUNTY, PA. Tho imdeislsned would Inform tho travelling mhlicilrtt ho has taken llio abovo named eslab iHluiHiit and tlioriiui'lilv refitted tho sumo lor tbo peilicl.'eouveiilencoiif his guests. Ills larder will ho stocked with Iho best llio market allords. Tlio choicest lhiuors, wmcs aud cigars ulways to ut, iniiiiu in ins uiir. WILLI , m I'irri iT. Kspv. Pa. 7? ' J. THORNTON I 'J. wtnl.l oM,,mi,it,i,l,n ,.tl Iv.nu ,,r ltliifimhi. Inn gaud vicinity, tint ho hu Just ueelveda lull nud eomplelii assurlmeut ol IVALL PAl'Elt, WINDOW HIIAD1X, rixTiinin, roiitw, t.ihhkii, tuid nil other goods In Is lluo ol business, All mo uewesi una mnsi upiuiiviu paiierns oi um nay uio iiiwas in no lounu in iiisesiamisiiiiiciii, mur.3,'li'J-tf .Malum, below Maiknt. CHOICE FAMILY CiEOCERIES DOWN IN JAltiaE J, II. JVC A I Z H s, Come r Main and l.'eidro Kl., DI.OO.MHliUltG. A new stock of Fiesh Goods Just ripened at -MAliK'H. Teasj, C'ollucM, Sukhi'K, HYUUl'H nud MOLAHMEH. OIIEliSE, MEATH HALT. FIHII. clc. VEOETAIILliS, JIKltMin'ICALI.Y Bealtd IJIMKIS. .1 rlii,ir.r? mul i lu'jir.uvi'n, i ii.iinri, FOltWUN and DOMEHT1U FHU1TB. An Elogant Assortmont OF QUEBNSWARB f,t,clniilK, rtn linn.l. Also WOOD. WILLOW nud OLAhHWAKKoi every variety. All my goods aro of tho first Quality and at ex tiemeiy low prices. ..... ileci'71-tf J. II, MAIZE. FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, Ornamontnl Trcca mul Plmits, Choice Garilon and Fiold Soeds, &c. A splendid stock oftho tbolceit vnrlclles. Bond for Descriptive Catalogue aud Priced lilt. All Trees well paeke d so astocmry saldy to any pin t of llio United Blatcs. IIDW D.J.EVANH&CO., Aiir.f itntn aim NtnUmtn, atiK'Irtd YOllK.PA. BLOOMSBUIIG, PA., MtLDAY, SEPTEMBER DR. CAEPENTJ3H. 100 MULBERRY HTREICT, NEWAUIC, N, J, is now treating successfully, Consumption, Xtionclittls, nud nil diseases of llio Throat nud Lung,, Willi COMPOUND MEDICATED 1NHALATI0NM, CONCENTIIATEIl FOOD, AND COUGH HYltUP, Durlut? llio pnst ten years Dr. Carpeutor ha, tU'atcd and eiiiet l ion mi ls of casus of tho above mined diseases, and has now In Ills pos sess' in eo llllrntes of cures ir.im every parlof lho country. Tim liiluliitlon Is breathed dlicclly lido the l'ltnt' , soottilnis and healing over all lnll'lnod Mirinc s, entering Into tho blood, It ImpniH vltnlltv in It pormonles toovcry part of tho system The sensnMou 1, lint unple.is.itit nnd tho llrst Inlialatlonjeilttnglvcsvcry decid 1 relief, particularly when thorn U much dMllcnlty nfhroulhlug. Under tlio tnllucucn of myremc dies, tho cough soon grows easier, tlio night sweats conic, tho hecllo ilenh vnnlslies.and with improving illgosllou tho patient rnnldly gain, sliength, nnd henltli la iiguln within lit, grcsp, Tlio t'oiicfiilrnte.l l'eod lapldly builds up tho most debilitated patient, presenting to lho stomach food all lcdylo bo iitslnillatcd and mndo Into good, rich healthy blond. llio Cmigli Sjruji I, to bo taken at night to alio vlalo Hie cough nnd tiuihlo lho patient to obtain alcop. 1 uU tllrccHous ttccompuny cac'i box n remedies, which consist ut One Inlinlcri ()nt Itoltlon 1 tllcr.ltlto Inlinlnut i One llotllo ol Soolhlntr 1'iIirH'iue Inlinlmiti One Ilglllc ol'.tnll It.riiiorrliinili' Inlinlantt Ono ltolllo Coucenlrntei I'oodt One lloltlo o fongli S) riii. Price ol llo.v coiitnliiiiig remedies to lust ono month, jiu; i o months, Sin; threo liiortlis.fjj Bent to any iiildiess C. o. D. Pnmphlotseon tilnlug l.ngo lid o, pal 1 1 tit s cuu'd scut free. Letters ol liniul y must contain ono dollar to In sure answer. Address, A, IL CAllPENTEII, M.D., Newark, N. J, Dr. t'Aiii'F.Nnm'a (JAT'AUItll 11E.MUDY will ylvo Immediate relief, and will cih et ii pcrini ucnl euro In irom ono to ttuco nionlhs. l'rico of leiucdy lo last ouo month, ti; two month,, (Si threo nionlhs, 10. C.lM'IIi: in all lis forms successfully Healed. Send lor list ol nnllnnts cured, to A. II. CAItl'ENTEIt, M. D., Newark, N. J, Juljillyr THE BEST, C1IBAPESt7 AND MOST DURABLE PAINTS now in mo mo tbo Montour Slate Paints. They cover one-third moio surfaco. List longor nnd cost less than White Lead, tho placo of which tlioy aro very generally taking whero economy, durability and neatnoss mo desired, Hoar what our Practical Painters says: It give, mogicat pleasure to recommend your HJato Taints as supplying a need wo havolong felt, and nveicomluv: a gient dllllciilty, which has long been acknowledged by all practical Palntcis, namely tho oxidation of Whllo Load, by lho atmosphere, causing It to crumblo or chalk oil. I am satisileil they will paint nnc-thlul moio suifuconnd m a belter manner thannnj other pignicnt I havo over mod. ..... . GEO. C. GOULD. Kingston, Jniiofl. Ml. Wo eheei hilly concur In the nbovo oplnlim ex press! d by .Mr. Oeo.c. Oouiil. 11. H. YANNATTA, A. W. MONltOi:, 11. F. HICKS, l'.Iomislnirg, P.i. arsn ron rmt'i: list, anu mamw.i: caiid. DP.EIIF.lt, P.E.VY CO Hole Muiiufaetiueis, sopt, C, Tl-'Jm. Itiipcrt, Pa, A. H. FJLV3T01S0US & 00, 513 M.UtKKT f3TE.X3I3T, PAILADELl'HIA, Wo havo opened for tho FALL TltADH, the largest and best assorted sloek ol PHILADELPHIA CARPST8, Table, Blair and Floor Oil Cloths, window Shades nv.d Paper, Carpet Chain, colli ,n, Yam, Hat ling. Wndilliig, Twines, V.'lcks, Cine I:,, Looking utasses, Fancy llaskcUdlrnnms', ilasnels', Ihickets, iSiushcs, Chillies Wrlng cjs, Wooden and Willow Ware. IN TIIU UN1TLU STATKS. (Hirlai'lfO fncrcasn In IuiuImauu (inllnU ,.u sell at low prices, and lurulsli tho beslriuality ol Goods. sor.c AonNTrt ron the (JHIjEBBATKU AjIUIUOAN WAS1IKK. Pilco S3.5J THE MOST PEHFEOT AND KUCCIW8FUL WABIIEIt EVEU MADE. Ai.cnls wauled for tho Amcilcan Washer lu all xmiis in uio male. NEW YOniv. COIHs. AXH T.iVKiipnnr.. NEW AND FULL-POWEItKD KTEAMBHIiy. THE LAItGK.1T IN Till.! weilll.ll. OCEINIC. CELTIC. HEl'UllLKt, ATLANTIC, iialt'Io. Balling Irom New Yolk onSATUllDAYH.from Liverpool on THUKSDAYB, and Cork Harbor yvuiSllVXlU, HllJl'.."3 I 1C". 1,J VUlJf luiiwwum. From tho Whlto fttur Iioelc. Pa von in i,,,,, Jersey City, ' ' t'lisbunger nccommoiiniions (ror all clasRos) unrivalled, combining HAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFORT. nuiuous, biiue-rooms, smoi:ing-room and bath lOOlUS 111 mldshln seellntl. whnrr, trnntitinll.,, I.. fell. Surgeon, aud ttcwardessea accomnnnv llieso steamers. r Hates Saloon. SsOenld. Ktoei-n innnmii,. cy to London, Liverpuul. Glasgow Londonderry, and Bristol. Thos-o wishing to send for lrlenOs ii wiii uie uiu uminiry can now obtain stoern -o prepaid ccrtlllcnlcs, S currency. Mosi-urii-iB iHHmou iu nr nom nil parts of America, Paris, Hamburgh, Norway, Bwodeu, India, Australia, Chl.in. etc. ' Dratts irorn tl upwards, For lnsnpctltm nfiilfinu nml nllinr l,.fn..,r.tin.. apply ;nt the Company's OlUces, No. lilllroadway! Now York, ' ' J. II. HPAItKH. Agent, Or to W. PEACOCK', anlStf llloomsliiug, Pa. BAUGES Raw Bone Superior Fbospliate OF LIME, Blnudaid hlglily Improved and wairnnted. Price, $15,00 per 2,000 lb, Cash. 3-Now Woiks now lu oporullon.Mii S-Now Material used lu manufacturing. -bu 77ij yii-e if, left italttynl our ucrU on the Vlh if April, coiikiI only u tcmimmy ililuy. Wo w.iirnnt tho standard of our Haw llouo 1'lunplinto o ,o ill ii higher gmdo than betoro. No consl-mneiils will bomado uuder any cli eiyiislauces. It Is uotenlnluMocaiieontlnnolosellatour present leduccd price ukUiu to the cetfiuiirv in Haw Matci tah 4SWo lliaiil: our customers and lileuds geneinlly for their continued Undo and 111 ei eased ordcis. Wo can nlbo furnish our GROUND RAW BONE. WAliltANTEH PUItE, At $15,00 per 2,000 llw easb. Oidcrs lor fall liado aio icriuesled lo bo m In as early as possible, 1IAUOH &BONH, No. tOHoulh Dclawaio Ave., Philadelphia. July 1U-3I11 iVGENTSl CAMPAIGN HANI) P.OOIC wanted, J CITIZENS' MANUAL A comploto Political Compeud, for roieri 0 all hurtles. I.Ives of all thoPrusldnnls.nnd tho nrou. ent Presldenthil Candidates. Tho Cbiufiluffoii 0 u. u , ,,,, yi-iidi uttu'l iij iiut-jit'fi(iiicc 111" fiffcal Conventions, nml tlulr PliKfornis. Coni pUte Elecllon ltetiirns the last Census, nnd other Hlallstlcal Tablos, AC. 250 Maes: ) i:,ioravinat: l'rtcofl.25. Hook stilt attlffht 810 tat'M per (key tiuiimutit. i' in i-ireiimiH, iiimress DUFFIEL1) AbIiMEAD. Piihllsher, sept (I Iw 711 Buusom Bt., l'htladolphla, AG UNTS LO OK HERE ! S For tho NowBpIendldly Illustratod Edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE, llccauso it Is lho most fascinating nnd popular book In print. nud oxcels all la rcul elegance and tow prices. Just out. Vii pages, tinted rnpor, only e:'.5U easy moi Hi I. Is a Orent lilt, sells (1 ulck nud last. Terms of this nnd our now Do mestic lllblos, far tho most complete superbly il lustrated mid last-selling edition oxlunt, also, lho "Pocket Companion," worth tlO to uuy book ngeut, soutfieo. Wrllo ul once, staling where you saw this, lo HUllllAltl) llltos., npr,l.M-tr Pttblli,heis,73l Bausoin Bt., Phlla, OTATE FAIR. THE ANNUAL EXIIIMTION OF THE l'liNNSYLVANIA STATE AaitKJUL TUKAL SOCIETY Will bo held at EltlB, BKPTEMllElt, 17, 13, IV, nnd SO, W2. Cnmnctlllnn Is eo-extenstvo with tbo United Blatcs and tho Provinces, and tho clllzons of oilier states and lho Dominion nre cordially In vited tni'iimpelo for our prizes. No Eulty Fio Wehaigcd, Excursion llekels will bo Issued by nil tlio lullioudsaud block and articles carried at tho lownl rules. JACOll It. EUY, li. w. hkh.kh. It 'c.sec. Picslilent. IXhiupeii: MtCosui.v, Cor, Hcc. Poetical. Tins 1,1111311.150 ol' I lie njc. To flint soma universal tonino That all can understand Has long been wished by old and youti In almost overy laud, They novor seemed to havo eonlcsso I Whatwoudious power lies In that muto speech, by all posse nod, Tho hiiBtiage of tho Eyes. Why cannot peoplo bo content Willi Ihri dumb voli-oulono? Perhaps becAtlso It says what's moant, And all that's meant Is shown ; Ho still use. artificial spocch, Which hides and mystifies, For thnt which truth nnd nature leii"h Tho language, of tlio Eyes. How much the bettor nhonld wo b", If fewer thin tji wero said, If woidnspuu out loss easily In conversation's thread 7 iloiy many questions might wo spare, How many vain replies, Would wo but practice cverywhcio Tho language of tho Eyes. Hut ah t I fear loo oft wo fiel HI. tit up In hollow prldo; And what lho evo would sure levcal Tho world Intends lo hide. Wo cannot trust our eyes to spcnlr 'i llltli only iu them lies, And fnhehood never dares to sick Tliu language of tho Eyes. Wo aio not yet so good, alan 1 As that 0 all can say, Looklhiough llioso windows as thiough glass, Aud read our heart alway ; Wo yet must Minor speech to fill Tho world with sound nnd lies i But thcro will bo ouo into thins stl'l Tho language of lho Eyes. Miscellaneous. MAltltlL'D IN' A SX01V STOIiM. TltAN.SLAT.ED FUOM THE 11U.S3IAN ALEXANDER riTSlIIIIN. OP AbouLtho year 1811, memorable In Russian history, thoro lived upon his estnto of Nemaradorf, u rich laiulctl proprictor,Gnbillovllch by niuno, notetl for his tilTability ami lioapitnllty. His liou.se wan iihvnys open to bl.s friends and neiffhboiJ, who used to c.iiiKrefinto thoro overy ovcnltiK ! tho older ones to enjoy a pramo of c uda with tbo hot and bii wife Petrowna, the youiiRer ones in in tho liopo of whmitiK tho f.ivor of Mario, a beautiful girl of loventoon, lho only diuiKhtcr and holms of Ga brilovitch. Mario read Frcineh novels, which nat urallyrondorcd her very scntiinonlalanil romantic. Under thoro circumstances lovo was not long in comiii'. Tho ob ject of her affection was a Russian cadet, with stare oly a penny in his pocket, who resided in tho neighborhood, and was then at homo on lcavo of absence. Aa n matter of courso ho returned her Itive with efjurtl ardor. Mario's paronts J. id rdrkitlj' proiilbitod her from thln!: iiiK of Hiieh a union, and they treated tlio lovor, wherovor they met him, with jiwt us much friendliness as thoy would havo shown to an ox-collector of taxes. The amorous pair moantimo carried on a correspondence, and mot clandestine ly beneath the sbado of tho pino grove, or behind tlio old chapel. As will readily bo supposed, they hero vowed eternal lldellty to each other, complain ed of the severity of fate, and dovised beautiful plans for tho future After fioniotimo thoy naturally camo to think that, should their parents persist in op posing tlio union, it might in tho end bo consummated secrotly, and without their consent. Tho young gentleman was the first lo proposo this, and tho young lady soon saw tho expediency of It. The approach of winter put an ond to thcwoslolen interviews; but their let torsincrcpsed lu frequency and warmth. In each of them Vladimir Nikolovitcli conjured his beloved to leavo tlio paren tal roof, and consent to a clandestino mairiago. "Wo will disappear for a short whilo," ho wrote, "como back, and cast ourselves at tho foot of our pa rents, who touched by such constancy, will cxclnim, 'como to our arms, dear children 1' '' Mario was long irreso lute ; ut length it wrs agreed, how ever, that sho should not appear at sup per on a day appointed, but should ro Uro to her room undor lho pretext of indisposition. Her maid had been lot into tho secret. Botli woro to cstapo by n back door, iu front of which thoy would ilnd ti sleigh ready to convoy Ihcnt a dlstanco of fivo worsts to tho chap"! of Jitdrliio, wlicro Vladimir and tho priest would await tlicin. Having nv.ide her preparations, and written a long apologetlcal letter lo her parents, Mario reliied betimes to her room. Sho had been complaining all day of a houdnche, and this was cer tainly no mere pretext, for tho nervous oxelti nieiil hud iu truth indisposed hor. Her father and mother mused her ten derly, asking her again nnd again : "How do you feel now, Maiio'.' Aro you no better?" Tills loving snlltudo cut the girl to tbo heart, and wllh'.tho approach ofovening her excitement In creased. At mipporsho alo nothing, but roso betimes and bid her parents good- night. Tho latter kisod and blossed her, as was their wont, whllo Maiio could scarcely suppress her sobs. HaV' lug reached her room, sho throw her self Into n chair and wopt aloud. Hor maid finally succeded iu comforting and cheering her up. Later lu tho evening a snow storm arose. Tlio wind howled about tlio house, causing tho windows to rattle. Tho Inmates had hardly gono to rest when tho young girl, wrapping horsolf in hor clothes and furs, and followod by tho sorvant with a portmanteau, loft tho parental roof. A slolgii, drawn by four horses, received thorn, and away thoy went at a furious speod. Vladimir had nlso boon active throughout tlio day. In tho morning ho hud called upon tho minister at Jad rino to arrange for tho coromony, and thou ho wont to look up tho required witnesses, Tho first acquaintance to whom ho applied was an officer on half pay, who expressed himself qulto roady to servo him. Such an adventure, ho said carriod him back to tlio days of his own youth. Ho dotormlnod YJadl nilr to remain with him, taking up on 11li elf M i i 'tliio tho other two witnesses, Thero accordingly appeared at dinner surveyor Bmldt with his spurs and moustache, and Ispravnlk'u son, n 13, 1872. CIOL. lad of seventeen, who bad but Just oip enlisted with tho Uhlans. Roth pronv teed Vladimir their assistance, nnd nf tor a cordial embrace tho happy lover parted from his throo friends to com plete his preparations nl homo. Having dispatched n trusty servant with a sleigh for Mnrrlc, ho got Into n oiio-liorso sleigh himself, nud look tho road leading to Jndrlno. Bcarcoly had hosotoir, when tho storm burst fortli with violence, and soon every trace of tho way was gono. Tlio entlro horizon was eovored with thick, yellow clouds, discharging not Hakes, but masses of hiiow, till at last it bceamo impossllilo to distinguish botweon earth and sky. In Vniu Vladimir boat about for tho way; his horso wont on at random, now leap ing over banks of biiow, now striking into ditches, and threatening overy moment to overturn lho sleigh. Tlio insupportable thought of having lost tho road had beeotno a certainty. Tlio forest of Jodrlno was nowhero to bo dis covered, and nftcr two hours lho jaded animal seemed ready to drop to tho ground. At length n kind of dark lino became visiblo in tlio distance. Vladi mir urged ills horso forward and reach ed tho edgo of n forest. Ho now hop ed to rcacli his destination soon, as it was easier to pursue his way in thof or est, into which tho snow had not yet penetrated. Vladimir took ircsh cour age ; however thcro wero no signs of Jadrino. By degrees lho storm abated, and tho moon sliono brightly. Ho fi lially reached tho opposlto sldo of tho forest. Still no Jadrino ; but a group of four or fivo houses mot his viow. His knock at tho door of the nearest wes answered by an old man. "What do you want?" ho Bind. "Whero lies Jadrino ?" asked Vladi mir. "About ten worsts distant." At this reply Vladimir felt us if his sontenco of death were being pronottne cd to him. "Can you procure mo n horse lo Inko mo thither?" hensked. "Wo havo no horso." "Oral least a guide. 1 will pay any price." "Very well. My con can accompany the gentleman. " Aflor a Iilllo whllo, which seemed nn eternity to Vladimir, n young follow mado his appearance, holding a thick stair in liis hand, and they look their way across llio snow-covored plain. "What o'clock is it V" asked Vladi mir. "It Is already past midnight." And iu very truth tho sun begun to gild tlio east, when thoy finally arrived at Jadrino. Tlio church door was lock ed. Vladimir paid nnd dismissed his guide, and then instantly hastened to tlio minister's dwelling. What bo thoro learned will appear from the sequel. At Nemaradorf tho night hail passod quietly. In tho morning tlio muster of tho houso and his wife aroso as usual, and proceeded to tho dining room. Gabriel Gabrilovitch in Ills woolen Jacket and night cap. Petrowna in hor morning gown. After they had break fasted, Gabriel sent up ono of tlio girls to inquiro how Mnrlo was. Sho return ed with tho inossngo that hor youncr mistress had had a slcopless night, but that sho was feeling hotter now, and would como down presently. Mario soon after ontered tho room, looking oxeccdingly pale, yet without tho least percepllblo agitation. "How do you fool this morning, lovo?" inquired hor father. "Bettor," was tho onswer. Tho day passed by as usual, but in stead oftho looked for improvement, a serious clinugo for tbo worso took placo n Mario's condition. Tho family phy sician was summoned from tho nearest town, who found her in a stalo of most violent rover. For fourteen days sho ay at tho point of death. Nothing transpired of tho nocturnal lllght ; for tho maid took good caro to keep silouco on her own account, and tho others who know of it novor betray ed themselves witli a syllable, even when under tho iniluenci' of brandy, so greatly did thoy dtoad Gabriel's anger. Marie, liowover, spoke so incessantly of Vladimir when delirious, that her mother could not remain Iu doubt as lo the cati.so of her illness. Having odvis cd wilh a few frionds, her parents re solved to lot Mario marry tbo young suiuior, seeing tnat ouo can not escape oue't falo, nnd besides, that riches tlo not always lead to happiness. The patlont recovered. During her illness Vladimir had not once showed bis fiiee In tho houso, and it was rcsolv ed lo apiniso him of his unexpected good fnrluiip. But to tho astonishment oftho proud proprietor of Noniaradorf, lho euliit declared that ho should never again ITH..3 tho threshold of his hoiiso, bogging them at tho stimo trriio to fur get utterly so wretched a creaturo ns ho, to whom death alono would give ro poso. A fowdnys afterwards thoy loarnod that Vladimir had rolurned to tho nr my. It was in tho year 1812. No ono uttered his name in Mario's presence, nnd sho herself novor mndo mention of him In uny way. Two or threo months had elapsed, when ono day sho found his unmo among tho list of officers who had distinguished themselves at lho baltlo of Borodino, and had boon mor tally wounded. Sho fainted nwnynnd had a rolapso, from which sho recover' cd but slowly. Not long nftor hor fathor diod, bo queathing his wholo proporty to her. But riches woro not ablo lo comfort hor sho wopt with her inothor and promis oil novor to leavo hor. Thoy sold No mar.dorf,nnd removed to nnothcr estate Suitors thronged around tho wealthy nnd amlablo heiress ; but nono of them rocolvod tho slightest encouragement from hor. Ofton did her mother proas hor to chooso a husband sho would merely nhako hor bond lu sllonco, Via dlinlr was no moro j ho died at Moscow tho ovonlng beforo tho ontrauco of tho French. Mario seemed to hold his memory sacred. Sho carefully prosorv cd tho books thoy had road together, his sketches, the letters ho had writton lo her iu brlof, overythlng that could servo to keep allvo tho roinembrAiico of tho ill-fated youth. ;. . 1 . DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 30. About this time lho war, fraught wilh such glory lo tho allies, of whom Rus sia was also ono, camo lo nn end. Tho victorious regiments returned homo, nnd largo crowds of peoplo Hocked to gether lo greet them. Officers who had gono forward as bcardloss youths, came back with tho gravo faces of warriors, their gallant breasts covered with badg es. A Heutonant of hussars, Wurmln by name, with nn Interestingly palo fnco, and decorated with tho cross or St. aeorgo,havlng obtained leavo of nbsonco ror several months took up his rosldonco upon his eslato, which ndjoluod Mario's prosont nbodo. Tlio young girl receiv ed him with far moro favor than sho had hitherto shown to any of her suit- ors. Thoy rosomblcu each other in ma ny respects; both were handsome, In telligent, taciturn and reserved. Thoro was something myslorlous nbout Wur mln, which roused tho curiosity aud in terest of Mario. His affection for her was soon untnlstakeablo ; ho showed hor overy coucelvablo nttontion ; but why does lie novor speak of lovo, though his dark ardent eyes would rest upon lier's hair dreamily, half with nn expression thateemcd to nnnounco an early and positlvo declaration? Already lho neighbors, spoko of their marrlngo ns a settled matter, and mother Petrowna was moro than happy ut llio thought of hor daughter's finding a worthy hus band at last. One morning when the latter was sit ting in tlio parlor, Wurmln entered and asked for Marie. "Sho is in tho garden," answered her mother. "You will llnd my daughter thero, if you would liko loseo her." Tlio young officer hastily walked out into lho garden. Petrowna crossed herself, murmuring: "God be praised! To-day, I trust his visit will have some result." Wiirniin found hi.4 beloved, clad in while, sitting under a treo by tho sldo of a pond, a book upon her lap, liko ft heroine of romance. Tbo usual saluta tions over, Wiirmlii, who was slrnngo ly ngilatcd, told her bow ho had long yearned to ' pour out his heart bcroro her, nnd bogged that she would listen to hlnin fow raomonts. Sho closed her book, and nodded In token or assent. "I lovo you," said Wurmln, "I lovo you passionately." Mario cast down nor eyes. "I havo been imprudent enough to see you, lo hear you dally. It Is now too Into to escape my fata Tho thought of your lovely face, of your swcot voico, will hcncerorlli constitute lho joy and tho anguish of my existence. But I havo a duty lo perform towards you ; I must reveal to you n secret which bos placed an Insurmountable barrier bo tweon us." "That barrier," murmured Mario, existed nl ways I could never havo be come yours." 'I know," replied Wurmln. In a sup pressed voice, "that you havo loved be fore; but death threo long years of mourning dearest Mario, do not de prive mo of my last comfort, of tho blh3ful thought that you might become mine, ir-" "Cease, 1 conjuro you ! You rend my heart !" ' 'Yes, you will grant mo tho comfort of knowing thnt you would havo bo- eomo mine; but, most wretched of men thnt I am I am already married 1" Mario gazed up at lilm with a look or istonihlimcut. "Yes, married Tor four years," contin ued lho lloutcnant, "and I do not know ollher who my wifo is, where she is, or whether I shall ever meet hor." "Explaiu yourscir moro clearly," said the girl. "I lovo you Mario, and will confldoin on. You shall know all, nnd you will not judgo too Kovcrely nn act of youth ful levlly. It was in tlio year 1812. I happened to bo on ray way to Wilna, witli tho intention of joining my regi ment. Lato in lho evening I reached a station, and had already ordcrod that horses should bo put to again, when a fierce snow storm suddenly arose. My landlord and my postilion urgont ly ndvhod mo to postpone my depar ture, but I wes determined to go in spito of the rough weather. Tlio pos tilion had got It into his head that, by crossing n small river, tlio banks of which wore perfectly well known lo him, lie should find u shorter routo. Ho missed tho right crossing, liowover, nnd ot into a region lo which ho was an en tire fitranger. Tho storm continued to rago ; at length wo descried a light nt a distance. Vo mado for it, nnd slopped boforo n church, from llio briglily illu minated windows of which tho light shone. The door was opou, threo sleighs wero In front of It, and I saw so- vcral persons in tlio vo3tibulo. Ono of them called to mo: 'This wayl this wnyl' I got out nnd walked toward tho vtstlbulo. Tho person who had called advanced toward mo, "QretU heavens 1" ho said, 'how lato you como! your Intended has ralnlod, and wo wero on tho very point of drlV' lug homo again." "llair-bowlldered nnd hnir-ama.od, I resolved to lot tho adventure lako its course. Ami, Indeed, I hud ilttlo timo for rellcctioii. My rrionds lugged mo into tho Interior of tbo church, which was poorly lighted by two or threo lamps. A fomalo was sitting upon a bench lu tho shadow, whim another stood beside hor nnd chafed her tern pios. "At last!" crlod tho hittor. 'God bo praised that you havo como I My poor mistress liko to havo died," "An aged priest emerged from bo hind tho nllttr, aud asked "can wo bo gin?" "Begin, rovcrend lather 1" 1 eiicd uu advisedly. "Thoy assisted tho half unconscious girl to rise ; sho nppcared to bo very pretty. Iu a fit of unpardonnblo, nud now qulto incomprehensible, lovity, I roadlly stopped with hor to tho altar Hor maid aud tho threo gontlomon pro sent woro eo much busied with hor as scarcely to throw a look tit mo. Bo sides, lho light lu this part of tho church was dim, and my head was mutllcd in tho muff of my clonk, HATES OF ADVERTISING. Olio Intli, (twelve linn, or IU equivalent In fTimpirtll lypsjonuor twoliuiitlous,ll. three Insertions, I2.cn BPAUH. Itt. 2M, 3M, rtnn inch : I2W IV" tMi jii.iu im.no . .. a iji f.m 7 ml Clin lr,l Three Inches"'.".;..!! ! 7,ui , la.uo l1"1 Four inches . ,ZZ 7 (i t II ' "," 2'" Ilnlf column.. I1.i l,w u mi.oi iw.ni Ono colmmV. . " . s.o 'MW ".'" lou.w t?...iint nr Administrator's Notion, 11,0 Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, IW local notices, twenty cent n line. rtnv.la In 11. a Tttiulnntta tltrtnrff" mllimn. t2,W pnr your for thn Hrnt Uvn lined, nnd Jl,t) for cncli mliUtloual lino. "In n fow mlnutts tho nuptial ceremo ny was over, nnd lho priest, according to custom, desired thonnwly married couplo to ombracu. "My young wife turned her pnlo chnrmlng little face towards mo, and wa3 about lo rost her head upon my shoulder with a swcot smllo when, suddenly, sho starod nt mo as ir turned into stono, lottored, and with tho cry or 'Ills not ho!' roll to tho floor. "All tho furies ot boll lashed mo out oftho church. Beforo any ono could think of staying mo I hud Jumped Into my slolgh, soi."d tho reins, aud w.u soon boyond tlio reach of pursuit." Tho lieutenant was silent. Mario, nl so, gawjd in sllonco to tho ground. "And havo you never discovered what becamo of lho poor girl ?" sho fin ally asked. "Novor. I know neither thonnmo oftho villngo whero I was married, nor do I recollect tho Btation whore I stop cd. At tho time my culpably frivolous prank seemed lo mo a matter of so Ilttlo moment that as soon as thcro was no longer any pursuit to fear I wont lo sleep in lho sb'lgli and I did not wako till wo arrlvi d ,it another statiou. Tho f-crvant whom 1 had with mo was kill ed in battlo; nil my efforts to find out lho postilion wbei drovo us proved un availing; and so every duo seems In deed lost by which I might again find thoseenoof thill fully, for which I havo now to suffer so heavily." Mario turned her pnlo laco toward him and took both his hands. Tho lieuto nant ganod thunder struck into hor oyes; a turn rorououing nwouo in ins breast, a voll suddenly dropped from his oyca. "Mario I God or Heaven, how can I havo boon so blind I Marie, was it in deed you " "I am your wlfcl" was tho only an swer or tho girl, who sank fainting into his arms. A Conundrum Answeued. Ono or our citizens is blessed or othcrwlso with a very stubborn wife. In his caso ho finds that when a woman will, slio will, you may dopond on't and when sho won't, sho won't, and that's tho out! on't. This peculiarily ordlspo- sltlon In his Wifo is no secret among his associates, and ono thorn meoting him tho othor day asked : "W , do you know why you aro liko a donkoy ?" "Liko a donkey!" echoed W , opening his eyes wide. "No, I don't." "Do you givo it up?" "I do," "Becauso your bettor halfts stubborn ness Itsolf." "That is not bad. Ha I ha I I'll glvo that to my wifo whon I get homo." "Mrs. W ," ho asked, as ho sat down to suppor, "do you know why I am liko n donkey?" Ho waited a moment expecting his wifo to givo it up, but sho didn't ; sho looked at him somewhat commlscrnt ingly ns sho answered : "I supposo bocauso you wero born so." W has abjured tho practico of putting conundrums to his wife Lata, rence American. A Lauge Duck Ego. A Mr. Thorn hill of Crumpsall Green, near Man chostor, England, contributes to tho Manchester Guardian tho following story of an extraordinary sized duck's egg. Ho nays ho "recently found one of his ducks dead upon her nest. Sho had boon ailing for somo months, and could neither cat nor lay. Tho body was opened, and thero was taken from Ran egg, which we havo seen, and which measures 18J Inches in its great est circumforenco 10J inches at tho smallest circumference, nnd lis capaci ty is 2J pints of water. It contained threo yolks, and after they had been drawn tho shell weighed eight ounces. Tlio duck was a cross between a Mus covy and an Aylesbury, nnd was of an ordinnry size." There Is a capital story of two emi nent physicians who, iu tiio rolgn of icorgo I, cured or killed on rival and oppofillo thoorics of medicine, and whoso hostility ended In a challenge and a duel with smallswords. I) Woodward, ua wo remember tho sloo , disarmed and overturned hisoppononi, nnd with tho point of his woupou di rected against tho tliroat or his antag.i nisi, thundered out, '-Now, you bcmin- drel, beg your lira 1" lho heroic n ply of llio prostrato doctor alwa.i impiessed us an nn instance of Inu.y earrleel up lo lho sublime. "Big my lifol" ho gasped; "I wouiuu't no u oven If I had the misfortune to bo your patient !" Tup. Science of Bouiiowino. Tlm last slory of Alexander Dumas Is par licularly characteristic of tito great writer : Ono day his won, whoao pock ot-book was very light at tho time, was strolling along tho Boulevard, when Im mot n literary chum, and after a fow minutes' convertnlion 11 was propo-od that thoy Bhould go to tho "Malson d'Or," and enjoy a first-class breakfast. "Well and good," said Dumas jtu, "hut I have only fivo francs ; how much havo you?'' "Threo." "Eight francs will nover do for tlio royal meal wo deslro, bo wo had better abandon tho Idea." "Whero is your father?" asked tho friond. ' 1 Ticns I I forgot, ho will lend mo twenty francs," and oir rushed Dumas fih to tho author of tho "Threo Mus keteers." Ten minutes nuer nu roiurii- od, laughlug hoartlly. "Well," enld tuo cuum, "tuu no givo It to you?" "No," answorod Dumas fih "on tho contrary, he borrowed my fivo ranes," A little boy was sent to a Btoro for somo eggs j boforo reaching homo ho dropped them. In answer to his moth or, who asked, "Did you break any?" Ho jepllcd, "No, 1 didn't break any, but tho shells camo off from somo of them."